HomeMy WebLinkAbout8429; CT 76-01; CHESTNUT GARDENS; 01-02WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being all the parties having any record title interest in the land covered by this map, do hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this map as shown within the blue colored border line, and we hereby offer for dedication for public street purposes a portion of Chestnut Avenue and a portion of Monroe Street as shown on said map. We ol<oo offer .for dedicotio,i to the Ci-ty of, Car'lsl:>ad the ec:i'!oemen-t-. for public utility al'lcl -t-v-ee plantrnti p .... v-po9e'll, a,; '!!,1-,own O"'l ~id map. · MAR'II~ CS. ~UMPMRE'f'!, At.it> lt>'E.I..LA ~. \.IU"'1PI-IRE'<'=>., nu,1:>a"'d c:.,,,c:I \Nife Q'!r> joint te.,a"'t'5 . BY: ~~~~p BY:-&f1{f. ti~ OCEANSIDE FINANCE CQJANY·,· a California Corporation, as trustee of.,,p.eed of trust recorded February 6, 1968 as File No. 2080V.. · STAT& OF CALIFORNIA) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) On this /0 day of /lU6u.5T , 1976, before me, &,o! lf"c Wv..S;i1l! , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appea+:ed Marvin S. Hwnphreys and Idella R. Humphreys, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the above certificate and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Iri WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in said County and State, the day and year in this certificate first above written. My commission expires .::r<U,>£ .?il, l9Bo ''.'-I . i ,1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) PA '-.IL ~-\. W UE.":>1 E Notary Public in and for said County and State On this J.Ofh day of 4v&-u!., , 1976, before me, . B£r-r'{ /\'l. -:Svc. 1;;,Jee , a Notary Public in and for ,a.aid county anC:. state, .,ersonally aµpeared l>lliltti eo.e,cK .:re. · , known to me to be the pep1!iffl7 ' :snd El/cL'{fl/ SC1'1UGr , known to me to be the S<FcPEr11ey-Tee"11SUe,;;te. of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and known to me to be the persons who executed the same in behalf of said corporation and acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the same, pursuant to its bylaws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I. have hereunto set my'hand and' affixea my official seal, the day and year in this certi- ficate first above written. My C0111111isaion expires J(INc .ft,, 1975' Notary P~tllic 'in and for said County a~d State MAP NO.· 8429 CA-RLSBAD 76 -I (CHESTNUT 5 LOTS GARDENS) L0/8 ACRE.S l:IEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF TRACT 256 OF THUM LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OP' SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. l681, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE FOR THIS SUBDIVISION FURNISHED BY SAFECO TITLE INSvRANCE COMPANY, ORDER NO. S-545377. For complete metes and bounds legal description of the boundary, see certified title company description and report on file in the office of the City Engineer. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) We, County Treasurer of the County of San Diego, State of Califorpia, County Engineer of said County, and Director of Department of Sanitation and Flood Control of said County, hereby certify that there are no unpaid special assessments or bonds which may be paid in full, shown by the books of our offices against the subdivision or any part thereof shown on the annexed map and described in the caption thereof. !l-i~-7(, Z...K OATEi.J: f-£0--"' DELA VAN J. DICKSON, County Treasurer BY: DATED: 7-tD*tW R. J. MASSMAN, County Engineer 1.7.