HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-07-26; City Council; ; Final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan - Parks Performance StandardCA Review _RK_ Meeting Date: July 26, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director kyle.lancaster@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2941 Subject: District: Final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan - Parks Performance Standard All Recommended Action Hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution adopting the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan, making a finding of compliance with the Growth Management Plan and Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard and adopting the related California Environmental Quality Act findings. Executive Summary The City Council is being asked to adopt the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan, which has been accepted by the Parks & Recreation Commission, as detailed below. The adoption of the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan signifies completion of the design of improvements for the site as a family-oriented park with a variety of multi- generational and inclusive amenities, with both active and passive recreational elements. The other integral component of the master plan is an intent to honor veterans for their service and commitment to the country. The park’s design also limits environmental impacts and celebrates the site’s natural beauty and views. The final master plan details the amenities to be offered at the park, including a bike park, three playgrounds, native gardens, a fitness climb and an overlook showcasing the views from the park. Approving the final master plan for the park also fulfills the city’s parks performance standard, as set forth in the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan.1 That plan calls for three acres of community parks or special use areas for every 1,000 residents in each park district to “be scheduled for construction within a five year period beginning at the time the need is first identified. The five year period shall not commence prior to August 22, 2017.” (City Council Resolution 2017-170). 1 The Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan was adopted by the City Council on Sept. 23, 1986, through City Council Resolution No. 8797, to be used with the Growth Management Program (Exhibit 4). July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 1 of 43 With Veterans Memorial Park being scheduled for construction, the park’s acreage will be equally applied to each of the four park districts, as outlined in the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, at pp. 33–35, allocating 25 acres from the “Macario Canyon”2 park to each quadrant. Upon the equal application of this community park’s acreage, each park district will have a surplus of acreage – i.e., more than the requisite three acres of community parks or special use areas for every 1,000 residents. The City Council is therefore also being asked to make a finding of compliance with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan’s Parks Performance Standard. Lastly, the City Council is being asked to adopt the California Environmental Quality findings related to the Veterans Memorial Park project. Discussion Timeline Jan. 25, 2021 - The Parks & Recreation Commission accepted the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report. Feb. 23, 2021, The City Council approved the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report in concept and directed staff to proceed with processing the necessary environmental permitting and entitlements (Exhibit 2). Staff proceeded as directed. May 16, 2022 - The Parks & Recreation Commission unanimously accepted the final Veterans Memorial Park Maser Plan. June 15, 2022 - The Planning Commission unanimously adopted Resolution No. 7453, approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Veterans Memorial Park, Resolution No. 7454, approving Conditional Use Permit 2021-0014, Coastal Development Permit 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit 2021-0006 and Habitat Management Plan Permit 2021-0006 for Veterans Memorial Park (Exhibit 3). Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Veterans Memorial Park site is bordered on the southwest by Faraday Avenue, to the northeast by Whitman Way, and includes the Macario Canyon and Veterans Memorial Park Open Space preserves. The recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report documents the park planning considerations, criteria, analysis and process that culminated in the development of the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan concept plans, which include the conceptual site plan, circulation and fencing diagram, planting plan and the bike park schematic design. The report provided a summary of the site conditions, public outreach and design process through which the master plan was created. Staff and the design team continued to refine the plans and entitlement applications for Veterans Memorial Park through much of the 2021 calendar year. Staff submitted a development application for the park to the city’s Planning Division in September 2021. 2 Previous iterations of Veterans Memorial Park were known as Macario Canyon park. July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 2 of 43 The application project description is as follows: Conditional Use Permit, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Plan Permit for a public park located on a 93.7- acre site. Over half of the site is to be preserved habitat – i.e., 54.88 acres to be preserved, and 38.82 acres to be developed. The developed portions of the park are designed to be separated into three areas: • The Northern Area will include the parking lot, the Veterans Memorial Plaza, a community gathering area, two buildings, an inclusive playground, and a part of an Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accessible pathway. The two one-story buildings will be 1,486 and 380 square feet, connected by an 816 square foot pavilion. The larger building will contain restrooms, mechanical room, storage, an office, and a catering support room. The smaller room will contain staff vehicles (golf carts), equipment storage, an electrical room, and trash enclosure. • The Central Area will include the accessible pathway, a fitness climb, picnic areas, a rustic nature-inspired playground, passive recreation areas, a public art feature, native plant gardens, and a fitness run. • The Southern Area will include a parking lot, a playground, restrooms, and storage areas contained in an 820 square foot building, a family-oriented bike park, a shaded plaza, group recreational areas, and a multi-generational outdoor fitness area. The development application public noticing was addressed through the posting of signs at the park site and the mailing of letters to property owners adjacent to the park site and interested stakeholders in early December 2021.The city’s Planning Division subsequently determined that the development application was complete for processing the park project’s initial study/mitigated negative declaration, an environmental review document, was released for a 30-day public comment period on March 12, 2022. Staff completed and distributed responses to the comments received. The city had proposed a minor amendment to its Habitat Management Plan for the Veterans Park property. Such a change must be approved by state and regional wildlife resource agencies. That plan sets aside certain areas for natural preservation in perpetuity, which are known as “hard line” areas, the hard line barring future development. The requested adjustment for Veterans Memorial Park consisted of a loss of 3.36 hard line acres. This was offset by adding 12.86 acres to the hard line preserve for a net gain of 9.5 acres to the hard line preserve. As stated in the Habitat Management Plan, minor changes to the boundary of proposed hardline preserve areas that do not reduce the acreage or quality of habitat are considered minor amendments to the plan and can be approved by the city through what are known as equivalency findings. On April 22, 2022, the wildlife agencies concurred with the city’s proposal for the minor amendment to its Habitat Management Plan. July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 3 of 43 The final Veterans Memorial Park master plan (Exhibit 5) has been posted to the project’s web page.3 The specific site plan for the bike park (Exhibit 6) and the specific conceptual renderings for the memorial plaza (Exhibit 7) have also been posted to the project web page. The site plan for the southerly situated bike park was developed with substantial public input, including from a focus group of biking enthusiasts. The conceptual renderings for the northerly situated memorial plaza reflect the public’s expressed desire for spaces that provide for reflection and inspiration, that honor and pay tribute to those that have served, and that create an understanding of the sacrifices made. The Parks & Recreation Commission unanimously accepted the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan on May 16, 2022. Then, on June 15, 2022, the Planning Commission unanimously adopted two resolutions: • Resolution No. 7453, which approved a mitigated negative declaration and mitigation monitoring and reporting program for Veterans Memorial Park in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. • Resolution No. 7454, which approved the conditional use, coastal development, hillside development and habitat management plan permits for Veterans Memorial Park, as detailed above No appeals of these decisions were filed within the ten-day period, as required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.54.150. With these actions, the Veterans Memorial Park permit approvals of June 15, 2022, are considered final and effective. The City Council is now being asked to adopt the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard There are four park districts within the City of Carlsbad, corresponding to the city’s quadrants. The city’s parks performance standard, as set forth in the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, calls for three acres of community parks or special use areas for every 1,000 residents in each park district. If the standard is not met because of population increase within a given quadrant, the city is required to schedule a park for construction within five years, beginning at the time the need is identified, but beginning no sooner than Aug. 22, 2017 (City Council Resolution No. 2017-170, Exhibit 8). The phrase “scheduled for construction” is defined in Resolution No. 2017-170: 1. The park site has been selected and has been or is being acquired by the city 2. A financing plan for construction of the park has been approved by the City Council 3. The improvements for the park site have been designed The inventory of parks acreage is currently below the parks performance standard by 4.3 acres in the northeast quadrant, 6.8 acres in the southwest quadrant and 2.3 acres in the southeast quadrant. However, the three quadrants have remained compliant with the parks performance standard. The five-year period noted above doesn’t expire until Aug. 21, 2022, for the 3 Veterans Memorial Park webpage: carlsbadca.gov/departments/parks-recreation/parks-community- centers/veterans-memorial-park July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 4 of 43 southwest and southeast quadrants. For the northeast quadrant, because that quadrant was not identified as deficient until June 30, 2018, the five-year period expires on June 30, 2023. This table shows the city’s parks acreage by quadrant, and how it aligns with the performance standard established in the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan. Parks acreage Park district Performance standard Total parks existing Surplus or deficit NW 94.1 108.3 14.2 NE 54.6 45.3 -9.3 SW 79.0 70.2 -8.8 SE 120.4 114.9 -5.5 Total 348.1 338.7 -9.4 As outlined in the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Veterans Memorial Park total acreage will be counted equally toward satisfying the parks performance requirement in all four park districts. Previously, the Veterans Memorial Park total acreage was reflected as 91.5 acres, based on Geographical Information Systems data. In that case, 22.875 acres of the park were to be applied to each park district. However, during the recent preparation for entitlements, it was determined the property total acreage is actually 93.7 acres, based on the final map on file with the County Recorder (Exhibit 9). Therefore, 23.425 acres of Veterans Memorial Park are to be applied to each park district, creating a surplus in each district and in total parks acreage. Parks acreage Park district Performance standard Total parks existing Veterans Memorial Park Total parks w/ Veterans Surplus NW 94.1 108.3 23.425 131.725 37.625 NE 54.6 45.3 23.425 68.725 14.125 SW 79.0 70.2 23.425 93.625 14.625 SE 120.4 114.9 23.425 138.325 17.925 Total 348.1 338.7 93.7 432.4 84.3 July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 5 of 43 --- The application of the Veterans Memorial Park acreage to each park district will also result in a surplus in each district, and in the total parks acreage at the projected full development, or buildout, of the city. Parks acreage Park district Buildout population Buildout performance standard Total parks existing Total parks w/ Veterans Surplus NW 39,126 117.4 108.3 131.725 14.325 NE 22,741 68.2 45.3 68.725 .525 SW 28,834 86.5 70.2 93.625 7.125 SE 42,548 127.6 114.9 138.325 10.725 Total 133,249 399.7 338.7 432.4 32.7 The above calculations strictly account for the acreage of existing parks and the acreage of Veterans Memorial Park. They do not account for the acreage of park projects listed in the city’s Capital Improvement Program as partially funded or unfunded. If funding mechanisms are identified, and these parks are scheduled for construction, the additional acreage would further increase the surplus over the parks performance standard as follows: Partially funded projects • Zone 5 Business Park Recreational Facility: NW Park District – Approximately. 9.3 acres • Robertson Ranch Community Park: NE Park District – Approximately 11.2 acres • South Carlsbad Coastline: SW and NW Park Districts – Depending on design, up to 60 acres Unfunded projects • Cannon Lake Park - NW Park District – Approximately. 6.8 acres With the adoption of the resolution, the City Council will find that Veterans Memorial Park has been “scheduled for construction” in compliance with the Growth Management Plan/Citywide Facilities Improvement Plan/Local Facilities Management Plan/Parks Performance Standard because: 1. The Veterans Memorial Park site has been acquired, has been owned by the City of Carlsbad since Sept. 30, 1981, was selected as a park by the City Council (i.e., Macario Canyon Park, Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, City Council Resolution No. 8797), and was recently re-selected through the Planning Commission’s approval for the site (Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 7453, 7454). 2. A financing plan for construction of Veterans Memorial Park was approved by the City Council (Capital Improvement Program Project No. 46091)4 Furthermore, Community Facilities District No. 1 was established in 1991, which created a special tax lien on 4 The Carlsbad Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget can be found at carlsbadca.gov/departments/finance/city-budget July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 6 of 43 -- vacant properties throughout the city to finance the construction of specifically identified public facilities of citywide obligation and benefit, including this park. 3. Improvements for the Veterans Memorial Park have been designed by the city through the adoption of Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HDP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006, and the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. In response to Veterans Memorial Park being “scheduled for construction,” the City Council is being asked to make a finding that the city has complied with the Parks Performance Standard established in the Growth Management Plan and Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan. Options Staff provide two options for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Adopt a resolution adopting the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan and making a finding of compliance with the Growth Management Plan and Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard. Pros • Advances the project to the next phases of design development, construction documentation and public bidding • Provides the City Council’s explicit determination of compliance with the city’s parks performance standard Cons • Requires expenditure of funds to advance the project to the next phases of design development, construction documentation and public bidding 2. Do not adopt a resolution adopting the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. Pros • Reserves funds that would be required to advance the project to the next phases of design development, construction documentation and public bidding Cons • Does not advance the project to the next phases of design development, construction documentation and public bidding • Does not provide the City Council’s explicit determination of compliance with the city’s parks performance standard, resulting in non-compliance in the NE, SE and SW park districts as of Aug. 22, 2022 Staff recommend Option 1, through the adoption of the resolution included as Exhibit 1. Fiscal Analysis There is no direct fiscal impact associated with adoption of the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. Community Facilities District No. 1, established in 1991, created a special tax lien on vacant properties throughout the city to finance the construction of specifically identified public facilities of citywide obligation and benefit, including this park. Funds from the district can only be spent on those facilities. The FY 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program budget adopted by the City Council on June 14, 2022, (City Council Resolution No. 2022-135) identifies a total of July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 7 of 43 $30,257,650 to be funded from Community Facilities District No. 1, with $3,112,200 previously appropriated, $1,257,250 forecasted in FY 2022-23, $1,257,250 forecasted in FY 2023-24, and $24,630,950 forecasted for FY 2024-25. Next Steps Staff will oversee the design team’s development of construction plans and specifications for bidding of the Veterans Memorial Park project. Staff anticipates returning to the City Council to request approval of those plans and specifications and authorization to place the project up for bids in 2023. Environmental Evaluation On June 15, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 7453, approving a mitigated negative declaration and mitigation monitoring and reporting program, and adopted Resolution No. 7454, approving Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HDP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006 for Veterans Memorial Park. The action to adopt the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan is consistent with the adopted mitigated negative declaration and included mitigation