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CD 2020-0014; JAGUAR LAND ROVER; Consistency Determination
\. PARKING STANDARD SALES 1 space I 400 sf 20% required as customer parking 80% undesignated employee parking REPAIR 4 spaces / workbay for first 3 bays, 2 spaces per bay in excess of 3 PARTS customer parking 1 space / 1,000 sf employee parking 1 space 11,250 sf DISPLAY/INVENTORY TOTAL SPACES PARKING CALCULATION EXISTING 11,587 sf/ 400 = 29 spaces 29(.20) = §_ spaces 29(.80) = 23 spaces 32 work bays 4(3) + 2(30) = 72 spaces customer parking 7,496 sf I 1,000 = 8 spaces employee parking 7,496 sf/ 1,250 = 6 spaces 294 spaces REQUIRED 12,129 sf/ 400 =~spaces 31 (.20) = J_ spaces 31 (.80) = 25 spaces 32 work bays 4(3) + 2(30) = 72 spaces customer parking 7,496 sf/ 1,000 = 8 spaces employee parking 7,496 sf I 1,250 = 6 spaces *Handicap parking included in Customer parking spaces. See Sheets A· 1, A-1 a and A-1 b for parking parking plans / / I / / '/ / ),// ~-I . I \ \ EX ISTI NG f'ARKING ~--\ I I \ I \ \_ I I EXiSiliNG CURsi::::UT--------------- \ NEW DRlV'.::WA y CURSCU\ ACCESS TO i'\EW CA-S: ~ DELIVERY L---\ I \ PROVIDED _§_ customer spaces* 25 employee spaces AC PAVINC:: ------------- 6 ' T~lc:<. REINi=ORCE:J CONCRETE i3AN:J, NOi\ SLIP FINIS~ -COLOR PER w'LR MANUAL INTERLOCKll'\6 PCRV'OUS P.6.VERS ------ NOTE, PAVER INST 4.LL.1 TIC~ DET A 1L F::R ORIG'NL:i.LL Y AFP-2:0V:::D P _ANS FROJ::c-• I 2014 -0012 JOINTINS SAND ~ \ \\ Pr-Jc=dCJb,--------'-! ~. < 'r'TTTTTI 1-I i ~-·' ~ 72 spaces (NO CHANGE) 8 customer spaces* 6 employee spaces (NO CHANGE) 290 spaces 337 spaces N:;.l.l C::::NCRETE WALKl:.!AY (:;) PLANT:::R r::: 1:;i.14 -a -.·; 1 1527-016 n - ::XISTI\IG Sr-lOWROOM 5LIL;::JING -N EW½ R:::SINE!DL.~:) t__:__-=R~f'5CACE-ExTSl\jG- GRA.v::L .l.lALKWAY a U::EN PALM 'J.n -l FER JLR Cl MANUAL MED ITE's:R.A:-.:::AN ::AN P ALM NEW 36 -.;;::SIN 50l..ND GRAv::_ WLt.L.KIJJAY N:CJJ F:'::R'/ICUS EXISTING rARK lt\G \ RAMP TO PARKING LEVE L --"'--::XISTING TRA-SH---- ::N:::LCSU-S:E 0 ' I I I I I I I 24'-0" I FIRE _ANt: ).! I I I I I I I I I I . q .. 11----@--11 . IL EX IST ING PARTS J S::RVICE 5UILDING (NO IJJORK) SEE S~EETS A-la AND A-ib FOR PARKING INi=ORi'1ATI ON I" " " "' 23 E1~1s r 1 ~ D IS,=L.42t s= Ccs i0 J 30 k----+--+--.....J...--+----'----+---+--+-+--+--1 0 ::X ISTl t\G 0 ARKIN6 ( Ll D ISPL AY SF ACES) !NO WORK! . 11----&-11 I l . . . . . ffi VICINITY MAP $Ii!:: A~0~5S$, ='-'='-' PA5;;C: !;SL. \JC:Ri S: CA;?L.5;Ai::, CAL.l~CRNIA ~2eea \ NOV ill 2020 c i---.1 • c -.=:. -,:_s2 .;u PLJ--\N,...,;i'1G r;,,11~• . .--· ! CONSISTENCY DE'I'EIMINATION D RIBD' , -, '·1 l r FOR ORIGINALPROJECTNO.& 'f,f::f)t_} :.: 1 ~. S.°A'o. (D 202-0-,po1y , ! "'!t.: 1 ..