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7996; CT 73-24; POINSETTIA LANE; 01-08
We here.by cerf/ry fhi:,/lbeare fhe owaers oror are1n/eres-/ed /n fhe /ond embraced tu,fh/n fhe S4'bd/v/s/on fo be. known os"Corhshod Tracf 73-24 "and tue hereby consent fo -lhe preporal/on and recordof/on of'fh1s ma/!' Consisf/ng or 8 sheefs and descr/bed in fhe Copl/on fhereor. We k-'1!'~ ded1i::c,k lo ;:,vl,ftc t/se Lowder Lone (" r'bseo Del Norfe} t:1nd a porf/on or Lagoon Lone a-nd /-t?1nserl1a Lone. We o/so ded/cole k, /-he C1fy or Car/shad fhe S'c:uvfory .set.Uer s-ysfe= c:,nd appvrrenances fo7'erhe.,- . t.U1lh /he rYgh I or /ng,ress Ohd eyress f"or pub//c re;l"use veh/c/es aad e/??eryency 1/eh/c/es o// t:1s shown on fh/s mop W/fh/n rh/s su6d/v/s1on /'l!!5erv/n9 mwever fo rhe owner orfhe :Fee under/y/n9 any easen-,enf here/n 9.ro-n-led fhe conhnved use orrhe surrace or.sa10 real pn:>pe.--/y andsubJecf fo fhe ro//oa,1'n51 cond/f/ons: fhe erecf1ny or bu/ld1n9s, n-,asonry walls, 177asonry rence5 and o/her srrucfures or fhe p/on//n9 or 9rotu/ny of" frees and shrubs orchany1ny fhe surroce 9rade or fhe 1n5r,:1/lor/on or pr/vcn'e/y o,uned p,pe//ne5 sha// he pr-oh/h/fed un/ess tur/ff-en per,m1'ssion is fi'rsr ohl-o/necl rro/77 fhe C/fy or C,:,rls6a-d. We a/so ded/col-e o// r19hfs or /n9re ss and e9re ss rn::m? Po/nsefr/Q Lone I San D/ego Freeway, Inrersfale 5, and Lowder Lane { Poseo De/ Norre) e1<cep/ of rhe /nrersecr/on or Po/nseffia Lone and LoUto'er Lone (,t:t,seo Ce/ Norte) 1 Lor /71 I-he E-c1.st' //ne or Loi 17/ and ot' fhe General 4ccess C?nd Uf1'/1·ry Easel77enr /n Lof /90. We a/so des lyna/e cerfa/n areos-or /on'0 shown as Lot' 47, cJO, /901 25/1 277 and .::JOI on fh/S 177ap as privafe C0177n,on par/( and recre~l✓-onal oreos. We hereby granf -fo fhe C✓-r_y o/" Cc;r/s,6ad on eosen,enl ove~ Vndet-; t/Pon qncf across-o// or Lois 47, &'O,, /~~ ZS/_, Z77 and -301 excep//n-51 lheref"ro;n /he Genera/ Access and C/r1/1"fy · Gasemenfs-ded1cofed hereon fo -/he C1fy of" Cor/s6oO: ond rl,e r19hl' of" access on/y ~ fhe San t:Jte~o Counly ,C/ood Confro/ 01slr/cr, fo rh,,, s:for/?7 drt11n easen--enfs ded/caled !?ereon n, fhe S,;n 0/e~o Covn/y r/ood Conlrol D1sfr/c/-and snown tuilh1n Lo-ls /7,//9,/~7, /l'0,?5/,277, aael :101 c:,nd fl,e 1.Ut1ler/tne et1se.men/s shot.Uo heM?On ro Gv·ds,b:;d Mvn/c1j.:,o/ 11brer01slr/cf in/bis /7✓ 47, 80,, If'()_, !?SI, and 30/, {hereinaf"rer ne-/"ern!!!d .fo og sv.eyecr land), n, t.U/T: (1) A perpefvo/ eose,nenf t"or open space over, upon,across and vnder fhe svh.;ecf /and and= bu/ldl"n:J I sfrvcl-ure or of her fh✓-ny cuhafsoeyer she:;// be cot?sfruc-red, erecred, p/acecl or mo/nfc:vned on -fhe subJecf land, excepfas may .beperm/fted by a spec/a/ use per1??/f /5Sued pursuc,nl ro fhe Zoainy Ord/nance or l-he C/fy or Cor/sbod. (2) The perpe.fue:,/ r1jhf1 bur nof fhe 06/tjof/on1 ro enfer upon fhe sutuec/ lanol crnd re177ove c;ay hu,1/d/n51s, srruciures or orher fh/n9s-cuharsoeyerconsfrucfed, erecred, placed or mo/n-rcuned cm fhe svtuecf land con/rory fo any fer/711 covenonforcond,f/on or fh1s easen,enf and fo do oay work necesst:?ry n, eltm/nare fhe el'recl.s or any excovol1on or yrodtn51 or placel77enl or sond, S0/1✓ roe/.; or9rovel or any