HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-24; City Council; ; Authorization of an Agreement with GoForth & Marti to Provide and Set Up Building Furnishings for the Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation ProjectMeeting Date: May 24, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Steven Steward, Municipal Projects Manager steven.stewart@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2938 Mickey Williams, Police Chief mickey.williams@carlsbadca.gov, 760-931-2175 Subject: Authorization of an Agreement with GoForth & Marti to Provide and Set Up Building Furnishings for the Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation Project District: 2 Recommended Action Adopt a resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with GoForth & Marti, a California corporation, dba G/M Business Interiors, to provide and set up building furnishings in an amount not to exceed $1,750,137 for the Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation Project, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 4715. Executive Summary The Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation Project is underway and consists of three project work areas, Phases 1 to 3. Phase 1 is scheduled to be complete in August 2022. Following the city Building Inspector’s approval to reoccupy, new building furnishings will be set up for occupants. Staff have obtained a quote from G/M Business Interiors to provide and set up the selected building furnishings for Phases 1 and 2. There is no need for new furnishings in the Phase 3 work area of the project. Staff request City Council approval of an agreement with G/M Business Interiors to provide and set up new building furnishings for the project. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.100 allows for the city’s Purchasing Officer to join with other public or quasi-public agencies in cooperative purchasing plans or programs for purchase of goods and/or services by contract, arrangement or agreement as allowed by law and as determined by the Purchasing Officer to be in the city’s best interest. The officer may buy directly from a vendor at a price established by another public agency when the other agency has made their purchase in a competitive manner. G/M Business Interiors currently has an agreement with the City of San Diego to provide and install building furnishings, as shown in Exhibit 2. The company provided a quote in the amount of $1,750,137, based on the San Diego agreement, which incorporates a cooperative purchasing contract through Omnia Partners, for furnishings in the Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation Project, as shown in Exhibit 4. The Purchasing Officer has made a determination that it is in the city’s best interest to procure these furnishings using the City of May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 1 of 350 CA Review RMC San Diego agreement and approved a bidding exemption, as shown in Exhibit 3. According to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.070(D), City Council authorization is required for procurement of goods and/or services over $100,000. Discussion The Police and Fire Headquarters, at 2560 Orion Way, as shown in Exhibit 5, was constructed in 1986 for a staff of 95. During the last 36 years, headquarters staffing has gradually increased to 188 to keep up with city development and demands for service. However, since then, the building has not been significantly renovated to efficiently accommodate the increase in personnel. The designed renovation work that is currently underway will improve safety and security, provide workplace efficiencies, replace key infrastructure components and upgrade the facility to be compliant with California’s Essential Services Building Seismic Safety Act. Most of the existing building furnishings at the headquarters are outdated and/or have reached the end of their useful life. Some of the existing furnishings have been used to build temporary offices and workstations for staff in the temporary trailers and conference rooms on site. These will be recycled following completion of the project. Delivery and set up of the new building furnishings for the project will occur in two phases, based on completion of renovation work in the building. The new furnishings include: • Monitor arms at each workstation • Dispatch consoles • Filing cabinets • Desks and tables for private offices • Chairs and benches throughout the building • Staff workstations • Locker room lockers (will be purchased but not installed as part of this agreement) Staff will retain G/M Business Interiors to install the lockers in a separate contract because, unlike other building furnishings being purchased from the company, these must be drilled into the building structure. This work amounts to a “public project” as defined in Public Contract Code Section 22002(c)(1) and therefore must be part of a minor public works contract instead of a purchasing agreement. In contrast, the purchasing agreement covers the purchase, delivery, assembly and set up of all other building furnishings. The cost breakdown for all these furnishings is provided in the table below. Staff recommend award of an agreement with G/M Business Interiors for procurement and set up of these new building furnishings. Police And Fire Headquarters Renovation Capital Improvement Program Project No. 4715 New building furnishings Cost Ancillary – monitor arms, notebook stands, lectern $52,391 Dispatch consoles – quantity of eight $194,655 Lockers – men’s and women’s locker rooms $264,069 Private offices – desks and workstations and tables $196,986 Seating – chairs and benches $197,500 Storage – file cabinets, wardrobe lockers $55,093 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 2 of 350 Systems – open area workstations $446,206 Services – taxable labor and freight $103,952 TAXABLE SUBTOTAL $1,510,852 Tax (7.75%) based on taxable subtotal $117,091 Services – nontaxable labor $122,194 TOTAL VALUE FOR FIXTURES AND FURNISHINGS $1,750,137 Options Staff provide the following options for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with G/M Business Interiors to provide and set up building furnishings in an amount not to exceed $1,750,137 for the Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation Project Pros • The new building furnishings are required upon completion of the renovation work in project phases 1 and 2 • The project budget includes funding for these items • The prices for these furnishings reflect the same discounts in a competitively bid contract in use with another local public agency • Material prices are currently increasing due to inflation and supply chain issues, so purchasing these furnishings at this time will likely cost less than if this contract were to be delayed Cons • None identified 2. Do not adopt a resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with G/M Business Interiors to provide and set up building furnishings in an amount not to exceed $1,750,137 for the Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation Project Pros • None identified Cons • Delays completion of the building renovation work pending acquisition of alternate furnishings • Viability of local public agency contracts may expire, preventing the opportunity to participate in favorable cooperative purchase agreements • Authorizing this scope of work at a future date will likely result in increased costs Staff recommend Option 1 for City Council approval. Fiscal Analysis Funding is available in the project budget to support the value of this agreement as indicated in the table below, so an additional appropriation is not required at this time. Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 4715 Total project appropriation to date $20,966,550 Total expenditures/encumbrances to date $17,171,932 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 3 of 350 TOTAL AVAILABLE BALANCE $3,794,618 Construction contingency (10%) $1,310,219 Agreement with G/M Business Interiors for new building furnishings $1,750,137 Soft costs (inspection and testing, staff and consultant time) $734,262 TOTAL REMAINING PROJECT COSTS $3,794,618 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION NEEDED $0 Next Steps Upon City Council authorization, staff will complete execution of an agreement with G/M Business Interiors and coordinate furniture delivery and set up work with the general contractor. Delivery and set up of the new furnishings for Phase 1 is expected to start in summer 2022 and be completed in spring 2023 for Phase 2. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under State Guidelines Section 15301(d) which applies to the restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated or damaged structures, facilities, or mechanical equipment to meet current standards of public health and safety. No exception to the exemption as set forth in Guidelines Section 15300.2 applies. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date Exhibits 1. City Council resolution 2. City of San Diego As-Needed Goods and Services Agreement RR-311814, dated June 18, 2018 3. Purchasing Officer’s bidding exemption approval – G/M Business Interiors, dated April 19, 2022 4. G/M Business Interiors Business Interiors Quotation No. 152595, dated April 7, 2022 5. Location map May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 4 of 350 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-119 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH GOFORTH & MARTI, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, D.B.A. G/M BUSINESS INTERIORS, TO PROVIDE AND SET UP BUILDING FURNISHINGS FOR THE POLICE AND FIRE HEADQUARTERS RENOVATION PROJECT EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, staff evaluated the current condition of existing fixtures and building furnishings, or building furnishings, at the Police and Fire Headquarters and found them to be in a deteriorated condition or inadequate in quantity or functionality for the areas to be renovated; and WHEREAS, the city requires new building furnishings for the Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation Project, Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, Project No. 4715, or Project; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad Municipal Code, or CMC, Section 3.28.100 allows for procurement of goods and/or services through cooperative purchase agreements established by another agency when that agency has made their purchase in a competitive manner and the city's purchasing officer has determined that the purchase is in the city's best interest; and WHEREAS, CMC Section 3.28.100 also provides that the city's purchasing officer has the authority to join with other public agencies in the cooperative purchasing of such goods and/or services as long as the cost of services is at, and by logical extension below, the contract price established by the other public agency; and WHEREAS, GoForth & Marti, a California corporation, d.b.a . G/M Business Interiors, or "GMBI", has an agreement with the City of San Diego (RR-311814, dated June 18, 2018) to provide and install fixtures and furnishings; and WHEREAS, the city received a quote from GMBI to provide the city with the new building furnishings for the Project for purchase through cooperative purchase agreements competitively selected and priced through Omnia Partners, formerly U.S. Communities, Government Purchasing Alliance, Contract #2020000622; and WHEREAS, the city's Purchasing Officer has determined that it is in the city's best interest to procure the new building furnishings for the Project using pricing established through the City of San Diego agreement and, therefore, approved a bidding exemption; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has determined that the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under State Guidelines Section 15301(d) which applies to the restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated or damaged structures, facilities or mechanical equipment to meet current standards of public health and safety as set forth in CEQA Guidelines section 15300.2 and no exception to the exemption as set forth in CEQA Guidelines section 15300.2 applies to this Project; and WHEREAS, funding for this purchase is available in the Project budget, and no additional appropriation is required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the purchase and set up of building furnishings by GoForth & Marti, a California corporation, d.b.a. G/M Business Interiors, in an amount not to exceed $1,750,137, are approved. 3. That the Mayor is authorized and directed to execute the fixtures and furnishings agreement attached hereto as Attachment A. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 24th day of May, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor ~ FAVIOLA MEDINA City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 ATTACHMENT A AGREEMENT FOR FIXTURES AND FURNISHINGS FOR POLICE & FIRE HEADQUARTERS CIP PROJECT NO. 4715 GOFORTH & MARTI D.B.A. G/M BUSINESS INTERIORS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the __ 1-.J.J_-f-Vv' ___ day of ___ .....__e_.--+------' 2022, by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal "), and Goforth & Marti, a California corporation, d.b.a. G/M Business Interiors, RECITALS A City requires the professional services of a consultant that is experienced in procurement, delivery, assembly, locating and alignment of fixtures and furnishings. B. Contractor has the necessary experience in providing professional services and advice related to procurement, delivery, assembly, locating and alignment of fixtures and furnishings. C. Contractor has submitted a proposal to City and has affirmed its willingness and ability to perform such work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF WORK City retains Contractor to perform, and Contractor agrees to render, those services (the "Services") that are defined in attached Exhibit "A and B", which is incorporated by this reference in accordance with this Agreement's terms and conditions. 2. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE While performing the Services, Contractor will exercise the reasonable professional care and skill customarily exercised by reputable members of Contractor's profession practicing in the Metropolitan Southern California Area and will use reasonable diligence and best judgment while exercising its professional skill and expertise. 3. TERM The term of this Agreement will be effective for a period of one (1) year from the date first above written. The City Manager may amend the Agreement to extend it for two (2) additional six (6) months periods or parts thereof. Extensions will be based upon a satisfactory review of Contractor's performance, City needs, and appropriation of funds by the City Council. The parties will prepare a written amendment indicating the effective date and length of the extended Agreement. 4. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 5. COMPENSATION The total fee payable for the Services to be performed during the initial Agreement term will be one million seven hundred fifty thousand one hundred thirty-six dollars and seventy-two cents ($1 ,750,136.72). No other compensation for the Services will be allowed except for items covered by subsequent amendments to this Agreement. If the City elects to extend the Agreement, the amount shall not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per Agreement year. The City reserves the right to withhold a ten percent (10%) retention until City has accepted the work and/or Services specified in Exhibit "A". May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 7 of 350 DocuSign Envelope ID: 07 A 1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F682 ATTACHMENT A Incremental payments, if applicable, should be made as outlined in attached Exhibit "A". 6. PREVAILING WAGE RATES Any construction, alteration, demolition, repair, and maintenance work, including work performed during design and preconstruction such as inspection and land surveying work, cumulatively exceeding $1 ,000 and performed under this Agreement are subject to state prevailing wage laws. The general prevailing rate of wages, for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the contract, shall be those as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations pursuant to the Section 1770, 1773 and 1773.1 of the California Labor Code. Pursuant to Section 1773.2 of the California Labor code, a current copy of applicable wage rates is on file in the office of the City Engineer. Contractor shall not pay less than the said specified prevailing rates of wages to all such workers employed by him or her in the execution of the Agreement. Contractor and any subcontractors shall comply with Section 1776 of the California Labor Code, which generally requires keeping accurate payroll records, verifying and certifying payroll records, and making them available for inspection. Contractor shall require any subcontractors to comply with Section 1776. 7. STATUS OF CONTRACTOR Contractor will perform the Services in Contractor's own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Contractor's independent calling, and not as an employee of City. Contractor will be under control of City only as to the result to be accomplished, but will consult with City as necessary. The persons used by Contractor to provide services under this Agreement will not be considered employees of City for any purposes. The payment made to Contractor pursuant to the Agreement will be the full and complete compensation to which Contractor is entitled. City will not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of Contractor or its agents, employees or subcontractors. City will not be required to pay any workers' compensation insurance or unemployment contributions on behalf of Contractor or its employees or subcontractors. Contractor agrees to indemnify City within thirty (30) days for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, unemployment payment or workers' compensation payment which City may be required to make on behalf of Contractor or any agent, employee, or subcontractor of Contractor for work done under this Agreement. At the City's election, City may deduct the indemnification amount from any balance owing to Contractor. 8. SUBCONTRACTING Contractor will not subcontract any portion of the Services without prior written approval of City. If Contractor subcontracts any of the Services, Contractor will be fully responsible to City for the acts and omissions of Contractor's subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as Contractor is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by Contractor. Nothing contained in this Agreement will create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Contractor and City. Contractor will be responsible for payment of subcontractors. Contractor will bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this Agreement applicable to Contractor's work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract and approved in writing by City. 9. OTHER CONTRACTORS The City reserves the right to employ other Contractors in connection with the Services. May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 8 of 350 DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F682 ATTACHMENT A 10. INDEMNIFICATION Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of the performance of the work described herein caused by any negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The parties expressly agree that any payment, attorney's fee, costs or expense City incurs or makes to or on behalf of an injured employee under the City's self-administered workers' compensation is included as a loss, expense or cost for the purposes of this section, and that this section will survive the expiration or early termination of this Agreement. 11. INSURANCE Contractor will obtain and maintain for the duration of the Agreement and any and all amendments, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise out of or in connection with performance of the services by Contractor or Contractor's agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The insurance will be obtained from an insurance carrier admitted and authorized to do business in the State of California. The insurance carrier is required to have a current Best's Key Rating of not less than "A-:VII"; OR with a surplus line insurer on the State of California's List of Approved Surplus Line Insurers (LASLI) with a rating in the latest Best's Key Rating Guide of at least "A:X"; OR an alien non-admitted insurer listed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) latest quarterly listings report. 11.1 Coverage and Limits. Contractor will maintain the types of coverage and minimum limits indicated below, unless the Risk Manager or City Manager approves a lower amount. These minimum amounts of coverage will not constitute any limitations or cap on Contractor's indemnification obligations under this Agreement. City, its officers, agents and employees make no representation that the limits of the insurance specified to be carried by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement are adequate to protect Contractor. If Contractor believes that any required insurance coverage is inadequate, Contractor will obtain such additional insurance coverage, as Contractor deems adequate, at Contractor's sole expense. The full limits available to the named insured shall also be available and applicable to the City as an additional insured. 11 .1.1 Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance. Insurance written on an "occurrence" basis, including personal & advertising injury, with limits no less than $2,000,000 per occurrence. If a general aggregate limit applies, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 11 .1.2 Automobile Liability. (if the use of an automobile is involved for Contractor's work for City). $2,000,000 combined single-limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 11 .1.3 Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workers' Compensation limits as required by the California Labor Code. Workers' Compensation will not be required if Contractor has no employees and provides, to City's satisfaction, a declaration stating this. 11 .1.4 Professional Liability. Errors and omissions liability appropriate to Contractor's profession with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per claim. Coverage must be maintained for a period of five years following the date of completion of the work. May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 9 of 350 DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 ATTACHMENT A 11 .2 Additional Provisions. Contractor will ensure that the policies of insurance required under this Agreement contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 11 .2.1 The City will be named as an additional insured on Commercial General Liability which shall provide primary coverage to the City. 11 .2.2 Contractor will obtain occurrence coverage, excluding Professional Liability, which will be written as claims-made coverage. 11 .2.3 This insurance will be in force during the life of the Agreement and any extensions of it and will not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to City sent by certified mail pursuant to the Notice provisions of this Agreement. 11 .3 Providing Certificates of Insurance and Endorsements. Prior to City's execution of this Agreement, Contractor will furnish certificates of insurance and endorsements to City. 11.4 Failure to Maintain Coverage. If Contractor fails to maintain any of these insurance coverages, then City will have the option to declare Contractor in breach, or may purchase replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on existing policies in order to maintain the required coverages. Contractor is responsible for any payments made by City to obtain or maintain insurance and City may collect these payments from Contractor or deduct the amount paid from any sums due Contractor under this Agreement. 11.5 Submission of Insurance Policies. City reserves the right to require, at any time, complete and certified copies of any or all required insurance policies and endorsements. 12. BUSINESS LICENSE Contractor will obtain and maintain a City of Carlsbad Business License for the term of the Agreement, as may be amended from time-to-time. 13. ACCOUNTING RECORDS Contractor will maintain complete and accurate records with respect to costs incurred under this Agreement. All records will be clearly identifiable. Contractor will allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of records and any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor will allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 14. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All work product produced by Contractor or its agents, employees, and subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement is the property of City. In the event this Agreement is terminated, all work product produced by Contractor or its agents, employees and subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement will be delivered at once to City. Contractor will have the right to make one (1) copy of the work product for Contractor's records. 15. COPYRIGHTS Contractor agrees that all copyrights that arise from the services will be vested in City and Contractor relinquishes all claims to the copyrights in favor of City. May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 10 of 350 DocuSign Envelope ID: 07A12680-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 ATTACHMENT A 16. NOTICES The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notice or to receive written notice on behalf of City and on behalf of Contractor under this Agreement. For City Name Steven Stewart Title Municipal Projects Manager Department Public Works City of Carlsbad Address 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone No. 442-339-2938 For Contractor Name Jason Stier! Title Project Manager Address 110 W. A. Street, Suite 140 San Diego, CA 92101 Phone No. 800-686-6583 Email jstierl@gmbi.net Each party will notify the other immediately of any changes of address that would require any notice or delivery to be directed to another address. 17. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Contractor shall file a Conflict of Interest Statement with the City Clerk in accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Conflict of Interest Code. The Contractor shall report investments or interests in all categories. Yes □ No IZI 18. GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Contractor will keep fully informed of federal, state and local laws and ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by Contractor, or in any way affect the performance of the Services by Contractor. Contractor will at all times observe and comply with these laws, ordinances, and regulations and will be responsible for the compliance of Contractor's services with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. Contractor will be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and will comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants whose services are required by this Agreement. 19. DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT PROHIBITED Contractor will comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and harassment. 20. DISPUTE RESOLUTION If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of the Services the following procedure will be used to resolve any questions of fact or interpretation not otherwise settled by agreement between the parties. Representatives of Contractor or City will reduce such questions, and their respective views, to writing. A copy of such documented dispute will be forwarded to both parties involved along with recommended methods of resolution, which would be of benefit to both parties. The representative receiving the letter will reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within ten ( 10) business days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlining the disputes will be forwarded to the City Manager. The May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 11 of 350 DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F682 ATTACHMENT A City Manager will consider the facts and solutions recommended by each party and may then opt to direct a solution to the problem. In such cases, the action of the City Manager will be binding upon the parties involved, although nothing in this procedure will prohibit the parties from seeking remedies available to them at law. 21. TERMINATION In the event of the Contractor's failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the Services, City may terminate this Agreement for nonperformance by notifying Contractor by certified mail of the termination. If City decides to abandon or indefinitely postpone the work or services contemplated by this Agreement, City may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to Contractor. Upon notification of termination, Contractor has five (5) business days to deliver any documents owned by City and all work in progress to City address contained in this Agreement. City will make a determination of fact based upon the work product delivered to City and of the percentage of work that Contractor has performed which is usable and of worth to City in having the Agreement completed. Based upon that finding City will determine the final payment of the Agreement. Either party upon tendering thirty (30) days written notice to the other party may terminate this Agreement. In this event and upon request of City, Contractor will assemble the work product and put it in order for proper filing and closing and deliver it to City. Contractor will be paid for work performed to the termination date; however, the total will not exceed the lump sum fee payable under this Agreement. City will make the final determination as to the portions of tasks completed and the compensation to be made. 22. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES Contractor warrants that Contractor has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for Contractor, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that Contractor has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, City will have the right to annul this Agreement without liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of the fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gift, or contingent fee. 23. CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS By signing this Agreement, Contractor agrees that any Agreement claim submitted to City must be asserted as part of the Agreement process as set forth in this Agreement and not in anticipation of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. Contractor acknowledges that if a false claim is submitted to City, it may be considered fraud and Contractor may be subject to criminal prosecution. Contractor acknowledges that California Government Code sections 12650 et seq., the False Claims Act applies to this Agreement and, provides for civil penalties where a person knowingly submits a false claim to a public entity. These provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of information. If City seeks to recover penalties pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to recover its litigation costs, including attorney's fees. Contractor acknowledges that the filing of a false claim may subject Contractor to an administrative debarment proceeding as the result of which Contractor may be prevented to act as a Contractor on any public work or improvement for a period of up to five (5) years. Contractor acknowledges debarment by another jurisdiction is grounds for City to terminate this Agreement. 24. JURISDICTION AND VENUE Any action at law or in equity brought by either of the parties for the purpose of enforcing a right or rights provided for by this Agreement will be tried in a court of competent jurisdiction in the May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 12 of 350 DocuSign Envelope ID: D7 A 1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 ATTACHMENT A County of San Diego, State of California, and the parties waive all provisions of law providing for a change of venue in these proceedings to any other county. 24. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS It is mutually understood and agreed that this Agreement will be binding upon City and Contractor and their respective successors. Neither this Agreement nor any part of it nor any monies due or to become due under it may be assigned by Contractor without the prior consent of City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 25. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, together with any other written document referred to or contemplated by it, along with the purchase order for this Agreement and its provisions, embody the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter of it. In case of conflict, the terms of the Agreement supersede the purchase order. Neither this Agreement nor any of its provisions may be amended, modified, waived or discharged except in a writing signed by both parties. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 13 of 350 DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 ATTACHMENT A 26. AUTHORITY The individuals executing this Agreement and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR Goforth & Marti, a California corporation, d.b.a. G/M Business Interiors By: (sign here) Laurinda P. Easley, President & Secretary (print name/title) By: (sign here) (print name/title) CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California Matt Hall, Mayor ATTEST: ~ for Faviola Medina, City Clerk Services Manager If required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by contractor must be attached. If a corporation, Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two groups. Group A Chairman, President, or Vice-President Group B Secretary, Assistant Secretary, CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney BY:~ Assistant City Attorney May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 14 of 350 PSA22-1824FAC City Attorney Approved Version 6/12/18 9 EXHIBIT “A” SERVICES ITEM NO. UNIT QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE 1 Lot 1 Ancillary – monitor arms, notebook stands, lectern $52,390.21 2 Lot 1 Dispatch consoles – quantity of eight $194,654.63 3 Lot 1 Lockers – men’s and women’s locker rooms $264,068.70 4 Lot 1 Private offices – desks and workstations $153,245.96 5 Lot 1 Seating – chairs and benches $197,500.13 6 Lot 1 Storage – file cabinets, wardrobe lockers $55,092.93 7 Lot 1 Tables - meeting tables, multiple sizes $43,739.92 8 Lot 1 Systems – open area workstations $446,206.58 9 Lot 1 Services – taxable labor and freight $103,952.65 Taxable Subtotal $1,510,851.71 Tax (7.75%) based on taxable subtotal $117,091.01 Services – nontaxable labor $122,194.00 TOTAL, not to exceed $1,750,136.72 Project ID / Who & Where S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT 1525953/18/2022 SHIP TO: CARLSBAD (ORION) FIRE DEPT2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD CA 92010 Phone:Fax: (760)602-7543 BILL TO:3845 CITY OF CARLSBAD1635 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Phone:Fax:STEVE STEWARTSTEVE STEWART (760)602-7543 Systems Desk Units Tables Files Chairs Ancillary1040350321 7Product Counts: QuotationDate: Storage 51 QUOTE VALID THROUGH 6.30.2022 **PROJECT IS TO BE COMPLETED IN 2 PHASES*** ALL PRODUCT AND DELIVERY/INSTALLATION SERVICES ARE ON THIS ORDER FOR BOTH PHASESORDER #187196 IS FOR SPACE SAVER INSTALLATION ONLY EASSET ORDER# 33042 ****ALL INSTALLATION LABOR IS QUOTED AS PREVAILING WAGE LABOR********NOTE THE "ASSEMBLY LABOR" IS TAXABLE**** PROJECT# TBD ORDER FOR PHASE 1 & 2 - SYSTEMS FURNITURE, PRIVATE OFFICES, TABLES, STORAGE AND SEATINGDISCOUNT AND LABOR STRUCTURE MIRRORED FROM CITY OF SAN DIEGO CONTRACT 102318 HMANB847 BASEDONHERMAN MILLER OMNIA CONTRACT: 2020000622 PRODUCT TYPE: HERMAN MILLER CANVAS AND RENEW LINK WORKSTATION QTY # (104)PRIVATE OFFICE QTY # (29) FOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER **************PROJECT START DATE: PHASE 1 - AUGUST 2022 / PHASE 2 - JUNE 2023**************CUSTOMER MOVE-IN DATE: FALL 2023 Product Summary / Scope of Work GRAND TOTAL $1,750,136.72 Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 1 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 15 of 350 SCOPE OF WORK: 1) DESIGN SYSTEMS FURNITURE WHICH INCLUDES FIELD RESEARCH, PROGRAMMINGWORKSTATIONS, MAKING COLOR SELECTIONS, PRODUCING ALL DRAWINGS, PRODUCTSPECIFICATIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL.2) COORDINATE AND PROJECT MANAGE ASSEMBLY OF SYSTEMS FURNITURE AND SUPPLYELECTRICAL AND DATA INFORMATION WHERE APPLICABLE3) G/M SERVICES QUOTED AS 15 DAYS DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS4) COORDINATE ALL SERVICES WITH: STEVEN STEWART @ (760) 602-7543 **NOTE: QUOTE WILL NEED TO BE ADJUSTED IF SERVICES ARE TO TAKE PLACE AFTER BUSINESS HOURS, ORDURINGTHE WEEKEND RUSS BASSET SCOPE OF WORK: 1) INSTALL (8) CONSOLE UNITS AND STORAGE PER DRAWING IN ONE SINGLE PHASE. ALL TRASH AND SHIPPINGDEBRIS WILL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF BY THE RUSS BASSSET INSTALLATION TEAM UNLESS ON SITEARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE BY THE CUSTOMER. THE AREA AND DELIVERY PATH IN WHICH NEWCONSOLES OR COMPONENTS ARE TO BE INSTALLED SHALL BE FREE AND CLEAR OF DEBRIS ANDOBSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO RUSS BASSETT'S ARRIVAL TO THE PROJECT SITE.2) ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS OF MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 7AMTO 5PM3) ALL LABOR TO COMPLY WITH LOCAL UNION/PREVAILING WAGE RATES AND RULES. ***LABOR BREAKDOWN*** DESIGN HOURS FOR ENTIRE PROJECT - 211 FURNITURE PLANNER/SPECIFIER HOURS @ $60.00/HR = $12,660.00 RUSS BASSET INSTALL = $45,000.00 HERMAN MILLER FURNITURE INSTALL: INSTALL LOCKING GATE ON GENTLY USED LOCKERS IN TEMPORARY TRAILERS - (2) INSTALLERS - (13) HOURS @$42.00/HR = $546.00 INSTALL HOURS PHASE 1 - (10) BUSINESS DAYS(1) PROJECT MANAGER - 80 HOURS @ $53.00/HR = $4,240.00(2) FOREMAN - (160) HOURS @ $58.00/HR = $9,280.00(18) INSTALLERS - (1,440) HOURS @ $42.00/HR = $60,480.00(1) WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR - (40) HOURS @ $44.00/HR = $1,760.00(2) WAREHOUSE LABORER - (80) HOURS @ $33.00/R = $2,640.00(1) DRIVER - (40) HOURS @ $43.00/HR = $1,720.00 INSTALL HOURS PHASE 2 - (10) BUSINESS DAYS(1) PROJECT MANAGER - 80 HOURS @ $53.00/HR = $4,240.00(2) FOREMAN - (160) HOURS @ $58.00/HR = $9,280.00(18) INSTALLERS - (1,440) HOURS @ $42.00/HR = $60,480.00(1) WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR - (40) HOURS @ $44.00/HR = $1,760.00(2) WAREHOUSE LABORER - (80) HOURS @ $33.00/R = $2,640.00(1) DRIVER - (40) HOURS @ $43.00/HR = $1,720.00 G|M INSTALL TOTAL - $160,786.00 LABOR GRAND TOTAL - $218,446.00 PRODUCT TOTAL - $1,406,899.06 Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 2 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 16 of 350 FREIGHT TOTAL - $7,700.65 ORDER GRAND TOTAL - $1,750,136.72 Quotation # 152595G/M 1 84,777.00 84,777.00 52,390.21 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT ANCILLARY Who/What/Where 52,390.21 BOM A BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 171Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (5) EA ERGOTRON NEO-FLEX NOTEBOOK LIFT STANDS, (5) EA ERGOTRON LX DESK MOUNT ARMS, (71) EA ERGOTRON LX DUAL SIDE-BY-SIDE ARMS, (1) EA CLARUS GLASSBOARD FLOAT, (1) EA OFS 24X22X43.75 LECTERN W/ POWER PHASE 2 - (9) EA ERGOTRON NEO-FLEX NOOTBOOK LIFT STANDS, (9) EA ERGOTRON LX DESK MOUNT ARMS, (65) EA ERGOTRON LX DUAL SIDE-BY-SIDE ARMS, (2) EA CLARUS 48X60 FLOAT GLASSBOARDS, & (1) EA ULINE 18X15X8 PACKING TABLE LOCKING DRAWER Design Fee 1 .00 .00 194,654.63 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT DISPATCH Who/What/Where 194,654.63 BOM B BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 348Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (8) RUSS BASSET WORKSTATIONS Design Fee 1 15,072.00 15,072.00 264,068.70 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT GYM AND OFFICE LOCKERS Who/What/Where 264,068.70 BOM C BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 7Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (6) BRC 15X20X48 LOCKERS PHASE 2 - (77) EA SPACESAVER LOCKERS IN WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM 1-TIER AND 2-TIER LOCKERS WITH SLOPED TOPS, (27) EA EVIDENCE ROOM LOCKERS IN VARYING HEIGHTS AND SIZES, (34) EA DUTY BAG LOCKER BANKS WITH (3) LOCKERS PER BANK, (4) BANKS OF SHOTGUN STORAGE LOCKERS, (8) BANKS OF DAY USE LOCKERS WITH (4) LOCKERS PER BANK, (1) FLAMMABLE CABINET FOR DRYING ROOM Design Fee Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 3 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 17 of 350 Quotation # 152595G/M 1 545,599.20 545,599.20 153,245.96 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT PRIVATE OFFICES Who/What/Where 153,245.96 BOM D BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 911Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (15) HERMAN MILLER CANVAS PRIVATE OFFICES WITH VARIOUS DESK AND STORAGE CONFIGURATIONS PHASE 2 - (14) HERMAN MILLER CANVAS PRIVATE OFFICES WITH VARIOUS DESK AND STORAGE CONFIGURATIONS Design Fee 1 440,556.00 440,556.00 197,500.13 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT SEATING Who/What/Where 197,500.13 BOM E BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 321Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (73) HERMAN MILLER AERON SIZE C TASK CHAIRS, (58) HERMAN MILLER VERUS GUEST CHAIRS, (42) HERMAN MILLER CAPER ARMLESS STACKING CHAIRS PHASE 2 - (74) EA HERMAN MILLER AERON TASK CHAIRS, (3) EA NEVINS CLASSIC PARSONS BENCHES, (36) EA HERMAN MILLER VERUS SIDE CHAIRS, (26) EA HERMAN MILLER CAPER ARMLESS STACKING CHAIRS, & (6) EA HERMAN MILLER CAPER STACKING ARMLESS STOOLS Design Fee Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 4 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 18 of 350 Quotation # 152595G/M 1 171,684.00 171,684.00 55,092.93 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT STORAGE Who/What/Where 55,092.93 BOM F BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 131Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (5) EA HERMAN MILLER 20D MOBILE BOX/FILE PEDESTALS W/ CUSHION TOP, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 2H LATERAL FILE, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 3H LATERAL FILE, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX64H STORAGE CASES, (6) EA HERMAN MILLER 36WX64H STORAGE CASES, & (9) EA HERMAN MILLER 42WX64H STORAGE CASES, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX18D FILES, (7) EA HERMAN MILLER 42WX20D LATERAL FILES, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX20D DOUBLE DOOR LOCKERS, & (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX20DX52.5H DOUBLE DOOR TALL WARDROBE LOCKERS PHASE 2 - (5) EA HERMAN MILLER WOOD WARDROBE TOWER, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 20D BOX/BOX/FILE FREESTANDING PEDESTAL, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 24D BOX/BOX/FILE SURFACE-ATTACHED PEDESTAL, (2) EA HERMAN MILLER 30W 2H LATERAL FILES, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 30W 3H LATERAL FILE, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 2H LATERAL FILES, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 3H LATERAL FILES, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 4H LATERAL FILES, (2) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 4H LATERAL FILES W/ FLIP DRAWER, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX38H STORAGE CASE, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX64H STORAGE CASES, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 42WX38H STORAGE CASES, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 42WX64H STORAGE CASE Design Fee 1 1,602,931.20 1,602,931.20 446,206.58 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT SYSTEMS Who/What/Where 446,206.58 BOM G BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 4266Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (52) HERMAN MILLER CANVAS AND RENEW LINK WORKSTATIONS PHASE 2 - (52) HERMAN MILLER CANVAS AND RENEW LINK WORKSTATIONS Design Fee Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 5 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 19 of 350 Quotation # 152595G/M 1 137,329.20 137,329.20 43,739.92 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT TABLES Who/What/Where 43,739.92 BOM H BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 117Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (1) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 24DX60W RECTANGULAR TABLE, (18) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 24DX72W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (2) EA HERMAN MILLER 36DX60W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 36DX36W SQUARE TABLES, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 36DX72W SOFT RECTANGLE MEETING TABLE, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 42DX84W SOFT RECTANGLE MEETING TABLE, (5) EA HERMAN MILLER RENEW 30DX60W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (2) EA HERMAN MILLER RENEW 30DX66W RECTANGULAR TABLES, & (2) EA ULINE 30X72 STAINLESS STEEL TABLES W/ BOTTOM SHELF & CASTERS PHASE 2 - (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 24X108 HEADWAY COMMUNAL TABLE, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 36X120 HEADWAY COMMUNAL TABLE, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 24DX72W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 30DX48W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 36DX36W SQUARE TABLES, (2) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 42"DIA ROUND TABLES, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 36DX72W SOFT RECTANGLE MEETING TABLE, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 24DX42W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER 24DX66W RECTANGULAR TABLES, & (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 24DX72W RECTANGULAR TABLE Design Fee 0 .00 .00 .00 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT SERVICES Who/What/Where .00 BOM I BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials Piece Count: .00.00.0045,000.00 FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - RUSS BASSETT PREVAILING WAGE LABOR Design Fee Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 6 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 20 of 350 Quotation # 152595G/M 1 .00 .00 .00 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT SERVICES Who/What/Where .00 BOM J BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials Piece Count: .00.00108.00438.00 FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - SERVICES TO INSTALL GRAINGER LOCKING DOOR BY DRILLING INTO 2 EXISTING SPACECO LOCKERS IN TEMPORARY TRAILERS Design Fee 0 .00 .00 .00 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT Z G/M Services Who/What/Where .00 BOM K BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials Piece Count: 12,660.00.0096,144.0064,096.00 FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 & 2 - PREVAILING WAGE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION SERVICES PHASE 1 & 2 - DESIGN SERVICES G/M Furniture Planning Services, if applicable, include field measurements, drawing AutoCAD building shells, developing typical workstations and private office standards, space planning typicals into the floorplan, developing furniture color schemes, order specifications and receiving client approvals for all drawings and color schemes for order entry. G/M Project Management Services include drawings and field measure checks, order scheduling & routing, electrical consulting with contractors,field checks,monitoring construction progress along with delivery, assembly, punchlist coordination through final completion. G/M Project Services include receiving and inspecting of each product, shipping damage adjudication with vendors, transporting product if applicable, staging of products, delivery, setting in place of all furniture, level clean and polishing of all items, vacuum floors and recycling of all waste products associated with the furniture project. G/M Punchlist Services include formulation of the project punchlist, ordering and receiving of punchlist products, and delivery and assembly to finalize the punchlist and project. G/M Warranty Services Department is provided to offer clients our no-charge warranty service work for all furniture protected under valid factory warranties. G/M maintains electronic copies of our Client's invoices for warranty enforcement. For service requests, our Warranty Department may be contacted via e-mail at warranty@gmbi.net Design Fee Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 7 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 21 of 350 Quotation # 152595G/M Product Subtotal: Services (Non-Taxable) Services (Taxable) Freight (Taxable) Design Services (Non-Taxable) Sales Tax (7.750%) $1,406,899.06 $109,534.00 $96,252.00 $7,700.65 $12,660.00 $117,091.01 $1,750,136.72Total: Taxable Subtotal: Non-Taxable Subtotal: $1,510,851.71 $122,194.00 Terms: Net 30 Days, 90% Due at Substantial Delivery 90%$1,575,123.05 Terms: 10% @ Punchlist 10%$175,013.67 Signed Date I have reviewed the quote, the bill of materials, the drawings (if applicable), the color cards (if applicable), and other associated exhibits for my order. I approve the colors, fabrics, and finishes as previously selected and correct as shown on the attached exhibit. I am satisfied that the product I have selected is the correct size and is suitable and will perform for its intended purpose. I am aware this product is manufactured to order and is not returnable to G/M or to the manufacturer. I understand that legal title to the product will transfer upon delivery to my commercial or residential location and all associated labor is taxable until title transfers. I am aware additional costs charged for inside delivery, staging, setting in place, assembly, leveling, cleaning, polishing, recycling of waste materials are separately stated and are elected as an additional contract option. I am aware of the grand total price of this contract as shown on this quote. Approved by: Signature Print Name/Title Date G/M is ordering your furniture from a variety of manufacturers to be aggregated and received into our G/M operated warehouse. Once the final portion of your order has been received, a “ready to deliver” notification will be sent to you. G/M, at this point, will graciously, store your complete order for up to two weeks at no charge. If for some reason you cannot accept a timely delivery within two weeks, a quote for one month’s handling and storage shall be calculated and forwarded to you. This quote is valid for 30 days. Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 8 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 22 of 350 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Product of the Month -elevate® Wireless Desk Power GIM accepts credit cards at 0% for purchases up to $10,000 Purchases over $10,000 requires a surcharge of 2.75% S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:11 PMAQuote #152595 ANCILLARYDepartment: Contract ULINE 1 .00 .00 150.00 150.001 %H-1550 PACKING TABLE LOCKING DRAWER 18X15X8 ANCILLARYTag:OFS 1 1,980.00 1,980.00 831.60 831.60 58.002 %ED1-2444AVLEC Education 24x22x43.75 AV Lectern ~TFL Lectern Top Finish TFL Top NW2 TFL Root (NW2) RW2 Lectern Edge FinishPure White (RW2) RW2 Chassis Finish Pure White (RW2) LCK2 Lock Requires 2 Lock Cores, Locking MSL Hardware/Base Luster Grey C3B Shelves TFL (standard) ANCILLARYTag: 1 .00 .00 .00 .00 58.003 %LOCK-SET-1 Set of 1 lock and key. NICKEL Finish Nickel ALIKE Key Type Alike 100 Starting Key #, Nick100 Standard 2 # of Lock sets 2 ANCILLARYTag: 1 216.00 216.00 90.72 90.72 58.004 %PS-55W 5.4375x3.375x2.125 White Power Supply with USB ports ANCILLARYTag:ERGOTRON 5 267.00 1,335.00 166.88 834.40 37.505 %45-241-026 Ergotron, LX Desk Mount Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag: 9 135.00 1,215.00 84.38 759.42 37.506 %33-334-085 Neo-Flex Notebook Lift Stand ANCILLARYTag: 5 135.00 675.00 84.38 421.90 37.507 %33-334-085 Neo-Flex Notebook Lift Stand ANCILLARYTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 23 of 350 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:11 PMAQuote #152595 ANCILLARYDepartment: Contract ERGOTRON 9 267.00 2,403.00 166.88 1,501.92 37.508 %45-241-026 Ergotron, LX Desk Mount Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag: 40 531.00 21,240.00 331.88 13,275.20 37.509 %45-245-026 Ergotron, LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag: 25 531.00 13,275.00 331.88 8,297.00 37.5010 %45-245-026 Ergotron, LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag: 40 531.00 21,240.00 331.88 13,275.20 37.5011 %45-245-026 Ergotron, LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag: 31 531.00 16,461.00 331.88 10,288.28 37.5012 %45-245-026 Ergotron, LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag:CLARUS 1 1,579.00 1,579.00 888.19 888.19 43.7513 % GLASSBOARD FLOAT MOUNTING TYPE: ADJUSTABLE TRUMOUNT GLASS HEIGHT: 48" GLASS WIDTH: 60" THICKNESS: 1/4" GLASS TYPE: LOW IRON MAGNETIC: YES FINISH: PURE WHITE C100 TEMPERED: YES EDGEWORK: FLAT POLISH GRAPHICS: NO CUSTOM FAB: NO INCLUDES MOUNTING HARDWARE INCLUDES (3) MAGNETS ANCILLARYTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 24 of 350 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:11 PMAQuote #152595 ANCILLARYDepartment: Contract CLARUS 2 1,579.00 3,158.00 888.19 1,776.38 43.7514 %GB-F-MM-4860 GLASSBOARD FLOAT MOUNTING TYPE: ADJUSTABLE TRUMOUNT GLASS HEIGHT: 48" GLASS WIDTH: 60" THICKNESS: 1/4" GLASS TYPE: LOW IRON MAGNETIC: YES FINISH: PURE WHITE C100 TEMPERED: YES EDGEWORL: FLAT POLISH GRAPHICS: NO CUSTOM FAB: NO INCLUDES MOUNTING HARDWARE INCLUDES (3) MAGNETS ANCILLARYTag: Product Subtotal: $52,390.21 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 25 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 8 .00 .00 94.88 759.041 %WAC-DTB-14 14 Port Data Termination Bracket, Universal DISPATCHTag: 32 .00 .00 47.44 1,518.082 %DAC-CO-USB USB-A 3.0 Keystone - Coupler (Includes 15' Extension) DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 158.13 158.133 %FTC-0724-S-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 24W, Solid, Square DISPATCHTag: 4 .00 .00 150.23 600.924 %FTC-0718-S-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 18W, Solid, Square DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 236.48 1,891.845 %WAC-DASH-1P2U Dash Cartridge, 1 Power / 2 Power-only USB DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 255.88 511.766 %FBP-2442-SPS Flex Back Panel, 24W x 42H, Solid, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: 4 .00 .00 247.98 991.927 %FBP-1842-SPS Flex Back Panel, 18W x 42H, Solid, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 213.48 213.488 %DEF-STG-TOP-1530-N-S Storage Top, 15"D x 30"W DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 209.88 419.769 %DEF-PSD-BSE-0245 Drawer Base, 3 Wide, 24"D x 45"W x 2"H DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 26 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 1 .00 .00 715.88 715.8810 %WAC-ARTWORK Logo Artwork Prep - Per Logo Design DISPATCHTag: 10 .00 .00 237.19 2,371.9011 %FTC-0784-S-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 84W, Solid, Square DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 173.94 347.8812 %FTC-0736-S-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 36W, Solid, Square DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 166.04 166.0413 %FTC-0730-S-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 30W, Solid, Square DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 531.88 531.8814 %FSW-07-3642-EMT-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 36L x 42H, Empty Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 13 .00 .00 319.13 4,148.6915 %FSW-07-3042-EMT-EMT Flex Wall, 07D, 13L x 42H, Empty Side A, Empty Side B DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 681.38 681.3816 %FSW-07-1842-SWN-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 18L x 42H, Empty Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 684.98 684.9817 %FPT-301228-LD-L-N-S Flex Technology Pedestal, 30D x 12W x 28H, Left Swing, No Lock, Slide-Out DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 271.69 271.6918 %FBP-3642-SPS Flex Back Panel, 36W x 42H, Solid, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 27 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 11 .00 .00 263.79 2,901.6919 %FBP-3042-SPS Flex Back Panel, 30W x 42H, Solid, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 380.94 761.8820 %DEF-STG-TOP-2445-N-S Storage Top, 24"D x 45"W DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 171.79 343.5821 %DEF-PSD-BSE-0230 Drawer Base, 2 Wide, 24"D x 30"W x 2"H DISPATCHTag: 24 .00 .00 413.29 9,918.9622 %DAC-MM-01-SW-PM Monitor Mount, Slatwall, Pole Mount DISPATCHTag: 5 .00 .00 1,037.88 5,189.4023 %WAC-ETCH-TEXT Glass Etching, Text - Per Text Line DISPATCHTag: 5 .00 .00 751.81 3,759.0524 %WAC-ETCH-LOGO Glass Etching, Logo - Per Logo Instance DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 1,282.98 10,263.8425 %FWS-SCA-3684-N-W Work Surface, 90 Degree Corner Sit-Stand, Single Lift Array, 36D x 84L DISPATCHTag: 3 .00 .00 654.06 1,962.1826 %FWS-FRE-3636-W Work Surface, Rectangle, 36D x 36L DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 600.16 600.1627 %FWS-FRE-3630-W Work Surface, Rectangle, 36D x 30L DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 28 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 3 .00 .00 1,833.54 5,500.6228 %FTC-0784-GL-BL-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 84W, Blue Lit Glass W/ Logo, Square DISPATCHTag: 3 .00 .00 823.69 2,471.0729 %FSW-07-5442-SSF-SSF Flex wall, 07D, 54L x 42H, Sit-Stand Fabric Side A, Sit-Stand Fabric Side B DISPATCHTag: 10 .00 .00 603.04 6,030.4030 %FSW-07-5442-EMT-SSF Flex wall, 07D, 54L x 42H, Empty Side A, Sit-Stand Fabric Side B DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 728.81 728.8131 %FSW-07-3642-SWN-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 36L x 42H, Slatwall Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 516.06 516.0632 %FSW-07-3042-EMT-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 30L x 42H, Empty Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 4 .00 .00 484.44 1,937.7633 %FSW-07-1842-EMT-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 18L x 42H, Empty Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 6,120.88 48,967.0434 %FSA-Cs-84 Flex Sit-Stand, 90 Degree Corner, 84W, Single Lift, Adj. Array DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 936.54 936.5435 %FPT-303628-PD-L-N-S Flex Technology Pedestal, 30D x 36W x 28H, Pair of Doors, No Lock, Slide-Out DISPATCHTag: 3 .00 .00 708.69 2,126.0736 %FPT-301828-LD-L-N-S Flex Technology Pedestal, 30D x 18W x 28H, Left Swing, No Lock, Slide-Out DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 29 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 2 .00 .00 708.69 1,417.3837 %FPT-242428-LD-L-N-S Flex Technology Pedestal, 24D x 24W x 28H, Left Swing, No Lock, Slide-Out DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 1,599.94 3,199.8838 %DEF-STW-243672-2L-CS- Storage Tower, 24"D x 36"W x 72"H, 2 Lateral W/ Doors DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 571.41 571.4139 %DEF-SHF-1530-3H-OS Lateral Shelving Cabinet, 15"D x 30"W x 42"H, 3 High Unit, Open Shelf DISPATCHTag: 10 .00 .00 1,239.13 12,391.3040 %DEF-PSD-2415-3H-MS Personal Storage Drawer, 24"D x 15"W x 42"H, 3 High Unit, Mail Slot, Locking DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 1,712.06 13,696.4841 %DAC-PCS-FLX-A Flex Personal Comfort System, Heat & Air, Array Console DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 467.19 3,737.5242 %DAC-MM-01-SW-PM-HD Monitor Mount, Slatwall, Pole Mount, HD DISPATCHTag: 13 .00 .00 63.25 822.2543 %WAC-PAN-0718 7" PC Pan for 7" Wall, 18" Long DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 118.60 948.8044 %WAC-IV-RMK-2 2U Internal Vertical Rack Kit DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 362.25 2,898.0045 %WAC-DASH-TL-GSNK Dash Cartridge, Gooseneck Light DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 30 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 8 .00 .00 276.00 2,208.0046 %WAC-DASH-AMB-DIMMI Dash Cartridge, Ambient Dimmer DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 546.25 1,092.5047 %FWS-FRE-3624-W Work Surface, Rectangle, 36D x 24L DISPATCHTag: 6 .00 .00 492.35 2,954.1048 %FWS-FRE-3618-W Work Surface, Rectangle, 36D x 18L DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 1,242.00 1,242.0049 %FTC-0724-GL-BL-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 24W, Blue Lit Glass W/ Logo, Square DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 1,190.25 1,190.2550 %FTC-0718-GL-BL-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 18W, Blue Lit Glass W/ Logo, Square DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 500.25 1,000.5051 %FSW-07-2442-EMT-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 24L x 42H, Empty Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 480.85 3,846.8052 %FPD-3618-BBF-L-N Flex Drawer Pedestal, 36D x 18W, Box/Box/File, Laminate Faces, No Lock DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 787.75 6,302.0053 %FCF-42-T-SSF Flex Sit-Stand Corner Filler, 42H, Tech Storage, Fabric DISPATCHTag: 3 .00 .00 362.25 1,086.7554 %FCC-07T-9042-EPS Flex Corner Connector, 7D, 90 Degree T-Type, 42H, Exterior, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 6 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 31 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 2 .00 .00 362.25 724.5055 %FCC-07L-9042-EPS Flex Corner Connector, 7D, 90 Degree L-Type, 42H, Exterior, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 118.60 948.8056 %DAC-SW-PAPER Slatwall Paper Flow Mgr. DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 63.25 506.0057 %DAC-SW-LTR-LT Slatwall Letter Tray - Letter DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 63.25 506.0058 %DAC-AMB-PWR Ambient Light Power Supply W/ Splitter DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 314.81 2,518.4859 %WAC-AMB-AR-C-84-B Ambient Light, Array, 90-Cmr, 84" Blue DISPATCHTag: 7 .00 .00 314.81 2,203.6760 %FEC-FH-0742-L Flex End Cap, Fixed Height, 7" Wall, 42"H, Lam DISPATCHTag: 10 .00 .00 295.41 2,954.1061 %FBP-5442-SPS Flex Back Panel, 54W x 42H, Solid, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 278.16 556.3262 %DEF-STG-TOP-2430-N-S Storage Top, 24"D x 30"W DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 153.81 1,230.4863 %DAC-SW-WIPES-425 Slatwall Disinfecting Wipes Holder, 4.25" Diameter DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 7 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 32 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $194,654.63 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 8 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 33 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:16 PMCQuote #152595 GYM AND OFFICE LOCKERSDepartment: Contract SPACESAVER 1 .00 .00 258,228.30 258,228.301 % SPACESAVER LOCKERS GYM AND OFFICE LOCKERSTag:BRC 6 2,512.00 15,072.00 973.40 5,840.40 61.252 %FLCKXW15D20H48D4-HL-LKP Lockers 48" High (LBB) 15W x 20D x 48H Top Mat:LPL 3/4" Body Mat:LPL Front Mat:LPL Hinge:Hinge Left Lock Type:Lock KitLock Pad Hanger:CH- Coat Hook Standard Finish: Finesse One inch of leveling Wood grain runs vertically where applicable Lockers to be ganged together on site GYM AND OFFICE LOCKERSTag: Product Subtotal: $264,068.70 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 34 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract ELEVATE 4 15.60 62.40 14.57 58.28 6.601 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 14 15.60 218.40 14.57 203.98 6.602 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White PRIVATE OFFICESTag: GMHARDWARE 3 .00 .00 6.82 20.463 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 6.82 13.644 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH PRIVATE OFFICESTag: HERMANMILLER 3 4,244.00 12,732.00 1,198.93 3,596.79 71.755 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 35 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 4,244.00 4,244.00 1,198.93 1,198.93 71.756 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 4,189.00 4,189.00 1,183.39 1,183.39 71.757 %DU6ACS.3054LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 54W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 768.00 3,072.00 226.56 906.24 70.508 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 768.00 768.00 226.56 226.56 70.509 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 36 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 762.00 762.00 194.31 194.31 74.5010 %SA575920 Modesty Panel 72 72" wide F full modesty panel L laminate LBC walnut on ash laminate with LBC vinyl edge. **Grain to run in horizontal Direction PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,432.00 1,432.00 422.44 422.44 70.5011 %LW200.361 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 36W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,262.00 1,262.00 372.29 372.29 70.5012 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,262.00 1,262.00 372.29 372.29 70.5013 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 2,070.00 4,140.00 527.85 1,055.70 74.5014 %FV43F.WM1548LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 37 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 3 3,600.00 10,800.00 918.00 2,754.00 74.5015 %FF52M.72422CRLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 247.00 988.00 76.57 306.28 69.0016 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 247.00 247.00 76.57 76.57 69.0017 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 637.00 637.00 162.44 162.44 74.5018 %FTS10.2490LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 90W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 543.00 543.00 138.47 138.47 74.5019 %FTS10.3060LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 60W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 668.00 668.00 170.34 170.34 74.5020 %FTS10.3072LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 668.00 668.00 170.34 170.34 74.5021 %FTS10.3072LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 38 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 640.00 640.00 163.20 163.20 74.5022 %FTS10.2496LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 96W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 464.00 928.00 118.32 236.64 74.5023 %FTS10.2460LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 60W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,151.00 1,151.00 339.55 339.55 70.5024 %LG500.3026 Bookcase 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 359.00 1,436.00 91.55 366.20 74.5025 %FV2E2.S24FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 24"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 526.00 1,052.00 134.13 268.26 74.5026 %FV980.WM2348R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 48W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 636.00 1,908.00 162.18 486.54 74.5027 %FV697.60FL Modesty Panel,full modesty panel, 60W Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 366.00 1,464.00 93.33 373.32 74.5028 %FV2E2.S30FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 30"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 366.00 732.00 93.33 186.66 74.5029 %FV2E2.S30FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 30"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 39 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 648.00 648.00 165.24 165.24 74.5030 %FV2A2.24AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 648.00 648.00 165.24 165.24 74.5031 %FV2A2.24AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 648.00 648.00 165.24 165.24 74.5032 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 648.00 648.00 165.24 165.24 74.5033 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 439.00 439.00 178.89 178.89 59.2534 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 439.00 1,756.00 178.89 715.56 59.2535 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 29.00 116.00 7.40 29.60 74.5036 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 29.00 29.00 7.40 7.40 74.5037 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.5038 %FV696.57 Stiffener, 57 3/8W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 6 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 40 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.5039 %FV696.48 Stiffener, 48W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.5040 %FV696.43 Stiffener, 43 1/4W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 460.00 460.00 117.30 117.30 74.5041 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 638.00 638.00 162.69 162.69 74.5042 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5043 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 241 key number 241 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5044 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 234 key number 234 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5045 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 233 key number 233 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5046 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 232 key number 232 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 7 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 41 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 762.00 762.00 194.31 194.31 74.5047 %SA575920 Modesty Panel 72 72" wide F full modesty panel L laminate LBC walnut on ash laminate with LBC vinyl edge. **Grain to run in horizontal Direction PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 13 4,244.00 55,172.00 1,198.93 15,586.09 71.7548 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 1,465.00 2,930.00 593.33 1,186.66 59.5049 %26-3018-3N File,FS Lat Std Pull,3 11 3/4" Dwr 30W 18D SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver T1 1"-high painted metal top with squared edge KA keyed alike B2 1 1/2"-high base CB counterweight (recommended) 9P front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 728.00 1,456.00 214.76 429.52 70.5050 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 8 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 42 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 660.00 1,320.00 194.70 389.40 70.5051 %LW100.20FF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D F/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 1M 2 file converters in each file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 11 768.00 8,448.00 226.56 2,492.16 70.5052 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 18 1,262.00 22,716.00 372.29 6,701.22 70.5053 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 1,821.00 7,284.00 464.36 1,857.44 74.5054 %FV43F.WM1536LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 1,598.00 7,990.00 455.43 2,277.15 71.5055 %DT1CS.36LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 36Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 9 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 43 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 2,496.00 9,984.00 736.32 2,945.28 70.5056 %LW400.4264 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 3,600.00 7,200.00 918.00 1,836.00 74.5057 %FF52M.72422CRLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 3,600.00 10,800.00 918.00 2,754.00 74.5058 %FF52M.72422CLLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 1,294.00 6,470.00 381.73 1,908.65 70.5059 %LW400.3026 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 13 247.00 3,211.00 76.57 995.41 69.0060 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 637.00 1,911.00 162.44 487.32 74.5061 %FTS10.2490LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 90W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 10 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 44 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 861.00 861.00 219.56 219.56 74.5062 %FTS10.3684LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 36D 84W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 851.00 851.00 217.01 217.01 74.5063 %FTS10.3678LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 36D 78W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 842.00 1,684.00 214.71 429.42 74.5064 %FTS10.3672LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 36D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 9 668.00 6,012.00 170.34 1,533.06 74.5065 %FTS10.3072LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 630.00 3,150.00 160.65 803.25 74.5066 %FTS10.2484LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 84W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,091.00 1,091.00 441.86 441.86 59.5067 %TPL-08436 Meridian File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 84W 36D LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 489.00 489.00 198.05 198.05 59.5068 %FSLS-38 Meridian Storage Surround Support Legs, Square 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 11 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 45 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 1,151.00 9,208.00 339.55 2,716.40 70.5069 %LG500.3026 Bookcase 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 679.00 1,358.00 173.15 346.30 74.5070 %FV980.WM2372R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 72W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 372.00 744.00 94.86 189.72 74.5071 %FV2E2.S36FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 36"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 18 366.00 6,588.00 93.33 1,679.94 74.5072 %FV2E2.S30FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 30"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 706.00 2,118.00 180.03 540.09 74.5073 %FV2A2.36AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 36D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 706.00 2,118.00 180.03 540.09 74.5074 %FV2A2.36AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 36D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 438.00 876.00 111.69 223.38 74.5075 %FV2A2.2AAS Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght, 12D Shared MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 8 648.00 5,184.00 165.24 1,321.92 74.5076 %FV2A2.24AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 8 648.00 5,184.00 165.24 1,321.92 74.5077 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 12 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 46 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 202.00 404.00 59.59 119.18 70.5078 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 808.00 4,040.00 238.36 1,191.80 70.5079 %LTPL-09020 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 90W 20D LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 13 439.00 5,707.00 178.89 2,325.57 59.2580 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 13 29.00 377.00 7.40 96.20 74.5081 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 31.00 31.00 7.91 7.91 74.5082 %FT29B.1 Surface Ganging Bracket,single PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.5083 %FV696.67 Stiffener, 66 3/4W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.5084 %FV696.62 Stiffener, 62 1/8W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 13 92.00 1,196.00 23.46 304.98 74.5085 %FV696.48 Stiffener, 48W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 460.00 920.00 117.30 234.60 74.5086 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 13 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 47 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 638.00 1,276.00 162.69 325.38 74.5087 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5088 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 314 key number 314 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5089 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 313 key number 313 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5090 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 312 key number 312 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5091 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 242 key number 242 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5092 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 241 key number 241 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5093 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 240 key number 240 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5094 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 239 key number 239 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5095 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 238 key number 238 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 14 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 48 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5096 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 237 key number 237 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5097 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 236 key number 236 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5098 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 235 key number 235 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5099 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 229 key number 229 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50100 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 228 key number 228 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50101 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 227 key number 227 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50102 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 226 key number 226 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 9 762.00 6,858.00 194.31 1,748.79 74.50103 %SA575920 Modesty Panel 72 72" wide F full modesty panel L laminate LBC walnut on ash laminate with LBC vinyl edge. **Grain to run in horizontal Direction PRIVATE OFFICESTag:ELEVATE Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 15 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 49 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract ELEVATE 5 15.60 78.00 14.57 72.85 6.60104 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 9 15.60 140.40 14.57 131.13 6.60105 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White PRIVATE OFFICESTag: GMHARDWARE 17 .00 .00 6.82 115.94106 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 12 .00 .00 6.82 81.84107 %GM HARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS FOR MODESTY & UNUSUAL APPLICATIO NS PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 21 .00 .00 6.82 143.22108 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 6.82 47.74109 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH PRIVATE OFFICESTag:HERMANMILLER Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 16 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 50 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 4,501.00 4,501.00 1,271.53 1,271.53 71.75110 %DU6ACS.3084LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 84W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 4,244.00 8,488.00 1,198.93 2,397.86 71.75111 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 4,109.00 8,218.00 1,160.79 2,321.58 71.75112 %DU6ACS.3048LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 48W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 17 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 51 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 728.00 2,912.00 214.76 859.04 70.50113 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 768.00 2,304.00 226.56 679.68 70.50114 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 2,805.00 2,805.00 827.48 827.48 70.50115 %LW200.305 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd Flip Dr W/Pullout Shf,4 Dwr 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 3R front-to-back filing rail and dividers in flipper PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 1,262.00 3,786.00 372.29 1,116.87 70.50116 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 2,507.00 5,014.00 639.29 1,278.58 74.50117 %FV43F.WM1560LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 60W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 18 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 52 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 1,821.00 3,642.00 464.36 928.72 74.50118 %FV43F.WM1536LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 2,070.00 2,070.00 527.85 527.85 74.50119 %FV43F.WM1548LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 2,046.00 6,138.00 521.73 1,565.19 74.50120 %FV43F.WM1542LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,755.00 1,755.00 500.18 500.18 71.50121 %DT1CS.42LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 42Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 2,496.00 7,488.00 736.32 2,208.96 70.50122 %LW400.4264 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 19 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 53 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 3,736.00 7,472.00 952.68 1,905.36 74.50123 %FF52M.72442CRLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 3,736.00 7,472.00 952.68 1,905.36 74.50124 %FF52M.72442CLLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 2,952.00 2,952.00 752.76 752.76 74.50125 %FF52M.71522ERLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 247.00 1,235.00 76.57 382.85 69.00126 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 567.00 1,134.00 144.59 289.18 74.50127 %FTS10.2478LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 78W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 464.00 1,392.00 118.32 354.96 74.50128 %FTS10.2460LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 60W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 421.00 421.00 171.56 171.56 59.25129 %Y1113.72NL Modesty Panel,w/o added cable trough,Lam Top/TP Edge 72W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 20 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 54 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 965.00 1,930.00 393.24 786.48 59.25130 %Y1116.D48R Pari Screen, Height Adjustable Tables, Privacy & Modesty (46H/9H Below Surface), Tack Fab, Horz 48W CW cable way 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,151.00 1,151.00 339.55 339.55 70.50131 %LG500.3026 Bookcase 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 203.00 406.00 51.77 103.54 74.50132 %FV689.P Support Leg,Post MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 359.00 718.00 91.55 183.10 74.50133 %FV2E2.S24FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 24"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 437.00 874.00 111.44 222.88 74.50134 %FV980.WM2336R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 36W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 447.00 447.00 113.99 113.99 74.50135 %FV697.60HL Modesty Panel,half modesty panel, 60W Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 648.00 1,296.00 165.24 330.48 74.50136 %FV980.WM2360R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 60W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 526.00 526.00 134.13 134.13 74.50137 %FV980.WM2348R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 48W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 480.00 1,440.00 122.40 367.20 74.50138 %FV980.WM2342R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 42W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 21 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 55 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 648.00 2,592.00 165.24 660.96 74.50139 %FV2A2.24AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 648.00 2,592.00 165.24 660.96 74.50140 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 202.00 808.00 59.59 238.36 70.50141 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 808.00 808.00 238.36 238.36 70.50142 %LTPL-09020 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 90W 20D LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 439.00 2,195.00 178.89 894.45 59.25143 %Y1414.L06S +Logic Mini,1 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,6' cord/conduit,surf clamp G1 Finish @graphite PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 29.00 145.00 7.40 37.00 74.50144 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 55.00 110.00 14.03 28.06 74.50145 %FT29B.2 Surface Ganging Bracket,pair PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 22 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 56 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 152.00 152.00 38.76 38.76 74.50146 %FV984.24 Cord Manager 24H USE FOR TASKLIGHT WITH WALL MOUNTED TACKBOARD S AND HUTCHES (SELECT HT ACCORDING LY) - NOT TO BE USED WITH WALL STRIPS OR SYSTEMS PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 92.00 184.00 23.46 46.92 74.50147 %FV696.62 Stiffener, 62 1/8W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.50148 %FV696.57 Stiffener, 57 3/8W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 92.00 276.00 23.46 70.38 74.50149 %FV696.48 Stiffener, 48W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 92.00 276.00 23.46 70.38 74.50150 %FV696.43 Stiffener, 43 1/4W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.50151 %FV696.43 Stiffener, 43 1/4W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 460.00 2,300.00 117.30 586.50 74.50152 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 23 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 57 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 638.00 3,190.00 162.69 813.45 74.50153 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50154 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 295 key number 295 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50155 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 284 key number 284 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50156 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 283 key number 283 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50157 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 282 key number 282 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50158 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 281 key number 281 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50159 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 280 key number 280 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50160 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 279 key number 279 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50161 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 278 key number 278 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 24 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 58 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50162 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 277 key number 277 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50163 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 276 key number 276 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50164 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 275 key number 275 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50165 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 274 key number 274 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50166 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 269 key number 269 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50167 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 257 key number 257 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50168 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 256 key number 256 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50169 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 255 key number 255 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50170 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 254 key number 254 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 25 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 59 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 1,598.00 1,598.00 455.43 455.43 71.50171 %DT1CS.36LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 36Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 4,109.00 4,109.00 1,160.79 1,160.79 71.75172 %DU6ATS.3048LD Renew Rect Tbl, T-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 48W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 4,413.00 8,826.00 1,246.67 2,493.34 71.75173 %DU6ACS.3072LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 72W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 26 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 60 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 4,244.00 21,220.00 1,198.93 5,994.65 71.75174 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 4,189.00 4,189.00 1,183.39 1,183.39 71.75175 %DU6ACS.3054LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 54W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 1,465.00 2,930.00 593.33 1,186.66 59.50176 %26-3018-3N File,FS Lat Std Pull,3 11 3/4" Dwr 30W 18D SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver T1 1"-high painted metal top with squared edge KA keyed alike B2 1 1/2"-high base CB counterweight (recommended) 9P front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 660.00 1,320.00 194.70 389.40 70.50177 %LW100.20FF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D F/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 1M 2 file converters in each file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 27 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 61 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 768.00 6,144.00 226.56 1,812.48 70.50178 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 1,557.00 6,228.00 459.32 1,837.28 70.50179 %LW200.421 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 1,262.00 2,524.00 372.29 744.58 70.50180 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 1,821.00 7,284.00 464.36 1,857.44 74.50181 %FV43F.WM1536LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 8 2,046.00 16,368.00 521.73 4,173.84 74.50182 %FV43F.WM1542LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 28 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 62 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 1,755.00 1,755.00 500.18 500.18 71.50183 %DT1CS.42LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 42Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 1,598.00 3,196.00 455.43 910.86 71.50184 %DT1CS.36LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 36Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 3,600.00 21,600.00 918.00 5,508.00 74.50185 %FF52M.72422CRLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 1,294.00 2,588.00 381.73 763.46 70.50186 %LW400.3026 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 9 247.00 2,223.00 76.57 689.13 69.00187 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 543.00 1,629.00 138.47 415.41 74.50188 %FTS10.2472LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 29 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 63 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 668.00 3,340.00 170.34 851.70 74.50189 %FTS10.3072LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 179.00 358.00 72.50 145.00 59.50190 %TPL-03018 Meridian File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 30W 18D LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 12 203.00 2,436.00 51.77 621.24 74.50191 %FV689.P Support Leg,Post MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 359.00 718.00 91.55 183.10 74.50192 %FV2E2.S24FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 24"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 679.00 1,358.00 173.15 346.30 74.50193 %FV980.WM2372R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 72W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 8 480.00 3,840.00 122.40 979.20 74.50194 %FV980.WM2342R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 42W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 10 366.00 3,660.00 93.33 933.30 74.50195 %FV2E2.S30FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 30"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 648.00 1,296.00 165.24 330.48 74.50196 %FV2A2.24AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 648.00 1,296.00 165.24 330.48 74.50197 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 30 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 64 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 808.00 808.00 238.36 238.36 70.50198 %LTPL-09020 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 90W 20D LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 753.00 3,012.00 222.14 888.56 70.50199 %LTPL-08420 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 84W 20D LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 646.00 646.00 190.57 190.57 70.50200 %LTPL-07220 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 72W 20D LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 48 49.00 2,352.00 19.97 958.56 59.25201 %Y7216.10 Paper Tray 10W XF frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 8 439.00 3,512.00 178.89 1,431.12 59.25202 %Y1414.L06S +Logic Mini,1 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,6' cord/conduit,surf clamp G1 Finish @graphite PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 9 29.00 261.00 7.40 66.60 74.50203 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 92.00 552.00 23.46 140.76 74.50204 %FV696.48 Stiffener, 48W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 460.00 2,760.00 117.30 703.80 74.50205 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 638.00 3,828.00 162.69 976.14 74.50206 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 31 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 65 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50207 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 296 key number 296 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50208 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 285 key number 285 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50209 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 284 key number 284 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50210 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 276 key number 276 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50211 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 275 key number 275 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50212 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 274 key number 274 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50213 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 273 key number 273 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50214 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 272 key number 272 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 12 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50215 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 269 key number 269 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 32 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 66 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 762.00 4,572.00 194.31 1,165.86 74.50216 %SA575920 Modesty Panel 72 72" wide F full modesty panel L laminate LBC walnut on ash laminate with LBC vinyl edge. **Grain to run in horizontal Direction PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 292.00 1,752.00 74.46 446.76 74.50217 %FT175.1142W Rail Tile,Wall Strip 11H 42W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 91.00 273.00 23.21 69.63 74.50218 %FT191.68 Wall Strip,No Wall Fastener 68H BU black umber PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 103.00 206.00 26.27 52.54 74.50219 %FT197.68A Vertical Trim,Wall Strip 68H CANVAS - FIBERBOARD FILLER B/W WALL AND WALL START, CAN BE PAINT MATCHED IN THE FIELD. CL cool grey neutral PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 174.00 348.00 44.37 88.74 74.50220 %FT167.42A Tile Trim,Wall Strip,top/mid-level lwr tile trim, 42W CL cool grey neutral PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 32.00 192.00 8.16 48.96 74.50221 %FT192.11 Tile Adapter,Wall Strip, 11H PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 33 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 67 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $153,245.96 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 34 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 68 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:28 PMEQuote #152595 SEATINGDepartment: Contract NEVINS 3 4,838.00 14,514.00 2,721.38 8,164.14 43.751 %B57V-A CLASSIC PARSONS BENCH SIZE: 74"L X 18"D X 19 1/2"H CUSHIONS: 1 CUSHION FABRIC: GRADED-IN STINSON/ GR 5 FABRIC MAKE: CF STINSON FABRIC PATTERN: MICA FABRIC COLOR: LAPIS FABRIC NUMBER: TBD FABRIC YARDAGE: 2.5 YARDS VENEER/WOOD SPECIES: MAPLE VENEER/WOOD FINISH: TBD STRETCHER: (2) 5" SEATINGTag: 3 4,608.00 13,824.00 2,592.00 7,776.00 43.752 %B57V-A CLASSIC PARSONS BENCH SIZE: 74"L X 18"D X 19 1/2"H CUSHIONS: 1 CUSHION FABRIC: GRADED-IN STINSON/ GR 2 FABRIC MAKE: CF STINSON FABRIC PATTERN: STAPLE FABRIC COLOR: NAUTICA FABRIC NUMBER: TBD FABRIC YARDAGE: 2.5 YARDS VENEER/WOOD SPECIES: MAPLE VENEER/WOOD FINISH: TBD STRETCHER: (2) 5" SEATINGTag: HERMANMILLER 40 2,150.00 86,000.00 935.25 37,410.00 56.503 %AER1C23DW Work Chair,New Aeron,C Size,Std-Hgt Range Adj,Tlt Lim and Seat Angle,Fully Adj Arms,Non-Uphst Armpads ALP adjustable posturefit SL G1 graphite G1 graphite G1 graphite C7 2 1/2" caster, black yoke, hard floors or carpet BK black 23103 8Z Pellicle graphite SEATINGTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 69 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:28 PMEQuote #152595 SEATINGDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 34 2,150.00 73,100.00 935.25 31,798.50 56.504 %AER1C23DW Work Chair,New Aeron,C Size,Std-Hgt Range Adj,Tlt Lim and Seat Angle,Fully Adj Arms,Non-Uphst Armpads ALP adjustable posturefit SL G1 graphite G1 graphite G1 graphite C7 2 1/2" caster, black yoke, hard floors or carpet BK black 23103 8Z Pellicle graphite SEATINGTag: 42 2,150.00 90,300.00 935.25 39,280.50 56.505 %AER1C23DW Work Chair,New Aeron,C Size,Std-Hgt Range Adj,Tlt Lim and Seat Angle,Fully Adj Arms,Non-Uphst Armpads ALP adjustable posturefit SL G1 graphite G1 graphite G1 graphite C7 2 1/2" caster, black yoke, hard floors or carpet BK black 23103 8Z Pellicle graphite SEATINGTag: 31 2,150.00 66,650.00 935.25 28,992.75 56.506 %AER1C23DW Work Chair,New Aeron,C Size,Std-Hgt Range Adj,Tlt Lim and Seat Angle,Fully Adj Arms,Non-Uphst Armpads ALP adjustable posturefit SL G1 graphite G1 graphite G1 graphite C7 2 1/2" caster, black yoke, hard floors or carpet BK black 23103 8Z Pellicle graphite SEATINGTag: 2 725.00 1,450.00 340.75 681.50 53.007 %PIA4S1UN Verus® Side Chair, 4-Leg Base VPR mineral SNC satin carbon GL glide, hard floors only 1HA14 medley blue grotto SEATINGTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 70 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:28 PMEQuote #152595 SEATINGDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 18 725.00 13,050.00 340.75 6,133.50 53.008 %PIA4S1UN Verus® Side Chair, 4-Leg Base VPR mineral SNC satin carbon GL glide, hard floors only 1HA14 medley blue grotto SEATINGTag: 16 725.00 11,600.00 340.75 5,452.00 53.009 %PIA4S1UN Verus® Side Chair, 4-Leg Base VPR mineral SNC satin carbon GL glide, hard floors only 1HA14 medley blue grotto SEATINGTag: 36 725.00 26,100.00 340.75 12,267.00 53.0010 %PIA4S1UN Verus® Side Chair, 4-Leg Base VPR mineral SNC satin carbon GL glide, hard floors only 1HA14 medley blue grotto SEATINGTag: 22 725.00 15,950.00 340.75 7,496.50 53.0011 %PIA4S1UN Verus® Side Chair, 4-Leg Base VPR mineral SNC satin carbon GL glide, hard floors only 1HA14 medley blue grotto SEATINGTag: 3 635.00 1,905.00 273.05 819.15 57.0012 %WC743010N Caper Stacking Stool, 4-Leg Base Bar Hgt Range, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver G1 graphite YX Floor Saver Glide® insert, hard floors only 63 fog SEATINGTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 71 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:28 PMEQuote #152595 SEATINGDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 356.00 3,560.00 153.08 1,530.80 57.0013 %WC410N Caper Stacking Chair, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver G1 graphite U5 soft wheel caster, carpet or hard floors 63 fog SEATINGTag: 8 356.00 2,848.00 153.08 1,224.64 57.0014 %WC410N Caper Stacking Chair, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver 79 green apple U5 soft wheel caster, carpet or hard floors 63 fog SEATINGTag: 8 356.00 2,848.00 153.08 1,224.64 57.0015 %WC410N Caper Stacking Chair, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver 3M berry blue U5 soft wheel caster, carpet or hard floors 63 fog SEATINGTag: 3 635.00 1,905.00 273.05 819.15 57.0016 %WC743010N Caper Stacking Stool, 4-Leg Base Bar Hgt Range, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver G1 graphite YX Floor Saver Glide® insert, hard floors only 63 fog SEATINGTag: 42 356.00 14,952.00 153.08 6,429.36 57.0017 %WC410N Caper Stacking Chair, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver G1 graphite U5 soft wheel caster, carpet or hard floors 63 fog SEATINGTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 72 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:28 PMEQuote #152595 SEATINGDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $197,500.13 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 73 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 3 1,876.00 5,628.00 797.30 2,391.90 57.501 %4LT.K302055L Tall Locker - Wardrobe, Bar Pull, Left Hinge, 30W Double Door 20D 52-1/2H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver TL 1 1/4"-high laminate top with thermoplastic edge LBC walnut on ash CH coathook with shelf MS metallic silver KA keyed alike B2 1 1/2"-high base STORAGETag: 3 3,718.00 11,154.00 1,580.15 4,740.45 57.502 %4LH.K30203L Locker, Half-Height, Bar Pull, 3-High Stack Left Hinge, 30W Double Door 20D SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver TL 1 1/4"-high laminate top with thermoplastic edge LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver KA keyed alike B2 1 1/2"-high base STORAGETag: 7 924.00 6,468.00 374.22 2,619.54 59.503 %26-4220-1 Lateral File Std Pull 1-High 42W 20D SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver T2 1 1/4"-high painted metal top with squared edge E fixed front 13-1/8 9P Front to Back Hanging KA keyed alike CB counterweight B2 Base 1-1/2 in H STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 74 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 1,465.00 5,860.00 593.33 2,373.32 59.504 %26-3018-3N File,FS Lat Std Pull,3 11 3/4" Dwr 30W 18D SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver T2 1 1/4"-high painted metal top with squared edge KA keyed alike B3 2 1/4"-high base CB counterweight (recommended) 9P front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 1 737.00 737.00 217.42 217.42 70.505 %LW140.24BBF Ped W-Pull,Surface Att 24D,B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F 27 1/4" high (raised height) 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer STORAGETag: 1 768.00 768.00 226.56 226.56 70.506 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer STORAGETag: 3 728.00 2,184.00 214.76 644.28 70.507 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 75 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 728.00 2,912.00 214.76 859.04 70.508 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only STORAGETag: 2 2,001.00 4,002.00 590.30 1,180.60 70.509 %LW200.423 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 3 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 1 1,557.00 1,557.00 459.32 459.32 70.5010 %LW200.422 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 2 1,262.00 2,524.00 372.29 744.58 70.5011 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 2 3,252.00 6,504.00 959.34 1,918.68 70.5012 %LW200.425 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd Flip Dr W/Pullout Shf,4 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 4R side-to-side filing rail and dividers in flipper STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 76 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 2,439.00 9,756.00 719.51 2,878.04 70.5013 %LW200.424 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 4 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 2 2,001.00 4,002.00 590.30 1,180.60 70.5014 %LW200.423 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 3 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 2 1,557.00 3,114.00 459.32 918.64 70.5015 %LW200.422 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 1 1,640.00 1,640.00 483.80 483.80 70.5016 %LW200.303 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 3 Dwr 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 3 2,001.00 6,003.00 590.30 1,770.90 70.5017 %LW200.423 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 3 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 77 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 1,557.00 1,557.00 459.32 459.32 70.5018 %LW200.421 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 1 2,496.00 2,496.00 736.32 736.32 70.5019 %LW400.4264 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 2 2,274.00 4,548.00 670.83 1,341.66 70.5020 %LW400.3064 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 1 2,274.00 2,274.00 670.83 670.83 70.5021 %LW400.3064 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 5 2,496.00 12,480.00 736.32 3,681.60 70.5022 %LW400.4264 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 78 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 2,274.00 4,548.00 670.83 1,341.66 70.5023 %LW400.3064 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 4 2,496.00 9,984.00 736.32 2,945.28 70.5024 %LW400.4264 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 2 2,274.00 4,548.00 670.83 1,341.66 70.5025 %LW400.3064 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 4 2,310.00 9,240.00 681.45 2,725.80 70.5026 %LW400.3664 Storage Case,W-Pull 36W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 2 2,310.00 4,620.00 681.45 1,362.90 70.5027 %LW400.3664 Storage Case,W-Pull 36W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 5 2,766.00 13,830.00 705.33 3,526.65 74.5028 %FF55M.71522YLRLTL Wood Wardrobe Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 6 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 79 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 1,917.00 3,834.00 565.52 1,131.04 70.5029 %LW400.4238 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 1 1,917.00 1,917.00 565.52 565.52 70.5030 %LW400.4238 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 1 1,569.00 1,569.00 462.86 462.86 70.5031 %LW400.3038 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 24 264.00 6,336.00 112.20 2,692.80 57.5032 %MKL-VD Keyless Lock, Locker Mode, Vertical Keypad Facing Down 0I silver STORAGETag: 1 1,407.00 1,407.00 569.84 569.84 59.5033 %TPL-10836 Meridian File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 108W 36D LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 1 489.00 489.00 198.05 198.05 59.5034 %FSLS-38 Meridian Storage Surround Support Legs, Square 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver STORAGETag: 7 519.00 3,633.00 210.20 1,471.40 59.5035 %TC1-4220 Retrofit Cush Top,Stg Case 1H 42W 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto STORAGETag: 2 753.00 1,506.00 222.14 444.28 70.5036 %LTPL-08420 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 84W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 7 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 80 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 539.00 539.00 159.01 159.01 70.5037 %LTPL-06020 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 60W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 1 753.00 753.00 222.14 222.14 70.5038 %LTPL-08420 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 84W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 1 539.00 539.00 159.01 159.01 70.5039 %LTPL-06020 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 60W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 3 202.00 606.00 59.59 178.77 70.5040 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto STORAGETag: 4 202.00 808.00 59.59 238.36 70.5041 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto STORAGETag: 3 369.00 1,107.00 108.86 326.58 70.5042 %LTPL-04220 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 42W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 4 369.00 1,476.00 108.86 435.44 70.5043 %LTPL-04220 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 42W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 1 227.00 227.00 96.48 96.48 57.5044 %MKL-CKF Keyless Lock, Control Key Fob STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 8 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 81 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $55,092.93 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 9 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 82 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract ELEVATE 24 15.60 374.40 14.57 349.68 6.601 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White SYSTEMSTag: 20 15.60 312.00 14.57 291.40 6.602 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White SYSTEMSTag: GMHARDWARE 8 .00 .00 6.82 54.563 %GM HARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS FOR MODESTY & UNUSUAL APPLICATIO NS SYSTEMSTag: 9 .00 .00 6.82 61.384 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH SYSTEMSTag:HERMANMILLER 2 17.00 34.00 4.34 8.68 74.505 %1B4L96- Brush-On MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 51.00 102.00 13.01 26.02 74.506 %1B4L95- Aerosol MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 83 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 11 4,244.00 46,684.00 1,198.93 13,188.23 71.757 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 15 1,823.00 27,345.00 464.87 6,973.05 74.508 %FV43F.F81548LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 1,799.00 7,196.00 458.75 1,835.00 74.509 %FV43F.F81542LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 1,574.00 3,148.00 401.37 802.74 74.5010 %FV43F.F81536LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 84 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 1,488.00 1,488.00 379.44 379.44 74.5011 %FV43F.F81530LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 30W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 1,715.00 10,290.00 531.65 3,189.90 69.0012 %DU8F.BB54R Renew Link Trough Mounted Pari Fabric Screen, Back-to-Back, Tack Fab, Horz 54W NNN none 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 247.00 1,976.00 76.57 612.56 69.0013 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey SYSTEMSTag: 1 299.00 299.00 76.25 76.25 74.5014 %FTS10.2430LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 30W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 541.00 541.00 137.96 137.96 74.5015 %FTS10.2460LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 60W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 4 681.00 2,724.00 173.66 694.64 74.5016 %FTS10.2484LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 84W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 85 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 732.00 3,660.00 186.66 933.30 74.5017 %FTS10.2496LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 96W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 612.00 612.00 156.06 156.06 74.5018 %FTS10.2472LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 410.00 410.00 104.55 104.55 74.5019 %FTS10.2448LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 48W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 3 648.00 1,944.00 264.06 792.18 59.2520 %Y1113.48YL Modesty Panel,w/added cable trough,Lam Top/TP Edge 48W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 498.00 996.00 126.99 253.98 74.5021 %FT2A1.24AR Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 498.00 1,992.00 126.99 507.96 74.5022 %FT2A1.24AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 9 44.00 396.00 11.22 100.98 74.5023 %FT290.24R Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,rt-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 8 44.00 352.00 11.22 89.76 74.5024 %FT290.24L Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,lft-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 86 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 12 709.00 8,508.00 288.92 3,467.04 59.2525 %Y1423.IA06 +Logic C1000 Universal Clamp Mount Distributor,4 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,pwr cord w/ plug end,6' cord/conduit MS Finish @metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 11 439.00 4,829.00 178.89 1,967.79 59.2526 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite SYSTEMSTag: 20 29.00 580.00 7.40 148.00 74.5027 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 1 55.00 55.00 14.03 14.03 74.5028 %FT29B.2 Surface Ganging Bracket,pair SYSTEMSTag: 10 460.00 4,600.00 117.30 1,173.00 74.5029 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 10 638.00 6,380.00 162.69 1,626.90 74.5030 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 2 530.00 1,060.00 135.15 270.30 74.5031 %G6160.AB Twist LED Task Light,Single unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 4 29.00 116.00 7.40 29.60 74.5032 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 6 29.00 174.00 7.40 44.40 74.5033 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 87 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 12 102.00 1,224.00 41.57 498.84 59.2534 %Y1338. Connect Ganging Bracket Kit SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5035 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 290 key number 290 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5036 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 289 key number 289 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5037 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 288 key number 288 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5038 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 287 key number 287 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5039 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 286 key number 286 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5040 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 285 key number 285 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5041 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 270 key number 270 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5042 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 263 key number 263 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 6 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 88 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5043 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 253 key number 253 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5044 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 252 key number 252 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5045 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 251 key number 251 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5046 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 250 key number 250 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5047 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 249 key number 249 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5048 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 248 key number 248 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5049 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 247 key number 247 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5050 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 246 key number 246 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5051 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 245 key number 