HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-24; City Council; ; Grant Agreement with Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego to Provide Clinician Services at La Posada de Guadalupe ShelterCA Review __MK__ Meeting Date: May 24, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Chris Shilling, Senior Homeless Program Manager chris.shilling@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2284 Subject: Grant Agreement with Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego to Provide Clinician Services at La Posada de Guadalupe Shelter District: 2 Recommended Action Adopt a resolution approving a grant agreement with Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego to provide clinician services at La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter to assist individuals and households experiencing homelessness in the City of Carlsbad and authorizing the City Manager to approve up to two extensions to the agreement. Executive Summary On May 4, 2021, the City Council directed staff to enter into a three-year agreement to enhance clinical services at La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter, as part of the city’s comprehensive work plan to reduce its unsheltered homeless population (Exhibit 2). The funding provided through this agreement will allow Catholic Charities to hire two additional clinicians. The addition of these services is an important step to assist Catholic Charities with operating the shelter in alignment with best practices and will support and facilitate the expansion of the shelter. The grant amount shall not exceed $155,000 for the first year, with the ability for the City Manager to extend the agreement for two, one-year extensions, not exceeding $165,000 per year. Discussion Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego operates the La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter in the City of Carlsbad. The shelter provides emergency and transitional shelter services to homeless men, including a portion reserved for farmworkers. Carlsbad has been a cooperative partner with Catholic Charities for many years to identify a location for the shelter, funding for the development and expansion of the shelter and ongoing support of operational costs. There is a desire from Catholic Charities and the City of Carlsbad to expand the capacity of the shelter to serve more individuals experiencing homelessness, including space for women and children. To best serve the population in need, and to be eligible for more funding sources, La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter would have to operate as a low-barrier shelter. May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 1 of 19 Catholic Charities has identified that to operate La Posada as a low-barrier shelter, it needs additional staff with clinical expertise. The work plan approved by the City Council to address its goal to reduce homelessness includes funding to enhance clinical services at La Posada. The proposed grant agreement includes “Conditions of Funding and Disbursement” to ensure that grant funds are being used to support high quality clinician services at La Posada (Exhibit 1, Attachment A). The work plan approved by the City Council also included funding to contract with a third-party consultant to provide training and technical assistance to increase La Posada’s capacity to operate as a low-barrier shelter. That contractor was selected through a competitive request for proposal process. Funding for this service was approved by the City Council in the current fiscal year. Based on the dollar amount of the contract (approximately $25,000), this contract was executed administratively. The addition of these services at La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter is an important step to assist Catholic Charities with operating the shelter in alignment with best practices and will support and facilitate the expansion of the shelter. Options Staff provide the following options for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Adopt the resolution and approve the grant agreement as presented. Pros • Supports the city’s only emergency shelter to better meet the needs of the homeless community by operating as a low barrier shelter • Provides additional support to help Catholic Charities potentially serve more people • Is consistent with the City Council’s adopted work plan to reduce homelessness Cons • Grant funds can only be used to fund the hiring of clinicians at La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter and cannot be used for other purposes 2. Do not approve the agreement as presented Pros • Preserves funds for another purpose. Cons • Does not provide the support requested by Catholic Charities to operate and expand La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter as a low-barrier shelter • Is not consistent with the City Council’s adopted work plan to reduce homelessness Staff recommends Option 1, adopt the resolution and approve the proposed grant agreement. Fiscal Analysis Funds for the grant agreement with Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego were approved by the City Council and included in the budget for the current fiscal year (2021-22). Funds for potential second- and third- year extensions will be requested through the annual budget process. May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 2 of 19 Next Steps If the City Council adopts the proposed resolution (Exhibit 1), the mayor will execute the grant agreement with Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego. If the city is satisfied with the work, the City Manager can grant up to two, one-year extensions. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) As outlined in Public Resources Code Section 21065, this receiving of this staff report does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of state guidelines in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. As such, this activity is not subject to environmental guidelines, in accordance with to Section 15060(c)(3). This determination is predicated on Section 15004 of the guidelines, which provide direction to lead agencies on the appropriate timing for environmental review. It should be noted that future actions involving the listed options may require preparation of an environmental review document in accordance with State environmental guidelines. Public Notification and Outreach Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the state's Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution approving grant agreement 2. Resolution No. 2021-101 May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 3 of 19 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-117 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH CATHOLIC CHARITIES DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO TO PROVIDE CLINICIAN SERVICES AT LA POSADA DE GUADALUPE EMERGENCY SHELTER TO ASSIST INDIVIDU.ALS AND HOUSEHOLDS EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego operates la Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter in the City of Carlsbad, providing emergency and transitional shelter services to homeless men, including a portion reserved for farmworkers; and WHEREAS the City of Carlsbad has been a cooperative partner with Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego for many years by identifying a location for la Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter, funding the development and expansion of the shelter, and providing ongoing support of operational costs; and WHEREAS, there is a desire from Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego and the City of Carlsbad to expand the capacity of La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter to serve more individuals experiencing homelessness, including space for women and children; and WHEREAS, to best serve the population in need, and to be eligible for more funding sources, la Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter would have to operate as a low barrier shelter; and WHEREAS, Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego has identified that to operate La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter as a low barrier shelter, additional staff with clinical expertise is needed; and WHEREAS, on May 4, 2021, the City Council authorized a comprehensive work plan to reduce its unsheltered homeless population, part of which contemplated a three-year agreement with Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego to enhance clinical services at La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter; and WHEREAS, city staff has determined that a grant agreement is the most appropriate vehicle for funding additional clinicians at la Posada de Guadalupe Shelter, which will benefit the public at-large. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 4 of 19 2. That the City Council hereby approves the grant agreement with Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego (Attachment A). 3.That the mayor is hereby authorized to execute the grant agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego for additional staff at La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter, and that the city manager is authorized to approve up to two one-year extensions to the agreement. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 24th day of May, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby. Blackburn. None. MA TT HALL, Mayor f>( FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 5 of 19 ~ DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F0F0088-31 78-4841-8E80-91 F731 F987DF GRANT AGREEMENT AND RELATED RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Attachment A THIS AGREEMENT is made on the -1,~ ~day of __ a.....=----1------• 20_U, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD , a municipal corporation, ("C ty"), and CATHOLIC CHARITIES DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, a non-profit organization, ("the Grantee"). 1. Description of Grant Funds. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein below, City agrees to provide the Grantee with an amount of funds that shall not exceed one hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars ($155,000, hereinafter "Grant"). 2. Use of Grant Proceeds. The Grant shall be used by the Grantee to fund (2) full-time equivalent staff members who will provide social services to people experiencing homelessness at La Posada Shelter ("Participants"). One of the staff members shall be a full-time equivalent State of California Licensed or License Eligible Shelter Clinician, to support the Grantee in operating the La Posada de Guadalupe Shelter as a housing-focused low barrier shelter. City strongly desires at least one (1) staff member to be bilingual in both English and Spanish. Costs should include, but are not limited to , such things as salary and benefits, supervision , and operating supplies for the two full-time equivalent staff members. The Grant proceeds shall not be used for property acquisition or construction costs, or on any publication containing political advertisements or advocacy for a particular ballot measure or political candidate. City reserves the right to deny reimbursement of Grant proceeds for inappropriate expenditures in violation of this Agreement. 