HomeMy WebLinkAboutHMP 2019-0002; SNYDER RESIDENCE; 1781 Skimmer Court Biology Letter; 2019-07-16. . R·E·C Consultants, Inc. July 16, 2019 Mike Snyder JACOR Construction CivU Engineering • Environmental • Land Surveying 2442 Second Avenue San Diego, California, 92101 (Pl 619.232.9200 (F) 619.232.9210 10612 Prospect A venue, Suite 101 Santee, CA 92071 Subject: 1781 Skimmer Court Biology Letter Dear Mr. Snyder, I visited the property at 1781 Skimmer Court (APN 215-050-57-00) on July 1, 2019 to review current biological resources and assess potential impacts resulting from redevelopment of the existing residential pad. The approximately one-acre property is located in coastal San Diego County in the City of Carlsbad (Figures 1 and 2, enclosed). An aerial photograph of the property is provided in Figure 3. It contains the pad of a former home, a remaining garage, surrounding landscaping, and a paved secondary access drive to Poinsettia Lane, as shown in Figure 3. The property was mapped with three habitat/land cover types: Developed/Disturbed, Non- Native Grassland, and Coastal Sage / Chaparral Mix. These are shown in Figure 4. The 0.7-acre Developed/Disturbed area consists of the location of the former home, the remaining garage, the paved secondary access drive, remaining zone of landscaping and fuel modification around the former home and landscaping near the garage, and a portion of Poinsettia Lane. Vegetation is primarily non-native ornamental species, although two large mature coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia var. agrifolia) are located near the garage and a few native plants have begun to colonize the remaining landscaping. The 0.2-acre area mapped as Non-Native Grassland is the southern north-facing slope between the secondary access drive and the bottom of the slope. Vegetation on the slope is dominated by annual non-native grasses such as red brome (Bromus madritensis subsp. rubens) and panic veldt grass (Ehrharta erecta), non-native forbs such as black mustard (Brassica nigra) and tocalote star thistle (Centaurea melitensis). Occasional native species such as coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis subsp. pilularis), black sage (Salvia mellifera), and tarweed (Deinandra fasciculata) grow among the non-natives. The 0.2-acre area mapped as Coastal Sage/ Chaparral Mix occurs on the south-facing and west-facing slopes, from the bottom of the slope upward. This area supports coastal sage scrub species such as black sage, deerweed (Acmispon glaber), and coast buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum). It also contains typical chaparral species such as a few chamise shrubs (Adenostomafasciculatum) and mission manzanita (){ylococcus bicolor). Lists of all plants and animals identified onsite are provided in Attachments A and B. Two special-status species were observed on the property: coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) and summer-holly (Comarostaphylis diversifolia). California gnatcatcher is a federal Threatened and State Species of Concern bird that occupies coastal sage scrub, and also uses transitional edges of coastal sage scrub. A pair of gnatcatchers flew onto the property during the survey from the habitat to the north, landed REC Consultants, Inc. July 2019 1781 Skimmer Court Biology Letter in a coast live oak. and then left the property, as shown in Figure 4. Summer-holly is an evergreen chaparral shrub that typically occurs on sandstone soils near the coast. It has no federal or State Endangered Species Act listing, but has a California Rare Plant Rank of lB.2, indicating that it is very rare in California