245 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 7 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 89 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5052 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 244 key number 244 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5053 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 243 key number 243 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5054 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 242 key number 242 SYSTEMSTag: 12 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5055 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 240 key number 240 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5056 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 238 key number 238 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5057 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 237 key number 237 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5058 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 236 key number 236 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5059 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 235 key number 235 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5060 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 231 key number 231 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 8 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 90 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5061 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 230 key number 230 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5062 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 229 key number 229 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5063 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 228 key number 228 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5064 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 227 key number 227 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5065 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 226 key number 226 SYSTEMSTag: 7 225.00 1,575.00 57.38 401.66 74.5066 %FT140.06 Power Entry, External Direct Connect 6'long LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 3 255.00 765.00 79.05 237.15 69.0067 %DU1351.06L +Pwr Entry, 4 Ciruit, liquid tight conduit 6' Long SYSTEMSTag: 6 8,969.00 53,814.00 2,780.39 16,682.34 69.0068 %DU2AS.2454LED Renew Link Bk-to-Bk Rect Hgt Adj Bench,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Std Range,Elec Ext Range 24D 54W ECT enhanced cable trough w/covers - data/power routing and cord management SUD simple up down PSC simple cable NNN no cutout LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 9 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 91 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 165.00 330.00 42.08 84.16 74.5069 %FT181.1842T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 18H 42W (for 53H frames only) MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 6 185.00 1,110.00 47.18 283.08 74.5070 %FT180.4824T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 283.00 566.00 72.17 144.34 74.5071 %FT174.42 Tile,Lower Open 42W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 329.00 1,316.00 83.90 335.60 74.5072 %FT180.6336T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 216.00 432.00 55.08 110.16 74.5073 %FT181.3342T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 30 376.00 11,280.00 95.88 2,876.40 74.5074 %FT180.6348T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 6 352.00 2,112.00 89.76 538.56 74.5075 %FT180.6342T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 260.00 520.00 66.30 132.60 74.5076 %FT180.6330T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 10 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 92 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 34 272.00 9,248.00 69.36 2,358.24 74.5077 %FT180.4842T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 120.00 480.00 30.60 122.40 74.5078 %FT170.1142T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 3 201.00 603.00 62.31 186.93 69.0079 %DU4B.EC Renew Link Bench End Caps - Enhanced Cable Trough, Back-to-Back, End Caps Pkg/2 MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 226.00 678.00 70.06 210.18 69.0080 %DU4B.CP Renew Link Bench Connecting Plate - Enhanced Cable Trough, Back-to-Back, Connecting Plate (between tables) 1per Box MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 39.00 117.00 9.95 29.85 74.5081 %FT112.24AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 41.00 205.00 10.46 52.30 74.5082 %FT126.2BP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 180-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 41.00 287.00 10.46 73.22 74.5083 %FT126.1AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-1 Frame Top Caps Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 47.00 94.00 11.99 23.98 74.5084 %FT112.36AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 11 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 93 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 22 53.00 1,166.00 13.52 297.44 74.5085 %FT112.42AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 15 57.00 855.00 14.54 218.10 74.5086 %FT112.48AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 71.00 355.00 18.11 90.55 74.5087 %FT123.168BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 79.00 553.00 20.15 141.05 74.5088 %FT123.253BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 169.00 169.00 43.10 43.10 74.5089 %FT150.30 Base Power Harness 30W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 3 163.00 489.00 41.57 124.71 74.5090 %FT150.24 Base Power Harness 24W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 6 233.00 1,398.00 59.42 356.52 74.5091 %FT155.A 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit A 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 15 367.00 5,505.00 93.59 1,403.85 74.5092 %FT110.6848J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 347.00 1,388.00 88.49 353.96 74.5093 %FT110.6842J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 12 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 94 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 9 305.00 2,745.00 77.78 700.02 74.5094 %FT110.5342N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 9 323.00 2,907.00 82.37 741.33 74.5095 %FT110.5342J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 84.00 84.00 21.42 21.42 74.5096 %E2931.R Work Surf Support Bracket,Right, Pkg of 4 MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 84.00 84.00 21.42 21.42 74.5097 %E2931.L Work Surf Support Bracket,Left, Pkg of 4 MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 92.00 644.00 23.46 164.22 74.5098 %FT160.68BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 12 82.00 984.00 20.91 250.92 74.5099 %FT160.53BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 15 196.00 2,940.00 49.98 749.70 74.50100 %FT150.48 Base Power Harness 48W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 13 184.00 2,392.00 46.92 609.96 74.50101 %FT150.42 Base Power Harness 42W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 2 176.00 352.00 44.88 89.76 74.50102 %FT150.36 Base Power Harness 36W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 13 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 95 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 7 90.00 630.00 22.95 160.65 74.50103 %FT123.315NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 54.00 270.00 13.77 68.85 74.50104 %FT123.115NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 42.00 42.00 10.71 10.71 74.50105 %FT112.30AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 330.00 660.00 84.15 168.30 74.50106 %FT110.6836J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 312.00 312.00 79.56 79.56 74.50107 %FT110.6830J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 274.00 822.00 69.87 209.61 74.50108 %FT110.5324J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 53H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 132.00 792.00 40.92 245.52 69.00109 %DU1358.DBB Junction Blck,dbl bck-to-bck junct box,short 90 deg att to underside of surf SYSTEMSTag: 24 41.00 984.00 12.71 305.04 69.00110 %DU1355.151 Duplex Receptacle, 4 Circuit, 15 Amp Circuit I SYSTEMSTag: 3 183.00 549.00 56.73 170.19 69.00111 %DU1353.42A Junct Blk to Junct Blk Jumper, 4 Curcuit, Adj Jumper 42W SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 14 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 96 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 43.00 430.00 10.97 109.70 74.50112 %FT128.68 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 68H SYSTEMSTag: 2 69.00 138.00 17.60 35.20 74.50113 %G1190.01 Carpet Grippers 25/Pkg (2) PER FRAME (TO GO UNDER THE GLIDE) SYSTEMSTag: 7 121.00 847.00 30.86 216.02 74.50114 %FT121.257 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 5 137.00 685.00 34.94 174.70 74.50115 %FT121.357 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 9 40.00 360.00 10.20 91.80 74.50116 %FT128.53 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 53H SYSTEMSTag: 12 728.00 8,736.00 214.76 2,577.12 70.50117 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only SYSTEMSTag: 14 768.00 10,752.00 226.56 3,171.84 70.50118 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 15 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 97 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 2,947.00 2,947.00 869.37 869.37 70.50119 %LW310.53RS Stg Twr,W-Pull,Sd Fcng Bckcase, Wdrb Rt,B/B/F, 53H SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CR coat rod 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 3 4,432.00 13,296.00 1,409.38 4,228.14 68.20120 %L2ER.L4648161LL2K Locker,Base,Wdrb - Hinge L,Lam, 3/4 Lam Top,Bar Pull 46H 48W 16-1/2D CH coathook with shelf LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver KA keyed alike SYSTEMSTag: 4 2,439.00 9,756.00 719.51 2,878.04 70.50121 %LW200.424 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 4 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail SYSTEMSTag: 7 1,262.00 8,834.00 372.29 2,606.03 70.50122 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail SYSTEMSTag: 12 202.00 2,424.00 59.59 715.08 70.50123 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto SYSTEMSTag: 6 51.00 306.00 14.54 87.24 71.50124 %DT9A. Cable Management Clip 10/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 16 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 98 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 12 4,244.00 50,928.00 1,198.93 14,387.16 71.75125 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 12 4,189.00 50,268.00 1,183.39 14,200.68 71.75126 %DU6ACS.3054LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 54W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 1 603.00 603.00 244.22 244.22 59.50127 %ZCELA Exact Size File Top,Sq-Edge,Lam Top D01 depth 15.00in - 30.00in 30 Depth Entry W08 width 96.01in - 108.00in 102 Width Entry EZ standard hmi laminates LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 16 1,823.00 29,168.00 464.87 7,437.92 74.50128 %FV43F.F81548LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 17 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 99 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 1,799.00 17,990.00 458.75 4,587.50 74.50129 %FV43F.F81542LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 1,574.00 3,148.00 401.37 802.74 74.50130 %FV43F.F81536LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 24 247.00 5,928.00 76.57 1,837.68 69.00131 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey SYSTEMSTag: 1 933.00 933.00 237.92 237.92 74.50132 %FTS10.3096LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 96W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 4 681.00 2,724.00 173.66 694.64 74.50133 %FTS10.2484LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 84W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 424.00 424.00 108.12 108.12 74.50134 %FTS34.2460LD Peninsula Surf,Rectangular End,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 60W, Surf Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 18 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 100 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 702.00 5,616.00 179.01 1,432.08 74.50135 %FTS10.2490LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 90W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 636.00 1,272.00 162.18 324.36 74.50136 %FTS10.2478LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 78W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 4 612.00 2,448.00 156.06 624.24 74.50137 %FTS10.2472LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 7 336.00 2,352.00 85.68 599.76 74.50138 %FTS10.2436LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 36W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 635.00 635.00 161.93 161.93 74.50139 %FT2A2.B24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Pen/D-Shpd Surf Attchd,Outbound, for 24"D Peninsula,Adj Hght,Lft MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 648.00 648.00 165.24 165.24 74.50140 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 524.00 524.00 133.62 133.62 74.50141 %FT2A1.30AR Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Rt 30D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 524.00 524.00 133.62 133.62 74.50142 %FT2A1.30AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 30D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 19 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 101 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 12 388.00 4,656.00 98.94 1,187.28 74.50143 %FT2A1.12AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 12D Shared Mid-Run MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 14 44.00 616.00 11.22 157.08 74.50144 %FT290.24R Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,rt-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 17 44.00 748.00 11.22 190.74 74.50145 %FT290.24L Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,lft-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 24 49.00 1,176.00 19.97 479.28 59.25146 %Y7216.10 Paper Tray 10W XF frosted SYSTEMSTag: 24 439.00 10,536.00 178.89 4,293.36 59.25147 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite SYSTEMSTag: 25 29.00 725.00 7.40 185.00 74.50148 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 12 55.00 660.00 14.03 168.36 74.50149 %FT29B.2 Surface Ganging Bracket,pair SYSTEMSTag: 14 460.00 6,440.00 117.30 1,642.20 74.50150 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 14 638.00 8,932.00 162.69 2,277.66 74.50151 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 20 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 102 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 758.00 1,516.00 308.89 617.78 59.25152 %Y1423.JA06 +Logic C1000 Universal Clamp Mount Distributor,5 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,pwr cord w/ plug end,6' cord/conduit MS Finish @metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 439.00 1,317.00 178.89 536.67 59.25153 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite SYSTEMSTag: 5 29.00 145.00 7.40 37.00 74.50154 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50155 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 313 key number 313 SYSTEMSTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50156 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 311 key number 311 SYSTEMSTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50157 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 308 key number 308 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50158 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 283 key number 283 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50159 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 268 key number 268 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50160 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 267 key number 267 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 21 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 103 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50161 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 266 key number 266 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50162 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 265 key number 265 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50163 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 264 key number 264 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50164 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 263 key number 263 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50165 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 262 key number 262 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50166 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 261 key number 261 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50167 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 260 key number 260 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50168 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 259 key number 259 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50169 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 258 key number 258 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 22 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 104 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50170 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 257 key number 257 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50171 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 256 key number 256 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50172 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 255 key number 255 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50173 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 254 key number 254 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50174 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 253 key number 253 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50175 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 252 key number 252 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50176 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 251 key number 251 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50177 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 250 key number 250 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50178 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 249 key number 249 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 23 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 105 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50179 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 247 key number 247 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50180 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 246 key number 246 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50181 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 244 key number 244 SYSTEMSTag: 26 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50182 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 243 key number 243 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50183 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 234 key number 234 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50184 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 233 key number 233 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50185 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 232 key number 232 SYSTEMSTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50186 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 231 key number 231 SYSTEMSTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50187 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 230 key number 230 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 24 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 106 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 7 225.00 1,575.00 57.38 401.66 74.50188 %FT140.06 Power Entry, External Direct Connect 6'long LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 4 127.00 508.00 32.39 129.56 74.50189 %FT170.1148T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 185.00 1,480.00 47.18 377.44 74.50190 %FT180.4824T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 16 185.00 2,960.00 47.18 754.88 74.50191 %FT180.3730T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 37H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 5 229.00 1,145.00 58.40 292.00 74.50192 %FT181.3348T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 6 257.00 1,542.00 65.54 393.24 74.50193 %FT180.4836T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 1 269.00 269.00 68.60 68.60 74.50194 %FT174.36 Tile,Lower Open 36W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 329.00 658.00 83.90 167.80 74.50195 %FT180.6336T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 25 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 107 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 315.00 630.00 80.33 160.66 74.50196 %FT175.1148T Rail Tile,Top 11H 48W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 204.00 408.00 52.02 104.04 74.50197 %FT181.3336T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 92.00 184.00 23.46 46.92 74.50198 %FT181.0730T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 07H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 26 376.00 9,776.00 95.88 2,492.88 74.50199 %FT180.6348T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 20 352.00 7,040.00 89.76 1,795.20 74.50200 %FT180.6342T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 66 272.00 17,952.00 69.36 4,577.76 74.50201 %FT180.4842T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 206.00 1,648.00 52.53 420.24 74.50202 %FT180.4830T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 244.00 976.00 62.22 248.88 74.50203 %FT180.3742T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 37H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 26 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 108 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 176.00 1,760.00 44.88 448.80 74.50204 %FT180.3724T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 37H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 282.00 1,128.00 71.91 287.64 74.50205 %FT175.1148M Rail Tile,Middle 11H 48W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 304.00 608.00 77.52 155.04 74.50206 %FT174.48 Tile,Lower Open 48W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 238.00 238.00 60.69 60.69 74.50207 %FT174.30 Tile,Lower Open 30W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 220.00 440.00 56.10 112.20 74.50208 %FT170.3048T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 30H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 112.00 224.00 28.56 57.12 74.50209 %FT170.1136T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 104.00 208.00 26.52 53.04 74.50210 %FT170.1130T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 9 39.00 351.00 9.95 89.55 74.50211 %FT112.24AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 27 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 109 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 41.00 164.00 10.46 41.84 74.50212 %FT126.3AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-3 Frame Top Caps Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 41.00 287.00 10.46 73.22 74.50213 %FT126.2BP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 180-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 41.00 246.00 10.46 62.76 74.50214 %FT126.2AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 90-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 11 41.00 451.00 10.46 115.06 74.50215 %FT126.1AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-1 Frame Top Caps Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 47.00 235.00 11.99 59.95 74.50216 %FT112.36AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 45 53.00 2,385.00 13.52 608.40 74.50217 %FT112.42AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 57.00 912.00 14.54 232.64 74.50218 %FT112.48AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 61.00 122.00 15.56 31.12 74.50219 %FT123.153BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 8 71.00 568.00 18.11 144.88 74.50220 %FT123.168BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 28 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 110 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 14 79.00 1,106.00 20.15 282.10 74.50221 %FT123.253BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 169.00 845.00 43.10 215.50 74.50222 %FT150.30 Base Power Harness 30W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 6 163.00 978.00 41.57 249.42 74.50223 %FT150.24 Base Power Harness 24W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 4 233.00 932.00 59.42 237.68 74.50224 %FT155.B 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit B 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 9 233.00 2,097.00 59.42 534.78 74.50225 %FT155.A 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit A 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 3 289.00 867.00 73.70 221.10 74.50226 %FT110.5336N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 273.00 1,092.00 69.62 278.48 74.50227 %FT110.5330N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 261.00 1,044.00 66.56 266.24 74.50228 %FT110.5324N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 257.00 771.00 65.54 196.62 74.50229 %FT110.4230N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 42H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 29 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 111 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 257.00 1,285.00 65.54 327.70 74.50230 %FT110.4224J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 42H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 367.00 5,872.00 93.59 1,497.44 74.50231 %FT110.6848J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 10 347.00 3,470.00 88.49 884.90 74.50232 %FT110.6842J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 20 305.00 6,100.00 77.78 1,555.60 74.50233 %FT110.5342N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 323.00 4,199.00 82.37 1,070.81 74.50234 %FT110.5342J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.50235 %FT160.68BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 20 82.00 1,640.00 20.91 418.20 74.50236 %FT160.53BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 76.00 380.00 19.38 96.90 74.50237 %FT160.42BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 42H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 196.00 3,136.00 49.98 799.68 74.50238 %FT150.48 Base Power Harness 48W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 30 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 112 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 24 184.00 4,416.00 46.92 1,126.08 74.50239 %FT150.42 Base Power Harness 42W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 2 176.00 352.00 44.88 89.76 74.50240 %FT150.36 Base Power Harness 36W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 1 96.00 96.00 24.48 24.48 74.50241 %FT123.326NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 26H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 10 90.00 900.00 22.95 229.50 74.50242 %FT123.315NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 72.00 216.00 18.36 55.08 74.50243 %FT123.242BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 42H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 54.00 108.00 13.77 27.54 74.50244 %FT123.142BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 42H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 54.00 378.00 13.77 96.39 74.50245 %FT123.115NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 42.00 546.00 10.71 139.23 74.50246 %FT112.30AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 330.00 660.00 84.15 168.30 74.50247 %FT110.6836J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 31 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 113 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 290.00 290.00 73.95 73.95 74.50248 %FT110.4242N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 42H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 304.00 304.00 77.52 77.52 74.50249 %FT110.4242J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 42H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 270.00 1,620.00 68.85 413.10 74.50250 %FT110.4230J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 42H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 8 33.00 264.00 8.42 67.36 74.50251 %FT128.42 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 42H SYSTEMSTag: 2 39.00 78.00 9.95 19.90 74.50252 %FT151. Power Harness Extender SYSTEMSTag: 14 43.00 602.00 10.97 153.58 74.50253 %FT128.68 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 68H SYSTEMSTag: 10 69.00 690.00 17.60 176.00 74.50254 %G1190.01 Carpet Grippers 25/Pkg (2) PER FRAME (TO GO UNDER THE GLIDE) SYSTEMSTag: 2 93.00 186.00 23.72 47.44 74.50255 %FT121.346 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 46H frames and lower SYSTEMSTag: 14 121.00 1,694.00 30.86 432.04 74.50256 %FT121.257 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 32 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 114 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 137.00 1,370.00 34.94 349.40 74.50257 %FT121.357 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 18 40.00 720.00 10.20 183.60 74.50258 %FT128.53 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 53H SYSTEMSTag: 3 80.00 240.00 20.40 61.20 74.50259 %FT121.246 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 46H frames and lower SYSTEMSTag: 10 728.00 7,280.00 214.76 2,147.60 70.50260 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only SYSTEMSTag: 14 768.00 10,752.00 226.56 3,171.84 70.50261 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 3 2,947.00 8,841.00 869.37 2,608.11 70.50262 %LW310.53RS Stg Twr,W-Pull,Sd Fcng Bckcase, Wdrb Rt,B/B/F, 53H SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CR coat rod 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 33 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 115 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 2,947.00 11,788.00 869.37 3,477.48 70.50263 %LW310.53LS Stg Twr,W-Pull,Sd Fcng Bckcase, Wdrb Lft,B/B/F, 53H SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CR coat rod 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 12 1,262.00 15,144.00 372.29 4,467.48 70.50264 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail SYSTEMSTag: 2 1,425.00 2,850.00 420.38 840.76 70.50265 %LW400.3626 Storage Case,W-Pull 36W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike SYSTEMSTag: 1 1,294.00 1,294.00 381.73 381.73 70.50266 %LW400.3026 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike SYSTEMSTag: 10 202.00 2,020.00 59.59 595.90 70.50267 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto SYSTEMSTag:GMVENDOR 2 .00 .00 .00 .00268 %B0141E39QW Acrimet Key Cabinet Organizer 256 Positions with Lock (Wall Mount) (256 Multicolored Tags Included) (Beige Cabinet) 21 5/8" X 3 15/16" X 18 5/16" SYSTEMSTag:ELEVATE Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 34 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 116 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract ELEVATE 31 15.60 483.60 14.57 451.67 6.60269 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White SYSTEMSTag: 32 15.60 499.20 14.57 466.24 6.60270 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White SYSTEMSTag: HERMANMILLER 14 4,244.00 59,416.00 1,198.93 16,785.02 71.75271 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 3 4,189.00 12,567.00 1,183.39 3,550.17 71.75272 %DU6ACS.3054LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 54W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 35 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 117 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 4,069.00 4,069.00 1,149.49 1,149.49 71.75273 %DU6ACS.2448LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 24D 48W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 11 1,823.00 20,053.00 464.87 5,113.57 74.50274 %FV43F.F81548LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 1,799.00 12,593.00 458.75 3,211.25 74.50275 %FV43F.F81542LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 15 1,574.00 23,610.00 401.37 6,020.55 74.50276 %FV43F.F81536LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 36 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 118 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 1,450.00 1,450.00 369.75 369.75 74.50277 %FV43F.F81524LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 24W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 1,814.00 5,442.00 562.34 1,687.02 69.00278 %DU8F.BB60R Renew Link Trough Mounted Pari Fabric Screen, Back-to-Back, Tack Fab, Horz 60W NNN none 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 20 247.00 4,940.00 76.57 1,531.40 69.00279 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey SYSTEMSTag: 2 447.00 894.00 113.99 227.98 74.50280 %FTS34.3054LS Peninsula Surf,Rectangular End,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 54W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 732.00 1,464.00 186.66 373.32 74.50281 %FTS10.2496LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 96W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 7 702.00 4,914.00 179.01 1,253.07 74.50282 %FTS10.2490LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 90W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 37 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 119 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 612.00 4,896.00 156.06 1,248.48 74.50283 %FTS10.2472LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 660.00 1,320.00 168.30 336.60 74.50284 %FT2A2.A30AS Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Pen/D-Shpd Surf Attchd,Inset, for 30"D Peninsula,Adj Hght,Non-Hnded Support MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 498.00 1,494.00 126.99 380.97 74.50285 %FT2A1.24AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 388.00 776.00 98.94 197.88 74.50286 %FT2A1.12AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 12D Shared Mid-Run MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 15 44.00 660.00 11.22 168.30 74.50287 %FT290.24R Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,rt-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 44.00 572.00 11.22 145.86 74.50288 %FT290.24L Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,lft-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 9 709.00 6,381.00 288.92 2,600.28 59.25289 %Y1423.IA06 +Logic C1000 Universal Clamp Mount Distributor,4 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,pwr cord w/ plug end,6' cord/conduit G1 Finish @graphite SYSTEMSTag: 17 439.00 7,463.00 178.89 3,041.13 59.25290 %Y1414.L06S +Logic Mini,1 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,6' cord/conduit,surf clamp G1 Finish @graphite SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 38 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 120 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 32 29.00 928.00 7.40 236.80 74.50291 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 2 55.00 110.00 14.03 28.06 74.50292 %FT29B.2 Surface Ganging Bracket,pair SYSTEMSTag: 12 460.00 5,520.00 117.30 1,407.60 74.50293 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 12 638.00 7,656.00 162.69 1,952.28 74.50294 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 2 530.00 1,060.00 135.15 270.30 74.50295 %G6160.AB Twist LED Task Light,Single unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50296 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 294 key number 294 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50297 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 293 key number 293 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50298 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 292 key number 292 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50299 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 283 key number 283 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 39 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 121 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50300 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 282 key number 282 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50301 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 281 key number 281 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50302 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 280 key number 280 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50303 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 279 key number 279 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50304 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 273 key number 273 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50305 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 272 key number 272 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50306 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 271 key number 271 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50307 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 269 key number 269 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50308 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 268 key number 268 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 40 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 122 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50309 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 267 key number 267 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50310 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 266 key number 266 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50311 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 265 key number 265 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50312 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 264 key number 264 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50313 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 261 key number 261 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50314 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 260 key number 260 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50315 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 259 key number 259 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50316 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 258 key number 258 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50317 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 239 key number 239 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 41 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 123 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 225.00 1,350.00 57.38 344.28 74.50318 %FT140.06 Power Entry, External Direct Connect 6'long LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 2 255.00 510.00 79.05 158.10 69.00319 %DU1351.06L Pwr Entry, 4 Ciruit, liquid tight conduit 6' Long SYSTEMSTag: 3 9,290.00 27,870.00 2,879.90 8,639.70 69.00320 %DU2AS.3060LED Renew Link Bk-to-Bk Rect Hgt Adj Bench,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Std Range,Elec Ext Range 30D 60W ECT enhanced cable trough w/covers - data/power routing and cord management SUD simple up down PSC simple cable NNN no cutout LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 5,085.00 15,255.00 1,576.35 4,729.05 69.00321 %DU1AS.3060LD Renew Link Single Sided Rect Tbl Adj Bench,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range 30D 59W ECT enhanced cable trough w/covers - data/power routing and cord management SUD simple up down PSC simple cable NNN no cutout LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 127.00 254.00 32.39 64.78 74.50322 %FT170.1148T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 229.00 458.00 58.40 116.80 74.50323 %FT181.3348T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 42 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 124 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 257.00 2,056.00 65.54 524.32 74.50324 %FT180.4836T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 1 283.00 283.00 72.17 72.17 74.50325 %FT174.42 Tile,Lower Open 42W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 269.00 269.00 68.60 68.60 74.50326 %FT174.36 Tile,Lower Open 36W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 28 329.00 9,212.00 83.90 2,349.20 74.50327 %FT180.6336T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 216.00 432.00 55.08 110.16 74.50328 %FT181.3342T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 204.00 408.00 52.02 104.04 74.50329 %FT181.3336T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 20 376.00 7,520.00 95.88 1,917.60 74.50330 %FT180.6348T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 12 352.00 4,224.00 89.76 1,077.12 74.50331 %FT180.6342T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 43 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 125 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 236.00 472.00 60.18 120.36 74.50332 %FT180.6324T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 44 272.00 11,968.00 69.36 3,051.84 74.50333 %FT180.4842T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 1 304.00 304.00 77.52 77.52 74.50334 %FT174.48 Tile,Lower Open 48W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 20 208.00 4,160.00 53.04 1,060.80 74.50335 %FT170.3042T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 30H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 120.00 240.00 30.60 61.20 74.50336 %FT170.1142T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 112.00 224.00 28.56 57.12 74.50337 %FT170.1136T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 1 161.00 161.00 49.91 49.91 69.00338 %DU4S.EC Renew Link Bench End Caps - Enhanced Cable Trough, Single Sided, End Cap, Pkg/2 MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 201.00 402.00 62.31 124.62 69.00339 %DU4S.CP Renew Link Bench Connecting Plate - Enhanced Cable Trough, Single Sided, Connecting Plate (between tables) 1per Box MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 44 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 126 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 201.00 201.00 62.31 62.31 69.00340 %DU4B.EC Renew Link Bench End Caps - Enhanced Cable Trough, Back-to-Back, End Caps Pkg/2 MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 226.00 452.00 70.06 140.12 69.00341 %DU4B.CP Renew Link Bench Connecting Plate - Enhanced Cable Trough, Back-to-Back, Connecting Plate (between tables) 1per Box MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 39.00 39.00 9.95 9.95 74.50342 %FT112.24AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 10 41.00 410.00 10.46 104.60 74.50343 %FT126.2BP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 180-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 8 41.00 328.00 10.46 83.68 74.50344 %FT126.1AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-1 Frame Top Caps Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 19 47.00 893.00 11.99 227.81 74.50345 %FT112.36AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 39 53.00 2,067.00 13.52 527.28 74.50346 %FT112.42AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 11 57.00 627.00 14.54 159.94 74.50347 %FT112.48AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 69.00 276.00 17.60 70.40 74.50348 %FT123.235BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 35H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 45 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 127 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 71.00 710.00 18.11 181.10 74.50349 %FT123.168BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 71.00 71.00 18.11 18.11 74.50350 %FT123.133NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 33H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 79.00 316.00 20.15 80.60 74.50351 %FT123.253BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 101.00 404.00 25.76 103.04 74.50352 %FT123.333NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 33H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 163.00 163.00 41.57 41.57 74.50353 %FT150.24 Base Power Harness 24W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 1 233.00 233.00 59.42 59.42 74.50354 %FT155.B 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit B 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 9 233.00 2,097.00 59.42 534.78 74.50355 %FT155.A 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit A 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 1 297.00 297.00 75.74 75.74 74.50356 %FT110.6824J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 289.00 1,156.00 73.70 294.80 74.50357 %FT110.5336N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 46 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 128 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 279.00 1,395.00 71.15 355.75 74.50358 %FT110.3542N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 35H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 293.00 1,465.00 74.72 373.60 74.50359 %FT110.3542J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 35H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 11 367.00 4,037.00 93.59 1,029.49 74.50360 %FT110.6848J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 347.00 2,429.00 88.49 619.43 74.50361 %FT110.6842J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 9 305.00 2,745.00 77.78 700.02 74.50362 %FT110.5342N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 323.00 4,199.00 82.37 1,070.81 74.50363 %FT110.5342J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 92.00 368.00 23.46 93.84 74.50364 %FT160.68BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 82.00 1,066.00 20.91 271.83 74.50365 %FT160.53BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 72.00 360.00 18.36 91.80 74.50366 %FT160.35BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 35H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 47 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 129 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 11 196.00 2,156.00 49.98 549.78 74.50367 %FT150.48 Base Power Harness 48W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 25 184.00 4,600.00 46.92 1,173.00 74.50368 %FT150.42 Base Power Harness 42W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 15 176.00 2,640.00 44.88 673.20 74.50369 %FT150.36 Base Power Harness 36W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 4 90.00 360.00 22.95 91.80 74.50370 %FT123.315NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 9 54.00 486.00 13.77 123.93 74.50371 %FT123.115NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 15 330.00 4,950.00 84.15 1,262.25 74.50372 %FT110.6836J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 132.00 792.00 40.92 245.52 69.00373 %DU1358.DBB Junction Blck,dbl bck-to-bck junct box,short 90 deg att to underside of surf SYSTEMSTag: 6 41.00 246.00 12.71 76.26 69.00374 %DU1355.152 Duplex Receptacle, 4 Circuit, 15 Amp Circuit II SYSTEMSTag: 12 41.00 492.00 12.71 152.52 69.00375 %DU1355.151 Duplex Receptacle, 4 Circuit, 15 Amp Circuit I SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 48 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 130 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 186.00 744.00 57.66 230.64 69.00376 %DU1353.48A Junct Blk to Junct Blk Jumper, 4 Curcuit, Adj Jumper 48W SYSTEMSTag: 18 43.00 774.00 10.97 197.46 74.50377 %FT128.68 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 68H SYSTEMSTag: 9 69.00 621.00 17.60 158.40 74.50378 %G1190.01 Carpet Grippers 25/Pkg (2) PER FRAME (TO GO UNDER THE GLIDE) SYSTEMSTag: 4 121.00 484.00 30.86 123.44 74.50379 %FT121.257 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 10 137.00 1,370.00 34.94 349.40 74.50380 %FT121.357 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 13 40.00 520.00 10.20 132.60 74.50381 %FT128.53 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 53H SYSTEMSTag: 5 32.00 160.00 8.16 40.80 74.50382 %FT128.35 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 35H SYSTEMSTag: 4 80.00 320.00 20.40 81.60 74.50383 %FT121.246 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 46H frames and lower SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 49 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 131 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 13 660.00 8,580.00 194.70 2,531.10 70.50384 %LW100.20FF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D F/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 1M 2 file converters in each file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 21 768.00 16,128.00 226.56 4,757.76 70.50385 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 1 1,425.00 1,425.00 420.38 420.38 70.50386 %LW400.3626 Storage Case,W-Pull 36W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike SYSTEMSTag: 1 317.00 317.00 93.52 93.52 70.50387 %LTPL-03620 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 36W 20D LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 4,329.00 4,329.00 1,222.94 1,222.94 71.75388 %DU6ACS.3066LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 66W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 50 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 132 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 29 4,244.00 123,076.00 1,198.93 34,768.97 71.75389 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 2 4,189.00 8,378.00 1,183.39 2,366.78 71.75390 %DU6ACS.3054LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 54W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 21 1,823.00 38,283.00 464.87 9,762.27 74.50391 %FV43F.F81548LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 21 1,799.00 37,779.00 458.75 9,633.75 74.50392 %FV43F.F81542LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 51 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 133 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 1,574.00 6,296.00 401.37 1,605.48 74.50393 %FV43F.F81536LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 32 247.00 7,904.00 76.57 2,450.24 69.00394 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey SYSTEMSTag: 2 447.00 894.00 113.99 227.98 74.50395 %FTS34.3054LS Peninsula Surf,Rectangular End,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 54W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 681.00 681.00 173.66 173.66 74.50396 %FTS10.2484LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 84W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 20 702.00 14,040.00 179.01 3,580.20 74.50397 %FTS10.2490LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 90W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 612.00 1,224.00 156.06 312.12 74.50398 %FTS10.2472LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 52 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 134 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 588.00 588.00 149.94 149.94 74.50399 %FTS10.2466LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 66W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 16 336.00 5,376.00 85.68 1,370.88 74.50400 %FTS10.2436LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 36W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 660.00 1,320.00 168.30 336.60 74.50401 %FT2A2.A30AS Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Pen/D-Shpd Surf Attchd,Inset, for 30"D Peninsula,Adj Hght,Non-Hnded Support MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 498.00 498.00 126.99 126.99 74.50402 %FT2A1.24AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 22 388.00 8,536.00 98.94 2,176.68 74.50403 %FT2A1.12AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 12D Shared Mid-Run MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 23 44.00 1,012.00 11.22 258.06 74.50404 %FT290.24R Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,rt-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 22 44.00 968.00 11.22 246.84 74.50405 %FT290.24L Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,lft-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 32 439.00 14,048.00 178.89 5,724.48 59.25406 %Y1414.L06S +Logic Mini,1 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,6' cord/conduit,surf clamp G1 Finish @graphite SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 53 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 135 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 31 29.00 899.00 7.40 229.40 74.50407 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 19 55.00 1,045.00 14.03 266.57 74.50408 %FT29B.2 Surface Ganging Bracket,pair SYSTEMSTag: 23 460.00 10,580.00 117.30 2,697.90 74.50409 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 23 638.00 14,674.00 162.69 3,741.87 74.50410 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50411 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 310 key number 310 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50412 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 309 key number 309 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50413 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 307 key number 307 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50414 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 306 key number 306 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50415 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 305 key number 305 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 54 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 136 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50416 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 304 key number 304 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50417 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 303 key number 303 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50418 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 302 key number 302 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50419 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 301 key number 301 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50420 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 300 key number 300 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50421 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 299 key number 299 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50422 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 298 key number 298 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50423 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 297 key number 297 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50424 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 295 key number 295 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 55 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 137 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50425 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 294 key number 294 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50426 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 293 key number 293 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50427 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 292 key number 292 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50428 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 291 key number 291 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50429 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 290 key number 290 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50430 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 289 key number 289 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50431 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 288 key number 288 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50432 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 287 key number 287 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50433 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 286 key number 286 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 56 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 138 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50434 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 282 key number 282 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50435 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 281 key number 281 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50436 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 280 key number 280 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50437 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 279 key number 279 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50438 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 278 key number 278 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50439 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 277 key number 277 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50440 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 271 key number 271 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50441 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 270 key number 270 SYSTEMSTag: 9 225.00 2,025.00 57.38 516.42 74.50442 %FT140.06 Power Entry, External Direct Connect 6'long LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 57 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 139 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 127.00 254.00 32.39 64.78 74.50443 %FT181.1148T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 127.00 1,016.00 32.39 259.12 74.50444 %FT170.1148T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 229.00 1,832.00 58.40 467.20 74.50445 %FT181.3348T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 6 285.00 1,710.00 72.68 436.08 74.50446 %FT180.4848T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 257.00 1,028.00 65.54 262.16 74.50447 %FT180.4836T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 1 269.00 269.00 68.60 68.60 74.50448 %FT174.36 Tile,Lower Open 36W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 329.00 1,974.00 83.90 503.40 74.50449 %FT180.6336T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 