• ·.·• •.' ~ £1.w ! Da;:.r ~/~/~:C t~ I ~j ~. Nee:. City PJ:1 nner · fu:..._,Vlv.1.M.£h.O.ED BY: . DAT ·\ PROPOSED SITE PLAN 1"=20' CJ z -0 z w a_ I- ~ a: w a_ CJ z -0 _J -:J en z 0 I-0 :J a: I-Cl) z 0 0 a: 0 u.. I-0 z >-a: <( z -~ _J w a: a_ CD 2020-0014 PROJECT DATA Applicant: APN: SITE ADDRESS: Existing Zone & Land Use: Jo Hannah Hoehn 211-060-02 5334 Passe Del Norte Carlsbad CA 92008 Specific Plan: Site Acreage: C-2 General Commercial Zone Car Country Specific Plan 130,141.23 SF (2.99) SHOWROOM: Existing Showroom Building Showroom Addition Total PARTS & SERVICE BLDG (E) First Floor Parts & Svc (E} Mezzanine (E) Second Floor (E) Roof Parking PARKING Total: SCOPE OF WORK: 11,587 SF 542SF 12,129 SF 34,515 SF 2,822 SF 37,358 SF 34,439 SF 337 spaces Remodel existing showroom facade, 542 square ft. showroom addition, new car delivery roll up doors, new storefront windows & doors per plan, new office and showroom furniture, interior improvements, new private accessible restroom, misc. site improvements, new brand signage PRELIMINARY REVIEW PRE 2019-0031 - LEGEND 542 S.F. SHOWROOM ADDITION NEW 3G RESIN BOUND GRAVEL WALKWAY PER JLR Cl MANUAL NEW PERVIOUS PAVERS PER JLR Cl MANUAL COLOR: CHARCOAL GRAY - EXISTING . PERVIOUS PAVERS I~. . . -1 EXISTING ~-------"· LANDSCAPED AREA SHEET INDEX Title, Site Plan A-1 A-1a A-1b First Floor Plan -Exist. Maintenance Building Second Floor and Roof Deck Plan -Exist. Maintenance Building A-2 A-3 A-4 First Floor Plan -Showroom Bldg . Roof Plan / Comparable Analysis Exterior Elevations JAGUAR LAND ROVER FACADE & SHOWROOM REMODEL 5334 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 7-lB-20 P~E_IMiNA~l Ri::V IEUJ 8-12-20 CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION BOKAL & SNEED AR C HITE CTS 244 Ninth Street Del Mar, California 9207 4 [858) 487 -8244 Fax (858) 481-8364 All ideas, designs, and arrangements indicated on these drawings are the prooerty of Bokal & Sneed .~.rchitecis and are 111ended lo be used i:-i connecl1on wiih ;his specific project only and sha 'I nat otherwise be used far any purpose whatsoever without the written consen t of Bokal & Sneed Architects. There shall be no changes or dev1a'.i~ns from these drawi1;s or the acccriponyIrg sp~cific□tions w1tnout the written consent of Bokal & S:1eed Architects . CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION Sheet Title SITE PLAN Scale NOTED Dote ll-i}-20 Drown OP Check.ed RB * No. C 21312 Job No. iS23- <P .A REN 7/31/2019 -<//' I!' A-1 f{ ,~ 7~ ~¼ / ffi -----------~- ' --.... "" ........:..0--\'1%11; -..;.•, RAMP UPTO PARKING LEVEL ........;,.0,9/f -....;;: I 0 00 00 F . J-,.~-?~~-·3,_~-4"~~-•?