November 21, 2021 TGI Project No. 19.00911 Carlsbad 17 GP, LLC
Attn: Mr. Richard Woolsey
234 Venture Street, Suite 100 San Marcos, California 92078 Subject: Addendum to Geotechnical Design Report Recommendations for Slot-Cut Excavations along Northerly Property Line Proposed Ocean Condominium Project
2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California
CT 16-02 / GR2019-0028 / DWG 519-5A
Reference: Taylor Group, Inc., “Geotechnical Design Report, Proposed Ocean Condominium
Project, 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California, CT 16-02 / GR2019-0028 / DWG
519-5A” , TGI Project No. 19.00911, dated April 24, 2020
Dear Mr. Woolsey: Taylor Group, Inc. (TGI) has prepared this letter as an addendum to the above-referenced
geotechnical report for the subject project to provide geotechnical recommendations related to slot-
cut excavations that are proposed along the northerly boundary of the project site.
Remedial grading for the project will entail removal of existing undocumented fill and weathered
native deposits to a depth of approximately 10 feet below the existing grade and placement of
approved site soils and imported soil an engineered fill. Temporary shoring will be constructed along
the southerly and easterly site boundaries to facilitate the removals. Temporary cuts inclined at 1.5:1
(horizontal: vertical) were initially proposed along the westerly and northerly boundaries of the site.
The temporary cuts would extend onto adjacent properties to allow the remedial grading to extend at
least 3 feet beyond the building footprint.
Permission to grade onto the property to the west has been granted by the owner NCTD and will be
performed as previously proposed.
Permission to grade has not been granted by the owner of the property to the north. Temporary
shoring along the northerly site boundary has been considered as an alternative to the temporary
cut. However, this alternative is complicated by the condition that the shoring would encroach into
an existing public sewer easement. It is likely that the City of Carlsbad would require that the shoring
would need to be constructed outside of the easement. This requirement would significantly
complicate the building construction or require that the width of the structure be reduced by about 18
301 Mission Avenue
Suite 201
California 92054
tel: 760.721.9990
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Ocean Condominiums – 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, CA
TGI Project No. 19.00911 November 21, 2021
Slot cutting has been proposed as an alternative to avoid grading on the adjacent property or
construction of temporary shoring within the public easement. Slot-cut excavation methods are
commonly used to maintain stable slopes during excavation adjacent to structures or, as is proposed
in this case, at the toe of steep slopes. The method generally consists of having alternating open cut
areas (slots) and uncut area (buttresses). The slot cuts are excavated and backfilled while the uncut
buttress areas stabilize the soil mass behind the cut area. Once engineered fill is compacted in the
slots, the areas are reversed with the former slots becoming the buttresses and the previously uncut
areas being slot-cut. Slot-cut excavations are generally more stable than continuous cuts due to the
contribution of out-of-plane resistance provided by the buttresses adjacent to the slot cuts and the
three-dimensional (3D) effect this has on slope stability for the cut.
TGI has performed stability calculations for the proposed temporary slot cuts using the soil model
developed for the site and the same strength parameters that have been used for shoring design as
summarized in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Soil Properties Used for Slot Cut Stability Analysis
In-Situ Unit
Weight (lbs/ft3)
Dry Unit
Weight (lbs/ft3)
Phi Angle
Existing Fill 124 105
27 1,075
Terrace Deposits 120 107 38 35
Terrace Deposits 130 115 37 105
Based on data from borings in the area of the northerly property boundary, the model assumes that
clayey fill soil is present in the uppermost 5 to 9 feet of the subgrade (above about El. 27 to El. 30
feet). The fill is underlain by weathered terrace deposits consisting of medium dense silty sand.
The temporary slot cuts were modeled as follows:
• Ground surface at the top of the cut at El. 32 feet prior to the slot cut excavation (at the
elevation of the top of curb to the north of the property line)
• A 4-foot vertical cut in clayey fill soils at the property line
• A cut slope inclined at ¾:1 from a depth of 4 feet to the limit of the removal.
A 200 psf surcharge was conservatively assumed in the driveway area to the north of the cut slope.