-3-1~ ~ DATED: '?-~-'/~ C. J. HOU SON, Director of Department of Sanitation and Flood Control BY: I, FRANK c. RICE, City Treasurer of the City of Carlsbad, State.of California, hereby certify that there are no liens for unpaid City taxes or unpaid bonds issued under any improvement act or improvement bond act of the State of California showing on the books of this office except taxes not yet payable · against the tract or subdivision, or any part thereof, shown on the annexed map and described in the caption thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, my 'hand this 5 1976. I have hereunto set day of 7J/TtAt,v/4t<,J FRANK C. RICE, City Treasurer BY: I, MARGARETE. ADAMS, City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, State of California, hereby certify that the Council of said City has approved this map of Carlsbad Tract No. 76-1 (Chestnut Gardens), consisting of 2 sheets and described in the caption thereof, and has accepted on behalf of the public a portion of Chestnut Avenue and a portion of Monroe Street., a.rid ha-=, accepted on beho.l-f of the City of Carlsbad -the .ea-.eme,..,+~ for- pu bl .. c c..ti lity "'"'cl Tree pla,11inq purpo~ a I I a'<> "=>hO'N v, c, "'-~a i d map . · ' IN w 11: NE.'5~ W 14E:R£0f', <:,a id Cou.-.cd \.ias ca.'-'""""~ l>y -t-1.,e.,,e p.-esent-e. -to be e><ecuted by tvie C,ty Cle""k a .... d o+t ... •a,ted bk: it~ c:,ea.t thi'=-Sih day .of CojoVt:Jfbe. , 1976 !-AR Kid E. City Clev-k SHEET OF 2 SHEETS I, E. BRIAN SMITH, a Registered Civil Engin-r of the State of California, hereby certify that the survey of this subdi- vision was made in May, 1976, and the survey and final map were made by me or under my direction, and that the survey is true and complete as shown, that all stakes, monuments, and ma.rks found are of character indicated and occupy the positions shown thereon. I will set_all other monuments of character, and at positions indicated by the legend in this map within 30 days after the completion of the required improvements and their acceptance by the City of Carlsbad, and all such monuments are or will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced .. (See Legend on Sheet No. 2). F~i-~-ti-. E. BRIAN sa'ITH, Registered Civil Dated 7-19-76 Engineer No. 13817 I, TIMOTHY C. FLANAGAN, City Engineer of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby certify that I have examined the annexed map of this subdivision to be known as Carlsbad Tract No. 76-1 (Chestnut Gardens), consisting of 2 sheets and described in the caption thereof, and have found that the design is substantially the same as it appeared on the tentative map and any alterations thereof; that all the pro- visions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of Califor- nia, as amended, and of any local ordinance of said City applicable at the time of the approval of the tentative map have been complied with, and.I am satisfied that said map is technically correct. I hereby approve and recommend said map. / TIMOTHY C. FLANAGAN · \...,~~~Dated /!Uhh City 'Engineer RC e 18.426 I, DONALD C. AGATEP, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, hereby certify that the tentative m~p of Carlsbad Tract No. 76-1 (Chestnut Gardens) has been sub- mitted to the Planning Commission for report and recommen-: dation, DONALD C. AGATEP Secretary of Planning Commission ~ M .. ~Dated L\-4-7<, \' Approved as to form this {i: day ofk'.OU£1/':t4·e&, < '.