o/her-mo-/er/al done er placedonfhe s-u~f /onol conlrory fo Qny fer/711 covenonl orcondt"f/on or flu's easemenf. &r,;,nfor covenanls ,:,nd a7rees -For 1fse/r and 1'/s svccessors and ass1jns t:1s ,Co//oa,s : a. Thaf /f shall no/ erec I, cons-frucf, ;:,/,:,ce or ma1nfa-/n1 or pernuf fhe erecft"on1 consfrvcf1on1 ploct?metJ/ormo/nfehance. of"c,,-,y bu//t:l/ny or s-/rvcfure oro/her -/h1°"9 tuharsoever on fhe su6.;ecf land of her fhan such .bv//d,n~s1 .slrvcfures aad ofher fh/nys as-may be pertn,ffed 6y a Sf"ec,ol vse ;:,e;--m/1 /ssued pur.sUQn,' f-o fhe Ze,n/n7 Ordtnonce of" Im C1,y of' Car/s,6,:,d'. h. Thor 11 sh,:,// no/ vse fhe sv6./ecf land lbr any pur;oose excepf QS o,,oen sp,:,ce and /"or _por/4-Qhd/or recreo//ona/ pvrposesJ tu,fhouf fhe turtffen avt'hor,,u,/1on orfhe C/fy or Carlsbc;c/ or1"fs .swccessors or ass-/51ns. c. Thal if 5hall nol excavafe or :1n::,de or /fkr1n✓-r any excaved·✓"n.!J or 9ra<?'/ny fo .be done, or p/oc:e or a/le;,= fo he. CARLS_BAD TRACT SHEET I OF 8 SHEET.$ ..30<!3 L.OT.S 7, LaJ-Vrence R. M/7✓an?s, <!I' .R~9/.s-krd'd C1v,/ i!!'ny1n-r'l; cer:r,ry rhc/ t'he surva-y or r~/S su6dv,-.!J'1on ~s ~a.:n:!! ~ ,.,.,e, or U"7der -'".Y dre,c-non, oV/'/Aq 4pr,I /973 and ,Scvd survey I'S #ue and co~/e~ a.s sho.w-n; .rhcn~ l'nO?.:t~ or Me c"arcder /nd/cared h,:;,ve 6een ser or /4v.nd IN TH.£ CITY OF CARLSBAO, COUNTV OF SAN DIEGO, STAT£ OF CAL/FORNIA o:r rhe .su6d,v,-.s-,-cn .6ovndary corners, one/ ...r ~,-// .s-e:r a// O~r l'nO/?Un?e'/?TS or Me cnarac~r o/?CI' or Me pos,,r,-on /na✓ca-kd 6y /egend ,.,,, r/2,-.s =p s,,,,,r/2/n 30 dO"ys arkr rhe con,,p/e7",,on or r/2e re9u,-red ,,~ro,..,..,.,,.,e...,7"'.s and Me,-r aco,;or.,,..n~ by rhe Dry or Cc:,r/.s-6.,,..d c:7,--,a/ BE/NG A SUBLJ/V/S/ON OF A Pt::Jl'c'T/ON OF S£CT/ON .E'c!!J, ro""'NSN/P /.i!' .SOVT:;1/, .RANGE 4 WG.sr, SAN BERNARD/NO ,BASE AND ME/<'/LJ/AN, C/'TY OF CA/i!LSBAD, CoUN'TY OF .SAN .0/eGO, .STATE OF CAL/FO.,,.,.N/A , ACCO/<!L>/NG TO UN/TEL) STATES GOI/ERNMENr SURVEY placed any sam, so/I, /17c:,.k, :1n:wel oro/her mo/er1ol U/ha/- soe ver oa I-he su'?fecl Ian<?' tu1fhouf--/he tur/J'ren ,.oerm/ss/on o;Ffhe C,ly of" Carls.bad or/ls s-vcce5sor.s or Q5S/j/ns; prov/ded1 however; fhc:,I ,yn:;nlor may e><cavofe, 9r,::;,de or plc:,ce sond, soil, ~cl< or 9rave/ or olher t77c:1ler10/ on fhe suhJec/ lahd ,;s may be ;:,ern-,/ffed cy a spec/a-/ vse pern,/f /ssued pursuan,' fo fhe Zon/n9 Ord/nonce orrhe C/fy o/"'Cor/sbad. d. Thal fhe fern-,s, covenon/s and cond/f/ons ser ,'b.n¥, herein rnoy be spec,i'/cc:,//y enf'orced oren.10,ned h_y pr,:,ceed- 1nys /n rhe Super1orCourforfhe S-faf,e orC,:;/,i"orn/a. The 7 ranf c,f' fh1's e,;,se.177enf-and /rs accepronce 6y t'he C,"fy or Corlshad sha/1 no/ aurhor/ze t'he pu,6/,c or any memkrs fhereo,C fo vse or enler upon a// er any par /ton or I-he sub.;ecf /c:,nd, /f be1n7 u✓1dersfood fhalt'he purpose orrh/s easemenf /s solely no, resfr1i::.r fhe uses to =h/ch fhe s-uh.1ec:f lc:,nd n,ay .bepuf. Th/s ee>sen,en/ she:,// h/nd rhe 7ran/or and tis and ass1:7ns. 5VCC~650rs OC'CIOENrAL LAND INC./ 0 Ca//roratb Corpo~hon 0!1 otuner. , , SA,,.-EC.0---'1'/rLE l'N6URANCE C°OMPAN~ c, Cal/l&rnia Cor,a:m?