•-~-,@'---+~-•Z-~-<~s~7 16 o 0 18 i5 ~-""' 0 I I I I PROPOSED SERVICE, PARTS A~O PARKING STRUCTURE BUILDING ADlflTION +- tll '20 21 '22 '23 ' ' 6 ' I 132 wORK 6A1S ING sr4l ls . "''·:" "'·' F . 0 f 0 i ·'30 1 '3-l ~r;F .,r·c.a,. , ~ _E TO FF I F C F E EXISTING FIRST FLOOR WORK BAYS -MAINTENANCE BUILDING 1"=20' NO WORK -PROVIDED FOR PARKING INFORMATION ONLY ' CJ z Cl z w a.. I--2 (( w a.. CJ z Cl _J -::) en z 0 l-o ::) (( I-- Cf) z 0 0 (( 0 LL l-o z >-(( <( z 2 _J w (( a.. CD 2020-0014 JAGUAR LAND ROVER FACADE & SHOWROOM REMODEL 5334 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 7-28-20 PRELIMINARY RcVIEW B-12-20 CONSISTENCY D:'ERMINATION l'-13-20 CONSISTENc~ Di:E:'sMIKATION BOKAL & SNEED ARCHITECTS 244 Ninth Street Del Mar, California 92014 (858) 481-8244 Fax [858] 481-8364 ~.II :deas. desic1s, end arranger-.erits ;:ic:cctec on these arawinas are the property J of Bokal & Sneed Architects an_d c:e intended tO :,e used in connectior, with this specific pr::/ec1: only and sf'all not otherwise oe ..;sed for any ourpase whdsOever without the written corsent of Bokal & Sneed Arch1.ects. foere sha!I be no charaes or Ce\/atior:s from these drawings or the accompa;1ying spedicolons w:thout the written conse;it of Bo~G' & Sneed Archi~ects. CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION Sheet Title EXISTING PARKING PLAN 1 MAINTENANCE BLDG Sco!e NO"'."::D elate li-13-20 Drawr: OF Ccecked RB Job No. 1'323 I A-1.a • r 40'-o· ------. --------· -·- I I I ------: ----· ···--·-·-- 1 ---r--------- -------t--------------- © I -j24 I ' : I I I I I I I 9'-SS/4' I 0 0 1\ ' I l ' ~-- t--- 25 s;---.c..__ "'-'-... 18'-0" _ , --1 :-------- 328"""" ,,... T.O.W 295 84 297 286 '" 7 302 291 303 292 ,, 314 I "'I 108'-0" 12 EQUAL SPACffi@ g·.o-t -- NOTE, PARKING STRUCTURE IS FOR THE STORAGE OF CARS ONLY. NO GUEST OR j EMPLQYEEPARKINGATALL ----,--------- 18'-0' ·-'- I I I I ---I---------f-----·-· --_, ----JL I I i 12'.l3 D ISP! ./4 Y /INv:-N I OR-v SP.4CES I ® ! ~ T.O.W ------I 114" PER FOOT MIN. 30'-0" T.O.A "' 'NP. 271 257 l 273 259 1!Nl" 274 260 I 275 261 I 276 262 I 277 262 I ·--_, __ __ 279 265 ! I 1·--0· 24"-0" 260~266 I ___ I .. -'----- I I 281 i 267! 282 268' I I "' .....____ ,_ i- .....____ @iJ @iJ i'"'""""" ,, 1.lsH l I T.O.P « ,,------ :1 ,, -----1 -. .J]---- @17---4---''--H--'➔ __ JI 9 • -0 0 0 EXISTING ROOF DECK PARKING -MAINTENANCE BUILDING 1"=20' -----------· • •1c--,.-------i----- ~~------------- • I I I I --_J 0 I "·' ... -1- 21'-4",:;4'-0" 2 OPENING 4'-B' 21•-,•x.;•.o• OPENING cp RAMP UP TO PARKING LEVEL 217 201 218 202 '" TYP. 19B'·O" $.g• ~ CM1 I I I RAMP DOWN TO PARKlNG LEVEL NOTE: PARKING STRUCTURE !SFORTHE STORAGEO~ CARS ONLY. NO GU5ST OR EMPLOYEE PARKING AT ALL 16'·0" 16'·0" 183 165 184 166 21'.4" X 4'-0" OPENING 21'-4" x4'-0 OPENING 115'-0" 11 ' ' ' ' @iJ r ~-----,,a ··-----~~,:=:tj;:::c-c:::-=--~-~==-=::c-c::3EJ---t!