HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-06-07; City Council; ; Report on the status of temporary outdoor activation permits issued due to COVID-19 pandemicCA Review __RK__ Meeting Date: June 7, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Eric Lardy, Principal Planner eric.lardy@carlsbadca.gov, 442-224-9595 Subject: Report on the status of temporary outdoor activation permits issued due to COVID-19 pandemic District: All Recommended Action Receive a report on the status of the temporary outdoor activation permits that were issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and provide staff direction, as appropriate. Executive Summary The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the economy. The public health orders that mandated the closure of businesses or modifications to their operations hit businesses in the food and beverage, retail, and personal services sectors particularly hard. In response, the City Council in July and September 2020 (Exhibits 1 and 2) approved the temporary suspension of certain land development standards to allow businesses to temporarily expand their operations into private parking lots, and those in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area to expand into the public right-of-way, allowing curb cafés and sidewalk dining in what is known as outdoor activation. A total of 116 businesses took advantage of this temporary outdoor activation opportunity. The permits that were issued for these activities will expire once the state and county proclamations of state and local emergency expire. While we continue to operate under those declarations, the governor has taken steps to slowly unwind and ultimately terminate several pandemic-related executive orders, and portions of the emergency proclamation. In anticipation of the emergency proclamations being lifted – the date is unknown – staff are providing this report to summarize the different types of outdoor activations that were offered, the status of the 116 businesses that took advantage of those activations, and the results of public surveys in which Carlsbad businesses and residents provided their views on outdoor activation. Staff intend to implement the actions described in the Next Steps section of this report, unless directed otherwise by the City Council. June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 1 of 162 Discussion Types of temporary outdoor activations The city temporarily suspended certain land development standards to help local businesses mitigate the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in accordance with actions taken by the City Council on July 28 and Sept. 15, 2020 (Exhibits 1 and 2). These actions also waived permit fees and the annual fee required for permanent curb cafés. This change was significant because it allowed businesses to move operations outdoors, enabling them to continue to operate during the height of the pandemic’s restrictions. Below is a synopsis of the types of outdoor activations that were allowed under the City Council actions and an overview of what development standards were suspended or modified. Curb cafés A curb café is a deck structure that allows for outdoor seating to extend from the sidewalk into the parking stalls for the purposes of food and/or beverage service. Curb cafés are allowed within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area with a right-of-way use permit, which is issued by the Community Development Department. DEVELOPMENT STANDARD TYPICAL STANDARD PANDEMIC STANDARD Maximum curb cafés per street block Four Unlimited Maximum length of curb café Frontage of business Unlimited Maximum parking stalls per café Two Four Parking study shows 85% or more stalls within a street block occupied Remove curb café Curb café can remain Sidewalk dining Sidewalk dining is an outdoor extension of a food and/or beverage service with exterior seating on public property, typically on city sidewalks. Sidewalk dining is allowed within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area with a right-of-way use permit issued by the Community Development Department. There was only one development standard affecting sidewalk dining that was temporarily modified. Under the Village and Barrio Master Plan, sidewalk dining is restricted to the frontage of the business it serves. During the state of emergency, businesses have been allowed to expand their sidewalk dining areas into the frontage of adjacent businesses so long as the adjacent business owners agree in writing to the encroachment. Curb café on State St. Sidewalk café on State Street June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 2 of 162 Outdoor displays An outdoor display is a temporary display of merchandise that is limited in size, duration and location and placed on public property, most often on the city sidewalks. Outdoor displays are allowed within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area with a right-of-way use permit. DEVELOPMENT STANDARD TYPICAL STANDARD PANDEMIC STANDARD Maximum number of displays One Unlimited Location of outdoor displays Frontage of business Unlimited Business operations allowed to operate outdoors where displays allowed Prohibited Allowed Temporary use of private parking lots The Carlsbad Municipal Code allows for special events that are short term in duration, held entirely on private property and do not impact public roads or services. These functions typically involve such activities as weekend sales or special business events, which are often held in the business’s parking lot. These special events are allowed with a private property permit. While the municipal code allows for special events, many city planning zones that allow commercial and retail businesses also require that all operations be conducted wholly within a building. The intent of this restriction is to prevent business activities from regularly being conducted outdoors, where operations may impinge upon neighboring properties with excessive noise, parking impacts and other issues. Given the uncertainty on how long the pandemic would last, the City Council agreed to allow businesses to operate outside under the special-events provisions of the municipal code for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, even in zones that require that commercial and retail activity be conducted within a structure. This allowed businesses such as gyms, churches, restaurants, salons, and other similar retail uses to operate in private parking lots and private common areas. Outdoor display on State Street Temporary uses of parking lots June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 3 of 162 Status of temporary outdoor activations Since that City Council action, a total of 100 private property permits have been issued for temporary expansion into private property and 28 right-of-way use permits have been issued for either sidewalk dining, curb cafés or outdoor displays. Nine businesses in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area applied for both permits, so these temporary outdoor activation allowances have helped a total of 116 Carlsbad businesses conduct modified operations during the COVID- 19 pandemic. The sections below provide a status on the different outdoor activations that were authorized by either a private property permit or a right-of-way use permit. Right-of-way use permit (Village and Barrio Master Plan area only) A total of 28 right-of-way use permits were issued in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, of which 16 were issued for sidewalk cafés, nine for curb cafés, and three for outdoor displays. Virtually all of the permits were issued to eating and drinking establishments, which used the opportunity to either erect temporary flooring decks and canopies and/or tents in areas previously reserved for parking, or placed large umbrellas and tables and chairs along the sidewalk so patrons could be served outdoors. With the scaling back of the COVID protocols and the return to indoor dining, as reflected in the chart below, 52% of the businesses using the public right-of-way for their outdoor activation modified them to make them comply with the current Village and Barrio Master Plan development standards, and they processed permits for authorization under the existing Village and Barrio Master Plan requirements to permanently keep the improvements in place. ACTIVATION PERMANENT TEMPORARY Sidewalk dining 9 7 Curb cafés 4 5 Outdoor displays 3 0 Of the 12 establishments – seven sidewalk dining and five curb cafés – still operating under the temporary permits, 11 of the businesses either installed their temporary activations in compliance with the current Village and Barrio Master Plan standards, or the businesses could achieve compliance by making minor modifications to the improvements (e.g., submitting a formal application and paying applicable fees). Only one establishment would require substantial modifications to its temporary curb café improvements to comply with the current Village and Barrio Master Plan standards. Specifically, it would be required to reduce the number of spaces the café uses from four parking stalls to two. Allowing this business to keep its current improvements once the emergency order is rescinded would require amendments to the municipal code, the city’s Local Coastal Program and the Village and Barrio Master Plan. It should be noted that all 12 establishments have fully reopened indoor dining operations, in addition to continuing their outdoor operations. Private property permit (citywide) A total of 100 private property permits have been issued to businesses. Twenty-six were issued to businesses located within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area while the remaining 74 were issued to businesses elsewhere in the city. Roughly 60% of the private property permits issued both inside and outside the Village and Barrio Master Plan area were for eating and dining establishments, while the remaining 40% were for other retail June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 4 of 162 enterprises such as gyms, churches and personal services. A higher percentage of the private property permits, 73%, issued inside the Village and Barrio Master Plan area were for eating and dining establishments. With the scaling back of the COVID protocols, as reflected in the chart below, roughly 80% of the businesses outside the Village and Barrio Master Plan area voluntarily removed the temporary improvements and restored the areas back into parking lot use. Of the businesses inside the master plan area, 54% are still using their parking lots for outdoor activation. PRIVATE PROPERTY PERMITS REMOVED REMAIN Inside Village and Barrio Master Plan area 12 14 Outside Village and Barrio Master Plan area 59 15 For the establishments located in the downtown area interested in continuing to use a portion of their parking lot for business operations, Village and Barrio Master Section 2.6.6 provides alternatives to providing off-street parking. For establishments in the master plan area and located east of the railroad tracks, 100% of the on-site parking requirements can be satisfied through payment of the parking in-lieu fee, which is $11,240 per parking space. Other options for businesses in the master plan area, including those west of the railroad tracks, include shared or leased parking, valet parking services, or if a business currently uses less parking than is required by the zoning ordinance, they can submit evidence to community development to permanently use that space for outdoor dining. Based upon a field survey, staff estimate 45 to 65 private parking spaces are occupied by temporary outdoor uses. Given the parking allowance provided under the Village and Barrio Master Plan, staff determined that reasonable solutions are available for most businesses to permanently use their private parking lots for continued outdoor activation without the need for a code amendment. Businesses west of the railroad or those that have many spaces dedicated to temporary use will have the most difficulty legalizing these outdoor uses permanently. It should be noted that, under recent state legislation, the expiration date on private property permits is Jan. 1, 2024. Assembly Bill 61, approved in 2021, requires local governments to reduce the number of parking spaces that they would otherwise require if necessary to provide relief for outdoor activation until Jan. 1, 2024. That means that outdoor activations that remove private parking are to be allowed even after the suspension of the local emergency. However, the city’s municipal code would need to be amended to reduce parking requirements for the establishments located outside the Village and Barrio Master Plan area beyond that date. In some cases, the Village and Barrio Master Plan allows property owners to develop valet parking services or provide evidence that the establishment uses fewer parking stalls than required under the code. As such, unless citywide parking standards are adjusted, which June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 5 of 162 requires an amendment to the municipal code and Local Coastal Program, the temporary activations will eventually have to be removed. Public opinion on temporary outdoor activations The 2022 National Restaurant Association’s State of the Restaurant Industry Report stated that more than half of restaurant operators said it would take a year or more before business conditions return to normal. The report cites rising food, labor and lease costs, and supply chains are still curtailing access to key food and beverage items. Total sales in 2022 are projected to be only slightly more than what they were in 2019, with sales in both 2020 and 2021 below 2019 levels. It also notes that 50% of operators expect that more outdoor opportunities will be provided. Winter 2021 Business and Resident Survey (Exhibit 3) In January 2021, the city conducted a survey of business owners and residents citywide, with 1,200 residents and 150 businesses responding. Responses generally favored outdoor activations. A summary of the more significant findings is provided below. Resident response highlights: • 93% stated that they generally enjoy the experience of outdoor dining • 61% stated the impacts to parking was not noticeable; 39% percent said the impact was noticeable • 37% would like to see no more new curb cafés, while 19% would like to see fewer curb cafes in the downtown area • 60% think curb cafés should be allowed for up to four parking spaces, 40% think the limit should stay at two spaces • Most residents would like to see more sidewalk cafés (62%) and private outdoor dining areas (51%) Business response highlights: • 70% chose not to use temporary outdoor activation • 74% said they were not impacted by nearby outdoor activations Downtown Parking Survey (Exhibit 4) In August 2021, the city's parking consultant conducted field work to evaluate parking in the area outlined in the Village, Barrio and Adjacent Beach Area Parking Management Plan, which is slightly larger than the area covered by the Village and Barrio Master Plan. The updated study included an evaluation of the current parking conditions, changes to parking supply, and the impact of temporary restrictions in land use conditions because of the ongoing pandemic. The next parking study will be conducted in August 2022 with results available in the fall. These results will be evaluated for any changed conditions, which will be reported to the City Council along with any appropriate recommendations from staff. To summarize its more relevant findings: • During the afternoon to evening hours during the weekday, and morning to evening hours during the weekend, there are several areas on State Street in the Village and in the residential beach areas that are impacted, with more than 85% of the available parking spaces being used during those times June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 6 of 162 • Some vehicles were observed parked in high demand areas, those near businesses or beach access, for five or more hours, resulting in less available parking • The curb cafés did not appear to be significantly impacting parking operations because the installations only take away a small amount of the parking supply July 2021 Business Owners Survey (Exhibit 5) To assess the effectiveness of the health orders and condition of businesses locally, the city conducted a survey of business owners in July 2021. A summary of the more significant findings is provided below. When asked about the effectiveness of the temporary outdoor activations during the COVID restrictions: • 88% indicated that they helped and allowed the business to recoup a percentage of lost revenues • 7% indicated that they were able to recoup all of their revenue losses or actually saw an increase in revenue compared to previous operations • 5% indicated outdoor activations were not an effective solution for their business • 79% indicated they would have interest in continuing their outdoor activation beyond the end of the health emergency • 55% were in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, while 45% were in other parts of the city • 94% indicated they would be willing to meet city design standards and building code for permanent outdoor activation Other cities’ temporary outdoor activations plans Cities across the state and nation are outlining plans to change regulations and/or end pandemic restrictions and return to the previous code requirements. In San Diego County, responses have varied. The City of San Diego developed a new Spaces as Places initiative that introduced new regulations and design standards for small businesses. The City of Encinitas recently extended outdoor activation improvements until 2023. The cities of Escondido, Chula Vista, Oceanside and Del Mar all have current temporary activations and are still determining next steps. Fiscal Analysis There is no immediate nor direct fiscal impact from receiving a staff report on this subject. Staff will advise the City Council on any fiscal impacts associated with any minute motions as part of staff response to those minute motions. Next Steps Unless directed otherwise by City Council, staff intend to pursue the following actions. Right-of-way use permits • Staff will work with the 12 businesses to provide direction and guidance on what modifications are needed to their temporary outdoor activations to make them permanent under current code. As previously noted, more than 90% of the businesses either installed their temporary activations in compliance with the current Village and Barrio Master Plan’s curb café and sidewalk dining standards, or the businesses could achieve compliance with minor modifications to the improvements. June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 7 of 162 • Considering the point above, as well as the survey results where 56% of respondents either wanted the number of curb cafés to either not increase or decrease in number, staff do not recommend any changes to the current Village and Barrio Master Plan standards. • Businesses that do not wish to continue outdoor activation, or are unable or unwilling to make necessary changes, will be required to remove the temporary improvements from the public right-of-way within 90 days after the termination of the state and local emergency orders. Staff will work closely with the businesses to ensure a smooth transition. Private property permits • For the 14 businesses in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, staff will proactively work with property owners to advise them of the various options available to continue their outdoor activation activities in their private parking lots after termination of the emergency orders. • Given the passage of AB 61, all property owners holding a private property permit will be allowed to continue their temporary outdoor activations for the next 21 months, until Jan. 1, 2024. This additional time is intended to address the concerns raised in the 2022 State of the Restaurant Industry Report cited above, which stated that more than half of restaurant operators said it would take a year or more before their business conditions return to normal. • Businesses who do not wish or are unable to continue outdoor activation will be required to remove the temporary improvements from their private parking lots within 90 days following the sunset of AB 61 on Jan. 1, 2024. Staff will work closely with the businesses to ensure a smooth transition. Village and Barrio Master Plan – Update Parking In-Lieu Fee Program On Nov. 16, 2021, the City Council directed that staff evaluate and update the current parking fees for In-Lieu and Curb Cafés. Additionally, the City Council directed that as part of this evaluation staff review overall parking requirements for the plan area, including ways to encourage adaptive re-use, ability for fees to provide above/below ground off-street parking, and inclusion of other fees (such as for sidewalk cafés) in the program. This update is anticipated to cost between $50,000 and $100,000 and will be included in a future budget request. Environmental Evaluation This action to receive this report does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under Public Resources Code section 21065. It has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 8 of 162 Exhibits 1. July 28, 2020, City Council staff report 2. Sept. 15, 2020, City Council staff report 3. Winter 2021 Business and Resident Survey 4. City Council memo on parking study (Nov. 4, 2021) 5. July 2021 Business Owners Survey June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 9 of 162 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 10 of 162 Exhibit 1 CA Review CKM CITY COUN CI L Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Jeff.Murphy@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2783 Empower the Director of Emergency Services to Temporarily Suspend or Modify Certain Land Development Standards to Mitigate the Economic Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic State of Emergency on Local Businesses Recommended Action Adopt a resolution empowering the director of emergency services to temporarily suspend or modify certain land development standards to mitigate the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency on local businesses. Executive Summary With the ongoing closures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are struggling to find ways to continue operations, even on a limited basis. While the city has found creative solutions to allow temporary activation of areas such as private parking lots and sidewalk dining, city regulations do not provide enough flexibility to allow certain solutions that could further help businesses operate during these unprecedented times. On July 20, 2020, the Ad Hoc City Council Economic Revitalization Subcommittee recommended temporarily suspending or modifying certain land development standards in the Village & Barrio Master Plan area to allow more flexibility in the use of public street parking and business frontage areas. The subcommittee also recommended clarifying some confusion over the purpose and intent of the special event on private property permits for the temporary activation of uses in private parking lots. If the City Council supports the recommendations of the subcommittee, the attached resolution will empower of the director of emergency services (city manager) under Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 6.04, Emergency Services, to temporarily suspend or modify certain land development standards for the duration of the local COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency. July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 1 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 11 of 162 Page 2 Discussion Background The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the economy. The public health orders that have mandated the closure of businesses, or modified operations, have impacted businesses particularly in the food and beverage, retail and personal services sectors. According to the California Employment Development Department, June unemployment in Carlsbad stands at 12.6% compared to an average of 2.9% in 2019. During a recent city survey of businesses on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, 51% of the businesses surveyed reported they had to lay off workers due to the pandemic. In addition, 87% of the businesses surveyed reported they saw a decrease in revenue during the state of emergency and 53% of those saw a reduction of revenue of more than 50%. At the July 14, 2020, City Council meeting, during a discussion of the COVID-19 Actions and Expenditures Report, the council expressed interest in allowing a temporary suspension of certain requirements governing curb cafes in the Village & Barrio Master Plan area (Exhibit 2). In response, staff identified those sections within the master plan that complicate the city's ability to allow for workable solutions for curb cafes, sidewalk cafes and outdoor displays and developed recommendations on how best to allow for the temporary suspension of those regulations to assist struggling businesses. Staff presented the information to the Ad Hoc City Council Economic Revitalization Subcommittee on July 20, 2020 (Exhibit 3). The subcommittee considered the information and recommended suspending certain standards for curb cafes, sidewalk cafes and outdoor displays in the Village & Barrio Master Plan area as well as clarifying the use of private property permits, as detailed in this report. Should the City Council support the recommendations of the subcommittee, the attached resolution will empower of the director of emergency services (city manager) under Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 6.04, Emergency Services, to temporarily suspend or modify these standards for the duration of the local COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency, as noted above. Once the City Council ends the local state of emergency, the temporary suspension of the standards will also end and any improvements allowed under the suspended or modified standards must be removed. Businesses that wish to maintain the improvements will be required to comply with current codes and permitting requirements. The following sections defines curb cafes, sidewalk cafes and outdoor displays and provide overviews of the requirements within the master plan that prevent businesses from using these tools to expand their operations outdoors during the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency, followed by the subcommittee's recommendations for removing the impediments. July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 2 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 12 of 162 Page 3 Curb cafes A curb cafe is a deck structure that allows for outdoor seating to extend from the sidewalk into the parking lane for the purposes of food and/or beverage serving. • The master plan prohibits curb cafes when a city parking study shows an on-street public parking occupancy of >85% (Sections 2.6.5.A.2 & 4 and 4.a). The latest study (https://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/planning/psreports.asp) shows that the downtown area largely exceeds this threshold. The subcommittee supported the suspension of this requirement for the duration of the emergency. Because businesses are operating at a significantly reduced occupancy, there has been a noticeable reduction in the number of automobiles in the area, resulting in a reduced need for parking in the downtown area. • Additional parking is required in cases where both a curb cafe and a sidewalk cafe (see description below) are proposed (Section 2.6.5.A.9.c and Table 2-3). The subcommittee supported the suspension of this requirement for the duration of the emergency for the same reasons specified above. • The maximum size of curb cafes is limited to two parking stalls (Section 2.6.5.A.5). Some business owners are wanting to use more stalls, as many as four, to accommodate more seating to help offset their loss of indoor space. The subcommittee did not provide a recommendation for this requirement, but raised the following concerns: o Whether a business that activates both a private parking lot and curb cafe has an unfair business advantage over a business that relies entirely on street parking. To address this concern, a restriction has been added to the attached resolution limiting businesses to either a private property permit or a right-of-way use permit for a curb cafe, but not both. o Parking stalls are not assigned to specific businesses but provide parking for all establishments in the downtown area. The subcommittee raised concerns that too many curb cafes could cut into public street parking for non-restaurant businesses. If the number of parking stalls used for a curb cafe increases from two to four, the curb cafe should still be limited in size to within the frontage of the business it serves, as currently required under Section 2.6.5.A.6 of the Village & Barrio Master Plan . The attached resolution reflects this requirement. At its meeting on July 20, the subcommittee requested additional information about the business makeup of the downtown area. Staff will provide that information at the subcommittee's next meeting on July 27, 2020. Any further recommendations by the subcommittee following that meeting will be reported at the City Council meeting on July 28. July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 3 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 13 of 162 Page 4 Sidewalk cafes A sidewalk cafe is an outdoor extension of a food and/or beverage serving use where exterior seating occurs partially or wholly on public property. • Sidewalk cafes are limited to the area most directly located in front of the businesses they serve (Section 2.6.5.B.3). The subcommittee recommended that these requirements be suspended for the duration of the emergency if written permission to expand into the frontage areas of adjacent establishments is granted by the affected business and property owner(s). Outdoor displays An outdoor display is a temporary display of merchandise by a business that is limited in size, duration and location and placed partially or wholly on public property. • Businesses are limited to one outdoor display (Section 2.6.5.C.1) that cannot encroach upon the frontage of an adjacent business (Section 2.6.5.C.3). The subcommittee recommended that the one display limit be suspended for the .._ _iii:zL__;:~~ _ duration of the emergency and that displays be allowed to encroach into adjacent frontage with written authorization from the affected business and property owner. • The subcommittee further recommended that the area eligible for outdoor displays be expanded to allow services and functions related to the business (e.g., cashiering, hairstylist, barbers, manicurists and estheticians) to the extent that other county and state regulations allow. Because of state and county health orders and social distancing criteria, many businesses are prevented from having too many patrons inside their establishment to peruse and purchase merchandise, or are prevented from operating indoors at all. These restrictions have led businesses to display more product, and perform more services, outside of their stores. All other requirements specified under the master plan (Section Sections 2.6.5.C.2 and 4 through 7) would still apply. It should be noted that outside the Village & Barrio Master Plan area, the Community Development Department issues special event on private property permits that allow similar types of business uses to temporarily operate outside during the emergency in private parking lots and private common areas. The section below provides more information. Private property permits On June 9, 2020, an additional materials memo was provided to the City Council regarding the use and purpose of the special event on private property permit (Exhibit 4). In short, Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17 regulates special events that may affect traffic, public right-of-way, fire and police services, and/or often requires direct involvement of city staff. Examples of special events may include parades, concerts, demonstrations, public assemblies and spectator and participation sports such as marathons, bicycle races and tournaments. July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 4 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 14 of 162 Page 5 The code recognizes that some special events are minor in scope and scale, held entirely on private property and do not impact public roads or services. These functions may involve weekend sales, store reopening or special business events that occur for a short duration; typically in a business's parking lot or private common area. The special event regulations authorize these forms ofspecial events with the approval of a special event on private property permit. This is an administrative permit issued by the community development director for a minor event or function held entirely on private property that does not require a traffic control plan or impact public road segments or intersections beyond normal operations. Since June, the department has issued close to 20 special event on private property permits to allow businesses, most of which have been restaurants, to successfully activate their parking lots to operate on a limited basis. Under Title 21, Zoning, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, many zones that allow commercial and retail businesses include a limitation requiring that all operations be conducted wholly within a building (Exhibit 5). The intent of this limitation is to prevent business activities from regularly and consistently being conducted outdoors where they may adversely impact neighboring properties. While special events conducted under a special event on private property permit are traditionally short-lived, the COVID protocols, though considered temporary, are expected to remain in place for the foreseeable future. To minimize any potential confusion, the subcommittee recommended that temporary activation of private property such as parking lots be authorized during the emergency, even in zones that require that commercial and retail activity be conducted within a structure. This would include allowing businesses such as gyms, churches, restaurants, salons and other similar retail uses to operate in private parking lots and private common areas. Fiscal Analysis None. Next Steps The Director of Emergency Services will issue an emergency order temporarily suspending or modifying the identified land development standards. Because the Village & Barrio Master Plan area is partially located in the Coastal Zone and Title 21, Zoning, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code . applies to properties located in the Coastal Zone, staff will contact the Coastal Commission to secure the agency's concurrence on the temporary measures authorized in this report. Staff will also inform and educate Carlsbad businesses of the allowance and walk them through the permitting process. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action is statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 20180(b)(4), specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency, and is categorically exempt from CEQA under CEQA Guidelines 15301, existing facilities, and 15304(e), minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment. July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 5 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 15 of 162 Page 6 Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in accordance with the Ralph M . Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Notice of the meeting was also posted on social media and on the city's website. Exhibits 1. Resolution 2. Referenced sections of the Village & Barrio Master Plan 3. July 20, 2020, presentation and memo to ad hoc committee 4. June 9, 2020, Additional Materials Memo to City Council 5. Referenced zones requiring uses contained within a structure July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 6 of 38 July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 7 of 38June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 16 of 162 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-167 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, EMPOWERING THE DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY SERVICES TO TEMPORARILY SUSPEND OR MODIFY CERTAIN LAND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO MITIGATE THE ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC STATE OF EMERGENCY ON LOCAL BUSINESSES Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 6.04.090(A) designates the City Manager as the Director of Emergency Services (Director); and WHEREAS, Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 6.04.100(A)(6)(e) empowers the Director, in the event of a proclamation of a local or statewide emergency, to execute any special powers conferred upon him by City Council resolution; and WHEREAS, on Jan. 31, 2020, the Secretary of the United States Department of Public Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, on Feb. 14, 2020, the San Diego County Health Officer declared a local health emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which the San Diego County Board of Supervisors subsequently ratified; and WHEREAS, on March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom proclaimed a statewide state of emergency as a result ofthe COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, the Director proclaimed a local state of emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which the City Council subsequently ratified and extended; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-33-20 directing individuals living in California to comply with a State Public Health Officer order to stay at home except as needed to facilitate authorized, necessary activities or to maintain the continuity of operations at critical infrastructure sectors; and WHEREAS, on May 4, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-60-20 allowing non- essential businesses to reopen in four stages in compliance with criteria set by the State Public Health Officer and based on certain public health criteria being met on a county-by-county basis; and WHEREAS, by June 19, 2020, dine-in restaurants, alcohol-serving businesses offering dine-in meals, personal care services businesses and other businesses in Carlsbad were permitted to reopen subject to compliance with safe reopening plans; and July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 8 of 38June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 17 of 162 WHEREAS, because of increased rates of COVID-19 infection, on July 13, 2020, the State Public Health Officer issued an order and on July 14, 2020, the San Diego County Public Health Officer issued an order (collectively, "Public Health Orders") restricting indoor operations at dine-in restaurants, alcohol-serving businesses offering dine-in meals, and businesses offering certain personal care services, including nail salons, hair salons, and barbershops; and WHEREAS, as a result of the Public Health Orders, as of July 15, 2020, dine-in restaurants, alcohol-serving businesses offering dine-in meals, and businesses offering certain personal care services, including nail salons, hair salons, and barbershops, in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area and other businesses throughout Carlsbad must cease or reduce all indoor operations for a potentially prolonged period of time; and WHEREAS, strict compliance with certain land development standards in the Village and Barrio Master Plan and Title 21, Zoning, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code hinders Carlsbad businesses from moving their operations outdoors, which could lead to their closure and harm their economic viability; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to take steps to ensure local businesses remain economically viable during the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency; and WHEREAS, adopting this resolution will empower the Director to temporarily suspend or modify the land development standards identified in Attachment A to support local businesses and maintain their economic viability, to ensure the availability of important services to local residents, and to promote a stable business and job market for employers and employees to return to once the COVID- 19 pandemic state of emergency is abated; and WHEREAS, adopting this resolution is necessary and appropriate to mitigate the immediate threats to the public health, safety, and welfare of residents and local businesses from the significant economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by assisting businesses to successfully reopen and remain open in compliance with the Public Health Orders. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Director is empowered to temporarily suspend or modify the land development standards identified in Attachment A. July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 9 of 38June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 18 of 162 3. That the authorization provided to the Director in this resolution shall remain in effect for the duration of the local COVID-19 pandemic emergency unless terminated earlier by City Council action. 