/IM as Trvsfee vr.der a deed of"'frt..tsl recorded Decen1.6er-=1;, 197!!!1 c,5 l'ile No. 7!!!1-333</0'J 1"t7 Book /973 of' Of'lic1al Records. ' By,~.,./tlr ~~ 8y, 53'c,oa,.,. L~ . As~usrom 0ce-Pres/47 ,¢55 1s:lanr Sec re rory U11110N 1'ANk, . a Colt /orn/a Corpon,f1on a-s 7i'-vs/ee lhder Q i;/eed of' trusf recorde.c/ Jonuary 3/ 19 74 os /'?le M>. 7:J-.3.3.340~ in Book l!:174 o/'Ol'Nc10/ .Recon7's. Approved ono' recom1nenoled ✓h/is 31 dc,y or W '.;j /974, af"kr exan./nt:1fton or mop o.nd cerf//;ca,res .rher. n. 0/y P/ann1i?j> C'bn,h1/$S/on, Di'y of" Car/s6od c:n'fesled ~f~zAl4 Sec~rary such /??0/U/,.,,.,enrs are, Qr u,,-// 6e,, sur,/;c,-enr ~i<!'"'f"'4!$/4" ,..he survey ,i:, 6e /""t:P:rr<:rcec:I'. (' s-/e9<!!nd .s~'r I!.,. ) i 1,, I, T,mofhy C. rhna~on , c,,'y cn9✓n-r o/ >"he Ory o/' Cqrl.s6ct:r, L ._ ~~ 1 < ,> -~' ;_ ~; St',::n'd' or CanA:>rn/a, Ad"re.6y cernry r/20-r J h,:;ve <!'XO'n?/nec:r d . ,-; ' me annexed ,,,.,o-.,..,, o/ ,½,,s ..su6d/v,s,,on ro 6e A-no.w-n QS "LaJ-Vrence ,R. Mlltan,.s A'. C. e. /18/8 ., . -Carl:s6ad Tracf 7..3 -24 " cons-,,-.sr,,ng or ,,,,. 0 '..· 8 sheers, ernd descr,-6ed //? rk ~n'Cr, r/2,,,,reor, and' 1 • J"G""nd /r ,'b be sv6.s-""'nn<:7/~ ~ S<:rh?e' Q'S ,-/ o,,o~rv,c!' on rhe Mnn::rhve n?cp Qna' o-ny Q,,AP,...,,,,ved a/~r/on.S' rhereor, and r/2a/ a// pr.::w1s1ons o:,I" 7'he Svbd,ws,o.n Mqo Ac-r orrhe S,i,o,:re or Con/'or.nt<T, <7.s 0177ended, ond .,.,.,y /oca/ ordtn,:,nces o✓ sow3' C,-ry, erpp//co-ble a:r ?"he nn,e er" c>-pprOVO'/ or :rhe ~nrahve />?qo, he;,ve .6een con,pned -✓~ c,,nd .r ,a,,..,, s~.srJed r/2,::;,/ .s-.:vd ,.W~ ,1s ~cAn/cc#y correc:r. /842ti .z; Fr,:,hK C. ~ice, C,ry Treasurer ol"'rhe C,fy or Cor/s6ae, Sfofe of" Cal/rorn/a / here6_y cerr/(j, :rna:r fhere ore no /ten5 for U;Jpo1d Ory roxes or t/npok/ Ory 6ono-'.s issued t/nder any /h°'proveh?enr OCT o:, :rhe Sfo-:re or C'o#ror,v"t;, showing on fhe hooA-s o-r 7'hlS' of"n'ce I eJ<ce;or r0><es nor yer p,:,yo.6le e7j>a/nsr rhe 1'rocr or suodt"vt"s/on or any p,;rr -/hereo-,/"' shotun on rh/s onneJ<ed h?ap and descr/bed /n fhe cop,'10.n rhereor. CITr TIZeASUi<e£ I, Haryaref £. ,4dams, C/fy Cler...<-c7/ lhe D/y c,," OJr/.s~ Gra/e or Co-///'orn1a, l,ere,6y Cen'1/0f rho-r rhe Covnc1/ or sa1ol C/fy has a,PPrt:>ved ,'h/.s map or "ca-r/sba-d 7hx;r?a-24,,"coos-/sr/"'9 o/' 8 shee/-s an-,/ des er/bed 1n /-he: ca,.e,/1on /he~o/' t?nd has t:1cce,ored on beha/r o/'rht!" pv,6/tc Lowder Lane ( rbseo De/ tVorfe) and a por//on or L.09oon iane and ,-t:b/n5'er1'1~ !.~ne, a// r19hls o/'1n_yress and es,ress rn:,m /&/nSe/h~ LOl7C and' Lowder &.il'?e ( .lbseo ~/ ..%rlc} e.xcep:/ o-/ The /n/ersec )'lon or /b1nserr1b Lone q,'"?d Lowe/er Lal?e ~Seo .Oe/ #ork), ~or 17, rhe co:sl // ne or /of /71 ond a/ rhe Genera/ ,4cces!I and' t//1/fry Et?sen?en/ 1n {..of-/':JO, a// QS 5ht7CU/7 0/7 S'atd /7?(.lp ;v;r,!vn SQ/d 5VMIV IS 10n _; qnd ms occepred on ,6e/2a/r or rile Ct ry of' wr/sbad fhe cled/ca-/1'on o/'I/Je s~n//,vy sewer sysrem and appur/enances, The r1jhr OT//?j!l'""eSS qnd ~reS!