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CD 13-19; WESTFIELD CARLSBAD PHASE 1; Consistency Determination
\ \ Dl!--+-l I I I I I I I I ,, I • "' 17777:77777'.77,"7777:7777;,;77:77)( I ,' '. @~&\\~&««0Q ~«\\\\®'~~~~~.1n~11q~~--:%~, - f _(l/;1//hW//-ff!Jllfllflfllfffl~ W,ff;W~,,&f,:1//4{) r,· =I := --Cs""""" """ """ \'\,"" \'\,, ~ . ~~m~«~<<<<<<~ i l - I I" I .. -I I -- r , WP //fi///ft /// ///////// //// • - t/W»fYhf/ffifY/77#&>//lT/lT//JJ?, ·----J :I fl --· 7,--'( ~«~~~<m«\~~~~~ !,□~---.'.c:J~ cp ~ I Iii I I I C7 0 '-~...r--------\ ,.___ -,...___ IC' APN 156-302-09 ' I ~ --~ ~ ---~~· 3=':·.-·_ ' Q --------, .. . ·x ~ ~ i*~I ~~~~! ~~~-,,(. : □ C \ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I~.~.~ ~.~ I Ii f!/g II I v ~ % ~ j2 ~ • r D -11 ~!,-1.ilij,:.\.~ • c:::s • <'::?1: __,___, ~ ~x::::-i:::: ~~· <,!! --, =--_. i--:r~~~=t \ x ~ ~· . \\\ -• ----·.:.:-..:---'<'.2::,; VJ a::: §j ' \\\\ --=:::::::-=.:,__:: -_:---~!!i!!,1.1.LJ. I .\\\I -- ,--;;,.... ----.c. -----= CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT ~ FOR PROJECT NO._ e.t, I~ -14 ~ 71w Date:l/k.!/?-ot'/ Don Neu, City Planner 1 RECOMMENDED BY: ,JM>ilO (l;,.,f(... DATE: 41~12.<>l'f Prepared By. No. Revision Lega l Description: LOTS 1 TO 27, INCLUSIVE, OF CAR LSBAD TRACT NO. CT-76-18 (PLAZA CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER) IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALI- FORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 8956, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, AUGUST 11, 1978. SEE PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT FOR FULL DESCR IPTION. Date LEGEND Property Owner: APN 156-302-09, APN 156-302-21 & APN 156-302-22 Plaza Camino Real, a California limited partnership do Westfield, LLC 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 Attn: Office of Legal Counsel Property Owner: APN 1 56-302-23 The Parking Authority of the City of Carlsbad, a public corporation do City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: City Attorney Property Owner: APN 156-302-08 CMF PCR LLC, a Delaware limited liability company c/o Westfield, LLC 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 Attn: Office of Legal Counsel Property Owner: APN 156-302-24 The City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: City Attorney • "'!''· -,;; ...,;FC . . ~-Hofman D. ____________ _ D. __________ _ D. ____________ _ D. ____________ _ ------ PROPOSED/ RECONFIGURED BUILDING FOOTPRINT SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY ~·-• .. _J Planning & Engineering 3152 lionshead Avenue carlsbad0 CA 92010 (760) 69~---4100 www.hofmanplannlng.oom D. ____________ _ D. __________ _ D. __________ _ D. ____________ _ D. -- --------------SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN BOUNDARY PROPERTY LINES COMM ERCIAL MALL COMMON AREA Developer: Westfield, LLC 225 Broadway, Suite 1700 San Diego, CA 92101 Attn: Stephen Fluhr with a copy to: 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 Attn: Office of Legal Counsel Key Plan: TO SAN CLEMENTE SAN LUIS REY SAN MARCOS S6 15 TO SAN DIEGO VICINITY MAP ® Summary Table CD 13-19 SOP 09-04 Street Address: 2525 El Camino Real APNs 156-302-08, 09 & 156-302-21, 22. 23, 24 Site Acreage: Specific Plan Area: 77.47 Acres Area of Work: 18.03 Acres Existing Zoning: C-2: General Commercial General Plan Designation: R: Regional Commercial Existing Use: Regional Shopping Center Proposed Use: Reg ional Shopping Center Lot Classification: Commercial Number of Units: Not Applicable Total Number of Lots Proposed: None Proposed Density in Dwelling Units per Acre: Not Applicable Total Building Coverage (Specific Plan Area): 14.BBAC / 77.47 AC= 19:2% Building Square Footage: Existing Commercial 1,151 ,092 SF Existing Commercial to be Demolished or Relocated -225,631 SF Proposed New Commercial Level 1 135,912 SF Proposed New Commercial Level 2 & Partial Level 3 89,083 SF Tolal Commercial Proposed 1,150,456 SF Net New Commercial Proposed -636 SF Percent of Landscape Coverage (Area of Work) : 14% (See Landscape) Existing Parking: 6,402 Displaced Parking Total : (469) -PCR (0) -Parking Authority (0) -CMF (0) -City of Carlsbad (469) Reconfigured Parking: 143 Proposed Parking Spaces: 6,076 Proposed Parking Ratio: 5.0 cars/1000 SF Required Parking Spaces per SP 09-01 @ 4.00/1000 SF: 4,602 Spaces Note: Parking Calculations Include Entire Specific Site Area. Square Footage of Required Employee Eating Areas: Not Applicable . Square