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2022-05-18; Planning Commission; ; CDP 2021-0025/V 2021-0001 (DEV2021-0100) - SWAN RESIDENCE
Item No. Application complete date: February 10, 2022 P.C. AGENDA OF: May 18, 2022 Project Planner: Jason Goff Project Engineer: Emad Elias SUBJECT: CDP 2021-0025/V 2021-0001 (DEV2021-0100) - SWAN RESIDENCE - Request for approval of a Coastal Development Permit and Minor Variance to allow for the demolition of an existing single-family residence and construction of a new 3,348 square foot, two-story single-family residence with mezzanine, and a front yard setback reduction of five feet and a rear yard setback reduction of one foot eight inches, within the Mello II Segment of the city’s Local Coastal Program located at 2668 Ocean Street within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The project site is within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission. The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301(l), demolition of one single-family residence and other small structures; 15303(a), construction of a single-family residence in a residential zone; and 15305(a), minor setback variances not resulting in the creation of any new parcels. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7447 APPROVING Coastal Development Permit CDP 2021-0025 and Minor Variance V 2021-0001 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Site/Setting: The 0.09-acre (3,748 square feet) project site is located at 2668 Ocean Street on the east side of the street between Beech Avenue and Cypress Avenue as shown on the attached location map (see Attachment 2). The lot is relatively flat and is presently developed with a one-story Mid-Century Ranch Style single-family home built in 1946. The surrounding neighborhood is developed with a mixture of older one-story single-family residences and newer two-story single- and multi-family residences. No public beach access or coastal resources are identified onsite, and no improvements exist along the subject property’s frontage with Ocean Street. Table “A” below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE A Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site R-15, Residential R-3 with Beach Area Overlay Single-family residence North R-15, Residential R-3 with Beach Area Overlay Single-family residence 1 0 CDP 2021-0025/V 2021-0001 (DEV2021-0100) - SWAN RESIDENCE May 18, 2022 Page 2 TABLE A (CONTINUED) Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use South R-15, Residential R-3 with Beach Area Overlay Single-family residence East R-15, Residential R-3 with Beach Area Overlay Condominiums West R-15, Residential R-3 with Beach Area Overlay Single-family residence Proposed Residential Construction: The project consists of demolishing the existing one-story Mid- Century Ranch Style single-family residence and constructing in place a new 3,348 square foot two-story single-family residence with mezzanine, roof deck, and two-car garage. Of the total living area, 710 square feet of the ground floor level is dedicated to an attached accessory dwelling unit (ADU). While the ADU is shown on the attached Planning Commission exhibits (see Attachments 5 and 6), the ADU is subject to administrative review and will be acted upon by the City Planner under a separate Minor Coastal Development Permit (CDP 2022-0002) subsequent to the Planning Commission’s action on CDP 2021- 0025/V 2021-0001. The new single-family residence is oriented towards Ocean Street and will include three bedrooms and three-and-a-half baths. Its main entry is recessed beneath a 75-square-foot covered patio with its front door facing the street. Excluding the 710-square-foot ADU, the habitable living space of the primary residence includes 583 square feet within the ground floor level, 1,808 square feet within the second level, and 247 square feet within a mezzanine for total of 2,638 square feet. At the second level, the kitchen, dining and living areas connect to a 247-square-foot cantilevered deck overlooking Ocean Street. From the mezzanine, a 444-square-foot roof deck is also accessed. The maximum height of the residence is 30 feet. The project also includes a Minor Variance (V 2021-0001) requesting a front yard setback reduction of five feet (25% reduction), from a required 20 feet to 15 feet, as well as a rear yard setback reduction of one foot eight inches (16.7% reduction), from a required 10 feet to eight feet four inches. Architecturally, the new residence reflects a modern design theme with a barrel style roof covered by standing seam metal. Primary building materials consist of stucco of a light sand finish and stone veneer. Decks are enclosed by glass railings. Proposed Grading: Estimated grading quantities include 100 cubic yards (cy) of cut, 10 cy of fill and 90 cy of export. A grading permit will be required for this project. III. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following regulations and requirements: A. R-15 Residential General Plan Land Use Designation; B. Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.16); C. Beach Area Overlay (BAO) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.82); D. Minor Variance (CMC Chapter 21.50); E. Coastal Development Procedures for the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201) and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203); F. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85); and G. Growth Management (CMC Chapter 21.90). The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable city regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. I I CDP 2021-0025/V 2021-0001 (DEV2021-0100) - SWAN RESIDENCE May 18, 2022 Page 3 A. R-15 Residential General Plan Land Use Designation The project site has a General Plan Land Use designation of R-15 Residential which allows for the development of single-family residences at a density of 8-15 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 11 du/ac. The project proposes the demolition of an existing single- family residence and the construction of one single-family residence. Per Land Use Element Policy 2-P.7 one single-family dwelling is permitted to be constructed on a legal lot that existed as of October 28, 2004. The subject lot was legally created on June 18, 1927. Therefore, the existing single-family residence is consistent with the Elements of the city’s General Plan. This housing development will help ensure the city achieves its goal of contributing housing with diversity of types, prices, tenures, densities, and locations, and in sufficient quantity to meet the demand of anticipated city and regional growth and to meet or exceed the city’s established Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). Per Government Code Section 65863 (aka No Net Loss Law) a city cannot approve new housing at significantly lower densities or at different income categories than was projected in the RHNA of the Housing Element without making specific findings and identifying other sites that could accommodate these units and affordability levels “lost” as a result of the approval. The so-called “no net loss” provisions apply when a site is included in the jurisdiction’s Housing Element’s inventory of sites and is either rezoned to a lower residential density or is approved at a lower residential density than shown in the Housing Element. The project site is not identified in the city’s General Plan Housing Element Residential Sites Inventory for the 6th RHNA Planning Cycle. Because the provision of “no net loss” applies to housing located on any site listed in the City’s Housing Element, the City does not need to determine if this project or a decision related to this project would be subject to No Net Loss Law and its remedies. B. Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.16) The project is required to comply with all applicable regulations and development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) including the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) zone (CMC Chapter 21.16) and the Beach Area Overlay (BAO) zone (CMC Chapter 21.82). Table “B” below shows how the project complies with the applicable requirements of the R-3 zone. TABLE B – R-3 ZONE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS STANDARD REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED Front Yard Setback 20 feet minimum 15 feet* Side Yard Setback 5 feet minimum 5 feet Rear Yard Setback 10 feet minimum 8 feet 4 inches* Building Height 35 feet maximum 30 feet Lot Coverage 60 percent 55.8 percent Parking Two-car garage Two-car garage *Subject to approval of Minor Variance V 2021-0001 C. Beach Area Overlay (BAO) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.82) The project is required to comply with the development standards of the Beach Area Overlay (BAO) zone. The proposed project meets all applicable requirements of the BAO zone as demonstrated in Table C CDP 2021-0025/V 2021-0001 (DEV2021-0100) - SWAN RESIDENCE May 18, 2022 Page 4 below. CMC Section 21.82.040 requires that a site development plan be approved in order for any building permits or other entitlements to be issued for any use in the BAO zone. However, a site development plan is not required for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, or enlargement of a single-family residential dwelling on a residentially zoned lot. TABLE C – BAO ZONE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS STANDARD REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED Building Height 30 feet for roof pitch ≥3:12 or 24 feet for roof pitch <3:12 30 feet (w/ 3:12 pitched roof); and less than 24’ for all flat roof areas Visitor Parking 0.30 space per unit (1 space rounded up) 1 visitor parking space D. Minor Variance (CMC Chapter 21.50) Pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.50, a setback reduction that does not exceed 75 percent requires a minor variance. Typically, minor variances are decided by the City Planner pursuant to CMC Section 21.50.040.A.1.a. However, because this project also requires a Coastal Development Permit, the Planning Commission has the authority to approve, conditionally approve or deny all concurrent processed development permits subject to CMC Section 21.54.040.C.2. The applicant has requested a minor variance for a reduction of the front yard setback by five feet. The required front yard setback in the R-3 zone is 20 feet per CMC Section 21.16.040. With the proposed minor variance, the resulting front yard setback would be 15 feet, a 25% reduction. The applicant is also requesting a reduction of one foot eight inches in the rear yard setback, an approximately 16.7% reduction. The required rear yard setback in the R-3 zone is twice the length of the required side yard setback (five feet) per CMC Section 21.16.060.A.1.b, or 10 feet in this case. With the proposed minor variance, the resulting rear yard setback would be eight feet four inches. Pursuant to CMC 21.50.050 minor variances may only be granted if five findings can be made. Each of the findings and the supporting analysis is described below. 1. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. The special circumstances applicable to the subject lot are that it is considered substandard at 3,748 square feet, which is approximately 50 percent of the 7,500-square-foot minimum lot size for the R-3 zone. The lot was legally created more than 95 years ago and is one of the smaller lots within the subdivision and surrounding area. The strict application of the zoning ordinance requiring residential buildings to be 20 feet from the front and 10 feet from the rear property lines physically constrains or constricts development onsite from satisfying current development standards. In addition, the configuration of the substandard lot is considered shallow (75 feet) when a typical lot in the R-3 zone is approximately 125 feet in depth, furthering the deprivation for future development. Furthermore, without approval of the minor variance, the applicant could not achieve a similar building footprint and square footage enjoyed by other properties located within the subdivision and surrounding neighborhood. CDP 2021-0025/V 2021-0001 (DEV2021-0100) - SWAN RESIDENCE May 18, 2022 Page 5 2. That the minor variance shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located and is subject to any conditions necessary to assure compliance with this finding. The surrounding neighborhood consists of substandard lot sizes and developed properties that generally do not meet the current R-3 development standards. Most of the surrounding lots have been developed in a way that does not meet at least one of the current required development standards of the R-3 zone. Deviations on other lots include front yard, rear yard, and side yard setback reductions and reduced off-street covered parking requirements. Many other properties in the neighborhood were originally built with reduced front, side, and rear yard setbacks. Minor variances for setback reductions have been granted to other properties in the same zone and vicinity. Therefore, the minor variance is not considered a grant of special privilege. Overall, the proposed front yard setback reduction to 15 feet and rear yard setback reduction to eight feet four inches are similar to other nearby properties within the neighborhood. 