HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-21; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; MinutesDocuSign Envelope ID: 233FA888-64A7-47EE-9F7D-EABB90EE84C1 Clean Energy Alliance -Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes April 21, 2022, 2:00 p.m. City of Carlsbad/Virtual Meeting Teleconference Locations Per Government Code Section 54953(3) (Assembly Bill 361) CALL TO ORDER: Chair Becker called to order the regular meeting of the Clean Energy Alliance at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Board Members: Inscoe, Wa lton (2:03), Acosta, Vice Chair Druker, Chair Becker FLAG SALUTE: Board Member Acosta led the flag salute. BOARD COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS -Board Member Acosta congratulated CEO Boswell and the entire Board on the successful Carlsbad Green Business Expo commenting that the CEA booth was both well attended and engaged. REPORT FROM COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR REGARDING APRIL 7, 2022, MEETING: Committee Chair Worden reported on the CAC meeting commenting that the new members from Escondido and San Marcos were in attendance and the great enthusiasm of the group. He then highlighted meeting discussion including CEA budget, new positions and the CAC Workplan commenting the committee is very supportive ready to contribute for the betterment of CEA. PRESENTATIONS -None PUBLIC COMMENT -None APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 13, 2022, Adjourned Meeting January 27, 2022, Special Meeting January 27, 2022, Regu lar Meeting Motion by Vice Chair Druker, second by Board Member Inscoe, to approve the minutes of the adjourned meeting held January 13, 2022, the special meeting held January 27, 2022, and the regular meeting held January 27, 2022, as submitted. Approved unanimously, 4/1 with Member Walton abstaining. Consent Calendar Item 1: Reconsideration of the Circumstances of the COVID-19 State of Emergency to Determine Whether the Legislative Bodies of Clean Energy Alliance will Continue to Hold Meetings Via Teleconferencing and Making Findings Pursuant to Government Code Section 54943(e) RECOMMENDATION To continue meetings by t eleconferencing pursuant to Government Code Section 54943(e), finding that: (1) the Board has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency DocuSign Envelope ID: 233FA8B8-64A7-47EE-9F7D-EABB90EE84C1 created by the COVID-19 pandemic; and (2) the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members to meet safely in person. Motion by Vice Chair Druker, second by Board Member Acosta, to approve the consent calendar. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. New Business Item 2: Clean Energy Alliance Chief Executive Officer Operational, Administrative and Regulatory Affairs Update RECOMMENDATION 1) Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Update Report from Chief Executive Officer. 2) Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Regulatory Affairs Report from Special Counsel. CEO Barbara Boswell thanked Board Member Acosta for her comments regarding the Green Business Expo and reiterated what a wonderful outreach event it was. Ms. Boswell updated the Board regarding CEA expansion process with Escondido and San Marcos scheduled to launch in April 2023 and indicated that the Implementation Plan Amendment was ce rtified by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and allows CEA to move forward with the next steps toward launch; commented regarding the cities of Oceanside, Vista, and San Clemente consideration of joining CEA and that a potential 2024 launch is indicated should those cities move forward and CEA approve the addition; commented that CEA will see a 142% increase in the number of accounts and a 137% increase in energy load provided to customers with the launch of Escondido and San Marcos, and with potential Phase 2 expansion an additional 92% increase in accounts and 76% increase in energy load provided to customers of Oceanside, San Clemente, and Vista. Board Member Walton inquired regarding outreach to customers of the new cities and CEO Boswell responded that two different mailers are sent to customers as well as in person events to be determined as launch grows nearer. CEO Boswell commented regarding SDG&E resuming collections processes for delinquent accounts following the lifting of CPUC Covid-19 consumer protection suspension of collections and the payment assistance programs that are available through SDG&E and encouraged those in need to contact SDG&E at 800-411-7343. Special Counsel Tosdal updated the Board on the following regulatory developments: Supplier Diversity Program stating that CCA programs will have to submit an annual report and an annual plan regarding supplier diversity beginning in March 2023 that must include plan for expanding opportunities for increasing