HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-06-06; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Provide Staff Input based on the Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements Project and Public Comments Received in Connection with the ProjectMeeting Date: June 6, 2022 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Brandon Miles, Associate Engineer brandon.miles@carsbadca.gov, 442-339-2745 Subject: Provide Staff Input based on the Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements Project and Public Comments Received in Connection with the Project Recommended Action 1.Rescind the motion from the May 2, 2022, regularly scheduled Traffic and Mobility Commission to provide staff input regarding the public comments for Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements, CIP Project No. 6004 that were inadvertently omitted from the April 4, 2022, meeting of the Traffic & Mobility Commission. 2.Reconsideration of the public comments received for Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements, CIP Project No. 6004 that were inadvertently omitted from the April 4, 2022, meeting of the Traffic & Mobility Commission and provide staff input based on the project and public comments received in connection with the project. Summary In July 2017, the City of Carlsbad was awarded an Active Transportation Program, or ATP, grant by Caltrans to construct a portion of the Coastal Rail Trail, or CRT, along Avenida Encinas between Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road. Construction of this portion of the CRT has been identified as a high priority by the local and regional community. The CRT is a planned regional bikeway that includes a 44-mile regional bikeway that connects six coastal cities throughout San Diego County. The project plans to construct over 2.5 miles of new enhanced bicycle facilities, pedestrian ramps, new sidewalks where there are missing gaps, enhanced intersection treatments for improved bicycle and pedestrian safety, and traffic calming with a road lane realignment at select locations along the corridor. In response to the T&MC request for additional information regarding the project alignment, staff reached out to San Diego Association of Governments, or SANDAG. Staff presented a summary of their discussion to T&MC on June 7, 2021. It is staff’s understanding that the original project alignment was considered along the North County Transit District railroad corridor. However, after further engineering analysis, it was determined that an alignment June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 1 of 21 positioned along the railroad corridor would be infeasible due to environmental and financial constraints. As stated in Next Steps section from the June 7, 2021, T&MC meeting, staff posted a request for qualifications to advertise for the professional services and select a qualified consultant for engineering design and environmental assessment of the project on July 12, 2021. On Aug. 9, 2021, staff received seven proposals. A selection panel comprised of city staff evaluated and ranked the proposals based on best value-criteria, in keeping with Carlsbad Municipal Code sections 3.28.050 – Procurement of goods, (D)(2) and 3.28.060 - Procurement of professional services and services. On Dec. 7, 2021, with a recommendation from staff, City Council authorized executing an agreement with NASLAND Engineering for engineering and environmental services for the project. Discussion In order to expedite the project schedule and realistically manage the environmental review and right-of-way acquisition phases to meet the ATP grant requirements, this project has been broken into three segments along Avenida Encinas, as shown in Exhibit 1. 1. Segment 1 from Cannon Road to Palomar Airport Road – Completed 2. Segment 2 from Poinsettia Coaster Station to Carlsbad Blvd – Presented tonight 3. Segment 3 from Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia Coaster Station – Currently in preliminary design The city has constructed the project segment between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road (Segment 1) with funding from a separate Capital Improvement Program project, including a road narrowing with enhanced/buffered Class-II bike lanes. Class II bike lanes run along streets and are delineated by pavement striping and signs. The enhanced intersection at Cannon Road and Avenida Encinas, as proposed in the original project scope of work, will be constructed as part of another city project, the Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project The grant was originally awarded to fund a portion of the costs of improvements along the project corridor. To facilitate the use of the grant and meet the grant timeline requirements, staff are coordinating with the SANDAG and Caltrans to rescope the project and use the grant funding only for construction of the segment between the Coaster station and Carlsbad Boulevard (Segment 2). This change in the scope of work will need to be reviewed and approved by Caltrans and California Transportation Commission. Improvements in Segment 2 includes striping modifications, enhanced bike lanes, enhanced intersection treatments including curb extensions, traffic calming measures and high-visibility crosswalks. The portion of the project corridor between Palomar Airport Road and the Poinsettia COASTER station (Segment 3) will require widening of the existing roadway to accommodate new sidewalks and wider bikeway facilities. Construction of the improvements in this portion will be complex and require evaluation of the environmental impacts associated with the project, potential habitat mitigation requirements, property acquisition, utility undergrounding, and obtaining the required