Footage of Open or Recreational Space for Each Unit and Total Common Open Space: Not Applicable Area of Site Which is Undevelopable per Zoning Ordinance Section 21 .53.230: Not Applicable Cubic Footage of Storage Space: Not Applicable Average Daily Traffic Generated By the Project by Use: Existing 1,151,092 GLASF 40,288 ADT Proposed 1,150,456 GLASF 40,265 ADT Net Decrease -636 GLASF -23 ADT (per Transportation Analysis by Gibson Transportation, dated May, 2012) Water Provider: Carlsbad Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92008 760-438-2722 Sewer Provider: s Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 760-602-2750 Uniform Building Code Occupancy Classification: Group M Type of Construction per Uniform Building Code: Type II N Development will comply with Title 24 (2008) and the California Green Building Standards Code Water Demand Existing 104,875 gpd Proposed 104,816 gpd Net Decrease -59 gpd Sewer Demand Existing 452.85 EDU Proposed 452.60 EDU Net Decrease -.25 EDU Irrigation Demand Existing 9,419 gpd Proposed 9,414 gpd Net Decrease -5 gpd REVISED 03/24/2014 • ·' O' 120' estliefd CARLSBAD 2525 El Camino Real #1100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11 601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Teleph one 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310 4 78 4468 240' ffi Sheet Title REVISED 04/16/2013 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 01/30/2013 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 02/24/2012 SITE PLAN -OVERALL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE Job~. 1080 Date 03/05/2013 A 1.0-0 Scale 1"=1 20' CITY OF OCEANSIDE NOT TO SCALE PROJECT SITE Vicinity Map General Notes I I v' . I LL\ r::!J 1. The entire Work provided for herein is to be constructed and finished in every part in a good and substantial manner in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications, to the full intent of the same. Any Work required by law, but wh ich may not be specifically mentioned by law, shall be done by the Contractor in accordance with the laws of the county, district, or state under which jurisd iction may come and cost shall be borne by the Contractor. Any such Work shall be done in accordance with the Drawings; both as to manner and ap~earance. Al l Work shall be done in accordance with the Uniform Building Code (CBC), the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and other regulations as required by the local governing agenc ies. 2. Nothing in the Drawings and the Specifications shall be interpreted as permitting violation of all applicable codes governing constructions and where conflict occurs, fhe applicable codes shall govern, except where superior construction Work and material are specified or indicated. Such conflicts shall be brought to the Architect's attention for clarification. 3. These Drawings and Specifications cover the furnishing and installation of all materia ls and Work as called for on the Drawings or in the Specifications (or in both) which are bound separately and are a part of ttie contract. II shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify with the Owner that the Drawings are complete, current and approved, prior to submitting his bid and before installation of the Work. Any discrepancy between the Architect's Drawings and the Drawings of any other consultant shall be brought to the Architect's attention by written request for clarification. Any Work omitted or installed in conflict with the Drawings shall be performed or corrected by the Contractor at his own expense and at no expense t o the Owner or Arch itect. 4. The Architect is authorized to order minor changes during the course of the Work which will not involve additional cost or time and which are consistent with the contract documents. 5.The Contractor shall assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of construction of t he Project, including safety of all persons and property; that this re9.u irement shall apply continuously and not be lim1ied to normal construction hours. The Contractor sha ll defend indemnify and hold the Owner and Architect harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged, in connection with the performance of the Work. 6. Work defective in construction, quality, performance or deficien t in any requirements of the contract documents will not be accepted in consequence of the Owner's or the Architect's failure to discover or point out such defects or deficiencies during construction . Defective Work revealed within the time required by guarantees or warrant ies shall be rer.laced by work conforming with the intent of the contract. No payment either partia , or fina l, shall be construed as an acceptance of defective Work or unproper material. 