HomeMy WebLinkAbout9633; CT 76-06; ROYAL HOMES UNIT 7; 01-02• MAP NO. CARLSBAD 15 LOTS' TRA_CT Na 76-6 3.982 ACRES SHEET /' OF 2 SHEETS WE, THE GNDERSIGNED, being all the parties having any record title intereJt in the land covered by this map, do hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this map as shown.within the blue colored border line; and we hereby offer for dedication for street purposes Chinquapin Avenue al'\d Syme Drive &'!. ~wn hel"ea'l. CARLSBAD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a California Corporation ~~, « n <Hs--:11 Presic:ient · GUSTAV A.. Nc:55cTH STATE OF CALIFORNIA) . COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) SS BY: ~(, )1,jc~ ecretary-Treasur JOHI-J e. . Mc COY On this 7-t;!:::-oay of /'19;,.,..c.h , 1980, before me, An"-£. 13 e. ,._ h , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personall.t appeared G--u s-: .a.. v A . /1/esset-i;:· known to me to 1.,e the President and 5,,k,,,_ ii, Me C.o '1-known to me to be the Secretary-Treasurer of the Cor,:mration that executed the above certificate, and known to me to be the persons who executed the above certificate on behalf of the corporation thelrein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed saiu certificate pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. IN WIT,;E,SS HHERLOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixeu my official seal in sald County and State, the uay ano year in this certificate first above written. My commission ex,:,ires !l-/ ~ -S-;i ~ e . /3 -"-"'--"'-- Notary Public in a'nd for said County and State THE Ut-!DE.R$16NE.D, SAN D1ea0 &A'S> p.j,iD eLeC"TRIC COM~IJY HE~E8Y ceRrlFl5~ THAT IT I$ 1t,,ITE:Re5T5D IN THE LAl-10 sue,- DIVI DED e,y THI& MAP e,y YIRTUE: OF E:AE,E::.ME.NT. Re!CORDE.D JUIJE 19, 1970 RE.COR.DER.S FILE/PAErc. NO• 79-25 :!,I& IN e.ooK lc;?l7~ OF oFF'IClAL. FlE=C.01".t:>S, WH IC.H 5AIO laAS6:MeJT& CAt-lt-lOT RIPEl-4 11-l""(O A FEE. SU~.leCT "To SAIC ~se.ME::N-r Al-JD AL.L. THE:. fi!,.IGrHT& El--1.lOYED TH!!!l<E::UI-JDsR, INCLUD/N6-e.uT NOT LIM\TE:D TO "THE iit\6'1-17" TO ~IR Re~e.~uc-r, REPL..AC..E oPERATE Al--lD MAlf..lTAII.J WIT+-IOU7' Dl~TUR&.t-.lCS 'THIS COMPA;.{ye, FACILITIES ts:;r' THE=IR F'ReSENT' 1,,.0C,A.'"t'lO~ AND l=l-EVATI~ WITHII-J SAIC l!V>ee"l\ei-rr. AND we. 1-U:.Flee,y beCICA"T'l= 'TO. ?UBL-IC UE>E.· ~ CflNQUAPIN AVENUE Si-o,,,..,t-J ~ ·r~ CTT'rr~/ ..J . l/1 1LC (, f £~C.·c ~~_a.o f;ice: PR.es.tOeNT = ~A... , / ST t«e. OF CAL I R::>R.1-J \ P-) COL.lt-J'TY OF 6P-N 'Dle&o) SE> . ot,.J THIE!,, ~ DAY OF' ffi(l,,,("s,_\,. ,1980, E,El=ORe: ME, l,;-ll"' 1+1'AAl ,;.·1"'.)11.() a. NOTARY PlJIS.IC l"-1 Al,,lD FOR 5AID COl.HJTY At-ID STATE, PEl<~LL Y APPEARED _.,.:..'--'~ ... ~'i'~=>~e~·~1 '-~-------- 1<.NOW"-l" To M6. TO ee Tue: VICE PR.SSIDEl-lT AtJD \,'.) .;,,. 'f-f>' W•-'::-. KNOWN "TO ME TO BE: THE' .sec.R~E~t~k-lZ_:Y __ O_F_ r .. -, All that portion of Tract 242 of the Thum Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to the Map thereof Ho. 1681, filed in the Office of the Recorder of said San Diego County, December 9, 1915, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of Chinquapin Avenue, North 61°21'00" East, a distance ot 370.34 feet from the intersection of said center line of Chinquapin Avenue with the center line of Adams Stree~, said