HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-07-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping between Manzano Drive and Island Way, Bike Lane Improvements at Five Locations on Carlsbad Boulevard and Three Sustainable Mobility Plan BikMeeting Date: July 5, 2022 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Miriam Jim, Senior Engineer Miriam.Jim@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5796 John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2757 Subject: Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping between Manzano Drive and Island Way, Bike Lane Improvements at Five Locations on Carlsbad Boulevard and Three Sustainable Mobility Plan Bike Enhancement Projects Recommended Action Receive a presentation and provide direction to staff regarding Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping between Manzano Drive and Island Way, bike lane improvements at five locations on Carlsbad Boulevard (CIP Project No. 6096), and Three Sustainable Mobility Plan Bike Enhancement Projects - La Costa Avenue at the intersections of Piraeus; Saxony and El Camino Real, (CIP Project No. 6101); Jefferson Street between Las Flores Drive and I-5 Overpass, (CIP Project No. 6100); and Paseo Del Norte and Cannon Road intersection, (CIP Project No. 6095). Background City of Carlsbad is currently working on the grant-funded South Carlsbad Boulevard Climate Adaptation Project. This project will propose conceptual designs to move the current roadway between Palomar Airport Road and Island Way to the east to avoid the impacts caused by predicted sea level rise. The conceptual design will accommodate both directions of travel in what is currently the northbound roadbed, effectively moving the roadway to the east. As an interim effort to address climate adaptation along South Carlsbad Boulevard, the City is proposing to restripe southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from Manzano Drive to Island Way, including a reduction from two lanes to one lane while maintaining the bike lane and on-street parking that exists today. Reducing the number of travel lanes on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard would provide width on the roadway to shift traffic to the east, away from the coast, and provide enhancements to the existing bike lane and additional on-street parking on west side of the street. Carlsbad Boulevard is a Coastal Street typology in the City Mobility Element of the General Plan. Primary purpose is to move people along the city’s ocean waterfront and connect people to the beach, recreation, businesses and residences in close proximity to the waterfront. The street July 5, 2022 Item #2 1 serves as a destination for people who seek to drive, walk and bicycle along the ocean waterfront. Other preferred attributes are described on page 3-13 of the Mobility Element. Its important to note, that Carlsbad Boulevard is subject to Multimodal Level of Service Standards for pedestrian and bicyclists, but not for vehicles or public transit. In December 2020, the city executed an agreement with Michael Baker International to prepare a design package for the Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping Project to restripe southbound Carlsbad Boulevard between Manzano Drive and Island Way. As part of the project, the consultant will also provide design for bike lane improvements at five intersections on Carlsbad Boulevard, at Lanika Lane, Breakwater Road, Poinsettia Lane, Ponto Road and Avenida Encinas. In March 2022, the agreement with Michael Baker International was amended to include design for three SMP bike enhancement CIP projects. These projects are located on La Costa Avenue at the intersections of Piraeus, Saxony and El Camino Real, Jefferson Street between Las Flores Drive and I-5 Overpass and at Paseo Del Norte and Cannon Road intersection. All of the work for this proposed project is signing and striping only. Discussion Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping Project Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard has one travel lane from Manzano Drive to Solamar Drive and transitions to two lanes at the intersection of Solamar Drive. The approximately 1.3-mile long segment has two 10-foot travel lanes and an 8-foot bike lane between Solamar Drive and Island Way. A 2-foot buffer adjacent to the bike lane is provided for approximately 0.4 mile of the segment. Angled on-street parking is provided along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard for approximately 360 feet. There is no sidewalk on Carlsbad Boulevard between