HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-29; City Council Legislative Subcommittee; MinutesLEGISLATIVE SUBCOMMITTEE Minutes April 29, 2022, 9 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: 9 a.m. ROLL CALL: Hall, Acosta. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 1~, 2022 Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subcommittee Member Acosta made the motion to pass the minutes. Mayor Hall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. SUBCOMMITTEE COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Subcommittee Member Acosta announced the City Council had a successful joint meeting with the Housing Commission and the Planning Commission to discuss new housing and land use legislation. NEW BUSINESS: Item 1.State and Federal Legislative Reports Recommendation: Receive updates from representatives of U.S. Congressman Mike Levin, State Senator Patricia Bates and State Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath, and provide feedback. The subcommittee received informational reports from Kyle Krahe! from Congressman Mike Levin's office, Jonathan Aviles from Senator Pat Bates' office and Glenn McDonell from Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath's office. Item 2. Legislative Update and Advocacy Report Recommendation: Receive an update on state and federal legislative and budget activity and recent and ongoing advocacy efforts; discuss and provide feedback to staff, including identifying high-priority bills, advocacy positions, and items for future City Council consideration. Kelly Le Berthon expressed her concern with the California gas tax and other proposed legislation. Renne Public Policy Group Director of Government Affairs Sharon Gonsalves presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Subcommittee Member Acosta made the motion to take a watch position on SB 1100. Mayor Hall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Subcommittee Member Acosta made the motion to take an oppose position on SB 1186. Mayor Hall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Subcommittee Member Acosta made the motion to take a support position on SB 1338 and submit a letter of support. Mayor Hall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Subcommittee Member Acosta made the motion to take an oppose position on SB 1105 and submit a letter of opposition. Mayor Hall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Item 3. Brown Act Reform -Legislative Platform Amendment Recommendation: Consider proposed position statements in support of Brown Act Reforms that would enable local jurisdictions to conduct hybrid style virtual meetings for recommendation to the City Council. Subcommittee Member Acosta made the motion to recommend to the full City Council to support AB 1944 and AB 2449 and include the proposed legislative platform amendments provided by staff. Mayor Hall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Item 4. Our Neighborhood Voices Ballot Initiative Recommendation: Consider identifying a recommended position on the 2024 Our Neighborhood Voices Ballot Initiative for recommendation to the City Council. Mayor Hall made the motion to support the intent of this initiative and place it on a watch list to continue in following meetings. Subcommittee Member Acosta seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Item 5. Lowering Special Tax Voter Requirement to Simple Majority Recommendation: Discuss efforts to lower the current two-thirds voter requirement for special purpose taxes to a simple majority vote; determine recommendation, if any, for future action. Jan Neff-Sinclair expressed her concerns with recent the proposed tax increase from SANDAG. Mike Borello expressed his concerns with tax increases in the city. Mayor Hall made the motion to bring the conversation of maintaining the current voter thresholds to the full City Council. Subcommittee Member Acosta seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Item 6. Transborder Water Quality Recommendation: Review and discuss a sample resolution in support of state and federal efforts to reduce or eliminate the transboundary flow of contaminated water, sediment and debris into the United States from Mexico; determine recommendation, if any, for future action. Subcommittee Member Acosta made the motion to take a support position and encourage legislatures to take action on the pollution coming into San Diego from the Tijuana River Valley. Mayor Hall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: None. ADJOURN: 10:48 a.m. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: May 10, 2022, at 9 a.m. ~ Kaylin McCauley Deputy City Clerk