4. That upon the expiration or termination of the authorization provided to the Director in this resolution, the temporary suspension or modification of the land development standards identified in Attachment A will be of no further force and effect, all improvements for any temporary outdoor business use must be immediately removed, and all outdoor spaces must be returned to the condition they were in just prior to their temporary outdoor business use. 5. That the Director may take any further action necessary and appropriate to carry out the purpose and intent of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of July, 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor ~WVvl™1ft~ flY BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 19 of 162 ATTACHMENT A LAND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED OR MODIFIED DURING THE LOCAL COVID-19 PANDEMIC STATE OF EMERGENCY A. Curb Cafes (Section 2.6.5.A of the Village & Barrio Master Plan) The following standards are temporarily suspended or modified for a curb cafe, which is defined under the master plan as a temporary deck structure for a food and/or beverage serving use that allows for outdoor seating to extend from the sidewalk and into the pa rking lane. 1. The following provision of Sections 2.6.5.A.2 is suspended. Curb cafes are temporary structures on public streets. The city engineer may require their temporary or permanent removal to accommodate street or other infrastructure improvements or maintenance or to ensure adequate public parking is maintained. In the Coastal Zone, if city authorized parking studies indicate public parking occupancy v,ithin a quarter mile radius of the curb cafe is 85 percent or more for frv<e consecutive •,ears, the curb cafe shall be remo1,ed unless the applicant can secure replacement public parking within the quarter mile radius equal to the number of on street parking spaces impacted by the curb cafe. 2. The following provision of Sections 2.6.5.A.4 is suspended ~,o more than four curb cafes may be permitted per street blocl< (see definition in appendix A); ho1,•1ever, this ma>Eimum may be reduced for the following reasons: a. No curb cafes shall be permitted on any street block that has an on street public parking occupancy of 85 percent or more based on the most recent City authorized parking study or other information the city engineer accepts. b. The city engineer may limit the number of curb cafes or deny a curb cafe due to reasons of public health, safety or welfare, such as lack of adequate infrastructure, topography, bike lanes, and proximity to driveways, intersections, and residences. 3. Sections 2.6.5.A.9.c is suspended. c. Parking as required by Section 2.e.e. 4. Sections 2.6.5.A.5 is modified as follows. July 28, 2020 The maximum size of curb cafes shall be limited to twefour diagonal or parallel parking spaces. Where parking spaces are not demarcated, the twe four parking space maximum shall still apply and shall be based on dimensional parking standards approved by the city engineer. Item #12 Page 10 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 20 of 162 ATTACHMENT A 5. Eating/drinking establishments that are issued a Private Property Permit to activate a private parking lot or private common area shall not be eligible for a right-of-way use permit for a curb cafe. B. Sidewalk Cafe (Section 2.6.5.B of the Village & Barrio Master Plan) The following standards are temporarily modified for a sidewalk cafe, which is defined under the master plan as an outdoor extension of a food and/or beverage serving use where exterior seating occurs partially or wholly on public property. 1. Section 2.6.5.B.3 is modified as follows. The sidewalk cafe shall be restricted to the frontage(s) of the business it serves and shall not encroach on the frontage of any adjacent business, unless authorization is granted in writing from the adjacent business/property owner. C. Outdoor display (Section 2.6.5.C of the Village & Barrio Master Plan) The following standards are temporarily suspended or modified for an outdoor display, which is defined under the master plan as a temporary display of merchandise by a business that is limited in size, duration and location and placed partially or wholly on public property. 1. Section 2.6.5.C.1 is suspended. One outdoor display may be located outside the ,...,alls of the business space it serves and within the public right of way. 2. Uses, services and operations associated with the business shall be allowed to temporarily occupy that space reserved for outdoor displays consistent with the standards specified in Sections 2.6.5.C.2 and 4 through 7. 3. Section 2.6.5.C.3 is modified as follows. The outdoor display shall be placed adjacent to and parallel to the subject business. The display shall not be placed adjacent to the street curb, perpendicular to the business, or as part of a curb cafe. The outdoor display shall not encroach upon the frontage of an adjacent business, unless authorization is granted in writing from the adjacent business. D. Private Property Permit (Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17} The temporary outdoor activation of private property such as parking lots and common areas to allow the continued operations and services of businesses affected by COVID may be authorized upon approval of a Private Property Permit, even in zones that require that commercial and retail activity be conducted within a structure, including, Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections 21.26.020(1), 21.28.020(1), 21.30.020(2), and 21.31.070(A). July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 11 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 21 of 162 A. CURB CAFES 2.6 AREA-WIDE · 2.6.5 RIG HT OF WAY USES Standard Exhibit 2 1. Curb cafes are prohibited on Ca rlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad Village Drive, Laguna Drive, and any alley. 2. Curb cafes are temporary structures on public streets. The city engineer may require their temporary or permanent removal to accommodate street or other infrastructure improvements or maintenance or to ensure adequate public parking is maintained. In the Coastal Zone, if city- au t horized parking studies indicate public parking occupancy within a quarter-mile radius of the curb cafe is 85 percent or more for five consecutive years, the curb cafe shall be removed unless the applicant can secure replacement public parking within the quarter-mile radius equal to the number of on-street parking spaces impacted by the curb cafe. 3. The city engineer may require the design of curb cafes to allow for street or other infrastructure improvements or maintenance. 4. No more than four curb cafes may be permitted pe r street block (see definition in appendix A); however, this maximum may be reduced for the following reasons: a. No curb cafes shall be permitted on any street block that has an on-street public parking occupancy of 85 percent or more based on the most recent City-authorized parking study or other information the city engineer accepts. b. The city engineer may limit the number of curb cafes or deny a curb cafe due to reasons of public health, safety or welfare, such as lack of adequate infrastructure, topography, bike lanes, and proximity to driveways, intersections, and residences. 5. The maximum size of curb cafes shall be limited to two diagonal or parallel parking spaces. Where parking spaces are not demarcated, the two parking space maximum shall still apply and shall be based on dimensional parking standards approved by the city engineer. 6. The maximum length and size of the curb cafe shall generally be restricted to the length of the building/tenant space the curb cafe serves. The curb cafe shall be "most-directly" in front of the business it serves. Accordingly, some cu rb cafes may be limited to no more than one parking ';-,--· space . ...,_ ____________ Interpretation July 28, 2020 MASTER PLAN Item #12 Page 12 of 38 2-19 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 22 of 1622-20 2.6 AREA-WIDE 2.6.5 RIGHT OF WAY USES 7. A minimum sidewalk width of 5 feet, free of curbs and any obstructions, sha ll be maintained. 8. An accessible path of travel to the curb cafe shall be provided. 9. Before placement or use of a curb cafe, the following req uirements shall be satisfied: a. Approval of a Right-of-way Use Permit and other permits as determined necessary by the city engineer. b. A signed Encroachment Agreement with the city. c. Parking as required by Section 2.6.6. d. Payment of the use fee. 10. No signs, including signs prohibited by CMC Section 21.41.030, or objects that would distract or impair motorists, shall be attached or displayed on any part of the curb cafe. 11. Curb ca fes may be in addition to outdoor dining on private property and sidewalk cafes. B. SIDEWALK CAFES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sidewalk cafes may be in addition to outdoor seating areas on private property and curb cafes. Parking shall be provided as required by Section 2.6. The sidewalk cafe shall be restricted to the frontage(s) of the business it serves and shall not encroach on the frontage of any adjacent business. No signs, including signs prohibited by CMC Section 21.41.030, or objects that would distract or impair motorists, shall be attaced . or displayed on any part of the sidewalk ca fe. A minimum unobstructed walkway width of five feet to building entries shall be maintained. A minimum sidewalk width of 5 feet, free of curbs and any obstructions, shall be maintained. Before placement or use of a sidewalk cafe in the right of way, the following requirements shall be satisfied: a. Approval of a Right-of-way Use Permit and other permits as determined necessary by the city engineer. b. A signed Encroachment Agreement with the city if determined necessary by the city engineer. July 28, 2020 Item #l2 CARfsWAn taela8& BARRIO June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 23 of 162 C. OUTDOOR DISPLAY 2.6 AREA-WIDE 2.6.5 RIGHT OF WAY USES 1. One outdoor display may be located outside the walls of the business space it serves and within the public right-of-way. 2. The outdoor display shall be placed outside during business hours only. 3. The outdoor display shall be placed adjacent to and parallel to the subject business. The display shall not be placed adjacent to the street curb, perpendicular to the business, or as part of a curb cafe. The outdoor display shall not encroach upon the frontage of an adjacent business. 4. No signs, including signs prohibited by CMC Section 21.41.030, or objects that would distract or impair motorists, shall be attached or displayed on any part of the outdoor display. 5. A minimum unobstructed walkway w idth of 5 feet to building entries shall be maintained. 6. A minimum sidewalk width of 5 feet, free of curbs and any obstructions, shall be maintained. 7. Before placement or use of an outdoor display in the right of way, a Right-of-way Use Permit must be approved by the city engineer. July 28, 2020 MASTER PLAN Item #12 Page 14 of 38 2-21 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 24 of 162 2.6 AREA-WIDE 2.6.6 PARKING A. PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 1. For residential uses, required parking spaces shall be provided on-site. For non-residential uses, including non-residential uses in a mixed-use format, required parking may be provided on-site and/or off-site acco rding to the provisions of this section. 2. Parking spaces shall be provided per Table 2-3. 3. Pa rking requirement calculations resulting in a fraction shall be rounded up to the next whole number if the fraction is 0.5 or higher or rounded down if the fraction is below 0.5. 4. References to spaces per square foot (sf) are to be computed on the basis of gross floor area, unless otherwise specified. Table 2-3, Parking Requirements RESIDENTIAL GENERAL USE PARKING REQUIREMENT Accessory Dwelling Unit . One space, in addition to the parking requirement for the primary use (single, one-family dwelling). . Tandem parking is permitted . . Parking exceptions exist for accessory dwelling units . Refer to CMC Section 21.10.030 D.10.s One-family and Two-family Dwellings Two spaces per dwelling. Spaces shall be garaged. Tandem parking is permitted. Multiple-family Dwellings (except as noted, there is no distinction between condominiums and apartments) Studio and one bed room units One space per unit. For condominiums; the space must be covered. Units with two or more bedrooms (ali districts One and a half spaces per unit. For condominiums, one except BP and BC) space must be covered. Tandem parking is permitted. Units with two or more bedrooms (BP and BC only) Two spaces per unit. For condominiums, one space must be covered. Tandem parking is permitted. Visitor parking (applies in the BP and BC districts . Projects with 10 or fewer units: 0.30 space per unit only) . Projects with 11 or more units: 0.25 space per unit Housing for Senior Citizens Same as multiple-family dwellings plus one space for an onsite manager's unit (when provided). Live/Work Unit One additional space above residential use requirement (per unit). Managed Living Unit 0.50 parking space per unit Mixed-Use . The residential use shall meet the multiple-family dwelling parking requirement. . The non-residential use shall meet the parking requirement specified for the applicable use in this table. Residential Care Facility Two spaces, plus one space per every three beds. I 2-22 July 28, 2020 Item #l2 CARL~H~n J:i.Bt~ BARRIO June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 25 of 162 Table 2-3, Parking Requirements (Continued) OFFICE GENERAL USE Business and Professional Office Medical Office LODGING GENERAL USE Bed and Breakfast Inn Hotel/Motel Timeshare Project RETAIL GENERAL USE Brewery/Distillery/Winery Business/Professional Services Convenience Store Financial Institution (e.g., bank) Furniture and Appliance Sales Personal Services Restaurant Restaurant, Delicatessen Restaurant, Fast Food Restaurant, Limited Take-Out Service Outdoor Dining on Private Property (accessory to a permitted or conditionally permitted food and/or beverage use) Retail/Commercial Business - July 28, 2020 MASTER PLAN PARKING REQUIREMENT One space per 415 square feet One space per 355 square feet PARKING REQUIREMENT Two spaces for owner's unit (one covered) plus one space per guest room One space per guest room One space per guest room PARKING REQUIREMENT . If incidental to a restaurant use, one space per 415 square feet . If sole use, one space per 150 square feet for the tasting room and one space per 415 square feet for all other uses (e.g. production, storage, and retail sales). One space per 415 square feet One space per 240 square feet One space per 355 square feet One space per 715 square feet One space per 415 square feet One space per 170 square feet One space per 300 square feet One space per 240 square feet One space per 300 square feet . No parking requirement if outdoor seating area is equal to or less than the indoor seating area. . For any outdoor seating area that exceeds the indoor seating area, parking shall be based on the applicable restaurant rate, for the excess area . One space per 415 square feet Item #12 Page 16 of 38 2-23 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 26 of 162 Table 2-3, Parking Requirements (Continued) CIVIC GENERAL USE PARKING REQUIREMENT Cultural Facility One space per 595 square feet EDUCATION GENERAL USE PARKING REQUIREMENT Child Day Care Center One space per employee plus a minimum of one space per ten children. Education Facility, Other One space per 240 square feet OTHER GENERAL USE PARKING REQUIREMENT Athletic and Health Clubs, Gymnasium, and Physical . One space per 240 square feet Conditioning Business Automotive Service and Gasoline Station . Up to three bays: four spaces . Four or more bays: four spaces plus two spaces per bay in excess of three. , Work bays do not count as parking spaces. If no work bays, one space per 355 sf, excluding gas pumps. Professional Care Facility 0.45 parking space per every bed. Public assembly (e.g., place of worship, cinema, One space per each five seats or one space per 120 square theater) feet of assembly area, whichever is greater. Right of Way Uses ···--· Curb cafe or sidewalk cafe For a curb cafe or sidewalk cafe, no parking required. . For a curb cafe and sidewalk cafe, parking shall be required based on the greater of the two seating areas and the applicable restaurant rate. If equal in area, the parking required shall be based on only one of the cafe uses. Outdoor display No parking requirement 2-24 July 28, 2020 Item #l2 CARL~~~b Ji1.atJ\ BARRIO June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 27 of 162EXHIBIT 3 July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 18 of 38 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 28 of 162July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 19 of 38 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 29 of 162July 28, 2020 Item #12 · Page 20 of 38 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 30 of 162July 28, 2020 _ Item #12 Page 21 of 38 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 31 of 162July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 22 of 38 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 32 of 162July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 23 of 38 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 33 of 162July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 24 of 38 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 34 of 162July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 25 of 38 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 35 of 162July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 26 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 36 of 162 July 20, 2020 To: From: Via: Ad Hoc City Council Economic Revitalization Subcommittee Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager {cityof Carlsbad Re: Improving the city's ability to ·provide temporary relief for businesses in the Village & Barrio Master Plan area during the COVID-19 emergency With the ongoing closures associated with the COVID pandemic, businesses are struggling to find ways to continue operations even on a limited basis. While staff has found creative solutions to allow temporary activation of areas like private parking lots and sidewalk dining, city regulations do not provide enough flexibility to allow certain solutions that could help businesses operate during these unprecedented times. On July 14, 2020 during discussions on City Council agenda item #15 (COVID-19 Acti.ons and Expenditures Report), the City Council expressed interest in allowing temporary exemptions for certain requirements governing curb cafes in the Village/Barrio Master Plan area. In response, staff has identified below those sections within the plan that complicate the city's ability to allow for workable solutions, accompanied by recommendations on how best to modify/deviate from those regulations to assist struggling businesses. Staff is seeking input and recommendations from the subcommittee regarding these proposed allowances. Following subcommittee review, staff will bring forward a resolution for the City Council's consideration that will augment the powers of the Director of Emergency Services (City Manager) under Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 6.04 to authorize him to make these temporary allowances for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. If approved, it is intended that all temporary impr:ovements/allowances granted under this authority shall be removed once the emergency order has been rescinded. Businesses that wish to maintain the improvements will be required to comply with current codes and permitting requirements as stipulated under the current n:,unicipal code. CURB CAFES A curb cafe is defined as a deck structure that allows for outdoor seating to extend from the sidewalk into the parking lane for the purposes of food and/or beverage serving use. The following parking requirements within the master plan prevent businesses from using this tool. 1. The master plan prohibits curb cafe's when a city parking study shows an on-street public parking occupancy of >85% (Sections 2.6.5.A.2 & 4.a). The latest study (https://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/planning/psreports.asp) shows that the down.town area largely exceeds this threshold. Staff recommends that this requirement be suspended for the duration of the emergency. Since businesses are operating at roughly 50% occupancy, there has been a noticeable reduction in the number of automobiles in the area, resulting in a reduced need for parking in the downtown area. cdl:t11t1t¼Bit,ffielopment I 1635 Faraday Ave I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-6d~dbl.2 Page 27 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 37 of 162 COVID-19: Temporary relief for businesses in the Village & Barrio Master Plan area during the July 20, 2020 Page 2 2. Additional parking is required in cases where both a sidewalk cafe1 AND a curb cafe is proposed (Section and Table 2-3). Staff recommends that this requirement be suspended for the duration of the emergency for the same reasons specified in paragraph 1. 3. The maximum size of curb cafes is limited to two parking stalls (Section Some owners are wanting to use more stalls to accommodate more seating. Staff recommends that the number of stalls be increased from two stalls to a maximum of four stalls for the duration of the emergency. While this represents a potential doubling of the size of a curb cafe/due to social distancing requirements, it is anticipated that occupancy of the curb cafe would not exceed 50%. OUTDOOR DISPLAYS An outdoor display is a temporary display of merchandise by a business that is limited in size, duration and location and placed partially or wholly on public property. Section 2.6.5.C.1 of the master plan limits businesses to only one display that can be located within the public right-of-way. Because of social distancing criteria, businesses are prevented from having too many patrons inside their establishment to peruse and purchase merchandise. As such, businesses are seeking to display more product outside of their stores. Staff recommends that this restriction be suspended and not limited to only the display of merchandise, but expanded to inclu.de services and functions related to the business (e.g., cashiering, cutting hair) to the extent that other county and state regulations allow. It should be noted that outside the Village/Barrio Master Plan area, the .department issues Private Property Permits that allow similar types of business uses to temporarily operate during the emergency in private parking lots and · private common areas. See section "Private Property Permits" below for more information. All other requirements specified under the master plan such as unobstructed walkways (Section 2.6.5.C.S) and limited business hours (Section 2.6.5.C.2) shall remain. FRONTAGE LIMITATIONS Under the master plan, curb cafes, outdoor displays and sidewalk cafes are limited to the area most directly located in front of the businesses they serve. (Section 2.6.5.A.6, 2.6.5.C.3 and 2.6.5.B.3, respectively). Staff recommends that these requirements be suspended for the duration of the emergency if written permission to expand into the frontage areas of adjacent establishments is granted by the affected business owner(s). PRIVATE PROPERTY PERMIT On June 9, 2020, an additional materials memo was provided to the City Council regarding the use and purpose of the Private Property Permit (Attachment B). In short, Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8,17 regulates special.events that may affect traffic, public right-of-way, fire and police services, and/or often requires direct involvement of city staff. Examples of special events may include parades, concerts, 1 Sidewalk Cafe is defined as an outdoor extension of a food and/or beverage serving use where exterior seating occurs partially or wholly on public property. July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 28 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 38 of 162 COVID-19: Temporary relief for businesses in the Village & Barrio Master Plan area during the July 20, 2020 Page 3 demonstrations, public assemblies and spectator and participation sports like marathons, bicycle races and tournaments. The code recognizes that some special events are minor in scope and scale, held entirely on private property and do not impact public roads or services. These functions may involve weekend sales, store reopening or special business events that occur for a short duration, typically in a business's parking lot or private common area. The special event regulations authorize these forms of special events with the approval of a Private Property Permit. This is an administrative permit issued by the Community Development Director for a minor event or function held entirely on private property that does not require a traffic control plan or impact public road segments or intersections beyond normal operations. Additionally, events that qualify for this permit are not subject to the standards and processes required for a typical special event permit. Many zones that allow commercial and retail uses include a limitation requiring that all uses be conducted wholly within a building (Attachment C). The intent of this limitation is to prevent business activities from regularly and consistently being conducted outdoors where they may adversely impact neighboring properties. While special events conducted under a Private Property Permit are short-lived, the COVID protocols are expected to remain in place for the foreseeable future. As such, to minimize any potential confusion, staff recommends that temporary activation of private property such as parking lots be authorized during the emergency, even in zones that require that commercial and retail activity be conducted within a structure. Attachment A: Section 2.6.5 and 2.6.6 of the Village/Barrio Specific Plan Attachment B: June 9, 2020 Additional Materials Memo to City Council Attachment C: Zones requiring uses contained within a structure cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Cindie McMahon, Assistant City Attorney David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 29 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 39 of 162 EXHIBIT 4 All Receive -Agenda Item # + For the Information of the: pTYCOUNCIL Date~CA...:L cc ~ CM~ACM~DCM (3)~ {city of Carlsbad June 9, 2020 To: From: Via: Re: Council Memorandum Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer Jeff Murphy, Community Development Disector Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager l(tf Additional Materials Related to Staff ~ort Item No.7-COVID-19 Actions and Expenditures Report In response to the COVID-19 health emergency the State of California and County of San Diego require Carlsbad companies to implement adaptations to business operations to reduce the likelihood of disease transmission. Through ongoing engagement with the business community, the Community Development Department and Office of Innovation and Economic Development have identified that the expansion of operations onto sidewalks and activation of private parking lots can help mitigate the loss of usable indoor space. This memorandum provides information on how the city will process permits for Carlsbad businesses requesting to utilize their private parking lots and/or city sidewalks to expand operations during the COVID-19 social distancing protocols. Background With the state and county health officer's recent approval to move farther through stage 2 of California's reopening plan, dine-in restaurants and in-store retail have been allowed to reopen with modifications. Additionally, the California State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has also recently granted further regulatory relief that allows for expanded on-site sale privileges for license owners. Because businesses will be required to enact social distancing and follow other restrictions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, their ability to accommodate typical customer traffic within their establishments will be limited. As such, businesses may request the use of their private parking lots and/or public sidewalks to help maintain distance protocols while improving their ability to accommodate customers. On June 1, 2020 an informational item on temporary outdoor activation in response to COVID-19 was presented to the Ad Hoc City Council Economic Revitalization Subcommittee. The information provided; and further detail are provided in this memorandum. July 28, 2020 ·Item #12 Page 30 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 40 of 162 Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council June 9, 2020 Page 2 Discussion Attachment A outlines the requirements and permitting processes to allow businesses to temporarily utilize their private parking lots, or the public sidewalk outside of their establishment, while the mandated social distancing criteria is in place. Important process takeaways are as follows: • Permit authority is currently in place; no City Council action is necessary to implement • Permits are administrative and approved by the Community Development Director • Permits are given high priority and processed within two business days • A private property permit is free; right-of-way use permit is $381 • Permits are valid for one year or until protocols change, whichever comes first Next Steps Staff will be posting information on the website and actively advising business owners of this available option. A joint communication from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, Carlsbad Village Association and City of Carlsbad will be issued on June 10, 2020 with information regarding the temporary use of private parking lots and public sidewalks for business use during the COVID-19 social distancing protocols. This information will also be posted to the city's COVID-19 business resources page and will be regularly discussed during business community engagement. Attachment: A. Permit processing protocols for allowing temporary use of private parking lots and public sidewalks for business use during the COVID-19 social distancing requirements. cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Ron Kemp, Deputy City Attorney Michael Calderwood, Carlsbad Fire Chief Neil Gallucci, Carlsbad Police Chief July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 31 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 41 of 162 {city of Carlsbad Attachment A Permit processing protocols for allowing temporary use of private parking lots and public sidewalks for business use during COVID-19 social distancing restrictions Below summarizes the permit requirements to allow for the temporary use of private parking lots and public sidewalks. Private property permits shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance or until the state and county health office releases businesses from the coronavirus social distancing protocols or impose new restrictions/limitations, whichever comes first. A. PRIVATE PARKING LOTS 1. Authority Carlsbad Municipal Code §8.17 (Special Events) defines and establ ishes the authority for approving a "Private Property Permit."1 2. Permit Submittal Requirements The business/property owner shall submit the following information to the Community Development Department: • Private Property Special Event Permit Application (no fee is required for this app lication) • Copy of ABC application, if applicable • Detailed description of outdoor operations (i.e., intended use, occupancy levels, hours of operation) • Fully dimensioned, to-scale site plan of proposed area showing the following: o Parking area showing parking stalls o Temporary structures and location o Location of proposed customer areas o Path of travel from existing structure to outdoor area o ADA access and path of travel o If a portion of the parking lot will still be accessible to vehicles, ■ Types and location of temporary protective barriers ■ Vehicle paths of travel o The following notes must be clearly shown on the plans: ■ "The total number of tables/chairs placed outside shall not exceed the total number of tables/chairs removed from inside the building required for social distancing." ■ "Egress routes shall be clear and maintained and at all times" 1 §8.17.020 defines a "Private Property Permit" as an administrative permit issued by the community development director for a minor event/function held entirely on private property; §8.17 .020 defines a "Minor Event" as a special event that does not require a traffic control plan or impact public road segments or intersections beyond normal operations; §8.i. 7.040 exempts Private Property Permits from a Special Event Permit. Co~~Mra{v ~~~opment Department Item #12 Page 32 of 38 1635 Faradav Ave. I Carlsbad. CA 92008 I 760-602-4610 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 42 of 162 Attachment A Permit processing protocols for allowing temporary use of private parking lots and public sidewalks for business use during COVID-19 social distancing requirements ■ "Dedicated fire lanes shall be accessible at all times" ■ "ADA and pedestrian access shall be .maintained at all times." ■ "Any accessible parking stalls shall remain open for parking" 3. Permit Review Criteria Once submitted, the application packet will be routed (same day) to the following points of contact for processing: • Development Services Manager, Community Development Dept. (lead) • Building Official, Community Development Dept., Building & Code Enforcement • Assistant Fire Marshal, Carlsbad Fire Dept. • Community Services Officer, Carlsbad Police Dept. When reviewing applications, staff will focus on the following standards. • Compliance with applicable Fire Code requirements o A separate Tent Permit may be required from the Fire Dept for certain size canopies. • Compliance with applicable Building Code requirements, including ADA requirements • Vehicle path of travel and temporary barriers provide a safe and navigable layout • All required notes, conditions are clearly shown on the plans. Permit reviews are to be completed within two business days from submittal date and provided to the permit lead. A meeting with the applicant shall be scheduled as soon as possible to address any deficiencies or issues. Every attempt should be made to resolve conflicts and issue the permit within the two-day period. A. PUBLIC SIDEWALKS (only within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area) 1. Authority Pursuant to section 2.6.5.B of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan, a right-of-way use permit (charged as a "minor right-of-way permit" under the fee ordinance) is required for sidewalk cafes and outdoor displays. Section 11.16.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code authorizes the city engineer to issue right-of-way permits, including right-of-way use permits. All standards of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan section 2.6.5.B Sidewalk Cafe shall apply to establishments wishing to utilize the public sidewalk for operations du ring soda I distancing restrictions. Exception: Because the business operations and improvements in the right-of-way are temporary (no permanent structures authorized), pursuant to the authority granted under Section 2.6.5.B.7.b of the Master Plan, the city engineer has determined that an Encroachment Agreement is not necessary for right-of-way use permits issued under these protocols. 2. Permit Submittal Requirements The business/property owner shall submit the following information to the Community Development Department: July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 33 of 38 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 43 of 162 Attachment A Permit processing protocols for allowing temporary use of private parking lots and public sidewalks for business use during COVID-19 social distancing requirements • Right-of-way use permit application Form E-12 • Submittal requirements pursuant to Form E-12A, excluding checklist item #7 • A permit fee of $381 • Copy of ABC application, if applicable • Detailed description of outdoor operations (include use, occupancy levels, hours of operation) • Fully dimensioned to-scale site plan of proposed area showing the following: o Six-foot minimum unobstructed ADA path of travel, to maintain social distancing o Pictures supporting the site plan o Description and photos (if available) of proposed tables, chairs, displays and temporary fencing to be used in the right-of-way. • The following notes shall be included on the plans: o "No permanent fixtures shall be allowed in the public right-of-way." o "ADA and pedestrian access shall be maintained at all times." o "Sidewalk, planter and adjacent gutter areas shall always be kept free of litter and debris." o "A six-foot horizontal and seven-foot vertical clear path of travel shall always be maintained." o "Approved tables, chairs, displays and temporary fencing shall be kept clean and free of graffiti, rust, chipped/scratched paint." Once submitted, the application packet will be routed (same day) to the Engineering Technician, Community Development Dept./Land Development Engineering for review and processing. Permit reviews are to be completed within two business days from submittal date. A meeting with the applicant shall be scheduled as soon as possible to address any deficiencies or issues. Every attempt should be made to resolve conflicts and issue the permit within the two-day period. 3. Permit Review Criteria Compliance with the submittal requirements described above and Section 2.6.5.B of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan (as modified herein). July 28, 2020 Item #12 Page 34 of 38 --, June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 44 of 162 21.26.020 Limitations on permitted uses. Carlsbad Municipal Code .!,lp Prexious Next Main ~earch frint Title 21 ZONING Chapter 21.26 C-1 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE · 21.26.020 Limitations on permitted uses. Every nonresidential use permitted shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations: Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT 5 No Frames 1. All uses shall be conducted wholly within a building except such uses as gasoline stations, electrical transformer substations, nurseries for sale of plants and flowers and other enterprises customarily conducted in the open; 2. Products made incident to a pem1itted use shall be sold only at retail on the premises, and not more than five persons may be employed in the manufacturing, processing and treatment of products permitted herein; 3. Storage shall be limited to accessory storage of commodities sold at retail on the premises. (Ord. CS-172 § IV, 2012; Ord. NS-492 § 3, 1999; Ord. NS-439 § 3, 1998; Ord. 9224 § 2, 1969; Ord. 9060 § 1001) View the mobile version. July 28, 2020 Item #12 . Page 35 of 38 http://www.qcode.us/codes/carlsbad/view.php?topic=21-21 26-21 26 020&frames=on 7/17/2020 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 45 of 162 21.28.020 Limitations on permitted uses. Page 1 of 1 carlsbad Municipal Code YP Pre~ious Next Main .Search frint No Frames Title 21 ZONING Chapter 21.28 C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE 21.28.020 Limitations on permitted uses. Every nonresidential use permitted in the C-2 zone shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations: 1. All uses shall be conducted wholly within a building except such uses as gasoline stations, electrical transformer substations, horticultural nurseries and other enterprises customarily conducted in the open. 2. Products made incident to a permitted use and manufactured or processed on the premises shall be sold only at retail on the premises, and not more than five persons may be employed in such manufacturing, processing and treatment of products. 