HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-06-14; City Council; ; Options to Amend the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee CharterCA Review __RK__ Meeting Date: June 14, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Sheila Cobian, Legislative & Constituent Services Director sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2917 Eric Lardy, Principal Planner eric.lardy@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2712 Subject: Options to Amend the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Charter District: All Recommended Actions 1.Receive a presentation on options relating to the expiration of the terms of appointees to the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee, and, if determined appropriate 2.Adopt a resolution to amend the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Charter (Exhibit 1). Executive Summary To begin work on the City Council’s goal of updating the city’s Growth Management Program, the City Council approved the Growth Management Plan Committee Charter on Sept. 28, 2021, and the formation of the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee on March 8, 2022. Nine of the committee members were selected to represent the city’s boards and commissions. The commission term of one of those committee members is now ending, and he has asked to remain on the committee. However, there are no guidelines in the charter on whether a member whose board or commission term has expired can continue to serve on the committee. With this report, staff provide a summary of this issue, some options on how to proceed, and seek the City Council’s direction on how to address this issue. Discussion A main goal of the City Council for fiscal year 2021-2022 is to “engage the community through a citizens committee to create a new plan to manage growth in Carlsbad in a way that maintains an excellent quality of life.” June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 1 of 12 Under the charter approved by the City Council, the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee is comprised of 19 primary and 19 alternate members; 9 of whom are selected by the boards and commissions that advise the city on a variety of related topics. The remaining 10 members and alternates represent the four City Council districts and the city at large. After a process to receive nominations from the boards and commissions, and an application period that began in January 2022, the City Council appointed members to the committee on March 8, 2022. The committee has met three times since its formation and has nine more regular meetings scheduled through March 2023. The committee members who were appointed to represent the nine boards and commissions have varied terms, based on when they were appointed to their board or commission. Fred Briggs was the primary representative appointed to the committee from the Beach Preservation Commission. His term on the commission expires in June 2022, and he is not eligible for reappointment to the commission because he has served two full terms. Mr. Briggs has expressed an interest in remaining on the committee even though he will no longer be a member of the Beach Preservation Commission. (Exhibit 2) The adopted charter does not directly address this scenario; it only outlines what occurs when a member resigns. When a member resigns, the charter says, their alternate is to be given the option to move into the primary seat. The Beach Preservation Commission appointed Lisa Stark to serve as the alternate on the committee should Mr. Briggs be unable to serve. Ms. Stark’s term on the Beach Preservation Commission expires in June 2024. There are up to five more potential vacancies that will occur between now and December 2022 due to scheduled term expirations. All are eligible for reappointment. However, it should be noted that one member has already indicated he does not wish to be reappointed. Given that this scenario was not anticipated in the charter, staff are providing this report to City Council and requesting direction on how to proceed. Options Staff provide the following options for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Adopt a resolution amending the Committee Charter to allow an appointed board or commission member, even if they are no longer on the board or commission they were selected to represent, to remain as a primary or alternate member during the duration of the committee's work (Attachment A to Exhibit 1) Pros • Allows for continuity of the primary and alternate members on the committee Cons • Boards and commissions may not be directly represented on the Committee by their current members June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 2 of 12 2.Maintain the current committee charter, under which the alternate committee member will replace Mr. Briggs as the primary Commission representative, and the commission will appoint a new alternate. Pros •Ensures the nine boards and commissions are directly represented on the committee by their current board or commission members. Cons •Could be perceived as unfair to current committee members who were unaware that the current charter does not allow for continued representation on the committee when their board or commission term ends. •Filling a vacancy is a multi-step process that takes a couple of months to complete. •A new alternate member will need to review past meeting materials to familiarize themselves with the committee’s discussions and actions. Fiscal Analysis There is no immediate nor direct fiscal impact from either option. Next Steps The next meeting of the Committee is on June 23, 2022. Staff will provide an update to the Committee on this item at that meeting and carry out the City Council’s direction. Environmental Evaluation In keeping with Public Resources Code Section 21065, the modification of the Citizens Committee Charter does not qualify as a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the state's Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.City Council resolution 2.May 31, 2022, email from Fred Briggs June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 3 of 12 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-141 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CHARTER AMENDMENT FOR THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, on May 4, 2021, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California adopted Resolution No. 2021-100 directing staff to initiate the process to form a citizens committee to identify the key elements of a new plan to manage growth and maintain excellent quality of life in Carlsbad while complying with state housing laws; and to return to the City Council with recommendations on the committee formation process, potential representation, roles and responsibilities, mission statement and principles of participation; and WHEREAS, on Sept. 28, 2021, the City Council approved resolution No 2021-223 approving the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Charter, which identifies the committee's mission, principles of participation, representation, roles, meeting process, and work product. WHERAS, on March 8, 2022, the City Council made appointments to the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee based on the approved Charter and the Committee has been meeting monthly since that time. WHEREAS, Attachment A, attached hereto, is an update to the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Charter, which identifies the committee's mission, principles of participation, representation, roles, meeting process, and work product. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The revised Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Charter, Attachment A attached hereto, is approved. June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 4 of 12 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 14th day of June, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby. None. None. � � FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 5 of 12 Attachment A City of Carlsbad Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Charter Mission Statement and Principles of Participation September 28, 2021 Mission Statement The mission of the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee is to promote balanced consideration of a range of perspectives on issues affecting the future growth and quality of life in Carlsbad and to identify the key elements of a new plan to manage growth in Carlsbad in a way that maintains an excellent quality of life while also complying with state law. Principles of Participation Role of Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Members To achieve the mission of the Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee, the City Council is asking members to: • Become familiar with the issues that affect future growth and quality of life in Carlsbad • Attend periodic meetings over a period of time (approximately 1 year) • Listen to and respect diversity in perspectives, facts and opinions • Provide constructive feedback to city staff and consultants on process and draft work products • In decision-making, balance individual and group stakeholder goals with the larger public interest and legal requirements • Work collaboratively with other committee members in reaching decisions and making recommendations to the City Council • Encourage community participation at committee meetings Representation The committee will be comprised of a total of 19 primary members and 19 alternate members as follows: • Two members (one primary and one alternate) from each of the following city boards and commissions: June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 6 of 12 Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Charter Mission Statement and Principles of Participation Page 2 o Arts Commission o Beach Preservation Commission o Historic Preservation Commission o Housing Commission o Library Board o Parks and Recreation Commission o Planning Commission o Senior Commission o Traffic and Mobility Commission • Four residents (two primary and two alternate) from each City Council district: o District 1 o District 2 o District 3 o District 4 • Four at-large residents (two primary and two alternates) Each respective commission/board will nominate two commissioners/members (one primary and one alternate) to serve as members of the committee. Once each commission/board nominates each member, staff will report to the City Council the nominations with a brief biography. Then, over a period of 30 days; the Mayor will consider and confirm the recommended nominations and will recommend four at-large residents (two primary and two alternates), and each council member will recommend four residents (two primary and two alternate) from the council member’s district to serve on the committee. The full City Council will make the final decision on all commission/board and district representative recommendations. From the appointed primary committee members, the Mayor will designate a Chair and Vice-chair. Discussion Process During committee meetings, committee members agree to abide by the following discussion process: • The committee will establish ground rules about how members should conduct themselves during meetings • The preferred decision-making process is collaborative problem-solving • Consensus of the committee will take precedence over individual preferences • In cases of non-consensus, the Chair may call for majority vote of the committee; however, alternative perspectives will be documented June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 7 of 12 Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Charter Mission Statement and Principles of Participation Page 3 •City staff will be present at all meetings to assist the Chair and committee as-needed Role of Chair and Vice-chair The Chair will ensure that committee meetings are conducted fairly and efficiently, that proper order and mutual respect among all participants is maintained, that there is full participation during meetings, that all relevant matters are discussed, that all committee members have an opportunity to participate in committee discussions, and that necessary decisions are made. To the extent reasonable, the Chair will seek consensus of the committee in decision-making. In instances where consensus cannot be reached, the Chair may call for majority vote of the committee following procedures set forth in Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.20. However, the Chair will ensure that minority viewpoints are heard and documented. The Chair will ensure that these Principles of Participation and agreed-upon "ground rules" are adhered to. The Chair is responsible for ensuring that members of the public desiring to address the committee have the opportunity to do so at the appropriate time. The Chair may speak to members of the media on behalf of the committee, and represent the committee at public workshops, hearings and other public events as appropriate. The role of the Vice-chair is to serve as the Chair in his or her absence. Meeting Schedule The committee will meet approximately once a month (about 10-12 times). Meeting Attendance Full participation of committee members is essential to the effectiveness of the committee, and members are expected to attend all committee meetings. If a committee member is unable to attend a meeting, he or she shall notify city staff as soon as possible, and the designated alternate may attend in his or her place. The alternate is encouraged to actively participate in the meeting provided that he or she is adequately briefed as to the status of prior discussions and decisions. If a committee member that was appointed to represent one of the Boards and Commissions has a term that concludes prior to the committee completing its work, the member is allowed to remain on the committee until the work concludes. If a committee member resigns his or her appointment before the committee’s work has concluded, he or she shall notify the Mayor and City Council in writing, with copies sent to the City Clerk, City Manager and the Community June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 8 of 12 Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Charter Mission Statement and Principles of Participation Page 4 Development Director. The resigning committee members designated alternate shall automatically become a regular committee member for the remaining duration of the committee. If the alternate member chooses not to fill the vacancy, at their next scheduled meeting, the committee will consider whether to recommend