and elsewhere. The cluster of approximately ten individuals on the property and just north of the property boundary is shown in Figure 4. A list of other special-status species known to occur in the area (within a two-mile radius) was generated with the California Natural Diversity Database (see Attachment C). Ashy spike-moss (Selaginella cinerascens) was observed offsite to the north, but was not found on the property. Based on property conditions and survey observations, none of the species in Attachment C, other than the gnatcatcher and summer-holly that were observed during the biology survey, are likely to occur on the property. Permanent project impacts including fuel modification zones (FMZs) are shown in Figure 5. The total project impact including all FMZ zones is 0.4 acre. Because the home is being rebuilt on the existing house pad, there will be no new habitat impacts. The summer-holly is outside the FMZs and will not be impacted. California gnatcatcher will not be impacted because no native habitat will be impacted. Potential temporary impacts such as access and staging areas will be located entirely within Developed/Disturbed areas. Native habitat on the property will be protected by establishment of a conservation easement and will not be impacted. Sincerely, Catherine MacGregor Senior Biologist and Botanist Enc.: Figures 1 -5 Attachments 1 -3 REC Consultants, Inc. July 2019 2 1781 Skimmer Court Biology Letter CAMP PENDLETON Regional Location 1781 SKIMMER COURT SAN DIEGO COUNTY ta S,n \4een18 Like El Capitan Like ;-■-=::■--=::■3 --•6 Miles e Source: County of San Diego SanGIS Database, 2019. Sulherland _, Loveland Reoorvolr July 2019 /JTOS C ,..._:._ _Qr ~o.'1' ~~/ -..r--~f~~~--~~~-~'___,;1a.J.......::.___,.i, ' TI'mject_Datf.Slo....,_c.ut_,55mna ___ Ri,,ol\__.u,201!>.SC_floC2_~_01,s,9_""" Vicinity Map ■--=:11--==----Feet 2,000 0 1,000 12 Soun:e: Esri USGS Basemap, 2019. July 2019 Legend Aerial of Project Site o•--==--•40i:===ooeet Iii !3 1781 SKIMMER COURT Source: Google, August 2018. July 2019 Legend -• • Property Boundary Habllals -COaslol Sage/Chapamil M~ DliJ lleYdopedOistlJt>ed [i[J Non-Nllive Grauland Sensltlw Species Biological Resources Legend __ , PropertyBoundwy ----Umi1sof\'>1>11< c:zl Fuel Modillcation Zone S-1 (201 E2Z3 Fuel Modillcation Zone B-2 (4-01 E2Z3 Fuel Modillcation Zone B-3 (601 Habilals -Coas1al Sage/CllapllTal Mix I!][] Developed,tlislllbed ~ Non.Native Grassland SensillYI Species Im =.:=-Offsite Calfomia Gn11:atc:f1er Tracke-d Path of Movement .~~~~-~~--B M!lll~~&rf\,.,.,.2[11&.Dal~illr!:Cerudl,~ 15 ATTACHMENT A PLANTS OBSERVED ON THE 1781 SKIMMER COURT PROPERTY Species Name Acacia sp. * Acmispon ,zlaber Adenostomafasciculatum Aeonium sp. * A,zave americana* Antirrhinum nuttalianum Artemisia californica Avena sp. * Baccharis pilularis subsp. consan,zuinea Brassica nigra* Bromus madritensis subsp. rubens* Carduus pycnocephalus subsp. vvcnocephalus * Carpobrotus sp. * Centaurea melitensis * Chaemerops humilis* Comarostaphylis diversifolia subsp. diversifolia! Cortaderia selloana* Crocanthemum aldersonii Cycassp. * Daucus pusillus Deinandra fasciculata Dietes sv. * Diplacus puniceus Ehrharta calycina* Ehrharta erecta* Erigeron sp. (*) Eriof(onum fasciculatum Eucalvvtus sp. * Festuca myuros* Hazardia sauarrosa Helminthotheca echioides * Heterotheca f(randif[ora Hirschfeldia incana* Isocoma menziesii var. menziesii Lactuca serriola* Lampranthus sp. * Lantana camara* Lonicerajaponica* Lysimachia arvensis* Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. f asciculatus Malosma laurina Marah macrocarpa Melilotus sp. * Myoporum parvifolium * Nicotiana