7. The Contractor shall maintain a complete and current set of Drawings at t he job site for use in making 'Record Drawings'. Any revisions shall be noted the reon and submitted t o the Owner at the completion of the Project. 8. The contractor's methods and means of performing the Work shall not in any way reduce, invalidate or br idge any warranties, guarantees , bonds and applicable regulations, and local buifding codes. 9. Materials, performance and workmanship specified by reference to commercial standards, federal specifications, trade association standards, or other similar standards, sha ll comply with the requirements in the latest edition or revis ion thereof, UDNhand with an;,-amendments or supplements there to in effect on the date of origin oft is Projects contract documents. Such standards, except as rnodified by the contract documents, shall have full force and effects as t hough printed in the contract document. 10. A separate City review and a[)proval is required for any portions of these plans requiring a building permit City approval of these plans is for landscape planting and irrigation only. 11. An encroachment agreement is required for enhanced paving located within utility easements. PERMI TS A. The Owner shall obtain the .architec\ural buildi.ng permit only .. Separate permits required tor pedestrian protection, grading, demoilt1on, plumb1ng/1rngatIon, electrical , mechanica l, fire protection, signage, utilizes as required by the focal governing agencies, shall be obtained by the Contractor unless otherwise noted. B. The Contractor sha ll provide th~ Architect and the Owner copies of all bu ilding permits under which the construction or installation Is to be performed. C. Al l revisions requiring.plan review. by local building departments and 9ther governing authorities shal l be submitted for review and ap proved by appropnate JunsdIctIon prior to actual work being performed. C: \DRA"'1NG F!LES\IITLE SH[ETS\CLSB-IP,DWG REV1S£0: 5/15/2012 tfiel rls 1 Consistency Determination Project Location: Carlsbad, California Client: Westfield COORDINAT ION A. The Contractor shall be responsible for verification and coordination with other contractors to assure compliance with the Drawings and Specifications, and the accurate location of structural foot ings and utilities relative to tree, palm and shrub root ba ll locations. B. The Contractor shall verify sizes and locations of all utility pad and equi pment bases as well as power and water, other utility services, or drain installations relative to tree, palm and shrub locations. CORRELATION AND INTENT OF THE CONTRACT DOCUME NTS A. The intent of the contract documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor. The contract documents include Drawings and Specifications prepared by the Architect and various design and engineering consultants. These Drawings and Specifications are complimentary and shall be taken as a whole. What is required oy one consultant's drawings or specifi cations shall be as binding as if required by alf; performance by the Contractor shall be required to the extent consistent wit h all the contract documents and reasonably inferable from them as being necessary to produce the indicated results. B. Organizat ion of the Specifications into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings into various consultan ts sets shall not control nor guide the contractor in dividing the Work among subcontractors or in establishing the extent of the Work to be performed by any trade. Division of the Work between the Contractor and subcontractors shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and based on the Contractor's determinations. C. Unless otherwise stated in the contract documents, words which have well-known technical or construction industry meanings are used in he contract documents in accordance with such recognized meani ngs. TESTING A. The Owner and Architect reserve the right to have tests made when deemed necessary. Should the Owner or Architect order spec ial testing or inspection of a questionable part of the work wh ich reveals defects, or work not in conformity with t he contract documents, the Contractor shall pay the cost of such special testing or inspection including the Architect's extra services made necessary thereby. Otherwise the Owner shall bear such costs. 