Point of Beginning being the Southwesterly corner of a portion of Tract 242 conveyed by the South Coast Land Company, a corporation, to Jonas J.E. Minot and wife, by deed dated November 30, 1923 and recorded in Book 991, Page 200 of Deeds, records of San Diego County; thence North 28°39'00" West, along the Westerly line of said Parcel so conveyed to Minot, a distance of 352.76 feet to the Northerly corner of that certain Tract of land conveyed by the South Coast Land Company to William F. Shuff all.d Henrietta Shuff by Deed dated September 14, 1923 and recorded in Book 967, Page 114 of Deeds and records of said County; thence North 61°21'00" East a distance of 4.5 feet; thence North 28°39'00" West, a distance of 188.22 feet; thence ,~or~h 61°21'00" East, .. along a line parallel with said center line of Chinquapin Avenue, a aistance of 317.58 feet to the Easterly line of said Minot parcel; thence South 2B 0 39'00" East, along said Easterly line of said Minot parcel, a distance of 540.98 feet to a ~oint on the center line of Chinquapin Avenue, said point being the Southerly corner of said Minot parcel; thence South 61°21'00" West, along said center line of Chinquapin Avenue to the Point of Beginning. S'l'ATE OF CALIFORNIA) S COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) S We, County Treasurer of the County of San Diego, State of California, County Engineer of said County,and Director of Department of Sanitation and Flood Control of said County, hereby certify that there are no unpaid special assessments or bonds which may be paid in full, shown by the books of our offices against the subdivision or any part thereof shown on the annexed map and described in the caption thereof. DA'l'ED: t?r·I; itAMES E. JONES County Treasurer DATED: l..lATED: R. J. MASSMAN, 1 County EnainP.Pr BY:~c£Zf~~~ uyo or Co tyEnl.neer 'f-2.D·~ .. "'- ,9-'1-{30 C. J. HOUSON, Director of Department of Sanitation and Flood Control BY: l.) {) £.JL Deputy I, FRANK C. RICE, City Treasurer of the City of Carlsbad, State of California, hereby certify that there are no liens for unpaid City taxes or unpaid bonds issued.under any improvement act or improvement bond act of the State of California showing on the books of this office except taxes not yet payable against the tract or subdivision, or any pa-rt thereof, shown on the annexed map and described in the caption thereof. IN WI'l'liESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this gA/flr day of Be,<11 ... 1980. PRANK C. RICE, City Treasurer BY: I, ALETHA L. RAUTENKP.ANZ, City Clerk of theCity of Carlsbad, State of C.alifornia, hereby certify that the Council of said City has approved this map of Carlsbad Tract No. 76-6 consisting of 2 sheets and described in the caption thereof and has accepted on behalf of the public Chinquapin Avenue and '5yme. Drive.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Council has caused these presents to be executed by the City Clerk an&attested by its seal this 6 >fl-~ day of ~~; 0 '. 1980. IU,t4 /N>ut;;..~ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk THe. C,ORR::>RA,totv THAT exec~TED THe: />,l!!:ove ce"'"('l!=lCA1'e:; AND 1<1-lO'N~ TO Me To ee. Tl-16. f"eR.~~ WHO E.XE:CUT5.D THE. AeovE C~IFICA'Te'. ON ee.t-!ALF OF THE ~R::>1-=A'TlOi-.:> "THe.i:a:e .. 