measures. No appeals of these decisions were filed within the ten-day period, as would be required by Carlsbad Municipal Code section 21.54.150, so the Veterans Memorial Park permit approvals of June 15, 2022, are considered final and effective. The resolution proposed for adoption also finds that its actions do not trigger subsequent or supplemental environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act. Consistent with California Environmental Quality Act Section 15162, no changes in project circumstances exist and no new information is available. Therefore, the adopted mitigated negative declaration and the included mitigation measures wholly cover the recommended action to adopt the resolution approving the final master plan and findings of compliance with the Growth Management Plan and Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Notice of the public hearing was published at least 10 days prior to the meeting date in accordance with the procedures of the California Streets and Highways Code (Exhibit 10). The notice of public hearing was published July 15, 2022, in the Coast News. Exhibits 1.City Council resolution 2.City Council staff report, Feb. 23, 2021 3.Planning Commission staff report, June 15, 2022 4.City Council Resolution No. 8797, Sept. 23, 1986 5.Final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan, June 2022 6.Veterans Memorial Park specific bike park site plan, April 2022 7.Veterans Memorial Park specific memorial plaza conceptual renderings, June 2022 8.City Council Resolution No. 2017-170, Aug. 22, 2017 9.Veterans Memorial Park property final map, March 4, 2013 10.Public hearing notice July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 8 of 43 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-196 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN AND MAKING A FINDING OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN/CITYWIDE FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS PLAN PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD, AND ADOPTING CEQA FINDINGS WHEREAS, previous iterations of Veterans Memorial Park were titled "Macario Canyon" Park in 1986 and was determined to serve all four quadrants of the City (City Council Resolution No. 8797, Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, at pp. 33-35); and WHEREAS, the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan was developed by using the input and ideas provided by the community and key staff members, as well as other sources of information including the physical characteristics and location of the site; the core values of the Carlsbad community; and the city's parks and recreation needs; and WHEREAS, on January 25, 2021, the Parks & Recreation Commission accepted the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report; and WHEREAS, on Feb. 23, 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-050, approving the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report in concept and directing staff to proceed with processing the necessary environmental permitting and entitlements; and WHEREAS, staff and the design team continued to refine the plans and entitlement applications for Veterans Memorial Park through much of the 2021 calendar year; and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2022, the Parks & Recreation Commission accepted the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan; and WHEREAS, on June 15, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 7453, approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Veterans Memorial Park, and Resolution No. 7454, approving Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal EXHIBIT 1 July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 9 of 43 Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HDP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006 for Veterans Memorial Park; and WHEREAS, no appeals of the Planning Commission decisions were filed within the ten-day period pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code section 21.54.150, and therefore the Veterans Memorial Park permit approvals of June 15, 2022 are considered final and effective; and WHEREAS, the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration wholly covers the proposed action, and no change of circumstances or new information as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 exists; therefore, no subsequent environmental document is required; and WHEREAS, the City Council is now being asked to adopt the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the city's parks performance standard was amended in 2017 pursuant to a Settlement Agreement (City Council Resolution No. 2017-170): "Three acres of community parks or special use areas per 1,000 population for each park district must be scheduled for construction within a five year period beginning at the time the need is first identified. The five-year period shall not commence prior to August 22, 2017."; and WHEREAS, this 2017 parks performance standard amendment fully superseded all previous parks performance standards; and WHEREAS, if the standard is not met due to population increase within a given park district, the city is required to schedule a park for construction within five years, commencing at the time the need is identified, but not commencing prior to August 22, 2017 (City Council Resolution No. 2017-170); and WHEREAS, for the southwest and southeast quadrants, the five-year period began on August 22, 2017 as required by City Council Resolution No. 2017-170; and July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 10 of 43 WHEREAS, for the northeast quadrant, the City of Carlsbad FY 2017-18 Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report first identified the park acreage deficit, and therefore the five-year period began on June 30, 2018; and WHEREAS, the phrase "scheduled for construction" was defined in City Council Resolution No. 2017-170 and the Citywide Facilities Improvements Plan (pp. 14 and33) to mean [1] the park site has been selected and has been or is being acquired by the city, [2] a financing plan for construction of the park has been approved by the City Council; and [3] the improvements for the park site have been designed; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan (at pp. 33-35), the Veterans Memorial Park acreage will be applied equally toward satisfying the parks performance standard in all four park districts/city quadrants (i.e., 23.425 acres of the 93.7 total acres will be applied to each of the four park districts); and WHEREAS, the Veterans Memorial Park site [1] has been selected and acquired (City Council Resolution No. 9787), [2] a financing plan for construction of the park has been approved by the City Council (Capital Improvement Program Project No. 46091), furthermore, Community Facilities District No. 1 was established in 1991, which created a special tax lien on vacant properties throughout the city to finance the construction of specifically identified public facilities of citywide obligation and benefit, including this park, and [3] improvements for the Veterans Memorial Park have been designed by the City through the adoption of Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HOP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006, and the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan; and July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 11 of 43 WHEREAS, upon the equal application of this community park's acreage, each park district will have a surplus of acreage -i.e., over the requisite three acres of community parks or special use areas for every 1,000 residents; and WHEREAS, the City Council is being asked to make a finding of compliance with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has determined that on June 15, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 7453 and Resolution No. 7454, as described above and that the action to adopt the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan is consistent with the adopted MND and included mitigation measures; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The City Council finds that the above recitations are true and correct. 2.The City Council finds that the adoption of the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan is necessary, desirable and in the public interest. 3.The City Council finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been triggered. 4.The City Council hereby adopts the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan, which is attached and incorporated as Attachment A. 5.The City Council finds that Veterans Memorial Park has been "scheduled for construction" and the city has met its obligations under the parks performance standard. 6.The City Council further finds that Veterans Memorial Park is "scheduled for construction" and planned concurrent with need, consistent with the city's Growth Management Plan/Citywide Facilities Improvements Plan/Local Facility Management Plans/City Council Resolution No. 2017-170 because: July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 12 of 43 a.The Veterans Memorial Park site (Subdivision Map No. 15902, City of Carlsbad CT 09-03, Lot 10) has been acquired, has been owned by the City of Carlsbad since Sept. 30, 1981, was selected as a park by the City Council on Sept. 23, 1986 (i.e., Macario Canyon Park, Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, City Council Resolution No. 8797), and was recently re-selected through the Planning Commission's approval of permits for the site (Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 7453, 7454). b.The annual Capital Improvement Program approved by City Council contains a financing plan for construction of Veteran's Memorial Park. The FY 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program budget adopted by the City Council on June 14, 2022 (City Council Resolution No. 2022-135) identifies a total of $30,257,650 to be funded from Community Facilities District No. 1, with $3,112,200 previously appropriated, $1,257,250 forecasted in FY 2022-23, $1,257,250 forecasted in FY 2023-24, and $24,630,950 forecasted for FY 2024-25. (Carlsbad Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 46091). The city estimates the construction of the project as designed would currently cost $27,796,953, based on an opinion provided by its design consultant, RJM Design Group, and updated in July 2022. Furthermore, Community Facilities District No. 1 was established in 1991, which created a special tax lien on vacant properties throughout the city to finance the construction of specifically identified public facilities of citywide obligation and benefit, including this park. c.Improvements for the Veterans Memorial Park have been designed by the City through the adoption of Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HOP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006, and the adoption of the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. 7.The City Council further finds that the City of Carlsbad is in compliance with its Parks Performance standard included in the City's Growth Management Plan/Citywide Facilities Improvements Plan/Local Facilities Management Plans/City Council Resolution No. 2017-170 and that there are no additional Park Performance standard deficiencies identified at this time. July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 13 of 43 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of !!tlY, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby. None. None. t¥L rFAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 14 of 43 MATTH~~/_-W'------- WHITMAN {'cicyof Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department ---- •• M DESIGN GROUP 31591 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 www.RJMdesigngroup.com 1949] 493-2690 fax 1949] 493-2600 phone ------------- lo• • / HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN PRESERVE AREA it 0 0 I / - () 0 ------ -- 0 \ ( HABITAT HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN JANAGEMEN PRESERVE AREA PLAN PRESERVE AREA --------7 // // � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L r HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLANPRESERVE AR!:A 14' 0 I I PARK AREAS LEGEND 0 VETERANS MEMORIAL PLAZA ©C.OMMUNITY GATHERING AREA 0 BUILDING (2PO�f) �Ith PAVILION, RESTROOM,$ C.ATERING 5UPPORT ROOM 0 PLAY AREAS @) INC.LUSIVE PLAYGROUND (§) RUSTIC., NATURE-INSPIRED PLAYGROUNDe YOUNG KIDS PLAYGROUND0 0 0 0 0 0 YOGA 4 PASSIVE RELAXATION AREA NATIVE GARDENS PIC.NIC. AREAS ADA FATHI-IAY NORTH PARKING AREA (12 TOTAL STALLS, 12 ADA) I-IATER QUALITY TREATMENT AREAS PUBLIC. ART HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLANPRESERVE AREA (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INTERPRETIVE GARDEN RESTROOM (l,.200sr) FAMILY-ORIENTED BIKE PARK MULTI-GENERATIONAL OUTDOOR FITNESS AREA OUTDOOR EDUC.ATION AREA 50UTH PARKING AREA ("B1 TOTAL STALLS, 2 ADA) FITNESS C.LIMB FITNESS RUN ENTRY PLAZA TO BIKE PARK DESAL REC.EIVER PIT EXISTING eus STOP WITH NEW LANDING PAD $ BENC.H MAINTENANC.E AREA OVERLOOK AREA BIKE PARK SPEC.TATOR AREA FARADAY AVENUE UNDE:Rc.ROSSING CONSTRUCTION LEGEND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 @ @ e C.ONSTRUC.T, INTERNAL PATHWAY (PERMEABLE) C.ONC.RETE SIDEI-IALK (VEHIC.ULAR RATED) FITNESS RUN (e,' WIDE, PERMEABLE) DEC.ORATIVE C.ONC.RETE DEC.ORATIVE PAVING RESILIENT 5URFACINe (PERMEABLE) VEHIC.ULAR ASPHALT DRIVE AISLES VEHICULAR PARKING STALLS (ASPHALT PAVING) BIKE PARK 5URFAC.E (DIRT TRAC.K MIX) RETAINING I-IALLS PROPOSED MONUMENT SlcSN (BY SEPARATE PERMIT) CONTROLLED PARK ACCESS POINTS (DECORATIVE PAVINe Y"I/ GONG. BAND) MUL Tl-USE PERIMETER TRAIL C.ONC.RETE SIDEI-IALK (NON-VEHIC.ULAR) BOUNDARY LEGEND --------20' HABITAT BUFFER 20' - - - - - -HABITAT MANAGEMENT FLAN BOUNDARY 01 50 1 1001 2001 ----- EXHIBIT A - MASTER PARK SITE PLAN VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN DRAFT - JUNE 2022 Attachment AJuly 26, 2022Item #9 Page 15 of 43WAY I \ I / I 0 Exhibit 2 City Council Staff Report, Feb. 23, 2021 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 16 of 43 Exhibit 3 Planning Commission Staff Report, June 15, 2022 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 17 of 43 Exhibit 4 City Council Resolution No. 8797, Sept. 23, 1986 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 18 of 43 WHITMAN {'cicyof Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department ---- •• M DESIGN GROUP 31591 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 www.RJMdesigngroup.com 1949] 493-2690 fax 1949] 493-2600 phone ------------- lo• • / HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN PRESERVE AREA it 0 0 I / - () 0 ------ -- 0 \ ( HABITAT HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN JANAGEMEN PRESERVE AREA PLAN PRESERVE AREA --------7 // // � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L r HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLANPRESERVE AR!:A 14' 0 I I PARK AREAS LEGEND 0 VETERANS MEMORIAL PLAZA ©C.OMMUNITY GATHERING AREA 0 BUILDING (2PO�f) �Ith PAVILION, RESTROOM,$ C.ATERING 5UPPORT ROOM 0 PLAY AREAS @) INC.LUSIVE PLAYGROUND (§) RUSTIC., NATURE-INSPIRED PLAYGROUNDe YOUNG KIDS PLAYGROUND0 0 0 0 0 0 YOGA 4 PASSIVE RELAXATION AREA NATIVE GARDENS PIC.NIC. AREAS ADA FATHI-IAY NORTH PARKING AREA (12 TOTAL STALLS, 12 ADA) I-IATER QUALITY TREATMENT AREAS PUBLIC. ART HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLANPRESERVE AREA (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INTERPRETIVE GARDEN RESTROOM (l,.200sr) FAMILY-ORIENTED BIKE PARK MULTI-GENERATIONAL OUTDOOR FITNESS AREA OUTDOOR EDUC.ATION AREA 50UTH PARKING AREA ("B1 TOTAL STALLS, 2 ADA) FITNESS C.LIMB FITNESS RUN ENTRY PLAZA TO BIKE PARK DESAL REC.EIVER PIT EXISTING eus STOP WITH NEW LANDING PAD $ BENC.H MAINTENANC.E AREA OVERLOOK AREA BIKE PARK SPEC.TATOR AREA FARADAY AVENUE UNDE:Rc.ROSSING CONSTRUCTION LEGEND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 @ @ e C.ONSTRUC.T, INTERNAL PATHWAY (PERMEABLE) C.ONC.RETE SIDEI-IALK (VEHIC.ULAR RATED) FITNESS RUN (e,' WIDE, PERMEABLE) DEC.ORATIVE C.ONC.RETE DEC.ORATIVE PAVING RESILIENT 5URFACINe (PERMEABLE) VEHIC.ULAR ASPHALT DRIVE AISLES VEHICULAR PARKING STALLS (ASPHALT PAVING) BIKE PARK 5URFAC.E (DIRT TRAC.K MIX) RETAINING I-IALLS PROPOSED MONUMENT SlcSN (BY SEPARATE PERMIT) CONTROLLED PARK ACCESS POINTS (DECORATIVE PAVINe Y"I/ GONG. BAND) MUL Tl-USE PERIMETER TRAIL C.ONC.RETE SIDEI-IALK (NON-VEHIC.ULAR) BOUNDARY LEGEND --------20' HABITAT BUFFER 20' - - - - - -HABITAT MANAGEMENT FLAN BOUNDARY 01 50 1 1001 2001 ----- EXHIBIT A - MASTER PARK SITE PLAN VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN DRAFT - JUNE 2022 Exhibit 5July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 19 of 43WAY I \ I / I 0 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLYELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLYELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLYELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLYELECTRICVEHICLEPARKINGONLY XXXXXXXXX X XX X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28293031323334353637 VAN31591 Camino CapistranoSan Juan Capistrano, CA 92675www.RJMdesigngroup.com[949] 493-2690 fax[949] 493-2600 phone Signature Renewal Date DateLARRYP.R Y A N L ICENSE N O.2502LICENSEDL A N DSCAPEAR C H I TECTST A TEOF CA L IF O RNIAVETERANS MEMORIAL PARK CIP 4609 40 BIKE PARK CONCEPTUAL PLAN BIKE PARK AREAS LEGEND FA R A D A Y A V E N U E 31 Exhibit 6July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 20 of 430 0 © © © 0 0 0 0 G 0 (0 0 /;.-:.--,--=-==-==--=---- ------- BIKE PARK ENTRANC.E USER STAGING/ REST AREAS BEGINNER PUMP TRACK INTERMEDIATE PUMP TRAC.K ~\ BEGINNER 4 INTERMEDIATE FLOV'I TRAILS INTERMEDIATE 4 ADVANC.ED FLOV'I TRAILS BEGINNER 4 INTERMEDIATE JUMP LINES INTERMEDIATE 4 ADVANC.ED JUMP LINES DUAL SLALOM C.OURSE V'IATER GUALITY TREATMENT AREA SPEC.TATOR VIEV'IING AREA MAINTENANC.E AC.C.ESS GATE BIKE REPAIR AREA C, 4_ % ' •• {'cicyof Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department R GROUP MDESIGN / ' 0 0 o--0 0 - /f!j ' ,'! ---,1--- • • \ \ r wo\-~\<~\ ___ ..,._i,-,~_-r1,,r4'54-~, ,.., ... +J-.::_1, __ ,..11 :W' i,-~Or\ ,~~-':'"\: --\~, ' \ ' \,()"</\\ I i -~--:~~ ~:~~~ :~-:----·· ·:·-. -. /0- -..... ((~/ I I ', ;~ \ \ \ i; '' ' ( I , " '~ __ ,., - ~ ' ' ~ ' t-I/ {::: :;S !S/Q64Q.2:2 ' ' ' ' ' ' ,' ,,----- + l I I I I~ I I \----1 \ I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I ' ' ' i'~i ; __ '" "' ' ' ' ' ' ' r·---i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 O' 15' I :I ' :1 I \ \\ \\ ' ' ' ' '\, \ \\~ .. \. __ _ bO' CALL: 811 TJ/'la Y'lORKIN5 DAY5 BEFORE YOIJ Dl5 I SHEET I I I I / I I / I CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT I I I I I / I I / I // I I / / f / / I I SHEETS I 11 PROJECT NO. II DRAWING NO.I ILLUMINATED GLA SS MEMORIAL PA NELS (1if P.) (PO�SI BLE COMM EMOgATI VE:::;;;;.--; I � PLAQUE LOCATIQrsl) I ORNAMENTAL;\ GRASS� PLANTER A7\ R�R OF GLA SS PANELS CONCRE TE BANDS ENSCRIB ED WITH PA TRIO TIC�WORDS, PH�SE S, MOTT9S (PO SSI BLE·,,, '· � COMMEMORATI VE ''-,., PLAQUE LOCATION) RJ •• M DESIGN GROUP JUNE 2022m0 2.5' 5' 10' ·, a�ePO SED AMERICAN f:�G POLE AT CENTER e� RAI SED PLANTER/ S�TWALL i:2�ECA ST CONCRE TE ErsJCHE S (TYP.) , SIBLE MEMORATIVE i:2�QUE LOCATION) �EtriORIAL PLAZA FORM �EtriORIAL PLAZA S�TWALL (PO SSIBLE eatriMEMORATIVE a�QUE LOCATION) NORTH MEMORIAL AREA EXHIBIT! VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK.I CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA� Exhibit 7July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 21 of 43/ I -- • \ , f I...