785.00 6,280.00 200.18 1,601.44 74.50450 %FT115.4630LR Gallery Panel, Lam/TP Edge, Right Attachment 46H 30W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 58 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 140 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 785.00 6,280.00 200.18 1,601.44 74.50451 %FT115.4630LL Gallery Panel, Lam/TP Edge, Left Attachment 46H 30W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 204.00 408.00 52.02 104.04 74.50452 %FT181.3336T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 96.00 384.00 24.48 97.92 74.50453 %FT181.1124T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 26 376.00 9,776.00 95.88 2,492.88 74.50454 %FT180.6348T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 32 352.00 11,264.00 89.76 2,872.32 74.50455 %FT180.6342T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 236.00 944.00 60.18 240.72 74.50456 %FT180.6324T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 84 272.00 22,848.00 69.36 5,826.24 74.50457 %FT180.4842T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 16 206.00 3,296.00 52.53 840.48 74.50458 %FT180.4830T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 59 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 141 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 20 244.00 4,880.00 62.22 1,244.40 74.50459 %FT180.3742T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 37H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 304.00 1,216.00 77.52 310.08 74.50460 %FT174.48 Tile,Lower Open 48W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 238.00 714.00 60.69 182.07 74.50461 %FT174.30 Tile,Lower Open 30W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 26 182.00 4,732.00 46.41 1,206.66 74.50462 %FT170.3030T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 30H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 112.00 224.00 28.56 57.12 74.50463 %FT170.1136T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 6 104.00 624.00 26.52 159.12 74.50464 %FT170.1130T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 39.00 78.00 9.95 19.90 74.50465 %FT112.24AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 10 41.00 410.00 10.46 104.60 74.50466 %FT126.2BP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 180-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 60 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 142 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 41.00 41.00 10.46 10.46 74.50467 %FT126.2AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 90-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 23 41.00 943.00 10.46 240.58 74.50468 %FT126.1AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-1 Frame Top Caps Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 47.00 282.00 11.99 71.94 74.50469 %FT112.36AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 51.00 255.00 13.01 65.05 74.50470 %FT123.135BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 35H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 68 53.00 3,604.00 13.52 919.36 74.50471 %FT112.42AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 57.00 912.00 14.54 232.64 74.50472 %FT16G.07P Finished End, Gallery Panel, Standard Painted Trim 7H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 20 57.00 1,140.00 14.54 290.80 74.50473 %FT112.48AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 61.00 122.00 15.56 31.12 74.50474 %FT123.153BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 65.00 65.00 16.58 16.58 74.50475 %FT123.126NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 26H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 61 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 143 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 69.00 414.00 17.60 105.60 74.50476 %FT123.235BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 35H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 71.00 426.00 18.11 108.66 74.50477 %FT123.168BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 79.00 395.00 20.15 100.75 74.50478 %FT123.253BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 85.00 85.00 21.68 21.68 74.50479 %FT123.311NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 11H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 95.00 95.00 24.23 24.23 74.50480 %FT123.279BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 79H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 99.00 99.00 25.25 25.25 74.50481 %FT160.79BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 79H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 169.00 676.00 43.10 172.40 74.50482 %FT150.30 Base Power Harness 30W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 1 163.00 163.00 41.57 41.57 74.50483 %FT150.24 Base Power Harness 24W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 2 233.00 466.00 59.42 118.84 74.50484 %FT155.C 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit C 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 62 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 144 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 233.00 466.00 59.42 118.84 74.50485 %FT155.B 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit B 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 14 233.00 3,262.00 59.42 831.88 74.50486 %FT155.A 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit A 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 2 289.00 578.00 73.70 147.40 74.50487 %FT110.5336N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 8 273.00 2,184.00 69.62 556.96 74.50488 %FT110.5330N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 367.00 5,872.00 93.59 1,497.44 74.50489 %FT110.6848J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 347.00 5,552.00 88.49 1,415.84 74.50490 %FT110.6842J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 24 305.00 7,320.00 77.78 1,866.72 74.50491 %FT110.5342N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 18 323.00 5,814.00 82.37 1,482.66 74.50492 %FT110.5342J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 437.00 437.00 111.44 111.44 74.50493 %FT110.7948N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 79H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 63 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 145 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 17 82.00 1,394.00 20.91 355.47 74.50494 %FT160.53BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 76.00 380.00 19.38 96.90 74.50495 %FT160.42BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 42H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 196.00 3,136.00 49.98 799.68 74.50496 %FT150.48 Base Power Harness 48W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 38 184.00 6,992.00 46.92 1,782.96 74.50497 %FT150.42 Base Power Harness 42W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 4 176.00 704.00 44.88 179.52 74.50498 %FT150.36 Base Power Harness 36W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 4 96.00 384.00 24.48 97.92 74.50499 %FT123.326NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 26H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 11 92.00 1,012.00 23.46 258.06 74.50500 %FT123.318NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 18H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 90.00 630.00 22.95 160.65 74.50501 %FT123.315NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 88.00 88.00 22.44 22.44 74.50502 %FT123.268BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 64 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 146 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 72.00 288.00 18.36 73.44 74.50503 %FT123.242BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 42H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 54.00 702.00 13.77 179.01 74.50504 %FT123.115NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 24 42.00 1,008.00 10.71 257.04 74.50505 %FT112.30AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 368.00 368.00 93.84 93.84 74.50506 %FT110.7924N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 79H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 388.00 388.00 98.94 98.94 74.50507 %FT110.7924J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 79H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 330.00 1,320.00 84.15 336.60 74.50508 %FT110.6836J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 324.00 972.00 82.62 247.86 74.50509 %FT110.5348N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 290.00 1,450.00 73.95 369.75 74.50510 %FT110.4242N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 42H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 304.00 1,520.00 77.52 387.60 74.50511 %FT110.4242J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 42H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 65 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 147 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 16 240.00 3,840.00 61.20 979.20 74.50512 %FT110.3530J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 35H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 33.00 165.00 8.42 42.10 74.50513 %FT128.42 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 42H SYSTEMSTag: 5 39.00 195.00 9.95 49.75 74.50514 %FT151. Power Harness Extender SYSTEMSTag: 20 43.00 860.00 10.97 219.40 74.50515 %FT128.68 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 68H SYSTEMSTag: 11 69.00 759.00 17.60 193.60 74.50516 %G1190.01 Carpet Grippers 25/Pkg (2) PER FRAME (TO GO UNDER THE GLIDE) SYSTEMSTag: 5 93.00 465.00 23.72 118.60 74.50517 %FT121.346 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 46H frames and lower SYSTEMSTag: 7 121.00 847.00 30.86 216.02 74.50518 %FT121.257 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 8 137.00 1,096.00 34.94 279.52 74.50519 %FT121.357 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 1 44.00 44.00 11.22 11.22 74.50520 %FT128.79 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 79H SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 66 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 148 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 22 40.00 880.00 10.20 224.40 74.50521 %FT128.53 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 53H SYSTEMSTag: 8 32.00 256.00 8.16 65.28 74.50522 %FT128.35 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 35H SYSTEMSTag: 4 154.00 616.00 39.27 157.08 74.50523 %FT121.457 Conn 90,Universal,4way-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 10 80.00 800.00 20.40 204.00 74.50524 %FT121.246 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 46H frames and lower SYSTEMSTag: 8 728.00 5,824.00 214.76 1,718.08 70.50525 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only SYSTEMSTag: 7 660.00 4,620.00 194.70 1,362.90 70.50526 %LW100.20FF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D F/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 1M 2 file converters in each file drawer SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 67 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 149 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 7 768.00 5,376.00 226.56 1,585.92 70.50527 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 8 2,947.00 23,576.00 869.37 6,954.96 70.50528 %LW310.53RS Stg Twr,W-Pull,Sd Fcng Bckcase, Wdrb Rt,B/B/F, 53H SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CR coat rod 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 8 2,947.00 23,576.00 869.37 6,954.96 70.50529 %LW310.53LS Stg Twr,W-Pull,Sd Fcng Bckcase, Wdrb Lft,B/B/F, 53H SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CR coat rod 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 16 1,262.00 20,192.00 372.29 5,956.64 70.50530 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail SYSTEMSTag: 8 202.00 1,616.00 59.59 476.72 70.50531 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 68 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 150 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $446,206.58 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 69 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 151 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract ULINE 2 .00 .00 200.00 400.001 %H-2063 KEY CABINET - KEYED LOCK, 120 KEY TABLESTag: 3 .00 .00 71.25 213.752 %H-5746 CASTERS FOR TABLES (set of 4) TABLESTag: 2 .00 .00 590.00 1,180.003 %H-5001 STAINLESS STEEL TABLES WITH BOTTOM SHELF 30X72 TABLESTag: 1 .00 .00 533.75 533.754 %H-5000 Standard Stainless Steel Worktable with Bottom Shelf - 60 x 30" TABLESTag:HERMANMILLER 3 4,244.00 12,732.00 1,198.93 3,596.79 71.755 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides TABLESTag: 2 4,329.00 8,658.00 1,222.94 2,445.88 71.756 %DU6ACS.3066LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 66W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 152 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 4,244.00 8,488.00 1,198.93 2,397.86 71.757 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides TABLESTag: 1 5,250.00 5,250.00 1,648.50 1,648.50 68.608 %DP1EPS.24108LLNN Headwayâ„¢ Communal Table, Standing Height 91 white 91 white 91 white 91 white 91 white TABLESTag: 1 7,255.00 7,255.00 2,278.07 2,278.07 68.609 %DP1EPS.36120LLNN Headwayâ„¢ Communal Table, Standing Height 91 white 91 white 91 white 91 white 91 white TABLESTag: 1 1,509.00 1,509.00 430.07 430.07 71.5010 %DT1AS.2460LT Everywhere Rectangular Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,T-Leg 24D 60W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 20 casters NTG no grommet TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 153 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 3,139.00 3,139.00 894.62 894.62 71.5011 %DT1FS.3672LG Everywhere Soft Rectangle Meeting Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Double 3-Column Base,Spanner 36D 72W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 1 3,139.00 3,139.00 894.62 894.62 71.5012 %DT1FS.3672LG Everywhere Soft Rectangle Meeting Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Double 3-Column Base,Spanner 36D 72W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 1 3,449.00 3,449.00 982.97 982.97 71.5013 %DT1FS.4284LG Everywhere Soft Rectangle Meeting Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Double 3-Column Base,Spanner 42D 84W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 3 1,078.00 3,234.00 307.23 921.69 71.5014 %DT1AS.3048LP Everywhere Rectangular Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Post Leg 30D 48W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides NTG no grommet TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 154 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 1,730.00 6,920.00 493.05 1,972.20 71.5015 %DT1AS.2472LT Everywhere Rectangular Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,T-Leg 24D 72W 91 white 91 white MS metallic silver 20 casters NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 2 1,262.00 2,524.00 359.67 719.34 71.5016 %DT1AS.3660LP Everywhere Rectangular Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Post Leg 36D 60W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 18 1,730.00 31,140.00 493.05 8,874.90 71.5017 %DT1AS.2472LT Everywhere Rectangular Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,T-Leg 24D 72W 91 white 91 white MS metallic silver 20 casters NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 12 1,129.00 13,548.00 460.07 5,520.84 59.2518 %Y1415.3N60S10 +Logic Mini - Vine,three pwr modules,first mod has 1 AC simplex plus 1 pwr USB A/C Combo all other modules have all AC simplexes,60" between split points,surf clamp,10' cord/conduit 91 Finish @white TABLESTag: 2 1,755.00 3,510.00 500.18 1,000.36 71.5019 %DT1CS.42LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 42Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 155 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 1,390.00 5,560.00 396.15 1,584.60 71.5020 %DT1BS.3636LX Everywhere Square Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 36D 36W 91 white 91 white MS metallic silver 57 glides TABLESTag: 3 1,390.00 4,170.00 396.15 1,188.45 71.5021 %DT1BS.3636LX Everywhere Square Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 36D 36W 91 white 91 white MS metallic silver 57 glides TABLESTag: 3 247.00 741.00 76.57 229.71 69.0022 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey TABLESTag: 4 247.00 988.00 76.57 306.28 69.0023 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey TABLESTag: 1 311.00 311.00 79.31 79.31 74.5024 %FTS10.2442LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 42W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash TABLESTag: 1 543.00 543.00 138.47 138.47 74.5025 %FTS10.2472LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 156 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 520.00 2,080.00 132.60 530.40 74.5026 %FTS10.2466LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 66W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash TABLESTag: 3 489.00 1,467.00 198.05 594.15 59.5027 %FSLS-38 Meridian Storage Surround Support Legs, Square 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver TABLESTag: 4 439.00 1,756.00 178.89 715.56 59.2528 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite TABLESTag: 6 344.00 2,064.00 98.04 588.24 71.5029 %DT9B.T Vetical Cord Covers, T-Legs C for table with caster base MS metallic silver TABLESTag: 15 203.00 3,045.00 51.77 776.55 74.5030 %FV689.P Support Leg,Post MS metallic silver TABLESTag:ELEVATE 3 15.60 46.80 14.57 43.71 6.6031 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White TABLESTag: 4 15.60 62.40 14.57 58.28 6.6032 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 6 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 157 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $43,739.92 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 7 Job Captain Sarah Jamieson DocuSign Envelope ID: D7A1268D-4375-418C-9C52-4FFD39A4F6B2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 158 of 350 ORIGINAL AS-NEEDED GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO AND ·GOFORTH· & MARTI(dba GM BUSINESS INTERIORS) TO PROVIDE HERMAN MILLER SYSTEM BRAND OFFICE FURNITURE AND 'RELATED SERVICES DOCUMENT NO�$• 311814 FILED .IIJN .t B 2018 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT 2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 159 of 350 SERVICES AGREEMENT This as-needed goods and services agreement (Agreement) is entered into by and between the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation (City), and Goforth & Marti (dba GM Business Interiors [GMBI), a California Corporation). All references to "Contractor" in this agreement shall mean and be understood to be «GMBI." RECITALS City wishes to retain GMBI to provide Herman Miller System brand system office furniture and related services for reconfiguration, teardowns, and rebuilding of standardized work station office furniture in City departments on an as-needed basis and as further described in the Scope of Services (Services), attached hereto as Exhibit A. GMBI has the expertise, experience, and personnel necessary to provide the Services. City and GMBI (collectively, the "Parties,,) wish to enter into an agreement whereby City will retain GMBI to provide the Services. Per San Diego Municipal Code (SDMC) section 22.3208(d), a sole source contract does not require advertisement or a competitive bidding process. The Purchasing Director has certified that the award of a sole source contract is necessary under SDMC section 22.3016(a). For good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, City and GMBI agree as follows: ARTICLE I CONTRACTOR SERVICES 1.1 Scope of Services. Contractor shall provide the Services to City as described in Exhibit A, Scope of Services, which is incorporated herein by reference. 1.2 Contract Administrator. The Real Estate Asset Department is the Contract Administrator for this Agreement. GMBI shall provide the Services under the direction of a designated representative of the Department as follows: Karen Johnson, Real Estate Asset Manager Real Estate Asset Department 1200 3rd Ave., Suite 1700 San Diego, CA 92101 kjohnson@sandiego.gov 1.3 General Contract Terms and Provisions. This Agreement incorporates by reference the General Contract Terms and Provisions, attached hereto as Exhibit B. Agreement Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709 _3 Page 1 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 160 of 350 1.4 Submittals Required with the Agreement. GMBI is required to submit the following forms and information requested prior to execution of the Agreement: •Contractors Standards Pledge of Compliance•Current San Diego Business Tax Certificate•Living Wage Certification of Compliance•Equal Opportunity Contracting Forms•Insurance Certifications, with all applicable endorsements•Taxpayer Identification Form W-9ARTICLE II DURATION OF AGREEMENT 2.1 Term. This Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years, beginning upon the Effective Date. The term of this Agreement shall not exceed five years unless approved by the City Council by ordinance. 2.2 Effective Date. This Agreement shall be effective on the date it is executed by the last Party to sign the Agreement and approved by the City Attorney in accordance with San Diego Charter Section 40. ARTICLE III COMPENSATION 3.1 Amount of Compensation. City shall pay GMBI for goods and services in accordance with this Agreement in an amount not to exceed $12,500,000.00. ARTICLE IV WAGE REQUIREMENTS By signing this Contract, GMBI certifies that it is aware of the wage provisions described herein and shall comply with such provisions before commencing services. 4.1. Prevailing Wages. Pursuant to San Diego Municipal Code section 22.3019, construction, alteration, demolition, repair and maintenance work performed under this Contract is subject to State prevailing wage laws. For construction work performed under this Contract cumulatively exceeding $25,000 and for alteration, demolition, repair and maintenance work performed under this Contract cumulatively exceeding $15,000, GMBI and its subcontractors shall comply with State prevailing wage laws including, but not limited to, the requirements listed below. This requirement is in addition to the requirement to pay Living Wage pursuant to San Diego Municipal Code sections 22.4201 through 22.4245. GMBI must determine which per diem rate is highest for each classification of work (i.e. Prevailing Wage Rate or Living Wage Rate), and pay the highest of the two rates to their employees. Living Wage applies to workers who are not subject to Prevailing Wage Rates. 4.1.1 Compliance with Prevailing Wage Requirements. Pursuant to sections 1720 through 1861 of the California Labor Code, GMBI and its subcontractors shall ensure that all workers who perform work under this Contract are paid not less than Agreement Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709 _2 Page 2 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 161 of 350 the prevailing rate of per diem wages as determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). This includes work performed during the , design and preconstruction phases of construction including, but not limited to, inspection and land surveying work. Copies of such prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file at the City of San Diego's Equal Opportunity Contracting Department and are available for inspection to any interested party on request. Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages also may be found at http:f/www.dir.ca.gov/OPRL/DPreWageDetermination.htm. GMBI and its subcontractors shall post a copy of the prevailing rate of per diem wages determination at each job site and shall make them available to any interested party upon request. The wage rates determined by the DIR refer to expiration dates. If the published wage rate does not refer to a predetermined wage rate to be paid after the expiration date, then the published rate of wage shall be in effect for the life of this Contract. If the published wage rate refers to a predetermined wage rate to become effective upon expiration of the published wage rate and the predetermined wage rate is on file with the DIR, such predetermined wage rate shall become effective on the date following the expiration date and shall apply to this Contract in the same manner as if it had been published in said publication. If the predetermined wage rate refers to one or more additional expiration dates with additional predetermined wage rates, which expiration dates occur during the life of this Contract, each successive predetermined wage rate shall apply to this Contract on the date following the expiration date of the previous wage rate. If the last of such predetermined wage rates expires during the life of this Contract, such wage rate shall apply to the balance of the Contract. 4.2 Penalties for Violations. GMBI and its subcontractors shall comply with California Labor Code section 1775 in the event a worker is paid less than the prevailing wage rate for the work or craft in which the worker is employed. This shall be in addition to any other applicable penalties allowed under Labor Code sections 1720 -1861. 4,3 Payroll Records. GMBI and its subcontractors shall comply with Califoq1ia Labor Code section 1776, which generally requires keeping accurate payroll records, verifying and certifying payroll records, and making them available for inspection. GMBI shall require its subcontractors to also comply with section 1776. GMBI and its subcontractors shall submit weekly certified payroll records online via the City's web-based Labor Compliance Program. GMVI is responsible for ensuring its subcontractors submit certified payroll records to the City. GMBI and its subcontractors shall also furnish the records specified in Labor Code section 1776 directly to the Labor Commissioner in the manner required in Labor Code section 1771.L�. 4.4 Apprentices. GMBI and its subcontractors shall comply with California Labor Code sections 1777.5, 1777.6 and 1777.7 concerning the employment and wages of apprentices. GMBI shall be held responsible for their compliance as well as the compliance of their subcontractors with sections 1777.5, 1777.6 and 1777.7. Agreement Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709 _2 Page 3 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 162 of 350 4.5 Working Hours. GMBI and its subcontractors shall comply with California Labor Code sections 1810 through 1815, including but not limited to: (i) restrict working hours on public works contracts to eight hours a day and forty hours a week, unless all hours worked in excess of 8 hours per day are compensated at not less than 1½ times the basic rate of pay; and (ii) specify penalties to be imposed on design professionals and subcontractors of $25 per worker per day for each day the worker works more than 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week in violation of California Labor Code sections1810 through 1815. 4.6 Required Provisions for Subcontracts. GMBI shall include at a minimum a copy of the following provisions in any contract they enter into with a subcontractor: California Labor Code sections 1771, 1771.1, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1810, 1813, 1815, 1860 and 1861. 4.7 Labor Code Section 1861 Certification. GMBI in accordance with California Labor Code section 3700 is required to secure the payment of compensation of its employees and by signing this Contract, GMBI certifies that "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract." 4.8 Labor Compliance ProgrJlm. The City has its own Labor Compliance Program authorized in August 2011 by the DIR. The City will withhold contract payments when payroll records are delinquent or deemed inadequate by the City or other governmental entity, or it has been established after an investigation by the City or other governmental entity that underpayment(s) have occurred. For questions or assistance, please contact the City of San Diego's Equal Opportunity Contracting Department at 619-236-6000. 4.9 Contractor and Subcontractor Registration Requirements. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR. A GMBI or subcontractor shall not be qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, subject to the requirements of Section 4104 of the Public Contract Code, or enter into any contract for public work, as defined in this chapter of the Labor Code unless currently registered and qualified to perform the work pursuant to Section 1725.5. In accordance with Labor Code section 1771.1.(a), "[i]t is not a violation of this section for an unregistered contractor to submit a bid that is authorized by Section 7029.1 of the Business and Professions Code or by Section 10164 or 20103.5 of the Public Contract Code, provided the contractor is registered to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5 at the time the contract is awarded." Agreement 4.9.1 A GMBI inadvertent error in listing a subcontractor who is not registered pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5 in a response to a solicitation shall not be grounds for filing a bid protest or grounds for considering the bid non -responsive provided that any of the following apply: (1) the subcontractor is registered prior to bid opening; (2) within twenty-four hours after the bid opening, the subcontractor is registered and has paid the penalty registration fee specified in Labor Code section 1725.5; or (3) the subcontractor is replaced· Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709_2 Page4 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 163 of 350 by another registered contractor pursuant to Public Contract Code section 4107. 4.9.2 A Contract entered into with any GMBI or subcontractor in violation of Labor Code section 1771.1(a) shall be subject to cancellation, provided that a Contract for public work shall not be unlawful, void, or voidable solely due to the failure of the awarding body, GMBI, or any subcontractor to comply with the requirements of section 1725.5 of this section. 4.9.3 By submitting a bid or proposal to the City, GMBI is certifying that he or she has verified that all subcontractors used on this public works project are registered with the DIR in compliance with Labor Code sections 1771.1 and 1725.5, and GMBI shall provide proof of registration for themselves and all listed subcontractors to the City at the time of bid or proposal due date or upon request. 4.10 Stop Order. For GMBI or its subcontractor(s) engaging in the performance of any public work contract without having been registered in violation of Labor Code sections 1725.5 or 1771.1, the Labor Commissioner shall issue and serve a stop order prohibiting the use of the unregistered GMBI or unregistered subcontractor(s) on ALL public works until the unregistered GMBI or unregistered subcontractor(s) is registered. Failure to observe a stop order is a misdemeanor. 4.11 List of all Subcontractors. The City may ask GMBI for the most current list of subcontractors (regardless of tier), along with their DIR registration numbers, utilized on this contract at any time during performance of this contract, and GMBI GMBI shall provide the City with a complete list of all subcontractors utilized on this contract (regardless of tier), within ten working days of the completion of the contract, along with their DIR registration numbers. The City shall withhold final payment to GMBI until at least 30 days after this information is provided to the City. 4.12 Exemptions for Small Projects. There are limited exemptions for installation, alteration, demolition, or repair work done on projects of $251000 or less. The GMBI shall still comply with Labor Code sections 1720 et. seq. The only recognized exemptions are listed below: Agreement 4.12.1 Registration. GMBI will not be required to register with the DIR for small projects. (Labor Code section 1771.1). 4.12.2 Certified Payroll Records. The records required in Labor Code section 1776 shall be required to be kept and submitted to the City of San Diego, but will not be required to be submitted online with the DIR directly. The GMBI will need to keep those records for at least three years following the completion of the contract. (Labor Code section 1771.4). 4,12.3 List of all Subcontractors. The GMBI shall not be required to hire only registered subcontractors and is exempt from submitting the list of all subcontractors that is required in section 11 above. (Labor Code section 1773.3). Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709 _2 Page5 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 164 of 350 4.13 Living�. This Contract is subject to the City's Living Wage Ordinance (LWO), codified at SDMC sections 22.4201 through 22.4245. The LWO requires payment of minimum hourly wage rates and other benefits unless an exemption applies. SDMC section 22.4225 requires GMBI to fill out and file a living wage certification with the City Manager within thirty (30) days of Award of the Contract. LWO wage and health benefit rates are adjusted annually in accordance with SDMC section 22.422o(b) to reflect the Consumer Price Index. Service contracts, financial assistance agreements, and City facilities agreements must include this upward adjustment of wage rates to covered employees on July 1 of each year. In addition, GMBI agrees to require all of its subcontractors, sublessees, and concessionaires subject to the LWO to comply with the LWO and all applicable regulations and rules. 4.13.1 Exemption from Living Wage Ordinance. Pursuant to SDMC section 22.4215, this Contract may be exempt from the LWO. For a determination on this exemption, GMBI must complete the Living Wage Ordinance Application for Exemption. 4.14 Highest Wage Rate Applies. GMBI is required to pay the highest applicable wage rate where more than one wage rate applies. ARTICLEV CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 5.1 Contract Documents. This Agreement and its exhibits constitute the Contract Documents. The Contract Documents completely describe the goods to be provided. 5.2 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which when taken together shall constitute a single signed original as though all Parties had executed the same page. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank; signature page to follow.] Agreement Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709 _2 Page6 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 165 of 350 IN WITNESS WHE REOF, this Agreement is executed by City and GMBI acting by and through their authorized officers. Goforth & Marti, a California CITY OF SAN DIEGO :::p/4/4 AL::ulliclpal Corpo�• 11 ,Print Name: Mike Akin, VP & CPO Stacey LoMedico �--­ 02/27/2018 DATE SIGNED Agreement Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709_2 Assistant Chief Operating Officer a /2 /4 �'l1/.f DATE SIGNED �s to form this /�day oft::�V0 I , 20----'--=--·· MARAELLIO Page7 R_: 311814May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 166 of 350 '.heck A License -License Detail Page 1 of l Contractor's License Detail for License # 944352 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law (B&P 7124.6) If this entity Is subject to public complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the link or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action information. Per B&P 7071.17 , only construction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed. Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitration. Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license database. his license is current and active. Business Information GOFORTH & MARTI 1099 WEST CADENA DRIVE RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 Business Phone Number:(800) 686-6583 Entity Corporation Issue Date 03/11/2010 Expire Date 03/31/2020 License Status ��1 .. information below should be reviewed. -----------------------------� Classifications t9·:51 / D34 - PREFABRICATED EQUIPMENT Bonding Information Contractor's Bond his license filed a Contractor's Bond with WESTERN SURETY COMPANY. Bond Number: 16079176 Bond Amount: $15,000 Effective Date: 01/01/2016 Contractor's Bo nd Histo ry Bond of Qualifying Individual [he qualifying individual STEPHEN LAWRENCE EASLEY certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/membership interest of this company; therefore, the Bond of Qualifying Individual is not required. Effective Date: 05/01/2015 Workers' Compensation his license has workers compensation insurance with the NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, PA Policy Number:WC080756387 Effective Date: 03/01/2017 Expire Date: 03/01/2019 �I _o_r_ke_r_s'_C_o_m�p_e_n_sa_t_io_n_H_i s_t_or�y _________ ,.,,., ........ _____ _ ttps://www2.cslb.ca.gov/OnlineServices/CheckLicenseII/LicenseDetail.aspx?LicNum=944352 j 7/31/201! May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 167 of 350 Legal Name Registration Number Coullty City License Type/Nurnber(s) Current Status Registration Date Expiration Date GOFORTH & MARTI 1000001979 RIVERSIDE RIVERSIDE CSLB:944352 Active 06/18/2018 06/30/2019 May 24, 2022Item #6 Page 168 of 350 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK A.OVERVIEWCity wishes to retain Contractor to provide Herman Miller System brand standardized office furniture and related services for reconfiguration, teardowns, and rebuilding of standardized work stati.on office furniture in City departments on an as-needed basis under the pricing setforth in this exhibit. The City has identified the need to continue with the standardization of office furniture to ensure compatibility of office furniture systems throughout the City, to maximize the use of office space with a standard office furniture configuration, and to reduce workstation obsolescence through office furniture standardization. B.SPECIFICATIONS1.The Contractor, through the Manufacturer must guarantee availability of all items purchased by the City for a minimum of ten (10) years from the date of acceptance of installed furniture. During the same period, the Contractor must notify the City of anydiscontinued product, or of any product enhancements for future consideration. 2.In the event that the actual product order is not available by the required date, theContractor, at its own expense, must ensure the delivery and installation· of temporary furniture until such time that ordered product becomes available. Temporary furniture shall be provided in such a manner as to minimize any disruption to the City and shall be furnished at no extra cost to the City. 3.The Contractor shall be required to provide the City with their Department ofIndustrial Relations (DIR) registration number. I DIR RegistrationNo. 1000001979 06/30/2018 Goforth & Marti 4.To perform the work described in this agreement, Contractor must hold a currentState of California Contractor,s License. State of California Contractor's License 41Eh';!LU§.8,1Wtfl©-�£).$ 'it?fE$:pJtarfit1Djth;jf4� Class: C-61 / D34 No.: 944352 03/31/2018 C.CONTRACTOR PROJECT MANAGER RESPONSIBILITIES Goforth &Marti 1.The City shall have the right to request a Contractor Project Manager. If the Contractor Project Manager is not performing to the City's expectation, the City mayrequest removal ;;md replacement of the Contractor Project Manager. Agreement Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709_2 Page8 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 169 of 350 2.Contractor Project Manager will be responsible for providing the planning, deliveryand installation, ordering of materials, bill of lading, verification of orders, andinspection for damaged furniture or order inconsistencies (i.e. wrong color orquantities). Contractor Project Manager will be responsible for reordering furniture orpunch list items. Contractor Project Manager shall be the single point of contactthrough the entire project, up to and including, completion of any outstanding punchlists.3.Contractor Project Manager shall coordinate all delivery and installation with theCity's assigned representative(s).4.If a project requires storage of the materials/furnishing, the Contractor ProjectManager shall be responsible for securing such materials/furnishing. The City maypay storage of the goods should the City cause the delay of the installation. TheContractor Project Manager shall be responsible for coordination of transportation,installation, including labor, equipment and tools.5.Contractor Project Manager shall remove all cartons, packing materials, etc., from thejob site. Job site is to be left clean.6.Contractor Project Manager will be responsible for tracking shipments, resolving billof material issues, and verifying receipt of the product ordered.7.Upon award of a project, Contractor Project Manager shall coordinate a "DesignSelection Meeting" in which the Contractor Project Manager shall inviterepresentatives from all parties involved in the project to meet and discuss finaldetails and specifications of project. Contract Project Manager shall provide a writtenestimate within one (1) week of initial meeting with City representatives, inaccordance with Contract pricing. Written estimate must include the number ofhours, equipment, supplies, personnel, and cost it anticipates will be required tocomplete the requested project.8.Contractor Project Manager is responsible for all field measurements including re­verification of measurements prior to ordering of product. Re-verification ofmeasurements is the sole responsibility of the Contractor.9.The Contractor Project Manager will follow-up and rectify the punch-list of thefurniture project, so the project itself can be completely finished and final paymentscan be made. Contractor Project Manager must be involved throughout project untilproject is complete and all open issues have been resolved. Contractor ProjectManager may not hand-off completion of project to any alternate individual withoutproper written justification and then approval by Department representative and thePurchasing representative.10.The Contractor Project Manager will provide Department representative and thePurchasing representative with a copy of all pre-punch list items (at delivery andinstall), including any missing furniture items or items on backorder/delay withupdated delivery elate. In addition, pre-punch items shall be ordered by Contractor attime of discovery by Contractor and must be completed as qukkly as possible andAgreement Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709 _2 Page9 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 170 of 350 within a maximum of 30 days. Contractor Project Manager, Department representative(s), Purchasing representative, and Design firm must complete a final inspection and sign-off. 11.The Contractor Project Manager must report to the City any accident causing propertydamage or injury to persons related to the project. Such report shall contain thenames and addresses of the involved parties, a statement of the circumstances, thedate and hour of the accident, the names and addresses of any witnesses, and otherpertinent information.D.QUALITYASSURANCE 1.All workstations must meet or exceed standards established by the Business andInstitutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA) and the AmericanNational Stahdards Institute (ANSI). Contractor must provide documentation witheach project to show compliance with all requirements.2.Provide each item with all needed materials, fully furnished, and with all accessories;glides, hanging clips, rubber stops, cantilevers, etc., as required by the specificationsand as recommended by the approved manufacturers.3.When Contractor considers that the project is complete, the Contractor shall notifythe Department representative in writing that the project is complete and perform awalk-through for the generation of a punchlist. Contractor shall notify theDepartment representative at least three (3) days in advance of the walk-through. Allpunch list items must be rectified and completed as quickly as possible and within amaximum of 30 days.E.COORDINATION 1.The City shall not be responsible for any additional charges outside of those itemslisted in the pricelist submitted by Contractor.2.Installation activities shall be coordinated with the Department representative toensure efficient and orderly installation, connection and operation.3.Loading dock and elevator usage shall be coordinated with the Departmentrepresentative.4.Staging area shall be coordinated with the City representative. The Contractor or itssub-Contractor shall receive, organize and store products and hardware in an orderlyfashion.5.Connection of building electrical power and communication cabling to systemsfurniture shall be coordinated with the City representative.Agreement Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709 _2 Page JO May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 171 of 350 F.SHIPMENT AND DELIVERYAll deliveries shall be FOB to final destination; installation of product shall be priced separately, as set forth in this exhibit. Contractor Project Manager will indicate all shortages and/ or damages on the delivery receipt, identifyi11-g such shortages/damages by carton number, at the time the product is received. All items shall be ordered at time of discovery. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to replace or repair within thirty (30) calendar days any damaged or lost product, and to notify the City of the same. G.STORAGE1.There shall be no extra cost to the City for storage of product unless storage is due toa delay caused by the City.2.Contractor must provide a bonded warehouse facility, separate and secured fromother tenants, for the storage of all furniture to be stored. The facility must besecured and have the required fire sprinklers. The warehouse shall be owned or leasedby the Contractor unless agreed to in writing by the City. If this is not the case thentJ;le Contractor must insure the City's product against theft and fire and any liabilitythat may occur.H.INSTALLATION1.Installation of products shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, and will occurduring normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) per Department, unlessotherwise specified. Installers must work in tandem with other trades to successfullycomplete the job in the time allotted.2.If unusual site conditions exist that the Contractor feels will seriously impact uponthe ability to deliver and install effectively and in the specified time frame, suchconditions must be brought by the Contractor to the City representative. There will beno additional charges for dock, elevator or security during an installation and thedecision of the City on any site issues shall prevail.3.Any work/installation to be accomplished outside of normal working hours (8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.) per Department must be approved in advance by the City representative.Installation delays not incurred by the City shall be the responsibility of theContractor.4.It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all installation teams areproperly trained in the installation methods of the manufacturers' product lines.5.The Contractor must complete a thorough employee background check that includesall independent installers that are used. The City may, at its sole discretion, accept orreject the team or any members thereof, and request replacement(s).6.If independent installers are used, the Contractor or Contractor's representative shallprovide the City a list of past jobs and credentials, including reference names andAgreement Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709 _2 Page 11 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 172 of 350 phone numbers of the independent team. 7.The Contractor is responsible for damage to the product that they are installing dueto negligence, fault or omission of Contractor, of its employees or subcontractors inthe handling or installation of product.8.Any damage to data, electrical and/or hydraulic cables occurring during delivery andinstallation period shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.9.All products deemed by the City to be excess must be removed from the premises andshall be delivered to a City designated location.10.All panel installation must be plumb and level. Panels must be leveled and alignedprior to component installation, with all vertical and horizontal joints flush and level.All reveals and exposed panel terminating edges must be maintained in constant lineand width. All panel runs shall be flush, straight and squared off including wor:ksurfaces that need to be modified on site.11.All files, shelving, cabinets and overhead cabinets shall be set plumb and if required,bolted together end to end, and top to bqttom or secured to the adjacent walls withbrackets or earthquake straps. All necessary shimming and leveling must be provided.12.Contractor to provide protective covering for all doors, walls, floors, elevators, andexisting furniture during all phases of installation.I.ADJUSTMENT, CLEANING, AND PROTECTION 1.Installations in progress and adjoining materials in place must be cleaned andprotected during handling and installation.2.Finished surfaces must be protected from damage and soiling during handling andinstallation, covered with polyethylene film or other protective coating during theprocess.3.The Contractor is responsible for ensuring the removal of any soiled spots caused byinstallation of furnishings, as well as for the face of the flooring or other finishedsurfaces, using cleaning processes recommended by the product's manufacturer.4.The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing any items where cleaning has failedto restore appearance and quality.5.All hard surfaces must be wiped down and any residue from packaging materials,mastic, adhesives, fingerprints, labels and other debris on the furniture must beremoved.6.All upholstered panels and seating shall be vacuumed, cleaned, and wiped downwhere required to remove debris.Agreement Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709 2 Page 12 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 173 of 350 7.All doors, drawers, hardware fixtures and moving or operating parts must be adjustedto function smoothly and correctly.8.All floor levelers or glides must be adjusted after each item is placed in its finalposition.9, All minor scratches must be touched up with appropriate manufacturer's finish or replaced at Contractor's cost if touch up is not acceptable to the City. 10.All trash and debris must be removed and disposed of from each floor, each day of installation. Contractor must ensure that written maintenance and operationalinstructions are provided for all items.11.Contractor and subcontractors shall not allow the installation, storage or release ofhazardous substances in, on, under, or from the Project. "Hazardous substances"shall mean those hazardous substances listed by the Environmental ProtectionAgency in regularly released reports and any other substances incorporated into theState of California's list of hazardous substances.J.RECONFIGURATION OF EXISTING FURNITUREContractor shall provide reconfiguration services on existing office furniture to the City as follows and in accordance with the price schedule set forth in this exhibit. 1.Review drawings for completeness, accuracy, and proper application of product.Review plan to determine quantity of each panel connection, hinge condition, two­way, three-way, or four-way connection.2.Contractor shall conduct field study for site measurements. Review conditions of sitefor obstructions of columns, switches, HV AC vents, etc. Coordinate with Cityrepresentative for electrical, phone and data installation, and other trades asnecessary.3.Coordinate delivery of product to the job site and schedule with the Cityrepresentative time of installation, to include:-Scheduling of dock use-Scheduling of elevator use-Selection of staging area for product-Installation strut and completion date-Number of personnel needed to perform job; and-Total number of hours needed to complete job4, Extra product that has been left from a reconfiguration will be stored at a location to be determined by the City. 5.Contractor will be responsible for the removal and disposal of all packaging materialfrom City premises.Agreement ·Effective: October 13, 2014OCA Document No. 788709 _2 Page 13 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 174 of 350 6.The City shall render the job site clean, clear, and free of debris prior to delivery andreconfiguration. Electricity, HVAC and elevator service will be furnished withoutcharge to the Contractor.7.The Contractor will be solely responsible for all damages to the installed product, aswell as any additional City property, which may incur damage as a result ofinstallation service.8.All work to be performed during regular service hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) unlessrequired by the City.9, The reconfiguration work may involve de-installing and re-installing furniture on the same floor, between floors or in different buildings. 10.Ability to purchase additional matching product to complete reconfiguration.K.APPROVALOFWORK1.The ordering department/project manager prior to approval for payment shallapprove all completed work. Work must be completed in a first-class workmanlikemanner to the absolute satisfaction of the Department representative. The cost of anyfaulty or inadequate workmanship or parts will not be paid for by the department andmust be assumed by the Contractor.2.For all invoices submitted, Contractor must agree that all pricing can be verified inthe price lists submitted after award and on file with the Purchasing department.L.PACKAGINGAll furniture, unless otherwise stipulated by the City shall be shipped calton/packaged to conform to appropriate National Motor Freight Classifications, including supplements and re-issues. Contractor shall be responsible for removal and disposal of all packaging material from the City locations. M.LEAD TIMESContractor must guarantee delivery to meet each project's projected schedule. This includes all product described within. All furniture must meet a standard lead time of four (4) to six (6)weeks, and must have a Quick Ship program in place for replacement parts.N.CUSTOMER SERVICE1.Contractor shall respond to all service calls within two (2) business days ofnotification by the City.2.Contractor shall make every effort to make all appropriate repairs and/orreplacements immediately but within thirty (30) calendar days of notification by theCity. If Contractor is unable to accomplish all repairs and replacements within thirty(30)days of notification, Contractor must provide the City with valid justification inwriting as to the reason such tasks cannot be completed.Agreement Effective: October 13, 2014 OCA Document No. 788709_2 Page 14 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 175 of 350 Exhibit A Accessories Action Office® 1 & AO2 Panels · · ·� Action Office® 2 Components Aeron® Chairs Canvas Group Based System Canvas Metal Stora�-��-�mponents E�:1.vas Private Office �Y�!e,.�- .�a_nvas Wall-Based System Canvas Wood Storage.Components Canvas Office Landscape Channel and Dock Based S stem Caper® Chair Celle Chair C-Style Overhead Storage Embody Chair Energy pistribution Systems Ethospace® Systems §verywhere Tables Generic Lighting Meridian® Laterals ,w,.,wm"w-.,;.w.w.w,.w,;.w,,;•-•~ Meridian® Storage Cases/Book Cases Mirra 2 Chair Quadrant' Pedestals B-front Quadrant Pedestals F-front Renew Tables Sayl Chair Setu Chair "'""""""'"''"'""_,=,,,,-,,=--Textiles 1:hrive .Portfolio (Ergonomic Products) Thrive Portfolio -CBS Tu Laterals _,.,_._,,�_...,..,. __ ,_Tu Pedestals Tu Storage Tu Towers Tu Wood Pedestals ------------73.00 74.50 73.00 74.50 neg. 55.00 56.50 neg. _, .. ,,,,.,,.....,,.�� FR 72.25 74.50 neg. FM 71.75 73.00 neg. FV 72.25 74.50 neg. FT 72.25 74.50 neg. FF 72.25 74.50 neg. FD 72.25 74.50 neg. WC 55.00 57.00 neg. TR 53.00 54.00 neg. cs 73.00 74.50 neg. ,,,,..,,,,,,,,.,._w, CN 53.25 55.25 neg. C 72.25 74.50 neg. u 72.25 74.50 neg. IV 69.50 71.50 neg. R 72.25 74.50 neg. A 72.25 74.50 neg. MF 57.00 59.50 neg. MS 55.00 57.50 neg. LF 53.50 55.00 neg. BP 72.50 74.50 neg. -·BQ 72.25 74.50 neg. IE 70.00 71.75 neg. AV 54.00 55.75 neg. RY 53.25 54.75 neg. K 72.25 74.50 neg. zz 57.00 59.25 neg. Z2 57.00 59.25 neg. UL 68.50 70.50 neg. UP 68.50 70.50 neg. '''"""'""'"""'•=»«<=• us 68.50 70.50 neg. UT 68.50 70.50 neg. UF 68.50 70.50 neg. May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 176 of 350 Exhibit A Dealer: GIM Business Interiors Service Rates for City of San Diego Project Manager Salary Supervisor/Foreman Hourly Installer (New build or Reconfigure) Hourly. Hourly Hourly MAC Planner/Coordinator Hourly MAC Project Manager Hourly Installer (Asset Mgmt/Inventory tracking) Hourly Hourly Hourly. Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Salary Hourly Hourly Hourly Trip Charge Storage (Bay per Month) Dumpster (40 yd) 1 Delivery/1 P/U Per project New Box(es) Purchase Perbox Per crate/per week $ 60.00 $ 53.00 $ 62.00 $ 58.00 $ 45.00 $ 93.00 $ 62.00 $ 65.00 $ 45.00 $ 35.00 95.00 $ 47.00 42.00 $ 58.00 $ 58.00 $ 58.00 $ 42.00 $ 33.00 77.00 $ 35.00 $ 33.00 $ 39.00 $ 36.00 $ 46.00 $ 43.00 $ 65.00 $ 62.00 $ 52.00 $ 105.00 $ 490.00 $ 1.55 $ 0.65 $ 58.0 $ 58.0 $ 75.00 $ 490.00 $ 1.45 $ 0.55 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 177 of 350 THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO GENERAL CONTRACT TERMS AND PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO GOODS, SERVICES, AND CONSULTANT CONTRACTS --General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 1 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 178 of 350 ARTICLE I SCOPE AND TERM OF CONTRACT 1.1 Scope of Contract. The scope of contract between the City and a provider of goods and/or services (Contractor) is described in the Contract Documents. The Contract Documents are comprised of the Request for Proposal, Invitation to Bid, or other solicitation document (Solicitation); the successful bid, or proposal; the letter awarding the contract to Contractor; the City's written acceptance of exceptions or clarifications to the Solicitation, if any; and these General Contract Terms and Provisions. 