··~¥) ~/ vii.CENT F. BIO,~Do, JR.,/ V{;jflf-to City Attorney 1976. I, PORTER D. CREMANS, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, California, hereby certify that the provisions of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code of the State of California, as amended, have been complied with regarding deposits for taxes on the property within this subdivision. · PORTER D. C REMAi,S Clerk of the Board of Supervisors I hereby approve the name Carlsbad Tract No. 76-l (Chestnut Gardens) for the subdivision shown on the annexed map. HARLEY F. BLOOM County Recorder BY: ~!1!Ct· I Deputy FILE NO. 7h-t/-oloh'l't I, .HARLEY F. BLOOM, County Recorder of the County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have accepted for recordation this maJ? fjJ.ed at the request of, .J E. Brian Smith this b fft.day of .P<Uehl h,,r 1976 at g.~l, o'clock __A_M. _J!p /.' .. ) HARLEY F. BLOOM ~ft 4.w~.l,. ~-=~ county Recorder Deputy L FEE 1100 ' 111 -401 AVENUE FD. NA\L <!; TIN AT ct, IMTE1<:se:cT10N 01/E~ Cl::> MO "1 . />, S. 'io \.l O\N N O "4 MA 4784 Ji F'. M. •~ 558 ef 1393 -'----~ · ( FO'.?M 1:.12'. '---'--1' COUN'T"( A\JE.) r() ""> TRACT 16 GARDE=NS 76989' • ·---~ ... ---1.,-==~-=~~ • I J \D MAP NO. -842~ -I SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS SO\ L R'c:PORJ PU'ZSLIA~, "TO ',:,\::.CT\0~ 17953 01=' T\.lE l•Hi:ALT\>-\ AND ':>A~E,"( CODE.., A ~RELIMl~A~'( ~O\LC:> R ~POR, PREPAR E.D l:!>'< CLAUDE B. PA~KER DA"l'EC Jt/#£ c6 t<:,76, HA"o e.E'<:N 'Fl\::'c:t:, W\'T~ T\.41:'. CIT'( ~NGII-J'E:'El2. OF 1\4'.a C\T'( OF CAe1..s~c T~E BA<:>\~ 01'1 !:!>EA~\N.C.~ FOR Tl-41~ MAP I'!> 'T~I.. C~N.,'EeL\\,...\E Of' C\..l~<S,NU"T AV't~UE (FOl2.MERL'( COU.\,...\"t'( AV'c:.N~) A"=> SI-IOWN ON i.!.Ol"''S.MAP i-10.5393 1.b., ~e7°57'30"E.. Lt..GE:..Nt) • INO\CA, ES l='"OUND P01N."T A."o 'DE.S.c21e,~t) \..IE~l:;.ON. 0 INDICA,E<o SE, 2'1 1.:0~ PIPE. W/t>ISC ':>"TAMPED R.C.'c,. 13,817. · (l)c.) D'E.ED 'c!,E'Ael"tC. ANO/DR:. 01':>,ANCE_' U~Ll::'::>'=o OT\.lE.2W\~E. <;;,\.lCI\Nl-1, 0~ Tl-l\~ MAIi' 3/4" 112.0l'-l PI PE \8 1~c1..q:::_s LONG 'NIT...i O\<:,C ~,AMPED "12.C.E, l3,.!'117" w 11..L e,e. SE, A, AI...L 1w•1"ER,1.2N.,ll.\. I.OT CORN.e:~s. FIZONT LO, Cof!.t>LE~<:.,AN.0 ALL POl~T'S OF cureve: ALON,:. ,14e: 'olt>ELII\IES Ot= DEO\CA"1ED "S"l'IZ.E.E.TS '=>I-IALL 'BE MO~tlMENi'ED B'( A t.E.AD t Dl':>C ~,TAMPED "12.C.E. 13 817",;;,e:-r AT A Ol''FS'E.T OF. 7.00 FEET 114. Tl-tE: '::,\0£..WALI(. A\.I.. !)ISC':> WILL E!,E '::>ET ·t"'LL.ISH . IN\1'14 Tkl!. PA....-E.ME.N.1, ,AI..O~C. T14E E.ltTE~SIO~ Of= T\41!: LOT Lll.lE ME.A':>UIZ.\:.D 7.00 FEE., 'RADlALL'f oe A't' 2.1<:N, ANC:L£S To Tl-IE \"R.ON.'T Pi<:OPE.12-T"( \.1 .... E.. _>/ IOI T~E EVE,._., ,I-IE A.60\/E ,'<PES OF MON<JME.t•n"::. CA'-INOT SE '::>1':\ t>uE TO UWl=O~SEE.N Cl~UM~TA>-)CE.<;, Tl-IE.Isl \ WILi.. ,o.i:F"1i< A TA~ oe. 01'!.C. ',:,TAlvlPE.o "!;!,CE.~ 13,817'1 IN C.ONClilE•E ✓ ~'TON.I!., WOOO OR IV\Ei'Al... AT Tl-IE. T!i?.U£ POSl1'10"-l CALLE.D f'"Oi!.. I!:,'( THI~ MAP. ":,l;;:.E l:>EFE.Rll.ED MDNU ME.NT\ .... G 'oTATEME.~T I¼ ENC.\"-IEE.I:?.'"!, CE.'2."l"l!='ICATE 01-l <p\.lE.1£.T. NO. I, ~ <> ~ ... <> C,o/E.STIVV7" ~ J .5/TE ~\ VICINITY MAP No Scale