8. Test s shall be made in accordance with recognized standards by competent indepe ndent testing laboratory. Any material or construct found detective or no/ in conformity with Specifications standards shall be promptly replaced or repa ired at the expense of the Contractor as directed by the Architect. SITE OBSERVATIONS A. Al l site observations requested of the Architect by the Contractor shal l be done so through the Owner's Representative and shall provide the Arcl1itect with a minimum of 48 hours notice. B. Site observations shall include the following areas of Work: 1. Pre-Construction meeting 4. Hardscape 2. Mock-ups 5. Irrigation 3 Final grading 6. Planting C. The Contractor shall be back charged for the Architect's time should the Work being observed be found incomplete or not ready for review; or it the meeting time is not kept by the Contractor. Inspection Procedures Ins pection of the project shall be performed by the Landscape Architect of the Work, or his designated agent. Refer to the ~ecifications for the schedule of required inspections and required submittals. Following completion of the work, the La ndscape Architect of the Work wi ll certify that the installation has bee n completed by submitting the 'Final Landscape Certification Form". A request for a final landscape inspecti on by the City must also be made by cal ling the Inspection Request Line. 'Final Landscape Certification Form" Fax to: (760) 944-8943 Landscape Inspection Request Phone Line, (760) 602-4602 Declaration of Responsible Charge I hereby declare that I am the licensed designer of work for t his project, that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in section 6703 of the Business and Professions code, and that the design Is consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawinzs and specifications by the City of Carlsbad and San Diego County Department of Environmental Health Is confined to review on ly and does not relieve me, as the licensed Landscape Architect of work, of my responsibilities for project design. These plans have been prepared in substantial conformance with the approved landscape concept plan, water conservation plan, fire protection plan, and all conditions of approval related to landscaping. Burton Studio 307 South Cedros Avenue Solana Beach, Ca 92075 (858) 94-7 4 BY, Wm S. urton Registration No, 2135 Expiration Date: January 31 , 2015 DATE: 09 Ap<il 14 Water Efficient Landscape Declaration I am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation plans conta ined in the City of Carlsbad's Water Efficient Landscape Regulations. I understand that the construction drawings are to be prepared in compliance wit h tose regulations and the Landscape Manual. I certify that the plans have een pared implementing those regulations! o provide efficent use of water. Wm S. urton Reg istration No. 2135 Expiration Date 1/31115 Landscaoe Architect, Burton l andscape Architecture Studio 307 South Cedros Avenue Solana Beach, Ca 92075 (858) 794-7204 Developer: Westfield, LLC 2049 Century Park East, 41st Floor Century City, CA 90067 Backflow Preventer Testing All irrigation backflow preventers shal l be tested by a certified tester and results must be given to the City ofCarlsbad Municipal Water District. Pipe between the meter and backflow preventer shall be "Schedule K Hard Copper". Approved con tract backflow testers can be found on the City web site at: http://www.carlsbadca .gov/services/departments/water/Documents/recycledwaterbac kflowtesterl ist, pdf for recycled or http://www.carlsbadca,p,ov/services/departments/water/Documents/waterbackflowtesterlist.pdf for potable or call (760) 438-2722 Prior to Beginning Landscape Work The contractor sha ll contact the designer of work prior to begninning lan dscape work and the designer of work shall review the proJecl utility locations and revise plans accordingly to fully screen all utilites from view and protect all utliit es (above & below grade) from invasive plant growth and roots. Maintenance Note Maintenance of all Landscape shown will be the responsibility of Westfield CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT FOR PROJECT NO. __ _ O.ate: ____ _ Don Neu, City PlaJJncr RECOMMENDED BY· ___________ _ DATE: ____ _ Key Map burton L,mdscape Architecture St ud io 307 S Cedros Solana Oeach Ca 92075 sss 191 7204 r sss 194 n.