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2022-06-15; Planning Commission; ; CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB2019-0012) – VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK CIP 4609
Item No. Application complete date: April 14, 2022 P.C. AGENDA OF: June 15, 2022 Project Planner: Eric Lardy Project Engineer: Emad Elias SUBJECT: CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB 2019-0012) – VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK CIP 4609 – Request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and Habitat Management Plan Permit to construct a 93.7-acre park located approximately 350 feet east of the intersection of Cannon Road and Faraday Avenue within the Mello II Segment of the city’s Local Coastal Plan and Local Facilities Management Zone 8. A portion of this project is located within the appeal area and the decision may be appealed to the California Coastal Commission. Request includes approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration that was prepared and circulated for a 30-day public review period that initiated on March 11, 2022. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7453 APPROVING a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7454 APPROVING Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HDP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The discretionary actions for the development of Veterans Memorial Park (project) are a Conditional Use Permit, a Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and Habitat Management Permit to construct a 93.70-acre public park, 38.82 acres of which would be developed, and the remaining 54.88 acres would be preserved. The park would include amenities such as benches, biking areas, catering support room, community gathering plaza, EV charging stations, a garden, picnic area, play areas, playground, restrooms, and scenic walking paths. On, Feb. 23, 2021, the city council took action recommending the concept plan for Veterans Memorial Park and directed staff to proceed with the environmental permitting. That Staff Report included analysis of how the acres of park will be applied equally to all four city’s quadrants with approximately 22 acres of parkland provided by the proposed project. https://records.carlsbadca.gov/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=5310828&dbid=0&repo=CityofCarlsbad&sea rchid=e7dad40a-b7fe-4b2f-8c51-10a9aace1e31 The project site is located on Faraday Avenue east of the intersection of Cannon Road and Faraday Avenue and is comprised of Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 212-271-03-00. The site is subject to the Open Space General Plan Land Use Designation and is Zoned Open Space. The site is not developed. Access would be provided by Faraday Avenue and a neighborhood trail on Whitman Way. Earthwork will consist of 214,700 cubic yards of cut and 174,950 cubic yards of fill. 2 PLANNING COMMISSION Staff Report 0 CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB 2019-0012) - VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK June 15, 2022 Page 2 On May 16, 2022, the Parks & Recreation Commission voted to accept the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan and recommend adoption by the city. Vote was 5-0-2-1 (Martinez, Allemann - Absent; Sebahar - Abstain). Table A below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE A – SITE AND SURROUNDING LAND USE Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site Open Space (O-S) Open Space (O-S) Unimproved open space North Open Space (O-S) / Residential-15 / Residential-4 Open Space (O-S) / Multi- Family Residential (R-3-Q) / One Family Residential (R-1) Open Space / Multi- and Single-Family Family Residential South Open Space (O-S) Open Space (O-S) Golf Course East Planned Industrial (PI) Heavy Commercial (C-M) Industrial Park West Open Space (O-S) Open Space (O-S) Open Space / Golf Course The developed portions of the park will be separated into three areas: • The Northern Area will include the parking lot, the Veterans Memorial Plaza, a community gathering area, two buildings, an inclusive playground, and a part of an Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accessible pathway. The two one-story buildings will be 1,486 and 380 square feet, connected by an 816 square foot pavilion. The larger building will contain restrooms, mechanical room, storage, an office, and a catering support room. The smaller room will contain staff vehicles (golf carts), equipment storage, an electrical room, and trash enclosure. • The Central Area will include the accessible pathway, a fitness climb, picnic areas, a rustic nature- inspired playground, passive recreation areas, a public art feature, native plant gardens, and a fitness run • The Southern Area would include a parking lot, a playground, restrooms, and storage areas contained in an 820 square foot building, a family-oriented bike park, a shaded plaza, group recreational areas, and a multi-generational outdoor fitness area. The requested applications to implement this project are discussed further in the Analysis section, but they include the following: Conditional Use Permit, CUP 2021-0014 A Conditional Use Permit is required to authorize the construction of a Public Park in the Open Space Zoning designation. Coastal Development Permit, CDP 2021-0052 As the project site is located in the Coastal Zone, a Coastal Development Permit is required for the construction of the Project. Hillside Development Permit, HDP 2021-0003 A Hillside Development Permit, per Chapter 21.95 of the CMC, is required due to the topography of the Project site and to allow modifications to the hillside development and design standards. Habitat Management Plan Permit, HMP 2021-0006 An HMP Permit is required due to the Project’s potential impacts to sensitive habitat and the modifications to the Hardline preserve requires a minor amendment to the Habitat Management Plan. CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB 2019-0012) - VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK June 15, 2022 Page 3 III. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following regulations and requirements: A. General Plan B. Conditional Use Permit (CMC Chapter 21.42) C. Coastal Development Regulations for the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201) and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203) D. Hillside Development Regulations (CMC Chapter 21.95) E. Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements (CMC Chapter 21.210) F. Airport Land Use Compatibility G. Growth Management (CMC Chapter 21.90) and Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 8 The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable city regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. General Plan The property has an Open Space General Plan Designation applied to it, defined in the city’s General Plan as including “….recreation and aesthetic areas (e.g., parks, beaches, greenways, trails, camp-grounds, golf courses, and buffers between land uses)”. Construction of a public park is consistent with this designation. Furthermore, development of Veterans Memorial Park was identified in the city’s Open Space, Conservation & Recreation Element of the General Plan as a future park development serving citywide residents and connecting many of the existing and future trails identified in that plan. In addition to the above, the project also complies with other Elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table B below: TABLE B – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY? Land Use & Community Design Goal 2-G.2 Promote a diversity of compatible land uses throughout the city, to enable people to live close to job locations, adequate and convenient commercial services, and public support systems such as transit, parks, schools, and utilities. The proposed uses are consistent with the Open Space General Plan designation and provides for park facilities serving the broader community. The project also maintains portions of the site as undeveloped open space consistent with the goals of the General Plan and Habitat Management Plan for the city. Yes Yes Open Space (OS) This designation includes natural resource areas (e.g., habitat, nature preserves, wetlands, floodplains, beaches, bluffs, natural steep slopes, and hillsides); areas for production of resources CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB 2019-0012) - VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK June 15, 2022 Page 4 ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY? (e.g., agriculture, aquaculture, and water reservoirs); and recreation and aesthetic areas (e.g., parks, beaches, greenways, trails, campgrounds, golf courses, and buffers between land uses). Mobility Goal 3-G.1 Keep Carlsbad moving with livable streets that provide a safe, balanced, cost-effective, multi-modal transportation system (vehicles, pedestrians, bikes, transit), accommodating the mobility needs of all community members, including children, the elderly and the disabled. Development of Veterans Memorial Park will connect with the existing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure along Faraday Ave. and provides for alternate internal multi-modal trails and pathways. Yes Policy 3-P.33 Work with existing neighborhoods and businesses to improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity and safety consistent with the city’s pedestrian and bicycle master plans and trails master planning efforts. Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Site is designated as a combination of Category 3: Open Space for Outdoor Recreation and Category 1: Open Space for Preservation of Natural Resources Development on the site is consistent with the intended mix of uses for the application of these classifications. On the site, 38.82 acres will be developed into improved recreation, and the remaining 54.88 acres will remain as Open Space and be avoided. Yes Goal 4-G.1 Develop a balanced and integrated open space system reflecting a variety of considerations—resource conservation, production of resources, recreation, and aesthetic and community identity—and ensuring synergies between various open space components and compatibility with land use planning. The project is consistent with these goals in the Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element through the avoidance of impacts to open space on the site and provision of recreational facilities for multiple users. The park includes inter-generational facilities and activities for users of all abilities. Yes Goal 4-G.6 Offer a wide variety of recreational activities and park facilities designed to encourage educational benefits and active or Yes CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB 2019-0012) - VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK June 15, 2022 Page 5 ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY? passive participation by users of all ages and interests. 4-G.8 Coordinate the planning of park facilities and trails with other recreation-oriented land uses such as open space. Yes Policy 4-P.30 Consider the following during the development/re-development of parkland: protection and enhancement of sensitive natural habitat by expanding minimum buffers around sensitive resources; utilizing native plant species in park projects; incorporating plant species that provide food such as seeds, nuts and berries for wildlife and bird species; protecting and buffering drinking water sources such as small ponds and wetland areas; and limiting turf grass use to recreational areas. Use the Carlsbad Landscape Manual in landscape refurbishment and new park development projects. Development of the park will avoid a majority of the site as open space consistent with this policy and the Habitat Management Plan. Project is consistent with the Carlsbad Landscape Manual. Yes B. Conditional Use Permit (CMC Chapter 21.42) The site is subject to the land use regulations in the Zoning Ordinance, included in the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 21. The property is designed the Open Space Zone, which allows a Public Park, subject to a Level 2 Conditional Use Permit, approved by the Planning Commission with the potential for appeal to the City Council. Additionally, the Conditional Use Permit for a Public Park is also required (CMC 21.42.140) to include a Master Park Site Plan Exhibit (Exhibit 1, Exhibit A). This exhibit outlines the uses approved in the Conditional Use Permit and studied in the environmental document and is incorporated into the Conditional Use Permit Approval. The project will have two separate access points off Faraday Avenue through the construction of new driveways. The north parking area will have 72 parking spaces, including 12 ADA stalls, 8 EV charging stations, and a drop-off area. The south parking area will have 37 stalls, including 2 ADA stalls, 4 EV charging stations, and a drop off area. There is a total of 109 off-street parking spaces provided. There are also an estimated 100 on-street parking spaces along Faraday Avenue. The Zoning Ordinance does not outline a specific parking requirement for a Public Park; however, a parking assessment (Exhibit 4) was conducted consistent with the requirements of Section 21.44.030 that determines there is sufficient on- and off-street parking available to serve the project. Faraday Avenue has existing sidewalk and Class II bike lanes that would connect to the CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB 2019-0012) - VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK June 15, 2022 Page 6 internal pedestrian and bicyclist facilities within the park. Additionally, the project will install a bench and 5-foot-wide concrete pad for passenger boarding at the bus stop on the east side of Faraday Avenue adjacent to the project site. Additionally, benches will be added at two existing bus stop locations on the east side of Faraday Avenue south of the Project site. Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that four findings be made in order to approve a CUP. All of the findings can be made for Veterans Memorial Park as discussed below: 1. That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, and is in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan, including, if applicable, the certified local coastal program, specific plan or master plan, in that the project was developed consistent with the local coastal program and general plan for the city, that has long anticipated the project be developed consistent with the proposed Master Park Site Plan Exhibit that provides for a mix of improved recreation amenities and avoided open space. 2. That the requested use is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located in that the project avoids or mitigates all impacts to a level of less than significant, as outlined in the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study. The proposed park is allowed in the Open Space zone through application and conditions contained within the Conditional Use Permit and other permit findings. 3. That the site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, parking, loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping and other development features prescribed in this code and required by the City Planner, planning commission or City Council, in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood, in that the size of this park allows the uses to be self-contained and avoid impacts to the neighborhoods to the west and the north. Faraday Avenue runs continuously along the property to the south and the project is surrounded by open space to the south and east. The parking study evaluated and determined that the on- and off-street parking supply is adequate for the proposed uses contained on the site. 4. That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use, in that the Mitigated Negative Declaration conducted a study of Vehicle Miles Travelled and determined that impacts to Transportation were less than significant under CEQA. A Transportation Impact Study (Exhibit 5) was completed consistent with the requirements and showed consistency with the city’s Growth Management Plan for the site access and traffic from the two entrance points onto Faraday Avenue. C. Coastal Development Regulations for the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201) and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203) The City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Program regulates all development within the state-designated Coastal Zone within the city boundaries. The City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Program consists of six geographic segments: the Agua Hedionda Lagoon LCP segment comprised of (all acreage figures are approximate) 1,100 acres; the Carlsbad Mello I segment with 2,000 acres; the Carlsbad Mello II segment with 5,250 acres; the West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties segment with 200 acres; the East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties segment with 1,000 acres; and the Village-Barrio segment with 150 acres. Veterans Memorial Park is contained within the Mello II segment. CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB 2019-0012) - VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK June 15, 2022 Page 7 1. Mello II Segments of the Certified Local Coastal Program and all applicable policies The project has been designed to comply with all the applicable policies of the Mello II Segment, specifically the most applicable policies contained within Policy 3 and Policy 4. Policy 3 contains requirements related to Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas. The project avoids impacts and is consistent with the requirements of Policy 3-1 – Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan and 3-4 Grading and Landscape Requirements through avoidance and mitigation as outlined in the environmental document and project conditions. Policy 3-7 includes specific requirements for Veterans Memorial Park and the designation of the areas on and adjacent to this property as Hardline design within the Habitat Management Plan. Policy 3-7 (e) outlines that the “Veterans Memorial Park Development Area” is designated for recreational use with a variety of recreational opportunities. Consistent with this policy, grading has been minimized to the extent necessary for development of the recreation facilities. The project will impact 3.36 acres of habitat in the hardline area and mitigation measures and a minor amendment that results in a net increase of 9.505 acres into the open space area of equal or better habitat to the HMP is required as part of this development proposal. This is discussed in the Habitat Management Plan Permit section of this report. Policy 4 contains requirements related to Geologic, Floodplain, and Shoreline Hazard Areas. The project is consistent and completed studies to determine impacts are avoided and mitigated using best management practices and site design. 2. Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone The project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203.040 of the Zoning Ordinance) based upon the evaluation of grading, impacts to steep slopes, and compliance with required development standards. The project impacts some steep slope areas (slopes that are greater than twenty-five percent inclination or greater) and a slope analysis has been prepared. The project as designed would grade approximately 6.96 acres of natural slopes of greater than twenty-five percent, which is approximately 19.02 percent of the grading footprint. Furthermore, LCP Policy 4-3 (b) requires an evaluation of slopes possessing an endangered species and/or Coastal Sage Scrub. There are 6.49 acres of steep slopes that meet both the twenty-five percent inclination and have sensitive habitat (i.e. ‘dual criteria’ slopes); the proposed grading impacts 0.11 acres which is approximately 1.7 percent of these slopes. Additionally, CMC 21.203.040 (A) (1) (d) allows for encroachment into these lands in order to preserve natural habitats as required per the city’s Habitat Management Plan. The Project’s proposed impacts to dual criteria slopes has been avoided to the extent feasible and is necessary to establish new trails and access to other park features for the public’s use, which would not be possible to construct otherwise. Additional information on this analysis is included the Mitigated Negative Declaration (Exhibit 1). Project has also incorporated design elements to prevent runoff contamination, and minimize runoff volume from the Project site in the developed condition, to the greatest extent feasible, as required by Section 21.203.040 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code in that the project will adhere to the city’s Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) to avoid increased urban run-off, pollutants and soil erosion. Additionally, CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB 2019-0012) - VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK June 15, 2022 Page 8 consistent with Section 21.203.040(A)(3)(a) of the Municipal Code, a soils investigation has been prepared for the Project by a licensed soils engineer, which has determined the subject slope area would be stable and grading and development impacts would be mitigated for the life of the structure. D. Hillside Development Regulations (CMC Chapter 21.95) The development of Veterans Memorial Park requires impacts to hillsides in order to facilitate the development of the site. The volume of grading for the Project has been minimized and would be 5,866 cubic yards per acre, which is considered an “acceptable” amount based on the City’s hillside development and design standards. Slope heights, contour grading, screening, slope edge building setback, and hillside drainage requirements from the City’s hillside development and design standards have been incorporated as applicable. While the project is consistent with the intent of the hillside development standards, it does require retaining walls in excess of six feet on slopes over 40 percent gradient. The proposed walls are eight feet high in some locations in order to construct portions of the multi-use trails and to minimize overall grading impacts. Issuance of the permit requires that findings to allow for the modifications to the hillside development and design standards are needed. Section 21.95.080 sets forward the findings that are required to be made by the decision maker for a Hillside Development Permit, and 21.95.080 (A) (3) allows findings to be made consistent with Section 21.95.160(E) of the CMC. It states, the decision-making body or official may approve encroachments to slopes of twenty-five percent grade and over to preserve natural habitats required by the City’s HMP, provided that the required amount of preservation could not be achieved by strict adherence to the requirements of Sections 21.95.140(A) and (B) which set the requirements for hillside development and mapping. The Planning Commission Resolution (Exhibit 2) contains and includes the required findings and information related to the issuance of the hillside development permit. E. Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements (CMC Chapter 21.210) While the site design and mitigation avoid impacts to biology and habitats, issuance of an HMP permit is necessary due to the Project’s potential impacts to sensitive habitat. Additionally, issuance of a minor amendment to the HMP is required for impacts within the HMP’s hardline conservation areas consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.210.080 A.3, which allows for minor amendments for “essential public works projects”. A minor amendment to the City’s HMP to revise the HMP hardline boundary, including an equivalency finding, is required to approve the exchange of 3.36 acres in the HMP preserve near the bike park for equal or better habitat and acreage. The footprint of the proposed park would partially overlap with the existing Hardline of the HMP (Macario Canyon/Veterans Memorial Park preserve). An existing Hardline area is an area that was already designated as an area to be preserved when the HMP was developed. While the Project would directly impact 3.36 acres of the existing 43.37 acres of Hardline area within the Project site by incorporating these areas into the park, it will add 12.86 acres of the Project site to the HMP Hardline. This would result in a net increase of 9.50 acres of Hardline area to the City’s HMPs preserve. The MND contains the biological resources analysis that was completed for these equivalency findings. Consistent with the procedures in Section 21.210.080, the equivalency analysis was submitted to the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and Carlsbad Department of Fish and Wildlife on March 16, 2022, concurrently with the Mitigated Negative Declaration / Initial Study. On April 27, 2022, CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB 2019-0012) - VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK June 15, 2022 Page 9 the Service sent a letter (Exhibit 6) concurring with the equivalency finding for the modification associated with the proposed project and determined the minor amendment is consistent with the city’s Habitat Management Plan. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service submitted comments on the Mitigated Negative Declaration / Initial Study and did not object to the equivalency findings. Per the Implementing Agreement [20.1 (4)] and the Habitat Management Plan [Section 3 (A)], since an objection was not raised within 30 days, the change is considered approved. F. Airport Land Use Compatibility The proposed project is consistent with the adopted Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the McClellan-Palomar Airport (ALUCP), dated December 1, 2011. The project is in the least restrictive safety zone (Zone 6), where both group and non-group recreation uses are allowed. Additionally, the project is compatible with the projected noise levels of the ALUCP. A portion of the project site is within the 60-65 decibel noise contours; community parks are compatible with this noise contour area based on the noise/land use compatibility matrix of the ALUCP. G. Growth Management (CMC Chapter 21.90) and Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 8 The proposed public park is within Local Facilities Management Zone 8 in the city’s Northwest zone. TABLE C – GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLY City Administration No Impact; does not generate population Yes Library No Impact; does not generate population Yes Waste Water Treatment Minor Impact; does not generate population Yes Parks Park provides 93.7 acres of park divided equally between each of the four quadrants (23.425) Yes Drainage The proposed site will include infrastructure to convey storm water through the newly graded site. The system will be composed primarily of above ground conveyances and stormwater quality treatment. Project will adhere to the city’s Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) to avoid increased urban run-off, pollutants, and soil erosion. Yes Circulation Project does not have significant transportation impact under CEQA. ADT meets performance standard. Yes Fire Fire Station 5 Yes Open Space Project will avoid impacts to 54.88 acres that will be maintained as open space and result in a net increase of 9.5 acres to the hardline areas of the city’s HMP preserve. Yes CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB 2019-0012) - VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK June 15, 2022 Page 10 Schools No Impact; does not generate population Yes Sewer Collection System Minor impact; does not generate population Yes Water 41,000 gallons per day primarily for outdoor irrigation. Project complies with all landscaping requirements and is consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Water District’s Urban Water Management Plan Yes IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) of the CMC, staff conducted an environmental impact assessment (initial study, or IS) for the proposed project and associated permits. The assessment identified potentially significant impacts to Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology/Soils, Land Use & Planning, Recreation, Tribal Cultural Resources, and the Mandatory Findings of Significance. Mitigation measures were incorporated into the design of the project or included in a mitigation monitoring and reporting program (MMRP) such that all potentially significant impacts would be mitigated to below a level of significance. Staff circulated a Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft IS/MND) from March 11 to April 11, 2022. Mitigation Measures were included for impacts to Biology, Cultural Resources, and Geology. Additionally, the project design avoids impacts to additional topic areas, requiring no additional mitigation. A Notice of Intent to adopt an MND was published in the newspaper, posted on the city’s website, and sent to the County Clerk and State Clearinghouse for public review. The requisite 30-day public review period for the MND was initiated on March 11, 2022. The notice provided a city website link to the full Draft IS/MND and project plans and distributed it to the applicable email distribution lists for individuals signed up for planning and veterans park notifications measures. At the end of the 30-day public review period, eight comment letters were received from environmental organizations, the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and individuals on the following topics: • Vehicle Miles Travelled – Most of the comments received were on the analysis included in the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Vehicle Miles Traveled Assessment. Since 2020, transportation impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act are no longer evaluated as Level-of-service. Different types of projects are evaluated differently under the VMT guidelines in place for the City of Carlsbad and recommended by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. Both guidelines recommend that locally serving Public Facilities that are intended to serve the local public are not assumed to have an impact to VMT and can therefore be “screened out” of additional analysis and therefore not have a significant impact under CEQA. However, since it was not clear this larger park would be a “locally-serving Public Facility” the city contracted with a firm to take the extra step in preparing a VMT specific analysis on the project based on the best available data. This data was compared to the standards in the city’s VMT Analysis Guidelines (September 2020) and since it is not expected to increase regional VMT, a less than significant standard can be found. The city responded to each individual comment on this topic, and no changes to the Mitigated Negative Declaration are required. Additional information on this topic is available in the Response to Comments document. • Biology – Comments asked for clarification on the biological and phasing portions of the plan. Responses and minor modifications to the Mitigated Negative Declaration were made to clarify the required permits and made modifications to the mitigation measures for consistency. CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 (PUB 2019-0012) - VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK June 15, 2022 Page 11 • Tribal Cultural Resources – The Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians commented on the mitigation measures provided for Tribal Cultural resources. The comment and request is to specifically include the Rincon Band in the mitigation measures. The mitigation measures include by reference, “other Luiseño tribes”; therefore, consistent with past practice and the Carlsbad Tribal, Cultural, and Paleontological Resources Guidelines, no change was made to the MND. Written responses to comments received on an IS/MND are not required by CEQA. However, city staff and consultants prepared a Response to Comments (RTC) document to respond to all the comment letters received on the Draft IS/MND. The revised IS/MND, included as exhibits to the Planning Commission Resolution (Exhibit 1) that includes the full revised Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, responses to comments, and MMRP. These documents, which are contained as exhibits “MND”, “Notice of Intent” and “Initial Study” to the draft resolution (Exhibit 1), would be used by the city, in conjunction with other information developed in the city’s formal administrative record, to act on and implement the proposed project. All potential impacts associated with the project were found to be less than significant with incorporation of relevant mitigation measures, where applicable. Therefore, the project would not result in any significant unavoidable impacts and an IS/MND, in accordance with CEQA, is the appropriate environmental document for the project. The whole record of the combined Draft IS/MND, and RTC constitutes the Final IS/MND. EXHIBITS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7453 – Mitigated Negative Declaration Exhibits – MND, Initial Study, Notice of Intent 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7454 Exhibit A – Master Park Site Plan Exhibit 3. Location Map 4. Memorandum – Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment (June 23, 2021) 5. Transportation Impact Assessment (Psomas June 2021) 6. Habitat Management Plan Minor Amendment Equivalency Findings: US Fish and Wildlife Service (April 27, 2022) 7. Reduced Exhibits 8. Exhibits “A” – “XX” dated June 15, 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7453 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION TO CONSTRUCT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 350 FEET EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF CANNON ROAD AND FARADAY AVENUE WITHIN THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AND IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 8. CASE NAME: VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK CIP 4609 CASE NO.: CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, "Developer," has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by the City, described as Assessors Parcel Number 212-271-03-00 ("the Property"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the CEQA and its implementing regulations (the State CEQA Guidelines), Article 14 of the California Code of Regulations section 15000 et. seq., the city is the Lead Agency for the project, as the public agency with the principal responsibility for approving the proposed project; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21080.1 and CEQA Guidelines section 15063, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) shall be prepared when an Initial Study (IS) identifies potentially significant project related impacts, but can be classified as less than significant after incorporating mitigation actions that can be taken to avoid or mitigate impacts to a point where clearly no significant impacts on the environment will occur; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21080.1 and CEQA Guidelines section 15063, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) shall be prepared when an Initial Study (IS) identifies potentially significant project related impacts, but can be classified as less than significant after incorporating mitigation actions that can be taken to avoid or mitigate impacts to a point where clearly no significant impacts on the environment will occur; and EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the city provided notice of the availability of the Draft IS/MND and its intent to adopt an IS/MND to and sought comments from all interested individuals and agencies on the Draft IS/MND as required by CEQA: A. Publishing "Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration" in the "The Coast News" newspaper on March 11, 2022. B. Submitting a notice to the State Clearinghouse for posting. C. Providing copies of the notice to individuals and organizations that previously submitted written requests for the notice. D. Posting of the notice and Draft IS/MND on the City of Carlsbad Planning Division webpage; and WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared in conjunction with said project, released for public review for a period of 30 days starting on March 11, 2022 in conformance with Public Resources Code section 21091(b) and CEQA Guidelines sections 15072 and 15105{b). The city received eight comment letters during the 30-day public comment period. A Response to Comments (RTC) document was prepared and responds to all of the comment letters received on the Draft IS/MND; and WHEREAS, upon approving a project for which an IS/MND is adopted, the Lead Agency must also adopt a Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21081.6 and CEQA Guidelines section 15074(d); WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on June 15, 2022, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, CEQA Guidelines section 15074(b) states that prior to approving a project, the Lead Agency must consider the proposed IS/MND together with any comments received during the public review process; and PC RESO NO. 7453 -2- WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the Planning Commission considered all factors relating to the Mitigated Negative Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby ADOPTS the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Exhibit "MND," and according to Exhibits "Notice of Intent (NOi)," and "Initial Study" the latter of which includes the Initial Study; Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Program; and the Response to Comments, attached hereto and made a part hereof, based on the following findings: Findings: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad does hereby find: a. it has reviewed, analyzed, and considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration CUP 2021- 0014, CDP 2021-0052, HOP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 the environmental impacts therein identified for this project and any comments thereon prior to APPROVING of the project; and b. the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the State Guidelines and the Environmental Protection Procedures of the City of Carlsbad; and c. it reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad; and d. based on the EIA and comments thereon, there is no substantial evidence the project will have a significant effect on the environment. e. These changes and additions to the Draft IS/MND do not raise new important issues related to significant effects on the environment. The modifications made to the Draft IS/MND in the RTC simply provide minor clarifications and do not amount to substantial revisions requiring recirculation of the IS/MND pursuant to Section 15073.5 of CEQA Guidelines. f. Mitigation measures were developed to reduce potential impacts to Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, and Geology. The project applicant has agreed to implement all mitigation measures identified in the Final IS/MND in order to reduce all potentially PC RESO NO. 7453 -3- significant environmental impacts to a less-than-significant level, in accordance with the MMRP. Mitigation measures shall be incorporated as part of the project's conditions of approval to reduce impacts to a level less than significant. g. The Final IS/MND constitutes an adequate, accurate, objective, and complete document in compliance with all legal standards. In determining whether the proposed project has a significant effect on the environment, the city is able to base its decision on substantial evidence and has complied with Public Resources Code section 21082.2 and CEQA Guidelines section 15091(b). h. The Record of Proceedings has been completed in compliance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines, and that the findings related to the Final IS/MND, taken together, reflect the independent judgment of the Planning Commission. NOTICE TO APPLICANT An appeal of this decision to the City Council must be filed with the City Clerk at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008, within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the Planning Commission's decision. Pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.54, section 21.54.150, the appeal must be in writing and state the reason(s) for the appeal. The City Council must make a determination on the appeal prior to any judicial review. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on June 15, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Lafferty, Luna, Kamenjarin, Meenes, Merz, Sabellico, and Stine NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOSEP STINE, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: DON NEU City Planner PC RESO NO. 7453 -4- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7454 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, AND HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN PERMIT FOR A VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON FARADAY AVENUE SOUTH OF WHITMAN WAY WITHIN THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AND IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE8. CASE NAME: VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK CIP 4609 CASE NO.: CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HOP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, "Developer," has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by the City, described as Assessors Parcel Number 212-271-03-00 ("the Property"); and WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared in conjunction with said project, reviewed and adopted consistent with the findings in Planning Commission Resolution 7453; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Conditional Use Permit, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and Habitat Management Plan Permit as shown on Exhibit(s) A -XX dated June 15, 2022, on file in the Planning Division, Veterans Memorial Park, CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HOP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006, as provided by Chapter 21.42, 21.95, 21.203, 21.210, and 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has received authorization to issue permits to impact various sensitive species and habitats, including species listed as Threatened or Endangered, by virtue of Incidental Take Permit No. TE022606-0 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Natural Community Conservation Planning Permit No. 2835-2004-001-05; and WHEREAS, the authority stated above is based on a plan titled Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad, Final Approval November 9, 2004, referred to as the HMP, and approval of all projects is contingent on a finding of consistency with the HMP; and EXHIBIT 2 WHEREAS, said verified application by Developer constitutes a request for a Habitat Management Plan Permit pursuant to the city's authority as contained in Chapter 21.210 of the Zoning Ordinance, on file in the Planning Division; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission agrees and affirms the findings included in the staff report that are consistent with Chapter 21.210.080 of the Zoning Ordinance that this project constitutes a Minor Amendment to the Habitat Management Plan through the addition of approximately 9.5 net acres of equivalent or better habitat into the Open Space Areas and included in the concurrence from the United States Department of Fish and Wildlife letter dated April 27, 2022. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on June 15, 2022, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Coastal Development Permit. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed all aspects comprising the project described in the June 15, 2022 Planning Commission staff report, and concurrently with the consideration of Planning Commission Resolution No. 7454, the Planning Commission reviewed and considered Planning Commission Resolution No. 7453. The actions contemplated by this resolution would allow the city to implement the project and proceed forward with the physical development of the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission APPROVES Veterans Memorial Park, CUP 2021-0014, CDP 2021-0052, HOP 2021-0003, HMP 2021- 0006, based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad does hereby find: PC RESO NO. 7454 -2- a. it has reviewed, analyzed, and considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Veterans Memorial Park -CUP 2021- 0014, CDP 2021-0052, HDP 2021-0003, HMP 2021-0006, the environmental impacts therein identified for this project and any comments thereon prior to APPROVING the project; and b. the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program has been prepared in accordance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the State Guidelines, and the Environmental Protection Procedures of the City of Carlsbad; and c. it reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad; and d. based on the EIA and comments thereon, there is no substantial evidence the project will have a significant effect on the environment. Conditional Use Permit, CUP 2021-0014 2. That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, and is in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan, including, if applicable, the certified local coastal program, specific plan or master plan, in that the project was developed consistent with the local coastal program and general plan for the city, that has long anticipated the project be developed consistent with the proposed Master Park Site Plan Exhibit A that provides for a mix of improved recreation amenities and avoided open space. 3. That the requested use is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located in that the project avoids or mitigates all impacts to a level of less than significant, as outlined in the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study. The proposed park is allowed in the Open Space zone through application and conditions contained within the Conditional Use Permit and other permit findings. 4. That the site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, parking, loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping and other development features prescribed in this code and required by the City Planner, planning commission or City Council, in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood, in that the size of this park allows the uses to be self contained and avoid impacts to the neighborhoods to the west and the north. Faraday Avenue runs continuously along the property to the south and the project is surrounded by open space to the south and east. The parking study evaluated and determined that the on-and off-street parking supply is adequate for the proposed uses contained on the site. 5. That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use, in that the Mitigated Negative Declaration conducted a study of Vehicle Miles Travelled and determined that impacts to Transportation were less than significant under CEQA. A Transportation Impact Study was completed consistent with the requirements and showed consistency with the city's Growth Management Plan for the site access and traffic from the two entrance points onto Faraday Avenue. PC RESO NO. 7454 -3 - Coastal Development Permit, CDP 2021-0052 6. That the proposed development is in conformance with the Certified Local Coastal Program and all applicable policies in that it complies with the following policies in the Mello II segment of the Local Coastal Program: a. Policy 3-1: Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas {ESHAs): the project is consistent with the Carlsbad HMP through issuance of an HMP Permit and avoids and mitigates all impacts. Buffers are incorporated consistent with Policy 3-1.12 of the LCP. b. Policy 3-4: Grading and Landscaping Requirements, stormwater BMPs are included in the project design, minimizing impacts to water quality and to avoid ESHAs on the project site. c. Policy 3-7: City Owned Lands Adjacent to Macario Canyon and Veterans Memorial Park, project fully mitigates impacts, minimizes grading to the extent necessary to comply with policies to provide public recreation uses on the "Veterans Memorial Park Development Area" and through the Habitat Management Plan Permit proposes hardline revisions that result in net increase of 9.5 acres of additional habitat. d. Policy 4: Geologic, Floodplain, and Shoreline Hazard Areas. Project is consistent and completed studies to determine no impacts due to grading project impacts to sensitive habitat is limited to 1.05 acres, less than 10 percent of the 50.44 acres of sensitive habitat on the site allowed in Policy 4-3 (b). Site design, construction best practices, and the projects Stormwater plan are incorporated in the project design to show consistency under Policy 4- 5 (e) to avoid soil erosion or sediment impacts. 7. The proposal is in conformity with the public access and recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act in that the project will not impede any public access to waterways, ocean front land, or water-oriented activities; furthermore it will improve parking and public access to this property within the Coastal Zone that offers sufficient on-and off-street parking for passive and active recreation activities within the "Veterans Memorial Park Development Area" as allowed under the city's Local Coastal Program. 8. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone {Chapter 21.203 of the Zoning Ordinance) in that the project will adhere to the city's Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program {JRMP) to avoid increased urban runoff, pollutants, and soil erosion. The Project will impact less than 10 percent of lands that are greater than twenty-five percent slope and have endangered species or sensitive habitat. Pursuant to LCP Policy 4-3 and CMC 21.203.040 (A) (1) (d) the encroachment into these areas is allowed pursuant to the issuance of the Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Plan Permit. Hillside Development Permit, HMP 2021-0006 9. That hillside conditions have been properly identified on the constraints map which show existing and proposed conditions and slope percentages. 10. That undevelopable areas of the project, i.e., slopes over 40%, have been properly identified on the constraints map. PC RESO NO. 7454 -4- 11. That the development proposal is consistent with the intent, purpose, and requirements of the Hillside Ordinance, Chapter 21.95, in that the Project has been designed to maintain much of the natural hillside character of the site by minimizing the amount of Project grading, by incorporating contour grading into manufactured slopes, and by avoiding nearly all on-site sensitive habitat and steep slope areas. Several areas require retaining walls that exceed 6' vertical height; however, the retaining walls are necessary to construct city-wide multi-use trails, to minimize impacts to the surrounding habitat areas, and to stay within acceptable grading volumes. 12. That the proposed development or grading will not occur in the undevelopable portions of the site pursuant to provisions of Section 21.53.230 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, in that these sites will be preserved as HMP hardline preserve consistent with the allowances of the Conditional Use Permit, Coastal Development Permit, and Habitat Management Plan Permit. 13. That the project design substantially conforms to the intent of the concepts illustrated in the Hillside Development Guidelines Manual, in that the project preserves and/or enhance the aesthetic qualities of natural hillsides to the extent feasible and the manufactured slopes incorporates contour grading. The proposed design minimizes the amount of project grading through construction of the retaining walls. 14. That the proposed modification will result in significantly more open space or undisturbed area than would a strict adherence to the requirements of the ordinance, in that the project impacts 0.11 acres that are both steep slope and sensitive habitats. Project design minimizes impacts to habitat and grading, and results in a net increase of 9.505 acres of equal or better quality habitat into the adjacent open space network. Habitat Management Plan Permit, HOP 2021-0003 15. That authorization to impact sensitive habitats through the removal of 0.94 acres of Coastal Sage Scrub, 0.01 acres of Southern maritime chaparral, 0.1 acres of Riparian Scrub, and 35.29 acres of non-native grassland is subject to continuous compliance with all provisions of the Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad (HMP), the Citywide Incidental Take Permit issued for the HMP, the Implementing Agreement, the Terms and Conditions of the Incidental Take Permit, and the Biological Opinion. 16. That authorization to impact sensitive habitats is subject to continuous compliance with all mitigation measures as stated in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and is subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolutions No. 7453 for those other approvals, including but not limited to recordation of conservation easements over all conserved areas and management and monitoring in perpetuity by a qualified conservation entity. 17. That authorization to impact sensitive habitats is subject to continuous compliance with the provisions of Volumes I, II and Ill of the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program and the Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for Threatened and Endangered Species Due to Urban Growth within the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program Planning Area {SCH No. 93121073). 18. That all impacts to habitat and all take of species will be incidental to otherwise lawful activities related to construction and operation of the Veterans Memorial Park project. PC RESO NO. 7454 -5- 19. That the project design as approved by the City of Carlsbad has avoided and minimized impacts to wildlife habitat and species of concern to the maximum extent practicable. Specifically, the site has been designed to concentrate most impacts to reduce impacts to sensitive habitat areas and steep slopes, that the development maximizes use of habitats that are not sensitive, and the major amendment results in a net gain of 9.505 acres of equivalent or better habitat areas. 20. The project design and modification to the hardline preserve that results in a net gain of 9.505 acres of equivalent or better habitat is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 21.210.080 (A), and that through the process and letter received from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 21. General 22. 23. 24. The Planning Commission hereby finds that all development in Carlsbad benefits from the Habitat Management Plan, which is a comprehensive conservation plan and implementation program that will facilitate the preservation of biological diversity and provide for effective protection and conservation of wildlife and plant species while continuing to allow compatible development in accordance with Carlsbad's Growth Management Plan. Preservation of wildlife habitats and sensitive species is required by the Open Space and Conservation Element of the city's General Plan which provides for the realization of the social, economic, aesthetic and environmental benefits from the preservation of open space within an increasingly urban environment. Moreover, each new development will contribute to the need for additional regional infrastructure that, in turn, will adversely impact species and habitats. The In-Lieu Mitigation Fee imposed on all new development within the city is essential to fund implementation of the city's Habitat Management Plan. All necessary public facilities can be provided concurrent with need, and adequate provisions have been provided to implement those portions of the capital improvement program applicable to the subject property. The project is consistent with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 8 and all city public facility policies and ordinances. The project includes elements or has been conditioned to construct or provide funding to ensure that all facilities and improvements regarding sewer collection and treatment, water, drainage, circulation, fire, schools, parks and other recreational facilities, libraries, government administrative facilities, and open space, related to the project will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrent with need. Specifically, the proposed project will provide parks to meet the standard with the 93.7 acres divided equally to all four quadrants, will result in a net gain of open space in the city's Habitat Management Plan, and does not impact any of the other nine standards. The park has been long anticipated in the city's General Plan and a park at this location was anticipated in the 1988 Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 8. The project is consistent with the adopted Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the McClellan- Palomar Airport (ALUCP), dated December 1, 2011, in that the project is in Zone 6 and both group and non-group recreation uses are allowed in Zone 6. The project is compatible with the projected noise levels of the ALUCP; and, based on the noise/land use compatibility matrix of the ALUCP, the proposed land use is compatible with the airport, in that a portion of the project site is within the 60-65 decibel noise contours; community parks are compatible with this noise contour area. PC RESO NO. 7454 -6- 25. That the project is consistent with the city's Landscape Manual and Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 18.50). 26. The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. Conditions: Note: Unless otherwise specified herein, all conditions shall be satisfied prior to issuance of a building permit or grading permits, whichever occurs first. 1. If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terms, the city shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a successor in interest by the city's approval of this Conditional Use Permit, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and Habitat Management Plan Permit. 2. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the Conditional Use Permit, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and Habitat Management Plan Permit documents, as necessary to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different from this approval, shall require an amendment to this approval. 3. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this Project are challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with all requirements of law. 5. Prior to submittal of the building plans, improvement plans, grading plans, or final map, whichever occurs first, developer shall submit to the City Planner, a 24" x 36" copy of the (Tentative Map/Site Plan or other), conceptual grading plan and preliminary utility plan reflecting the conditions approved by the final decision making body. The copy shall be submitted to the City Planner, reviewed and, if found acceptable, signed by the city's project planner and project engineer. If no changes were required, the approved exhibits shall fulfill this condition. 6. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of the Zone 8 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. PC RESO NO. 7454 -7- 7. This approval is granted subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolutions No. 7454 for those other approvals incorporated herein by reference. 8. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within 24 months from the date of project approval. 9. Building permits will not be issued for this project unless the local agency providing water and sewer services to the project provides written certification to the city that adequate water service and sewer facilities, respectively, are available to the project at the time of the application for the building permit, and that water and sewer capacity and facilities will continue to be available until the time of occupancy. 10. CUP 2021-0014 shall be reviewed by the City Planner annually to determine if all conditions of this permit have been met and that the use does not have a substantial negative effect on surrounding properties or the public health, safety and general welfare. If the City Planner determines that: 1) the Conditional Use Permit was obtained by fraud or misrepresentation; or 2) the use for which such approval was granted is not being exercised; or 3) the Conditional Use Permit is being or recently has been exercised contrary to any of the terms or conditions of approval or the conditions of approval have not been met; or 4) the use for which such approval was granted has ceased to exist or has been suspended for one year or more; or 5) the use is in violation of any statute, ordinance, law or regulation; or 6) the use permitted by the Conditional Use Permit is being or has been so exercised as to be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or so as to constitute a nuisance, the City Planner shall recommend that the Planning Commission hold a public hearing and after providing the permittee the opportunity to be heard, the Planning Commission may revoke and terminate the Conditional Use Permit in whole or in part, reaffirm the Conditional Use Permit, modify the conditions or impose new conditions. 11. This Conditional Use Permit is granted without an expiration date. This permit may be revoked at any time after a public hearing, if it is found that the use has a substantial detrimental effect on surrounding land uses and the public's health and welfare, or the conditions imposed herein have not been met. 12. Prior to submittal of the building plans, improvement plans, grading plans, or final map, whichever occurs first, developer shall submit to the City Planner, a 24" x 36" copy of the conceptual grading plan and preliminary utility plan reflecting the conditions approved by the final decision-making body. The copy shall be submitted to the City Planner, reviewed and, if found acceptable, signed by the city's project planner and project engineer. If no changes were required, the approved exhibits shall fulfill this condition. 13. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of the Zone 8 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. 14. Prior to the issuance of any permits for the project, the applicant shall submit to the City Planner a digital copy of the biology report exhibits in Autocad DWG or ESRI-Shape-File Format registered to CCS zone 6 NAO 83. The City Planner has the discretion to waive this condition based on factors such as the scope of the study and the format in which the exhibits were prepared. 15. Developer/Operator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court PC RESO NO. 7454 -8- costs and attorney's fees incurred by the city arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) city's approval and issuance of this Habitat Management Plan Permit, (b) city's approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or non-discretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and (c) Developer/Operator's installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the city's approval is not validated. 16. As a condition of this approval, applicant must comply with the requirements of all regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project and any mitigation requirements of the environmental documents for the project. Pursuant to Government Code section 65871 and Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 20, Chapter 20.04, section 20.04.140 applicant shall grant a conservation easement for the conservation, protection, and management of fish, wildlife, native plants and the habitat necessary for biologically sustainable populations of certain species thereof, in accordance with the city's adopted Habitat Management Plan. 17. Prior to issuance of a grading permit or clearing of any habitat, whichever occurs first, the Developer shall take all of the following actions to the satisfaction of the City Planner in relation to the open space lot(s) which are being conserved for natural habitat in conformance with the City's Habitat Management Plan: a. Select a conservation entity, subject to approval by the City, that possesses qualifications to manage the open space lot(s) for conservation purposes. b. Prepare a Property Analysis Record (PAR) or other method acceptable to the City for estimating the costs of management and monitoring of the open space lot(s) in perpetuity in accordance with the requirements of the North County Multiple Habitats Conservation Plan and the City's Open Space Management Plan. c. Based on the results of the PAR, provide a non-wasting endowment or other financial mechanism acceptable to the City Planner and conservation entity, if any, in an amount sufficient for management and monitoring of the open space lot(s) in perpetuity. d. Record a Conservation Easement over the open s_pace lot(s). e. Prepare, and obtain approval of the City Planner, CDFW, USFWS and Coastal Commission staff for, a Preserve Management Plan which will ensure adequate management of the open space lot(s) in perpetuity. 18. This project has been found to result in impacts to wildlife habitat or other lands, such as agricultural land, non-native grassland, and disturbed lands, which provide some benefits to wildlife, as documented in the city's Habitat Management Plan and the environmental analysis for this project. Developer is aware that the city has adopted an In-lieu Mitigation Fee consistent with Section E.6 of the Habitat Management Plan and City Council Resolution No. 2000-223 to fund mitigation for impacts to certain categories of vegetation and animal species. The Developer is further aware that the city has determined that all projects will be required to pay the fee in order to be found consistent with the Habitat Management Plan and the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. Developer or Developer's successor(s) in interest shall pay the fee prior to recordat_ion of a final map, or issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first. If the In-lieu Mitigation Fee for this project is not paid, this project will not be consistent with the Habitat Management Plan and the General Plan and any and all approvals for this project shall become null and void. PC RESO NO. 7454 -9- 19. Developer shall make a separate formal landscape construction drawing plan check submittal to the Planning Division and obtain City Planner approval of a Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan showing conformance with the approved Preliminary Landscape Plan and the city's Landscape Manual. Developer shall construct and install all landscaping and irrigation as shown on the approved Final Plans. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. All irrigation systems shall be maintained to provide the optimum amount of water to the landscape for plant growth without causing soil erosion and runoff. 20. The first submittal of Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall be pursuant to the landscape plancheck process on file in the Planning Division and accompanied by the project's building, improvement, and grading plans. 21. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated and concealed from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets, in substance as provided in Building Department Policy No. 80-6, to the satisfaction of the Directors of Community and Economic Development Department and Planning. 22. Developer shall construct trash receptacle and recycling areas enclosed by a six-foot-high masonry wall with gates pursuant to City Engineering Standards and Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.105. Location of said receptacles shall be approved by the City Planner. Enclosure shall be of similar colors and/or materials to the project to the satisfaction of the City Planner. 23. Developer shall submit and obtain City Planner approval of an exterior lighting plan including parking areas. All lighting shall be designed to reflect downward and avoid any impacts on adjacent homes or property. Standard Code Reminders: 1. Developer shall pay a landscape plan check and inspection fee as required by Section 20.08.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable city ordinances in effect at time of building permit issuance, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. 3. The project shall comply with the latest nonresidential disabled access requirements pursuant to Title 24 of the California Building Code. 4. Premise identification (addresses) shall be provided consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 17.04.060. Prior to submittal for a building permit, Developer shall submit a request for addressing to the Building Division. 5. Any signs proposed for this development shall at a minimum be designed in conformance with the city's Sign Ordinance and shall require review and approval of the City Planner prior to installation of such signs. PC RESO NO. 7454 -10- NOTICE An appeal of this decision to the City Council must be filed with the City Clerk at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008, within ten {10) calendar days of the date of the Planning Commission's decision. Pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.54, section 21.54.150, the appeal must be in writing and state the reason(s) for the appeal. The City Council must make a determination on the appeal prior to any judicial review. NOTICE The project site is within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission. This Coastal Development Permit (CDP) shall not become effective until ten (10) working days have elapsed, without a valid appeal being filed with the Coastal Commission, following the Coastal Commission's receipt of the city's notice of the CDP issuance ("Notice of Final Action"). The filing of a valid appeal with the Coastal Commission within such time limit shall stay the effective date of this CDP until such time as a final decision on the appeal is reached by the Coastal Commission. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on June 15, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Lafferty, Luna, Kamenjarin, Meenes, Merz, Sabellico, and Stine NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOSEPH STINE, Chair CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: DON NEU City Planner PC RESO NO. 7454 -11- F A R A D A Y AV TOLKIEN WY CANNONRDTWA I NAVW HIT M AN WY MILT O N RD PRIVATE D Y PRIVA T E S TPRIVATE D Y E L C AMINO R E ALLA COSTA AV A L G A R DCARLSBAD BL Veterans Memorial Park SITE MAP SITE!"^ Map generated on: 4/29/2022 CUP 2021-0014 / CDP 2021-0052 / HDP 2021-0003 / HMP 2021-0006 EXHIBIT 3 • N NOT TO SCALE 555 West Beech Street | Suite 302 | San Diego, CA 92101 | (619) 234-3190 | Fax (619) 702-9345 www.fehrandpeers.com Memorandum Date: To: From: Subject: June 23, 2021 Barbara Kennedy, Parks Planner, Parks & Recreation Dept., City of Carlsbad Mahdie Hasani and Katy Cole, Fehr & Peers Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment SD21-0400 This memorandum presents the results of the parking demand and supply analysis for the proposed Veterans Memorial Park project (“project”) in Carlsbad, California. The project is located southeast of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, bordered by Faraday Avenue on the west and south, and by Whitman Way to the north, shown in Figure 1. The site is 91.5 acres, of which 48 acres are developable. The remainder of the site (43.5 acres) is within the Macario Canyon/Veterans Park Habitat Management Plan Preserve. Parking for the project was assessed to determine the anticipated parking demand based on the planned park uses and size. The findings of the parking assessment (i.e. parking demand and supply) are described in the following sections. The analysis employed multiple data sources to develop the hourly vehicle demand forecasts. Where data was not available, assumptions were made to estimate the parking characteristics of the project based on data and parking trends at other similar existing park locations in the region. Based on the planned uses, the proposed park is estimated to have a maximum peak parking demand of approximately 66 spaces on weekdays and 127 spaces on weekends. EXHIBIT 4 FEHR ,f PEERS Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment June 23, 2021 Page 2 of 13 Project Description The developable portion of the park is envisioned as a family-oriented park with a variety of multi-generational and inclusive amenities that are incorporated into active and passive recreational elements. Park facilities and trails will be interwoven with open space and park elements. The park design will be physically separated into two distinct areas (north and south) which transition through passive uses and natural open space to a prominent memorial element at the high point of the site (upper terrace). Features on the north side of the park will include: • Plaza/community gathering area with shaded pavilions (150-person capacity) • Catering support building/restroom/storage/small office/golf cart parking • Inclusive playground) • Family and group picnic areas • Lawn for unstructured activities • Parking lot • Nature-themed playground • Passive use areas (ex: gardens for meditation, relaxation, sensory gardens) Access to the south side of the park will be located near the trail underpass at Faraday Avenue. Features of the south side of the park will include: • Family-oriented bike park (4 acres) • Restroom • Tot lot • Outdoor fitness area • Outdoor education area • Parking lot Internal circulation within the park for non-motorized uses will offer a variety of options for exploring the park, including: • Accessible pathways lead from both sides of the park to the upper plateau where a prominent memorial art feature will be located. The area will include passive uses with individual seating areas to maximize views. • Rock climbing on the north slope • Fitness run on the south slope from the parking lot to terrace • Multi-use trail - perimeter loop trail that is part of the citywide trail network and links with other city trails, including a connection to Twain Avenue. HOSP GROVE PARK Carlsbad CANNON PARK MCCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT Leucadia Farr BUENA VISTA PARK ke San arcos Olivenhain Veterans Memorial Park Location Veterans Memorial Park City of Carlsbad Boundary Figure 1 Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment ,--.. _. .. I I .