==·E$==:::=e=~===3J,3-----·~c=~~~~l11 219 j203 229 ~ 185 1167 1§, 186 168 t,, ffl ~ ~ , oo, 220 204 OMO 221 205 @ 187 169 . CM1 18S 171 190 172 ----~!==-£k-==-~-~--c::==-:::3!Ei---~!==f::E~~=="1a--22s 209 191 173 1- I 22S 13 / I r-·· _, I I ~ .....____ r-,--- 1 _I -· ! I r""' I I -·---·,-~ ---' ,, ~-----" ' --0 -----0 --0 --0 --0 a 0 0 ---------i----------·----·-L -------~ --l--~-I I , I ----------·-------------~ -------l _ ------_j_/_ YE - ! I I ' 120 DiSPLAY/!NV NTORY SPAc-s I 1--~ T-2" 23'-4"X6'·0" OPENING 2a'-O" ' I I----- I ' M2 --@ EB EXISTING SECOND FLOOR PARKING -MAINTENANCE BUILDING 1"=20' NO WORK -PROVIDED FOR PARKING INFORMATION ONLY CJ z -0 z LU 0.. I- ~ a: LU 0.. CJ z -0 __J -::::, Ill z 0 l-o ::::, a: 1-(j) z 0 0 a: 0 LL CD 2020-0014 JAGUAR LAND ROVER FACADE & SHOWROOM REMODEL 5334 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 7-28-20' PRELIMINARY REV'EW , 8-12-20. CONSISTENCY DETE'<MII\A,101\ '11-13-20, CONS!STENCY DETE's1"111'A"il0ts BOKAL & SNEED ARCHITECTS 244 Ninth Street Del Mar, California 92074 [858) 481-8244 Fax [858) 481 8364 All ideas, designs, and crrangn1ents :riaic□ted or, these drawir.gs are tre property of Bo~GI & Sneed Architects and are irite:1C:ed to be used ir. cor.r1ecfon with tr.is specific project ori!y one shall ro: otherwise be used for any purpose whatsoever w:thout the written corisen: of Bokal & Srieed Archite:ts. There shall oe no chcrges or deviati9ns from the_se drawings or :he accorn::icnyin~ so~dicalons witfioul the written conse~,t of Bokal & Sneed Architects. CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION Sheet 1itle I-I EXISTING PARKING PLAN ~ MAINTENANCE BLDG >-a: <( z -~ __J LU a: 0.. \ No. C 21312 !*)) "'I I REN. 7/31/2019 ~ :---.-< '0 'l:' Scale NOTED Ca:.e :r-:3-20 OP CheckeC RB Job No. 1~23 A-1.b ~ \ ~ ' \ ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ROLL UF DOOR I r =XISTING . I I ~ ..... F:.~---~-~ =-.,~ I EXIST ING - 1 "" NEW CAR : "'-~l_f~~-~, I .. ., I ____________ _ I_ --'---NEW-RGL-t:-UP-----_ I DOOR ,,,,, ' I I I I I ,,,,, ,,,,, : -€,At ES I I . I ~ t_ -; -:--, ---N:::W M::T AL CLA:J Ci--A'-'ir::~ED WALL 9cjc~~~(BOTH Ei'\:JS) I I I I I C I : -, SA_ES I ,, I• AN:: GLASS DOOF? TC REMAIN · TY0 ALL i=RCN- ()FFICES 7"'--------RE-L.S::D CAR DELIVERY DOORS S'Z:=: 11'-:c:? x 8'-C' JAGL-A.R S~OWRoo---:_-;, -,, , ,.