-(.;,._ t,·" . .A•, , . . . , ""' ·, • • • • , , ' ·' . ~:-'T . • ,•~.I 'J'-.,,~"'' •.' .• ~,;.-..>-'' .. • .~-.t ., . ~' •• ,,: -:~ ' .A, .. \' > --,,:,-i . fJ:, .. ~ -•.. -/ '· ' ~ ,., ·• , ' ' , ... · _..,, •,:.1.1 '~ , ,•,,-!.-•. • .. t.• 8 1 2 3 4 5 1 Flag pole and raised platform at center of plaza create gathering space for educational presentations and veterans events Concrete bands inscribed with patriotic words, phrases, mottos* Concrete benches provide space to sit, reflect and pay respects* Illuminated glass panels with images etched could reflect military branches, history of wars across time periods, and recognition of different roles and genders Nearby parking lot and flat area for plaza provide easy accessibility Ornamental landscaping add natural elements while providing buffer between grass gathering area behind glass panels to provide quiet space Trees provide shade and nature buffer *Possible locations for commemorative plaques honoring veterans 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 6 EXHIBIT 7 July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 22 of 43 July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 23 of 43 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-170 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE GENERAL PLAN OPEN SPACE, CONSERVATION, AND RECREATION ELEMENT AND THE CITYWIDE FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENT PLAN TO AMEND THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARD FOR PARKS, PURSUANT TO THE GENERAL PLAN LAWSUIT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT, DATED MARCH 14, 2017. CASE NAME: CASE NO.: GMP PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD AMENDMENT GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004 (PUB17Y-0011) EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did, on June 7, 2017, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider a General Plan Amendment (GPA 2017-0002) and Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan Amendment (OAJ 17-0004), as referenced in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7250; and the Planning Commission adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 7250 recommending to the City Council that it be approved; and WHEREAS, the Parks & Recreation Commission held a duly noticed public meeting on July 17, 2017 to consider said General Plan Amendment and Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan Amendment as an information item; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, held a duly noticed public hearing on August 22, 2017 to consider said General Plan Amendment and Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council considered all factors relating to the General Plan Amendment and Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the approval of General Plan Amendment (GPA 2017-0002) and Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan Amendment (OAJ 17-0004), is approved, and that the findings of the Planning EXHIBIT 8 July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 24 of 43 EXHIBIT 1 Commission contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7250 on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, are the findings of the City Council. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 22nd day of August, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 25 of 43 Page 353July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 26 of 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 2 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7250 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE GENERAL PLAN OPEN SPACE, CONSERVATION, AND RECREATION ELEMENT AND THE CITYWIDE FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENT PLAN TO AMEND THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARD FOR PARKS, PURSUANT TO THE GENERAL PLAN LAWSUIT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT, DATED MARCH 14, 2017. CASE NAME: GMP PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD AMENDMENT CASE NO: GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004 (PUB17Y-0011) WHEREAS, the City Planner has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad for a General Plan Amendment and Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan Amendment for the purpose of amending the Parks performance standard of the Growth Management Plan ("project"), which affect properties citywide; and WHEREAS, the Growth Management Plan performance standard for Parks is contained in the General Plan Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation Element, and the Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan; and WHEREAS, the Growth Management Plan performance standard for Parks contains a minimum service level for park facilities, and if the service level is not met, the standard specifies a timing requirement and a dwelling unit threshold requirement for providing additional park facilities; and WHEREAS, on March 14, 2017 a Settlement Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and North County Advocates was enacted, and section 4.3.1 of the agreement requires that within six months of the above date the City Council shall consider, and if approved, amend the Growth Management Plan Parks performance standard to remove the 1,562 dwelling unit limit and to provide that the five-year timing requirement for scheduling a park for construction shall commence on the date the City Council approves this amendment; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a General Plan Amendment and Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan Amendment as shown on Exhibit A dated June 7, 2017, attached hereto and on file in the Carlsbad Planning Division, GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004 -GMP PARKS Page 354July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 27 of 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PERFORMANCE STANDARD AMENDMENT, as provided in Government Code Section 65350 et. seq. and Section 21.52.150 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on June 7, 2017, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the General Plan Amendment, and Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A) B) That the above recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004 -GMP PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD AMENDMENT, based on the following findings: Findings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Planning Commission finds that the project is in conformance with the elements of the city's General Plan, based on the facts set forth in the staff report dated June 7, 2017, including but not limited to the following: that the proposed amendment does not conflict with the goals and policies of the General Plan, including policies that require compliance with the Growth Management Plan. That the project is necessary to implement section 4.3.1 of the General Plan lawsuit Settlement Agreement enacted on March 14, 2017 between the City of Carlsbad and North County Advocates. That the amendment will not limit the city's ability to provide public facilities concurrent with city growth as required by the Growth Management Plan, and it helps ensure that parkland is added to the city inventory in a timely manner if a service level deficit is identified. Therefore, the proposed amendment is consistent with the Growth Management Plan in that it does not conflict with the performance standards that ensure public facilities and services keep pace with development; and it is consistent with a purpose and intent of the plan. The five-year timing requirement for scheduling a park for construction in the southwest and southeast quadrants shall commence on the date the City Council approves this amendment. The project does not conflict with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan and all city public facility performance standards that are not proposed to be amended (i.e., performance standards for city administrative facilities, drainage, fire, library, open space, parks, schools, sewer collection, wastewater treatment capacity and water distribution system). PC RESO NO. 7250 -2- Page 355July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 28 of 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6. That the City Planner has determined that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the project may have a significant effect on the environment in that the project is exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061{8}(3) (General Rule) and City of Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 19.04.070(A}(l}(c). Minor municipal code and other similar amendments which refine or clarify existing land use standards are considered not to have a significant effect on the environment. PC RESO NO. 7250 -3- Page 356July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 29 of 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on June 7, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Segall, Commissioners Anderson, Black, Goyarts, Montgomery, Rodman and Siekmann NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JEFF SEGALL, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~ DON NEU City Planner PC RESO NO. 7250 -4- Page 357July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 30 of 43 Exhibit A June 7, 2017 GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004 (PUB 17Y-0011) -GMP PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD AMENDMENT 1. The Parks section on page 4-9 of the General Plan Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation Element is amended as follows: Parks The Growth Management park facility standard is three acres of community parks or special use areas per 1,000 population within the park district. There are four park districts within Carlsbad, which correspond to the city's four quadrants. Parks and special use areas must be scheduled for construction within a five- year period beginning at the time the need is first identified, but beginning no sooner than [INSERT DATE OF CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004].1 According to City Council Resolution No. 97-435, "scheduled for construction" means that the improvements have been designed, a park site has been selected, and a financing plan for construction of the facility has been approved. The city's Growth Management Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.90) authorizes special facility fees to pay for improvements or facilities that are related to new industrial development. Since there is a substantial impact on existing recreation facilities from an increasing industrial employment base, the city recognized a need to impose and implement a park mitigation fee for industrial development. In November 1987, the City Council adopted its first park mitigation fee for the Zone 5 Local Facilities Management Plan. Additionally, a park mitigation fee was required as part of the Zone 13 and Zone 16 Local Facilities Management Plans. The purpose of this fee is to ensure adequate recreational facilities to accommodate the demand created by the daily influx of the industrial work force and population as industrial development grows. Section 4.5 provides information regarding compliance with the park facility standard. 1 Amended by City Council Resolution No. [INSERT RESOLUTION NUMBER] (GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004) 1 Page 358July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 31 of 43 Exhibit A June 7, 2017 GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004 (PUB 17V-0011) -GMP PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD AMENDMENT 2. Page 14 of the Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan is amended as follows: The type of adequacy and phasing analysis that is contained in the Citywide Plan for City Administrative Facilities, Library and Wastewater Treatment Capacity is Similar to what will be expected for all the remaining facilities addressed in the Local Facility Management Plans for each zone. It should be emphasized regarding the maps in this section, that because of their scale they are for illustrative purposes only. Larger descriptive maps have also been prepared, however, precise locations of facilities should be determined from Master Facility Plans available in the department or agency responsible for the facility. Also, because of the detail required, the maps for sewer, water and drainage only illustrate future planned facilities or improvements. Performance Standards for City Administrative Facilities and Libraries1 The Performance Standards for City Administrative Facilities and Libraries indicate that improvements must be "scheduled for construction within a five year period or prior to construction of 6,250 dwelling units." This section is intended to provide further clarification regarding what these Performance Standards mean and how they are to be applied. In developing the Performance Standards contained in this plan, staff projected that an average of 1,250 dwelling units per year would be constructed after 1986. Therefore, for purposes of City Administrative Facilities and Library the 'five year period" is intended to mean the amount of residential development equal to 1,250 dwelling units per year for five years, or a total of 6,250 dwelling units. The counting years or units begins at the point in time that the demand for the facility first exceeds the supply. The phrase "scheduled for construction" means that the improvements needed to meet the demand have been designed, that a site has been selected and has been acquired or is being acquired, and that a financing plan for construction of the facility has been approved by the City Council. 1 This section was included in the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan by City Council Resolution No. 97-437 and amended by City Council Resolution No. [INSERT RESOLUTION NUMBER]. 2 Page 359July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 32 of 43 Exhibit A June 7, 2017 GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004 (PUB 17Y-0011) -GMP PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD AMENDMENT 3. The Parks performance standard section on pages 33 to 36 of the Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan is amended as follows: a. Figure 11 is deleted. Footnote 2 below provides a reference to updated information in the General Plan. b. The parks performance standard at the top of page 33 is amended as follows: PERFORMANCE STANDARD Three acres of Community Park or Special Use Area per 1,000 population within the Park District must be scheduled for construction within a five year period beginning at the time the need is first identified. The five year period shall not commence prior to [INSERT DATE OF CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF GPA 2017- 0002/OAJ 17-0004]. c. The remainder of the Parks section (pages 33 to 36} located below the performance standard is deleted and replaced with the following: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This performance standard was developed to address community park and special use areas together. Combining the two provides greater flexibility for the city to address the park facility needs of each quadrant as development occurs. As stated in the performance standard, the phrase "scheduled for construction" means that the improvements needed to meet the demand have been designed, that a site has been selected and has been acquired or is being acquired, and that a financing plan for construction of the facility has been approved by the City Council. The performance standard states that "the five year period shall not commence prior to [INSERT DATE OF CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004];" this provision was added to the standard pursuant to City Council approval of GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004 (City Council Resolution No. [INSERT RESOLUTION NUMBER]), which implemented part of a settlement agreement that settled a lawsuit filed on the 2015 General Plan update. At the time of this approval, the five year period shall commence for the southwest and southeast quadrants, which do not have park acreage in excess of the standard. BUILDOUT FACILITY ADEQUACY ANALYSIS Based on the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Capital Improvement Program list of projects, Veteran's Memorial Park (91.5 acres, with 22.9 acres applied to each quadrant) is proposed to be constructed prior to buildout. Construction of this community park would result in the projected park inventory for all city quadrants exceeding the projected required acreage at buildout, as shown below: 3 Page 360July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 33 of 43 Exhibit A June 7, 2017 GPA 2017-0002/OAJ 17-0004 (PUB 17Y-0011) -GMP PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD AMENDMENT NW 37,904 113.7 105.2 22.9 128.1 NE 22,423 67.3 45.3 22.9 68.2 SW 27,795 83.4 70.2 22.9 93.1 SE 41,780 125.3 114.9 22.9 137.8 ;:;; ;cul~~.,. e -· ---/ __ 1 Reflects the 2015 General Plan Update 2 For more detailed information about the current park inventory, see Table 4-4 in the General Plan. The location of the current inventory of parks is included on Figure 4-3 of the General Plan. The figures above for proposed park acreage do not include park projects listed in the CIP as "unfunded" or "partially unfunded": Zone 5 Business Park Recreational Facility (NW -9.3 acres); Cannon Lake Park (NW -6.8 acres); or Robertson Ranch Park (NE -11.2 acres). Should alternative funding mechanisms be found, and these parks are built, the additional park acreage would further aid in meeting/exceeding the Growth Management park performance standard. 4 .-.,;...• ,i-............ WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, BEING ALL THE PARTIES HAVING ANY RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN THE LAND COVERED ON THIS MAP, DO HEREBY CONSENT TO THE PREPARATION AND RE CORDA TION OF THIS MAP AS SHOWN WITHIN TH[ SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY UN£ CARLSBAD PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, AS LESSEE PER GOLF COURSE SITE LEASE RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2006-0900558, AS LESSEE PER RELATED FACILITIES SITE LEASE RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2006-0900559, AS LESSEE PER GOLF COURSE SITE LEASE RECORDED MAY 21, 2007 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2007-342216, AND AS LESSEE PER RELATED FACILITIES SITE LEASE RECORDED MAY 21, 2007 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2007-342300, ALL OF OFFICIAL RECOR PURSUANT TO SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (A)(3)(A)(I), OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THE SIGNATURES OF THE FOLLOWING OWNERS OF EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN OMITTED, THEIR INTEREST BEING SUCH THAT tr CANNOT RIPEN INTO FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNA TUR£ IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING BODY. f.SAN DIEGO CONSOLIDATED GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, OWNER OF EASEMENTSRECOlWED; APRIL 15, 1954 AS BOOK 5205, PAGE 416; APRIL 15, 1954 AS BOOK5205, PAGE 419; MAY 11, 1961 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 81362; AUGUST 14, 1957 ASBOOK 6706, PAGE 514; MAY 3, 1954 AS BOOK 5225, PAGE 397; MAY 3, 1954 ASBOOK 5225, PAGE 400; MAY 3, 1954 AS BOOK 5230, PAGE 131; SEPTEMBER 28,1954 AS BOOK 5378, PAGE 93; SEPTEMBER 27, 1957 AS BOOK 6767, PAGE 25;MAY 15, 1961 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 82981; AUGUST 8, 1962 AS INSTRUMENT NO.135132; AUGUST 8, 1962 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 135140; MARCH 2, 1965 ASINSTRUMENT NO. 36709; APRIL 8, 1986 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 86-134919; MAY 26,1965 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94777; AND AUGUST 4, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NO.2006-0554084, ALL OF OFF/CAL RECORDS. 