---· I I I 1-I ----.. _. N A Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment June 23, 2021 Page 4 of 13 Parking Assessment The purpose of the parking assessment is to determine the adequacy of the proposed parking supply to meet the needs of the project. A combination of data sources was used, including Streetlight1 mobile device data, Wejo2 connected vehicle data, and project daily generated trips to estimate typical parking demand for weekday and weekend conditions. Regional Park Comparisons Due to the unique nature of the project (e.g., bike and pump track amenities), parking demand was estimated using annual big data from similar parks within the region. Sweetwater Bike Park, Pacific Highlands Ranch Community Park, and Encinitas Community Park were identified as comparable sites. Parking information from these parks was utilized to estimate the parking demand for Veterans Memorial Park. The key characteristics of each park are described below. 1. Sweetwater Bike Park The 4.2-acre public park opened on January 4, 2020. The park is located within the Sweetwater Community Planning Area and is operated by the County of San Diego. It provides two flow trails, three pump tracks, a wooden feature skills area, rock gardens, and three progressive jump lines. It is the first bike park in the county. 2. Pacific Highlands Ranch Community Park Located within the Pacific Highlands Ranch Community, the public park opened in April 2019 and is managed by the City of San Diego. The park offers a variety of facilities including a playground, skate plaza, parkour area, fitness stations, picnic areas, a bike park, etc. The bike park is a 0.5-acre concrete surfaced facility with two progressive pump tracks that are open to bikes and skateboards. This park is the closest bike park to the proposed project and also offers a similar type of family- oriented facilities to visitors. 1 Streetlight Data is a transportation data vendor that provides current and past transportation metrics such as trip origins and destinations derived from aggregated smartphone Global Positioning System (GPS) and sensor data. 2 Wejo provides information based on connected vehicles, providing insight to travel routes and stops as well as pinpointing the exact moment that a journey starts/ends. Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment June 23, 2021 Page 5 of 13 3. Encinitas Community Park The 44-acre park opened in January 2015. The park is located west of Interstate 5 between Santa Fe Drive and Birmingham Drive, and is managed by the City of Encinitas. It is a family-oriented park that provides a skate park, a dog park, a playground, picnic facilities, softball/baseball fields, and soccer/multi-purpose fields. Based on its location in the North County coastal region, it is the closest large, family-oriented city park to the project with similar amenities. Also, in terms of developed areas, this park is similar in size to the project. Therefore, this park was included to provide some insights on multi- use parks similar in size/character to the project. Parking Supply The project will provide a total of 105 off-street parking spaces. Per the site plan (Figure 1), the northern portion of the park will include 68 total parking spaces in a surface parking lot, including 12 ADA spaces, and eight (8) EV charging stations; the southern portion will include 37 total surface parking spaces, including two (2) ADA spaces, and four (4) EV charging stations. After accounting for sight distance at the project driveways per recommendations in the project’s Transportation Impact Study (TIS) 3, about 45 on-street parking spaces are available on Faraday Avenue between the project driveways. In addition, approximately 55 additional on-street parking spaces are currently available on Faraday Avenue south of the project’s southern driveway along the project frontage on Faraday Avenue, as shown in Figure 2. Therefore, total of at least 100 on- street parking spaces is provided along Faraday Avenue. In summary, the project parking supply will include: • 105 off-street parking spaces contained in two parking lots • 100 on-street parking spaces adjacent to the project’s frontage • 205 total parking spaces In addition to the mentioned on-street and off-street parking spaces, there are some other parking areas available near the project site. On Whitman Way, on-street parking is available along the project’s frontage and along the opposite side of the street. There is a golf course, The Crossings at Carlsbad, located south-west of the project site. It connects to the proposed park through the city trail starting from the upper end of the golf course and reaching to the Faraday pedestrian bridge where the Veterans Memorial Park trail starts. Trail users are currently permitted to park in the Crossings parking lot and walk or bike to the project. 3 TIS calculated to prohibit 380 ft of the on-street parking south of the North driveway. Assuming 24ft for parking length based on The City of Carlsbad’s Municipal Code, 16 parking spaces should be eliminated between the project’s driveways. Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment June 23, 2021 Page 6 of 13 Figure 2: On-street Parking Site Access The project will provide bicycle, pedestrian, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant access paths within the park and along the outside edge of the park. The park also provides multi-modal access to the existing trails and pathways around the project site. Sidewalks and bicycle lanes (Class II bicycle facilities) are provided on Faraday Avenue and Cannon Road that provides biking access between the park and residential areas along El Camino Real, College Boulevard, and Tamarack Avenue. Parking Demand Since Veterans Memorial Park will offer a unique mix of land uses, it does not directly align with the land use designations within the City’s Municipal Code for determining parking requirements. Therefore, we recommend relying on the parking demand data collected from multiple data sources, as discussed in the following sections. Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment June 23, 2021 Page 7 of 13 Project Trip Generation Based on the approved TIS4, the project is estimated to generate approximately 893 (447 inbound and 446 outbound) daily weekday vehicle trips and 1,099 (550 inbound and 449 outbound) daily weekend vehicle trips. Given the proximity of the project to walking trails, the Crossings Golf Course, and some residential areas, we expect that some park users will walk or bike to the project. However, to represent a worst-case scenario, this assessment assumes that all park users access the project by driving. This offers a conservative estimate of vehicle trips made to the project. Hourly Vehicle Arrival Distribution Using big data, we analyzed the hourly vehicle arrival distribution of the three comparable parks (Sweetwater Bike Park, Pacific Highlands Ranch Community Park, and Encinitas Community Park) on weekdays and weekends, as shown in Figures 3 and Figure 4. Figure 3: Weekday Hourly Vehicle Arrival to Three Parks Source: StreetLight Data, 2021. Fehr & Peers, 2021. 4 Trip generation on weekdays is calculated based on SANDAG Land Use Trip Rates. The project will generate 893 daily trips on weekdays including 725 daily trips generated by 14.5 acres City Park (50 trips/acre) and 168 daily trips generated by 33.5 acres County Park (5 trips/acre). 1,099 daily trips on weekends are calculated based on the peak usage estimation provided by the City. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Weekday Hourly Vehicle Arrival Encinitas (2019)Encinitas (2020)Pacific (2019) Pacific (2020)Sweetwater (2020)Average Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment June 23, 2021 Page 8 of 13 Figure 4: Weekend Hourly Vehicle Arrival to Three Parks Source: StreetLight Data, 2021. Fehr & Peers, 2021. Since the three parks have similar characteristics to the project, their hourly parking distributions were used to predict hourly parking demand for Veterans Memorial Park. Daily project generated trips were proportionally distributed across the weekday and weekend based on the average hourly distribution from the big data. Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the hourly vehicle arrival to the project from 7 am to 8 pm on weekdays and weekends, respectively. Figure 5: Weekday Hourly Vehicle Arrival to Veterans Memorial Park Fehr & Peers, 2021. 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Encinitas (2019)Encinitas (2020)Pacific (2019) Pacific (2020)Sweetwater (2020)Average 6 23 23 25 24 27 25 45 59 66 66 39 16 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM -- • I I I I I I Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment June 23, 2021 Page 9 of 13 Figure 6: Weekend Hourly Vehicle Arrival to Veterans Memorial Park Fehr & Peers, 2021. Average Length of Stay Using big data from Wejo for the three sample parks, the average length of stay of parked vehicles was analyzed to identify the average length of stay (i.e. number of hours) vehicles are parked. The average length of stay was assessed to determine the typical turnover of vehicles. Table 1 illustrates the average length of stay from parking data from the three comparison parks in October 2019 on weekdays and weekends, respectively. Table 1: Observed Parking Duration Day of Week Parks Observed Parking Duration (Minutes) Average Minimum 5th Percentile Median 95th Percentile Maximum Weekday Sweetwater Bike Park 53.74 0.13 0.60 39.79 147.80 168.17 Pacific Highlands Ranch Community Park 96.71 0.03 0.53 40.97 353.94 804.38 Encinitas Community Park 44.09 0.03 1.94 30.57 126.92 310.42 Average 70 10 10 40* 210 430 Weekend Sweetwater Bike Park 106.83 0.18 1.75 104.65 250.84 332.15 Pacific Highlands Ranch Community Park 96.44 0.18 16.85 86.90 197.70 280.88 Encinitas Community Park 63.63 0.08 0.79 57.46 149.33 377.00 Average 90 10 10 90* 200 340 Source: Wejo, 2021. Fehr & Peers, 2021 Note: * Average of median observed parking duration (in minutes) from three parks rounded up to the nearest 10 minutes. 40 and 90 minutes were used in the rest of the analysis as the average length of stay during weekdays and weekends, respectively. 5 39 55 63 64 57 58 57 54 48 29 21 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM . I I I Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment June 23, 2021 Page 10 of 13 Findings Using all the analysis and data sources described above the hourly parking demand for the proposed project was estimated on weekdays and weekends, as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8. Figure 7: Estimated Hourly Project Parking Demand and Supply on Weekdays Fehr & Peers, 2021. Figure 8: Estimated Hourly Project Parking Demand and Supply on Weekends Fehr & Peers, 2021. 66 105 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Parking Demand Highest Parking Demand Off-street Parking Supply 127 105 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Parking Demand Highest Parking Demand Off-street Parking Supply Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment June 23, 2021 Page 11 of 13 The project will provide up to 105 off-street parking spaces and at least additional 100 on-street parking spaces are provided along Faraday Avenue, for a total parking supply of 205 spaces. The estimated weekday parking demand (66 vehicles) shows that the project parking lots are not expected to be fully occupied during the weekdays. On weekends, the estimated peak parking demand is 127 parking spaces. The estimated surplus of 22 parking spaces can be accommodated within the on-street parking supply along the project frontage on Faraday Avenue. Therefore, the project is anticipated to provide adequate parking supply based on the land uses and estimated demand. Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment June 23, 2021 Page 12 of 13 Other Parking Requirements Bicycle Parking Supply A typical source for determining bicycle parking supply requirements is the City’s Municipal Code. Since park land use is not included in the City of Carlsbad’s Municipal Code, we reviewed the County of San Diego’s Municipal Code to determine if there was a land use designation that could be used to calculate the bicycle parking demand requirement. The most similar land use to the project was park land use. The County’s code requires 0.05 bicycle space per vehicle space but not less than five (5) bicycle spaces. According to the highest observed vehicle parking demand (127), the park should provide at least seven (7) bicycle spaces. Given that the park offers a unique bike park amenity with the pump track, we recommend providing at least 10-20 bicycle parking spaces (bicycle racks) throughout the park. It is recommended that the City reviewing bicycle parking needs at the park once it is in operation to determine if additional spaces are needed. ADA Accessible Parking Demand The project will provide 14 ADA accessible parking spaces. According to the City of Carlsbad’s Municipal Code, accessible parking spaces shall be provided onsite for development projects in accordance with the California Title 24 Building Code. Based on the Building Code and the highest observed vehicle parking demand (127 vehicles on weekends), the minimum handicapped spaces required for projects with 101-151 parking spaces is five (5) spaces including one (1) van accessible space. Based on this requirement, the project will be provided a sufficient supply of accessible parking spaces. Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Demand The City of Carlsbad’s Municipal Code, Title 18.21, provides design standards and the required number of parking spaces for EVs and EV supply equipment (EVSE). The highest observed vehicle parking demand will be 127 vehicles on weekends. According to the City’s requirements for projects providing a total number of 101-150 total parking spaces, 12 total EV parking spaces are required including six (6) spaces with EVSE installed. Based on this requirement and the planned number of EV spaces for the project (12 EV spaces), Veterans Memorial Park will provide an adequate number of EV parking spaces. Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment June 23, 2021 Page 13 of 13 Conclusion Fehr & Peers estimates that the project will provide adequate parking supply to meet the parking demand for vehicles including EV, accessible parking, as well as bicycles. In the event that off- street parking is fully utilized during peak periods of demand, spillover demand can be adequately accommodated by the on-street parking spaces along the project frontage on Faraday Avenue. FINALTransportation Impact StudyVeterans Memorial ParkPREPARED FORSeptember 2021EXHIBIT 5( City of Carlsbad Balancing the Natural and Built Environment TRANSPORTATION IMPACT STUDY VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK CARLSBAD, CA Prepared For Prepared By Psomas Project No. 1RJM010100 September 2021 C cityof Carlsbad PSOMAS September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION _________________________________________________________ 1 1.1. STUDY FACILITIES _______________________________________________________ 1 1.2. ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY ________________________________________________ 4 2. EXISTING STUDY AREA CONDITIONS ____________________________________ 6 2.1. ROADWAY NETWORK _____________________________________________________ 6 2.2. TRAFFIC VOLUMES _______________________________________________________ 7 3. PROJECTED TRAFFIC VOLUMES _________________________________________ 9 3.1. CUMULATIVE GROWTH AND TRAFFIC VOLUMES ______________________________ 9 3.2. PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES ______________________________________________ 13 3.2.1. PROJECT TRIP GENERATION ______________________________________________ 13 3.2.2. PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION _____________________________________________ 14 3.2.3. PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES ______________________________________________ 14 3.3. EXISTING + CUMULATIVE + PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES ______________________ 14 4. SITE OPERATIONS _____________________________________________________ 18 4.1. DRIVEWAY TRAFFIC CONTROL ____________________________________________ 18 4.2. DRIVEWAY GEOMETRY __________________________________________________ 18 4.3. VEHICLE ACCESS _______________________________________________________ 21 4.4. MULTI-MODAL ACCESS __________________________________________________ 22 4.5. PARKING ______________________________________________________________ 25 5. STUDY AREA OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS _________________________________ 26 5.1. VEHICLE OPERATIONS ___________________________________________________ 26 5.1.1. INTERSECTION OPERATIONS ______________________________________________ 26 5.1.2. ROADWAY OPERATIONS _________________________________________________ 27 5.2. BICYCLE OPERATIONS ___________________________________________________ 28 5.3. PEDESTRIAN OPERATIONS ________________________________________________ 28 September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page ii 5.4. TRANSIT OPERATIONS ___________________________________________________ 29 6. SUMMARY _____________________________________________________________ 31 6.1. LEVEL OF SERVICE FINDINGS _____________________________________________ 31 6.2. MOBILITY ELEMENT POLICY 3-P.11 ________________________________________ 32 7. REFERENCES __________________________________________________________ 33 APPENDIX A – SCOPING AGREEMENT APPENDIX B – TRAFFIC VOLUME DATA APPENDIX C – AREA TRIP DISTRIBUTION APPENDIX D – SIGNAL WARRANT WORKSHEETS APPENDIX E – SYNCHRO REPORTS APPENDIX F – MMLOS WORKSHEETS September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page iii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1. SITE LOCATION _______________________________________________________________ 2 FIGURE 2. SITE PLAN ___________________________________________________________________ 3 FIGURE 3. EXISTING (2021 ADJUSTED) TRAFFIC VOLUMES ______________________________________ 8 FIGURE 4. CUMULATIVE PROJECTS _______________________________________________________ 10 FIGURE 5. CUMULATIVE PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES ________________________________________ 11 FIGURE 6. 2024 CUMULATIVE TRAFFIC VOLUMES ___________________________________________ 12 FIGURE 7. PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION ___________________________________________________ 15 FIGURE 8. PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES ____________________________________________________ 16 FIGURE 9. EXISTING + CUMULATIVE + PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES (2024) ________________________ 17 FIGURE 10. SIGHT VISIBILITY TRIANGLES – PROPOSED SITE DRIVEWAYS _________________________ 19 FIGURE 11. PROJECT DRIVEWAY SCHEMATIC _______________________________________________ 20 FIGURE 12. MULTIMODAL FACILITIES AND PARK ACCESS _____________________________________ 23 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1. CITY OF CARLSBAD MMLOS THRESHOLDS _________________________________________ 5 TABLE 2. PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS ________________________________________________________ 13 TABLE 3. PROJECT TRIP GENERATION _____________________________________________________ 14 TABLE 4. PROJECT DRIVEWAY LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) WITH PROJECT _________________________ 22 TABLE 5. 95TH PERCENTILE QUEUES ______________________________________________________ 22 TABLE 6. TURN LANE EVALUATION – CANNON ROAD/FARADAY AVENUE _________________________ 26 TABLE 7. CANNON ROAD PEAK HOUR VOLUMES ____________________________________________ 27 TABLE 8. BICYCLE LEVEL OF SERVICE – FARADAY AVE, CANNON RD TO CAMINO HILLS DR __________ 28 TABLE 9. PEDESTRIAN LEVEL OF SERVICE – FARADAY AVE, CANNON RD TO CAMINO HILLS DR _______ 29 TABLE 10. TRANSIT LEVEL OF SERVICE – FARADAY AVE, CANNON RD TO CAMINO HILLS DR _________ 30 September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 1 1. INTRODUCTION The proposed Veterans Memorial Park is located on 91.5 acres of existing open space in Carlsbad, California. Approximately 43.5 acres of the project site are located within a habitat preserve area. The remaining 48 acres are considered to be developable and will include a variety of publicly-accessible uses. The project is expected to include: · 2.4 acres of playgrounds · A 4-acre bike park with spectator seating · 1.6 acres of formal picnic areas · 0.8 acres of organized outdoor recreation areas · 0.7 acres of organized outdoor education · 5 acres of open turf/meadows In addition, the park will include an extensive network of multi-use trails, a veteran’s memorial plaza and public art feature, a 2,000 square foot building with storage, restrooms, a catering support room, and a shaded pavilion, a second small building (near the southern access) with restrooms and storage, and an outdoor fitness area with an obstacle course and exercise stations. Figure 1 shows the project location and Figure 2 shows the site plan. This study provides an operational analysis of the Project; the CEQA- required Vehicle Miles Traveled analysis is detailed in a separate report. 1.1. STUDY FACILITIES Per the scoping agreement, included in Appendix A, the study area includes the following: · Cannon Road and Faraday Avenue o Signalized intersection · Cannon Road, Faraday Avenue to El Camino Real o Roadway segment, vehicle and transit LOS only · Faraday Avenue, Cannon Road to Camino Hills Drive o Pedestrian analysis for east side of Faraday Avenue o Bicycle analysis for both sides of Faraday Avenue · Faraday Avenue, Project Access to approximately 0.5 miles south/east o Transit only – from project access to nearest bus stops September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 2 Figure 1. Site Location rJ■[ JJOUHU,1'4 MIR.& COITA. Carlsbad n,c1n lbl San Marcos Elf;n Fores, Recreational ResrM' September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 4 In addition, this report will provide operational and queuing analysis at the two proposed project access points, as well as a determination of appropriate traffic control. The driveway analysis will also include turn lane warrant analysis. 1.2. ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY The City of Carlsbad provides various analysis methodologies to evaluate intersections, roadway segments, and multi-modal facilities1. The various methodologies are listed below for reference: · Signalized Intersections o Queue and storage analysis Includes a left turn queue assessment and turn lane warrant evaluations · Unsignalized Intersections o Traffic signal warrant analysis for intersections which provide direct access to the project site Considering the available data, the traffic signal warrant analysis will be conducted using the peak hour signal warrant · Arterial and Local Street Segments o Level of Service (LOS) will be determined using the Highway Capacity Manual urban street methodology Level of Service (LOS) is the typical measure used to characterize the quality of traffic operations at an intersection or roadway segment. LOS A represents relatively free operating conditions, whereas LOS F has unstable flow and congestion with volumes at or near the capacity of the facility. Excessive delays and queues can occur when the LOS is not acceptable. o Roadway capacities provided in the City of Carlsbad Roadway Capacity Tables Report2 will be used to evaluate the study segments. The capacity at LOS D for Cannon Road between Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real is 1,620 vehicles per hour in the peak direction. The threshold for LOS C is 1,280 vehicles per hour in the peak direction; thresholds for LOS A and LOS B are not provided. September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 5 · Pedestrians, Bicycles, and Transit o The City-provided multi-modal level of service (MMLOS) will be used and the results will be compared to the MMLOS thresholds in the City guidelines. The City of Carlsbad Growth Management Program3 establishes LOS D as the minimum operating condition. For a roadway segment, if the segment is projected to exceed the LOS D standard and the project adds at least one trip to the segment, project mitigation will be required. In addition, if the segment is expected to operate below LOS D without the project and the project will add any trips to that segment, mitigation may be required. Operational analyses at signalized and unsignalized intersections are evaluated as discussed above. Operations at the two proposed Project driveways were evaluated using the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)4 methodology in Synchro. Impacts on the pedestrian, bicycle, and transit systems are identified is any facility is currently operating below LOS D and/or if there are any gaps in the pedestrian or bicycle networks in the study area. In addition, if the project causes a facility to become substandard, the project is considered to have an impact. Project impacts on existing deficient facilities are assumed to exist regardless of the number of trips the project is expected to add to the network. Table 1 shows the MMLOS Thresholds. Table 1. City of Carlsbad MMLOS Thresholds Point Score LOS 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 50-59 E 0-49 F September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 6 2. EXISTING STUDY AREA CONDITIONS 2.1. ROADWAY NETWORK The project study locations include the following: Cannon Road is four-lane divided roadway classified as an arterial street by the City of Carlsbad5. Arterial streets serve as primary vehicle routes through the City for both local and regional trips. There are sidewalks and bike lanes along both sides of the roadway in the project area, but there is no existing transit service along the study segment between Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real. The posted speed limit is 50 mph. Faraday Avenue is a two-lane roadway in the project area and is classified as an employment/transit connector street by the City of Carlsbad. The primary purpose of employment/transit connector streets is to connect people to and from the employment areas of the City as well as other important destinations and major transit facilities. Portions of the roadway are physically divided with a raised and vegetated median, including the area generally between the two proposed project driveways. There are sidewalks along both sides of the roadway, and the North County Transit District Line 444 operates along the study segment. On the west side of the roadway is a buffered bike lane, which transitions from a standard bike lane approximately 1/8 miles south of Cannon Road. The buffered bike lane carries through the remainder of the study segment to Camino Hills Drive and beyond. On the east side of the roadway, there is a bike lane and on-street parking along the project frontage. The bike lane transitions from a buffered bike lane at Camino Hills Drive to a bike lane with parking approximately ¼ mile north of Camino Hills Drive. The parking ends approximately 450 feet south of Cannon Road. The posted speed limit is 40 mph. The Cannon Road/Faraday Avenue intersection is an existing signalized intersection north of the project area. There are two through lanes and a single exclusive left turn lane on both approaches of Cannon Road at the intersection. In addition, the bike lane striping on Cannon Road changes to dashed striping approximately 100 feet before the intersection to allow for right turning vehicles to move out of the through lane. September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 7 The south leg of Faraday Avenue includes a single left turn lane and a shared left turn- through-right turn lane. The bike lane striping is also dashed on approach to the intersection, allowing right turning vehicles to move out of the shared lane before making their movement. The north leg has a single approach lane. 2.2. TRAFFIC VOLUMES Traffic volumes were collected for Cannon Road between Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real and for the intersection of Cannon Road and Faraday Avenue in January 2021. However, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the collected data needed to be adjusted to better reflect pre-pandemic (and future post-pandemic) conditions. The City provided 24-hour volume data for Cannon Road from 2019 and intersection turning movement counts for Cannon Road and Faraday Avenue from 2015. The new and historic traffic volume data is provided in Appendix B. The 2019 Cannon Road volumes were increased using a 0.5% per year growth rate to approximate the 2021 volumes without the pandemic. That volume was used to adjust the 2015 intersection counts; assuming 19% of the total daily traffic occurs in the two peak hours (based on the 24-hour counts), the daily volume on Cannon Road was estimated from the intersection turning movement counts. An adjustment factor was then applied to estimate 2021 intersection volumes without the pandemic. An adjustment factor for the collected data was developed based on the total peak hour volume entering the intersection for the adjusted historic volumes and the 2021 field data. The adjustment factors were different for the AM and PM peak hours. The resulting estimated 2021 volumes are shown in Figure 3. Note that the adjusted 2021 volumes were used instead of the historic adjusted volumes to ensure that current travel patterns and turning movement splits were best represented. As seen in the figure, the estimated 2021 volume on Cannon Road is approximately 16,165 vehicles per day, including 1,160 vehicles in the peak hour in the peak direction. At the Cannon Road/Faraday Avenue intersection, the heaviest turning movements are the eastbound right turns (in the AM peak) and the northbound left turns (in the PM peak). September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 9 3. PROJECTED TRAFFIC VOLUMES 3.1. CUMULATIVE GROWTH AND TRAFFIC VOLUMES The cumulative traffic volumes are the anticipated traffic volumes in a future year without the project traffic. The anticipated annual growth agreed upon with the City is 0.5% per year. In addition to the growth rate, the estimated traffic from nearby development projects (cumulative projects) was incorporated. The City of Carlsbad provided a list of projects which are in the permitting process, either in the planning stage or for construction, in the general area of the Project. Psomas further refined the list to include projects within approximately one mile which were expected to add traffic to the study intersections, with two exceptions; two projects which each consist of adding a second dwelling unit on an existing property (i.e. guest house) were excluded because of the minimal trip generation expected from each. For each cumulative project, the trip generation was estimated using trip generation rates in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual6. The cumulative project volumes were added to the grown volumes to provide an estimate of opening year traffic volumes. The location of each cumulative project is shown in Figure 4. Figure 5 shows the cumulative project volumes, and Figure 6 shows the anticipated traffic volumes for the opening year (2024) without the Project. September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 13 3.2. PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES 3.2.1. Project Trip Generation Because the park is expected to consist of both passive and active uses, the trip generation was estimated using multiple sources. Table 2 shows the estimated trip generation for the park when starting from the original peak usage estimation provided by the City. The table provides sources (where available); note that the percentage of people assumed to be arriving at or leaving the park in the peak hour is a conservative assumption. As seen in Table 2, the assumed weekday trip generation for the project based on the peak person usage is 838 trips per day. Table 2. Project Assumptions Project trip generation was also estimated using the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) trip generation rates7. SANDAG includes rates for both city parks (which are assumed to be more developed) and county parks (which are generally less developed and consist of mostly open space and outdoor facilities). Because of the unique uses expected to be included in the proposed park, namely the veteran’s memorial aspects and the bike park, the trip generation was estimated using a combination of the two trip generation rates. Weekday Saturday Notes Peak Usage (people)305 800 Provided/approved by City based on park uses Average vehicle occupancy 2.1 2.8 Weekday capacity taken from National Household Travel Survey; weekend assumed to be 33% higher Parked vehicles in peak 145 286 % inbound during peak hour 50% 50% % outbound during peak hour 50% 50% % arrive/leave during peak 75% 50% Vehicles arrive in peak 54 71 Vehicles leave in peak 54 71 Peak Hour Volume (vehicles)109 143 Daily Volume (vehicles)838 1,099 Assuming 13% of daily is in peak hour (SANDAG) From SANDAG September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 14 Of the total 48 acres, 14.5 acres are assumed to generate trips at the higher city park rate (50 daily trips per acre) and the remaining 33.5 acres are expected to generate trips at the lower county park rate (5 daily trips per acre). The total trip generation for the park using the SANDAG rates is shown in Table 3. As shown, the park is expected to generate 893 daily weekday trips, including 116 in the AM peak hour and 80 in the PM peak hour. Table 3. Project Trip Generation Lastly, the Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment8 provided an estimate of the peak parking demand. The peak demand was determined to be 66 vehicles; therefore, to be conservative, it was assumed for the analyses in this report that the AM peak trip generation would be 132 vehicles (66 inbound and 66 outbound). 3.2.2. Project Trip Distribution The project trip distribution is shown in Figure 7. The distribution for a larger area is included in Appendix C; the larger area distribution was developed to identify the study locations in this report. As seen in Figure 7, a majority of traffic is expected to travel to/from the north when accessing the park. 3.2.3. Project Traffic Volumes Using the Project trip generation and trip distribution, the Project traffic volumes were calculated and are shown in Figure 8. 3.3. EXISTING + CUMULATIVE + PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES To estimate traffic volumes in a future year, traffic generated by cumulative growth and by the project must be considered. Future volumes with the project were calculated by adding the cumulative growth and project traffic volumes. Figure 9 shows the projected traffic volumes in 2024 considering both cumulative growth and the Project. Total In Out Total In Out City Park 50 trips/acre 14.5 725 94 47 47 65 33 33 County Park 5 trips/acre 33.5 168 22 11 11 15 8 8 893 116 58 58 80 40 40TOTAL (Weekday) PM PeakAM PeakDaily TripsAcresTrip RateSANDAG Land Use September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 18 4. SITE OPERATIONS 4.1. DRIVEWAY TRAFFIC CONTROL Per City guidelines, signal warrant analyses were conducted the two new intersections providing access to the park. The applicable warrants were evaluated, and the signal warrant worksheets are included in Appendix D. None of the signal warrants are met for either intersection. Therefore, it is recommended that both driveways operate with stop control. Traffic on Faraday Avenue should continue to be uncontrolled at both locations. 