permits. June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 2 of 21 Improvements along the project corridor include the following features as identified in the preliminary design improvements provided in Exhibit 2: • Class-II buffered bike lanes • Enhanced intersection treatments including curb extensions, traffic calming measures, and high visibility crosswalks at the following intersections on Avenida Encinas: o Poinsettia Lane o Portage Way o Dory Lane o Carlsbad Boulevard • Traffic calming with a road lane realignment between Poinsettia Lane and Carlsbad Boulevard • Enhanced midblock pedestrian crossings (potentially with pedestrian actuated signs and median refuges) along Avenida Encinas at the following locations: o Poinsettia Station Driveway: Pedestrian Hybrid Beach (HAWK) crossing o South of Poinsettia Lane at the Poinsettia Village Shopping Mall As shown in the proposed preliminary design improvements provided in Exhibit 2, most of the roadway segment level improvements will be implemented through roadway restriping. The approved ATP grant application proposed Class-IV separated bikeways throughout the project corridor. The Class-IV bikeways were proposed to consist of standard bike lanes with plastic vertical delineators known as “soft-hit posts” providing a physical barrier between the bike lanes and vehicle travel lanes. Staff has however observed concerns related to the free movement of bicyclists in Class-IV bike lanes at intersections and on-going maintenance requirements to replace the soft hit post and debris from the separated bike lanes. Because of these constraints with the Class-IV bikeway, staff recommend class II buffered bikeways for Segment 2 as shown in Exhibit 2. This type of facility is consistent with adjacent facilities and, with the larger buffers, provides a more comfortable environmental for riders with regards to options and safety. Brown Act Curative Action The Traffic and Mobility Commission recently met at a regularly scheduled meeting on May 2, 2022. Six commissioners were physically present in the City Council Chambers and one commissioner attended the meeting telephonically. Due to staff miscommunication, the telephonic attendance was not properly noticed on the commission’s agenda under the Brown Act teleconferencing requirements set forth in Government Code section 54953. This item is therefore being reconsidered to cure the defects that flowed from the commission’s May 2nd agenda. Next Steps Staff will update the plans and prepare final documents for construction bid in August 2022. Exhibits 1. Seven Public comments for Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements that were inadvertently omitted from the April 4, 2022, Traffic & Mobility Commission meeting. June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 3 of 21 From:Will Rhatigan To:Traffic Subject:Comment on Item 3 at Traffic and Mobility Commission Date:Monday, April 4, 2022 11:09:10 AM To whom it may concern, I'm writing on behalf of the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition regarding item 3 of today's Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting: AVENIDA ENCINAS COASTAL RAIL TRAILAND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS. We are very disappointed to see that the Class IV cycle tracks originally planned for this segment of the Coastal Rail Trail have been downgraded to buffered Class II bike lanes.Extensive research has shown that Class IV cycle tracks are up to nine times safer than buffered bike lanes. It has also been proven that while only seven percent of people saythey're comfortable riding in Class II bike lanes, an additional 56 percent of people say they would ride more if separated facilities like cycle tracks were available. Although maintenance costs for cycle tracks are slightly higher, those costs pale in comparisonto the costs of maintaining regular roadway damage caused by automobiles. As a city that prioritizes climate action and the safety of its residents, these small costs should not be areason to settle for less safe and less useful infrastructure designs. If you have any questions about these comments, please reach out to me for further discussion. The Bicycle Coalition is staunchly opposed to this modification of the initial design, and wewould be very disappointed if this section of the Coastal Rail Trail moved forward without a design that is safe for people of all ages and abilities. Sincerely, Will RhatiganAdvocacy Director San Diego County Bicycle Coalition CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Exhibit 1 June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 4 of 21 From:Stephen Stewart To:Traffic Subject:Inputs on - AVENIDA ENCINAS COASTAL RAIL TRAIL AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS Date:Thursday, March 31, 2022 5:24:35 PM I’m a local (23 year) resident and avid cyclist who recently retired from Qualcomm. Will be watching city related activities around transportation (particularly pedestrian and bicycle). I reviewed your plans for the subject coastal rail trail improvements. I fully support the enhancements proposed for lane stripping. I greatly appreciate there are no plans for bollards or other physical separation of the bike lane to traffic lane (as in Encinitas). These have been found to be much more dangerous that simply stripping the lanes. I’ve ridden through this corridor many times and while the stripping and lane narrowing will certainly be a benefit, I’m grateful the city is avoiding the adding of hazardous ‘road furniture’ as other cities have attempted. Thank you! Stephen Stewart Carlsbad Resident CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 5 of 21 From:Ron Granville To:Traffic Subject:Avenida Encinas coastal rail trail improvements Date:Sunday, April 3, 2022 1:47:26 PM     My wife and I are residents of the San Pacifico HOA community along Avenida Encinas and have various concerns about the proposed enhancements to Avenida Encinas between Poinsettia and Carlsbad Blvd (Segment 2).   