3. That the minor variance does not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the zone regulation governing the subject property. The granting of a minor variance to reduce the required front yard setback from 20 feet to 15 feet and the rear yard setback from 10 feet to eight feet four inches does not authorize a use which is not otherwise expressly permitted by the zoning regulations. A one-family dwelling is allowed by right within the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) zone. Therefore, a deviation from the setback standards does not authorize a use or activity which is not authorized by the zone. 4. That the minor variance is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the General Plan and any applicable specific or master plans. The project consists of a new single-family home with a two-car garage. The proposed use is expressly authorized by the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan regulations governing the subject property. The granting of a minor variance for front yard and rear yard setbacks to allow for the construction of a new home is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the General Plan for the R-15 Residential Land Use designation. 5. The minor variance is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the certified local coastal program and does not reduce or in any manner adversely affect the requirements for protection of coastal resources. The granting of a minor variance is consistent with and implements the requirements of the Local Coastal Program. The minor variance will not have an adverse effect on coastal resources as discussed below in Section “E” and will have no impacts on sensitive environmental resources. Therefore, the granting of such minor variance is consistent with the Local Coastal Program. E. Conformance with the Coastal Development Regulations for the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201) and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203) CDP 2021-0025/V 2021-0001 (DEV2021-0100) - SWAN RESIDENCE May 18, 2022 Page 6 The project site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and is in the appeal jurisdiction. The site is also located within and subject to the Coastal Resources Protection Overlay Zone. The project’s compliance with each of these programs and ordinances is discussed below: 1. Mello II Segment of the Certified Local Coastal Program and all applicable policies. The project is located in the Mello II Local Coastal Program Segment. The subject site has an LCP Land Use Plan designation of R-15 Residential, which allows for a density of 8 to 15 du/acre and 11 du/acre at the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP). The project density of 11 du/ac is consistent with the R-15 General Plan Land Use designation as discussed in Section A above. Therefore, the project is consistent with the Mello II Segment of the LCP. The project consists of the construction of a new 3,348 square foot single-family residence with an attached two-car car garage in an area designated for residential development. The proposed two-story, single-family residence with mezzanine is compatible with the surrounding development of one- and two- story single-family residences and the occasional three-story structure. The two-story residence with mezzanine will not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or the public right-of-way, nor otherwise damage the visual beauty of the coastal zone. No agricultural uses or sensitive resources currently exist on this previously graded and developed site. The proposed single-family residence is not located in an area of known geologic instability or flood hazard. Given that the site does not have frontage along the coastline, no public opportunities for coastal shoreline access or water-oriented recreational activities are available from the subject site. 2. Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone The project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203 of the Zoning Ordinance) in that the project will adhere to the city’s Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) to avoid increased urban run-off, pollutants and soil erosion. The subject property does not include steep slopes (equal to or greater than 25% gradient) nor native vegetation. In addition, the site is not located in an area prone to landslides, or susceptible to accelerated erosion, floods or liquefaction. F. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85) Pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.85.030.D.3, a project may be exempt from the inclusionary housing requirement if the construction of a new residential structure replaces a residential structure that was demolished within two years prior to the application for a building permit for the new residential structure. The exemption is contingent upon the number of residential units not being increased from the number of residential units in the previously demolished residential structure. Since there will not be an increase in the number of units on the property, the project will be exempt from the inclusionary housing requirement if building permits are issued within two years of the demolition of the existing residential structure. G. Growth Management (CMC Chapter 21.90) CDP 2021-0025/V 2021-0001 (DEV2021-0100) - SWAN RESIDENCE May 18, 2022 Page 7 The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of the city. There will be no impact to public facilities because the new single-family residence is replacing an existing single-family residence. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), and its implementing regulations (“CEQA Guidelines”) adopted by the Secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency, list classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and as a result are exempt from further environmental review under CEQA. City staff completed a review of the project and potential environmental impacts associated with the project pursuant to CEQA and concluded that the project qualified for an exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15301(l) – Existing Facilities; section 15303(a) – New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures; and section 15305(a) – Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations. CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 is a Class 1 exemption for existing facilities. Exempted is the demolition and removal of small structures, including one single-family residence and accessory structures such as garages, carports, patios, swimming pools and fences. The proposed project and site meet the criteria of the Section 15301 Class 1 Existing Facilities exemption. CEQA Guidelines Section 15303 is a Class 3 exemption for new construction or conversion of small structures. Exempted is the construction of one-single residence in a residential zone, including accessory (appurtenant) structures such as garages, carports, patios, swimming pools and fences. The proposed project and site meet the criteria of the Section 15303 Class 3 New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures exemption. CEQA Guidelines Section 15305 is a Class 5 exemption for minor alterations in land use limitations. Exempted are side yard and setback variance in areas with an average slope of less than 20 percent, which do not result in any changes in land use or density, and furthermore do not result in the creation of any new parcels. The proposed project and site meet the criteria of the Section 15305 Class 5 Minor Alteration in Land Use Limitations exemption. Because the structure associated with the development request is more than 45 years old and proposed for demolition, the City Planner requested additional information and research to determine whether the property qualifies as a “historical resource” for the purposes of CEQA and/or to aid in the evaluation of the effects a proposed project may have on a historical resource. Specifically, a Historical Resource Evaluation Report was prepared by a qualified professional to determine if the property meets the terms and definitions applied to CEQA Guidelines section 15064.5. The property does not meet the criteria for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources; therefore, the property cannot be deemed significant pursuant to the criteria in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. A notice of intended decision regarding the environmental determination was advertised on Mar. 9, 2022 and posted on the city’s website. The notice included a general description of the project, the proposed environmental findings, and a general explanation of the matter to be considered. The findings and determination contained in that notice was declared as final on the date of the noticed decision, unless appealed as provided by the procedures commencing in Chapter 21.54 (Procedures, Hearings, Notices, and Fees) of the Zoning Ordinance. During the 10-day public review period, the city received no comment letters from the public regarding the prospective environmental determination. Since no appeal was filed and no substantial evidence was submitted that would support a finding that the exemption requirements would not be satisfied, the project was determined by the city planner to not have a significant effect on the environment. The CEQA Determination letter is attached to this staff report as Attachment 4 and demonstrates that the project is categorically exempt from further environmental review. The city planner’s written decision is final and CDP 2021-0025/V 2021-0001 (DEV2021-0100) - SWAN RESIDENCE May 18, 2022 Page 8 the CEQA determination is not within the Planning Commission’s purview. With the appropriate environmental clearances in place, all the city’s procedural requirements and relevant aspects of CEQA have been satisfied. In making this determination, the City Planner has found that the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the state CEQA Guidelines and Chapter 19.04 of the Municipal Code do not apply to this project, including “historical resources.” EXHIBITS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7447 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Form 4. Notice of CEQA Determination 5. Reduced Exhibits 6. Exhibit(s) “A” – “L” dated May 18, 2022 PACIFIC OCEAN OC EAN S T GARF I ELD S T CYPRESS AV BEEC H A V CARLSB A D B L BEACH A C C E SSBEAC H A C C E SSE L C AMINO R E ALLA COSTA AV A L G A R DCARLSBAD BL CDP 2021-0025 / V 2021-0001 SWAN RESIDENCE SITE MAP J SITE!"^ Map generated on: 3/17/2022 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 3( DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P= 1 (A) ( Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 502-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications whlch will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board1 Commission or Committee. The foliowing information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual; firm, co-partnership, joint venture, ~ssociation, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other grot.tp or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. · ·. · · ·1. APPLICANT (l\lot the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include lhe names, titles, address es of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE TIIAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached it necessary.) Person Crista Swan, Chris Swan Corp/Part ____________ _ Title Owner Title --------------- Address 2668 Ocean St. Carlsbad, 92008 Address ____________ _ 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1(A) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. lF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Crista Swan and Chris Swan Title Owners Ad dress 2668 Ocean St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Corp/Part'-------------- Trtle ______________ _ Address _____________ _ Page 1 of 2 Revised 07/10 ( 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust________ Non Profit/Trust _________ _ Title Title -------------------------- Address __________ _ Address ------------- 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? Oves [i] No If yes, please indicate person(s): ___________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. --~-,;1 ;J /""". /\;,-... ____ ,,,,,.....~----./pf,,....,,,.... !') l _, . .