Manzano Drive and Island Way. However, pedestrians have been observed utilizing the existing bike lane along the segment of Carlsbad Boulevard to access the coast. This project will feature the following interim improvements on Carlsbad Boulevard between Manzano Drive and Island Way. The 90% project design plans are provided in Exhibit 2. • Stripe one 10-foot travel lane, a 2-foot buffer and an 8-foot bike lane on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard between Manzano Drive and Island Way. • Provide a 1 to 8-foot wide shoulder along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard. • Add dashed green paint bike lane to highlight conflict areas. • Add approximately 300 feet of parallel on-street parking (approximately 20 20-foot long parking spots) adjacent to the existing parking lot just north of Island Way. A 3-foot buffer will be provided between the bike lane and this proposed parking lane. The existing angled on-street parking just south of Solamar Drive will be maintained. • Add dashed green paint bike lane to highlight conflict areas and add green paint along bike lane adjacent to dedicated right-turn pocket at five intersections on Carlsbad Boulevard. These intersections are located at Lanikai Lane, Breakwater Road, Poinsettia Lane, Ponto Road and Avenida Encinas. July 5, 2022 Item #2 2 Policy 3-P.15 of the Mobility Element states that, “City Council shall have the sole discretion to approve any such road diet or vehicle traffic calming improvements that would reduce vehicle capacity to or below a LOS D. . . .” A traffic memorandum, provided in Exhibit 3, was prepared to summarize the roadway segment analysis performed for the proposed lane reduction, from two to one lane, on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard between Solamar Drive and Island Way. The roadway segment analysis utilized the City of Carlsbad’s Service Volume Tables Report, dated May 2021, to evaluate the segment under Existing Conditions and Conditions with Proposed Modifications. Table 1 below summarizes the roadway segment analysis results. Under Existing Conditions, the study segment of Carlsbad Boulevard has a roadway capacity of 1,820 vehicles during peak hour travel and the roadway operates at a Level of Service, or LOS, C during the AM and PM peak hours on both weekdays and weekends. With the proposed modifications, the study segment of Carlsbad Boulevard will have a roadway capacity of 910 vehicles during peak hour travel and will operate at LOS C and D during AM and PM peak hours, respectively, on weekdays and LOS D during peak hours on weekends. Table 1 – Summary of Roadway Segment Analysis Results for Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard between Solamar Drive and Island Way Weekday/ Weekend Lanes/ Speed/ Median(1) Segment Capacity (2) (veh/hr) Mid-Day Peak Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Volume (Veh/hr) LOS Volume (Veh/hr) LOS Volume (Veh/hr) LOS Existing Conditions Weekday 2/50/D 1,820 N/A 365 C 623 C Weekend 2/50/D 1,820 821 C N/A Conditions with Proposed Modifications Weekday 1/50/D 920 N/A 365 C 623 D Weekend 1/50/D 920 821 D N/A (1) 1/50/D = Number of lanes, posted speed limit, Divided (D) Road (2) Source: City of Carlsbad Segment Volume Table Report SMP Bike Enhancement Projects Three SMP bike enhancement projects were programmed into the FY21/22 CIP. These projects will enhance existing bike facilities with modifications to signing and striping on La Costa Avenue at the intersections of Piraeus, Saxony and El Camino Real, Jefferson Street between Las Flores Drive and the I-5 Overpass and at the Paseo Del Norte and Cannon Road intersection. The 90% project design plans are provided in Exhibit 2. The proposed bike enhancements of the three projects are provided below. La Costa Avenue at the intersections of Piraeus, Saxony and El Camino Real, CIP Project No. 6101 The project will add a dashed green paint bike lane to highlight conflict areas and green paint to the bike lane adjacent to the dedicated right-turn pocket on La Costa Avenue at the intersections of Piraeus, Saxony and El Camino Real. July 5, 2022 Item #2 3 Jefferson Street between Las Flores Drive and I-5 Overpass, CIP Project No. 6100 There are currently sharrows on Jefferson Street between Las Flores Drive and the I-5 Overpass and a bike lane on each side of Jefferson Street east of the I-5 Overpass. The project will add a bike lane on Jefferson Street in the northbound direction from Las Flores Drive to the I-5 Overpass which will serve as a climbing lane uphill for bikes. On-street parking is currently allowed