-__ , ' , r'.:----J.,,1 l . ¼· Jr-, ,. ' " I ~l llll ..J! i I -I Ii' ~~-., I r -, ., C -'· EXISTING: B LIND-CUT D00'-2. TO RE'1A"N a □ NEW __ _.,. STOREr''-<:ONi C::LAS5 DOOR -l'lrl_L WITrllN EXISTINC:: OP:::N'NG 74'-I' 5/8 ' llll c 1, ' -\;r j, I ./ ,, - PANEL □ 1'-EW ACCESSl3 L:: 's'::STROOM ~ r M::N'S ,.. '-.... DcALER'S OrFICE '!-.-8 0 QI 110'-'IEN 'S i --~ --~ ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, SERVER • !--'c SALES M~,e::, ; I (-:.--/ t , _JI t:l CONFERENCE (NO WORK) EXISTINC; S1~K TO REMAIN S4.LES MGR B~SINESS o=F iCC {NO WORK) t" J \.J I EX ISTl~G GLASS WALL~ AND C:.:LASS DOOR TO R::MAIN -TYP. ALL i=RONT 0rF1c::s - -------------------- --------------- ~ E;J E;J g:J I g:J CL.STOM::R 2XP. Mi'l'-!AC:ER SE's'VIC:: et'.IDMIN. COPY SCRVICE MA'-!A(,,ER I C4Sf-11E R I ::xlSTINC:: GLASS WA.LL AND C=L ASS DOOR T 0 R::MAIN -TYP . .6LL FRONT O~E.ICES---------- LAND ROVER SALE.S ,,.-----su~RCUND ALL I EXPOSED COLUMNS / JJITf .. D~YLLIAL'... 8 <T....,P. ?) -~ ~=rrr-cAv·:z-::,. ::::)-R ·1-:::i-cc~=,.......... -l~;;;W I _rs:;.,, I t: -.,1-"<C _, -'-"· CO_OR 0-fARCO.AL G'-s:AY SET IN CONTRASTINC:; C::RA'-' COLO~ED F.4VERS I j J --"'' ·OR~ == i1 -id · -t-'.- L PROPOS:':D Ri::SIN 30UN:J GRAVE/ WALKWAY PER JLR Cl MANUAL. t---++--aox !--=.DC::=. P=.R LR C1 MA.Ni/4'L- PROVID= EGL:IVA.LENT SPE~IES APPROPRiA-:: 70 Tl-fE CL-NATE A~D ENVIRONMENT Al\:J SUBJECT TO A::::FROVAL 3 1 JLR./ I ~ Ciil I I I I 17 5'-'5' (EXISTli\G F4.~Kl1'C::) ~-------------------tt-~-tt----------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ I EB 1/8"=1'-0" PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN CJ z 0 z w a.. I- ~ a: w a.. CJ z 0 _J => al z 0 -I-() => a: I-- Cf) z 0 () a: 0 LL l-o z >-a: <( z ~ _J w a: a.. CD 2020-001 4 LEGEND NEW STUD WALL EXI STING WALL 542 S.F. SHOWROOM ADDITION NEW PAVERS PER JLR SPEC. COLOR: CHARCOAL GRAY SET IN CONTRASTING LIGHT GRAY COLORED PAVERS NEW3G RESIN BOUND GRAVEL WALKWAY PER JLR Cl MANUAL DUPLEX RECEPTACLE OUTLET FLOOR MOUNTED JAGUAR LAND ROVER FACADE & SHOWROOM REMODEL 5334 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 7-23-20 PRELIMINAi"'ff ~EViEW B-12-20 CONS ISTENCY DE TEsc'1"A-ION il -13-20 CONSISTENCY DETERMINATI ON BOKAL & SNEED ARCHITECT S 244 Ninth Street Del Mar, Californ ia 92014 (858) 481-8244 Fax 1858) 481-8364 All ideas, de,igns, and oTangernent.s i_ndicated on !hes€ c:'cwings ore tr,e property of Boka l _& Sneed Architects and are intended to be used in connection with th is specific project only and shall not mherwise be used for any purpose whatsoever without the written consent of Bokal & Sneed Architects. There she be no chances or oeviations from \he_se crowings or. tre acconpa nying speciticolions w1lnou\ the wr,lten consent 01 Bokal & Sneed Arch itects. CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION Sheet Title PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN Sca le Dote Dro wn Checked No. C 21312 I * Job No NOTED il -13-20 OP RD l':i23 A-2 ri\ '~ EXl5-ING: CLA"' Tl_:=_ Rco:: TC R=''-';_Ll,IN ----~ PROPOSED ROOF PLAN WITH COMPARABLE ANALYSIS OF ADDITION 1/8" = 1'-0" EX'STl'-.:G C_AY TL:= Roe= TO ~=MAI\ --- L ·,...