1.2 Effective Date. A contract between the City and Contractor (Contract) is effective on the last date that the contract is signed by the parties and approved by the City Attorney in accordance with Charter section 40. Unless otherwise terminated, this Contract is effective until it is completed or as otherwise agreed upon in writing by the parties, whichever is the earliest. A Contract term cannot exceed five (5) years unless approved by the City Council by ordinance. 1.3 Contract Extension. The City may, in its sole discretion, unilaterally exercise an option to extend the Contract as described in the Contract Documents. In addition, the City may, in its sole discretion, unilaterallx extend the Contract on a month-to-month basis following contract expiration if authorized under Charter section 99 and the Contract Documents. Contractor shall not increase its pricing in excess of the percentage increase described in the Contract. ARTICLE II CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 2.1 Contract Administrator. The Purchasing Agent or designee is the Contract Administrator for purposes of this Contract, and has the responsibilities described in this Contract, in the San Diego Charter, and in Chapter 2, Article 2, Divisions 5, 30, and 32. 2.1.1 Contractor Performance Evaluations. The Contract Administrator will evaluate Contractor's performance as often as the Contract Administrator deems necessary throughout the term of the contract. This evaluation will be based on criteria including the quality of goods or services, the timeliness of performance, and adherence to applicable laws, including prevailing wage and living wage. City will provide Contractors who receive an unsatisfactory rating with a copy of the evaluation and an opportunity to respond. City may consider final evaluations, including Contractor's response, in evaluating future proposals and bids for contract award. 2.2 Notices. Unless otherwise specified, in all cases where written notice is required under this Contract, service shall be deemed sufficient if the notice is personally delivered or deposited in the United States mail, with first class postage paid, attention to the Purchasing Agent. Proper notice is effective on the date of personal delivery or five (5) days after deposit in a United States postal mailbox unless provided otherwise in the Contract. Notices to the City shall be sent to: General Contract Tenns and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794_6 Page 2 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 179 of 350 Purchasing Agent City of San Diego, Purchasing and Contracting Division 1200 3rd Avenue, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92101-4195 ARTICLE III COMPENSATION 3.1 Manner of Payment. Contractor will be paid monthly, in arrears, for goods and/or services provided in accordance with the terms and provisions specified in the Contract. 3.2 Invoices. 3.2.1 Invoice Detail. Contractor's invoice must be on Contractor's stationary with Contractor's name, address, and remittance address if different. Contractor's invoice must have a date, an invoice number, a purchase order number, a description of the goods or services provided, and an amount due. 3.2.2 Service Contracts. Contractor must submit invoices for services to City by the 10th of the month following the month in which Contractor provided services. Invoices must include the address of the location where services were performed and the dates in which services were provided. 3.2.3 Goods Contracts. Contractor must submit invoices for goods to City within seven days of the shipment. Invoices must describe the goods provided. 3.2.4 Parts Contracts. Contractor must submit invoices for parts to City within seven calendar (7) days of the date the parts are shipped. Invoices must include the manufacturer of the part, manufacturer's published list price, percentage discount applied in accordance with Pri�ing Page(s), the net price to City, and an item description, quantity, and extension. 3.2.5 Extraordinary Work. City will not pay Contractor for extraordinary work unless Contractor receives prior written authorization from the Contract Administrator. Failure to do so will result in payment being withheld for services. If approved, Contractor will include an invoice that describes the work performed and the location where the work was performed, and a copy of the Contract Administrator's written authorization. 3.2.6 Reporting Requirements. Contractor must submit the following reports using the City's web-based contract compliance portal. Incomplete and/or delinquent reports may cause payment delays, non-payment of invoice, or both. For questions, please view the City's· online tutorials on how to utilize the City's web-based contract compliance portal. Monthly Employment Utilization Reports. Contractor and Contractor's subcontractors and suppliers must submit Monthly Employment Utilization Reports by the fifth (5th) day of the subsequent month. General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page3 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 180 of 350 Monthly Invoicing and Payments. Contractor and Contractor's subcontractors and suppliers must submit Monthly Invoicing and Payment Reports by the fifth ( 5th) day of the subsequent month. 3.3 Annual Appropriation of Funds. Contractor acknowledges that the Contract term may extend over multiple City fiscal years, and that work and compensation under this Contract is contingent on the City Council appropriating funding for and authorizing such work and compensation for those fiscal years. This Contract may be terminated at the end of the fiscal year for which sufficient funding is not appropriated and authorized. City is not obligated to pay Contractor for any amounts not duly appropriated and authorized by City Council. 3.4 Price Adjustments. Based on Contractor's written request and justification, the City may approve an increase in unit prices on Contractor's pricing pages consistent with the amount requested in the justification in an amount not to exceed the increase in the Consumer Price Index, San Diego Area, for All Urban Customers (CPI-U) as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, or 5.0%, whichever is less, during the preceding one year term. If the CPI-U is a negative number, then the unit prices shall not be adjusted for that option year (the unit prices will not be decreased). A negative CPI-U shall be counted against any subsequent increases in the CPI-U when calculating the unit prices for later option years. Contractor must provide such written request and justification no less than sixty days before the date in which City may exercise the option to renew the contract, or sixty days before the anniversary date of the Contract. Justification in suppo1i of the written request must include a description of the basis for the adjustment, the proposed effective date and reasons for said date, and the amount of the adjustment requested with documentation to support the requested change (e.g. CPI-U or 5.0%, whichever is less). City's approval of this request must be in writing. ARTICLE IV SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION 4.1 City's Right to Suspend for Convenience. City may suspend all or any portion of Contractor's performance under this Contract at its sole option and for its convenience for a reasonable period of time not to exceed six (6) months. City must first give ten (10) days' written notice to Contractor of such suspension. City will pay to Contractor a sum equivalent to the reasonable value of the goods and/or services satisfactorily provided up to the date of suspension. City may rescind the suspension prior to or at six ( 6) months by providing Contractor with written notice of the rescission, at which time Contractor would be required to resume performance in compliance with the terms and provisions ofthis Contract. Contractor will be entitled to an extension of time to complete performance under the Contract equal to the length of the suspension unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Parties. 4.2 City's Right to Terminate for Convenience. City may, at its sole option and for its convenience, terminate all or any portion of this Contract by giving thirty (30) days' written notice of such termination to Contractor. The termination of the Contract shall be effective upon receipt of the notice by Contractor. After termination of all or any portion of the Contract, Contractor shall: (1) immediately discontinue all affected performance (unless the notice directs General Contract Terms-and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794_6 Page 4 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 181 of 350 otherwise); and (2) complete any and all additional work necessary for the orderly filing of documents and closing of Contractor's affected performance under the Contract. After filing of documents and completion of performance, Contractor shall deliver to City all data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and such other information and materials created or received by Contractor in performing this Contract, whether completed or in process, By accepting payment for completion, filing, and delivering documents as called for in this section, Contractor discharges City of all of City's payment obligations and liabilities under this Contract with regard to the affected performance. 4.3 City's Right to Terminate for Default. Contractor's failure to satisfactorily perform any obligation required by this Contract constitutes a default. Examples of default include a determination by City that Contractor has: (1) failed to deliver goods and/or perform the services of the required quality or within the time specified; (2) failed to perform any of the obligations of this Contract; and (3) failed to make sufficient progress in performance which may jeopardize full performance. 4.3.1 If Contractor fails to satisfactorily cure a default within ten (10) calendar days of receiving written notice from City specifying the nature of the default, City may immediately cancel and/or terminate this Contract, and terminate each and every right of Contractor, and any person claiming any rights by or through Contractor under this Contract. 4.3.2 If City terminates this Contract, in whole or in part, City may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as the Purchasing Agent may deem appropriate, equivalent goods or services and Contractor shall be liable to City for any excess costs. Contractor shall also continue performance to the extent not terminated. 4.4 Termination for Bankruptcy or Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors. If Contractor files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, is adjudicated bankrupt, or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, the City may at its option and without further notice to, or demand upon Contractor, terminate this Contract, and terminate each and every right of Contractor, and any person claiming rights by and through Contractor under this Contract. 4.5 Contractor's Right to Payment Following Contract Termination. 4.5.1 Termination for Convenience. If the termination is for the convenience of City an equitable adjustment in the Contract price shall be made. No amount shall be allowed for anticipated profit on unperformed services, and no amount shall be paid for an as needed contract beyond the Contract termination date. 4.5.2 Termination for Default. If, after City gives notice of termination for failure to fulfill Contract obligations to Contractor, it is determined that Contractor had not so failed, the termination shall be deemed to have been effected for the convenience of City. In such event, adjustment in the Contract price shall be made as provided in Section 4.3.2. City's rights and remedies are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this Contract. General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 5 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 182 of 350 4.6 Remedies Cumulative. City's remedies are cumulative and are not intended to be exclusive of any other remedies or means of redress to which City may be lawfully entitled in case of any breach or threatened breach of any provision of this Contract. ARTICLE V ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR OBLIGATIONS 5.1 Inspection and Acceptance. The City will inspect and accept goods provided under this Contract at the shipment destination unless specified otherwise. Inspection will be made and acceptance will be determined by the City department shown in the shipping address of the Purchase Order or other duly authorized representative of City. 5.2 Responsibility for Lost or Damaged Shipments. Contractor bears the risk of loss or damage to goods prior to the time of their receipt and acceptance by City. City has no obligation to accept damaged shipments and reserves the right to return damaged goods, at Contractor's sole expense, even if the damage was not apparent or discovered until after receipt. 5.3 Responsibility for Damages. Contractor is responsible for all damage that occurs as a result of Contractor's fault or negligence or that of its' employees, agents, or representatives in connection with the performance of this Contract. Contractor shall immediately report any such damage to people and/or property to the Contract Administrator. 5.4 Delivery. Delivery shall be made on the delivery day specified in the Contract Documents. The City, in its sole discretion, may extend the time for delivery. The City may order, in writing, the suspension, delay or interruption of delivery of goods and/or services. 5.5 Delay. Unless otherwise specified herein, time is of the essence for each and every provision of the Contract. Contractor must immediately notify City in writing if there is, or it is anticipated that there will be, a delay in performance. The written notice must explain the cause for the delay and provide a reasonable estimate of the length of the delay. City may terminate this Contract as provided herein if City, in its sole discretion, determines the delay is material. 5.5.1 If a delay in performance is caused by any unforeseen event(s) beyond the control of the parties, City may allow Contractor to a reasonable extension of time to complete performance, but Contractor will not be entitled to damages or additional compensation. Any such extension of time must be approved in writing by City. The following conditions may constitute such a delay: war; changes in law or government regulation; labor disputes; strikes; fires, floods, adverse weather or other similar condition of the elements necessitating cessation of the performance; inability to obtain materials, equipment or labor; or other specific reasons agreed to between City and Contractor. This provision does not apply to a delay caused by Contractor's acts or omissions. Contractor is not entitled to an extension of time to perform if a delay is caused by Contractor's inability to obtain materials, equipment, or labor unless City has received, in a timely mam1er, documentary proof satisfactory to City of Contractor's inability to obtain materials, equipment, or labor, in which case City's approval must be in writing. General Contract Terms and Provisions --­Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 6 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 183 of 350 5.6 Restrictions and Regulations Requiring Contract Modification. Contractor shall immediately notify City in writing of any regulations or restrictions that may or will require Contractor to alter the material, quality, workmanship, or performance of the goods and/or services to be provided. City reserves the right to accept any such alteration, including any resulting reasonable price adjustments, or to cancel the Contract at no expense to the City .. 5.7 Warranties. All goods and/or services provided under the Contract must be warranted by Contractor or manufacturer for at least twelve (12) months after acceptance by City, except automotive equipment. Automotive equipment must be warranted for a minimum of 12,000 miles or 12 months, whichever occurs first, unless otherwise stated in the Contract. Contractor is responsible to City for all warranty service, parts, and labor. Contractor is required to ensure that warranty work is performed at a facility acceptable to City and that services, parts, and labor are available and provided to meet City's schedules and deadlines. Contractor may establish a warranty service contract with an agency satisfactory to City instead of performing the warranty service itself. If Contractor is not an authorized service center and causes any damage to equipment being serviced, which results in the existing warranty being voided, Contractor will be liable for all costs of repairs to the equipment, or the costs of replacing the equipment with new equipment that meets City's operational needs. 5.8 Industry Standards. Contractor shall provide goods and/or services acceptable to City in strict conformance with the Contract. Contractor shall also provide goods and/or services in accordance with the standards customarily adhered to by an experienced and competent provider of the goods and/or services called for under this Contract using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable providers of such goods and/or services. Where approval by City, the Mayor, or other representative of City is required, it is understood to be general approval only and does not relieve Contractor of responsibility for complying with all applicable laws, codes, policies, regulations, and good business practices. 5.9 Records Retention and Examination. Contractor shall retain, protect, and maintain in an accessible location all records and documents, including paper, electronic, and computer records, relating to this Contract for five ( 5) years after receipt of final payment by City under this Contract. Contractor shall make all such records and documents available for inspection, copying, or other reproduction, anq auditing by authorized representatives of City, including the Purchasing Agent or designee. Contractor shall make available all requested data and records at reasonable locations within City or County of San Diego at any time during normal business hours, and as often as City deems necessary. If records are not made available within the City or County of San Diego, Contractor shall pay City's travel costs to the location where the records are maintained and shall pay for all related travel expenses. Failure to make requested records available for inspection, copying, or other reproduction, or auditing by the date requested may result in termination of the Contract. Contractor must include this provision in all subcontracts made in connection with this Contract. General Contract Terms and Provisions - --­Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794_6 Page 7 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 184 of 350 5.9.1 Contractor shall maintain records of all subcontracts entered into with all firms, all project invoices received from Subcontractors and Suppliers, all purchases of materials and services from Suppliers, and all joint venture participation. Records shall show name, telephone number including area code, and business address of each Subcontractor and Supplier, and joint venture partner, and the total amount actually paid to each firm. Project relevant records, regardless of tier, may be periodically reviewed by the City. 5.10 Quality Assurance Meetings. Upon City's request, Contractor shall schedule one or more quality assurance meetings with City's Contract Administrator to discuss Contractor's performance. If requested, Contractor shall schedule the first quality assurance meeting no later than eight (8) weeks from the date of commencement of work under the Contract. At the quality assurance meeting(s), City's Contract Administrator will provide Contractor with feedback, will note any deficiencies in Contract performance, and provide Contractor with an opportunity to address and c01Tect such deficiencies. The total number of quality assurance meetings that may be required by City will depend upon Contractor's performance. 5.11 Duty to Cooperate with Auditor. The City Auditor may, in his sole discretion, at no cost to the City, and for purposes of performing his responsibilities under Charter section 39.2, review Contractor's records to confirm contract compliance. Contractor shall make reasonable efforts to cooperate with Auditor's requests. 5.12 Safety Data Sheets. If specified by City in the solicitation or otherwise required by this Contract, Contractor must send with each shipment one (1) copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each item shipped. Failure to comply with this procedure will be cause for immediate termination of the Contract for violation of safety procedures. 5.13 Project Personnel. Except as formally approved by the City, the key personnel identified in Contractor's bid or proposal shall be the individuals who will actually complete the work. Changes in staffing must be reported in writing and approved by the City. 5.13.1 Criminal Background Certification. Contractor certifies that all employees working on this Contract have had a criminal background check and that said employees are clear of any sexual and drug related convictions. Contractor further certifies that all employees hired by Contractor or a subcontractor shall be free from any felony convictions. 5.13.2 Photo Identification Badge. Contractor shall provide a company photo identification badge to any individual assigned by Contractor or subcontractor to perform services or deliver goods on City premises. Such badge must be worn at all times while on City premises. City reserves the right to require Contractor to pay fingerprinting fees for personnel assigned to work in sensitive areas. All employees shall turn in their photo identification badges to Contractor upon completion of services and prior to final payment of invoice. 5.14 Standards of Conduct. Contractor is responsible for maintaining standards of employee competence, conduct, courtesy, appearance, honesty, and integrity satisfactory to the City. General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 8 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 185 of 350 5.14.1 Supervision. Contractor shall provide adequate and competent supervision at all times during the Contract term. Contractor shall be readily available to meet with the City. Contractor shall provide the telephone numbers where its representative(s) can be reached. 5.14.2 City Premises. Contractor's employees and agents shall comply with all City rules and regulations while on City premises. 5.14.3 Removal of Employees. City may request Contractor immediately remove from assignment to the City any employee found unfit to perform duties at the City. Contractor shall comply with all such requests. 5.15 Licenses and Permits. Contractor shall, without additional expense to the City, be responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses, permits, certifications, accreditations, fees and approvals for complying with any federal, state, county, municipal, and other laws, codes, and regulations applicable to Contract performance. This includes, but is not limited to, any laws or regulations requiring the use of licensed contractors to perform parts of the work. ·5.16 Contractor and Subcontractor Registration Requirements. Prior to the award of theContract or Task Order, Contractor and Contractor's subcontractors and suppliers must registerwith the City's web-based vendor registration and bid management system. The City may notaward the Contract until registration of all subcontractors and suppliers is complete. In the eventthis requirement is not met within the time frame specified by the City, the City reserves the rightto rescind the Contract award and to make the award to the next responsive and responsibleproposer of bidder. ARTICLE VI INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 6.1 Rights in Data. If, in connection with the services performed under this Contract, Contractor or its employees, agents, or subcontractors, create artwork, audio recordings, blueprints, designs, diagrams, documentation, photographs, plans, reports, software, source code, specifications, surveys, system designs, video recordings, or any other original works of authorship, whether written or readable by machine (Deliverable Materials), all rights of Contractor or its subcontractors in the Deliverable Materials, including, but not limited to publication, and registration of copyrights, and trademarks in the Deliverable Materials, are the sole property of City. Contractor, including its employees, agents, and subcontractors, may not use any Deliverable Material for purposes unrelated to Contractor's work on behalf of the City without prior written consent of City. Contractor may not publish or reproduce any Deliverable Materials, for purposes unrelated to Contractor's work on behalf of the City, without the prior written consent of the City. 6.2 fntellectual Property Rights Assignment. For no additional compensation, Contractor hereby assigns to City all of Contractor's rights, title, and interest in and to the content of the Deliverable Materials created by Contractor or its employees, agents, or subcontractors, including copyrights, in connection with the services performed under this Contract. Contractor --General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 9 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 186 of 350 shall promptly execute and deliver, and shall cause its employees, agents, and subcontractors to promptly execute and deliver, upon request by the City or any of its successors or assigns at any time and without further compensation of any kind, any power of attorney, assig11111ent, application for copyright, patent, trademark or other intellectual property right protection, or other papers or instruments which may be necessary or desirable to fully secure, perfect or otherwise protect to or for the City, its successors and assigns, all right, title and interest in and to the content of the Deliverable Materials. Contractor also shall cooperate and assist in the prosecution of any action or opposition proceeding involving ,such intellectual property rights and any adjudication of those rights. 6.3 Contractor Works. Contractor Works means tangible and intangible information andmaterial that: ( a) had already been conceived, invented, created, developed or acquired byContractor prior to the effective date of this Contract; or (b) were conceived, invented, created, or developed by Contractor after the effective date of this Contract, but only to the extent suchinformation and material do not constitute part or all of the Deliverable Materials called for inthis Contract. All Contractor Works, and all modifications or derivatives of such ContractorWorks, including all intellectual property rights in or pertaining to the same, shall be ownedsolely and exclusively by Contractor. 6.4 Subcontracting. In the event that Contractor utilizes a subcontractor(s) for any portionof the work that comprises the whole or part of the specified Deliverable Materials to the City,the agreement between Contractor and the subcontractor shall include a statement that identifiesthe Deliverable Materials as a "works for hire" as described in the United States Copyright Actof 1976, as amended, and that all intellectual property rights in the Deliverable Materials,whether arising in copyright, trademark, service mark or other forms of intellectual propertyrights, belong to and shall vest solely with the City. Further, the agreement between Contractorand its subcontractor shall require that the subcontractor, if necessary, shall grant, transfer, selland assign, free of charge, exclusively to City, all titles, rights and interests in and to theDeliverable Materials, including all copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights.City shall have the right to review any such agreement for compliance with this provision. 6.5 Intellectual Property Warranty and Indemnification. Contractor represents andwarrants that any materials or deliverables, including all Deliverable Materials, provided underthis Contract are either original, or not encumbered, and do not infringe upon the copyright,trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights of any third party, or are in the publicdomain. If Deliverable Materials provided hereunder become the subject of a claim, suit orallegation of copyright, trademark or patent infringement, City shall have the right; in its sole discretion, to require Contractor to produce, at Contractor's own expense, new non-infringingmaterial's, deliverables or works as a means of remedying any claim of infringement in additionto any other remedy available to the City under law or equity. Contractor further agrees toindemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents from andagainst any and all claims, actions, costs, judgments or damages, of any type, alleging orthreatening that any Deliverable Materials, supplies, equipment, services or works providedunder this contract infringe the copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property or General Contract Terms and Provisions Rtvvised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 10 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 187 of 350 proprietary rights of any third party (Third Party Claim of Infringement). If a Third Party Claim of Infringement is threatened or made before Contractor receives payment under this Contract, City shall be entitled, upon written notice to Contractor, to withhold some or all of such payment. 6.6 Software Licensing. Contractor represents and warrants that the software, if any, as delivered to City, does not contain any program code, virus, worm, trap door, back door, time or clock that would erase data or programming or otherwise cause the software to become inoperable, inaccessible, or incapabl� of being used in accordance with its user manuals, either automatically, upon the occurrence of licensor-selected conditions or manually on command. Contractor further represents and warrants that all third party software, delivered to City or used by Contractor in the performance of the Contract, is fully licensed by the appropriate licensor. 6.7 Publication. Contractor may not publish or reproduce any Deliverable Materials, for purposes unrelated to Contractor's work on behalf of the City without prior written consent from the City. 6.8 Royalties, Licenses, and Patents. Unless otherwise specified, Contractor shall pay all royalties, license, and patent fees associated with the goods that are the subject of this solicitation. Contractor warrants that the goods, materials, supplies, and equipment to be supplied do not infringe upon any patent, trademark, or copyright, and further agrees to defend any and all suits, actions and claims for infringement that are brought against the City, and to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, and employees from all liability, loss and damages, whether general, exemplary or punitive, suffered as a result of any actual or claimed infringement asserted against the City; Contractor, or those furnishing goods, materials, supplies, or equipment to Contractor . under the Contract. ARTICLE VII INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE 7.1 Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall defend (with legal counsel reasonably acceptable to City), indemnify, protect, and hold harmless City and its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and representatives (Indemnified Parties) from and against any and all claims, losses, costs, damages, injuries (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Contractor or its subcontractors), expense, and liability of every kind, nature and description (including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, and litigation expenses and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation) that arise out of, pertain to, _or relate to, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, any goods provided or performance of services under this Contract by Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, or anyone that either of them control. Contractor's duty to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless shall not include any claims or liabilities arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Parties. General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 11 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 188 of 350 7.2 Insurance. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder and the results of that work by Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Contractor shall provide, at a minimum, the following: 7.2.1 Commercial General Liability. Insurance Services Office Form CG 00 01 covering CGL on an "occurrence" basis, including products and completed operations, property damage, bodily injury, and personal and advertising injury with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. If a general aggregate limit applies, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location (ISO CG 25 03 or 25 04) or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 7.2.2 Commercial Automobile Liability. Insurance Services Office Form Number CA 0001 covering Code 1 ( any auto) or, if Contractor has no owned autos, Code 8 (hired) and 9 (non-owned), with limit no less than $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 7.2.3 Workers' Compensation. Insurance as required by the State of California, with Statutory Limits, and Employer's Liability Insurance with limit of no less than $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. 7.2.4 Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions). For consultant contracts, insurance appropriate to Consultant's profession, with limit no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence or claim, $2,000,000 aggregate. If Contractor maintains broader coverage and/or higher limits than the minimums shown above, City requires and shall be entitled to the broader coverage and/or the higher limits maintained by Contractor. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits of insurance and coverage shall be available to City. 7.2.5 Other Insurance Provisions. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: Additional Insured Status. The City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds on the CGL policy with respect to liability arising out of work or operations performed by or on behalf of Contractor including materials, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations. General liability coverage can be provided in the form of an endorsement to Contractor's insurance (at least as broad as ISO Form CG 20 10 11 85 or if not available, through the addition of both CG 20 10, CG 20 26, CG 20 33, or CG 20 38; and CG 20 37 if a later edition is used). General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 12 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 189 of 350 Primary Coverage. For any claims related to this contract, Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary coverage at least as broad as ISO CG 20 01 04 13 as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers. Any insurance or self­insurance maintained by City, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers shall be excess of Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. Notice of Cancellation. Each insurance policy required above shall provide that coverage shall not be canceled, except with notice to City. Waiver of Subrogation. Contractor hereby grants to City a waiver of any right to subrogation which the Workers' Compensation insurer of said Contractor may acquire against City by virtue of the payment of any loss under such insurance. Contractor agrees to obtain any endorsement that may be necessary to affect this waiver of subrogation, but this provision applies regardless of whether or not the City has received a waiver of subrogationendorsement from the insurer. ·· Claims Made Policies (applicable only to professional liability). The Retroactive Date must be shown, and must be before the date of the contract or the beginning of contract work. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least five (5) years after completion of the contract of work. If coverage is canceled or non­renewed, and not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a Retroactive Date prior to the contract effective date, Contractor must purchase "extended reporting" coverage for a minimum of five (5) years after completion of work. 7.3 Self Insured Retentions. Self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City. City may require Contractor to purchase coverage with a lower retention or provide proof of ability to pay losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses within the retention. The policy language shall provide, or be endorsed to provide, that the self­insured retention may be satisfied by either the named insured or City. 7.4 Acceptability oflnsurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A-VI, unless otherwise acceptable to City. City will accept insurance provided by non-admitted, "surplus lines" carriers only if the carrier is authorized to do business in the State of California and is included on the List of Approved Surplus Lines Insurers (LASLI list). All policies of insurance carried by non-admitted carriers are subject to all of the requirements for policies of insurance provided by admitted carriers described herein. 7.5 Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish City with original certificates and amendatory endorsements or copies of the applicable policy language effecting coverage required by this clause. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by City before work commences. However, failure to obtain the required documents prior to the work beginning shall not waive Contractor's obligation to provide them. City reserves the right General Contract Terms and Provisions-­Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 _ 6 Page 13 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 190 of 350 to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements required by these specifications, at any time. 7 .6 Special Risks or Circumstances. City reserves the right to modify these requirements, including limits, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances. 7.7 Additional Insurance. Contractor may obtain additional insurance not required by this Contract. 7.8 Excess Insurance. All policies providing excess coverage to City shall follow the form of the primary policy or policies including but not limited to all endorsements. 7.9 Subcontractors. Contractor shall require and verify that all subcontractors maintain insurance meeting all the requirements stated herein, and Contractor shall ensure that City is an additional insured on insurance required from subcontractors. For CGL coverage, subcontractors shall provide coverage with a format at least as broad as the CG 20 38 04 13 endorsement. ARTICLE VIII BONDS 8.1 Payment and Performance Bond. Prior to the execution of this Contract, City may require Contractor to post a payment and performance bond (Bond). The Bond shall guarantee Contractor's faithful performance of this Contract and assure payment to contractors, subcontractors, and to persons furnishing goods and/or services under this Contract. 8.1.1 Bond Amount. The Bond shall be in a sum equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the Contract amount, unless otherwise stated in the Specifications. City may file a claim against the Bond if Contractor fails or refuses to fulfill the terms and provisions of the Contract. 8.1.2 Bond Term. The Bond shall remain in full force and effect at least until complete performance of this Contract and payment of all claims for materials and labor, at which time it will convert to a ten percent ( 10%) warranty bond, which shall remain in place until the end of the warranty periods set forth in this Contract. The Bond shall be renewed annually, at least sixty ( 60)days in advance of its expiration, and Contractor shall provide timely proof of annualrenewal to City. 8.1.3 Bond Surety. The Bond must be furnished by a company authorized by the State of California Department of Insurance to transact surety business in the State of California and which has a current A.M. Best rating of at least "A-, VIII." 8.1.4 Non-Renewal or Cancellation. The Bond must provide that City and Contractor shall be provided with sixty (60) days' advance written notice in the event of non-renewal, cancellation, or material change to its terms. In the event of non-renewal, cancellation, or General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 14 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 191 of 350 material change to the Bond terms, Contractor shall provide City with evidence of the new source of surety within twenty-one (21) calendar days after the date of the notice of non-renewal, cancellation, or material change. Failure to maintain the Bond, as required herein, in full force and effect as required under this Contact, will be a material breach of the Contract subject to termination of the Contract. 8.2 Alternate Security. City may, at its sole discretion, accept alternate security in the form of an endorsed certificate of deposit, a money order, a certified check drawn on a solvent bank, or other security acceptable to the Purchasing Agent in an amount equal to the required Bond. ARTICLE IX CITY-MANDATED CLAUSES AND REQUIREMENTS 9.1 Contractor Certification of Compliance. By signing this Contract, Contractor certifies that Contractor is aware of, and will comply with, these City-mandated clauses throughout the duration of the Contract. 9.1.1 Drug-Free Workplace Certification. Contractor shall comply with City's Drug-Free Workplace requirements set forth in Council Policy 100-17, which is incorporated into the Contract by this reference. 9.1.2 Contractor Certification for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and State Access Laws and Regulations: Contractor shall comply with all accessibility requirements under the ADA and under Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (Title 24). When a conflict exists between the ADA and Title 24, Contractor shall comply with the most restrictive requirement (i.e., that which provides the most access). Contractor also shall comply with the City's ADA Compliance/City Contractors requirements as set forth in Council Policy 100-04, which is incorporated into this Contract by reference. Contractor warrants and certifiescompliance with all federal and state access laws and regulations and further certifies that anysubcontract agreement for this contract contains language which indicates the subcontractor'sagreement to abide by the provisions of the City's Council Policy and any applicable access lawsand regulations. 9.1.3 Non-Discrimination Requirements. Compliance with City's Equal Opportunity Contracting Program (EOCP). Contractor shall comply with City's EOCP Requirements. Contractor shall not discriminate against any,employee or applicant for employment on any basis prohibited by law. Contractor shall provide equal opportunity in all employment practices. Prime Contractors shall ensure that their subcontractors comply with this program. Nothing in this Section shall be interpreted to hold a Prime Contractor liable for any discriminatory practice of its subcontractors. Non-Discrimination Ordinance. Contractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, gender expression, gender identity, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, or disability in the solicitation, selection, hiring or treatment of General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 15 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 192 of 350 subcontractors, vendors or suppliers. Contractor shall provide equal opportunity for subcontractors to participate in subcontracting opportunities. Contractor understands and agrees that violation of this clause shall be considered a material breach of the Contract and may result in Contract termination, debarment, or other sanctions. Contractor shall ensure that this language is included in contracts between Contractor and any subcontractors, vendors and suppliers. Compliance Investigations. Upon City's request, Contractor agrees to provide to City, within sixty calendar days, a truthful and complete list of the names of all subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers that Contractor has used in the past five years on any of its contracts that were undertaken within San Diego County, including the total dollar amount paid by Contractor for each subcontract or supply contract. Contractor further agrees to fully cooperate in any investigation conducted by City pursuant to City's Nondiscrimination in Contracting Ordinance. Contractor understands and agrees that violation of this clause shall be considered a material breach of the Contract and may result in Contract termination, debarment, and other sanctions. 9.1.4 Equal Benefits Ordinance Certification. Unless an exception applies, Contractor shall comply with the Equal Benefits Ordinance (EBO) codified in the San Diego Municipal Code (SDMC). Failure to maintain equal benefits is a material breach of the Contract. 9.1.5 Contractor Standards. Contractor shall comply with Contractor Standards provisions codified in the SDMC. Contractor understands and agrees that violation of Contractor Standards may be considered a material breach of the Contract and may result in Contract termination, debarment, and other sanctions. 9.1.6 Noise Abatement. Contractor shall operate, conduct, or construct without violating the City's Noise Abatement Ordinance codified in the SDMC. 9.1.7 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. Contractor shall comply with the City's Storm Water Management and Discharge Control provisions codified in Division 3 of Chapter 4 of the SDMC, as may be amended, and any and all applicable Best Management Practice guidelines and pollution elimination requirements in performing or delivering services at City owned, leased, or managed property, or in performance of services and activities on behalf of City regardless of location. Contractor shall comply with the City's Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Plan encompassing Citywide programs and activities designed to prevent and reduce storm water pollution within City boundaries as adopted by the City Council on January 22, 2008, via Resolution No. 303351, as may be amended. Contractor shall comply with each City facility or work site's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, as applicable, and institute all controls needed while completing the services to minimize any negative impact to the storm water collection system and environment. -----General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 16 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 193 of 350 9.1.8 Service Worker Retention Ordinance. If applicable, Contractor shall comply with the Service Worker Retention Ordinance (SWRO) codified in the SDMC. 9.1.9 Product Endorsement. Contractor shall comply with Council Policy 000-41 concerning product endorsement which requires that any advertisement referring to City as a user of a good or service will require the prior written approval of the Mayor. 9.1.10 Business Tax Certificate. Unless the City Treasurer determines in writing that a contractor is exempt from the payment of business tax, any contractor doing business with the City of San Diego is required to obtain a Business Tax Certificate (BTC) and to provide a copy of its BTC to the City before a Contract is executed. 9.1.11 Equal Pay Ordinance. Unless an exception applies, Contractor shall comply with the Equal Pay Ordinance codified in San Diego Municipal Code sections 22.4801 through 22.4809. Contractor shall certify in writing that it will comply with the requirements of the Equal Pay Ordinance throughout the duration of the Contract. Contractor and Subcontract Requirement. The Equal Pay Ordinance applies to any subcontractor who performs work on behalf of a Contractor to the same extent as it would apply to that Contractor. Contractor shall require subcontractors performing work for contractor under their contract with the City to certify compliance with the Equal Pay Ordinance in their written subcontracts. Notice Requirement. Contractor must post a notice informing its employees of their rights under the Equal Pay Ordinance in their workplace or job site. ARTICLEX CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND VIOLATIONS OF LAW 10.1 Conflict oflnterest Laws. Contractor is subject to all federal, state and local conflict of interest laws, regulations, ahd policies applicable to public contracts and procurement practices including, but not limited to, California Government Code sections 1090, et. seq. and 81000, et. seq., and the Ethics Ordinance, codified in the SDMC. City may determine that C9ntractor must complete one or more statements of economic interest disclosing relevant financial interests. Upon City's request, Contractor shall submit the necessary documents to City. 10.2 Contractor's Responsibility for Employees and Agents. Contractor is required to establish and make known to its employees and agents appropriate safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is, or that gives the appearance of being, motivated by the desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family, business or other relationships. 10.3 Contractor's Financial or Organizational Interests. In connection with any task, Contractor shall not recommend or specify any product, supplier, or contractor with whom -General Contract Terms and ProvisionsRevised: December 18,2017OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 17 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 194 of 350 Contractor has a direct or indirect financial or organizational interest or relationship that would violate conflict of interest laws, regulations, or policies. 10.4 Certification of Non-Collusion. Contractor certifies that: (1) Contractor's bid or proposal was not made in the interest of or on behalf of any person, firm, or corporation not identified; (2) Contractor did not directly or indirectly induce or solicit any other bidder or proposer to put in a sham bid or proposal; (3) Contractor did not directly or indirectly induce or solicit any other person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and (4) Contractor did not seek 1:Jy collusion to secure any advantage over the other bidders or proposers. 10.5 Hiring City Employees. This Contract shall be unilaterally and immediately terminated by City if Contractor employs an individual who within the twelve (12) months immediately preceding such employment did in his/her capacity as a City officer or employee participate in negotiations with or otherwise have an influence on the selection of Contractor. ARTICLE XI DISPUTE RESOLUTION 11.1 Mediation. If a dispute arises out of or relates to this Contract and cannot be settled through normal contract negotiations, Contractor and City shall use mandatory non-binding mediation before having recourse in a court of law. 11.2 Selection of Mediator. A single mediator that is acceptable to both parties shall be used to mediate the dispute. The mediator will be knowledgeable in the subject matter of this Contract, if possible. 11.3 Expenses. The expenses of witnesses for either side shall be paid by the party producing such witnesses. All other expenses of the mediation, including required traveling and other expenses of the mediator, and the cost of any proofs or expert advice produced at the direct request of the mediator, shall be borne equally by the parties, unless they agree otherwise. 11.4 Conduct of Mediation Sessions. Mediation hearings will be conducted in an informal manner and discovery will not be allowed. The discussions, statements, writings and admissions will be confidential to the proceedings (pursuant to California Evidence Code sections 1115 through 1128) and will not be used for any other purpose unless otherwise agreed by the pmiies in writing. The parties may agree to exchange any information they deem necessary. Both parties shall have a representative attend the mediation who is authorized to settle the dispute, though City's recommendation of settlement may be subject to the approval of the Mayor and City Council. Either party may have attorneys, witnesses or experts present. 11.5 Mediation Results. Any agreements resulting from mediation shall be memorialized in writing. The results of the mediation shall not be final or binding unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. Mediators shall not be subject to any subpoena or liability, and their actions shall not be subject to discovery. General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 18 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 195 of 350 ARTICLE XII MANDATORY ASSISTANCE 12.1 Mandatory Assistance. If a third party dispute or litigation, or both, arises out of, br relates in any way to the services provided to the City under a Contract, Contractor , its agents, officers, and employees agree to assist in resolving the dispute or litigation upon City's request. Contractor's assistance includes, but is not limited to, providing professional consultations, attending mediations, arbitrations, depositions, trials or any event related to the dispute resolution and/or litigation. 12.2 Compensation for Mandatory Assistance. City will compensate Contractor for fees incurred for providing Mandatory Assistance. If, however, the fees incurred for the Mandatory Assistance are determined, through resolution of the third party dispute or litigation, or both, to be attributable in whole, or in part, to the acts or omissions of Contractor, its agents, officers, and employees, Contractor shall reimburse City for all fees paid to Contractor, its agents, officers, and employees for Mandatory Assistance. 12.3 Attorneys' Fees Related to Mandatory Assistance. In providing City with dispute or litigation assistance, Contractor or its agents, officers, and employees may incur expenses and/or costs. Contractor agrees that any attorney fees it may incur as a result of assistance provided under Section 12.2 are not reimbursable. ARTICLE XIII MISCELLANEOUS 13.1 Headings. All headings are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Contract. 13.2 Non-Assignment. Contractor may not assign the obligations under this Contract, whether by express assignment or by sale of the company, nor any monies due or to become due under this Contract, without City's prior written approval. Any assignment in violation of this paragraph shall constitute a default and is grounds for termination of this Contract at the City's sole discretion. In no event shall any putative assignment create a contractual relationship between City and any putative assignee. 13.3 Independent Contractors. Contractor and any subcontractors employed by Contractor are independent contractors and not agents of City. Any provisions of this Contract that may appear to give City any right to direct Contractor concerning the details of performing or providing the goods and/ or services, or to exercise any control over performance of the Contract, shall mean only that Contractor shall follow the direction of City concerning the end results of the performance. 13.4 Subcontractors. All persons assigned to perform any work related to this Contract, including any subcontractors, are deemed to be employees of Contractor, and Contractor shall be directly responsible for their work. General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 19 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 196 of 350 13.5 Covenants and Conditions. All provisions of this Contract expressed as either covenants or conditions on the part of City or Contractor shall be deemed to be both covenants and conditions. 13.6 Compliance with Controlling Law. Contractor shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and policies. Contractor's act or omission in violation of applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and policies is grounds for contract termination. In addition to all other remedies or damages allowed by law, Contractor is liable to City for all damages, including costs for substitute performance, sustained as a result of the violation. In addition, Contractor may be subject to suspension, debarment, or both .. 13.7 Governing Law. The Contract shall be deemed to be made under, construed in accordance with, and governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to the conflicts or choice of law provisions thereof. 13.8 Venue. The venue for any suit concerning solicitations or the Contract, the interpretation of application of any of its terms and conditions, or any related disputes shall be in the County of San Diego, State of California. 13.9 Successors in Interest. This Contract and all rights and obligations created by this Contract shall be in force and effect whether or not any parties to the Contract have been succeeded by another entity, and all rights and obligations created by this Contract shall be vested and binding on any party's successor in interest. 13.10 No Waiver. No failure of either City or Contractor to insist upon the strict performance by the other of any covenant, term or condition of this Contract, nor any failure to exercise any right or remedy consequent upon a breach of any covenant, term, or condition of this Contract, shall constitute a waiver of any such breach of such covenant, term or condition. No waiver of any breach shall affect or alter this Contract, and each and every covenant, condition, and term hereof shall continue in full force and effect without respect to any existing or subsequent breach. 13.11 Severability. The unenforceability, invalidity, or illegality of any provision of this Contract shall not render any other provision of this Contract unenforceable, invalid, or illegal. 