> or ,4,6/,,i:; re ruse veh1c/es and el?7e~enc _y veh1c/es-; ,:,nd has accepred fhe 9ronl o/' /he Genen,I .4ccess <?M Un-i'li'y coseh?enr's,, .rhe Son/lory Secuer G"a-semenrs a-nd an e<?sen?enl fer open spacE ove;; vpon and a-cross all o/' tors 47, 80,, /~ 25'1, 277 <?nd go/ exceprtnj' -fherern:::,177 :/he dr,21na,j'e et?semenr.s f?n?,•v'ed hr?t'eon ~ rhe Sc;n 01e90 Covn/_y r/ood Coo/m/ 0/srr/Cra/7,:>" sm.run ((11//,/;, J. l""orkr ,0. Cre=ans, Ckrk or ,..he L!Jocrd o/' S£✓per - V/sor.s, here.by cerh,5,-rhar The prows/on:s c,/ Ckp,i!;,r ,2, Parr ,Z, .a,V/S/C,? ~ or rhe L3Gt.S-//?t!:'S$ a,,c:,I' .,.,.,..,.,,.,,..ess10 Code ho--oee/'7 cc:,n-,p/~d w,.,.-/J re:9ard,.n9 depc:>.s,,r.s t'or n::,xe.s on rhe p,,..... .,.!>-...,.....,Y -,,,.,,s,,,., 7"/2,,;,, .su~v,.s,,,:,n. Srak o/' Ca/Jl'i,rn1a J SS Co£✓nry o:/' San L>te:fj!O .. We, Covnry Treqsurer or ..-he Co,:,,n;,y er~ b/egi~ S1'e?re or Co/J'l'orn/a, Covn& ,1!'.ng1n,e,t>r ol" .sc,,1d ~~ .. and 0/rec~r or rhe ~parn,,,,d'nr o/" .Se»?,-kr,-"""7 al'?d rY.::,od Ccn,.,.rc./ o/ .Sa/d a:,=,.n'.S,,•, he"i""..,.6y c_.-nry ~aJ" 7"/2ere c:,r.., no unp<vd spec/di cssessn>enl!s-or L>onds ~✓ch · .rnoy 6e p,:vd l'.n n,// .shou-n 6y >#<IP 6ooA-!.s o;I" o,:,✓r o/hces C5IO/,?S-.r r,?<!f rrac r 0,-S'U.6dV/.S/Dr7 Or O'ny ,,oc,,r.r .l"½e..-...::,r s/2,,,,,.,,n on rhe c-nnexed n?ap and descr,,.6ea 1n :rl-Se caprtan r/2ereo:/'. J, #arky r. .8/00,..,..,, Coun:fy ~cor~r o/ 7"/2e a,.,,.,,,,.,y o/ Scn L)/e90, S>'ak ,::,/ Q:,pl'f:,,.,..,,,,,,.., .he,...,...6y o.,qorcve 7"he n,::,A?e. HCorl.sbcd 7racr 7.3-24" ?'or rhe .sv6c:nv1.s1on .shou-n ,::,n n-Se annexed /77"'?,4!> I cons/shns, or 8 sheek, and ale.scr✓Ced /'7 t'ne c-ap~on ~_,,,,,:: Lors /7,//9, /<:;7, /~O, ~5/, ?77 o-nd 3o/ on sa1b' /77ap a-nd the t.ualer 7 ~ oZ / 0 6 ,Z _z //ne easements c:,s ,j'/'?V?i"ed n:, rhe Cor/shod tYvn1c1pol t#aler A/e No.--'-'----''----. , 01sl'r/cr ond shown w/rh1n lofs I? 47, 80,. 190,, 251 <:1nd SOI I, #or/.,..y r." 8/oon,, Covnry ~t!!!carcl_... o/ ~ ... ~vnry or j ! on sod:/ ,nap,.. {/?ere1i-Jorrer rerer~d fo as #e SvbJecr /c:md). Sa,n L)1es,o , hereby cernry r/2,c;,r I /2dve a-c~.ris>a/ h-, , • · re,:,orda/✓cn :,½,,.s -'"Cp --9/4-al =~ Mt!!! r'!"i'vesr or-' ..CO-w~nr:e .. .R. hn///~n,s, :rh,-s ~ day or AV Cf-, /374 a:f //.' J']'. o 'c/ock .../bM. Har/.ry. ft~ 'J~~, cCou.nry ~ec~e,- cy: ~~A::i...Ao.,&ra..4""------ .F'ee: ,If /ft()() ------------------------- CA-RLSBAD TRACT SIIEET 2 IN TIIE CITY OF CARLSBAO/ C0UNTY0F SAN .0/cG~ smrE OF CAL/F0RAI/A Sfale or Col/lor-n1a Counry or On:7n9e On fh/s l//'-11 day~ , ~~ /S74/ .heror-e me/lll'fRyf ,F°/4()~£,e,,. .4 Nolor,.1 ;:>~ IM qnof f'or-St:1/a c;,ou~lx c,nd .Srore, person,:;//y appeored&W ..,25, (!./)//~Q_ knotun ro me lo he -lhe Pres/den/ ,:;nd /}Jlf:.,(:/5 z.&{(:?Mv knotun fon?e -lobe -fhe Secre/ory o-r Cov/n~fon Bro/hers, a Co//'l'orn,i::;, Corpor-o//on / fhe Corporo,'/on Iha/ e;<ecvred fhe o6ove cerf1r1co/e a-no' kno,un Iv n?e fo he fhe persons t:uno execuled fhe o6ove cerf1r1cole on &15/4:;/,t' of" fhe Corpora-hon fhere1n ntuned, ond OCknou,/ed9ed :ft:, n,e fhof such cor-porar/on execufed .so,cl cerr1'/i-co,'e pursvonf ro 1rs 1.3y-Lou,s oro resolvf,on or ti's l.3oar<7' or D/recfors. l"n at/lness whereof'"., ..T hove he~vnlo ser n?y ha-n,/ t:i'M oR?xed my 0:6'ic/o/ .5eol ti? scud Covnry a17d S'role; rhe doy c,nd yec,r /n fh/s cerl/rica-le rtrsr o.6ove ,:vr/:rren. .scu'o' uh//c /n and ror Covnly one/ Sfofe ... c: ;.~;• . ··,\; *'11'-ci·•~,r,e ........ ,..,;1<;1>,'>s,..i,...,,,,,. ,., ,_,.,. -... ·""'""···•·* .sfofe ,:,r Ca-l/rorn1c:, Counry or Ort7n9e On f/715 /(. -,>, day o.r , Jul'/ 19741 berore me ___ _ Nl>Mtr Nt'ClftAI 4 Nofor-yPub//c /nano' ror sa/d Cc,unfy ond srafe/ per-sono/ly c,ppeored, I, ,....my 2> .)oHN5olti k1?own TO tne robe rile !='res1denf tu,d Jla..,&J, o l) ,S°rAtlN44t ~ knot.Vn fo /?7e ro .he rhe Ass1sfonr Secrefory orocc1den1'0/ L.ond, Inc., a Coltror-n1c;, Corpon::;f/on, lhe Corporal/on fhor execvled fhe a.hove ce-r//f',cofe &Tnd kno=n .fo tne no be fhe persons tvho execu/ed fhe cerl1f'1co.fe on ,6eha//' orfhe Corporal/on fhere,n non?ed1 al?d ac«nou,/ed7ecl fl::> 11?e f/>o,' such Corporor/on execuled s-01d cerr/r1'cole pvrsuanr 7'o /Is /.3y-t..a"'s or a resolul/an or/ls Boord or 0/recrors. Zn u,/fne5.s whereof; Z hove here vnk, sef tny hand ond orrixed my 0/'r/c/ol Sea-I ,i? sc11d Counly e,nd S;fore/ ;fhe doy and year in fh/s cer-1/hcale firsr above t:unllen. My con11n1ss/on exp/res l'1ARC.H .;> 1 I q 1<.. ~O«r<t, tL )71n,6 z'.e 1 . : OFFICIAL SEAL I NANCY S. NITKIN IOTAIY PWIJC CM.lf'OIHIA , PAIIICIPM. OFFICE Ill '" ORANGE COUNTY ~~ .. ~)1~~4'·~-~.'. .• ~976_ . _. ;lary ;ubl1c /n and ror scud Counly ond Srafe The s1jno/4're ,pf"fhe Slore orColtrorn1a ho/<7'eroreoseh7ehTS /'or h/9hwoy slopes ond Across r19hls as d/5c/oseo' by Dee✓s recorded July 18, /9,;;; as Ri'e ,¼,. 1259:JS/ Senes 4, Book /~Ga or 0/"rtcii:::,/ 1-?ecords; Decen-,her a, /'3~5 as rile,¼,. 218 as1 ctno' e18352.1 Ser-/es r,;,/t9ook /!:JC.5 or0fftc/i::>/Record5; ono'Ocroher 3/ IEJG8 as r11/e No. /72<G30/ Ser/es 9, /3ook /':JG8 o," 0-rric/a/ Records or Sal? D1e:70 Covnfy has been on-,irred under fhe pravis/ons orSecr/on l/587'., Su,bsecr1on (a), crrhe 5't,6'fiv1s1i7n Mop Acf, fhe1r 1°rJreres:I-1s svch fha-r 1r conno/ l'-1,i.:,en 1n1'0 a l"ee hlle ond 501d .s19na-rure /5 nor re~u1~d by rhe fOVe/-/7/~ body. Srore or Coltt'orn/o Counfy or Son O/e:10 On fh/s Z. k ,t.. day o~ .J.._I 19 74., herore tne t-4,. trnd •V'S,':, ,ieol, -4 /\fot'or-y Public /n ond ror so1d Covn fy and Slofe., personally t,;ppeored Jft"c,/4AY'.d ,4.. V4ileio /<noutn fo me ro .be ,'he Ass1st'an?' Vti::e-.Pre,sidenr and ,19l/0 f. C.,l Atk k,170,:vn ro n-,e ro he rhe Ass/s ranr- Secrefory or ..Sareco T/:rle Insvrc>.nce Co1??pony, o Ca/tr,:,rn1a Corpon:;,/,on_, t'-he Corpora,/1on rhat' eyecwred fhe o6ove cerf1/'tca/e and kno,un m n-,e ra he t'he per.sons_ tvho ei<ecvred fhe above Cerl-thco/e on 6eha/r or 7'he Cor-porc,f/on fhere/n no,ned, ond ac«nou.;/ed9ed ,b n,e, fhof svch Corporof/on execvred sa,o" cerr/fi'co.re ,,ovrsvonf -fo /fs 8y-louts oro resolul,on or ti's 8oc;,rol or D/recrors. ./'11 wilness whereof'; Z hove /2er-evn:l-o selmyhand and ClJ'r/xed my Orrtc/a/ Seo/ 1n sc;,,'d Covn1'y and 5-lat'e_, ?'he day ond yeor 1°17 fh/s cerl-/hco/e r}rsr o6ove /L/r/ffen. Ny co1??rn1ssion exp/res /J""""'ht Jf /~7'.:i :<~>•O~cy: '•:-:••:-<-x-:~:~,:'•~:::~•:~;~;❖!-X+:•1 ~ ;,;. t, ! (~~ ,. :A!:li~:r~·J ::~-::5::}'3:Y s;;:,:or :;: !Vy -(i~rnmlssion Exp1n=:s 'Nov. 15, 1?·~5-_ 1~(0 '.t',•: ,•"><•-.;->;~.•<• ,;•,<.,s,,<·,< ..;, ;.s.•••,••. •,-.•••.• • Sfofe OT Co/1rorn/a Counly or -,;.i... On fht's /9~ d,::,yor ju/....'