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2022-07-26; City Council; Resolution 2022-196
RESOLUTION NO. 2022-196 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN AND MAKING A FINDING OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN/CITYWIDE FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS PLAN PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD, AND ADOPTING CEQA FINDINGS WHEREAS, previous iterations of Veterans Memorial Park were titled "Macario Canyon" Park in 1986 and was determined to serve all four quadrants of the City (City Council Resolution No. 8797, Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, at pp. 33-35); and WHEREAS, the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan was developed by using the input and ideas provided by the community and key staff members, as well as other sources of information including the physical characteristics and location of the site; the core values of the Carlsbad community; and the city's parks and recreation needs; and WHEREAS, on January 25, 2021, the Parks & Recreation Commission accepted the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report; and WHEREAS, on Feb. 23, 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-050, approving the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report in concept and directing staff to proceed with processing the necessary environmental permitting and entitlements; and WHEREAS, staff and the design team continued to refine the plans and entitlement applications for Veterans Memorial Park through much of the 2021 calendar year; and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2022, the Parks & Recreation Commission accepted the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan; and WHEREAS, on June 15, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 7453, approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Veterans Memorial Park, and Resolution No. 7454, approving Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal EXHIBIT 1 July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 9 of 43 Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HDP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006 for Veterans Memorial Park; and WHEREAS, no appeals of the Planning Commission decisions were filed within the ten-day period pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code section 21.54.150, and therefore the Veterans Memorial Park permit approvals of June 15, 2022 are considered final and effective; and WHEREAS, the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration wholly covers the proposed action, and no change of circumstances or new information as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 exists; therefore, no subsequent environmental document is required; and WHEREAS, the City Council is now being asked to adopt the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the city's parks performance standard was amended in 2017 pursuant to a Settlement Agreement (City Council Resolution No. 2017-170): "Three acres of community parks or special use areas per 1,000 population for each park district must be scheduled for construction within a five year period beginning at the time the need is first identified. The five-year period shall not commence prior to August 22, 2017."; and WHEREAS, this 2017 parks performance standard amendment fully superseded all previous parks performance standards; and WHEREAS, if the standard is not met due to population increase within a given park district, the city is required to schedule a park for construction within five years, commencing at the time the need is identified, but not commencing prior to August 22, 2017 (City Council Resolution No. 2017-170); and WHEREAS, for the southwest and southeast quadrants, the five-year period began on August 22, 2017 as required by City Council Resolution No. 2017-170; and July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 10 of 43 WHEREAS, for the northeast quadrant, the City of Carlsbad FY 2017-18 Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report first identified the park acreage deficit, and therefore the five-year period began on June 30, 2018; and WHEREAS, the phrase "scheduled for construction" was defined in City Council Resolution No. 2017-170 and the Citywide Facilities Improvements Plan (pp. 14 and33) to mean [1] the park site has been selected and has been or is being acquired by the city, [2] a financing plan for construction of the park has been approved by the City Council; and [3] the improvements for the park site have been designed; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan (at pp. 33-35), the Veterans Memorial Park acreage will be applied equally toward satisfying the parks performance standard in all four park districts/city quadrants (i.e., 23.425 acres of the 93.7 total acres will be applied to each of the four park districts); and WHEREAS, the Veterans Memorial Park site [1] has been selected and acquired (City Council Resolution No. 9787), [2] a financing plan for construction of the park has been approved by the City Council (Capital Improvement Program Project No. 46091), furthermore, Community Facilities District No. 1 was established in 1991, which created a special tax lien on vacant properties throughout the city to finance the construction of specifically identified public facilities of citywide obligation and benefit, including this park, and [3] improvements for the Veterans Memorial Park have been designed by the City through the adoption of Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HOP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006, and the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan; and July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 11 of 43 WHEREAS, upon the equal application of this community park's acreage, each park district will have a surplus of acreage -i.e., over the requisite three acres of community parks or special use areas for every 1,000 residents; and WHEREAS, the City Council is being asked to make a finding of compliance with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has determined that on June 15, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 7453 and Resolution No. 7454, as described above and that the action to adopt the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan is consistent with the adopted MND and included mitigation measures; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The City Council finds that the above recitations are true and correct. 