that the Mayor and City Council fill the vacated position. Meeting Quorum For meeting purposes, a quorum of the committee is met with eight members in attendance. Open Meeting Requirements All committee meetings and committee members are subject to the open meeting requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Brown Act). The Brown Act imposes public notice and access requirements on committee meetings, and places certain limitations on when and how committee members may communicate with one another. New committee members will be given a briefing by the City Attorney’s office about the basic requirements of the Brown Act. Meeting Agendas Meeting agendas will be prepared by city staff in consultation with the Chairperson or a majority of the committee, following the procedures of the Brown Act. At the conclusion of each meeting, the Chair and city staff will summarize the results and identify items that may need further research or be carried over to the next meeting, preview new business for the upcoming meeting, and invite committee members to suggest new items for future meetings. Agendas for future meetings will be established by consensus of the committee with concurrence of the Chair and city staff. Members of the public have a right to attend committee meetings and will have an opportunity to address the committee on any issue under its purview. Agendas will include time for public comment. External Communications The overriding consideration in all communications is to honor and sustain the constructive, collaborative process of the committee. Committee members are encouraged to communicate with their constituencies in order to keep them informed of the committee’s mission and meeting agendas, and to encourage direct participation. Should committee members speak to the media, members are encouraged to provide accurate, factual information, but are asked to refrain from engaging in speculation, advocating a position on a specific issue, speaking on behalf of the committee (except for the Chair or unless authorized by the committee to do so), or otherwise making public statements that would tend to hamper constructive committee June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 9 of 12 Growth Management Plan Update Advisory Committee Charter Mission Statement and Principles of Participation Page 5 discussions. Committee members are asked to notify city staff of any media contact related to the committee and its work. City staff will be available to assist in any communications to the media, if desired. Information Sharing In order to ensure all committee members have the same information available to them, all documents will be distributed through city staff. If a member has information he or she would like to share with other committee members, the information should be given to staff for distribution to the entire committee. Maintaining this flow of information will facilitate a respectful, collaborative process, and help avoid unintended violations of open meeting laws (e.g., serial meetings). Work Products The committee will be responsible for reviewing work product and providing feedback to staff and consultants. The committee is expected to focus on input, review, and “buy-in” to carry out the committee’s mission, rather than deliberating on precise details. The committee’s work will conclude with a committee-supported report recommending to the City Council what should be included (key elements) in a new plan to manage growth and achieve an excellent quality of life while ensuring compliance with state law. The City Council will consider the committee’s recommendations and direct the next steps to create a new growth management plan. June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 10 of 12 From:Fred Briggs To:Council Internet Email; Council Internet Email; Matthew Hall; Keith Blackburn; Peder Norby; Priya Bhat-Patel;Teresa Acosta Cc:Fred Briggs III; City Clerk; Manager Internet Email; Michael Tully; Stark, Lisa; Kathleen Steindlberger; Larson Subject:Removal from Growth Management Committee? Date:Tuesday, May 31, 2022 11:40:13 AM Mayor Hall and City Council Members - I recently overheard that I am being removed from the Growth Management Committee. Apparently there is a Catch-22 to participation on the Growth Management Committee.The sudden revelation comes as a surprise to me. While it is true that I term out in June after serving eight years onthe BeachPreservation Commission, I had assumed that appointment to the Growth Management Committee was independentand for theduration of that committee's activities. After having already completed three months of group preparatory effort, Istrongly desire tocontinue with that appointment. The City Clerk’s Office sent the following rationale to Parks and Recreation today: A commission member no longer being able to serve due to his term on his board expiring would also be considereda vacancy andwould be handled the same way: “The resigning committee member’s designated alternate shall automatically become a regular committee memberfor the remainingduration of the committee. If the alternate member chooses not to fill the vacancy, at their next scheduled meeting,the committee willconsider whether to recommend that the Mayor and City Council fill the vacated position.” I believe this issue was an oversight caused by the misuse of two similar terms: note that the Clerk's rationaleaddresses COMMISSIONactivities while the growth management group is an independent COMMITTEE with no attachment to Parks andRecreation or BeachPreservation COMMISSION responsibilities. Peder Norby's response below makes it plain that there was nointention for myappointment to be other than for the full duration of the COMMITTEE's activities. In addition, this "gotcha" poses a problem for the functioning of the Growth Management Committee as a whole.Certainly there willother primaries and alternates whose current commission appointments will elapse during the unusually longduration of theCommittee's responsibilities. Unfortunately, there may be a good chance that others will also will time out aftermaking a substantialpersonal investment but prior to completing the Committees' objective. I would ask that the Council address this discrepancy, clarify the membership appointment(s) and restore myposition on the Growth Growth Management Committee. For over ten years now, I have I have done my best towork closely with the City and the Council byencouraging civic improvements of our beaches and beach front areas. I regard my appointment to this committee asa meaningfulfinal contribution and wish to continue. Fred Briggs Exhibit 2 June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 11 of 12 ----- Forwarded Message -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: Peder Norby <pedernorby@gmail.com>To: "briggs_fred@yahoo.com" <briggs_fred@yahoo.com>Cc: Matt Hall <matt.hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Peder Norby<peder.norby@carlsbadca.gov>Sent: Friday, May 27, 2022, 02:37:49 PM PDTSubject: Re: Removal from Growth Management Committee? Argh !No was not aware of your term or this clause.Will speak to the CM.Please let other council members know as well Sent from my iPhoneNECAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. June 14, 2022 Item #8 Page 12 of 12