First and foremost, the proposed changes do not take into account the development that is proposed to occur along Avenida Encinas and Ponto Road (namely the hotel on the southern parcel and possible future housing/retail on the northern parcel.  Reducing this section of Avenida Encinas to one lane of traffic would cause countless issues.   For example, there absolutely needs to be two lanes of traffic to turn left from Poinsettia to Avenida Encinas to accommodate the large number of cars that frequent the Ralph's shopping center, residents who live along Segment 2, and future developments. As it stands today, both left hand turn lanes are often full of cars and back up almost to the intersection / Southbound 5 on/off ramps. If this were to be reduced to one lane turning onto Avenida Encinas (as is shown in the plans), the backup would be unmanageable and cause cars to back up across the overpass and interfere with traffic turning on 5 North and Paseo del Norte.   Furthermore, there should be two lanes of traffic in each direction along the stretch of road in front of the Ralphs shopping center to accommodate the high traffic area. Only having one lane will cause interference of people who are driving past the shopping center and people who are trying to turn into the center. For example, during the morning hours you will have cars backed up into either the traffic lane or the new proposed bike lane waiting to turn Right on Poinsettia to get to highway 5.   There should be a crosswalk painted at the overpass above the railroad tracks near Ponto Drive where the existing rail trail pathway exits at the staircase of the overpass. Pedestrians often cross there today and it can be dangerous given the speed of cars coming from either direction.    There should also be a crosswalk at the shopping center driveway next to Chase Bank.  Pedestrians often do not walk all the way to the crosswalk at San Lucas street and instead run across the road there.   Lastly, great care should be taken to enhance the crosswalk at Portage Way.  Strong painting on the ground, bright lights, extra signage, etc. This is a heavily frequented crosswalk by residents of San Pacifico who go to the pool (including a lot of children) June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 6 of 21 and vehicles often run the stop sign or do not stop fully.  Given the 35 mph speed limit, it causes this to be a very dangerous crosswalk.   Thank you for your consideration,    Sincerely,   Ron Granville Carlsbad, CA CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 7 of 21 From:marcovakili@gmail.com To:Traffic Cc:"Tucker Southern" Subject:Avenida Encinas Improvements - Comments Date:Monday, April 4, 2022 7:54:25 AM Hello,   My name is Marco Vakili and I reside at 6474 Franciscan Rd, Carlsbad CA 92011. I have had a chance to review the report for the above.  It will be an amazing improvement to Segment 2 of Avenida Encinas.   I am asking that you consider allowing for a curb cut or two to be added within this segment 2 (either by you or added in your plan thereby allowing the land owner to easily create a curb cut).  See vacant site owned by Encinas Wastewater pictured below. I have copied Tucker who has spoke with me on several occasions about this vacant lot and the temporary uses they have on them to generate some $$. The temporary uses are intensive and everyone entering the site funnels through a single curb cut right across the street from our homes. We understand the need for Encinas Wastewater to generate some $ as they hold onto this land, however the temporary uses do impact the surrounding areas and we are looking for ways to help mitigate this. A second or third curb cut would be significant in addressing the intensity of traffic coming through the single curb cut in the area you are calling segment 3.   I invite you to come to the existing curb cut and observe the activity.   Thank you for your consideration.   Marco Vakili         CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 8 of 21 From:Lauren Brown To:Traffic Subject:Avenida Encinas coastal rail trail improvements Date:Sunday, April 3, 2022 5:07:21 AM Hello, I am a resident of the San Pacifico HOA community along Avenida Encinas and have various concerns about the proposed enhancements to Avenida Encinas between Poinsettia andCarlsbad Blvd (Segment 2). First and foremost, the proposed changes do not take into account the development that is proposed to occur along Avenida Encinas and Ponto Road (namely the hotel on the southernparcel and possible future housing/retail on the northern parcel. Reducing this section of Avenida Encinas to one lane of traffic would cause countless issues. For example, there absolutely needs to be two lanes of traffic to turn left from Poinsettia toAvenida Encinas to accommodate the large number of cars that frequent the Ralph's shopping center, residents who live along Segment 2, and future developments. As it stands today, bothleft hand turn lanes are often full of cars and back up almost to the intersection / Southbound 5 on/off ramps. If this were to be reduced to one lane turning onto Avenida Encinas (as is shownin the plans), the backup would be unmanageable and cause cars to back up across the overpass and interfere with traffic turning on 5 North and Paseo del Norte. Furthermore, there should be two lanes of traffic in each direction along the stretch of road infront of the Ralphs shopping center to accommodate the high traffic area. Only having one lane will cause interference of people who