11-1 NAlv15D.. ANC ACKNC>WLl::05-E=D iO ME THAT e,u~ CORR::>~A"'TIOIJ 15)(.e.cuTe:c ,SAIC) (;El<:\IFICATe: PURSLJ.ANT TO l'Th ~'r"'-LAWl!5 OR A ReS.OLLrnot--') OF" IT& ~":) cF 'DIRE:c:7b'tS. 11-.l WITNe~ Wl-tl51"S'.:F, I ~ve ~E=l<E:.UITTO $Cl MY f-W,JO AAO AFFIXED MY' ~lCIAI... .s5AL. 11-J SAID COU~TY Al-JD &ATE, Tl-lE: CA..Y ANO YEAR IN THI!!> ce~TIFICA-re: .:\R'E:,1 A20,/5. Wti?JTT~ MY' COMMISSlot-:) EXP1Re.S. \,..,1,1 ;: S \'::;-ti . , ~OT~~~e.tl~~J'j;t~Foit SAID COUtv'TY At-JC ~TATe:' ; r· I, E. BRIAN SMITH, a Registered Civil Engineer of the State of California, hereby certify that the survey of this subdi- vision was made on November 26, 1979 and the survey and final map were made by me or under my dir~ction, and that the survey is true and complete as shown, that all stakes, monuments, and marks found are of character indicated and ·occupy the positions shown thereon. I will set all other monuments of character, and at positions indicated by the legend in this map within 30 days after the completion of the required improvements and their acceptance by the City of Carlsbad, and all such monuments are or will be suf- fic;t z:bl2;;vey to be retr:c:~-So E. Brian smith RCE 13,817 Dated Registered Civil Engineer I, LEST£R G. EVANS, Jr., City Engineer of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby certify that I have examined the annexed map of this subdivision to be known as Carlsbad Tract No. 76-6, consisting of 2 sheets and described in the caption thereof, and have found that the design is sub- stantially the ~ame as it appeared on the tentative map a~a any ':'l~e7ations thereof; that all the provisions of tne Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, as ar.iended, ,and of any local ordinance of said City applicable at the time of the approval of the tentative map have been c<;>mplied with, and I am satisfied that said map is tech- nically correct. I hereby approve and recommend said map. LESTER G. EVANS, Jr. _,cJ City Engineer BY: ttJ,i4/i1,.)::f G.!J1M4 DATE: RCE 20,924 4-23-10 I, JAHE&.c. liAGAMAN, Secretary of the Planning Commissi011 of the City of Carlsbad, hereby certify that the tentative map of Carlsbad '.l'ract No. 76-6 has been submitted to the Planniny Commission for report and recommendation. Planning Commission~ _ J,., «st: 1 DATIi: 4 -2-,4 -l!!>C' James C. hagaman f Secretary of ~~ Approved as to fo~; a~ A Of', I , 19&fl. VINCEN'l' F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney r JJ;;;74 ... ~~i/4? I, PORTER D. CREMAN~, Clerk <;>f th~ B~ of!l ~:visors of the County. of San D7e'!o! Californi~a·· .• ... ·~ .. ";r.oe--i,'t;'.f;Jy that the provisions of Division 2 of T:i.ll.• ;t;:'the ,Ck>verrunent Code of the State of California, as/ . dedi," ~~ been c<;>mp~ied ';'ith re'!a7d~ng deposits ,td,:' ~s on<i;he-" property within this subdivision. :. . . ,\ -. . . . ... ,' ' . . .. , ,,j i ~ ·'.);' ; PORTER D. CREMANS Clerk of the Board of &u~rvisors ~12, .. ~'%1~:,.,½~-0l-t<' "-.:~,.i-~--, > I, \'EPJ', 1'.. LYLI', County Recorder of the County of San Diege California, hereby approve the name CARLSBAD TRACT 76-6 for the subdivision ~hown ,.on the anne.xed map consisting of 2 sheets and described in the caption thereof. VERA A. LYLE County Recorder BY: ~ J ;"$ft; R 1/ b'eputy FILE NO. Qo-J '-12,S?? DATE: 3-7::: !'181 I! Vl::RA A. LYLE, County .Recorder of the County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have accepted for recordation this map filed at the request of E. Brian Smith this .1.B day of ,,fPtliL., , 1980. ~o'clock >. M, VERA A. LYLE County Recorder FEIi:: .f 1./!9- "'Y v, 1/ ., : 01 Ga• Deputy· 7.N.4-973 .SCALE: J"-SO' .30' .. PCL ;::; ~ \ _!