-:/ /874, 6erore =e £ . .::!., hog k;:.., A Nofo-r-y Pttbltc /n and forSa/d Covnry ond Sfofe/ persanolly appeored w; I( /40 tf · Wqf{ot<..8-__ kno=n ro me -lo he fhe Sen/or I/tee -A-es/denr ond ..:T,l)Ql'LILe.i( (<ewKlu,ffknawn t'-o n,e robe /he A.ss/shnr 1//i:::e- Pres,·denf o/' Un1'on ,BanA-_, a Co/1/orn/a Cor-poror'.,on, fhe Corporor1on rhof exec,,,./ed rhe above Cerr/r1co/e Qnd knotun fon,e t'o .be rhe persans who execvfed fhe obove cerl1/'tcofe on behol/" o:l"lhe Corpor-ohon fhere1n nc,med, e>t?d Ci'C/<:notuled51ecl lo tne Iha/-svch Cor;0orc;r1on execuled S0/(7 Cerr1r1core pvrsu,::;n/ f,:, /T.S Ey-Lotvs Ortf2 res o/u I/an or 1r, Boord or D/reclors. .In ,u/fness whereof;, Z ,h,::;ve herevn.f,:, se/ ✓-ny hond and arr1"xed 17?y Orr'/c/al Seo/ /n soc Counry ond Sm/e, 1'he day ond yeor /n fh1s Cerr,1"1co-le t"'1r5f o6ove cvr,r:ren. My con, nu ss/on e ><p/res ---'-h--'.e.:=:.cf.J:c...:,• ==-'L./c.11.......:/.,..97 1;-r:,~-------. ¥}~ . ' ' . ..i!,' _· '~-::-.·«,.'Mt,.:i&:_ ...... ,, •.• __ _,_..,__'----,'-1---"------------ Noror y Pu bite /n ond' -lor- so/d Counry one/ S'rore. 7he s19no/ure orlhe Si:,n D1e90 Gos t:1nd ,E/,,crr/c Q:,n,pony h?Mr "'I' ease=enl-.s as d/sc/05ed hy D!>e,/.s recodd7" tVove.,,,L,er/7, /9461 as Rl'e #o. 114 7.518 tn Sook :1a20 po51e 34.!1 o/' Orr'tc10/ ~cord5 and' J:)ece1??ber 21,1'348 os Ftle No.125755 /n Book .3o5G,pa9e 505 o/'O/":/'}c1ol Records o/' St:i-n 01~0 Covnfy has been on,/r?'eo' under rhe prov/5/ons o/' Sec-r,on //5B7, Su6sec.f/an (a), or"lhe Su6d/v/s/on Map 4cl, fhe/r /nlere5.f /s such Iha! ii' connof ripen 1nro o ree f//le and soi,:/ s,fnorvre 1s nof re1v1;..ed by /he .9overn/n3 bt:1dy. Order No. S-508590 Sareco lifle .Znsurance Con->,oony, .4 Corporal/on, heret6y asrltr/es lhof t:1ccord/ny lo fhe OrrJc/ol -Records orfhe Counly Recomers Orr1ce orSanO,eyo Counly, C,::;✓1/i&rn1a, on t'he a,Nc! doy or. ,.:/419 UST" /9 74, ar 8:oo A.M. / Cov/n9t'on /.3rorhers, a Cal/-rorn/o Corporal/on cmd Occ/denfol t..ond., .Tnc.1 a Co//rorn/o Corpcn::,-l1on os owners/ Secur1fy T/r/e Insurahce Compony,o Ca/tbn1a Corporor1on c,s Trvs/-ee under o deed or1'rvsr recorded Oece=i>er a, /~73 c;,s r/le No. 73-333409 /n -Sool< /97.:1 of'OHic/a/ Records, 1'n /he o-rrice or:fhe Covnry -RecorclerorSan D/e::;,o C::Jvnly., Ca/1 rorn,a ond C/n/on Bonk, a Col/rorn10 Corporofton a,, liv.ske under-o deed o/' rrvsf n'coro'ed Jonvary :J/ 1974 os ni'e M,. 73-3:J:1¢09 1n /:look 1974 of" 0/'r/c,i::,I Records/ 1n lhe OFhce orrhe Covn/y !<'ecorder of' San 0/eyo Cot.1nfy/ Ca-/1rorn10 were ol/rhe otvners and ihe only ,=rl1es /17reresled /n ond whose consen/ &VOS necessary fa poss c, c/eor ;,I/lie lo /he /c;,nd ern6n1ced w,rh/n .;:he svhd/v/sion lo be kno=n a-s Car/shod Traer 73-24 as shou,n on fh1s ,nap cons/s-l/n9 or 8 sheets/ a/?d por/1cu/orly descr/bed /n /he Capfton lhereor, orherlhan /he Sa,n Diego Ga-s a-no' Elecfrtc Cotnpo">y holdero/'eose.menls os dtsclosed 6y Deeds recorded #oven,.ber 17, 1948 os Ale No. 114738 1n Book :1020 pa9e 848 or Orl''tc:10/ Records and Decetn6er e1, 1948 ,::;5 Ftle No. 125755 1·n /3ool< a05to., po9e 805 or Or"f'tc/al Records or S',::;n 01eyo Counf-_y 1 Col1rorn10 and -/he slo/e or Cc;lt/orn1a holder o/'eosetnenls .ror- h1':7hwa y slopes a-nd a.cross r/~hls os d,sclosed .6y Deeds recorded July 18, /9G3 as Pde