13.12 Drafting Ambiguities. The parties acknowledge that they have the right to be advised by legal counsel with respect to the negotiations, terms and conditions of this Contract, and the decision of whether to seek advice of legal counsel with respect to this Contract is the sole responsibility of each party. This Contract shall not be construed in favor of or against either party by reason of the extent to which each party participated in the drafting of the Contract. 13.13 Amendments. Neither this Contract nor any provision hereof may be changed, modified, amended or waived except by a written agreement executed by duly authorized representatives of City and Contractor. Any alleged oral amendments have no force or effect. The Purchasing Agent must sign all Contract amendments. General Contract Terms and Provisions Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 20 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 197 of 350 13.14 Conflicts Between Terms. If this Contract conflicts with an applicable local, state, or federal law, regulation, or court order, applicable local, state, or federal law, regulation, or comi order shall control. Varying degrees of stringency among the main body of this Contract, the exhibits or attachments, and laws, regulations, or orders are not deemed conflicts, and the most stringent requirement shall control. Each party shall notify the other immediately upon the identification of any apparent conflict or inconsistency concerning this Contract. 13.15 Survival of Obligations. All representations, indemnifications, warranties, and guarantees made in, required by, or given in accordance with this Contract, as well as all continuing obligations indicated in this Contract, shall survive, completion and acceptance of performance and termination, expiration or completion of the Contract. 13.16 Confidentiality of Services. All services performed by Contractor, and any sub­contractor(s) if applicable, including but not limited to all drafts, data, information, correspondence, proposals, reports of any nature, estimates compiled or composed by Contractor, are for the sole use of City, its agents, and employees. Neither the documents nor their contents shall be released by Contractor or any subcontractor to any third party without the prior written consent of City. This provision does not apply to information that: (1) was publicly known, or otherwise known to Contractor, at the time it was disclosed to Contractor by City; (2) subsequently becomes publicly known through no act or omission of Contractor; or (3) otherwise becomes known to Contractor other than through disclosure by City. 13.17 Insolvency. If Contractor enters into proceedings relating to bankruptcy, whether voluntary or involuntary, Contractor agrees to furnish, by certified mail or electronic commerce method authorized by the Contract, written notification of the banlauptcy to the Purchasing Agent and the Contract Administrator responsible for administering the Contract. This notification shall be furnished within five (5) days of the initiation of the proceedings relating to banlauptcy filing. This notification shall include the date on which the banlauptcy petition was filed, the identity of the court in which the banlauptcy petition was filed, and a listing of City contract numbers and contracting offices.for all City contracts against which final payment has not been made. This obligation remains in effect until final payment is made under this Contract. 13.18 No Third Party Beneficiaries. Except as may be specifically set forth in this Contract, none of the provisions of this Contract are intended to benefit any third party not specifically referenced herein. No party other than City and Contractor shall have the right to enforce any of the provisions of this Contract. 13.19 Actions of City in its Governmental Capacity. Nothing in this Contract shall be interpreted as limiting the rights and obligations of City in its governmental or regulatory capacity. General Contract Terms and Provisions --- -Revised: December 18,2017 OCA Document No. 845794 6 Page 21 of21 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 198 of 350 , RESOLUTION NUMBER R--�3�1=-=1�8_1_4_ DATE OF FINAL PASSAGE JUN 2 2 2018 -------- A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO AND GOFORTH & MARTI (DBA G/M BUSINESS INTERIORS) FOR HERMAN MILLER SYSTEM BRAND OFFICE FURNITURE AND RELATED SERVICES. 1 ·��,-; iYrl· . -'-1 ,. I..._,c:../ U-, o:.L/2 li1J !<i?/h,. (R-2018-sfsl) ,) COR. COPY WHEREAS, the Council of the City of San Diego (City Council), by San Diego Resolution R-308397 (Aug. 5, 2013), authorized execution of an agreement between the City of San Diego (City) and Goforth & Ma1ii dba G/M Business Interiors (GMBI), as part of a cooperative procurement process with U.S. Communities Purchasing Alliance, for the purchase of office furniture in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000; and WHEREAS, in 2016, by Resolution R-310324, the City Council authorized an additional amount of $4,630,000 for system furniture design, new system furniture, and installation services through FYl 7, and a reserve amount to pay for unscheduled moves throughout the City due to unforeseen operational needs for a total amount not to exceed $7,630,000; and WHEREAS, in 2016, the Real Estate Assets Department identified the need for standardization of office furniture to ensure compatibility of modular office furniture systems throughout the City in order to maximize use of office space with homogenized office furniture configuration and to reduce workspace obsolescence; and WHEREAS, on February 28, 2018, the Purchasing & Contracting Director certified that the award of a sole source contract is necessary, as provided for in Section 22.3016 of the San Diego Municipai Code, that allows the City to enter into a new agreement with GMBI to provide as-needed goods and services for modular office furniture and related services for -PAGE 1 OF 3-May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 199 of 350 (R-2018-595) COR. COPY Heiman Miller System brand products, which ensures that the City is able to continue its efforts to standardize and ensure compatibility with existing office furniture systems throughout the City and meet the needs of several upcoming large scale office moves, and that GMBI is the sole distributor in the Greater San Diego area to supp01i Hennan Miller products; and WHEREAS, in addition to these factors, GMBI provides the best value and lowest total cost of ownership and, once the new agreement replaces the existing cooperative procurement contract with GMBI, the City will benefit from lower pricing; and WHEREAS, the City seeks authorization to enter into an agreement with GMBI in an amount not to exceed $12,500,000 over the five-year tenn of the contract (Agreement), provided that no funds associated with this contract are expended on the building which is located at 101 Ash Street, San Diego, California, unless and until Council approves the expenditure; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of San Diego, that the Mayor, or his designee, is authorized to approve the resolution to award and execute, for and on behalf of the City, an agreement with Goforth & Maiii (dba G/M Business Interiors) for the provision of as- . needed goods and services for modular office furniture and related services for Hennan Miller System brand products, in an amount not to exceed $12,500,000 over the five-year tern1 of the Agreement, provided that no funds associated with this Agreement are expended on the building which is located at 101 Ash Street, San Diego, California, unless and until Council approves the expenditure, under the tenns and conditions set fo1ih in the Agreement, on file in the Office of the City Clerk as Document No. RR-311814 -PAGE 2 OF 3-May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 200 of 350 (R-2018-595) COR. COPY BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Financial Officer is authorized to expend an amount not to exceed $12,500,000 over the five-year tenn of the Agreement, contingent upon the adoption of the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the applicable fiscal year, and contingent upon the Chief Financial Officer first furnishing one or more ce1iificates certifying that funds necessary for expenditure are, or will be, on deposit with the City Treasury. APPROVED: MARA W. ELLIOTT, City Attorney By P6/t Jill S. Cristich Deputy City Attorney JSC:cw 05/31/18 06/14/18 COR. COPY Or.Dept: Purchasing & Contracting CC No.:N/A Doc. No.: 1772561 I hereby certify that the forf g,Qin,g Resolution was passed by the Council of the City of San Diego, at its meeting of JUN ts 2UlB . (date) Vetoed: -------(date) KEVIN L. FAULCONER, Mayor -PAGE 3 OF 3-May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 201 of 350 Passed by the Council of The City of San Diego on JUN 1 8 2018 by the following vote: Councilmembers Yeas Nays Not Present Recused Barbara Bry lJ □ □ □ Lorie Zapf 0 □ □ □ Clui.s 'i:Vard � □ □ □ Myrtle Cole t1 □ □ □ Mark Kersey 0' □ □ □ Chris Cate 1Z □ □ □ Scott Shem1an □ □ )lJ □ David Alvarez V!' □ □ □ Georgette Gomez ¢ □ □ □ Date of final passage ___ J_U_N_2_2_20_18 __ _ (Please note: VVhen a resolution is approved by the Mayor, the date of final passage is the date the approved resolution wa.s returned to the Office of the City Clerk.) AUTHENTICATED BY: (Seal) KEVIN L. F AULCO:NER Mayor of The City of San Diego, California. ELIZABETH S. MALAND Office of the City Clerk, San Diego, California 311814 Resolution Number R-------------- May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 202 of 350 Passed by the Council of The City of San Diego June 18, 2018, by the following vote: YEAS: BRY, ZAPF, WARD, COLE, KERSEY, CATE, ALVAREZ, GOMEZ. NAYS: NONE. NOT PRESENT: SHERMAN. RECUSED: NONE. (Seal) AUTHENTICATED BY: KEVIN L. FAULCONER Mayor of The City of San Diego, California ELIZABETH S. MALAND City Clerk of The City of San Diego, California By: Matthew R. Hilario , Deputy I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of RESOLUTION NO. R-311814 , approved on June 18, 2018 . The date of final passage is June 22, 2018. ELIZABETH S. MALAND City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California (Seal) By: _,_L_, --==---�-,. _· .. =. aa....-·:_, _, Deputy May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 203 of 350 EXHIBIT 3 Memorandum April 19, 2022 To: Roxanne Muhlmeister, Purchasing Officer From: Steven Stewart, Municipal Projects Manager, Public Works Re: Request to Participate in Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with Goforth & Marti, d.b.a. GM Business Interiors, Inc. The purpose of this memorandum is to request approval from the Finance Department to participate in a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for the procurement and installation of building furnishings for the Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 4715 (Project). Rationale: Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.100 allows for the city’s purchasing officer to join with other public or quasi-public agencies in cooperative purchasing plans or programs for the purchase of goods and/or services by contract, arrangement or agreement as allowed by law and as determined by the purchasing officer to be in the city’s best interest. The new building furnishings selected for the Project are available for purchase through a Cooperative Purchase Agreement that was competitively sourced through the Cooperative Purchasing Network, Contract #R4998, Omnia (formerly US Communities). Goforth & Marti d.b.a. GM Business Interiors (GMBI) is an eligible cooperative agreement vendor, who has tendered a quote to the city to provide and install office furnishings for this Project. Their quote references Omnia contract pricing in their current 5-year contract with the City of San Diego (RR-311814, dated June 18, 2018). GMBI is an authorized vendor in San Diego County for the building furnishings selected, and the inclusion of the installation work in their contract for this work will benefit product warranties and would therefore be in the best interest of the city. Staff recently completed a thorough fee negotiation with GMBI for the building furnishings and labor services and now seeks approval from the Finance Department to proceed with this procurement. Next Steps: With Finance Department approval, staff will seek City Council authorization on May 24, 2022 of a Professional Services Agreement with GMBI to provide and install the selected building furnishings for the Project. The value of the Agreement will be $1,750,137. Respectfully, Steven Stewart Public Works Branch Fleet & Facilities Department 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  442-339-2730 t May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 204 of 350 Roxanne Muhlmeister April 19, 2022 Page 2 Public Works, Fleet & Facilities Department Approval to Proceed 4/19/2022 Roxanne Muhlmeister, Date Assistant Finance Director/Purchasing Officer CC: Shea Sainz, Senior Contract Administrator Eleida Felix Yackel, Senior Contract Administrator May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 205 of 350 Project ID / Who & Where S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT 1525954/7/2022 SHIP TO: CARLSBAD (ORION) FIRE DEPT2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD CA 92010 Phone:Fax: (760)602-7543 BILL TO:3845 CITY OF CARLSBAD1635 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Phone:Fax:STEVE STEWARTSTEVE STEWART (760)602-7543 Systems Desk Units Tables Files Chairs Ancillary1040350321 7Product Counts: QuotationDate: Storage 51 QUOTE VALID THROUGH 6.30.2022 **PROJECT IS TO BE COMPLETED IN 2 PHASES*** ALL PRODUCT AND DELIVERY/ASSEMBLY SERVICES ARE ON THIS ORDER FOR BOTH PHASESORDER #187196 IS FOR SPACE SAVER INSTALLATION ONLY EASSET ORDER# 33042 ****ALL ASSEMBLY/SET IN PLACE LABOR IS QUOTED AS PREVAILING WAGE LABOR********NOTE THE "ASSEMBLY LABOR" IS TAXABLE**** PROJECT# TBD ORDER FOR PHASE 1 & 2 - SYSTEMS FURNITURE, PRIVATE OFFICES, TABLES, STORAGE AND SEATINGDISCOUNT AND LABOR STRUCTURE MIRRORED FROM CITY OF SAN DIEGO CONTRACT 102318 HMANB847 BASEDONHERMAN MILLER OMNIA CONTRACT: 2020000622 PRODUCT TYPE: HERMAN MILLER CANVAS AND RENEW LINK WORKSTATION QTY # (104)PRIVATE OFFICE QTY # (29) FOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER **************PROJECT START DATE: PHASE 1 - AUGUST 2022 / PHASE 2 - JUNE 2023**************CUSTOMER MOVE-IN DATE: FALL 2023 Product Summary / Scope of Work GRAND TOTAL $1,750,136.72 Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 1 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors EXHIBIT 4 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 206 of 350 SCOPE OF WORK: 1) DESIGN SYSTEMS FURNITURE WHICH INCLUDES FIELD RESEARCH, PROGRAMMING WORKSTATIONS, MAKING COLOR SELECTIONS, PRODUCING ALL DRAWINGS, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL.2) COORDINATE AND PROJECT MANAGE ASSEMBLY OF SYSTEMS FURNITURE AND SUPPLY ELECTRICAL AND DATA INFORMATION WHERE APPLICABLE3) G/M SERVICES QUOTED AS 15 DAYS DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS4) COORDINATE ALL SERVICES WITH: STEVEN STEWART @ (760) 602-7543 **NOTE: QUOTE WILL NEED TO BE ADJUSTED IF SERVICES ARE TO TAKE PLACE AFTER BUSINESS HOURS, ORDURINGTHE WEEKEND RUSS BASSET SCOPE OF WORK: 1) ASSEMBLE AND SET IN PLACE (8) CONSOLE UNITS AND STORAGE PER DRAWING IN ONE SINGLE PHASE. ALLTRASHAND SHIPPING DEBRIS WILL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF BY THE RUSS BASSSET TEAM UNLESS ON SITEARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE BY THE CUSTOMER. THE AREA AND DELIVERY PATH IN WHICH NEWCONSOLES OR COMPONENTS ARE TO BE ASSEMBLED SHALL BE FREE AND CLEAR OF DEBRIS ANDOBSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO RUSS BASSETT'S ARRIVAL TO THE PROJECT SITE.2) ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS OF MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 7AMTO 5PM3) ALL LABOR TO COMPLY WITH LOCAL UNION/PREVAILING WAGE RATES AND RULES. ***LABOR BREAKDOWN*** DESIGN HOURS FOR ENTIRE PROJECT - 211 FURNITURE PLANNER/SPECIFIER HOURS @ $60.00/HR = $12,660.00 RUSS BASSET INSTALL = $45,000.00 HERMAN MILLER FURNITURE ASSEMBLY: ASSEMBLE LOCKING GATE ON GENTLY USED LOCKERS IN TEMPORARY TRAILERS - (2) INSTALLERS - (13) HOURS@ $42.00/HR = $546.00 ASSEMBLY & SET IN PLACE HOURS PHASE 1 - (10) BUSINESS DAYS(1) PROJECT MANAGER - 80 HOURS @ $53.00/HR = $4,240.00(2) FOREMAN - (160) HOURS @ $58.00/HR = $9,280.00(18) INSTALLERS - (1,440) HOURS @ $42.00/HR = $60,480.00(1) WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR - (40) HOURS @ $44.00/HR = $1,760.00(2) WAREHOUSE LABORER - (80) HOURS @ $33.00/R = $2,640.00(1) DRIVER - (40) HOURS @ $43.00/HR = $1,720.00 ASSEMBLY & SET IN PLACE HOURS PHASE 2 - (10) BUSINESS DAYS(1) PROJECT MANAGER - 80 HOURS @ $53.00/HR = $4,240.00(2) FOREMAN - (160) HOURS @ $58.00/HR = $9,280.00(18) INSTALLERS - (1,440) HOURS @ $42.00/HR = $60,480.00(1) WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR - (40) HOURS @ $44.00/HR = $1,760.00(2) WAREHOUSE LABORER - (80) HOURS @ $33.00/R = $2,640.00(1) DRIVER - (40) HOURS @ $43.00/HR = $1,720.00 G|M LABOR TOTAL - $160,786.00 LABOR GRAND TOTAL - $218,446.00 PRODUCT TOTAL - $1,406,899.06 Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 2 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 207 of 350 FREIGHT TOTAL - $7,700.65 ORDER GRAND TOTAL - $1,750,136.72 Quotation # 152595G/M 1 84,777.00 84,777.00 52,390.21 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT ANCILLARY Who/What/Where 52,390.21 BOM A BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 171Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (5) EA ERGOTRON NEO-FLEX NOTEBOOK LIFT STANDS, (5) EA ERGOTRON LX DESK MOUNT ARMS, (71) EA ERGOTRON LX DUAL SIDE-BY-SIDE ARMS, (1) EA CLARUS GLASSBOARD FLOAT, (1) EA OFS 24X22X43.75 LECTERN W/ POWER PHASE 2 - (9) EA ERGOTRON NEO-FLEX NOOTBOOK LIFT STANDS, (9) EA ERGOTRON LX DESK MOUNT ARMS, (65) EA ERGOTRON LX DUAL SIDE-BY-SIDE ARMS, (2) EA CLARUS 48X60 FLOAT GLASSBOARDS, & (1) EA ULINE 18X15X8 PACKING TABLE LOCKING DRAWER Design Fee 1 .00 .00 194,654.63 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT DISPATCH Who/What/Where 194,654.63 BOM B BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 348Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (8) RUSS BASSET WORKSTATIONS Design Fee 1 15,072.00 15,072.00 264,068.70 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT GYM AND OFFICE LOCKERS Who/What/Where 264,068.70 BOM C BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 7Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (6) BRC 15X20X48 LOCKERS PHASE 2 - (77) EA SPACESAVER LOCKERS IN WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM 1-TIER AND 2-TIER LOCKERS WITH SLOPED TOPS, (27) EA EVIDENCE ROOM LOCKERS IN VARYING HEIGHTS AND SIZES, (34) EA DUTY BAG LOCKER BANKS WITH (3) LOCKERS PER BANK, (4) BANKS OF SHOTGUN STORAGE LOCKERS, (8) BANKS OF DAY USE LOCKERS WITH (4) LOCKERS PER BANK, (1) FLAMMABLE CABINET FOR DRYING ROOM Design Fee Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 3 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 208 of 350 Quotation # 152595G/M 1 545,599.20 545,599.20 153,245.96 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT PRIVATE OFFICES Who/What/Where 153,245.96 BOM D BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 911Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (15) HERMAN MILLER CANVAS PRIVATE OFFICES WITH VARIOUS DESK AND STORAGE CONFIGURATIONS PHASE 2 - (14) HERMAN MILLER CANVAS PRIVATE OFFICES WITH VARIOUS DESK AND STORAGE CONFIGURATIONS Design Fee 1 440,556.00 440,556.00 197,500.13 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT SEATING Who/What/Where 197,500.13 BOM E BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 321Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (73) HERMAN MILLER AERON SIZE C TASK CHAIRS, (58) HERMAN MILLER VERUS GUEST CHAIRS, (42) HERMAN MILLER CAPER ARMLESS STACKING CHAIRS PHASE 2 - (74) EA HERMAN MILLER AERON TASK CHAIRS, (3) EA NEVINS CLASSIC PARSONS BENCHES, (36) EA HERMAN MILLER VERUS SIDE CHAIRS, (26) EA HERMAN MILLER CAPER ARMLESS STACKING CHAIRS, & (6) EA HERMAN MILLER CAPER STACKING ARMLESS STOOLS Design Fee Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 4 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 209 of 350 Quotation # 152595G/M 1 171,684.00 171,684.00 55,092.93 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT STORAGE Who/What/Where 55,092.93 BOM F BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 131Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (5) EA HERMAN MILLER 20D MOBILE BOX/FILE PEDESTALS W/ CUSHION TOP, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 2H LATERAL FILE, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 3H LATERAL FILE, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX64H STORAGE CASES, (6) EA HERMAN MILLER 36WX64H STORAGE CASES, & (9) EA HERMAN MILLER 42WX64H STORAGE CASES, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX18D FILES, (7) EA HERMAN MILLER 42WX20D LATERAL FILES, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX20D DOUBLE DOOR LOCKERS, & (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX20DX52.5H DOUBLE DOOR TALL WARDROBE LOCKERS PHASE 2 - (5) EA HERMAN MILLER WOOD WARDROBE TOWER, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 20D BOX/BOX/FILE FREESTANDING PEDESTAL, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 24D BOX/BOX/FILE SURFACE-ATTACHED PEDESTAL, (2) EA HERMAN MILLER 30W 2H LATERAL FILES, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 30W 3H LATERAL FILE, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 2H LATERAL FILES, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 3H LATERAL FILES, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 4H LATERAL FILES, (2) EA HERMAN MILLER 42W 4H LATERAL FILES W/ FLIP DRAWER, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX38H STORAGE CASE, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 30WX64H STORAGE CASES, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER 42WX38H STORAGE CASES, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 42WX64H STORAGE CASE Design Fee 1 1,602,931.20 1,602,931.20 446,206.58 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT SYSTEMS Who/What/Where 446,206.58 BOM G BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 4266Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (52) HERMAN MILLER CANVAS AND RENEW LINK WORKSTATIONS PHASE 2 - (52) HERMAN MILLER CANVAS AND RENEW LINK WORKSTATIONS Design Fee Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 5 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 210 of 350 Quotation # 152595G/M 1 137,329.20 137,329.20 43,739.92 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT TABLES Who/What/Where 43,739.92 BOM H BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials 117Piece Count: . FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - (1) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 24DX60W RECTANGULAR TABLE, (18) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 24DX72W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (2) EA HERMAN MILLER 36DX60W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 36DX36W SQUARE TABLES, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 36DX72W SOFT RECTANGLE MEETING TABLE, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 42DX84W SOFT RECTANGLE MEETING TABLE, (5) EA HERMAN MILLER RENEW 30DX60W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (2) EA HERMAN MILLER RENEW 30DX66W RECTANGULAR TABLES, & (2) EA ULINE 30X72 STAINLESS STEEL TABLES W/ BOTTOM SHELF & CASTERS PHASE 2 - (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 24X108 HEADWAY COMMUNAL TABLE, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 36X120 HEADWAY COMMUNAL TABLE, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 24DX72W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (3) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 30DX48W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 36DX36W SQUARE TABLES, (2) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 42"DIA ROUND TABLES, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER EVERYWHERE 36DX72W SOFT RECTANGLE MEETING TABLE, (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 24DX42W RECTANGULAR TABLES, (4) EA HERMAN MILLER 24DX66W RECTANGULAR TABLES, & (1) EA HERMAN MILLER 24DX72W RECTANGULAR TABLE Design Fee 0 .00 .00 .00 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT SERVICES Who/What/Where .00 BOM I BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials Piece Count: .00.00.0045,000.00 FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - RUSS BASSETT PREVAILING WAGE LABOR Design Fee Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 6 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 211 of 350 Quotation # 152595G/M 1 .00 .00 .00 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT SERVICES Who/What/Where .00 BOM J BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials Piece Count: .00.00108.00438.00 FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 - SERVICES TO INSTALL GRAINGER LOCKING DOOR BY DRILLING INTO 2 EXISTING SPACECO LOCKERS IN TEMPORARY TRAILERS Design Fee 0 .00 .00 .00 Sell ExtSellList ExtList LOT Z G/M Services Who/What/Where .00 BOM K BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials Piece Count: 12,660.00.0096,144.0064,096.00 FreightTaxable Srvcs.Non-Tax Srvcs.Description: PHASE 1 & 2 - PREVAILING WAGE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION SERVICES PHASE 1 & 2 - DESIGN SERVICES G/M Furniture Planning Services, if applicable, include field measurements, drawing AutoCAD building shells, developing typical workstations and private office standards, space planning typicals into the floorplan, developing furniture color schemes, order specifications and receiving client approvals for all drawings and color schemes for order entry. G/M Project Management Services include drawings and field measure checks, order scheduling & routing, electrical consulting with contractors,field checks,monitoring construction progress along with delivery, assembly, punchlist coordination through final completion. G/M Project Services include receiving and inspecting of each product, shipping damage adjudication with vendors, transporting product if applicable, staging of products, delivery, setting in place of all furniture, level clean and polishing of all items, vacuum floors and recycling of all waste products associated with the furniture project. G/M Punchlist Services include formulation of the project punchlist, ordering and receiving of punchlist products, and delivery and assembly to finalize the punchlist and project. G/M Warranty Services Department is provided to offer clients our no-charge warranty service work for all furniture protected under valid factory warranties. G/M maintains electronic copies of our Client's invoices for warranty enforcement. For service requests, our Warranty Department may be contacted via e-mail at warranty@gmbi.net Design Fee Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 7 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 212 of 350 Quotation # 152595G/M Product Subtotal: Services (Non-Taxable) Services (Taxable) Freight (Taxable) Design Services (Non-Taxable) Sales Tax (7.750%) $1,406,899.06 $109,534.00 $96,252.00 $7,700.65 $12,660.00 $117,091.01 $1,750,136.72Total: Taxable Subtotal: Non-Taxable Subtotal: $1,510,851.71 $122,194.00 Terms: Net 30 Days, 90% Due at Substantial Delivery 90%$1,575,123.05 Terms: 10% @ Punchlist 10%$175,013.67 Signed Date I have reviewed the quote, the bill of materials, the drawings (if applicable), the color cards (if applicable), and other associated exhibits for my order. I approve the colors, fabrics, and finishes as previously selected and correct as shown on the attached exhibit. I am satisfied that the product I have selected is the correct size and is suitable and will perform for its intended purpose. I am aware this product is manufactured to order and is not returnable to G/M or to the manufacturer. I understand that legal title to the product will transfer upon delivery to my commercial or residential location and all associated labor is taxable until title transfers. I am aware additional costs charged for inside delivery, staging, setting in place, assembly, leveling, cleaning, polishing, recycling of waste materials are separately stated and are elected as an additional contract option. I am aware of the grand total price of this contract as shown on this quote. Approved by: Signature Print Name/Title Date G/M is ordering your furniture from a variety of manufacturers to be aggregated and received into our G/M operated warehouse. Once the final portion of your order has been received, a “ready to deliver” notification will be sent to you. G/M, at this point, will graciously, store your complete order for up to two weeks at no charge. If for some reason you cannot accept a timely delivery within two weeks, a quote for one month’s handling and storage shall be calculated and forwarded to you. This quote is valid for 30 days. Account Executive: Michelle Philbin Project PAS: Rianna Black 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax: 619-236-0550 Page: 8 http://www.gmbi.net (mphilbin@gmbi.net) AMA:Sarah Jamieson (sjamieson@gmbi.net) 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101G/M Business Interiors May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 213 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:11 PMAQuote #152595 ANCILLARYDepartment: Contract ULINE 1 .00 .00 150.00 150.001 %H-1550 PACKING TABLE LOCKING DRAWER 18X15X8 ANCILLARYTag:OFS 1 1,980.00 1,980.00 831.60 831.60 58.002 %ED1-2444AVLEC Education 24x22x43.75 AV Lectern ~TFL Lectern Top Finish TFL Top NW2 TFL Root (NW2) RW2 Lectern Edge FinishPure White (RW2) RW2 Chassis Finish Pure White (RW2) LCK2 Lock Requires 2 Lock Cores, Locking MSL Hardware/Base Luster Grey C3B Shelves TFL (standard) ANCILLARYTag: 1 .00 .00 .00 .00 58.003 %LOCK-SET-1 Set of 1 lock and key. NICKEL Finish Nickel ALIKE Key Type Alike 100 Starting Key #, Nick100 Standard 2 # of Lock sets 2 ANCILLARYTag: 1 216.00 216.00 90.72 90.72 58.004 %PS-55W 5.4375x3.375x2.125 White Power Supply with USB ports ANCILLARYTag:ERGOTRON 5 267.00 1,335.00 166.88 834.40 37.505 %45-241-026 Ergotron, LX Desk Mount Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag: 9 135.00 1,215.00 84.38 759.42 37.506 %33-334-085 Neo-Flex Notebook Lift Stand ANCILLARYTag: 5 135.00 675.00 84.38 421.90 37.507 %33-334-085 Neo-Flex Notebook Lift Stand ANCILLARYTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 214 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:11 PMAQuote #152595 ANCILLARYDepartment: Contract ERGOTRON 9 267.00 2,403.00 166.88 1,501.92 37.508 %45-241-026 Ergotron, LX Desk Mount Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag: 40 531.00 21,240.00 331.88 13,275.20 37.509 %45-245-026 Ergotron, LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag: 25 531.00 13,275.00 331.88 8,297.00 37.5010 %45-245-026 Ergotron, LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag: 40 531.00 21,240.00 331.88 13,275.20 37.5011 %45-245-026 Ergotron, LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag: 31 531.00 16,461.00 331.88 10,288.28 37.5012 %45-245-026 Ergotron, LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm, Polished Aluminum ANCILLARYTag:CLARUS 1 1,579.00 1,579.00 888.19 888.19 43.7513 % GLASSBOARD FLOAT MOUNTING TYPE: ADJUSTABLE TRUMOUNT GLASS HEIGHT: 48" GLASS WIDTH: 60" THICKNESS: 1/4" GLASS TYPE: LOW IRON MAGNETIC: YES FINISH: PURE WHITE C100 TEMPERED: YES EDGEWORK: FLAT POLISH GRAPHICS: NO CUSTOM FAB: NO INCLUDES MOUNTING HARDWARE INCLUDES (3) MAGNETS ANCILLARYTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 215 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:11 PMAQuote #152595 ANCILLARYDepartment: Contract CLARUS 2 1,579.00 3,158.00 888.19 1,776.38 43.7514 %GB-F-MM-4860 GLASSBOARD FLOAT MOUNTING TYPE: ADJUSTABLE TRUMOUNT GLASS HEIGHT: 48" GLASS WIDTH: 60" THICKNESS: 1/4" GLASS TYPE: LOW IRON MAGNETIC: YES FINISH: PURE WHITE C100 TEMPERED: YES EDGEWORL: FLAT POLISH GRAPHICS: NO CUSTOM FAB: NO INCLUDES MOUNTING HARDWARE INCLUDES (3) MAGNETS ANCILLARYTag: Product Subtotal: $52,390.21 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 216 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 8 .00 .00 94.88 759.041 %WAC-DTB-14 14 Port Data Termination Bracket, Universal DISPATCHTag: 32 .00 .00 47.44 1,518.082 %DAC-CO-USB USB-A 3.0 Keystone - Coupler (Includes 15' Extension) DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 158.13 158.133 %FTC-0724-S-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 24W, Solid, Square DISPATCHTag: 4 .00 .00 150.23 600.924 %FTC-0718-S-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 18W, Solid, Square DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 236.48 1,891.845 %WAC-DASH-1P2U Dash Cartridge, 1 Power / 2 Power-only USB DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 255.88 511.766 %FBP-2442-SPS Flex Back Panel, 24W x 42H, Solid, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: 4 .00 .00 247.98 991.927 %FBP-1842-SPS Flex Back Panel, 18W x 42H, Solid, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 213.48 213.488 %DEF-STG-TOP-1530-N-S Storage Top, 15"D x 30"W DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 209.88 419.769 %DEF-PSD-BSE-0245 Drawer Base, 3 Wide, 24"D x 45"W x 2"H DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 217 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 1 .00 .00 715.88 715.8810 %WAC-ARTWORK Logo Artwork Prep - Per Logo Design DISPATCHTag: 10 .00 .00 237.19 2,371.9011 %FTC-0784-S-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 84W, Solid, Square DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 173.94 347.8812 %FTC-0736-S-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 36W, Solid, Square DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 166.04 166.0413 %FTC-0730-S-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 30W, Solid, Square DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 531.88 531.8814 %FSW-07-3642-EMT-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 36L x 42H, Empty Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 13 .00 .00 319.13 4,148.6915 %FSW-07-3042-EMT-EMT Flex Wall, 07D, 13L x 42H, Empty Side A, Empty Side B DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 681.38 681.3816 %FSW-07-1842-SWN-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 18L x 42H, Empty Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 684.98 684.9817 %FPT-301228-LD-L-N-S Flex Technology Pedestal, 30D x 12W x 28H, Left Swing, No Lock, Slide-Out DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 271.69 271.6918 %FBP-3642-SPS Flex Back Panel, 36W x 42H, Solid, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 218 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 11 .00 .00 263.79 2,901.6919 %FBP-3042-SPS Flex Back Panel, 30W x 42H, Solid, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 380.94 761.8820 %DEF-STG-TOP-2445-N-S Storage Top, 24"D x 45"W DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 171.79 343.5821 %DEF-PSD-BSE-0230 Drawer Base, 2 Wide, 24"D x 30"W x 2"H DISPATCHTag: 24 .00 .00 413.29 9,918.9622 %DAC-MM-01-SW-PM Monitor Mount, Slatwall, Pole Mount DISPATCHTag: 5 .00 .00 1,037.88 5,189.4023 %WAC-ETCH-TEXT Glass Etching, Text - Per Text Line DISPATCHTag: 5 .00 .00 751.81 3,759.0524 %WAC-ETCH-LOGO Glass Etching, Logo - Per Logo Instance DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 1,282.98 10,263.8425 %FWS-SCA-3684-N-W Work Surface, 90 Degree Corner Sit-Stand, Single Lift Array, 36D x 84L DISPATCHTag: 3 .00 .00 654.06 1,962.1826 %FWS-FRE-3636-W Work Surface, Rectangle, 36D x 36L DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 600.16 600.1627 %FWS-FRE-3630-W Work Surface, Rectangle, 36D x 30L DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 219 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 3 .00 .00 1,833.54 5,500.6228 %FTC-0784-GL-BL-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 84W, Blue Lit Glass W/ Logo, Square DISPATCHTag: 3 .00 .00 823.69 2,471.0729 %FSW-07-5442-SSF-SSF Flex wall, 07D, 54L x 42H, Sit-Stand Fabric Side A, Sit-Stand Fabric Side B DISPATCHTag: 10 .00 .00 603.04 6,030.4030 %FSW-07-5442-EMT-SSF Flex wall, 07D, 54L x 42H, Empty Side A, Sit-Stand Fabric Side B DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 728.81 728.8131 %FSW-07-3642-SWN-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 36L x 42H, Slatwall Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 516.06 516.0632 %FSW-07-3042-EMT-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 30L x 42H, Empty Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 4 .00 .00 484.44 1,937.7633 %FSW-07-1842-EMT-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 18L x 42H, Empty Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 6,120.88 48,967.0434 %FSA-Cs-84 Flex Sit-Stand, 90 Degree Corner, 84W, Single Lift, Adj. Array DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 936.54 936.5435 %FPT-303628-PD-L-N-S Flex Technology Pedestal, 30D x 36W x 28H, Pair of Doors, No Lock, Slide-Out DISPATCHTag: 3 .00 .00 708.69 2,126.0736 %FPT-301828-LD-L-N-S Flex Technology Pedestal, 30D x 18W x 28H, Left Swing, No Lock, Slide-Out DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 220 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 2 .00 .00 708.69 1,417.3837 %FPT-242428-LD-L-N-S Flex Technology Pedestal, 24D x 24W x 28H, Left Swing, No Lock, Slide-Out DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 1,599.94 3,199.8838 %DEF-STW-243672-2L-CS- Storage Tower, 24"D x 36"W x 72"H, 2 Lateral W/ Doors DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 571.41 571.4139 %DEF-SHF-1530-3H-OS Lateral Shelving Cabinet, 15"D x 30"W x 42"H, 3 High Unit, Open Shelf DISPATCHTag: 10 .00 .00 1,239.13 12,391.3040 %DEF-PSD-2415-3H-MS Personal Storage Drawer, 24"D x 15"W x 42"H, 3 High Unit, Mail Slot, Locking DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 1,712.06 13,696.4841 %DAC-PCS-FLX-A Flex Personal Comfort System, Heat & Air, Array Console DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 467.19 3,737.5242 %DAC-MM-01-SW-PM-HD Monitor Mount, Slatwall, Pole Mount, HD DISPATCHTag: 13 .00 .00 63.25 822.2543 %WAC-PAN-0718 7" PC Pan for 7" Wall, 18" Long DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 118.60 948.8044 %WAC-IV-RMK-2 2U Internal Vertical Rack Kit DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 362.25 2,898.0045 %WAC-DASH-TL-GSNK Dash Cartridge, Gooseneck Light DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 221 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 8 .00 .00 276.00 2,208.0046 %WAC-DASH-AMB-DIMMI Dash Cartridge, Ambient Dimmer DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 546.25 1,092.5047 %FWS-FRE-3624-W Work Surface, Rectangle, 36D x 24L DISPATCHTag: 6 .00 .00 492.35 2,954.1048 %FWS-FRE-3618-W Work Surface, Rectangle, 36D x 18L DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 1,242.00 1,242.0049 %FTC-0724-GL-BL-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 24W, Blue Lit Glass W/ Logo, Square DISPATCHTag: 1 .00 .00 1,190.25 1,190.2550 %FTC-0718-GL-BL-S Flex Top Cap, 7D x 18W, Blue Lit Glass W/ Logo, Square DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 500.25 1,000.5051 %FSW-07-2442-EMT-SWN Flex Wall, 07D, 24L x 42H, Empty Side A, Slatwall Side B DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 480.85 3,846.8052 %FPD-3618-BBF-L-N Flex Drawer Pedestal, 36D x 18W, Box/Box/File, Laminate Faces, No Lock DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 787.75 6,302.0053 %FCF-42-T-SSF Flex Sit-Stand Corner Filler, 42H, Tech Storage, Fabric DISPATCHTag: 3 .00 .00 362.25 1,086.7554 %FCC-07T-9042-EPS Flex Corner Connector, 7D, 90 Degree T-Type, 42H, Exterior, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 6 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 222 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract RUSSBASSET 2 .00 .00 362.25 724.5055 %FCC-07L-9042-EPS Flex Corner Connector, 7D, 90 Degree L-Type, 42H, Exterior, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 118.60 948.8056 %DAC-SW-PAPER Slatwall Paper Flow Mgr. DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 63.25 506.0057 %DAC-SW-LTR-LT Slatwall Letter Tray - Letter DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 63.25 506.0058 %DAC-AMB-PWR Ambient Light Power Supply W/ Splitter DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 314.81 2,518.4859 %WAC-AMB-AR-C-84-B Ambient Light, Array, 90-Cmr, 84" Blue DISPATCHTag: 7 .00 .00 314.81 2,203.6760 %FEC-FH-0742-L Flex End Cap, Fixed Height, 7" Wall, 42"H, Lam DISPATCHTag: 10 .00 .00 295.41 2,954.1061 %FBP-5442-SPS Flex Back Panel, 54W x 42H, Solid, Powder, Square DISPATCHTag: 2 .00 .00 278.16 556.3262 %DEF-STG-TOP-2430-N-S Storage Top, 24"D x 30"W DISPATCHTag: 8 .00 .00 153.81 1,230.4863 %DAC-SW-WIPES-425 Slatwall Disinfecting Wipes Holder, 4.25" Diameter DISPATCHTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 7 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 223 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:13 PMBQuote #152595 DISPATCHDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $194,654.63 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 8 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 224 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:16 PMCQuote #152595 GYM AND OFFICE LOCKERSDepartment: Contract SPACESAVER 1 .00 .00 258,228.30 258,228.301 % SPACESAVER LOCKERS GYM AND OFFICE LOCKERSTag:BRC 6 2,512.00 15,072.00 973.40 5,840.40 61.252 %FLCKXW15D20H48D4-HL-LKP Lockers 48" High (LBB) 15W x 20D x 48H Top Mat:LPL 3/4" Body Mat:LPL Front Mat:LPL Hinge:Hinge Left Lock Type:Lock KitLock Pad Hanger:CH- Coat Hook Standard Finish: Finesse One inch of leveling Wood grain runs vertically where applicable Lockers to be ganged together on site GYM AND OFFICE LOCKERSTag: Product Subtotal: $264,068.70 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 225 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract ELEVATE 4 15.60 62.40 14.57 58.28 6.601 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 14 15.60 218.40 14.57 203.98 6.602 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White PRIVATE OFFICESTag: GMHARDWARE 3 .00 .00 6.82 20.463 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 6.82 13.644 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH PRIVATE OFFICESTag: HERMANMILLER 3 4,244.00 12,732.00 1,198.93 3,596.79 71.755 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 226 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 4,244.00 4,244.00 1,198.93 1,198.93 71.756 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 4,189.00 4,189.00 1,183.39 1,183.39 71.757 %DU6ACS.3054LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 54W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 768.00 3,072.00 226.56 906.24 70.508 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 768.00 768.00 226.56 226.56 70.509 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 227 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 762.00 762.00 194.31 194.31 74.5010 %SA575920 Modesty Panel 72 72" wide F full modesty panel L laminate LBC walnut on ash laminate with LBC vinyl edge. **Grain to run in horizontal Direction PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,432.00 1,432.00 422.44 422.44 70.5011 %LW200.361 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 36W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,262.00 1,262.00 372.29 372.29 70.5012 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,262.00 1,262.00 372.29 372.29 70.5013 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 2,070.00 4,140.00 527.85 1,055.70 74.5014 %FV43F.WM1548LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 228 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 3 3,600.00 10,800.00 918.00 2,754.00 74.5015 %FF52M.72422CRLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 247.00 988.00 76.57 306.28 69.0016 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 247.00 247.00 76.57 76.57 69.0017 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 637.00 637.00 162.44 162.44 74.5018 %FTS10.2490LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 90W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 543.00 543.00 138.47 138.47 74.5019 %FTS10.3060LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 60W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 668.00 668.00 170.34 170.34 74.5020 %FTS10.3072LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 668.00 668.00 170.34 170.34 74.5021 %FTS10.3072LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 229 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 640.00 640.00 163.20 163.20 74.5022 %FTS10.2496LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 96W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 464.00 928.00 118.32 236.64 74.5023 %FTS10.2460LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 60W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,151.00 1,151.00 339.55 339.55 70.5024 %LG500.3026 Bookcase 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 359.00 1,436.00 91.55 366.20 74.5025 %FV2E2.S24FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 24"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 526.00 1,052.00 134.13 268.26 74.5026 %FV980.WM2348R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 48W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 636.00 1,908.00 162.18 486.54 74.5027 %FV697.60FL Modesty Panel,full modesty panel, 60W Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 366.00 1,464.00 93.33 373.32 74.5028 %FV2E2.S30FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 30"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 366.00 732.00 93.33 186.66 74.5029 %FV2E2.S30FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 30"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 230 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 648.00 648.00 165.24 165.24 74.5030 %FV2A2.24AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 648.00 648.00 165.24 165.24 74.5031 %FV2A2.24AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 648.00 648.00 165.24 165.24 74.5032 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 648.00 648.00 165.24 165.24 74.5033 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 439.00 439.00 178.89 178.89 59.2534 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 439.00 1,756.00 178.89 715.56 59.2535 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 29.00 116.00 7.40 29.60 74.5036 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 29.00 29.00 7.40 7.40 74.5037 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.5038 %FV696.57 Stiffener, 57 3/8W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 6 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 231 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.5039 %FV696.48 Stiffener, 48W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.5040 %FV696.43 Stiffener, 43 1/4W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 460.00 460.00 117.30 117.30 74.5041 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 638.00 638.00 162.69 162.69 74.5042 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5043 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 241 key number 241 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5044 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 234 key number 234 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5045 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 233 key number 233 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5046 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 232 key number 232 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 7 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 232 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 762.00 762.00 194.31 194.31 74.5047 %SA575920 Modesty Panel 72 72" wide F full modesty panel L laminate LBC walnut on ash laminate with LBC vinyl edge. **Grain to run in horizontal Direction PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 13 4,244.00 55,172.00 1,198.93 15,586.09 71.7548 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 1,465.00 2,930.00 593.33 1,186.66 59.5049 %26-3018-3N File,FS Lat Std Pull,3 11 3/4" Dwr 30W 18D SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver T1 1"-high painted metal top with squared edge KA keyed alike B2 1 1/2"-high base CB counterweight (recommended) 9P front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 728.00 1,456.00 214.76 429.52 70.5050 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 8 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 233 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 660.00 1,320.00 194.70 389.40 70.5051 %LW100.20FF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D F/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 1M 2 file converters in each file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 11 768.00 8,448.00 226.56 2,492.16 70.5052 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 18 1,262.00 22,716.00 372.29 6,701.22 70.5053 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 1,821.00 7,284.00 464.36 1,857.44 74.5054 %FV43F.WM1536LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 1,598.00 7,990.00 455.43 2,277.15 71.5055 %DT1CS.36LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 36Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 9 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 234 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 2,496.00 9,984.00 736.32 2,945.28 70.5056 %LW400.4264 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 3,600.00 7,200.00 918.00 1,836.00 74.5057 %FF52M.72422CRLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 3,600.00 10,800.00 918.00 2,754.00 74.5058 %FF52M.72422CLLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 1,294.00 6,470.00 381.73 1,908.65 70.5059 %LW400.3026 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 13 247.00 3,211.00 76.57 995.41 69.0060 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 637.00 1,911.00 162.44 487.32 74.5061 %FTS10.2490LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 90W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 10 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 235 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 861.00 861.00 219.56 219.56 74.5062 %FTS10.3684LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 36D 84W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 851.00 851.00 217.01 217.01 74.5063 %FTS10.3678LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 36D 78W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 842.00 1,684.00 214.71 429.42 74.5064 %FTS10.3672LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 36D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 9 668.00 6,012.00 170.34 1,533.06 74.5065 %FTS10.3072LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 630.00 3,150.00 160.65 803.25 74.5066 %FTS10.2484LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 84W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,091.00 1,091.00 441.86 441.86 59.5067 %TPL-08436 Meridian File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 84W 36D LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 489.00 489.00 198.05 198.05 59.5068 %FSLS-38 Meridian Storage Surround Support Legs, Square 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 11 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 236 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 1,151.00 9,208.00 339.55 2,716.40 70.5069 %LG500.3026 Bookcase 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 679.00 1,358.00 173.15 346.30 74.5070 %FV980.WM2372R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 72W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 372.00 744.00 94.86 189.72 74.5071 %FV2E2.S36FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 36"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 18 366.00 6,588.00 93.33 1,679.94 74.5072 %FV2E2.S30FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 30"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 706.00 2,118.00 180.03 540.09 74.5073 %FV2A2.36AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 36D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 706.00 2,118.00 180.03 540.09 74.5074 %FV2A2.36AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 36D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 438.00 876.00 111.69 223.38 74.5075 %FV2A2.2AAS Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght, 12D Shared MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 8 648.00 5,184.00 165.24 1,321.92 74.5076 %FV2A2.24AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 8 648.00 5,184.00 165.24 1,321.92 74.5077 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 12 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 237 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 202.00 404.00 59.59 119.18 70.5078 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 808.00 4,040.00 238.36 1,191.80 70.5079 %LTPL-09020 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 90W 20D LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 13 439.00 5,707.00 178.89 2,325.57 59.2580 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 13 29.00 377.00 7.40 96.20 74.5081 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 31.00 31.00 7.91 7.91 74.5082 %FT29B.1 Surface Ganging Bracket,single PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.5083 %FV696.67 Stiffener, 66 3/4W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.5084 %FV696.62 Stiffener, 62 1/8W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 13 92.00 1,196.00 23.46 304.98 74.5085 %FV696.48 Stiffener, 48W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 460.00 920.00 117.30 234.60 74.5086 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 13 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 238 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 638.00 1,276.00 162.69 325.38 74.5087 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5088 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 314 key number 314 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5089 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 313 key number 313 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5090 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 312 key number 312 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5091 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 242 key number 242 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5092 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 241 key number 241 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5093 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 240 key number 240 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5094 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 239 key number 239 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5095 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 238 key number 238 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 14 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 239 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5096 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 237 key number 237 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5097 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 236 key number 236 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5098 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 235 key number 235 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5099 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 229 key number 229 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50100 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 228 key number 228 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50101 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 227 key number 227 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50102 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 226 key number 226 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 9 762.00 6,858.00 194.31 1,748.79 74.50103 %SA575920 Modesty Panel 72 72" wide F full modesty panel L laminate LBC walnut on ash laminate with LBC vinyl edge. **Grain to run in horizontal Direction PRIVATE OFFICESTag:ELEVATE Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 15 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 240 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract ELEVATE 5 15.60 78.00 14.57 72.85 6.60104 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 9 15.60 140.40 14.57 131.13 6.60105 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White PRIVATE OFFICESTag: GMHARDWARE 17 .00 .00 6.82 115.94106 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 12 .00 .00 6.82 81.84107 %GM HARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS FOR MODESTY & UNUSUAL APPLICATIO NS PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 21 .00 .00 6.82 143.22108 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 6.82 47.74109 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH PRIVATE OFFICESTag:HERMANMILLER Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 16 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 241 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 4,501.00 4,501.00 1,271.53 1,271.53 71.75110 %DU6ACS.3084LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 84W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 4,244.00 8,488.00 1,198.93 2,397.86 71.75111 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 4,109.00 8,218.00 1,160.79 2,321.58 71.75112 %DU6ACS.3048LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 48W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 17 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 242 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 