_, o_r' ✓• :::..) I A ~ .s~ ~-M41ft'$ "--"""" ~- l ..S/7'e' y, P.fl.: ~ .. ~ lq ~ i ~ ,,, !~ ~ II: ~ ADAN-$ ~ AYe". ' ~ VICINITY MAP NO .SCALE CARLSBAD TRACT 17!>. :I' /15.00' //Sa?' T 95.00' 101.04' .SYME N. :?8° 39 '/0,, w. N. ::,.go.!!J~ '/0 •w. tf.8.ao ' ~/. oo ' 9 10 N. /l8°.5ib's~"W. /87:'M' r N. ~8° .39 'oo 'w. /88. ~/<' F't!R D. o.) (N. RB0 ..39'aodw. ~ MAP 111"·5""") N. ~37':27"e. -,_53' ' 8 Oi (N. 61°.Ri'a, ~,E. ~S' Pl!'R D.D-) ('111.~",R/'a:>'c. Fr:RMAPN°-S47) r' ./JJ'J/JYD DEL SOL ~ J'd/J? 1.v~-_5'-y0c5 I // ~/.00, ~/.00' 3 (bl. 00' DRIVE +7~.7.S' .s'r:? 7. O"/-, ,,,,.,< . 75' ~/.00' ~1-00' 6/.00' -.1.00 N. «8° :38 '£~ "'W. ..35~ . 00' ('N .2a•.39'oo·w. Pl!:R DD) Na 76--=6 H I_G_H._'L_A_N_D_-:::,11,,-_A_'!{"-N_U._rE" __ _ 7tJ.OO' ' I ~ 1-i ~ ' ~ ' ~ 0 0~ ~ ' ' ~ 19 " ~ '( ' .30' ' ~ "' l"D. CONC. MONUMENT J:l"OEEP LOCATION OF ,1_ INTERSECT/ON OGTERM!NED F~M CITY "TIES. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6\ ~ ..._ 3o' '~ " (:) ~~ 11\ll: .SYME ,. • • SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS SOILS PUl(>SVAN7 7Z) 6'~1,(t"~ $6C.Tt0Nc -1>-fJ'lfW ,NO"T'ATION I.$ J.Ud#t,r QNEN THAT· ,I(· Ji;olLS-'JttEPO~T PH~PARl!FD JJl,tJ/i$UANT n, ~l!!CTICN 17953 OF H. t ~-CODE 11,11,S BEEN PRE.l'URl!!D BY -'Tt:RLIN(l JI': WHITE R.C'.E. /081,S MN.l+,/980 WHICII l?l!P'oRT ~S SEEN PILED /IV/TH THE c,,:F/CE 0,: THE CITY l:NtalNEER. OF7HE CITYOFQARL~D. BASIS OF B£4/NGS: THE BASIS OF BEARINGS F"OR 7W/$ MAP IS THE ,t. OF CHt/\JqUAPIN AVENUE BETWE!!N ADAMS AVENUE ( H~HLANO AVENVE PER MAP N"·S~d.7 ;.~., N.6'l0AO'so"E. LEGEND: @ -FD. PT. A~ NOTED A.-FD S7'. MONVMENT AC NOT-0 • -rD S/4,," /.R, J. S. i¥.S~1..!:f<' RECORD. A<X'EP"T< AS CORNERS OF LANO ~~CR:IBE!D IN D.D. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED . ■ -FD. I~" I."!_, L.9. ~-AC'CEPTl!D AS PT$ OIi/ E.LY LIN~ OF D.D. AND CoRNE.RS OF M,tP /IJO·SJ¥7 .SE-r PER MAP I\JO·.S-~7 I:::;.-.SET ~ "" ~' Cia\K'. $T. NOfVCJMENT IN/ ,,Ml/ s,AMPEDN.R.('.E. ,a,srr- o.D.-GRANT DEED 7b OWN/ERS !SMC Al>/D t.'(JrH LEVINE, kECORDED MAY 1197.S-AQ FILS. NO· 7~ A4tilE N0·/0~79~L~'N 7'HIE Ol"PltJ6 ·o,:: 71-11: "COUNTY RECOR'DEJ<: 01" $/AN OIEQO COIJNTY,.s-rATE 01' CALIFORNIA. UNL;✓Et;S_ OTHE~WJSE .$HOWN ON 1HI.S M-1~ # /RoN PIPES lll"LONG W/D.1SC$ .S774MPS1:> /:?.C'.E.13,817" HAVE SEEN SET AT"AJ..L FRoNT AND REAR /.OT CORNERS AND AT ALL rblNTS OF OC,/RVA70RE ALO~ 7J.IE ~JDEUNES 0,,- J)EL>ICATEO $TREE7S. IN THE £VENT THAT THE Aac,v,= TYPES 0/=' MONVMENT-S CANNOT BE. SET D(I£ 70 uNFO/?SEJ=/-1 CIRCUMSTANCES I WI.LL AP-FIX A DISC STAMPED "R.C'.E. /3 817"~ IN CONCRETE., .STONE, WCXIO OR METAJ... AT ',HE TR()£ RJS/7'/0N CALLED FOR BY THIS Ll::QEND. Tlfl.1 /'JAP HAJ1 BETN AP,PA'Oi/E£) '1.....,N 7/IG tF.t· PRESS COI\IOIT/0/11 Tl'A r 8L/li.OIIV6 Pe1r1•f/rS S#ALL NOT 111T ISSUED ,FC/r' )!Nr' DEVEl.tJP/1.t'N'r .w1r111N 7HIS p,4,rt::1:L MAP lllVTII.. T1"€ CtTJ' ; .MANAGER 06T&l?M/NeS ]"f/,',T SJeWitR ('A.IP-." ,e,e-,ry /5 A 11/IJL,;f~ .,..t) .. S°V("# P.trrNcJPMeAlr: .