-01 i www ,b ur,on -~t ud io.c;om CD 13-19 APPROVE-O FOR /RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA TJON OF PLANTING AREA . "AS BU ILT" RCE __ _ EXP. ____ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 3/14/14 PB Revision 1 w 1---+-----+----------------+----+----+-----,c----~, Sh.l ee! 4109/14 PB Revision 2 CI TY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION Sheets 12 ;:;:L=A:;:N:;DS;:C;:A~P:;E:::;;l M:;:P::::;R::::;O;::;:V:;;:E:;:M;;E:;:N;;T=P::::;L=A:::;:N;;S:::;;FO;:R;:,:===:'.~===: Vl/es tfield Carls bad Phase 1 1---+---1-------------------+-----+----+---+---1 IA-P_P_R_o_v_E_o_: _____________ . ____ I .PLANNING . DATE !NITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK /J\ OWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INI TIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL PROJECT NO. SOP 09-04 DRAWI NG NO. 479-5L L-1 Plant Legend Trees Symbol Botanical name 0 Erythrina spp. 0 Eucalyptus citriodora Eucalyptus ficifolia Olea europaea 'Swan Hill' Olea europaea Pinus canariensis Pin us canariensis Pin us halepensis Pinus halepensis Platanus racemosa ,,.--, I ' I \ I ,; / \ / --~ Ex isting tree to remain Palms Symbol Botanical name Syagrus romanzoffiana Vines and Espaliers Symbol 0 0 0 Botanical name Bougainvillea 'San Diego Red' Bougainvillea 'San Diego Red' Ficus pumila Cactus and Succulents Symbol Spacing Botanical name Aa 2'-0' OC Agave attenuata ++ l'-6 " oc Agave attenuata ++ C:\DR/IWINC F"ILES\TITl.E SHEETS\CLSB-IP:DWG RF,:vtS(:D: 5/15/2012 Common Name Cora l Tree Lemon -Scented Gum Red Flowering Gum Fruitless Olive Olive Canary Island Pine Canary Island Pine Aleppo Pine Aleppo Pine California Sycamore Common Name Queen Palm Common Name No Common Name No Com mon Name Creeping Fig Common Name Foxtail Agave Foxtail Agave Size Salvaged Tree 15 gal (50%) 24" box (50%) 24" box 36" I 48" I 60" box Sa lvaged Tree 24" box Salvaged Tree 36" I 48" 160" 172" box Salvaged Tree 60" I 72" box Size 25 bth Size 15 gal -staked 5 gal -staked 1 gal -staked Size 15 ga l 5 gal Quantity 2 37 138 44 41/215/5 10 14 8 1113/19/10 5 2/1 5 Quantity 94 Quantity 50% 50% Shrubs, Perennials, and Annuals Symbol Spacing Botanical name Common Name @ 2 '-6" oc Bougainvi llea 'La Jolla' No Common Name Fm 2'-0" oc Festuca mairei Atlas Fescue @ 3'-0" OC Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' Wax-Leaf Privet @ 3'-0" OC Muhlenbergia capillaris Pink Mulhy Turf Symbol Botanical name Common Name Sea Isle Supreme Seashore paspalum Note 1. Improvements to the project have resul ted in a decrease of parking stal ls by approximately 27 stalls. Size 5 gal 1 gal 15 gal 1 gal Size sod CD 13-19 Pot L egend Symbol Description Material Quantity 0 MlOO (3) 5 gal. Agave attenuata 7 26.8" D x 39.4" H Avai lable From Atelier Vierkant 877.796.0647 MR90 31.5" D x 35.4" H Avai lable From Atelier Vierkant 877.796.0647 0 (1) 15 ga l. Agave atten uata 'Kara's Stripes' 22 (5) 5 gal. Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' (9) 1 gal. Senecio mandraliscae © AH90 (3) 1 gal. Kalanchoe thyrsiflora 15 16.5" D x 35.4" H Avai lable From Atelier Vierkant 877.796.0647 DD BRL10040 39.4 " L X 11.8" W X 15.7" H Avai lable From Atel ier Vierkant 877.796.0647 0 A80 34.6" D x 3 1.9" H Avai lable From Atelier Vierkant 877.796.0647 Materials Legend Symbol I I 1 I I Item Color and Finish Enhanced Concrete Pavi ng Concrete Brick Pavi ng - PedestrianNehicular Site Furnishings Symbol I 1 I D □~ §LJ 1 Description Bench Escofet Prima Marina Bike Rack Trio Bike Rack Trash and Recycling Bins Radium Litter-(and Recyc ling) Bin Soft and Cafe Furniture per Westfield I find that this sheet conforms to the accepted landscape architectural sta ndards of practice and is in compliance with the requirements listed in Section 6713a.1. (i. through v.) of the San Diego County Zoning Ordinance. (4) 5 gal. Aloe arborescens (5) 5 gal. Agave 'Blue Flame' (Flat) Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' (Install Sedum rupestre 'Angelina'++ flat to flat underneath the agave) Description Lithocrete System 6 Conc rete Color: L.M . Scofield equivalant to group 2 Finish: Lithocrete LQS System 6 Sealer: Sinak HLQ-125m 6 Running Bond Field: 4 "w x 8"1 Color, Custom Tri-Color blend Double Soldier Course Band: 6"w x 12"1 Supplier La ndscape Forms www .landscapeforms.com Forms and Surfaces www.formsandsurfaces.com mmcite a.s. www.mmcite.com 10 43 burton Landsca pe Arch it ecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ca 92075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F www.burton--sludio.com APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING 0.1\JL Y, INCLUDING PR ECISE LOCA T/ON OF PLANTING AREA . "AS BLJILT " RCE __ _ EXP ____ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 1-3-11_4_114-+-P-B--1-R-ev-isi-on_1 _________ ~~~~~~-~~~~+-·-···_-_--_··t-···_·-::__-·t-· -----1-w CI TY PL?N[NG ~~~ 0 ¼S BAD Sl1eels 12 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEM ENT PLANS FOR: Wes t field Carlsbad P h ase 1 1----+-------1------------------+-----+---+---+----1 IA _P_P_R_o_v_E_o_, _______________ _ _PLANNING /1\ DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK DATE INIT!AL REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: IY.ROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. lcc~:c'._~0'..'.'.cg'...__:~"---'~-'-; -;;;;:;;:~ L§_D ___ P __ 0_9_-_0_4~ ,_4_7_9_-_5_L~ L-2 -I • I • -0 E .....J ' I, ' I ' I L I ' I I -I ' I ' I ' I ' I ---' I Key M a p C:\ORAWING FILES\TITLE StiEE TS\CLS8-1P.DWG RE:VIS£D: 5/15/2012 .. ·; I ', -~ ~ ' ·- 3/14/14 PB ' ' ,· t: ~::t~ DATE INITIAL I .,'J\~ 1-----~---.; -~·-:;.-t· • .,..-7 _ -..,, \~; •• ~ DESIGNER OF WORK n Ef) o~w°lB::·n,• 1 " = 20'-0" Re.v ision 1 1 DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIP TION OTHER APPROVAL .,--·· _,, ' ' i ·' .... __ .. /_//. \ \ I l \ \ \ \ I -~--;~------~ --/ . - /4 CD 1 3-19 burton APPROVED FOR IRRIGA T!ON ANO PLAN TING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA . Landsca pe Arc hltecture Studio l07 S Cc-dros Solana Beach Ca 92075 858 794 7204 T 8-58 794 720J' F www .burton-studio.com RCE __ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR "AS BUILT" EXP _____ _ DATE DATE w CITY OF CA RLSBAD Sheets 12 ' PLANNING DIVISION LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMf~NT PLANS FOR: Westfie ld Carls b ad P l1ase 1 I APPROVED: PLANNING DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. SOP 09-04 DRAWING ~10. 479-SL L-3 ,.....; I _j ....... (I) (I) ..c. (f) (1) (1) (f) ·-·-·-·~·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-~ I • I , • J;' 1--i-. ' I I • I • I • I • ..::s::: I ,._ • 0 I 5 • I • '+-I 0 • I ....... • E I • I _j • I • I C:\ORAWlNG fltES\T!TLE SHEE:TS\CLS8-tP.DWG REVISED: 5/15/?.012 Outdoor Dining Area Key Map ! ,I " lei 1. l'J ~ k 3/14/14 PB Revision 1 .,,.._ .• I ; ' ~---!' l -~--.... ·-t-/ ! ... ~/'-:-.. l -~-... ,. burton Ltindscape Archltec.ture Stud!o 307 S. Ccdroi; 5ol;,n., Boci.cfl Ca 92075 ass 794 7204 T ssa 794 n.01 F www.burton-studlo.com CD 13-19 APPROVED roR !RR/GA TION ANO PLAN TII\JG ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION or PLANTING AREA . "AS BUi l T" RCE ___ _ C:XP ___ _ DATE 0!.a~1~b111l~w+ /5!1 -REVIEWED BY: 1 "=20'-0" INSPECTOR DATE Sheets ·+---+---1 I Sh4ee l I CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION ::===-'=============-'===='. LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR 12 Westfield Carlsbad P l1ase 1 .~ I A_P_P_R_o_v_E_o_: -----------~ ___ _ '1'· _ PLANNING ~l,___D_A_r_r--+-,-N-,r-,A-L-+~1-------------------+--o-A-TE--+-,-N-,r-,A-L-+-oA_1 __ E-+-,N-,-1,-A-L .... ::g=~=~=0=8=J=~=:===:::::;--:====P=R=o=J=E=c=r=N=o=.==::::::=o=R=A=w=i=N=G=N=o:::::. ·\ DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTIOI\J OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY SOP 09-04 4 79-5L L-4 Key Map I \ \ 48" box \ ~-------~\ .. ;· __ , •. - ./ ··---. ·-· '"{~~;·-~ 48" box C: \DRAWING flLES\Tl1U SHE:ETS\CLSB~IP.DWC REVISED: 5/15/2012 \ r· ------··--·-- ' "·•·--,~ ; /--···} ·•----'.:.:... __ r burton Landscape Architecture Studio "J.07 S Cedros Solana e.each Ca 92075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F www. bu rtoo-studlo. com CD 13-19 APPROVED FOR !RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING 0/\JL Y, INC LUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA . "AS BUil T" RC[ __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: Carlsbad P h ase 1 ,_.. __ _,__ __ -i------------------------,..--......... ------+-----1---1 1·A __ P_PR_o_vE_D_, _________________ ~I _PLANNING _ DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK /2\ DWN BY: CHKD BY; __ _ RVWD BY: REVISION DESCl~IPTION DATE IN!TlAL DATE IN!TIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL PROJECT NO. SOP 09-04 DRAWING NO. 479-SL L-5 LO I _J +-' Cl) Cl) .c (./) Cl) Cl) (./) Cl) C .c u +-' (1j :'2: C: \ORAIMNG flL(S\11TL£. SHE'.ETS\CLS8-IP.OVIG REVISED: 5/15/20t2 Lim it of Work ■ I ■ I • I I • I V.