728.00 2,912.00 214.76 859.04 70.50113 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 768.00 2,304.00 226.56 679.68 70.50114 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 2,805.00 2,805.00 827.48 827.48 70.50115 %LW200.305 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd Flip Dr W/Pullout Shf,4 Dwr 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 3R front-to-back filing rail and dividers in flipper PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 1,262.00 3,786.00 372.29 1,116.87 70.50116 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 2,507.00 5,014.00 639.29 1,278.58 74.50117 %FV43F.WM1560LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 60W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 18 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 243 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 1,821.00 3,642.00 464.36 928.72 74.50118 %FV43F.WM1536LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 2,070.00 2,070.00 527.85 527.85 74.50119 %FV43F.WM1548LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 2,046.00 6,138.00 521.73 1,565.19 74.50120 %FV43F.WM1542LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,755.00 1,755.00 500.18 500.18 71.50121 %DT1CS.42LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 42Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 2,496.00 7,488.00 736.32 2,208.96 70.50122 %LW400.4264 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 19 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 244 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 3,736.00 7,472.00 952.68 1,905.36 74.50123 %FF52M.72442CRLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 3,736.00 7,472.00 952.68 1,905.36 74.50124 %FF52M.72442CLLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 2,952.00 2,952.00 752.76 752.76 74.50125 %FF52M.71522ERLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 247.00 1,235.00 76.57 382.85 69.00126 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 567.00 1,134.00 144.59 289.18 74.50127 %FTS10.2478LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 78W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 464.00 1,392.00 118.32 354.96 74.50128 %FTS10.2460LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 60W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 421.00 421.00 171.56 171.56 59.25129 %Y1113.72NL Modesty Panel,w/o added cable trough,Lam Top/TP Edge 72W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 20 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 245 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 965.00 1,930.00 393.24 786.48 59.25130 %Y1116.D48R Pari Screen, Height Adjustable Tables, Privacy & Modesty (46H/9H Below Surface), Tack Fab, Horz 48W CW cable way 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 1,151.00 1,151.00 339.55 339.55 70.50131 %LG500.3026 Bookcase 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 203.00 406.00 51.77 103.54 74.50132 %FV689.P Support Leg,Post MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 359.00 718.00 91.55 183.10 74.50133 %FV2E2.S24FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 24"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 437.00 874.00 111.44 222.88 74.50134 %FV980.WM2336R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 36W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 447.00 447.00 113.99 113.99 74.50135 %FV697.60HL Modesty Panel,half modesty panel, 60W Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 648.00 1,296.00 165.24 330.48 74.50136 %FV980.WM2360R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 60W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 526.00 526.00 134.13 134.13 74.50137 %FV980.WM2348R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 48W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 480.00 1,440.00 122.40 367.20 74.50138 %FV980.WM2342R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 42W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 21 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 246 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 648.00 2,592.00 165.24 660.96 74.50139 %FV2A2.24AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 648.00 2,592.00 165.24 660.96 74.50140 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 202.00 808.00 59.59 238.36 70.50141 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 808.00 808.00 238.36 238.36 70.50142 %LTPL-09020 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 90W 20D LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 439.00 2,195.00 178.89 894.45 59.25143 %Y1414.L06S +Logic Mini,1 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,6' cord/conduit,surf clamp G1 Finish @graphite PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 29.00 145.00 7.40 37.00 74.50144 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 55.00 110.00 14.03 28.06 74.50145 %FT29B.2 Surface Ganging Bracket,pair PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 22 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 247 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 152.00 152.00 38.76 38.76 74.50146 %FV984.24 Cord Manager 24H USE FOR TASKLIGHT WITH WALL MOUNTED TACKBOARD S AND HUTCHES (SELECT HT ACCORDING LY) - NOT TO BE USED WITH WALL STRIPS OR SYSTEMS PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 92.00 184.00 23.46 46.92 74.50147 %FV696.62 Stiffener, 62 1/8W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.50148 %FV696.57 Stiffener, 57 3/8W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 92.00 276.00 23.46 70.38 74.50149 %FV696.48 Stiffener, 48W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 92.00 276.00 23.46 70.38 74.50150 %FV696.43 Stiffener, 43 1/4W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.50151 %FV696.43 Stiffener, 43 1/4W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 460.00 2,300.00 117.30 586.50 74.50152 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 23 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 248 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 638.00 3,190.00 162.69 813.45 74.50153 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50154 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 295 key number 295 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50155 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 284 key number 284 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50156 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 283 key number 283 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50157 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 282 key number 282 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50158 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 281 key number 281 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50159 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 280 key number 280 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50160 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 279 key number 279 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50161 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 278 key number 278 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 24 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 249 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50162 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 277 key number 277 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50163 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 276 key number 276 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50164 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 275 key number 275 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50165 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 274 key number 274 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50166 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 269 key number 269 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50167 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 257 key number 257 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50168 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 256 key number 256 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50169 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 255 key number 255 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50170 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 254 key number 254 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 25 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 250 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 1,598.00 1,598.00 455.43 455.43 71.50171 %DT1CS.36LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 36Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 4,109.00 4,109.00 1,160.79 1,160.79 71.75172 %DU6ATS.3048LD Renew Rect Tbl, T-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 48W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 4,413.00 8,826.00 1,246.67 2,493.34 71.75173 %DU6ACS.3072LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 72W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 26 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 251 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 4,244.00 21,220.00 1,198.93 5,994.65 71.75174 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 4,189.00 4,189.00 1,183.39 1,183.39 71.75175 %DU6ACS.3054LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 54W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 1,465.00 2,930.00 593.33 1,186.66 59.50176 %26-3018-3N File,FS Lat Std Pull,3 11 3/4" Dwr 30W 18D SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver T1 1"-high painted metal top with squared edge KA keyed alike B2 1 1/2"-high base CB counterweight (recommended) 9P front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 660.00 1,320.00 194.70 389.40 70.50177 %LW100.20FF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D F/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 1M 2 file converters in each file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 27 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 252 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 768.00 6,144.00 226.56 1,812.48 70.50178 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 1,557.00 6,228.00 459.32 1,837.28 70.50179 %LW200.421 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 1,262.00 2,524.00 372.29 744.58 70.50180 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 1,821.00 7,284.00 464.36 1,857.44 74.50181 %FV43F.WM1536LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 8 2,046.00 16,368.00 521.73 4,173.84 74.50182 %FV43F.WM1542LAL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Wall Mount, Lam Case/Doors, Trans Plstc Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash J9 opal frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 28 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 253 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 1,755.00 1,755.00 500.18 500.18 71.50183 %DT1CS.42LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 42Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 1,598.00 3,196.00 455.43 910.86 71.50184 %DT1CS.36LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 36Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 3,600.00 21,600.00 918.00 5,508.00 74.50185 %FF52M.72422CRLTL Wood Vertical Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 1,294.00 2,588.00 381.73 763.46 70.50186 %LW400.3026 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 9 247.00 2,223.00 76.57 689.13 69.00187 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 543.00 1,629.00 138.47 415.41 74.50188 %FTS10.2472LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 29 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 254 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 668.00 3,340.00 170.34 851.70 74.50189 %FTS10.3072LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 179.00 358.00 72.50 145.00 59.50190 %TPL-03018 Meridian File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 30W 18D LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 12 203.00 2,436.00 51.77 621.24 74.50191 %FV689.P Support Leg,Post MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 359.00 718.00 91.55 183.10 74.50192 %FV2E2.S24FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 24"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 679.00 1,358.00 173.15 346.30 74.50193 %FV980.WM2372R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 72W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 8 480.00 3,840.00 122.40 979.20 74.50194 %FV980.WM2342R Tackboard,wall mntd,Tckble Fabric,Hrzntl 23H 42W 2I07 grasscloth lea PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 10 366.00 3,660.00 93.33 933.30 74.50195 %FV2E2.S30FL Closed Support Leg,for Sq-Edge Surface, 30"D,Fxd Hght, Lam LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 648.00 1,296.00 165.24 330.48 74.50196 %FV2A2.24AR Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 648.00 1,296.00 165.24 330.48 74.50197 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 30 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 255 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 808.00 808.00 238.36 238.36 70.50198 %LTPL-09020 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 90W 20D LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 4 753.00 3,012.00 222.14 888.56 70.50199 %LTPL-08420 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 84W 20D LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 1 646.00 646.00 190.57 190.57 70.50200 %LTPL-07220 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 72W 20D LBC walnut on ash PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 48 49.00 2,352.00 19.97 958.56 59.25201 %Y7216.10 Paper Tray 10W XF frosted PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 8 439.00 3,512.00 178.89 1,431.12 59.25202 %Y1414.L06S +Logic Mini,1 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,6' cord/conduit,surf clamp G1 Finish @graphite PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 9 29.00 261.00 7.40 66.60 74.50203 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 92.00 552.00 23.46 140.76 74.50204 %FV696.48 Stiffener, 48W PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 460.00 2,760.00 117.30 703.80 74.50205 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 638.00 3,828.00 162.69 976.14 74.50206 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 31 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 256 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50207 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 296 key number 296 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50208 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 285 key number 285 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50209 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 284 key number 284 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50210 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 276 key number 276 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50211 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 275 key number 275 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50212 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 274 key number 274 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50213 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 273 key number 273 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50214 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 272 key number 272 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 12 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50215 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 269 key number 269 PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 32 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 257 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 762.00 4,572.00 194.31 1,165.86 74.50216 %SA575920 Modesty Panel 72 72" wide F full modesty panel L laminate LBC walnut on ash laminate with LBC vinyl edge. **Grain to run in horizontal Direction PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 292.00 1,752.00 74.46 446.76 74.50217 %FT175.1142W Rail Tile,Wall Strip 11H 42W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 3 91.00 273.00 23.21 69.63 74.50218 %FT191.68 Wall Strip,No Wall Fastener 68H BU black umber PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 103.00 206.00 26.27 52.54 74.50219 %FT197.68A Vertical Trim,Wall Strip 68H CANVAS - FIBERBOARD FILLER B/W WALL AND WALL START, CAN BE PAINT MATCHED IN THE FIELD. CL cool grey neutral PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 2 174.00 348.00 44.37 88.74 74.50220 %FT167.42A Tile Trim,Wall Strip,top/mid-level lwr tile trim, 42W CL cool grey neutral PRIVATE OFFICESTag: 6 32.00 192.00 8.16 48.96 74.50221 %FT192.11 Tile Adapter,Wall Strip, 11H PRIVATE OFFICESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 33 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 258 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:17 PMDQuote #152595 PRIVATE OFFICESDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $153,245.96 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 34 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 259 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:28 PMEQuote #152595 SEATINGDepartment: Contract NEVINS 3 4,838.00 14,514.00 2,721.38 8,164.14 43.751 %B57V-A CLASSIC PARSONS BENCH SIZE: 74"L X 18"D X 19 1/2"H CUSHIONS: 1 CUSHION FABRIC: GRADED-IN STINSON/ GR 5 FABRIC MAKE: CF STINSON FABRIC PATTERN: MICA FABRIC COLOR: LAPIS FABRIC NUMBER: TBD FABRIC YARDAGE: 2.5 YARDS VENEER/WOOD SPECIES: MAPLE VENEER/WOOD FINISH: TBD STRETCHER: (2) 5" SEATINGTag: 3 4,608.00 13,824.00 2,592.00 7,776.00 43.752 %B57V-A CLASSIC PARSONS BENCH SIZE: 74"L X 18"D X 19 1/2"H CUSHIONS: 1 CUSHION FABRIC: GRADED-IN STINSON/ GR 2 FABRIC MAKE: CF STINSON FABRIC PATTERN: STAPLE FABRIC COLOR: NAUTICA FABRIC NUMBER: TBD FABRIC YARDAGE: 2.5 YARDS VENEER/WOOD SPECIES: MAPLE VENEER/WOOD FINISH: TBD STRETCHER: (2) 5" SEATINGTag: HERMANMILLER 40 2,150.00 86,000.00 935.25 37,410.00 56.503 %AER1C23DW Work Chair,New Aeron,C Size,Std-Hgt Range Adj,Tlt Lim and Seat Angle,Fully Adj Arms,Non-Uphst Armpads ALP adjustable posturefit SL G1 graphite G1 graphite G1 graphite C7 2 1/2" caster, black yoke, hard floors or carpet BK black 23103 8Z Pellicle graphite SEATINGTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 260 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:28 PMEQuote #152595 SEATINGDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 34 2,150.00 73,100.00 935.25 31,798.50 56.504 %AER1C23DW Work Chair,New Aeron,C Size,Std-Hgt Range Adj,Tlt Lim and Seat Angle,Fully Adj Arms,Non-Uphst Armpads ALP adjustable posturefit SL G1 graphite G1 graphite G1 graphite C7 2 1/2" caster, black yoke, hard floors or carpet BK black 23103 8Z Pellicle graphite SEATINGTag: 42 2,150.00 90,300.00 935.25 39,280.50 56.505 %AER1C23DW Work Chair,New Aeron,C Size,Std-Hgt Range Adj,Tlt Lim and Seat Angle,Fully Adj Arms,Non-Uphst Armpads ALP adjustable posturefit SL G1 graphite G1 graphite G1 graphite C7 2 1/2" caster, black yoke, hard floors or carpet BK black 23103 8Z Pellicle graphite SEATINGTag: 31 2,150.00 66,650.00 935.25 28,992.75 56.506 %AER1C23DW Work Chair,New Aeron,C Size,Std-Hgt Range Adj,Tlt Lim and Seat Angle,Fully Adj Arms,Non-Uphst Armpads ALP adjustable posturefit SL G1 graphite G1 graphite G1 graphite C7 2 1/2" caster, black yoke, hard floors or carpet BK black 23103 8Z Pellicle graphite SEATINGTag: 2 725.00 1,450.00 340.75 681.50 53.007 %PIA4S1UN Verus® Side Chair, 4-Leg Base VPR mineral SNC satin carbon GL glide, hard floors only 1HA14 medley blue grotto SEATINGTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 261 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:28 PMEQuote #152595 SEATINGDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 18 725.00 13,050.00 340.75 6,133.50 53.008 %PIA4S1UN Verus® Side Chair, 4-Leg Base VPR mineral SNC satin carbon GL glide, hard floors only 1HA14 medley blue grotto SEATINGTag: 16 725.00 11,600.00 340.75 5,452.00 53.009 %PIA4S1UN Verus® Side Chair, 4-Leg Base VPR mineral SNC satin carbon GL glide, hard floors only 1HA14 medley blue grotto SEATINGTag: 36 725.00 26,100.00 340.75 12,267.00 53.0010 %PIA4S1UN Verus® Side Chair, 4-Leg Base VPR mineral SNC satin carbon GL glide, hard floors only 1HA14 medley blue grotto SEATINGTag: 22 725.00 15,950.00 340.75 7,496.50 53.0011 %PIA4S1UN Verus® Side Chair, 4-Leg Base VPR mineral SNC satin carbon GL glide, hard floors only 1HA14 medley blue grotto SEATINGTag: 3 635.00 1,905.00 273.05 819.15 57.0012 %WC743010N Caper Stacking Stool, 4-Leg Base Bar Hgt Range, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver G1 graphite YX Floor Saver Glide® insert, hard floors only 63 fog SEATINGTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 262 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:28 PMEQuote #152595 SEATINGDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 356.00 3,560.00 153.08 1,530.80 57.0013 %WC410N Caper Stacking Chair, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver G1 graphite U5 soft wheel caster, carpet or hard floors 63 fog SEATINGTag: 8 356.00 2,848.00 153.08 1,224.64 57.0014 %WC410N Caper Stacking Chair, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver 79 green apple U5 soft wheel caster, carpet or hard floors 63 fog SEATINGTag: 8 356.00 2,848.00 153.08 1,224.64 57.0015 %WC410N Caper Stacking Chair, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver 3M berry blue U5 soft wheel caster, carpet or hard floors 63 fog SEATINGTag: 3 635.00 1,905.00 273.05 819.15 57.0016 %WC743010N Caper Stacking Stool, 4-Leg Base Bar Hgt Range, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver G1 graphite YX Floor Saver Glide® insert, hard floors only 63 fog SEATINGTag: 42 356.00 14,952.00 153.08 6,429.36 57.0017 %WC410N Caper Stacking Chair, Molded Seat, No Arms MS metallic silver G1 graphite U5 soft wheel caster, carpet or hard floors 63 fog SEATINGTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 263 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:28 PMEQuote #152595 SEATINGDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $197,500.13 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 264 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 3 1,876.00 5,628.00 797.30 2,391.90 57.501 %4LT.K302055L Tall Locker - Wardrobe, Bar Pull, Left Hinge, 30W Double Door 20D 52-1/2H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver TL 1 1/4"-high laminate top with thermoplastic edge LBC walnut on ash CH coathook with shelf MS metallic silver KA keyed alike B2 1 1/2"-high base STORAGETag: 3 3,718.00 11,154.00 1,580.15 4,740.45 57.502 %4LH.K30203L Locker, Half-Height, Bar Pull, 3-High Stack Left Hinge, 30W Double Door 20D SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver TL 1 1/4"-high laminate top with thermoplastic edge LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver KA keyed alike B2 1 1/2"-high base STORAGETag: 7 924.00 6,468.00 374.22 2,619.54 59.503 %26-4220-1 Lateral File Std Pull 1-High 42W 20D SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver T2 1 1/4"-high painted metal top with squared edge E fixed front 13-1/8 9P Front to Back Hanging KA keyed alike CB counterweight B2 Base 1-1/2 in H STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 265 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 1,465.00 5,860.00 593.33 2,373.32 59.504 %26-3018-3N File,FS Lat Std Pull,3 11 3/4" Dwr 30W 18D SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver T2 1 1/4"-high painted metal top with squared edge KA keyed alike B3 2 1/4"-high base CB counterweight (recommended) 9P front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 1 737.00 737.00 217.42 217.42 70.505 %LW140.24BBF Ped W-Pull,Surface Att 24D,B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F 27 1/4" high (raised height) 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer STORAGETag: 1 768.00 768.00 226.56 226.56 70.506 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer STORAGETag: 3 728.00 2,184.00 214.76 644.28 70.507 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 266 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 728.00 2,912.00 214.76 859.04 70.508 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only STORAGETag: 2 2,001.00 4,002.00 590.30 1,180.60 70.509 %LW200.423 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 3 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 1 1,557.00 1,557.00 459.32 459.32 70.5010 %LW200.422 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 2 1,262.00 2,524.00 372.29 744.58 70.5011 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 2 3,252.00 6,504.00 959.34 1,918.68 70.5012 %LW200.425 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd Flip Dr W/Pullout Shf,4 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 4R side-to-side filing rail and dividers in flipper STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 267 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 2,439.00 9,756.00 719.51 2,878.04 70.5013 %LW200.424 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 4 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 2 2,001.00 4,002.00 590.30 1,180.60 70.5014 %LW200.423 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 3 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 2 1,557.00 3,114.00 459.32 918.64 70.5015 %LW200.422 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 1 1,640.00 1,640.00 483.80 483.80 70.5016 %LW200.303 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 3 Dwr 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 3 2,001.00 6,003.00 590.30 1,770.90 70.5017 %LW200.423 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 3 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 268 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 1,557.00 1,557.00 459.32 459.32 70.5018 %LW200.421 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail STORAGETag: 1 2,496.00 2,496.00 736.32 736.32 70.5019 %LW400.4264 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 2 2,274.00 4,548.00 670.83 1,341.66 70.5020 %LW400.3064 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 1 2,274.00 2,274.00 670.83 670.83 70.5021 %LW400.3064 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 5 2,496.00 12,480.00 736.32 3,681.60 70.5022 %LW400.4264 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 269 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 2,274.00 4,548.00 670.83 1,341.66 70.5023 %LW400.3064 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 4 2,496.00 9,984.00 736.32 2,945.28 70.5024 %LW400.4264 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 2 2,274.00 4,548.00 670.83 1,341.66 70.5025 %LW400.3064 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 4 2,310.00 9,240.00 681.45 2,725.80 70.5026 %LW400.3664 Storage Case,W-Pull 36W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 2 2,310.00 4,620.00 681.45 1,362.90 70.5027 %LW400.3664 Storage Case,W-Pull 36W 64H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver NS4 4 shelves total KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 5 2,766.00 13,830.00 705.33 3,526.65 74.5028 %FF55M.71522YLRLTL Wood Wardrobe Tower LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash KA keyed alike STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 6 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 270 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 1,917.00 3,834.00 565.52 1,131.04 70.5029 %LW400.4238 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 1 1,917.00 1,917.00 565.52 565.52 70.5030 %LW400.4238 Storage Case,W-Pull 42W 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 1 1,569.00 1,569.00 462.86 462.86 70.5031 %LW400.3038 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike STORAGETag: 24 264.00 6,336.00 112.20 2,692.80 57.5032 %MKL-VD Keyless Lock, Locker Mode, Vertical Keypad Facing Down 0I silver STORAGETag: 1 1,407.00 1,407.00 569.84 569.84 59.5033 %TPL-10836 Meridian File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 108W 36D LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 1 489.00 489.00 198.05 198.05 59.5034 %FSLS-38 Meridian Storage Surround Support Legs, Square 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver STORAGETag: 7 519.00 3,633.00 210.20 1,471.40 59.5035 %TC1-4220 Retrofit Cush Top,Stg Case 1H 42W 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto STORAGETag: 2 753.00 1,506.00 222.14 444.28 70.5036 %LTPL-08420 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 84W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 7 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 271 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 539.00 539.00 159.01 159.01 70.5037 %LTPL-06020 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 60W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 1 753.00 753.00 222.14 222.14 70.5038 %LTPL-08420 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 84W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 1 539.00 539.00 159.01 159.01 70.5039 %LTPL-06020 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 60W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 3 202.00 606.00 59.59 178.77 70.5040 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto STORAGETag: 4 202.00 808.00 59.59 238.36 70.5041 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto STORAGETag: 3 369.00 1,107.00 108.86 326.58 70.5042 %LTPL-04220 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 42W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 4 369.00 1,476.00 108.86 435.44 70.5043 %LTPL-04220 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 42W 20D LBC walnut on ash STORAGETag: 1 227.00 227.00 96.48 96.48 57.5044 %MKL-CKF Keyless Lock, Control Key Fob STORAGETag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 8 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 272 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:29 PMFQuote #152595 STORAGEDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $55,092.93 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 9 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 273 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract ELEVATE 24 15.60 374.40 14.57 349.68 6.601 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White SYSTEMSTag: 20 15.60 312.00 14.57 291.40 6.602 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White SYSTEMSTag: GMHARDWARE 8 .00 .00 6.82 54.563 %GM HARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS FOR MODESTY & UNUSUAL APPLICATIO NS SYSTEMSTag: 9 .00 .00 6.82 61.384 %GMHARDWARE GM WALL ANCHORS (1) PER WALL STRIP WALL START OR OH SYSTEMSTag:HERMANMILLER 2 17.00 34.00 4.34 8.68 74.505 %1B4L96- Brush-On MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 51.00 102.00 13.01 26.02 74.506 %1B4L95- Aerosol MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 274 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 11 4,244.00 46,684.00 1,198.93 13,188.23 71.757 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 15 1,823.00 27,345.00 464.87 6,973.05 74.508 %FV43F.F81548LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 1,799.00 7,196.00 458.75 1,835.00 74.509 %FV43F.F81542LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 1,574.00 3,148.00 401.37 802.74 74.5010 %FV43F.F81536LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 275 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 1,488.00 1,488.00 379.44 379.44 74.5011 %FV43F.F81530LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 30W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 1,715.00 10,290.00 531.65 3,189.90 69.0012 %DU8F.BB54R Renew Link Trough Mounted Pari Fabric Screen, Back-to-Back, Tack Fab, Horz 54W NNN none 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 247.00 1,976.00 76.57 612.56 69.0013 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey SYSTEMSTag: 1 299.00 299.00 76.25 76.25 74.5014 %FTS10.2430LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 30W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 541.00 541.00 137.96 137.96 74.5015 %FTS10.2460LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 60W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 4 681.00 2,724.00 173.66 694.64 74.5016 %FTS10.2484LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 84W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 276 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 732.00 3,660.00 186.66 933.30 74.5017 %FTS10.2496LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 96W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 612.00 612.00 156.06 156.06 74.5018 %FTS10.2472LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 410.00 410.00 104.55 104.55 74.5019 %FTS10.2448LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 48W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 3 648.00 1,944.00 264.06 792.18 59.2520 %Y1113.48YL Modesty Panel,w/added cable trough,Lam Top/TP Edge 48W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 498.00 996.00 126.99 253.98 74.5021 %FT2A1.24AR Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Rt 24D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 498.00 1,992.00 126.99 507.96 74.5022 %FT2A1.24AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 9 44.00 396.00 11.22 100.98 74.5023 %FT290.24R Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,rt-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 8 44.00 352.00 11.22 89.76 74.5024 %FT290.24L Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,lft-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 277 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 12 709.00 8,508.00 288.92 3,467.04 59.2525 %Y1423.IA06 +Logic C1000 Universal Clamp Mount Distributor,4 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,pwr cord w/ plug end,6' cord/conduit MS Finish @metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 11 439.00 4,829.00 178.89 1,967.79 59.2526 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite SYSTEMSTag: 20 29.00 580.00 7.40 148.00 74.5027 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 1 55.00 55.00 14.03 14.03 74.5028 %FT29B.2 Surface Ganging Bracket,pair SYSTEMSTag: 10 460.00 4,600.00 117.30 1,173.00 74.5029 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 10 638.00 6,380.00 162.69 1,626.90 74.5030 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 2 530.00 1,060.00 135.15 270.30 74.5031 %G6160.AB Twist LED Task Light,Single unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 4 29.00 116.00 7.40 29.60 74.5032 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 6 29.00 174.00 7.40 44.40 74.5033 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 278 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 12 102.00 1,224.00 41.57 498.84 59.2534 %Y1338. Connect Ganging Bracket Kit SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5035 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 290 key number 290 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5036 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 289 key number 289 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5037 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 288 key number 288 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5038 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 287 key number 287 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5039 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 286 key number 286 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5040 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 285 key number 285 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5041 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 270 key number 270 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5042 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 263 key number 263 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 6 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 279 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5043 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 253 key number 253 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5044 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 252 key number 252 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5045 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 251 key number 251 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5046 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 250 key number 250 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5047 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 249 key number 249 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5048 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 248 key number 248 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5049 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 247 key number 247 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5050 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 246 key number 246 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5051 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 245 key number 245 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 7 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 280 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5052 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 244 key number 244 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5053 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 243 key number 243 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5054 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 242 key number 242 SYSTEMSTag: 12 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5055 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 240 key number 240 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5056 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 238 key number 238 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5057 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 237 key number 237 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5058 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 236 key number 236 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5059 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 235 key number 235 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5060 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 231 key number 231 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 8 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 281 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5061 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 230 key number 230 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5062 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 229 key number 229 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5063 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 228 key number 228 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5064 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 227 key number 227 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.5065 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 226 key number 226 SYSTEMSTag: 7 225.00 1,575.00 57.38 401.66 74.5066 %FT140.06 Power Entry, External Direct Connect 6'long LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 3 255.00 765.00 79.05 237.15 69.0067 %DU1351.06L +Pwr Entry, 4 Ciruit, liquid tight conduit 6' Long SYSTEMSTag: 6 8,969.00 53,814.00 2,780.39 16,682.34 69.0068 %DU2AS.2454LED Renew Link Bk-to-Bk Rect Hgt Adj Bench,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Std Range,Elec Ext Range 24D 54W ECT enhanced cable trough w/covers - data/power routing and cord management SUD simple up down PSC simple cable NNN no cutout LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 9 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 282 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 165.00 330.00 42.08 84.16 74.5069 %FT181.1842T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 18H 42W (for 53H frames only) MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 6 185.00 1,110.00 47.18 283.08 74.5070 %FT180.4824T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 283.00 566.00 72.17 144.34 74.5071 %FT174.42 Tile,Lower Open 42W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 329.00 1,316.00 83.90 335.60 74.5072 %FT180.6336T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 216.00 432.00 55.08 110.16 74.5073 %FT181.3342T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 30 376.00 11,280.00 95.88 2,876.40 74.5074 %FT180.6348T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 6 352.00 2,112.00 89.76 538.56 74.5075 %FT180.6342T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 260.00 520.00 66.30 132.60 74.5076 %FT180.6330T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 10 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 283 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 34 272.00 9,248.00 69.36 2,358.24 74.5077 %FT180.4842T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 120.00 480.00 30.60 122.40 74.5078 %FT170.1142T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 3 201.00 603.00 62.31 186.93 69.0079 %DU4B.EC Renew Link Bench End Caps - Enhanced Cable Trough, Back-to-Back, End Caps Pkg/2 MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 226.00 678.00 70.06 210.18 69.0080 %DU4B.CP Renew Link Bench Connecting Plate - Enhanced Cable Trough, Back-to-Back, Connecting Plate (between tables) 1per Box MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 39.00 117.00 9.95 29.85 74.5081 %FT112.24AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 41.00 205.00 10.46 52.30 74.5082 %FT126.2BP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 180-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 41.00 287.00 10.46 73.22 74.5083 %FT126.1AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-1 Frame Top Caps Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 47.00 94.00 11.99 23.98 74.5084 %FT112.36AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 11 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 284 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 22 53.00 1,166.00 13.52 297.44 74.5085 %FT112.42AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 15 57.00 855.00 14.54 218.10 74.5086 %FT112.48AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 71.00 355.00 18.11 90.55 74.5087 %FT123.168BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 79.00 553.00 20.15 141.05 74.5088 %FT123.253BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 169.00 169.00 43.10 43.10 74.5089 %FT150.30 Base Power Harness 30W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 3 163.00 489.00 41.57 124.71 74.5090 %FT150.24 Base Power Harness 24W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 6 233.00 1,398.00 59.42 356.52 74.5091 %FT155.A 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit A 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 15 367.00 5,505.00 93.59 1,403.85 74.5092 %FT110.6848J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 347.00 1,388.00 88.49 353.96 74.5093 %FT110.6842J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 12 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 285 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 9 305.00 2,745.00 77.78 700.02 74.5094 %FT110.5342N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 9 323.00 2,907.00 82.37 741.33 74.5095 %FT110.5342J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 84.00 84.00 21.42 21.42 74.5096 %E2931.R Work Surf Support Bracket,Right, Pkg of 4 MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 84.00 84.00 21.42 21.42 74.5097 %E2931.L Work Surf Support Bracket,Left, Pkg of 4 MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 92.00 644.00 23.46 164.22 74.5098 %FT160.68BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 12 82.00 984.00 20.91 250.92 74.5099 %FT160.53BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 15 196.00 2,940.00 49.98 749.70 74.50100 %FT150.48 Base Power Harness 48W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 13 184.00 2,392.00 46.92 609.96 74.50101 %FT150.42 Base Power Harness 42W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 2 176.00 352.00 44.88 89.76 74.50102 %FT150.36 Base Power Harness 36W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 13 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 286 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 7 90.00 630.00 22.95 160.65 74.50103 %FT123.315NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 54.00 270.00 13.77 68.85 74.50104 %FT123.115NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 42.00 42.00 10.71 10.71 74.50105 %FT112.30AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 330.00 660.00 84.15 168.30 74.50106 %FT110.6836J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 312.00 312.00 79.56 79.56 74.50107 %FT110.6830J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 274.00 822.00 69.87 209.61 74.50108 %FT110.5324J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 53H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 132.00 792.00 40.92 245.52 69.00109 %DU1358.DBB Junction Blck,dbl bck-to-bck junct box,short 90 deg att to underside of surf SYSTEMSTag: 24 41.00 984.00 12.71 305.04 69.00110 %DU1355.151 Duplex Receptacle, 4 Circuit, 15 Amp Circuit I SYSTEMSTag: 3 183.00 549.00 56.73 170.19 69.00111 %DU1353.42A Junct Blk to Junct Blk Jumper, 4 Curcuit, Adj Jumper 42W SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 14 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 287 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 43.00 430.00 10.97 109.70 74.50112 %FT128.68 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 68H SYSTEMSTag: 2 69.00 138.00 17.60 35.20 74.50113 %G1190.01 Carpet Grippers 25/Pkg (2) PER FRAME (TO GO UNDER THE GLIDE) SYSTEMSTag: 7 121.00 847.00 30.86 216.02 74.50114 %FT121.257 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 5 137.00 685.00 34.94 174.70 74.50115 %FT121.357 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 9 40.00 360.00 10.20 91.80 74.50116 %FT128.53 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 53H SYSTEMSTag: 12 728.00 8,736.00 214.76 2,577.12 70.50117 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only SYSTEMSTag: 14 768.00 10,752.00 226.56 3,171.84 70.50118 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 15 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 288 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 2,947.00 2,947.00 869.37 869.37 70.50119 %LW310.53RS Stg Twr,W-Pull,Sd Fcng Bckcase, Wdrb Rt,B/B/F, 53H SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CR coat rod 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 3 4,432.00 13,296.00 1,409.38 4,228.14 68.20120 %L2ER.L4648161LL2K Locker,Base,Wdrb - Hinge L,Lam, 3/4 Lam Top,Bar Pull 46H 48W 16-1/2D CH coathook with shelf LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver KA keyed alike SYSTEMSTag: 4 2,439.00 9,756.00 719.51 2,878.04 70.50121 %LW200.424 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 4 Dwr 42W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail SYSTEMSTag: 7 1,262.00 8,834.00 372.29 2,606.03 70.50122 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail SYSTEMSTag: 12 202.00 2,424.00 59.59 715.08 70.50123 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto SYSTEMSTag: 6 51.00 306.00 14.54 87.24 71.50124 %DT9A. Cable Management Clip 10/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 16 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 289 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 12 4,244.00 50,928.00 1,198.93 14,387.16 71.75125 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 12 4,189.00 50,268.00 1,183.39 14,200.68 71.75126 %DU6ACS.3054LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 54W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 1 603.00 603.00 244.22 244.22 59.50127 %ZCELA Exact Size File Top,Sq-Edge,Lam Top D01 depth 15.00in - 30.00in 30 Depth Entry W08 width 96.01in - 108.00in 102 Width Entry EZ standard hmi laminates LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 16 1,823.00 29,168.00 464.87 7,437.92 74.50128 %FV43F.F81548LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 17 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 290 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 1,799.00 17,990.00 458.75 4,587.50 74.50129 %FV43F.F81542LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 1,574.00 3,148.00 401.37 802.74 74.50130 %FV43F.F81536LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 24 247.00 5,928.00 76.57 1,837.68 69.00131 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey SYSTEMSTag: 1 933.00 933.00 237.92 237.92 74.50132 %FTS10.3096LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 96W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 4 681.00 2,724.00 173.66 694.64 74.50133 %FTS10.2484LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 84W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 424.00 424.00 108.12 108.12 74.50134 %FTS34.2460LD Peninsula Surf,Rectangular End,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 60W, Surf Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 18 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 291 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 702.00 5,616.00 179.01 1,432.08 74.50135 %FTS10.2490LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 90W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 636.00 1,272.00 162.18 324.36 74.50136 %FTS10.2478LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 78W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 4 612.00 2,448.00 156.06 624.24 74.50137 %FTS10.2472LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 7 336.00 2,352.00 85.68 599.76 74.50138 %FTS10.2436LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 36W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 635.00 635.00 161.93 161.93 74.50139 %FT2A2.B24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Pen/D-Shpd Surf Attchd,Outbound, for 24"D Peninsula,Adj Hght,Lft MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 648.00 648.00 165.24 165.24 74.50140 %FV2A2.24AL Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 524.00 524.00 133.62 133.62 74.50141 %FT2A1.30AR Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Rt 30D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 524.00 524.00 133.62 133.62 74.50142 %FT2A1.30AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 30D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 19 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 292 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 12 388.00 4,656.00 98.94 1,187.28 74.50143 %FT2A1.12AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 12D Shared Mid-Run MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 14 44.00 616.00 11.22 157.08 74.50144 %FT290.24R Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,rt-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 17 44.00 748.00 11.22 190.74 74.50145 %FT290.24L Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,lft-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 24 49.00 1,176.00 19.97 479.28 59.25146 %Y7216.10 Paper Tray 10W XF frosted SYSTEMSTag: 24 439.00 10,536.00 178.89 4,293.36 59.25147 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite SYSTEMSTag: 25 29.00 725.00 7.40 185.00 74.50148 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 12 55.00 660.00 14.03 168.36 74.50149 %FT29B.2 Surface Ganging Bracket,pair SYSTEMSTag: 14 460.00 6,440.00 117.30 1,642.20 74.50150 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 14 638.00 8,932.00 162.69 2,277.66 74.50151 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 20 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 293 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 758.00 1,516.00 308.89 617.78 59.25152 %Y1423.JA06 +Logic C1000 Universal Clamp Mount Distributor,5 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,pwr cord w/ plug end,6' cord/conduit MS Finish @metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 439.00 1,317.00 178.89 536.67 59.25153 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite SYSTEMSTag: 5 29.00 145.00 7.40 37.00 74.50154 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50155 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 313 key number 313 SYSTEMSTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50156 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 311 key number 311 SYSTEMSTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50157 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 308 key number 308 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50158 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 283 key number 283 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50159 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 268 key number 268 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50160 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 267 key number 267 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 21 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 294 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50161 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 266 key number 266 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50162 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 265 key number 265 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50163 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 264 key number 264 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50164 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 263 key number 263 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50165 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 262 key number 262 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50166 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 261 key number 261 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50167 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 260 key number 260 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50168 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 259 key number 259 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50169 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 258 key number 258 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 22 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 295 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50170 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 257 key number 257 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50171 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 256 key number 256 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50172 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 255 key number 255 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50173 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 254 key number 254 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50174 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 253 key number 253 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50175 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 252 key number 252 SYSTEMSTag: 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50176 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 251 key number 251 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50177 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 250 key number 250 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50178 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 249 key number 249 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 23 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 296 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50179 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 247 key number 247 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50180 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 246 key number 246 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50181 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 244 key number 244 SYSTEMSTag: 26 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50182 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 243 key number 243 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50183 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 234 key number 234 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50184 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 233 key number 233 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50185 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 232 key number 232 SYSTEMSTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50186 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 231 key number 231 SYSTEMSTag: 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50187 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 230 key number 230 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 24 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 297 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 7 225.00 1,575.00 57.38 401.66 74.50188 %FT140.06 Power Entry, External Direct Connect 6'long LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 4 127.00 508.00 32.39 129.56 74.50189 %FT170.1148T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 185.00 1,480.00 47.18 377.44 74.50190 %FT180.4824T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 16 185.00 2,960.00 47.18 754.88 74.50191 %FT180.3730T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 37H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 5 229.00 1,145.00 58.40 292.00 74.50192 %FT181.3348T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 6 257.00 1,542.00 65.54 393.24 74.50193 %FT180.4836T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 1 269.00 269.00 68.60 68.60 74.50194 %FT174.36 Tile,Lower Open 36W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 329.00 658.00 83.90 167.80 74.50195 %FT180.6336T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 