are driving past the shopping center and peoplewho are trying to turn into the center. For example, during the morning hours you will have cars backed up into either the traffic lane or the new proposed bike lane waiting to turn Righton Poinsettia to get to highway 5. There should be a crosswalk painted at the overpass above the railroad tracks near Ponto Drive where the existing rail trail pathway exits at the staircase of the overpass. Pedestrians oftencross there today and it can be dangerous given the speed of cars coming from either direction. There should also be a crosswalk at the shopping center driveway next to Chase Bank. Pedestrians often do not walk all the way to the crosswalk at San Lucas street and instead run across the road there. Lastly, great care should be taken to enhance the crosswalk at Portage Way. Strong paintingon the ground, bright lights, extra signage, etc. This is a heavily frequented crosswalk by residents of San Pacifico who go to the pool (including a lot of children) and vehicles oftenrun the stop sign or do not stop fully. Given the 35 mph speed limit, it causes this to be a very dangerous crosswalk. Thank you for your consideration, Sincerely, June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 9 of 21 Lauren Brown -- Lauren Granville Brown lgranvil@gmail.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 10 of 21 From:chaswick@reagan.com To:"Lance Schulte"; Brandon Miles; Nathan Schmidt; Traffic Cc:"Craig Carter"; "Becca Warrillow"; "Nika Richardson" Subject:RE: Ave Encinas Rail Trail @ Mobility Commission 4-4-22 - RE: 4-1-22 Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association Date:Monday, April 4, 2022 3:14:25 PM Attachments:image002.pngimage003.pngimage004.pngimage005.png City Staff, I would like to please add another crossing location to item # 3 below: The Avenida Encinas pedestrian crossing and vehicle stop signs at PortageWay / pool xing should at least a minimum be revised to the xings like you have along Carlsbad Boulevard(101) from Carlsbad Village Drive to Tamarack Ave. i.e. lighted xwalks etc.. Safety to all is paramount no matter the cost. Thanks, Chas Wick From: Lance Schulte [mailto:meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 9:58 AMTo: 'Brandon Miles'; 'Nathan Schmidt'; traffic@carlsbadca.govCc: 'Craig Carter'; 'Chas Wick'; Becca Warrillow; Lisa FowlerSubject: Ave Encinas Rail Trail @ Mobility Commission 4-4-22 - RE: 4-1-22 Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San PacificoCommunity Association  Brandon: I noticed the proposed Ave Encinas Rail Trail design is going to the Mobility Commission today. I was hoping we could have met beforehand to go over proposed design issues. Unfortunately I have a Board Meeting today at 5pm and will not be able to attend the Commission meeting. So here are my comments: 1.       Ave Encinas has horizontal and vertical curves that limit vehicular sight visibility. Also because of these curves some drivers enjoy going faster than normal. The proposed bike lane improvements and vehicle lane modifications will help moderate vehicle speeds, and is greatly appreciated. 2.       However one area that I use frequently and maybe an area of increased vehicle accident potential from the proposed redesign is east-bound left-turn into Dory Lane. The proposed redesign removed the left turn pocket. With no left turn pocket vehicles speeding east-bound with limited sight visibility due to Horizontal and vertical curves between Dory Lane and Ponto Drive may not see cars waiting in the travel lane to turn left onto Dory Lane and could cause rear-end accidents. It should be confirmed that travel lane blockage due to left turns onto Dory Lane will not be accident inducing. I marked this area in orange in the map below. 3.       A critical issue is that Ave Encinas cuts our San Pacifico Community in half. So there is a lot of Community pedestrian traffic across Ave Encinas as people walk around the Community and to the Community pool. So there should be enhanced pedestrian crossings across Ave Encinas at Dory Lane and west of Dory Lane where the Batiquitos Lagoon Bluff-top Trail and San Pacifico Trails cross at Ave Encinas. I marked these locations in red arrows in the map below. These pedestrian crossings across Ave Encinas should be safe. The proposed redesign removes the striped median that was a safe pedestrian refuge when crossing Ave Encinas when walking along the trail (crossing Ave Encinas) and to/from Dory Lane. 4.       There are large areas of striped pavement areas in the redesign. It would be preferable if these pavement areas could be landscaped. The Ponto area is missing 30-acers on unconstrained Growth Management Open Space per City maps so landscaping these pavement areas would help address the Open Space shortfall. Thank you for the work you have done to make biking safer on Ave Encinas. I regularly ride my bike to the Ralphs’ Center and have been hit by a vehicle while on my bike so know the situation. The proposed improvements will be helpful, and I hope you make the above suggested changes to complete a more safer and livable street. Sincerely, Lance Schulte June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 11 of 21 From: Lance Schulte [mailto:meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 9:53 PMTo: 'Nathan Schmidt'; 'Brandon Miles'; 'Chas Wick'Cc: 'Craig Carter'Subject: 4-1-22 Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association  Nathan: Tom mentioned you will be going to public hearing on April 1st . Could we at San Pacifico Community Association maybe have a brief meeting before then with you review status/design since our input last year? This would I think be a great benefit to all. Lance From: Nathan Schmidt [mailto:Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov] Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 3:25 PMTo: Lance Schulte; Brandon Miles; 'Chas Wick'Cc: 'Craig Carter'Subject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association  Hi All, The attached staff report and concept exhibits provided the latest details on the Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail segment. The project is getting ready to move into the engineering and design phase and if all goes to schedule we will have engineering plans available sometime early next year. Please let me know when would be a good time to meet with your group to discuss the project. Now would be a good time to meet as the project is still conceptual and we do have limited ability to make changes as long as they can fit within the project goals and budget. I will likely bring along our Traffic Engineer, John Kim, and possibly the Transportation Director, Tom Frank, if he’s available. Just let us know. Thanks! -Nathan Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov Cell: 760-637-7183 June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 12 of 21 From: Lance Schulte [mailto:meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 8:47 AM To: Brandon Miles <Brandon.Miles@carlsbadca.gov>; 'Chas Wick' <chaswick@reagan.com>; Nathan Schmidt <Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: 'Craig Carter' <craigcarter911@gmail.com> Subject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association   Chas & Craig: Nathan is working on the Coastal Rail Trail that runs along Avenida Encinas thorough San Pacifico. Nathan is who we need to connect with regarding Ave Encinas. After you have reviewed the plans we can meet and discuss. These is some new information I heard that we should be aware of. Lance PS: Brandon is working on the El Camino Real(ECR) widening with a Batiquitos Lagoon Trail. I was contacting Brandon as a Board Member of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation. From: Brandon Miles [mailto:Brandon.Miles@carlsbadca.gov] Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 8:10 AMTo: Chas Wick; Nathan SchmidtCc: Lance Schulte; Craig CarterSubject: Re: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association  Chas, I work in the Transportation Engineering division here at the city. I believe you are asking about the Coastal Rail Trail project, but I can also help with the ECR widening from Arenal to La Costa as well. I have shared some information with Lance. Both projects do not have plans yet. However, here are some exhibits that were presented to the Traffic and Mobility Committee that may help. Please let me know if you have any other questions? Thank you, Brandon Miles, P.E., T.E. Associate Engineer Public Works Branch Transportation Engineering www.carlsbadca.gov P: 442-339-2745 | F: 760-602-8562 |M: 760.579.3321 From: Chas Wick <chaswick@reagan.com> Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2021 3:16 PM To: Nathan Schmidt <Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Lance Schulte <meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net>; Brandon Miles <Brandon.Miles@carlsbadca.gov>; Craig Carter <craigcarter911@gmail.com> Subject: Re: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association  Nathan , My name is Chas Wick . Lance , Craig and I are on a special ad Hoc committee for our SanPacifico HOA to adviseour homeowners on the ECR project on Avenida Encinas. It cuts right through our Community. Could you please attach thelatest link to the plans for us to use for our Committee? Thanks, Chas Wick SanPacifico HOA Boardmember  Sent from my iPhone  On Jun 4, 2021, at 10:13 AM, Nathan Schmidt <Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov> wrote:  Hi Lance, June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 13 of 21 Yes I’ll reach out to you the week of June 21 to schedule a meeting time. I’ve cc’d Brandon Miles on this email (Brandon.Miles@carlsbadca.gov) so please feel free to coordinate with him directly regarding the ECR widening project. Thank you! Nathan Schmidt, AICP City of Carlsbad Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov Cell: 760-637-7183 From: Lance Schulte [mailto:meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 7:05 AM To: Nathan Schmidt <Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Chas Wick <chaswick@reagan.com> Subject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association Nathan: Thanks for the call back and vm. Regarding the 1st item, Chas and I talked yesterday and it may be a while before we can meet. So given could you put on your calendar to contact us after June 21st after your holiday to have our on-site meeting? Thanks for letting us know about Brandon Miles the Carlsbad City Staff lead on the 2nd item. Could you send me his full contact information and I can forward my fellow BLF Board Members on the ECR trail Committee to arrange a meeting. Thanks again. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Lance From: Lance Schulte [mailto:meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 12:20 PMTo: 'Nathan Schmidt'Cc: 'John Kim'; 'Jim Gale'; 'Chas Wick'; 'Brandon Miles'; 'Tom Frank'; Chas Wick (chaswick@reagan.com)Subject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association Nathan: Hope all is well. I just left a longish vm on your cell on 2 items. One being the rail-trail concept through SPCA, and the other in my role as Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Board member – the west (seaside) El Camino Real pedestrian (complete streets) improvements between Alga and La Costa Ave. No rush, but when you have time could we talk? Thanks, Lance From: Lance Schulte [mailto:meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Monday, May 10, 2021 3:49 PMTo: 'Nathan Schmidt'Cc: 'John Kim'; 'Jim Gale'; 'Chas Wick'; 'Brandon Miles'; 'Tom Frank'Subject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 14 of 21 Nathan: When I was at NCTD, I think I recall the rational for using Avenida Encinas for the Rail Trail Corridor was due to insufficient bridge width over rail tracks. The narrow bridge spans (both Poinsettia and Avenida Encinas) would not allow a bike trail to be a sufficiently safe/appropriate distance from the trains an prevent track maintenance. This is not a constraint in much of Old Carlsbad. This should be confirmed with NCTD. Anyway, I took the attached image of the Avenida Encinas Bridge and this appears to be the case here. When this section of rail corridor is double tracked there looks to be no room for a bike trail and safety buffer, nor a rail service access road/space. Overcoming these constraints the Bike trail would need a long ramp-up to Avenida Encinas on the bridge and then a long ramp-down again on the other side of the bridge. The road and bike trail crossing would be on the bridge, so not a great/safe place. Alternatively one could cut into the concrete bridge embankment to notch in a trail, but that could be expensive and create an sheltered hang-out under the bridge. I hope the image and data helps. Lance From: Nathan Schmidt [mailto:Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov] Sent: Friday, May 7, 2021 11:26 AMTo: Lance SchulteCc: John Kim; Jim Gale; 'Chas Wick'; Brandon Miles; Tom FrankSubject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association Hi Lance, Thanks for reaching out. I did relay your comments to the Traffic and Mobility Commission at their meeting. During their meeting the Commission expressed concerns with the proposed alignment being along Avenida Encinas vs. a bike trail along the actual railroad track alignment. They requested that staff look into the history of the project further to understand why the current alignment is on Avenida Encinas versus the rail corridor. I appreciate your comments and yes the intersections at both Dory Ln and Windrose Circle are proposed for redesign with traffic calming improvements and improved pedestrian crossings as part of this project. The designs for both of these will be developed through the engineering process and will be presented to the TMC and community for comments. I also included your map of the potential connection to the Lagoon trail to further emphasize the value of the connection along Avenida Encinas vs. the railroad corridor. Please let me know if you should need any help or materials in your communications with the SPCA. I would be happy to meet with your group personally to present the project if that would be a benefit. Just let me know. Thank you, Nathan Schmidt, AICP City of Carlsbad Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov Cell: 760-637-7183 From: Lance Schulte [mailto:meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Friday, May 7, 2021 10:01 AM To: Nathan Schmidt <Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: John Kim <John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov>; Jim Gale <Jim.Gale@carlsbadca.gov>; 'Chas Wick' <chaswick@reagan.com> June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 15 of 21 Subject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association Nathan: We wanted to follow-up with you on this Monday’s T-M Commission meeting on the Ave Encinas Redesign Project (AERP). The Chas and I will be meeting soon to work with some other SPCA members with traffic expertise and to gather community input. The SPCA appointed Chas and I to gather data on AERD for Board and Community consideration. So any information or status update is appreciated. My initial-quick-review comments (and data on the I-5 trail connections) below are my own personal comments I wanted to get to you for consideration. If you had time to review my comments, it would be nice to discuss. Thanks again, for communicating with the SPCA. Ave Encinas runs through the middle of SPCA and is of significant concern to the SPCA Board and Community. I hope you have a great weekend planned. Sincerely, Lance From: Lance Schulte [mailto:meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2021 4:41 PMTo: 'Nathan Schmidt'Cc: 'John Kim'; 'Jim Gale'; 'Chas Wick'Subject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association Nathan: Thanks! Your reaching out is very much appreciated. Following are my comments which I think are fairly consistent with community concerns about vehicle speeding and running stop signs, danger is pedestrian crossing, and narrow bike lanes and sidewalks for a major pathway to the beach. Chas and I will discuss other possible community comments and try to get to you ASAP. Unfortunately I am out at sea Fri-Sun. There is not enough time to circulate to SPCA and get feedback to you, but Chas and I will see how we can try to get that later. Here are my comments after a quick look over: 1.   The Caltrans I-5 bike/pedestrian trail should be included in the plan. See the attached file. This is a longer term plan likely not to be built until after 2035 when the remaining components of the NCC Build I-5 project is completed. 2.   It appears the location of the intersection redesigns are not fully/accurately marked. Ave Encinas/Dory lane is further west near the rail corridor. Also Ave Encinas/Windrose Circle should be identified as a redesign. 3.   Conceptual intersection designs should be provided for all proposed intersection redesigns. 4.   An specific intersection redesign should be provided for Ave Encinas/Windrose Circle. This is significant intersection needing redesign. 5.   