18 November 2021
Rincon Real Estate Group Job No. 20-13022
3005 S. El Camino Real
San Clemente, CA 92672
Attn: Mr. Kevin Dunn
Subject: Response to Third-Party Reviewer (First), Project No. 9500.1;
Log No. 21630
Rincon Residential Project
295 Juniper Avenue
Carlsbad, California
Dear Mr. Dunn:
As requested and required by the City of Carlsbad third-party geotechnical reviewer
(Hetherington Engineering, Inc.) in a letter dated October 7, 2021, we herein respond
to their review comments. The third-party reviewer has reviewed our “Report of
Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation” dated January 7, 2021.
1. The consultant should review the project grading plan and foundation plans,
provide any additional geotechnical analyses/recommendations considered
necessary, and confirm that the plans have been prepared in accordance with
the geotechnical recommendations.
GEI Response: We have reviewed the undated project grading plans
prepared by Pasco Laret Suiter (Sheets 1 through 6). The reviewed grading
plans are in accordance with the geotechnical recommendations presented in
the reference geotechnical report. We understand the foundation plans have
not been completed. We will review them when available and issue a plan
review letter at that time.
Rincon Juniper Avenue Project Job No. 20-13022
Carlsbad, California Page 2
2. The consultant should provide an updated geotechnical map utilizing the
current grading plan for the project to clearly show (at minimum): a) existing
site topography, b) proposed structures/improvements, c) proposed finished
grades, d) geologic conditions, e) locations of the subsurface exploration, f)
temporary construction slopes, g) remedial grading, etc.
GEI Response: We have included an updated geotechnical Plot Plan (see
Appendix A) based on the undated grading plans, showing the existing and
proposed structures and improvements, proposed finish grades, locations of
subsurface exploration and geologic contacts on the included topographic base
map. No temporary construction slopes are required as the site is relatively
flat and no basement walls are proposed. Proposed retaining walls or property
line walls are less than 3 feet in height and foundation excavations can be
excavated vertically in an “A-B-C” slot fashion if needed. The widths of the
slots should not exceed 8 feet.
3. Foundation and slab design criteria for expansive soils should be consistent
with Section 1808.6 of the 2019 California Building Code. The consultant
should provide expansion index test results and update foundation
recommendations, as necessary.
GEI Response: We performed expansion index tests on two samples
retrieved from the site. One sample was from the northern half of the site and
the other from the southern half. The tests yielded an expansion index of 2
for the northern half and 5 for the southern half. Therefore, the soils can be
classified as having a very low expansion potential and no special
recommendations are needed for foundations or slabs on-grade due to soil
expansivity. No updated recommendations are needed.
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact our office. Reference
to our Job No. 20-13022 will help expedite a response to your inquiry.
Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________ ______________________________
Jaime A. Cerros, P.E. Leslie D. Reed, President
R.C.E. 34422/G.E.2007 C.E.G. 999/P.G. 3391
Senior Geotechnical Engineer
Updated Geotechnical Plot Plan
Approximate Locationof Existing StructureApproximate Locationof Proposed StructureApproximate Locationof Exploratory HandpitHP-5HP-2HP-1HP-3HP-5HP-4Artificial FillQafOld Paralic Deposits (Units 6-7)GEOLOGIC LEGENDApproximate GeologicContact6-7QafQop6-7QafQop6-7Qop6-7QopJuniper Residential Development295 Juniper AvenueCarlsbad, CA.Figure No. IIJob No. 20-13022REFERENCE: This PLOT PLAN was prepared from an existingundated EXISTING GRADING PLAN provided by PASCO LARET SUITER & ASSOCIATES and from on-site field reconnaissance performed by GEI.Scale: 1” =15’(approximate)LEGENDNOTE: This Plot Plan is not to be used for legal purposes. Locations and dimensions are approximate. Actual property dimensions and locations of utilities may be obtained from the Approved Building Plans or the “As-Built” Grading Plans.20-13022-p2.aiPLOT PLAN ANDSITE SPECIFICGEOLOGIC MAPJUNIPER AVENUENovember 202105’10’15’30’