----"'=f-~I ■ • I ■ I ■ I ■ I Key Map ,, 9~ ti ·m ''[ •~! ; c...., ;-.~ IT\ '9 10 _ .. __ _ 1 " = 20'-0" CD -"\ \ \ \ \ I I ; I / I burton Landscape Archltecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ca 92075 858 794 7204 T 858 79-4 7207 F www .bu rto n-studio, com \\CI-UTEC/ C, --;f-:ttlf\t:::::'.:..._ f \ ~ ~ " 0 w1---+-,------1~ \~.,. Wm.S.Ourton No.213S f \ ,;t? 09 April 14 ~~, date <iqt~. 3\ H"' \ \ \ \ --( \ \ \ \ "AS BUII_T " RCE ____ EXP. ____ _ REVIEWED BY : INSPECTOR 1 3-19 DATE DATE o---3-/14/_1_4 +-P-B --+-Re-vis-ion_i _________ -+----+---+--+------1 ~ CITY Q F' CARLSBA D I Sh1e2ets I l__Q_j PLANNING DIVISION ;;L=A::::N:::DS:::C:=A~P:::E==:IM:::.P::::R::::O::::V:::E:::M:::E::::N:::T=P::::L=A:::N:::S=::::F'O::::R::::==::::::-=:==::; Westfie ld Carlsbad P hase 1 ~~. r-----+---+-------------------+----+---+----1-----1 A __ r_r_R_o_v_E_D_: __________________ _ L I jj .PLANNING {fl 1 :=o=w=N=:::;s=Y== ======::;~==P=R=o=JE=c=T=N=o=. ==;-;:o=R=A=WJ=N=c=· =N=o~. •~1\ _1---0~A~T[~· -!-IN-IT~I-A-L+~~---------------------+--D-A_T_E-+-1-N-IT-IA-L-1---0-A-TE--+-IN_I_T_IA-L--I ·'\ 1--~---1 REVISION DESC RIP TION CHKD BY: --SOP 09-04 4 79-5L . :::~c > '--. • .. ~:,. DESIGNER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: L-6 \ ·"v '\ C: \DRAW!NG FILES\nRE SH£ETS\CLSB~IP.DWG REVISED: 5/15/2012 I '· \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ,, ----------~~~:::'>~-- -·--..,:;;:c_ ·......_~, ·--:.;:::~::-.~::_ 'r --- Property line Key Map .. . ... , .. , \I iJ I 3/14/14 Ll I ., J ,J DATE ::, •:,l DESIGNER PB INI TIAL OI" WORK / Limit of Work 1" = 20'-0" Revision 1 1 DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTIOi'J OTHER APPROVAL CD 1 3-19 ------./// ·, , ./'....._ (/' \ \ \ \ r \ / / , , burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Sol,rn.a. 8c<1ch C<1 92075 858 794 7204 T 858 194 7207 F www.burton-studlo.com p,.t'-OHT s @ z '/l I--~,._,,,_ ___ __, :; 4s <box ·:..~ ~~~-:..:::. -l 11- s ru ,..... (") ::, '.:} / (1) · --I I I I -~ l (J) (I) (1) (J) ::::, (I) (1) r-+ ~.--,. r;- 1 -~~ (j) I I I I I J,, "AS BUil T" RCE ____ EXP _____ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE I S?e t I CITY OF CARLSBAD Sh eels 12 PLANNING DIVISION LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS F'OR: Westfield Carlsbad Phase 1 l I APPROVED: PLANNING DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: CHKD SY: __ _ RVWD BY: PRO,JECT NO. SDP 09-04 DRAWING NO. 479-SL L-7 I ' ·-I I I I ·-. I ·-- ---/ / ~ l"° :;'· .... ! ' , , '-i / / I / .. . • 48 '. e!~\, /, . !\--,-·· ........... ~. \_ ·;:'I ~~==1~==~=-1 I ?-- I I I I I I ., .... _ , I C: \DRAWJNG FILE:S\mu:: SHt ETS\CL.SS-IP.OWG REVISED: 5/15/2012 Match line See Sheet L-4 ---- / oox ----Property line ~----Vehi cular sight line Key Map \::_: ,, 3/14/14 ,. j '·'-f : [[ , ' ~ PB t h ~" ;~~- DATE INITIAL Veh icu lar sight line Revision 1 1 ti'\ '27 01 101 201 ~!ll!ii!!!l:-01 ~~iiiie 1" = 20'-0" DATE lNlTIAL . DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCR IPTION OTHER APPROVAL burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 5 Cedros Solana Beach Ca 9207$ 658 794 720-'l T 858 7'94 7207 F www.bunor'I-St ud lo.com CD 13 -19 APPROVED FO.R IRRIGATION AND PLAN T/1\JG ONLY, INCLLJOING PR[CIS[ LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUi l T" RCE __ _ EXP ____ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL CITY OF CARLSBA D Sheet s 12 PLANNING DIVISION LANDSC APE IMPRO VE MENT PLAN S f OR: We s t fie ld I APPROVED PLANNING OWN BY: CHKD BY: RVWD BY: I Ca r ls b a d P hase 1 PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. SOP 09-04 479-SL ··---- L-8 \ C: \ORAWlNC fE.ES\ TITLE SHEETS\CLSB-lP.DWC REVISED; 5/15/2012 Vehicular sight line ~-----------Water Easement Key Map . i lJ tl t ~. ii, r ~..s " -•·, EB 0!~2- 1 " = 20'-0 " burton l.a nd.s:cape Archi te("tur,e Studio 3.0 7 S Cedros Solana eea1;:h (a 91075 6:56 794 7204 T 85$ 794 72.07 F www. bur t oo•s 1. ud io .com CD \ i APPROVE-0 FOR IRRJGA TION AND PLAN TING ONLY, INCLUDING PR[CIS[ LOCATION OF PLANTING AR[A. "AS BUILT" RC[ ___ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF' CAR LSBA D Sheets 12 3/14/14 PB Revision 1 w t----+---1------------------+----+---+---+----< 9 PLANNING DIVISION ;::=::=:...:::;====================::'...'::::::=::::::: LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Westfie ld Ca r ls b a d P h a s e 1 1-----+---+-------------------+----+----+---+----I I APPROVED: PLANNING I 1 DATE INITIAL DATE iNITIAL .DATE IN!TIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CI TY APPROVAL DWN BY: PROJECT NO . DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: SOP 09-04 479-5L RVWD BY: L-9 C: \DRAWING flLES\ TITLE SHEf.TS\CLSB-lP.OWC REVlSED; 5/15/:2012 I ' '· ' \ \ \ \ \ ·, ..... ..... -··' ;· •.