3. Storage shall be limited to accessory storage of commodities sold at retail on the premises. (Ord. CS-172 § VIII, 2012; Ord. NS-492 § 6, 1999; Ord. NS-439 § 6, 1998; Ord. 9224 § 2, 1969; Ord. 9060 § 1101) View the mobile version. JL,Jly 28, 2020 . . lteru #12 Page 3-6 of 38 http:i'1www.qcode.us/codes/carlsbad/v1ew.php?top1c=21-2 l _ 28-21 _ 28 _ 020&trames=on 7i'20/2020 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 46 of 162 21.30.020 Limitations on permitted uses. Page 1 of 1 Carlsbad Municipal Code yp Pre:iious Next Main .Search frint No Frames Title 21 ZONING Chapter 21.30 C-M HEAVY COMMERCIAL-LIMITED INDUSTRIAL ZONE 21.30,020 Limitations on permitted uses. Every use permitted shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations: (I) When an industrial area fronts or sides upon a thoroughfare, the opposite side of which is classified for "R" purposes, there shall be maintained a building line setback often percent of the average depth of the lots in each block of such industrial area, provided such setback shall not be less than ten feet nor exceed fifty feet in depth. A minimum strip of landscaping approved by the planning commission shall be maintained along all frontage of the setback area. In addition thereto, the following uses may be permitted in such setback area: (A) Landscaping, (B) Motor vehicle parking ( only if surfaced in such manner as to eliminate dust or mud), (C) Employees recreational area without structures, (D) Driveways (only if surfaced in such manner as to eliminate dust or mud), (E) Railroad spur tracks, excluding storage of railroad motive power equipment or rolling stock, (F) An ornamental open type fence not over eight feet in height, made of material such as woven wire, wood, welded wire, chain link or wrought iron; (2) All uses shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building, or within an area enclosed on all sides with a solid wall or uniformly painted fence not less than five feet in height, except such uses as gasoline stations, electrical transformer substations, horticultural nurseries and other enterprises customarily conducted in the open, provided such exclusion shall not include storage yards, contractor's yards and like uses; (3) All operations conducted on the premises shall not be objectionable by reason of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, vibration or other similar causes. (Ord. NS-492 § 9, 1999; Ord. NS-439 § 9, 1998; Ord. 9060 § 1201) View the mobile version. J~ly 28, 2020 Item. #12 Page 37 of 38 http://www.qcode.us/codes/carlsbad/view.php?topic=21-21_30-2l_30_020&trames=on 7/17/2020 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 47 of 162 21.31.070 Limitations on permitted uses. Page 1 of 1 carlsbad Municipal Code Y.p Pre~ious .Next Main Search frint No Frames Title 21 ZONING Chapter 21.31 C-L LOCAL SHOPPING CENTER ZONE 21.31.070 Limitations on permitted uses. Every nonresidential use permitted shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations: A. Conduct Uses in Buildings. All uses shall be conducted wholly within a building, except such uses as gasoline stations, nurseries for sale of plants and flowers, uses set out in Section 21.31.060, and other enterprises customarily conducted in the open or otherwise as identified and permitted in a site development plan. The city planner is authorized to make any necessary interpretations of this subsection; B. On-Site Manufacture of Goods. Products made incident to a permitted use shall be sold only at retail on the premises, and not more than five persons may be employed in the manufacturing of products permitted herein; C. Storage shall be limited to: I. Accessory storage of commodities to be sold at retail on the premises; and 2. Materials to be recycled. (Ord. CS-172 § XIII, 2012; Ord. CS-164 § I 0, 2011; Ord. NS-765 § 3, 2005) View the mobile version. July 28, 2020 . . Jtem.#12 Page 38 of38 · http://WWW.qcode.us/codes/carlsbad/v1ew.php?top1c=21-21_31-21_31_ 07U&trames=on 7/17/2020 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 48 of 162 All Rec~ive -Agenda Item# j,2..- For the Information ofthe: {city of Carlsbad 7 T~lJJ~OUNCIL Date ~CA ✓ CC V CM V ACrv1 V DCM (3) V July 28, 2020 To: From: Via: Re: Council Memorandum Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Jeff Murphy, Community Developmen~~ctor Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Gpt Additional Materials Related to Staff Report Item No. 12 -Empowering the Director of Emergency Services to Temporarily Suspend or Modify Certain Land Development Standards to Mitigate the Economic Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic State of Emergency on Local Businesses On July 27, 2020, the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Economic Revitalization (Subcommittee) considered additional information about the business makeup of the downtown area relative to the above referenced item. After deliberation, the subcommittee supported allowing the size of curb cafes to be expanded from two to four parking stalls, subject to the following restrictions: • Businesses that are issued a Private Property Permit to activate a private parking lot or private common area shall not be eligible for a right-of-way use permit for a curb cafe. • The maximum length of a curb cafe may extend past the length of the business frontage it serves, only if written authorization is granted from the affected adjacent business owner and property owner. Background As reflected in the July 28, 2020, staff report, the maximum size of curb cafes is limited to two parking stalls (Section 2.6.5.A.5). Some business owners are wanting to use more stalls, as many as four, to accommodate more seating to help offset their loss of indoor space. At its meeting on July 20, 2020, the Subcommittee did not initially provide a recommendation on this matter, but raised the concerns listed below. The Subcommittee also requested additional information about the business makeup of the downtown area and those businesses that would likely utilize a curb cafe. • Concerns were raised over equity in that a business that activates both a private parking lot and curb cafe has an unfair advantage over a business that relies entirely on street parking. • Parking stalls are not assigned to specific businesses but provide parking for all establishments in the downtown area. The Subcommittee raised concerns that too many curb cafes could cut into public street parking for non-restaurant businesses. June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 49 of 162 Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council July 28, 2020 Page 2 Discussion At its meeting on July 27, 2020, the Economic Development Department staff provided the Subcommittee with the requested information and, after deliberation, the Subcommittee agreed to recommend the expansion of curb cafes from two to four stalls subject to the following conditions: • Businesses that are issued a Private Property Permit to activate a private parking lot or private common area shall not be eligible for a right-of-way use permit for a curb cafe. • The maximum length of a curb cafe may extend past the length of the business frontage it serves, only if written authorization is granted in writing from the affected adjacent business owner and property owner. If the City Council agrees with the Subcommittee's recommendations, a revised "Attachment A" to the City Council resolution that incorporates these recommendations is attached and would replace the version included in the July 28, 2020, staff report. Attachment: A. Attachment A to the City Council Resolution (Rev. 7 /27 /20) cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Cindie McMahon, Deputy City Attorney Ron Kemp, Deputy City Attorney David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 50 of 162 ATTACHMENT A (Rev. 7 /27 /20} LAND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED OR MODIFIED DURING THE LOCAL COVID-19 PANDEMIC STATE OF EMERGENCY A. Curb Cafes (Section 2.6.5.A of the Village & Barrio Master Plan) The following standards are temporarily suspended or modified for a curb cafe, which is defined under the master plan as a temporary deck structure for a food and/or beverage serving use that allows for outdoor seating to extend from the sidewalk and into the parking lane. 1. The following provision of Sections 2.6.5.A.2 is suspended. Curb cafes are temporary structures on public streets. The city engineer may require their temporary or permanent removal to accommodate street or other infrastructure improvements or maintenance or to ensure adequate public · parking is maintained. In the Coasta.1 Zone, if city authorized parking studies indicate public parking occupancy 1.vithin a quarter mile radius of the curb caf6 is gs percent or more for five consecutive years, the curb caf6 shall be remo•Jed unless the applicant can secure replacement public parking ·within the quarter mile radius equal to the number of on street parking spaces impacted by the curb caf6. 2. The following provision of Sections 2.6.5.A.4 is suspended No more than four curb cafes may be permitted per street block (see definition in appendix A); however, this maximum may be reduced for the following reasons: a. No curb cafes shall be permitted on any street block that has an on street public parking occupancy of gs percent or more based on the most recent City authorized parking study or other information the city engineer accepts. b. The city engineer may limit the number of curb cafes or deny a curb cafe due to reasons of public health, safety or welfare, such as lack of adequate infrastructure, topography, bike lanes, and proximity to driveways, intersections, and residences. 3. Sections 2.6.5.A.9.c is suspended. c. Parking as required by Section 2.6.6. 4. Sections 2.6.5.A.5 is modified as follows. The maximum size of curb cafes shall be limited to -twe four diagonal or parallel parking spaces. Where parking spaces are not demarcated, the -twe four parking space maximum shall still apply and shall be based on dimensional parking standards approved by the city engineer. June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 51 of 162 5. Sections 2.6.5.A.6 is modified as follows. ATTACHMENT A (Rev. 7 /27 /20} The maximum length and size of the curb cafe shall generally be restricted to the length of the building/tenant space the curb cafe serves . The curb cafe shall be "most-directly" in front of the business it serves. Accordingly, some curb cafes may be limited to no more than one parking space. Notwithstanding, the maximum length of a curb cafe may extend past the length of the business frontage it serves, only if written authorization is granted from the affected adjacent business owner and property owner. 6. Eating/drinking establishments that are issued a Private Property Permit to activate a private parking lot or private common area shall not be eligible for a right-of-way use permit for a curb cafe. B. Sidewalk Cafe (Section 2.6.5.B of the Village & Barrio Master Plan) The following standards are temporarily modified for a sidewalk cafe, which is defined under the master plan as an outdoor extension of a food and/or beverage serving use where exterior seating occurs partially or wholly on public property. 1. Section 2.6.5.B.3 is modified as follows. The sidewalk cafe shall be restricted to the frontage(s) of the business it serves and shall not encroach on the frontage of any adjacent business, unless authorization is granted in writing from the adjacent business/property owner. C. Outdoor display (Section 2.6.5.C of the Village & Barrio Master Plan) The following standards are temporarily suspended or modified for an outdoor display, which is defined under the master plan as a temporary display of merchandise by a business that is limited in size, duration and location and placed partially or wholly on public property. 1. Section 2.6.5.C.1 is suspended. One outdoor display may be located outside the •,a.ralls of the business space it serves and •,a.rithin the public right of way. 2. Uses, services and operations associated with the business shall be allowed to temporarily occupy that space reserved for outdoor displays consistent with the standards specified in Sections 2.6.5.C.2 and 4 through 7. 3. Section 2.6.5.C.3 is modified as follows. The outdoor display shall be placed adjacent to and parallel to the subject business. The display shall not be placed adjacent to the street curb, perpendicular to the business, or as part of a curb cafe. The outdoor display shall not encroach upon the frontage of an adjacent business, unless authorization is granted in writing from the adjacent business. June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 52 of 162 D. Private Property Permit {Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17) ATTACHMENT A (Rev. 7/27/20) The temporary outdoor activation of private property such as parking lots and common areas to allow the continued operations and services of businesses affected by COVID may be authorized upon approval of a Private Property Permit, even in zones that require that commercial and retail activity be conducted within a structure, including, Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections 21.26.020(1), 21.28.020(1), 21.30.020(2), and 21.31.070(A). Jeff Murphy Community Development Director July 28, 2020 Temporary Regulatory Relief during COVIDJune 7, 2022Item #11 Page 53 of 162 Background •Over 30 businesses using parking lots for services •Working with several others to activate space •But more is needed, businesses looking to… Expand into on-street parking stalls Allow activities normally conducted inside, outdoors 2 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 54 of 162 Background •July 14, 2020, City Council expressed interest in allowing temporary exemptions. •Staff presented options before the Economic Revitalization Subcommittee. •Subcommittee discussed/took the following actions 3 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 55 of 162 Sidewalk Cafe 4 •An outdoor eating/drinking area extending from building frontage into sidewalk. •Limited to the area immediately in front of business. June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 56 of 162 Sidewalk Cafe 5 •An outdoor eating/drinking area extending from building frontage into sidewalk. •Limited to the area immediately in front of business. •Allowed to expand if written permission from adjacent property owner is authorized June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 57 of 162 Outdoor Displays 6 •The temporary display of merchandise by businesses that is limited in size, duration and location. •Three standards that limit use Display on State StreetJune 7, 2022Item #11 Page 58 of 162 Outdoor Displays 7 •One display per business, display must located within frontage of that business and limited to merchandiseJune 7, 2022Item #11 Page 59 of 162 Outdoor Displays 8 •One display per business, display must located within frontage of that business and limited to merchandise •Temporarily suspend display limits, allow displays to encroach and allow for services June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 60 of 162 Curb Cafés •A deck structure that allows for outdoor seating to extend from the edge of sidewalk into the parking lane for the purposes of food and/or beverage serving. •Three standards frustrate use 9 Curb Café on State StreetJune 7, 2022Item #11 Page 61 of 162 Curb Cafés •Prohibition if parking study shows public parking occupancy >85% 10 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 62 of 162 Curb Cafés •Prohibition if parking study shows public parking occupancy >85% •Reduced occupancy resulting in a reduced need for parking in the downtown area. •Temporarily suspend standard 11 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 63 of 162 Curb Cafés •Additional parking required if a curb café AND sidewalk café are proposed. 12 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 64 of 162 Curb Cafés •Additional parking required if a curb café AND sidewalk café are proposed. •Temporarily suspend standard 13 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 65 of 162 Curb Cafés •Limited in size to two parking stalls; four requested 14 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 66 of 162 Curb Cafés •Limited in size to two parking stalls; four requested •Equity concerns •Impacts on non-restaurant uses •Over-saturation/limiting parking 15 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 67 of 162 Curb Cafés Economic Development Department •Information on business makeup of the village •Parking opportunities •Discussions with owners 16 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 68 of 162 Curb Cafés Subcommittee recommended to allow subject to following •Not eligible if business activates private parking lot •Must receive written authorization from neighbors 17 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 69 of 162 Private Property Permit •Code requires uses to be conducted indoors •Code allows outdoor temporary events on private property •COVID protocols, while temporary, expected in foreseeable future 18 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 70 of 162 Private Property Permit •To avoid confusion, clarify that activation is only authorized for duration of the emergency •Allows uses to temporarily operate outdoors such gyms, churches, barbershops, salons •Subject to County/State allowance 19 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 71 of 162 Recommendations Adopt the resolution (as revised) amending the powers of the Director of Emergency Services to temporarily suspend certain land development standards to assist businesses during the COVID-19 Pandemic 20 June 7, 2022Item #11 Page 72 of 162 Jeff Murphy Community Development Director July 28, 2020 Temporary Regulatory Relief during COVIDJune 7, 2022Item #11 Page 73 of 162 Meeting Date Sept. 1, 2020 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager laura.rocha@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2415 David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer david.graham@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-5992 Subject Empower the Director of Emergency Services to Temporarily Suspend the Collection of Fees for Sidewalk Café, Outdoor Display, and Curb Café Permits to Mitigate the Economic Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic State of Emergency on Local Businesses Recommended Action 1.Adopt a resolution that includes the following actions: a.Empower the director of emergency services to suspend the collection of fees for sidewalk café, outdoor display, and curb café permits until February 28, 2021, or for the duration of the local COVID-19 pandemic emergency, whichever is later b.Empower the director of emergency services to suspend the collection of fees for sidewalk café, outdoor display, and curb café-related encroachment agreements until February 28, 2021, or for the duration of the local COVID-19 pandemic emergency, whichever is later c.Authorize the director of emergency services to reimburse fees that were paid for sidewalk café, outdoor display, or curb café permits that were issued from March 1, 2020, to the effective date of this resolution using Economic Recovery and Revitalization Initiative funds set aside for contingency or future City Council decisions d.Authorize the director of emergency services to reimburse fees that were paid for sidewalk café, outdoor display, or curb café-related encroachment agreements that were issued from March 1, 2020, to the effective date of this resolution using Economic Recovery and Revitalization Initiative funds set aside for contingency or future City Council decisions e.Authorize the deputy city manager of administrative services to offset revenue lost from the suspension of fee collection associated with this action from the Economic Recovery and Revitalization Initiative funds set aside for contingency or future City Council decisions Sept. 1, 2020 Item #8 Page 1 of 7June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 74 of 162 Exhibit 2 f. Authorize the director of emergency services to take any further action necessary and appropriate to carry out the purpose and intent of this resolution Executive Summary The city has a process to approve the use of public right-of-way for business operations that include sidewalk café, outdoor display, and curb café permits. The City Council has temporarily modified certain standards and land use rules to provide more flexibility in approving these permits during the pandemic. The city has since issued permits to more than 50 businesses allowing them to temporarily move their operations outdoors, onto private property, public sidewalks and on-street public parking spaces so that they can comply with the public health orders issued to fight COVID-19. The City Council passed a minute motion on August 18, 2020, directing staff to present the council with this agenda item, which would enact a fee holiday for sidewalk café, outdoor display, and curb café permits. The proposed resolution would empower the city manager, as the city’s director of emergency services, to suspend the fees on temporary and longer-term sidewalk café, outdoor display, and curb café permits. It would also allow the director to refund any outdoor activation permit fees that have been paid since March 1, 2020. Discussion The state and county public health orders issued to slow the spread of COVID-19 have closed indoor operations or reduced operable space for many businesses. In response, city staff have been working with local businesses to help them move their operations outdoors. The city has also temporarily suspended or modified certain land use rules to allow for a greater number and more varied types of businesses to operate on public sidewalks and in on-street public parking spaces. The city has long allowed for the use of public sidewalks and public on-street parking through sidewalk café, outdoor display, and curb café permits. When the pandemic’s public health orders required the closure of indoor operations, businesses were able to use these permits to quickly activate outdoor spaces on public sidewalks and in on-street parking spots. Some businesses were also granted no-cost permits allowing them to use private property, such as their parking spaces, to add to their existing outdoor areas. Outdoor commercial activation of the public right-of-way can contribute to a vibrant walkable experience in the city by allowing certain business operations to be appropriately conducted outdoors while still providing adequate space for pedestrians. Dining and shopping outdoors can enhance the vitality of the Village and other commercial areas throughout the city. The fees associated with the temporary and longer-term permits to activate public right-of-way for business operations are as follows: Type of permit Fees Private property activation $0 Sidewalk café or outdoor display $381, one time Sept. 1, 2020 Item #8 Page 2 of 7June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 75 of 162 Parking stall used for temporary or long-term curb café $381, one time + $1,200 per parking stall per year Encroachment agreement processing for activation improvements affixed to the public sidewalk $369, one time These fees were set long before the pandemic’s health restrictions were imposed on businesses across the state. A statewide public health order was issued July 13, 2020, closing bars, pubs, brewpubs, and indoor operations of dine-in restaurants, wineries and tasting rooms, family entertainment centers, movie theaters and certain other attractions. The orders allow these businesses to move their operations outdoors, which studies show reduces the risk of disease transmission. It is not known when indoor operations at businesses that have been closed by the statewide public health order will be allowed to reopen. In his news conference on August 19, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that the state was working with county health officers on a plan for reopening businesses. That plan will include new criteria and new conditions. The approach currently under consideration would likely involve reopening different sectors in stages, in a phased approach intended to give epidemiologists the time they need to better understand whether a particular type of business or activity causes COVID-19 case rates to increase. The city has been trying to help businesses weather these uncertain times by reducing barriers to business operations during the pandemic. Suspending the collection of fees businesses have been required to pay to move operations outdoor is in keeping with these ongoing efforts. The proposed resolution would reimburse applicants for the fees paid for sidewalk café, outdoor display, and curb café permits from March 1, 2020, to the effective date of the resolution associated with this action. On August 24, 2020 the Ad Hoc City Council Economic Revitalization Subcommittee considered the proposed temporary suspension of permit fees outlined by this item and recommended approval. Suspending these fees will provide economic relief to businesses that have had indoor operations restricted due to the public health orders while providing more outdoor space for business activities, which reduces the risk of disease transmission and contributes to the longer-term activation of public right-of-way to foster dynamically walkable commercial areas. Fiscal Analysis The city has allocated $5 million to COVID-19 related economic response, recovery and revitalization. Fee reimbursement and the revenue offset from the suspension of fee collection will be funded from the Economic Recovery and Revitalization Initiative funds set aside for contingency or future city council actions. There is $225,000 remaining for contingency or future city council actions. It is difficult to estimate how many sidewalk café, outdoor display, and curb café permits may be issued given the uncertain nature of the COVID-19 health emergency. To estimate the Sept. 1, 2020 Item #8 Page 3 of 7June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 76 of 162 potential fiscal impact of this measure, staff evaluated permit applications that are in process, engaged with businesses that expressed interest in the temporary right-of-way permits and conducted a citywide visual assessment of business areas. An analysis of permitting activity shows that there is significantly more use of private property than the public right-of-way by businesses moving operations outdoors. Fourteen percent of temporary activation permits are on public sidewalks and public on-street parking. The city collected between $7,500 and $8,000 in fees for outdoor activation permits issued from March 1 to Aug. 25, 2020. Staff will present updated fees paid to date information to the City Council during the council meeting. Given the information currently available, staff estimates that suspending the collection of fees authorized by this action could result in an approximate loss of $15,000 to $25,000 over the next six months. This would be offset by the Economic Recovery and Revitalization Initiative funds set aside for contingency or future City Council actions. Future public health orders, the length of time the COVID-19 pandemic persists, and the decisions of local businesses will either increase or decrease the loss of revenue that would need to be covered. Next Steps City staff will contact and reimburse fees paid for permits issued from March 1, 2020, to the effective date of the resolution. City staff will continue outreach and engagement with businesses to support permitting outdoor operations of businesses on private and public right- of-way. Staff will continue working with businesses that have not been granted permits but are conducting business operations on outdoor private property areas or in to public right-of-way to educate their managers on the requirements and help bring the businesses into compliance. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Resolution Sept. 1, 2020 Item #8 Page 4 of 7June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 77 of 162 Sept. 1, 2020 Item #8 Page 5 of 7June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 78 of 162 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-181 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, EMPOWERING THE DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY SERVICES TO TEMPORARILY SUSPEND THE COLLECTION OF FEES FOR SIDEWALK CAFE, OUTDOOR DISPLAY, AND CURB CAFE PERMITS WHEREAS, on February 14, 2020, the San Diego County Health Officer declared a Local Health Emergency as a result of the spread of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, on March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom proclaimed a statewide state of emergency as a result of the spread of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, the Director of Emergency Services proclaimed a local state of emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which the City Council subsequently ratified and extended; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-33-20 directing individuals living in California to comply with a State Public Health Officer order to stay at home except as needed to facilitate authorized, necessary activities or to maintain the continuity of operations at critical infrastructure sectors; and WHEREAS, on May 4, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-60-20 allowing non- essential businesses to reopen in four stages in compliance with criteria set by the State Public Health Officer and based on certain public health criteria being met on a county-by-county basis; and WHEREAS, on June 19, 2020, dine-in restaurants, alcohol-serving businesses offering dine-in meals, personal care services businesses and other businesses in the County of San Diego were permitted to reopen subject to compliance with state issued guidance; and WHEREAS, on July 13, 2020. a statewide public health officer order was issued closing bars, pubs, brewpubs, and closing indoor operations of dine-in restaurants, wineries, tasting rooms, family entertainment centers, movie theaters, zoos, museums, and cardrooms; and WHEREAS, the July 13, 2020, statewide public health officer orders states that the rationale for moving activities outdoors to reduce risk is anchored in the science of disease transmission and recent studies show that transmission is greater in indoor settings due to the release of infectious particles into the air when someone speaks, coughs, sneezes, or sings, which is exacerbated in indoor spaces particularly when lacking appropriate ventilation; and Sept. 1, 2020 Item #8 Page 6 of 7June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 79 of 162 WHEREAS, the State of California has issued industry guidance for businesses that are allowed to reopen that require modification to business operations which has a direct cost and may have an impact on the space in which businesses may operate thus impacting revenue; and WHEREAS, the impact of COVID-19 on businesses and the workforce is significant with the State of California unemployment rate in July standing at 13.3%, which is higher than the 12.3% it was during the height of the Great Recession (March, October, and November 2010); and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad unemployment rate in June was 11% compared to a 2019 average of 2.9%; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad conducted a survey of businesses impacted by COVID-19 which ended in July and found that seventy-two percent of companies indicated the need for further financial assistance to maintain operations over the next six months; and WHEREAS, 78% of businesses surveyed indicated that they experienced a revenue decrease of more than 25% due to COVID-19; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to take steps to ensure local businesses remain economically viable during the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency; and WHEREAS, there is a public benefit to providing economic relief to businesses impacted by the COVID-19 health emergency, so they may continue providing jobs and tax revenue to the City of Carlsbad to fund public services; and WHEREAS, there is a public benefit to permitting sidewalk cafe, outdoor display, and curb cafe operations for the enjoyment of patrons and to assist businesses in generating revenue; and WHEREAS, there is a public benefit to expanding outdoor business operations to reduce the risk of disease transmission which according to the California Department of Public Health is exacerbated in indoor spaces particularly when lacking appropriate ventilation; and WHEREAS, adopting this resolution is necessary and appropriate to mitigate the immediate threats to the public health, safety, and welfare of residents and local businesses from the significant economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by providing economic relief and providing resources to remain open in compliance with the public health orders. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. Sept. 1, 2020 Item #8 Page 7 of 7June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 80 of 162 2. That the director of emergency services is empowered to suspend the collection of fees for the issuance of sidewalk cafe, outdoor display, and curb cafe permits until February 28, 2021, or for the duration of the local COVID-19 pandemic emergency, whichever is later. 3. That the director of emergency services is empowered to suspend the collection of fees for the issuance of sidewalk cafe, outdoor display, and curb cafe related encroachment agreements until February 28, 2021, or for the duration of the local COVID-19 pandemic emergency, whichever is later. 4. That the director of emergency services is authorized to reimburse fees that were paid for sidewalk cafe, outdoor display, or curb cafe permits that were issued from March 1, 2020, until the effective date of this resolution funded by the Economic Recovery and Revitalization Initiative monies set aside for contingency or future City Council decisions. 5. That the director of emergency services is authorized to reimburse fees that were paid for encroachment agreements related to sidewalk cafe, outdoor display, or curb cafe permits issued from March 1, 2020, until the effective date of this resolution funded by the Economic Recovery and Revitalization Initiative monies set aside for contingency or future City Council decisions. 6. That the deputy city manager, administrative services is authorized to offset revenue lost from the suspension of fee collection associated with this action from the Economic Recovery and Revitalization Initiative monies set aside for contingency or future city council actions. 7. That the director of emergency services may take any further action necessary and appropriate to carry out the purpose and intent of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 1st day of September, 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor ~ =k (SEAL) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 81 of 162 Mia De Marzo Subject: FW: Agenda Item 8 -Suspension of Fee Collection From: Christine Davis <chris@carlsbad-village.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 1:05 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> All Receive -Agenda Item # .B. For the lnformitien ef the: ' CITY COUNCIL ~ateCl I l}'ZtDcA ~cc )=: CM ~ACM 'lcocM (3) j9 Cc: David Graham <David.Graham@carlsbadca.gov>; Matt Sanford <Matt.Sanford@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Agenda Item 8 -Suspension of Fee Collection Dear Mayor and City Council Members: I am writing in regards to Agenda Item #8 -the temporary suspension of fee collections for sidewalk cafes, outdoor displays, and curb cafe permits. As the council, city staff, and the residents of Carlsbad know, the small businesses in Carlsbad Village are still struggling financially and are still recreating themselves and the way they do business. Their resiliency has been nothing short of inspirational, but there is still much work to be done. The health pandemic continues to push our operations outdoors for safety reasons. Therefore, being able to utilize the sidewalks, and other public right of way areas, is very helpful until which time indoor operations can resume. To that end, the Carlsbad Village Association would like to ask that council adopt the resolution to temporarily suspend fee collections for these types of outdoor activations to further help in the recovery efforts of our small business community. CVA has been working with city staff to help with permit compliance, rules and regulations, and will continue to do so to help make this financial program effective for all parties involved. Thank you again for all that you are doing to support the ongoing recovery efforts of Carlsbad Village businesses. CVA is here to assist in any way possible. Sincerely, CHRISTINE DAVIS I Executive Director Carlsbad Village Association p: 760.644.2121 Subscribe to our eNewsletter !CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.I 1 Outdoor Activations in the Village and Barrio Area (Residents) Do you live in the Village and Barrio area? Null I live elsewhere in the City of Carlsbad I live in the Village and Barrio area I live outside the City of Carlsbad but frequent the Village and Barrio area 200 400 600 Do you live in the Village and Barrio area? 3-6 times a year 7-12 times a year 13+ times a year Never 0 200 400 600 Count of Respondent IDHow often do you dine at Carlsbad restaurants with with sidewalk dining, curb cafes or dining in part of a parking lot? (Outdoor activations) No, I generally do not enjoy the experience of outdoor dining Yes, I generally enjoy the experience of outdoor dining 0 500 1000 Do you generally enjoy the experience of outdoor dining in a curb café, sidewalk café, or private outdoor dining area in the Village and Barrio area? Curb cafes (dining set ups in the street) make the a.. 0 200 400 600 800 Sidewalk cafes add to the aesthetic of the village an.. Private outdoor dining areas add to the aesthet.. Curb cafes detract from the aesthetic of the villag.. Sidewalk cafes detract from the aesthetic of th.. Private outdoor dining areas detract from th.. Outdoor activations generally bring mor.. I am a business owner/operator in the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Area I am a resident Other 0 500 1000 Are you responding as a resident or business owner/operator? What is your sentiment toward outdoor activations in the Village and Barrio Area? Do you think outdoor activations make the Village and Barrio look nicer or do they detract from the appearance of these areas? (Select all that apply) The loss of parking caused by outdoor activations is NOT noticeable The loss of parking caused by outdoor activations is noticeable 0 200 400 600 800 Do you perceive outdoor activations to cause a noticeable impact on parking in the Village and Barrio area? Yes, curb cafes unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access or ADA compliance 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Yes, sidewalk cafes unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access or ADA compliance Yes, private outdoor dining areas unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access or ADA com.. No, outdoor activations do not unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access or ADA co.. I would like to see a similar number of curb cafes as there are today I would like to see fewer curb cafes I would like to see more curb cafes 0 200 400 In your opinion, how should curb cafes be considered in the future in the Village and Barrio area? Curb cafes should be up to 2 parking spots in size Curb cafes should be up to 4 parking spots in size 0 200 400 600 In your opinion, what size curb café do you think is appropriate in the Village and Barrio area I would like to see a similar number of sidewalk cafes as there are today I would like to see fewer sidewalk cafes I would like to see more sidewalk cafes 0 200 400 600 In your opinion, how should sidewalk cafes be considered in the future in the Village and Barrio area? I would like to see a similar number of private outdoor dining areas as there are today I would like to see fewer private outdoor dining areas I would like to see more private outdoor dining areas 0 200 400 600 In your opinion, how should private outdoor dining areas be considered in the future in the Village and Barrio area? Do you perceive outdoor activations to unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access or ADA compliance? (Select all that apply) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 82 of 162 Exhibit 3 Outdoor Activations in the Village and Barrio Area (Business Owners) Yes, I currently operate a business with a curb café 0 50 100 Yes, I currently operate a business with a sidewalk café Yes, I currently operate a business with a private outdoor dining area No, I do not currently operate a curb café Yes, my business was impacted by a nearby curb café 0 50 100 Yes, my business was impacted by a nearby sidewalk café Yes, my business was impacted by a nearby private outdoor dining area No, my business was not impacted by a nearby outdoor activation Curb cafes (dining set ups in the street) make the a.. 0 20 40 60 80 Sidewalk cafes add to the aesthetic of the Village an.. Private outdoor dining areas add to the aestheti.. Curb cafes detract from the aesthetic of the Villag.. Sidewalk cafes detract from the aesthetic of th.. Private outdoor dining areas detract from th.. Outdoor activations generally bring mor.. What is your sentiment toward outdoor activations in the Village and Barrio Area? Do you think outdoor activations make the Village and Barrio look nicer or do they detract from the appearance of these areas?(Select all that apply) I am a business owner/operator in the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Area I am a resident Other 0 500 1000 Are you responding as a resident or business owner/operator? The loss of parking caused by outdoor activations is NOT noticeable for customers The loss of parking caused by outdoor activations is noticeable for customers 0 10 20 30 Do you perceive outdoor activations to cause a noticeable impact on parking for customers in the Village and Barrio area? Yes, curb cafes unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access 0 50 100 Yes, sidewalk cafes unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access Yes, private outdoor dining areas unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access No, outdoor activations do not unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access Yes, curb cafes unreasonably hinder or block ADA access 0 50 100 Yes, sidewalk cafes unreasonably hinder or block ADA access Yes, private outdoor dining areas unreasonably hinder or block ADA access No, outdoor activations do not unreasonably hinder or bloc ADA access Do you currently own or operate a business with an outdoor activation? (Select all that apply) Was your business impacted by a nearby outdoor activation? (Select all that apply) Do you perceive outdoor activations to unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access? (Select all that apply) Do you perceive outdoor activations to unreasonably hinder ADA compliance? ADA compliance ensures accessible pathways for people with disabilities. (Select all that apply) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 83 of 162 Outdoor Activations in the Village and Barrio Area (Other) Curb cafes (dining set ups in the street) make the a.. 0 10 20 30 40 50 Sidewalk cafes add to the aesthetic of the Village an.. Private outdoor dining areas add to the aestheti.. Curb cafes detract from the aesthetic of the Villag.. Sidewalk cafes detract from the aesthetic of th.. Private outdoor dining areas detract from th.. Outdoor activations generally bring mor.. I am a business owner/operator in the Carlsbad Village and Barrio ..I am a resident Other 0 500 1000 Are you responding as a resident or business owner/operator? What is your sentiment toward outdoor activations in the Village and Barrio Area? Do you think outdoor activations make the Village and Barrio look nicer or do they detract from the appearance of these areas?