No. 125935, Senes 4, Book l.9G:J of' Orf't'c/a,/ Recorcls.; Decetnher 3, l!7G5 os F/le No. 21835/ ono' 2183521 Sertes c.., Boo/<:: /SGS of'Orl"1c10/ Records.;ondCc-foher 31 19GB as A1/e No. /72G30/ Sertes e/ Book 19&8 ol'"Of'1"1cri:::d Records a-nd Corl.shod Mv1?1c1po/ Waler O/srr1cr ho/O"erore05emenTY os d/sclos-ed by deed recorded 7-9-74 PS hYe ,Ve 74-183613 1n800,(;- /974 orOrr'lc:10/ Recoms orSonLJ/e?o Covnly,Co/trorn1a iuh,ch said eosemenrs eqnnorr1pen /nfo t1 -/'ee. In w1r11ess tuherear so1d Sole-co l?rle Z/?sun7nce Q::,mpony/ a Corp- orar/on_, ha-s cau5ea' rh1s /nslrun1enf' ,lo be execvrec/ under ins-Co,-.p- orore nt::11'7?e and Seo/ by 1rs ~peron>cers t'm,eun.>b du&ovrh- 4ppro ved as lo form fhis_3"-'/~ ___ d<:>y ol':. Tu L:i 1~74 -I H'e,/-he unders1y.17ed., Cor/s-bod Alt1/?1C1pal #tl/er ,:?1i>rr1ct, /;ere.by cerl! iy lhol tue art!J i11fere;sfed 1:n I he /and e,n,hr-oced tu//lvn lhe Su60'lv1s1on lb ,be,fn,x,v.17 a-5C:?r/s-Dad lmcr NI? 7!1-10 .6y v1rrve oran easen?en/ n-co.ti:i'ed Jv,y ~ /9 74 OS /'i7e hi' 7,f'-/836/!J, in book l!:774 Or Ortic/a/ Recotci-of'f/Je Cottnly of'So/7 01e~ and hereby cons en I fo f/Je prepc,rahon one/ rea:Jn::l- af1on or this mop. Carls.bad Mun1c1po/ Wot'er D1:Sf-r1cr B _, 8y,t{r.(j}.~ Fred W. /J-1t.?e le, fles. W.O. Corm1choel, Sec. Sfofe or '/t/"orn10) Oh fm5~~YtJ~ /9~, Counly or Son 01_eg~)55· belbre me 1 :fke ,,.:;;;;;,,;~nee/, a Ahrory Pv.hltc ,n ond ;t0r soti:7 G,unry o,7<1' Shk, pe,-sonol,y appeo,-ed rred 11/. Moer,f/e, k.noatn ti:;, me lo ,be ~s1denr t7nd W. t7. Cqr,,771choel, k, fr:>me -fo be Secnelary o/'Ct:7rlsbad Worer O/sf- r/cf, fheO/srr1cl fh,::,fexecvredrhe o6ove cerf/r/co le and knoatn lo me lo be lhe pers. tuho execvredlhes-o-=e onbeha/t'"orso1d .1 Dislric~ ondockntnu/edged ro177e fmlsa,d'' 0/sfr/cre><'ecvled /-he so!77e. I In tu1h1es5 tuhereor, I hove herevn/o ser,;,,y and orlXxed tny #ohr1al 5e,:,f, rhe day and year /n fht's cer./11'/cat'.:: :firsr o,6ove i:ur/lt'en. MyComm1ss/onexp/r1!?5 July ,, ['17~ or/zed 7'he day t:1nd yet:7r /n lh/s cerl'1i'/c<i>le -l"trsl t:1hove wr1f1'6!'?':.' ~.,s:--,Jljrg~";:;;~-,.,,C..i",w.~,--. for ;;;.:;~•J~=~ Co~p,ny~~ •. ·~• , ~<>vdyon~ , . o ,4ss1°5/01?I Vice ~nl ss1sfanr" Secrer~r;r,,. '·., ,., /' ,.f /V7/ 41,201: /IJ0./7' ~ 1i}·ft ··.""'-'/./ 5, ,y· This 15 TO cer//ry Im/ /1,e dra1na51e ~se=ehrs ond r/2e ~#-[' cJ; '" s.s.i-<l 7b, 50' " ' ~ ol'xcess only over Ille :1enen:1/,9ccess cm/ ufil/1:yeasen,enls as .5hown on lf11s rnap dedicated to lhe Son D/e:10 Covnl-y Flood Con/ro/ .O/sfr1cf are here-6_y accepred 6y rhe unclers19aed o/'ricer or ~enr on .6eholr or rhe Boord or Direclors of' fhe SanOie~o CO{/nry Flood Conlrvl D1slr/cr pursvanl ro avrhor1/y conrerred by Resolu.1/on or .said Boord of' 01reclon5 adopfed on Morch 18, 1:36:J, and fhe 0/slr/cf consenls ro lhe recordt7r;on /hereor by /T5 dv,y ovlhor/ zed orf'icer. Son Oie90 Covnly rlood Conlro/ .O/sfr1cr. Daled 3°0 Ju/v /97,q. } A so/ls reporl dareCT' July 30,, /~7.J was prepared 6y Woodu,on:r -G/z/en.s/..,· ano' 4ssoc/o/es_, Se,n D1e510, Cc,/,/." " " ' ~ /,~.""" , ~ ,.83'--::1 's:, "' ~ INTERIOR LOT MONUMl:NTATION DETAIL NO SCALliii 0--l,V.8/CA res ex TeRIOl<e t.or CO~NE/ii!