4.2. DRIVEWAY GEOMETRY A preliminary sight distance evaluation was conducted for each driveway using the requirements in the California Highway Design Manual9 to help determine if left turn movements would be feasible for vehicles exiting the proposed park. Per direction provided by the City, the evaluation was conducted based on the posted speed of 40 mph on Faraday Avenue. In addition, to help reduce the amount of on-street parking that would potentially be eliminated to provide the proper sight distance for each driveway, it was assumed that curb extensions would be constructed to extend each driveway to the edge of the existing on-street parking. Figure 10 shows the sight visibility triangles for the northern and southern parking lot driveways. As seen in the figures, some on-street parking will have to be eliminated south of each driveway to provide sufficient sight distance. Note that the curb extensions are schematic only and the amount of on-street parking is an estimate. The sight visibility presented in this report is conceptual and will be reevaluated with the final design of the park driveways and the design of improvements along Faraday Avenue. Figure 11 is a conceptual design of the north project driveway at Faraday, including proposed left turn access from Faraday Avenue, curb extensions, and a short two-way left turn lane segment south of each driveway. Right turn lanes are not expected to be needed at either driveway due to the existing traffic volume on Faraday Avenue and the anticipated project traffic. The two-way left turn lane segment was recommended by the City to allow drivers exiting the site to make a two-stage left turn onto Faraday Avenue. September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 20 Figure 11. Project Driveway Schematic The intersection of the south project driveway with Faraday Avenue would be similarly designed, including a short two-way left turn lane extending south of the driveway and curb extensions at the driveway. The striping shown in Figure 11 is consistent with areas further south/east on Faraday Avenue; however, a dedicated left turn could be provided at each driveway instead of two-way left turn lane striping. The driveway location shown is arbitrary and should not be considered to be a proposed driveway location. September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 21 4.3. VEHICLE ACCESS As previously discussed, the proposed project will include two access points for vehicular traffic. Left turn lanes will be provided on Faraday Avenue at both access points, and all movements will be allowed into and out of the site. Each driveway will include a single exiting lane and a single entrance lane. The two parking areas will not be connected internally for vehicular circulation. Based on the assumed park uses, it is assumed that 60% of park traffic will use the northern parking lot and 40% will use the southern parking lot. The projected traffic volumes are shown in the previous section. To evaluate anticipated operations at both driveways, the two intersections were evaluated per the Highway Capacity Manual10 methodology using Synchro. Because the two driveways do not exist, conditions were only evaluated in the opening year (2024) with the project. The Synchro models provide both Level of Service (LOS) and queuing for movements, as applicable. The Synchro reports are included in Appendix E. The Level of Service (LOS) for the movements which experience delay at the two Project driveways is shown in Table 4. Because the driveways are expected to operate with stop control and traffic on Faraday Avenue will continue to be free-flowing, through traffic and right turns on Faraday Avenue do not have any defined delay at the driveways. As shown in the table, the driveways and left turns into each driveway are expected to operate with acceptable delays in both peak hours. In addition to the minimal delays, the HCM reports show that the 95th percentile queues (those which are only exceeded 5% of the time) on each driveway and for the left turns from Faraday Avenue at each driveway are expected to be minimal (less than one vehicle). Table 5 shows the queues and volumes for both of the left turn movements at each driveway. Note that the westbound left turn volumes and queues include the westbound right turn movements because each park exit is assumed to include one shared lane. Because of the relatively low volumes expected to access the Project, and because the delays and queues are expected to be minimal, traffic signals are not expected to be needed at either driveway. September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 22 Table 4. Project Driveway Level of Service (LOS) With Project Table 5. 95th Percentile Queues 4.4. MULTI-MODAL ACCESS As previously discussed, the park project itself will include multiple internal facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, including a system of ADA-compliant access paths which will connect the various areas of the park. Faraday Avenue also includes sidewalks and bike lanes, which will remain in place with the project and will continue to provide pedestrian and bicycle access to the site. Figure 12 shows the City trail system per the Trails Master Plan11 in the project area, including direct multi-use trail connections to the park. The figure also illustrates the non-vehicular (i.e. pedestrian and bicycle) access points to the park. Note that although Whitman Way is not included in the plan, there are sidewalks along both sides of the roadway in the project area. LT TH RT LT LT TH RT LOS A A Delay 7.7 LOS A A Delay 8.2 LT TH RT LT LT TH RT LOS A A Delay 7.6 LOS A A Delay 8.1 North Driveway Faraday Avenue Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound TH-RTLT-RT AM PM South Driveway Faraday Avenue Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound B 10.4 A A B AM PM 11.4 B 11.4 LT-RT B 10.4 A A TH-RT Intersection Movement Peak Hour Volume Queue Length (ft) AM 33 3 PM 20 3 AM 40 5 PM 24 3 AM 20 0 PM 12 0 AM 27 3 PM 16 3 *Includes WBR volume, and queue includes all movements North Driveway/ Faraday Ave WBL* SBL South Driveway/ Faraday Ave SBL WBL* September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 24 A multi-use trail will be constructed along the perimeter of the park as part of the project, forming a loop around the park itself and providing connectivity to existing off-site trails adjacent to the park. The perimeter multi-use trail also provides multiple access points to the internal pathways. In the northern portion of the park, access to the perimeter multi- use trail will be provided from both Faraday Avenue and Whitman Way. The Whitman Way access will allow cyclists southbound on Faraday Avenue to turn left onto Whitman Way, accessing the park without having to cross Faraday Avenue at a mid-block location. The perimeter trail will then allow cyclists to reach various areas of the park, including the bike park area at the south end of the project. It is assumed that pedestrians from the north would cross Faraday Avenue at the Cannon Road signal, then will travel south along the east side of Faraday Avenue to access the park. In the southern portion of the park, there will be additional access points to the perimeter multi-use trail from Faraday Avenue. The project will also include a trail connection to the multi-use trail within the existing underpass beneath Faraday Avenue that connects to The Crossings Golf Course multi-use trail. Bicycle parking will be provided throughout the site. Lastly, although the park as designed will provide access for pedestrians and cyclists from all directions, additional improvements may be included with the CIP for the Faraday Avenue Improvement project. The improvements may include traffic calming features to slow traffic on Faraday Avenue which would be one way to improve safety for pedestrians and/or cyclists who may wish to cross the roadway. The existing North County Transit District (NCTD) Route 444 along Faraday Avenue will not be affected by the project. The existing bus stop on the east side of Faraday Avenue, immediately adjacent to the project site, will be improved with the project, including construction of a 5-foot wide level concrete pad for passenger boarding and alighting. September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 25 4.5. PARKING Two separate parking areas will be provided within the park. At the northern park access, the parking lot will consist of 68 total parking spaces, including 12 ADA spaces, 8 EV charging stations, and a drop-off area. At the southern park access, the parking lot will consist of 37 total parking spaces, including 2 ADA spaces, 4 EV charging stations, and a drop-off area. On-street parking will remain on Faraday Avenue along the project frontage. Per the Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment, the 105 onsite parking spaces and approximately 100 street parking spaces are expected to be sufficient to serve the needs of the park (approximately 66 peak hour vehicles). On weekends or during special events, it is possible that both parking areas will be full, and visitors will have to park in the existing on-street parking areas. However, both parking lots will include drop-off areas, which may also reduce overall parking needs. Lastly, based on Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.21.150 California Green Building Standards Code Chapter 5, six of the EV charging stations will need to be installed with the project and six additional spaces need to be EV-ready. September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 26 5. STUDY AREA OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS 5.1. VEHICLE OPERATIONS 5.1.1. Intersection Operations The existing signalized intersection of Cannon Road and Faraday Avenue was evaluated based on the City guidelines. The intersection currently includes left turn lanes in both directions on Cannon Road. In addition, northbound traffic on Faraday Avenue is served by a single left turn lane and a shared left turn-through-right turn lane. Table 6 shows the turning volumes at the intersection, the City thresholds, and the 95th percentile queues. Table 6. Turn Lane Evaluation – Cannon Road/Faraday Avenue As shown in the table, dual northbound left turn lanes should be provided on Faraday Avenue. Both northbound lanes allow left turn movements and the northbound through and right turn movements are minimal, so the existing geometry is considered to be acceptable. The left turn lane storage is limited by the existing southbound left turn lane at Whitman Way. Movement Volume (veh per hr)* Threshold (veh per hr) 95th %ile Queue (ft)** Existing Storage (ft) EBL (Cannon Rd)15 250 (dual LT lanes)23 175 EBR (Cannon Rd)358 150 N/A N/A WBL (Cannon Rd)51 250 (dual LT lanes)54 240 WBR (Cannon Rd)6 150 N/A N/A NBL (Faraday Ave)352 250 (dual LT lanes)162 120*** NBR (Faraday Ave)40 150 N/A N/A SBL (Faraday Ave)4 250 (dual LT lanes)N/A N/A SBR (Faraday Ave)8 150 N/A N/A ***Existing single exclusive lane and shared lane *Largest peak hour volume shown for 2024 + Project conditions **From Synchro, left turn movements only September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 27 The northbound buffered bike lane striping changes to a dashed stripe approximately 100 feet west of the intersection, allowing right turn vehicles to move out of the through lane before turning onto Faraday Avenue, which is an acceptable condition. In addition, an eastbound right turn lane should be provided based on the City threshold. However, as with the bike lane on Faraday Avenue, the eastbound buffered bike lane striping changes to a dashed stripe approximately 100 feet before the intersection, proving a de-factor right turn lane. This is considered to be an acceptable condition. Conditions in 2024 with and without the Project are expected to be similar to existing conditions; no additional turn lanes are expected to be warranted. 5.1.2. Roadway Operations Recall that the evaluation of operations on Cannon Road between Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real is based on the LOS thresholds established by the City in terms of vehicles per hour in the peak direction. Table 7 shows the existing, 2024 without project, and 2024 with project volumes on the study segment of Cannon Road for the AM and PM peak hours. The City LOS thresholds are also included for reference. Table 7. Cannon Road Peak Hour Volumes The volumes shown in the table indicate that the roadway is operating at LOS C in all scenarios. Therefore, the roadway is considered to be operating acceptably and no improvements are required with the project. Cannon Rd, Faraday Ave to El Camino Real Direction of Travel 2021 Est.2024 Project 2024 + Project LOS C Threshold LOS D Threshold LOS AM Peak Hour (veh) WB 1,112 1,129 23 1,152 1,280 1,620 C PM Peak Hour (veh) EB 1,160 1,177 16 1,193 1,280 1,620 C September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 28 5.2. BICYCLE OPERATIONS Per City guidelines, the bicycle level of service was calculated for both sides of Faraday Avenue in the project area for each of the following scenarios: · Existing Conditions · Existing + Project Conditions · Cumulative Conditions (2024) · Cumulative + Project Conditions (2024) The multimodal LOS (MMLOS) was calculated using the spreadsheets provided by the City, which are included in Appendix F. Table 8 shows the results; as seen in the table, the bicycle LOS is B in the northbound direction and A in the southbound direction for all scenarios. Therefore, no improvements are required. Table 8. Bicycle Level of Service – Faraday Ave, Cannon Rd to Camino Hills Dr 5.3. PEDESTRIAN OPERATIONS As for bicycle operations, the pedestrian LOS was evaluated using the City MMLOS methodology. Per the guidelines, the pedestrian LOS was only evaluated for the east side of Faraday Avenue in the project area. Table 9 shows the results, and the MMLOS calculations are included in Appendix F. Score LOS Score LOS Existing 80 B 90 A Existing + Project 80 B 90 A Cumulative Conditions 80 B 90 A Cumulative + Project 80 B 90 A SBNBScenario September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 29 Table 9. Pedestrian Level of Service – Faraday Ave, Cannon Rd to Camino Hills Dr As seen in the table, the pedestrian LOS on the east side of Faraday Avenue will be B under all four scenarios. Therefore, no improvements are required. 5.4. TRANSIT OPERATIONS Per the scoping agreement, transit operations were to be evaluated for Cannon Road between Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real and for Faraday Avenue from the South Driveway of the Project to the nearest bus stops to the south/east. However, there are no existing bus routes along Cannon Road between Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real, so that segment could not be evaluated. The study segment of Faraday Avenue was evaluated using the MMLOS spreadsheets, which are included in Appendix F. Because the transit stops both north and south of the Project only include lighting and none of the other listed amenities, the transit in both directions is automatically assumed to be operating at LOS F, as shown in Table 10. The Project will include the addition of a concrete pad and a bench at the bus stop north of the site on the east side of the roadway. The addition of the bench will improve the transit operations to LOS A for that stop. The LOS would remain unchanged with the Project at all the other three bus stops. Because the transit facilities are currently operating at LOS F, there is assumed to be a significant impact on the transit system. Therefore, to mitigate the impact, benches should be added at each of the other three bus stops. With the addition of the benches, the transit LOS will improve to A for all stops in the Project area, also shown in Table 10. Score LOS Existing 85 B Existing + Project 85 B Cumulative Conditions 85 B Cumulative + Project 85 B East SideScenario September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 30 Table 10. Transit Level of Service – Faraday Ave, Cannon Rd to Camino Hills Dr Score LOS Score LOS Faraday/Whitman (NB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/Cannon (SB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/1530 (NB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/1525 (SB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/Whitman (NB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/Cannon (SB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/1530 (NB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/1525 (SB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/Whitman (NB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/Cannon (SB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/1530 (NB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/1525 (SB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/Whitman (NB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/Cannon (SB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/1530 (NB) 0 F 100 A Faraday/1525 (SB) 0 F 100 A *This includes the addition of a bench with the Project at the Faraday/Whitman (NB) stop and addition of benches at the other three stops as a mitigation measure. Existing Existing + Project Cumulative Conditions Cumulative + Project Existing Stop ConditionsTransit StopScenario Improved Stop Conditions* September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 31 6. SUMMARY This traffic study provided an evaluation of the proposed Veterans Memorial Park, which will include development of 48 acres of a 91.5-acre site; the remaining 43.5 acres are located within a habitat preserve area. The project is expected to include a bike park, playground areas, formal picnic areas, outdoor recreation areas, organized outdoor education, two buildings with storage and restroom facilities, a veteran’s memorial plaza, and various trails and open areas. The project is expected to generate 893 weekday daily trips, including 132 peak hour trips. 6.1. LEVEL OF SERVICE FINDINGS The Level of Service for vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities was evaluated in the study area consistent with City guidelines. The analyses show that vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle facilities currently operate at an acceptable LOS and will continue to do so in the future with or without the project. Access for pedestrians and cyclists will be provided throughout the park from Faraday Avenue, Whitman Way, and existing recreational trails, including access to The Crossings Golf Course via the existing tunnel crossing. It is expected that pedestrians traveling to/from the north will cross to the east side of Faraday Avenue at the Cannon Road signal. Cyclists will be able to turn onto Whitman Way to access the park perimeter loop, and additional crossings of Faraday Avenue may be included with the City CIP improvements. Transit on Faraday Avenue is currently operating at LOS F because of the limited amenities at the existing bus stops. The Project will include addition of a concrete pad and a bench at the bus stop just north of the Project near Whitman Way. To mitigate the impacts on the transit network, benches should be added at each of the other tree bus stops in the area as well. The LOS will be acceptable with the addition of the benches. In addition to the study area, anticipated operations at the Project driveways were evaluated. Both proposed driveways are expected to operate with acceptable delays and minimal queues in both peak hours. Some on-street parking will need to be prohibited to provide sufficient sight distance, but in doing so, left turn movements will be allowed both into and out of the Project at both driveways. September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 32 6.2. MOBILITY ELEMENT POLICY 3-P.11 The project will generate fewer than the City threshold of 110 daily employee trips12 for requiring a Transportation Demand Management Plan. However, additional guidance in Mobility Element Policy 3.P-11 indicates that a TDM plan shall be developed for the Project. Per Mobility Element Policy 3.P-11, Cannon Road between Avenida Encinas and Paseo del Norte has been identified through City CMP monitoring as failing to meet LOS standards for vehicles. This roadway segment was exempted from vehicular level of service standards by City Council on January 12, 2021. Based on the City requirements, if the project adds 110 daily trips or 11 peak hour trips to the segment, the project is subject to implementing TSM and TDM strategies per Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11. Although the segment of Cannon Road in question is not included in the LOS analysis, the trip distribution in the scoping agreement indicates that the Project will add more than 110 daily trips and more than 11 trips in the peak hour. Therefore, the Project will implement TSM and TDM strategies as required by the Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11. The Project will implement TSM measures to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. In order to meet the requirements of the Mobility Element policy, the Project will fund the installation of one traffic signal controller. To meet TDM requirements associated with Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11, the Project will prepare the equivalent of a Tier 1 TDM Plan to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Page 33 7. REFERENCES 1 City of Carlsbad Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines. City of Carlsbad, April 2018. 2 City of Carlsbad Roadway Capacity Tables Report. City of Carlsbad, February 2019. 3 Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan. City of Carlsbad, August 22, 2017. 4 Highway Capacity Manual, 6th Edition. Transportation Research Board, October 2016. 5 Carlsbad General Plan, Mobility Element. City of Carlsbad, September 2015. 6 Trip Generation, 10th Edition. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Washington, D.C., 2017. 7 Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region. San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), April 2002. 8 Veterans Memorial Park Parking Assessment. Fehr & Peers, June 23, 2021. 9 Highway Design Manual. California Department of Transportation, 2020. 10 Highway Capacity Manual, 6th Edition. Transportation Research Board, October 2016. 11 Trails Master Plan. City of Carlsbad, August 27, 2019. 12 City of Carlsbad Transportation Demand Management. https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/environmental-management/transportation- demand-management, accessed July 2021. September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Appendix A – Scoping Agreement TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES April 2018 35 | Page {city of ____________________________ Carlsbad ATTACHMENT A SCOPING AGREEMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPACT STUDY This letter acknowledges the City of Carlsbad Traffic Engineering Division requirements for the transportation impact analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the latest City of Carlsbad Transportaion Impact Study Guidelines dated September 2017. Case No. Project Name: Project location: Project Description: ______________________________ _ Related Cases - SP No. EIR No. GPA No. ----------------------------------c z No. Consultant Developer Name: Address: Telephone: ______________ _ A. Trip Generation Source: ___________________________ _ Extended Land Use ----------Proposed Land Use ____________ _ Extended Zoning Proposed Zoning Total Daily Trips Forcast Dally Trips ____________ _ (Attach a trip generation table. Describe Trip Reduction Factors proposed and Included In the trip generation table.) B. Trip Distribution: O Select Zone (Model Series __ ) (Provide exhibit for detailed trip distribution and assignment.) C. Background Traffic Phased Project D No D Yes Phases: ------------------ Please contact the Engineering Devision or use the most recently provided data Model/Forcast Methodology: ___________________________ _ California TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES April 2018 36 | Page 6.8.21 . ,~ \ ~ ... 1 '~ ~ ,, ~ ... <I"'" .. ., t ''< ,, ~\ f".,,,A, 'igc,,, 'Yect1011da ,~ .. ~ "'•~ .. er"' .. McClellan 9 Palomar \\ A,rpon-Crq vrJollNII..,.... lid /""' Q The Flower Fields~ /,I> l ltmporanly dos~ .._,, . ...., ~ BRES~ .... ./ J " \ ~ Alga None l'aeoO.,. 'l. Community \ ~ • \ Park ~ • ,\ v •.• \1\ ~-.,, 6 3,59 66,806 3, 630 1 8 183 21,537 410 6 0 4 425807 7 82,9698,600304 9274 6 1 8,136 266 8 6 0 2 9 9 1,19612,9882,1 7 2 3,0001175372,3771, 0 6 4 1,766 1,504 88 6 17 1359166231,668 81810,062 1,112 6671,714 1,443 225 30843333378 0 2,8 6 5 616 1,5102,2827482,0312,891 3,989228 8 2 2 2659557,447 290299 2,3392,903 5,8114,5751, 2 2 5 1, 6 7 5 2,161497 1,941 9258,7331,0057 2 8 31 1, 7 3 5 5 9 8 2,105 7 7 5 1,6641,689372 1,525227 4,199 3121,189 15,8041,828 9 72 1,114 2 2 01,98420,695471 2,577 4173,4 5 1 1, 2 7 2 2,5 1 5 2,1143,0145,702 9481,78580 7 450 318892,032 41830,61 5 391 824 2,2112486,7784269635,0747921,2 4 6 2201141,262 1,6666,052 766091,419 4 9 8 9 3 922,1332,0664731,367 6611,767 2,110 1,8522,1 5 1 983 1831,2164912,423361 2, 7 3 1 1,275 2,388 6,974 2,812 7,577 1,5076,866 4,827 8,980 1,8742,2641,962 10,8463, 2233,1378821,0391,0504,723183,9531,259 61063 5 55 3 2,709426 3151,364 3,995 2, 1 1 11,1344,45318 6 566 3,4575,901291 3, 0 5 9 6,1962,717250 2,2552,180235 8953 1,8691 , 0 38 1,022 44 2,14411,61 84,0203152,420 709 7,6858242625 , 3 3 0 37897 2,6643611,0535,3096,2 84 796 302 2,594 4,75 0 2,5331,7554,807 397 898 3 7 2 1,40 36, 93 5 132,97825 4,5362,7841 2 , 7 9 0 2,5081,019 9271,9711,800 8,924 1041,73521,9291,5733,388 2,12 1 415898 2,122 1,950 792 5,207 14 , 3 8 1 1,3263139 3 13,7903,9091,3127,603 10,497 510 1,419 2 2 1 16,204 661,1583911,5321,945 6,545 3455,944 2,211 3, 0 4 1 9,739782 1,67 2 4 , 0 9 7 2,012 1 0 , 5 5 66,1751,9822,77752,005556 6291021,3953,212 4,92 71,796 3,495 1 , 3 6 3 7,875 2,779 9,876 1,6 6 5 766 2,1576,9053,875 2621, 3 7 4 9 5 2 1, 259 5,5649681,347196,21811,3774,08 0 1,864 2,5 6 3 3181,1037601 7 , 0 3 4 1,452476183 13,8 1 8 10,71 3 3,615 1,368 2,1451, 1 9 1 2,2448,3233,909 2,4161,244 10, 0 2 2 3,2528, 7 3 9 3768, 5 6 9 6,661 792 5,683 9, 6 7 3 1,3484,061 2,468 10,3223,8614,34510,925 5,2331,56612 , 3 4 3 6,2132,0441,0731, 5 3 0 2,024 14, 1 9 7 519,1764553,0 4 0 1, 8 2 2 27,9834 , 7 4 8 1,11312 , 9 3 5 1,038 1, 9 8 1 1,253 2,30 3 4,647 3,767 3,855 1,966 33,849 483 1 4 , 3 7 1 452 783 4,224 2, 4 6 2 2,48735511,585 10, 7 3 1 1,3137,603 5,4031,492 1,7 6 6 6,891 2171,8251,8741,8399,13013,8821 6 , 5 5 1 18,0581,380 7,245 3,793 2,479 1, 4 6 4 1,87125,1404571,4112,3808,7654, 8 4 7 29,7689 5 6 3,1373,6512,0973 9 , 8 7 6 1,81511,2321,5783,0028,59110,8851,4481,117521 10 , 4 3 3 1 , 5 8 83,39641,9531,3091,9144 8 11,083 10 3 4486,649 6,486785357 4266969 , 2 5 1 6 , 6 7 64,2457,5161,356701 2, 0 8 8 185198 948 7,636 6, 6 0 6 4,097 38,8081,241440 7,683 2, 5 53 13 2,1087745,072 2,478 20,196 2,55 8 5,438105 21,062297 9353 , 2 0 8 2,224787455 4,0683,3834,2536,6719,006 2,534 3,467 1,356 6,7393,067375 518 9272,470831 83110,6373,021 196,12961211,3 4 6357 8 , 2 6 5 1,423 6,1 4 7 2,1441,3176,130477 5,702 488,348 6, 3 6 2 2581,041 19,06110,90710, 8 6 1 3,795 16,204 6,6 4 9 6,956132 448 3, 3 0 4936 6,1811,97921,93810,363 355 12, 0 5 7 36 2 2,13110,316 37,79981834,33014,609 4,8377,7343,0678,1583,6198282,2643,459 38,9672,5591,02213,1149,3311, 6 9 0 13,124 1,735 4 8 9 1, 3 5 6 13,7 1 4 7,727 2,175 12,208517 567 3613,61920,4506,280 4153,208 1 ,5421,906 2, 1 4 7 1,9081,1901,060 12,862 4,112 1,8 4 0 6,64211,284 4,5399,7146,9664,362 10,839 30,1437, 7 5 12,007 11,168 1,273 13,4212,0881 7 , 2 4 9 3, 2 2 0 7, 1 7 1676 5, 1 0 8 33,9954,362 5, 1 5 0 21 70814,503 1,993 2,255 16,204 8 9 4 137 1,27610,49023,468 2,121 1, 6 5 3 1, 1 3 6 1, 1 5 6 4,589 4,782 14 , 7 0 8 7,044 2, 0 9 1 6,453 1,109 1,1122, 8 6 5 5, 3 9 0 34,1651,383 10 0 , 0 9 1 1,864 3, 6 7 4 1,8001,5103,426 7,6853,4371, 4 1 3 3,1 8 3 4,634 596123 2,523 2,906 4186,280 6 3,352 4255, 3 7 8 32,6969,34727134,48098 0 2,665 2,830 186 1,1924,9982,0193,9 1 5 15,117 241 1,30978 0 1,236 1, 8 7 6 1,579 3,47711,100 457 7,5347,0964,68611725,943616 4896,7722,345 1,708 9118,360 8,136 2,6644,01818,93815,5603281,50 63,1941,8942176,4364611, 1 2 9 1, 1 2 9 2, 1 2 2 1, 5 0 1 4,4411,230 7,8632, 7 2 51,2271,4669,633 2,1964 6 3 2,1962,2519,131 3,012 18,4102,263 5,9631,9497831,4516,1441,2 3 9 15,117 39311,100 2,3523,2015561,8472,657 10,10242,570135 7,6403,27939,93610 , 8 8 0 9,8737,977322 79919,8563962,146 9,412 2,1521,293 1,506 5,522 38,808 4,634 1,256 890372 2,601 32,532 7291,67624,85634,811 375 3,68539116,38 4 4,040 11,539 21, 4 8 8 3,3424,709 1, 7 1 9 22,206 297 3366,89199333,0 1 3 19,8 3 9 3,73735 7 50,763 4, 0 9 0 3, 308 6,2842,146 3,0411964,0682 9 0 3,8 1 4 1,060 553 8,136 6,0197, 0 8 8 6,322 3,064 6,3 5 7 3275,1651,0921,4124,53811,5856,29 2 6,4 8 9 6,2511,073 14,8 2 1 2,61510,40614,15436,102 55875635,638 4, 3 6 7 11 , 3 7 4 13,2534, 7 8 23, 7 11 11 , 6 9 4 3,4 2 6 11,1686,8673,00021,7248,21714,586 1,8281, 3 2 32,1456, 2 9 2 2, 7 4 9 11,3 4 6 11,97 2 88 6 25,7045,4184,3991 1 , 8 3 7 3,9043,50962, 5 9 1 417 6,13030,0725,771 956 4,782 8,924 1, 9 2 5 3611, 2 3 9 10,330 2,2554,28915,5601, 8 0 0 9641,0275,23323535,059902308 5, 5 1 7 6,396 3, 0 7 1 35,999 3,3822,8911, 2 7 3 7 , 8 5 0 703 6,68613,7911,276 3,692 1, 7 8 1 6,9057,5921,4205012,1531,005 7 9 3 27,6126 , 1 2 8 2,164860 5,522 5,030 1 7 , 0 5 411,21421,112 10,731 6,671 12, 4 3 04,73815 , 2 0 7 16,4 9 8 426 3,30119,57812,44211644537723 6,355 14,154 3,983 4,446 2842,152 4,29394273976 1 , 3 6 3 1,78117,27614, 7 4 86,251 1,276 33,2781,492112,28099810,40211, 7 5 817,7298,3195,163 1 1 , 3 7 7 1,238 483 2,8906,16379215,297 36 9 1 3 , 8 1 8 11 , 6 3 9 97 , 9 1 0 9,006 23,978 3,50823,24430,60710 , 5 5 6 6,3 0 8 6,935 8,580 14 , 8 4 0 10 , 2 4 9 12 , 9 9 0 2,820 4, 6 4 6 1, 3 8 8 8,973 463 48 6,668 6,560 3,53423,244 1, 9 6 82,18961026,431 1,215 8,164 1, 4 5 9 1,68936,0622 0 , 4 1 4 2,81 2 667 38,333 1,472 10,062 5,8504,2937,365 10,4371,0642,3391,7087,7258,353 13,148 4731 4 , 3 7 1 3 5 , 0 9 1 1,572 1 2 , 9 8 8 3,3232,1812653,910 8, 5 4 6 11,462 2,804 2,96 6 9,981 1,3051 5 , 1 1 9 16,188 3,168 2,118 4,1991,853 15,8043 7 8 4,495 10 , 8 8 0 982 5712,0065,650 5,184 9,605 18,808 65 9 8 6 0 808811, 8 6 3 1,9991 6 , 5 5 1 2,66415,32932,0301,7508, 8 1 9 4,5852,3818,5093633,2523,1022,966 4,153 9,082 1,4232,915 4,53935,0588,9 7 3 8,34810,04339123 , 0 5 3 963 2,21112 , 1 0 9 5, 1 4 2 18,279 2, 3 6 8 20,160 3,767 8,61427,9956,7782,5942,6403,6043,671431 8,1362,8923, 6 3 0 7,788 8,811 2,688 1 9 , 8 5 61065, 1 6 5 2,3141 1 , 9 3 0 59 8 3,3 4 7 2,1442,7392,7394,5833,1373, 2 1 1 3757,3358, 7 2 4 6231,1171,1272,082 13,972 203 2,1451,28212,2082 6 4 2,703 759 8871,113 3,7241,416 31 , 7 3 2 1, 1 5 6 9,98131,2832,98166111,539 10,9748828, 9 7 9 27,48625,70447920,4 1 4 31,0244, 2 7 3 13,655 6,052491 9,967 2,035 1,19010,900 3,6804,0021,988 156 7,850824 25,2692,663 9,553 8 8 5 14,743 17,199114 6,362 9,6794,87034,8148328,765 8,6306, 9 7 4 27,9591748,34812,7398,22713,8507,5533,0732,694 35 7 4405,80528,0348 ,7 2 4 8, 7 7 5 5,7117,6856,565 1 3 , 4 4 1 6602666,1092642,978 29,75 4 1, 7 9 6 1,1 9 0 16,33231, 8 5 5 271 949 2,23 7 8,8892,675 2971,13018,789 10 2 12,28537,8864,4572,584 341 9,2 5 1 955 7, 4 3 96,280 5,963 7961,672 5, 9 9 7 19,90334,3804771,099 2, 1 1 4 6,8121 2 , 3 4 0 8,92410, 8 6 2 4,78211,9881,66037,830 981 2 18,96817,3301,7326,096 9672, 7 3 1 13,137 9351,4246,6232,761 32,532 2,1142,1759,55 3 49 4 70931,69914,2361,4481,23921,4956,73933,9951912 49 22,065 10,949 1,3 5 6 483,06914,6353,509 376 283 50,955 2 11,4962,8792,4163, 5 3 7 4 8 91,08793 2 2,920 2942,61 4 1,5075,21119,3558,0189,401 19,661 6,2 6 1 13,027 1,54 5 3,212 1,6711,58312,610 911, 9 0 6 93918 1,0413,630 22012,125 8 , 8 1 3 8774,517307112 18,171 5,3092,522611 7555, 4 7 1 28 6 203 38 , 5 1 8 3,875 2,1513,251 888 2,870604 7 2 8 7,6832,54155 23 , 5 0 4 763 9,339 24,018 13 , 5 8 734,983806,48 9 10,003 2,1 7 2 22,4977026,230 1,767 4,329 2,0495,9462,41412,647 2,013 15460810,259 3,787 3,218 12,020 2,05726 2 1,668 6,175 5, 1 6 5 2,859 1,5 2 5 4,27 3 3 3 , 0 1 3 3 , 1 7 811,21480 1 4 , 3 8 1 1,3261,0901,8082,18135 , 6 3 8 1,4231,7674 8 4 3,3 5 5 3,074 10,388 1, 8 8 72,0871,2751 0 , 7 0 3 1,3552,032 16,84310,022 3, 6 1 7 1,946105294 2,5494,0541,6893,5042,0241,8 2 530,07233,46821,6995,819 2,47413,500 3 , 4 8 8 1,8237,9774,75011,83010,561 1,505 1,084 27 1,420 1,9852,1541,55134,6978,4017, 5 6 1 10,703 33,3 6 6 2,2187,82038314,327 4,6 1 11,98913,578 50,944 1,0 8 3 3,0 7 1 3,181 5 , 4 3 8 8,784 11,284 13,108 7,003 1,3804761, 9 9 8 4 , 5 3 9 2, 4 9 4 55 3 2,1227,75680235, 2 3 3 88910,178 5,007 31,094 3 2 9 284821 867 45 5 743 11,290 1, 4 9 1 22,4972,079 7,003 13,1 2 4 1,0506,1 4 4 4,65611,4451,797 52,643 1 1 , 0 4 3 3 8 , 6 3 1 1,23711,47448 13,421 33,814 10,7626,900 4,956 83233,814 2,8521,4481,678 935 7, 6 2 916,3792 , 1 0 8 1,510 2,7094,77010,5356081 8 , 9 3 8 5,448 7,087 1,18356610,354 2 9 , 3 1 2 227 822 35,90 4 2, 9 0 3 1, 3 4 8 807 6,81 2 5,206 1,885 682 3,94 5 521 410 48,96039,02023,66229,754 991 1,510 3,708 1 0 , 4 4 4 1,3672,7671,7358875,06818,279183 33,7604,29 1 2,6649,24012,299 16,065 7 8 5 2,827 1,514 7,751 1, 9 8 1 2,1112, 1 0 5 8848,7682,8917751,114 609 1,068 26,204 4,226 5,3332,5152 0 , 0 7 7 2,2703,72310, 8 1 4 18,807 74838,306 3,6857,58429,948 5,697 6,3089 1 , 8 4 7 1,47 4 1,776 52,1 4 4 190 2, 0 5 0 25815,329 41 461, 2 6 2 3,2514,680 59,9571,3035106,486 17,298 2, 1 3 4 4,5311,731 2,4 3 0 33,367661 34, 4 9 6 1,48 8 135 7 4 3 2,2521,3121,563 777 35,999 39,020783 2,6262, 5 1 8 20,633 7,6 2 9 894 5, 5 1 7 1,532 1,103 1,1592,65969 , 7 2 1 2, 2 6 6 7407 1 , 1 7 7 2,1961 0 , 5 5 62421,631 40 8 8723,9959,81010,2411,57 3 3,0687, 1 7 8 1, 1 8 5 4, 5 3 3 23, 5 0 4 4,042 3 4 , 3 8 0 12,336696 60,880 14,3521 6 , 1 9 5 3, 8 9 7 547 1,7 1 4 3,279 10,8853 5 , 0 9 1 1,619 4,34 03,66619 , 8 3 9 2, 4 5 5 35,999 34,2865,6 9 7 794 78 2 7,16 2 3 1 3 21,537 661,7014,020 5 , 3 1 6 804 , 5 8 8 38,9069,1765,5617,198 1,9151,2971,390 20,380 1,724 361 10,925 77 9 1,13 6 3,839 9,71644,8418,2951,741 1,969 1,45126,7591 , 4 1 9 2,995 2 7 , 6 1 2 1,559 6,3 9 6 55,468 1,44332,836 16,6919,210 36,062968 5972 1 , 7 9 5 6,378 11,229 38,306 9,2 6 2 24,1506 , 6 3 7 2,075 132,22414,214 658 3,384 7,666 7,5779,9503,890 1,32322 0 4,05 6 2,8572,2242,044 2, 3 4 931,1304,226 4 9 8 5,767 10,102 17 , 945 8018,6382099724,3991, 4 5 7 1 2 , 3 1 2 1, 9 7 3 220 9,680 6,8304,84861044,68626,120 217 5,33 3 1,053 16,2876,91 4 20,38050,74110,3228223,1422,131 6,33352,6941 1 , 6 3 94,77726,120 10,9 2 54,4092,9655,416 80010,35731,8627,96616,691 9 , 0 4 3 4,362378327 16,128 38,171 15 , 1 6 4 844 19,8476,995 9 , 2 5 1 13 , 5 8 7 2, 1 8 0 17,468 3, 8 6 0 2,14020,921 1,7075, 9 5 6 6,805 6,830 13,108 7,312 824 2, 4 4 5 1753,9444, 2 0 9 41,970 10,900 15,787 1,2 5 0 1,959 2,6411,1111,84419,27923,053 2, 2 6 2 8935,2111,97921,604 2,6133 5 , 1 35 4,0 8 0 3,279 2,8443,34735,3515,963 8,610 85411,88516,850 1,2444,520 1,1 3 9 334 , 4 9 6 29 9 3,426 12,93 0 4,627448 1 9 , 6 9 8 18,548 2, 38047,6281,276 2,353 31,7326,5443,0631,844 1,19851,269 5,3301,415 19,010 7,3124796,8 9 1 24,150 8,01813 7 2,2442,144 635 3452,99 5 3,17820,9216, 914 12,5911 6 , 5 5 1 1,2169,401 4, 367 2 , 8 2 04,9272,2141,5049,496 2,5 7 7 10,1353,064 41,970 6,19635,9 0 4 5, 2 0 7 3,861 497 10 4 1,2756 7 4 2,7231,86917, 3 8 9 1,665 7,022 1,99 3 19,14612,417 1,6981 0 , 3 1 6 1,66 6 2,1641,0391,074 242 1,908 4,4 8 7 29,4102, 1 3 0 39,431 3 , 0 8 05,09433,468 4,807 12,6101,7773,45 7 13,154 4,934678 225 93 , 7 7 9 53, 7 4 5 1,112 3 4 0 1,839 10, 2 5 1 1,5426141 5 , 7 1 0 3,428 15,788 5,299 9,9817997553,13723,5144 6 4 70, 5 7 6263 1,874 6996,639 2,981 3,4952,1148,543 9,262 26,570 3 8 , 6 5 9 4,3791,2726239,361 7,393 7,724 111,3036 6 1 1,1128,418872 2 9 1 3,8 4 45,91328,15429 , 6 1 4 6 1 24,5682,348766 7,8515,9064,154357 51,66116,2511,3 7 4 18,7898,360 6,396 239 99,1583,0592, 0 1 2 2,3 8 8 3, 3 1 1 4,583 1,258100,8483,65122,4022,42 0 2,126 553 2,81 22,7163,5803,067275 2 2 , 0 2 5 1,2162, 8 8 2 17,0241,91430,6158 5 , 9 3 5 2,8114,82735, 0 4 5 34,8441,46447,6285,6241,8 4 7 89410,3546,76 2 3 , 43 0 1,4 7 8 8 2 2 6651,1671,641 8335,905 4,723 12,884 8,193 3,1831 0 , 8 9 6 3,223 36,4 6 3 8, 36 6 2,1572,8792,6994394 , 3 6 7 3 , 3 7 4 2,314 1,839 1,4 6 4 1,3775,805 12,8052,32931 10, 5 0 2 7, 6 7 6 181,6751,2584087,6881,8 2 2 8841,0985,1122,4721,62270 , 6 0 8 3, 7 4 9 3,383 6 , 0 1 9 1,418 3 5 7 1,1341,4 5 2 2 , 8 0 4 11,8801159, 7 8 29,896 2,829 2,865 3,14152,027 26,120 3025,206 658 3 0 , 0 9 2 38,281 17 8,2263,989 4483,2061, 7 1 2 73, 6 2 51,2531,929 1,067 1,1891 , 3 5 6 2 , 6 0 1 1,09470, 6 0 8 34,811 6, 1 4 4 185 794,7222, 3 8 0532 0 , 4 0 5 1 6 , 5 5 1 1,183 5588 , 6 3 1 41,6701,19149,23541,9101,506 7834,43213,79043,10793540,262 2 9 0 12,496 2,77 9 1,3452,508 4 , 3 67 3, 898 17,48070844,5021,9711, 1 4 2 6,866 49,772 6,284 2 , 2 8 2 22,601 8 7 , 8 2 4 4, 9 87 13,137 2,530 1,262 18,742 2,0 8 8 8461,9 4 1 2,303 998 9 2 , 3 7 3 11,238 16,2 4 6 70, 6 0 8 6,213 2,549 8 8 , 8 4 8 778 98 4 94 , 0 5 6 1236 , 7 1 2 6,347 49,38742213,7293,535 3,1384,4532,95743324822,0226,8863,2749 5 , 1 4 3 25,54231 , 0 3 6 8 6 , 1 7 5 16,678 4,495 16 , 5 5 1 25,6121,22547,4468 7 , 9 6 4 45210,094 2,9 0 3 1,364 19,97 4 97,50056,66870 , 5 7 6 312375 1,1361,823 48,7023,467450 10,5 5 6 1,08319,4612,252 1,24 6 4,0421,6643,0148 5 , 9 3 5 97,500 5, 9 5 6 9274 5 5 33,814 9,9082 , 8 0 7 1,448 38 4 7 1 31 , 1 2 2 1,530 3,4 5 1 33,849 1,36 8 1,794 57 , 4 4 613,700 25,458 1,523 2,778 5 8 , 7 1 0 32,8773,8141,317 4,34525,9433,034 16,51035,045 2, 2 0 6 8902,380 4 3 6 50,47427,71226,73218,9482501,383 299 3,7951,9503,814925 39,748 28,034 5,5642,097 62, 2 7 9 911311 2 , 7 8 5 62,5 5 0 9,138 2,06633,079 8 8 , 9 9 8 1,01 98,9802, 3 0 4 27,77074363 , 3 9 5 8578,73538,333 7 4 3 1,578 31,8569 0 , 9 5 2 95 , 5 0 1 48,060 89,059 5, 4 9 1 5,813 8 2 , 4 0 6 50,513 2,2 6 3 31,63855,4 0 2 20,9218572219759,957 29,146 3,343 11,4962,3994,9985974 , 1 8 9 9,038448 48,892 8 3 , 8 7 4 5,71925,95055,735 31, 1 4 7 60,880 60,880 35,423 93,0976,704748,0449571,696 8 6 , 0 2 5 9,4978,3664497 , 4 3 4 51,39159,957 97 , 6 63 4, 8 2 3 8 8 , 7 7 6 3, 4 6 6 15,58594,16431,814 4, 9 7 78,5571919 5 , 4 8 8 1,00313,034 3,453 2 6 , 7 9 9 9 1 , 4 4 9 9 0 , 6 5 7 97,053 6 3 , 1 7 7 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This product cannot be reproduced without the written permission of SANDAG. SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS 401 B STREET, SUITE 800 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 USA (619) 699-1900 E-mail: sandag@sandag.org Web site: www.sandag.org 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 Miles 2/9/2021 24-Hour Total Flow (ADT) Select Zone Volume Select Zone Percentage # # Freeway Prime Major Collector Local Collector Rural Collector Local Road Freeway Ramp Local Ramp Zone Connectors SANDAG Series 13 2014 Revenue Constrained Version 13.4 City of Carlsbad Veteran Memorial Park Functional Classifications: Average Daily Traffic Base Year 2014plus Veteran Memorial ParkScenario ID 1280 Average Daily Traffic % • service bureau SAIVD4G ' ' ' ' ' ' •, · .. •, -------,' ---," ', --,• ' . . ' ,• ' ' ' ' ' ' ----... ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ·- ' • ' , , / --. ... -- , ,•· \ , -- -- ., ,• ' . 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4703,0071,4881,923 5,9 9 4 11 , 1 9 7 2,0363,5131,7211,270190 3,513 1,5 6 8 8,83011,433 5,69110,4096,81241,4281, 4 3 8 1, 1 1 1 2,385 12,198 1,370 14,091 17 , 8 3 8 57 4, 5 3 7 7, 9 6 9 6, 4 4 5 38,20126,314 81 1,1757, 9 2 1 15,341 2,555 2,626 16,155 1 , 1 2 2 157 1,3581,677 1 , 7 0 4 9,8442,676 1, 5 2 4 1, 4 7 6 4,969 14 , 9 6 2 8,781 2, 9 1 9 1,764 1,2257,3841,697 4 , 0 9 5 1,7574,777 8,6724,0381, 9 6 6 3,2 7 2 137 2,705 3195,816 2,926 59 40,91613,2182,514 3,227 18,001 5584,5961,6324,5 5 1 253 2,13793 6 1,294 1,829 4,37514,240 417 9,51042,0498,8316,70824,2631,39 75,7651,60911,662 3,1996,6192,8534,35826,79218,35217,9173511,44 53,3431,7033136,1331,012 10,1903 2 , 0 0 3 5, 7 6 11,2212,063 10,282 2,087 5, 8 4 6 2,0872,48810,3206,9717,9056872,628 1,5645,9531,3 0 9 14,240 5, 1 4 8 2,29346,937862 2,2313,014 12,4321,042 15 , 9 4 5 43,1403,7342,4457,5766,106 11 , 7 3 2 336 86622,7224928,773501 44,12 9 1,360 6592,868 40,2511,95129,83139,551 588 4,52018,39 0 12,395 21, 2 1 9 5,2345,056 22,632 2778,61633,9 9 7 22,5 7 6 60 1,6 5 9 54,195 5, 2 3 7 1,442 3 ,20 9 5,9612,029 5,2984,3 3 4 1,270 582 17,481 11,020 44,615 20,7126,702 4,362 7435,0191,7634,90412,9536, 6966,48244,411 17,2 1 7 2,9611,20040,4002,3394, 7 5 7 41,428 4, 9 6 9 6,6 0 7 4,7 7 7 12,198 4,087 7,4681,9636, 6 9 6 2,4 2 8 13,04 8 30,6876,577 1, 7 1 85,4351 2 , 9 7 9 6,4273,861419 6,25729,9598,464 1,150 4,969 10,371 5439,371 3,2585,58717,9171, 7 5 3 9204,43632137,7441,166363 5, 1 3 5 8,8 6 8 37,924 1, 3 7 0 9 , 7 7 2 903 1,358 2,500 2, 3 3 9 7,6623,2008,2191,5276751,439 8 8 0 31,6937 , 3 6 8 2,5815,262 17 , 68 31611,791 6,291 6,87718,5 9 3 4,46516,386594 17735 13,841 4,898 2224,9511,12 9 776121 8, 8 7 0 2,07417,74716, 6 8 66,482 1,358 31,284172,4585,523 10,5864,741 1 1 , 9 8 5 1,127 3,1177,4771,0931 4 , 3 7 5 1,04299 , 2 1 5 25,729 13 , 8 9 2 5,2 0 7 7,883 15 , 5 3 7 10 , 3 9 2 3,429 4, 3 6 0 9,668 5,84 6 6,021 1,553 1,72150326,328 1,129 2, 0 5 0 43,5973,40 3 1,77 6 44,429 9,582 5,8524,9518,6611,3027,255 10,2963, 7 6 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1,000 7, 5 8 55,816 7,905 8931,580 5 , 7 4 4 20,04670943,671 11,508 6,3921 5 , 0 8 3 10,37110,7 5 1 4,969 39,457 1,234 22,76316,2527,0766,162 1,0184, 1 6 3 13,885 8551,5492,726 40,251 4,220 2,5222,1609,0 3 3 45 1 756 16,1691,569 23,8098,18038,201714214 26,951 13,227 1,3 4 0 2,08615,1973,2513,861 639 54,57410,1663,5432,2459 2 7 1,3 3 5 11,9702,517 2,15 4 1,4966,81918,7258,87310,027 19,951 7,7 4 6 14,446 2,2 5 3 1,61 8 3,868 2,04312,663 1271, 9 2 3 1,3131,2753,838 45612,788 1,0 4 0 21,827 14,73629,1046,528 589 7205, 1 8 0 33 7 1645 , 9 1 7 4,159 3,199 659 9 4 , 3 6 4 2,5867 2 7 7,3502,2311,113 34 , 2 5 7 656 6,915 23,401 16 14, 2 0 537,163479 1 , 9 2 9 27,6678527,968 1,880 2,485 6,5084,0965,101 17,144 2,93924 9 1,890 5,867 5, 0 0 4 2,6 2 3 5,758 3 3 , 9 9 7 5,351110 8,464 939 16 , 7 6 7 1,2232,34840 , 4 0 01,8803,962 5 7 5 3,0 8 3 2, 1 0 22,6971,39916,9369,634 2, 6 3 7 2,1782,8822,3014,6223,4492,0243,2 4 829,95941,232 6,104 3,02216,111 3 , 1 9 7 1,8005,88810,52411,581 3,021 1,201 30 1,527 1,9932,189 40,60415,6918, 2 3 9 12,367 38,1 8 3 14,812 4,7 6 02,05914,569 58,052 3,2 6 9 3,277 1,6 2 2 7 , 1 5 2 11,433 13,926 6,583 1,6034569,098 3, 0 3 0 5 , 6 9 1 80 2 2,1406,77798742, 0 4 9 90612,322 34,759 6 7 8 222955 1,0 6 0 2, 8 5 7 724 27,6676,355 13,7 5 3 2,4705,9 5 3 5,04611,56962,042 1, 3 2 7 1 3 , 0 0 5 3 8 , 7 8 4 2,32415,202112 14,091 39,533 9,1757,355 6,853 39,533 3,7821,69285 5 7,87314,9393 , 2 7 4 2,2586,06211,9588,036 1 8 , 3 5 2 1,1491,0411 9 , 6 6 6 28,683 3 2 , 0 5 0 2,191 29,562 3, 4 3 6 1,4 4 2 1,215 6,39 2 7,631 1,774 541 4,65 7 606 476 52,89041,69822,606 33,052 1,050 1,443 5,057 1,3652,8952,2193,72619,8291,45 7 40,2285,050 2,68194 , 0 4 1 9,2936,767 17,481 2,527 1,942 2, 2 3 8 1,5882, 3 7 2 1, 0 0 29,8655,1471,2421,122 1,448 883 30,559 4,464 2,9062 3 , 3 9 3 2,621 19,565 92140,550 4,5205,4128,458 44,306 6,115 5,2071,43 5 1,624 20916,220 703 , 7 2 6 1, 5 0 7 3,1995635,676 18,7655,4073,243 2,6 4 1 37,43039 , 8 0 3 1,50 6 7 2 4 2,7891,3851,719 1,193 37,924 82 41,6981,384 2,8972, 8 1 9 7,8 7 3 5, 1 3 5 1,565 1, 0 7 9 27,334 4,0042, 0 2 9 9632,0871,3172491,674 47 1 4,8231,38 6 4 , 4 56 5568, 4 3 6 5, 3 0 8 34, 2 5 7 5,585 4 3 , 6 7 1 9,232790 60,480 11,7556, 0 9 7 5676,288 1,5 7 6 28 5 67 , 9 7 4 6,038 14,0163 9 , 7 3 3 73, 7 2 0 1,726 4,83 73,36822 , 5 7 6 3, 4 2 4 37,92440,6946,11 5 1,206 6,483 1,0 9 5 9,0 7 212,0485 7 1 22,109 811014 , 5 1 6 39,9448,5794,7158,353 2,3031,032 2,066 21,380 597 12,067 83 7 45,3479,9721,56425,8633,910 3 1 , 6 9 3 1,979 8,8 6 81,17418,99043,5971,072 60140,550 9,4 1 0 12,9039 , 2 9 8 2,727 2212, 126 2,67917,468 2,867 7,898 3,926 2,356 1,4436,0431,7182,1212,2322,484 2 , 3 0 840,3484,464 5 0 3 9 5 , 7 2 2 5,51012,43 2 15 , 4 79 1011 6 , 1 8 559 9, 0 3 3 8455,4351, 4 1 4 11, 4 6 7 2, 3 1 4 264 10,926 6,2655,13340245,218313 5,41 2 1,184 18,7346 , 5 2 6 30,886 21,38054,96411,7558903,1993,4349,484 64,703 1 3 , 8 9 24,94932,6795,76912,0 6 76,4332,5367,659 63212,00840,85218,9905,1042,610743 541 39,511 15 , 9 4 5 1,09 6 21,145224 9,865 1 2 , 6 7 9 14, 2 0 5 2, 0 7 3 20,885 5, 1 1 1 2,40622,012 1,9156, 5 1 1 7,3916,265 13,926 7,158 1,146 3, 2 5 0 4,81335,315 2,2 1 0 3,7161,4301,96721,18733,3721,1626,8195,06824,478 2,8773 0 , 1 8 9 4 1 , 7 2 0 4,296 3,648 7,905 9,361 39,74089419,217 1,3914,411 1,0 9 9 539 , 8 0 3 23 4 4,777 1 5 , 4 4 3 9,8921,198 1 7 , 2 0 6 20,791 3,58551,2871,358 35,3167,7654,0941,619 1,39058,339 5,9251,171 7,15870012,903 8,87315 7 8, 6 1 6 2,3641,9335553 , 9 1 0 5,35129,2985,9616, 526 21,1451 9 , 5 1 8 1,30910,027 4 , 7 57 3 , 4 2 95,2992,64112,498 10,4104,362 35,315 6,8232,248 1,718 27, 9 6 7 29,5 6 2 6, 2 0 7 13,7624,412 21 5 1,399734 3,0352,0272,638 7,833 2,55 5 13,483 1 2 , 2 8 3 1,82 6 2,5811,085249 2,036 4,5 4 1 34,2842, 9 1 7 3 ,37 85,5945,425 41,232 13,2172,1793,69 54,651 672 1,297 4 7 1 10, 7 6 8 14,3771,48863816,546 11,83386676513,1825 5 7 6,821 1,4348,14 3 2,710 3,9701,73310,496 9,410 26,374 4 0 , 4 2 4 4,9701,4272138,733 6,997 44,61511,56917 1,225503 5,434 8 9 , 2 1 7 3 8 3 28,8886,126 32 , 6 0 5 6 4 62,623882 8,5306,3524,2491,00 7 55,93923,8221,6 2 2 25,2758,868 426 3,0111, 5 4 9 1,4434,226 24,6972,54 6 2,175582 3,40 32,4244,7483,268334 3 1 , 8 7 8 1,0552, 6 0 6 18,3483,32632,0038 9 , 5 7 6 2,7252,5934,83533, 1 3 9 41,3371,53951,2874,8362,7 0 1 1,12211,3 5 8 1,6 2 3 95 2 1,1979,189 2 6 , 6 4 2 5,187 12,148 7,555 8033,2721 2 , 9 3 5 36,5 3 8 9 , 3 2 7 1,9423,5432,9324 , 7 5 7 2,129 4 , 3 9 5 1,4 9 9 4621,61122,1562,7849,9 6 3 8, 0 8 1 2881,5571,4434719,1781,8 9 6 1,0021,1414,3792,2772,20571 , 5 9 1 4, 1 6 6 5,135 1,815 1,1681,3 3 5 13,7121 , 6 1 5 3 , 2 2 5 2,678 4329,805 2,837 55,006 3,25030,886 2687,631 3 9 , 0 7 2 42,312 18 15,4593,927 5791, 6 8 6 1,8474,2008 ,5 9 1 2 , 8 6 8 1,56039,551 5, 9 5 3 180 2205,622 3, 5 8 51542 3 , 0 4 3 2 0 , 2 5 6 1,149 1,2005 , 7 4 1 44,54544,8141,445 1,3845,58614,79043,3541,068 44,411 3 9 1 3,56 73,8811,47413,223 3,335 4 , 7 6 0 4 , 5 93 1,17519,09145,1446, 9 4 1 2,2811, 0 5 6 8,186 3 , 1 0 0 5 8 , 1 2 2 26, 5 5 5 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This product cannot be reproduced without the written permission of SANDAG. SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS 401 B STREET, SUITE 800 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 USA (619) 699-1900 E-mail: sandag@sandag.org Web site: www.sandag.org 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Miles 1/26/2021 24-Hour Total Flow (ADT) Select Zone Volume Select Zone Percentage # # Freeway Prime Major Collector Local Collector Rural Collector Local Road Freeway Ramp Local Ramp Zone Connectors Commuter Rail SANDAG Series 13 2035 Revenue Constrained Version 13.4 City of Carlsbad Veteran Memorial Park Functional Classifications: Average Daily Traffic CB General Plan Updateplus Veteran Memorial ParkScenario ID 1272 Average Daily Traffic % service bureau SAIVD4G __ /:' ,/( "·/ ' , ------ ' ' ,-- -------------~"' rr=~=======-===-~ .. .. ,, --,- -.. -,,. , , ' , ' , ' ~=ctt-·· ',, ' \ , \ , , ' , , ' -. -' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , , , , , , , , , ' ' ' ' ', ' ' ' '' ' ',' -----------~, ' ', ',, ',, ' ' ' ', ' ' ' ' ' ' ----------., ---. -----' ' ' ' ,, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' I' 'I '' I' 'I ' \ ----' ' ---------.', ' ---', ' ', ' ' ', ' ' ' I ' " '-·---~---- '.!~ --~-•• ·.:,--' ' ' ' ---<- "-..>. ----- I ---- . < -_. 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THURSDAY 15-1194-039 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Signal NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 0.86 0.50 0.89 0.85 715 0.81 0.25 0.96 0.87 445 veracity grouptraffic• ◄FIELD DATA SERVICES OF ARIZONA, INC. .... 520.316.6745 Day:City:Carlsbad Date:Project #:CA19_4201_022 NB SB EB WB 0 0 7,652 8,353 AM Period NB SB EB WB NB SB EB WB 00:00 14 4 18 97 105 202 00:15 12 4 16 96 121 217 00:30 8 4 12 102 104 206 00:45 8 42 6 18 14 60 77 372 120 450 197 822 01:00 6 1 7 112 98 210 01:15 2 3 5 97 121 218 01:30 4 0 4 88 166 254 01:45 3 15 1 5 4 20 104 401 113 498 217 899 02:00 4 0 4 128 92 220 02:15 4 2 6 100 115 215 02:30 1 2 3 136 126 262 02:45 2 11 4 8 6 19 135 499 177 510 312 1009 03:00 2 3 5 211 113 324 03:15 2 3 5 152 125 277 03:30 2 3 5 222 88 310 03:45 4 10 13 22 17 32 189 774 113 439 302 1213 04:00 0 10 10 216 108 324 04:15 2 7 9 211 107 318 04:30 3 27 30 254 114 368 04:45 8 13 27 71 35 84 235 916 121 450 356 1366 05:00 6 35 41 321 130 451 05:15 6 37 43 266 101 367 05:30 7 56 63 323 95 418 05:45 15 34 84 212 99 246 238 1148 91 417 329 1565 06:00 14 106 120 231 100 331 06:15 22 198 220 184 92 276 06:30 39 273 312 141 71 212 06:45 38 113 329 906 367 1019 96 652 48 311 144 963 07:00 57 248 305 124 48 172 07:15 51 237 288 89 54 143 07:30 73 262 335 98 54 152 07:45 116 297 308 1055 424 1352 85 396 37 193 122 589 08:00 129 267 396 88 41 129 08:15 77 275 352 76 41 117 08:30 71 199 270 75 36 111 08:45 64 341 189 930 253 1271 69 308 47 165 116 473 09:00 80 158 238 61 74 135 09:15 57 144 201 67 49 116 09:30 71 119 190 41 32 73 09:45 68 276 135 556 203 832 61 230 17 172 78 402 10:00 68 133 201 38 16 54 10:15 57 114 171 32 16 48 10:30 63 100 163 31 9 40 10:45 73 261 119 466 192 727 28 129 16 57 44 186 11:00 82 110 192 26 13 39 11:15 63 109 172 19 7 26 11:30 92 101 193 13 6 19 11:45 107 344 91 411 198 755 12 70 5 31 17 101 TOTALS 1757 4660 6417 5895 3693 9588 SPLIT %27.4% 72.6%40.1%61.5% 38.5%59.9% NB SB EB WB 0 0 7,652 8,353 AM Peak Hour 11:45 07:30 07:30 17:00 14:30 16:45 AM Pk Volume 402 1112 1507 1148 541 1592 Pk Hr Factor 0.939 0.903 0.889 0.889 0.764 0.882 7 - 9 Volume 0 0 638 1985 2623 0 0 2064 867 2931 7 - 9 Peak Hour 07:30 07:30 07:30 17:00 16:15 16:45 7 - 9 Pk Volume 0 0 395 1112 1507 0 0 1148 472 1592 Pk Hr Factor 0.000 0.000 0.766 0.903 0.889 0.000 0.000 0.889 0.908 0.882 VOLUME Prepared by NDS/ATD 13:15 13:30 13:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 16:15 16:30 14:00 14:15 14:30 5/8/2019 14:45 15:00 DAILY TOTALS PM Period 16:45 17:00 17:15 Wednesday 17:30 17:45 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 Cannon Rd Bet. Faraday Ave & El Camino Real 21:30 21:45 22:00 Total 16,005 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 DAILY TOTALS 22:15 22:30 22:45 23:00 23:15 23:30 TOTAL 23:45 TOTALS Total 16,005 DAILY TOTALS 21:00 21:15 20:30 4 - 6 Peak Hour 4 - 6 Pk Volume SPLIT % TOTAL Pk Hr Factor PM Peak Hour PM Pk Volume Pk Hr Factor 4 - 6 Volume 20:45 National Data & Surveying Services Intersection Turning Movement CountLocation:Cannon Rd & Faraday Ave/Discovery Center Dwy City:Carlsbad Project ID:21-040003-001 Control:Signalized Date: NS/EW Streets: 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.3 0.3 0.3 0 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL 7:00 AM 0 18 36 0 3 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 2 0 191 7:15 AM 0 26 37 1 3 117 1 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 1 0 208 7:30 AM 0 33 49 2 4 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 1 0 244 7:45 AM 0 57 75 2 4 146 1 0 1 0 0 0 28 0 1 0 315 8:00 AM 2 52 57 1 9 94 3 0 2 1 1 0 21 0 2 0 245 8:15 AM 2 58 62 3 5 137 1 0 0 0 1 0 36 1 4 0 310 8:30 AM 1 52 54 2 4 76 1 0 0 0 1 0 31 0 1 0 223 8:45 AM 1 44 67 1 5 97 3 0 1 1 0 0 30 2 1 0 253 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :6 340 437 12 37 897 10 0 4 2 3 0 225 3 13 0 1989 APPROACH %'s :0.75%42.77%54.97%1.51%3.92%95.02%1.06%0.00%44.44%22.22%33.33%0.00%93.36%1.24%5.39%0.00% PEAK HR :07:30 AM 39 37 44 07:45 AM TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :4 200 243 8 22 505 5 0 3 1 2 0 112 1 8 0 1114 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.500 0.862 0.810 0.667 0.611 0.865 0.417 0.000 0.375 0.250 0.500 0.000 0.778 0.250 0.500 0.000 Headers NBL NBT NBR NBU SBL SBT SBR SBU EBL EBT EBR EBU WBL WBT WBR WBU 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.3 0.3 0.3 0 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL 4:00 PM 1 129 38 0 1 81 1 1 0 1 0 0 66 0 7 0 326 4:15 PM 0 123 29 4 1 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 5 0 299 4:30 PM 0 155 29 0 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 0 6 0 364 4:45 PM 0 144 29 1 5 77 0 2 0 0 1 0 65 0 2 0 326 5:00 PM 0 162 35 0 0 90 0 0 0 1 6 0 69 0 7 0 370 5:15 PM 2 164 59 0 2 84 3 0 0 0 0 0 72 0 7 0 393 5:30 PM 0 141 31 0 0 73 0 0 2 2 2 0 57 1 3 0 312 5:45 PM 0 129 38 0 2 52 0 0 0 1 1 0 34 0 2 0 259 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES :3 1147 288 5 12 630 4 3 2 5 10 0 500 1 39 0 2649 APPROACH %'s :0.21%79.49%19.96%0.35%1.85%97.07%0.62%0.46%11.76%29.41%58.82%0.00%92.59%0.19%7.22%0.00% PEAK HR :04:30 PM 291 289 296 05:15 PM TOTAL PEAK HR VOL :2 625 152 1 8 351 3 2 0 1 7 0 279 0 22 0 1453 PEAK HR FACTOR :0.250 0.953 0.644 0.250 0.400 0.878 0.250 0.250 0.000 0.250 0.292 0.000 0.955 0.000 0.786 0.000 0.884 Total 0.9240.286 WESTBOUND 0.953 SOUTHBOUND 0.867 0.901 04:30 PM - 05:30 PM SOUTHBOUND PM AM 07:30 AM - 08:30 AM NORTHBOUND 0.849 EASTBOUND 1/21/2021 Faraday Ave/Discovery Center Dwy NORTHBOUND Faraday Ave/Discovery Center Dwy 0.738 WESTBOUND Cannon Rd Cannon Rd 0.881 0.375 EASTBOUND Day:City:Carlsbad Date:Project #:CA21_040004_001 NB SB EB WB 4,649 4,977 0 0 AM Period NB SB EB WB NB SB EB WB 00:00 5 3 8 85 95 180 00:15 2 2 4 88 75 163 00:30 2 3 5 89 81 170 00:45 2 11 2 10 4 21 80 342 98 349 178 691 01:00 1 1 2 90 87 177 01:15 2 3 5 65 83 148 01:30 3 1 4 85 84 169 01:45 1 7 1 6 2 13 64 304 90 344 154 648 02:00 0 1 1 71 89 160 02:15 2 0 2 104 108 212 02:30 2 2 4 121 105 226 02:45 3 7 2 5 5 12 107 403 99 401 206 804 03:00 1 2 3 146 99 245 03:15 1 2 3 103 103 206 03:30 3 3 6 124 99 223 03:45 1 6 3 10 4 16 129 502 82 383 211 885 04:00 0 3 3 135 83 218 04:15 1 7 8 128 79 207 04:30 1 7 8 159 94 253 04:45 3 5 12 29 15 34 148 570 83 339 231 909 05:00 0 18 18 163 88 251 05:15 7 31 38 169 88 257 05:30 5 45 50 153 71 224 05:45 7 19 64 158 71 177 128 613 55 302 183 915 06:00 14 71 85 101 52 153 06:15 10 78 88 84 40 124 06:30 11 75 86 82 50 132 06:45 28 63 82 306 110 369 65 332 27 169 92 501 07:00 22 104 126 61 35 96 07:15 24 121 145 64 30 94 07:30 38 131 169 51 21 72 07:45 63 147 146 502 209 649 58 234 18 104 76 338 08:00 55 115 170 38 24 62 08:15 57 135 192 39 11 50 08:30 57 87 144 24 9 33 08:45 46 215 104 441 150 656 28 129 12 56 40 185 09:00 43 86 129 27 11 38 09:15 44 90 134 24 11 35 09:30 34 84 118 16 13 29 09:45 44 165 94 354 138 519 20 87 13 48 33 135 10:00 67 86 153 12 10 22 10:15 49 83 132 6 3 9 10:30 44 89 133 4 7 11 10:45 52 212 77 335 129 547 2 24 3 23 5 47 11:00 43 53 96 1 2 3 11:15 76 82 158 2 2 4 11:30 61 80 141 3 1 4 11:45 65 245 82 297 147 542 1 7 1 6 2 13 TOTALS 1102 2453 3555 3547 2524 6071 SPLIT %31.0% 69.0%36.9%58.4% 41.6%63.1% NB SB EB WB 4,649 4,977 0 0 AM Peak Hour 11:45 07:30 07:30 16:30 14:15 16:30 AM Pk Volume 327 527 740 639 411 992 Pk Hr Factor 0.919 0.902 0.885 0.945 0.951 0.965 7 - 9 Volume 362 943 0 0 1305 1183 641 0 0 1824 7 - 9 Peak Hour 07:45 07:30 07:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 7 - 9 Pk Volume 232 527 0 0 740 639 353 0 0 992 Pk Hr Factor 0.921 0.902 0.000 0.000 0.885 0.945 0.939 0.000 0.000 0.965 VOLUME Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services 13:15 13:30 13:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 16:15 16:30 14:00 14:15 14:30 1/21/2021 14:45 15:00 DAILY TOTALS PM Period 16:45 17:00 17:15 Thursday 17:30 17:45 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 Cannon Rd Bet. Faraday Ave & El Camino Real 21:30 21:45 22:00 Total 9,626 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 DAILY TOTALS 22:15 22:30 22:45 23:00 23:15 23:30 TOTAL 23:45 TOTALS Total 9,626 DAILY TOTALS 21:00 21:15 20:30 4 - 6 Peak Hour 4 - 6 Pk Volume SPLIT % TOTAL Pk Hr Factor PM Peak Hour PM Pk Volume Pk Hr Factor 4 - 6 Volume 20:45 September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Appendix C – Area Trip Distribution Ii \ ~ \ 1 ~ \ ,, ...... <I"'" .. ., , ,,, ' ~\ f".,,,G, 'igc,,, 'Yect1011da ,~·~ "'•~ .. Cfl' ........ McClellan Palomar \\ 9 A1rpor1-Crq ,,..,.,_....,... .. /.,,,. Q The Flower f'lelds ~ ,,, .. l ltmporauly clos~ ,...,, ,,· ~~ ~ BRES~ '\, ./ J " \ 't Alga Norte l'aeoO.,. .. Community \ ~ • \ Park ~ • \ v •. -\I\ " ~-.,, September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Appendix D – Signal Warrant Worksheets California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 5) COUNT DATE ---------- CALC ____ _ DATE ____ _ DIST CO RTE PM CHK ____ _ DATE ____ _ Major St:--------------- Minor St:--------------- Critical Approach Speed Critical Approach Speed ______ mph ______ mph Speed limit or critical speed on major street traffic,,, 40 mph ......................... D } or In built up area of isolated community of< 10,000 population ....................... D □ RURAL(R) URBAN (U) WARRANT 1 -Eight Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED YES □ NO □ (Condition A or Condition B or combination of A and B must be satisfied) Condition A -Minimum Vehicle Volume 100% SATISFIED YES □ NO □ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 80% SATISFIED YES □ NO □ (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) u R u R APPROACH 1 2 or More Ill/Ill H LANES our Both Approaches 500 350 600 420 Major Street (400) (280) (480) (336) Highest Approach 150 105 200 140 Minor Street (120) (84) (160) (112) Condition B -Interruption of Continuous Traffic 100% SATISFIED YES □ NO □ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 80% SATISFIED YES □ NO □ (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) u R u R APPROACH 1 2 or More Ill/Ill H LANES our Both Approaches 750 525 900 630 Major Street (600} (420) (720) (504) Highest Approach 75 53 100 70 Minor Street (60) (42) (80) (56) Combination of Conditions A & B SATISFIED YES □ NO □ REQUIREMENT CONDITION ✓ FULFILLED A. MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME TWO CONDITIONS Yes D No □ SATISFIED 80% AND , B. INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC AND, AN ADEQUATE TRIAL OF OTHER ALTERNATIVES THAT COULD Yes D No 0 CAUSE LESS DELAY AND INCONVENIENCE TO TRAFFIC HAS FAILED TO SOLVE THE TRAFFIC PROBLEMS The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Page 841 Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet {Sheet 2 of 5) WARRANT 2 -Four Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED* YES O NO 0 Record hourly vehicular volumes for any four hours of an average day. 2 or Ill H APPROACH LANES One More our Both Approaches -Major Street Higher Approach -Minor Street *All plotted points fall above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-1. (URBAN AREAS) Yes D No □ OR, All plotted points fall above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-2. (RURAL AREAS) Yes D No □ WARRANT 3 -Peak Hour SATISFIED YES □ NO □ (Part A or Part B must be satisfied) PART A SATISFIED YES □ NO □ (All parts 1, 2, and 3 below must be satisfied for the same one hour, for any four consecutive 15-minute periods) 1. The tota l delay experienced by traffic on one minor street approach (one direction only) controlled by a STOP sign equals or exceeds four vehicle-hours for a one-lane Yes D No D approach, or five vehicle-hours for a two-lane approach; AND 2. The volume on the same minor street approach (one direction only) equals or exceeds Yes D No D 100 vph for one moving lane of traffic or 150 vph for two moving lanes; AND 3. The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds 800 vph for intersections with four or more approaches or 650 vph for intersections with three approaches. Yes D No D PARTB SATISFIED YES O NO 0 2 or H APPROACH LANES One More our Both Approaches -Major Street Higher Approach -Minor Street The plotted point falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-3. (URBAN AREAS) Yes □ No □ OR, The plotted point falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-4. (RURAL AREAS) Yes □ No □ The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Page 842 Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 3 of 5) WARRANT 4 -Pedestrian Volume (Parts 1 and 2 Must Be Satisfied) A. 8. Part 1 (Parts A or B must be satisfied) Hours ---> Vehicles per hour for any 4 hours Pedestrian s per hour for any 4 hours Hours ---> Vehicles per hour for any 1 hour Pedestrians per hour for any 1 hour Part 2 SATISFIED YES O NO 0 Figure 4C-5 or Figure 4C-6 SATISFIED YES O NO 0 Figure 4C-7 or Figure 4C-8 SATISFIED YES O NO 0 SATISFIED YES O NO 0 AND, The distance to the nearest traffic signal along the major street is greater Yes □ No 0 than 300 ft OR, The proposed traffic signal will not restrict progressive traffic flow along the major street. Yes □ No 0 WARRANT 5 -School Crossing (Parts A and B Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES O NO 0 Part A G SATISFIED YES O NO 0 ap/Minutes and # of Children Ho ur Gaps Minutes Children Using Crossing vs Minutes Number of Adequate Gaps G aps < Minutes School Age Pedestrians Crossing Street / hr A ND Children > 20/hr AND, Consideration has been given to less restrictive remedial measures. YES O NO 0 YES O NO 0 Yes D No D Part B SATISFIED YES □ NO □ The distance to the nearest traffic signal along the major street is greater Yes □ No □ than 300 ft QB., The proposed signal will not restrict the progressive movement of traffic. Yes □ No □ The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Page 843 Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 4 of 5) WARRANT 6 -Coordinated Signal System (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES O NO 0 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL .::. 1000 ft N __ ft, s __ ft, E __ ft, w __ ft Yes □ No □ On a one-way street or a street that has traffic predominantly in one direction, the adjacent traffic control signals are so far apart that they do not provide the necessary degree of vehicular platooning. Yes □ No □ ~---------------------------------QR, On a two-way street, adjacent traffic control signals do not provide the necessary degree of platooning and the proposed and adjacent traffic control signals will collectively provide a progressive operation. WARRANT 7 -Crash Experience Warrant (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES O NO 0 Adequate trial of alternatives with satisfactory observance and enforcement has failed to reduce the crash frequency. Yes □ No □ REQUIREMENTS Number of crashes reported within a 12 month period Yes □ No □ susceptible to correction by a traffic signal, and involving injury or damage exceeding the requirements for a reportable crash. -------------------------------------------------SOR MORE REQUIREMENTS CONDITIONS ✓ Warrant 1, Condition A - Minimum Vehicular Volume ONE CONDITION QB., Warrant 1, Condition B -YesO NoO SATISFIED 80% Interruption of Continuous Traffic OR, Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume Condition Ped Vol ?. 80% of Figure 4C-5 through Figure 4C-8 WARRANT 8 -Roadway Network (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES O NO 0 MINIMUM VOLUME ENTERING VOLUMES -ALL APPROACHES ✓ FULFILLED REQUIREMENTS During Typical Weekday Peak Hour Veh/Hr and has 5-year projected traffic volumes that meet one or more 1000 Veh/Hr of Warrants 1, 2, and 3 during an average weekday. Yes □ No □ -------------------------- OR During Each of Any 5 Hrs. of a Sal. or Sun ___ Veh/Hr CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MAJOR MAJOR ROUTE A ROUTEB Hwy. System Serving as Principal Network for Through Traffic --------------------------------- Rural or Suburban Highway Outside Of, Entering, or Traversing a City ~-------------------------------- Appears as Major Route on an Official Plan Any Major Route Characteristics Met, Both Streets YesD No □ The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Page 844 Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 5 of 5) WARRANT 9 -Intersection Near a Grade Crossing (Both Parts A and B Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES O NO 0 PART A A grade crossing exists on an approach controlled by a STOP or YIELD sign and the YesO NoO center of the track nearest to the intersection is within 140 feet of the stop line or yield line on the approach. Track Center Line to Limit Line __ ft PARTS There is one minor street approach lane at the track crossing -During the highest traffic volume hour during which rail traffic uses the crossing, the plotted point falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-9. Major Street -Total of both approaches: __ VPH Minor Street -Crosses the track (one direction only, approaching the intersection): __ VPH X AF (Use Tables 4C-2, 3, & 4 below to calculate AF) = __ VPH -----------------------------------Yes □ No □ QR, There are two or more minor street approach lanes at the track crossing - During the highest traffic volume hour during which rail traffic uses the crossing, the plotted point falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-10. Major Street-Total of both approaches• __ VPH Minor Street -Crosses the track (one direction only, approaching the intersection): __ VPH X AF (Use Tables 4C-2, 3, & 4 below to calcualte AF) = __ VPH The minor street approach volume may be multiplied by up to three following adjustment factors (AF) as described in Section 4C.10. 1-Number of Rail Traffic per Day _____________ Adjustment factor from table 4C-2 __ 2-Percentage of High-Occupancy Buses on Minor Street Approach __ Adjustment factor from table 4C-3 __ 3-Percentage of Tractor-Trailer Trucks on Minor Street Approach ___ Adjustment factor from table 4C-4 __ NOTE: If no data is availate or known, then use AF= 1 (no adjustment) Page 845 Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 5) COUNT DATE ---------- CALC ____ _ DATE ____ _ DIST CO RTE PM CHK ____ _ DATE ____ _ Major St:--------------- Minor St:--------------- Critical Approach Speed Critical Approach Speed ______ mph ______ mph Speed limit or critical speed on major street traffic,,, 40 mph ......................... D } or In built up area of isolated community of< 10,000 population ....................... D □ RURAL(R) URBAN (U) WARRANT 1 -Eight Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED YES □ NO □ (Condition A or Condition B or combination of A and B must be satisfied) Condition A -Minimum Vehicle Volume 100% SATISFIED YES □ NO □ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 80% SATISFIED YES □ NO □ (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) u R u R APPROACH 1 2 or More Ill/Ill H LANES our Both Approaches 500 350 600 420 Major Street (400) (280) (480) (336) Highest Approach 150 105 200 140 Minor Street (120) (84) (160) (112) Condition B -Interruption of Continuous Traffic 100% SATISFIED YES □ NO □ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 80% SATISFIED YES □ NO □ (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) u R u R APPROACH 1 2 or More Ill/Ill H LANES our Both Approaches 750 525 900 630 Major Street (600} (420) (720) (504) Highest Approach 75 53 100 70 Minor Street (60) (42) (80) (56) Combination of Conditions A & B SATISFIED YES □ NO □ REQUIREMENT CONDITION ✓ FULFILLED A. MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME TWO CONDITIONS Yes D No □ SATISFIED 80% AND , B. INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC AND, AN ADEQUATE TRIAL OF OTHER ALTERNATIVES THAT COULD Yes D No 0 CAUSE LESS DELAY AND INCONVENIENCE TO TRAFFIC HAS FAILED TO SOLVE THE TRAFFIC PROBLEMS The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Page 841 Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet {Sheet 2 of 5) WARRANT 2 -Four Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED* YES O NO 0 Record hourly vehicular volumes for any four hours of an average day. 2 or Ill H APPROACH LANES One More our Both Approaches -Major Street Higher Approach -Minor Street *All plotted points fall above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-1. (URBAN AREAS) Yes D No □ OR, All plotted points fall above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-2. (RURAL AREAS) Yes D No □ WARRANT 3 -Peak Hour SATISFIED YES □ NO □ (Part A or Part B must be satisfied) PART A SATISFIED YES □ NO □ (All parts 1, 2, and 3 below must be satisfied for the same one hour, for any four consecutive 15-minute periods) 1. The tota l delay experienced by traffic on one minor street approach (one direction only) controlled by a STOP sign equals or exceeds four vehicle-hours for a one-lane Yes D No D approach, or five vehicle-hours for a two-lane approach; AND 2. The volume on the same minor street approach (one direction only) equals or exceeds Yes D No D 100 vph for one moving lane of traffic or 150 vph for two moving lanes; AND 3. The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds 800 vph for intersections with four or more approaches or 650 vph for intersections with three approaches. Yes D No D PARTB SATISFIED YES O NO 0 2 or H APPROACH LANES One More our Both Approaches -Major Street Higher Approach -Minor Street The plotted point falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-3. (URBAN AREAS) Yes □ No □ OR, The plotted point falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-4. (RURAL AREAS) Yes □ No □ The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Page 842 Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 3 of 5) WARRANT 4 -Pedestrian Volume (Parts 1 and 2 Must Be Satisfied) A. 8. Part 1 (Parts A or B must be satisfied) Hours ---> Vehicles per hour for any 4 hours Pedestrian s per hour for any 4 hours Hours ---> Vehicles per hour for any 1 hour Pedestrians per hour for any 1 hour Part 2 SATISFIED YES O NO 0 Figure 4C-5 or Figure 4C-6 SATISFIED YES O NO 0 Figure 4C-7 or Figure 4C-8 SATISFIED YES O NO 0 SATISFIED YES O NO 0 AND, The distance to the nearest traffic signal along the major street is greater Yes □ No 0 than 300 ft OR, The proposed traffic signal will not restrict progressive traffic flow along the major street. Yes □ No 0 WARRANT 5 -School Crossing (Parts A and B Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES O NO 0 Part A G SATISFIED YES O NO 0 ap/Minutes and # of Children Ho ur Gaps Minutes Children Using Crossing vs Minutes Number of Adequate Gaps G aps < Minutes School Age Pedestrians Crossing Street / hr A ND Children > 20/hr AND, Consideration has been given to less restrictive remedial measures. YES O NO 0 YES O NO 0 Yes D No D Part B SATISFIED YES □ NO □ The distance to the nearest traffic signal along the major street is greater Yes □ No □ than 300 ft QB., The proposed signal will not restrict the progressive movement of traffic. Yes □ No □ The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Page 843 Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 4 of 5) WARRANT 6 -Coordinated Signal System (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES O NO 0 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL .::. 1000 ft N __ ft, s __ ft, E __ ft, w __ ft Yes □ No □ On a one-way street or a street that has traffic predominantly in one direction, the adjacent traffic control signals are so far apart that they do not provide the necessary degree of vehicular platooning. Yes □ No □ ~---------------------------------QR, On a two-way street, adjacent traffic control signals do not provide the necessary degree of platooning and the proposed and adjacent traffic control signals will collectively provide a progressive operation. WARRANT 7 -Crash Experience Warrant (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES O NO 0 Adequate trial of alternatives with satisfactory observance and enforcement has failed to reduce the crash frequency. Yes □ No □ REQUIREMENTS Number of crashes reported within a 12 month period Yes □ No □ susceptible to correction by a traffic signal, and involving injury or damage exceeding the requirements for a reportable crash. -------------------------------------------------SOR MORE REQUIREMENTS CONDITIONS ✓ Warrant 1, Condition A - Minimum Vehicular Volume ONE CONDITION QB., Warrant 1, Condition B -YesO NoO SATISFIED 80% Interruption of Continuous Traffic OR, Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume Condition Ped Vol ?. 80% of Figure 4C-5 through Figure 4C-8 WARRANT 8 -Roadway Network (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES O NO 0 MINIMUM VOLUME ENTERING VOLUMES -ALL APPROACHES ✓ FULFILLED REQUIREMENTS During Typical Weekday Peak Hour Veh/Hr and has 5-year projected traffic volumes that meet one or more 1000 Veh/Hr of Warrants 1, 2, and 3 during an average weekday. Yes □ No □ -------------------------- OR During Each of Any 5 Hrs. of a Sal. or Sun ___ Veh/Hr CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MAJOR MAJOR ROUTE A ROUTEB Hwy. System Serving as Principal Network for Through Traffic --------------------------------- Rural or Suburban Highway Outside Of, Entering, or Traversing a City ~-------------------------------- Appears as Major Route on an Official Plan Any Major Route Characteristics Met, Both Streets YesD No □ The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Page 844 Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 California MUTCD 2014 Edition (FHW A's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 5 of 5) WARRANT 9 -Intersection Near a Grade Crossing (Both Parts A and B Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES O NO 0 PART A A grade crossing exists on an approach controlled by a STOP or YIELD sign and the YesO NoO center of the track nearest to the intersection is within 140 feet of the stop line or yield line on the approach. Track Center Line to Limit Line __ ft PARTS There is one minor street approach lane at the track crossing -During the highest traffic volume hour during which rail traffic uses the crossing, the plotted point falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-9. Major Street -Total of both approaches: __ VPH Minor Street -Crosses the track (one direction only, approaching the intersection): __ VPH X AF (Use Tables 4C-2, 3, & 4 below to calculate AF) = __ VPH -----------------------------------Yes □ No □ QR, There are two or more minor street approach lanes at the track crossing - During the highest traffic volume hour during which rail traffic uses the crossing, the plotted point falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-10. Major Street-Total of both approaches• __ VPH Minor Street -Crosses the track (one direction only, approaching the intersection): __ VPH X AF (Use Tables 4C-2, 3, & 4 below to calcualte AF) = __ VPH The minor street approach volume may be multiplied by up to three following adjustment factors (AF) as described in Section 4C.10. 