on both sides of the street except between the hours of 8am and 12pm on the first and third Wednesday of the month for street sweeping. With the proposed bike lane, on-street parking on the east side of the street will be prohibited between Las Flores Drive and the I-5 Overpass. The southbound bike lane on Jefferson Street will be extended to the crest of the roadway at the I-5 Overpass. Center-striping on Jefferson Street between Las Flores Drive and the I-5 Overpass will be shifted to provide room for the proposed bike lanes. Paseo Del Norte and Cannon Road Intersection, CIP No. 6095 On March 1, 2021, the Traffic & Mobility Commission provided comments on the preliminary design for bike improvements on Cannon Road at Paseo Del Norte to reduce vehicle/bike conflicts on westbound Cannon Road approaching the I-5 northbound ramp intersection. This project incorporated comments received from the commission and proposes the following bike improvements at the intersection: • Narrow the eastbound travel lanes from 12 to 11 feet and provide a 7-foot bike lane in the eastbound direction of Cannon Road between the I-5 northbound ramps and Paseo Del Norte. • Add sharrows on the middle of the three northbound lanes on Paseo Del Norte and on the middle lane of the three westbound lanes on Cannon Road approaching the I-5 northbound ramp intersection. • Modify the existing bike lane on westbound Cannon Road at the intersection of Paseo Del Norte to better position bikers to ride in the middle of the three lanes approaching the I-5 northbound ramp intersection. Necessary Council Action City Council approval will be required for the proposed lane reduction on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard per General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.15 (“Evaluate methods and transportation facility improvements to promote biking, walking, safer street crossings, and attractive streetscapes. The City Council shall have the sole discretion to approve any such road diet or vehicle traffic calming improvements that would reduce vehicle capacity to or below a LOS D.”). City Council approval and authorization to solicit and receive bids to construct the projects will be required because construction of all the projects is estimated to cost $480,000. Next Steps Upon receiving input from the Traffic & Mobility Commission, staff will finalize the design package for the projects. Staff plan to present the final design plans to the Traffic & Mobility Commission in summer 2022 and then to the City Council for approval and authorization to solicit bids to construct the projects. July 5, 2022 Item #2 4 Exhibits 1. Location Map 2. 90% Project Design Plans 3. Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping Traffic Memorandum July 5, 2022 Item #2 5 1 LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATIONS 1. CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT, CIP PROJECT No. 6096 2. LA COSTA AVE, CIP PROJECT No. 6101 3. JEFFERSON ST, CIP PROJECT No. 6100 4. PASEO DEL NORTE AND CANNON RD, CIP PROJECT No. 6095 3 2 4 1 July 5, 2022 Item #2 6 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193 MBAKERINTL.COM 10 CARLSBAD STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS VICINITY MAP SIGNING AND STRIPING NOTES "DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE" SIGNING AND STRIPING PLANS CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CONTRACT NO. XXXX FOR SHEET INDEX WORK TO BE DONE PROJECT LOCATION CITY COUNCIL DETAIL A - WORD AND ARROW BIKE LANE MARKING DETAIL B - GREEN BIKE LANE SKIP SIGN LEGEND 1 LANE ENDS RIGHTDO NOT PASS NO BEGIN END PARK PARALLEL DETAIL C - CARLSBAD BLVD RED CURB “”“”“” “” “” MUST TURN RIGHT RIGHT LANE PROJECT LOCATIONS CARLSBAD BOULEVARD FROM MANZANO DRIVE TO ISLAND WAY JEFFERSON STREET AT I-5 OVERPASS LA COSTA AVENUE AT PIRAEUS STREET, SAXONY ROAD, AND EL CAMINO REAL CANNON ROAD FROM I-5 TO EAST OF PASEO DEL NORTE LIMIT SPEED NO ONLY RIGHT LANE FREEWAY ONLY RIGHT LANE FREEWAY AHEAD Exhibit 2 July 5, 2022 Item #2 7 SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND: TAPER LENGTH CALCULATION 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193 MBAKERINTL.COM 10 CARLSBAD STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS ® 2 ® July 5, 2022 Item #2 8 SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND: 3 TAPER LENGTH CALCULATION 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193 MBAKERINTL.COM 10 CARLSBAD STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS July 5, 2022 Item #2 9 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193 MBAKERINTL.COM 