procurement from "small, local, and diverse business enterprises,", data co llection on Business Enterprises at least 51% owned by U.S. Citizen/Permanent Resident and Women, Minorities, Disables Veterans, and LGBT. CEO Boswell commented that a new CEA position that will be brought for Board consideration will have responsibility for developing, implementing the program, and tracking to ensure CEA is in full compliance of SB 255. DocuSign Envelope ID: 233FA8B8-64A7-47EE-9F7D-EABB90EE84C1 Mr. Tosda l reported on Emergency Resource Orders Decision 19-11-016 that ordered SDG&E to procure System Resource Adequacy (RA) according to load share, but made no provision for new CCA programs including CEA the new Proposed Decision orders utilities to contract with CCA programs for share of resources at the Market Price Benchmark and above-market costs will be recovered through t he Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA); Denial of Rehearing on PCIA Eligible Resource Allocations indicating that CCA programs have advocated for actions to reduce the PCIA-eligible resources in Investor Owned Utilities (IOU) portfolios and the CPUC adopted the Voluntary Allocat ion and Market Offer (VAMO) process for Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) resources only and Cal CCA filed an application for rehearing to have RA and GHG-free resources included in the VAMO process. The application was denied leaving limited prospects for further IOU portfolio optimization; updated the Board on AB 1814 introduced and would have authorized CCA programs to apply for and obtain funding for transportation electrifica tion projects in their service territories. The bill was sponsored by CalCCA, opposed by two labor organizations, and denied by committee. The bill will not move forward. Lastly, Mr. Tosdal commented regarding AB 2838 that would authorize IOUs to shut down their green tariff shared renewables. programs and would permit outstanding costs to be recovered from non- participating rate payers which could include CEA. SDG&E is the only utility seeking to shut down their green tariff shared renewables program with an undercollection of approximately $2 million. This bill is currently moving forward. Chair Becker commented regarding AB 2838 and the possibility of CEA assuming some SDG&E RA contracts that would reduce the outstanding cost. Vice Chair Druker requested with Board agreement that a letter of opposition be drafted and returned to the Board for approval to be sent to the CPUC. CEA Board received and filed the report. Item 3: Clean Energy Alliance Board Appoint an Ad-Hoc Board Subcommittee for Purpose of Evaluating General Counsel Request for Qualifications Responses and Making Recommendation to the Board for Selection to Award Contract RECOMMENDATION Clean Energy Alliance Board appoint an ad-hoc Board Subcommittee for purpose of evaluating General Cou nsel Request for Proposal responses and making recommendation to the Board for selection to award contract. CEO Boswell presented the item highlighting the background and issuance of an RFQ for General Council services with responses due May 16, 2022. Ms. Boswell commented that the subcommittee will assist in the selection process for final recommendation to the CEA Board. Motion by Chair Becker, second by Board Member Inscoe, to appoint Vice Chair Druker and Board Member Acosta to serve as the Ad-Hoc Board Subcommittee. Approved unanimously, 5/0 DocuSign Envelope ID: 233FA8B8-64A7-47EE-9F7D-EABB90EE84C1 Item 4: Consider Special Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting on May 19, 2022, for Purpose of Reconsideration of the Circumstances of the COVID-19 State of Emergency to Determine Whether the Legislative Bodies of Clean Energy Alliance will Continue to Hold Meetings Via Teleconferencing and Making Findings Pursuant to Government Code Section 54943(e) RECOMMENDATION Schedule Special Clean Energy Alliance Board meeting on May 19, 2022, for purpose of reconsideration of the circumstances of the COVID-19 state of emergency to determine whether t he legislative bodies of Clean Energy Alliance will continue to hold meet ings via teleconferencing and making findings pursuant to Government Code Section 54943(e). CEO Boswell commented that pursuant to AB 361, the Board consider scheduling a special meeting on May 19, 2022, due to the fact that there would otherwise be more than the required 30 days to make certain findings between meet ings. Motion by Chair Becker, second by Member Walton, to schedule a special meeting of the CEA Board on May 19, 2022, for consideration of making certain findings to continue to hold meetings via teleconferencing. Approved unanimously, 5/0. BOARD MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: None ADJOURN: Chair Becker adjourned the meeting at 2:50 p.m. Susan Caputo, MMC Interim Board Clerk