1-Number of Rail Traffic per Day _____________ Adjustment factor from table 4C-2 __ 2-Percentage of High-Occupancy Buses on Minor Street Approach __ Adjustment factor from table 4C-3 __ 3-Percentage of Tractor-Trailer Trucks on Minor Street Approach ___ Adjustment factor from table 4C-4 __ NOTE: If no data is availate or known, then use AF= 1 (no adjustment) Page 845 Chapter 4C -Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies Part 4 -Highway Traffic Signals November 7, 2014 September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Appendix E – Synchro Reports HCM 6th TWSC 2: Faraday Ave & North Driveway 07/12/2021 Veterans Memorial Prk 06/01/2021 2024 + Project AM Synchro 10 Report DDY Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 1 Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 7 33 175 7 33 384 Future Vol, veh/h 7 33 175 7 33 384 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 50 - Veh in Median Storage, #0 - 0 - - 0 Grade, % 0 - 0 - - 0 Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 8 36 190 8 36 417 Major/Minor Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 683 194 0 0 198 0 Stage 1 194 - - - - - Stage 2 489 - - - - - Critical Hdwy 6.42 6.22 - - 4.12 - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 5.42 - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 5.42 - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.5183.318 - -2.218 - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver415 847 - - 1375 - Stage 1 839 - - - - - Stage 2 616 - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver404 847 - - 1375 - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver404 - - - - - Stage 1 817 - - - - - Stage 2 616 - - - - - Approach WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s10.4 0 0.6 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBT NBRWBLn1 SBL SBT Capacity (veh/h) - - 711 1375 - HCM Lane V/C Ratio - -0.0610.026 - HCM Control Delay (s) - - 10.4 7.7 - HCM Lane LOS - - B A - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.2 0.1 - HCM 6th TWSC 3: Faraday Ave & South Driveway 07/12/2021 Veterans Memorial Prk 06/01/2021 2024 + Project AM Synchro 10 Report DDY Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.7 Movement SEL SET NWT NWR SWL SWR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 20 371 162 7 7 20 Future Vol, veh/h 20 371 162 7 7 20 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 50 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, #- 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 22 403 176 8 8 22 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All 184 0 - 0 627 180 Stage 1 - - - - 180 - Stage 2 - - - - 447 - Critical Hdwy 4.12 - - - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy 2.218 - - -3.5183.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver1391 - - - 447 863 Stage 1 - - - - 851 - Stage 2 - - - - 644 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver1391 - - - 440 863 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 440 - Stage 1 - - - - 837 - Stage 2 - - - - 644 - Approach SE NW SW HCM Control Delay, s0.4 0 10.4 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NWT NWR SEL SETSWLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 1391 - 691 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - -0.016 -0.042 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 7.6 - 10.4 HCM Lane LOS - - A - B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0 - 0.1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 1: Cannon Rd & Faraday Ave 07/12/2021 Veterans Memorial Prk 06/01/2021 2024 + Project AM Synchro 10 Report DDY Page 1 Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 4 1 3 170 1 36 15 269 361 54 650 6 Future Volume (vph) 4 1 3 170 1 36 15 269 361 54 650 6 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 120 0 175 0 240 0 Storage Lanes 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Taper Length (ft) 25 45 100 100 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 Frt 0.949 0.947 0.914 0.999 Flt Protected 0.976 0.950 0.969 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)0 1725 0 1681 1624 0 1770 3235 0 1770 3536 0 Flt Permitted 0.976 0.950 0.969 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 1725 0 1681 1624 0 1770 3235 0 1770 3536 0 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR)3 34 392 1 Link Speed (mph)40 40 50 50 Link Distance (ft)115 323 767 676 Travel Time (s)2.0 5.5 10.5 9.2 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph)4 1 3 185 1 39 16 292 392 59 707 7 Shared Lane Traffic (%)38% Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 8 0 115 110 0 16 684 0 59 714 0 Turn Type Split NA Split NA Prot NA Prot NA Protected Phases 4 4 8 8 5 2 1 6 Permitted Phases Total Split (s)10.0 10.0 26.0 26.0 10.0 34.0 10.0 34.0 Total Lost Time (s)4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Act Effct Green (s)6.1 8.9 8.9 6.1 19.9 6.1 21.8 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.16 0.23 0.23 0.16 0.51 0.16 0.56 v/c Ratio 0.03 0.30 0.28 0.06 0.37 0.21 0.36 Control Delay 19.4 18.1 14.1 21.9 5.4 22.3 9.1 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 19.4 18.1 14.1 21.9 5.4 22.3 9.1 LOS B B B C A C A Approach Delay 19.4 16.1 5.8 10.1 Approach LOS B B A B Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 80 Actuated Cycle Length: 38.9 Control Type: Actuated-Uncoordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.37 Intersection Signal Delay: 9.1 Intersection LOS: A Intersection Capacity Utilization 43.7%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 1: Cannon Rd & Faraday Ave --"i 4+ --"i tf+ --"i tf+ : -·· - Queues 1: Cannon Rd & Faraday Ave 07/12/2021 Veterans Memorial Prk 06/01/2021 2024 + Project AM Synchro 10 Report DDY Page 2 Lane Group EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 8 115 110 16 684 59 714 v/c Ratio 0.03 0.30 0.28 0.06 0.37 0.21 0.36 Control Delay 19.4 18.1 14.1 21.9 5.4 22.3 9.1 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 19.4 18.1 14.1 21.9 5.4 22.3 9.1 Queue Length 50th (ft) 1 13 8 2 12 7 35 Queue Length 95th (ft) 14 87 69 23 82 57 169 Internal Link Dist (ft) 35 243 687 596 Turn Bay Length (ft) 120 175 240 Base Capacity (vph) 273 1032 1010 278 2740 278 2920 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.03 0.11 0.11 0.06 0.25 0.21 0.24 Intersection Summary HCM 6th TWSC 2: Faraday Ave & North Driveway 06/01/2021 Veterans Memorial Prk 06/01/2021 2024 + Project PM Synchro 10 Report DDY Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.7 Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 4 20 372 4 20 198 Future Vol, veh/h 4 20 372 4 20 198 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 50 - Veh in Median Storage, #0 - 0 - - 0 Grade, % 0 - 0 - - 0 Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 4 22 404 4 22 215 Major/Minor Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 665 406 0 0 408 0 Stage 1 406 - - - - - Stage 2 259 - - - - - Critical Hdwy 6.42 6.22 - - 4.12 - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 5.42 - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 5.42 - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.5183.318 - -2.218 - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver425 645 - - 1151 - Stage 1 673 - - - - - Stage 2 784 - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver417 645 - - 1151 - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver417 - - - - - Stage 1 660 - - - - - Stage 2 784 - - - - - Approach WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s11.4 0 0.8 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBT NBRWBLn1 SBL SBT Capacity (veh/h) - - 591 1151 - HCM Lane V/C Ratio - -0.0440.019 - HCM Control Delay (s) - - 11.4 8.2 - HCM Lane LOS - - B A - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.1 0.1 - HCM 6th TWSC 3: Faraday Ave & South Driveway 06/01/2021 Veterans Memorial Prk 06/01/2021 2024 + Project PM Synchro 10 Report DDY Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.5 Movement SEL SET NWT NWR SWL SWR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 12 190 364 4 4 12 Future Vol, veh/h 12 190 364 4 4 12 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 50 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, #- 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 13 207 396 4 4 13 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All 400 0 - 0 631 398 Stage 1 - - - - 398 - Stage 2 - - - - 233 - Critical Hdwy 4.12 - - - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy 2.218 - - -3.5183.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver1159 - - - 445 652 Stage 1 - - - - 678 - Stage 2 - - - - 806 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver1159 - - - 440 652 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 440 - Stage 1 - - - - 671 - Stage 2 - - - - 806 - Approach SE NW SW HCM Control Delay, s0.5 0 11.4 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NWT NWR SEL SETSWLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 1159 - 582 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - -0.011 - 0.03 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 8.1 - 11.4 HCM Lane LOS - - A - B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0 - 0.1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 1: Cannon Rd & Faraday Ave 07/09/2021 Veterans Memorial Prk 06/01/2021 2024 + Project PM Synchro 10 Report DDY Page 1 Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 1 8 352 0 40 3 709 190 27 411 3 Future Volume (vph) 0 1 8 352 0 40 3 709 190 27 411 3 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 0 0 120 0 175 0 240 0 Storage Lanes 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Taper Length (ft) 25 45 100 100 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 Frt 0.878 0.970 0.968 0.999 Flt Protected 0.950 0.962 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)0 1635 0 1681 1651 0 1770 3426 0 1770 3536 0 Flt Permitted 0.950 0.962 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (perm) 0 1635 0 1681 1651 0 1770 3426 0 1770 3536 0 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes Yes Satd. Flow (RTOR)9 143 48 1 Link Speed (mph)40 40 50 50 Link Distance (ft)115 323 767 676 Travel Time (s)2.0 5.5 10.5 9.2 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph)0 1 9 383 0 43 3 771 207 29 447 3 Shared Lane Traffic (%)44% Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 10 0 214 212 0 3 978 0 29 450 0 Turn Type NA Split NA Prot NA Prot NA Protected Phases 4 4 8 8 5 2 1 6 Permitted Phases Total Split (s)10.0 10.0 26.0 26.0 10.0 34.0 10.0 34.0 Total Lost Time (s)4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Act Effct Green (s)6.3 13.1 13.1 6.3 21.5 6.3 23.1 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.13 0.27 0.27 0.13 0.44 0.13 0.47 v/c Ratio 0.05 0.48 0.39 0.01 0.64 0.13 0.27 Control Delay 19.8 22.1 9.9 30.0 14.6 29.7 10.1 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 19.8 22.1 9.9 30.0 14.6 29.7 10.1 LOS B C A C B C B Approach Delay 19.8 16.0 14.7 11.3 Approach LOS B B B B Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 80 Actuated Cycle Length: 48.9 Control Type: Actuated-Uncoordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.64 Intersection Signal Delay: 14.1 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 50.8%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 1: Cannon Rd & Faraday Ave --"i 4+ --"i tf+ --"i tf+ : -·· - Queues 1: Cannon Rd & Faraday Ave 07/09/2021 Veterans Memorial Prk 06/01/2021 2024 + Project PM Synchro 10 Report DDY Page 2 Lane Group EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 10 214 212 3 978 29 450 v/c Ratio 0.05 0.48 0.39 0.01 0.64 0.13 0.27 Control Delay 19.8 22.1 9.9 30.0 14.6 29.7 10.1 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 19.8 22.1 9.9 30.0 14.6 29.7 10.1 Queue Length 50th (ft) 0 37 11 1 67 6 26 Queue Length 95th (ft) 16 162 85 10 283 39 121 Internal Link Dist (ft) 35 243 687 596 Turn Bay Length (ft) 120 175 240 Base Capacity (vph) 217 843 899 227 2373 227 2509 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.05 0.25 0.24 0.01 0.41 0.13 0.18 Intersection Summary September 2021 Transportation Impact Study for Veterans Memorial Park Appendix F – MMLOS Worksheets Existing Bike ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided? Parallel parking with door-side buffered bike lane No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):higher than 35 mph higher than 35 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft) Lane Width (ft) 7 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 0 7 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Faraday Avenue Cannon Road Camino Hills Drive Employment/Transit Connectors 7,700 80 | B NB SCORE | LOS 90 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Existing Ped ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 5 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):higher than 35 mph higher than 35 mph Number of Through Lanes:1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Faraday Avenue Cannon Road Camino Hills Drive Employment/Transit Connectors 7,700 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 85 | B NB SCORE | LOS 85 | B SB SCORE | LOS XD Existing Transit ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Faraday Avenue Cannon Road North Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 7,700 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 0 | F NB SCORE | LOS 0 | F SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). \.Ccityof Carlsbad □ □ □ 0 □ I I D □ □ □ 0 □ I Existing Transit ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Cannon Road South Project Access 0.5 miles south/east of South Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 7,700 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 0 | F NB SCORE | LOS 0 | F SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). C cityof Carlsbad D _______________ _____J □ □ □ □ □ □ 0 0 □ □ I I II I I I I I I I Existing Transit With Improvements ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Faraday Avenue Cannon Road North Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 7,700 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). \.Ccityof Carlsbad 0 □ □ 0 □ I I D 0 □ □ 0 □ I Existing Transit With Improvements ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Cannon Road South Project Access 0.5 miles south/east of South Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 7,700 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). \.Ccityof Carlsbad □ □ □ □ □ I I D □ □ □ □ □ I Existing + Project Bike ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided? Parallel parking with door-side buffered bike lane No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):higher than 35 mph higher than 35 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft) Lane Width (ft) 7 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 0 7 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Faraday Avenue Cannon Road Camino Hills Drive Employment/Transit Connectors 8,400 80 | B NB SCORE | LOS 90 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Existing + Project Ped ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 5 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):higher than 35 mph higher than 35 mph Number of Through Lanes:1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Faraday Avenue Cannon Road Camino Hills Drive Employment/Transit Connectors 8,400 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 85 | B NB SCORE | LOS 85 | B SB SCORE | LOS XD Existing + Project Transit ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Faraday Avenue Cannon Road North Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,400 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 0 | F NB SCORE | LOS 0 | F SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). \.Ccityof Carlsbad □ □ □ 0 □ I I D □ □ □ 0 □ I Existing + Project Transit ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Cannon Road South Project Access 0.5 miles south/east of South Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,400 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 0 | F NB SCORE | LOS 0 | F SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). C cityof Carlsbad D _______________ _____J □ □ □ □ □ □ 0 0 □ □ I I II I I I I I I I Existing + Project Transit With Improvements ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Faraday Avenue Cannon Road North Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,400 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). \.Ccityof Carlsbad 0 □ □ 0 □ I I D 0 □ □ 0 □ I Existing + Project Transit With Improvements ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Cannon Road South Project Access 0.5 miles south/east of South Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,400 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). \.Ccityof Carlsbad □ □ □ □ □ I I D □ □ □ □ □ I Future Bike ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided? Parallel parking with door-side buffered bike lane No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):higher than 35 mph higher than 35 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft) Lane Width (ft) 7 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 0 7 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Faraday Avenue Cannon Road Camino Hills Drive Employment/Transit Connectors 8,000 80 | B NB SCORE | LOS 90 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Future Ped ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 5 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):higher than 35 mph higher than 35 mph Number of Through Lanes:1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Faraday Avenue Cannon Road Camino Hills Drive Employment/Transit Connectors 8,000 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 85 | B NB SCORE | LOS 85 | B SB SCORE | LOS XD Future Transit ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Faraday Avenue Cannon Road North Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,000 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 0 | F NB SCORE | LOS 0 | F SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). {"city of Carlsbad □ □ □ 0 1 □ I i i i l I D □ □ □ 0 □ Future Transit ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Cannon Road South Project Access 0.5 miles south/east of South Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,000 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 0 | F NB SCORE | LOS 0 | F SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). D □ □ □ □ □ □ 0 0 □ □ I I II I I II I I I Future Transit With Improvements ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Faraday Avenue Cannon Road North Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,000 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). {"city of Carlsbad 0 □ □ 0 1 □ I i i i l I D 0 □ □ 0 □ Future Transit With Improvements ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Cannon Road South Project Access 0.5 miles south/east of South Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,000 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). {"city of Carlsbad 0 □ □ 0 1 □ I i i i l I D 0 □ □ 0 □ Future + Project Bike ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) BICYCLE Roadway Direction NB SB * Do the roadway pavement conditions appear to be good (e.g., no pot holes)?Yes Yes * Does bike facility on roadway appear to be free of obstructions (e.g., drainage grates)? Yes Yes * Does the bicycle facility appear to meet MUTCD signing and striping design guidelines?Yes Yes Is on-street parking provided? Parallel parking with door-side buffered bike lane No Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):higher than 35 mph higher than 35 mph Does the bikeway on the study segment and side streets meet and/or exceed the Bicycle Master Plan?Both Both Is there enhanced bicycle detection or video detection provided at intersections?No No Any bicycle racks are provided along segment?No No Bicycle Facility Provided:Bike Lane Bike Lane Lane Width (ft) Lane Width (ft) 7 6 Bicycle Buffer Width (ft)Bicycle Buffer Width (ft) 0 7 Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Bike lanes are striped continuously through the study segment? Yes Yes Faraday Avenue Cannon Road Camino Hills Drive Employment/Transit Connectors 8,700 80 | B NB SCORE | LOS 90 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Future + Project Ped ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) PEDESTRIAN Roadway Direction NB SB * Do pedestrian crossings appear consistent with the CA MUTCD?Yes Yes * Minimum Sidewalk Unobstructed Width in Feet (Minimum ADA unobstructed width requirement is 4'):5 5 * Do sidewalks appear to meet ADA requirements (e.g., cross-slope and trip hazards)?Yes Yes * Do ramps and landings appear to meet ADA requirements?Yes Yes * Do the street light locations appear adequate?Yes Yes Speed limit (miles per hour - mph):higher than 35 mph higher than 35 mph Number of Through Lanes:1 1 Are there 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge? (Include turn lanes in count)Yes Yes Width (ft.) of landscaped buffer between pedestrian facility and vehicle travel way:0' to 2'0' to 2' Does on-street parking or a bike lane provide 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way?Yes Yes Any apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings?No No Are there any permanent speed control devices installed?No No Are there traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width (e.g., bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island)?No No Do crosswalks appear to be high visibility?No No Are there intersection enhancements provided for pedestrians (e.g., pedestrian signal phasing, countdown heads)? No No Are there Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at street crossings?No No Is there pedestrian scale lighting?No No Do active building frontages appear to be present on 80% of street curb line?No No Does the street furniture appear to be oriented towards businesses or attractions?No No Do the street trees appear to provide shade over more than 50% of the sidewalk length?No No Faraday Avenue Cannon Road Camino Hills Drive Employment/Transit Connectors 8,700 *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). 85 | B NB SCORE | LOS 85 | B SB SCORE | LOS XD Future + Project Transit ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Faraday Avenue Cannon Road North Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,700 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 0 | F NB SCORE | LOS 0 | F SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). \.Ccityof Carlsbad □ □ □ 0 □ I I D □ □ □ 0 □ I Future + Project Transit ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Cannon Road South Project Access 0.5 miles south/east of South Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,700 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 0 | F NB SCORE | LOS 0 | F SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). C cityof Carlsbad D _______________ _____J □ □ □ □ □ □ 0 0 □ □ I I II I I I I I I I Future + Project Transit With Improvements ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Faraday Avenue Cannon Road North Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,700 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). \.Ccityof Carlsbad 0 □ □ 0 □ I I D 0 □ □ 0 □ I Future + Project Transit With Improvements ROADWAY INFO Roadway Name From To Street Typology from Mobility Element _ Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume (2-way total) TRANSIT Roadway Direction NB SB * Transit stop amenities available: Do the sidewalks or path to the transit stop appear to be ADA compliant?Yes Yes Do multiple transit routes stop on the study segment?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes Do any of the routes provide a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub?Yes Yes * Closest distance to existing transit stop:1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk to bus/rail What type of transit priority is present?None present None present Headways between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays:30 minutes 30 minutes Is there commute shuttle service provided during the morning and afternoon commute periods?No No On weekends, are the headways no more than 1 hour headways between 9 am-5 pm?Yes Yes Is there bike parking available at the bus stop?No No Is the bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop?No No * Is area governed by an adopted TDM ordinance that will promote ridesharing and/or the use of non-auto modes?No No * Are On Demand rideshare services available? * Is the study segment within FLEX service area? Cannon Road South Project Access 0.5 miles south/east of South Project Access Employment/Transit Connectors 8,700 Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users Covered Bus Stop Bench Well-lit Stops Trash Cans Stop located within a block of commercial users 100 | A NB SCORE | LOS 100 | A SB SCORE | LOS X *Indicates an essential feature that strongly supports and promotes the goals identifed in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). \.Ccityof Carlsbad □ □ □ □ □ I I D □ □ □ □ □ I Balancing the Natural and Built Environment www.Psomas.com In Reply Refer to: FWS-SDG-2022-0032971 April 27, 2022 Sent Electronically Rosanne Humphrey Senior Program Manager Habitat Management Division City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Habitat Management Plan Minor Amendment Request: Equivalency Findings for the Veterans’ Park (APN 2122710300) Dear Rosanne Humphreys: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has reviewed your March 16, 2022, request for a minor amendment to the City of Carlsbad’s (City) Habitat Management Plan (HMP) for a hardline preserve modification for the Veterans’ Memorial Park (park) parcel. We reviewed the equivalency findings for the proposed hardline modification for consistency with the City’s HMP based on information provided in the City’s request. The 93.62‐acre city-owned park parcel is located southeast of the Faraday Avenue/Whitman Way intersection in the City (APN 2122710300). The project site consists mainly of 40.06 acres of non‐native grassland, 48.11 acres of coastal sage scrub, and 2.14 acres of southern maritime chaparral (Table 1; Figure 1). Per the City’s HMP, 50.26 acres of the parcel was to be developed as a park and the remaining 43.36 acres (including 35.68 acres of coastal sage scrub, 2.12 acres of southern maritime chaparral and 4.71 acres of non-native grassland) was to be within the City's HMP hardline preserve. The proposed park design includes two distinct areas (north and south) which transition through passive uses and open space to a prominent memorial element at the high point of the site (Figure 1). The design also includes new trails in the hardline preserve consistent with the HMP. All new trails were over-laid on previously disturbed areas as much as possible to reduce impacts to sensitive habitat. The north side of the park will be accessed via a primary entrance on Faraday Avenue and via a neighborhood trail on Whitman Way. Access to the south side of the park will be located near the underpass at Faraday Avenue. EXHIBIT 6 United States Department of the Interior U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Ecological Services Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office 2177 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, California 92008 U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE ~ .,·''~ Rosanne Humphrey (FWS-SDG-2022-0032971) 2 Table 1. Vegetation Communities and Other Areas. Vegetation Communities of Other Land Cover Project Site (acres) Development Portion (acres) Impacts (acres) Existing Hardline Preserve (acres) Coastal sage scrub 48.11 12.43 0.94 35.68 Southern maritime chaparral 2.14 0.01 0.01 2.12 Oak woodland 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.12 Riparian scrub 0.19 0.19 0.10 0.00 Non-native grassland 40.06 35.35 35.29 4.71 Disturbed habitat 1.70 1.08 1.70 0.62 Ornamental 1.24 1.13 0.77 0.11 Urban/Developed 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 Total 93.63 50.26 38.81 43.36 Sensitive habitat within the project site was identified early on in project design and has been avoided to the extent feasible. However, in order to maximize use of the shallower sloped terrain near Faraday Avenue and to establish trails allowed by the HMP, the project proposes a loss of 3.36 acres of the HMP hardline preserve (Figure 1). The project proposes to offset this loss by adding 12.86 acres to the HMP hardline preserve, for a net gain of 9.5 acres (including net gain of 9.93 acres of coastal sage scrub and 0.09 acre of riparian scrub, and net loss of 0.52 acre of disturbed/non-native grassland) (Table 2). In addition, 1.88 acres of disturbed/non-native grassland added to the hardline preserve will be restored to coastal sage scrub to mitigate for 0.94-acre of unavoidable impacts and connect the coastal sage scrub island to the coastal sage scrub to the east (Figure 2). Table 2. HMP Hardline Modification Vegetation Community Loss (acres) Gain (acres) Net (acres) Coastal sage scrub 0.20 10.13 9.93 Riparian scrub 0.00 0.09 0.09 Disturbed/non-native grassland 3.16 2.64 -0.52 TOTAL 3.36 12.86 9.50 The proposed hardline preserve modification meets equivalency findings for a minor amendment (as outlined in section E.3.A. of the HMP and section 20.1 of the HMP Implementing Agreement), in that: 1. The correction does not involve any revisions to HMP operations or implementation. No changes to the HMP operations or implementations are being proposed. Rosanne Humphrey (FWS-SDG-2022-0032971) 3 2.The correction does not produce any adverse effects on the environment that arenew or significantly different from those previously analyzed. This hardline preservemodification would result in a net gain of 9.5 acres to the HMP hardline preserve,including a net gain of 9.93 acres of coastal sage scrub, and 1.88 acres of non‐nativehabitat to be restored to coastal sage scrub for project mitigation. 3.The project would not result in additional take not previously analyzed. The project would not result in additional take of the coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) or any other covered species beyond that previously analyzedin the City’s HMP. 4.The correction would not reduce the acreage or quality of the habitat in the HMP.This hardline preserve modification would result in a net gain of 9.5 acres to the HMP hardline preserve, including a net gain of 9.93 acres of coastal sage scrub, and 1.88acres of non‐native habitat to be restored to coastal sage scrub for project mitigation. Based on the above, the Service concurs with the equivalency finding for the proposed hardline modification associated with the Veterans Park parcel and have determined that the minor amendment is consistent with the City’s HMP. We appreciate the City’s efforts to ensure consistency with the HMP. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Janet Stuckrath1 at 760-431-9440, extension 270. Sincerely, Jonathan D. Snyder Assistant Field Supervisor LITERATURE CITED PSOMAS. 2022. Veterans Memorial Park project draft biological technical report. Prepared for the City of Carlsbad, Parks and Recreation Department. 1 Janet_Stuckrath@fws.gov for Rosanne Humphrey (FWS-SDG-2022-0032971) 4 Figure 1. Project Impacts and Hardline Gain and Loss (Source: PSOMAS 2022). lmpactft.rea Buffer Impact ft.rea New Trail Existing Hardline Special status Species e summer holly ■ Nuttall's scrub oak A loggerhead shrike * Coastal California Gnatcatcher Vegetation Types and other Areas D Non-native Grassland D Non-native Grassland' • Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub D Southern Maritime Chaparral • Oak \1\/oodland D Ornamental D Riparian Scrub • Disturbed Land D Urban/Developed ffiill Poinsettia 61 CSS Restoration 'Note. Grassland hasahighcoverofnativeherbs Project Impacts Veterans Memorial Park wi• 300 150 300 Feet Exhibit 5 ■ Rosanne Humphrey (FWS-SDG-2022-0032971) 5 Figure 2. Onsite Restoration Area (Source: PSOMAS 2022). I I (°Cityof Carlsbad Peru& Rec:fea\lOl'I ~ On Site Mitigation Area Veterans Memorial Park "'" '"' __ -: :, :· ~ :~~ ~~=; __ <ol;. 6~~~ .. A_ ~OES, ·=~ 070 ¼ .. ~Jr.::7-~:::z--~~;_·: z"-c·:-:::r . ..,.-· .::; ... _. ........... """"'·-"'-"" ~,::,-,c,. 0-·----- 0....,.::;::~:~ rmm •~w~w~•".'-;_ -~ ~ [?5-~:~:, £"--EJEJ :··:;,D--· .,, ~ ~ E5'El _.:=·-~ ,--.. ,-.. ··--.. --,~--·· Ew _-_,.:.:.---·-·--- S<:iurct: IIJM OMql ~, 2022 Exhibit 8 31591 Camino CapistranoSan Juan Capistrano, CA 92675www.RJMdesigngroup.com[949] 493-2690 fax[949] 493-2600 phoneSignatureRenewal DateDateLARRYP.RYANLICENSEN O .2 5 0 2 LICENSEDLANDSCAPEARCH IT E CT S T ATEOFCALIFORNIAVETERANS MEMORIAL PARKCIP 460940VETERANS MEMORIAL PARKCITY OF CARLSBAD, CAPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENTCIP 4609TITLE SHEET1SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: TOPOGRAPHY SHOHN ON THES PLANS V'IAS PREPARED BY PSOMAS USING A COMBINATION OF FIXED HING $ sUAV PHOTOGRAMMETRY SUPPLEMENTED WITH CONVENTIONAL FIELD SURVEY FOR HAR.DSC.APE CURB $ GUTTER METHODS. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY HAS CAPTURED ON JANUARY 2"!, 201"! $ CONVENTIONAL FIELD SURVEY DATE HAS COLLECTED ON FEBRUARY I, 201"1. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN HEREON 15 IN CONFORMANCE WITH FGDC GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS, PART 4. PROJECT LOCATION THIS PROJECT 15 LOCATED WITHIN ACCESSORS PARCEL NUMBER 212-211-03-00. THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE INDEX OF THIS PROJECT 15 1"!83, CC.583, ZONE 6, (EPOCH I"!"!"!."! 2) BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION, THE ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE CALIFORNIA ORTHOMETRIC HEIGHTS OF 1"!88 (NAVD88) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RESOURCE CODE SECTIONS 88"!0-8"!02; SAID ELEVATIONS ARE BASED LOCALLY UPON FIELD-OBSERVED TIES TO THE FOLLOWING CALIFORNIA SPATIAL REFERENCE NETWORK, OR EQUIVALENT STATIONS, REFERENCED STATIONS CONNECTED PER ROS 11211, 105, 10"!, 58, 51, 56, 130. BASIS OF COORDINATES BASED UPON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM OF 1"!83, CC.583, ZONE 6, (EPOCH l"!"!"!."12), REFERENCED STATIONS CONNECTED PER ROS 11211, 105, 10"!, 58, 51, 56, 130. Ccicyof Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department LOCATION MAP: THE CR0551N65 GOLF COURSE LEGOLAND PALOMAR AIRPORT RD GOVERNING AGENCIES 4 UTILITY CONTACTS: UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (800)221-2600 GAS $ ELECTRICITY SAN DIEGO GAS $ ELECTRIC 4120 OCEANSIDE BLVD. #215 OCEANSIDE, CA "!2054 EMERGENCY: (800)411-1343 NEW SERVICE, (811)18"!-"!866 CABLE TELEVISION SPECTRUM 5120 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA "!2008 (160)"131-1000 WATER$ RECYCLED WATER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 5"!50 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA "!2008 (160)438-2122 SEWER CITY OF CARLSBAD 5"!50 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA "!2008 (160)438-2122 STORM WATER CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA "!2008 HOTLINE, (160)602-21"!"! --·· GROUP MDESIGN SCHOOL DISTRICT CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 6225 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA "!200"1 (160)331-5000 TELEPHONE AT$T NEW PHONE: (800)310-2355 ENGINEERING CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA "!2008 (160)602-2100 INSPECTION: (160)602-2125 FIRE CITY OF CARLSBAD 2560 ORION HAY CARLSBAD, CA "!2008 (160)"!31-2141 POLICE CITY OF CARLSBAD 2560 ORION HAY CARLSBAD, CA "!2008 (160)"!31-2131 CITY COUNCIL MATT HALL -MAYOR KEITH BLACKBURN -MAYOR PRO TEM TERESA ACOSTA -COUNCIL MEMBER PRIYA BHAT-PATEL -COUNCIL MEMBER PEDER NORBY -COUNCIL MEMBER SCOTT CHADWICK -CITY MANAGER KYLE LANCASTER -PARKS$ RECREATION DIRECTOR PROJECT DIRECTORY: OHNER, CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS BARBARA KENNEDY $ RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS PLANNING 1"1"! PINE AVENUE, SUITE 200 BARBARA.KENNEDY@CARLSBADCA.GOV CARLSBAD, CA "!2008 PHONE, (160)434-2826 PRIME CONSULTANT: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: RJM DESIGN GROUP, INC. LARRY RYAN, LLA 315"!1 CAMINO CAPISTRANO PRINCIPAL SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA "!2615 LARRYR@RJMDESIGNGROUP.COM PHONE, ("14"!) 4"!3-2600 CONTACT: ERIC CHASTAIN, LLA ERIC@RJMDESIGNGROUP.COM DESIGN CONSULT ANTS: CIVIL ENGINEER, IRRIGATION DESIGNER, c:.lvTEC GLASIR DESIGN "!"!"! CORPORATE DRIVE, SUITE 100 424 NEW JERSEY LANE LADER.A RANCH, CA "!26"!4 PLACENTIA, CA "!2810 PHONE, ("!4"!)463-8822 PHONE, (114)514-"!380 CONTACT: TOM CAR.CELLI, PE, QSD CONTACT: CHRIS CURRY TEC@CIVTEC.NET CHRIS@GLASIRDESIGN.COM VICINITY MAP: SHEET INDEX: CITY OF OCEA IDE CITY BOUNDARY I. TITLE SHEET 2. SITE PLAN 3. FENCING $ CIRCULATION PLAN 4. TRAIL DETAILS 5. CROSS SECTIONS BUEN VISTA , LAGOON\ i i ! i I n. i,_,._ .. J I 6. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT -INDEX MAP 1. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 8. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT "!. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT ·,. AGUA ~~ -~..J HEDIONDA CANNON RD. FARADAY AVE. \ BATIQUITOS LAGOON SCALE, N.T.5. 10. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT II. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 12. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 13. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 14. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 15. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 16. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 11. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 18. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT I"!. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 20. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 21. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 22. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 23. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 24. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 25. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 26. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT 21. CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT -DETAILS 28. STREETS $ UTILITIES PLAN 2"!. NORTH PARKING AREA PLAN 2"1A. NORTH SIGHT LINE/PRELIMINARY STRIPING* BO. SOUTH PARKING AREA PLAN BOA. SOUTH SIGHT LINE/PRELIMINARY STRIPING* ~(-*)_D_E_NO-TE_S_A_D_D_E_D_S_H_E_E-TS~ 31. FAMILY BICYCLE PARK PLAN TO SHEET INDEX $ OVERALL 32. RECYCLED HATER USE EXHIBIT PROJECT PACKAGE. 