•. .-r- 36" Box \ Match line See Sheet L-9 36' Box 36" Box 36" Buf > ' -~--------------_1 \ ' ' y Matchline \ \ \ \ \ \ \ See Sheet L-7 \ \ ,--- 1 _, II I l I I 11 / II / /\ i / / "0 -1·--·--··. ·.,,--~·········-·1~ .... _, ·-/\ ... -•-··-~' I ·. t / / l ;\ I i I J I ' j ' j • ! ; ' !, I I l ! I i : / I I I I \I i I ' \ / I I i ! / ! ' I ·-·: . ·,; ' ' / ' , I I '/ X /1 ' ' i ' ' I ' ' -, ' ' ' 48" Box 48' Box 48" Box· --. 48" Box ---Il --···--•-l \ \.-----~ \ ·,, ·--·· --·--''"\ _, ~' -", ____ ........... -,·· ,. , .. ,. -----· " -----" \ ' ' i ' i ' ' \ I I 1"=20'-0" burton Landscape .Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Sol~ri-1 Beach-Ca 92075 858 794 7204 T 8 58 794 7207 F www, burt'o l'l·5 tu d io .com APPROVED FOR /RR/ GA TION AND PLAN TING ONLY, INCLlJOING PRECISE LOCATION or PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" EXP. ____ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 3/14/14 PB Revi sion l ~ CITY OF' CARLSBAD ~ l----+----1-------------------+----+---+---+-----f [ _ _l_Q__[ ---·----_PLANNING DIVISION l~ ;::L=A::.N::::DS::::C::::A:.,::P;;E;::::;:IM:::P:::;R:::;O::.V::;E::::M:;E:::;N:;T=P:::;[=,A::::N;;S=:;F'O:::;R:::::====~==~ Westf ie ld Carls b ad P hase 1 1----+---+-~---------------------------+----i-----+-- I APPROVED: PLANNING 1 DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRI PTION OAff !N!TlAL DATE INll!AL OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO, SOP 09-04 DRAWING NO. 479-5L L-10 \ Proposed Water Easement \ C: \DRAWING F!LES\ TITLE SHEETS\CLSB-IP.DWC Rrnsm s/15/2012 /. I -~\-· .•·· ~ --\ \ -- Match line 72" Box See Sheet L-8 Key Map E9 1" = 2 0 '-0" CD 13-19 ./ , / i ' ' i ' -l--l----.-.J Y,-:,.++----Property lin e . ! l\ Water 'faseJ1ert !-l-,;----~Veh1c ular1s1ght line , • I ·" J f r I I / ! / ·' ' . i j / , ' \ I ' /\ . ' I; ! ' ; I i i ·, , ! ' i i ' ! ' ! ' l I I 1 l i i ; I ' ' i ' I I i \ i i . I 1 I '' I \ i i i: • I l i i 1 i i . ' ' . i ! i : \ \ ' ' i \ . , ' , 1 l \ ' "AS BUILT" RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DA TE 3/14ll4 1-i-==+==t==================i===i===i==~c=~ riil ~~~I ~CiiiiIT~Y~O~F'~C~A~R=;L~S=B=AD~J=Shl=e2e~ts I I . PLANNING DIVISION LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: PB Revision 1 Westfield Carlsbad Phase 1 ~F==~=;=~=4t~=;=;=~=ttil=1L=======================================================±t==~=:===1±========±±========1±======~=i l '-'-:~:~:~:l:~:~E=D-=:~~~~;--;=========::--=--=--=-=-=~~~ ·I DATE INITIAL 'DWN GY: ' DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL PROJEC T NO . DRAWING NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL ~~~g ~~: ---SOP 09-04 4 79-5L . DESIGNER OF WORK L -11 C: \DRAWING FILES\Tin.E Sf1EfTS\CLS8-IP.0WG REVISED: 5/15/2012 r--i I ......J +-' (I) Q) .r:: Cf) (I) (I) Cf) Q) C .r:: (.) +-' ro ~ \ - Key Map ~l t lt 1 ti ~ ~"TT' t I · ~ :~ 1 .... ~ ',-· j -! 3/14/14 PB Revision 1 I \ \ i --· -.. ~-··---..•. ---··-\ I -----··-·---·-11 ... , -·-, . ---~· I __ ., --:.::,_ ... --. -· ----··----! I ---·· 1 -----t· l < .-,-----· ---\ 1·• ' I I \"·..... ,-·-·-·-·-r-i-i I -_r>r--. ~; \. ·t .J ✓/~--/~ !-I / ~~·-: ! I 11 --·r-· ! I '?' I l EB a•!& ~a ,ml 1 " = 20'-0" -\ \ \ I \_ I \ \ \ I I I I burton l andscape Architecture Stud io 307 S Ced ros Solana Beacn Ca 92075 ass 794 1204 r asB 794 no1 F www.burton-.studio.corn I 5lh2 l I CD 1 3-1 9 \ \ Property line i I j ! j/ ,, 1/ ! i I , f ! i i APPROVED FOR !RR/GA TION ANO PL.AN TING ONL. Y, INCLLJOING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA . "AS BUILT" RCE __ _ EXP _____ _ DATE REVIEWED BY, INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN NING DIVISION Sh·ee ts 12 LANDSCAPE fMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Westfield Carls b ad P hase 1 ·. ':'.~: (L DATE \NI TJAL PLANNING ----,r---t---,,---------------~--t----r---t----i----i ~~~~~..;;~c-=-=-=-=-=-=-=.::;--;:::=~~~:::=:=::==::::;-;:::======-=-=-=-=. 1 DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. I APPROVED , .. -DESIGNER OF WORK ,,.-- DATE INJnAL DATE INI TIAL CHKD BY: --SOP 09-04 479-SL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: REVISION DESCRIPTION s L-12