10 CARLSBAD STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND:SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND: TAPER LENGTH CALCULATION ® SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND: 4 ® July 5, 2022 Item #2 10 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193 MBAKERINTL.COM 10 CARLSBAD STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND:SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND:SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND: 5 July 5, 2022 Item #2 11 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193 MBAKERINTL.COM 10 CARLSBAD STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND:SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND:SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND: 6 July 5, 2022 Item #2 12 SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND: 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193 MBAKERINTL.COM 10 CARLSBAD STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS 7TAPER LENGTH CALCULATION ® July 5, 2022 Item #2 13 SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND: 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193 MBAKERINTL.COM 10 CARLSBAD STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS 8 July 5, 2022 Item #2 14 SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND: 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193 MBAKERINTL.COM 10 CARLSBAD STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS 9 TAPER LENGTH CALCULATION ® July 5, 2022 Item #2 15 SIGNING AND STRIPING LEGEND: 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193 MBAKERINTL.COM 10 CARLSBAD STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS 10 July 5, 2022 Item #2 16 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 260 | Carlsbad, CA 92008 Office: 760-476-9193 | Fax: 760-476-9198 | mbakerintl.com MBAKERINTL.COM November 9, 2021 John T. Kim, PE, TE City Traffic Engineer Traffic & Mobility Division City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping (PSA21-1350TRAN) – Roadway Segment Analysis Michael Baker International (Michael Baker) conducted a roadway segment level of service (LOS) analysis for southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from Solamar Drive to Island Way. In efforts to address climate adaptation along this segment of Carlsbad Boulevard, the City is planning to restripe the southbound travel lanes from two lanes to one lane while maintaining the bicycle lane and on-street parking that exists today. The City of Carlsbad Service Volume Tables Report dated May 2021 was used to evaluate southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from Solamar Drive to Island Way under Existing Conditions and conditions with Proposed Modifications. Existing Conditions: Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard between Solamar Drive and Island Way provides two 10-foot travel lanes, a two-foot buffer, and an 8-foot striped bicycle lane. Angled parking is currently provided along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard for approximately 360 feet which translates to approximately 30 parking spaces. New traffic counts were collected by National Data Services (NDS) on Saturday (June 12th), Sunday (June 13th), Tuesday (June 15th), and Wednesday (June 16th) in 2021 on Carlsbad Boulevard between Solamar Drive and Island Way. On all four days, 24-hour counts were collected in order to obtain the peak hour volumes during the weekday and weekend. For the weekday segment analysis, the peak hour volumes within the AM (between 7:00 and 9:00) and PM (between 4:00 and 6:00) peak periods were used for the analysis. For the weekend segment analysis, the mid-day peak hour volumes were used which occurred between 11:45 AM and 12:45 PM on Saturday (June 12th) and Sunday (June 13th). Carlsbad Boulevard is not identified as a “Specific Corridor” in Table 1 (Roadway Service Volume Table-Specific Corridor) of the City of Carlsbad Service Volume Tables Report; therefore, Table 2 (Roadway Service Volume Table – Generalized Data) of the City report was utilized to obtain segment capacity thresholds. More specifically, the “Hourly Volume In Peak Direction” segment capacities for Arterial Streets as specified in Table 2 of the City’s report were used for this analysis. Exhibit 3 July 5, 2022 Item #2 17 2 As shown in Table 1 below, a peak hour segment capacity of 1,820 vehicles was used since: 1) the existing roadway has 2 travel lanes in the southbound direction, 2) the posted speed limit is 50 miles per hour (MPH), and 3) is divided by a landscaped median. The weekday