33. HYDROZONE EXHIBIT ~---------~ 34. CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN 35. FLOOR PLAN -NORTH BUILDING 'A' 36. BUILDING ELEVATIONS -NORTH BUILDING 'A' 31. BUILDING PLANS -NORTH BUILDING 'B' 38. BUILDING ELEV. -NORTH BUILDINGS 'A'$ 'B' SUMMARY TABLE: 3"!. FLOOR PLAN -SOUTH BUILDING 40.BUILDING ELEVATIONS -SOUTH BUILDING PROJECT ADDRESS, INTERSECTION OF FARADAY AVENUE 4 WHITMAN WAY CARLSBAD, CA "!2008 ACCESSORS PARCEL NUMBER, 212-211-03-00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION, LOT 10 OF CITY OF CARLSBAD CT 0"!-03, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 15"!02 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON MARCH 4, 2013. I. SITE ACREAGE, "!3.102 ACRES (INCLUDES MAC.ARIO CANYONNETERANS MEMORIAL PARK HMP PRESERVE AREA) *ACREAGE DESIGNED FOR PARK DEVELOPMENT: 50.25 ACRES 2. EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION II ZONING, OPEN SPACE 3. EXISTING II PROPOSED LAND USE, OPEN SPACE 4. TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE, 0.1% 5. BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE, 2,612 SF 6. PERCENT OF SITE TO BE LANDSCAPED, 51."!% 1. NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES, NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES, 10"! TOTAL SPACES -NORTH PARKING LOT: 12 SPACES (60 STANDARD SPACES; 12 ADA SPACES) -SOUTH PARKING LOT: 31 SPACES (35 STANDARD SPACES; 2 ADA SPACES) NUMBER OF ON-STREET PARKING SPACES: 100 SPACES 8. AREA OF THE SITE WHICH 15 UNDEVELOPABLE PER ZONING ORD. SEC. 21.53.230: 43.5 ACRES "!. AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC, 8"!3 WEEKDAY DAILY TRIPS, 132 PEAK HOUR TRIPS 10. PROPOSED (DOMESTIC) WATER DEMANDS: 6 GPM II. PROPOSED SEWER GENERATION, 3 EDU 12. PROPOSED DRAINAGE DISCHARGE, 2 YR. STORM EVENT -66.38 CFS 25 YR. STORM EVENT -116.80 CFS 50 YR. STORM EVENT -128.01 CFS 100 YR. STORM EVENT -150.4"! CFS 13. MASTER DRAINAGE BASIN, BASIN B -AGUA HEDIONDA 14. CLIMATE ACTION PLAN (CAP) COMPLIANCE: ,---------i=::==:=:=::::::::::=:=:::=::==:=:=::::::::::::::;-;==:::::::::::;-, A. CONSISTENT HITH EXISTING GENERAL I SHEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I PLAN LAND USE $ ZONING: YES PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT -GHG STUDY REQUIRED, YES B. ENERGY EFFICIENT REQUIREMENT, YES C. PHOTOVOLTAIC REQUIREMENT: NO D. EV CHARGING REQUIREMENT: -6 EV CHARGERS; 6 EV READY NORTH LOT, 2 ADA, 6 STD. SOUTH LOT: I ADA, 5 STD. E. HOT WATER HEATING REQUIREMENT, YES F. TRAFFIC DEMAND MANAGEMENT REQUIRED: YES CALL: 811 Tli'IO il'IORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG DATE PREPARED: 02/16/2022 ~----~I ~I __ P_R_O-JE-CT-NO_._~I DRAWING NO. ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTR ICVEHICLEPAR K I N G ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTRIC VEHICLE PARK INGONLY ELECTRIC VEHICLE PARKINGONLY ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTRIC VEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTRICVEHICLE PARKINGONLYELECTRICVEHICLEPARKING ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKING ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536374445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869704342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171234567891011121314151672XXXXXXXX X X X XXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXX XXXX X X X X X XXXXXXXXX X X71VAN VAN VANVAN VAN VAN 31591 Camino CapistranoSan Juan Capistrano, CA 92675www.RJMdesigngroup.com[949] 493-2690 fax[949] 493-2600 phoneSignatureRenewal DateDateLARRYP.RYANLICENSEN O .2 5 0 2 LICENSEDLANDSCAPEARCH IT E CT S T ATEOFCALIFORNIAVETERANS MEMORIAL PARKCIP 460940SITE PLANWHITMAN WAYFARADAY AVENUEPARK AREAS LEGENDCONSTRUCTION LEGENDBOUNDARY LEGEND2~ .</Cc"">//~~s:~i-T,, ---' Ccicyof Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department -' ""<::o -----<-.~ ( \~ 0 ~ ---~--:.,,.,"-""-__ ....,/,._,, ----:-.----~ --~ . -------__ , -_)> ----~' ____ >~ ___ / _,,--~=-~---:~ -==-_-;;~ff· ' --' ' .'/ I ii" -~::.:· ----/.::, __ -----1-... ' ~ ' ,J I <_I> ) -r,-..l..... ' 0 VETERANS MEMORIAL. PL.A2A 0 COMMUNITY GATHERING AREA 0 etJIL.DING (:2POOsr) i-1lth PAVILION, RESTROOM, 4 CATERING SUPPORT ROOM 0 PL.AY AREAS @ INCLUSIVE PLAYGROUND @ RUSTIC, NATURE-INSPIRED PLAYGROUND €) YOUNG KIDS PLAYGROUND © 0 0 0 0 G 0 YOGA 4 PASSIVE RELAXATION AREA NATIVE SARDENS PICNIC AREAS ADA PATHHAY NORTH PARKINS AREA (1:2 TOTAL. STAL.L.S, 12 ADA) HATER GUAL.ITY TREATMENT AREAS PUBLIC ART / -·-. ( ' ' \ I ,' ' \ " ,-----__ ,f / / =--/,,/ ,,-,' __ .j ( ' ( / ( r -, ? / ------~----,,,-·1 -' ; I_ i \-.l....-'------0 0 0 0 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 0 © @ e INTERPRETIVE SARDEN RESTROOM (1,:200..r) FAMIL. Y-ORIENTED BIKE PARK MUL. Tl-GENERATIONAL. OUTDOOR FITNESS AREA OUTDOOR EDUC.ATION AREA SOUTH PARKING AREA ('Bi TOTAL. STAL.L.S, :2 ADA) FITNESS CL.IMB FITNESS RUN ENTRY PL.A2A TO BIKE PARK DESAL. RECEIVER PIT EXISTING eus STOP WITH NEW LANDING PAD 4 BENCH MAINTENANCE AREA OVERLOOK AREA BIKE PARK SPEC.TATOR AREA FARADAY AVENUE UNDER.CROSSING CONSTRUCT, INTERNAL. PATHHAY (PERMEABLE) CONCRETE SIDEY'lAL.K (VEHICULAR RATED) FITNESS RUN (e,' WIDE, PERMEABLE) DECORATIVE CONCRETE DECORATIVE PAVING RESILIENT SURFACING (PERMEABLE) VEHICULAR A5PHAL. T DRIVE AISL.ES VEHICULAR PARKING STAL.L.S (ASPHAL. T PAVING) BIKE PARK SURFACE (DIRT TRACK MIX) RETAINING HAL.LS PROPOSED MONUMENT SIGN (BY SEPARATE PERMIT) CONTROL.LED PARK ACCESS POINTS (DECORATIVE PAVING W CONC. BAND) MUL. Tl-USE PERIMETER TRAIL. CONCRETE SIDEY'lAL.K (NON-VEHICULAR) :20' HABITAT etJFFER HABITAT MANAGEMENT PL.AN BOUNDARY O' 50' 100' 200' UNDEReROUND SERVICE ALERT CALL: 811 Tli'IO il'IORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG I SHEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I SHEETS I ~-----~I l~--P-R-0-JE_C_T-NO_._~~D-R_A_W_IN_G_N_O~. X XX X XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTR ICVEHICLEPAR K I N G ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTRIC VEHICLE PARK INGONLY ELECTRIC VEHICLE PARKINGONLY ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTRIC VEHICLEPARKINGONLYXXXXXXXXXXX ELECTRICVEHICLE PARKINGONLYELECTRICVEHICLEPARKING ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKING ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY ELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY XXX XXXXXXX X X X X X 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536374445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869704342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171234567891011121314151672XXXXXX X X XXXX XXX XXXXXXXX X X X XXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXX XXXX X X X X X XXXXXXXXX X XX XX X X XXXXXXXXX X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X 71XVAN VAN VANVAN VAN VAN XXXXXXXXXX31591 Camino CapistranoSan Juan Capistrano, CA 92675www.RJMdesigngroup.com[949] 493-2690 fax[949] 493-2600 phoneSignatureRenewal DateDateLARRYP.RYANLICENSEN O .2 5 0 2 LICENSEDLANDSCAPEARCH IT E CT S T ATEOFCALIFORNIAVETERANS MEMORIAL PARKCIP 460940FENCING & CIRCULATION PLANWHITMAN WAYFARADAY AVENUELEGEND3THO-Y>lAY LEFT. 11.JRN LANE 1. Ccicyof Carlsbad \ () I u I c, I_ ~--• I '::..,,__ ___ ./ Parks & Recreation Department • .• I • / -1 I ·., ' • I • ! ~ -V-! ,,,-------, ,,-_:: :1 < .. / / ,L· .. f. / / --~_/_-~-_-_/ . ;.;: / -· efl: / i ·. 1 ' I I i i__ I Ill\ t ·-_ , i 'I ' 1 lli,1 __ -\ -o ~ 1. I -,__ I ! ' i ' / ' ,, . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' / ,/ I I I ~ ,/ . '_-,., __ ',, ON-STREET PARKINe APPROX. 4<f PARALLEL STALLS E3ETYSEEN NORTH 4 SOUTH PARKINe AREAS ALONG FARADAY AVENUE •• GROUP MDESIGN IL DETA~ C,-C,/ --I I THO-vsAY LEFT 11.JRN LANE I I / -I / I I I ' \ I 0 -_ _..--I 1. -. ------( ~ ! i /.~ \\\, I ">< ~/ ' ' ' I ( i I I I I I I ' -1 ' I I I ! ! ' I I I ' _,,, I ' I ' I I_ ( I I I I 16 ~ 01< v_,, :1,t '.s ;s,_ ~4~ \.'S' ~,,. ON-STREET PARKING 51+ PARALLEL STALLS SOUTH OF PARKING AREA ALONG FARADAY AVENUE / -' ! ' ' ,--' ( I ) ~1!· f } I I ; I, I ( / I ! ( ( ) i' --• I I ; I I !\ \j\ -I ( I • I I' I' I j I I I I I I I ; I 1. ( I --~ t. J5ETAlt.. ") e---I? i II I ' I I ! I I: I ' ' I I\ , '1 I ----. I I I I I_ ' I ' I ' RETAININtS WALLS POST 4 RAIL PERIMETER FENC.E o' TALL SEC.URITY FENC.E (AROUND BIKE PARK) MAINTENANC.E AC.C.E55 tSATES HABITAT FENc.E EXISTINe :,-vl!IRE HABITAT FENC.E TO REMAIN AC.C.ESSISLE PATHWAY (LESS THAN 5% SLOPE) ON-STREET PARKINtS NOTE, HMP BOUNDARY LINE .$ 20' HABITAT SUFFER LINE INTENTIONALLY TURNED OFF TO C.LEARL Y DELINEATE FENC.INtS 4 C.IRc.ULATION LINEvl!ORK. UNDERGROUND SERVIC.E ALERT CALL: 811 Tv>lO VSORKING DAYS E3EFORE YOU Dl<5 I SHEET I O' 50' 100' 200' CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I SHEETS I 11 PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 31591 Camino CapistranoSan Juan Capistrano, CA 92675www.RJMdesigngroup.com[949] 493-2690 fax[949] 493-2600 phoneSignatureRenewal DateDateLARRYP.RYANLICENSEN O .2 5 0 2 LICENSEDLANDSCAPEARCH IT E C T S TATEOFCALIFORNIAVETERANS MEMORIAL PARKCIP 460940TRAIL DETAILS4('cicyof Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department HHP PRESERVE POST 4 RAIL PERIMETER FENGE HAINTENANGE STRIP/ PLANTING BUFFER • UNDISTURBED POST 4 RAIL PERI HETER FENGE HAINTENANGE STRIP/ PLANTING BUFFER 20' BUFFER GRADED 111 2' 14' Y'IIDE HUL Tl-USE TRAIL .t-r--------~----..:..___:=--=..:..___::..=..:...:........::==~...::.....:'..'.::..._ ___ ___J.... GRADED (I t-·\:, Z} 3/02/2022 -20' BUFFER HABITAT FENGE • UNDISTURBED HHP PRESERVE TRAIL V\llTHIN 201 BUFFER AREA HABITAT FENGE HHP PRESERVE UNDISTURBED C-C TRAIL OUTSIDE OF BUFFER AREA HABITAT FENGE 20' BUFFER UNDISTURBED HHP PRESERVE UNDER.eROUND SERVICE ALERT CALL: 811 TV'lO 1-'lORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG I SHEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 11 PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. 31591 Camino CapistranoSan Juan Capistrano, CA 92675www.RJMdesigngroup.com[949] 493-2690 fax[949] 493-2600 phoneSignatureRenewal DateDateLARRYP.RYANLICENSEN O .2 5 0 2 LICENSEDLANDSCAPEARCH IT E CT S T ATEOFCALIFORNIAVETERANS MEMORIAL PARKCIP 460940CROSS SECTIONSSECTION C-C'SECTION B-B'SECTION A-A'CC'B'BAA'5l'l (D < 0 ,-+--• 0 =, l'l (D 80.0 70.0 60.0 3 120.0 ,-+-l'l (D < 0 ,-+-0 =, 11 0. 0 130.0 Ccicyof Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department FARADAY AVE. TRAVEL LANE CURB ADJ. SIDEJ/'!ALK I ;-• ! 6' TALL SECURITY FENCE (AROUND BIKE PARK) FAMILY-ORIENTED BIKE PARK (FOR REFERENCE) 8' MUL Tl-USE PERIMETER TRAIL LANDSCAPED SLOPE DOY'IN TO FARADAY AVENUE ROY'! FARADAY AVE. (ON-STREET PARKINe) CURB ADJ. SIDEY'IALK 14' MUL Tl-USE PERIMETER TRAIL 1' 1' tj TRAIL EDGE RETAINING J/'!ALL (BO" MAX. HEleHT) LANDSCAPED SLOPE DOY'IN TO FARADAY AVENUE ROY'! *150.00---CONCRETE v-eUTTER 12' LANDSCAPED SLOPE HABITAT FENCE 1' 6' CONCRETE SIDEJ/'!ALK RETAININe Ji'!ALL Y'IITH eUARDRAIL VINE OR CASCADING SHRUB TO SC.REEN J/'!ALL CONCRETE v-eUTTER RETAINING J/'!ALL (BO" MAX. HEleHT) CONCRETE v-euTTER 1' 14' MUL Tl-USE PERIMETER TRAIL 20' HABITAT SUFFER O' CONCRETE CURB $ eUTTER , .. •-i,--, ---= '\-<~_!__ !( VEHICULAR ASPHALT DRIVE AISLE AT NORTH PARKINe AREA VEHICULAR PARKINe STALL *132.0 . • 10' INTERNAL PATHJ/'!AY CONCRETE v-eUTTER TRAIL EDeE PRESERVED HABITAT 4' e,• • UNDEReROUND SERVICE ALERT , --:•,, CALL: 811 TY'IO J,,IORKINe DAYS BEFORE YOU Die I SHEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I SHEETS I ~-----~I ~I __ P_R_O-JE_C_T-NO_._~I DRAWING NO. LP GB GB GBHPGB GB 0 60 120 240 SCALE: 1" = 120' S EFARADAY AVE . WHITMAN WAY F A RA DA Y A V E N U E CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT - INDEX MAP VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 6 SHEET C-1.01 SHEET C-1.03 SHEET C-1.02 SHEET C-1.04 SHEET C-1.08 SHEET C-1.05 SHEET C-1.09 SHEET C-1.06 SHEET C-1.07 SHEET C-1.12 SHEET C-1.11 SHEET C-1.10 SHEET C-1.13 SHEET C-1.14 SHEET C-1.15 SHEET C-1.16 SHEET C-1.17 SHEET C-1.19 SHEET C-1.20 SHEET C-1.18 THIS CALCULATION DOES NOT INCLUDE SOILS FROM BUILDING OR WALL FOOTINGS, NOR ANY UTILITY TRENCHING. THIS CALCULATION ASSUMES: ·SHRINKAGE OF 10% TO 16% - USE 13% ·SUBSIDENCE OF 0.1-FEET ·REMOVALS PER THE SOILS REPORT INCLUDE 5-FEET BELOW THE BUILDINGS AND 1-FOOT BELOW THE SIDEWALKS CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE SOILS REPORT FOR STATEMENTS CONCERNING GRADING REQUIREMENTS. PARK AREAS LEGEND FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION FLOOD ZONE DESIGNATION: ZONE X (AREAS OUTSIDE OF 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN) MAP NO.:06073C0768G PANEL NO.:768 OF 2375 EFFECTIVE DATE:MAY 16, 2012 NOTE: EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY PSOMAS BY AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY AND FIELD SURVEY. BENCHMARK THE ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE CALIFORNIA ORTHOMETRIC HEIGHTS OF 1988 (NAVD88) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTIONS 8890-8902; SAID ELEVATIONS ARE BASED LOCALLY UPON FIELD-OBSERVED TIES TO THE FOLLOWING CALIFORNIA SPATIAL REFERENCE NETWORK, OR EQUIVALENT STATIONS: REFERENCED STATIONS CONNECTED PER ROS 17271: 105,109,58,57,56,130 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LOCAL GEODETIC CONTROL FROM RECORD OF SURVEY 17271 INDICATES THAT NAVD88 MINUS NGVD29 IN THE AREA OF THIS PROJECT EQUALS 2.17 FEET. BASIS OF BEARINGS THE COORDINATES SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM OF 1983, CCS83, ZONE 6, (EPOCH 1999.92) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTIONS 8801-8819; SAID COORDINATES ARE BASED LOCALLY UPON FIELD-OBSERVED TIES TO THE FOLLOWING CALIFORNIA SPATIAL REFERENCE NETWORK, OR EQUIVALENT STATIONS: REFERENCED STATIONS CONNECTED PER ROS 17271: 105,109,58,57,56,130 AREA DISTURBED:37.1± ACRES CUT 216,250 CUBIC YARDS SHRINKAGE (13%±)(28,100) CUBIC YARDS FILL 173,200 CUBIC YARDS SHRINKAGE (O/E) (13%±)650 CUBIC YARDS SUBSIDENCE (0.1'±)6,000 CUBIC YARDS EXPORT 8,300 CUBIC YARDS OVER-EXCAVATION *5,000 CUBIC YARDS EARTHWORK ---- I 0 '\leT!!RAN5 ME!MORIAL. PLAZA @ GOMMJNITY eAnERINe AREA © el.JU.DINS (21X)Oat) Nlth PAVILION, RESmooM, • c.A'Tl:RIN6 ...JFI OR, ROOM @ PLAY' AAE.l\!l @) INGUJSIVE P1.AY'l9ROUNC> (§ RIJSTIG, NA'T1JRE-INSPIRED PI.AY'eROUIE) @) YOUNS KIPS PLAY'eROUNP @ 'l"CJeA • PAeelVE RELAXATION AREA 0 NATIW E,,AAD1:J~ 0 PIGNIGNeA.5 ® ADA PATI+IAY' 0 NORTH PAAKINe AREA (12 TOTAL 5TAU.5, 12 ADA) 0 NOTUSED @ PIJel..lG ART A /}/. 0 • • • • fr -x • ( ·- I ~ ~~~~::::-.,;· :) -.. - • .,4~~A~ --x--~ / 7 _J ~ ~==,4:(;,- ~--x-- * (0 INTeRPReTl\le &AA0eN @ RESmooM (l,200al') ® FA.MIL Y'-oRIEN'Tl:C> Bll<E PAA!< @ ML Tl-e&ER,l,TIONAL OIIT1'00R FITNEee NeA 0 OUTDOOR E0UGATION AREA @ !SOU'l1-I PAAKINe AREA (!S'7 TOTAL 5TAU.5, 2 ADA) ® FIT1E56 GLIMB © FITNEee.wN 0 !9fflll'r' PLAZA TO Bila: PAA!< 0 DE5AL. ReGelveR PIT 0 elJSSTOP @ MAIN11:N,t,NG,E AREA 0 O\IERLOOK AREA 0 BIKE PAA!< SPEGTATOR AREA 0 FAAADAY' ROAD ~INS \ -·r··-··-:·- X • • I • • -··-··- 0 ··-··-··-··- I SHEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~o PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT LiQ__J PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609 BASIN 'C' (57.3) FS B.O.W. 77.6 FS 71.1 FS 58.3 FS 69.5 FS 71.5 FS HP 68.5 TC 68.0 FL 64.5 INVGBGB4.8%10%10% 4.8% 94.0 FS 69.25 FS 69.7 FF 0" CF 69.4 FS TEMPORARY SLOPE EASEMENT TO ARCHSTONE-SMITH PER DOC. #2002-0135146 (TO EXPIRE ONCE THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ACCESS THE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE R.O.W.)LIMITS OF GRADING GUARDRAIL 61.0 TW 57.1 BW 57.5± FS 57.1± FS 69.4 FS 71.15 FS4.8%4.8% 68.4 FS 65.4 FS 58.65 FS 61.8 FS 10%HPGB 5%59.3 FS PROP. BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADA ACCESSIBILITY - 60" x 96" MIN. LEVEL PAD EXIST 30" RCP SD (50.5±) INV 3 3214.0'3 12 12 2 10.0 ' 28 58.0 TG 56.7 INV 2865.5 TG 62.0 INV 28 70.6 TG 67.5 INV 2861.5 TG 58.5 INV 2070.5 TG 68.0 INV 2068.5 TG 66.6 INV 2068.5 TG 66.0 INV 32 22 10.0'8.0' 32 32 23 56.0 INV 2457.0 INV 22 22 22 2 2 2 29 22 58.0 TW 57.5 BW 8.0' 3 22 2857.5 TG 56.5 INV 18.0'9.0 ' -T Y P .18.0'26.0'18.0'2 2 2 12 12 12 5 5 5 5 5 25 30 7 6 6 1 77 6 6 6 HP HP69.4 FS 69.75 FS 2069.0 TG 67.4 INV 2069.0 TG 67.1 INV 22 HP HP HP HP LP 69.0 FS H P HP HP 71.4 TC 70.9 FS 0" CF 70.9 FS 0" CF 70.4 FS 70.75 FS 70.55 TC 70.25 FS 70.5 TC 70.0 FS 70.0 TC 69.5 FS 0" CF 69.8 FS 69.6 TC 69.1 FS HP69.6 TC 69.1 FS 69.3 TC 68.8 FS 69.0 TC 68.5 FS 70.95 TC 70.45 FL 71.1 TC 70.6 FS 71.4 TC 70.9 FS 70.5 TC 70.0 FS 69.9 TC 69.4 FL 69.2 TC 68.7 FLGBBASIN 'A' 56.0 SURFACE 52.5 SUBDRAIN OUT 52.25 BOT. 25 1% 66.7 SURFACE 61.45 BOT. 68.75 TW 2857.5 TG 56.5 INV 2058.0 TG 57.0 INV 20 58.0 TG 56.5 INV 57.5 TG 56.1 INV 23 56.0 INV 58.0 TW 58.0 TW 32 12" 33 VARIES 36' T O 5 1' VARIES 36' T O 5 1'30.0'30.0'1% TY P .1% TYP.1% TYP.69.5 FS 58.0 TG 56.5 INV 28 32 32 WEIR 67.7 FS 65.75 SURFACE 60.5 BOT. 27 68.7 TW GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 7 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.01 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.03 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.02WHITM A N W A Y FARADAY AVE . A A SECTION A-A NOT TO SCALE 1%±2% PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. D.G. WALK PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE WHITMAN WAY TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE 20'20'10'10' 60' 30'30' 2% 5.5' 2%2%2% 5.5' FARADAY AVENUE TYPICAL SECTION NO MEDIAN NOT TO SCALE VARIES 26' TO 32' VARIES 26' TO 32'10'10' VARIES 72' TO 84' VARIES 36' TO 42' VARIES 36' TO 42' 2% 5.5' 2%2%2%C) "Cl =o ~ -1:lt.~ 0) -i C)z (0 9 CJ ;;a ► ::E z G) z 9 I I I I I ~-~~ r:1----~ ', ,, ', 1-_J1 I 1--------+ I I I I rn I II I II I II I II I II II 1! I II II II II II II II II I II II -+--+,~ II II II II II I I LU I I I I I I '-i1 I ,' ,, ,, I I I I I I I I I I I 1 :, ,, I ,, 1-_JI I 1-I I rn I: I I I I I I I I I ...J -7-I I -+--+,~ I II II II II II II :1 LU I I I I I I_ ----,---t-1-71 ,, I ,, ,, ,, 4---~ I I I I ~ I ~ I ..,__.,__~ ii I I I OJ ~n ;;a 1--1 ;,;; >-3 :--< ~o £ 1-::cj 8 -n ~> CJ ~ !:;J t-' Ji; (/J ::a:! trl ~> -i 0 ~ fTl ul 'At, lJ7 ~ I ". ""' / ~ ' / / / ~ '.. ~ ~ ~ /..~'8 • "Cl. -~'-!. ----~ ,,, ')1/> ~ >~.,,s ~-WJ~'< ~IDEJ~ij O □ [{j ~ t O O I / .~ ' 0 m c. l!I ' lw I I .. . . -···· --. -. t·· , /l ,.:Y 1,'/4 ., ' ;:,x ~~ .;,.¥, ./~ . ' c,'C' ,;:s ..,~ ~~ ;:,efl j, 'l,, :t.,/-.~ /f" ,t, ~/ /2 '7. /) )?,9 ,// -· t'r,r;j_ ~ t,-..· ,,◊;, "\ "'C, ' ,r\ \\ \ \ . ., /,','J<', i;--;-+ + . + + + + + / --' ~\1,,· ~ ,. ""...,.. l l11\ ' G ' l ' I ',' ) J I ~w 1" '' ,,,,. II I I. + + + +t •,++ + .. -__ + ~ + ;..r .. +1 + + I I I '.___, ..0. ,; " ,. [g : + + + + + + ' + ' " + + + + + + ' + + + + ' + + + + + . . . . I + + + -1-+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + .}':_T + + + + + + + + ' I + + + + + + + I -;'""I"+ +It-I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + + + + + + + 0 ,, + + + ' I I I I I I I I I ~ -I " + .. + .. -r '+ I " I )<1··)> + + . ' + t-j + , 'I + + + +,. + J+ .. .. r +I~++ + + + + f>~o.,, + + • , + + ...... 1 .. ' + + , -+ + + + + + \\+' + + + i' + + + + + + + + I I ,1 I •"t~ I L ,q fD', ,Q I I I I ~I ,_ ~ ' ~ ' 27 • 0 N --.,_j --.,_j ( 0 V· "; 11/" ~ J i101 ~ ~ I ~~ig 1 )I 0 ' '• c.. I m ;il ~;;o ~ 10 ~. :g 0 ' ~ Ll I ; ~l. • I i' , " I:· r· . : I ~ ,1 I : • 1 ,, ' ' " Ll r ,_,_ j ; I ' ~ --' ? ._,_ ~ .. - .. /.,C .. -+ .\J~H-~~¥-\.+.\A~~l~-\.\\;~~\-~~\~\~\\~t:>f\~llhh-r ~«\; / /~ I // / /\,1 Y/~ \ \ \l&;i\ \ \~°(\ ':::::>: ' ,-~ \',,\ A / / / ) ii\ \ VI \ \ \X \ \ IX ( ~·: +: ~ +:: >, \ \ ~ -\,," ' ;: I I ·> I ' ' I ~ !Ii I ~ I ~ I l ! ~ : I I • I • I I I I I t-<l I I H I I 000000000000 000 000000000000 (90.0) FS B.O.W. 91.5 FS 87.5 FS HP 87.0 FS 69.5 FS 68.95 TC 68.45 FS 82.25 FS 82.25 FS 81.0 FS 2 . 6%4.8%GB GB 4 . 8%4.8% GB GB GB GBGBGBGB GB GBGB 4.8%4.8% 4.8%4.8%4. 8 % 4.8% G B 4.8% 94.0 FS GB GB 84.75 FS GBGBGB4.8%79.95 FS 69.25 FS 69.7 FF 69.5 FF 69.25 FS LIMITS OF GRADING HMP BOUNDARY 2.8% GUARDRAIL 140.0 TW 137.0 BW 105.0 TW 103.5 BWHP 18.5% 1 5% 2. 7% GB GB 100.0 TW 99.0 BW 89.5 TG 84.5 INV 3 2068.5 TG 66.6 INV 2068.5 TG 66.0 INV 2068.5 TG 65.3 INV 2068.5 TG 64.7 INV 22 22 22 3 12 12 33214.0'14.0'10.0'10.0'2 32 32 31 28 90.15 TG 87.0 INV 2887.0 TG 84.0 INV 2881.75 TG 78.5 INV 32 2 22 22 22 22 3 3 3 3 32 32 15%97.0 TW 96.5 BW 107.0 TW 106.5 BW 22 22 22 77.65 FS 79.1 FS 72.25 FS 72.5 TW 72.0 BW 28 122 72.0 TG 69.0 INV 22 5.0' 32 3 3 2884.5 TG 81.0 INV 85.0 TW 84.5 BW 28110.5 TG 107.5 INV 28102.5 TG 99.5 INV 14.0' 3 134.0 TW 133.5 BW111.0 TW 110.5 BW 22 HP HP HP 2177.5 TG 71.5 INV0" CF 68.3 FS 28 91.0 TG 88.0 INV 22 2879.5 TG 76.5 INV 32 12"1% TYP.1% TYP.1% T Y P.1% TY P. 1% TYP .1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1% T Y P. 1% T Y P.1% TYP.1% TY P. 91.0 FL 32 32 32 32LP 90.8 FS 79.0 INV 28 77.5 TG 74.5 INV 87.5 FG 88.2 FG 86.8 FG 86.8 FG GB GB 0" CF 68.5 FS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 8 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.02 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.05MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.01MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.04 WHITMAN W A Y ) • I • • . . -.. 0 •• \ I 1/f/l 100 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + + + + + + + ' ' [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -··- □ 0 IOI IQI D = = I SHEET I -WJR--WIR- -RW--RW- -sw--sw- ------0------0- 0--------,:C □ 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ LiQ_J PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609 BASIN 'C' 71.1 FS 63.5 FS 63.25 FS (59.4) FS 69.5 FS 68.95 TC 68.45 FS 71.5 FS HP 68.8 FS 67.5 FS 66.0 FS (57.7) FS (58.5) FS 64.4 TC 63.9 FL 60.0 INV 68.5 TC 68.0 FL 64.5 INV (53.0±) TOP OF HEADWALL (43.8) BOTTOM OF HEADWALL 1.8%GB4.8% G B 2:1 M A X.2:169.5 FS 68.5 FS 4.8% 68.25 FS 64.95 FS 3.9%68.25 FS 68.0 FS 4.8%HP1.5 %2.2% G B 3%69.25 FS 69.7 FF 69.5 FF 0" CF 69.4 FS 69.25 FS EASEMENT TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY PER DOC. #2014-0105138 LIMITS OF GRADING GUARDRAIL 57.0 TW 56.5 BW GUARDRAIL 61.0 TW 57.1 BW 57.5± FS 57.1± FS 69.4 FS 71.15 FS4.8%4.8% 68.4 FS 61.8 FS PROP. BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADA ACCESSIBILITY - 60" x 96" MIN. LEVEL PAD EXIST 30" RCP SD (50.5±) INV EXIST 18" RCP SD (51.35±) INV 28 70.6 TG 67.5 INV 2861.5 TG 58.5 INV 2070.5 TG 68.0 INV 2068.5 TG 66.6 INV 2068.5 TG 66.0 INV 2068.5 TG 65.3 INV 68.5 TG 64.7 INV 228.0' 32 23 56.0 INV 2457.0 INV 22 22 22 22 2 29 22 25 2457.0 TG 2356.0 INV 58.0 TW 57.5 BW 58.0 TW 57.5 BW 57.0 TW 56.5 BW 57.0 TW 56.5 BW 8.0' 3 22 22 2857.5 TG 56.5 INV 6.5'26.0'18.0'9.0 ' -T Y P .18.0'26.0'18.0'2 2 2 2 30 2 12 12 12 12 12 4 8.0' 3 22 29 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 25 25 2465.0 TG 64.0 SURFACE 59.0 SUBDRAIN OUT 58.75 BOT. 22 30 30 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 30.0 '11 7 6 77 7 7 6 6 6 69 6 6 6 10.0'8.0 ' 22 GUARDRAIL 81.0 TW 76.5 BW 79.1 FS GUARDRAIL 75.0 TW 68.25 BW 22 22 28 2 72.0 TG 69.0 INV 5.0' 5.0' 22 2356.5 INV HP HP69.4 FS 69.75 FS 2058.0 TG 57.1 INV 22 2069.0 TG 67.4 INV 2069.0 TG 67.1 INV 22 HP HP HP HP HP HP LP 69.0 FS H P HP HP 71.4 TC 70.9 FS 0" CF 70.9 FS 0" CF 70.4 FS 70.75 FS 70.55 TC 70.25 FS 70.5 TC 70.0 FS 70.0 TC 69.5 FS 0" CF 69.8 FS 69.6 TC 69.1 FS 68.7 TC 68.2 FS 0" CF 68.3 FS 68.0 FS 0" CF 67.8 FS67.5 FS 67.75 TC 67.55 FS 67.7 TC 67.2 FS 67.0 TC 66.5 FS 66.0 TC 65.5 FS 65.6 TC 65.1 FL 64.3 TC 63.8 FS 63.9 TC 63.4 FL 64.9 TC 64.4 FS 66.9 TC 66.3 FS 67.1 TC 66.6 FS 68.5 TC 68.0 FS 68.2 TC 67.7 FSHP69.6 TC 69.1 FS 69.3 TC 68.8 FS 69.0 TC 68.5 FS 70.95 TC 70.45 FL 71.1 TC 70.6 FS 71.4 TC 70.9 FS 70.5 TC 70.0 FS 69.9 TC 69.4 FL 69.2 TC 68.7 FL 68.65 TC 68.15 FS68.25 TC 67.75 FL 67.6 TC 67.1 FL 66.5 TC 66.0 FLGB 68.0 TC 67.5 FS 66.9 TC 66.4 FL GBGBGBGBBASIN 'A' 56.0 SURFACE 52.5 SUBDRAIN OUT 52.25 BOT. BASIN 'B' 56.0 SURFACE 52.5 INV SUBDRAIN OUT 52.25 BOT. BASIN 'D' 22 22 58.5 FG 66.0 FG 65.1 SURFACE 59.85 BOT. 67.1 FG 2466.75 TG 65.75 SURFACE 60.75 SUBDRAIN OUT 60.5 BOT. 67.75 TW 1 % 66.7 SURFACE 61.45 BOT. 68.75 TW 58.0 FG 58.0 FG 22 2057.5 TG 56.5 INV 2356.0 INV 2857.5 TG 56.5 INV 2058.0 TG 57.0 INV 20 58.0 TG 56.5 INV 57.5 TG 56.1 INV 23 56.0 INV 58.0 TW 32 12" 32 12" 33 1% TYP.1% TYP.69.5 FS 56.5 INV 61.4 INV MATCH EXIST. FL MATCH EXIST. FL MATCH EXIST. FL 34 C.O. 57.0 INV 59.7 TC 59.2 FL 56.9 INV 2864.5 TG 61.5 INV 22 59.0 TC 58.5 FL 57.0 INV 20 8 PROP. STREET STRIPING PER SEPARATE PROJECT SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE WEIR 67.7 FS 65.75 SURFACE 60.5 BOT. WEIR 66.1 FS 64.0 SURFACE 58.75 BOT. GB GB 0" CF 68.5 FS 32 27 27 67.1 TC 66.6 FL 12" CF 66.6 TC 65.6 FL 68.7 TW GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 9 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.03 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.01 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.02FARADAY AVE .MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.04MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.08 2% EXIST. SLOPE - VARIES 3.5:1 TO 5:1 EXIST. CONCRETE CULVERT WITH WING WALLS PUNCHED HOLES IN EXIST. CONC. BASE TO PROHIBIT WATER FROM POOLING EXIST. SLOPE SECTION A'-A' NOT TO SCALE PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE START NEW SLOPE AT BASE OF EXIST. CULVERT HEADWALL (OPENING) FARADAY AVE. PROP. D.G. WALK A' A' PROP. RETAINING WALL \ .5 ~ .06 [EI\I E . I 7 4 3 X X / . 15 t ---<' 70F ~\ -~ 4 .4 - ' 0 _____ .,, \ ') \ I \~ '.:1. r ~ \ ./ "I .. 574 X 2321 G57.530 HUH , ----! ,----I ------1 I I I 0 a • 0 . ~~-'ti. ----------I X ~--~7w;-i' .,~ '~,, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -··- --- 1- □ 0 IOI IQI D l'mll ~ I SHEET I -'v -,, -_.L __ J __ -so----so- -WIR-WIR- -RW-RW- -sw-sw- 0--------,:,- □ 0 - N8 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ LiQ_J PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609 63.25 FS 68.95 TC 68.45 FS 82.25 FS 81.0 FS 134.5 FS G B GBGBGBGBGB GBGB 4.8%4.8%4.8%4.8%4. 8 %4.8% 3.9% 4.8%1.5%80 FS 78.5 FS GB 69.5 FS 69.75 FS 68.5 FS 67.0 FS 4.8% 90.4 FS 93.75 FS 97.8 FS 68.25 FS 64.95 FS 79.75 FS 85.25 FS 72.5 FS 76.75 FS 69.0 FS G B GB GB GB 3.7%3.9%68.25 FS 76.15 FS 68.0 FS 76.5 FS 68.0 FS 68.5 FS 5%4.8% 85.75 FS 87.0 FS 135.4 FS GB4.8%4.8% G B 3%77.5 FS GB GB GB 4.8%79.25 FS 79.95 FS 69.5 FF 69.25 FS GUARDRAIL 78.5 TW 74.0 BW GUARDRAIL 100.0 TW 94.0 BWHP 73.0 FS GUARDRAIL 136.0 TW 130.0 BW GUARDRAIL 92.5 TW 87.0 BW GUARDRAIL 76.5 TW 72.5 BW GUARDRAIL 96.5 TW 91.0 BW GUARDRAIL 89.0 TW 85.25 BW GUARDRAIL 79.0 TW 72.5 BW 2068.5 TG 64.7 INV 22 2 22 22 22 2871.5 TG 68.5 INV 2 12 12 12 4 4 4 5 5 25 2465.0 TG 64.0 SURFACE 59.0 SUBDRAIN OUT 58.75 BOT. 22 22 7 6 6 1 1 7 6 7 69 6 6 10.0' 2 2 22 22 22 22 22 2665.0 INV 75.0 TW 74.5 BW 10.0' GUARDRAIL 81.0 TW 76.5 BW 77.3 FS 76.9 FS 77.65 FS 80.5 FS 81.5 FS 79.1 FS 72.25 FS GUARDRAIL 75.0 TW 68.25 BW 72.5 TW 72.0 BW 2 3 22 22 2876.5 TG 73.0 INV 28 12 12 12 2 2 72.0 TG 69.0 INV 22 2 5.0' 5.0' 32 32 3 22 22 2884.5 TG 81.0 INV 2890.5 TG 87.0 INV 2876.25 TG 73.0 INV 85.0 TW 84.5 BW 91.0 TW 90.5 BW 136.0 TW 135.75 BW 6.0' 10 . 0 ' 12 3 25 32 2356.5 INV 23 56.5 INV 10. 0 ' 95.5 TW 95.0 BW 32 28109.5 TG 106.5 INV 3 3 110.0 TW 109.5 BW 26130.0 INV 22 22 32 2177.5 TG 71.5 INV 68.7 TC 68.2 FS 0" CF 68.3 FS 68.0 FS 0" CF 67.8 FS67.5 FS 67.75 TC 67.55 FS 67.7 TC 67.2 FS 67.0 TC 66.5 FS 66.0 TC 65.5 FS 65.6 TC 65.1 FL 64.3 TC 63.8 FS 63.9 TC 63.4 FL 64.9 TC 64.4 FS 67.6 TC 67.1 FL 66.5 TC 66.0 FL 68.0 TC 67.5 FS 66.9 TC 66.4 FL GBGBGBGB2879.5 TG 76.5 INV BASIN 'D' BASIN 'E' 56.5 SURFACE 50.5 SUBDRAIN OUT 50.25 BOT. 22 22 61.0 TW 66.0 FG 65.1 SURFACE 59.85 BOT. 67.1 FG 2466.75 TG 65.75 SURFACE 60.75 SUBDRAIN OUT 60.5 BOT. 67.75 TW 32 12" 32 12" 32 12" 32 12" 32 12" 1% TYP. 1 % T Y P . 1% T Y P . 1 % T Y P . 1 % T Y P .1% TYP. 1% T Y P . 1% TY P. 61.4 INV 28 77.5 TG 74.5 INV 2864.5 TG 61.5 INV 22 72.0 TW 71.5 BW 2873.5 TG 70.5 INV 2874.5 TG 71.5 INV 22 22 2893.25 TG 90.0 INV 78.0 INV WEIR 66.1 FS 64.0 SURFACE 58.75 BOT. GB GB 0" CF 68.5 FS 32 32 32 32 27 67.1 TC 66.6 FL 12" CF 66.6 TC 65.6 FL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 10 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.04 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.08 MAT C H L I N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 0 8 MATCH L I N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 0 5 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.02 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.03MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.09MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.05I ·---, r ' :'I , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -··- I: I: I: I: I: I: I:,, ~ I I □ 0 IOI IQ! D ~ ~ I SHEET I -v-,,-_.L __ J __ 'ZlY -WIR-WIR- -RW-RW- -sw--sw- ------0-------0 0--------,:C □ 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ LiQ_J PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609 82.25 FS 82.25 FS 81.0 FS 136.2 FS 136.0 FS4.8%4.8% GB GB GB GB GBGBGBGB GBGB 4.8%4.8% 4.8%4.8%4. 8%4.8%1.5%78.5 FS GB 90.4 FS 93.75 FS 79.75 FS 85.25 FS 76.75 FS 138.5 FS 167.5 FS G B GB 4.8%76.15 FS 76.5 FS 85.75 FS 87.0 FS 135.4 FS 4.8%1.3% 137.0 FS 84.75 FS 77.5 FS GB GB GB 4.8%79.25 FS 79.95 FS 137.4 FS GUARDRAIL 136.0 TW 130.0 BW GUARDRAIL 92.5 TW 87.0 BW HMP BOUNDARY LIMITS OF GRADING GUARDRAIL 96.5 TW 91.0 BW GUARDRAIL 89.0 TW 85.25 BW GUARDRAIL 134.0 TW 121.0 BW GUARDRAIL 162.0 TW 158.5 BW 156.5 TW 156.0 BW GUARDRAIL 155.0 TW 148.0 BW GUARDRAIL 150.0 TW 143.5 BW GUARDRAIL 140.0 TW 137.0 BW 105.0 TW 103.5 BW GB 15% 15%18.5% 1 5% GB GB 100.0 TW 99.0 BW 2881.75 TG 78.5 INV 32 2 22 3 3 32 32 15%107.0 TW 106.5 BW 22 22 4 22 22 22 22 22 75.0 TW 74.5 BW 10.0' 77.3 FS 77.65 FS 2 3 2876.5 TG 73.0 INV 12 12 12 2 2 32 32 3 3 22 22 2884.5 TG 81.0 INV 2890.5 TG 87.0 INV 2876.25 TG 73.0 INV 85.0 TW 84.5 BW 91.0 TW 90.5 BW 136.0 TW 135.75 BW 136.0 TW 135.75 BW 140.0 TW 138.5 BW 6.0' 6 . 0 ' 10 . 0 ' 12 12 3 3 28110.5 TG 107.5 INV 28102.5 TG 99.5 INV 28129.0 TG 126.0 INV 28 127.5 TG 124.0 INV 14.0' 3 3 134.0 TW 133.5 BW111.0 TW 110.5 BW 129.5 TW 129.0 BW 22 32 10. 0 ' 95.5 TW 95.0 BW 32 28136.5 TG 133.0 INV 3 2171.5 INV 2879.5 TG 76.5 INV 32 12" 32 12" 1% TYP . 1% TYP . 1% TYP. 1% T Y P . 1 % T Y P . 1 % T Y P .1% TYP. 1% TYP.1% TY P. 1% T Y P . 28 2874.5 TG 71.5 INV 22 2893.25 TG 90.0 INV 160.5 TW 160.0 BW 78.0 INV 32 32 32 SEAT WALL PER LANDSCAPE ARCH. PLANS SEAT WALL PER LANDSCAPE ARCH. PLANS 28139.25 TG 136.0 INV 28139.25 TG 135.0 INV 22 22 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 11 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.05MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.02MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.06MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.02 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.04MATC H L I N E - S E E S E T C - 1 . 0 4 MATCH LINE - SEE S H E E T C - 1 . 0 9 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.09 609t1d/O 'ON clNIM'v'!:IG 'ON l::J3rO!:ld 1N3~1!:l'v'd3G NOll'v'3!:l::J3!:l 'F S>l!:l'v'd nn ~ GVHS1HVJ JO X..LIJ 8M -0 □ ,:,---a --0-------0----MS--MS-_ .. ___ , _ _ ,.. __ ,.._ --as--os-&>, ---------=x i= I 133HS I I>>< """" = lfil1,l D IQI IOI 0 □ v7I ~ ·1 ~ - + + + + + + + + ~ +++++++++· 1••+++++++·1 ,, : I: I: I: I: I: I: I ~ -··-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.... • • • ----. ., • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • • • • I • • ~ . • •• ~ ~ "-·· I I • • • • • • • • • • / . :· I {;· l---t,. ,..-"" I 4.8%GB2.5%2%GBGB GBGBGB4.8%174.0 FS 206.25 FS 207.3 FS 208.5 FS 209.4 FS 208.5 FG GB 4.8%213.8 FS 215.0 FS 216.0 FS 217.5 FS GB GB1.9%LIMITS OF GRADING HMP BOUNDARY GB 3.1%5' MIN.- LIMIT OF GRADINGTO HMP BOUNDARY13% 15% 12.5%4% GUARDRAIL 162.0 TW 158.5 BW 156.5 TW 156.0 BW GB15% 3 14.0'28160.0 TG 157.0 INV 22 10.0'10.0' 3 3 3 32 192.0 TG 189.0 INV 22 22 28173.5 TG 170.0 INV 32 32 32 32 32 3 3 3 28209.5 TG 206.0 INV 31% TYP.1% TYP.1% TYP. 1% TY P .1% TYP.1% T Y P . 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 22 28207.5 TG 204.0 INV GB GB GB209.25 FG 160.5 TW 160.0 BW GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 12 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.06MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.07MATCH LINE - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 1 1MA T C H L I N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 0 9MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.05MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.07,: C) =o -1:l,,. 0) C) (0 -0 :u 0 <.. f'l 0 -i z 9 CJ :u ► ::E z G) z 9 • • • • [21.q • • '2}!J, • r-95 -c •-. ' • ' ' +'F++++_,..t--·._-,-+-i-+-i-+1/ / ++++ ++-t:. +++++·+++++++ +++++++++++ ' ' ~•. ' -/ -/ 1210 ~ OJ ~n :u 1--1 ;,;; >-3 :--< ~o £ 1-::cj 8 -n ~> CJ ~ !:;J t-' Ji; (/J ::a:! trl ~> -i 0 ~ f'l ul \ ± \ -,e, ' '-'-'-/ -,, \ ... ----\j+++ ~+ + ++ ---.i._" • . I • • • + + + + I '+ + + • • • ++ + • • • '+ + + • • -+ +~+ ±. ++++++ ±, / / f'.~ --,~,.., --'-'-C's :f!l.tl' 1B5' = ',e,. .,,,_.-------. . -.. ,, I :::'.1~ !\ \ ~ \ 1 . '~ I ' .+ \+ ' • ... ' +\ +\ 41 . '. • I I I I I I ,I ~:;: I D ~ ~ ij O □ ,~~j I I l J I 111 li'.l SI I ~ ' ' ! ,' ~ I ~ I I I 000000000000 000 s 1%) "' 0 D I I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I I ~ I ~ I ~: I I t-<l I I H .,. • • • I • • ., . 000000000000 ·- 210.0 FS (222.0) FS GBGB GB GBGB GB 4.8%213.8 FS 215.0 FS 216.0 FS 217.5 FS 220.0 FS 220.9 FS 221.5 FS GB GB1.9%1%GBLIMITS OF GRADING HMP BOUNDARY HMP BOUNDARY GB HP 252.0 FS 15.5%15. 5 % GB 2.2% 3.1%5' MIN.- LIMIT OF GRADINGTO HMP BOUNDARY13% 8% 11% 15 % M A X . 10.0' 3 10.0'10.0' 32 32 28192.0 TG 189.0 INV 22 12 3 3 3 3 32 32 28209.5 TG 206.0 INV 10.0' 3 314.0'221.75 FS1% TYP.1% TYP.1% TYP.1% TYP.1% TYP. 1% T Y P . GB 209.25 FG MAINTENANCE AREA 14.0' GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 13 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.07MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.06MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.06MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.11 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.12 C) =o -1:l,,. 0) C) (0 "'Cl :u 0 <-f'l 0 -i z 9 CJ :u ► ::E z G) z 9 " ' ' "-~~ ~-~ • I :1 I --..... ' ' ' ' ' ' + Y""+ + ,.,... + + + + + + + 'sj' ·. '. ''" ' ' ' ' ' ' + + . -t + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++++4. +++++++ ,......""" +++++++ / '------+ jC>' '"'' \g: ---' ' ++ +++++++~ +. + ++++++ j-+~+_+ ++++ + ++~ ... +~ ... _+~ + + + + + . + + + + +-±. I\) ......... ~ t.J\J X \ \ ~. 1~1 ' -l • • ....,..,..,..,..,. .. ~ ,-_ X I\) ......... ~ ---2.15' , __ • I • • • • I • • • • • X -' ' " ' + + + + + T + + + + + + + + --' ' ' ' ' --.,._.,_ ---++++1' ++++++++ +++++++ + +++++++++ ,-,:__+++++++++ ------I -------.:t ++++ ++++ ~ + + + . + ' ' ' / •,i,;-+ + + ... ~ + - - - - ---+ + + + + " I\) ......... ~ - ---__ ... r+ t 1!' ... ~ ... ---·1.._+ + ~+/+_+_+ + + -. . . + + + + + z.i.o' + + + + + +....±..-±--' ' ' --+++++ ++++ +++ ++++++ ++++++. + + + + + ----+ + + + + + + ++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -J",,,.+ + + + + + 't + + + + + + + + l+ + ~+ + + + + + V + + + + + ++++++ ++ ++ ++ + ++++ .................. ~·. ·x .. >Z.+ ...... ... ... ... ... ......... _± ... .,. x ............ .±. ... .,..,. ++++ ++ ++++ ++++++++++ ' ............ x . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++.±.-±---'_± X ,-;-'+-i.+++ +++++++++++++++;I;.-+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ± _--r--+ + + + +++t-,--te++++I ¥¥++¥ ¢~+ ++ +++++++++t -~,..' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + + + + + +_J + + ± ' " ++++++I -r+. + + + + +:. ' '.J-' .± +++± ++ ' ' ---= - -... ::::--=:--=---~ ··-± • -~ -,-x --=---,X ----~ ~.~ :::::::== ~ -----= -~IDEl~ij O □ [{j OJ ~n :u 1--1 ;,;; >-3 :--< ~o £ 1-::cj 8 -n ~> CJ ~ !:;J t-' Ji; (/J ::a:! trl ~> -i 0 ~ f'l ul z ~ ~ 0 D I -x ' j I t ' I ~ I ~ I 1: ~ I ~ I I ~ I ~ I I I I ~ I I • I • I I I I I t<l I I H M ' \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + +I '+ + + ' ' ' I I I I I I I I ,, ,. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I + + +I ' ' + + +I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + I + + ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' +, + + ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 111,'\•' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + +' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,, ' ' ' ' ' ' ± ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + +I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + .jl I \ • "' ·o· ~I '1(£ I \ , I ~ ............ ',',' i• I ' ' ' ' ' ' \ , ' I ' ' ' \ ... ... ... -I : D:::: I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +~+ -x•.....J~----X , • • ~ c C ' ' c C ' c 000000000000 L~ ,. • i v~ ~ ""~~ ~~x~ ~, I\"',_ 000 000000000000 63.25 FS (59.4) FS B.O.W.GB4.8% G B 3.9% 4.8%4.8%GB 69.5 FS 69.75 FS REMOVE HEADWALL/INLET 67.0 FS 93.75 FS 97.8 FS 107.25 FS 111.0 FS 64.95 FS 72.5 FS 76.75 FS 69.0 FS GB GB 3.7%3.9%68.0 FS 5%102.0 FS GB 118.4 FS 128.9 FS 104.25 FS 4.8%4.8% 115.5 FS 4.8%4.8%GBGBGB 103.75 FS 105.0 FS 107.5 FS GB 85.0 FS 6. 7 % LIMITS OF GRADING GUARDRAIL 116.0 TW 111.0 BW GUARDRAIL 78.5 TW 74.0 BW GUARDRAIL 100.0 TW 94.0 BW H P 73.0 FS 8. 