glauca* Opuntiasp. Opuntia sp. (*) REC Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Common Name Family acacia, wattle Fabaceae deerweed Fabaceae chamise Rosaceae aeonium Crassulaceae American agave Agavaceae Nuttall's snapdragon Plantaginaceae coastal sagebrush Asteraceae oats Poaceae chaparral broom, coyote brush Asteraceae black mustard Brassicaceae red brome, foxtail chess Poaceae Italian thistle Asteraceae sea-or hottentot-fig Aizoaceae tocalote Asteraceae Mediterranean fan palm Arecaceae summer-holly Ericaceae Selloa pampas grass Poaceae Alderson's rush-rose Cistaceae sago palm Cycadaceae rattlesnake weed Apiaceae fascicled tarweed Asteraceae fortnight lily Iridaceae coast monkey flower Phrymaceae perennial veldt grass Poaceae panic veldt grass Poaceae horseweed Asteraceae California buckwheat Polygonaceae eucalyptus Myrtaceae rat-tail fescue Poaceae sawtooth 1-!0ldenbush Asteraceae bristly ox-tongue Asteraceae telegraph weed Asteraceae short-pod mustard Brassicaceae spreading goldenbush Asteraceae prickly lettuce Asteraceae lampranthus ice plant Aizoaceae lantana V erbenaceae Japanese honeysuckle Caprifoliaceae scarlet pimpernel, poor man's Myrsinaceae weatherglass chaparral bushmallow Malvaceae laurel sumac Anacardiaceae wild-cucumber, manroot Cucurbitaceae sweetclover Fabaceae slender myoporum Scrophulariaceae tree tobacco Solanaceae native prickly-pear Cactaceae prickly-pear Cactaceae 1 of2 Habitat CCM DID, NNG, CCM CCM,DID DID NNG CCM CCM NNG CCM, NNG, DID NNG,DID NNG, CCM, NNG NNG DID, CCM, NNG DID,NNG DID CCM DID CCM,DID DID CCM,NNG CCM, DID, NNG DID DID NNG,CCM DID,NNG DID, CCM, NNG CCM DID CCM,NNG CCM DID DID DID, CCM, NNG CCM DID,NNG DID DID DID CCM, NNG, DID NNG CCM CCM DID,NNG DID CCM CCM DID 1781 Skimmer Court Biology Letter ATTACHMENT A Species Name Common Name Familv Habitat Phoenix dactylifera* edible date palm Arecaceae DID Pinus sp. * pine ( ornamental) Pinaceae DID Polvvorwn monsveliensis* annual beard grass Poaceae DID,NNG Pseudof(naphalium biolettii bicolor cudweed Asteraceae CCM Pseudof!naphalium californicum California everlastin,g Asteraceae CCM Ouercus agrifolia var. agrifolia coast live oak, encina Fagaceae DID, CCM, NNG Quercus berberidifolia scrub oak Fagaceae CCM Rhus intef!ri(olia lemonade berry · Anacardiaceae CCM Sa/sofa SP. * Russian-thistle Chenooodiaceae DID Salvia mellifera black sage Lamiaceae CCM, NNG, DID Sambucus niwa subsp. caerulea blue elderberry Adoxaceae CCM Schismus sp. * schismus irrass Poaceae CCM Solanum sp. ni!!htshade Solanaceae NNG Sonchus asper subsp. asper* prickly sow-thistle Asteraceae DID Sonchus oleraceus* common sow-thistle Asteraceae DID Stephanomeria sp. wreath-plant Asteraceae CCM Strelitzia nicoli* giant bird of paradise Strelitziaceae DID Tecoma capensis* Cape honeysuckle Bignoniaceae DID Urtica urens* dwarf nettle Urticaceae DID Washinf(tonia robusta* Mexican fan oalm Arecaceae DID Xylococcus bicolor mission manzanita Ericaceae CCM Yucca schidif!era Mohave yucca Agavaceae CCM,DID Yucca sp. * ornamental yucca Agavaceae DID * Non-native; please note that this hst 1s not intended to include all ornamental species growing in the residence area. ! State or Federal special-status (State endangered, threatened, or rare; Federal endangered, threatened, or candidate for listing; CRPR 1-4) Habitat Abbreviations CCM = coastal sage scrub / chaparral mix DID = portions of the site that were previously developed and landscaped NNG = non-native grassland REC Consultants, Inc. July 2019 2of2 1781 Skimmer Court Biology Letter ATTACHMENT B ANIMALS OBSERVED ON THE 1781 SKIMMER COURT PROPERTY Species Name Common Name Habitat Invertebrates Bombus