segment analysis shows southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from Solamar Drive to Island Way is operating at LOS C during both the AM and PM peak hours and this is considered favorable operating conditions in the City. Table 2 shows the weekend segment analysis under Existing Conditions with two travel lanes in the southbound direction along Carlsbad Boulevard operating at LOS C during the mid-day peak hour. TABLE 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS - ROADWAY SEGMENT ANALYSIS (WEEKDAY) Segment Location Dir. Lanes/Speed /Median1 Segment Capacity2 (veh/hr) Existing Conditions AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Volume (veh/hr) LOS Volume (veh/hr) LOS Carlsbad Boulevard Solamar Drive to Island Way Tuesday (June 15, 2021) SB 2/50/D 1,820 353 C 591 C Wednesday (June 16, 2021) SB 2/50/D 1,820 365 C 623 C (1)2/50/D = Number of lanes, posted speed limit, Divided (D) Road (2) Source: City of Carlsbad Segment Volumes Tables Report (May 2021) & Table 2 - Roadway Service Volume Table - Generalized Data (LOS E threshold) TABLE 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS - ROADWAY SEGMENT ANALYSIS (WEEKEND) Segment Location Dir. Lanes/Speed/ Median1 Segment Capacity2 (veh/hr) Existing Conditions Mid-Day Peak Hour Volume (veh/hr) LOS Carlsbad Boulevard Solamar Drive to Island Way Saturday (June 12, 2021) SB 2/50/D 1820 821 C Sunday (June 13, 2021) SB 2/50/D 1820 667 C (1)2/50/D = Number of lanes, posted speed limit, Divided (D) Road (2) Source: City of Carlsbad Segment Volumes Tables Report (May 2021) & Table 2 - Roadway Service Volume Table - Generalized Data (LOS E threshold) July 5, 2022 Item #2 18 3 Proposed Modifications: Proposed modifications to southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from Solamar Drive to Island Way involve restriping the existing two travel lanes to one travel lane. Immediately south of the signal at Solamar Drive, two lanes would merge to one travel lane. The existing angled parking along southbound Carlsbad Boulevard south of Solamar Drive would remain unchanged. At the merge, southbound Carlsbad Boulevard would taper down from two 10-foot travel lanes to one 11-foot travel lane along with a two-foot striped buffer, 8-foot striped bicycle lane, and a 4-foot to 10- foot buffer to be used by pedestrians. Parallel parking spaces will be added along the westside of Carlsbad Boulevard near Island Way. Refer to the striping plan for additional details related to the location of parking. Table 3 presents the weekday roadway segment analysis based on conditions with the proposed modifications. As shown, a peak hour segment capacity of 910 vehicles per hour (1,820 vehicles per hour / 2 lanes) is based on a single travel lane according to the Roadway Service Volume Table – Generalized Data (Table 2) from the City’s Segment Volumes Tables Report. Due to the proposed reduction in travel lanes, the segment capacity along Carlsbad Boulevard is reduced from 1,820 to 910 vehicles per hour. During the weekday, the study segment of Carlsbad Boulevard would operate at a favorable LOS C during the AM peak hour and LOS D during the PM peak hour with the proposed modifications. TABLE 3 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS - ROADWAY SEGMENT ANALYSIS (WEEKDAY) Segment Location Dir. Lanes/Speed /Median1 Segment Capacity2 (veh/hr) Proposed Modifications AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Volume (veh/hr) LOS Volume (veh/hr) LOS Carlsbad Boulevard Solamar Drive to Island Way Tuesday (June 15, 2021) SB 1/50/D 910 353 C 591 D Wednesday (June 16, 2021) SB 1/50/D 910 365 C 623 D (1)1/50/D = Number of lanes, posted speed limit, Divided (D) Road (2) Source: City of Carlsbad Segment Volumes Tables Report (May 2021) & Table 2 - Roadway Service Volume Table - Generalized Data (LOS E threshold); Segment capacity is 910 vehicles per hour (1820 vehicles per hour / 2 lanes) based on the 2/50/D capacity due to the lane reduction from 2 travel lanes to 1 travel lane in the southbound approach. Table 4 presents the Carlsbad Boulevard study segment analysis during a typical weekend with the proposed modifications. As shown, this study segment was found to operate at a favorable LOS D during the mid-day peak hour on a typical Saturday and Sunday afternoon. July 5, 2022 Item #2 19 4 TABLE 4 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS - ROADWAY SEGMENT ANALYSIS (WEEKEND) Segment Location Dir. Lanes/Speed/ Median1 Segment Capacity2 (veh/hr) Proposed Modifications Mid-Day Peak Hour Volume (veh/hr) LOS Carlsbad Boulevard Solamar Drive to Island