2.The City Council finds that the adoption of the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan is necessary, desirable and in the public interest. 3.The City Council finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been triggered. 4.The City Council hereby adopts the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan, which is attached and incorporated as Attachment A. 5.The City Council finds that Veterans Memorial Park has been "scheduled for construction" and the city has met its obligations under the parks performance standard. 6.The City Council further finds that Veterans Memorial Park is "scheduled for construction" and planned concurrent with need, consistent with the city's Growth Management Plan/Citywide Facilities Improvements Plan/Local Facility Management Plans/City Council Resolution No. 2017-170 because: July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 12 of 43 a.The Veterans Memorial Park site (Subdivision Map No. 15902, City of Carlsbad CT 09-03, Lot 10) has been acquired, has been owned by the City of Carlsbad since Sept. 30, 1981, was selected as a park by the City Council on Sept. 23, 1986 (i.e., Macario Canyon Park, Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, City Council Resolution No. 8797), and was recently re-selected through the Planning Commission's approval of permits for the site (Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 7453, 7454). b.The annual Capital Improvement Program approved by City Council contains a financing plan for construction of Veteran's Memorial Park. The FY 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program budget adopted by the City Council on June 14, 2022 (City Council Resolution No. 2022-135) identifies a total of $30,257,650 to be funded from Community Facilities District No. 1, with $3,112,200 previously appropriated, $1,257,250 forecasted in FY 2022-23, $1,257,250 forecasted in FY 2023-24, and $24,630,950 forecasted for FY 2024-25. (Carlsbad Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 46091). The city estimates the construction of the project as designed would currently cost $27,796,953, based on an opinion provided by its design consultant, RJM Design Group, and updated in July 2022. Furthermore, Community Facilities District No. 1 was established in 1991, which created a special tax lien on vacant properties throughout the city to finance the construction of specifically identified public facilities of citywide obligation and benefit, including this park. c.Improvements for the Veterans Memorial Park have been designed by the City through the adoption of Conditional Use Permit CUP 2021-0014, Coastal Development Permit CDP 2021-0052, Hillside Development Permit HOP 2021-0006, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMP 2021-0006, and the adoption of the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. 7.The City Council further finds that the City of Carlsbad is in compliance with its Parks Performance standard included in the City's Growth Management Plan/Citywide Facilities Improvements Plan/Local Facilities Management Plans/City Council Resolution No. 2017-170 and that there are no additional Park Performance standard deficiencies identified at this time. July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 13 of 43 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of !!tlY, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby. None. None. t¥L rFAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) July 26, 2022 Item #9 Page 14 of 43 MATTH~~/_-W'------- WHITMAN {'cicyof Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department ---- •• M DESIGN GROUP 31591 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 www.RJMdesigngroup.com 1949] 493-2690 fax 1949] 493-2600 phone ------------- lo• • / HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN PRESERVE AREA it 0 0 I / - () 0 ------ -- 0 \ ( HABITAT HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN JANAGEMEN PRESERVE AREA PLAN PRESERVE AREA --------7 // // � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L r HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLANPRESERVE AR!:A 14' 0 I I PARK AREAS LEGEND 0 VETERANS MEMORIAL PLAZA ©C.OMMUNITY GATHERING AREA 0 BUILDING (2PO�f) �Ith PAVILION, RESTROOM,$ C.ATERING 5UPPORT ROOM 0 PLAY AREAS @) INC.LUSIVE PLAYGROUND (§) RUSTIC., NATURE-INSPIRED PLAYGROUNDe YOUNG KIDS PLAYGROUND0 0 0 0 0 0 YOGA 4 PASSIVE RELAXATION AREA NATIVE GARDENS PIC.NIC. AREAS ADA FATHI-IAY NORTH PARKING AREA (12 TOTAL STALLS, 12 ADA) I-IATER QUALITY TREATMENT AREAS PUBLIC. ART HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLANPRESERVE AREA (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INTERPRETIVE GARDEN RESTROOM (l,.200sr) FAMILY-ORIENTED BIKE PARK MULTI-GENERATIONAL OUTDOOR FITNESS AREA OUTDOOR EDUC.ATION AREA 50UTH PARKING AREA ("B1 TOTAL STALLS, 2 ADA) FITNESS C.LIMB FITNESS RUN ENTRY PLAZA TO BIKE PARK DESAL REC.EIVER PIT EXISTING eus STOP WITH NEW LANDING PAD $ BENC.H MAINTENANC.E AREA OVERLOOK AREA BIKE PARK SPEC.TATOR AREA FARADAY AVENUE UNDE:Rc.ROSSING CONSTRUCTION LEGEND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 @ @ e C.ONSTRUC.T, INTERNAL PATHWAY (PERMEABLE) C.ONC.RETE SIDEI-IALK (VEHIC.ULAR RATED) FITNESS RUN (e,' WIDE, PERMEABLE) DEC.ORATIVE C.ONC.RETE DEC.ORATIVE PAVING RESILIENT 5URFACINe (PERMEABLE) VEHIC.ULAR ASPHALT DRIVE AISLES VEHICULAR PARKING STALLS (ASPHALT PAVING) BIKE PARK 5URFAC.E (DIRT TRAC.K MIX) RETAINING I-IALLS PROPOSED MONUMENT SlcSN (BY SEPARATE PERMIT) CONTROLLED PARK ACCESS POINTS (DECORATIVE PAVINe Y"I/ GONG. BAND) MUL Tl-USE PERIMETER TRAIL C.ONC.RETE SIDEI-IALK (NON-VEHIC.ULAR) BOUNDARY LEGEND --------20' HABITAT BUFFER 20' - - - - - -HABITAT MANAGEMENT FLAN BOUNDARY 01 50 1 1001 2001 ----- EXHIBIT A - MASTER PARK SITE PLAN VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN DRAFT - JUNE 2022 Attachment AJuly 26, 2022Item #9 Page 15 of 43WAY I \ I / I 0