3% (62.1±) FS B.O.W. 83.0 FS GUARDRAIL 76.5 TW 72.5 BW GUARDRAIL 96.5 TW 91.0 BW GUARDRAIL 79.0 TW 72.5 BW EXIST 30" RCP SD (48.0±) INV 2871.5 TG 68.5 INV 2 30 4 4 6 8 2 7 1 30.0'11 69 10.0'8.0 ' 2 2 22 22 22 22 2665.0 INV 75.0 TW 74.5 BW 10.0' 3 22 91.0 TW 90.5 BW 25 22 22 22 32 22 2457.5 TG 2356.5 INV 23 56.5 INV 23 56.5 INV 2356.5 INV 2356.5 INV 8.0' 3 29 28 61.5 TG 58.0 INV 28 77.5 TG 74.0 INV 25 23 71.0 INV 2371.0 INV 22 32 3 3 14.0' 3 3 10. 0 ' 95.5 TW 95.0 BW 32 32 32 32 6.0' 10.0' 28103.25 TG 100.0 INV 28109.5 TG 106.5 INV 3 3 3 103.5 TW 103.0 BW 110.0 TW 109.5 BW 113.0 TW 112.5 BW 110.5 TW 107.5 BW 22 22 22 22 10.0' 22 24 6.0 ' 22 66.0 TC 65.5 FS 64.3 TC 63.8 FS GBGBGBGBBASIN 'E' 56.5 SURFACE 50.5 SUBDRAIN OUT 50.25 BOT. BASIN 'F' 71.0 SURFACE 66.0 SUBDRAIN OUT 65.75 BOT. 85.0 TG 86.0 TW 2472.0 TG 77.0 TW 73.0 TW 73.0 TW 73.0 FG 58.5 FG 58.5 TW 61.0 TW 61.5 TW 32 12" 32 12" 32 12" 32 12" 6 1% TYP. 1% T Y P . 1% TYP. 1 % T Y P . 1 % T Y P . 1% T Y P . 1% TY P. 1% T YP. 1% TY P. MATCH EXIST. FL MATCH EXIST. FL MATCH EXIST. FL 34 34 C.O. 57.0 INV 59.7 TC 59.2 FL 56.9 INV 2864.5 TG 61.5 INV 22 72.0 TW 71.5 BW 2873.5 TG 70.5 INV 2874.5 TG 71.5 INV 22 22 C.O. 64.0 INV 2893.25 TG 90.0 INV 59.0 TC 58.5 FL 57.0 INV 20 REMOVE HEADWALL/INLET 8 PROP. STREET STRIPING PER SEPARATE PROJECT SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE 58.5 TW 76.0 TW 32 32 SEAT WALL PER LANDSCAPE ARCH. PLANS 12 12 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 14 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.08 MATCH L I N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 0 3 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.04 MAT C H L I N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 0 4 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.10 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.09FARADAY AVE . B B SECTION B-B NOT TO SCALE PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. CONC. WALK PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. RETAINING WALL 2% PROP. GUARDRAIL WHEN TOP OF WALL TO BOTTOM OF WALL IS OVER 2.5-FEET PROP. RETAINING WALL 1%±2% PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. GUARDRAIL WHEN TOP OF WALL TO BOTTOM OF WALL IS OVER 2.5-FEET PROP. D.G. WALK 1%± PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. U-GUTTER C C D D SECTION C-C NOT TO SCALE PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE 1%±2% PROP. D.G. WALK PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE SECTION D-D PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE 1%±2% PROP. D.G. WALK PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. PAVER SURFACE PROP. CONC. SEATWALL ~"" Xl--/~i ~~ 'fs-1~. N ~ , 1 !,""t---1r'-d' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • + + + . I I I I I I I I • I • I I i I I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • \ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • / • • I I I • I < • • < • ·-• • • • • ~ • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -··- --- I: I: I: I: I: I: I:,, I ......... , +++++++++-+++++++++ 1- □ 0 IOI IQI D lg~g~g~l I SHEET I -S0--50--- -WJR--WIR- -RW--RW- -sw--sw- 0--------,:,- □ 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ LiQ_J PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609 134.5 FS 136.2 FS 139.4 FS 136.0 FS 4.8%1.5%1.5%4.8%4.8%4.8%2.4%4.3%2.5%111.0 FS 138.6 FS 167.5 FS 4.8%142.3 FS 153.95 FS 158.4 FS 160.8 FS 163.0 FS 174.0 FS 179.25 FS 181.5 FS 184.5 FS 202.2 FS 203.4 FS 206.25 FS 207.3 FS 188.7 FS 135.4 FS GB 128.9 FS 4.8%115.5 FS 4.8%GB GB 1.3% 138.5 FS 137.8 FS 137.0 FS 135.7 FS 136.0 FS 137.0 FS 137.4 FS GUARDRAIL 116.0 TW 111.0 BW 4 4 4 136.0 TW 135.75 BW 6.0' 6 . 0 ' 12 3 3 3 32 3 3 3 113.0 TW 112.5 BW 26130.0 INV 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 28128.4 TG 125.0 INV 28136.5 TG 133.0 INV 28138.5 TG 135.0 INV 28162.0 TG 159.0 INV 28173.5 TG 170.0 INV 10.0' 10. 0 ' 10.0' 10.0' 10.0' 3 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 3 3 3 3 3 3 22 22 28182.3 TG 179.0 INV 28204.0 TG 201.0 INV 32 12" 32 12" 1% T Y P . 1% TY P . 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1 % T Y P . 1% T Y P . 1% T Y P . 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 22 28207.5 TG 204.0 INV GB28154.3 TG 151.0 INV 32 28139.25 TG 136.0 INV GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 15 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.09MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.08MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.10 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.11MA T C H L I N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 0 6 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.11 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.05 609t1d/O 'ON clNIM'v'!:IG 'ON l::J3rO!:ld 1N3~1!:l'v'd3G NOll'v'3!:l::J3!:l 'F S>l!:l'v'd nn ~ GVHS1HVJ JO X..LIJ 8M -0 □ +----a ---0------0----MS--MS-_ .. ___ , _ _ ,.. __ ,.._ --os--os-&>, -----------i--,-_ _J\__.JJ._ I 133HS I """" = lfil1;l D IQI IOI 0 □ b >::,_x'5 >x .. v7I ~ ·1 ~ - + + + + + + + + ~ +++++++++· 1••+++++++·1 ,, : I: I: I: I: I: I: I ~ -··-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '"->; ~· • '1\3; § '"' iC/ 2', 1B ........... 1 ...... / I :++.++I+ + • + • • • + • + + + + + +1 + + + + +I + + I I I I + + I I + • I I I I I 7 I I I I 'I I I I I I I I 11 J 1111··~) II I I I I II I I 1.1 i • cf,' ' a,, .~ ,cf> I I \ • :,; ~ :1: :+~\; + + + ;, + + + + \ + + + + ',k>l<~"J ., + \+ +\ -..: + + + + + !+ + + )+ 41 + + + + +'t+ + + • + + + + + + +, + + I I I f:,\: ;.1, /:+ ~ ... + + I , I . + 'It> +. !ftz, : ::r :1 /{,;, + + + 1 ~ + f + ....,__ ... ,, /I I +_j-+ ... +11 /l /1 / /// 1//v:f.<f// A I I , k.+Jo.+:1',... r, I I I I / V / ,,,, ~ J+ >.I.:/ // I II I I ~ + > 1 + ;rr> / 1 I II I II + • + + • + • + + + -Ii I I I A I I I I II I ' ~· ,IJ' Q. ~, + + + + + • + + + • ' + + +, • + • + + + /:f:::::1:rg (::::: ;:::::::: }0-1 .·>> -:::::· .. .:i.:1 • • ''+++1· . ' + • 1>L > ' ~:+[+~/ + + ~ • ll:~:+ + ,, + ~ + + + + + + + + + +, + + + + :::Y,1 I Y \ \/\ \/~/:\: + \ ~~ ~ • + • + I :&I IIIU<: • + + + + I • • + + + + • + • I • + + + + • I I + + • + + + + I • + + • I • '+'.+r:; I ... ... ... I • + ... ... ... I • • ... ... -1-I .r I ~ I I I /1'/N' .... __ ..... ! 126.0 FS 4.8% 4.5% 153.95 FS 149.5 FS 148.5 FS 118.4 FS 121.7 FS GB 111.0 FS 1 0% GB111.5 FS 5. 4 % GB GBGB 147.7 FS4.8%GB0. 6 % 115.0 FS 10% 4.5% 4.5 % 129.0 FS 136.25 FS 137.3 FS 142.0 FS 143.9 FS 145.75 FS GB GBGBGB 10 % LIMITS OF GRADING GUARDRAIL 126.0 TW 122.5 BW 122.5 TW 120.0 BW 122.5 TW 120.0 BW GUARDRAIL 125.5 TW 117.5 BW 117.5 TW 115.0 BW GUARDRAIL 123.5 TW 114.0 BW 114.0 TW 111.5 BW 28104.0 TG 100.0 INV 32 14.0'32 22 22 22 28121.2 TG 118.0 INV 28148.0 TG 145.0 INV 3 32 22 24 2384.0 INV 3 3 32 3 3 3 3 22 10.0'1 0 . 0 ' 32 32 32 32 28115.0 TG 112.0 INV 28111.0 TG 108.0 INV 28136.8 TG 133.0 INV 28142.5 TG 139.0 INV 125.5 TG 119.25 INV 115.5 TW 115.0 BW 111.5 TW 111.0 BW 112.5 TW 112.0 BW 125.5 TW 124.0 BW 125.5 TW 123.5 BW 22 22 28163.0 TG 160.0 INV 22 22 163.5 TW 163.0 BW 10.0' 123.5 TW 123.0 BW 123.5 TW 123.0 BW 3 22 25BASIN 'G' 84.0 SURFACE 80.0 SUBDRAIN OUT 79.75 BOT. 85.0 TG 95.0 TW 92.0 TW 86.0 TW 86.0 TW 32 12" 32 12" 1 % T Y P . 1% T Y P . 1% T Y P .1% TYP.1% TYP.1% TYP.C.O. 150.0 INV 126.0 TW 123.5 BW GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 16 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.10MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.11F A R A D A Y A V E . MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.08 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.09 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.13E E SECTION E-E NOT TO SCALE 1%±2% 2% 1%±2% PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. D.G. WALK PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. D.G. WALK PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. RETAINING WALL PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. GUARDRAIL WHEN TOP OF WALL TO BOTTOM OF WALL IS OVER 2.5-FEET PROP. RETAINING WALL PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. U-GUTTER C) =o -1:l,,. 0) C) (0 -0 :u 0 <-f'l 0 ---i z 9 CJ :u ► ::E z G) z 9 ;· I; I OJ ~n :u 1--1 ;,;; >-3 :--< ~o £ 1-::cj 8 -n ~> CJ ~ !:;J t-' Ji; (/J ::a:! trl ~> ---i 0 ~ f'l ul <:f~<"M lj :k I /, ~ ~ I D [a ~ ij O □ ,~.~j I I l 11 111 li'.l SI I ~ ' ' ! ,' ~ I ~ I I I s ~ ~ 0 D I I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I I ~ I ~ I t~ T I I I t<l I I H =-----------+ + +'+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +, 000000000000 000 + ---+ + ++\+++++ + + .. + + + + l.10, YS, -+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++++_± • • • ~ ~ ~ ~,~ "-.;;;;.;; -,.._ ,-.,, + ·-SD I 000000000000 210.0 FS 209.0 FS 203.0 FS4.8%2.4%4.3%3.1 % 10 % GBGB GB 10%4.5%GBGB GB138.6 FS 153.95 FS 158.4 FS 160.8 FS 163.0 FS 179.25 FS 181.5 FS 184.5 FS 202.2 FS 203.4 FS 188.7 FS 192.9 FS 198.1 FS 192.4 FS LP10%GB188.0 FS 10% 208.5 FS 208.5 FS 208.0 FS 208.0 FS GB 142.0 FS 143.9 FS 4.8%1.8%1.8%LIMITS OF GRADING 189.0 TW 186.5 BW GUARDRAIL 169.5 TW 166.0 BW 166.0 TW 163.5 BW HMP BOUNDARY 22 22 28138.5 TG 135.0 INV 28162.0 TG 159.0 INV 10.0' 10.0' 10.0' 32 32 32 32 3 3 3 3 28142.5 TG 139.0 INV 28162.0 TG 159.0 INV 28168.0 TG 165.0 INV 28166.5 TG 163.0 INV 28163.0 TG 160.0 INV 22 22 22 22 22 22 28197.6 TG 194.0 INV 28182.3 TG 179.0 INV 28204.0 TG 201.0 INV 28209.5 TG 206.0 INV 32 10.0' 10.0' 3 3 167.0 TW 166.5 BW 163.5 TW 163.0 BW 168.5 TW 168.0 BW 10.0' 8.0' 3 3 3 190.0 TW 189.5 BW 184.0 TW 183.0 BW1% TYP.1% TYP . 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1% TYP. 1 % T Y P . 28154.3 TG 151.0 INV 32 12" C.O. 150.0 INV GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 17 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.11 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.13 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.12MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.07MATCH LINE - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 0 6 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.09MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.10F F SECTION F-F NOT TO SCALE 2% 1%±2% PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. D.G. WALK PROP. RETAINING WALL PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. GUARDRAIL WHEN TOP OF WALL TO BOTTOM OF WALL IS OVER 2.5-FEET PROP. RETAINING WALL PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. U-GUTTER V\ \ I I <: : : (l • • • • • • • • • • • • • I I I •• I I I C + + I I I I I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I 61 "' 0 "'1 I I I \ \ \ \ 2 9.3 X 209. I X \ \ • \ • • / -·· • • • • • • I • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -··- --- I•:+:•:+:•:+:•:+: •:-1 1. □ 0 IOI IQI D -= I SHEET I -so---so- -WJR--WIR- -RW--RW- -sw--sw- 0--------,:C □ 0 N8 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ LiQ_J PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609 LIMITS OF GRADING BOUNDARY HMP BOUNDARY 3 3 HMP BOUNDARY LIMITS OF GRADING GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 18 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.12MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.11MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.07 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.14 • • • • • • + + + + • • • + + + + • • • \ ::;.:: ··-• • • '?, X • • • • • • • • • • • ., ,· • • • • • • • • • • ~: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I. • • ' \I • • -~ • • • • • • • \~ • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • \ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :\ • • • • • • • • • • (· • • • • • • • ~· •1· • ·1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • + + + + • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • \ r2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -··- I. □ 0 IOI IQ! D llllfill I SHEET I -v -,r -_.L __ J __ 'ZfV -so-so- -WIR--WIR- -RW--RW- -sw--sw- 0--------,:,- □ 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ LiQ_J PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609 167.8 FS 163.1 FS 162.75 FS 159.95 FS 153.1 FS 150.1 FS 148.6 FS 146.8 FS 140.0 FS 136.2 FS 114.5 FS 126.0 FS 3.1 % 4. 8% 4% 2.4% 10% 10% 7.3 % 2.6 % 2.3 % 7. 2 %10% 2 % 187.5 FS 130.0 FS 134.6 FS 169.0 FS 173.5 FS 174.2 FS 178.5 FS 183.6 FS GB 120.0 FS GB 118.0 FS LPGBGBGBGB10%10%10%10%10%GB188.0 FS GB10%GBGB GBGBGB GBGB10%GB5.3% 129.0 FS 142.0 FS GB GBGBLIMITS OF GRADING GUARDRAIL 118.5 TW 113.0 BW 113.0 TW 110.5 BW 124.0 TW 121.5 BW GUARDRAIL 126.0 TW 122.5 BW 122.5 TW 120.0 BW 157.5 TW 154.0 BW HMP BOUNDARY HMP BOUNDARY HMP BOUNDARY 114.5 TW 112.0 BW LIMITS OF GRADING LIMITS OF GRADING LIMITS OF GRADING LIMITS OF GRADING 116.0 TG 110.0 INV EXIST 18" RCP SD (96.3±) INV 28125.5 TG 119.25 INV 125.5 TW 123.5 BW 28162.0 TG 159.0 INV 22 168.5 TW 168.0 BW 162.5 TW 162.0 BW 10.0'14.0'14.0'8.0'8.0' 123.5 TW 123.0 BW 123.5 TW 123.0 BW 120.5 TW 120.0 BW 118.5 TW 118.0 BW 118.5 TW 118.0 BW 117.5 TW 117.0 BW 156.0 TW 155.5 BW 160.25 TW 159.75 BW 28123.5 TG 120.0 INV 28118.0 TG 115.0 INV 28114.0 TG 111.0 INV 114.0 TW 113.5 BW 28117.0 TG 114.0 INV 32 32 22 22 22 4.8%29 31 3 3 3 3 3 184.0 TW 183.0 BW 22 12 3 22 124.0 TW 123.5 BW 32 12" 32 12"1% TYP.1% TYP.1% TY P. C.O. 150.0 INV 126.0 TW 123.5 BW 126.0 TW 123.5 BW GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 19 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.13MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.14MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.11 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.15MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.10F A R A D A Y A V E . G G SECTION G-G NOT TO SCALE 2% PROP. RETAINING WALL PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. GUARDRAIL WHEN TOP OF WALL TO BOTTOM OF WALL IS OVER 2.5-FEET PROP. RETAINING WALL PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE 1%± PROP. D.G. WALK H H S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 1 5 --------------"-------~ ~ X )l/111 ~ ~· q,~ / ., \~ I ~"\ . + + + + + + + + + + + +++++++ ____,/ \ \ + + + / I I . ~·-::_Y-~l---t--f-':J-, • • • • • • /; !t • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---- -··- ~ I: I: I: I: I: I: I:,, I ........ ·1 +++++++++-+++++++++ □ 0 IOI IQ! D I SHEET I -v-,,-_.L __ J __ -so-so- -wm--wm- -RW--RW- -sw--sw- -----0---0- 0------,:C □ 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ LiQ_J PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609 110.0 FS 110.0 FS 111.7 FS 114.0 FS GB 2.2%2.6%GBG B 1.3 %GBGB GBGBHP 112.0 FS 111.75 FS 110.5 FS 4%1.4% LIMITS OF GRADING HMP BOUNDARY BOUNDARY HMP BOUNDARY 113.0 TG 109.0 INV 105.5 TG 101.0 INV 31 31 3 22 110.5 TG 105.0 INV31 22 10.0'2 3 10.0'1 0 . 0 ' 3 3 2 12 3 3 14.0 ' 22 20113.0 TG 110.0 INV LIMITS OF GRADING 32 32 32 32 32 HP108.4 FS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 20 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.14 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.12 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.13MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.15 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.16 MATC H LI N E - S E E S H E ET C- 1. 1 7 I •• . . -.. -.. • • • • ~ =:------_ + + + + +++-1-+++++ + + + •.+ + + + + + + ++ +++++++ ......... ~ ... + ... + + ............... + .... • -·· + + + + + + + + + + ++++++ "--,,.--:---:---:---c-' • • • J + + + + +++++++++ ++++++ ++ + + + + + .t + + + ··-j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -··- I:·: : : : : : I I •................. ·1 .+++++++++. I. □ 0 IOI IQ! D I SHEET I -v-,,-_.L __ J __ 'z:tY -so-so- -wm--wm- -RW--RW- -sw--sw- ------0------0- 0--------,:C □ 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ LiQ_J PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609 140.0 FS 136.2 FS 116.7 FS 114.8 FS 108.0 FS 110.0 FS 108.3 FS 114.5 FS 110.0 FS 103.0 FS 101.4 FS 4 . 8% 6.2% 2.3% 7.5% 2.4%GBGB4.8%GBGB G B 118.9 FS 123.5 FS 130.0 FS 134.6 FS 107.9 FS 0" CF 108.0 FS 101.7 FS 102.7 TC 102.2 FS 82.0 FS (80±) FS (100.9) FS GBGBGB 13 %10%13 % 3.5% 3.5% GB GBGB10%GBGBGB 10%GB109.0 FS 109.0 FS LIMITS OF GRADING GUARDRAIL 118.5 TW 113.0 BW 113.0 TW 110.5 BW 101.0 INV 4 8 1 1 114.0'117.5 TW 117.0 BW 28114.5 TG 111.5 INV 114.0 TW 113.5 BW 28117.0 TG 114.0 INV 32 22 224. 8% 3 3 3 3 22 22 14.0'8.0'8.0'9.0' -TYP.10.0'18.0'26.0'18.0'15.0' 26. 0 ' 18. 0 ' 15. 0 ' 6 . 0 '10.0'6.0'4.0'10.0'10.0'115.0 TW 114.5 BW 104.5 TW 104.0 BW 28104.0 TG 101.0 INV 28102.5 TG 99.5 INV 2 2 30 3026.0 ' 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 12 12 2 2 2 GB 9 9 9 2 2 2 3 3 22 22 22 22 3 22 22 32 22 22 22 22 3 32 32 32881.5 TG 80.5 INV 2484.0 TG 2383.0 INV 23 83.0 INV 23 83.0 INV14.0'108.5 FF 2 GBGBGB LP3.5% 109.0 FS HP 102.3 TC 101.8 FS 104.3 TC 103.8 FS 104.8 TC 104.3 FS 106.25 TC 105.75 FS 106.75 TC 106.25 FS 107.7 TC 107.2 FS 107.35 TC 106.85 FS 108.0 TC 107.5 FS 107.8 TC 107.3 FS 108.0 TC 107.5 FS 107.75 TC 107.25 FS 108.25 TC 107.75 FS 0" CF 107.5 FS 107.25 FL 106.6 TC 106.1 FS 106.1 TC 105.6 FL 102.0 INV 104.35 TC 103.85 FS 103.85 TC 103.35 FL 102.2 TC 101.7 FS 108.3 FS 101.8 TC 101.3 FL BASIN 'H' 83.0 SURFACE 77.5 SUBDRAIN OUT 77.25 BOT. 95.0 TW 90.0 TW 32 12" 32 12" 1% TY P.1% TYP.1% TYP.32 MATCH EXIST. FL MATCH EXIST. FL MATCH EXIST. FL MATCH EXIST. FL 34 34 112.0 TW 111.5 BW C.O. 105.0 INV 101.7 TC 101.2 FL 97.0 INV 98.0 INV 108.85 FS 22 22 2383.0 INV 2885.0 TG 83.5 INV 8 SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE PROP. STREET STRIPING PER SEPARATE PROJECT PROP. STREET STRIPING PER SEPARATE PROJECT 108.2 FS 108.4 FS 2380.0 INV GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 21 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.15MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.16MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.13 FA RADA Y A V E . MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.14 MATCH L I N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 1 8 MATCH L I N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 1 8 SECTION H-H NOT TO SCALE 1%±2% 2% PROP. D.G. WALK PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. RETAINING WALL PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. GUARDRAIL WHEN TOP OF WALL TO BOTTOM OF WALL IS OVER 2.5-FEET PROP. RETAINING WALL PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. U-GUTTER H H PROP. RETAINING WALL C) "'Cl =o ~ -1:l,,.~ 0) ---i C)z (0 9 CJ ;;a ► ::E z G) z 9 OJ ~n ;;a 1--1 ;,;; >-3 :--< ~o £ 1-::cj 8 -n ~> CJ ~ !:;J t-' Ji; (/J ::a:! trl ~> ---i 0 ~ fTl ul ~ ~ • • :/ ' 1 ,) / ~"◊ ' " .,,,,,;, / ✓ //" / " ' ~IDE:)]~ijo□[{j fj I} 1: z 1%> ~ 0 D I ' I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I I ~ I ~ I I I I t~ I I • I • I I I I I r<l I I H ~' '-' I + + + +I+ + + + ''l " .. ~ ... " ·, 1, .. _ 000000000000 000 . ')">.,Y:, GJ A,,,-;,.>rc // 'Ly ,-J--◊., + ,.,. + 000000000000 110.0 FS 117.0 FS109.0 FS 110.0 FS 111.7 FS 114.0 FS GB 2.2%2.6%4.8%GBGB GB GB GB1.3 %1.3%112.0 FS 107.9 FS 0" CF 108.0 FS GBGBGBGB 4 . 8% 3.5% 4.8%GB115.5 FS 119.4 FS GB GBGBHP 112.0 FS 109.0 FS 109.0 FS 109.0 FS 109.9 FS 110.0 FS 112.0 FS 112.0 FS 116.25 FS 115.75 FS 111.75 FS 110.5 FS 4%4%4%1.4% LIMITS OF GRADING 109.0 INV 105.5 TG 101.0 INV GB112.5 FS 112.75 FS 4 4 22 110.5 TG 105.0 INV31 22 22 18. 0 ' 15. 0 ' 6 . 0 '10.0'6.0'10.0'10.0 '4.0'12 2 2 2 2 GB 22 22 2210.0'10. 0 ' 7.0' 10.0'7.0' 1 0 . 0 ' 26 106.0 INV 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 12 22 22 22 22 3 12 3 3 22 83.0 INV 22 14 .0 ' 22 22 22 20113.0 TG 110.0 INV 20116.0 TG 107.5 INV 109.0 FS 0" CF 107.5 FS 108.3 FS 90.0 TW 32 32 32 32 98.0 INV 107.0 INV C.O. 105.0 INV 108.85 FS C.O. 102.0 INV 89.5 INV 88.5 INV HP108.2 FS 108.4 FS 29 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 22 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.16 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.14 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.17MATC H LI N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1. 1 9MATCH L IN E - S E E SH E E T C -1 .18MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.15C) =o -1:l,,. 0) C) (0 "'Cl :u 0 <-f'l 0 --i z 9 CJ :u ► ::E z G) z 9 ,·~ ~. I ' -1 -~ ~ ~=------I ·--------\ OJ ~n :u 1--1 ;,;; >-3 :--< ~o £ 1-::cj 8 -n ~> CJ ~ !:;J t-' Ji; (/J ::a:! trl ~> --i 0 ~ f'l ul I ....... • 10~~ z 1%) ~ 0 □ 0 D I ' ' ' ~ ~ I ~ I ~ I I ~ I ~ I ' ,, -' ' '· I I I ~ I I • I • I I I I I t<l I I H " ' ' ' +++++++-,. ++t-+++t-++++++++\+ +++++++ ' ' ' , '--'o•. + t-+" ',' :a·:,_:, ' ' =-' -' ' ,_ ' ' ' +++++~ + + + t-' ' ' .± + + ' ' ' ' :;::> 000000000000 ·~· ' ' ' ' ,, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~+ \+ + ' ' ' ' ' ' 000 i '/;', /4' :;, fj:: + ; " " + \ +J ,/ r ......... ✓ ~ 000000000000 117.0 FS 114.0 FS G B 2.6%GBGBGB1.3 %1.3%127.6 FS4.8%GBGB3.5% 4.8% 115.5 FS 119.4 FS 124.8 FS 112.0 FS 116.25 FS 115.75 FS 111.75 FS 110.5 FS 4%4%1.4% LIMITS OF GRADING HMP BOUNDARY HMP BOUNDARY 113.0 TG 109.0 INV 112.75 FS 31 10.0 ' 10.0'7.0' 1 0 . 0 ' 2 3 3 3 12 22 22 22 3 3 3 3 12 3 3 126.0 TW 125.5 BW 22 28125.5 TG 120.5 INV 14.0'10.0'14.0 ' 22 130.0 TG 125.0 INV 31 22 22 22 20113.0 TG 110.0 INV 20116.0 TG 107.5 INV 14.0' (134.0±) FG 15% MAX.20124.0 TG 121.0 INV LIMITS OF GRADING 32 32 32 32 32 C.O. 102.0 INV 12 29 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 23 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.17 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.19 MATCH LI N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 1 9MATCH L IN E - S E E SH E E T C -1 .16 I I 1%±2% EXIST. SLOPE PROP. D.G. WALK PROP. BROW DITCH 1%± PROP. D.G. WALK PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE SECTION I-I NOT TO SCALE C) =o -1:l,,. 0) C) (0 ""Cl :u 0 <-f'l 0 ---i z 9 CJ :u ► ::E z G) z 9 lj OJ ~n :u 1--1 ;,;; >-3 :--< ~o £ 1-::cj 8 -n ~> CJ ~ !:;J t-' Ji; (/J ::a:! trl ~> ---i 0 ~ f'l ul ...,__._,,---; ±__ ' ----------= • ++++++++ -----.at_ + + + + + + + + + ++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++...± • - + ,-.;o' ~--' ' , .,,-::::::"i:+ /+ -+ ' LA + + + + + + + + 4 12--,,,g, ~O' \ __ _ .:!: + -t ++ ++++ ++++ +++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + ++++++ ++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++++++ -,:-<-c,~c,-"-_±e+±___±+ + ..c±. ©,"':i. r '+ ' + + + + + + + + + + ++++'-++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -+ + + + + + + + + + ............. + + + + + + + .. , .. + + + ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + +++++'-,;!-+++ +++++'\.!-+++ +++"lit+ + + + '\.±_ + + + + + '\.+ + _±___±. + + + ±. ' + + + + + + + + +++++++ ~ ----~ ~::--::::::--::::::: • ------~ -----= ==~-=========-----= -------------=---=-==-==---=====-:.:::::---ee-t --w~ ' ' ' ' ' ' \' ' ' + + \ +, ' ' ' ' + + +I + -' + ' ' + ' ~ ' "F + + ~ I D ~ ~ ij O □ ,~.~j I I l 11111 li'.l SI I ~ ' ' ! 000000000000 000 s 1%) t 0 D I ,' ~ I ~ I I I I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I I ~ I ~ I I I t~ I I t-<l I I H 000000000000 114.8 FS 103.0 FS 109.0 FS 6.2%GBGB GB 104.5 FS 112.0 FS 107.9 FS 0" CF 108.0 FS 101.7 FS 102.7 TC 102.2 FS 82.0 FS (80±) FS (100.9) FS GBGBGBGB GB GBGBGB 4.8 % 8.9 %8.9% 13 %10%13 % 3.5% 3.5% 4 . 8% 109.0 FS 112.0 FS4%LIMITS OF GRADING EXISTING PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS EXIST 36" RCP SD (74.9±) INV EXIST 24" RCP SD (86.3±) INV GB112.5 FS 112.75 FS 8 1 1 1 3 8.0'9.0' -TYP.10.0'18.0'26.0'18.0'15.0'26. 0 ' 18. 0 ' 15. 0 ' 6 .0 '10.0'10.0'104.5 TW 104.0 BW 28104.0 TG 101.0 INV 28102.5 TG 99.5 INV 2 2 30 3026.0 ' 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 2 2 GB 9 9 9 2 2 2 22 22 22 22 3 22 22 10. 0 ' 7.0' 26 106.0 INV 2 3 22 22 3 22 22 22 22 22 29 29 22 22 22 29 3 32 32 32 32 32 3 3 2881.5 TG 80.5 INV 2891.0 TG 87.5 INV 28104.0 TG 102.5 INV 2484.0 TG 24 88.0 TG 2383.0 INV 23 83.0 INV 23 83.0 INV 2387.0 INV 22 22 14.0'14.0'12 2 GBGBGB LP3.5% 109.0 FS HP 102.3 TC 101.8 FS 104.3 TC 103.8 FS 104.8 TC 104.3 FS 106.25 TC 105.75 FS 106.75 TC 106.25 FS 107.7 TC 107.2 FS 107.35 TC 106.85 FS 107.75 TC 107.25 FS 108.25 TC 107.75 FS 0" CF 107.5 FS 107.25 FL 106.6 TC 106.1 FS 106.1 TC 105.6 FL 102.0 INV 104.35 TC 103.85 FS 103.85 TC 103.35 FL 102.2 TC 101.7 FS 101.8 TC 101.3 FL 25BASIN 'I' 87.0 SURFACE 83.5 SUBDRAIN OUT 83.25 BOT. 89.0 FG -TYP. 25BASIN 'H' 83.0 SURFACE 77.5 SUBDRAIN OUT 77.25 BOT. 95.0 TW 90.0 TW 86.0 TW 32 12" 1% TY P.1% TYP.1% TYP.1% TYP.1% TY P. MATCH EXIST. FL MATCH EXIST. FL 34 101.7 TC 101.2 FL 97.0 INV 107.0 INV C.O. 105.0 INV 92.5 INV 88.5 INV 22 22 22 2383.0 INV 2885.0 TG 83.5 INV 2885.0 TG 83.5 INV 80.0 INV 8 SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE PROP. STREET STRIPING PER SEPARATE PROJECT 25 BASIN 'L' 80.0 SURFACE 77.0 SUBDRAIN OUT 76.75 BOT. 82.0 FG -TYP. 24 81.0 TG 2380.0 INV C.O. 82.5 INV 29 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 24 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.18 FA RA DA Y A V E . MATC H LI N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1. 1 5 MATCH L IN E - S E E SH E E T C - 1 . 1 9 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.19MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.19MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.20 , , / • 'i ~ " # , 8 +, • ., i'. ':\. ~ " " " o'> '°1, C / v----------'' k;,,, '1' \~. / , / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -··- I: I: I: I: I: I: I:,, □ 0 IOI IQ! D ~ = = I SHEET I -v-,,- _l._ __ J __ 'ZtV -so-so- -wm--wm- -RW--RW- -sw--sw- -----0---0-- 0--------,:,- □ 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ LiQ_J PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609 117.0 FS109.0 FS GBGB1.3%127.6 FS HP 132.0 FS 112.0 FS 4.8%GBG B GB4.8% 3.5% 4.8%4.8%4.8%119.4 FS 124.8 FS HP 132.15 FS HPHP 112.0 FS 112.0 FS 116.25 FS 4%4%LIMITS OF GRADING 135.5 TW 132.0 BW HMP BOUNDARY (166.0±) FG12%15%±GB112.5 FS 112.75 FS 10. 0 ' 7.0' 2 2 22 22 3 3 3 12 3 32 32 3 3 3 126.0 TW 125.5 BW 22 22 28125.5 TG 120.5 INV 132.5 TW 132.0 BW 14.0 '14.0'14.0'10.0'14.0' 22 22 20116.0 TG 107.5 INV 15% MAX.20124.0 TG 121.0 INV GUARDRAIL 138.5 TW 130.0 BW 28132.0 TG 129.0 INV 22 1% T Y P . 1% T Y P . C.O. 105.0 INV 89.5 INV 32 12 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 25 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.19 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.17 MATCH L I N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1. 1 7 MATCH LINE - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 2 0 MATCH LI N E - S E E S H E E T C - 1. 1 6 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.18J J 1%±2% EXIST. SLOPE PROP. D.G. WALK PROP. BROW DITCH 1%± PROP. D.G. WALK PROP. 2:1 MAX. SLOPE SECTION J-J NOT TO SCALE 2% PROP. GUARDRAIL WHEN TOP OF WALL TO BOTTOM OF WALL IS OVER 2.5-FEET PROP. RETAINING WALL PROP. U-GUTTER PROP. U-GUTTER ..... + + + -· .. + + + + .j. .j. + + ... + + + + +++++++ \ • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • ,. I • i· + +\ • • • • • • • • t • • • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -··- --- I•:+:•:+:•:+:•:+: •:-1 1- □ 0 IOI IQI D ~ = I SHEET I -so---so- -WIR--WIR- -RW--RW- -sw--sw- 0--------,:C □ 0 N8 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ LiQ_J PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609 104.5 FS 102.6 FS 4.8% GB GBGBGBGB G B 4.8 %4.8%8. 9 %4.8%HP117.0 FS 118.0 FS JOIN (117.0±) FS LIMITS OF GRADING HMP BOUNDARY HMP BOUNDARY LIMITS OF GRADING GB1 . 8% 4 % GB GB EXIST 18" RCP SD (104.8±) INV 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 3 3 3 3 3 25 28 28104.0 TG 102.5 INV 28116.5 TG 113.5 INV 28116.5 TG 113.5 INV 24103.0 TG 24 111.0 TG 23102.0 INV 23110.0 INV 22 22 22 22 22 14.0' 10 . 0 '14.0'14.0' 14.0' 14.0' 12 12 12 2 29 12 3 28121.0 TG 118.0 INV 22 22 BASIN 'K' 110.0 SURFACE 106.0 SUBDRAIN OUT 105.75 BOT. 112.0 FG -TYP. 25BASIN 'J' 102.0 SURFACE 98.5 SUBDRAIN OUT 98.25 BOT. 104.0 FG -TYP. 1% T Y P.1% TYP.1% TYP.1% TY P. 1% TY P . 1 % T Y P . GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 4 3 5 2 20 21 22 PROTECT IN PLACE CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN & GRATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CONSTRUCT D.G. SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT ATRIUM DRAIN CONSTRUCT HEADWALL (INLET) AND TRASH RACK PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT BIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONNECT TO RESILIENT SURFACE DRAIN 1 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WEIR PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 6 7 8 CONSTRUCT RESILIENT SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS CONSTRUCT 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER (IN PARKING AREAS)9 CONSTRUCT ALLEY APRON PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. G-17 10 CONSTRUCT INLET AT U-DITCH CONSTRUCT 24"x24" CATCH BASIN & GRATE (OUTLET) PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-0.02 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (DRIVE AISLES) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS 30 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL WITH STENCIL CONSTRUCT CURB PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP PER S.D.R.S.D. STANDARD DETAIL 31 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN - TYPE 'F'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-07 11 CONSTRUCT A.C./A.B. PAVEMENT (PARKING STALLS) PER SOILS ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND PROPOSED CONTOUR PROP. RETAINING WALL HMP BOUNDARY 20-FOOT BUFFER CONCRETE PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) D.G. PAVING (PERVIOUS) PAVERS (IMPERVIOUS) RESILIENT SURFACE (IMPERVIOUS) CONCRETE (IMPERVIOUS) A.C. PAVING (IMPERVIOUS) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SPLIT RAIL FENCE PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STREET LIGHT EXISTING MISC. UTIL. BOX EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE CONSTRUCT PVC (SDR 35) OR H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN PIPE, BEDDING PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-60 CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE 'A' - PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-09 32 CONSTRUCT BROW DITCH - TYPE 'B'- PER S.D.R.S.D. DWG. NO. D-75 33 CONSTRUCT LEVEL PAD FOR BUS STOP 34 CONSTRUCT 18" WIDE U-CHANNEL WITH SOLID METAL COVER PROPERTY LINE MATCH LINE SIGHT DISTANCE BIOFILTRATION AREA CATCH BASIN & GRATE ATRIUM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION/BROW DITCH TYPE 'F' CATCH BASIN TYPE 'A' CLEAN OUT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN RIP RAP PEDESTRIAN RAMP CURB & GUTTER CURB 3-FOOT WIDE V-GUTTER PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER PROPOSED SEWER PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE SLOPE 12 CONSTRUCT DECORATIVE PAVING SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 26 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' S ESHEET C-1.20 FAR A D A Y A V E . MATCH LINE - S E E S H E E T C - 1 . 1 9 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.18 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET C-1.18FARADAY AVENUE TYPICAL SECTION WITH CENTER MEDIAN NOT TO SCALE 26'10'10' VARIES 72' TO 102' 2% 5.5' 2%2% 2% 26'3' 3:1 M A X . VARIES 0' TO 24'3' • -··- I I \ \ \ \ // , ( I\ ' ',, / ( I "'"',,, \,,1 ,, f ',, ' ', I --+-I ----1-- ! "f· J I __ l.,_ \ , I ) -X 119.5 ...... ~,,.,,,..C.c;__ --C<.~-~---- ]~J]13~ X 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -··- I: : : : : : : I □ 0 IOI IQ! D I SHEET I 'qj/ -so-so- -wm--wm- -RW--RW- -sw--sw- ------0------0- 0--------,:C □ 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ LiQ_J PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROJECT NO, DRAWING NO, CIP4609 CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING 999 CORPORATE DR., SUITE 100 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 p: 949.463.8822 e: tec@civtec.net May 5, 2022 CONCEPTUAL GRADING EXHIBIT - DETAILS VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 279"VARIES -SEE PLANSECTION ELEVATION ASTM A615, Gr60 C1) STEEL: 3) 2) CONCRETE: SPECIFICATIONS: F' = 3,250 p.s.i., TYPE V 5' TYP. POUR FOOTING AGAINST UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOIL1'3" C L R .MIN . 1-0"PIPE Ø 1'-0"1'PIPE Ø1'-6"4" CLR. MAX.BETWEEN BARS3" CLR. MAX.6" MIN. NOTES: 1. TRASH RACKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH RECTANGULAR SMOOTH STEEL TUBE WITH A MIN. 1-INCH BY 0.5-INCH BY 16 GA CROSS SECTION. THE TUBE STEEL SHALL MEET THE ASTM A513 REQUIREMENTS. 2. THE HEADWALL CONNECTION PLATES SHALL BE 1 2-INCH X 6-INCH PLATE AND SHALL BE A36 STEEL. THE HEADWALL CONNECTION BOLTS SHALL BE 58-INCH RED HEAD WEDGE ANCHOR BOLTS (ICC-ES AC193) AND SHALL BE DRIVEN TO A MIN. DEPTH OF 4-INCHES INTO CONCRETE. 3. ALL TRASH RACK COMPONENTS SHALL HAVE A CORROSION PROTECTIVE FINISH (HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED). 4. ALL WELDS SHALL BE 1 4-INCH WELDS. 5. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE CITY FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. TRASH RACK NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: ALL CONC. FLATWORK AND VISIBLE DRAINAGE STRUCTURES TO BE FINISHED AND COLORED CONSISTENTLY PER SPECIFICATIONS. HEADWALL TO BE FINISHED WITH NATINA STAIN. VERIFY COLOR AND FINISH WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND SUBMIT SAMPLE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONCRETE HEADWALL (INLET) W/TRASH RACK RIP-RAP WHERE SHOWN ON PER PLAN TRASH RACK - SEE DETAIL ABOVE SLOPE HEADWALL AT 3:1 STORM DRAIN PIPE PER PLAN 9" P.C.C. W/#5 @ 18" E.W. PIPE INVERT PER PLAN TOP OF HEADWALL BOTTOM OF CHANNEL PER PLAN CONNECTION PLATE WITH AT LEAST ONE LOCKABLE CLASP TO ATTACH RACK TO PLATE FACE OF HEADWALL STORM DRAIN PIPE PER PLAN CONNECTION PLATE WITH HINGE TO ALLOW TRASH RACK TO SWING OPEN 5"18" TO 24"OPENING5"ELEVATION 12" OPENINGPLAN (FLAT TYPE)4"4"CATCH BASIN & GRATE PRE-CAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN WITH FRAME - BROOKS PRODUCTS 1212 CB OR 1818 CB OR 2424 CB OR EQUAL CAST IRON GRATE - BROOKS PRODUCTS 1212 OR 1818 OR 2424 OR EQUAL - 1/2" MAX. SLOT - GALVANIZED FINISH - USE BLACK NDS DOMED GRATES IN PLANTING AREAS OR EQUAL STORM DRAIN PIPE PER PLAN NOTE: ·USE DOMED GRATE IN FLAT AREAS. ·GRATES LOCATED IN ACCESSIBLE AREAS ARE TO BE HEEL PROOF AND HAVE ADA COMPLIANT OPENINGS. ·USE 3,250 p.s.i., TYPE V CONCRETE FLOW INVERT ELEVATION PER PLAN STORM DRAIN PER PLAN 5"18" TO 24" OPENING 5" 12" OPENING 4"4" TOP OF GRATE (TG) PER PLAN - USE DOMED GRATES IN PLANTING AREAS 6"2"POURED IN PLACE P.C.C. BASE WITH SLOPE TO DRAIN SLOPE PER PLAN 1'-6"USE BROOKS PRODUCTS1212 FOR 4" TO 6" PIPEUSE BROOKS PRODUCTS1818 OR 2424 FOR 8" TO12" PIPEUSE BROOKS PRODUCTS 1212 FOR 4" TO 6" PIPE USE BROOKS PRODUCTS 1818 OR 2424 FOR 8" TO 12" PIPE 3:1 MAX. SLOPE COBBLE SURFACE PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RIP-RAP WHERE SHOWN ON PER PLAN - OMIT FOR OVERFLOW HEADWALL CONSTRUCT TRASH RACK PER ABOVE DETAIL SHEET C-0.02 FLOWMIN. DEPTH =12" FOR UP TO 4" PIPE18" FOR UP TO 8" PIPE24" FOR UP TO 12" PIPEBIOFILTRATION AREA WITH UNDERDRAIN BROOKS PRODUCTS 3636 CATCH BASIN AND GRATE 3' 3:1 S L O P E MI N .- SE E P L A N 6" PERFORATED PVC PIPE @ 0% SLOPE 5-FEET O.C. - PLACE PERFORATIONS DOWN PONDING DEPTH - E(12" MAX.)VARIES - SEE PLAN FOR SHAPE 3' 18" DEPTH 3/4" CLEAN CRUSHED ROCK 24" MIN. DEPTH OF ENGINEERED SOIL 3"SOILS MEDIADEPTH - A(18" MIN.)GRAVEL DEPTH - B3" STANDARD SHREDDED AGED HARDWOOD MULCH 3"SURFACE ELEV. PER PLAN PER PLAN BOT. ROCK ELEV. PER PLAN IMPERMEABLE LINER IMPERMEABLE LINER WALL WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN 12" FREEBOARD4" DEPTH CLEAN WASHED PEA GRAVEL EXCAVATED SLOPE 1:1 MAX. FLOW CONTROL OUTLET FOR HYDROMODIFICATION - C NOTCH FOR HYDROMODIFICATION - G BMP SUMMARY TABLE BMP TRIBUTARY AREA (ACRES) DIMENSIONS BMP AREA (SQUARE FEET) SOILS MEDIA DEPTH - A (INCHES) GRAVEL DEPTH - B (INCHES) LOWER ORIFICE DIAMETER - C (INCHES) RISER DEPTH - D (INCHES) PONDING DEPTH - E (INCHES) SURFACE DEPTH - F (INCHES) RISER NOTCH DIMENSIONS [WIDTH X HEIGHT] - G (INCHES) A 1.30 599 24 18 1.00 12 12 24 8 X 4 B 0.46 250 24 18 0.65 12 12 24 8 X 4 C 0.44 582 36 24 0.42 12 12 24 8 X 4 D 0.56 1,080 30 30 0.45 12 12 24 8 X 4 E 8.30 4,028 36 36 2.00 12 12 24 8 X 4 F 4.48 2,111 36 24 1.50 12 12 24 8 X 4 G 5.19 2,081 30 18 1.50 12 12 24 8 X 4 H 10.60 4,710 36 30 2.50 12 12 24 8 X 4 I 0.29 140 24 18 0.50 12 12 24 8 X 4 J 0.27 89 24 18 0.50 12 12 24 8 X 4 K 1.39 760 30 18 0.60 12 12 24 8 X 4 L 0.21 80 18 18 2.00 12 12 24 8 X 4 12" PONDINGDEPTH6" MIN.FINISH SURFACE PER PLAN BIOFILTRATION SURFACE ELEV. PER PLAN ASTM A615, Gr60 C1) STEEL: 3) 2) CONCRETE: SPECIFICATIONS: F' = 3,250 p.s.i., TYPE V POUR FOOTING AGAINST UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOIL NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: ALL CONC. FLATWORK AND VISIBLE DRAINAGE STRUCTURES TO BE FINISHED AND COLORED CONSISTENTLY PER SPECIFICATIONS. HEADWALL TO BE FINISHED WITH NATINA STAIN. VERIFY COLOR AND FINISH WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND SUBMIT SAMPLE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4)* CONC. DIMENSIONS AND REINF. TO BE CONFIRMED BY STRUCTURAL ENGINEERMIN. 6"A A 8" *6"*12"SECTION A-A CONCRETE WEIR DETAIL OVERALL WIDTH PER PLAN WEIR WIDTH PER PLAN *8" P.C.C. W/#5 @ 18" E.W.HEIGHTWIDTHRISER DEPTH - DSURFACE DEPTH - F--I -~ , - //f / \ 0-. -- i-- <I • <'I 4 <'I '</ .:1.:1 ,--~\, '/ I I , /I I ./ - ., I ~ / ",... M 17 I I - I SHEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~o PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT LiQ__J PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CIP4609