3. Reimbursements. The proceeds of the Grant shall be disbursed to the Grantee in twelve installments and on a reimbursement basis only, based on costs associated with those purposes set forth in paragraph 2. Funds are to be released upon City's receipt of reasonable written requests for funds from the Grantee, as determined by City, to be submitted on the 15th of each month. 4. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be the period commencing on July 1, 2022 and expiring on June 30, 2023. The term of this Agreement may be extended by the City Manager for up to two (2) additional one (1) year periods or parts thereof, with City Manager authority to allocate up to $165,000 of additional grant funds per year for each additional one-year period. 5. Conditions of Funding and Disbursement. City shall have no obligation to provide the Grant proceeds or to make any subsequent disbursement of grant proceeds, or may seek reimbursement of Grant proceeds, if any of the following conditions are not satisfied by Grantee: (a) Ensure each clinician receives annual training in all of the following areas: Motivational Interviewing, Progressive Engagement, Critical Time Intervention, May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 6 of 19 2 Trauma-Informed Care, Harm Reduction, Positive Youth Development, and Wellness Self-Management. City shall determine the appropriate type and number of training sessions required on a case-by-case basis, based on the length and depth of the training course. (b) Conduct psychosocial assessments and provide short-term crisis-oriented psychotherapy to Participants on an as-needed basis. Make referrals to other behavioral health services as needed and for ongoing Participant care. (c) Provide onsite clinician services and appropriate as-needed warm hand-off referrals to assist Participants with addressing the psychiatric, social, and behavioral issues that pose barriers to their social, emotional, and financial well-being, which are all required to help people exit homelessness and stabilize housing. (d) Assist Participants to identify housing options such as: reunification with family or friends (providing mediation if necessary), independent living associations, private rentals, rapid rehousing, and permanent supportive housing resources. (e) Provide mediation, crisis resolution, and de-escalation as needed within the shelter program. (f) Adhere to the Regional Task Force on Homelessness (RTFH) Community Standards which can be found at Standards, Learning, and Training - Regional Task Force on Homelessness (rtfhsd.org). (g) Abide by the strategies set forth in City's Homeless Response Plan and any amendments thereto, which takes a community focused and collaborative approach to addressing the needs of those experiencing or at-risk of homelessness within the City of Carlsbad. This plan can be found at Homeless Response Plan | Carlsbad, CA (carlsbadca.gov). (h) Maintain responsive and timely communication, both written and verbal, with City’s Housing and Homeless Services Department staff. Attend monthly meetings to review and discuss programmatic needs. (i) Attend at least 75% of City’s case conferencing/partner collaboration meetings. (j) Share Participant HMIS data (without personally identifiable information) as part of the City of Carlsbad By Name List. (k) Maintain timely and responsive communication, both written and verbal, with City’s selected third-party consultant to design and operate a low-barrier shelter program, including providing the consultant with relevant documentation, access to current and former Participants, and participating in all staff and agency trainings organized by the third-party consultant. (l) Within 3 months of Agreement execution, design and implement a mutually DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F0F0088-317B-4B41-8E80-91F731F987DF May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 7 of 19 3 agreed upon process with City’s Housing and Homeless Services Department to prioritize people experiencing homelessness in the City of Carlsbad for La Posada shelter placements. (m) Maintain a written grievance procedure, including a formal process for Participants to provide feedback and to resolve conflicts experienced within the shelter program. (n) Complete accurate and thorough documentation in a timely manner. Maintain data on each shelter program Participant and shelter program milestones, and provide required reports to City on the 15th day of each month in a format to the satisfaction of City’s Housing and Homeless Services Department. Grantee must utilize the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) to track Participants and provide documentation of the following data points: i. Number of unduplicated Participants assisted. ii. Number of clinical interventions and services performed. iii. Number of Participants placed in permanent housing. iv. Number of Participants placed in a higher level of care. v. Participant length of stays. vi. Participant destination at exit. vii. Demographic data on Participants. (o) Grantee shall have executed this Grant Agreement, and all other documents and security instruments required hereunder or reasonably necessary to effectuate the purposes hereof; and, (p) Grantee shall have strictly complied with, and performed under this Grant Agreement, and any other agreement executed in connection with the Grant; and, 6. Accounting Records. Grantee will maintain complete and accurate records with respect to costs incurred under this Agreement. All records will be clearly identifiable. Grantee will allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of records and any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. Grantee will allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 7. Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited. Grantee will comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and harassment. 8. Notices. The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notice or to receive written notice on behalf of City and on behalf of Contractor under this Agreement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F0F0088-317B-4B41-8E80-91F731F987DF May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 8 of 19 4 Grantee: City: Antoinette Fallon Chris Shilling Catholic Charities City of Carlsbad Homeless Services-San Diego Housing and Homeless Services 2476 Impala Drive 3096 Harding Street Carlsbad, CA 92010 Carlsbad CA 92008 The parties may subsequently change addresses by providing written notice of the change in address to the other parties in accordance with this Section. 10. Indemnification. Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless City and its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney’s fees arising out of or related in any way, whatsoever from the provision of Grant proceeds described herein caused by any negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of the Grantee, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. 11. No Partnership or Joint Venture. The relationship between City and Grantee is solely that of Grantor and Grantee. Under no circumstances shall Grantor and Grantee be deemed to be partners or joint venturers. 12. Modifications. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except by written document executed by a duly authorized officer of City and the Grantee. 13. Jurisdiction and Venue. Any action at law or in equity brought by either of the parties for the purpose of enforcing a right or rights provided for by this Agreement will be tried in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of San Diego, State of California, and the parties waive all provisions of law providing for a change of venue in these proceedings to any other county. 14. Drafting Ambiguities. The Parties agree that they are aware that they have the right to be advised by counsel with respect to the negotiations, terms and conditions of this Agreement, and the decision of whether or not to seek advice of counsel with respect to this Agreement is a decision which is the sole responsibility of each Party. This Agreement shall not be construed in favor of or against either Party by reason of the extent to which each Party participated in the drafting of the Agreement. 15. Signing Authority. The representative for each Party signing on behalf of a corporation, partnership, joint venture or governmental entity hereby declares that authority has been obtained to sign on behalf of the corporation, partnership, joint venture, or entity and agrees to hold the other Party or Parties hereto harmless if it is later determined that such authority does not exist. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F0F0088-317B-4B41-8E80-91F731F987DF May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 9 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F0F0088-3178-4841 -8E80-91 F731 F987DF IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. GRANTEE By: (sign here) Appaswamy vino Pa j ano r (print name/title) APPROVED AS TO FORM : CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney By: ____________ _ Marissa Kawecki Deputy City Attorney May 24, 2022 CITY OF CARLSBAD, a mun icipal corporation of the State of California :yoJt(#I/LI ATTEST:* ff FAVIOLA MEDINA City Clerk Services Manager 5 Item #4 Page 10 of 19 May 4, 2021 Item #10 Page 10 of 18 EXHIBIT 2 May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 11 of 19 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE WORK PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE USE OF GENERAL FUND RESERVES AND OTHER FUNDING SOURCES TO ACHIEVE THE CITY COUNCIL GOAL OF "REDUCING TH E HOMELESS UNSHELTERED POPULATION, AMONG THOSE WHO WANT HELP, BY 50 PERCENT WITHIN FIVE YEARS" WHEREAS, homelessness is a local, state, and national problem. Seventeen out of every 10,000 people or 567,715 total experienced homelessness in the United St_ates in 2019 according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and WHEREAS, California has the highest homeless population in the country with 151,278 people, and the counties of Los Angeles (58,936'), Santa Clara (9,706), and San Diego {8,102) all rank in the top five across the United States; and WHEREAS, recent estimates of the number of people experiencing homelessness in the City of Carlsbad ranges between 147 and 507 ·persons depending on data source; and WHEREAS, these data only reflect the minimum scope of the problem and . .that, while the magnitude of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on those at-risk or newly homeless are not fully understood, the community impacts of homelessness in Carlsbad are acutely felt; and WHEREAS, the City Council engaged in goal-setting workshops on Feb. 4, Feb. 11, and March 11, 2021 to establish strategic goals and develop short-term and long-term objectives in fulfillment of those goals; and WHEREAS, on March 11, 2021, the City Council established a Fiscal Year 2021-22 priority goal to "Reduce the homeless unsheltered population, among those who want help, by 50% within five years, wi_th quarterly reports until we decrease the unsheltered homeless population or five years," and directed staff to develop a work plan to achieve a set of specific objectives over the next 12 to 18 months toward achieving this goal; and WHEREAS, parallel to the goal-setting process the City Council received a report on March 23, 2021, to consider possible programs to address homelessness in Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, after receiving the March 23, 2021 staff report and considering the various options presented, the City Council approved the following program options with amendments: • Option 1-Hire an employment and benefits specialist (program manager}; May 4, 2021 Item #10 Page 11 of 18May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 12 of 19 • Option 2 -Hire one police sergeant and two police officers to be primarily deployed on bike and foot patrol as homeless outreach officers providing additional four-day-a- week coverage, and contract with a service provider for two additional social workers; • Option 3 -Enhance clinical services at La Posada Emergency Shelter by entering into a contract for two licensed clinicians; • Option 4 -(A) Initiate a pilot hotel/motel voucher program for one year; (B) amend the city's contract with the San Diego Humane Society to provide temporary shelter for pet s if necessary; (C) hire a program manager to administer the hotel/motel voucher program and other homelessness-related programs and responsibilities; • Option 5-Increase contract amount for Community Resource Center services; • Option 6 -Formation of a standing committee on homelessness; and WHEREAS, these approved program options have been incorporated into a work plan as Objectives 1-6 as described in Attachment A; and WHEREAS, to successfully implement the City Council's goal of increasing the supply of available affordable housing, while also developing and implementing the programs and services needed to reduce homelessness levels by 50% within five years, the attached work plan includes Objective 7 to create a new Housing and Homeless Services Department; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to begin immediate implementation of approved program options to employ additional homeless outreach officers (Objective 2), initiate the hotel/motel voucher pilot program (Objective 4) and hire a new director to start up a new Housing & Homeless Services Department (Objective 7); and WHEREAS, initiating work to reduce the homeless unsheltered population by 50% will achieve savings by enabling the city to avoid future costs associated with calls for Police and Fire Department services, emergency transports, the provision of homeless services, property cleaning and maintenance activities, as well as the cost of potential fire risk associated with homelessness. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. The above recitations are true and correct. The City Council approves the work plan for Objectives 1 through 7 as reflected in Attachment A and C; May 4, 2021 Item #10 Page 12 of 18May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 13 of 19 3. The City Council finds that the one-time opportunity cost of $5,135,700 associated with work described in the work plan will achieve savings by enabling the city to avoid future costs associated with calls for Police and Fire Department services, emergency transports, the provision of homeless services, property cleaning and maintenance activities, as well as the cost of potential fire risk associated with homelessness. 4. The Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services, is authorized to appropriate $435,700 of the unassigned General Fund reserve balance for one-time Fiscal Year 2020-2021 General Fund expenditures. 5. The Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services is authorized to assign $3,740,000 of the unassigned General Fund reserve balance at fiscal year-end 2020-2021 to pay for one-time opportunity costs as described in the work plan (Attachment A). 6. The City Manager is authorized to include in the city's FY 2021-2022 Preliminary Operating Budget the $3,740,000 of one-time opportunity costs as well as the additional budget necessary to carry out all the City Council approved program options described in Work Plan Objectives 1-7 as reflected in Attachment B. 7. The City Manager is authorized to increase the city workforce by three new full-time personnel, including a Police Sergeant and two Homeless Outreach Officers. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 4th day of May, 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. Hall. None. MATT HALL, Mayor ~~~y~ tt)V- BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) May 4, 2021 Item #10 Page 13 of 18May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 14 of 19 Attachment A Goal Reduce the homeless unsheltered population, among those who want help, by 50% within five years, with quarterly reports until we decrease the unsheltered homeless population or five years1 Lead Supporting Community Development/ Police Department City Attorney's Office Communications Finance Human Resources Parks & Recreation Public Works City Clerk's Office City Manager's Office Resource needs • 4 new positions {Community Services Branch) • 3 new positions (Police Department) • Funding: See Attachment B to Exhibit 2: "Summary of Homeless Workplan Objective Costs" Estimated completion Refer to individual objectives 1. Employments and benefits specialist Contract for services to help connect people to disability and social security benefits, general relief, CalWORKS, Cal Fresh, Veterans benefits, stimulus checks, employment programs, and other aid programs (March 23, 2021 City Council direction). Tasks • Develop scope of work for consultant services o Two-year contract, no extensions Operational in three to nine months 2. Additional homeless outreach officers and social workers Expand the existing Homeless Outreach Team by adding one police sergeant and two police officers, and pursue options for up to two additional social workers (March 23, 2021 City Council direction). Tasks • Homeless Outreach Team o Promote an additional sergeant to the team o Recruit for two new homeless outreach officers o Develop roles, responsibility and deployment model for enhanced HOT o Develop and provide necessary training o Identify metrics for data collection Operational within 30 days of funding authorization 1 As part of the established goal, the City Council adopted a series of related "goal points" that support and provide additional informat ion about the goal's intent. A Goal Point Priorities Matrix (Attachment C to Exhibit 2) has been created that shows how the City Council goal point s are being addressed through the objectives of this workplan. FY 2021-22 City Council Goals Work Plan May 4, 2021 Item #10 Page 14 of 18May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 15 of 19 • Social Workers o Partner with the San Diego County for the duration of its North County Homeless Pilot program2 Operational within three to six months 3. Enhancing clinical services at La Posada Emergency Shelter Enter into an agreement with Catholic Charities to hire two licensed clinicians, and a third- party consultant to provide its staff with training in order for the facility to operate as a "low-barrier'' shelter (March 23, 2021 City Council direction}. Tasks • Develop scope of work for expanded consultant services o Two licensed clinicians and additional training for staff o Three-year contract, no extensions Operational in three to nine months 4. Operate a Carlsbad hotel/motel voucher pilot program Operate a 12-month pilot program in the City of Carlsbad that provides low-barrier shelter for women, families, individuals living in encampments, high utilizers, individuals with an underlining medical condition, and age 65+. Additionally, a 12-month case management contract is required to help individuals find permanent housing resources (March 23, 2021 City Council direction}. Tasks • Hotel/motel voucher program o Identify and partner with hotel/motel vendors o Develop and implement service provider contract o Develop and implement a supplemental case management contract o Coordinate with the county on FEMA reimbursements o Develop program rules, policies, and expectations o Prepare public informational materials Operational by June 2021. If this date cannot be met, additional City Council direction will be requested. Program manager o Create a new posit ion o Develop budget and purchase resources o Advertise, recruit, hire for the position o Design program, forms, and eligibility criteria o Develop a training program for the new position Operational in three to nine months • Animal contract o Review animal shelter options o Develop a contract for an imal services 2 County Board of Supervisors' April 6, 2021 Meeting Agenda, Item #7: Pilot Program to Address Homelessness in North County San Diego (Districts: 3 & 5) May 4, 2021 Item #10 Page 15 of 18May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 16 of 19 o Establish program criteria, rules, and forms Operational in three to six months 5. Community Resource Center services Contract with Community Resource Center to implement a rapid rehousing program for households currently experiencing homelessness in the City of Carlsbad (March 23, 2021 City Council direction). Tasks • Contract with the Community Resource Center o Develop sco pe of work for services o Two-year contract with three, one-year extensions • Revise policies and procedures based on lessons learned from year one Operational in three to six months 6. Homeless Action Subcommittee Provide staff support to a homeless action subcommittee comprised of two City Council members that will focus on local and regional issues related to homelessness (March 23, 2021 City Council direction). Tasks • Schedule first meeting -target May 2021 • Staff support Operational in one t o two months 7. Create a new Housing & Homeless Services Department The League of California Cities ranks affordable housing and homelessness as t he t op issues facing all local governments across the State of California. To successfully implement the City Council's goal of increasing the supply of available affordable housing, while also developing and