(Select all that apply) Yes, curb cafes unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access 0 20 40 Yes, sidewalk cafes unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access Yes, private outdoor dining areas unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access No, outdoor activations do not unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access The loss of parking caused by outdoor activations is NOT noticeable for customers The loss of parking caused by outdoor activations is noticeable for customers 0 10 20 30 40 Do you perceive outdoor activations to cause a noticeable impact on parking for customers in the Village and Barrio area? Yes, curb cafes unreasonably hinder or block ADA access 0 20 40 Yes, sidewalk cafes unreasonably hinder or block ADA access Yes, private outdoor dining areas unreasonably hinder or block ADA access No, outdoor activations do not unreasonably hinder or bloc ADA access Do you perceive outdoor activations to unreasonably hinder or block pedestrian access? (Select all that apply) Do you perceive outdoor activations to unreasonably hinder ADA compliance? ADA compliance ensures accessible pathways for people with disabilities. (Select all that apply) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 84 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 1 / 1 Q4 If Yes, please explain how a nearby outdoor activation impacted your business. Answered: 15 Skipped: 1,422 #RESPONSES DATE 1 I manage a senior apartment, and non-senior apartment, residents at both locations were so enjoying outside dining. They are hesitant to go inside, because the pandemic is not over. 2/3/2022 9:29 AM 2 Without outdoor activation my business would have survived 1/31/2022 11:24 AM 3 These outdoor curb and sidewalk cafe's impact other business's right to access via lost public parking. The cafe's exhibit a sanitation issue with Rats living underneath them along with many code violations both fire and hazard. The businesses have expanded their occupancy to exceed limits while adjacent businesses have suffered with loss of parking and business access. 1/28/2022 7:56 AM 4 As an employee at one of the local establishments, it allowed us to stay open and serve more patrons comfortably 1/27/2022 1:35 PM 5 My store is directly across from Oak and Elixir and Vigiluccis on State Street, I believe having people outside made it easier to see my business which in my opinion is a good thing. 1/27/2022 12:27 PM 6 We have a furniture store on state street and sell some of most expensive and sales tax producing items in all of the village. Parking for our customers has been impacted. The city needs to enforce existing rules with 3hr parking and we also need more long term parking or a multi level parking structure at the coaster station. 1/27/2022 11:20 AM 7 Took some parking spots away, but we don’t mind 1/27/2022 10:39 AM 8 It took up 4-5 precious parking spaces 1/26/2022 3:58 PM 9 It has allowed all of us to stay open and stay safer during the pandemic.1/26/2022 1:41 PM 10 Carlsbad already has very limited parking available.1/26/2022 11:40 AM 11 Allowing businesses to use their parking lot for dining reduced parking for customers of surrounding businesses 1/26/2022 11:02 AM 12 Reduction in number of booths at the State Street Farmers' Market of at least $10,000 per year. 1/25/2022 7:43 PM 13 All comparable properties offer this amenity; we would like our tenant chins restaurant to have same amenity 1/25/2022 3:39 PM 14 Outdoor dining has a positive impact and makes for a livelier Village. Parking was not a problem. 1/25/2022 3:26 PM 15 I own BLOC Coworking, all of the outdoor dining options from patios to sidewalk cafes to curb cafes have positively impacted our business by creating more vibrancy and movement in the Village. 1/25/2022 3:14 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 85 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 1 / 4 Q9 What else should the city consider regarding outdoor activations the Village and Barrio area? Answered: 64 Skipped: 1,373 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Solar covered parking. More EV chargers. Bring VOLTA free chargers in town. Use LED lighting supported by Solar powered parking lots. 2/8/2022 7:12 PM 2 Affordable Housing for Seniors 2/8/2022 12:56 PM 3 none 2/8/2022 10:49 AM 4 I am not a resident, but have been an ongoing customer at Carlsbad businesses. We live in a beautiful area and eating outdoors is always our preference. Proper planning should allow for access and parking while allowing making dining in the open air and showing off community. 2/7/2022 4:04 PM 5 The appearance of the materials used to create the private outdoor dining areas should be considered. Some look much more appealing than others. 2/7/2022 2:46 PM 6 Although I love it and being able to eat outside is of huge importance at this time and would love for it to continue. Without parking we are not getting as much business regardless of that. If you made a parking structure a priority then there will be more parking for people to keep coming and to support the small business that have hung on. As of now there’s barley any for local let alone people coming to Carlsbad to eat and shop it could be better then they wouldn’t need outdoor sitting. We want Carlsbad to be inviting beautiful and successful but in order to do that people must have a place to park to support Carlsbad village and Barrio. It must be an interwoven web of support through city business and patrons. 2/7/2022 1:39 PM 7 Make sure businesses keep outdoor area clean from trash generated by their services they offer 2/7/2022 1:02 PM 8 Outdoor curbside I love , in fact a promenade would be awesome if you close state , but the parking and homeless are a problem , there needs to be a parking structure . 2/3/2022 6:49 PM 9 It would be great to make State St a pedestrian street from Beech St to Carlsbad Village Dr.2/3/2022 5:54 PM 10 Outdoor dining spaces allow businesses to flourish and accommodate more patrons which make for a livelier downtown barrio experience. 2/3/2022 3:02 PM 11 Keep the area clean and have it be a visual extension of the restaurant and not a makeshift setup. 2/3/2022 8:41 AM 12 Keep them, we are So Cal and should be able to leverage the fabulous weather.2/3/2022 8:36 AM 13 Enhances the village and barrio. More restaurants would take advantage that did not participate 1/31/2022 11:24 AM 14 Don't eliminate curbside activations, but I would limit them. They are the most challenging of the three categories you shared. 1/31/2022 10:40 AM 15 Remove cars from State Street between Grand and Carlsbad Village Dr. altogether for the safety of outside diners. Carlsbad needs a parking structure, but out of sight somewhere. Good luck with that. 1/31/2022 8:31 AM 16 Diners’ safety from traffic 1/30/2022 8:25 PM 17 Outdoor activations should be viewed as a temporary response to the Covid 19 situation only, and sidewalks and curbs should return to pre pandemic state once Covid is no longer a major handicap to the economy. 1/30/2022 6:34 PM 18 Increase them 1/30/2022 11:15 AM 19 Look to any steet that still uses parallel curb parking and see if the street width will accept 1/29/2022 12:19 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 86 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 2 / 4 conversion to angled parking spaces. This would dramatically increase available parking spots. 20 city should come up with a parking plan before permanently adapting public outdoor plan 1/29/2022 11:16 AM 21 Fantastic that is what people want outdoor dining 1/28/2022 5:38 PM 22 parking is ridiculous - with everything going up 2-4 stories and curb side cafes, we dont have ample parking. I was a resident for 37 yrs, i've left because of the overcrowding. forced to be in the area because of my job. 1/28/2022 8:28 AM 23 I enjoy being able to eat outdoors. Southern California has beautiful weather and fresh air while eating helps enhance the experience. I would like to keep the outdoor dining. Really the only downside is that it has impacted parking, not sure how this can be resolved, but with the added ability to pedestrian safety that has been installed and continues to be installed in the Village and Barrio area walking helps with the digestion and discovery of new places to dine, enjoy coffee, or dessert. 1/28/2022 8:24 AM 24 If the city continues to allow them they need to purchase more property and construct multi level parking structures to allow sufficient parking and overflow parking for events like the farmers market which also consumes excessive parking for business's 1/28/2022 7:56 AM 25 Keep them unless they block ADA access. It makes choices better for everyone as long as they do not block ADA access. 1/28/2022 1:06 AM 26 Keep outdoor dining 1/27/2022 9:48 PM 27 As a walker, a pedestrian, I hate these things. They are in the way and interfer with movement. Wait staff in the way blocking the sidewalks. It was difficult enough to find parking before, this just makes it worse. Get rid of all of it. 1/27/2022 7:43 PM 28 There’s no law or regulation regarding occupying Public Or Private Propert that does not belong to the business. For example a Leassor should only be allowed to use the physical space on their contract. This does not include public sidewalks, parking lots that may be shared or designated for cars. Rest are simply taking advantage of this Outdoor Dining and expanding Sq feet of table capacity and it’s not fair. For example, why can’t the Gift shop or Dry cleaner move all their merchandise and operating equipment to the sidewalk and operate their biz? Same rule should apply to all businesses 1/27/2022 5:21 PM 29 Make sure ground and area are kept extremely clean (and in good repair) so as to not attract rodents or insects, or become an eyesore over time: 1/27/2022 3:53 PM 30 You need a good long term plan with requirements to ensure they are appealing. Looks like they are here to stay. 1/27/2022 3:43 PM 31 Do not allow public parking to be taken up by outdoor activations that last more than a few days. Parking is getting more and more difficult 1/27/2022 3:37 PM 32 Outdoor activations are great, but they take away from the already limited parking in the Village. I will not go to certain businesses/events simply because parking is such a nightmare. I'm all for outdoor dining, but if people can't find a place to park it is all moot. 1/27/2022 2:34 PM 33 We live in one of the most beautiful climates in the world. Let’s celebrate and enjoy it. The time has come and is way overdue. 1/27/2022 1:56 PM 34 I believe the answers to these question is hard because some are done very well and definitely add to the Village, others however, look awful and do not add anything positive to the Village. The patio at Garcia's I feel does impede walkway traffic while other patios do not. I think the sidewalk and street options can be a great addition to the Village if done well but I would not be in favor if standards are not made or met. Also, tents should never be allowed like at the restaurant Barrio. I also think the parking impact should be limited to 2 spots rather than the 4 at some locations. And dining in the parking lots I feel should not be allowed as that mainly takes away from employee parking which in turn takes parking from our customers. 1/27/2022 12:27 PM 35 I think outdoor activations are brilliant. People live and vacation here because of our beautiful climate, and outdoor activations enable us to enjoy that sunshine and fresh air in greater ways. Plus, seeing people out enjoying life lends to a sense of community, togetherness, and shared joy. 1/27/2022 11:29 AM 36 I think there is enough as we stand. We do not need additional curbside structures.1/27/2022 11:20 AM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 87 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 3 / 4 37 not just village and barrio,we are east of that area.1/27/2022 11:03 AM 38 I think it works well for businesses and patrons. We certainly have the weather for it.1/27/2022 10:39 AM 39 The outdoor dining options are fantastic for businesses and customers alike. Keep them!1/27/2022 10:14 AM 40 If diners continue to use area on street with traffic, should install bollards (if underground utilities allow) for public and employee safety 1/27/2022 10:10 AM 41 I love the outdoor eating options - with our weather and climate, it makes the area so much more inviting and festive! 1/27/2022 9:49 AM 42 Makes the area more inviting 1/27/2022 9:45 AM 43 Sometimes the noise from diners is a bit much for the usual Carlsbad atmosphere.1/26/2022 5:29 PM 44 Sidewalk seating is ok but taking up parking on the street does not make sense 1/26/2022 3:58 PM 45 WE should consider allowing more proper and permanent structures that look better and allow for more walkability and outdoor dining in a glorious beach city that has some of the nicest weather year round. 1/26/2022 1:41 PM 46 Remove curbside dining and cafes.1/26/2022 11:40 AM 47 Parking !!!!!!!!!1/26/2022 11:02 AM 48 The current and often changing covid regulations have made outdoor dining an essential part of keeping restaurants in business. The fact that we can now eat outside is a "bonus" to me and I hope it remains an option going forward. 1/26/2022 9:33 AM 49 promote tourists coming back 1/26/2022 8:32 AM 50 ? Never thought about this. As long s it looks nice it is welcomed here. They need the benefit of being open too. 1/26/2022 7:35 AM 51 I think you should consider making State st between Grand and Carlsbad Village a one way street or a walking only area. 1/25/2022 9:32 PM 52 If lots that are currently unused can be converted to parking, it appears people are more than willing to walk a few blocks to get to all things State St and beyond. (This could be unsightly, unused buildings that could be low profile parking garages, or flat lots with good landscaping, etc.) 1/25/2022 8:38 PM 53 There should be an aesthetic standard. Some curb cafes look nice and inviting while others are very unattractive. I think they invite people to our downtown and help our economy, but I would like to see more strict design standards and some consistency so that we don't have a hodgepodge of looks. I also think tents should not be allowed. They are extremely unattractive and can even block line of sight for traffic. 1/25/2022 7:43 PM 54 It makes the town more fun and exciting for everyone 1/25/2022 5:43 PM 55 Make sure the outdoor area is nicely done 1/25/2022 4:41 PM 56 Outdoor activation has a net positive on the Village and Barrior area. Curb cafes and sidewalk cafes may hinder or block pedestrian and/or ADA access but do not necessarily have to. Allow them where there is space for them and block them where there isn't. 1/25/2022 4:12 PM 57 Outdoor dining areas should have better protection from a possible vehicle intrusion into the space. Some have pretty solid protection, some have flimsy protection. The city want to investigate a semi-permanent solution such as a removable steep or cement blockade/round post found in front of some commercial buildings. I've never investigated this type of product but if I were shopping for this application, I would want a product that would stop a standard sized vehicle traveling at whatever the speed limit is in the subject area and install the appropriate solution. The barrier probably needs to be best on the side of approaching traffic where as the other side could be less robust. This is the only thing that has crossed my mind when viewing these outdoor dining areas is the risk of injury if a distracted drivers veers off path. RE: Q6. So far, the loss of parking is offset by the benefit that outdoor dining brings to the village. However, the City should keep an eye out for purchasing or expanding parking options when and where available so that restaurants and other retailers have sufficient traffic to support their businesses. 1/25/2022 4:03 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 88 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 4 / 4 58 Support of outdoor activations and associated benefits far outweigh the cost of inconvenience and/or cost of ADA accommodations. 1/25/2022 3:50 PM 59 In our Instance the outdoor dining Area will be on private property 1/25/2022 3:39 PM 60 The outdoor activations are a good idea when done to match the desired aesthetics of the village and barrio but many of the ones that are now in place look junky. There needs to be some direction on what things are supposed to look like. 1/25/2022 3:32 PM 61 If outdoor activation continues, please make sure sidewalks are clear and ADA/pedestrian access is unencumbered. Consider closing certain streets to create pedestrian thoroughfares. 1/25/2022 3:28 PM 62 Let's keep it going! Long overdue.1/25/2022 3:26 PM 63 Making them permanent. Looking into periodic street closures to create European style plazas.1/25/2022 3:14 PM 64 Adds character and charm.....1/25/2022 3:09 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 89 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 1 / 28 Q21 What else should the city consider regarding outdoor activations the Village and Barrio area? Answered: 559 Skipped: 878 #RESPONSES DATE 1 I think a reasonable material standard could be established of keep a positive aesthetic in the village 2/9/2022 4:32 PM 2 CLOSE state to auto traffic and close one side of grand to auto parking . perhaps make a 2 -3 level parking structure on Roosevelt across from Cecciotti's .... 2/9/2022 9:01 AM 3 The example of the private out door dining area that you used above is terrible! Couldnt you have used Pollo Maria or Roosevelt Pizza or Bluewater grill as an example. I would definitely vote no on more of the above but yes on something like the examples I cited. 2/9/2022 8:36 AM 4 More public parking allowed in parking lots 2/8/2022 5:04 PM 5 make state st between grand and carlsbad village drive a pedestrian only area 2/8/2022 10:53 AM 6 I would like to see a few streets downtown designated as walk streets only with outdoor cafes, breweries/wine, shops. More streets designated for biking. Lower the MPH in ALL streets around the village so more residents might get golf cart style vehicles or use electric bikes.the traffic is TOO fast. Put more round abouts in like the park - so bike friendly as cars go slow 2/8/2022 7:36 AM 7 the homeless situation. a big distraction.2/8/2022 7:13 AM 8 Some Parameters on building Aesthetic 2/8/2022 6:08 AM 9 The effect on traffic, pedestrians etc. Is not truly reflected by looking at the effects these things have today. When the pandemic is over there will be more activity and it will have a bigger impact. 2/7/2022 10:02 PM 10 These really impede pedestrians. And as a local, I don’t want pedestrians and dogs walking so close to my food, let alone the car exhaust. I won’t eat at these crowded, intrusive add-ons. Another thing to consider: Locals cannot solely support these businesses, and if someone from, say, Encinitas can’t park, they will leave, rather than exploring what the Village/Barrio has to offer. And while we’re here, STOP TRYING TO BE NORTH PARK OF THE NORTH COUNTY. Sorry, had to get that off my chest. Between the residential density requirements, and losing more and more parking, that’s what we’re becoming. Also NO MORE ITALIAN FOOD. How about approving some variety, like Thai, Mediterranean, etc. 2/7/2022 8:16 PM 11 Some sort of attractive aesthetic standards!2/7/2022 7:35 PM 12 Parking in the Village and Barrio is limited. Although with Covid, outdoor dining is desirable, private and sidewalk dining should have priority and curbside dining should be prohibited. #9 in the questionaire requires me to select 2 or 4 car curbside dining. I object to either choices and this survey requires me to answer one of those two. Please offer a choice of neither which is what I would have selected. 2/7/2022 6:55 PM 13 Parking has been a problem long before covid and a hot commodity. We need more parking in the village. If restaurants have a private area where it wouldn't impede on the street parking then allow it. 2/7/2022 6:47 PM 14 Make sure there is s parking or people will not come.2/7/2022 5:24 PM 15 Build a parking structure in the village address this issue. You’re over building in the village and it’s losing its charm. Spend some of our tax dollars on improving our lives and not just banking it in perpetuity. Thanks 2/7/2022 5:03 PM 16 more bike and scooter parking to encourage less cars 2/7/2022 4:40 PM 17 Ban card from downtown 2/7/2022 4:11 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 90 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 2 / 28 18 Safety from vehicles 2/7/2022 3:26 PM 19 Out door music.2/7/2022 3:14 PM 20 Outdoor dining make traveling by bicycle more dangerous.2/7/2022 3:13 PM 21 There needs to be more parking for cars 2/7/2022 3:10 PM 22 The city should consider a closing a street section for a pedestrian piazza. Like a European city or like Little Italy in San Diego. Consider this on State street between Village drive & Beech ave. 2/7/2022 3:07 PM 23 Safety #1.2/7/2022 2:56 PM 24 More ready and available safe parking 2/7/2022 2:39 PM 25 I don’t like the look or lack of adequate parking spaces with curb cafes. 2 spaces wide is not worth the invasion if they are kept. 2/7/2022 2:37 PM 26 I think the city should also consider having a dedicated dog beach so we don't have to drive all the way to Del Mar (where I end up having breakfast or lunch thereafter) since I'm already in the vicinity. The money I'm spending in Del Mar could easily be spent in Carlsbad. 2/7/2022 2:28 PM 27 Sidewalk cafes should not block comfortable snd safe foot traffic. Curbside cafes should be designed to blend in with the general aesthetics. Design if private parking lot seating should have city oversight to the design and location with adequate parking for the establishment 2/7/2022 2:11 PM 28 Whenever we have guests we like to take them to a restaurant in or near the village, but parking very limited. Next time we are taking our guests to restaurant in other cities. 2/7/2022 1:58 PM 29 The esthetics should be consistent and blend in instead of stand out.2/7/2022 1:55 PM 30 I think on certain streets (like Grand and State) the curb dining areas are ok, but generally, we should prioritize private outdoor dining and sidewalk dining areas over the curb/parking space ones. I can't see the curb / parking lot idea working on Cbad Village Rd or Cbad Blvd. 2/7/2022 1:35 PM 31 assure parking is available so patrons can enjoy those outdoor activities 2/7/2022 1:35 PM 32 It seems a lot of the businesses invested a lot of money to set up these outdoor cafes. They needed to buy umbrellas, table/chairs support structures, etc. it is unfair, after all they’ve been through to survive, to take them away from them. 2/7/2022 1:27 PM 33 Removing the homeless sleeping on the streets would help tremendously.2/7/2022 1:24 PM 34 I enjoy outside dining however, I don't wish to see the Village negatively impacted. La Jolla Village is a perfect example of where this has detracted from the ambiance once there. 2/7/2022 11:48 AM 35 Outdoor dining is perfect for Carlsbad. My choice for seating is always outdoors because the weather is so great here. It should almost be a requirement that all restaurants offer outdoor seating. 2/6/2022 11:10 PM 36 Aesthetically pleasing 2/6/2022 11:17 AM 37 That they look nice and are aesthetically pleasing.2/6/2022 9:42 AM 38 I have been LOVING outdoor dining. We live in the most beautiful place and people go to the village to shop, be outside and be by the water. Of course if people don’t want to sit outside they don’t need to but this has been such an incredible option for us to enjoy our wonder weather while supporting local business. Once established and finalized for permanent stay, I think businesses can make curb dining more aesthetically pleasing and can have rules around that in another voting. I hope outdoor dining is here to stay!!!! 2/6/2022 6:50 AM 39 Close the roads and make it a true pedestrian area (in areas where there are numerous cafes/restaurants (like the Gaslamp quarter)). Why do we need to look out at cars and roads when we're dining? It's unpleasant, noisy and there are car fumes. Make the road into a pedestrian area with trees / gardens etc. 2/5/2022 10:23 PM 40 They do not detract from appearance of the city unless they are not decorated/design well… require that they put effort into the design so they look nice! 2/5/2022 9:32 PM 41 Listen to the Barrio residents.2/5/2022 12:30 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 91 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 3 / 28 42 The city of Carlsbad is already destroying the village! Back off!!! The village is looking less like a village and more like Santa Monica. Keep Carlsbad Quaint! The outdoor cafe are helping what you have screwed up. 2/4/2022 11:33 PM 43 Oak & Elixir needs to enforce masks 2/4/2022 8:34 PM 44 I doubt I’ll ever feel comfortable eating indoors again and will only go to restaurant that have outdoor dining. 2/4/2022 4:40 PM 45 Great for tourism and summer 2/4/2022 2:15 PM 46 The use and expansion of curb cafes , etc. Helped keep the village alive during the pandemic and I love it! I have been more apt to go into the village for dining than before because of the outdoor arrangements. 2/4/2022 8:03 AM 47 I do feel that some restaurants have made their outdoor dining areas more aesthetically pleasing than others. I would like to see more outdoor dining but I do feel that there should be some oversight in terms of the set up and decor. 2/4/2022 7:49 AM 48 Safety of everyone on street cafe 2/4/2022 3:52 AM 49 N/a 2/3/2022 11:32 PM 50 How they increase the visibility of businesses and invite people to patronize with a more open, welcoming, engaged environment 2/3/2022 10:13 PM 51 Please Keep these outdoor dining options. Very inviting atmosphere and beachy 2/3/2022 10:10 PM 52 We are so lucky to live in an are of our country where our weather allows and is awesome for all these outdoor dining experiences. 2/3/2022 9:30 PM 53 The city should help encourage and support as many small businesses and restaurants with their needs to keep open their doors and ability to attract people of all backgrounds. Especially in the times we are in with ever changing circumstances, the outdoor activations has created a wonderful and inviting atmosphere and truly being enjoyment for the outdoors especially with as good of SD weather as it is! 2/3/2022 9:03 PM 54 We live in the sunshine and should be able to always enjoy it!2/3/2022 7:58 PM 55 Keep the cost to the merchants low. They should pay for the right to remove parking spaces. Needs to be some standards of what can be built. 2/3/2022 7:11 PM 56 Covid and other viruses may be here to stay. I like have outdoor dining options.2/3/2022 6:55 PM 57 Set standards to maintain safety and appearance.2/3/2022 6:39 PM 58 A lot of small businesses had to spend more of their own money getting these installed just to stay open. Adding the outdoor seating has also boosted a lot of restaurants traffic, giving them enough room to accommodate more residents of Carlsbad also creating shorter wait times!! Keep the outdoor activations! 2/3/2022 4:31 PM 59 They will bring in tourists.2/3/2022 4:27 PM 60 Let restaurants owners make their own choices!2/3/2022 3:29 PM 61 We pay to live in a place with perfect weather. I also pay to enjoy that weather all year by eating outside 😉 2/3/2022 3:19 PM 62 N/a 2/3/2022 2:35 PM 63 The greatest city in the world thrives with outdoor cafes. Paris 2/3/2022 2:24 PM 64 I think it’s a great idea. Shut down state st between grand and Carlsbad village blvd permanently. Make it like Little Italy in downtown SD. It would be silly to knock all them down after they have done so good for all the businesses. 2/3/2022 2:16 PM 65 I think state street should be closed to traffic and be for pedestrians only!2/3/2022 2:10 PM 66 Ensure there is adequate clearance for ADA needs (curb ramps aren’t blocked, sidewalks remain wide enough 2/3/2022 2:06 PM 67 Parking 2/3/2022 11:55 AM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 92 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 4 / 28 68 approve more housing projects, make it less onerous for developers to build and start making carlsbad lively 2/3/2022 10:51 AM 69 Some architectural guidelines would be nice. So many of these current additions were put up in a hurry to get business going again, and some look really bad. Also the city needs to clean the sidewalks. I wanted to suggest that before the pandemic. Clean the sidewalks please!. Also, if my comments to these questions were contradictory, it’s because in general I like outside dining, but not blocking the sidewalks and not built,on the street over parking spaces. Every piece of real estate is different. Not every establishment has the location. Also, those restaurants which built outside in there I parking lots, now there is minimal parking. I understand if I was an owner i[d want as much room as I could get, but there should be some guidelines and limits. 2/3/2022 8:58 AM 70 Trench the railroad tracks to rid the City of the train horns!!!2/2/2022 1:08 PM 71 The Village now devotes more land use area to cars and parking. That should be reversed to favor pedestrians and a casual outdoor ambiance, e.g., like Parisian cafe life. 2/2/2022 8:15 AM 72 Noise, trash, serving alcohol, dogs on patio, making them look pretty. The photo ex above is ugly 2/1/2022 8:08 PM 73 we are lucky to live somewhere with incredible weather, where outdoor dining is an option all year round! If local businesses are able to increase their curb appeal and serve more customers, I think the city should be supportive. The loss of a few parking spots is negligible compared to the benefits that these changes can make. 2/1/2022 1:07 PM 74 If a lack of parking did become an issue in the Village and Barrio, perhaps satellite lots could be created (or even parking structures) outside of these areas with free shuttles to and from the Village during peak Village usage (weekends, summertime, etc) 2/1/2022 10:08 AM 75 When there is a curbside cafe, it is important to have significant barriers to protect customers in case a car loses control and hits the area. 2/1/2022 9:50 AM 76 The taxpayers pay for the sidewalks and parking spaces. Why should select businesses get to use them to profit for free? The government should not be giving away public property for private use. By extension, does that mean I can set up a private cabana on public parking spaces? Or a pop-up shop? It’s discrimination to give some businesses the land and not others. 2/1/2022 7:21 AM 77 Regarding ADA accessibility, I am not physically disabled and I do not notice if they hinder or not. If someone who uses a wheelchair, for example, notices that these activations hinder ADA access then their opinion should weigh more than mine or some other able bodied person regarding this issue. I’d also like to see safety guidelines for the cafes on the street to be barricaded/ supported appropriately for potential impacts from traffic. 1/31/2022 9:23 PM 78 keeping the sidewalks tidy and scrubbed.1/31/2022 11:35 AM 79 ADA access is a good point -- I'm for developing more outdoor dining if ADA access is accommodated as part of the primary design. Visual guidelines, particularly for curb and side walk cafes - they enhance the city if they are well done. Curb cafes can be up to the 4-parking spots if they do not impact parking in front of neighboring business. 1/31/2022 10:20 AM 80 We have the perfect climate for outdoor dining. It's a great addition to the Village. Just make sure there is some required design criteria for all outdoor dining and cafes to ensure they look nice. 1/31/2022 8:52 AM 81 You can start by banning Handel's. Their space is a mess, and the ice cream filth extends into adjacent areas. Their line blocks pedestrian path of travel. The sidewalk and curb cafes look tacky, with banners and string-lights hanging from trees and building eves. Oak & Elixir and Vig's are taking up 4 spaces each?! Not cool. 1/31/2022 8:44 AM 82 I would like to see some aesthetic standards in place. Some of the outdoor areas look unpleasing to the eye and detract from the village atmosphere. Cafe owners should also keep the areas neat and tidy. This includes keeping potted plants and planter boxes tidy. 1/31/2022 7:22 AM 83 Reduce parking significantly along State, Grand and Roosevelt. Start charging for parking for non residents amd have yearly paid parking stickers for residents. REDUCE traffic and parking on those streets. Think of closing State between Grand and CVD. Make these outdoor spaces permanent and appealing not temporary, ugly construction like eyesores. Businesses should 1/31/2022 12:33 AM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 93 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 5 / 28 get attractive long term leases to use city space and be encouraged to make substantial capital improvements to make the are more attractive and business booming. 84 I find the curb cut / ADA question to be a false causation -- as long as the curb cafe is constructed in compliance, then there is no reason that it would (or should) block a curb cut or other ADA measure as a result. 1/30/2022 8:13 PM 85 Carlsbad has perfect weather. I love being able to sit outside and enjoy it! It’s gives the village a more European feel. I do however think that there should be some guidelines to have them blend in more. 1/30/2022 6:39 PM 86 As they do in Santa Barbara, make a downtown street pedestrian friendly by blocking it off from motor traffic. 1/30/2022 6:37 PM 87 I enjoy outdoor dining. Esthetics which do not detract from, or diminish the vibe and beauty should be maintained. 1/30/2022 6:35 PM 88 Seasonal increases and possibly limiting vehicle access during peak times. Consider addl. Parking areas 1/30/2022 6:26 PM 89 high quality/well-done outdoor spaces that are appealing to the eye.1/30/2022 3:16 PM 90 The aesthetics of each outdoor space is important and must be pleasant to look out from both outside and inside the space. Currently, some outdoor dining areas are unsightly. Wooden barricades could be painted with beach theme murals or themes of the type of food the restaurant/cafe, etc serves. Some real or artificial plants or trees here and there in the outdoor cafes would be a bonus. Lastly, the tables and chairs should be comfortable and not look cheap. 1/30/2022 12:02 PM 91 We get 350+ beautiful weather days, why not allow businesses to survive and thrive and let people eat outside? 1/29/2022 11:13 PM 92 Love the outdoor eating spaces although I do think pedestrians and handicapped persons should have access to move safely on the sidewalk. 1/29/2022 10:53 PM 93 More outdoor music please 1/29/2022 10:04 PM 94 The homeless sitting close to the outdoor cafes carrying on, begging for money and making vicious threats. Feel so unsafe. 1/29/2022 9:19 PM 95 The aesthetics are important, and safety is critical as it pertains to curb cafes so those dining aren’t afraid to be hit by traffic in the street. 1/29/2022 4:07 PM 96 Keep an area for bicycles near these cafes. I think many more people would ride to these cafes IF they had a SAFE bike path (not in car lanes). Then any "loss of parking" would not be an issue. Davis and San Luis Obispo are examples of areas like this. 1/29/2022 2:57 PM 97 I love the concept of eating outdoors. We have an excellent climate that makes outdoor dining possible almost the whole year. It is inviting and brings us in line with many other world cities. I would even like to see the concept incorporated with converting some of our village streets into permanent pedestrian-only thoroughfares which would allow the sidewalk restaurants to seamlessly flow into walkways and gardens, right in the middle of the village. Just think how this could be integrated with the train station: San Juan Capistrano is an excellent example of this idea. When the train tracks have been trenched this could create a wonderfully inviting downtown. Thank you! 1/29/2022 1:55 PM 98 If the restaurants have seating in the street (on previous parking spaces) I would like to see more of a permanent structure as opposed to orange ugly barriers. Most of the pics you've added to this survey have nice looking walls/spaces. 1/29/2022 1:37 PM 99 It makes the village feel more lively and wroth spending more time in.1/29/2022 11:18 AM 100 The outdoor activations create more of an old world feel like other parts of the world. With our weather, they are perfect to attact more visitors to our city. 1/29/2022 11:16 AM 101 While I don't know if accidents have occurred at curbside cafes, they seem to me potentially unsafe. Traffic in the village is heavy, streets are narrow. It concerns me that cars could collide with curbside dining spaces causing injury. 1/29/2022 11:06 AM 102 Vest parks.1/29/2022 10:58 AM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 94 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 6 / 28 103 Pedestrianize some streets and add more bicycle racks 1/29/2022 10:36 AM 104 There should be regulation to how they look. They should be just as lovely as the front of an establishment. Not wood pallets as in one of the examples. 1/29/2022 10:07 AM 105 It would be nice to have some of the streets in the village closed to traffic - pedestrian only. Similar to Third Street in Santa Monica. 1/29/2022 9:37 AM 106 On question 9, my answer would be 0 if it was available.1/29/2022 9:12 AM 107 Get rid of the homeless druggies so residents and visitors can feel safe when enjoying outdoor actuations in the Village and Barrio. 1/29/2022 9:03 AM 108 All activities that can be done outside during a pandemic should be outdoors. It’s safer for everyone. 1/29/2022 8:45 AM 109 Block some areas to traffic. Pedestrians only.1/29/2022 8:00 AM 110 Close off state street. Make the whole are pedestrian friendly.1/29/2022 7:59 AM 111 High standards around the quality and the aesthetic aspects of any outdoor dining. More permanent looking structures 1/29/2022 6:59 AM 112 We'd be more likely to eat at outdoor dining areas that also accommodate bicycle travel, let's get away from cars and parking! 1/29/2022 12:29 AM 113 Food brings people in, a good thing. The revenue helps. I like to have many choices from which to choose to eat. 1/28/2022 11:21 PM 114 Please allow for more outdoor use!!1/28/2022 10:16 PM 115 Slowing down traffic on the blvd. And village dr.1/28/2022 9:19 PM 116 Kiosks for smaller businesses like artsan crafts, etc. Add a Farmer’s Market Day on Friday or Weekend 1/28/2022 9:17 PM 117 Yes whatever works to keep businesses hoing- ppl love sitting outside, very inviting 1/28/2022 9:16 PM 118 They are dangerous for pedestrians and unsightly. They should be completely eliminated.1/28/2022 8:58 PM 119 They reduce parking, they create stress, and they create dangerous traffic situations. It is more dangerous to ride a bicycle down State Street, for example, as a direct result of the traffic situation caused by the outdoor dining. It also creates congestion and an untidy appearance. There were good reasons this type of outdoor dining was prohibited prior to COVID. During the early days of the lockdown, when traffic was significantly reduced, allowing outdoor street dining was a reasonable way to address the challenges we faced. But that accommodation was, and should be, temporary. 1/28/2022 8:57 PM 120 The pandemic isn’t going away soon so outdoor dining is a must!1/28/2022 8:56 PM 121 We pay a fortune to live here and enjoy the weather. It’s a shame that it took businesses suffering during covid for the city to recognize the need for more outdoor dining spaces. Most restaurants that had outdoor dining spaces and a pitiful amount of outdoor dining options. We have gorgeous weather year round and most of these restaurants have done a great job making their new outdoor spaces very inviting, you would hardly notice you’re in a parking lot or parking space. 1/28/2022 8:22 PM 122 Increase allowable parking in the evening to encourage street dinning 1/28/2022 8:11 PM 123 Permanently Close State Street between Carlsbad Village & Grand for a walking/dining/ Farmers Market experience 1/28/2022 6:29 PM 124 Both outdoor and indoor dining activities need to follow CDC guidelines.1/28/2022 6:18 PM 125 Esthetics! Some of these outdoor cafes are NOT pleasing to the eye. In addition, just because they are outside that doesn’t mean the tables & chairs should be so close to one another. We are still living with Covid-19 and many cafes are not taking the virus seriously even after almost 2 years!!! 