2.COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OWNER OF EASEMENTS RECORDEDOCTOBER 19, 1961 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 181791, JULY 16, 1985 AS INSTRUMENT NO.85-252984, AND NOVEMBER 30, 1988 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 88-611273, ALL OFOFFICIAL RECORDS. 3.CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTRE OWNERS ASSOC/A TION, OWNER OF AN EASEMENTRECORDED OCTOBER 31, 1986 AS FILE NO. 86-497819 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 4.THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, OWNER OF AN EASEMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 5,1899 AS BOOK 280, PAGE 292 OF OFF/CAL RECORDS. 5.CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OWNER OF EASEMENTS RECORDED OCTOBER19, 1961 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 181401, MARCH 11, 1992 AS INSTRUMENT NO.92-0133693, MARCH 11, 1992 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 92-0133694, MARCH 11, 1992AS INSTRUMENT NO. 92-0133695, JULY 27, 1962 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 127706, JULY27, 1962 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 127707 AND JANUARY 16, 1963 AS INSTRUMENT NO.9115, ALL OF OFFICIAL RECORDS .. 6.PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY OWNER OF AN EASEMENT RECORDEDMAY 26, 1965 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94777 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 7.THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION, HOLDER OF OFFERS OF DEDICATION FOROPEN SPACE AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICT/IONS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSESRECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1998 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 98-0103878 AND MARCH 16,2005 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2005-0216282, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. HUNSAKER & ASSOCL4TES SAN DIEGO, INC PLANNING -fNG/NffRING -SURV£Y/NG 9707 WAPLES STREIT -SAN OIEGO, C4 92121 (858)558-4500 -FAX (858) 558-1414 R:\07.f6\&Map\FM CARLSBAD GOLF SHT 01.DWG[}Dec-20-2012:09:51 W.O. 2J22-0007 MAP NO. CITY OF CARLSBAD CT 09-03 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 50 THROUGH 76 INCLUSIVE OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 UNIT NO. J, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF CARRIER AVENUE, SWIFT PLACE, PALOMAR OAKS WAY, COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND OTIS COURT AS OED/CA TED ON MAP NO. 11289 OF CARLSBAD mACT NO. 81-46 UNIT NO. 3 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, WHICH UPON CLOSING WOULD REVERT BY OPERATION OF LAW TO SAID LOTS, AND LOTS 1 THROUGH 26 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13, 1991, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD, ROCKEFELLER ROAD, CARNEGIE COURT, GETTY PLACE, HAMMER COURT, PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD AS OED/CA TED ON MAP NO. 12903 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-1 7, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, WHICH UPON CLOSING WOULD REVERT BY OPERATION OF LAW TO SAID LOTS, AND A PORTION OF LOT F ANO A PORnON OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HED!ONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 823 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF TH£ COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CAL!FORf!IA. SUBDIVISION MAP GUARANTEE ISSUED BY: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY, ORDER NUMBER: DIV-1492118 (29} DATED: .,/.ANV...A.e.Y _?,. 2013. 530. 138 ACRES PURSUANT TO SECTION 66341(g) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THE FILING OF THIS MAP WITHOUT SHOWING THE FOLLOWING, CONSTITUTES ABANDONMENT: CARRIER AVENUE, SWIFT PLACE, PALOMAR OAKS WAY, AND OTIS COURT, ALL AS DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC PER MAP NO. 11289. THE EASEMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR SEWER AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR DRAINAGE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, ALL AS GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PER MAP NO. 11289. ROCKEFELLER ROAD, CARNEGIE COURT, GETTY PLACE, HAMMER COURT, AS DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC AS EASEMENTS FOR STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES, ALL PER MAP NO. 12903. TH£ EASEMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR SIGHT CORRIDOR AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR SEWER AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR DRAINAGE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, All AS GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PER MAP NO. 12903. WE, COUNTY TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID COUNTY, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO UNPAID SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS OR BONDS WHICH MAY BE PAID IN FULL, SHOWN BY THE BOOKS OF OUR OFFICES, AGAINST THE TRACT OR SUBDIVISION OR ANY PART THEREOF SHOWN ON TH£: ANNEXED MAP AND DESCRIBED IN THE CAPTION THEREOF. DAN McALLISTER ·COUNTY TREASURER­TAX COLLECTOR RICHARD E. CROMPTON DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 10 LOTS I, JIM COMSTOCK, TREASURER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO LIENS FOR UNPAID CITY TAXES OR UNPAID BONDS ISSUED UNDER ANY IMPROVEMENT ACT OR IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SHOWING ON THE BOOKS OF THIS omcE, EXCEPT TAXES NO YET PAYABLE AGAINST THE TRACT OR SUBDIVISION, OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHOWN ON THE ANNEXED MAP AND DESCRIBED IN THE CAPTION THEREOF. IN WITNESS HEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND THIS , ., ..f.l. DAY OF_:r.11..ct_����-, 2013. JIM COMSTOCK · /".--CITY TREASURER BY:_-&�------------ I c::Sur�fretS''{}e� ��&� OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, STATE OF CALIFORNIA,HEREBY RT/FY THAT THE COUNCIL OF SAID CITY HAS APPROVED THIS MAP OF CITY OF CARLSBAD CT 09-03, CONSISnNG OF 11 SHEETS AND DESCRIBED IN THE CAPnON THEREOF; AND ABANDONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 66434(g) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT THE FOLLOWING: CARRIER AVENUE, SWIFT PLACE. PALOMAR OAKS WAY, AND OTIS COURT, ALL AS DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC PER MAP NO. 11289, THE EASEMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR SEWER AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR DRAINAGE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, ALL AS GRANTED TO TH£ CITY OF CARLSBAD PER MAP NO. 11289, ROCKEFELLER ROAD, CARNEGIE COURT, GETTY PLACE, HAMMER COURT, AS OED/CA TED TO THE PUBLIC AS EASEMENTS FOR STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES, All PER MAP NO. 12903, THE EASEMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR SIGHT CORRIDOR ANO INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR SEWER AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR DRAINAGE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, ALL AS GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PER MAP NO, 12903, All AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SAID COUNCIL HAS CAl§,€0 THESE PRESENTS TO BE EXECUTED BY THE CITY CLERK THIS _:::l.:t:�· DAY OF -�A..Ol'WLf!..d ____ , 2013./�--+-�-&��-CITY CLERK --1- GRADING PLAN 1590-2 ' SHEET 1 OF 11 SHEETS I, DOUGLAS 8. STROUP, A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, HEREBY STATE THAT THE SURVEY OF THIS SUBDIVISION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, IN JUNE 2006, AND SAID SURVEY IS TRUE AND COMPLETE AS SHOWN; THAT MONUMENTS OF THE CHARACTER INDICATED HAVE BEEN SET Oft FOUND OR WILL BE SET AT THE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY CORNERS; THAT I WILL SET.ALL OTHER MONUMENTS OF THE CHARACTER AND AT THE POSITION INDICATED BY LEGEND ON THIS MAP WITHIN JO DAYS AFTER THE COMPLETION AND THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS, AND THAT SUCH MONUMENTS ARE, OR WILL BE, SUFFICIENT TO ENABLE THE SURVEY TO 8£ RETRACED. (SEE LEGEND ON,,., SHEET 3.) DOUGAd.o L.S. 8553 DATEO: ___ �z,,./4�,,_0__:ce-._a_v_<!:. ___ _ L.S. 8553 I, GLEN VAN PESKI., CITY ENGINEER OF TH£ CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, STATE THAT I HAVE EXAMINED THE ANNEXED MAP OF THIS SUBDIVISION TO BE KNOWN AS CITY OF CAR�SBAD CT 09-03, CONSISTING OF 11 SHEETS AND DESCRIBED IN THE CAPTION THEREOF, ANO HAVE FOUND THAT THE DESIGN IS SUBSTANnALLY THE SAME AS IT APPEARED ON THE TENTA Tl'1E MAP ANO ANY APPROVED ALTERATIONS THEREOF; THAT ALL TH£ PROVISIONS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND OF ANY LOCAL ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY APPLICABLE AT THE TIME OF THE APPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE MAP HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH, AND THAT I AM SATISFIED THAT SAID MAP IS TECHNICALLY CORRECT. ��7/h.�/14µ?. CITY ENGINEER REGISTRATION EXPIRES 12\31 \ 14 I, DON NEU, SECRETARY TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE TENTATIVE MAP OF CITY OF CARLSBAD TRACT CT 09-03, HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION. . (\ �A DON NEU BY: �/4 SECRETARY TO THE _l J. z / PLANNING COMMISSION DATED: -f-�-/-Jc.-3.___ __ _ I THOMAS J. PASTUSZKA, CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TH£ PROVISIONS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT (DIVISION 2 OF TITLE 7 £ GOVERNMENT CODE} REGARDING (a) DEPOSIT FOR TAXES AND (b) CER ION OF THE ABSENCE OF LIENS FOR UNPAID STA TE. COUNTY, MUNICIPA OCAL TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES EXCEPT TH·�ttlfl!ffJT YET PAYABLE, HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH. THOMAS J. PASTUSZKA, CLERK OF THE BOARD OF DATE FILE NO. 2. 0 I 3 -0 l 3 9 b � I I, ERNEST J. DRONENBURG, JR., RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION THIS MAP FILED AT THE REQUEST OF DOUGLAS 8. STROUP THIS 4 DAY OF ___ _M ().V-C. � 2013, AT _A_:.__i_":7 ___ O'CLOCK, _p_,_,M. ERNEST J. ORONENBURG, JR. COUNTY RECORDER BY:_fild � DEPUTY FEE $30.00 CT09-03 OWG. NO. FM 09-03 NAO 83 CAL. COORD. INDEX: J 9 8 9-6 2 3 7 Exhibit 9July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 34 of 43I , I - , I HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES SAN DIEGO, INC PLANNING -£NG/NEERING -SUFM.YING9707 WAPLES STRW -SAN OIEGO, C4 92121(858) 558-4500 -FAX (858) 558-1414 R:\0146\&l.lop\FM CARLSBAD GOLF SHT 02.DWG{}Oec-20-2012:09:55 W.O. 2322-0007 MAP NO. CITY OF CARLSBAD CT 09-03 STA TE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ) oN fw_c.ua.r�_l._, 201 J BEFORE ME, __ 5-b.._�i!_a:_��bl.a.t)... NOTARY PUBLIC. PERSONALLY APPEARED ___ C�i.tLH_a:;;i._.,_s..__ __ _ WHO PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON� WHOSE NAME(&)(Js)'ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE;(SiJtyFHEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN �T+ffm AUTHORIZED CAPACITY(lfi8T, AND THAT BY Hf5tEiIB)Tf.18R SIGNATURE�ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON{&), OR THE ENTTTY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH IS TRUE AND CORRECT. WITNESS MY HAND. --��� PLEASE PRINT NAME: _,S��Ccbi.o.Q___PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: _ i�°=---COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRATION DATE: ___ _\C,_..a:o_\2)._ __ COMMISSION # OF NOTARY : -..\� � I __ _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ) ON .fuhr�(":;_1 __ , 201 J BEFORE ME, �hi1.\a.� Cb�ic3�. NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED ---�\g,_'t\aa_,.._5>.____ __ _ WHO PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSONM WHOSE NAME�}(Ey/lrfff SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT -HEt®i'FHE'f EXECUTED THE SAME IN � AUTHORIZED CAPACITY{J8j; AND THAT BY +H5t8IiI)'Tl-fEIR-SIGNATURE� ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON� OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON� ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH IS TRUE AND CORRECT. WITNESS MY HAND. _ ���. PLEASE PRINT NAME: _....swla.. ":R!!M� C,Q.b1§l� ....... -­PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: __ :� �--COUNTY COMMISSION EXP/RATION DATE: --� 'l'i\D.,-a._Qr:!,_ __ COMMISSION # OF NOTARY : __ 10,__�e,� l�) ___ _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ) ON ______ , 2013 BEFORE ME, ___________ _ NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED ____________ _ WHO PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME{S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITY(IES), AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTTTY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED· THE INSTRUMENT. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH IS TRUE AND CORRECT. WITNESS MY HAND. PLEASE PRINT NAME: _______________ _ PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: _________ COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRATION DATE: ________ _ COMMISSION # OF NOTARY : _________ _ GRADING PLAN DWG. NO. FM 09-03 15902· SHEET 2 OF 11 SHEETS ,! ·, CT09-03 NAD 83 CAL. COORD. INDEX: 7 9 8 9-6 2 J 7July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 35 of 43t FOUND 2 1 /r DISC STAMPED "CLSB-058 L.S. 6215" IN CORNER OF BRIDGE.STATION CLSB-058 PER CITY OFCARLSBAD SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK ASESTABLISHED BY R.O.S. NO. 17271.PUBLISHED AND FOUND NAD'83, CCS'83,ZONE 6 COORDINATES:N 1,988,394.272 E 6,250,125.563 EL=56.181 (NGVD '29) N 1,995,583.921 E 6,237,795.441 -GRID -GROUND 12462 LOT H SEARCHED FOR 2" IRON PIPE MARKED "COR. 12 LOT G A.H.R .• PER ROS 16781 NOT FOUND. POSITION RE -ESTABLISHED USING RECORD ANGLE AND DISTANCE FROM FOUND MONUMENTS PER ROS 16781 TO BE SET PER LEGEND. CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 94-09 CARLSBAD RANCH -UNITS 2&:3 MAP NO. 1 3408 N65"33'26"W 41.37' N4J'2J'J6"E--=---86.68' N47"29'47''w 140.00' NO SCALE N22"43'03''W 185.17' <N22'43'12"w 185. 17'> HUNSAKER & ASSOCL4TES SAN DIEGO, INC PLANNING -ENGIN££RING -SURVrnNG9707 WAPL.ES STRITT -SAN DIEGO, C4 92121(858) 558-4500 -FAX (858) 558-1414 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ROS 1 67 B 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD CT 09-03 PROCEDURE OF SURVEY CT NO. 97-1 6A KELLY RANCH CORF JvlAP NO. 14 340 SEE SHEET 5 FOR DETAIL __. N () CP MAP NO. 15902- SHEET 3 OF 11 SHEETS ., BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM -1983, ZONE VI, 1991.35 £POCH, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983 (NAD83},GRID BEARINGS BETWEEN STATION CLSB-63 AND STATION CLSB-60 AS SAIDCOORDINATES ARE PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SURVEY CONTROLNETWORK ESTABLISHED BY RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO. 17271, FILED IN THEOFFICE OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER ON FEBRUARY 8, 2002.!£· N46"J1 '09"WREFERENCED BEARINGS FROM OTHER DOCUMENTS/DEEDS MAY OR MAY NOT BE INTERMS OF SAID SYSTEM. THE COMBINED SCALE FACTOR AT STATION CLSB-063 IS0.99995438. GRID DISTANCE = GROUND DISTANCE X COMBINED SCALE FACTOR. LEGEND FOUND LEAD AND DISK STAMPED ''RC£ 2 7214" IN ROCK PER ROS 16781 ' ' ' .,,,'ST'..''15'. ' �-', 0. ',A :9 .. ' PORTJON OF LOT F RANCHO AGUA H.EDJONDA MAP NO. 823 CP p"\ (j\__. -:z (j\ :_.\ \ rn.N '?J ,t::.. -500 0 500 1000 SCALE 1• .. 500• 1500' 0 a INDICATES FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED INDICATES SET 2" x 24" IRON PIPE STAMPED 'LS 855,.3" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IND/CA TES FOUND STANDARD M-10 STREET MONUMENT STAMPED "LS 4611" PER ROS 16877 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ROS ·J67B1 "Q' ?'- ' �J'. 1f9 ', � �', ·'-0'-',Or,, 0.,.. ', .,, ·,;,--.,,.. ' ':::.I ' ,&L, 'r9. ',, -,_;4. 't.. ' :,p./,,t : >>.' ' PORTION OF LOT F <V, l°Gl' QC',, 1-Po. ',, v· �' � �' � RANCHO AGUA HEDJONDA ',,, ROS 1 67 B 1 j MAP NO. 8 2 3 ',, -� ,SEE SHEET 9 FOR DETAIL ' ).. !\;:;:.., ', � "'y � I ' -:5��' ', � .. � I FOUND r IRON PIPE WITH CAP MARKED "CORNER 7 LOT C A.H.R. • Pf.R ROS 16781 &.-MAP 11289 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-24 (CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER) UN IT NO. 4 MAP 1 1 B 1 1 () INDICATES FOUND STANDARD M-10 STREET MONUMENT STAMPED "R.C.£ 18860" PER MAP NO . 12903 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED INDICATES FOUND 2• IRON PIPE STAMPED lS 4506" PER CERTIFICATE 'OF CORRECTION RECORDED NOV. 5, 1987 AS DOC. NO. 87-623924 OF O.R. PER MAP NO. 11287 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ( ) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER RECORD OF SURVEY16877 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED N71'27'08"E 406.61' {N71"26'57"E 406.82'} <N71"27'15"E 406.77'> ' �'�,' ', iv �y I ', � � I ' .. -y ' ' ', ' I CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 04-06 PALOMAR POJNTE f j INDICATES RECORD DATA PER RECORD OF SURVEY16781 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED (( )) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER MAP 823 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ' !<) I FOUND 2 1/2" DISC STAMPED "CLSB-063 L.S.�',,$,' PARCEL MAP NO. 19875 6215" IN DRAINAGE BOX INLET. STATION ', ,' CLSB-063 PER CITY OF CARLSBAD SURVEY ', , FOUND 2 • CAPPED IRON PIPE COR. 6 LOT G [] INDICATES RECORD DATA PER MAP 11289 UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED CONTROL NETWORK AS ESTABLISHED BY R.O.S. ', ,' NO. 17271. ', , FOUND 3/ 4" IRON PIPE STAMPED ·s.o.c.o. SURVEYOR" A.H.R. PER MAP 11289 &-ROS 12903 (DISTURBED) <> IND/CA TES RECORD DATA PER MAP 12903 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED PUBLISHED AND FOUND NAD'83, CCS'83, ZONE 6 ·N79'35'15"W 100.97'{N79"35'05"w 100.881 ROS 1678.J COORDINATES: N 1,992,168.296 E 6,241,397.182 -GRIDELV. 238.769 {NGVD '29) t1=24.36'JO" R=/000.00' L=429.50' <IJ=24'36'JO"> CARLSBAD TRACT PORTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD OED/CA TED P£ MAP NO. 12903 755.02' =157-i�· R_=4 1.i·.3 • 15 \N52'15'29''[ 15.85' Ll-22 t1=92·s2·or R=20.oo· L=J2.42' \ �...Jjj9'2J'22"EfBl. N18"5J'59''W(Rf\ DETAIL 11 NO SCALE PER MAP 11289 & ROS 12903 16781 --[N19·39•3s"W roo.861 01 INDICATES RECORD DATA PER DOCUMENT NO. 2001-0646856 RECORDED SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 O.R. CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81 -46 UNJT NO. 3 N10'17'4J'W 494.68' {N10'18'32"W 494.66'/ {N10"19'29'W 494.651 , "£ aoJ.os· , N79' 4 1 �J "£ 80.3. 16 lf N79" 4 l }4 "£ 803-1 B'][N79"41 26 FOUND 2" !RON PIPE STAMPED "LS 2427" PER MAP 11289 & ROS 12903 D2 INDICATES RECORD DATA PER DOCUMENT NO. 2001-0646854 RECORDED SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 O.R. _.,,_..229.46' /229.43'/ AC. INDICATES ACRES. MAP NO. 11 289 · , "£ 851.27'!SEARCHED FOR r IRON PIPE [N79"2I �•£ 8 51..38 J,MARKED 1.S. 3189" ---------,..,.2[N�7f9"f2�l �,5�8]"£�8�5�1;; . .3�8;;,.;;.