implementing the programs and services needed to reduce homeless levels by 50% within five years, a new department within the Community Services Branch with the necessary technical expertise and leadership is needed, for the following reasons: • Leadership and staffing singularly focused on housing and homeless services • Ensures appropriate oversight and a reasonable span of control to achieve the mission • Confirms focused attention on a critical need • Strengthens collaboration and coordination with outside agencies • Pairs complementary functions {housing and homeless) to improve internal collaboration, communications and resource management • Ensures t hat the 5-year City Council Homeless Goal can be achieved • Centralizes the expertise and programing needed to advance individuals and families through the full spectrum -from homelessness to fully housed and self- sufficiency May 4, 2021 Item #10 Page 16 of 18May 24, 2022 Item #4 Page 17 of 19 Tasks • Create new positions (director, housing services manager and management analyst) • Develop budget and purchase resources • Advertise, recruit, hire the new posit ions Operational in approximately six months May 4, 2021 Item #10 Page 17 of 18May 24, 2022Item #4 Page 18 of 19Summary of Homeless Workplan Objective Costs Attachment B GOAL OBJECTIVE FY FY FY FY FY FY Proposed Staffing/Program 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 TOTAL 1. Employments & Benefits Specialist Contract Services $120,000 $120,000 $0 $0 $0 $240,000 Operational expenses $20,0006 $20,0006 $0 $0 $0 $40,0006 2. Additional Homeless Outreach Team Officers & Social Workers Homeless Outreach Team staffing $330, 1172•3 $614,9842 $645,7332 $678,0202 $711,9211•2• $747,5172 $3, 728,2922•3 Social workers (Co. of SD Pilot Program} $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3. Enhancing Clinical Services at La Posada Emergency Shelter Agreement with Catholic Charities $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 $0 $0 $540,000 4. Operate a Carlsbad Hotel/Motel Voucher Pilot Program Hotel/Motel Voucher Program4 $260,0005 $2,940,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,200,000 Program Manager $123,7951 $124,7351 $130,9711 $137,5201 $144,3961 $661,4171 Animal services contract TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 5. Community Resource Center Services Agreement with CRC $350,000 $350,000 $0 $0 $0 $700,000 6. Homeless Action Subcommittee Program Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7. Create a new Housing and Homeless Services Department Director $20,593 $247,1131 $259,4691 $272,4421 $286,0641 $300,3681 $1,386,0491 Housing Services Manager. $182,2261 $186,0871 $195,3921 $205,1611 $215,4191 $984,2851 Management Analyst $123,7951 $124,7351 $130,9711 $137,5201 $144,3961 $661,4171 TOTAL $610,710 $4,901,913 $2,010,759 $1,587,796 $1,478,186 $1,552,096 $12,141,460 ·, 1 Mid-range personnel costs (salary, benefits) plus one-time equipment purchases In FY2021~22 (Director position reflects upper-range). Personnel cost increased 5% per year. 2 Personnel costs for one sergeant and two officers (salary, benefits, overtime, vehicle replacement). Personnel costs Increased 5% per year. 3 Reflects two months personnel costs plus one-time equipment purchases. 4 Voucher related expenses potentially 100% reimbursable through FEMA/Project RoomKey until September 30, 2021, 1/fhich would proportionally reduce city costs. 5 One month estimated program cost. Any unexpended amount to carry forward to FY 2021-22. 6 Covers expenses helping individuals secure employment such as bus passes, clothing vouchers, background checks, printing. May 4, 2021 Item #10 Page 18 of 18May 24, 2022Item #4 Page 19 of 19GOAL POINT MATRIX Attachment C How Each Workplan Objective Addresses the City Council's Goal Point Priorities City Council Goal: Reduce the homeless unsheltered population, among those who want help, by 50% within five years, with quarterly reports until we decrease the unsheltered homeless population or f ive years. Goal Point Priorities Fully fund, staff and implement the city's Homeless Response Plan Create specific and measurable targets and timelines for reducing homelessness (within first year or two) Preventing and ending homelessness among youth and veterans Increase social services/social workers Partner with county Work with ent ities with our city (region) to increase t ransitions to permanent supportive housing Advocate for legislative changes needed to effectively address homelessness Prevent homelessness by supporting those at risk of becoming homeless/losing their housing Work through a regiona l group to develop regional action plan that includes integrated services within/among cities Develop an encampment policy Focus on trauma informed care Focus on aggressive individuals to address their needs (substance abuse, mental health, other) Explore expansion of La Posada _Complete financial analysis to identify opportunities for quickest results No visible encampments Identify city and regional goals Emphasize affordable housing City Council Work Plan Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. Employments & Benefits Specialist; 2. Additional Homeless Outreach Team Officers & Social Workers; 3. Enhancing Clinical Services at La Posada Emergency Shelter; 4. Operate a carlsbad Hotel/Motel Voucher Pilot Program; 5. Community Resource Center Services; 6. Homeless Action Subcommittee; 7. Housing and Homeless Services Department