Way Saturday (June 12, 2021) SB 1/50/D 910 821 D Sunday (June 13, 2021) SB 1/50/D 910 667 D (1)1/50/D = Number of lanes, posted speed limit, Divided (D) Road (2) Source: City of Carlsbad Segment Volumes Tables Report (May 2021) & Table 2 - Roadway Service Volume Table - Generalized Data (LOS E threshold); Segment capacity is 910 vehicles per hour (1820 vehicles per hour / 2 lanes) based on the 2/50/D capacity due to the lane reduction from 2 travel lanes to 1 travel lane in the southbound approach. Similar to the weekday analysis in Table 3, the peak hour segment capacity of 910 vehicles per hour (1,820 vehicles per hour / 2 lanes) is also used in Table 4 for the weekend analysis. Even with the reduction to one travel lane, the current weekend volume is lower than the capacity of the segment and is currently operating at LOS D. Conclusions Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from Solamar Drive to Island Way will be restriped from two lanes to one lane which will reduce the vehicular capacity of the roadway. Under Existing Conditions, the study segment of Carlsbad Boulevard has a capacity of 1,820 vehicles during a peak hour and the roadway currently operates at a LOS C during the AM and PM peak hour on a weekday and weekend. With the proposed modifications, the study segment of Carlsbad Boulevard would have a capacity of 910 vehicles per hour which results in the segment operating at LOS C and D during the weekday and LOS D during the weekend. It is important to note the proposed improvement is an interim modification to Carlsbad Boulevard until a permanent solution is designed. If you have any questions related to the information in this memorandum, please contact me at 619-456-1410 or Jacob.swim@mbakerintl.com. Sincerely, Jacob Swim, TE Michael Baker International July 5, 2022 Item #2 20 5 Source: City of Carlsbad Service Volume Tables Report, May 2021 July 5, 2022 Item #2 21 Pete Penseyres comments on Item 2 on the July 5, 2022 Traffic and Mobility Commission Agenda The following comments are based on the recommended MMLOS Essential Feature that bicycle riders must be provided with a straight through Class II Bike Lane without being required to look back and negotiate with overtaking traffic before merging left to avoid being positioned to the right of a Right Turn Only lane. Rather, overtaking traffic must be required to yield and merge right before entering the dashed portion of a Class II Bike Lane at any location where a right turn is mandated or permitted. 1. The best example of this MMLOS feature is the proposed Westbound Class II Bike Lane approaching Paseo Del Norte on Cannon Road. As shown on Sheet 10, Page 39 of the Agenda. Although bicycle riders must still move left to the middle of the middle lane between Paseo Del Norte and the I-5 NB entrance, the movement of the Bike Lane from the right edge of Cannon to the left of the Right Turn Only Lane makes the WB travel more intuitive to bicyclists. The installation of “cat tracks” to the right of the Bike Lane/left of the RTO lane leads bicyclists into a visible position within the 14’ wide straight/right option lane. A further potential improvement might be a Green painted Bike Box installed at the front of the middle lane at the PDN traffic light to allow bike riders to make the transition toward the middle of the Shared Lane easier. 2. The “cat tracks” from the rightmost left turn lane from Paseo Del Norte to the left edge of the straight/right option lane will help direct bicyclists into a visible position in the shared lane. 3. A more difficult transition is depicted on Sheet 8, Page 37 of the Agenda for bicycle riders WB on La Costa between Piraeus and the Park and Ride Entrance. La Costa transitions from 2 lanes WB to one LTO, 3 straight through and another lane to the right that may enter the Park and Ride and must turn right after that to enter the I-5 NB. Unlike the downhill approach on WB Cannon, the WB approach to Piraeus is steeply uphill. Some bicyclists, especially when riding in groups, will prefer to merge left early to line up with the Bike Lane between the Park and Ride and the I-5 entrance. This group movement can be less disruptive to traffic entering the Park and Ride or the I-5 NB. However, individual bicycle riders may prefer to stay far right in a ”climbing lane”. Does the proposed skip dashed Bike Lane allow bicycle riders to choose either. A far better bicycle route along La Costa would be a Class I multi use trail completely off road on the North side, but that is far beyond what can be done with the funding available for this improvement project. 