#J TO 13£ MONUMeNT£O /3YA fl{,".l:.P. 18" LONG, WIT/-/ BRAS5 0/SC MKIJ#. R. C. £. I 18 I 8. BASIS OF BEAR/NGS: N7t;,0.S4'4oN£ A:,,-rhe cenkrpne or .,q.,,,.,.,se7'nq L,c,.,e MONUM£NTAT/ON NOTES: All h>Onumerrfs fovnd a/0"9 ,r,._.....,Y or .srrt!'er A"/W /;nes 4rte ro'. l"/..P. ...,,,.h o,v. of" M-vy :S-. ros; vn/d'.S'S hor_, o,'her....,,,se • All h>OH<l'✓'IU!, »!r /bund /n F S' or S"~~ Q'rte bo/rs un/es.s ncmd o~n,wse. o oenofe.s Sef z".r.l:' w~'fn to9 ~.C.e. l/{!118 unless orher.:v/se shown. ~ Oenofes .sef S'f,u,dom Surveyors Monumenf er C/fy of" Corls.6od 5fcl O . M-4. -- CARLSBAD T-RACT 73-24 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN D/EGO,. STAT£ OF CAL/FORN/A BEING A SUBDIVIS/0/11 OF A PO~T/0/11 OF SECTION 28, 7"01,VN.S#IP /2 sovrH, ~ANG£ 4 WESr, .SAN BERNA.RO/NO BAS£ ANO MER/0/AN, C/TY Or CARL.S,BAL), COUNTY Or SAN £)/,EGO, srAT.E O.F CALIFORNIA I ACCO~L)/NG TO LIN/TEL) .STATES GOVERNMENT .SUR/1"£'Y scald'.· I" = zoo' .d = /t:,0 /S'Z.3" IE'~ /o42.oo' L = 2.94£,.8'-' 7 = /9'.!l.~4' ® ~ Curve .OC~ 4: /~O/S,'2,3~ .IR=/000.00" ~ = 284.89' 7, /43.4Z' @~-.;;cl!J..::L..:.U..::E-=8..::0..:.R.:.:O=-E=~~CV.='lle.:.clli:.:'E:..,eOA:::.i'.<:::,.':4 A•/3°51'45" R• 1oso.00' L• 249.20' T• 125.2!' .,. ... 7996 SHEET 3 OF 8 SHEETS ---- I I ~ 1 • _30' 't o' t ~ \ \ J ~ \JI !o ~, II\ w . ,.,.. "~ "t ~' N!?. LI R. (,.. r I 1s0 41' sz" 90.CO' 29.37' /4.82' 2 87°59' /5" 20.00' 30.t;;O' /9.20' a 08 Z5 :¼," c/5.00' 3I.G2' /5.84' 4 :x, 5/' OJ'' 20.00' 3/. 7/' 20. 30' 5 71°~'38" 20.00' 25.0S' /4.47' lo OtoQ42 17" /85,00' 21.;,1;;· /0.84' 7 18· 40 17• 200.00' C.5./8' 3Z.88' 8 07 07' 40" 200.00· 24.88' /2,46' $ /'J. 40' 08" 200.00· 47,7/' 23. 97' -----=-"'-----------__/ t.,ANlii <lJj) 5, 12(;, ACS, I I ) CA-RL:SBAD T-RAc-r· /I(/ THE' C/TY OF C,,4/?LSBALJ, COUA/TYOF 54N ,0/EG~, smTE OF CAL/FO,RA//.4 I I \ SOUTH LIN€ Or POIN5BTTIA LANS PJl¥1? DG€D$ 1"i7 STAT£ OF CALIFORNIA /2·3-G5 218~/ f 2111352 P,t;RC'EL I POINSETTIA N 7,:;;" 54' 40"!Ji LANE --------G~3~5-,7~9.- N 7G0 54' 40"€ 7996 fi#EET 4 tJF 8 · 5#EET5 357.IO' ({J) 5. 57!3 ACS, I I 20'1 I II) (} r----l.._ SEE CARLSBAD TRACT 1-1;;,,.1z 's.4NlrARY s-ewcA' li".45.:MGNT G.RANrSD #E~EON, SIIEEr @ /0.450 4Cs. DETAIL NG4°11'45'',; 4 0~71" ~ Dt:= TAIL COC/A/TYCJ.,t: 5-4/C/ /.J/EGO, 73--24 S7:4T.E OF CAL/r"ORN/A ® 5. 578 ACS. 7996 51-/EET 5 OP t3 II/ 1 I SCALE": !"-= 6'0 1 DETAIL. /0.81' OeTAIL II) .. "i Ill Al !J.17 7996 CARLS-BAD T-RACT SHEETS /Al T#E C/TY OF CA/?L584/J, COt/AITY OF G'.4N /.J/EGO, 6TATE OF C.4L/r0/?N/A OeT4IL t" = 60' f 7996 CA-RL=SBAD T-RACT 73-24 CVRVI!: DATA N!! ll R. L. T /N T#E C/TY tJF C-4/?LSBA/.J., COUNTY CJF 5,4A/ ,0/EGO, S7:4TE o,,c C-4L/FCJRAI/A I 02,r;, 2B' 48 ~-600.00' zs.~n· /2. 9!1' 2 03u 23' oe·· t,,00.00' 35.45' 17. 73' .3 O!> SO' 24" ~00' G/. I Ii' ao. r;,o· 4 /<i,D 00 2211 /50.00' 41. !lo' 21. o,' s oe·os 01" /50,00' 2/./G' /0,([,0' r;; 10• 54 zo· /50.00' Z8,5S' /4.32' 7 34• 04 42" /50.00' 8!1.2'2' 45. ~7' 8 zr 4o' 45· /50,00' 5G. 71,,' 28-72' ® .3.SSt:;;, Acs. @ /0. 55/ ,AC5. @) 7. 732 .4C5. - 5AN Dl!=GO INTERSTAT!: {I-5) 7996 C-ARLSBAD TRACT 73--2A SHEET 8 OF 8 SHEETS IN THE CITY OF CARL.5'BAO, COt/A/TY OF SAN ,0/EGO, G'T-4TE OF CAL/FORA/IA I 0 ACS. f --,.. -52Z. 77 ' ~-,.,, ,,;,, SAN ,O/eGO FR&E WAY /NieR5TATE {I-5)