-------~-~--------··-·-···· - , ;:2· -r _.. \_ ./,,. ;t:W-2/2 i, .., LJ\,, I -· ,_ . ....---1 ,-1· " __ ____... A ,-, ..,,~~···· __.,/.._;·'c...,.-,_.,e··;.;--=,-'------------ Sigr{afure of owner/date Signaturiof applicant/date Crista Swan and Chris Swan Crista Swan and Chris Swan Print or type name of owner Print or type narne of applicant Allan F. T eta 12/20/21 Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Allan Teta -TRE Architecture Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-l(A) Page 2 of 2 ECEtVE JAN 11 2022 CITY OF CARLSBAD LANNING DIVISIO J Revised 07/10 EXHIBIT 4 CEQA DETERMINATION OF EXEMPTION Subject: This California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Determination of Exemption is in compliance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 19.04.060. An appeal to this determination must be filed in writing with the required fee within ten (10) calendar days of the City Planner's decision consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.54.140. City Planner Decision Date: "-"M""'a;;..;..r=ch'-'--=1=1'--'2::..::0=2=2'----------------------- Project Number and Title: CDP 2021-0025/V 2021-0001 (DEV2021-0100) -SWAN RESIDENCE Project Location -Specific: _2_66_8_O_c_ea_n_St~r_ee-'-t~-------------------- Project Location -City: =C=ar"""ls::..:;ba.aa=d'-------Project Location -County: -=-Sa=n'-'--=D-'-'ie=g=o ____ _ Descr.iption of Project: The project consists of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP 2021-0025) to allow for 1) the demolition of an existing one-story single-family home; and 2) the development of a new two- story single-family home (3,348 square feet). Of the total living area proposed, 710 square feet is devoted to an attached accessory dwelling unit located on the ground floor under separate permit. A Minor Variance (V 2021-0001) is also included requesting reduced front and rearya_rd setbacks. The first request includes a 25% (5-foot) reduction in the required front yard setback from 20 feet to 15 feet for the primary residential structure extending through all floors of the proposed home. The second request includes an approximate 16.7% (1'-8") reduction in the required rear yard setback from 10 feet to 8'-4" for the primary residential structure extending through the second-floor elevation. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: -'-C~ity~o_f-'-C-'-ar~ls~b_a_d _______________ _ Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: =C'-"-ity----=.o..:...f =Ca=r"""ls=b=a=d _____________ _ Name of Applicant: """T'""'R=E..:...A"""rc=h""'it=e""c"'-tu=r"""e _______________________ _ Applicant's Address: 300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite 108A #336, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Applicant's Telephone Number: -=-6=19=---=8__,_4..:...7---"0=8~6-=-0 ____________________ _ Name of Applicant/Identity of person undertaking the project: Allan Teta Architect Exempt Status: Categorical Exemption: Sections 15301(1) (Existing Facilities), 15303(a) (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) and 15305(a) (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) Reasons why project is exempt: Categorical Exemption: Section 15301(1) of CEQA exemptions (Class 1) exempts the demolition of one single-family residence and other small structures from environmental review; Section 15303(a) of CEQA exemptions (Class 3) exempts the construction of one single-family residence in a residential zone from environmental review; and Section 15305(a) of CEQA Exemptions (Class 5) exempts minor setback variances not resulting in the creation of any new parcels from environmental review. [-;tact Person: Jason Goff, Senior Planner Telephone: 760-602-4643 DON NEU, City Planner Date SHEET INDEXSWAN RESIDENCECHRIS AND CRISTA SWAN2668 Ocean StreetCarlsbad, CA 92008PROJECT TEAMPROJECT DATAcontact: CRISTA SWANemail: mcswans@gmail.comphone: 760 458 0797CLIENTTRE ARCHITECTURE300 Carlsbad Village DriveSuite 108A #336Carlsbad, CA 92008contact: ALLAN TETAphone: 760 268 9090fax: 760 268 9167email : allan@trearch.comAPPLICANT / ARCHITECTCARLSBAD, CA 92008APN: 203-141-082668 OCEAN STREETVICINITY MAPAREA CALCULATIONMAIN HOUSEFIRST FLOOR LEVEL: 583 SF (CONDITIONED)ATTACHED ADU 710 (CONDITIONED)GARAGE 458 SF (NON-CONDITIONED)SECOND FLOOR LEVEL: 1808 SF (CONDITIONED)MEZZANINE LEVEL: 247 SF (CONDITIONED)STORAGE 156 SF (NON-CONDITIONED)FIRST FLOOR ENTRY COVERED PATIO: 75 SFSECOND FLOOR DECK: 247 SFROOF DECK: 444 SFTOTAL GARAGE (NON-CONDITIONED): 458 SFTOTAL CONDITIONED SPACE : 3348 SFTOTAL STORAGE (NON-CONDITIONED): 156 SFTOTAL COVERED PATIO: 75 SFTOTAL NON-COVERED DECKS: 691 SFSETBACKSFRONT SETBACK - 20FTSIDE SETBACK - 5 FT MIN.REAR SETBACK - 10FTSITE ADDRESS: 2688 OCEAN STREET, CARSLBAD, CA 92008APN: 203-141-08OWNER: CHRIS AND CRISTA SWANAPPLICANT: TRE ARCHITECTURE - ALLAN TETA300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVESUITE 108A-336CARLSBAD, CA 92008760-268-9090PROJECT SCOPE·CONSTRUCT NEW 2-STORY RESIDENCE WITH MEZZANINE··COVERED PATIOS AND UNCOVERED PATIO··2-CAR GARAGE··ROOF DECK·NEW ATTACHED ADU·NEW SITE WALLS·NEW LANDSCAPE·NEW FIRE SPRINKLERSFIELD OF NAILINGBUILD UPB.U.F.N.CHANNELCDOUBLEPENNY (NAILS)DOUGLAS FIRDIAPHRAGMDIAGONALDOWNDOWN SPOUTDEAD LOADDIMENSIONDRAWINGDRINKING FOUNTAIN/ DETAILDIMDWGD.S.DND.L.DIAD.F.DIAPHDBLdDETCABINETCONTROL JOINTCERAMICCENTERLINECOLUMNCONSTRUCTIONCONCRETECEILINGCOUNTERSINKCORRIDORCOORDINATECONTINUOUSCENTERCONCRETE MASONRY UNITCOLCOORDCSKCORRCTRCONSTRCONCCONTC.J.CMUCLGCERC/LCABGYPSUM BOARDGYP. BD.HOLLOW COREHOT WATERAIR CONDITIONINGHORIZONTALHARDWAREINSIDE DIAMETERHEATING VENTILATING ANDHEIGHTHTI.D.H.V.A.C.H.W.HDWRHORIZHGRHDRH.C.H.B.HANGERHOSE BIBBHEADERFLOOR SINKFOOT/FEETFIREPROOF(ING)FACE OF STUDFACE OF PANELFACE OF MASONRYFACE OF CONCRETEFACE OF BRICKGLU LAM BEAMGALVANIZED IRONGALVANIZEDFACE OF (SPECIFY ITEM)F.P.GALVGLBGLG.I.GAF.S.FTGLASSGAUGEF.O.S.F.O.P.F.O.M.F.O.C.F.O.B.F.O.ALUMINUMALANODIZEDALTERNATEBOARDATBETWEENASPHALTBEAMBOUNDARY NAILBLOCKINGBUILDINGBOTTOMBASEMENTBEARINGBOTTOM FOOTINGARCHITECT(URAL)B.F.B.N.BRSBOTBSMTBMBLKGBLDGASPHBETBD@ALTARCHANODANCHOR BOLTADJUSTABLEADDENDUMACOUSTICABOVE FINISH FLOORACCESS DOOR/AREA DRAINAIR CONDITIONINGASPHALTIC CONCRETE/ADJADDA.F.F.ACOUSA.C.A.D.A.B.ELECTRIC(AL)ELECENCLOSUREFLUORESCENTFIRE EXTINGUISHERFOUNDATIONFLOOR DRAIN, FRENCH DOORFINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONFIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINETFINISHED FLOOR/FACTORY FINISHF.D., FDF.E.C.FLUORFINF.F.E.F.E.FDNF.F.FLOORE.W.EXSTF.B.EXTEQENCE.N.EACH WAYFLAT BAREXTERIOREXISTINGEDGE NAILEQUALELEVATIONEXPANSION JOINTEXPANSION BOLTELEVELE.J.EEAE.B.DWRELEVATOREASTEACHDRAWERDWLSDOWELSTOE NAILT.N.MISCELLANEOUSMISCPOUNDS PER SQ. INCHP.S.I.POST TENSION SLABPRESSURE TREATEDREINFORCINGPERPENDICULARRESILIENTREFER(ENCE)ROOF DRAINRETAIN(ING)PERIMETERR.D.RETREFRESILREINFPERPRPLASPLASTP.T.S.P.T.PERIMRISEPLASTICPLASTEROPPOSITE HEADOUTSIDE DIAMETERNOT TO SCALENOT IN CONTRACTON CENTERPOUNDS PER SQ. FT.PROPERTY LINE/PLATEPLYWOODOVERHEADOPPOSITEOVERFLOW/OUTSIDE FACEO.F.OHDPWDP/LP.S.F.OPGO.H.OPPOPENINGN.T.S.O.D.O.C.NON.I.CNNUMBERNORTHWOODWDWATER HEATERWATERPROOFWELDED WIRE FABRICWEAKENED PLANE JOINTWATER RESISTANTW.W.F.YDYARDWPW.R.W.P.J.WTW.H.W.GL.W/OWEIGHTWIRE GLASSWITHOUTVINYL ASBESTOS TILEUNIFORM BUILDING CODEUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISETOP OF FOOTINGVAPOR BARRIERVENTILATOR OR VENTILATIONTOP OF (SPECIFY ITEM)U.N.O.VENTVERTWW/V.A.T.U.B.C.V.B.WESTVERTICALWITHT.O.W.TYPTRANST.O.T.O.S.T.O.F.TOP OF WALLTYPICALTRANSVERSETOP OF SURFACE/SLABKITCHENKITLONGITUDINALLONG LEG VERTICALLOW POINTLIVE LOADLAMINATEDMANUFACTURERMEMBRANEMECHANICALMATERIALMASONRYLIGHT WEIGHT CONCRETEMASMEMBMINMFRMETMAXMECHMAT'LMINIMUMMETALMAXIMUMLLHL.P.L.W.C.LONGITL.LL.G.LAMLAG BOLTINVERT ELEVATIONSINSULATIONINCLUDEDJTJSTJANI.E.INCLINTINSULJOINTJOISTJANITORINTERIORININCHSQUARE FEETS.F.SPECIFICATIONSTAINLESS STEETTOOLED JOINTTONGUE AND GROOVETOP OF CURB/TOP OF CONC.STIFFENEDSTIFFT.C.R.J.THRT & GSTLSTRTHRESHOLDTREADSTEELSTRUCTURALSQSTDS.S.STAGGSIMSPECSP'GSQUARESTANDARDSTAGGEREDSIMILARSPACINGRE-SAWNROUGH OPENINGREQUIRE/REQUIREDSHTSCSCHEDRE/SR.O.RMSHEETSCHEDULESOLID COREROOMSOUTHREQ.(D)CASEMENTCSFIXEDFXTEMP. TEMPEREDABOVEABV.HOPPERHPMEDICINE CABINETM.C.SRWABBREVIATIONSDFLEGENDSECTIONSECTION NUMBER IN UPPER HALF OF CIRCLE AND SHEETNUMBER IN LOWER HALF OF CIRCLEINTERIOR ELEVATIONSDARKEN AREAS TO INDICATE WHICH ELEVATIONS ARE DRAWN.REFERENCE NUMBER IN UPPER HALF OF CIRCLE & SHEET WHEREELEVATION IS DRAWN IN LOWER CIRCLEROOM NAME/FINISH TYPELETTER DESIGNATION OF FINISH TYPE ON FINISH SCHEDULEDOOR NUMBERWINDOW TYPELETTER DESIGNATION OF NUMBER IF WINDOW SCHEDULE ISPROVIDEDREVISIONTRIANGLE WITH NUMBERED REVISION CLOUDFLOOR DRAINSHOWER HEADELEVATION SYMBOL - BENCH MARK OR CONSTANT ELEVATIONROOF, DRAIN & OVERFLOWFENCING (X's DO NOT INDICATE POSTS)EXISTING CONTOURSPOINT ELEVATIONSELEVATION TARGET/CONTROL POINTPROPERTY LINEHEAVY BROKEN LINES WITH TWO DASHED LINES IN BETWEEN.GRID OR COLUMN LINEFINE AND SHARP BROKEN LINES WITH TWO DOTS IN BETWEEN.REFERENCE DETAILDETAIL NUMBER IN UPPER HALF OF CIRCLE AND SHEET INLOWER HALF OF CIRCLE.AREA REFERENCE DETAIL.F.D.A5.23A4.123ACTIVITYANNNELEV. 160'-0"LEVEL 16369.30 TW369.30XX3A4.131PCSD ENGINEERING3529 COAST VIEW CT.CARLSBAD, CA 92010contact: PAUL CHRISTENSONphone: (760) 207-1885fax: (858)759-8324email : paul.pcsd@gmail.comSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERA0.1A1.0A1.1A2.1A2.2A2.3A4.1A5.1A5.2A6.1L1C1TITLE SHEETEXISTING SITE CONDITIONSPROPOSED SITE PLANFIRST FLOOR PLANSECOND FLOOR PLANMEZZANINE AND ROOF DECKROOF PLANEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSSECTIONS/SITE SECTIONSCONCEPT LANDSCAPE PLANCIVIL PRELIMINARY REVIEW SITE PLANHETHERINGTON ENGINEERING5365 AVENIDA ENCINASCARLSBAD, CA 92008contact: MARK HETHERINGTONphone: (760) 931-1917fax: (760) 931-0545email : mdh@hetheringtonengineering.comGEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERTOP OF ROOFT.O.R.PLSA ENGINEERING27127 Calle Arroyo, Ste 1904San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675contact: TARA GOLDBERGphone: 949 661 6695email : tgoldberg@plsaengineering.comCIVIL ENGINEERINGSTONE+GROVE LANDSCAPE ARCH.200 N. Cedros AveSolana Beach, CA 92075contact: BRIAN GROVEphone: 858 345 1499email : brian@stone-grove.coLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSITE5CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR.CARLSBADOCEAN CARLSBAD BLVD.OCEAN ST.PACIFIC AVE.2668 OCEAN ST.BEECH AVE2668 OCEAN STREETAPN: 203-141-08LOT AREA: 3748 SFCARLSBAD, CA 92008LEGAL DESCRIPTIONEXISTING: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAYPROPOSED: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAYPROCESSINGCOASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, MINOR VARIANCE,PROJECT INFORMATIONSWAN RESIDENCESPROPOSED: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE/ ADUCARLSBAD SEWER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD MWD, CARLSBAD UNIFIED OCCUPANCY: R-3 / UCONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B (SPINKLERED)LOT 82 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 5 FEET OF LOT 89 OF GRANVILLE PARK NO.2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OFCALIFORNIA, ACCORDING OT MAP NO. 2037, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THECOUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY JUNE 18, 1927.CARLSBAD FIRECLIMATE ACTION PLANCONSISTENT WITH EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE AND ZONING: YES.GHG STUDY REQUIRED: NO.ENERGY EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENT: YES.PHOTOVOLTAIC REQUIREMENT: YES, 3.27 KW-DC ROOF MOUNTED.ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING REQUIREMENT: YES, 1EV READY.HOT WATER HEATING REQUIREMENT: YES.TRAFFIC DEMAND MANAGEMENT REQUIRED: NO.TOTAL BUILDING AREABUILDING COVERAGE2,088 S.F.MAIN HOUSE (CONDITIONED) 2,638 S.F.PARKING INFORMATIONTOTAL REQUIRED/PROVIDED2 SPACES/2 SPACES1 SPACE / 1 SPACELANDSCAPE AREAPERCENTAGE OF SITE TO BE LANDSCAPED1250 SF OR 8%BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE (NON-CONDITIONED)681 S.F.DECKS/PATIOS766 S.F.LOT COVERAGEBUILDING COVERAGE / LOT AREA (MAX. 60%)55.8% 2088/3748VISITOR PARKING (OFF-STREET)ATTACHED ADU (CONDITIONED)710 S.F.MINOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (ADU)SWAN RESIDENCE 2668 OCEAN STREET1/8/20 PRELIMINARY REVIEWCARLSBAD, CA 92008 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMITTAL © Teta Architecture Inc. dbaTRE Architecture. Thesedrawings are not valid forconstruction unless stampedand signed by TREArchitecture. All ideas,drawings and written materialsindicated or represented bythis drawing are the propertyof TRE Architecture, and werecreated, evolved anddeveloped for use on thisproject, and shall not be usedby or disclosed to any personor business for any purposewhatsoever without the writtenpermission by TRE Architecture.PROFESSIONAL STAMPCOPYRIGHTPROJECT INFODOCUMENT LOGDOCUMENT TITLEDOCUMENT NUMBERTA 1905 APN 203-141-084/12/21 CDP1CDP 2021-0025 / V 2021-0001 / CDP 2022-0002300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR SUITE 108a-336CARLSBAD CA 92008office 760 268 9090fax 760 268 9167WWW.TREARCH.COMTRE ARCHITECTURE12/30/21 CDP22/22/22 CDP3TITLE SHEETA0.1EXHIBIT 5◊ 0 0 06 -$-[Qj ARc/./1./', 1, AMATO N. TETA :A C-5148 * REN 1-31-23 (st ·a -,'F--C ;;/li '"l§' 64.98'64.98'O C E A N S T R E E T FD 3/4"IP NO TAGBENT, PER CR 7996FD L&D "LS 4368"PER CR 7996FD 3/4"IP & NAILPER CR 7996R/W R/W25'20'25'20'20'20'5'5'5'5'LOT 81MAP NO. 2037LOT 90POR LOT 89LOT 88LOT 83LOT 82 & POR LOT 89PM 18120PM 14823LOT 17LOT 18BLK 'A'MAP NO. 1221LOT 1410' OFFSET TO R/W10' OFFSET TO R/WW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W SPASHEDEXIST 1-STORY HOUSE2.0'(E'LY FW O.1' W'LY OF PL)OLD BRICK WALLMAIN FLOOR FF= 42.4@DWY43 .0 FF@DWY42 .6 FF 42 .2@DWY42 .4 FF@DWY42.3 FF@DWY42 .4 FF EXIST ROOF RIDGE=55.3 EXIST ROOF RIDGE=69.7@DWY43 .2 FF 42 .5 FSEXIST 1-STORY HOUSE@DWY42 .4 F F EXIST 1-STORY HOUSE2658 OCEAN STREET2668 OCEAN STREET2678 OCEAN STREETEAVE=51.1EAVE=49.8 42 . 