-:':S'CI\:: P,1'1E! .. -5 TC R::M,,111\ HOEHN NEi.v ::.:::5 C.X:E~ 0~ UJAL_ =i'-:'Sl--1 TO MATO.: EX'S--'.'-!G '----+----:042 SQUARE ~COT SHOL,~OOi"" INFi_L A:::::il':O\ i\EW FOA:-1 CORNic:: DEi AL '0 :"".A-c,.; EX!STll\6 ----EXISTING CLA._,.. Tl;..::: Rocr= TO RE~..:tN EX!STi\G FACADE ::x!ST!KG :::,0,-.::rs, s::Rv·c::: A~D F4RKll\.G: -NO U.:C'-:::<~ ' EX:STING FACADE ~ EX. IS-:NG CLAY :ILE / R:Jor= TO R='1Al1': \ . \, I I -I LAND ROVER _!iS~l________ // ----~~~---------------------•-=r:--. '1; --,,,h;;-~:.,-,.~..-r"is-1h1~-;:,~1·+.;I :.~:-J-~;~!-)~-""·•h1, I =i~':(,'."Jr,;,._.r:-'-,v,,,,,,/';,-,.,-,r':·;'"':,-,,r"'i·1/'".:'"("~:J(H;"ir I -;;c. ~---~----------~-------9 I · ,L>·,n,,~,,.,., · 'k;v,<"·,,,-._,..,,1.-i .• ---_,"S.FV•~·-..H->'""r{·,.,,-y'i-f ...,_:-f•'<J.i· y--:,1,-.,1_,, , _L' •. :_,;,~,J-i,'·. l-,.'"·l.,.-.,J..,,,..:;0) " ..... ,: ...;.rl,;·i.'.-~.-:r;.l-, ~....)~--i.h, -).v-lh-1["f"·IM(-, l-1,-.,. -1-'-_.,..i_,-.,· _,,...,.,.-.:'~"-~,:...,;.o<'-\>-...'~'j'"" •''"1,-''-.!-I~ -~':.-1~1_1,J:_, 'hi ··----·--~-c!!cc==~-ccccc===-~---------~~--~-~· ----=-_,_--'-------=---=----_-_----_-·-:::·_·_--_----_---=::-... .,.=-=.·:-··--------- c • ' . EXISTING: STC~C:=:RO'-IT, F4CAD:: AN:; :)OORS FACA:JE REMC:JEL ----------------------------------------~-)'------------------------------------------------------------ EXISTING WEST ELEVATION WITH COMPARABLE ANALYSIS OF FACADE ADDITION 1/8" = 1'-0" SERVICE NOTE: THE EXTERIOR FACADE REMODEL CONCEPT HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT UNDER PRE 2019-0031 (9 z -0 z w a.. I--2 a: w a.. (9 z 0 ....J -::, en z 0 l-o ::, a: 1-(f') z 0 () a: 0 LL l-o z >-a: <( z 2 ....J w a: a.. CD 2020-0014 LEGEND JAGUAR LAND ROVER FACADE & SHOWROOM REMODEL 5334 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BOKAL & SNEED ARCHITECTS 244 Ninth Street Del Mar, California 92014 (858) 481-8244 Fax (858) 481-8364 All :decs, des·grs, o~d Jrrnnge-r,_er-ts lrdicGted en these .:::,awings are !Je ::roperlv of 3ckol & Sneeo 11.•ch_itec;s and c0e in\er,ded t::i b,3 use'c: in cii:irec:l1::i1 '11i~h th:s specific project c:nlv and _s.1c-. not o~he0·11ise be 1Jsed f:y any pJrpose w~Gtsceve_r wl;i:cut :he w;1:;eri conse1t of Eokal & S;1eed ,l\:chitecs. The'€ s1Gli be ro cl"·G·'Ces O' cc;V:ot:o~s :,cm these drawings o; the accc-mp:::~V:rig soedi:::o'::01s 1·dbJt the wrde~, c•:men\ or Sokol & ::ineed /i,rchite~ts. CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION Sreel Tille ROOF PLAN/ COMPARABLE ANALYSIS S:::O:€ Dote J(CWn Crecked JoiJ l\o. \iOTED ll-''3-20 CF RB ·~23 A-3 I i I EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" EXISTING CLA"f TL..E ROOF TO -S:.::'.!"'