4. Sheet 7 on Page 36 of the Agenda describes proposed changes to Jefferson from the NB approach to Las Flores to the East side of the narrow (30’) I-5 overpass. The WB approach is uphill and is proposed to replace Sharrows with a bare minimum 5’ Bike Lane next to an 11’ travel lane while shifting the Double Yellow Centerline to the left 1’, leaving a 14’ shared lane on the Eastbound lane. While the Class II “climbing lane” may make some bicyclists feel safer, it should be wider and/or have a left side buffer due to the high differential speed between bicyclists and motor vehicle traffic and the lack of unlimited sight distance due to the crown of the hill. Can the Bike Lane be 7’ wide including the buffer by reducing the width of the travel lane/and or shifting the Centerline further left? 5. The NB approach to Las Flores proposes to provide a skip dashed Class II Bike Lane/Right turn lane while removing the Sharrow that now allows bicycle riders to line up to the left of drivers who wish to turn right on Las Flores to access the I-5 or east side destinations. Many drivers do this now and can make the right turn on Red as long as bicycle riders who are going straight on Jefferson move far enough left to allow that movement. After crossing the Las Flores intersection, a proposed minimum 5’ Class II Bike Lane is proposed next to a 15’ travel lane approaching a limited sight distance sweeping right turn which is obstructed by a slope following the curve. This constricted space for bicycle riders would make them “disappear” around the right hand curve at a time when they should be more visible longer when they must share the travel lane when the Bike Lane ends. Why can’t the existing Sharrows be retained in this direction? This is a situation where sight distance should be prioritized over mandating a far right position leading to a Class III Shared Lane. Carlsbad Traffic & Mobility Commisison July 5, 2022 Vice-Chair Linke Item #2: Carlsbad Blvd Restriping 1,074 (2018) SB Carlsbad Blvd from Solamar to Island: 2021 traffic counts in staff report •623 weekday peak (LOS “D”) •821 weekend peak (LOS “D”) 2017 GMP monitoring •980 weekday peak (LOS “F”) •1,290 est. weekend peak (very bad LOS “F”)? 1,279 1,067 980 Southbound Carlsbad Blvd peak hourly vehicle volumes John Kim, City Traffic Engineer, City of Carlsbad Miriam Jim, Senior Engineer, City of Carlsbad July 5, 2022 Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping and SMP Projects RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive a presentation and provide input on : •Carlsbad Blvd Restriping Project between Manzano Dr and Island Way; •Bike lane improvements at five intersections on Carlsbad Blvd; and •Three Sustainable Mobility Plan (SMP) bike enhancement CIP projects ITEM 2 BACKGROUND •City is currently working on the grant-funded South Carlsbad Blvd Climate Adaptation Project –Conceptual designs to move the current roadway between Palomar Airport Road and Island Way to the east to avoid impacts caused by predicted sea level rise. Accommodate both directions of travel in the currently northbound roadbed. •Carlsbad Blvd Restriping Project is an INTERIM effort to address climate adaptation along South Carlsbad Blvd through modifications to signing and striping. ITEM 2 BACKGROUND •Carlsbad Blvd is a Coastal Street typology in the City Mobility Element of the General Plan •Primary purpose to move people along the city’s ocean waterfront and connect people to the beach, recreation, business and residences •Carlsbad Blvd is subject to MMLOS standards for pedestrians and bicycles, but not for vehicles or public transit. ITEM 2 CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT (CIP PROJECT #6096) •Modification to signing and striping between Manzano Dr and Island Way •Lane Reduction (from 2 to 1 lane) in southbound direction between Solamar Dr and Island Way. This will shift traffic to the east. •Provide enhancements to the existing bike lane •Provide additional on-street parking ITEM 2 BIKE IMPROVEMENTS AT FIVE INTERSECTIONS ON CARLSBAD BLVD (CIP PROJECT #6096) •Intersections: Lanikai Ln; Breakwater Rd; Poinsettia Ln; Ponto Rd; and Avenida Encinas •Add dash green paint bike lane to highlight conflict areas •Add green bike lane adjacent to dedicated right turn lane ITEM 2 SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY PLAN PROJECTS ITEM 2 •Three SMP bike enhancement CIP projects included as part of the design package •La Costa Ave at intersections of Piraeus, Saxony and El Camino Real (CIP Project #6101) •Jefferson St between Las Flores Dr and I-5 Overpass (CIP Project #6100) •Paseo Del Norte and Cannon Rd intersection (CIP Project #6095) CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT ITEM 2 Manzano DrLane Reduction SOUTH CARLSBAD BLVD BETWEEN MANZANO DR AND SOLAMAR DR ITEM 2 •One 10’ travel lane and 8’ bike lane •Shoulder varies in width SOUTH CARLSBAD BLVD BETWEEN SOLAMAR DR AND ISLAND WAY ITEM 2 •Two 10’ travel lanes and 8’ bike lane •2’ bike buffer exists for about 0.4 mile SOUTH CARLSBAD BLVD ITEM 2 •No sidewalk nor pedestrian path along Carlsbad Blvd between Manzano Dr and Island Way SOUTH CARLSBAD BLVD ITEM 2 CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT •Per General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.15 “City Council shall have the sole discretion to approve any such road diet or vehicle traffic calming improvements that would reduce vehicle capacity to or below a LOS D…” ITEM 2 CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT •Roadway Segment Analysis performed for the proposed lane reduction between Solamar Dr and Island Way based on City of Carlsbad Service Volume Tables Report ITEM 2 Weekday/ Weekend Lanes/ Speed/ Median Segment Capacity (veh/hr) Mid-Day Peak Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Volume (Veh/hr)LOS Volume (Veh/hr)LOS Volume (Veh/hr)LOS Existing Conditions Weekday 2/50/D 1,820 N/A 365 C 623 C Weekend 2/50/D 1,820 821 C N/A Conditions with Proposed Modifications Weekday 1/50/D 920 N/A 365 C 623 D Weekend 1/50/D 920 821 D N/A CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT ITEM 2 •Manzano Dr to Solamar Dr: –10’ travel lane; 8’ bike lane with 2’ bike buffer CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT ITEM 2 •Solamar Dr: –Begin lane reduction in southbound direction CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT ITEM 2 •South of Solamar Dr: –11’ travel lane and 8’ bike lane with 2’ bike buffer –4’-10’ shoulder CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT ITEM 2 •Existing Parking Lot north of Island Way: –Additional 300’ parking lane –Dashed green bike lane in conflict areas New 8’ parking lane CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT ITEM 2 •Solamar Dr: –Dashed green bike lane in conflict areas CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT ITEM 2 •Island Way Intersection: –Dashed green bike lane in conflict area CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT ITEM 2 •Lanika Ln and Breakwater Rd intersections: –Dashed green bike lane in conflict areas –Green paint bike lane adjacent to dedicated right turn lane CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT ITEM 2 •Poinsettia Ln intersection: –Dashed green bike lane in conflict areas –Green paint bike lane adjacent to dedicated right turn lane CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT ITEM 2 •Ponto Rd intersection: –Dashed green bike lane in conflict area CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT ITEM 2 •Avenida Encinas intersection: –Dashed green bike lane in conflict areas –Green paint bike lane adjacent to dedicated right turn ln SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY PLAN PROJECTS ITEM 2 •Three SMP bike enhancement CIP projects included as part of the design plan package •La Costa Ave at intersections of Piraeus, Saxony and El Camino Real (CIP Project #6101) •Jefferson St between Las Flores Dr and I-5 Overpass (CIP Project #6100) •Paseo Del Norte and Cannon Rd intersection (CIP Project #6095) LA COSTA AVENUE ITEM 2 •Piraeus St: –Dashed green bike lane in conflict areas LA COSTA AVENUE ITEM 2 •Saxony Rd: –Dashed green bike lane in conflict area LA COSTA AVENUE ITEM 2 •El Camino Real Intersection: –Dashed green bike lane in conflict areas –Green paint bike lane adjacent to dedicated right-turn lane JEFFERSON STREET –BIKE CLIMBING LANE ITEM 2 CANNON AND PASEO DEL NORTE INTERSECTION ITEM 2 NEXT STEPS •Staff will finalize the design package for the projects and plan to present the final design package to the Traffic and Mobility Commission •Staff will then present the project for City Council approval and authorization to solicit and receive bids to construct the project ITEM 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive presentation and provide input on: •Carlsbad Blvd Restriping Project between Manzano Dr and Island Way; •Bike lane improvements at five intersections on Carlsbad Blvd; and •Three Sustainable Mobility Plan (SMP) bike enhancement CIP projects ITEM 2 THANK YOU! ITEM 2 ITEM 2 •Existing Parking Lot north of Island Way: –Dashed green bike lane in conflict areas Existing Parking Lot CARLSBAD BLVD RESTRIPING PROJECT