2 42.3 42 .942. 9 46 . 4 4 5 .446.4 42.445 . 8 42 .2 41 .541.841.8 40.6 42 .442.442.442.3 42 .442.9 42 .942.9 43 .4 43 .442.942.9 42 .9DRAINAGE ACROSS PLEMTR GMTR CHIMNEYRF DRAIN RF DRAIN 42.0 41 . 9 42 .1EAVE=49.84"AD4"AD41 .741 . 140.76 EAVE=56.2 TOP OF WINDOW=55.0ROOF RIDGE=59.7EAVE=65.8EAVE=67.0BALCONY ROOF RIDGE=58.0@DWY43 .8 FF 41.641.6 41.7 42 . 9 1' WIDE ADOBE BLDG WALL (RETAINING APPROX. 3') APPROX. LOC. 6" SLAB STEP42.342 . 1 43 .2 42 .6 43 .7 43 .6 43 .7 42 .742.242.041 . 3 41. 741 .1FROM S'LY NEIGHBOR40.88 40.58 40.36 40.28 40.24 40.09 EXIST 1-STORY HOUSE2669 GARFIELD STREETWEEP HOLESDECKGRASS/DIRTWOOD/DIRTCONC/DIRTSTRADDLES PL8"CMU WALLIN WALL42 .543.0TURFCURB42 . 3 STONESTONESTONE45 .6 46 .6 TW46.6TW/53.2TW45.7 45.5TW 45.9TW 40.540.341.941.139.97 40.3WMSCOWMWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWCONCRETE DRIVEWAYCONCGRASS40.340.840.440.340.5 40.641 . 3 40.1740.2440.2340.5140.5540.6740.84 39.8939.9940.1640.2940.4439.7939.4440.28 39.3340.0239.12 39.04 39.0439.6738.93CONCCONCCONCRETE CONCCONC39.7439.9839.82 39.63 39.45 39.36 39.25 39.37 39.79 39.63 39.42 38.8340.50 40.40 40.01 39.90 PLANTER BRICK STEP40.440.541.212"FICUSPP276134"PPLMS5"TREE8"BOP12"SAGO36"DPALM8"SAGO41. 741.1 41.241 . 7 41 . 8 41 .841.641.5 42 .2 41.842 . 241.841.441.141.5 40.74"AD4"AD4"AD4"AD3"AD3"AD3"ADCONCPILL.(TYP)CURBCURB6"STEP6' WOODEN FENCE42 . 4 EEEEEEEEMTRE EE EE E EE E EE EE E EE E EE EEO/H UT IL L INES (ACROSS SUB J EC T S ITE )4"PVC'S40.7EDGE AC DIRTEDGE AC DIRT TRASHCONCPILL.4"PPLMDIRTDIRTDIRTAPN 203-140-08-003,748 S.F./0.086 ACRESR/W PAVERSSHEDGRAVELBETWEENWALLSWWWWWWWWWW AC PAVE. RIDGEEDGE AC AC FL SDIPAVERS40.03 42 .3 AC PAVE. RIDGE10" AC WATER MAIN8" SEWER MAIN 10" AC WATER MAIN8" SEWER MAINWMSCO WOODENMOW STRIP DIRT DIRT 5.0'DRIVEWAY3' BRICK WALLSDI38.8140.5EDGE AC EDGE AC EXIST. MULTI-LEVEL HOUSEEXIST. MULTI-LEVEL HOUSE EXIST. MULTI-LEVEL HOUSE EDGE AC EDGE AC EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEO/H UTILITY LINESO/H UTILITY LINESO/H UTILITY LINES (ASSUMED FROM EXT. ELEV'S)OUTSIDE FACE OFEXIST. BLDG (TYP)149' TO FH FIRE HYDS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 64.98'64.98'O C E A N S T R E E T FD 3/4"IP NO TAGBENT, PER CR 7996FD 3/4"IP & NAILPER CR 7996R/W R/W25'20'25'20'20'20'5'5'5'5'LOT 81MAP NO. 2037LOT 90POR LOT 89LOT 88LOT 83LOT 82 & POR LOT 89PM 18120PM 14823LOT 17LOT 18BLK 'A'MAP NO. 1221LOT 1410' OFFSET TO R/W10' OFFSET TO R/WAPN 203-141-09APN 203-141-164241SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCEFF 42.27PAD 41.6OCEAN STREET EXISTING WALLSTO BE REMOVED(EX 40.45)EX. WATER SERVICE TO BEUPGRADED TO 1" SERVICE &METER PER CBAD STD DWG W-3A(EX 40.46)(EX 40.48)(EX 40.23)EX. PP TO REMAINEX. WATER SERVICE FOR APN203-141-15 TO REMAIN5' SYSB10' RYSB5' SYSB15' FYSB12'4.4' MAX EXPOSEDRET. WALL PERSDRSD C-5N 55°59'04"E 74.99'N 55°58'35"E 74.99'N 34°03'31" W 49.97' N 34°03'38" W 49.98'PRIVACY FENCE PER LS(TW@FG 46.0±)BW@FG 42.2TPFT 40.67(TW@FG 46.6±)BW@FG 42.2TPFT 41.271'-2"(TW@FG 46.6±)BW@FG 42.2TPFT 41.27DEEPENED CONCRETE CURB PER LS(TC 43.7±)FS 42.25(TC 42.3±)FS 42.3EX. FENCE TO REMAINCONCRETE CURB(FS 41.6)(TC 42.3±)FG 41.9GFF 41.77 SEWER CO FORAPN 203-141-15APN 203-141-14APN 203-141-15APN 203-141-07PROP. SEWER LATERALFOR APN 203-141-1520'8.9%11.1%FS 42.27(EX 40.40)6.7%6.3%2%FS 42.07GARAGEFS 42.27FS 42.27(EX 40.29)2%TG 41.49IE 40.73TG 41.55IE 40.88TG 41.75IE 41.05TG 42.0IE 40.95FG 41.9FG 41.9(TC 42.7±)FG 42.2TG 42.1IE 41.32.0%2.0%FS 41.562.0%FS 40.49FS 41.562.0%FG 41.6FG 41.64" PVC SD @ 0.5% (TYP)FS 42.3TG 42.2IE 41.42TG 42.20IE 41.204" TRENCH DRAIN BY ACO OR EQUALTG 41.51IE 40.65FS 41.507.9%FS 42.27FS 42.27AA4.4' MAX EXPOSED RET.WALL PER SDRSD C-53.8' MAX EXPOSED RET.WALL PER SDRSD C-5REMOVE EX. WALLEX. WM FOR APN203-141-15 TO REMAINEX. TREE TO REMAINREMOVE EX. PALMEX. 8" SEWEREX. 10" AC WATER 4" PVC SD @0.5% (TYP)PROP. SEWER CO FORAPN 203-141-15FS 41.67BBNEW SEWER LATERALFOR APN 203-141-15PER CBAD STD DWG S-7NEW SEWER LATERALPER CBAD STD DWG S-7TG 42.1IE 41.14SYNTHETIC TURF PER LS1.4'40 4 2 41 PRIVACE FENCE PER LSPROPOSED 5' SEWEREASEMENT(TW@FG 46.4±)BW@FG 42.2TPFT 41.07(FS 41.0)TG 41.61IE 40.80TG 41.63IE 40.84(EX 40.5)NEIGHBOR'S EX. TRASHENCLOSUREIE 40.53IE 40.6FS 40.722.0%FG 40.66FS 40.74FS 40.71PROPOSED 5' DEDICATION25'20'EX. BLDG (TYP)TRENCH RESURFACINGPER CBAD STD DWGGS-25 (TYP)CONNECT WALLSUBDRAIN TO SITE SDROOF ABOVE (TYP)ROOF ABOVE (TYP)7.6'2.0%FS 41.67TG 42.1IE 41.227.6'5.74'PROP. TREE PER LSPEA GRAVEL PER LS7.9±7.9'±5.3'SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWWWWWWWWMBFSWAN RESIDENCE 2668 OCEAN STREET1/8/20 PRELIMINARY REVIEWCARLSBAD, CA 92008 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMITTAL © Teta Architecture Inc. dbaTRE Architecture. Thesedrawings are not valid forconstruction unless stampedand signed by TREArchitecture. All ideas,drawings and written materialsindicated or represented bythis drawing are the propertyof TRE Architecture, and werecreated, evolved anddeveloped for use on thisproject, and shall not be usedby or disclosed to any personor business for any purposewhatsoever without the writtenpermission by TRE Architecture.PROFESSIONAL STAMPCOPYRIGHTPROJECT INFODOCUMENT LOGDOCUMENT TITLEDOCUMENT NUMBERTA 1905 APN 203-141-084/12/21 CDP1CDP 2021-0025 / V 2021-0001 / CDP 2022-0002300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR SUITE 108a-336CARLSBAD CA 92008office 760 268 9090fax 760 268 9167WWW.TREARCH.COMTRE ARCHITECTURE12/30/21 CDP22/22/22 CDP31SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"EXISTING SITE CONDITIONSEXISTING SITECONDITIONSA1.0456123PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING. THE GRADESHALL FALL A MINIMUM OF 5% WITHIN THE FIRST 10 FEET (2% FORIMPERVIOUS SURFACES)SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS.ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE FACE OF STUD OR GRIDLINE U.N.O.SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR POINT OF CONNECTIONS TO OFF-SITEUTILITIES. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ACTUAL UTILITY LOCATIONS.7SITE DRAINAGE. SLOPE MIN. 14"/FT FROM ALL FOUNDATIONS.GAS LINE SHALL NOT BE RUN IN GRADE UNDER ANY STRUCTURE ORCOVER, INCLUDING LATTICE WORK, ETC.SITE PLAN NOTES8PARKING AREAS AND DRIVEWAYS MUST BE SURFACED WITH AMINIMUM OF 2" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE OR EQUIVALENT.DRIVEWAY SHALL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING A LOAD OF 95,000 LBS.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY INFORMATION ANDCONFIRM PER NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANNEW GRADE INFORMATION AND STORMWATERMANAGEMENT PER CIVIL PLANS9HOUSE STREET NUMBER SHALL BE VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM STREET(MINIMUM 4" HIGH x 1" WIDEVICINITY MAPSITE5CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR.CARLSBADOCEAN CARLSBAD BLVD.OCEAN ST.PACIF IC AVE.2668 OCEAN ST.BEECH AVE2668 OCEAN STREETAPN: 203-141-08LOT AREA: 3748 SFCARLSBAD, CA 92008LEGAL DESCRIPTIONEXISTING: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAYPROPOSED: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAYPROCESSINGCOASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMITPROJECT INFORMATIONSWAN RESIDENCESPROPOSED: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE/ ADUCARLSBAD SEWER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD MWD, CARLSBAD UNIFIED OCCUPANCY: R-3 / UCONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B (SPINKLERED)LOT 82 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 5 FEET OF LOT 89 OF GRANVILLE PARK NO.2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OFCALIFORNIA, ACCORDING OT MAP NO. 2037, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THECOUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY JUNE 18, 1927.CARLSBAD FIRETOTAL BUILDING AREABUILDING COVERAGE2,088 S.F.MAIN HOUSE (CONDITIONED) 2,638 S.F.PARKING INFORMATIONTOTAL REQUIRED/PROVIDED2 SPACES/2 SPACES1 SPACE / 1 SPACELANDSCAPE AREAPERCENTAGE OF SITE TO BE LANDSCAPED1250 SF OR 8%BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE (NON-CONDITIONED)681 S.F.DECKS/PATIOS766 S.F.LOT COVERAGEBUILDING COVERAGE / LOT AREA (MAX. 60%)55.8% 2088/3748VISITOR PARKING (OFF-STREET)ATTACHED ADU (CONDITIONED)710 S.F.GUEST PARKING REQUIRED1 SPACE1 SPACEGUEST PARKING PROVIDED------------------------------------' ----------------------------'---I ,7 L_JV \'' I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I 17 11 L_J V \ I ', I I I I l I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I I I I I ' " I I J I I~~ I 7 I I I I I I I I I I \ ~ r I\ \._ I .J I * C-5148 * /2REN. 1-31-23 '1), \ I '11:~-.,,,-/,_~ OF Cf\\.\'ra<: W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W SPASHEDEXIST 1-STORY HOUSE2.0'(E'LY FW O.1' W'LY OF PL)OLD BRICK WALLMAIN FLOOR FF= 42.4@DWY43.0 FF@DWY42.6 FF42.2@DWY42.4 FF@DWY42.3 FF@DWY42.4 FF EXIST ROOF RIDGE=55.3 EXIST ROOF RIDGE=69.742.5 FSEXIST 1-STORY HOUSE@DWY42.4 FFEXIST 1-STORY HOUSE2658 OCEAN STREET2668 OCEAN STREET2678 OCEAN STREETEAVE=51.1EAVE=49.8 42.242.342.942.946.445.446.442.445.842.241.541.841.840.642.442.442.442.342.442.942.942.943.443.442.942.942.9DRAINAGE ACROSS PLEMTR GMTR CHIMNEYRF DRAIN RF DRAIN 42.041.942.1EAVE=49.84"AD4"AD41.741.1 EAVE=56.2 TOP OF WINDOW=55.0ROOF RIDGE=59.7EAVE=65.8EAVE=67.0BALCONY @DWY43.8 FF41.641.641.742.9 1' WIDE ADOBE BLDG WALL (RETAINING APPROX. 3') APPROX. LOC. 6" SLAB STEP42.342.143.242.643.743.643.742.742.242.041.341.741.1FROM S'LY NEIGHBOR40.5840.3640.2840.2440.09EXIST 1-STORY HOUSE2669 GARFIELD STREETWEEP HOLESDECKGRASS/DIRTWOOD/DIRTCONC/DIRTSTRADDLES PL8"CMU WALLIN WALL42.543.0TURFCURB42.3STONESTONESTONE45.646.6TW46.6TW/53.2TW45.7 45.5TW 45.9TW 40.540.341.941.139.9740.3WMSCOWMWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWCONCRETE DRIVEWAYCONCGRASS40.340.840.440.340.540.641.340.1740.2440.2340.5140.5540.6739.8939.9940.1640.2940.4439.4439.3340.0239.1239.0439.0439.6738.93CONCCONCCONCRETECONCCONC39.749.37PLANTER BRICK STEP40.440.541.212"FICUSPP276134"PPLMS5"TREE8"BOP12"SAGO36"DPALM8"SAGO41.741.141.241.741.841.841.641.542.241.842.21.81.441.141.540.74"AD4"AD4"AD4"AD3"AD3"AD3"ADCONCPILL.(TYP)CURBCURB6"STEP6' WOODEN FENCE42.4EEEEEEEEMTREE EEE EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEO/H UT IL L INES (ACROSS SUB JECT S ITE )4"PVC'S40.7EDGE AC DIRTEDGE AC DIRT TRASHCONCPILL.4"PPLMDIRTDIRTDIRTAPN 203-140-08-003,748 S.F./0.086 ACRESR/W PAVERSSHEDGRAVELBETWEENWALLSWWWWWW AC PAVE. RIDGEAC FL 42.3 AC PAVE. RIDGE10" AC WATER MAIN8" SEWER MAIN WOODENMOW STRIPDIRT DIRT 5.0'DRIVEWAY3' BRICK WALL40.5EDGE AC EDGE AC EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEO/H UTILITY LINES (ASSUMED FROM EXT. ELEV'S)OUTSIDE FACE OFEXIST. BLDG (TYP)S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 64.98'64.98'O C E A N S T R E E T FD 3/4"IP NO TAGBENT, PER CR 799620''MAP NO. 2037LOT 90POR LOT 89LOT 82 & POR LOT 8910' OFFSET TO R/WAPN 203-141-09APN 203-141-164241SINGLE-FAMILYRESIDENCEFF 42.27PAD 41.6OCEAN STREET EXISTINGWALLS TO BEREMOVED(EX 40.45)EX. WATER SERVICE TO BEUPGRADED TO 1" SERVICE& METER PER CBAD STDDWG W-3A(EX 40.46)(EX 40.48)(EX 40.23)EX. PP TO REMAINX. WATER SERVICE FOR APN203-141-15 TO REMAIN5' SYSB10' RYSB5' SYSB15' FYSB12'4.4' MAXEXPOSED RET.WALL PER SDRSDC-5N 55°59'04"E 74.99'N 55°58'35"E 74.99'N 34°03'31" W 49.97' N 34°03'38" W49.98'PRIVACY FENCE PER LS(TW@FG46.0±)BW@FG 42.2TPFT 40.67(TW@FG 46.6±)BW@FG 42.2TPFT 41.271'-2"(TW@FG46.6±)BW@FG 42.2TPFT 41.27DEEPENED CONCRETE CURBPER LS(TC 43.7±)FS 42.25(TC 42.3±)FS 42.3EX. FENCE TO REMAINCONCRETE CURB(FS 41.6)(TC 42.3±)FG 41.9GFF 41.77 SEWER CO FORAPN 203-141-15APN 203-141-14APN 203-141-15APN 203-141-07PROP. SEWERLATERAL FOR APN203-141-1520'8.9%11.1%FS 42.27(EX 40.40)6.7%6.3%2%FS42.07GARAGEFS 42.27FS42.27(EX 40.29)2%TG 41.49IE 40.73TG 41.55IE 40.88TG 41.75IE 41.05TG 42.0IE 40.95FG 41.9FG 41.9(TC42.7±)FG 42.2TG42.1IE 41.32.0%2.0%FS41.562.0%FS40.49FS41.562.0%FG 41.6FG 41.64" PVC SD @ 0.5% (TYP)FS 42.3TG 42.2IE 41.42TG 42.20IE 41.204" TRENCH DRAIN BY ACO OREQUALTG 41.51IE 40.65FS41.507.9%FS 42.27FS 42.27AA4.4' MAX EXPOSEDRET. WALL PERSDRSD C-53.8' MAX EXPOSEDRET. WALL PER SDRSDC-5REMOVE EX. WALLEX. WM FOR APN203-141-15 TOREMAINEX. TREE TO REMAINREMOVE EX.PALMEX. 