.411\. ~ EXISTl!'\G L:MESTOl\:: PAl\lE_S TO REC' A~ HOEHN ~X'STING STOREFRONT, F . .6..CA:)E AN::; DOORS WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1 '-0" EXiST''\G p:...::-.,r::x :::r=.S FN'SL; TO ~,=;-,;t,.IN NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1 '-0" ::xrSTING :::=1s :=!:'\!S~ TO ~!"'AN SOUTH ELEVATION /SECTION 1/8" = 1 '-0" ::X!SIING L.IMl::STC!\E PAN::LS TO ~:=:VA'l\1--..._ \ "J::L:J S Gi\/465: 0 E"< JLR c: M4\!..:AL -~, ::XTERiOR U/.L .... ' L ::xis-ING :....IMESTON:: FANE_S-- ' N7 I , . I I I'\='.~ MET L'... RCL'.... L,:'=' :::CCR TC :-.-:.A7CH ::xren'!G ::;,::;:;:-:~G CL4" TIL...C ~oo:= -o RE"'iAIN -~- L ~·~~~··1!~~~··~~·~J~I~,~-~ .. ~: ~~~~ .. ~ .. ~ .. ~9~~L~~~~-~-~.~~-~~·~- ! 1 I f-~·~--. 11 • 'I ! I t\EWDCOR-- A\.D GLAZ.'NC:: :::XIS TING :::=:s rlNIS--1 TO REl'""'Al'l I Exis-:Ne:: ]INDOl., / EXIST'NG U:'1cs-o~E 0 AN::Ls :::x:STlr-iG FA~TS, SE~V!CE ANC PAR<iNG -NO WCRK~ \\ \; .. ' NE:..., SIG!\AG:: p:;~ JLR Cl MANL4L NOTE: THE EXTERIOR FACADE REMODEL CONCEPT HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT UNDER PRE 2019-0031 I CD 2020-0014 JAGUAR LAND ROVER FACADE & SHOWROOM REMODEL 5334 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA t: I 'B·12·2C CONSISTENCY DETER~NATION ~ r, ---1-;:-.1~3-.2-c~,-C-O_'i_S_IS-T::~,-,c~,-D-'.::T_E_R_H_!"-J_A_·T-!C_N_--j a: r. ----------------, w a.. CJ z -0 ..J -::J co z 0 l-o ::J a: I-C/) z 0 () a: 0 LL BOKAL & SNEED ARCHITECTS 244 Ninth Street Del Mar, California 92014 [858) 48 l ·8244 Fax [858) 48 l ·8364 ~,II :ce□E, designs, c-1c cwc1gerier1s irdic:::!eG en i.hese dr:i:"qs ere hie ::;rcpecty c:' Eoko1 & Sne€d A~cYlects □nd o:e 'n;cndec '.6 be :nee in con1ec;·o:'. wih I.his speci':c ::;rojecl onl-1 end sh:ill nc; cirerw:se be used for any. pupcse w:_dsoever :/th::d the wnh:n ~o.1sent of B::ikc & s~eeG ;.:,rch1lects. -here src,. be no cranges c, cievictior,s fro.'; ;i",~se G:-0•11ings or ~re o:cn.por.y"1g specir:c:i1icns without the wr:'.te:. consen~ o{ Bokal & S1erC k6:tcc:s CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION Sheet hie I-' 01 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS z >-Sec e '10-~D a: ,;;c-ll ARcff Date !-13·1C \'-E I <( i <:.,«; ~<oS · Sfve l'<' ' ' ~<) C' =:-rown OF z !1 ~ ....>. \ \ i / / \ \ \ ::::heckec -s3 -, 'I 2 I!(* No. C21312 l*i! .Jcb No. 10~::. I' ~j I _,_ ! \ \ ..J ' IP I ~ REN. 7/31/2019 w "' A-4 a: .,.~ o'<' O" CA\.1~ a..