The area south of Poinsettia Lane is in Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 9 (LFMP-9). There is a current lawsuit against the City regarding LFMP-9 missing 30-acres of Unconstrained Growth Management Standard Open Space that LFMP-9 developer were inaccurately, and possibly inappropriately, exempted from providing. Landscaping the 12’ buffers as shown in figure D-D could be used by the City to help address the missing 30- acres of Unconstrained Open Space in LRMP-9. I would highly encourage the City to explore landscaping these 12’ buffer areas as it will help address missing Open Space and other issues in a positive way. Attached is a ‘planned loss of open space’ file that summarizes City data on multiple Open Space shortfalls in LFMP-9. Pages 1 & 2 talk about the Unconstrained GMP Open Space Standard shortfall in LFMP-9. Thanks you again. I think you are hitting a lot of the issues very well, and with the above suggestions would make for a suitably complete/livable street. Please call me Friday morning before noon if you would like to talk over any items. June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 16 of 21 Sincerely, Lance From: Nathan Schmidt [mailto:Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov] Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2021 12:14 PMTo: Lance SchulteCc: John Kim; Jim Gale; Chas WickSubject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association Hi Lance, I just wanted to let you know that the Traffic and Mobility will be reviewing the Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail segment project at their meeting this Monday May 3rd at 3pm. This will be the first opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed concept plans. We anticipate holding additional public meetings once we have more refined engineering plans available so the intention of this meeting is to obtain high level feedback on the general project features. You can view the staff report and concept map for the upcoming Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting here: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=47312 Please share with your neighbors and let me know if you should have any questions. You can also provide any comments directly to me which I can forward to the Traffic and Mobility Commissioners and read into the record at the meeting. Thanks! Nathan Schmidt, AICP City of Carlsbad Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov Cell: 760-637-7183 From: Lance Schulte [mailto:meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 5:16 PM To: Nathan Schmidt <Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: John Kim <John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov>; Jim Gale <Jim.Gale@carlsbadca.gov>; Chas Wick <chaswick@reagan.com> Subject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association Nathan: Thanks! Sounds good so far to me. I bike this regularly in shopping at Ralphs, and got hit (and bike totaled) at Navigator Circle, so that ‘kluged intersection’ is a key area for fixing with a proper redesign. We will see how SPCA members feel about it. May need some education for people that have not seen these types of solutions work in other areas of the world. From my perspective sounds like you have a very good understanding of the issues and logical initial concept solutions. Will be good to see current/buildout ADT volumes data and if truck restrictions. Good also to see your AICP. I was AICP Commissioner for CA & NV years ago. Great to see AICP in mobility. Have a great weekend! Lance From: Nathan Schmidt [mailto:Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov] Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 3:25 PMTo: Lance SchulteCc: John Kim; Jim GaleSubject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 17 of 21 Hi Lance, It’s good to hear from you again. Jim forwarded me your email as I am currently working on the Coastal Rail trail improvement project which includes the portion of Avenida Encinas from Carlsbad Blvd. to Palomar Airport Road. From reading your email it sounds like our vision for Avenida Encinas is very much in line with your suggestions in terms of reducing lane widths, vehicle speeds, and enhancing the entire corridor for people walking and biking. The project is still in the conceptual planning stages but will include improvements such as enhanced pedestrian and bicycle crossings, road diets, wider bike lanes, and traffic calming. Specifically in your area south of Poinsettia we are planning to implement a road which would reduce the roadway to a single travel lane in each direction, narrow lanes to 11 ft. and provide wider bike lanes and increased buffer width between the bike lanes and travel lanes. We are also evaluating improvements to the intersections of Portage Way and Dory Lane such as removing the left turn pockets and adding bulb-outs to each corner of the intersection. We will be holding public outreach events to review these plans in detail prior to moving forward on the engineering designs so I’ll be sure to let you know once these are scheduled. In the meantime please let me know if you should have any questions or additional thoughts. I look forward to working with you on this very interesting and exciting project. Thank you! Nathan Schmidt, AICP City of Carlsbad Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov Cell: 760-637-7183 From: Lance Schulte <meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2021 8:04 AM To: Jim Gale <Jim.Gale@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: 'Nika Richardson' <nrichardson@waltersmanagement.com>; Becca Warrillow <bwarrillow@waltersmanagement.com>; Chas Wick <chaswick@reagan.com> Subject: RE: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association Jim: It has been a while, so thought we would check-in as to the status of the intersection. FYI, the San Pacifico Community Association has Chas