1/28/2022 5:59 PM 126 Please consider closing the State street to traffic between Grand and Carlsbad Village Dr.1/28/2022 5:49 PM 127 Make them more eye appealing 1/28/2022 5:33 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 95 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 7 / 28 128 better/more parking. Keep the "Village" atmosphere that locals and tourists want. 4-story condos with retail at street level looks like L.A. Keep the "cute" eclectic buildings that visitors and locals appreciate and look for. Gentrification all over isn't always a good thing for downtown area. 1/28/2022 4:31 PM 129 If these options are going to become permanent, then the structures should be more permanent. 1/28/2022 3:35 PM 130 many of the activations are attractive and inviting but others aren't and detract from the Village. The City needs to have some design guidelines. the above example is an eyesore and is why design guidelines are needed. 1/28/2022 3:20 PM 131 Outdoor dining allows potential customers to quickly compare how busy locations are and choose accordingly. It also makes the Village appear more lively. 1/28/2022 2:54 PM 132 The city needs to use the in lieu parking fees that have been paid and build more public parking in the village 1/28/2022 2:51 PM 133 Additional parking 1/28/2022 2:35 PM 134 They ought to be clean and sanitary without dirty dishes or food crumbs that attract birds, bugs and rats 1/28/2022 2:27 PM 135 I think some restaurants went way overboard building in parking lots and adding more tables than they ever had. When their outdoor space is more than what they had indoors before, it seems a bit overkill. While other restaurants really just tried to expand outside to maintain their level of table pre covid and they did a nice job not over doing it. 1/28/2022 2:08 PM 136 Close selected streets (i.e., State Street) to any motorized traffic. Allow foot traffic only.1/28/2022 1:35 PM 137 I do not go indoors as most wait staff do not wear mask or mixed. Viggaluci worst offender 1/28/2022 12:58 PM 138 Safety/barriers/drunk drivers or driving accidents are just waiting to happen. Plus they take up to much parking and are very unattractive/junky looking. 1/28/2022 12:09 PM 139 Aesthetics matter. Some outdoor dining areas, especially curb cafes put together for COVID, are unattractive and appear cheap. Additionally, I have had trouble pushing a stroller past a couple of sidewalk cafes. Overall, I am very in favor of outdoor dining, but sidewalks should be accessible. 1/28/2022 12:03 PM 140 Parking is more difficult as well as the visibility of seeing past the "in the street" dining areas. I am very apprehensive to park where I would have to see around an outdoor dining area. 1/28/2022 11:44 AM 141 Parking. The number of developments have hindered parking in the village. The city is not providing any parking structures and it is just becoming a problem. We avoid the village on weekends because of no parking available. Frankly it’s a mess. Fix it!!! 1/28/2022 11:24 AM 142 State St. between Carlsbad Village Dr. and Grand should be a pedestrian mall, such as during Farmer Mkt. I don't know what a "private" outdoor dining area is. 1/28/2022 11:09 AM 143 Do more events/functions/festivals and public activities. The temporary closure of streets so that access is for pedestrian traffic only for any events is a good compromise of typical traffic access and fun family based activities which attract both locals and tourists. It adds to the charm of a great small city. 1/28/2022 11:02 AM 144 Pandemic/Covid Safety! Outside is the safest place to be amidst infectious disease. We need outdoor eatieries so we’re safer when we dine. 1/28/2022 10:44 AM 145 Aesthetics!!!! Some of these places, like the picture shown look trashy!1/28/2022 9:58 AM 146 All of these activations are seriously reducing available parking in the Village and making it undesirable for residents to drive to the Village to enjoy shopping and restaurants. 1/28/2022 9:56 AM 147 Restaurants should pay a reasonable amount for taking up public spaces 1/28/2022 9:55 AM 148 Continues to allow for open air seating, the need for this is not going away even after the pandemic. It’s a health option for many to sit outside. 1/28/2022 9:50 AM 149 Control speeding in these areas.1/28/2022 9:36 AM 150 I don't know if we have the "right" number of these types of outdoor dining areas or not but the 1/28/2022 9:25 AM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 96 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 8 / 28 questions were required. The outdoor dining areas seem very appropriate for the area and add a festive feel. 151 We live in a climate conducive to outdoor dining. It's so nice to take advantage of that for both businesses as well as patrons. Not to mention, it's a lovely invitation to our tourist industry, upon which we do rely here in Carlsbad. 1/28/2022 9:15 AM 152 In my opinion the only type of outdoor dining that should be eliminated is curb dining.1/28/2022 9:10 AM 153 Is it possible to build a few underground parking structures of a few floors to make up for the lost parking? City of Palo Alto has had this for years in their downtown area. 1/28/2022 8:49 AM 154 For streets/areas where there are a number of outdoor dining expansions (eg State St from Carlsbad Village to Grand Ave), consider closing for vehicle access. This would allow outdoor dining to expand, create a permanent space for the Wednesday farmers market, etc. I have safety concerns about vehicles zipping through this area in such proximity to outdoor diners. 1/28/2022 8:37 AM 155 If an establishment has an outdoor dining area they should have to maintain the cleanliness of the sidewalks surrounding their area. The only downfall that I see is the added messes on oour sidewalks…otherwise love the addition. 1/28/2022 8:33 AM 156 When designed with aesthetics in mind, I think they add a sense of charm to the area. They look inviting and make the business area look inviting and add visual interest since each outdoor set up is different. I like them. 1/28/2022 7:58 AM 157 Be mindful that pedestrians, wheelchairs and strollers have space to get by with sidewalk cafes. Particularly with businesses that done have the space fenced in. 1/28/2022 7:48 AM 158 Curb cafe size depends on size of cafe not number of parking spaces.1/28/2022 7:40 AM 159 Keep smokers and beggars away from customers 1/28/2022 7:31 AM 160 Make more parking available near the restaurants. Work with adjacent business owners to rework alley parking. It is currently inefficiently separated between businesses. Getting together and repaving/striping for better parking allocation would help. Stop increasing the density in the Village/Barrio. That would help to address parking a lot. 1/28/2022 7:31 AM 161 Do everything we can to keep Carlsbad businesses open. Keep outdoor activations attractive.1/28/2022 7:25 AM 162 In the end you can never make enough parking. The cars just keep coming. I travel in Europe often and I’ve noticed that overtime they have simply given up. The streets are small and there’s very limited parking in the citizens adjust to that reality. This naturally forces people to find alternate ways to make through a into the village. Walking, biking, or smaller very compact cars and golf carts. To me this is the charm of visiting cities in Europe. We can’t keep building a world to accommodate for our vehicles. And if you simply can’t visit the village because there is nowhere to park and it’s a very busy day find an alternate day where it’s not so busy people will figure it out. 1/28/2022 7:16 AM 163 I think allowing the community to use the outdoor space and treat State street as a walkable space would be great for the community. 1/28/2022 7:14 AM 164 June et Jolie has made their outdoor dining ascetically inviting. Like a European cafe.. MORE PLEASE 1/28/2022 7:09 AM 165 Make sure bikes / cyclists still have space. Overall, less vehicle traffic and more space for bikes/walkers (not ebikes!) and more outdoor areas to dine, walk, relax would be great. Please consider some streets to be totally closed to vehicles and more patio dining / walk space, green space. Thanks you! 1/28/2022 7:07 AM 166 Safety from traffic. Attractiveness of facilities. Ways to add parking elsewhere.1/28/2022 7:00 AM 167 an alternative plan for parking areas 1/28/2022 6:58 AM 168 I think weather is so nice here year round and the outdoor dining, farmer’s markets on state are a big attraction. I would like to see state street become an open air area permanently. It’s nice when farmers market is there to not have to be concerned with cars driving or bikes around so you can enjoy the restaurants, shops and outdoors. I know parking will be a concern so that is one thing to be addressed as well. 1/28/2022 6:32 AM 169 Curb cafes interrupt travel on the road which affects biking. Biking is sometimes the best way 1/28/2022 5:04 AM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 97 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 9 / 28 to get to the village because of parking. Please lessen the size and regulate the aesthetic of these dining spaces. 170 I am impressed with how creative businesses have been in designing the outdoor spaces.I prefer dining al fresco. I head to the village more often than I did pre COVID. 1/28/2022 2:44 AM 171 Trash cans should be accessible, littering can be a problem a huge number of masks are littered in every city. Walk ways should be wide enough for a parent and their kids. Walking in Carlsbad has always been one of the safest areas in town, but all the outdoor dinning leaves the city looking disorganized, trashy and unsafe for families to walk. There should be standards for sidewalk dinning if there is enough space to allow this. Curb dinning takes up valuable customer space, safe places to park near establishments. White Tenting outside to call it outdoor dinning is also one of the greatest backward rules. 1/28/2022 1:06 AM 172 more outdoor heaters 1/28/2022 12:36 AM 173 The parking situation is tragic in the village and with parking in lieu unsustainable. If restaurant occupy public space they should pay rent at market price based on square footage . One parking = $1000 month I feel robbed. 1/28/2022 12:01 AM 174 I think the establishments should submit depictions of what the outdoor dining options look like. They should maintain the aesthetic and cleanliness of permanent seating. I love outdoor seating. With our nearly constant beautiful weather, I'd rather eat outdoors. Maybe making a parking structure at the Coaster station would be a great way to add parking to the Village. I also like the idea of making State street, between Grand and CVD pedestrian only. It would be safer and could be so beautiful and unique. 1/27/2022 11:41 PM 175 Disabled parking spots not removed for dining space. Or moved father away from restaurant. Safe smooth walkways. 1/27/2022 11:39 PM 176 Close Roosevelt street to autos between CVD and Grand and make it a pedestrian and bike friendly access mall. 1/27/2022 11:34 PM 177 Maximize outdoor activations 1/27/2022 11:19 PM 178 I love the outdoor dining areas. One of few good things that have come from Covid. I hope they stay! 1/27/2022 11:01 PM 179 Very positive about them. We have excellent climate here and these provide a festive, almost European feel. 1/27/2022 10:49 PM 180 Close State Street to automobiles Friday and Saturday nights after 6:00 1/27/2022 10:45 PM 181 We live in a city that is 85% sunny and warm outside! This is inviting to tourists and locals! Please keep them and allow more if needed!!!! 1/27/2022 10:41 PM 182 First, please do not ask questions that limit an answer. For instance, question 9 makes you answer a number of parking spaces which does not include zero. Impact to diners along a street is not a pleasant experience with the noise and smell of exhaust. Enjoyed outdoor dining as it was pre-pandemic. We need our roadways open to vehicles and our parking, as well. 1/27/2022 10:30 PM 183 Block off State Street to all vehicle traffic.1/27/2022 10:16 PM 184 Important to continue allowing restaurants to do what they can to survive during (and recover losses from) these difficult times 1/27/2022 10:10 PM 185 There appears to be poor planning or care in design or positive appearance relative to the core restaurant. Or if there was, poor city review and enforcement of maintaining the esthetics expected. This appearance is downgrading our city. It will hurt values if not dealt with. 1/27/2022 10:07 PM 186 Would not have been so offensive if similar in design and materials, Now most are an eyesore, are in the way and have severely limited parking. Question #9: was forced to answer but no curbside areas option—my choice—was not available. 1/27/2022 10:01 PM 187 Close State St between CVD and Grand in the evening and bring in temp restaurants/food trucks. 1/27/2022 9:59 PM 188 I am a life-long Carlsbad resident and absolutely LOVE how downtown is evolving, especially the outdoor cafe and dining options. Please, let us have more. Parking is available in the public lots and in train station. 1/27/2022 9:56 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 98 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 10 / 28 189 I enjoy the outdoor areas, it is also a lot more inviting to dog people that like to stop in for a quick bite or drink. 1/27/2022 9:47 PM 190 Don't take them away 1/27/2022 9:29 PM 191 I still will not dine indoors. So outdoor options are most important to me selecting a restaurant to go to. As long as parking and outdoor dining are easily accessible, I am happy. 1/27/2022 9:29 PM 192 Shut down state street all together and make it pedestrian only and outdoor dining experiences 1/27/2022 9:27 PM 193 The growing number of bike riders and e-bike riders should be considered.1/27/2022 9:06 PM 194 The areas should be aesthetically pleasing, eg matching decor, lots of foliage, umbrellas for shade and heat lamps at night for the cool ones 1/27/2022 9:05 PM 195 Yes to more outdoor activations!1/27/2022 8:58 PM 196 More heaters!1/27/2022 8:56 PM 197 Love outdoor dining, and would like to see it continue after COVID-19 considerations. Be sure to add bike racks to help alleviate car parking. We enjoy biking to restaurants with friends. 1/27/2022 8:55 PM 198 More live music 1/27/2022 8:54 PM 199 It’s a fine balance between parking and access. Generally the sidewalk cafes are optimal as they don’t take up the limited parking and don’t impede pedestrian traffic. Curb cafes should only be considered only for restaurants that have limited sidewalk space or would otherwise impede pedestrian thoroughfare. Private dining areas should be considered for businesses that have neither ample sidewalk space or if there is not enough parking on the street. 1/27/2022 8:53 PM 200 Have State street from CVD to Grand pedestrian ONLY. San Diego’s gaslamp quarter did it and there was NO loss of foot traffic. State is too busy now with the dining, etc in the street. Too dangerous for walkers. 1/27/2022 8:45 PM 201 dogs at outdoor dining is a complete turn-off. unsanitary and the barking ruins the ambiance.1/27/2022 8:41 PM 202 I’m not crazy about private businesses expanding revenue from public property/ public property/ public sidewalks. 1/27/2022 8:35 PM 203 The restaurants should not enclose the side of the outdoor dinning areas in plastic. The restaurants tend to over crowd the outdoor dinning areas. 1/27/2022 8:34 PM 204 we have the perfect weather here and need more outdoor everything!1/27/2022 8:34 PM 205 I think the sidewalk cafes give our village a very European flavor.1/27/2022 8:19 PM 206 We are lucky enough to live in So Cal where the weather is nice enough to be outside most of the year. Added outdoor space benefits both the businesses and the customers. I honestly don’t see the downside of these areas for anyone. 1/27/2022 8:18 PM 207 The tents and patio coverings being used 1/27/2022 8:12 PM 208 They should meet a certain standard for being attractively designed. They will help the restaurants stay in business. With the pandemic many, including my family, will only eat at a restaurant if seated outside. Parking is an Issue. We really need more parking in the village… maybe a parking structure?? 1/27/2022 7:59 PM 209 Lights downtown should automatically change and with the walk sign- how it was during yr 1 of covid. So hard with a stroller to get the button in time on many of the lights on Grand. Or put the crosswalk button separate from the light in the middle of the ramp so people with strollers or wheelchairs can get to the button easily. 1/27/2022 7:52 PM 210 Parking!1/27/2022 7:52 PM 211 Heat lamps, non-smoking within or near dinning areas, areas for people to wait until seated 1/27/2022 7:47 PM 212 Now that the pandemic is over lose the curb snd street cafes. If a restaurant has their own space for outside dining then great. 1/27/2022 7:47 PM 213 Pet free areas!! We are thoroughly opposed to eating while someone’s pet is seated next to us. It’s not a park we go to enjoy the dining/outdoor experience. 1/27/2022 7:36 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 99 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 11 / 28 214 Since the outdoor activations won’t be eliminated, or probably even lessened, there should be some uniformity guidelines to make the village less of a visual hodgepodge. 1/27/2022 7:30 PM 215 Charge for them. Like you’d tax square footage. Make them an asset and make the dollars earned from using city streets pay the city as a building owner does for sq footage. Maybe lease them the space. 1/27/2022 7:27 PM 216 I like the outdoor dining and I also want there to be safe pedestrian access 1/27/2022 7:25 PM 217 There's been an increase in towing of cars near Carruth and the new taco shop. What can we do to add more parking in lots that are outside of business hours? 1/27/2022 7:23 PM 218 I would just shut state street down….the portion that has the most curb, street cafes. Permanently, make people park elsewhere and have them walk in and have the shut part of the street be the walk way. 1/27/2022 7:22 PM 219 Consider state street to become pedestrian only. Have more benches and places for people to sit and linger in the village. 1/27/2022 7:21 PM 220 Carlsbad is an outdoor town. My family and I actually chose where we are going to eat based on what outdoor features we will see while eating at our meal! We live in a beautiful town with near perfect weather and surrounded by gorgeous natural scenery. We leave our house to get outside and it sometimes defeats the purpose when we have to eat inside. 1/27/2022 7:20 PM 221 Complementary Lighting 1/27/2022 7:19 PM 222 Regulations that require restaurants with these outdoor eating areas to be responsible for cleanliness, and aesthetic appeal. 1/27/2022 7:15 PM 223 Should consider providing a parking garage with validation for using restaurants and shops 1/27/2022 6:59 PM 224 Hi, I enjoy them being outdoors, as well as walking by them. It feels European and inviting. I would like them to have a certain standard/appeal, meaning not like a road block. Preferably something appealing to the eye with a fence or plants. Something that a diverse community committee would approve. 1/27/2022 6:55 PM 225 It is unpleasant to have dinner in a curb cafe (which is really in the street) with all the traffic going by. Sidewalk cafes are good if the sidewalk is wide enough. Private outdoor areas are good since there is no traffic. 1/27/2022 6:53 PM 226 We live in a glorious beach town! I think it has been such a bonus to have more outdoor dining. I think we should take advantage of the weather, views, and space :) 1/27/2022 6:50 PM 227 I think the pictures chosen are bad examples. They all look run down.1/27/2022 6:50 PM 228 I appreciate the outdoor dining experience. We live in a nice city we should enjoy the outdoor more. 1/27/2022 6:50 PM 229 Visibility for cars is a problem with the curbside eating. Especially at Tamarack and Vigilucis large eating area. Curbside eating can create a safety issue for drivers and pedestrians. 1/27/2022 6:46 PM 230 We would rather eat in the outdoors with heaters than inside.1/27/2022 6:44 PM 231 Handicapped access to outdoor activations 1/27/2022 6:43 PM 232 I think it is unfair to other retailers that food vendors get to have additional space for minimal to no fee. What if the clothing store or candy store or coin store or sunglasses store what to start setting up their racks and displays out on the sidewalks? Why can’t they get the additional space for their businesses? 1/27/2022 6:43 PM 233 More parking areas should be considered. Two story parking lots 1/27/2022 6:39 PM 234 n/a 1/27/2022 6:32 PM 235 How long before there is an accident and someone dies? And you are stealing valuable parking. 1/27/2022 6:32 PM 236 Should have standards for design/“curb appeal” so they do not look like eyesores 1/27/2022 6:27 PM 237 come on... do you really need a survey to pulse this? how many times have i heard, "Let's go to encinitas for dinner?" 1/27/2022 6:26 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 100 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 12 / 28 238 While I would like to see more outdoor dining, there needs to be some standards and enforcement so that they are safe, attractive aesthetically, and don't create a nuisance. The promenade plan needs to be approved and efforts started to get it accomplished. 1/27/2022 6:24 PM 239 Should look good!1/27/2022 6:22 PM 240 Let’s close down state street to cars. Turn it into an outdoor pedestrian street.1/27/2022 6:20 PM 241 The more the merrier. Like in Europe, so many sidewalk cafes. Gives good vibes of people enjoying life. 1/27/2022 6:17 PM 242 We live in a beautiful city with fantastic weather, and I love to see a city embracing the outdoors. Other cities (like Encinitas) have allowed much greater sidewalk and curb dining. Their restaurants are flourishing and the atmosphere is inviting. I would be very disappointed if Carlsbad scaled back in allowing this type of dining, and was disappointed when our city was slow to make these changes during COVID. 1/27/2022 6:07 PM 243 Nothing 1/27/2022 6:02 PM 244 We have loved the outdoor additions. San Diego county is one of the few places that has gorgeous weather all year round and (pre-pandemic)limited outdoor dining. It’s charming and inviting. 1/27/2022 6:01 PM 245 I know you already considered this but I am asking you to reconsider closing to all vehicular traffic, State St. between Grant & Carlsbad Village Dr. Only foot traffic and non-electic bicycles would be allowed. You might even extend this area to the street north of Grant (forgot the name). 1/27/2022 5:51 PM 246 Making State Street pedestrian only 1/27/2022 5:50 PM 247 Outdoor dining areas are great, but sidewalks should be extended and parking reconfigured to accomodate diners, drivers and pedestrians adequately. 1/27/2022 5:41 PM 248 Close more streets to vehicular traffic.1/27/2022 5:40 PM 249 Restaurants should be obligated to maintain them in a good condition at all times. The standard should be higher than what is required for indoor areas. 1/27/2022 5:37 PM 250 With our wonderful weather, outdoor dining makes sense. Keep the outdoor dining!1/27/2022 5:35 PM 251 A set guideline on aesthetic.1/27/2022 5:35 PM 252 #7, I can not speak for ALL outside areas not meeting ADA compliance. It is unfair to ask a yes or no question. If they are blocking people with wheelchairs that can be an issue. 1/27/2022 5:34 PM 253 Make outdoor dining (all kinds) smoke-free 1/27/2022 5:33 PM 254 Make sure the outdoor activations are aesthetically pleasing, professionally done, and are kept up appropriately. 1/27/2022 5:33 PM 255 Our climate is so nice in Carlsbad, it makes sense to have outdoor dining. I love to sit outside on a nice day. 1/27/2022 5:33 PM 256 Businesses suffered greatly during the pandemic and restrictions come and go. If we want to keep these people in business we have to allow them to use them they made an investment I. Them. 1/27/2022 5:32 PM 257 I love the outdoor dining expansion and think it makes places more inviting. Sitting outside is preferable to inside almost year-round. 1/27/2022 5:30 PM 258 Outdoor dining has always been popular and has become even more so during the pandemic. People's behaviors have shifted, and more people are dining al fresco then ever. This should be supported, AND additional parking should be created on the outskirts. A trolley or something similar could facilitate movement from parking spaces that are further away from the core village. State Street should be pedestrian only. Grand should have one side pedestrian only. This would allow for more outdoor dining spaces and also create an aesthetically pleasing environment and pleasurable atmosphere. 1/27/2022 5:30 PM 259 Curbside cafes are not ideal when they are next to traffic. I would prefer to make the thoroughfare pedestrian and bike only. Like in Santa Barbara. And then encourage prettier more 1/27/2022 5:26 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 101 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 13 / 28 permanent curbside structures. We will be dealing with Covid for a long time. Being able to dine outside is key. 260 Possibly seasonal with less need in winter.1/27/2022 5:24 PM 261 If current curb, sidewalk & private cafés stay the same or increase…parking will be the next issue to be discussed. 1/27/2022 5:24 PM 262 Turn State Street into pedestrian only … would help the driving congestion 1/27/2022 5:23 PM 263 Pay street musicians to play at corners. Allow food trucks to set up near the beach areas, being careful though not to compete with static businesses. But south of Tamarack there is no place to eat - a couple of food trucks in a quasi-permanent spot would be smart and beneficial to beachgoers. 1/27/2022 5:17 PM 264 Use the opportunity of these renovations to update and advance bicycle parking.1/27/2022 5:13 PM 265 Ensure adequate sidewalk access and clearance near curb and sidewalk cafes.1/27/2022 5:11 PM 266 People over cars should always be the priority. The avenues of Europe are so beautiful because they are designed for peoples’ leisure, not parking. 1/27/2022 5:11 PM 267 We live in an area that can take advantage of great year round weather. If we can learn from our friends overseas this is so much more commonplace and fosters outdoor living, walkability, less cars, etc... all good things. 1/27/2022 5:11 PM 268 Cleanliness and relation to roadway- vehicles stopped at red light blowing exhaust in your food. Also the sightliness of the dining area- I think the example photos look dirty and unkempt. 1/27/2022 5:08 PM 269 Aesthetic design matters. If not decorated nicely, wouldn’t eat there. Should be standards.1/27/2022 5:07 PM 270 If there were more public transit options to lessen the need for parking I’d love to see the village and barrio area full of outdoor activations. I love enjoying our beautiful weather year- round outside and think outdoor activations are a great way to do that while supporting local businesses. 1/27/2022 5:05 PM 271 Close traffic on State St between CVD and Grand at night.1/27/2022 4:52 PM 272 We enjoy bringing our dog to these outdoor dining options!1/27/2022 4:51 PM 273 I think the Outside dining is great for people to be able to eat outside and enjoy the outside. Regardless of covid or not it helps the local business increase revenue as well. 1/27/2022 4:51 PM 274 I feel it makes the city feel more inviting and more alive.1/27/2022 4:38 PM 275 Many of the street/ curb cafes look bad, take parking away- against this- sidewalk cafes OK 1/27/2022 4:29 PM 276 There should be standards in terms of esthetics. Some are not attractive or not well built.1/27/2022 4:18 PM 277 I think all outdoor dining areas should maintain the asthetic of the village. It should be allowed but with guidelines. Wedding tents and folding chairs I don't believe add to the charm but properly done are very charming. 1/27/2022 4:13 PM 278 Parking is a consideration 1/27/2022 4:06 PM 279 Close. The street to cars so that pedestrians can walk without worries. Car accident wyhikeesying would also be nonexistent. Many tourist towns close important shopping/dining streets to cars. State street and Roosevelt sections should be closed to cars permanently so that farmers markets and dining can be safe to shoppers etc. kind of park like. Level the sidewalks too. 1/27/2022 4:02 PM 280 I love eating outdoors every chance I get. It’s been a great solution during Covid and I hope it stays! 1/27/2022 3:56 PM 281 Reeaalllyy like outdoor dining!1/27/2022 3:54 PM 282 They let the restaurants expand their business which will result in more people with jobs and more taxes paid to the city. Seems like a win all the way around. 1/27/2022 3:54 PM 283 consider closing entire block down...State Street 1/27/2022 3:51 PM 284 Incorporating outdoor space should also beautify the landscape/street scape around it. Putting 1/27/2022 3:32 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 102 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 14 / 28 thought into the design will make the space much more inviting. 285 The homeless problem is what detracts from spending time outside in the village and Barrio 1/27/2022 3:18 PM 286 When sidewalk cafes and curb cafes are adjacent or “sandwiched” together, it makes it difficult to maintain pedestrian traffic and a decent dining experience as there is always congestion from foot traffic and dining staff. This also greatly impacts the experience with people hovering over your dining area. If an outdoor area is designated, it should be thoughtfully permitted to keep a consistent city flow. 1/27/2022 3:16 PM 287 There should still be enough room for pedestrians to be able to walk on sidewalks comfortably 1/27/2022 3:15 PM 288 I have always preferred outdoor seating, even before Covid, but since Covid, I now also feel safer dining in outdoor settings. 1/27/2022 3:11 PM 289 Embrace the beautiful weather we have and allow these to continue and evolve.1/27/2022 3:03 PM 290 Maybe paid or free parking lots in close distance to create a more walkable area on the strip. People park more in lots and allow for more walking and outdoor dining 1/27/2022 3:03 PM 291 I noticed the lack of parking more from condos being built with street only parking than I do with curb side cafes. Of course if there are too many, then it would affect parking, but the current number we have at the moment is fine. I think existing businesses that built outdoor dining/patio/curb/sidewalk areas during covid should be allowed to keep them indefinitely. 1/27/2022 3:01 PM 292 No buttons on the cross walks. Just have them change for pedestrians every time.1/27/2022 2:59 PM 293 The private outdoor dining area used as an example is not the best example. Perhaps have a standard that they are required to follow aesthetically 1/27/2022 2:48 PM 294 More small businesses; less ridiculously overpriced condos for vacationers that detract from the village ambience. 1/27/2022 2:39 PM 295 This is the perfect climate to have outdoor dining. Even before covid I always preferred dining outdoors. 1/27/2022 2:38 PM 296 Close off State Street and make it pedestrian only at specific times.1/27/2022 2:35 PM 297 Outdoor curb or sidewalk dining is not appealing to me, I would rather eat in the beach. Dining next car exhaust is dirty and offensive. The barriers are not clean and provide zero dining atmosphere. The pandemic is causing a quick reaction for businesses but I have never chosen to eat in the street. I think in the future these businesses should consider a more appealing location. 1/27/2022 2:32 PM 298 Have an approval process for how they look. Most are attractive, but some do the minimum and look tacky. Consider Little Italy, the outdoor dining looks amazing! 1/27/2022 2:29 PM 299 Just make sure they’re kept to some standards and not causing any fire or safety hazards 1/27/2022 2:29 PM 300 I like the idea of curb cafes moreso than sidewalk cafes. It can be a bit tough to walk through as a pedestrian with a dog and trying to keep everything situated. Much of the issue can be eliminated by closing State St. between Grand and CBVD as well as getting the gumption to finally build a parking garage. 1/27/2022 2:26 PM 301 All great downtown destinations have parking challenges. That is a measure of success! We don’t even yet have paid parking or valet or business parking management like downtown Encinitas or Oceanside who are both advancing and progressing faster than Village! We remember when the first curb Cafe at Garcia’s was brought in, then the bar up the street, the vigalucci’s, then the burrito place. You were all ahead of the CoVId rage of making places for people and activating streets! 1/27/2022 2:19 PM 302 I would like you to consider closing state street to cars and open the whole road for pedestrian traffic look at state street in Santa Barbara. It can lead to more outdoor entertainment also 1/27/2022 2:03 PM 303 I believe that the expansion of outdoor dining has been a silver lining of the pandemic 1/27/2022 1:54 PM 304 To ensure the outdoor activations keep their area well bussed and provide heating during the cooler times of the year. 1/27/2022 1:54 PM 305 Just a concern for parking, especially handicapped parking.1/27/2022 1:49 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 103 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 15 / 28 306 There should be some standards for construction and restrictions on upkeep to insure that the look and feel is not diminished. 1/27/2022 1:47 PM 307 I think it is ok for a restaurant to use 2 parking spots, but no more 1/27/2022 1:44 PM 308 It’s the only way I will eat out in the time of Covid. I am not comfortable with indoor dining. I believe it makes the village feel vibrant and a happening place to have these set ups 1/27/2022 1:42 PM 309 Don’t allow tall buildings 1/27/2022 1:35 PM 310 Consider requiring parking uses in new developments to offset parking taken up by curb cafes.1/27/2022 1:18 PM 311 The outdoor dining areas create a vibrant community and energy reminiscent of European cities who have embraced sidewalk cafes, etc for decades. It’s a scenic and safe option and helps businesses increase their capacity. I do want businesses to be very sensitive to ADA compliance and access though. 1/27/2022 1:18 PM 312 They should just permanently close state street to cars where the farmers market is and have that be pedestrian only/farmers market 1/27/2022 1:18 PM 313 I think it gives the village a European feel and it’s great!1/27/2022 1:16 PM 314 Perhaps dedicate state street from Carlsbad village to grand as only pedestrian traffic and cafe only ? The same spot where the farmers market is on Wednesday 1/27/2022 1:11 PM 315 Parking, parking, parking- it’s the only deterrent as far as I’m concerned 1/27/2022 12:55 PM 316 ADA access is extremely important, legislatively, so ensuring any sidewalk cafe does not detract from those requirements is vital. Although curb cafes impact parking, it significantly reduces any ADA liability concerns. 1/27/2022 12:52 PM 317 There should be a standard for the aesthetic quality of the outdoor activations. For example, pop up canopies and tarps should not be allowed, whereas wooden structures with planters and string lighting should be encouraged. 1/27/2022 12:45 PM 318 I think state street should be permanently closed to traffic and the entire street be filled with walkable shops and outdoor dining. This would promote an amazing city center and keep the “village feel”. This has been done in many cities to great success. 1/27/2022 12:45 PM 319 I always recommend restaurants with an outdoor dining option to friends, family and the many business partners that I bring to Carlsbad Village. The ADA challenges can be overcome without forcing the small businesses to tear down their outdoor dining investments. 1/27/2022 12:39 PM 320 We saw a great disservice done to small businesses. Anything that can help them and our community recover is what should be focused on. They already have so much overhead. No more regulation needs to be added to their "plates". 1/27/2022 12:33 PM 321 It’s about time the village had a skate park.1/27/2022 12:29 PM 322 People over parking!1/27/2022 12:27 PM 323 Heaters for year round access 1/27/2022 12:25 PM 324 Reduced parking and unsightly structures in curb cafes detract from rhe aesthetics in the area. Sidewalk cafes are OK as long as they don’t hinder sidewalk passage.rnhostin 1/27/2022 12:21 PM 325 This is great for the economy and public health. A win-win!1/27/2022 12:10 PM 326 I wish there were options for one thing: I don't like the look of them, I wish they weren't there. However, due to policies regarding COVID, I'm GLAD that our local businesses had the options to keep their businesses open for two years. If this were non-COVID times, I would say that most of them need to go. However, allowing local businesses options to stay open and stay afloat is neighborly and very important to the economical standing of our community. 1/27/2022 12:04 PM 327 Not allowing fully enclosed outdoor dining (such as with plastic siding to enclose the space. It defeats the purpose of outdoor seating. 1/27/2022 12:04 PM 328 Aesthetics of the structures used. Ensuring there are some kind of barriers between traffic and diners for the safety of diners seated in curbed areas. Ensuring dining spaces have enough room for wheelchair access to all tables in the space. Rules around whether pets (non-service animals) are allowed in outdoor dining spaces. 1/27/2022 12:00 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 104 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 16 / 28 329 We live in one of the finest climates in the country and would love to enjoy eating outside to take advantage. Santa Barbara’s pedestrian State Street is a fine example of taking advantage. 1/27/2022 11:55 AM 330 The outdoor patio expansion in parking lot of viggiluccis on coast hwy has created a dangerous situation for those of us that live here. I cross their driveway multiple times a day with my children and when patrons are trying to exit the restaurant’s parking lot, the patio blocks their view from seeing pedestrians & bicycles coming from the coast. (yes- bicyclist often go up the street on the wrong side of the road, but that’s another issue for another day). It also blocks the ability of drivers coming down the hill from seeing pedestrians crossing at the crosswalk. I have seen people almost get hit so many time and I have almost been hit with my own children. I believe it is just a matter of time till it happens. Then I’m guessing viggiluccis & the city would get sued. Please do NOT let them keep their patio - It is dangerous! Plus, patrons cars stack up on tamarack and block my driveway while waiting for valet & parking spots to open up. If the patio was gone it would free up those clearly needed parking spaces. Not to mention I have also spoken to the valet workers and they’d even prefer the parking spots back. The patio makes their job much more difficult. Thank you. 1/27/2022 11:55 AM 331 I live in Olde Carlsbad and think these outdoor installations make our city look more lively, and increase capacity of businesses to serve to reduce wait times 1/27/2022 11:54 AM 332 Nothing more than parking issues…the outside dining options are perfect and we need more.1/27/2022 11:54 AM 333 Parking is important. Question 9 should have a choice for ZERO curbside parking spots.1/27/2022 11:47 AM 334 I’m immunocompromised and disabled. I do not think that Covid is magically going away, and I want to support dining options that allow for a safer experience on an ongoing basis. I see this as a necessary step toward supporting safer dining ongoing. ADA consideration is also crucial for me - when the sidewalk gets too congested or close parking isn’t available, I am unable to access anything in my village at all. I hope the needs of all community members can be balanced - those who require accessible parking and sidewalks, alongside businesses and patrons who would appreciate a safer outdoor dining experience. We also live in a beautiful city and climate, and I think that outdoor dining adds to the appeal of the dining experience and the aesthetic of the area when it’s done thoughtfully and with consideration of visitors and residents of all ages. I could see visitors/residents being turned off if outdoor dining turns into outdoor heavy drinking/smoking etc. A friendly cafe or outdoor seated dining is great - outdoor bars and blaring music, not so much. 1/27/2022 11:46 AM 335 I like the curb and sidewalk cafes, but we absolutely need more parking as well. Need to figure out a way to balance that. 1/27/2022 11:44 AM 336 Walking walking walking !! And more parking - off the main area - where is our parking structure ??? 1/27/2022 11:39 AM 337 Because we live in such a pleasant climate, these outdoor dining spaces are particularly attractive for the community. Even before the pandemic, sidewalk and outdoor cafes are ubiquitous in other countries such as those in Europe. They promote the health and vitality of the community by encouraging spending time outdoors and encouraging people to walk more. However, there certainly needs to be adequate ADA parking spots in front of these businesses. 