californicus California bumble bee DID Apis mellifera* western honey bee DID,CCM Pontia protodice checkered white DID,CCM Ervnnis funeralis funereal duskywing CCM Reptiles Order Squamata lizard (unidentified) CCM Birds Kieneria crissalis California towhee DID (in mature oaks), CCM Psaltriparus minimus bushtit DID (in mature oaks) Picoides nuttalli Nuttall's woodpecker DID (in mature oaks) Spinus psaltria lesser goldfinch DID (in mature oaks), NNG Thrvomanes bewickii Bewick's wren DID (in mature oaks) Polioptila cal(fornica cal(fornica! coastal California gnatcatcher Pair visited DID mature oaks from north Avhelocoma californica western scrub-iav DID (in mature oaks) Mammals SvlvilaJ!US audubonii desert cottontail CCM. NNG, DID (scat) * non-native ! State or federal special-status species (State endangered, threatened, endangered candidate, fully protected, watchlist, or CDF sensitive; or federal endangered, threatened, or candidate for listing) Habitat Abbreviations CCM = coastal sage scrub / chaparral mix DID= portions of the site that were previously developed and landscaped NNG = non-native grassland REC Consultants, Inc. July 2019 1 of 1 1781 Skimmer Court Biology Letter ATTACHMENTC SPECIAL-STATUS SPECIES DOCUMENTED WITHIN A 2-MILE RADIUS OF THE PROPERTY IN THE CALIFORNIA NATURAL DIVERSITY DATABASE Species Name Acanthomintha ilicifolia Adolphia californica Aimovhila ruficeps canescens Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. crassifolia Arizona e/e)!ans occidentalis Artemisia palmeri Aspidoscelis hyperythra Branchinecta sandie)!onensis Brodiaea filifolia Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis Ceanothus verrucosus Chaetodipus californicus femoralis Chaetodivus fa/lax fa/lax Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus Comarostavhvlis diversifolia ssp. diversifolia Corethrogyne filaginifolia var. linifolia Cryptantha wigginsii Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. blochmaniae Dudleya viscida Ericameria palmeri var. palmeri Harpagonella palmeri Hazardia orcuttii Isocoma menziesii var. decumbens Iva havesiana Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri Leptosyne maritima Lepus californicus bennettii Neotoma lepida intermedia Passerculus sandwichensis beldin)!i REC Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Phrynosoma blainvillii Polioptila californica californica Quercus dumosa Rallus obsoletus levipes Sternula antillarum browni Suaeda esteroa Tryonia imitator Common Name San Diego thorn-mint California adolphia southern California rufous-crowned sparrow Del Mar manzanita California glossy snake San Diego sagewort orange-throated whiptail San Diego fairv shrimp thread-leaved brodiaea coastal cactus wren wart-stemmed ceanothus Dulzura pocket mouse northwestern San Diego pocket mouse western snowy plover summer holly Del Mar Mesa sand aster Wiggins' cryptantha Blochman's dudleya sticky dudleya Palmer's goldenbush Palmer's grapplinghook Orcutt's hazardia decumbent goldenbush San Diego marsh-elder Coulter's go!dfields sea dahlia San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit San Diego desert woodrat Belding's savannah sparrow coast horned lizard coastal California gnatcatcher Nuttall's scrub oak light-footed Ridgway's rail California least tern estuary seablite mimic tryonia (=California brackishwater snail) I of I Life Form Dicots Dicots Birds Dicots Reptiles Dicots Reptiles Crustaceans Monocots Birds Dicots Mammals Mammals Birds Dicots Dicots Dicots Dicots Dicots Dicots Dicots Dicots Dicots Dicots Dicots Dicots Mammals Mammals Birds Reptiles Birds Dicots Birds Birds Dicots Mollusks 1781 Skimmer Court Biology Letter