-e::::� CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 (R)IND/CA TES RADIAL BEARING.PER MAP NO. 11287 NOT FOUND. � N79"2D TO BE SET PER LEGEND. UNJT NO. 2 NO. 11288 N85'52'05"E 301.44' MA {N85'51 '59"E 301.43'} p ·J 6781 MAP NO. 12903 SEE DETAIL 'jl,. --------....., ' THIS SHEET ,' I I I , , ' !J=15'50'14" R=1200.00' L=331.69'<!J=15'50'31" L=331.79'> , , ,--... \ I I I , N20"46'05"E 412.62' /N20'45'47"E 412.88'/ {N20"45'51 "E 412.621 [N85"51'00"E 301.50J ,f I .,N41·29•41"W 351.36'CARLSBAD TRACT NO. B 1 -46 / (N47'28'1B"W 351.49' {N41"28'18'W 351.41'/ UNJT NO, 1 FOUND 2" IRON PIPE MAP NO. 11 287 �STAMPED lS 3189� PER MAP 11287 & ROS 12903 �-�>--N39'03'07"W 215.90' <N39·o 1 '38 "w 215. 94 '> ---=-SEARCHED FOR 2" IRON PIPE MARKED "L.S. 3189" PER MAP NO. 11287 NOT FOUND. SET SPIKE & WASHER STAMPED L.S. 8553 IN ASPHALT. POSITION RE-ESTABLISHED BY HOLDING RECORD ANGLE FROM FOUND MONUM£NTAT!ON ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 24 OF MAP NO. 12903 EXTENDED SOUTHERLY TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE RE -ESTABLISHED SOUTHERLY LINE OF MAP NO. 12903 FROM FOUND MONUM£NTATION ALONG SAID UN£. GRADING PLAN INDICATES SUBDIVISION MAP BOUNDARY. MONUMENTATION NOTES EXCEPT AS DESCRIBED BELOW OR UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THIS MAP, A 5/8" X 18" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED l.S. 8553" Will BE SET AT ALL LOT CORNERS OF LOTS 4, 5 AND 9. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THIS MAP, FRONT LOT CORNERS AND POINTS OF CURVE ALONG SIDELINES OF PUBLIC STREETS ADJACENT TO LOTS 4, 5 AND 9 WILL BE SET WITH LEAD AND DISC STAMPED "L.S. 8553" IN THE TOP OF CURB ON A 9.75' OFFSET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE ALONG THE PROLONGA T/ON OF THE LOT LINE OR RADIAL TO POINT OF CURVE. IN THE EVENT THE ABOVE TYPES OF MONUMENTS CANNOT BE SET DUE TO UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES, THEN A TAG OR DISC MARKED l.S. 8553" Will BE SET IN CONCRETE, STONE OR METAL AT THE TRUE POSITION CALLED FOR BY THIS MAP. SEE DEFERRED MONUMENTA TION NOTE ON SHEET 1. NOTE: BUILDING PERMITS WILL NOT BE ISSUED FOFr THIS PROJECT UNLESS THE LOCAL AGENCY PROVIDING WATER AND SEWER SERVICES TO THE PROJECT PROVIDES WRITTEN CERTIFICATION TO THE CITY THAT ADEQUATE WATER SERVICE AND SEWER FACILITIES, RESPECTIVELY, ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PROJECT AT THE TIME OF THE APPLICATION FOR THE BUILDING PERMIT, ANO THAT WATER AND SEWER CAPACITY AND FACILITIES WILL CONTINUE TO BE AVAILABLE UNTIL TH£ TIME OF OCCUPANCY. CT09-03 R:\0746\lll,lop\n.l CARLSBAD GOLF SHT OJ.dwg[)Dec-20-2012:09:55 W.O. 2322-0007 DWG. NO. FM 09-03 NAD 83 CAL. COORD. INDEX: 1989-6237 July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 36 of 43N32'05'00T 65.67' 9·11'28"£ .BO' 'EMAINDER LOT LAND GRANTED TO ARCHSTONE-SMITH OPERATING TRUST PER GRANT D[£D RECORDED FEBRUARY 15, 2002 AS DOC. NO. 2002-0135145, 0.R. N86"S0'44 "W 2417.39' ___ {{!!if!.~·?_3_'2_4-.."W 2417. 19')) /241174.2571 '/ , .,~~~------. 10 A < 0 ~ ~ fj ..,;::: ~ ..1= 19'24 '38N R== 1000.00' L=338.78' N03'18'25''w 340. I <N03"18'34"W 335. /1. c:, ~ 'SI-"'i "'i ~ ~ -. -.:,.., !-,J,Lw}>J • ") a;:, ""1--."-1 "-I ") "l "' ~ ~ :..... --. -c:, c:, c:, <: <: <:--.;, v J II t.=30'53'28' R=/500.00' FOUND 3/4" IP STAMPED ''LS 52 76 P[R MAP 14 ,r " I I -:.::::--------------{ 8 \ a \ ~ PORTJON Of LOT F \ ~ RANCHO AGUA HEDJONDA \ --MAP NO. 823 \ \ \ N86.S0'4t"w 1378.73' \ 1378.67'(CRID) /N86'50'47"W 1378.19'} ((N8773'24"W 1378.84'}) • -i. I -.. ------------------LOT 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD CT 09-03 SHEET INDEX CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 97-15A KELLY RANCH CORE MAP NO. ·J 4340 I I I I I ;;;---------------------:----------1I PORTJON Or LOT f' I I I LOT@ RANCHO AGUA HEDJONDA I MAP No. 823 \ \ \ MAP NO. SHEET 4 OF 11 SHEETS • ! -------------® © LOT 9 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 94-09 CARLSBAD RANCH -UNJTS 2&:3 MAP NO. 13408 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES SAN DIEGO, INC Pl.ANNING -ENGINEERING -SURVE:YING 9707 WAPLES STREET -SAN DIEGO, C4 92121 (858)558-4500 -FAX (858) 558-1414 R:\0746\tkMap\FM CARLSBAD GOLF SHT 04.DWG{}Dflc-20-2012:09:56 W.O. 2J22-0007 LOT@ LOT 7 LEGEND ---INDICATES SUBDIVISION MAP BOUNDARY LINE ------INDICATES SHEET MATCH LINES ® INDICATES SHEET NUMBER {INDEX SHEET ONLY). 1 INDICATES LOT NUMBER. (l) INDICATES FIRST AND LAST LOT NUMBERS. ® LOT 6 (jJ ---- -------- -------- 500 0 500 , 1000 1500 SCALE 1 "= 500' . r-_ ,, / --,, / -­ -_,/ / / CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-24 ( CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER) UN IT No. 4 MAP 1 1 8 1 1 ---.--- NOTES 1.TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS IS 10. 2.TOTAL CROSS AREA IS 530. 1 JB ACRES. J.UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN, ALL CURVES ARE TANGENT CURVES. 4.ALL DISTANCES AND/OR STREIT WIDTHS SHOWN WITHOUT DECIMALSREPRESENT THAT DISTANCE TO ZERO HUNDREDTHS. 5. 6. SE£ SHEET 10 OF 11 FOR EASEMENTS. SE£ SHEET 11 OF 11 FOR OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS. -- . ---------� CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-45 UNJT NO. 2 MAP NO. 11288 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81 -4 5UNJT NO. 1 MAP NO. 11 287 KREMAINDER LOT PALOMAR ROAD VICINITY MAP NTS GRADING PLAN CT09-03 DWG. NO. FM 09-03 NAD 83 CAL. COORD. INDEX: J 9 8 9 -6 2 J 7 July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 37 of 4315902 ----- FOUND 2" IRON PIPE WITH DISC STAMPED "RC£ 27214" PER ROS 12462 &-ROS 16781 0.077 ACRES ----- !J=02'49 '24" R=1400.00' L=68.99' .....___.-._ FOUND LEAD AND DISK "LS 4611 " IN CONCRETE ISLAND PER ROS 16877 ROS •j 2452 /-, 0 -I t N56'17'26'W(R) 153.09' Ti'n':mH_;�-+-(.�N56.18'59"w(R) 152.85) FOUND LEAD AND DISK STAMPED "RC£ 27214"IN ROCK PER ROS 16 781 60.86' SEARCHED FOR 2" IRON PIPE MARKED COR. 12 LOT G A.H.R. PER ROS 16781 NOT FOUND. POSITION RE-ESTABLISHED USING RECORD ANGLE AND DISTANCE FROM FOUND MONUMENTS PER ROS 16781 TO BE SET PER LEGEND. SEE SHEET NO. 9 HUNSAKER & ASSOCL4TES SAN DIEGO, INC PLANNING -£NGIN£ER/NG -SURV£YING 9707 WAPLES STR££T -SAN O/£GO, 04 92121 (858)558-4500 -FAX (858) 558-1414 R:\0746\lkMop\A.I CARLSBAD GOLF SHT 06.0WG[}Dec-20-2012:09:58 W.O. 2322-0007 NUMBER LI MAP NO. .}5902 CITY OF CARLSBAD CT 09-03 SHEET 6 OF 11 SHEETS EXISTING CENTERLINE MONUMENTATION CANNON ROAD, WHITMAN WAY & FARADAY AVENUE ,t FOUND STANDARD STREET MONUMENT WITH DISK STAMPED "LS 5276" PER MAP NO. 14340 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 97-1 6A KELLY RANCH CORE FOUND 2" IRON PIPE "NO RECORD" MAP NO. 14340 ACCEPTED AS 2" IRON PIPE WITH TAG STAMPED lS 4458" PER ROS 10118 & ROS 16781 NB5·50• 'W Na5·50'44'W241 44 2417.39'----7.39fNB6·50•47i4' 2417.51'} N28'15'52"w 0.12' -----I I ---\ \ \ I \ � ::-..... 200 0 200 400 600 I �8 -----\ o-i c \ � � SCALE 1 "= 200' \ �� . \ �� \ _c:, _... \ �� \ �� PORTJON OF LOT l \ � ..___ \ FOUND 2" IRON PIPE · o; \ STAMPED lS 2976" FOUND 2" IRON PIPE . \ ·.� RANCHO AGUA HEDJONDA \\\ PER ROS 1 � 6781 STAMPED 1S 2950" z. � o SHELD MONUMENT TIE PER �-� -� �MAP NO. 8 2 3 \ , / ROS 16781 � � • \ \ '),'), / LOT 10 93. 702 ACRES � 4 ------------Ji;��-;;;;;:�--------....;;;;111 ()· )'{\J�\s\ � N8s·so•41•w 1378.73' 1 / ·G' ,(JC) {N85·50•4rw 1378.79'/ / �t,.U r,.6\J' FOUND STANDARD STREET f MONUMENT STAMPED "LS _ 3189" PER ROS 16877 � & MAP 12815 \ � !J= 16' 17'52" R=B00.00' L=227.56' (1t.i=16·1s·oo" L=227.63J 5.00' R=940.00' -----?" L=301.18' (301.24') SEE SHEET 10 OF 11 FOR EASEMENTS. SEE SHEET 11 OF 11 FOR OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS . !J =OS 14 '4 1 .,,__ ________ _. R=/000.00' L=218.97'(2 7 9.03'} .1= 12'32'47"(72'32'59') LOT 7 260.230 ACRES NUMBER DELTA DISTANCE CT 71·51 '47" 82.21' C2 27'00'31" RADIUS 800.00 800.00 .1= 13·2 r '28" (.1= 1a·21 •42") LENGTH 165.64 377.11 LOT 7 260.230 ACRES GRADING PLAN DWG. NO. FM 09-03 R= 1200.00' L=67.96' I FOUND 2" IRON PIPE WITH CAP MARKED "COR 7 LOT __ __..,.. C A.H.R." PER ROS 16781 SEE SHEET NO. 7 CT09-03 NAD 83 CAL. COORD. INDEX: 1989-6237 EXHIBIT 9 July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 38 of 43• . -") " C\j ~ }u ~ ~ C:) :r: ~ t 7• 1J=40.5J004' L=214.1J' R=J00. ! /~ . \"" "·""\ ~/0i ~ Ii ~iv 1:-r ,r~ It~ "' \,, . \) ·. ,'j:i~~ ~-·o/¥'.'j() ~,v "';o "ti. ~'"\.) ~~'ti ~"' "J" \': s ,,1: V ,,,("If' ,, , 5.0 1 :/:- \~ \::l ·t ,, i0~i:l'· 50 'f' N?§.QBi?.:_'Vjff!J. R=IO00 o' • MAP NO. 15902 CITY OF CARLSBAD CT 09-03 SHEET 7 OF 11 SHEETS r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-- {N80'00'00.E 170.001 N19"59'52.E 170.53' N10'25'34"W 1393.91'--__,_ SEE SHEET NO. 5 FOUND 2• IRON PIPE WITH CAP MARKED -coR 7 LOT G A.H.R. • PER ROS 16781 & MAP 11289 LOT --_ --NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE--LT N78'18'05.E 524.26' 7 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-24 (CARLSBAD RFSEARCH CENTER) UNJT j\J O. 4 MAP 1 1 B 1 1 I I I II L2 N58'29'45HE 198.53' L3 N58'29'45HE 198.53' NUMBER DEL TA Cl 21'48'05" C2 21'48'05" RADIUS 1051.00 949.00 LENGTH 399.91 361.10 260.230 ACRES CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-24 (CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER) . UN JT NO. 4 MAP 1 1 8 1 1 N19'59'52"E 170.53' {NBO'OO'OO"E 170.001 102' PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENTTO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REC. APRIL 5, 1985 PER DOC.85-11 7679 O.R. SEE SHEET 10 OF 11 FOR EASEMENTS. FOUND 2-IRON PIPE MARKED i.S 2976"PER ROS 16781 LOT 6 107.681 ACRES SEE SHEET 11 OF 11 FOR OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS. FOUND 2 • CAPPED IRON PIPECOR 6, LOT G A.H.R. PER MAP 11289 & ROS 12903 {DISTURBED) FOUND 3/4 . IRON PIPE 03 as' EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WA y i:; i;5; ,u���ED i.S 3189•• �N79·41'53"E 8 ·;�x:iE:--:1°�4;r;E N1D'17 43 PER MAP 11289 & COLLEGE BOULEVARD DEDICATED COLLEGE BOULEVARD 162,39' ROS 12903 PER MAP NO. 12903 SEE SHEET NO. 8 N79'35'15"W 100.97' --------- ------ DETAILNOT TO SCALE / / / 'Ji" ---------, ,,,,, r! ,/ ' � I <fr I I �•A. �,' �;1,_,.._, �'? ,,,,1,,, (� � ,' -�� zx, I 0,�,'\, / cf/!-..� .0 I �I "Pl ,,,,, J' f'I ' ,' ro"' , / ' °> '/ �<o ,...., / \) t,,_'\ /A:'\• '\":, L----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J I C)1',� I \). V/ t,,. :'\. / \)() • /, 1' b<� 200 0 200 400 600 , \ 'l,� '• \, 1' r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. -' -.----.J'� �-x� . \, EXISTING CENTERLINE. MONUMENTATION COLLEGE BOULEVARD A=0125 35, 1 ·'1-,� ,\\L=24.89 .. /!-¼· '); � {N58'28'03.E 198.31 '/ --�-t>'', "i,'o • "v N58'29'45"E 198.53' ..........,_........_�tf'l-1 �-5.00' \'t \� \'!:., FOUND STANDARD M-10 STREET MONUMENT STAMPED•Ls 8084" PER PM 19875 SCALE 1 "= 200' FOUND STANDARD M-10 STREET ----, MONUMENT w/r DISC STAMPED ''LS 3189" PER ROS 16781 & MAP 12903 SEE SHEET 10 OF 11 FOR EASEMENTS. HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES SAN DIEGO, INC PLANNING -ENGINEERING -SURVEYING9707 WAPLES STREE:r -SAN DIEGO, Cl 92121(858)558-4500 -FAX (858) 558-1414 R:\0146\&Mop\FM CARLS�D GOLF SHT 01.DWGljD«-20-2012:09:58 W.O. 2322-0007 L _____ _ SEE SHEEr---NO. 9 SEE SHEET 11 OF 11 FOR OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS. --�-N79'59'52.E 170.53' {N80"00'51 nE 169.71'/ <N80'00'0o•E 170.00'> GRADING PLAN CT09-03 DWG. NO. FM 09-03 NAO 83 CAL. COORD. INDEX: J 989-62 J 7 EXHIBIT 9 July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 39 of 43N88"16'00"W N56'JO'OO"E. 67.09' 99.05'{100.00] -- _______'.,__:_ __ :.______I r=±I ===1~1------.--=t=I-==1 ---- . • A,,.,...____, \____f oO ~ S n R,,'l9.9.:··;~• .. : § L~f:,.AIL ~~.' 0909 . ~2;soo. ss7;t CO 1,\Y. ~ . 1}.9 ~JJi;~••--,:lJ· __,---£-1L; 34 . 6 A."B' i 8 ,\ tlt..1 / • ,s , , s • ',;a ':.C-f. /NJB', a•JJ"!' s2J. 6' , ••, g ;,s . •\ o, '~-\tfi \ · 4 s ~:'.k-----NlB' ,a·os"I' s2•.2• \ t:, 9 · 46 l=410.11' ~ b,i,1/ \ /J=2J"29'52" f/J=2J"29'59. R=I000.00' L=410.15'l flf'.1/ -';~ \! , , _NJH!'§~~{R}\ , I NEiL¥.....,,/!12 .',I..,,,,, I N56.JO'oo· _,.,,.-<' _,. /N56'3 • '£ 99.05' n------C _;j 15. o,834 • -- 0 oo·r 100.01'/ •• ,a·o3 FOUNO 3/ ~ _ ..f!.!.0'OO'OB"W{R' f:irn:02• STAMPED !,;"';N Pf PE ___ :2_ • PER ROS 1678:89 --...... ---' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ___ J MAP NO. 15902 CITY OF CARLSBAD CT 09-03 SHEET 8 OF 11 SHEETS .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, � ., �I .{:;;:;), f""'\ �1� �,!$ SEE SHEET NO. 7 �F?:;:22;,5�0�:oo;·�-���c..>.l/:=,,;_:_:-_____ _\ � Na,:o-.-- -��::----.._� FOUND STANDARD M-10 WELL MONUMENT W/ 2" DISC. STAMPED "LS 399 7" PER ROS 16781 & MAP 12903 2.06· p ALO.MAR' J7'w 35:;_i? _ _ _ _ _ 462_,14• AIRPORT �-----G N I I ' NOT TO SCALE I I I I I I I I FOUND STANDARD M-10 ROAD l --;;;ox=-0 ---= 78"20'.Ja"H,,WELL MONUMENT W/2" DISC L=1.13' � 'oo "-�-/N7B"20'591,v, STAMPED "LS 3997" PER ROS 16781 <i 02.--10·00-!.00.oo· L� '/ HELD FOR INTERSECTION AND TANGENT TO 02 Jg 'ss,, / :=c 1077_ Jjfj 7- 7 7'EAST, MONUMENT IS 2.06' EASTERLY OF �I077_ 00'> CURVE POINT DETAIL EXISTING CENTERLINE MONUMENTATION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD FOUND STANDARD M-10 WELL MONUMENT W/ 2" DISC. / STAMPED lS 3997" PER ROS ( 16781 &: MAP 12903 --1--. l.32655• �IJ /IJ25.�92::'.:'."-}.._ __'25. 92 '> f --1--. I L------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.J LOT 7 260.230 ACRES CARLSBAD TRACT NO. MAP NO. ·J 2.903 SEE SHEET NO. 9 FOUND STANDARD M-10 WELL MONUMENT W/2" DISc--­STAMPED "LS 3997" PER ROS 16781 HELD FOR INTERSECTION AND TANGENT TO EAST, MONUMENT IS 2.06' EASTERLY OF CURVE POINT SEE SHEET NO. 9 L=/01.71' t:.=02'41'00" R=2300.00' LOT 6 107.681 ACRES SEE SHEET 10 OF 11 FOR EASEMENTS. SEE SHEET 11 OF 11 FOR OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS. /L= 101.32' tJ=02"40'24 7 <L= 107.00' ,1=02'39'55"> FOUND STANDARD M-10 WELL MONUMENT W/ 2" DISC. STAMPED lS 3997" PER ROS 16781 & MAP 12903 FOUND STANDARD M-10 WELL MONUMENT W/ 2• DISC. STAMPED •Ls 4506" PER ROS 16781 &: MAP 12903 N4J"23'36"E�---� 86.68' �-r,...- FOUND 3/4" IRON PIPE WITH DISC MARKED "LS 3189" PER MAP 11289 ,1=14'17'29" R= 700. 00' -----.._--.._ L=174.60' N04'09'00'.'W 54.20' 36.00' CARLS.BAD TRACT UNIT NO. NO. 81-46 MAP NO. 11 237 REMAINDER LOT PORTION OF LOT 69 UNIT NO. J MAP NO. 11289 SEARCHED FOR 2" IRON PIPE MARKED "L.S. 3189" PER MAP NO. 11287 NOT FOUND. SET SPIKE &: WASHER STAMPED L.S. 8553 IN ASPHALT. FOUND r IRON PIPE STAMPED "LS 3189 PER MAP 11287 cfc ROS 12903 200 0 200 SEE DETAIL ABOVE FOR EXISTING CENTERLINE MONUMENTATION OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD & PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD I I I SCALE 1"=200' NUMBER DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Cl 11·00•59" 1250.00 240.34 C2 06"26'08" 2063.00 231.12 CJ 0741'00" 2363.00 110.66 C4 31'47'18" 40.00 22.19 cs 31'47'18" 40.00 22.19 C6 92'41 '31" 25.00 40.44 !RECORD DATA PER ROS 16781/NUMBER DELTA RADIUS LENGTH fC1 I 11·00'18" 1250.00 240.09 /C2/ 06'26'08" 2063.00 231.12 /CJ/ 02'40'24" 2363.00 110.25 /C4/ 31'41'18" 40.00 22.19 fC5/ 31"47'18" 40.00 22.19 fC6/ 92'41'07" 25.00 40.44 NUMBER BEARING L 1 N78'20'38''w L2 NB 1'01 '37''w L3 NB /'O 1 '37''w DISTANCE 55.03' 99.16' 130.11' /RECORD DATA PER ROS 16781/ NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE /LI} N78'20'59"W 55.03' /L2/ N8/'01'23"W 100.00· /LJ} N8/'01'23"W 130.30' N11'39'22"E(R) / I � "'" 4�3.' ..0-:,-- fj'"'" I ,., f•�Oo "'s• , • o0�> ,i)� ...,0 • ..-oo 7'-........ N21'29'36"E(R1 11 's. o. o , "-= - - ' . . Y - _ _ _ _ SEARCHED FOR 2" IRON PIPE"'.. 0 •'-:,.._ -(.,._7. (.,._ ,� MARKED "L.S. 3189" PER MAP NO. 11287 Os. ?o�, NOT FOUND. ,;,: S,r ,·,,<�· 0�SET SPIKE cfc WASHER STAMPED L.S. 8553 .r � IN ASPHALT. FOUND STANDARD M-10 WELL "-._, MONUMENT W/ 2" DISC . .---.......... � "k. STAMPED "LS 3997" ROS ---�"-._'/4.,)7-�a 16781 SHOWS "LS 4506" '�q,':'su> ,o..s � '-.;,. J� " � <5' EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY "-�_;, MONUMENT W/ 2" DISC. '�q> ·v�· FOUND STANDARD M-10 WELL STAMPED "LS 4506" PER ROS 16781 &: MAP 12903 COLLEGE BOULEVARD & PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 400 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES SAN DIEGO, INC. PLANNING -ENGINEERING -SUfNEYTNG GRADING PLAN CT09-03 600 9707 WAPLES STREET -SAN DIEGO, C,4 92121(858)558-4500 -FAX (858) 558-1414 R:\0746\&Map\FM CARLSBAD GOLF SHT 08.DWC[}D11c-20-2D12:09:59 W.O. 2322-0007 DWG. NO. FM 09-03 NAO 83 CAL. COORD. INDEX: J 9 8 9-6 2 J 7 EXHIBIT 9 July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 40 of 43' ---r- {N81"01'2J"W 2.27'~ N81'01 '37"W 2.06 1.13' FOUND STANDf/:f :-;q DISC. WELL MONUM,;;., • STAMPED "LS7,fff9; MAP 12903 PER ROS 16 I I I I I I I I I I l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I N39'0J'07"W 215.90' .. ......._:----~~---;:,,--~ .51' '40'21 "E{R) ' ·33•31 "E; OT - .730 ACR MAP NO. 15 9 0'2 SEE SHEET NO. 5 FOUND LEAD AND DISK "RC£ 27214" IN ROCK PER ROS 16781 CITY OF CARLSBAD CT 09-03 N69.29'20"£(R)_ -- NUMBER DELTA RADIUS C1 31"47'18" 40.00 C2 31"47'18· 40.00 CJ 1T31'56" 47.00 C4 29·3s•os-110.00 cs 14·20•24• 1550.00 C6 16'40'34" 2313.00 Cl 1 T25'34• 758.00 CB 5a·19•sa· 1350.00 LENGTH 22.19 22.19 14.38 56.80 387.93 673.20 230.54 1610.06 �� SEE DETAIL -.........,__,, 3.BELOW (� SEARCHED FOR 2• IRON PIPE MARKED ·coR. 12 LOT G <RECORD DATA PER MAP NO. 12903> A.H.R. • PER ROS 16781 NOT FOUND.POSITION RE -ESTABLISHED USING RECORD ANGLE AND DISTANCE FROM NUMBER DELTA RADIUS LENGTH <CS> 16'58'10" 1550.00 459.07 <C6> 14·57'45• 2313.00 604.04 FOUND MONUMENTS PER ROS 16781 ____ .--- <CB> 68'17'34" 1350.00 1609. 11 {RECORD DATA PER R.O.S. 16781/ NUMBER DEL TA RADIUS LENGTH CB 53·21•25• 1350.00 1610.63 NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE LI N11·39'54''[ 271.59' L2 N11·39'54''[ 120.36' LJ N69.4J'59''£ 180. 12'L4 N56.56'03'W 37.73'LS N11·39'54''[ 526.38' L6 N79'59'52"E 170.53' <RECORD DATA PER MAP NO. 12903> NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE <LI> N11·42'44''[ 269.06' <L2> N11·42'44''[ 120.36' <LJ> N69.42'06.E 178.45' <LS> N11·42'44"E 526.49' <LS> N8o·oo·oo"E 110.00· {RECORD DATA PER R.O.S. 16781} NUMBER BEARING /LSI N 11"39'25''£ {L6I N80'00'51 "E DISTANCE 526.41' 169.71' ---.. -----... ,,--, ,, .. JO' IRREVOCABLE OFFER TO ----­DEDICATE REAL PROPERTY TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES PER FILE NO.77-367341 RECORDED 9-7-77 O.R. N88.06'3J"W(Rl -----�-J=04.21'14" R=800.00' L=60.79' (J=04.21 '15" MAP 13408) --=---- N06·14'41 "£ 123.75' {No6·1s·o1·E 123.58' MAP 13408) N8S45'19'W(R) ----- -- .1=21"27'41" R=800.00' L=299.66' (J=21.28'16" L=299.79' MAP 13408} , -:,_.... ,,,'C"J ',,, FOUND STREET SURVEY MONUMENT, � , STAMPED "LS 4611 " MAP 13408 1-,. <5'. �-0 _.,.�� SET REBAR WITH PLASTIC � CAP STAMPED L.S. 8553 ':"._,. IN ASPHALT. �- 4' 165-7,44"£N74·12 N16'39'13"W 106.18' FOUND STREET SURVEY J=85·43'52•R=100.00' L= 149.63' MONUMENT STAMPED "LS 461 1" __ --...::,,__ MAP 13408 SHOWS STAMPED • LS 5559• ACCEPTED AS POINT ONCENTERLINE FOUND STREET SURVEY MONUMENT STAMPED "LS 4611" MAP 13408 SHOWS STAMPED • LS 5569" ACCEPTED AS 5' OFFSETPOINT ON CENTERLINE J=24·35'30• R=I000.00' L=429.50' SEE SHEET 10 OF 11 FOR EASEMENTS. LOT 2 11.108 ACRES ,, � '\ SHOWS STAMPED " LS 5569" HELD /' ,l-<J '\ TANGENT TO SOUTH AS 5' OFFSET. SEE SHEET 11 OF 11 FOR OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS .. , �� \ ,, CT)��� \ I O 0-l 2 � LOT 9 \ , l <:C\i ' I \ 1 ,r ifJ 2. 689 ACRES ' , , ,....... 