8" SEWEREX. 10" AC WATER 4" PVC SD@ 0.5%(TYP)PROP. SEWER COFORAPN 203-141-15FS41.67BBNEW SEWERLATERAL FOR APN203-141-15 PERCBAD STD DWG S-7NEW SEWERLATERAL PER CBADSTD DWG S-7TG42.1IE41.14SYNTHETIC TURFPER LS1.4'40 4 2 41 PRIVACE FENCE PER LSPROPOSED 5' SEWEREASEMENT(TW@FG 46.4±)BW@FG 42.2TPFT 41.07(FS 41.0)TG 41.61IE 40.80TG41.63IE40.84(EX 40.5)NEIGHBOR'S EX. TRASHENCLOSUREIE40.53IE 40.6FS40.722.0%FG 40.66FS40.74FS40.71PROPOSED 5' DEDICATION25'20'EX. BLDG (TYP)TRENCHRESURFACING PERCBAD STD DWGGS-25 (TYP)CONNECT WALLSUBDRAIN TO SITESDROOF ABOVE (TYP)ROOF ABOVE (TYP)7.6'2.0%FS 41.67TG42.1IE41.227.6'5.74'PROP. TREE PERLSPEA GRAVEL PER LS7.9±7.9'±5.3'SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWWWWWWWWMBF15'-0" FRONTYARD SETBACKVARIANCE: 5'-0" REDUCTION5'-0" SIDE YARD SETBACK 5'-0" SIDE YARD SETBACK 64.98'64.98'O C E A N S T R E E T FD 3/4"IP NO TAGBENT, PER CR 7996FD L&D "LS 4368"PER CR 7996FD 3/4"IP & NAILPER CR 7996R/W R/W25'20'25'20'20'20'5'5'5'5'LOT 81MAP NO. 2037LOT 90POR LOT 89LOT 88LOT 83LOT 82 & POR LOT 89PM 18120PM 14823LOT 17LOT 18BLK 'A'MAP NO. 1221LOT 1410' OFFSET TO R/W10' OFFSET TO R/WBED # 2 / GYM / OFFICE LAUN. 2 CAR GARAGE20'x20' CLEARUP16RBEDROOM #1 BATH #1ENTRY ATRIUM BEDROOM #1 FUTURE ELEV.MURPHY BED REFKITCHEN LINSTORAGETVDWBATH #1PANTRY20'-2"20'-2"CLOSETSTORAGEADU710 SF5'-0"DEDICATION2'-0" ROOF & DECK OVERHANG(1) 12'-0"x 20'-0"VISITOR PARKING17'-9"7'-6" REAR SETBACK FOR ADU8'-4"SETBACK AT SECOND FLOORVARIANCE: 1'-8" REDUCTION2'-0"DECKOVERHANG2'-0"DECKOVERHANG3'-6"CANTILEVER37'-1"ROOF & DECK2'-0" OVERHANGROOF & DECKOVERHANGDECKOVERHANG2'-0"ROOF & DECKOVERHANG3'-0"EXTERIOR WALL4'-0"TO PL.CURRENT 10'-0" SETBACKSWAN RESIDENCE 2668 OCEAN STREET1/8/20 PRELIMINARY REVIEWCARLSBAD, CA 92008 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMITTAL © Teta Architecture Inc. dbaTRE Architecture. Thesedrawings are not valid forconstruction unless stampedand signed by TREArchitecture. All ideas,drawings and written materialsindicated or represented bythis drawing are the propertyof TRE Architecture, and werecreated, evolved anddeveloped for use on thisproject, and shall not be usedby or disclosed to any personor business for any purposewhatsoever without the writtenpermission by TRE Architecture.PROFESSIONAL STAMPCOPYRIGHTPROJECT INFODOCUMENT LOGDOCUMENT TITLEDOCUMENT NUMBERTA 1905 APN 203-141-084/12/21 CDP1CDP 2021-0025 / V 2021-0001 / CDP 2022-0002300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR SUITE 108a-336CARLSBAD CA 92008office 760 268 9090fax 760 268 9167WWW.TREARCH.COMTRE ARCHITECTURE12/30/21 CDP22/22/22 CDP31SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"SITE PLANSITE PLANA1.1456123PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING. THE GRADESHALL FALL A MINIMUM OF 5% WITHIN THE FIRST 10 FEET (2% FORIMPERVIOUS SURFACES)SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS.ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE FACE OF STUD OR GRIDLINE U.N.O.SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR POINT OF CONNECTIONS TO OFF-SITEUTILITIES. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ACTUAL UTILITY LOCATIONS.7SITE DRAINAGE. SLOPE MIN. 14"/FT FROM ALL FOUNDATIONS.GAS LINE SHALL NOT BE RUN IN GRADE UNDER ANY STRUCTURE ORCOVER, INCLUDING LATTICE WORK, ETC.SITE PLAN NOTES8PARKING AREAS AND DRIVEWAYS MUST BE SURFACED WITH AMINIMUM OF 2" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE OR EQUIVALENT.DRIVEWAY SHALL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING A LOAD OF 95,000 LBS.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY INFORMATION ANDCONFIRM PER NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANNEW GRADE INFORMATION AND STORMWATERMANAGEMENT PER CIVIL PLANS9HOUSE STREET NUMBER SHALL BE VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM STREET(MINIMUM 4" HIGH x 1" WIDEVICINITY MAPSITE5CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR.CARLSBADOCEAN CARLSBAD BLVD.OCEAN ST.PACIF IC AVE.2668 OCEAN ST.BEECH AVE2668 OCEAN STREETAPN: 203-141-08LOT AREA: 3748 SFCARLSBAD, CA 92008LEGAL DESCRIPTIONEXISTING: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAYPROPOSED: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAYPROCESSINGCOASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMITPROJECT INFORMATIONSWAN RESIDENCESPROPOSED: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE/ ADUCARLSBAD SEWER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD MWD, CARLSBAD UNIFIED OCCUPANCY: R-3 / UCONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B (SPINKLERED)LOT 82 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 5 FEET OF LOT 89 OF GRANVILLE PARK NO.2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OFCALIFORNIA, ACCORDING OT MAP NO. 2037, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THECOUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY JUNE 18, 1927.CARLSBAD FIRETOTAL BUILDING AREABUILDING COVERAGE2,088 S.F.MAIN HOUSE (CONDITIONED) 2,638 S.F.PARKING INFORMATIONTOTAL REQUIRED/PROVIDED2 SPACES/2 SPACES1 SPACE / 1 SPACELANDSCAPE AREAPERCENTAGE OF SITE TO BE LANDSCAPED1250 SF OR 8%BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE (NON-CONDITIONED)681 S.F.DECKS/PATIOS766 S.F.LOT COVERAGEBUILDING COVERAGE / LOT AREA (MAX. 60%)55.8% 2088/3748VISITOR PARKING (OFF-STREET)ATTACHED ADU (CONDITIONED)710 S.F.GUEST PARKING REQUIRED1 SPACE1 SPACEGUEST PARKING PROVIDEDCONSTRAINTS MAP IS NOT APPLICABLE.r -f I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I v ' I V v I 1/ JI I ' I LVl Ul ,;,.s"r:.-D ARcl-tfJ: r!f (:; ✓ AMATO N. TETA S-1 * C-5148 * REN. 1-31-23 """\ . \ ' \ \ \ \ \ I I ·11 I I -t I I BED # 2 / GYM / OFFICE LAUN. 2 CAR GARAGE 20'x20' CLEAR UP 16R BEDROOM #1 BATH #1 ENTRY ATRIUM BEDROOM #1 FUTURE ELEV.MURPHY BEDREF KITCHEN LIN STORAGE TV DW BATH #1 PANTRY 20'-2"20'-2"CLOSETSTORAGE ADU 710 SF 47'-5"39'-11"37'-5"10'-0"7'-512"32'-512"39'-11"A6.1 2 47'-5" A6.1 1 A5.1 1 A5.1 2 A5.2 1 A5.2 2 48CF STORAGESUSPENDED HEAT PUMPELEC EV CHARGER EV CHARGER SUSPENDED64CF STORAGE CANTILEVERED ROOF ABOVE EXISTING 10' SETBACK 8'-4" VARIANCE AT SECOND FLOOR (1'-8" REDUCTION) 7'-6" SET BACK TO ADU ADU SHADED LOW WALL WITH VERTICAL METAL ELEMENTS FOR VEGETATION. ROOF AND DECK OVERHANG ABOVE ROOF AND DECK OVERHANG ABOVE SWAN RESIDENCE2668 OCEAN STREET1/8/20 PRELIMINARY REVIEWCARLSBAD, CA 92008COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMITTAL© Teta Architecture Inc. dba TRE Architecture. These drawings are not valid for construction unless stamped and signed by TRE Architecture. All ideas, drawings and written materials indicated or represented by this drawing are the property of TRE Architecture, and were created, evolved and developed for use on this project, and shall not be used by or disclosed to any person or business for any purpose whatsoever without the written permission by TRE Architecture. PROFESSIONAL STAMP COPYRIGHT PROJECT INFO DOCUMENT LOG DOCUMENT TITLE DOCUMENT NUMBERTA 1905APN 203-141-084/12/21 CDP1 CDP 2021-0025 / V 2021-0001 / CDP 2022-0002 300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR SUITE 108a-336 CARLSBAD CA 92008 office 760 268 9090 fax 760 268 9167 WWW.TREARCH.COM TRE ARCHITECTURE 12/30/21 CDP2 2/22/22 CDP3 FIRST FLOOR PLAN A2.1 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN - NEW CONSTRUCTION WALL LEGEND SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 2 SEE LANDSCAPE AND CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION, INCLUDING FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS, DRAINAGE AND TOP OF SITE WALL ELEVATIONS. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUD OR GRIDLINE U.N.O.3 SEE SHEET RCP/ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR SMOKE DETECTOR LOCATIONS.4 5 6 PROVIDE 5 AIR CHANGES PER HOUR FOR LAUNDRY AND BATHROOM VENTILATION. ATTIC/UNDERFLOOR INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH SECTIONS 904, 908, AND 909 OF THE CMC. PROVIDE 30" UNOBSTRUCTED WORKING SPACE IN FRONT OF FURNACE 1/2" MIN DROP IN EXTERIOR SLABS AT EXTERIOR OPENINGS THAT OPEN OUT. THRESHOLDS WHERE THE DOOR DOES NOT SWING OUT SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 7-3/4" AUTOMATION SYSTEM FOR LIGHTING, AUDIO, SECURITY AND HVAC PER SPECIFICATIONS THE CONTROL VALVES IN SHOWERS, TUB/SHOWERS, BATHTUBS, AND BIDETS MUST BE PRESSURE BALANCED OR THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVES. COMPLETE GAS PIPING SIZING DESIGN BASED UPON A MINIMUM INPUT OF 200,000 BTU/GR FOR EACH WATER HEATER. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS SHALL HAVE ISOLATION VALVES ON BOTH THE COLD AND HOT WATER PIPING LEAVING THE WATER HEATER COMPLETE WITH HOSE BIBS OR OTHER FITTINGS ON EACH VALVE FOR FLUSHING THE WATER HEATER WHEN THE VALVES ARE CLOSED. ALL HOT WATER PIPING SIZED 3 4" OR LARGER IS REQUIRED TO BE INSULATED AS FOLLOWS: 1" PIPE SIZE OR LESS: 1" THICK INSULATION, LARGER PIPE SIZES REQUIRE 1-1/2" THICK INSULATION. ADDITIONAALLY, THE 1 2" HOT WATER PIPE TO THE KITCHEN SINK AND THE COLD WATER PIPE WITHIN 5' OF THE WATER HEATER ARE BOTH REQUIRED TO BE INSULATED. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2x6 STUD WALL, FULL HEIGHT 2668 OCEAN STREET APN: 203-141-08 LOT AREA: 3748 SF CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXISTING: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAY PROPOSED: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAY PROCESSING COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PROJECT INFORMATION SWAN RESIDENCES PROPOSED: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE/ ADU CARLSBAD SEWER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD MWD, CARLSBAD UNIFIED OCCUPANCY: R-3 / U CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B (SPINKLERED) LOT 82 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 5 FEET OF LOT 89 OF GRANVILLE PARK NO. 2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING OT MAP NO. 2037, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY JUNE 18, 1927. CARLSBAD FIRE AREA CALCULATION MAIN HOUSE FIRST FLOOR LEVEL: 583 SF (CONDITIONED) ATTACHED ADU 710 (CONDITIONED) GARAGE 458 SF (NON-CONDITIONED) SECOND FLOOR LEVEL: 1808 SF (CONDITIONED) MEZZANINE LEVEL: 247 SF (CONDITIONED) STORAGE 156 SF (NON-CONDITIONED) FIRST FLOOR ENTRY COVERED PATIO: 75 SF SECOND FLOOR DECK: 247 SF ROOF DECK: 444 SF TOTAL GARAGE (NON-CONDITIONED): 458 SF TOTAL CONDITIONED SPACE : 3348 SF TOTAL STORAGE (NON-CONDITIONED): 156 SF TOTAL COVERED PATIO: 75 SF TOTAL NON-COVERED DECKS: 691 SF SETBACKS FRONT SETBACK - 20FT SIDE SETBACK - 5 FT MIN. REAR SETBACK - 10FT TOTAL BUILDING AREA BUILDING COVERAGE 2,088 S.F. MAIN HOUSE (CONDITIONED) 2,638 S.F. PARKING INFORMATION TOTAL REQUIRED/PROVIDED 2 SPACES/2 SPACES 1 SPACE / 1 SPACE LANDSCAPE AREA PERCENTAGE OF SITE TO BE LANDSCAPED 1250 SF OR 8% BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE (NON-CONDITIONED)681 S.F. DECKS/PATIOS 766 S.F. LOT COVERAGE BUILDING COVERAGE / LOT AREA (MAX. 60%)55.8% 2088/3748 VISITOR PARKING (OFF-STREET) ATTACHED ADU (CONDITIONED)710 S.F. GUEST PARKING REQUIRED 1 SPACE 1 SPACEGUEST PARKING PROVIDED Do □ Qo ........ Vl\\1/N~\ □ ,- 1 L ,----, I I I I I I I I L.----.J 7 I __ _J 14 BEDROOM #2 / OFFICE BATH #2 DECK FAMILY KITCHEN REF MASTER BEDROOM DINING 16R DN PANTRY OVEN WINE STOR 15R UP TO ROOF MASTER BATH WINE DISPLAY TV ABOVE FUTURE ELEV. BRICK WALL 4 567891011121315 3 2 1 LIN. CLOSET 48'-7" 8'-0" DECK 2'-0" OVERHANG BEYOND SETBACK 3'-0" WALL BELLOW 39'-11"43'-11"14'-712"25'-312"A6.1 2 A6.1 1 A5.1 1 A5.1 2 A5.2 1 A5.2 22'-0"2'-0"5'-0" DECK 43'-7" 16'-0" CANTILEVER DECK EXTENSION 19'-6" CANTILEVER DECK EXTENSION CANTILEVERED ROOF BELOW CURRENT SETBACK 10' SETBACK 8'-4" VARIANCE AT SECOND FLOOR (1'-8" REDUCTION) 7'-6" SET BACK TO ADU BELOW GLASS RAILING FOR DECK 6" INSET OVERHANG BEYOND SETBACK OVERHANG BEYOND SIDE SETBACK FIRST FLOOR EXTERIOR WALL AT 15' SETBACK 2'-0" OVERHANG BEYOND SETBACK 3'-6" 4'-4" 10" ADU EXTRUSION ROOF/LEDGE 3'-0" EXTERIOR WALL BELOW EXTERIOR WALL BELOW SWAN RESIDENCE2668 OCEAN STREET1/8/20 PRELIMINARY REVIEWCARLSBAD, CA 92008COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMITTAL© Teta Architecture Inc. dba TRE Architecture. These drawings are not valid for construction unless stamped and signed by TRE Architecture. All ideas, drawings and written materials indicated or represented by this drawing are the property of TRE Architecture, and were created, evolved and developed for use on this project, and shall not be used by or disclosed to any person or business for any purpose whatsoever without the written permission by TRE Architecture. PROFESSIONAL STAMP COPYRIGHT PROJECT INFO DOCUMENT LOG DOCUMENT TITLE DOCUMENT NUMBERTA 1905APN 203-141-084/12/21 CDP1 CDP 2021-0025 / V 2021-0001 / CDP 2022-0002 300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR SUITE 108a-336 CARLSBAD CA 92008 office 760 268 9090 fax 760 268 9167 WWW.TREARCH.COM TRE ARCHITECTURE 12/30/21 CDP2 2/22/22 CDP3 SECOND FLOOR PLAN A2.2 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN - NEW CONSTRUCTION WALL LEGEND SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 2 SEE LANDSCAPE AND CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION, INCLUDING FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS, DRAINAGE AND TOP OF SITE WALL ELEVATIONS. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUD OR GRIDLINE U.N.O.3 SEE SHEET RCP/ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR SMOKE DETECTOR LOCATIONS.4 5 6 PROVIDE 5 AIR CHANGES PER HOUR FOR LAUNDRY AND BATHROOM VENTILATION. ATTIC/UNDERFLOOR INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH SECTIONS 904, 908, AND 909 OF THE CMC. PROVIDE 30" UNOBSTRUCTED WORKING SPACE IN FRONT OF FURNACE 1/2" MIN DROP IN EXTERIOR SLABS AT EXTERIOR OPENINGS THAT OPEN OUT. THRESHOLDS WHERE THE DOOR DOES NOT SWING OUT SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 7-3/4" AUTOMATION SYSTEM FOR LIGHTING, AUDIO, SECURITY AND HVAC PER SPECIFICATIONS THE CONTROL VALVES IN SHOWERS, TUB/SHOWERS, BATHTUBS, AND BIDETS MUST BE PRESSURE BALANCED OR THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVES. COMPLETE GAS PIPING SIZING DESIGN BASED UPON A MINIMUM INPUT OF 200,000 BTU/GR FOR EACH WATER HEATER. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS SHALL HAVE ISOLATION VALVES ON BOTH THE COLD AND HOT WATER PIPING LEAVING THE WATER HEATER COMPLETE WITH HOSE BIBS OR OTHER FITTINGS ON EACH VALVE FOR FLUSHING THE WATER HEATER WHEN THE VALVES ARE CLOSED. ALL HOT WATER PIPING SIZED 3 4" OR LARGER IS REQUIRED TO BE INSULATED AS FOLLOWS: 1" PIPE SIZE OR LESS: 1" THICK INSULATION, LARGER PIPE SIZES REQUIRE 1-1/2" THICK INSULATION. ADDITIONAALLY, THE 1 2" HOT WATER PIPE TO THE KITCHEN SINK AND THE COLD WATER PIPE WITHIN 5' OF THE WATER HEATER ARE BOTH REQUIRED TO BE INSULATED. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2x6 STUD WALL, FULL HEIGHT 2668 OCEAN STREET APN: 203-141-08 LOT AREA: 3748 SF CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXISTING: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAY PROPOSED: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAY PROCESSING COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PROJECT INFORMATION SWAN RESIDENCES PROPOSED: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE/ ADU CARLSBAD SEWER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD MWD, CARLSBAD UNIFIED OCCUPANCY: R-3 / U CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B (SPINKLERED) LOT 82 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 5 FEET OF LOT 89 OF GRANVILLE PARK NO. 2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING OT MAP NO. 2037, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY JUNE 18, 1927. CARLSBAD FIRE AREA CALCULATION MAIN HOUSE FIRST FLOOR LEVEL: 583 SF (CONDITIONED) ATTACHED ADU 710 (CONDITIONED) GARAGE 458 SF (NON-CONDITIONED) SECOND FLOOR LEVEL: 1808 SF (CONDITIONED) MEZZANINE LEVEL: 247 SF (CONDITIONED) STORAGE 156 SF (NON-CONDITIONED) FIRST FLOOR ENTRY COVERED PATIO: 75 SF SECOND FLOOR DECK: 247 SF ROOF DECK: 444 SF TOTAL GARAGE (NON-CONDITIONED): 458 SF TOTAL CONDITIONED SPACE : 3348 SF TOTAL STORAGE (NON-CONDITIONED): 156 SF TOTAL COVERED PATIO: 75 SF TOTAL NON-COVERED DECKS: 691 SF SETBACKS FRONT SETBACK - 20FT SIDE SETBACK - 5 FT MIN. REAR SETBACK - 10FT TOTAL BUILDING AREA BUILDING COVERAGE 2,088 S.F. MAIN HOUSE (CONDITIONED) 2,638 S.F. PARKING INFORMATION TOTAL REQUIRED/PROVIDED 2 SPACES/2 SPACES 1 SPACE / 1 SPACE LANDSCAPE AREA PERCENTAGE OF SITE TO BE LANDSCAPED 1250 SF OR 8% BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE (NON-CONDITIONED)681 S.F. DECKS/PATIOS 766 S.F. LOT COVERAGE BUILDING COVERAGE / LOT AREA (MAX. 60%)55.8% 2088/3748 VISITOR PARKING (OFF-STREET) ATTACHED ADU (CONDITIONED)710 S.F. GUEST PARKING REQUIRED 1 SPACE 1 SPACEGUEST PARKING PROVIDED 0 Q Q ~L_ ==:::t_==--±--==-b-=:d_ ~ ----I = ~ ::::::,.. --/1\~~/ 7 _j_ I ~s'2J) ARc,, & '1/;-, -.,;: ,::; " /WATO N. TETA 0 * C-5148 REN. 1-31 -23 * ~\l:h---L '1'~ _,,,,$ OF CAL\'rey-;, 4 56789101112131415 DN FLAT ROOF MEZZANINE BATH #3 FOR SOLAR PANELS (3.27 KWDC MIN.) 2' PONY WALL 2' PONY WALL ROOF DECK LOW CEILING HEIGHT (UNCONDITIONED) STORAGE VAULTED TO BELOW ACCESS TO ROOF EXTERIOR SHOWER21'-934"18'-114"39'-11"10'-134"40'-7" 27'-434" 13'-10"33'-7"2'-0"39'-11"13'-214" 8'-0" A5.1 1 A6.1 2 A6.1 1 A5.1 2 A5.2 1 A5.2 211'-8"GLASS RAIL 6" INSET OVERHANG BEYOND SETBACK ROOF ABOVE DECK BELOW 2'-0"CANTILEVERED ROOF BELOW 8'-4" VARIANCE AT SECOND FLOOR (1'-8" REDUCTION) 7'-6" SET BACK TO ADU ROOF/LEDGE BELOW SWAN RESIDENCE2668 OCEAN STREET1/8/20 PRELIMINARY REVIEWCARLSBAD, CA 92008COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMITTAL© Teta Architecture Inc. dba TRE Architecture. These drawings are not valid for construction unless stamped and signed by TRE Architecture. All ideas, drawings and written materials indicated or represented by this drawing are the property of TRE Architecture, and were created, evolved and developed for use on this project, and shall not be used by or disclosed to any person or business for any purpose whatsoever without the written permission by TRE Architecture. PROFESSIONAL STAMP COPYRIGHT PROJECT INFO DOCUMENT LOG DOCUMENT TITLE DOCUMENT NUMBERTA 1905APN 203-141-084/12/21 CDP1 CDP 2021-0025 / V 2021-0001 / CDP 2022-0002 300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR SUITE 108a-336 CARLSBAD CA 92008 office 760 268 9090 fax 760 268 9167 WWW.TREARCH.COM TRE ARCHITECTURE 12/30/21 CDP2 2/22/22 CDP3 MEZZANINE / ROOF DECK PLAN A2.3 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" MEZZANINE / ROOF DECK PLAN - NEW CONSTRUCTION WALL LEGEND SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 2 SEE LANDSCAPE AND CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION, INCLUDING FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS, DRAINAGE AND TOP OF SITE WALL ELEVATIONS. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUD OR GRIDLINE U.N.O.3 SEE SHEET RCP/ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR SMOKE DETECTOR LOCATIONS.4 5 6 PROVIDE 5 AIR CHANGES PER HOUR FOR LAUNDRY AND BATHROOM VENTILATION. ATTIC/UNDERFLOOR INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH SECTIONS 904, 908, AND 909 OF THE CMC. PROVIDE 30" UNOBSTRUCTED WORKING SPACE IN FRONT OF FURNACE 1/2" MIN DROP IN EXTERIOR SLABS AT EXTERIOR OPENINGS THAT OPEN OUT. THRESHOLDS WHERE THE DOOR DOES NOT SWING OUT SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 7-3/4" AUTOMATION SYSTEM FOR LIGHTING, AUDIO, SECURITY AND HVAC PER SPECIFICATIONS THE CONTROL VALVES IN SHOWERS, TUB/SHOWERS, BATHTUBS, AND BIDETS MUST BE PRESSURE BALANCED OR THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVES. COMPLETE GAS PIPING SIZING DESIGN BASED UPON A MINIMUM INPUT OF 200,000 BTU/GR FOR EACH WATER HEATER. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS SHALL HAVE ISOLATION VALVES ON BOTH THE COLD AND HOT WATER PIPING LEAVING THE WATER HEATER COMPLETE WITH HOSE BIBS OR OTHER FITTINGS ON EACH VALVE FOR FLUSHING THE WATER HEATER WHEN THE VALVES ARE CLOSED. ALL HOT WATER PIPING SIZED 3 4" OR LARGER IS REQUIRED TO BE INSULATED AS FOLLOWS: 1" PIPE SIZE OR LESS: 1" THICK INSULATION, LARGER PIPE SIZES REQUIRE 1-1/2" THICK INSULATION. ADDITIONAALLY, THE 1 2" HOT WATER PIPE TO THE KITCHEN SINK AND THE COLD WATER PIPE WITHIN 5' OF THE WATER HEATER ARE BOTH REQUIRED TO BE INSULATED. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2x6 STUD WALL, FULL HEIGHT 2668 OCEAN STREET APN: 203-141-08 LOT AREA: 3748 SF CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXISTING: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAY PROPOSED: R-3 AND BEACH OVERLAY PROCESSING COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PROJECT INFORMATION SWAN RESIDENCES PROPOSED: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE/ ADU CARLSBAD SEWER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD MWD, CARLSBAD UNIFIED OCCUPANCY: R-3 / U CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B (SPINKLERED) LOT 82 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 5 FEET OF LOT 89 OF GRANVILLE PARK NO. 2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING OT MAP NO. 2037, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY JUNE 18, 1927. CARLSBAD FIRE AREA CALCULATION MAIN HOUSE FIRST FLOOR LEVEL: 583 SF (CONDITIONED) ATTACHED ADU 710 (CONDITIONED) GARAGE 458 SF (NON-CONDITIONED) SECOND FLOOR LEVEL: 1808 SF (CONDITIONED) MEZZANINE LEVEL: 247 SF (CONDITIONED) STORAGE 156 SF (NON-CONDITIONED) FIRST FLOOR ENTRY COVERED PATIO: 75 SF SECOND FLOOR DECK: 247 SF ROOF DECK: 444 SF TOTAL GARAGE (NON-CONDITIONED): 458 SF TOTAL CONDITIONED SPACE : 3348 SF TOTAL STORAGE (NON-CONDITIONED): 156 SF TOTAL COVERED PATIO: 75 SF TOTAL NON-COVERED DECKS: 691 SF SETBACKS FRONT SETBACK - 20FT SIDE SETBACK - 5 FT MIN. REAR SETBACK - 10FT TOTAL BUILDING AREA BUILDING COVERAGE 2,088 S.F. MAIN HOUSE (CONDITIONED) 2,638 S.F. PARKING INFORMATION TOTAL REQUIRED/PROVIDED 2 SPACES/2 SPACES 1 SPACE / 1 SPACE LANDSCAPE AREA PERCENTAGE OF SITE TO BE LANDSCAPED 1250 SF OR 8% BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE (NON-CONDITIONED)681 S.F. DECKS/PATIOS 766 S.F. LOT COVERAGE BUILDING COVERAGE / LOT AREA (MAX. 60%)55.8% 2088/3748 VISITOR PARKING (OFF-STREET) ATTACHED ADU (CONDITIONED)710 S.F. GUEST PARKING REQUIRED 1 SPACE 1 SPACEGUEST PARKING PROVIDED I I I ... " ► "I ,. ~ ' T I I 1/1/ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ .... '--... .. ac:::::J ~ 0 \ \ I ' -, .... ... . ~ . .. ~ // '' \ .. /, // I /, ~n/ .\, / \ _=] "-I 1/'\. ◄/ \ ) ' ~ T '-J --/ / / ROOF DECKGLASS GUARDRAILGLASS GUARDRAILCURVED 3:12 2'-0" O.H. 2'-0" O.H.13'-0"35'-7"2'-0"16'-114"23'-934"2'-0"36'-1034"11'-814"3'-6"3'-534" 25'-814"10'-9"FLAT ROOF FOR SOLAR PANELS(3.27 KWDC MIN.)8'-0" OVERHANGCURVED ROOF OVER DECKOVERHANG BEYOND SETBACKCANTILEVERED ROOF BELOW8'-4" VARIANCE AT SECOND FLOOR(1'-8" REDUCTION)7'-6" SET BACK TO ADUBELOWDECK BELOWWALL BELOWGLASS GUARDRAIL. 6"INSET FROM DECK EDGE26'-1112"2'-0" OVERHANGBEYOND SETBACKSWAN RESIDENCE 2668 OCEAN STREET1/8/20 PRELIMINARY REVIEWCARLSBAD, CA 92008 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMITTAL © Teta Architecture Inc. dbaTRE Architecture. Thesedrawings are not valid forconstruction unless stampedand signed by TREArchitecture. All ideas,drawings and written materialsindicated or represented bythis drawing are the propertyof TRE Architecture, and werecreated, evolved anddeveloped for use on thisproject, and shall not be usedby or disclosed to any personor business for any purposewhatsoever without the writtenpermission by TRE Architecture.PROFESSIONAL STAMPCOPYRIGHTPROJECT INFODOCUMENT LOGDOCUMENT TITLEDOCUMENT NUMBERTA 1905 APN 203-141-084/12/21 CDP1CDP 2021-0025 / V 2021-0001 / CDP 2022-0002300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR SUITE 108a-336CARLSBAD CA 92008office 760 268 9090fax 760 268 9167WWW.TREARCH.COMTRE ARCHITECTURE12/30/21 CDP22/22/22 CDP3ROOF PLANA4.1ROOF PLAN NOTESCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A VAPOR RETARDER HAVNG A TRANSMISSIONRATE NOT EXCEEDING 1 PERM IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E 96 ISINSTALLED ON THE WARM SIDE OF THE ATTIC INSULATION5.FOR TYP. ROOF PENETRATIONS, SEE DETAILCONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL LOCATIONSALL ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING TO COMPLY WITH THENATIONAL ROOFING CONTRACTOR'S ASSOCIATION MANUAL(CURRENT EDITION).6.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AND COORDINATE ALL LOCATIONS ANDSIZES OF ROOF OPENINGS.REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ROOF FRAMINGVERIFY THAT ALL ROOF AREAS HAVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE (3/8" PERFOOT/MIN.) PRIOR TO ROOF INSULATION INSTALLATION.ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FACE OF WALL, GRID LINE, OR FACE OF STUD.