1/27/2022 11:39 AM 338 Close down part of State Street permanently and allow independent vendors rotating spots. More food trucks!! Don't let the restaurants keep out the amazing and DIVERSE offerings of food trucks. We need more diversity in our food offerings, particularly taco stands!! 1/27/2022 11:34 AM 339 Maybe consider closing state street where the farmers market is held. Close that permanently to through traffic and allow an outdoor walking/dining/shopping area permanently. 1/27/2022 11:33 AM 340 The outdoor eating allow for people to enjoy a meal who would otherwise not go inside or order for take-out. I enjoy this option as a family member who works on Covid floors. 1/27/2022 11:33 AM 341 Better setup and pleasing looking of curb side dining. Keeping walkways clear.1/27/2022 11:32 AM 342 Rooftop dining 1/27/2022 11:26 AM 343 The outdoor set ups are often sloppy/temporary in appearance. I prefer more permanent thoughtful designs for our beautiful city. Sitting adjacent to a street seems unsafe and undesirable. The courtyards that are planed within restaurants, such as Blue Water, Compass, the former Land and Water and Karl Strauss, are more enjoyable for outdoor options. It is 1/27/2022 11:25 AM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 105 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 17 / 28 understandable that restaurants want to make use of the forced Covid setup they implemented to survive. 344 Design standards , build a more permanent addition or more importantly , close down some streets to car traffic and have real positive pedestrian experience … much safer, much more pleasing to the eye and would generate way more customers from a positive overall experience… it would have been nice to have the addition over by the Hedionda lagoon strawberry fields… THAT would have been a great pedestrian / vender experience… As much as I like the idea of our current outdoor street additions.. it looks so dirty college town…. We are supposed to be a higher end tourist town…. It’s so random and half measures looking… in most cases… 1/27/2022 11:22 AM 345 More parking would be good, but it needs to be substantial an easily located area. I hate driving around endlessly looking for a random parking spot. That’s why I think you should have more walking districts with the sidewalk cafés and curb cafés etc. and then create a parking garage somewhere like they have in Oceanside. It makes it so much easier and would help relieve some of the traffic. 1/27/2022 11:21 AM 346 Pls keep these!1/27/2022 11:19 AM 347 Parking structure 1/27/2022 11:13 AM 348 No construction aspects on them - cement barriers and big Orange barriers are not inviting 1/27/2022 11:09 AM 349 Out dining options should only increase and be permanent as COVID-19 has become endemic. There will always be a need for outdoor dining for current and future health concerns. 1/27/2022 11:07 AM 350 It’s so unsafe facing people essentially eating a meal in the streets! It looks awful 1/27/2022 11:03 AM 351 I would like to see more promenades for walking.1/27/2022 10:59 AM 352 Many people still prefer outdoor dining and will take a long time to go back to indoor dining. I think the City should consider this and continue to allow outdoor curb and sidewalk cafes in order for the businesses to be successful over the next few years. These spaces have been really well-planned by the businesses and add to the charm of the Village. We are so fortunate here in Carlsbad to have amazing weather that supports outdoor everything. We live very close to the Village, have an AirBnb in the Village, and have an office in the Village and have not noticed any impact to parking. We are always able to find a place to park (aside from Street Faire day). 1/27/2022 10:58 AM 353 What consideration is being made to taxpayers when public spaces are taken over for private use? Also, what is the environmental impact from a civil / traffic engineering standpoint when sidewalk space and parking availability is reduced by these outdoor activations? 1/27/2022 10:58 AM 354 Keep it local!1/27/2022 10:54 AM 355 Local discounts 1/27/2022 10:53 AM 356 Stop building condos.1/27/2022 10:48 AM 357 It creates unnecessary traffic for vehicles and it’s gravely annoying to locals. You should be putting the locals first who have to deal with these problems instead of putting tourists who want outdoor dining first. 1/27/2022 10:47 AM 358 ADA - people need to be able to navigate w/o obstacles. Also - the cyclists. Enforce the rules with them not stopping at crosswalks, especially on e-bikes. I like e-bikes but the kids and adults on them and the “professional” cyclists who don’t follow the laws make it a hazard for disabled average people to walk around the city. 1/27/2022 10:47 AM 359 Noise. Unruly behavior on State Street late at night.1/27/2022 10:45 AM 360 We live in a beautiful place and outdoor dining should be more of a norm than an exception.1/27/2022 10:45 AM 361 I think some streets should just be closed to cars on some weekends. To make it more “inviting” to foot traffic. 1/27/2022 10:42 AM 362 Show judgement. Don't just let every establishment do it.1/27/2022 10:39 AM 363 We live in one of the best places in the world. We should take advantage our weather and city by enjoying the outdoors. 1/27/2022 10:38 AM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 106 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 18 / 28 364 FYI I’ve walked and eaten in the Villiage with my ALS brother in his wheelchair many times and sidewalk cafes & curbside cafes have not hindered him getting around. Have not walked with him in the Barrio area. 1/27/2022 10:35 AM 365 Oak & Elixir patio should be used as a great example for outdoor dining when sidewalk is not wide enough to allow appropriate space. I would support permanently closing a section of state street in order to provide room for outdoor dining and hopefully encourage more “nicer” restaurant options. Those of us who own property in the city pay hefty taxes to live where there is such good weather, why be forced to stay indoors when dining? 1/27/2022 10:33 AM 366 Parking will become more of an issue but a small price to pay for better outdoor dining options.1/27/2022 10:32 AM 367 Proper barricade systems around these areas to protect employees and diners from vehicle incursions 1/27/2022 10:31 AM 368 I think certain rules should apply when it comes to appearance for example Oak and Elixir and Vigaluccis areas look nice and well laid out but Garcia’s looks messy and not aesthetically pleasing. 1/27/2022 10:29 AM 369 More outdoor events (movies, music, concerts, etc) to elevate the area 1/27/2022 10:29 AM 370 To me it seems like some businesses have invested more money in the overall appearance and I really appreciate those. Like Campfire's is really well made and seems safe. I do worry that the cheaper ones will look old quickly. 1/27/2022 10:25 AM 371 They should be allowed to stay open later.1/27/2022 10:24 AM 372 The weather is almost always nice, being outside can add to the dining and village experience.1/27/2022 10:24 AM 373 A reasonable esthetic. These outdoor dining options have to look clean and well maintained.1/27/2022 10:22 AM 374 I think State Street between Carlsbad Village and Grand should be closed to cars and parking. It’s a great pedestrian block, a great place to hang out and the loss of parking would be minimal. It would be a net positive to all businesses in the area. 1/27/2022 10:22 AM 375 When I lived in Chicago - outdoor cafes were required to have flowers around their fenced areas. I would like to see a similar requirement to add ambiance to the neighborhood beyond a simple fence. 1/27/2022 10:22 AM 376 I love outdoor dining areas, but the aesthetics can use improvement.1/27/2022 10:18 AM 377 Ensure compliance with ADA access and facilities. Don't allow businesses to take pseudo- ownership of sidewalks by making it hard to navigate them due to "temporary" obstructions such as trays, trash cans, etc. Side walk cafes and restaurants should not take precedence over pedestrians. Add more bicycle parking Outdoor activations are a great addition to the Village. They make the Village more inviting. The local weather is perfect and what many families prefer. Make it simple/reasonably priced for businesses to do it Enforce health rules re masks used indoors, etc. The city has been putting residents at risks not enforcing rules. 1/27/2022 10:16 AM 378 Perhaps we could build more parking somewhere more outskirts of the village, so we could have more pedestrian zones and enjoy the nice weather here in Carlsbad. 1/27/2022 10:14 AM 379 Outdoor dining and activations are a win for everyone. It's nice to eat outside and we have a climate where that's possible nearly year round except for a few days per year. It allows restaurants to have extra tables and since I assume their rents are increasing it gives them extra revenue. Look towards cafes in Paris and other cities with outdoor dining and drinking and see how it's part of the culture. We live in the Village/Barrio so it would affect us more on a daily basis than people who don't and we're totally willing to out up with any inconveniences such as less parking or needing to spend and extra 5 seconds navigating the sidewalks. You allow developers to build big condo projects against just about everyone's wishes to let our local restaurants do something for us and them that we all want. 1/27/2022 10:09 AM 380 This is a great compromise to keeping restaurants in business and dining safely during Covid. My family could not otherwise eat out if it weren’t for outdoor dining. Also, we have really enjoyed the atmosphere not only while eating out ourselves, but seeing the diners enjoying their meals while driving or walking by. 1/27/2022 10:05 AM 381 The outdoor dining offers a sense of security and safety during these Covid times. Our family feels safer eating outdoors and are more likely to choose a restaurant with outdoor seating. We also visit coastal Encinitas and appreciate their efforts to expand outdoor dining. 1/27/2022 10:05 AM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 107 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 19 / 28 382 My only concern is regarding "curb cafes." I feel that these just out into the street and if not properly addressed a motorist could crash into these curb cafes causing harm, injury, or death. That is my only concern with them. 1/27/2022 10:05 AM 383 Maybe a certain aesthetic benchmark could be provided so there is some cohesion?1/27/2022 10:04 AM 384 The outdoor set ups are nice and a great way to enjoy the weather and not be inside but they are just all so ugly looking. 1/27/2022 10:03 AM 385 I would love to see State Street closed (and bricked in) permanently between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grant for a festive fun pedestrian area, more outdoor dining and street vendors. 1/27/2022 10:03 AM 386 Must be creatively built, no orange plastic construction blocks like Encinitas.1/27/2022 10:02 AM 387 Make more street pedestrian only.1/27/2022 9:58 AM 388 Some of the outdoor dining was done too quickly without regard to the look and feel of the restaurant, plaza or neighborhood. If they are going to become permanent, let's make an effort to make them cohesive and from materials that are as resistant to fading and warping as possible. If we're going to lose car parking, increase the bike lanes and perhaps find an area that can become a bike parking lot. So many of the eBikes are huge and really block the sidewalks. This project needs to be done with ADA compliance top of mind. Are there members of the community who can be brought in to give feedback? 1/27/2022 9:56 AM 389 These are wonderful additions to Carlsbad and allow for more people to dine in the beautiful weather we have 1/27/2022 9:55 AM 390 I love them. It would be nice to make sure wheelchairs and strollers can get past the curb cafes. Also, if they become permenant I'm hoping the restaurants will then invest more money to make them more aesthetically pleasing instead of temporary feeling. 1/27/2022 9:54 AM 391 Consider construction of parking areas on the fringes of the village and barrio area. There are many cross streets in the village, consider making some of these pedestrian areas, particularly where there are already a number of curbside dining areas (e.g State street between CVD and Grand) 1/27/2022 9:54 AM 392 The city should close on street (State street) to make it more like a promenade. Other cities in the state have done that (Santa Barbara) and it attracts so much more people, making it inviting. 1/27/2022 9:54 AM 393 I like outdoor eating. We have a perfect City for it. I do think some are more attractive than others and that should be considered. As for ADA - as an able bodied person I am unaware of how this has impacted others. I wanted a "I don't know" option. Your data may not truly truly represent the needs of ADA residents without it. 1/27/2022 9:54 AM 394 Nothing on the sidewalks, only on the curb, but the city needs to buy a plot of land for another parking lot like the one on Roosevelt, if you take away parking for curb cases then it needs to be added elsewhere. I like the outdoor dining, but parking is an issue and so is walking around the village with some of the curb cafes, I think places like Vigulluccis should lose the sidewalk tables since they have the curb cafe, it’s too hard to walk through there 1/27/2022 9:52 AM 395 I think we should have a promenade feel to the village.1/27/2022 9:50 AM 396 closing state to cars adding more outdoor dining 1/27/2022 9:50 AM 397 The sidewalk cafes are lovely and I am not opposed generally speaking. If they limit ADA and stroller access, then they should not be permitted. We need to allow ease of movement and safety for persons when considering these. 1/27/2022 9:49 AM 398 Parking 1/27/2022 9:47 AM 399 With great weather here I think these should stay year round.1/27/2022 9:46 AM 400 ADA compliance has become a serious issue with expanded outdoor dining spaces. I have no problems with the concept, but it is illegal to discriminate against disabled citizens by allowing outdoor dining to block their access to city streets, sidewalks, restaurants and shops. 1/27/2022 9:44 AM 401 Make streets one-ways or walking only to allow for more outdoor dining.1/27/2022 9:40 AM 402 Consider making State St between Carlsbad Village Dr and Grand Ave a pedestrian only 1/27/2022 9:39 AM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 108 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 20 / 28 street. 403 We live in an area where we are able to enjoy the outdoors so we definitely should. It gives it more of a “village” feel. More friendly. 1/27/2022 9:38 AM 404 I feel they are not needed at all. Takes up space and they seem dangerous next to a road.1/27/2022 9:36 AM 405 I'd love to see a public square-type option in Carlsbad, not associated with just one restaurant. State between CVD and Grand would be amazing. Would also like to see a discreet, low-profile parking garage(s) to replace lost parking spots. 1/27/2022 9:36 AM 406 Pedestrian walkways and parking are the key points. A nice looking private outdoor dining like Nortes is fine. 1/27/2022 9:36 AM 407 Make sure there is adequate sidewalk passage for wheelchairs 1/27/2022 9:35 AM 408 I think if restaurants add outdoor seating or keep their pandemic setup, it should be made permanent as opposed to the temporary materials. This helps improve the aesthetics and doesn’t detract from the look of the city. I also prefer sidewalk cafes over seating in parking spots to prevent traffic/safety issues. 1/27/2022 9:30 AM 409 I love the activation, however the parking spaces are needed. Private businesses that use public common space (sidewalks and parking) should pay a lease amount similar to the cost of private space. Then let the businesses decide if it's a good investment. As it is now it is essentially a giveaway of public commons to enrich a private business. 1/27/2022 9:28 AM 410 Make State St. pedestrian only between Grand and Carlsbad Village Dr. like Forest Ave. in Laguna Beach. (Most of our outdoor dining spaces are well kept and attractive, your photos didn’t include them...too bad.) 1/27/2022 8:39 AM 411 Outdoor facilities, especially curb dining pose a danger to diners and reduce much needed street parking in the village. Sidewalk dining adds atmosphere, but really restricts sidewalk access during busy hours. 1/27/2022 8:36 AM 412 The outdoor dining experience is a great addition to the area. You should consider closing state permanently and allowing more outdoor dining. I hope you are also considering a parking structure in the village to ease the parking issues that were already a problem long before the the ease in restrictions for outdoor dining. 1/27/2022 7:02 AM 413 Need to be tasteful and attractive looking.1/26/2022 8:29 PM 414 Crime rates in aviara. Car break-ins please 1/26/2022 4:10 PM 415 provide more parking. I can see this becoming a problem as the weather gets warmer and more people come into the village area especially due to the new living space construction that is going up in that area. 1/26/2022 3:43 PM 416 Lola's & Garcia's are good example of nicely done outdoor dining - some parts of it were done precovid. Curb cafes should not be in the barrio at all - taking up ANY parking spaces. 1/26/2022 3:07 PM 417 aesthetics - maybe 5 or 6 design templates for restaurants to choose from.1/26/2022 2:57 PM 418 The look is distracting from the charm of the Village 1/26/2022 2:55 PM 419 If businesses had the surety of long-term use I believe that the curbside, sidewalk, and private outdoor dining areas would benefit. Investment and improvement come when it is a permanent policy over temporary. 1/26/2022 2:50 PM 420 They should close down State Street between Grand and CVD permanently and they should create an easy to manage way to shut down the area on Grand as well Friday-Sunday. 1/26/2022 2:31 PM 421 I like the idea of closing off the streets and making it pedestrians only with outdoor dining that is done in a professional and aesthetic way. What we have now is too congested and a bit trashy looking. 1/26/2022 2:07 PM 422 I like the idea of outside dining areas, but with aesthetic guidelines to give them a cleaner, more uniform look. Thought should also be given to make sure that bottlenecks aren’t created for people walking on the sidewalk (like at Barrio restaurant). Ideally, entire streets will be closed to cars to allow for pedestrians, dining, etc. 1/26/2022 2:07 PM 423 I would like to see Carlsbad permanently close certain streets to focus on pedestrian traffic 1/26/2022 1:46 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 109 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 21 / 28 and outdoor activities like dining, food trucks, art etc. 424 I think picking up trash around these areas and possibly pressure washing them regularly can go a long way toward making them more inviting. Trash and stains on the streets around them make them look worse. 1/26/2022 1:11 PM 425 I would like the outdoor structures to be more tasteful. I understand these business had to make an adjustment for COVID. But if its a long term structure it should have more integrity, class and cleanliness. 1/26/2022 1:07 PM 426 Have aesthetic standards that must be met.1/26/2022 12:22 PM 427 Move homeless out of downtown Carlsbad. The homeless make me, my family and friends feel unsafe. 1/26/2022 12:16 PM 428 Select streets should be modified from asphalt to pedestrian walkways/paths w plant material; there should be parking structures built to accomodate car displacement - underground and above ground to accommodate - perhaps even offer shuttles to the train platform so that the elderly and/or disabled are able to park in structures several blocks back (by the freeway - don't build a parking structure by the beach - prime real estate. offer shuttles) paid parking is fine 1/26/2022 12:13 PM 429 Anything that is indoors should be considered rolling outdoors, this is southern CA, for goodness sake, the weather doesnt get much better. 1/26/2022 12:11 PM 430 I like the sidewalk cafes. There's nothing like sitting out listening to music!1/26/2022 11:49 AM 431 I would set standards for how the outdoor/curb/sidewalk look, with time for businesses to come up to standard. Some businesses did a great job of aesthetics, while others look a bit haphazard or color is a bit too much in your face. 1/26/2022 11:30 AM 432 More parking areas, lighting and police or cameras to help keep everyone safe…1/26/2022 11:22 AM 433 I believe Carlsbad would benefit from a review board, that could help the businesses create a design that is in keeping with the village. The picture above is not attractive, but could be helped by a little aesthetic advice from a committee. Not big brother, but a friendly voice to keep our village charming and our businesses successful. 1/26/2022 10:08 AM 434 Carlsbad is the only beach city that has free downtown parking. Curbside dining takes away needed parking and if they remain it will create the need for one or more parking structures which will charge for parking. Carlsbad had a pretty and inviting downtown. Now it looks jumbled and shabby with poorly constructed outside dining/party spaces. 1/26/2022 10:04 AM 435 Should be attractive, no steel bars or cages, use natural wood, large potted plants to provide privacy and greenery, bird of paradise plants, potted flowers (think Italy, Greece, etc.) to add color and warmth to our community AND bathrooms need to be open to customers neighborhood and outdoor activities. Keep "The Village" feel to downtown, inviting and secluded nooks of rest spots for visitors as well as locals. Those of us who are disabled with no car must walk everywhere and frankly, can make it about 2 hours before we must have access to public bathrooms just to buy weekly groceries at Smart and Final, Hardware store and small shops have shut the public out from facilities. I'm 74, need a walker, and tired of being told all of the restrooms are closed to shoppers. NOT friendly at all, folks. Wrong message to send to locals and visitors. Calfresh EBT cards are not accepted by Farmer's Market vendors, and that needs to be changed. 1/26/2022 10:04 AM 436 Please consider a complete/permanent closure of State Street, between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand. This will create a safer, more Tourist/Consumer oriented space. It will also eliminate the weekly/periodic closures of State Street. Thanks for your consideration. 1/26/2022 9:57 AM 437 I've always thought having sidewalk cafes in the Village would be an added bonus. Many of those places are small, making it difficult to get a table. Having off-site parking options would help the foot traffic, I would think. Perhaps a structure could be added where a current public parking lot is located...? 1/26/2022 9:49 AM 438 Ban smoking near eating areas.1/26/2022 9:45 AM 439 work with nctd to utilize more of the train parking lots for day parking. expand parking lot to the end of the alley. there is a huge empty lot there not being used... 1/26/2022 9:37 AM 440 Give the restaurants a break they are barely staying afloat. That being said we have enough 1/26/2022 9:26 AM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 110 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 22 / 28 curbside no more 441 Let businesses expand without huge costs from the city as long as it looks nice 1/26/2022 9:23 AM 442 Parking in-luie fees for spaces taken up by outdoor cafes should be required, along with more public parking in the area. There should be design standards for outdoor dining, no flapping cheap tarps for shade or wind. Have design standards that unify the outdoor dining establishments, not by having a hodgepodge of outdoor dining facilities/designs. 1/26/2022 9:20 AM 443 Consider closing the street where the Carlsbad Farmers Market is on an ongoing basis for traffic. 1/26/2022 9:11 AM 444 Encourage more live music at the outdoor dining areas.....small amount or single musicians for background music! 1/26/2022 9:10 AM 445 Not sure what you include or mean by "activations." Bottom line, with all the dramatic increase in high density housing plus "in Lieu" fees letting developers avoid making adequate parking, parking and traffic is becoming more and more of a problem making the term "village" a joke. 1/26/2022 8:58 AM 446 Because of food service, city sidewalks should be cleaned more often. Also, keep up repair of tiles and concrete. 1/26/2022 8:57 AM 447 Maintain some standard for design and implementation so that the area does not take on the appearance of a cluttered swap meet. Public safety and vehicle/people separation must be the number one requirement for both implementation and enforcement. 1/26/2022 8:54 AM 448 Covid will continue to be a concern and outdoor dining a helpful preventative, allowing the pleasure of gathering with less risk. It's beneficial to businesses and customers. A way of life in Europe forever, great to have so many options here. 1/26/2022 8:43 AM 449 I love the outdoor dining options. We, seniors, feel much safer in this stressful time, when we have this option. 1/26/2022 8:07 AM 450 I think the city should be more business friendly with less oversight and less taxes and fees. Many clients and friends have exited CA for good due to over taxation. We run three local businesses and are considering other options, as well. 1/26/2022 7:54 AM 451 Please continue with weekly Farmers Market and movie night, Annual street fair, marathon, etc. I love Carlsbad! 1/26/2022 7:53 AM 452 I am very pro-outdoor dining regardless of the pandemic, however the response to covid protocols from Carlsbad Village businesses, namely refusing masks, protesting vaccines, actively recruiting unvaccinated protestors from outside the community into the Village has caused us to reconsider our spending. There are very few restaurants in the Village we're willing to support anymore and Carlsbad's failure to partner with the county to enforce and the Mayor's public support of the small businesses was not only incredibly disheartening as a resident but made us reconsider our willingness to stay here. As it stands now, we support a few local restaurants that have been working to keep people as safe as possible and take our business elsewhere when needed. 1/26/2022 7:50 AM 453 Consider closing a portion State Street to vehicular traffic in the evening. Construct a parking garage to accommodate lost parking due to outdoor dining. 1/26/2022 6:53 AM 454 People who are in these outdoor areas are not easy to deal with if you are trying to park your car. The business owners of the curb cafes think they have access to the entire parking lot for themselves and their patrons then echo the same sentiment creating a hostile environment. Worst of them is Mas Fina Cantina 1/26/2022 5:37 AM 455 They are a. Danger to those who are aged, children who are likely to run out into the auto traffic areas, danger to passing cars when people are ready to leave and do not exercise care in oncoming traffic, to many uncontrollable dangers, NO more sidewalk dining , not worth the risk of a terrible accident...bnjbrandon@msn.com 1/26/2022 5:28 AM 456 We should help support local businesses and restaurants to allow them to quickly adapt to changing conditions. 1/26/2022 5:16 AM 457 Maybe the city should consider providing new public parking in the village/barrio area instead of the “high rise” apartments & condos that are being built and don’t seem to be “low income friendly.” 1/25/2022 11:30 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 111 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 23 / 28 458 Continue with allowing outdoor activations. These make the village vey inviting and look like Europe. 1/25/2022 11:20 PM 459 Nothing else 1/25/2022 10:34 PM 460 They outdoor ding should be attractive and inviting to everyone 1/25/2022 10:29 PM 461 They take away parking 1/25/2022 9:55 PM 462 Safety of diners with regard to traffic and the aesthetic of the set up 1/25/2022 9:20 PM 463 Not sure 1/25/2022 9:16 PM 464 Approve the designs 1/25/2022 9:02 PM 465 Keeping the Village and Barrio nice and accessible is a wonderful goal. Encinitas has done it well. So can we. It can be casual but very tasteful as has been done so for in 2020-2021. 1/25/2022 8:51 PM 466 Outdoor dining is common in many places round the world, and the weather is perfect here - outdoors year-round. It adds to the local vibe and smaller businesses. As long as small businesses and the locals are accommodated, it just makes sense as part of a community to dine outdoors together. Beyond parking, biking and walkability, there is safety for the diners and servers. People need to be safe sitting next to passing cars, plus there's the pollution. Permanent structures are better for this. Each dining establishment should be allowed some outdoor access, and what that is depends on their current location. Since outdoor dining slows down pedestrian traffic, the street traffic needs to also slower, especially within the village, (or perhaps a few streets need to be pedestrian only, and available for outdoor markets and dining year round) It would be great to solve the parking space issues without charging everyone extra, as that money needs to go to the businesses and staff. Is there usable space or are there areas where parking could be restriped, cars angled outward/ face curb instead of along the curb? If outdoor dining takes up road space, keep the parking and have some more one- way streets ? Looking forward to ideas from everyone. 1/25/2022 8:26 PM 467 Please do not bankrupt our small businesses with your regulations.1/25/2022 8:23 PM 468 Nicer edges to the dining areas to finish the look 1/25/2022 8:21 PM 469 Set standards to ensure attractiveness and safety 1/25/2022 8:18 PM 470 Most of these installations violate ADA guidelines. During a temporary situation, that may be acceptable. But eventually, the city will get sued. Best to keep it legal. There is not enough room in some areas for a person in a wheelchair to pass. Legally, there has to be room for one wheelchair to pass another wheelchair. 1/25/2022 8:08 PM 471 Equal distribution for business owners. Consider coffee & ice cream stands like other great cities. 1/25/2022 8:02 PM 472 Add parking structures to allow for ample parking in neighboring areas.1/25/2022 7:31 PM 473 Parking structure above retail on Roosevelt 1/25/2022 7:21 PM 474 Making State Street between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue a full time pedestrian area would be helpful. Grand Avenue between State Street and Roosevelt should also be pedestrian. 1/25/2022 7:21 PM 475 I think the city should look into how the outdoor dining is put up so it is aesthetically pleasing.1/25/2022 7:17 PM 476 With covid continuing to make indoor dining less safe, outdoor dining should continue in the Village & Barrio areas. 1/25/2022 7:17 PM 477 We need multi-storied Parking Structures in the Village. And a limit on multi-unit condo's w/o adequate parking. 1/25/2022 7:04 PM 478 There should be a code enforcement as to the aesthetic appeal of outdoor private dining . The one above looks ramshackle . 1/25/2022 6:59 PM 479 Open the restaurants without mask and vaccination restrictions and the village will feel classy and fun like it was before. It looks low class with all the make-shift dining. 1/25/2022 6:51 PM 480 Streamline the look of these sidewalk and curb cafes, they shouldn’t all be too different but have some consistency 1/25/2022 6:46 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 112 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 24 / 28 481 The churches should not supply food at MCGee park or other parks. It encourages the unsheltered to not get services and resources that are available through the city, county, interfaith, and other charities. It fills the park with homeless so families and children cannot be there. If the churches want to feed the homeless they should be doing it at their church not on public property nor encouraging them to expect handouts at park which ends with camping urinating & defficating on the streets nearby. It is not good for the businesses or the health of our community. I am so disappointed that our city allows this to go on and draw some more homeless into the area. 1/25/2022 6:24 PM 482 Close down stares street and make it a pedestrian are 1/25/2022 6:20 PM 483 Usually outdoor patios are inviting. For example, the outdoor dining at Lepapagayo. The ones put up for Covid are tacky and take away from the village atmosphere. 1/25/2022 6:06 PM 484 This is likely not our last pandemic. The outdoor eating opportunities are needed in such a beautiful environment. Even with the flu it is safer to eat outside! 1/25/2022 6:05 PM 485 We live in a beautiful city so why not allow the residence and visitors to enjoy the beautiful weather outside! Sidewalk cafes are awesome. Maybe outdoor shops? 1/25/2022 6:04 PM 486 Streets opened for pedestrians only. Identify parking areas and close streets to motor vehicles.1/25/2022 6:02 PM 487 Too many looks overdone and not as novel. I understand that it was important to support the restaurants in this way during COVID. 1/25/2022 5:56 PM 488 Being somewhat handicapped, I need to be able to park close. I can't walk too far. If I have to walk far-I won't shop/dine the village area. #9-I don't like curb cafes but there is no option for 0 parking spaces. 1/25/2022 5:55 PM 489 Aesthetics is one of the most Important considerations. I personally do not think either of the images for curb café or private outdoor dining are attractive. Also, Instead of a curb cafe design, I would prefer to have the sidewalk rerouted into the street to allow for a larger outdoor café. Pedestrian sidewalk access with the curb café design is awkward and feels cramped when strolling in the village. Sidewalk could be rerouted just by using a wood walkway with railing to separate pedestrians from traffic. 1/25/2022 5:53 PM 490 State street between Beech and Carlsbad Village Dr. as well as portions of Grand Ave. should be converted to pedestrian only. 1/25/2022 5:52 PM 491 Many of the temporary seating areas look it. They don't seem stable, are visually unappealing. If they are going to stay, certain safety and visual expectations should be in place. In addition, the quality has gone way down as businesses seem to be packing in customers in the extra dining space but haven't expanded their kitchens to accommodate the extra total capacity. Are there city expectations around kitchen size versus capacity? The poor quality coupled with high prices will ultimately drive down the appeal of coming to downtown Carlsbad. 1/25/2022 5:51 PM 492 Building a parking structure where the Lincoln Parking lot is now, against the train tracks. Reconsider making State Street Pedestrian only. 1/25/2022 5:47 PM 493 PLEASE BUILD THE PARKING GARAGE THAT WE WERE PROMISED ON THE CITY LOT ON OAK. It's absolutely ridiculous that it hasn't happened yet. No one will want to come to the Village to dine IF THERE ISN'T PARKING and so it should be a priority and not postponed any longer. There's no reason for this outside of personal interests of Mayor Hall. Trolleys would be nice, too. Make it easy for people to come dine and shop. Losing 12 parking places so restaurants can have outdoor dining doesn't make a difference to the parking problem. 1/25/2022 5:44 PM 494 We need to help our businesses thrive in these times. It has always bugged me that Carlsbad has had so very little outdoor dining. Let's all enjoy our beautiful climate and patronize our local restaurants/diners/bars. 1/25/2022 5:38 PM 495 What state is better suited to enjoy outdoor dining most of the year-round than California? Our weather is conducive to dining outside. Also, restaurants have suffered the most during covid and some concessions should be made towards their recovery. 1/25/2022 5:36 PM 496 Parking, access, parking 1/25/2022 5:24 PM 497 Close off streets like the Street Fair to allow restaurants to spread outdoors without disrupting services 1/25/2022 5:21 PM 498 Dogs. Lots of us bring our dogs to these outdoor cafes.1/25/2022 5:18 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 113 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 25 / 28 499 with our lovely year around weather, we should be able to dine safely outdoors most of the time. it’s safer and countries like France have had outdoor cafes forever! 1/25/2022 5:09 PM 500 They should retain pedestrian /ADA access and vehicular and bicycle safety as a priority. The use of public property for private profit should be limited and fair. 1/25/2022 5:08 PM 501 The cafes do hinder ADA and walking around, and certainly take up parking spaces. There needs to be a compromise. Feel your way down this slippery slope! 1/25/2022 4:58 PM 502 My concern as you raised, is whether or not someone with a disability can still walk on the sidewalk. The other concern would be safety with passing vehicles. Instead of 2 or 4 parking spaces being used, perhaps 3 is a more reasonable number. 1/25/2022 4:48 PM 503 More bike parking 1/25/2022 4:33 PM 504 Ensure that there is a process to inspect these installations for safety , obeying stated rules and aesthetic, after installation. We wish to enhance, not install "junky areas" or areas that detract from our lovely city 1/25/2022 4:33 PM 505 the aestheric matters. Barrio's patio looks wonderful, while the other two examples do not look as nice - they must be fabricated and have a design review or approval so that it doesn't look junky/ detract from the village aesthetic. I do not mind the sidewalk or parking lot cafe, but they must be well made/ designed well. I think the temporary nature of these maybe lent itself to that, but if the businesses knew they could be permanent perhaps they would invest more. 1/25/2022 4:32 PM 506 The curb areas are not safe. Cars are too close and the streets are narrower. It doesn't take much to crash/barge into the perimeters 1/25/2022 4:28 PM 507 All outdoor cafes should be made to look and act permanently. Not a makeshift temporary structure. 1/25/2022 4:25 PM 508 We live in such a beautiful area where the weather screams get outdoors! More outdoor dining is a no brainer! 1/25/2022 4:20 PM 509 I love the idea of outdoor dining however, Carlsbad needs to fix the parking issue overall.1/25/2022 4:19 PM 510 Some of these questions do not provide adequate variations to respond. For example, the number of parking spaces displaced may need to be considered in relation to the frontage of the dining locations as well as impacts to other adjacent shops/businesses and whether there is sufficienct parking elsewhere. Also, I am not really opposed to any of these opportunities, but I would prefer more emphasis on overall appearance as to whether such spaces add or detract from the area. For example, the photo shown to represent outdoor dining areas is not representative of what could be possible with more care toward creating a welcome and inviting appearance. The same applies to curb cafes, which have been constructed in a very make- shift manner, appropriate for a temporaray solution, but perhaps needing more thought if they are to become permanent. There is no mention of the idea of closing off a portion of a village area street to create a permanent outdoor pedestrian plaze. I think this idea merits some consideration, but would prefer it be limited to no more than a block or two to allow for a reasonable distance to available parking and access vs. closing down an entire street. The good news is that the recent situation has provided new awareness of the value of outdoor spaces and experiences and that could prompt new opportunities for the future, with careful thought and design considerations. 1/25/2022 4:19 PM 511 Code compliance, accessibility and aesthetics. Each dining area should be allowed to express their own particular aesthetic, although future consideration should include more cohesive recommendations for planting and landscaping and any overhead lighting, awnings or shading devices. Carlsbad is fortunate to have the opportunity to expand outdoor dining in the Village and Barrio and should look for innovative ways to encourage and enhance this amenity throughout the city. 1/25/2022 4:10 PM 512 The outdoor dining areas should be maintained well and in keeping with the overall charming atmosphere of the village. We are fortunate to have exceptional weather year round and should take advantage of this by continuing to offer outdoor dining options. In light of the concerns many have about the spreading of viruses etc., this makes a very sensible option to be in an open air setting. 1/25/2022 4:05 PM 513 Make sure outdoor dining areas are attractive and kept that way.1/25/2022 4:04 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 114 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 26 / 28 514 More aggressive enforcement of illegal noise generated from cars and motorcycles that reduce the enjoyment of outdoor dining. More bicycle racks near these outdoor dining areas as demand increases as measured by periodic surveys. Wider sidewalks throughout the Village via reduced lane widths for motor vehicles. Install roundabouts at all intersections on Grand Ave. to calm traffic, reduce fatalities and serious injuries to motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians, reduce noise levels, reduce air pollution from idling and accelerating motor vehicles, and eliminate traffic signal blight. 1/25/2022 3:59 PM 515 Close off some streets to be pedestrian only!1/25/2022 3:57 PM 516 Consider making State Street between Grand Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive a car free zone. The area could be turned into pedestrian access only and could host more outdoor dining and outdoor events in that block. 