Wick (Board Member) and me as the SPCA points of contact with the City on the intersection. Lance From: Lance Schulte [mailto:meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2020 8:03 AMTo: 'jim.gale@carlsbadca.gov'Cc: Dale Ordas (daleordas@gmail.com); 'Nika Richardson'; Becca Warrillow (bwarrillow@waltersmanagement.com); ChasWick (chaswick@reagan.com); Adriaan Van Zyl (vanzyl.aakc@live.com) (vanzyl.aakc@live.com); Adriaan van Zyl(adriaanHOA@outlook.com)Subject: Avenida Encinas & Portage intersection @ San Pacifico Community Association Jim: Nice meeting you and the City Traffic signage crew the other day. As you suggested here are the ideas we talked about. Having lived at SPCA since 2000 and being a former City planner who has presented my transportation work done for Carlsbad at International ITE conferences, I hope the suggestions are helpful. June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 18 of 21 Avenida Encinas is used as a short-cut between regional I-5 and PCH corridor movements for a significant amount of traffic. As such driver motivation creates travel speeds are higher that designed/posted, that is made worst by the stop sign that encourages stop-n-go drag racing behavior. This behavior is enhanced by the unneeded wide painted center turn-lane median that overly separates opposing traffic that encourages faster speeds. If opposing vehicle lanes are closer together there will be slow travel speeds due to driver concern over head-on crashes. A narrow median will also promote more driver focus on driving. The wide median additional makes this faster driving more unsafe, as it pushes driver line of sight to the edges of the roadway thus reducing sight-lines while also creating a more attractive slalom course. The vertical and horizontal curves in the roadway provide this slalom course and the travel lanes on edges of the roadway make sight distance worse and encourage faster drive speeds. I see this behavior daily, and experience the influence the current roadway design has on my driving behavior. The Current design encourages faster speeds and the stop sign trying to stop that behavior makes a worst as it forces stop-start acceleration that induces some drag racing behavior. This higher speed behavior is encouraged by the current roadway design, and not only impact pedestrians crossing the street on our trails, but also impacts bike riders on the Regional Rail Trail Bike Trail. The unnecessary wide painted turn lane median pushes the vehicle lanes to the outside edges to the roadway that then compresses the Regional Rail Trail Bike Trail right next to vehicular traffic (only separated by a 6’ strip of paint) and also forces the Regional Rail Trail Bike Trail to a bare minimum 3’ wide. A Regional Rail Trail Bike Trail it seems should be wider that then bare minimum 3’ wide for any bike lane, and there should be a wider painted separation between the bike and vehicular lanes. A narrower painted center median would allow this. As you know roadway design physiologically influences driver behavior. That is the point of roadway design to create a design speed to bracket drive behavior to be commensurate with the roadways capacity to handle speeds. Most past city roadway design, like at Avenida Encinas, focused on making roads faster to drive on and broke up higher speeds with traffic stops v. the more traditional euro model of continuous slower speed flow in more narrow roadways. I think the City could explore some very cost effective redesign to make Avenida Encinas safer and slower speed. This could be by repainting to narrow the painted center median to say 2-3’ wide with cat eyes, and then using the space to widen the Bike lanes and create a 1’ or so painted buffer separation between vehicular and bike lines. These changes would promote slower speeds and more driver focus, and create a safer Regional Bike Trail. If the City wanted to make this a truly complete and integrated solution replacing the Stop signs at Avenida Encinas and Portage Way with a minor round-a-bough to slow traffic and allow cross flow movements could be considered. The City is proposing to do exactly that further west on Avenida Encinas so this should be done at Portage Way also to create a more uniform roadway design and more uniform drive behavior. I hope my observations and ideas are helpful. If anyone at eh City Traffic Safety wants to talk over any issues, I am happy to help. These observations and ideas are my own. However the SPCA of around 500 homes that Avenida Encinas runs thru the middle has expressed concern about Avenida Encinas roadway design, speeds and safety, so I copied some key people at SPCA so they are aware of my comments and communication to you. Lance Schulte CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 19 of 21 From:Alan Feingold To:Traffic Subject:Avenida Encinas Date:Monday, April 4, 2022 10:24:01 AM Hi! I saw the plans for Encinas. Please. Enough with the “road diets.” Why are we pandering to a small number of bicyclists over a large number of motorists? This is a major road with access to a well patronized grocery store. Why do you want to squeeze traffic into fewer lanes? This does not “calm” traffic. It makes drivers angrier than they already are, putting the few bikers at risk. If you really want to make things safer, spend this money enforcing traffic rules for bikes and e-bikes. They regularly ignore traffic signals, treating red lights and stop signs as optional. They don’t yield to pedestrians either. Before any more money is wasted on projects like this, start ticketing and fining bikers and e-bikers. Crack down on their abuses before punishing drivers. Thank you. Alan Feingold CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. June 6, 2022 Item #3 Page 21 of 21