1-., ', '-', ------L =O. 15' I Z \ I -CO \ : o=:)O � \ I Z ,]" � I I -]��;::_, I 1 11 r0- : ; _ FOUND 2" IRON PIPE 1 : l-U L. . � _,.Lt) o '2 "'1 TAGGED LS 2976 PER lI - • c:,� � · -ROS 16781 . I : <C u o .; . _ll)(Q l/)kv· : I D:::: L Z � 8 � � I/ r-,.._ I I )-4 . ·C> -...,r, I I � ;;:::�,-..;,_ 'CJ I I r-.D::::u.., 111111 I I � <f' ��� I \ <Ca� : ' 00<(� , \ U) C[)L=0.25' / ' -1 U) 1:1. , \ D:::: -1 :g -Ci]\ / ' <Cu::: "-'. � ' \ U <( to / \ u ,l-<J ,, \ �, \ I '\ �,'\ �, '\ , ', � ,, ', ,, .... , .. ,, .. , '� ,, ... ______ ., ___ _ DETAIL NOT TO SCALE HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES SAN DIEGO, INC PLANNING -£NG/NEERING -SURV£'//NG9707 WAPLES STRED' -SAN DIEGO, 04 92121(858)558-4500 -FAX (858) 558-1414 R:\0146\&Map\FM CARLSBAD GOLF SHT 09.DWGODec-20-2012:09:59 W.0. 2322-0007 � \ --z .t>- , . - 0 0 L-. -z � 0) ..,_- ') __.; '::::\ � N86.4 I 'J5"£(R) () � -----_/'U \ NOS18'25"W{R) r-) 0 340.11' � \.9IJ) N6T 16 '57"E(R) --- FOUND STANDARD M-10STREET SURVEY MONUMENT STAMPED "RC£ 19037" RECORD?? LOT·7 260.230 ACRES FOUND STANDARD M-10 WELL MONUMENT W/2" DISC STAMPED 15 3997" PER ROS 16781 HELD FOR INTERSECTION AND TANGENT TOEAST. MONUMENT IS 2.06' EASTERLY OFCURVE POINT SHEET 9 OF 11 SHEETS . •. • ! {N80'00'00"E 170.007N79.59'52"E 170.53' FOUND STANDARD M-10 STREET MONUMENT W/2" DISC�-�STAMPED lS 3189 • PER ROS 16781 &:-MAP 3' • 2"£ 110.5 N79·59 � "£ 170.00 ] [NBD'OO 00 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8 ·1-45 UNIT NO. 3 MAP NO. 11289 LOT 6 107.681 ACRES COLLEGE BOULEVARD DEDICATEDPER MAP NO. 12903 ROS 1678'] FOUND STANDARD M-10 WELL MONUMENT W/2• DISC STAMPED "LS 3189" PER ROS 16781 &:-MAP 12903 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17 MAP NO. 1 2903 N81·01'37"W 2.06' 1·01 '23"W 2.27'} SEE SHEET NO. 8 \ Nog·o 1 'J 1 "E(R) 200 GRADING PLAN 0 200 400----- SCALE 1"=200' CT09-03 600 DWG .. NO. FM 09-03 NAO 83 CAL. COORD. INDEX: J 9 8 9-6 2 J 7 EXHIBIT 9 July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 41 of 43t ~ \\ \\~ ~~ ' o>· .s-b (0 I I I ~ NJB.J6'JJL_ • g -7'01 ...... ' N4JZ 54.4 _)1,o'f AC ~ z.689 <o I <::> ~I .... I<) "t-1 :g ~1 -~ "-_..._ ~ ~ I ~ -Ul -v<. ~ -~ -~ - ~'o " N22· 43 'OJ "W 185. 1 7' ~ t \! f N54' 1 ~•44 "w 100.00 t.=43'13 R=200.0 L=150. . N66'12'.16"w 152.25 0 00' L=808.7J' 8 R=150 · <IJ::::30'53'28 MAP 12903> .... .._, I 1~ I I 12903 . {lJ N ~ .4J _;;t; ~ .... .... ~ EASEMENT NOTES INDICATES A 100' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED APRIL 15, 1954 AS BOOK 5205, PAGE 416 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES A 200' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED APRIL 15, 1954 AS BOOK 5205, PAGE 419 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES A 30' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED MAY 11, 1961 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 81362 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR A PIPELINE OR PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT RECORDED OCTOBER 19, 1961 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 181 791 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR WATER LINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT RECORDED JULY 16, 1985 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 85-252984 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN UNRECORDED LEASE DATED AUGUST 4, 2004, EXECUTED BY CITY OF CARLSBAD AS LESSOR AND CALLAWAY GOLF COMPANY AS LESSEE AS DISCLOSED BY A ABSTRACT OF LEASE RECORDED NOVEMBER 23, 2004 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 04-1109048 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR (PALOMAR POINT WAY) PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO CITY OF CARLSBAD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION RECORDED NOVEMBER 4, 2005 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2005-0961355 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN 150' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED AUGUST 14, 1957 AS BOOK 6706, PAGE 514 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES A 12' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE(S) FOR ANY AND ALL PURPOSES TOGETHER WITH THEIR NECESSARY FIXTURES AND APPURTENANCES POWER TRANSMISSION AND COMMUN/CATION PURPOSES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT RECORDED OCTOB�R 19, 1961 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 181401 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN OFFER OF DEDICATION FOR PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY (HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD) PURPOSES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO RECORDED SEPTEMBER 1, 1977 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 77-367341 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR A PRESSURE REDUCING STATION, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS THERETO, EGRESS THEREFROM AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT RECORDED NOVEMBER 30, 1988 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 88-611273 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR WATER LINE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WAlFR DISTRICT, A RECORDED MARCH 11, 1992 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 92-0133693 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR WATER LINE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT RECORDED MARCH 11, 1992 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 92-0133694 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR WATER LINE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, RECORDED MARCH 11, 1992 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 92-0133695 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES A 20' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED MAY 15, 1961 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 82981 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES A 20' WIDE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT RECORDED JULY 27, 1962 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 127706 OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES A 20' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WAlFR DISTRICT RECORDED JULY 27, 1962 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 127707 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES SAN DIEGO, INC PLANNING -£NGIN££RING -SURVEYING 9707 WAPLES STR££T -SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 (858) 558-4500 -FAX (858) 558-1414 R:\0746\�Map\FM CARLSlWJ GOLF SHT 10.DWG{}D«-20-2012:10:00 W.0. 2J22-0007 CITY OF CARLSBAD CT 09-03 INDICATES A 12' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES EXISTING EASEMENT SHEET AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED AUGUST 8, 1962 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 135140 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS . . INDICATES A 15' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE OR PIPELINES ANO INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT RECORDED JANUARY 16, 1963 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 9115 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES A 10' WIDE EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION STRUCTURES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY RECORDED MAY 26, 1965 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94717 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES A 12' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED MARCH 2, 1965 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 36709 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES A 66' EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY AND UTILITY, PURPOSES AS DISCLOSED BY RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO. 7938 OF OFF/CAL RECORDS. INDICATES THE RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC IN AND TO THAT PORTION OF THE HEREIN PROPERTY LYING WITHIN HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD AS DISCLOSED BY RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO. 7938 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ASSESSOR OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, A CORPORATION RECORDED APRIL 8, 1986 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 86-134919 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN OFFER OF DEDICATION FOR OPEN SPACE EASEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS ANO INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1998 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 98-0103878 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR SLOPE AND CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO CITY OF CARLSBAD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION RECORDED FEBRUARY 15, 2002 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 02-0135146 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED MAY 3, 1954 AS BOOK 5225, PAGE 39 7 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED MAY 3, 1954 AS BOOK 5225, PAGE 400 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. IND/CA TES AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED MAY 3, 1954 AS BOOK 5230, PAGE 1 J 1 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. IND/CA TES AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED SEPTEMBER 28, 1954 AS BOOK 5378, PAGE 93 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED SEPlFMBER 21, 1957 AS BOOK 6767, PAGE 25 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED AUGUST 4, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2006-0554084 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. LOT 9 THE FOLLOWING EASEMENT AFFECTS THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BUT THE LOCATION OF THE EASEMENT CANNOT BE DETERMINED FROM THE RECORDS AND IS NOT PLOTTED HEREON. AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ROAD AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDED OCTOBER 5, 1899 AS BOOK 280, PAGE 292 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. \ AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED AUGUST 8, 1962 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 135132 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (ILLEGIBLE) AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ROAD AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDED OCTOBER 5, 1899 AS BOOK 280, PAGE 292 OF DEEDS. AN EASEMENT FOR COMMON AREA PURPOSES TO CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTRE OWNERS ASSOCIATION, RECORDED OCTOBER 31, 1986 AS FILE NO. 86-497819 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. \ \ \ \ \ .. .,,.. \ I \ I \ I V MAP LOT@ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' LOT 6 ' NO. SHEET 10 OF 11 SHEETS LEGEND ----INDICATES SUBDIVISION MAP BOUNDARY LINE [z} INDICAlFS EASEMENT REFERENCE NUMBER I \ \ 500 ·, 0 500 SCALE 1 "= 500' ' ' '' '' ...... LOT 3 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. ' ' .. .. .. .. '' '' ... ' '' ... ' ' ... '' .. ' '' '' ,, '' ...... ...... ... ' ...... -� 1000 SEE SHEET 11 OF 11 FOR OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS. GRADING PLAN CT09-03 DWG. NO. FM 09-03 NAD 83 CAL. COORD. INDEX: 1 9 8 9-6 2 J 7 1500 EXHIBIT 9 July 26, 2022Item #9 Page 42 of 43f ~ [TI ~ [I] ~ ' ---- \ \ 0 ~ [[] []] IT] 12 IT] t \ ~ ' ~ ' ~ \ \ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ ' ' \ ,, \ \ \ \ ~\, ~ \ \ { \ ' ~ \ \ \\,\, '-, ,, \ ,, 15 9 0~2·., i: it: 0 z -- ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your interest may be affected, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, to consider adopting the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan and making a finding of compliance with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard. Whereas, on May 16, 2022, the Parks & Recreation Commission accepted the final Veterans Memorial Park Maser Plan. On June 15, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 7453, approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Veterans Memorial Park, and Resolution No. 7454, approving Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HDP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006 for Veterans Memorial Park. Pursuant to the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Veterans Memorial Park acreage will be applied equally toward satisfying the parks performance standard in all four park districts (i.e., 23.425 acres of the 93.7 total acres will be applied to each of the four park districts). Upon adoption of the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan by the Carlsbad City Council, the Veterans Memorial Park will be considered “scheduled for construction” for purposes of compliance with the parks performance standard because [1] adoption of the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan completes the design of the park improvements, [2] the site has been selected and acquired, and [3] a financing plan for construction of the park has been approved by the City Council. Upon the equal application of this community park’s acreage, each park district will have a surplus of acreage – i.e., over the parks performance standard of “[t]hree acres of Community Park or Special Use Area per 1,000 population . . . .” No appeals of the June 15, 2022 Planning Commission decisions were filed. Thus, the Veterans Memorial Park permit approvals, including the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Veterans Memorial Park pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Action, are considered final. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after Friday, July 22, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact Kyle Lancaster in the Parks & Recreation Department at (442) 339-2941 or kyle.lancaster@carlsbadca.gov. If you challenge the adoption of the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan or the finding of compliance with the Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan Parks Performance Standard in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk’s Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: CUP 2021-0014/CDP 2021-0052/HDP 2021-0006/HMP 2021-0006 CASE NAME: FINAL VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITYWIDE FACILITIES & IMPROVEMENTS PLAN PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD PUBLISH: JULY 15, 2022 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL EXHIBIT 10 July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 43 of 43 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Steve Linke <splinke@gmail.com> Saturday, July 23, 2022 8:42 PM Council Internet Email; City Clerk Final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan/Parks Performance Standard (7/26/2022 City Council Item #9) All R · -A d It # a ece1ve -gen a em _j_ For the Information of the: Honorable Mayor, Mayor Pro Tern, and Councilmembers: _f lJ:( COUNCIL Date7W~CA .,...,-CC v' CM ~CM _..-fJQ/1 (3)~ Recommendation You should adopt the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan in support of the proposed park. However, you should reject the finding that the project satisfies the Growth Management Plan {GMP)'s park standard for all four city quadrants, and the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan {CFIP) should be updated to reflect that. Discussion The original 1986 CFIP assigned the future park site to all four quadrants, and recent GMP monitoring reports have supported that by touting its "size, centralized location, and citywide significance." However, the park is located entirely within the northwest quadrant {the only quadrant already meeting the GMP performance standard), and, more importantly, the Vehicle Miles Traveled {VMT) analysis conducted on the final park plan indicates that it will not generate any meaningful increase in park trips. In fact, the analysis indicates that, at opening, over 95% of trips to the new park will simply be trips redistributed from other parks-and, after initial curiosity wears off, virtually all trips will just be redistributions of previously planned trips. This lack of new trips in the VMT analysis avoided the necessity to incorporate multimodal and other transportation demand management-based improvements into the project. However, it also indicates that the park will not have the significant citywide/regional impact that was originally envisioned in the 1986 CFIP. At its June 15, 2022 meeting, the Planning Commission {with staffs concurrence) voiced strong support for the accuracy of the VMT analysis, which was based on so-called "big data." They repeatedly pointed out that, while this will be Carlsbad's largest park {as measured by acreage), in reality, it is going to act more like a much smaller park due to the unusually large amounts of 11passive" and inaccessible areas, as well as the lack of any significant public events to be scheduled there. The most unique feature is the bike 11parkour" area, but that, too, is exclusively projected only to redistribute a very limited number of existing trips from other regional bike parks-not generate new interest. In summary, while Veterans Memorial Park is going to be a wonderful park, the VMT study has clearly significantly downgraded it from the significant citywide impact that was envisioned back in 1986 when the original CFIP was adopted. Therefore, it is inappropriate to use it to satisfy the park requirements for the three other deficient quadrants. Best regards, Steve Linke Carlsbad, CA Disclosure : I am Vice Chair of the Traffic & Mobility Commission but am commenting as an individuaL CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Will Cleary <cleary_will@hotmail.com> Monday, July 25, 2022 2:08 PM City Clerk Agenda item 9 I am a resident of Carlsbad and fully support the veterans memorial bike pa"rk! Would love to have this bike park go in. We need one! Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subj ect: Hi there, Nick Ardecky <nardecky@gmail.com> Monday, July 25, 2022 4:21 PM City Clerk Agend Item 9 All Receive -Ag~nda Item # Cf' For the Information of the: S:ITY COUNCIL Date·~~cc .,,,,, CM --'ACM ,........-DCM (3)..::::: -- This message is for the July 26, 2022 meeting addressing agend Item 9: FINAL VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN -PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD I would like to support the plan to approve a bike park and would like some comments about the plan. 1. There should be a pump track added to the plan. Velosolutions will build the pump truck (https://velosolutions.com/). They not only build really good pump track paved courses, but their courses can be used to hold official race events which can provide great opportunities for youth. As well as the courses being fun and very professional, they are built to last and a dirt course will fall apart over time quickly from bike mtn bike tires and general mis use of the course due to varying bike equipment. A solution from them will require less maintenance and provide more opportunities for the community. 2. The bike park, in general, should use boise bike park as a model of success (https://www.cityofboise.org/departments/parks-and-recreation/parks/ja-and-kathryn-albertson-family-foundation- bike-park). The course accommodates all levels and promotes strong inclusivity of everyone. This bike park has a maintainer who rides and maintains the jumps almost daily. Daily watering schedules will close the jumps for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day during hot seasons. There are green, blue, black lines to include eve ryone, including professionals who can help deliver great motivation and experience to the youth. I think it's very important the course is built to accommodate all levels, especially an expert/pro line. The company that built boise bike park is https://www.alpinebikeparks.com/ and they are a full inclusive service. Not sure how we are structuring the bid process, but allowing multiple services as well as full services to build would be a flexible option. 