(U.N.O.) VENT OPENIINGS SHALL BE COVERED WITH CORROSION-RESISTANTMETAL MESH W/ OPENINGS OF 1/8" DIAMETER.SPACE VENTS EQUALLY ON BOTH SIDES OF ROOF, OR AS SHOWN ON ROOFPLAN, TO ENSURE CROSS VENTILATION.ALL VENTILATION OPENINGS SHALL BE COVERED WITH NON- COMBUSTIBLECORROSION-RESISTANT MESH. MESH OPENINGS SHALL BE 1/8 INCH.VENTILATION OPENINGS ON STRUCTURES LOCATED IMMEDIATELY ADJACENTTO BRUSH MANAGEMENT ZONE 1 SHALL NOT BE DIRECTED TOWARDHAZZARDOUS AREAS OF NATIVE OR NATURALIZED VEGETATION.ATTIC VENTILATION OPENINGS SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN SOFFITS, IN EAVEOVERHANGS, BETWEEN RATERS AT EAVES , OR IN OTHER OVERHANG AREAS.ROOF VENTS, DORMER VENTS, GABLE VENTS, FOUNDATION VENTILATIONOPENINGS, VENTILATION OPENINGS IN VERTICAL WALLS, OR OTHER SIMILAROPENINGS SHALL BE LOUVERED AND COVERED WITH 1/8"NON-COMBUSTIBLE CORROSION-RESISTANT METAL MESHROOF GUTTERS IF PROVIDED SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH THE MEANS TOPREVENT THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES AND DEBRIS IN THE GUTTER. ALLROOF GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OFNON-COMBUSTSIBLE MATERIALS.WHEN DRIP EDGE FLASHING IS USED AT THE FREE EDGES OF ROOFINGMATERIALS, IT SHALL BE NON-COMBUSTIBLE. VENTILATION NOTES11/4"=1'-0"ROOF PLANI I l\ ~r--ir---irhr,---~rr~rT~TTT /TI ~1-L _j_. - -' - -' _L_ I ~----====-----===i'1_ /_--------'j<----'. --------is--I -, 1' I I I I I I I I I I I I I L, --, -,-----I I ~I~ I I ,,,.s"r:.-D ARcl-t/J; rJ) -~ «-'o :::J AMATO N. TETA :,-\ * C-5148 * REN. 1-31-23 ~ STONE VENEERDECK WITHGLASS RAILING30'-0"30 FOOT HEIGHT LIMITEXISTING GRADE42.27 F.F.EXISTING GRADE8'-9"8'-9"24 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT24'-0"TOP OFGLASS RAILING30 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT42.27 F.F.8'-9"8'-9"24 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT24'-0"EXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADESTONE VENEERSTANDING SEAM METAL ROOFSTUCCO - LIGHT SAND FINISH2'-0"GLASS RAILING 6"FROM THE EDGE42.00 30'-0"EXISTING GRADE42.00 OVERHANG BEYOND SETBACK2'-0"OVERHANG BEYOND SETBACK42.27SWAN RESIDENCE 2668 OCEAN STREET1/8/20 PRELIMINARY REVIEWCARLSBAD, CA 92008 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMITTAL © Teta Architecture Inc. dbaTRE Architecture. Thesedrawings are not valid forconstruction unless stampedand signed by TREArchitecture. All ideas,drawings and written materialsindicated or represented bythis drawing are the propertyof TRE Architecture, and werecreated, evolved anddeveloped for use on thisproject, and shall not be usedby or disclosed to any personor business for any purposewhatsoever without the writtenpermission by TRE Architecture.PROFESSIONAL STAMPCOPYRIGHTPROJECT INFODOCUMENT LOGDOCUMENT TITLEDOCUMENT NUMBERTA 1905 APN 203-141-084/12/21 CDP1CDP 2021-0025 / V 2021-0001 / CDP 2022-0002300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR SUITE 108a-336CARLSBAD CA 92008office 760 268 9090fax 760 268 9167WWW.TREARCH.COMTRE ARCHITECTURE12/30/21 CDP22/22/22 CDP3A5.1 EXTERIORELEVATIONS1SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"WEST ELEVATION2SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"NORTH ELEVATIONEXT. ELEVATION NOTESALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF FRAMING (U.N.O.).WRITTEN DIMENSIONS TO PREVAIL OVER SCALE OF DRAWINGS.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO START OF WORK.NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPENCIESALL DETAIL REFERENCES ARE TYPICAL AND APPLY TO ALL SIMILARCONDITIONS, WHETHER SPECIFICALLY REFERENCED OR NOT.ALL EXPOSED METAL AND FLASHING TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH GUTTERS.1234SCALE: NOT TO SCALEPERSPECTIVE-----L l _L_, ---Fr"~= -=-_--"--------.. _ I I,/ ---------------r--,t:'.,----~ T l J L l T ½ 1---r--------'-___,_____,~~~ [ I I I I r t I r I r1 _I-=-- -=--r r r C-5148 * REN. 1--..11-23 'F CA'--~ 30'-0"30 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT42.27 F.F.8'-9"8'-9"24 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT24'-0"30 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT8'-9"8'-9"24 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT24'-0"EXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADESTONE VENEERALUMINUMWINDOWSSTUCCO - LIGHT SAND FINISHSTUCCO - LIGHT SAND FINISHROOF DECK WITHGLASS RAILINGEXTERIOR LIGHTEXTERIOR SHOWERSTONE VENEERSTONE VENEER2'-0"EXTERIOR SHOWER30'-0"EXISTING GRADE42.27 F.F.42.00 EXISTING GRADE42.00 44.27 EXISTING GRADE6" GLASSRAIL INSETSWAN RESIDENCE 2668 OCEAN STREET1/8/20 PRELIMINARY REVIEWCARLSBAD, CA 92008 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMITTAL © Teta Architecture Inc. dbaTRE Architecture. Thesedrawings are not valid forconstruction unless stampedand signed by TREArchitecture. All ideas,drawings and written materialsindicated or represented bythis drawing are the propertyof TRE Architecture, and werecreated, evolved anddeveloped for use on thisproject, and shall not be usedby or disclosed to any personor business for any purposewhatsoever without the writtenpermission by TRE Architecture.PROFESSIONAL STAMPCOPYRIGHTPROJECT INFODOCUMENT LOGDOCUMENT TITLEDOCUMENT NUMBERTA 1905 APN 203-141-084/12/21 CDP1CDP 2021-0025 / V 2021-0001 / CDP 2022-0002300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR SUITE 108a-336CARLSBAD CA 92008office 760 268 9090fax 760 268 9167WWW.TREARCH.COMTRE ARCHITECTURE12/30/21 CDP22/22/22 CDP3A5.2EXTERIORELEVATIONS1SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"EAST ELEVATION2SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"SOUTH ELEVATIONEXT. ELEVATION NOTESALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF FRAMING (U.N.O.).WRITTEN DIMENSIONS TO PREVAIL OVER SCALE OF DRAWINGS.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO START OF WORK.NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPENCIESALL DETAIL REFERENCES ARE TYPICAL AND APPLY TO ALL SIMILARCONDITIONS, WHETHER SPECIFICALLY REFERENCED OR NOT.ALL EXPOSED METAL AND FLASHING TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH GUTTERS.1234SCALE: NOT TO SCALEPERSPECTIVED ----- --------·-~----. --c::::..._-=-"° :::_----------- ---- -------~S\:-D ARC1t, (y 1/~ ✓ AMATO N. TETA <'.;.. * C-5148 REN. 1-31-23 * GARAGEDININGADUBEDROOM8'-9" 8'-1" 24'-0"24 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT30FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT30'-0" 1'-2", TYP.right of way3'-6"41.8 @ GARAGE.ROOF DECKMEZZ.KITCHENDININGLIVINGGARAGEBATHENTRY7'-03 4"30FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT24 FOOT HEIGHT LIMITPROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE 42.27 F.F.42.0 EXIST. GRADE42.0 EXIST. GRADEPROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE42.27 F.F.41.9 FG41.6 FG5'-0" S.Y.S.B.5'-0" S.Y.S.B.41.6 FG4 1 . 6 FG 30'-0" 24'-0" EXIST. GRADESIDEWALKROOF DECKSOLAR ROOF DECK8'-9"CLOSETR48'-0"8'-9"1'-2"8'-9"3:12 SLOPEDEDICATION LINE 5'-0" 15'-0" FRONT SETBACKVARIANCE: 5'-0" REDUCTION20'-0"2'-0" DECKCANTILEVER7'-6"SETBACKAT ADU8'-4" AT SECOND FLOORVARIANCE: 1'-8" REDUCTION13'-6" ROOF AT ADU 2'-0" ROOFCANTILEVER2'-0" ROOFCANTILEVER20'-0"CURRENT SETBACK10'-0"CURRENT SETBACK4'-0"CANTILEVER4' TO PL.28'-1134"2'-0" DECKCANTILEVER2'-0" ROOFCANTILEVERSWAN RESIDENCE 2668 OCEAN STREET1/8/20 PRELIMINARY REVIEWCARLSBAD, CA 92008 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMITTAL © Teta Architecture Inc. dbaTRE Architecture. Thesedrawings are not valid forconstruction unless stampedand signed by TREArchitecture. All ideas,drawings and written materialsindicated or represented bythis drawing are the propertyof TRE Architecture, and werecreated, evolved anddeveloped for use on thisproject, and shall not be usedby or disclosed to any personor business for any purposewhatsoever without the writtenpermission by TRE Architecture.PROFESSIONAL STAMPCOPYRIGHTPROJECT INFODOCUMENT LOGDOCUMENT TITLEDOCUMENT NUMBERTA 1905 APN 203-141-084/12/21 CDP1CDP 2021-0025 / V 2021-0001 / CDP 2022-0002300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR SUITE 108a-336CARLSBAD CA 92008office 760 268 9090fax 760 268 9167WWW.TREARCH.COMTRE ARCHITECTURE12/30/21 CDP22/22/22 CDP3SECTIONSA6.11SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"SECTION2SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"SECTIONSECTION NOTESALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF FRAMING (U.N.O.).WRITTEN DIMENSIONS TO PREVAIL OVER SCALE OF DRAWINGS.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO START OF WORK.NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPENCIESALL EXPOSED WOOD SHALL BE PAINTED / STAINED PER EXTERIORELEVATION LEGEND.ALL DETAIL REFERENCES ARE TYPICAL AND APPLY TO ALL SIMILARCONDITIONS, WHETHER SPECIFICALLY REFERENCED OR NOT.RISER DIMENSIONS TO BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.MAXIMUM RISER HT. 7 3/4".PROVIDE FIRESTOPS, VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL, IN ENCLOSEDSPACES AT 10'-0" INTERVALS MAXIMUM. (U.B.C. SEC 708.2.1)STUD SPACING PER STRUCTURAL. FIREBLOCK 10'-0" EACH WAY MAX.1234567KEYNOTES,, , I /_ <---------- - - - -----f--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ ' _____________ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----1-----______,._------j I -I ~+--.,,......-.------------,-,-----------.-.-----------+-,, -~ ,,,.s"r;,.D ARcl-tfJ: r!f (:; ✓ AMATO N. TETA S-* C-5148 * REN. 1-31-23 " I I -,, ---V->----"it ------------1---/ -1 -~---------------//-'I.-. --I-/ I'" ~ ~ ·c " I I J l I I 1J I clll ·Ul ·LU ) II I Ill l I I I I I clll ·Ul ·LU IJ1 IJJ I I I I I 1· :~ ~-11 l= ITT '.'.fTI '.:".f 11= ITT '.'.fTI '.:".f 11= ITT • ,~ ~II :J IJ I J ,_ I IJ,~ 11 nillmill-111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_1111111 1_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_11 II 11111·' ·111· 11_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_111111_11 II Ill I I" 1-111111-111111-111111-I I ,I -I I l-111-111-1I1111-111111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111:~-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111111-11111 ~-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111_111-111111-11 II 11-i ii-. 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PROJECT NUMBERS - = PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN A.P.N SITE ADDRESS CDP 2021--0025 IV 2021-0001 (DEV2021-0100)/ CDP 2022--0002 203-141-08-00 -- OW PROP. ROW -EX. I - 20' 5' ! 15' FYSB - JtcDICATIO~ -I I - PL PRIVACY FENCE PER LS ---- 2 APN 03-141-15 SWAN RESIDENCE 2668 OCEAN STREET OCEAN ST I I I -APRPOX. LINE OF EX GRADE ~ l EX. AC PAVEMENT I -FF 42.27 --L TO REMAIN -- r7 - 1'-2" -~ ~ ----2%-M IN-- 4.4' MAX EXPOSED RET. WALL PER SDRSD C-5 ' 2% ' + ~ I I I: • ·1 I 11~ == = -J--:--1 - -_J L L L !1_ I_ _l_ PEA GRAVEL PER LS II I I I I I I I I I I I I~ 0---EX. 10" WATER TW@FG 1lf Ill~ t 1W t--1'--BW_@_FG • .. .• • E=" ,\·;/::./:),;}.-_'l JI ··Jlll □I ··- ·=rn11==i1•· TYPICAL WALL DETAIL t _,,_ ...J LL (.) <( t ,5' NTS 1---w w a::: I- C/) z <( w (_) 0 l SEWER NOTES: SECTION A-A NTS NO TOPOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE OF EXISTING SEWER LATERAL LOCATION PROVIDED. HISTORIC INFORMATION SUGGESTS A SEWER CONNECTION FOR 2669 GARFIELD RUNS THROUGH SUBJECT PROPERTY AND JOINS WITH SEWER FROM SUBJECT PROPERTY_ CITY TO ADVISE ON PROPOSED REQUIRED CONNECTIONS FOR BOTH 2668 OCEAN ST_ AND 2669 GARFIELD ST. ANY EXISTING SEWER LATERALS SERVICINGAPN 203-141-15 & 203-141-08 SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. THE TRENCH RESURFACING SHALL BE PER GS-25 WATER NOTE: ------ DEPENDING ON THE EXISTING WATER SERVICE TAP METHOD, CMWD TO DETERMINE IF A NEW SERVICE TAP WILL BE REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION. ,: .. CONC PATIO PER LS-:../ -• U - 4' PVC SD WALL DRAIN PER GEOTECH RECOMENDATIONS I NOTES: • ALL SERVICE LINES TO THE SUBJECT BUILDING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UNDERGROUND. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MONUMENTATION AND/OR BENCHMARKS WHICH WILL BE DISTURBED OR DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION. SUCH POINT SHALL BE REFERENCED AND REPLACED WITH APPROPRIATE MONUMENTATION BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AUTHORIZED TO PRACTICE LAND SURVEYING. A CORNER RECORD OR RECORD OF SURVEY, AS APPROPRIATE, SHALL BE FILED BY THE LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR THE REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AS REQUIRED BY THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT. • ALL STREET SIGNS, LIGHTS, LAMPS, UTILITIES, ETC_ LOCATED WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PROTECTED IN-PLACE DURING CONSTRUCTION OR REPLACED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER. • EX. FHAPPROXIMATELY 149' NORTH OF NORTHERLY PL • EX. WM FOR 203-141-09 (2678 OCEAN) IS LOCATED ALONG THEIR SOUTHERN PL, APPROXIMATELY 50' SOUTH OF PROJECT SOUTHERN PL. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN SCALE: 1 "=5' APN 203-141-07 PL 5' SYSB FF 42.27 DEEPENDED CONC CURB PER LS 5' SYSB PL l APN OWNER EXISTING LOTS PROPOSED LOTS TOTAL GROSS LOT AREA 2668 OCEAN STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CHRISTOPHER SWAN & CRISTA MCCLURE-SWAN 2668 OCEAN STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 3,748 SF (0.09 AC) 203-1 1~~ = = 1= =i-7;pc..;;;;.;;;;;Jt':::==================::SEWE;:::;:::R_::LA:;:T;ERAL:::::::FO::R;=:'i=='~~""f--EX-_-FENCE- CONC CURB -· J r 11 1 'i r i' APN 203-141-15~ -, TO REMAIN EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE SEWER DISTRICT WATER DISTRICT SCHOOL DISTRICT RESIDENTIAL (SINGLE-FAMILY) RESIDENTIAL (SINGLE-FAMILY/ADU) CITY OF CARLSBAD 4"PVCSD SECTION B-B TRENCHDRAIN CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC GRADING QUANITTIES VOLUME OF CUT VOLUME OF FILL VOLUME OF EXPORT REMEDIAL GRADING = 100 CY = 10 CY = 90 CY = 250 CY NTS TOTAL GRADED AREA (INCLUDING ROW) = 4,234 SF (0.10 AC) THESE QUANTITIES ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON FINAL ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DETAILING. APN 203-141-16 EAVE:-,65.8 ROOF RIDGE =59-7 APN 203-141-15 APN 203-141-14 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CATV FIRE PROPOSED# OF UNITS EXISTING ZONING PROPOSED ZONING COASTAL ZONE FLOOD PANEL EXISTING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION PROPOSED WATER DEMAND PROPOSED SEWAGE GENERATION PROPOSED DRAINAGE DISCHARGE WATER DRAINAGE BASIN REFERENCED DRAWINGS EXISTING ON-SITE IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPOSED ON-SITE IMPERVIOUS AREA AT&T TIME WARNER CABLEVISION CARLSBAD FIRE 2 UNITS R-3 & BEACH OVERLAY R-3 & BEACH OVERLAY YES 06073C0761H R-3 & BEACH OVERLAY 250 GPD/DU' 1 DU = 250 GPD 220 GPD/DU 8 1 DU= 220 GP□ 0.44 CFS BUENA VISTA CREEK HYDROLOGIC AREA, EL SAL TO SUB-AREA (904.21) MAP 2037 CARLSBAD DWG. P-2.2 CARLSBAD DWG 159-9 3,175 SF 2,620 SF LOT 82 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 5 FEET OF LOT 89 OF GRANVILLE PARK NO. 2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING OT MAP NO. 2037, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY JUNE 18, 1927. SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY DATED OCTOBER 9, 2019 PERFORMED BY WOODS LAND SURVEYING, INC. THE BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN HEREON WERE PROVIDED BY WOODS LAND SURVEYING, INC. PASCO LARET SUITER & ASSOCIATES MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TO THE ACCURACY OF SAID DATA OR ITS IMPACT ON THE DESIGN. LEGEND DESCRIPTION PROPERTY LINE BOUNDARY CENTERLINE EX. CONTOURS EX. RETAINING WALL EX. SEWER MAIN EX. WATER MAIN SETBACK PROPOSED BUILDING PROPOSED RETAINING WALL PROPOSED PCC PAVING PROPOSED SYNTHETIC TURF 4" PVC SD PIPE @0.5% PROPOSED GRADE CALLOUT EXISTING GRADE CALLOUT PROPOSED SEWER LATERAL PROPOSED TRENCH DRAIN PROPOSED CONC. CURB PROPOSED COBBLE RIP-RAP ABBREVIATIONS: AC ASPHALT CONCRETE APPROX APPROXIMATE BW@FG BOTTOM OF WALL AT FINISH GRADE CL CENTER LINE DW DOMESTIC WATER EL ELEVATION EX EXISTING FS FINISH SURFACE FG FINISH GROUND FYSB FRONT YARD SETBACK FL FLOWLINE HP HIGH POINT IE INVERT ELEVATION LF LINEAR FEET MAX MAXIMUM MIN MINIMUM PL PROPERTY LINE STANDARD SDRSD C-5 SYMBOL -------- --s--s-- --w--w-- ■ ■ I,,_ ,,, '•. I . ' , ' , , . I =======:o:======= FG XX.XX (FG XX.XX) -s-s---@ Ii I I I II I I II II I I I Ii I I I II I I ABBREVIATIONS CONTD: PROP PUB PVT RIM RYSB SD SDRSD SF ss SYSB TC TF TG TPFT TW TW@FG TYP PROPOSED PUBLIC PRIVATE RIM ELEVATION REAR YARD SETBACK STORM DRAIN SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING SQUARE FEET SANITARY SEWER SIDE YARD SETBACK TOP OF CURB TOP OF FENCE TOP OF GRATE TOP OF FOOTING TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL AT FINISH GRADE TYPICAL iti z 0 ii.i ~ 0::: 0 LL z ::5 a.. (9 z 0 ~ (9 ~ <( z ~ ...J w 0::: a.. 00 0 I ...... "q" ...... I (") 0 N z a.. <( SHEET -~ . RCE 68075 . 06-30-2 Civil "' " fil ID w 1i Cl z ::s s:: ii: 0 [;i w Cl 1-w w (_) w z 0::: w l-o en -enz w <( 0::: w zO <( 0 3;:00 en ~ N C1 PLSA 3176-PGP LANDSCAPE (Prescriptive Compliance Option) SWAN RESIDENCE EX. WAT 2668 OCEAN SIREET, CARLSBAD CDP 2021 0025 IV 202I-OOot I CDP 2022-000a 1/ Appendix D Prescriptive Compliance Option This appendix contains pre~criptivc requirements which may be used :as a compli:ancc option LO the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and th.is Landscape Manual for projects of less than 2,500 square feet. CompLiance w)r.h the follo.,,.,jng items is manfilltolV and must be documented on a landsca= ~Ian in order to use this antion. Project Applicant: Christa Swan Date: 02/16/22 Project Addrc~s: 2668 Oceen Street, Ge.rlsbe.d Assessor's Parcel Number: Total Landscaoe Arca: 489 M.ft. (see exhibit below) Turf Arex O ..,.._ft_ r Plam Area: 489 ..,.._ft_ Project T\'PC: sinC1le familv residence \'l7atcr Sunn! , T\"""': domestic water meter Proiect Conuct Name and Number: Br1ar, Grove 858-345-1499 "I agree t1t(m~'~•th the requirements of the pre~ptive compliance option to the City a[ Carl~bad Landscape f\fanual" Si,-rned: .ui / Y,.~\ t Dare: 02/16/22 fV v'j YES NIA REQUIREMENTS X A. Incorporate composr at a rate of :l.t leJSt four cubic yards per 1,000 square feet ro a deprh of six inches i.nto la11.dscane area /unless contraindicated bu a soil testl B. Phm materi:tl shall comnfr ·with all of the follO\\ ' t. For re&ide11tial areas, install climate adapted planes that require oceasion:tl, little or no summer X water (axer9.gc \~UCO LS plant fa.nor 0.3) for 75% of the plant area excluding edibles and :ueas using recycled water. 2. For non-residenti:tl areas, instal.l climate ad~ptcd plants that require occasion:tl, little or no summer X water (average WUCOLS plant factor 0.3) for 100% of the plant area excluding edibles and areas usinQ recvclcd water. i" I UMBl!.ED PEA GRA 1EL IN OW (MOJAVE ORE UAL) ~ u X X X X X X X X X X X X NOTES 3. A minimum three inch (3") layer of mulch sh:J..11 be applied on all exposed soil surfaces ofplancing ate:.1.s except in turf area~, creeping or rooting groundCO\'en, or direct seeding llpplications where mulch is contraindicated. C. Turf shall comnlu with all of the follmvin<>: 1. Turf sh11.ll nm exceed 25% of the landscape area in resi.denrial areas, and there shall be no ru rf in non-residenrial a1eas. 2. Turf shall not be planted on slopo!d ueas which exceed a slope of 1 foot vertical elevation ch:l.I'lge for cverv 4 feet ofhorizontal len,.,.;h. 3. Turf is prohibited in park.,1a~s Jess than 10 feet wide, unless the parlro:ay is adjacent to a parking strip and used to emer and exi, vehicles. Any rurf in parkvnys must be irrigated by subsurface itri&:l.tion or b\, other u:chrtolow th:u creates no O\'a'Snrav or runoff 0. lrri(!-J_tion svstcms ~hall comnlv u,:ith the followinu: 1. Automatic ir:rig.ition controllers arc required and must use cvapotranspiration or soil moisture sensor dam and utilize a rain sensor. 2. Irrigation controllers shall be of a type which does not lose programming data in the event the primarv power source is imerrupted. 3. Pressure reguhltors shall be installed on the irrigation system to c11.surc the dynamic pressure of the system i5 within the manufacturers recommended nressurc ranirc. 4. tianual sbut•off valves (such as a gate vafrc, ball ,,aJ,•c, or buttcrf1 y valve) shall be inst:llled as dose as ....... ssib1e to the rioim of connection of the water su-"1". 5. All irrigation emission devices must meet the requircrocncs set in the Ai"\JSI standard, ASABE/ICC 802-2014. ''Landscape Jttigatior1 Sprinkler and Emitter Standard," All sprinkler heads installed in the !an<lscape must document a .:iisuiburion uniformity low quartet of 0.65 or higher using the protocol defined in ASABE/ICC 802-2014. 6, Areas less d1an ten (I 0) feet in widrh in any direction shall be irrigaced with subsurface iuigncion or other means that rn-oduces no runoff or oversnrav. E For non-residential projects with landscape areas of 1 /JOO sq. ft. or mare, ,i. privare subm<:!ter(s) to measure !rtndscane water use sl1al1 be installed. • .\c che time of final inspection, the permit applicant must provide the owner of the propert·y \l.ilh a certiticace of completion, certific;He of ici.s1a.lhtion, ir:rig.i.tion ~chedule and a schedule of landscape and irriirarion maintenance. Appendix D City of Ca,lsbad L;mdsc:ape Manual Ll_ ----1-~ -64 sq.if) 55'sq.u ,,, .,,., ;.J. C: ::_1 __ lf Incorporate compost at a rate of at least four cubic yards per 1,000 square feet to a depth of six inches into landscape area (unless contradicted by a soil test). A minimum three-inch (3") layer of mulch shall be applied on all exposed soil surfaces of planting areas except in turf, creeping or rooting ground covers, or direct seeding applications. All irrigation emmission devices shall be subsurface drip tube (Netafim or equal) At the time of final inspection, the permit applicant must provide the owner of the property with a certificate of completion, certificate of installtion, irrigation schedule, and a landscape & irrigation maintenance schedule. Property Owner shall be responsible for all landscape maintenance. All utilities are to be screened. I am familiar with the requirements for landscape & irrigation plans contained in the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual and Water Efficient Landscape Regulations. I have prepared this plan in compliance with those regulations and the I sc e manual. I certify that the plan implements those regulations to provide efficient use of water. 02-16-22 ..J LL ~ Cl) PLANT SCHEDULE TREES SHRUBS 0 f} • 0 0 0 0 0 0 SHRUB AREAS ml GROUND COVERS BOT AN I CAL/ COMMON NAME BRAHEAARMATA / MEXICAN BLUE PALM DRACAENA DRACO I DRAGON TREE BOT AN I CAL/ COMMON NAME AEON I UM CANARIENSE / AEONIUM AGAVE GUIENGOL.A / CENTURY PLANT ALOE STRIAT A/ CORAL ALOE DASYLIRION LONGISSIMUM / TOOTI-ILESS DESERT SPOON DIANEUA REVOLUTA/ FLAX LILY ECHEVERIA X 'AFTERGLOW' I AFTERGLOW ECHEVERIA FESTUCA MAIREI / ATLAS FESCUE PROTEA COMPACT A/ PINK PROTEA RHAPHIOLEPIS UMBELLATA 'MINOR' /YEDDA HAWTHORN WESTRINGIA FRUTICOSA / COAST ROSEMARY BOTANICAL/ COMMON NAME LOMANDRA LONGIFOLIA 'BREEZE' TM/ BREEZE MAT RUSH BOTANICAL/ COMMON NAME SENECIO MANDRALISCAE 'BLUE CHALK STICKS'/ SENECIO CONT 24"BOX 48"80X SIZE 1 GAL 24"BOX 5GAL 15GAL SGAL 4"POT 1 GAL SGAL 5GAL 5GAL CONT 1 GAL CONT FLAT C RA.' SPACING 24"o.c. SPACING C'O QTY QTY 16 12 4 7 18 9 2 44 3 QTY 36 QTY 46SF ~ / ~ 4c 0\Y' ~ CON / 5%:Ac•' REMO\V&EX. WALL EXISTING 5' HIGH WOOD FENCE TO REMAIN ~ ~ld}JTER PRO-C 6 STATION IRRJ1GATION c p N"§RO~LER TO ,--,..,.;,.,~J 1± LOCATED IN GARAGE. cpN ROLLER ,ro rfiAv:lsoLAR @SYNC ET SENSOR & RAIN SIEN OR & BATr ERY BACKUP. SYNTHETIC LAW~ rf P.) -I EA.VE=65.8 --- rty Line N 55°59'04"E 74.99' □ WUCOLS HEIGHT LOW 12' LOW 25' HEIGHT LOW 1' LOW 3• LOW 3• LOW 3.5' LOW 1' LOW 1' LOW 3• LOW 4• LOW 3' LOW 4' LOW 2.5' LOW 1' □ ~ I o_✓: .,. ~ r<;:-o-:;;,"t"::--;;;r"<;;":7.,;;;;:;,>",:.:t;;;>"<=~=i"'t=;,>;;:=~;;,>''<;;:;7"~~=#sa~ •7 -< . ~ ~ -~ = ~.. SY.SB·~.· ·_--;-·.~ ·--: ~ · . .--. :-·-":-.~:-: ·c-c ~. • ·~ ~ . -:,-·...; ·. r ~__:_-_: -. '/.. : ·: •• •➔ •• ·:. •• •• •• • •• ·: • •• • •• •• •• •• ·: ": ·: • •• • •• • ••• • •• • •• ~ •• • ..... :_ • •• • •• • •• ··., • •• •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• ~-\_ • •• · •• • •• ': v-..,. . . TRENCH D C z FUTURE ELEV. STOR NP , R CIVIL ~ ,,,. , -s REF PANTRY □ □ 7 _J .... -r.:. ' . ' ✓ O'R ' . . ..-:.- ✓ . v-. . . ,.:-..- ' > y ' TV ~'-.; HYDROZONE SQ.FT. KEY (all LOW water use zones) L] = 267 sq.ft. 103 sq.ft. 119 sq.ft. ' D Ii ROO" RIDGE cg -'--'-'-'- - ~ Af,f ,DIR NEW 5' HIGH i ~---wooDFENCEOIN PROPERTY LINE _J FOR 15 ' Lt" \I\. I ~ PLANTING PLAN X O, .___. .. P I Ii I I ~ (only potable water will be used on the project -no recycled water). HYDROZONE PLAN :::.,. ...... 1 Crista Swan From:Pamela Palisoul <pampalisoul@gmail.com> Sent:Saturday, May 14, 2022 7:35 PM To:Crista Swan Subject:Your dream home! Dear Chris & Crista - I am delighted that your project is finally moving through the City and Council! As a 20 ++ year resident of Ocean Street, I am really thrilled that your dream home will enter development soon, and I whole heartedly support your project. Your plans look great, and will add to our street's beautification. Congratulations. Best, Pam Palisoul 2653 Ocean Street Sent from my iPhone 1 Crista Swan From:Irene Patton <impatton@chrometics.com> Sent:Monday, May 16, 2022 9:37 PM To:Crista Swan Subject:Regarding the Swan ADU application To whom it may concern, Hello, I am a neighbor of Crista Swan. My home at 2677 Garfield Street is one block east, and just one lot south of her house on Ocean. I purchased my home in 2015 and have already experienced several changes in the neighborhood. I was very please when I saw that the new plans for her home would not impede my view of the Pacific. I am aware that Carlsbad's regulations have limits but even so, some of them have, and would disrupt why I enjoy my home so much. She has been a very good neighbor and I support her request for new construction. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Irene Patton 619-200-3246 5/15/22 To whom it may concern: As a neighbor of the Swan’s at 2668 Ocean Street, I have reviewed, and am fully supportive of the project they are presenting. Not only is this a good use of a very small lot, but it adds to the neighborhood with its beauty and revitalizes our area here at the beach. Thank you, Swans for adding such a beautifully architectured addition to our neighborhood. Sincerely, Marian Edwards “Miki” 760-644-4433 Owner of 2669 Garfield St.