25 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 298 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 315.00 630.00 80.33 160.66 74.50196 %FT175.1148T Rail Tile,Top 11H 48W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 204.00 408.00 52.02 104.04 74.50197 %FT181.3336T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 92.00 184.00 23.46 46.92 74.50198 %FT181.0730T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 07H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 26 376.00 9,776.00 95.88 2,492.88 74.50199 %FT180.6348T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 20 352.00 7,040.00 89.76 1,795.20 74.50200 %FT180.6342T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 66 272.00 17,952.00 69.36 4,577.76 74.50201 %FT180.4842T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 206.00 1,648.00 52.53 420.24 74.50202 %FT180.4830T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 244.00 976.00 62.22 248.88 74.50203 %FT180.3742T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 37H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 26 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 299 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 176.00 1,760.00 44.88 448.80 74.50204 %FT180.3724T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 37H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 282.00 1,128.00 71.91 287.64 74.50205 %FT175.1148M Rail Tile,Middle 11H 48W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 304.00 608.00 77.52 155.04 74.50206 %FT174.48 Tile,Lower Open 48W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 238.00 238.00 60.69 60.69 74.50207 %FT174.30 Tile,Lower Open 30W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 220.00 440.00 56.10 112.20 74.50208 %FT170.3048T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 30H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 112.00 224.00 28.56 57.12 74.50209 %FT170.1136T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 104.00 208.00 26.52 53.04 74.50210 %FT170.1130T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 9 39.00 351.00 9.95 89.55 74.50211 %FT112.24AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 27 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 300 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 41.00 164.00 10.46 41.84 74.50212 %FT126.3AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-3 Frame Top Caps Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 41.00 287.00 10.46 73.22 74.50213 %FT126.2BP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 180-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 41.00 246.00 10.46 62.76 74.50214 %FT126.2AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 90-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 11 41.00 451.00 10.46 115.06 74.50215 %FT126.1AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-1 Frame Top Caps Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 47.00 235.00 11.99 59.95 74.50216 %FT112.36AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 45 53.00 2,385.00 13.52 608.40 74.50217 %FT112.42AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 57.00 912.00 14.54 232.64 74.50218 %FT112.48AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 61.00 122.00 15.56 31.12 74.50219 %FT123.153BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 8 71.00 568.00 18.11 144.88 74.50220 %FT123.168BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 28 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 301 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 14 79.00 1,106.00 20.15 282.10 74.50221 %FT123.253BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 169.00 845.00 43.10 215.50 74.50222 %FT150.30 Base Power Harness 30W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 6 163.00 978.00 41.57 249.42 74.50223 %FT150.24 Base Power Harness 24W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 4 233.00 932.00 59.42 237.68 74.50224 %FT155.B 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit B 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 9 233.00 2,097.00 59.42 534.78 74.50225 %FT155.A 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit A 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 3 289.00 867.00 73.70 221.10 74.50226 %FT110.5336N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 273.00 1,092.00 69.62 278.48 74.50227 %FT110.5330N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 261.00 1,044.00 66.56 266.24 74.50228 %FT110.5324N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 257.00 771.00 65.54 196.62 74.50229 %FT110.4230N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 42H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 29 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 302 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 257.00 1,285.00 65.54 327.70 74.50230 %FT110.4224J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 42H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 367.00 5,872.00 93.59 1,497.44 74.50231 %FT110.6848J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 10 347.00 3,470.00 88.49 884.90 74.50232 %FT110.6842J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 20 305.00 6,100.00 77.78 1,555.60 74.50233 %FT110.5342N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 323.00 4,199.00 82.37 1,070.81 74.50234 %FT110.5342J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 92.00 92.00 23.46 23.46 74.50235 %FT160.68BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 20 82.00 1,640.00 20.91 418.20 74.50236 %FT160.53BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 76.00 380.00 19.38 96.90 74.50237 %FT160.42BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 42H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 196.00 3,136.00 49.98 799.68 74.50238 %FT150.48 Base Power Harness 48W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 30 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 303 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 24 184.00 4,416.00 46.92 1,126.08 74.50239 %FT150.42 Base Power Harness 42W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 2 176.00 352.00 44.88 89.76 74.50240 %FT150.36 Base Power Harness 36W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 1 96.00 96.00 24.48 24.48 74.50241 %FT123.326NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 26H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 10 90.00 900.00 22.95 229.50 74.50242 %FT123.315NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 72.00 216.00 18.36 55.08 74.50243 %FT123.242BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 42H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 54.00 108.00 13.77 27.54 74.50244 %FT123.142BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 42H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 54.00 378.00 13.77 96.39 74.50245 %FT123.115NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 42.00 546.00 10.71 139.23 74.50246 %FT112.30AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 330.00 660.00 84.15 168.30 74.50247 %FT110.6836J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 31 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 304 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 290.00 290.00 73.95 73.95 74.50248 %FT110.4242N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 42H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 304.00 304.00 77.52 77.52 74.50249 %FT110.4242J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 42H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 270.00 1,620.00 68.85 413.10 74.50250 %FT110.4230J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 42H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 8 33.00 264.00 8.42 67.36 74.50251 %FT128.42 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 42H SYSTEMSTag: 2 39.00 78.00 9.95 19.90 74.50252 %FT151. Power Harness Extender SYSTEMSTag: 14 43.00 602.00 10.97 153.58 74.50253 %FT128.68 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 68H SYSTEMSTag: 10 69.00 690.00 17.60 176.00 74.50254 %G1190.01 Carpet Grippers 25/Pkg (2) PER FRAME (TO GO UNDER THE GLIDE) SYSTEMSTag: 2 93.00 186.00 23.72 47.44 74.50255 %FT121.346 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 46H frames and lower SYSTEMSTag: 14 121.00 1,694.00 30.86 432.04 74.50256 %FT121.257 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 32 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 305 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 137.00 1,370.00 34.94 349.40 74.50257 %FT121.357 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 18 40.00 720.00 10.20 183.60 74.50258 %FT128.53 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 53H SYSTEMSTag: 3 80.00 240.00 20.40 61.20 74.50259 %FT121.246 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 46H frames and lower SYSTEMSTag: 10 728.00 7,280.00 214.76 2,147.60 70.50260 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only SYSTEMSTag: 14 768.00 10,752.00 226.56 3,171.84 70.50261 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 3 2,947.00 8,841.00 869.37 2,608.11 70.50262 %LW310.53RS Stg Twr,W-Pull,Sd Fcng Bckcase, Wdrb Rt,B/B/F, 53H SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CR coat rod 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 33 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 306 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 2,947.00 11,788.00 869.37 3,477.48 70.50263 %LW310.53LS Stg Twr,W-Pull,Sd Fcng Bckcase, Wdrb Lft,B/B/F, 53H SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CR coat rod 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 12 1,262.00 15,144.00 372.29 4,467.48 70.50264 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail SYSTEMSTag: 2 1,425.00 2,850.00 420.38 840.76 70.50265 %LW400.3626 Storage Case,W-Pull 36W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike SYSTEMSTag: 1 1,294.00 1,294.00 381.73 381.73 70.50266 %LW400.3026 Storage Case,W-Pull 30W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike SYSTEMSTag: 10 202.00 2,020.00 59.59 595.90 70.50267 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto SYSTEMSTag:GMVENDOR 2 .00 .00 .00 .00268 %B0141E39QW Acrimet Key Cabinet Organizer 256 Positions with Lock (Wall Mount) (256 Multicolored Tags Included) (Beige Cabinet) 21 5/8" X 3 15/16" X 18 5/16" SYSTEMSTag:ELEVATE Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 34 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 307 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract ELEVATE 31 15.60 483.60 14.57 451.67 6.60269 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White SYSTEMSTag: 32 15.60 499.20 14.57 466.24 6.60270 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White SYSTEMSTag: HERMANMILLER 14 4,244.00 59,416.00 1,198.93 16,785.02 71.75271 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 3 4,189.00 12,567.00 1,183.39 3,550.17 71.75272 %DU6ACS.3054LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 54W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 35 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 308 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 4,069.00 4,069.00 1,149.49 1,149.49 71.75273 %DU6ACS.2448LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 24D 48W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 11 1,823.00 20,053.00 464.87 5,113.57 74.50274 %FV43F.F81548LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 1,799.00 12,593.00 458.75 3,211.25 74.50275 %FV43F.F81542LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 15 1,574.00 23,610.00 401.37 6,020.55 74.50276 %FV43F.F81536LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 36 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 309 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 1,450.00 1,450.00 369.75 369.75 74.50277 %FV43F.F81524LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 24W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 1,814.00 5,442.00 562.34 1,687.02 69.00278 %DU8F.BB60R Renew Link Trough Mounted Pari Fabric Screen, Back-to-Back, Tack Fab, Horz 60W NNN none 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 20 247.00 4,940.00 76.57 1,531.40 69.00279 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey SYSTEMSTag: 2 447.00 894.00 113.99 227.98 74.50280 %FTS34.3054LS Peninsula Surf,Rectangular End,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 54W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 732.00 1,464.00 186.66 373.32 74.50281 %FTS10.2496LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 96W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 7 702.00 4,914.00 179.01 1,253.07 74.50282 %FTS10.2490LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 90W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 37 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 310 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 612.00 4,896.00 156.06 1,248.48 74.50283 %FTS10.2472LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 660.00 1,320.00 168.30 336.60 74.50284 %FT2A2.A30AS Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Pen/D-Shpd Surf Attchd,Inset, for 30"D Peninsula,Adj Hght,Non-Hnded Support MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 498.00 1,494.00 126.99 380.97 74.50285 %FT2A1.24AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 388.00 776.00 98.94 197.88 74.50286 %FT2A1.12AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 12D Shared Mid-Run MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 15 44.00 660.00 11.22 168.30 74.50287 %FT290.24R Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,rt-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 44.00 572.00 11.22 145.86 74.50288 %FT290.24L Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,lft-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 9 709.00 6,381.00 288.92 2,600.28 59.25289 %Y1423.IA06 +Logic C1000 Universal Clamp Mount Distributor,4 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,pwr cord w/ plug end,6' cord/conduit G1 Finish @graphite SYSTEMSTag: 17 439.00 7,463.00 178.89 3,041.13 59.25290 %Y1414.L06S +Logic Mini,1 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,6' cord/conduit,surf clamp G1 Finish @graphite SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 38 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 311 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 32 29.00 928.00 7.40 236.80 74.50291 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 2 55.00 110.00 14.03 28.06 74.50292 %FT29B.2 Surface Ganging Bracket,pair SYSTEMSTag: 12 460.00 5,520.00 117.30 1,407.60 74.50293 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 12 638.00 7,656.00 162.69 1,952.28 74.50294 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 2 530.00 1,060.00 135.15 270.30 74.50295 %G6160.AB Twist LED Task Light,Single unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50296 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 294 key number 294 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50297 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 293 key number 293 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50298 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 292 key number 292 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50299 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 283 key number 283 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 39 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 312 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50300 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 282 key number 282 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50301 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 281 key number 281 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50302 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 280 key number 280 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50303 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 279 key number 279 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50304 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 273 key number 273 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50305 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 272 key number 272 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50306 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 271 key number 271 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50307 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 269 key number 269 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50308 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 268 key number 268 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 40 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 313 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50309 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 267 key number 267 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50310 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 266 key number 266 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50311 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 265 key number 265 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50312 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 264 key number 264 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50313 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 261 key number 261 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50314 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 260 key number 260 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50315 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 259 key number 259 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50316 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 258 key number 258 SYSTEMSTag: 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50317 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 239 key number 239 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 41 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 314 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 225.00 1,350.00 57.38 344.28 74.50318 %FT140.06 Power Entry, External Direct Connect 6'long LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 2 255.00 510.00 79.05 158.10 69.00319 %DU1351.06L Pwr Entry, 4 Ciruit, liquid tight conduit 6' Long SYSTEMSTag: 3 9,290.00 27,870.00 2,879.90 8,639.70 69.00320 %DU2AS.3060LED Renew Link Bk-to-Bk Rect Hgt Adj Bench,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Std Range,Elec Ext Range 30D 60W ECT enhanced cable trough w/covers - data/power routing and cord management SUD simple up down PSC simple cable NNN no cutout LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 5,085.00 15,255.00 1,576.35 4,729.05 69.00321 %DU1AS.3060LD Renew Link Single Sided Rect Tbl Adj Bench,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range 30D 59W ECT enhanced cable trough w/covers - data/power routing and cord management SUD simple up down PSC simple cable NNN no cutout LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 127.00 254.00 32.39 64.78 74.50322 %FT170.1148T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 229.00 458.00 58.40 116.80 74.50323 %FT181.3348T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 42 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 315 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 257.00 2,056.00 65.54 524.32 74.50324 %FT180.4836T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 1 283.00 283.00 72.17 72.17 74.50325 %FT174.42 Tile,Lower Open 42W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 269.00 269.00 68.60 68.60 74.50326 %FT174.36 Tile,Lower Open 36W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 28 329.00 9,212.00 83.90 2,349.20 74.50327 %FT180.6336T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 216.00 432.00 55.08 110.16 74.50328 %FT181.3342T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 204.00 408.00 52.02 104.04 74.50329 %FT181.3336T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 20 376.00 7,520.00 95.88 1,917.60 74.50330 %FT180.6348T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 12 352.00 4,224.00 89.76 1,077.12 74.50331 %FT180.6342T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 43 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 316 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 236.00 472.00 60.18 120.36 74.50332 %FT180.6324T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 44 272.00 11,968.00 69.36 3,051.84 74.50333 %FT180.4842T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 1 304.00 304.00 77.52 77.52 74.50334 %FT174.48 Tile,Lower Open 48W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 20 208.00 4,160.00 53.04 1,060.80 74.50335 %FT170.3042T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 30H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 120.00 240.00 30.60 61.20 74.50336 %FT170.1142T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 112.00 224.00 28.56 57.12 74.50337 %FT170.1136T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 1 161.00 161.00 49.91 49.91 69.00338 %DU4S.EC Renew Link Bench End Caps - Enhanced Cable Trough, Single Sided, End Cap, Pkg/2 MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 201.00 402.00 62.31 124.62 69.00339 %DU4S.CP Renew Link Bench Connecting Plate - Enhanced Cable Trough, Single Sided, Connecting Plate (between tables) 1per Box MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 44 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 317 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 201.00 201.00 62.31 62.31 69.00340 %DU4B.EC Renew Link Bench End Caps - Enhanced Cable Trough, Back-to-Back, End Caps Pkg/2 MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 226.00 452.00 70.06 140.12 69.00341 %DU4B.CP Renew Link Bench Connecting Plate - Enhanced Cable Trough, Back-to-Back, Connecting Plate (between tables) 1per Box MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 39.00 39.00 9.95 9.95 74.50342 %FT112.24AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 10 41.00 410.00 10.46 104.60 74.50343 %FT126.2BP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 180-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 8 41.00 328.00 10.46 83.68 74.50344 %FT126.1AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-1 Frame Top Caps Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 19 47.00 893.00 11.99 227.81 74.50345 %FT112.36AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 39 53.00 2,067.00 13.52 527.28 74.50346 %FT112.42AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 11 57.00 627.00 14.54 159.94 74.50347 %FT112.48AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 69.00 276.00 17.60 70.40 74.50348 %FT123.235BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 35H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 45 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 318 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 10 71.00 710.00 18.11 181.10 74.50349 %FT123.168BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 71.00 71.00 18.11 18.11 74.50350 %FT123.133NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 33H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 79.00 316.00 20.15 80.60 74.50351 %FT123.253BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 101.00 404.00 25.76 103.04 74.50352 %FT123.333NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 33H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 163.00 163.00 41.57 41.57 74.50353 %FT150.24 Base Power Harness 24W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 1 233.00 233.00 59.42 59.42 74.50354 %FT155.B 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit B 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 9 233.00 2,097.00 59.42 534.78 74.50355 %FT155.A 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit A 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 1 297.00 297.00 75.74 75.74 74.50356 %FT110.6824J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 289.00 1,156.00 73.70 294.80 74.50357 %FT110.5336N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 46 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 319 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 5 279.00 1,395.00 71.15 355.75 74.50358 %FT110.3542N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 35H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 293.00 1,465.00 74.72 373.60 74.50359 %FT110.3542J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 35H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 11 367.00 4,037.00 93.59 1,029.49 74.50360 %FT110.6848J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 347.00 2,429.00 88.49 619.43 74.50361 %FT110.6842J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 9 305.00 2,745.00 77.78 700.02 74.50362 %FT110.5342N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 323.00 4,199.00 82.37 1,070.81 74.50363 %FT110.5342J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 92.00 368.00 23.46 93.84 74.50364 %FT160.68BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 82.00 1,066.00 20.91 271.83 74.50365 %FT160.53BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 72.00 360.00 18.36 91.80 74.50366 %FT160.35BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 35H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 47 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 320 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 11 196.00 2,156.00 49.98 549.78 74.50367 %FT150.48 Base Power Harness 48W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 25 184.00 4,600.00 46.92 1,173.00 74.50368 %FT150.42 Base Power Harness 42W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 15 176.00 2,640.00 44.88 673.20 74.50369 %FT150.36 Base Power Harness 36W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 4 90.00 360.00 22.95 91.80 74.50370 %FT123.315NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 9 54.00 486.00 13.77 123.93 74.50371 %FT123.115NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 15 330.00 4,950.00 84.15 1,262.25 74.50372 %FT110.6836J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 132.00 792.00 40.92 245.52 69.00373 %DU1358.DBB Junction Blck,dbl bck-to-bck junct box,short 90 deg att to underside of surf SYSTEMSTag: 6 41.00 246.00 12.71 76.26 69.00374 %DU1355.152 Duplex Receptacle, 4 Circuit, 15 Amp Circuit II SYSTEMSTag: 12 41.00 492.00 12.71 152.52 69.00375 %DU1355.151 Duplex Receptacle, 4 Circuit, 15 Amp Circuit I SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 48 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 321 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 186.00 744.00 57.66 230.64 69.00376 %DU1353.48A Junct Blk to Junct Blk Jumper, 4 Curcuit, Adj Jumper 48W SYSTEMSTag: 18 43.00 774.00 10.97 197.46 74.50377 %FT128.68 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 68H SYSTEMSTag: 9 69.00 621.00 17.60 158.40 74.50378 %G1190.01 Carpet Grippers 25/Pkg (2) PER FRAME (TO GO UNDER THE GLIDE) SYSTEMSTag: 4 121.00 484.00 30.86 123.44 74.50379 %FT121.257 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 10 137.00 1,370.00 34.94 349.40 74.50380 %FT121.357 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 13 40.00 520.00 10.20 132.60 74.50381 %FT128.53 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 53H SYSTEMSTag: 5 32.00 160.00 8.16 40.80 74.50382 %FT128.35 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 35H SYSTEMSTag: 4 80.00 320.00 20.40 81.60 74.50383 %FT121.246 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 46H frames and lower SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 49 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 322 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 13 660.00 8,580.00 194.70 2,531.10 70.50384 %LW100.20FF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D F/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 1M 2 file converters in each file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 21 768.00 16,128.00 226.56 4,757.76 70.50385 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 1 1,425.00 1,425.00 420.38 420.38 70.50386 %LW400.3626 Storage Case,W-Pull 36W 26H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike SYSTEMSTag: 1 317.00 317.00 93.52 93.52 70.50387 %LTPL-03620 Tu File Top, Lam Top/TP Edge 36W 20D LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 4,329.00 4,329.00 1,222.94 1,222.94 71.75388 %DU6ACS.3066LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 66W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 50 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 323 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 29 4,244.00 123,076.00 1,198.93 34,768.97 71.75389 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 2 4,189.00 8,378.00 1,183.39 2,366.78 71.75390 %DU6ACS.3054LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 54W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides SYSTEMSTag: 21 1,823.00 38,283.00 464.87 9,762.27 74.50391 %FV43F.F81548LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 48W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 21 1,799.00 37,779.00 458.75 9,633.75 74.50392 %FV43F.F81542LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 42W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 51 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 324 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 1,574.00 6,296.00 401.37 1,605.48 74.50393 %FV43F.F81536LPL Ovhd Stg Cab, Sliding Full Enclsr, Canvas Frm Conn, Lam Case/Doors, Painted Door, Lock 15H 36W KA keyed alike CL cool grey neutral LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 32 247.00 7,904.00 76.57 2,450.24 69.00394 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey SYSTEMSTag: 2 447.00 894.00 113.99 227.98 74.50395 %FTS34.3054LS Peninsula Surf,Rectangular End,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 30D 54W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 1 681.00 681.00 173.66 173.66 74.50396 %FTS10.2484LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 84W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 20 702.00 14,040.00 179.01 3,580.20 74.50397 %FTS10.2490LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 90W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 612.00 1,224.00 156.06 312.12 74.50398 %FTS10.2472LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 52 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 325 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 588.00 588.00 149.94 149.94 74.50399 %FTS10.2466LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 66W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 16 336.00 5,376.00 85.68 1,370.88 74.50400 %FTS10.2436LF Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 36W, Frame Atch LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 660.00 1,320.00 168.30 336.60 74.50401 %FT2A2.A30AS Open Support Leg,Archtrl Foot,Pen/D-Shpd Surf Attchd,Inset, for 30"D Peninsula,Adj Hght,Non-Hnded Support MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 498.00 498.00 126.99 126.99 74.50402 %FT2A1.24AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 24D MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 22 388.00 8,536.00 98.94 2,176.68 74.50403 %FT2A1.12AL Open Support,Archtrl Foot,Frame-Att,Adj Hght,Lft 12D Shared Mid-Run MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 23 44.00 1,012.00 11.22 258.06 74.50404 %FT290.24R Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,rt-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 22 44.00 968.00 11.22 246.84 74.50405 %FT290.24L Surface Cantilever, for 20"-or 24" deep surface,lft-hnd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 32 439.00 14,048.00 178.89 5,724.48 59.25406 %Y1414.L06S +Logic Mini,1 simplex receptacles, 1 pwr USB A/C Combo,6' cord/conduit,surf clamp G1 Finish @graphite SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 53 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 326 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 31 29.00 899.00 7.40 229.40 74.50407 %G1331. Cord Cleat 2/Pkg SYSTEMSTag: 19 55.00 1,045.00 14.03 266.57 74.50408 %FT29B.2 Surface Ganging Bracket,pair SYSTEMSTag: 23 460.00 10,580.00 117.30 2,697.90 74.50409 %G6160.CB Twist LED Task Light,Add-on unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 23 638.00 14,674.00 162.69 3,741.87 74.50410 %G6160.BB Twist LED Task Light,Starter unit,Brkt Att SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50411 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 310 key number 310 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50412 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 309 key number 309 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50413 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 307 key number 307 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50414 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 306 key number 306 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50415 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 305 key number 305 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 54 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 327 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50416 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 304 key number 304 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50417 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 303 key number 303 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50418 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 302 key number 302 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50419 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 301 key number 301 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50420 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 300 key number 300 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50421 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 299 key number 299 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50422 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 298 key number 298 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50423 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 297 key number 297 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50424 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 295 key number 295 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 55 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 328 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50425 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 294 key number 294 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50426 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 293 key number 293 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50427 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 292 key number 292 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50428 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 291 key number 291 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50429 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 290 key number 290 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50430 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 289 key number 289 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50431 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 288 key number 288 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50432 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 287 key number 287 SYSTEMSTag: 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50433 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 286 key number 286 SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 56 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 329 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50434 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 282 key number 282 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50435 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 281 key number 281 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50436 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 280 key number 280 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50437 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 279 key number 279 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50438 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 278 key number 278 SYSTEMSTag: 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50439 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 277 key number 277 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50440 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 271 key number 271 SYSTEMSTag: 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 74.50441 %232092- Lock Plug and Key,Black UM Series 270 key number 270 SYSTEMSTag: 9 225.00 2,025.00 57.38 516.42 74.50442 %FT140.06 Power Entry, External Direct Connect 6'long LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 57 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 330 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 127.00 254.00 32.39 64.78 74.50443 %FT181.1148T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 127.00 1,016.00 32.39 259.12 74.50444 %FT170.1148T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 229.00 1,832.00 58.40 467.20 74.50445 %FT181.3348T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 6 285.00 1,710.00 72.68 436.08 74.50446 %FT180.4848T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 257.00 1,028.00 65.54 262.16 74.50447 %FT180.4836T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 1 269.00 269.00 68.60 68.60 74.50448 %FT174.36 Tile,Lower Open 36W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 329.00 1,974.00 83.90 503.40 74.50449 %FT180.6336T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 8 785.00 6,280.00 200.18 1,601.44 74.50450 %FT115.4630LR Gallery Panel, Lam/TP Edge, Right Attachment 46H 30W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 58 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 331 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 8 785.00 6,280.00 200.18 1,601.44 74.50451 %FT115.4630LL Gallery Panel, Lam/TP Edge, Left Attachment 46H 30W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash SYSTEMSTag: 2 204.00 408.00 52.02 104.04 74.50452 %FT181.3336T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 33H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 96.00 384.00 24.48 97.92 74.50453 %FT181.1124T Upper Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 26 376.00 9,776.00 95.88 2,492.88 74.50454 %FT180.6348T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 48W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 32 352.00 11,264.00 89.76 2,872.32 74.50455 %FT180.6342T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 236.00 944.00 60.18 240.72 74.50456 %FT180.6324T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 63H 24W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 84 272.00 22,848.00 69.36 5,826.24 74.50457 %FT180.4842T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 16 206.00 3,296.00 52.53 840.48 74.50458 %FT180.4830T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 48H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 59 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 332 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 20 244.00 4,880.00 62.22 1,244.40 74.50459 %FT180.3742T Tile,Full-Height,Tackable Fabric 37H 42W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 4 304.00 1,216.00 77.52 310.08 74.50460 %FT174.48 Tile,Lower Open 48W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 238.00 714.00 60.69 182.07 74.50461 %FT174.30 Tile,Lower Open 30W MS metallic silver MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 26 182.00 4,732.00 46.41 1,206.66 74.50462 %FT170.3030T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 30H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 112.00 224.00 28.56 57.12 74.50463 %FT170.1136T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 36W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 6 104.00 624.00 26.52 159.12 74.50464 %FT170.1130T Lower Tile, Tackable Fabric 11H 30W MS metallic silver 2I07 grasscloth lea SYSTEMSTag: 2 39.00 78.00 9.95 19.90 74.50465 %FT112.24AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 10 41.00 410.00 10.46 104.60 74.50466 %FT126.2BP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 180-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 60 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 333 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 41.00 41.00 10.46 10.46 74.50467 %FT126.2AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-2 Frame Top Caps, 90-Deg Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 23 41.00 943.00 10.46 240.58 74.50468 %FT126.1AP Top Cap, Conn 90-Deg, Connects-1 Frame Top Caps Ptd MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 47.00 282.00 11.99 71.94 74.50469 %FT112.36AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 51.00 255.00 13.01 65.05 74.50470 %FT123.135BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 35H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 68 53.00 3,604.00 13.52 919.36 74.50471 %FT112.42AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 57.00 912.00 14.54 232.64 74.50472 %FT16G.07P Finished End, Gallery Panel, Standard Painted Trim 7H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 20 57.00 1,140.00 14.54 290.80 74.50473 %FT112.48AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 2 61.00 122.00 15.56 31.12 74.50474 %FT123.153BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 65.00 65.00 16.58 16.58 74.50475 %FT123.126NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 26H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 61 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 334 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 6 69.00 414.00 17.60 105.60 74.50476 %FT123.235BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 35H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 6 71.00 426.00 18.11 108.66 74.50477 %FT123.168BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 79.00 395.00 20.15 100.75 74.50478 %FT123.253BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 85.00 85.00 21.68 21.68 74.50479 %FT123.311NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 11H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 95.00 95.00 24.23 24.23 74.50480 %FT123.279BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 79H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 99.00 99.00 25.25 25.25 74.50481 %FT160.79BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 79H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 169.00 676.00 43.10 172.40 74.50482 %FT150.30 Base Power Harness 30W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 1 163.00 163.00 41.57 41.57 74.50483 %FT150.24 Base Power Harness 24W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 2 233.00 466.00 59.42 118.84 74.50484 %FT155.C 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit C 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 62 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 335 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 233.00 466.00 59.42 118.84 74.50485 %FT155.B 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit B 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 14 233.00 3,262.00 59.42 831.88 74.50486 %FT155.A 15 Amp Receptacle 4 Circuit, Duplex, Circuit A 6/Pkg CL cool grey neutral SYSTEMSTag: 2 289.00 578.00 73.70 147.40 74.50487 %FT110.5336N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 8 273.00 2,184.00 69.62 556.96 74.50488 %FT110.5330N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 367.00 5,872.00 93.59 1,497.44 74.50489 %FT110.6848J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 347.00 5,552.00 88.49 1,415.84 74.50490 %FT110.6842J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 24 305.00 7,320.00 77.78 1,866.72 74.50491 %FT110.5342N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 18 323.00 5,814.00 82.37 1,482.66 74.50492 %FT110.5342J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 53H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 437.00 437.00 111.44 111.44 74.50493 %FT110.7948N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 79H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 63 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 336 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 17 82.00 1,394.00 20.91 355.47 74.50494 %FT160.53BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 53H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 76.00 380.00 19.38 96.90 74.50495 %FT160.42BP Finished End,Base Cover Ptd 42H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 16 196.00 3,136.00 49.98 799.68 74.50496 %FT150.48 Base Power Harness 48W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 38 184.00 6,992.00 46.92 1,782.96 74.50497 %FT150.42 Base Power Harness 42W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 4 176.00 704.00 44.88 179.52 74.50498 %FT150.36 Base Power Harness 36W LZ PVC-free SYSTEMSTag: 4 96.00 384.00 24.48 97.92 74.50499 %FT123.326NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 26H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 11 92.00 1,012.00 23.46 258.06 74.50500 %FT123.318NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 18H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 7 90.00 630.00 22.95 160.65 74.50501 %FT123.315NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 3 Sides Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 88.00 88.00 22.44 22.44 74.50502 %FT123.268BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 68H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 64 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 337 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 72.00 288.00 18.36 73.44 74.50503 %FT123.242BP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 2 Sides Covered,Base Cover Ptd 42H MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 13 54.00 702.00 13.77 179.01 74.50504 %FT123.115NP Conn Cover 90-Deg, 1 Side Covered,No Base Ptd 15H (for use w/42H and 53H frames) MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 24 42.00 1,008.00 10.71 257.04 74.50505 %FT112.30AP Frame Top Cap,Standard Ptd 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 368.00 368.00 93.84 93.84 74.50506 %FT110.7924N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 79H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 1 388.00 388.00 98.94 98.94 74.50507 %FT110.7924J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 79H 24W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 4 330.00 1,320.00 84.15 336.60 74.50508 %FT110.6836J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 68H 36W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 3 324.00 972.00 82.62 247.86 74.50509 %FT110.5348N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 53H 48W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 290.00 1,450.00 73.95 369.75 74.50510 %FT110.4242N Frame,Base Covers, no knockouts 42H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 304.00 1,520.00 77.52 387.60 74.50511 %FT110.4242J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 42H 42W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 65 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 338 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 16 240.00 3,840.00 61.20 979.20 74.50512 %FT110.3530J Frame,Base Covers, Pwr/Data knockouts 35H 30W MS metallic silver SYSTEMSTag: 5 33.00 165.00 8.42 42.10 74.50513 %FT128.42 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 42H SYSTEMSTag: 5 39.00 195.00 9.95 49.75 74.50514 %FT151. Power Harness Extender SYSTEMSTag: 20 43.00 860.00 10.97 219.40 74.50515 %FT128.68 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 68H SYSTEMSTag: 11 69.00 759.00 17.60 193.60 74.50516 %G1190.01 Carpet Grippers 25/Pkg (2) PER FRAME (TO GO UNDER THE GLIDE) SYSTEMSTag: 5 93.00 465.00 23.72 118.60 74.50517 %FT121.346 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 46H frames and lower SYSTEMSTag: 7 121.00 847.00 30.86 216.02 74.50518 %FT121.257 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 8 137.00 1,096.00 34.94 279.52 74.50519 %FT121.357 Conn 90,Universal,3way-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 1 44.00 44.00 11.22 11.22 74.50520 %FT128.79 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 79H SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 66 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 339 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 22 40.00 880.00 10.20 224.40 74.50521 %FT128.53 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 53H SYSTEMSTag: 8 32.00 256.00 8.16 65.28 74.50522 %FT128.35 Connection Hardware, Frame-to-Frame 35H SYSTEMSTag: 4 154.00 616.00 39.27 157.08 74.50523 %FT121.457 Conn 90,Universal,4way-for 53H frames and higher SYSTEMSTag: 10 80.00 800.00 20.40 204.00 74.50524 %FT121.246 Conn 90,Universal,2way,90 deg-for 46H frames and lower SYSTEMSTag: 8 728.00 5,824.00 214.76 1,718.08 70.50525 %LW110.20BF Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 5M pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer H1 hand grip only SYSTEMSTag: 7 660.00 4,620.00 194.70 1,362.90 70.50526 %LW100.20FF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D F/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 1M 2 file converters in each file drawer SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 67 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 340 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 7 768.00 5,376.00 226.56 1,585.92 70.50527 %LW100.20BBF Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D B/B/F SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike 2F raised height 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 8 2,947.00 23,576.00 869.37 6,954.96 70.50528 %LW310.53RS Stg Twr,W-Pull,Sd Fcng Bckcase, Wdrb Rt,B/B/F, 53H SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CR coat rod 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 8 2,947.00 23,576.00 869.37 6,954.96 70.50529 %LW310.53LS Stg Twr,W-Pull,Sd Fcng Bckcase, Wdrb Lft,B/B/F, 53H SB full-extension ball-bearing SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CR coat rod 3M drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in one box drawer, 2 file converters in file drawer SYSTEMSTag: 16 1,262.00 20,192.00 372.29 5,956.64 70.50530 %LW200.301 Lat File,W-Pull Freestd 2 Dwr Raised Hgt 30W SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver KA keyed alike CB counterweight (recommended) 1R front-to-back filing rail SYSTEMSTag: 8 202.00 1,616.00 59.59 476.72 70.50531 %LG890.120 Pedestal Add-On Cushion Top 1H 20D 1HA14 medley blue grotto SYSTEMSTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 68 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 341 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:32 PMGQuote #152595 SYSTEMSDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $446,206.58 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 69 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 342 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract ULINE 2 .00 .00 200.00 400.001 %H-2063 KEY CABINET - KEYED LOCK, 120 KEY TABLESTag: 3 .00 .00 71.25 213.752 %H-5746 CASTERS FOR TABLES (set of 4) TABLESTag: 2 .00 .00 590.00 1,180.003 %H-5001 STAINLESS STEEL TABLES WITH BOTTOM SHELF 30X72 TABLESTag: 1 .00 .00 533.75 533.754 %H-5000 Standard Stainless Steel Worktable with Bottom Shelf - 60 x 30" TABLESTag:HERMANMILLER 3 4,244.00 12,732.00 1,198.93 3,596.79 71.755 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides TABLESTag: 2 4,329.00 8,658.00 1,222.94 2,445.88 71.756 %DU6ACS.3066LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 66W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 1 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 343 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 2 4,244.00 8,488.00 1,198.93 2,397.86 71.757 %DU6ACS.3060LD Renew Rect Tbl, C-Foot,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Elec Ext Range, 30D 60W NNP no power access SUD simple up down LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver leg with metallic silver foot PSC simple cable NNN no cutout 57 glides TABLESTag: 1 5,250.00 5,250.00 1,648.50 1,648.50 68.608 %DP1EPS.24108LLNN Headwayâ„¢ Communal Table, Standing Height 91 white 91 white 91 white 91 white 91 white TABLESTag: 1 7,255.00 7,255.00 2,278.07 2,278.07 68.609 %DP1EPS.36120LLNN Headwayâ„¢ Communal Table, Standing Height 91 white 91 white 91 white 91 white 91 white TABLESTag: 1 1,509.00 1,509.00 430.07 430.07 71.5010 %DT1AS.2460LT Everywhere Rectangular Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,T-Leg 24D 60W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 20 casters NTG no grommet TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 2 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 344 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 1 3,139.00 3,139.00 894.62 894.62 71.5011 %DT1FS.3672LG Everywhere Soft Rectangle Meeting Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Double 3-Column Base,Spanner 36D 72W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 1 3,139.00 3,139.00 894.62 894.62 71.5012 %DT1FS.3672LG Everywhere Soft Rectangle Meeting Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Double 3-Column Base,Spanner 36D 72W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 1 3,449.00 3,449.00 982.97 982.97 71.5013 %DT1FS.4284LG Everywhere Soft Rectangle Meeting Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Double 3-Column Base,Spanner 42D 84W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 3 1,078.00 3,234.00 307.23 921.69 71.5014 %DT1AS.3048LP Everywhere Rectangular Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Post Leg 30D 48W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides NTG no grommet TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 3 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 345 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 1,730.00 6,920.00 493.05 1,972.20 71.5015 %DT1AS.2472LT Everywhere Rectangular Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,T-Leg 24D 72W 91 white 91 white MS metallic silver 20 casters NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 2 1,262.00 2,524.00 359.67 719.34 71.5016 %DT1AS.3660LP Everywhere Rectangular Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,Post Leg 36D 60W LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 18 1,730.00 31,140.00 493.05 8,874.90 71.5017 %DT1AS.2472LT Everywhere Rectangular Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,T-Leg 24D 72W 91 white 91 white MS metallic silver 20 casters NTG no grommet TABLESTag: 12 1,129.00 13,548.00 460.07 5,520.84 59.2518 %Y1415.3N60S10 +Logic Mini - Vine,three pwr modules,first mod has 1 AC simplex plus 1 pwr USB A/C Combo all other modules have all AC simplexes,60" between split points,surf clamp,10' cord/conduit 91 Finish @white TABLESTag: 2 1,755.00 3,510.00 500.18 1,000.36 71.5019 %DT1CS.42LX Everywhere Round Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 42Dia LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash MS metallic silver 57 glides TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 4 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 346 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 1,390.00 5,560.00 396.15 1,584.60 71.5020 %DT1BS.3636LX Everywhere Square Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 36D 36W 91 white 91 white MS metallic silver 57 glides TABLESTag: 3 1,390.00 4,170.00 396.15 1,188.45 71.5021 %DT1BS.3636LX Everywhere Square Table,Squared Edge,Lam Top/Thermo Edge,4-Column Base 36D 36W 91 white 91 white MS metallic silver 57 glides TABLESTag: 3 247.00 741.00 76.57 229.71 69.0022 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey TABLESTag: 4 247.00 988.00 76.57 306.28 69.0023 %DU11S. +External Cable Manager,worksurface att (1) PER TABLE 3CY Finish @cozy-Pr Cat 5 03 3CY_Colors +cozy heathered cool grey TABLESTag: 1 311.00 311.00 79.31 79.31 74.5024 %FTS10.2442LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 42W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash TABLESTag: 1 543.00 543.00 138.47 138.47 74.5025 %FTS10.2472LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 5 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 347 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract HERMANMILLER 4 520.00 2,080.00 132.60 530.40 74.5026 %FTS10.2466LS Rectangular Surface,Sq-Edge, Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 66W, No Brkts LBC walnut on ash LBC walnut on ash TABLESTag: 3 489.00 1,467.00 198.05 594.15 59.5027 %FSLS-38 Meridian Storage Surround Support Legs, Square 38H SS smooth paint on smooth steel MS metallic silver TABLESTag: 4 439.00 1,756.00 178.89 715.56 59.2528 %Y1414.L06S Logic Mini, 1 Simplex Rcpt/2 Pwrd USB, 6' Cord, Surface Clamp G1 graphite TABLESTag: 6 344.00 2,064.00 98.04 588.24 71.5029 %DT9B.T Vetical Cord Covers, T-Legs C for table with caster base MS metallic silver TABLESTag: 15 203.00 3,045.00 51.77 776.55 74.5030 %FV689.P Support Leg,Post MS metallic silver TABLESTag:ELEVATE 3 15.60 46.80 14.57 43.71 6.6031 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White TABLESTag: 4 15.60 62.40 14.57 58.28 6.6032 %GMSPW Elevate™ Surge Protector White TABLESTag: Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 6 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 348 of 350 S. STEWART - SAFETY CENTER PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD PO # Sales Order # Item Qty Product Unit Extended Unit Extended Discount % List Price Sell Price 3/18/2022 4:57:55 PMHQuote #152595 TABLESDepartment: Contract Product Subtotal: $43,739.92 Project DesignerAccount Executive:Rianna BlackMichelle Philbin Page: 7 Job Captain Sarah JamiesonMay 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 349 of 350 FARADAY AVE. PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. E L C A M I N O R E A LORIONST.WHIPTAIL LOOPLOKERAVE.WE S T E A S T SALK AVE. IMPALA DR.PALMERWY.GATEWAY RD. SITE PALOMAR AIRPORT EL F U E R T E ST.RUTHERFORD RD. SITE LOKERAVE. SAFETY CENTER 1 EXHIBIT 5 May 24, 2022 Item #6 Page 350 of 350