3. I would like to propose some sort of community maintenance day. While the park and governing municipalities will run and maintain the park. I find it will promote a strong sense of community if the public is allowed to maintain dirt jumps once a month. No one knows how to build jumps better than the people riding them. This will not only keep the courses maintained, it will promote a strong sense of community. Building jumps and trail maintenance is a part of riding bikes and will be a good model to show the youth on what best practices are within the community as well as allowing youth to interact with these practices in a safe/legal way. No more building dirt jumps on illegal private properties and provides a safe place for them to express themselves. 4. Community growth and travel: I'm a long time resident of Encinitas/Carlsbad and have been traveling across the country visiting bike parks. I find it shocking our community doesn't have one and almost ALL biking spots in San Diego are illegal. Skate parks exclude bikes and the only bike parks are in the City of San Diego 45-50 minutes south. Among being illegal, many MAJOR brands in the industry are located in San Diego and choose to be a place where biking is not supported. It's only a matter of time before they start leaving to places they will be more well received. There are currently x-games event held in backyards in vista and other various parts of SD. Action sports like skateboarding have been adopted into the olympics. In the future a lot of action sports have this potential. If San Diego is such a hub for action sports, why is anything bmx related completely ostracized? The city should be building this infrastructure for the youth and the future. That's why it's very important that t he park is done in the right way. That the 1 park is built for the long term and not just some park that goes dry in a couple years because it falls apart or doesn't meet the communities expectations. Look forward to the meeting. Cheers- Nick Ardecky 817 Kalpati Cir Unit 211, CA 92008 CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council, Scott H <firecontained@gmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 7:55 AM City Clerk City Council Agenda Item #9 Veterans Memorial Park Support Please vote to adopt the proposed resolution for the Veterans Memorial Park. I am a resident of Carlsbad and have attended several community meetings throughout the development of the Veterans Memorial Park plan. City staff has done an excellent job of soliciting and listening to community feedback. The plan before you for approval meets the needs of the community while respectfully honoring our Veterans. As an avid outdoor enthusiast I am especially excited about the first bike park for Carlsbad. This new and much needed bike park will benefit our community and provide a much needed experience to help encourage an outdoor healthful lifestyle for our residents. Thank you, Scott Hansen 3345 Seacrest Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 760 594 2509 Sent from Mail for Windows CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Council Members, Ali <grtflali@gmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 7:59 AM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 Support As an active professional citizen of San Diego County I am urging you to Support Agenda Item #9. The Veteran's Memorial Park is the best location for this much needed recreational activity center for our young people. I will Support this Park now and in the future to provide positive, healthy, bicycle recreation for our community. I hope you will do the same. Thank you. Alison Harmon RN 4618 Rolando Blvd, San Diego, CA 92115 619-823-2680 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Timothy Rueger <trueger23@yahoo.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 8:12 AM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 Support Please build the bike park. It would be good for the community. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Brady Soderlund <bradysoderlund@gmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 10:24 AM City Clerk Agenda item#9 support I am writing to support the Veterans Memorial park and bike park. We have little to no trails in the Carlsbad area and the building of this park would be great for the community. Lake Calavera has had some trails but they are always being altered and the trails on the preserve are not for use by bikers. And with the new ebike laws for carlsbad it is very hard to ride an ebike at Calavera if you are following the laws and getting off and walking everytime you'rewithin 50 feet of a hiker. With a bike dedicated portion of the park, bikers won't have to worry about running into a hiker around every blind corner and can enjoy riding their bike without worry. I highly support the building of this park with a portion dedicated to biking. Sincerely, Brady CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jason Evangelista <evangelistaJason@gmail.com > Tuesday, July 26, 2022 10:44 AM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 Support I am unable to attend tonight's City Council meeting, but I would like to express my support for the Veteran's Memorial Park Master Plan, specifically the bike park plan. A bike park would be a wonderful addition to Carlsbad and will provide users both young and old a place to work on skills in a controlled environment. Thanks! Jason Evangelista Sent from Mail for Windows CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Council members, dsdonsut <dsdonsut@gmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 11:01 AM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 Support of Bike Park All Receive -Agenda Item# '7 For the Information of the: 9]Y',COUNCIL Date '1fe}l4JJ;A .....--Cc __:::::: CM /ACM ~CM (3) ~ I am sorry to miss the meeting tonight (July 26) however I would like to express my support for Agenda item number 9, Veterans Memorial Park development provided it includes the much needed proposed BIKE PARK. Thank You Don Sutton CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Manon Girard <manon.c.girard@gmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 11 :28 AM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 As a novice mountain bike rider, I am extremely excited by the possibility of a local bike park in Carlsbad. During my 6 years of residency in San Diego, I often travel for my activities, and mountain biking has not been an exception. However, I have not found a community yet, and I don't always have to time/finances to drive north to parks like Sky Park/ Snow Summit. I would love to have a local bike park to practice my skills and meet others with similar interests. I hope that you consider this input and push to provide this resource to our community. Respectfully, Manon Girard CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Tom Esbeck <Tom.Esbeck@acutus.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 11 :35 AM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 Support My Family and I live and work in Carlsbad. We cannot attend tonight but wanted to send this email in support of approving the Veteran's Memorial Park including the Bike Park. We are excited and looking forward to this projects completion. Thanks, Thomas, Andrea, Haley, Ashlyn, Connor 2041 Cumbre Ct CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Good Day, Domingos Dias <dom27.dias@gmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 11 :56 AM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 In Support of Veterans Memorial Park Master plan proposal I am writing to you in support of the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan proposal, especially the Bike park layout. Biking is an activity that brings families outdoors and all levels can enjoy and learn together. Thank you, Sincerely, Dom Dias CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: July 26, 2022 City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad,CA 92008 DeAnn Weimer <dweimer318@yahoo.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 12:07 PM City Clerk Gary Barberio; Kyle Lancaster City Council Agenda Item 9 Final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Comments Re: Item 9 Final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan -Parks Performance Standard Dear Mayor Hall and Council members, Tonight -as it has for the past seven years -Citizens for North County asks you to reject the proposal before you to push the so-called "Veterans Park" closer to reality. Instead, we ask you to prioritize the critical park needs of this community: the purchase of land for Ponto Park and delivering on the South Shore Agua Hedionda/Hub Park. Our objections are based on the following: 1. Approval of Veterans Park does not fulfill the city's parks performance standards. Instead, it makes a joke of "park standards," at the expense of thousands of Carlsbad residents who today do not have the opportunity to walk to a park, and will continue to live with that reality when Veterans is completed. To divide this park and then allocate it to every quadrant of the city so a "surplus" of park space can be claimed in every quadrant has as much to do with reality as claiming the moon is made of cheese. This is not good governance. Secondly, there is nothing in the current proposal that does anything to further the city's circulation element. This short-sightedness is unexplainable and inexplicable. Time and time again, communities around the world have developed walkability initiatives, safe biking lanes, and transportation elements that do not rely on fossil fuels, but do work together to link all neighborhoods and promote a positive community identity. But in Carlsbad, we give lip service instead of dollars, and miss opportunities to promote healthy transportation alternatives that could limit the impacts of climate change on our quality of life, and on the quality of life of our unique ecosystem. Finally, as we noted before the Planning Commission, representations that "big data" enhanced the traffic and expected usage projections appear to fall short of a statistically sound analysis. Please table this measure, and focus the city's attention on the park needs of your residents, and the reduction of fossil-fuel powered trips in favor of walkability, biking, and other low-carbon commuter options. 1 Thank you. Regards, De'Ann Weimer on behalf of Citizens For North County CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Howard Krausz <hkrauszmd@gmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 12:13 PM City Clerk; Council Internet Email Comments regarding Agenda item #9 Carlsbad City Council Meeting 7/26/2022 Comments on final Veterans Park Master Plan.pdf Please accept the attached co mment letter on beha lf of North County Advocates and include it in the administrative record. I'm unable to be t here in person tonight to speak. Thank you, Howard Krausz NCA Treasurer CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Re: Agenda Item #9, Carlsbad City Council meeting 7/26/2022 Honorable Mayor and City Council Tonight you are asked to adopt a resolution adopting the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan and making a finding of compliance with the Growth Management Plan/Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard, and adopting the related California Environmental Quality Act findings. Unfortunately, this park master plan is misleading about compliance with the GMP parks performance standard because over half of the 97.3 acre site, 54.88 acres to be precise, is preserved natural land for habitat protection. These acres are not allowed to be double counted as a recreational park. The GMP park standard is 3 acres of community park per 1000 residents per quadrant. Veterans park acres are being allocated equally to each of the four quadrants in the city even though many have long objected to the fact that it is located far from most residents of each quadrant, adding VMT to get there. Furthermore, when the actual 38.82 acres of Veterans Park are divided into equal quadrants, 9.7 acres each, that barely covers the current parks deficit in the NE and SW quadrants and does not leave any surplus for future population growth. The table at the bottom of page 5 of the staff report is therefore misleading in it's claimed surpluses of park acreage. Regarding the EIR for Veterans Memorial Park I'll reiterate what others have pointed out. The VMT analysis is flawed and misleading and the buildings are not designed with solar panels and other features to minimize GHG producing energy consumption. We urge you to correct these errors and to let the GMP committee finish their reevaluation of park and open space performance before adopting this "final" Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. Howard Krausz, M.D. Treasurer, North County Advocates Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: To whom it may concern, Jen Frost <jennifermfrost@aol.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 12:14 PM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 Support Thank you SO much for putting in a bike park on Faraday! Including this feature brings a much needed element of outdoor fun to North County, and creates a safe designated place for our families to ride. We are so excited to ride at the park! Jen Frost CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Warren <geelewis@gmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 12:24 PM City Clerk Support agenda item #9 bike park A bike park would support a large number of cyclists and encourage well being of residents. Please incorporate jumps, wall rides, drops, pump tracks to whatever extent possible. Sweetwater, Temecula pump track, and Northwest Arkansas trails are good examples. Warren G Lewis, San Diego, CA en attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: May Ann Valledor < mayann.valledor@gmail.com > Tuesday, July 26, 2022 12:39 PM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 Support I fully approve, support, and am highly pleased a nice bike park will be close by. Carlsbad is home to a few mountain biking and cycling companies. This is a great step forward for the city and cycling community. Thank you and I can't wait to see the final result! May Ann V. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Carmen Luna <cluna9901@gmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 1 :06 PM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 Support I would like to express my support for the Carlsbad Veterans Memorial Park (and BIKE PARK). A park creates a community encouraging families to enjoy outdoor activities together. My kids are in their early 20's and parks were essential in their upbringing from building lifelong friendships, learning to share with others, and numerous other developmental milestones. As for the bike bark, I can attest to its importance based on what I have witnessed at the Sweetwater Bike Park in Chula Vista. I live very close to this bike park and see how busy it is all the time. I am also the Team Director/Head Coach for a youth mountain bike team, grades 6-12th, and my riders can't get enough of the park! I am also the Chula Vista Community Leader for Sprockids, teaching kids as young as 6 to start mountain biking, and the bike park has also been an essential location to enhance skills and have lots of fun . Carmen Luna CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Em Ara <earakawa25@hotmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 1 :15 PM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 Support Just wanted to add my support for the new Park (including the Bike Park) in Carlsbad. Would be such a great space for North County! Thanks, Emily Sanchez CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kamala Slight <kamalaslight@gmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 1 :16 PM City Clerk Veteran's Memorial Park Master Site Plan I am writing today to express my appreciation for the well-thought out design of the future Veteran's Memorial Park. I am very pleased to see that it includes plans for a community Bike Park along with many other amenities. Respectfully, Kamala Slight Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: Kelly, Claire L <clairekelly@KPMG.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 1 :25 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Agenda item #9 Hello, I'm a resident and writing in to enthusiastically support the Carlsbad Veterans Memorial Park and Bike Park! San Diego will benefit from improved park, recreation, and transit access. Thank you, Claire Claire Kelly, CPA (she/her/hers) Management Consulting, Finance Transformation KPMG LLP 4655 Executive Dr., Suite 1100 I San Diego, CA 92121 Direct: +1 (203) 536-5866 I clairekelly@kpmg.com Upcoming PTO: n/a The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. When addressed to our clients any opinions or advice contained in this email are subject to the terms and conditions expressed in the governing KPMG client engagement letter. *********************************************************************** CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Shiloh Sanders <sanders.shiloh@gmail.com> Tuesday, July 26, 2022 1 :42 PM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 Support As a local Vista resident, I would love to support the approval of this park to the city council. All mountain bikers need more riding options and opportunities in the community. Please approve. Best, Shiloh Sanders CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: casandra tompkins <casandratompkins@gmail.com> 'Tuesday, July 26, 2022 2:09 PM City Clerk Agenda Item #9, 7/26/2022, City Council Meeting Dear Mayor Matt Hall and Councilmembers: As a disabled individual who has difficulty finding handicapped parking in the Village and therefore cannot attend many activities, I found the decision to locate the Veteran's Memorial at the top of the hill off of Faraday overlooking Agua Hedionda Lagoon perplexing. Beautiful view but perplexing when you think about the disabled veterans that the memorial is meant to honor. I am concerned about how many of our North County veterans will be unable to make that trek to visit the Memorial. Do we have numbers as to how many veterans in Carlsbad are disabled? How about how many in North County are disabled? What is the altitude where the Memorial will be located? How will the disabled veterans and disabled family members be accommodated? What are the solutions to get them to the top of the hill in order to visit the Veteran's Memorial? Sincerely, Casandra Tompkins District 2, Carlsbad 925-330-0217 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Council Internet Email Tuesday, July 26, 2022 2:21 PM City Clerk FW: # 9 Veteran's Park -Disparity in Park Acres/Quadrant Comparison of Habitat Park Acres.docx From: Diane Nygaard <dnygaard3@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 1:08 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject:# 9 Veteran's Park -Disparity in Park Acres/Quadrant Honorable Mayor and City Council Carlsbad in unique in our region in the way it allocates park acres. They are not just allocated to the city as a whole, they are allocated by quadrant. In theory this ensures equitable distribution of parks by population, with nearby access to a park in each quadrant. But two key factors have resulted in disparate allocation of these park acres; counting some protected habitat as a "park.", and not adding new parks in each quadrant proportional to their population growth. The SW and SE are the 2 quadrants most impacted by this. Please see the attached summary of park acres by quadrant for the detailed comparison. Our recommendation : Only allocate the developed park acres at Veteran's Park tonight. Reserve the habitat acres for potential future allocation, based on further analysis of park performance standards by the GMP Citizen's Committee. Thank you for considering our comments-and making sure that parks, like all facilities, are equitably distributed. Diane Nygaard On behalf of Preserve Calavera CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Compa rison of Habitat Park Acres/New Parks By Quadrant Key Findings : 7/26/22 -Three quadrants already count some habitat acres as part of their minimum required parkland-NE, SW, and SE. Habitat acres allow only trails-not the full range of recreational activities. -Excluding Veteran's Park, only 2 quadrants were planned for any additional park acres through 2035-NW and NE. -The two southern quadrants SW and SE, are disparately impacted in park acres-some acres are already restricted as habitat and no new neighborhood parks planned through 2035. Existing Habitat Counted Toward Minimum Required Park Acres Existing Parks Quadrant Park NW NE SE SW None Hidden Canyon La Costa Canyon Leo Carillo Poinsettia * Excluding Veteran's Park Recommendation: Habitat Acres 0 13 8.9 16.6 12.5 Hab Acres Per Quad 0 13 25.5 12.5 Planned New Parks Per 2015 General Plan* Park Acres Cannon Lake Business Park Robertson Ranch 6.9 10 13 0 0 Allocating more habitat acres, equally divided between the four quadrants, further exacerbates the inequity in park acre distribution. Do not allocate habitat acres for Veteran's Park at this time. Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Renee Halsch <reneehalsch@gmail.com> Wednesday, July 27, 2022 11 :36 AM City Clerk Support for Veterans mem park Please count me in on support of VMP!!! Thank you! Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mark Gardner <bellabello38@icloud.com> Wednesday, July 27, 2022 12:18 PM City Clerk Agenda Item #9 Support Just chiming in on this one and give my total support for this cause. There many that stand for improvements and quality areas and upkeep like this. Please consider each and every vote for this and future ones that will come by your desk. Thanks and keep up the good fight. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 TO: CITY CLERK AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: __ ;_.___,_/--'d-~_._fi""""~--=----------- SUBJ ECT: _____...}):..........~== ......... s~vtl<-.J...,l!fd.J)/}1--L-'-'-"',IC~~· "--L-L,~~L--1-tn....!_LL-I? __ LOCATION: ~200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 D Other: ________________ _ DATE POSTED TO CITY WEBSITE __ '].L....1-/ ........ J J.""'--4--/J,.,Ld=-,-:;;,o,..__ ... DATE NOTICES MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS: ___________ _ NUMBER MAILED: - I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad and the foregoing is true and correct. DEPARTMENT: c::a{iTY CLERK'S OFFICE □OTHER ______ _ J .m~ Signature Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SENT TO FOR PUBLICATION VIA E-MAIL TO: □ Union Tribune on ___ _ Grc:oast News on· -'] / J ;;./J:J.._ PUBLICATION DATE: Union Tribune -------------- Coast News-~-__ ·'7___,_/.....;:/ 5'J:....:7<_A_,___ ___ _ I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad and the foregoing is true and correct. DEPARTMENT: ~TY CLERK'S OFFICE □ OTHER _______ _ Signature Date Attachments: 1) Mailing Labels 2) Notice w/ attachments NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your interest may be affected, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, to consider adopting the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan and making a finding of compliance with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard. Whereas, on May 16, 2022, the Parks & Recreation Commission accepted the final Veterans Memorial Park Maser Plan. On June 15, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 7453, approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Veterans Memorial Park, and Resolution No. 7454, approving Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HDP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006 for Veterans Memorial Park. Pursuant to the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Veterans Memorial Park acreage will be applied equally toward satisfying the parks performance standard in all four park districts (i.e., 23.425 acres of the 93.7 total acres will be applied to each of the four park districts). Upon adoption of the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan by the Carlsbad City Council, the Veterans Memorial Park will be considered "scheduled for construction" for purposes of compliance with the parks performance standard because [1] adoption of the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan completes the design of the park improvements, [2] the site has been selected and acquired, and [3] a financing plan for construction of the park has been approved by the City Council. Upon the equal application of this community park's acreage, each park district will have a surplus of acreage -i.e., over the parks performance standard of "[t]hree acres of Community Park or Special Use Area per 1,000 population .... " No appeals of the June 15, 2022 Planning Commission decisions were filed. Thus, the Veterans Memorial Park permit approvals, including the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Veterans Memorial Park pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Action, are considered final. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after Friday, July 22, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact Kyle Lancaster in the Parks & Recreation Department at (442) 339-2941 or kyle.lancaster@carlsbadca.gov. If you challenge the adoption of the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan or the finding of compliance with the Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan Parks Performance Standard in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: CUP 2021-0014/CDP 2021-0052/HDP 2021-0006/HMP 2021-0006 CASE NAME: FINAL VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITYW IDE FACILITIES & IMPROVEMENTS PLAN PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD PUBLISH: JULY 15, 2022 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan –Parks Performance Standard Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Parks & Recreation Department July 26, 2022 {city of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a resolution adopting the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan, making a finding of compliance with the Growth Management Plan and Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard and adopting the related California Environmental Quality Act findings ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED MASTER PLAN •Documented the park planning considerations, the criteria, analysis and process that culminated in development of the conceptual plan, circulation and fencing diagram, planting plan and bike park design •Provided a summary of the site conditions, the public outreach program and the design process ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad RECENT TIMELINE •Jan. 25, 2021 -P&R Commission received a report and recommended approval of the plan in concept •Feb. 23, 2021 -City Council received a report and approved the plan in concept, plus directed staff to proceed with processing the necessary environmental permitting and entitlements ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad RECENT TIMELINE •May 16, 2022 -Parks & Rec Commission accepted the final Veterans Memorial Park Maser Plan •June 15, 2022 -Planning Commission approved the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Conditional Use Permit, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Plan Permit for Veterans Memorial Park ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad LOCATION ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK Agua Hedionda Lagoon Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Discovery Center Veterans Memorial Park The Crossings Golf Course Faraday Administration Center LOCATION ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK •The park site is located in the Northwest quadrant: ~0.6 miles away from the Southwest quadrant ~0.6 miles away from the Northeast quadrant ~1.8 miles away from the Southeast quadrant •The park is intended to serve residents of entire city { City of Carlsbad LOCATION ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK •Based on geolocation analysis, the park is located closer to more residents in each quadrant of the city than parks located on one end of the city’s boundary •The bike park, an amenity not offered in other city parks, will provide residents with a local option { City of Carlsbad VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK •93.7 acres total •54.9 acres preserved •38.8 acres developed Veteran s. Mlemoriial Park CIP4609 0 300 000 0 -" _ ,W'II~ • ~ ~ ~ f.. .f. •' . zr . .._.. WILDLIFE AGENCIES CONCURRED •Wildlife agencies concurred with proposal for Habitat Management Plan (HMP) Minor Amendment Adjustment consisted of a HMP hardline loss of 3.36 acres, offset by adding 12.86 acres to the hardline, for a net gain of 9.5 acres to the hardline preserve ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad PROJECT FEATURES •Memorial plaza & gathering area •Family-oriented bike park •Inclusive playgrounds for all abilities •Rustic, nature-inspired playground •Pre-school playground •Outdoor exercise areas •Family picnic areas •Native and interpretive gardens •Trails and look-out points •Public art ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad (_ City of Carlsbad Parks & Reaeat1on Department ------------------------7 I I ~ // I // I I I I 9~-I "-------I 0 / I I I I I L- PARK AREAS I EGEND 0 ~ MEMORIAL PLAZA 0 c.ot+11.NITY' 6AT1-IERIN5 !>RE.A © ~~~-<;~~~:t~<:+ ~ © PLAY AA.U6 e INCUISIVE PLAYcSROl.ND 9 RIJ5TIG, tv,,~INSP1RED PLAY~ s YC\IN6 tc::ID5 PI..AY6ROI...ND 0 T'05A f PA551\1E Ra.AXATION NIE.A 0 NATIVE 6ARDENS © PICNIC NIE.AS 0 ,&,OAPATI+'(A.Y 0 ig-w~~':='LJ..5,~...0A) 0 H,lr,,lER QU,lr,,LITY' TREA.n-ENT ~ 0 R.>eLIG -"RT H,,l.BITAT~f'L.'IH .... """""""' 0 INTE~IVE 6.ARDEN 0 RESTROOM (1,:2O0..t) 0 F-"'MILY-oRIENTEO BIKE P-'RK 0 MJ..Tl-6ENERAT10NAL. OJTDOOR FITNESS AA.EA 0 CVTOOOR EDUGATION AREA 0~oi~~~~A,a.o,t,J 0 FITNE55 CLIMB 0 FITNE55 RLN 0 ENTR'I" PLAZA TO BIKE PARK 0 DESAL.. RECEIVER PIT 0 =~= ~~~ t:+NQ4 0 1-iAJHTBV,NGE AAEA 0 O\IERI..OOKAA.EA 0 BIICE PA~ ~CTATGIR />RE.A 0 F,t.R,t,DAY Avet.E I.NDE.Rat055N6 CQNSTRJ TCIIQN I EGENO CQN:;,JEJGT, 01NT'ERl'W.PATHH,1r,,Y~ 0 GONC.RETE 51DEl"CAI...JI( (\/EHIGULAR AA TED) 0 FITNESS RJH (~• HIDE, PERH:ABLE) 0 DECOAAT1v1= GONC.RETE 0 DECOAATI\IE PAVINS 0 ~ILIBfr st.1Af".AGIN0 ~ 0 VEHIGUL.>,,R ASPHALT DRIVE Als.LES 0 ~RP:=rs 5TAL.J..S 0 ~f:TP~~ffE © RETAININ6 H,i,,LL5 0 ~~~~TflGN © ~';.~~~~~~~) 0 MIA. Tl-usE PERl1'£TER TR,lr,,IL e GONC,RETE 51DEHA<U::: (NON-VEHGULAR) BQJINDARY I EGfND ------20' AABITAT Bl.FFER ------H"81TAT MN-1.AEEt-ENT PLAN BOLNDl>R:r' 1n...ri m O' 50' 100' ~• EXHIBIT A-MASTER PARK SITE PLAN =="'=---=-===VETERANS ME~£.~M1\~ MASTER PLAN MEMORIAL PLAZA •Concept designed using input from the community •Utilizes spaces that: Provide for reflection and inspiration Honor and pay tribute to those that have served Create an understanding of the sacrifices made ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad / ILLUMINATED GLASS MEMORlAL PANELS (JYP.) ,,, (POSSIBLE I COMMEMORATIVE I ( PL.A.QUE LOCATION) I !~~ 7 ,:(___"¼ tty CONCRETE BANDS ENSCRIBED WITH PATRIOTIC_ WORDS, PHAASES, MOTTOS (POSSIBLE COMMEMORATIVE PL.A.QUE LOCATION) ~ 03/29/2022 R~ MDESIGN (I) ~ ~ GROUP I .... I 0 2.5' 5' 10' DECORATIVE COLORED CONCRETE PLAZA ,,, ISED PL.ANTE!</ ~LL ~ CONCRETE HES ('TYP.) IBLE EMORATIVE UE LOCATION) RlAL PLAZA ORM RlAL PLAZA ~LL (POSSIBLE EMORATIVE UE LOCATION) 1 f ~ j l f I i ~ I I I i I e I ! ! M I i I ~ ii i i I I I ! I NORTH MEMORIAL AREA EXHIBIT~ VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK.I CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA! ITEM NO. 3 -DEPARTMENT REPORT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK ITEM NO. 3 -DEPARTMENT REPORT PROJECT APPROVAL STATUS •May 16, 2022 -Parks & Rec Commission accepted the final Veterans Memorial Park Maser Plan •June 15, 2022 –Planning Commission adopted Reso approving environmental permitting/entitlements ITEM NO. 3 –DEPARTMENT REPORT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK ITEM NO. 3 -DEPARTMENT REPORT ITEM NO. 3 -DEPARTMENT REPORTI I BUFFER 20' VEGETATIO VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK ITEM NO. 3 -DEPARTMENT REPORT ITEM NO. 3 -DEPARTMENT REPORT PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD •1986 Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Three of community parks or special use areas for every 1,000 residents in each park district •Four park districts correspond with city quadrants ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD •If the standard is not met because of population increase within a given quadrant, city is required to schedule a park for construction within five years, beginning at the time the need is identified, but beginning no sooner than Aug. 22, 2017 ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad SCHEDULED FOR CONSTRUCTION •Phrase defined in Council Resolution No 2017-170 The park site has been selected and has been or is being acquired by the city A financing plan for construction of the park has been approved by the City Council Improvements for the park site have been designed ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad CALCULATION –EXISTING PARKS ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK Parks acreage Park district Performance standard Total parks existing Surplus or deficit NW 94.1 108.3 14.2 NE 54.6 45.3 -9.3 SW 79.0 70.2 -8.8 SE 120.4 114.9 -5.5 Total 348.1 338.7 -9.4 ALLOCATION OF PARK ACREAGE •Since 1986, with the adoption of the Citywide Facilities Improvements Plan, the city has consistently held that this park location would count towards satisfying the city’s parks performance standard in all four quadrants ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad ALLOCATION OF PARK ACREAGE •In 2015, the adopted General Plan affirmed: “because of the park’s central location in the city, and pursuant to the city’s Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan, the 91.5 acre park will count toward satisfying the park needs of each quadrant.” ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad ALLOCATION OF PARK ACREAGE •In 2015, the adopted General Plan affirmed: “Assuming completion of currently planned parks, including Veteran’s Memorial Park, the City will have a parkland surplus in each of the four quadrants.” “Veterans Memorial…[will] serve a regional recreation need.” ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad ALLOCATION OF PARK ACREAGE •In 2017, Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis states: “Veteran’s Memorial Park (91.5 acres, with 22.9 acres applied to each quadrant) is proposed to be constructed prior to buildout. Construction of this community park would result in the projected park inventory for all city quadrants exceeding the projected required acreage at buildout…” ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad CALCULATION –WITH VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK Parks acreage Park district Performance standard Total parks existing Veterans Memorial Park Total parks w/ Veterans Park Surplus NW 94.1 108.3 23.425 131.725 37.625 NE 54.6 45.3 23.425 68.725 14.125 SW 79.0 70.2 23.425 93.625 14.625 SE 120.4 114.9 23.425 138.325 17.925 Total 348.1 338.7 93.7 432.4 84.3 CALCULATION –WITH VETERANS PARK AT BUILDOUT ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK Parks acreage Park district Buildout population Buildout performance standard Total parks existing Total parks w/ Veterans Park Surplus NW 39,126 117.4 108.3 131.725 14.325 NE 22,741 68.2 45.3 68.725 .525 SW 28,834 86.5 70.2 93.625 7.125 SE 42,548 127.6 114.9 138.325 10.725 Total 133,249 399.7 338.7 432.4 32.7 CALCULATION –FUTURE PARKS •Prior calculations do not account for acreage of future park projects listed in Capital Improvement Program (CIP) as partially funded or unfunded If these parks are scheduled for construction, the additional acreage would further increase a surplus ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad •Partially funded projects Zone 5 Park, NW District: ~9.3 acres Robertson Ranch Park, NE District: ~11.2 acres South Carlsbad Coastline: SW/NW Districts: ~60 acres •Unfunded project Cannon Lake Park, NW District: ~6.8 acres ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK CALCULATION –FUTURE PARKS { City of Carlsbad FINDING –IN COMPLIANCE •With the adoption of the resolution, the City Council will find that Veterans Memorial Park has been “scheduled for construction” in compliance with the Growth Management Plan/Citywide Facilities Improvement Plan/Local Facilities Management Plan/Parks Performance Standard ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad FINDING –IN COMPLIANCE 1.The Veterans Memorial Park site has been acquired, has been owned by the City of Carlsbad since Sept. 30, 1981, was selected as a park by the City Council, and was recently re-selected through the Planning Commission’s approvals for the site ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad FINDING –IN COMPLIANCE 2.A CIP financing plan for construction of Veterans Memorial Park was approved by the City Council Community Facilities District No. 1, established in 1991, created a special tax lien on vacant properties throughout the city to finance the construction of specifically identified public facilities of citywide obligation and benefit, including this park ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad FINDING –IN COMPLIANCE 3.Improvements for Veterans Memorial Park have been designed through approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Conditional Use Permit, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Plan Permit, and the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad NEXT STEPS •Prepare construction plans and specifications Return to the City Council to request approval of plans and specifications and authorization for bids in 2023 ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a resolution adopting the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan, making a finding of compliance with the Growth Management Plan and Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard and adopting the related California Environmental Quality Act findings ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad COMMENTS/QUESTIONS Thank you ITEM NO. 9 –VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK { City of Carlsbad