1/25/2022 3:54 PM 517 Maki g sure these are safe from vehicles in case of anything 1/25/2022 3:54 PM 518 The new outdoor dining areas are great for customers and the businesses. I don’t mind parking farther away and walking. We have even taken the train a few times even though its only one stop! 1/25/2022 3:51 PM 519 Should meet a certain aesthetic appeal. Think about making pedestrian only areas.1/25/2022 3:46 PM 520 Build a parking garage. Run shuttles from mall parking lot to Village.1/25/2022 3:43 PM 521 Continue with outdoor activations BUT add parking structure near the Village to make up for lost parking. 1/25/2022 3:43 PM 522 Carlsbad has become a lot more dog friendly with the addition of outdoor dining. It also allows us to enjoy our amazing weather. Finally, the outdoor dining areas help some people with anxiety go out more. I can sit at the outdoor areas, whereas my PTSD is frequently triggered while eating inside. 1/25/2022 3:42 PM 523 Make it easier for businesses to add/expand outdoor activations. Also, cut the red tape and make the permit cost zero. 1/25/2022 3:41 PM 524 Shut down State Street Between Grand and CVD) on Friday and Saturday nights for pedestrian only traffic. 1/25/2022 3:40 PM 525 The consideration should be that these pop ups and outdoor dining areas should be attractive, not look half put together, tacky and dirty! They should enhance the beauty of the village, not detract from it. Quality materials and decor should be used, not junk! 1/25/2022 3:39 PM 526 Not just the NUMBER of 'activations' - but the quality of them.1/25/2022 3:37 PM 527 Parking in the village at night is a nightmare especially during the summer. The city needs to build a parking structure in a convenient location in the Village. Possible locations would be: * The PW maintenance yard on Oak near the tracks * The parking lot near Le Papagallo * The train station parking lot closest to the train station building 1/25/2022 3:37 PM 528 Building a fee based parking structure to allow more activity 1/25/2022 3:33 PM 529 The outdoor activations, which can be great, should have to meet all codes, even if "temporary". The aspect of temporariness seems to be used as an excuse, for some of the spaces, to make cheap improvements and limit access. 1/25/2022 3:33 PM 530 Safety, a car hitting one of these with no real barrier is a disaster waiting to happen. Set design standards. Some are weak and tacky, cheap and quickly erected for temporary few weeks and now are not standing up to the test of time. Better long lasting materials. Encroachment/maintenance/removal agreements to be enforced if not well maintained. 1/25/2022 3:33 PM 531 I think we need to be careful that Carlsbad doesn't end up looking like Encinitas. Encinitas has too much curb side dining and parking has become a nightmare! 1/25/2022 3:32 PM 532 If you going to allow curb and sidewalk cafes, then close three blocks of State Street and two blocks of Grant, making it pedestrian friendly with no vehicle traffic or parking. And build that parking structure. 1/25/2022 3:32 PM 533 Looks horrible.1/25/2022 3:30 PM 534 Implement the Grand Promenade Question 9 should be neither 1/25/2022 3:29 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 115 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 27 / 28 535 It's hard to see the businesses with all the barriers of curbside cafes. You are forcing me to answer #9 I don't agree with either answer!!! This skews the survey! 1/25/2022 3:29 PM 536 Make them look attractive, make them of solid construction, make the businesses keep them clean, avoid pests and litter 1/25/2022 3:27 PM 537 The outdoor areas need to look nice not junky.1/25/2022 3:26 PM 538 It will be years before we become comfortable eating inside with others so I like the sidewalk cafes, but not the ones in the streets. 1/25/2022 3:24 PM 539 The effect on residents in accessing businesses and services adjacent to outdoor expansions. They make it even more difficult than in the past to do business in the village or enjoy leisure time there, especially if you have a disability. 1/25/2022 3:24 PM 540 We need to be more business/ restaurant friendly. These business are struggling and need more space. Stop making new business pay for parking spaces. Maybe think of central parking with free tram that circles the village like Laguna Beach and Palm Springs Thursday - Saturday. 1/25/2022 3:24 PM 541 I think State Street between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue should become a permanent walking plaza with outdoor dining areas and public lounge areas. This area is already closed to cars on Wednesday afternoons. A public Piazza/ Plaza would be lovely for all visitors to our beach and village community and would serve as a wonderful space for the Carlsbad Community. (like Pearl Street Mall in Boulder Colorado.) 1/25/2022 3:23 PM 542 Outdoor eating should be attractive and include landscaping and art. Outside eating areas should be kept cleaned - no greasy sidewalks and unkept planters and signage. No orange plastic barricades. Need first class . 1/25/2022 3:23 PM 543 Provide bike racks and bike charging stations.1/25/2022 3:21 PM 544 Keeping sidewalk clear and walkable near curb cafes and avoid having people cluster on the sidewalk while wating. I have visual impairment, so it's a little more difficult to negotiate (e.g. in front of Vigilucci's on State), but I still the curb cafes. Perhaps close to cars on State Street between Grand and Carlsbad Village, at least after 5 pm. 1/25/2022 3:19 PM 545 I love to see my city thriving with outdoor dining options! We live in Southern California with beautiful weather why not enjoy the climate we live in! Plus it accommodates more seating which brings more revenue. 1/25/2022 3:16 PM 546 Regulations re uniformity and/or aesthetically pleasing requirements. Would increase local business and revenue, as many people will NOT dine indoors (now or in the future), and will continue to only dine in outdoor open-air spaces. 1/25/2022 3:16 PM 547 More promenades and one-way traffic.1/25/2022 3:15 PM 548 We live in an outdoorsy city and should be able to take advantage of our weather ALWAYS. :-)1/25/2022 3:13 PM 549 They should feel more like cafes in Europe. Creating barriers and walls need to be of higher quality and aesthetic. 1/25/2022 3:13 PM 550 Return to Pre-covid outdoor dining regulations. This was suppose to be a short-term solution not a permanent alteration to the downtown area. 1/25/2022 3:13 PM 551 Parking is always an issue in the Village/Barrio. Taking away ANY parking is not an option, in my opinion. Not fair to other businesses to take up common parking options for customers. 1/25/2022 3:12 PM 552 type of enclosure should be similar and to a better or consistent standard. esthetics need to be considered. 1/25/2022 3:12 PM 553 Make part of Grand Ave pedestrian-only.1/25/2022 3:08 PM 554 I THINK THE MAIN ISSUE IS THE PARKING ON THE STREET WITH THE CURB CAFE'S. SIDEWALK CAFE'S SEEM TO BE OUT OF THE WAY AND ENJOYABLE AS A CUSTOMER AS LONG AS THE SIDEWALK IS STILL FUNCTIONABLE. 1/25/2022 3:08 PM 555 Should be a standard for the accommodations. Plastic patio furniture should not be allowed, especially for eating in parking lots. Floor should not simply be the concrete. 1/25/2022 3:08 PM 556 Build a parking structure on one of the existing City lots Shut down State St. to traffic and turn 1/25/2022 3:08 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 116 of 162 Outdoor Dining in the Village and Barrio Area 28 / 28 it into walking mall. 557 Many appear professional and permanent, others look temporary. There should be requirements re: the furniture, umbrellas, fencing, etc. 1/25/2022 3:07 PM 558 I think there should be architectural guidelines attached to the outdoor seating areas so that they maintain a pleasant aesthetic and don’t look like a junk heap or run down. This would include materials that could be used and not used (no tarps, no lattice), aesthetic color choices that enhance or look good within the greater village environment. The goal would be to have fun outdoor eating areas that fit within the city guidelines. 1/25/2022 3:07 PM 559 Street maintenance and upkeep are critical to keeping the outdoor dining venues looking clean and inviting. 1/25/2022 3:06 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 117 of 162 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 118 of 162 Exhibit 4 To the members of the: <;ITY COUNCIL Date II f&.f /2J CA ✓ CC v CM V-ACM v DCM (3) ✓ Council Memorandum Nov. 4, 2021 To: From: Via: Re: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Jeff Murphy, Community Development ~tor Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager \Qt' 2021 Parking Data Collection (District -1) {city of Carlsbad Memo ID #2021208 This memorandum reports on the Parking Data Collection Memo conducted in Summer 2021 to evaluate parking demand in the Village and Barrio areas. Background In 2017, the city finished the Carlsbad Village, Barrio, and Beach Area Parking Study. The study included goals to: • Make parking more convenient for community members, employees, and visitors • Promote more efficient use of existing parking • Support future parking needs and mobility options • Support the vision outlined in the Village and Barrio Master Plan • Explore options to make the project area more inviting for walkers, bicyclists and people who use public transportation The study also included a requirement to complete a parking survey on a regular basis to evaluate parking space usage. Surveys have been completed and are available on the city's website1 with the exception of one year; a study was not completed in 2020 due to the impacts the pandemic had on businesses. The Village and Barrio Master Plan requires that the city, "Annually monitor the entire parking system for changes in supply, demand, utilization rates, enforcement, and maintenance needs, and adjust parking programs and services as needed. Data collection shall occur at least between Memorial Day and Labor Day and include weekends." (1.5.2 [8][9]) In the Summer of 2021, the city contracted with a firm to complete an update to the parking survey and provide recommendations. On Thursday, Aug. 26 and Saturday, Aug. 21, 2021, technicians collected parking occupancy data multiple times throughout the day and around the study area. The results of that study are discussed below. 1https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/community-deve1opment/planning/village-barrio-plan/parking-study- reports/parking-study-and-management-plan Community Services Branch Community Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4600 t June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 119 of 162 Council Memo -2021 Parking Data Collection Memo (District 1) Nov. 4, 2021 Page 2 Discussion In August 2021 the city's parking consultant conducted field work to evaluate parking in the area outlined in the Village, Barrio and Adjacent Beach Area Parking Management Plan, which is slightly larger than the area of the Village & Barrio Master Plan. The updated study included an evaluation of the current parking conditions, changes to parking supply, and the impact of current temporary restrictions in land use conditions due to the ongoing pandemic. Survey findings are summarized in the following three categories. • Changes to Parking Supply The summer 2021 parking inventory data collection revealed discrepancies in the on-street parking inventory of the original study and previous updates. It was determined the original studies overestimated on-street parking by approximately 864 spaces throughout the study area. The updated inventory had consistently lower on-street parking supply estimates by block when compared to the original studies. The reason this likely occurred was because the earlier inventory efforts were higher level estimates that did not exclude parking restricted portions of the street, such as curb cuts. The current consultant performed an in depth analysis to count individual spaces and confirm the changes. Attachment A includes a map that show the change in parking spaces by block and a map that shows the total number of parking spaces in the study area. • Parking Survey Results While the 2019 study did not show significantly impacted parking supply during the weekday and weekend inventories, the updated study shows that during the afternoon to evening hours during the weekday, and morning to evening hours during the weekend there are several areas on State Street in the Village, and in the residential beach areas that are impacted and that occupancies are greater than an 85 percent parking utilization rate during those times; which is the standard included in the Village & Barrio Master Plan showing there is impacted parking. The complete study, including recommendations is included as Attachment B. The study provides additional updates on the recommendations included in the 2017 Management Plan, and also noted the following conclusions on issues related to the overall parking situation in the study area: o Some vehicles parked in high demand areas (near businesses or beach access) for five or more hours, resulting in less available parking for potential business patrons or beach users. o It is not clear that the parking spaces along Garfield Street, between Grand Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive are public parking spaces. Clear signage should be provided, indicating that these spaces are available to the general public. o The interest earned from the parking in-lieu fee program only covers 50% of the cost of renting parking spaces from North County Transit District. June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 120 of 162 Council Memo -2021 Parking Data Collection Memo (District 1) Nov. 4, 2021 Page 3 o Parking ticket revenue, which comprised about 50% of annual parking-related revenue, is currently being deposited into the general fund. o Without additional funding sources, and due to the intermittent nature of developers paying into the parking in-lieu fee program, it is likely that the current in-lieu fee program is not financially sustainable in the long term. o There are near term (0-2 years) and long term (2+ years) parking management actions that are recommended in the Management Plan and 2021 Survey that would increase utilization of the existing space including: ■ Restriping ■ Removing unnecessary red curb and curb cuts; ■ Updating the current parking in-lieu and curb cafe fees consistent with costs to provide a parking space; ■ Enforcement and/or metering in areas with low turnover; ■ Establishment of a parking management district; and, ■ Using fee revenue and parking ticket revenue to provide additional off-street parking. • Temporary Suspension of Land Use Regulations In 2020 there were several suspensions of land use Fegulations allowing businesses to expand into outdoor locations related to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. To date, 116 permits have been issued: 8 for temporary uses, 48 for businesses within the village, and 61 for businesses outside the Village. Of the 48 permits issued within the Village, 26 permits are for expansion on private property, and 22 permits are for expansion into the city owned right of way (sidewalks or streets). The Village and Barrio Master Plan currently allows curb cafes and sidewalk cafes, with certain limitations. A curb cafe is allowed to take up to two parking spaces (temporary curb cafes were allowed to take up four spaces) and is permitted within the city's right-of-way, and installation of a sidewalk cafe may be permitted in front of a building but outside of the roadway curb-to-curb. Out of the 22 ROW permits, 16 are for sidewalk cafes, nine are for curb cafes, and three are for outdoor displays. Of the nine curb cafe permits, six have been authorized permanently and three are still temporary. Currently all permits are active. Sidewalk cafes are not required to pay a fee for utilization of the city's right-of-way, and unless the business also has a curb cafe does not require additional parking for the additional square footage of commercial use. Initial findings from the city's parking study have concluded that the curb cafes are not significantly impacting parking operations in the city, because the occupancies observed in the surrounding areas where they are located are generally lower than 85% and the installations only take away a small amount of the parking supply. It is estimated that the remaining three June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 121 of 162 Council Memo -2021 Parking Data Collection Memo (District 1) Nov. 4, 2021 Page 4 temporary curb cafe facilities could be permitted if the number of spaces occupied are reduced to two without an amendment to the Village and Barrio Master Plan. A survey was completed in July 2021 to evaluate the interest of businesses issued permits, and an additional one will be done in Fall 2021 to survey all business owners in the Village area. Next Steps On Nov. 16, 2021, city staff is presenting options for updates to the Village & Barrio Master Plan. Through an effort to update the Village & Barrio Master Plan, there could be additional work to implement the recommendations from the 2017 Parking Management Plan, and the updates included in the 2021 Parking Survey. Options are included in the Nov. 16, 2021 action to consider an update to the parking management fees (in-lieu and curb cafe fees), implement the recommendations from the 2017 parking management plan, and to reaffirm the commitment to conduct a 2022 parking survey to assess conditions and additional options for parking management in the village. A revised study could also determine a methodology to charge a fee for sidewalk cafes and use the revenue as part of the parking fee program. Attachment: A. Parking Supply Maps (Total Spaces and Changes from 2019) B. 2021 Parking Survey cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager Tom Frank, Transportation Director David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer Matt Sanford, Economic Development Manager Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Don Neu, City Planner Eric Lardy, Principal Planner Scott Donnell, Senior Planner June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 122 of 162 , __ 27==-.,-ria:D>i:::1 ==8~5~=:::;:;_;;;_;;;; ___ ~,.:-:-_- , 58 10 ~t , ,,,~ 0 , :2- ,,., 184 28 # '~%?1 ~~ 32 . 7--1,/ ~ , , 52 ..!!.... On-Street Parking . Inventory k'n Inventory # Off-Street Par I g . Residential . I Use or Private Sing e kin Study Carlsbad Par g Downtown ~-/' , , ~ #· ,i ' £. 'l,,<, /, ·Q_,, 1,b "b ~ ./2 9'0-¢~ 118 Figure 1 12021) Parking Inventory 1· June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 123 of 162 ··_- - , e ·'\a~~ }o . = 2021 Estimate Equal or Higher (Supply Change by Block) 2021 Estimate Lower (Supply Change by Block) = Excluded from Comparison (2021 new) Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study \Y,· .'' Figure 1 On-Street Parking Inventory Differences (2019 to 2021) Apples to Apples Comparison June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 124 of 162 Prepared For {city of Carlsbad DOWNTOWN CARLSBAD PARKING STUDY DRAFT OCTOBER 202 l . "" ~ . • l ~,: ',. ~'-~ : Prepared By City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr, C Carlsbad, CA 92008 R CR Associates 3900 Fifth Avenue, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92103 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 125 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Table of Contents 1.0 lntrocluction ................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Project Study Area ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Parking Inventory and Data Collection Methods ...................................................................................... 1 1.3 Change in Parking Supply Due to Outdoor Curb Cates ............................................................................ 5 1.4 Parking Occupancy Data Collection Methods .......................................................................................... 6 2.0 Weekday Parking Occupancy ...................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 OccupancybySupply ................................................................................................................................. 8 2.2 Destination-Based Occupancy ................................................................................................................ 14 3.0 Weekend Parking Occupancy ................................................................................................................... 21 3.1 Occupancy by Supply ............................................................................................................................... 21 3.2 Destination-Based Occupancy ................................................................................................................ 26 4.0 · Summary and Parking Management Recommendations ........................................................................ 32 4.1 Key Findings ............................................................................................................................................. 32 4.2 Parking Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 32 Appendix A-Detailed Parking Inventory ............................................................................................................. 34 Page i June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 126 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study List of Figures Figure 1.1-Parking Management Plan Study Area ................................................................................................... 2 Figure 1.2 -Parking Inventory ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2.1-Weekday Parking Occupancy -Morning (6am to 9am) ........................................................................ 9 Figure 2.2 -Weekday Parking Occupancy -Midday (10am to 1pm) ..................................................................... 11 Figure 2.3 -Weekday Parking Occupancy -Evening (6pm to 9pm) ...................................................................... 13 Figure 2.4 -Public Parking Supply within 1/8 Mile from Destinations (Excluding NCTD Parking) ....................... 15 Figure 2.5 -Weekday Parking Occupancy by Destination -Morning (6am to 9am) ............................................. 16 Figure 2.6-Weekday Parking Occupancy by Destination -Midday (10am to 1pm) ............................................ 17 Figure 2.7 -Weekday Parking Occupancy by Destination -Evening (6pm to 9pm) ............................................. 19 Figure 2.8 -Weekday Peak Period ............................................................................................................................ 20 Figure 3.1-Weekend Parking Occupancy -Morning (6am to 9am) ..................................................................... 22 Figure 3.2 -Weekend Parking Occupancy -Midday (10am to 1pm) ..................................................................... 24 Figure 3.3 -Weekend Parking Occupancy -Evening (6pm to 9pm) ...................................................................... 25 Figure 3.4 -Weekend Parking Occupancy by Destination -Morning (6am to 9am) ............................................ 27 Figure 3.5 -Weekend Parking Occupancy by Destination -Midday (10am to lpm) ............................................ 28 Figure 3.6-Weekend Parking Occupancy by Destination -Evening (6pm to 9pm) ............................................. 30 Figure 3.7 -Weekend Peak Period ........................................................................................................................... 31 List of Tables Table 1.1-Parking Inventory Discrepancies .............................................................................................................. 3 Table 1.2 -Parking Inventory Within the Study Area ................................................................................................. 5 Table 1.3 -Parking Spaces used as Outdoor Structures .......................................................................................... 6 Table 2.1-Weekday Morning Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood ............................................................ 8 Table 2.2 -Weekday Midday Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood ........................................................... 10 Table 2.3 -Weekday Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood (All Periods) .................................................... 12 Table 3.1-Weekend Morning Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood ......................................................... 21 Table 3.2 -Weekend Midday Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood ........................................................... 23 Table 3.3 -Weekend Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood (All Periods) ................................................... 26 Page ii June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 127 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study 1.0 Introduction This study is a 2021 update of the 2019 parking data and serves to provide updated recommendations from the City of Carlsbad's (City) Downtown Parking Management Plan, which encompasses Carlsbad Village (Village), Carlsbad Barrio (Barrio), and the adjacent coastal areas in the northwestern part of the city. The initial report was authored in 2016 by Kimley-Horn and subsequent parking surveys were conducted in 2017 and 2019. As a part of the monitoring process, it has been updated several times in the years that followed with more recent parking data, most recently in 2019. Following the introduction, which describes the study area, presents the inventory of parking supply, and describes data collections methods, the report follows with chapters analyzing the weekday and weekend parking occupancy conditions, and concludes with parking management recommendations. 1.1 Project Study Area Figure 1.1 shows the geographic extent of the Parking Management Plan study area, which includes the Village, Barrio, and adjacent coastal areas (Coastal Area). The extents of the study area are generally confined between Laguna Drive and Tamarack Drive, from north to south, and the coast and Interstate 5, from west to east. On-street public parking, and off-street public and private parking supply within this area were inventoried and parking occupancies were collected and analyzed. This study area encompasses a larger territory than the Village and Barrio Master Plan area. 1.2 Parking Inventory and Data Collection Methods Parking was inventoried by a combination of aerial imagery review and field data collection. Where parking was delineated with markings (in parking lots and some on-street locations), technicians inventoried the parking supply through aerial imagery review with confirmation in the field. In locations where on-street parking was not marked, technicians in the field measured and documented the segments of curb where parking is allowed, accounting for areas where parking is not permitted such as along curb cuts and other restricted areas. To estimate supply where it was unmarked, a length of 20' per parking space was assumed for on-street paral lel parking. The curb lengths measured in the field were divided by 20, rounding the remainder to the nearest whole parking space. On-street parking supply was summarized to the block level, with a few exceptions where extra short blocks were consolidated to adjacent blocks. Parking supply along four lane roadways such as Carlsbad Boulevard and sections of Grand Avenue were summarized by block on each side of the street. A detailed inventory of the parking supply is provided in Appendix A. The study area was refined from previous iterations of the report. Three on-street locations were added into the updated study area: Laguna Drive (Roosevelt Street to eastern terminus), Tamarack Avenue (Garfield Street to 200' west of LOSSAN ra il corridor), and Washington Street (Pine Avenue to southern terminus). One on-street section from the previous study, Village Drive (Roosevelt Street to Magnolia Drive), was removed from the updated study area because it is a private internal roadway to The Village Apartments, and thus should be considered private residential parking which was excluded from occupancy collection. In addition to the study area refinements, this section identified large parking inventory discrepancies from the earlier studies that were revealed during the data collection process. The 2021 updated inventory had consistently lower on-street parking supply estimates by block from the earlier studies. The reason this occurred was likely because the earlier inventory efforts were higher level estimates that did not exclude parking restricted portions of the street, such as curb cuts. Page 1 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 128 of 162 Neighborhoods Barrio Coastal Area Village Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Laguna:_pr·· ;, Figure 1.1 Parking Management P Ian S turfy Area June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 129 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study A particularly illuminating example of this discrepancy is demonstrated in Table 1.1, along Jefferson Street between Carol Place and Tamarack Avenue. The earlier studies estimated the supply for this block to be 19 parking spaces, whereas the updated study which used field level data collection estimated 11 parking spaces. This large discrepancy on a block less than 300' was flagged and the previous study's work was examined more closely. It was determined estimating 19 parking spaces was only possible for this short segment if curb cuts and other restrictions were not excluded. This pattern of including restricted areas in the supply estimates was noticed in many other on-street parking locations throughout the study area, contributing to consistently higher on-street supply estimates for most blocks. Table 1.1-Parking Inventory Discrepancies Image Parking Supply Estimate Previous inventory may have estimated parking without excluding restricted areas Current study measured lengths only where parking is allowed 190' * 2 = 380' 380' I 20· = 19 19total parking spaces 66' / 20· = 3 50'; ~o· = 3 96' I 20· = 5 11 total parking spaces Figure 1.2 shows the quantity of on-street and off-street pa rking (public and shared-use private) within the study area summarized per block or parking lot as estimated by the 2021 update of this report. Private residential parking and off-street parking from properties with a single occupant (single use) are also displayed on the map but are not inventoried because they are reserved exclusively for the users of the associated property and thus do not contribute to the overall shared parking supply of the study area. Many of these private lots also restricted access. Occupancy counts, presented later in the report, were only collected for public parking and shared-use private parking. Table 1.2 summarizes the total parking supply within the study area. Within the study area, there are an estimated 5,446 public parking spaces, approximately 86% of the public supply is on- street There were also 1,514 private off-street parking spaces inventoried in the study area. Page3 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 130 of 162 ~ 31 19 .. 14 · 35 , _!!_. On-Street Parking Inventory # Off-Street Parking Inventory Private Single Use or Residential Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study 184 28 . '\ . . ~ 16 . · ~.\ ... ~ 118 Figure 1.2 Parking Inventory June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 131 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Table 1.2 -Parking Inventory Within the Study Area Parking Type Total On-Street Parking Off-Street Public Parking NCTD Transit Parking Total Public Spaces Private Parking 4,122 783 541 5,446 1,514 6,981 This difference in inventory approach in the earlier studies may have resulted in an over-estimation of as many as 864 on-street parking spaces in the study area for block segments analyzed in both studies1. The current estimate of on-street parking in the study area, excluding the 2021 added segments along Laguna Drive, Washington Street and Tamarack Avenue is 3,970. The previous estimate of on-street parking in the study area, excluding the 2021-removed segment of Village Drive, is 4,844. 1.3 Change in Parking Supply Due to Outdoor Curb Cafes Du ring the COVID-19 pandemic, among other responses by the City, there were three actions taken in relation to the Proclamation of Local Emergency that addressed modifications and suspensions of Land Development Standards due to the ongoing public health emergency. One such action was City Council resolution 2020-167 empowering the Director of Emergency Services to temporarily suspend or modify certain land development standards related to the establishment of outdoor uses (Curb/Sidewalk cafes and advertisements) to mitigate the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency on local businesses. The resolution stated that the authorization will remain in effect through the duration of the local COVID-19 pandemic emergency. The California Coastal Comm ission approved these modifications by the City's request on August 11, 2020 for areas within the Coastal Zone as long as the City of Carlsbad's Local Declaration of Emergency and Resolution No. 2020-167 are in effect. Allowing these structures was a relief measure for businesses to help offset the substantial loss of indoor commercial space imposed by COVID-19 related public health restrictions, which made 1 To make an "apples-to-apples" comparison, this would exclude Laguna Drive (east of Roosevelt Street), Tamarack Avenue, Washington Street (south of Pine Avenue), and Village Drive, wh ich were refinements to the study area made in the update. Page 5 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 132 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study operations for many businesses untenable. The conversion of sections of on-street parking to curb cafes was largely tolerated because the structures helped the businesses and the demand for public parking in commercial areas was generally much lower due to decreased business activity during the pandemic. Table 1.3 documents the quantity of parking supply removed from circulation to accommodate the curb cafes. Seventy (70) parking spaces are being used to accommodate the structures, 25 of which are taking up public parking. Table 1.3-Parki ng Spaces used as Outdoor Structures Parking Type Total On-Street Parking Off-Street Public Parking Private Parking Total Spaces 18 7 45 70 -~--~----- 1 .4 Parking Occupancy Data Collection Methods Parking occupancy in the study area was collected on one weekday (Thursday, August 26, 2021) and one weekend day (Saturday, August 21, 2021) during three time periods: morning (6am to 9am), midday (10am to 1pm) and evening (6pm to 9pm). The 2019 study collected parking occupancy on one weekday and one weekend day in August 2019, during five three-hour periods: 6am to 9am, 9am to noon, noon to 3pm, 3pm to 6pm, and 6pm to 9pm. Technicians collected parking occupancy in the field by driving the study area with video equipment mounted to a vehicle. The video was reviewed, and occupancy counts were transcribed to each unit of supply. Page 6 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 133 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study 2.0 Weekday Parking Occupancy Parking occupancy -the percentage of parking supply being used at a given time, was analyzed in two ways: occupancy by supply and destination-based occupancy. Occupancy by supply is the conventional way of conceptualizing parking demand, where the occupancy percentage is attributed to the source of parking (either the block or parking lot). While supply-based occupancy is adequate for understanding the demand of a particular parking source, it is a limited way of describing parking conditions in urban settings because public parking is scattered into many small sources throughout the studied area and is shared by numerous destinations which compete for the same supply. Destination-based occupancy is an improved way of conceptualizing parking demand in urban settings where many destinations are close together and compete for public parking supply that is provided by many small sources of parking. The conceptualization adjusts for the varied size and spatial distribution of parking supplies in the study area that is not well captured by supply-based occupancy and recognizes that most visitors are unable to park directly in front of their destination and may have to walk a short distance. Also, it is common in walkable urban settings like Downtown Carlsbad for visitors to 'chain' trips -parking once in a centralized area and visiting multiple destinations within walking distance, thus making destination-based occupancy a suitable performance measure to assess parking conditions. Encouraging trip chaining (often called 'Park Once') is a parking demand management strategy employed in many urban settings. To calculate destination-based occupancy, parking occupancy data collected and initially presented by block and parking lot is post-processed and accessibility-based measures are then used to estimate the parking occupancy within 1/8 of a mile network distance of each parcel in the study area by weighting the parking occupancy of the catchment area of the destination. An eighth of a mile (660') approximates two block lengths of short city blocks. To facilitate comparisons, both ways of presenting the occupancy data on the forthcoming exhibits use the same four occupancy category ranges and color symbols: greater than 85% occupancy (red), 70.1% to 85% (orange), 50.1% to 70% (yellow) and 50% or less (green). Eighty-five percent occupancy is considered within parking industry practice to be the threshold for when parking is being utilized most efficiently, with the number striking a balance between maximizing usage and having some spare capacity. Places symbolized in red are above that optimal threshold and may be considered to have burdensome parking conditions. The sections below describe weekday parking conditions initially by supply and then by destination, for the morning, midday, and evening time intervals. Page 7 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 134 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study 2.1 Occupancy by Supply Morning (6am to 9am) Figure 2.1 displays weekday parking occupancy for the morning period between 6am and 9am. As shown, occupancy is well below capacity in most parts of the study area. Most off-street parking, including all private off-street parking was below half capacity. This was to be expected during the morning period as many businesses are not operating during this time. Table 2.1 summarizes public parking occupancy by the three neighborhoods during weekday morning. Table 2.1 -Weekday Morning Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood Area Parking Type Weekday Morning On-Street Parking 53.0% Barrio Off-Street Public Parking 11.7% Total Public Parking 45.1% On-Street Parking 55.9% Coastal Area Off-Street Public Parking 32.9% Total Public Parking 53.0% On-Street Parking 43.4% Village Off-Street Public Parking 37.3% Total Public Parking 42.0% Off-Street NCTD Parking 25.5% Village (Other Parking Sources) Off-Street Private Parking 11.2% While neighborhood-wide parking occupancies were generally around half, some scattered locations reached occupancies above 70%, with a few exceeding 85%. Those locations were primarily in residential parts of the study area along the coast and in the Barrio. Three public parking lots (all of them west of the LOSSAN rail corridor) also reached above 85% occupancy, including: 3093 Ocean Street, 2630-2698 Garfield Street, and Village Faire east lot. Comparatively higher pa rking utilization at this time was expected to occur in residential dominated areas and this was generally confirmed by the occupancies observed during this period. Residential parking demand peaks at night and overnight, and this collection period overlaps with the morning commute peak period, which is when residential parking demand initially begins to decrease. Page 8 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 135 of 162 Weekday Morning Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1%-85% 50.1% -70% ■ 50% or Less Private Single Use or Residential Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study \ Figure 2.1 Weekday Parking Occupanry Morning (6am -9am) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 136 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Midday (10am to 1pm) Figure 2.2 displays weekday parking occupancy for the midday period between 10am and 1pm. Occupancy during midday surges in the Coastal Area and many sections of the Village from the morning period, with an increasing number of on-street and off-street parking sources reaching greater than 85% occupancy. At the same time occupancies decrease in the residential dominated areas in the southern half of the study area. Table 2.2 summarizes public parking occupancy by the three neighborhoods during weekday midday. Table 2.2 -Weekday Midday Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood Area Parking Type Weekday Midday On-Street Parking 51.0% Barrio Off-Street Public Parking 32.3% Total Public Parking 47.4% On-Street Parking 69.7% Coastal Area Off-Street Public Parking 100% Total Public Parking 73.5% On-Street Parking 69.4% Village Off-Street Public Parking 75.4% Total Public Parking 70.7% Off-Street NCTD Parking 34.9% Village (Other Parking Sources) Off-Street Private Parking 32.4% Commercial parking, which is confined mostly to the Village, begins to peak during business hours which overlap entirely with the midday period. Off-street private parking occupancy is three times higher during weekday midday than weekday morning. Public parking occupancies (excluding NCTD parking) throughout the Village exceeds 70% during the midday. Occupancies are even higher in the Coastal Area, where both of its off-street public parking facilities reach 100% capacity (3093 Ocean Street and 3951-3999 Carlsbad Boulevard) and nearly three-quarters of all public parking being used. Many on-street parking locations in the northwest portion of the study area (west of the LOSSAN rail corridor and north of Chestnut Avenue) also reach occupancies higher than 85%. Page 10 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 137 of 162 Weekday Midday Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1%-85% 50.1% -70% ■ 50% or Less Private Single Use or Residential Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study ' Figure 2.2 Weekday Parking Occupanry Middqy (10am -1pm) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 138 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Evening {6pm to 9pm) Table 2.3 summarizes weekday even ing (6pm to 9pm) occupancies by neighborhood along with the occupancies of the earlier periods to facilitate comparison. As shown, neighborhood-wide occupancies increase from midday to evening in the Barrio (4 7% to 59%) and Coastal Area (7 4% to 80%), while remaining stable in the Village (71% to 69%), despite off-street parking occupancies rising to 93% from 75% in the midday. Table 2.3 -Weekday Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood (All Periods) Ar p rki g T Weekday Weekday Weekday ea 8 n ype Morning Midday Evening On-Street Parking 53.0% 51.0% 66.9% Barrio Off-Street Public Parking 11.7% 32.3% 26.5% Total Public Parking 45.1% 47.4% 59.2% On-Street Parking 55.9% 69.7% 77.9% Coastal Area Off-Street Public Parking 32.9% 100% 95.9% Total Public Parking 53.0% 73.5% 80.1% On-Street Parking 43.4% 69.4% 62.2% Village Off-Street Public Parking 37.3% 75.4% 93.4% Total Public Parking 42.0% 70.7% 69.4% Off-Street NCTD Parking 25.5% 34.9% 32.2% Village (Other Parking Sources) Off-Street Private 11.2% 32.4% 26.3% Parking Figure 2.3 shows weekday parking occupancy for the evening period. The exhibit confirms the sharp increase in off-street public parking demand in the Village, as numerous lots in the core of the Village are displayed at above 85% capacity. While commercial-based parking demand tends to decline during this period, there are exceptions for some businesses like dining and drinking establishments, where the evening represents their peak demand period. The Coastal Area's parking supply continues to be in high demand, as many on-street block occupancies are above 85% and the occupancies of its two off-street parking lots remain well above 85%. This period also captures increasing parking demand in the residential areas to the east and south of the study area. This is consistent with the peak temporal patterns of residential generated parking demand. Residential parking demand begins to peak in the evening and continues overnight. Except for the Coastal Area, where residential densities are higher and its supply co-mingles with beach visitors, the other residential portions of the study area can absorb the increased parking demand without strain. Page 12 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 139 of 162 Weekday Evening Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1% -85% 50.1% -70% ■ 50% or Less . Private Single Use or Residential Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study ' Figure 2.3 Weekday Parking Occupanry Evening (6pm -9pm) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 140 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study 2.2 Destination-Based Occupancy Within urban settings such as the Village and Barrio, reliance on on-street parking and numerous small-supply parking lots scattered in various locations is typical. When an area's collective parking supply is composed of fragmented and scattered sources, it can often be difficult to conceptualize how many parking spaces are within a close walking distance of specific destinations. To overcome that limitation, an analysis approach was used for this report which summarizes the parking supply for each parcel (destination) within a 1/8 of a mile distance. An eighth of a mile approximates one long-sided block length or two short-sided block lengths in a typical street grid. Since parking demand is typically not evenly distributed throughout a neighborhood, this analysis will also more effectively reveal hotspots within neighborhoods otherwise not captured by the neighborhood-wide summarized occupancies. For example, within the Coastal Area which had a weekday morning occupancy neighborhood-wide of 53%, there are numerous destinations within the neighborhood where the occupancy conditions experienced were much higher, in the 70% to 85% range. Figure 2.4 summarizes public parking supply to within 1/8 of a mile of every destination within the study area. The destination-based occupancy analysis and accompanying exhibits excludes NCTD parking and private parking occupancies despite being displayed in the preceding supply-based occupancy exhibits, because those sources are not available for the general use public parking and thus their inclusion does not contribute to an accurate representation of visitor public parking availability. Morning (6am to 9am) Figure 2.5 shows the parking occupancy within a 1/8 mile of each destination inside the study area during the morning period. During this period, nearly all destinations within the study area were below 85% occupancy. The Village area has very few businesses operating during this period, which largely explains the general abundance of parking and lower demand for parking (70% or less). The parts of the study area where occupancy is the highest (primarily in the 'optimal' 70% to 85% range) were in the coastal areas with higher residential densities. Commercial and single-family residential concentrated areas were generally unburdened during this period. Midday (10am to 1pm) Figure 2.6 shows the parking occupancy within a 1/8 mile of each destination inside the study area during the midday period. Parking occupancies exceed 85% during this period within some parts of the Coastal Area, primarily along Ocean Street and portions of Carlsbad Boulevard. Some destinations in the Village on the west edge of the LOSSAN rail corridor along Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue also reach above 85%. Much of the Village commercial core is between 70% to 85% occupancy during this time, consistent with the Village-wide occupancy during this time of 71%. Parking demand in primarily residential portions the study area to the south and east range between 50% and 70%. Page 14 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 141 of 162 Public Parking Supply within 1/8 Mile ■ 301 -389 ■ 251 -300 ■ 201 -250 ■ 151 -200 ■ 101 -150 51 -100 □ 8-50 0 Destination D Off-Street Public Parking Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Figure 2.4 Public Parking Supply within 1 / 8 Mile from Destinations (Excluding NCTD Parking) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 142 of 162 Weekday Morning Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1% -85% 50.1% -70% ■ 50% or Less 0 Destination D Off-Street Public Parking Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Figure 2.5 Weekday Parking Occupanry by Destination Morning (6am -9am) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 143 of 162 Weekday Midday Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1% -85% 50.1% -70% ■ 50% or Less o Destination D Off-Street Public Parking Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Figure 2.6 Weekday Parking Occupancy fry Destination Middqy (10am -1pm) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 144 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Evening {6pm to 9pm) Figure 2.7 shows the parking occupancy within a 1/8 mile of each destination inside the study area during the evening period. Parking demand during this period peaks the highest of the three weekday periods observed. Parking occupancy is greater than 70% throughout much of the Coastal Area, with greater than 85% occupancy conditions clustered between Grand Avenue and Walnut Avenue. Parking occupancy increases in the Barrio neighborhood-wide by 12% from midday to evening. As shown, some areas within the Barrio (around the Magnolia Avenue-Roosevelt Street junction) reach greater than 85% occupancy conditions. Of the three periods analyzed, the evening period is unique in that captures both residential generated parking demand and commercial generated parking demand (in the evening, commercial- related parking demand is primarily generated from dining and drinking establishments and typically not from retail). The demand converging from these two sources is most likely to impact areas where residential land uses are adjacent to commercial land uses, such as in the Village core and the adjacent surrounding blocks. Temporal Peak by Destination Figure 2.8 shows the peak parking period of each destination based on its parking occupancy within 1/8 mile during the weekday three time periods. As shown, the evening period is the peak throughout most of the study area. In the northern reaches of the study area, and within the northern extent of the Barrio (between Carlsbad Village Drive and Chestnut Avenue, the peak period is midday. While the Coastal Area peaks in the evening, occupancies are above 85% for many destinations within that subarea during both the midday and evening. Destinations within the Village core, which also peaks in the evening, do not reach occupancies over 85% outside of its peak period. Page 18 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 145 of 162 Weekday Evening Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1% -85% 50.1% -70% ■ 50% or Less o Destination D Off-Street Public Parking Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Figure 2.7 Weekday Parking Occupanry by Destination Evening (6pm -9pm) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 146 of 162 • Morning Midday Evening >85% Occupancy Multiple Periods k >85% Occupancy Pea t Public Parking Off-Stree =========~~==:_ ____ _ king Study Carlsbad Par Downtown Figure 2.8 kda Peak Period Wee ry June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 147 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study 3.0 Weekend Parking Occupancy 3.1 Occupancy by Supply Morning (6am to 9am} Table 3.1 summarizes public parking occupancy by neighborhood for the weekend morning period. Morning occupancies neighborhood-wide in the Barrio and Coastal Area are about half, similar to their weekday morning occupancies. Village parking occupancy, at 29%, is 13% lower than its weekday morning neighborhood-wide occupancy. Table 3.1-Weekend Morning Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood Area Parking Type Weekday Midday On-Street Parking 61.9% Barrio Off-Street Public Parking 10.3% Total Public Parking 52.0% On-Street Parking 60.5% Coastal Area Off-Street Public Parking 33.5% Total Public Parking 57.1% On-Street Parking 33.1% Village Off-Street Public Parking 14 .9% Total Public Parking 28.9% Off-Street NCTD Parking 13.5% Village (Other Parking Sources) Off-Street Private Parking 11.2% Figure 3.1 shows the weekend parking occupancy for the morning period . Occupancies are generally below half throughout the study area. There are a few scattered blocks with higher occupancies within the Barrio and Coastal Area. Residential parking demand peaks at night and overnight and is low turnover, on weekends fewer people work so residual demand from overnight is expected to linger deeper into the weekend morning collection period. The 3093 Ocean Street parking lot does exceed 85% occupancy during this period , reflective of beach-related parking demand. The significant decline in weekend morning parking demand within the Village during this time is expected, as it is off-peak for most retail establishments. Page 21 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 148 of 162 Weekend Morning Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1% -85% 50.1% -70% ■ 50% or Less Private Single Use or Residential Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study ' Figure 3.1 Weekend Parking Occupanry Morning (6am -9am) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 149 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Midday {10am to 1pm) Table 3.2 summarizes public parking occupancy by neighborhood for the weekend midday period. Parking demand sharply increases in the Village and Coastal Area, with the latter approaching 85% threshold levels neighborhood-wide. Table 3.2 -Weekend Midday Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood On-Street Parking 58.5% Barrio Off-Street Public Parking 25.1% Total Public Parking 52.1% On-Street Parking 82.6% Coastal Off-Street Public Parking 81.2% Total Public Parking 82.5% On-Street Parking 65.7% Village Off-Street Public Parking 73.5% Total Public Parking 67.5% Off-Street NCTD Parking 28.4% Village (Other Parking Sources) Off-Street Private Parking 28.2% The increase in parking demand within the Village and Coastal Area is evident in Figure 3.2, which shows most on-street parking blocks west of the LOSSAN rail corridor in either the greater than 85% (red) category or 70.1% to 85% (orange) categories. The Village core area includes several off-street parking lots reaching above 85% occupancy. While pa rking demand during the weekend midday was generally similar in magnitude to weekday midday within the Village core, midday parking occupancies throughout the Coastal Area is noticeably higher on the weekend (83% to 7 4%). Parking demand throughout the Barrio did not fluctuate from the weekend morning period. Evening (6pm to 9pm) Figure 3.3 displays weekend parking occupancy for the evening period between 6pm and 9pm. During this period, parking occupancy is high throughout the Coastal Area and Village. Off-street parking facilities in both neighborhoods are at or near capacity. In the Village, NCTD-specific parking facilities, including the occupancy of the nearly 500-space Carlsbad Village Station parking facility, are above 60%, and almost double the utilization of their weekday peak. These parking lots, generally reserved for NCTD commuters, absorb some of the parking demand in the Village during the weekend even ings. Page 23 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 150 of 162 Weekend Midday Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1% -85% 50.1% -70% 50% or Less Private Single Use or Residential Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Figure 3.2 Weekend Parking Occupanry Middqy (10am -1pm) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 151 of 162 Weekend Evening Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1% -85% 50.1% -70% 50% or Less · Private Single Use or Residential Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study ~, ~e . -· ; ,fr~ ,t,.# . "~ ,,1,#./ .. e . . - 7 \ Figure 3.3 Weekend Evening Occupanry Middqy (6pm -9pm) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 152 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Table 3.3 summarizes weekend evening (6pm to 9pm) occupancies by neighborhood along with the occupancies of the earlier periods to facilitate comparison. As shown, neighborhood-wide occupancies in the Coastal Area surpass the 85% threshold. Village occupancies also peak, reaching over three-quarters neighborhood-wide with the cumulative occupancy of the off-street public parking at over 90%. The noticeable spike in utilization of NCTD parking (65%) helps to manage the overall peak parking demand in the Village. Table 3.3 -Weekend Public Parking Occupancy by Neighborhood (All Periods) Area Parking T pe Week~nd W~kend Week~nd Y Morning Midday Evening Barrio Coastal Area Village Village (Other Sources) On-Street Parking Off-Street Public Parking Total Public Parking On-Street Parking Off-Street Public Parking Total Public Parking On-Street Parking Off-Street Public Parking Total Public Parking Off-Street NCTD Parking Off-Street Private Parking 61.9% 58.5% 64.8% 10.3% 25.1% 13.0% 52.0% 52.1% 54.9% 60.5% 82.6% 84.9% 33.5% 81.2% 100% 57.1% 82.5% 86.8% 33.1% 65.7% 70.7% 14.9% 73.5% 93.0% 28.9% 67.5% 75.8% 13.5% 28.4% 64.6% 11.2% 28.2% 27.4% For the Coastal Area and Village, the neighborhood-wide weekend peaks were each higher in magnitude than their weekday peaks by about 6%. The Barrio's neighborhood wide parking demand remains consistent over all three weekend periods nor does not fluctuate very much from its weekday occupancies. 3.2 Destination-Based Occupancy Morning (6am to 9am) Figure 3.4 shows the parking occupancy within a 1/8 mile of each destination inside the study area during the morning period. As shown, the parking demand summarized by neighborhood is not distributed evenly geographically. Within the Barrio and Coastal Area, where neighborhood-wide occupancy was slightly over half, a cluster of destinations around Roosevelt Street/Magnolia Avenue and Chestnut Avenue, in each neighborhood respectively, where occupancy conditions are greater than 85%, and other clusters where occupancy conditions are between 70% and 85%. Midday (10am to 1pm) Figure 3.5 shows the parking occupancy within a 1/8 mile of each destination inside the study area during the midday period. Within much of the Coastal Area, occupancy conditions are greater than 85%. The Village core also shows high occupancies, clustered around Roosevelt Street and Grand Avenue. While the Barrio's neighborhood-wide occupancy remains consistently around 52%, occupancies along the properties fronting the L0SSAN rail corridor are between 70% and 85%. Page 26 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 153 of 162 Weekend Morning Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1% -85% I_ so.1% -70% ■ 50% or Less o Destination D Off-Street Public Parking Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Figure 3.4 Weekend Parking Occupanry fry Destination Morning (6am -9am) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 154 of 162 Weekend Midday Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1% -85% 50.1% -70% ■ 50% or Less D Master Plan_Boundaries 0 Destination D Off-Street Public Parking Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Figure 3.5 Weekend Parking Occupanry b Destination Middqy (10a,n -1pm) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 155 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Evening (6pm to 9pm} Figure 3.6 shows the parking occupancy within a 1/8 mile of each destination inside the study area during the evening period. During this period, which is the overall peak for the Coastal Area (slightly above the 85% threshold neighborhood-wide), most of the destinations west of the LOSSAN rail corridor between Beech Avenue and Chestnut Avenue experience occupancy conditions above 85%. The Village's cluster of 85% occupancy or greater from weekend midday increases in coverage in the weekend evening, and the greater than 85% cluster within the Barrio at Roosevelt Street and Magnolia Avenue, present during the weekend morning period, reemerges during the weekend evening period. Temporal Peak by Destination Figure 3.7 shows the peak parking period of each destination based on its parking occupancy within 1/8 mile during the weekend three time periods. As shown, the evening period is the peak within large portions of three neighborhoods analyzed as was the case during the weekday. While the previous section pointed out the magnitudes peak demand is higher on the weekend, compared to weekday, the exhibit reveals more destinations within the study area experience 85% conditions on the weekend compared to weekday, and more destinations experience multiple observation periods where parking occupancy was above the 85% threshold. Page 29 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 156 of 162 Weekend Evening Occupancy ■ Greater than 85% 70.1% -85% 50.1% -70% ■ 50% or Less o Destination D Off-Street Public Parking Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Figure 3.6 Weekend Parking Occupanry 01 Destination Evening (6pm -9pm) June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 157 of 162 d Peak Period Weeken • • Morning Midday Evening >85% Occupancy Multiple Periods Peak >85% Occupancy ----------Figure 3.7 t Public Parking I ------------k d Peak Period ~;O;ff;-~S;t;re:e:::::~~=~==~~~~~~~,---'... W" en : p king Study Carlsbad ar Downtown June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 158 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study 4.0 Summary and Parking Management Recommendations This section summarizes key findings and provides recommendations to manage parking demand into the short term (two-year horizon) and long term (five-year horizon) timeframes. 4.1 Key Findings Findings from the report and review of other documents including the current parking in-lieu fee program, relevant finances, and parking lease agreements are provided below are as follows: 1. Weekday parking demand throughout the Village and Coastal Area ramps up beginning in the midday with peaks generally occurring in the evening period in most parts of the study area. The highest parking demand is west of the LOSSAN rail corridor, in particular between Beech Avenue and Walnut Avenue, where parking occupancies are greater than 85% for multiple periods. Within the Village, the destinations along State Street and Roosevelt Street (between Beech Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive) also experience greater than 85% demand during the weekday evening period. 2. Weekend parking demand follows similar temporal demand pattern as weekday, though at higher intensities. Most of the Coastal Area and Village west of the LOSSAN rail corridor experiences very high parking occupancies (greater than 85%) through both the midday and evening periods. Destinations within the Village core area around State Street, Roosevelt Street, Grand Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive also have very high occupancies through the weekend midday and evening periods. 3. Some low turnover was observed in high demand locations within non-residential portions of the Village and Coastal Area. In some instances, vehicles were parked for five or more hours. Low turnover results in fewer total visitors being able to access the destinations within the study area. 4. The parking spaces along Garfield Street, between Grand Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive are public parking spaces, though are ambiguously marked. Clear signage should be provided, indicating that these spaces are available to the general public. 5. Parking fees are one-time fees, therefore there is a structural deficit in the funding expended per year versus collected . The interest earned from the parking in-lieu fee program only covers 50% of the cost of renting parking spaces from North County Transit District. 6. Parking citation revenue, which comprised about 50% of annual parking-related revenue, are currently being deposited into the general fund. 7. Revenues from the current parking in-lieu fee program are insufficient to be sustainable in covering the costs of parking management in the long term. Additional funding or parking revenue sources should be identified. 8. Existing temporary expansion of outdoor uses are not significantly impacting the parking supply, however, following the cessation of pandemic authorizations curb cafes and outdoor activation that results in a loss of off-street parking would need to pay the applicable fees and obtain permanent authorization. 4.2 Parking Recommendations The earlier iterations of the Parking Management Plan included recommendations that could be implemented to increase the supply and better manage the utilization of parking in the study area. Those recommendations were reviewed and refined as appropriate based on findings of this report, understanding of parking management best practices, and the financial status of the City's parking program. These findings should also be revisited with each subsequent update of this report. Page 32 June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 159 of 162 Downtown Carlsbad Parking Study Near-term recommendations (within two years): 1. Consider restriping Grand Avenue, between State Street and Jefferson Street to convert parallel parking locations to angled parking to gain additional on-street parking spaces. Depending on the preferred width of the re-striped parking spaces (existing angled parking spaces along State Street range from 10' to 14' along the curb) approximately between 12 and 25 parking spaces could be gained through the restriping. This recommendation would also necessitate the reduction of Grand Avenue to one travel lane per direction. a. Restriping existing angled parking spaces along Grand Avenue east of State Street to 10' could create a gain of approximately another 16 parking spaces. In total, 41 parking spaces could be gained along Grand Avenue between State Street and Hope Avenue if all existing and potential angled parking was restriped to the 10' width along the curb. 2. Direct staff to research the costs and options for metered parking installation and the establishment of a Parking Management District, and the costs of increasing parking enforcement. Metered parking is strongly recommended in areas with high commercial activity, such as the area in the Village bounded by Beech Avenue, Jefferson Street, and Pine Avenue, which may be impacted by low parking turnover behavior from nearby beach and residential generated parking. The installation of metered parking is not contingent upon the formation of the Parking Management District. 3. Direct staff to solicit request for proposals to comprehensively update the Parking Management Plan. The intention is not to develop a completely new plan , but rather to update the existing plan to reflect current conditions. This update should include feasible and implementable short-term and long-term parking mitigation measures, as well as an update to the current parking in-lieu fee program. 4. Update the parking in-lieu fee program to ensure sustainable finances. The update should also take potentially consider factoring in the cost to construct a parking structure if monitoring determines one should be necessary in the future. Long-Term (2-plus years): 1. If a Parking Management District is established, it is anticipated increases in parking revenues from metered parking and an updated in-lieu fee program. Consider establishing an employee parking permit program and designated employee parking areas with the anticipated increase in parking revenues. This parking supply can be leased from NCTD, especially during night and weekend when there is lower transit parking demand and high restaurant and retail employee parking demand. This program would also ensure that employees do not park in more desirable parking areas closer to businesses for an extended period. 2. Consider providing local neighborhood shuttle services within the Parking Management District. The shuttle services would be funded by fees collected from the parking meters and citations. The shuttle services would also provide connectivity between employee parking area and their respectively location of employment. 3. If sufficient funding is available and demand in the Village and Coastal Area warrants it, consider constructing a parking structure. The City-owned parking lot at 3045 State Street parking lot is one potential location that could serve demand in both areas. Automated parking structures are typically safer, can be constructed on a smaller footprint and require less staffing than a traditional parking structure. Page 33 Outdoor Activation Considerations Beyond the Health Emergency Fitness Food Service/Restaurant Health Other (please specify) Personal Services Religious/Worship Retail 0 10 20 Industry 92008 92009 92010 92011 92078 0 10 20 Zipcode Private property 0 10 20 30 Public right of way - curb café Public right of way - sidewalk café Both private property and public right of way No, outdoor operations have not been an effective solution for my business Yes, I have made up all lost revenue or increased revenue compared to previous operations Yes, I have made up most lost revenue due to restrictions on indoor operations Yes, I have made up some lost revenue due to restrictions on indoor operations 0 10 20 30 Has your outdoor activation been effective during the health emergency? No, I have returned to indoor operations or plan to return to indoor operations as health orders allow Yes, I would like to continue outdoor activations for 6 months beyond the health emergency Yes, I would like to continue outdoor activations for 12 months beyond the health emergency Yes, I would like to continue outdoor activations in a semi-permanent or permanent capacity 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Do you have interest in continuing your outdoor activation beyond the end of the health emergency? No, I would not be willing to meet city design standards and building code, even if it means not pursuing permanent outdoo.. Yes, I would meet a city design standards and building code for a permanent outdoor activation even if the space was smaller tha.. Yes, I would meet city design standards and building code for a permanent outdoor activation only if the space was equivalent i.. 0 5 10 15 20 Design standards ensure safe, fair, and aesthetically appealing operations. This means a business wishing to maintain their outdoor activation may be required to have a smaller activation moving forward, or may need to address additional requirements for life safety, accessibility, and exiting or ensure the outdoor space meets city building code and design standards. If required would you be willing to change your outdoor activation to meet city design and building standards? No, I would not be willing to pay the associated permit fees, even if it means not pursuing permanent outdoor activation Yes, I would prefer a one-time fee to activate outdoor space that may be significantly higher, but that would not be recurring Yes, I would prefer an annual fee to activate outdoor space that may be lower but would need to be paid each year 0 5 10 15 Permit fees pay for part of the cost the city incurs to process permits, offset parking reductions and ensure a level playing field for businesses that would seek to expand their operations outdoors. During the health emergency, the city waived fees for businesses to activate outdoor space, but it may be unable to do so after the health emergency ends. The city may re-evaluate the fee structure associated with outdoor activations on private land and public right of way. These fees may include one-time fees, or annual fee. Before making any determination on fee structures, additional studies may need to be conducted by the city. Would you be willing to pay the appropriate permit fees for a permanent outdoor activation? No, I would not be willing to pay any additional impact fees, even if it means not pursuing permanent outdoor activation Yes, I would consider paying full impact fees if it means allowing permanent outdoor activation Yes, I would consider paying limited impact fees if it means allowing permanent outdoor activation 0 5 10 15 Allowing an expanded outdoors activation is likely considered an intensified use, which may have additional impacts on the city’s infrastructure, like transportation and water / sewer systems. The city may need to re-evaluate impact fees associated with the intensified use created by outdoor activations. Would you be willing to pay the appropriate impact fees for a permanent outdoor activation? Have you been operating in the Right of Way or on Private Property during the health emergency? June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 160 of 162 Exhibit 5 Outdoor Activation Considerations Beyond the Health Emergency 1 / 2 Q9 What other considerations should the city have when thinking about outdoor activations? Answered: 16 Skipped: 26 #RESPONSES DATE 1 We would like to reserve the right to bring our outdoor setup back if there are further lockdowns in the future. 6/30/2021 4:31 PM 2 Our company is a medical services site established due to COVID. As COVID cases are on the rise, we are extending our stay due to the pandemic and public need 6/30/2021 3:02 PM 3 N/a 6/30/2021 1:18 PM 4 We agree to city flexible policy during the Emergency time and. Future policy too even though we move back to operate business 6/30/2021 11:18 AM 5 a new look for the city making streets into pedestrian walkways. Thus creating a more environmentally friendly place to visit. 6/29/2021 11:37 AM 6 I think there should be a differentiation when considering the continuation of the outdoor permit process between those businesses using public vs private property and for retail and other business establishments vs nonprofits and related types of organizations 6/28/2021 12:33 PM 7 Please note that the losses have been substantial, and offering extended patio space should be considered for as long as possible. Much faster to lose money in the restaurant business than the time it takes to make money. Thank you 6/24/2021 12:34 PM 8 We, me and my employees, appreciated you allowing us to do outdoor haircuts when we got shut down indoor. It not only helped give us some income, it helped us retain some clients. We lost clients permanently when the governor shut us down the 2nd time. Clients gave up on coloring their hair or did their own since we were closed, and many guys had their wife cut their hair. So allowing us outside, helped us slow down the permanent loss of clients....Thank you for your help!!!!!!!! 6/24/2021 10:28 AM 9 My main concern is that fees could be pegged too high for a flat fee, if they are based on the largest venues. Many small operators will only be able to utilize smaller outside areas following the pandemic due to landlord restrictions on outside space. For example, utilizing six parking spaces in a private lot could be reduced to a 60 square foot converted planter/patio, and I would hate to see a fee schedule pegged at something like the six parking spaces that I'll never be able to use because the landlord won't allow it after the pandemic is over. I hope a scaled fee structure relative to space-used will be considered, as my business will only have limited outside space we could use (i.e. that 60 square foot planter). Thank you. 6/24/2021 9:36 AM 10 None, outdoor is what people want. in Southern California we lack of al fresco dining comparing to small European beach town, and with the great weather that we have we should capitalize on it, better revenues for businesses, cities and safety, WIN WIN. keep all extended outdoor dining permanent. Thanks 6/24/2021 6:50 AM 11 Allow drive through health testing. Patients love the convenience model applied to healthcare to stay well. 6/23/2021 6:48 PM 12 These outdoor activations started as a survival tactic for many restaurants. It has now turned into a more enjoyable and preferrable method of dining. Often times patio space is extremely limited and outdoor activations have allowed guests to enjoy the beautiful weather of Carlsbad. 6/23/2021 5:10 PM 13 I believe the impact fees between private property activation and curb cafe or sidewalk cafe dining should be different, and the private property fees should be significantly less. Thank you Carlsbad! 6/23/2021 4:46 PM 14 Thank you for your quick response, advise, and help during these challenging times!6/23/2021 4:25 PM 15 Looking at parking restrictions and how new businesses will have the opportunity to do the 6/23/2021 4:18 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 161 of 162 Outdoor Activation Considerations Beyond the Health Emergency 2 / 2 same thing 16 Keep our outdoor expansion 6/23/2021 4:18 PM June 7, 2022 Item #11 Page 162 of 162 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Hello, All Receive -Agenda Item # LL For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date~ CA ,,,r CC ...:::::: CM~ACM .....-DCM (3) / Rawley Macias < rawley.macias@rouleurbrewing.com > Tuesday, June 7, 2022 2:47 PM Matthew Hall; Peder Norby; Keith Blackburn; Teresa Acosta; Priya Bhat-Patel Council Internet Email; City Clerk City Council 6-7-22 Meeting -Item 11 Letter to City Council_6-7-2022.pdf Please find attached comments in regards to Item 11 of tonight's City Council meeting. I would like my comments read allowed. Thank you in advance, Rawley Rawley Macias Head Rouleur ROULEUR Brewing Company www.rouleurbrewing.com (805) 766-5536 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Dear City Council members, My name is Rawley Macias and I am the founder and owner of Rouleur Brewing Company located at 5840 El Camino Real in Suite 101 in the Carlsbad Corporate Center bus iness park, which is at the southeastern corner of El Camino Real and Faraday Avenue. I need you to know that receiving a pandemic permit to operate outdoor dining at our brewery in Carlsbad has literally saved my business . That is why item number 11 on the agenda tonight is very important for me. For reference, I have included pictures of my establishment and how we are using the permit to allow for outdoor activities. Not only has it helped us operate through the early times of the pandemic but it has shown us and our customers the benefits of having an outdoor experience. It has been invaluable and am certain that when the temporary permit goes away, my business will suffer greatly. So, I am writing to request you put in a motion to direct staff to amend the zoning code that has prevented us from this outdoor experience in the past and that will prevent us from having it in the future. My brewery is located in the M zone, which is a zone that allows for almost all types of commercial uses. However, there is a brief note in the "Permitted Uses" table that prevents breweries from having outdoor patios. That part of the code is Note 2 of Table A in CMC 21.32.010 which states, "The retail use shall be accessory to the permitted use and wholly contained within the building". It is my understanding that this note was put into place to keep warehouses from opening their back doors and having "sidewalk sales" out in the streets and in the parking lots. Understandably, that is an undesirable activity in Carlsbad. However, the current interpretation of this note by City staff is that, per this note, outdoor patios for breweries are not allowed under any circumstance. Additionally, the current allowed use description states "Breweries with retail accessory use, including tasting rooms, up to 20% of the gross floor area of the building or suite (as applicable) or 2,000 square feet, whichever is less." In your motion, the amendment of the code should also specifically exclude outdoor patios as a part of the "tasting room". It should be noted that within the "Permitted Uses" table, outdoor dining is a permitted accessory use in the M zone, which indicates there is conflicting intent for businesses that serve food and/or beverages such as Rouleur Brewing Company. I greatly appreciate your consideration of this situation and how it affects the survival of my business and I request that you approve a motion to instruct staff to revise this note to allow for breweries like mine to have this vital component of the craft brewery experience. Thank you for your time. Regards, Rawley Macias Figure 1. -Current Temporary Patio (I would like to make this patio permanent, with Alcoholic Beverage Control approved railings, permanent shade, and chairs/tables) Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: City Clerk Subject: RE: Restaurants using city street curbs is a public health issue From: Roy Martins <roymartins77@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, June 5, 2022 9:13 PM To: Manager Internet Email <Manager@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Restaurants using city street curbs is a public health issue Scott Chadwick, All Receive -Agenda Item # .LL For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Dateldlt/7)..CA V-CC _L CM /ACM .v DCM (3) ✓ My wife and I were in little Italy this week and walked up and down India Street. Multiple restaurants had open eating areas along the curb in the street. This resulted in dog walkers walking on the sidewalk. Dogs were walking through restaurants. As the dogs passed each pole they would smell and frequently pee. The sidewalk/poles smell of pee, probably from dogs. At one point we saw a big dog lift his leg near a pole and miss. The pee stream hit a customer's pant leg while he was having lunch. The dog owner was oblivious to this and just kept on walking. The customer was justifiable upset. "Curb your dog" is not easy to do near these restaurants. Roy Martins 7921 Paseo Membrillo CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 1