Two-dimensional slope stability was calculated using the several limit-equilibrium methods including
Bishop, Janbu and ordinary method of slices. Our analysis indicates that the static factor of safety for
the temporary cuts is 2.4 or greater. Results of the analysis are summarized in Attachment 1 to the
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Ocean Condominiums – 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, CA
TGI Project No. 19.00911 November 21, 2021
letter. Based on these results, we determined that it was not necessary to perform a more rigorous
3-dimensional analysis to assess the additional stabilizing effect of shear resistance at the margins
of the narrow cuts. We estimate that such an analysis would yield minimum factors of safety of 3.0
or greater.
Based on our analysis and experience, it is our professional opinion that slot cutting provides a
feasible option to perform remedial grading along the northerly boundary if the earthwork is
performed following the recommendations presented in this letter.
TGI’s recommendations related to the implementation of the slot cutting alternative for the subject
project are provided in the following sections.
Initial Temporary Cut Slope
Prior to any slot cutting, a temporary cut shall be made along the entire northerly property
boundary (panel “A” on Figure 1) The top of the cut shall be at the property line at
approximately the elevation of the top of curb (El. 32.0 to 32.5 feet) along the south side of
the private drive on the adjacent property. The cut shall be inclined no steeper than 1.5:1.
This will place the toe of the temporary cut approximately 10 to 13 feet south of the northerly
property boundary.
The area to the south of the toe of the temporary cut slope should be at the same elevation
as the toe (i.e., the base of removal for remedial grading) for about 20’ to facilitate access to
slot-cut areas and handling of materials.
Slot Cuts
Slot cutting shall be performed by what is commonly referred to as the “A-B-C” slot cut
method per the sequence described and illustrated on Figure 1.
Slot cuts shall be no wider than 8 feet and shall be spaced such that there is a minimum no
farther than 16 feet apart as illustrated on Figure 2.
Slot cutting shall commence with excavation of the “A” slots. The geometry of the cuts (panel
“B” on Figure 1) will be dictated by conditions encountered in the field, but in general the cuts
may be vertical for maximum depth of 5 feet where surface soils consisting of clayey fill soils
are present. Below the depth of the base of the clay soil layer(s), the slot cuts are expected to
encounter weathered native soils consisting predominantly of medium dense to dense silty
sands with limited cohesion. Temporary slot cuts in the granular native deposits shall be
inclined at not steeper than ¾:1.
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Ocean Condominiums – 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, CA
TGI Project No. 19.00911 November 21, 2021
Slots shall be backfilled (Panel C on Figure 1) with approved site soils or imported fill
following the recommendations provided in Section 6.3 of TGI’s geotechnical report.
Backfilling shall commence as soon as practical following completion of slot-cut excavations
and shall be completed during the same shift that the slot-cut excavation is made.
After the “A” slots are completed, the slot cutting can proceed to the “B” and then “C’ cuts.
The sequence may be modified so long as there is always a 16-foot earthen buttress
between adjacent active slot cuts.
Panels “F’ and “G” on Figure 1 illustrate construction sequences that fill follow completion of
the slot cutting operations.
Geotechnical Observation and Testing
All work associated with slot cuts shall be observed on a continuous basis by the
Geotechnical Engineer. This shall include: observation of operations in general; observation
of the temporary slot cuts to assess their overall stability; observation of fill moisture
conditioning, placement and compaction operations, and; density testing of compacted fill.
If the recommendations presented herein do not address any element of the planned slot-cut
construction or if you require additional information, please contact us for any clarification the
additions that you might require.
Larry R. Taylor Principal Engineer G.E. 2602
2530354020PLExist ground surface8' sewer esm't10' water esm't1.51Exist. 10" VCP sewer mainINVERT EL. 22.6 TO 25.0Exist. 8" ACP water main2530354020PLApprox. limit of removal forremedial grading8' sewer esm't10' water esm'tExist. 10" VCP sewer mainINVERT EL. 22.6 TO 25.0Exist. 8" ACP water main2530354020PL4.0'FF 32.66Approx. limit of removal forremedial grading118' sewer esm't10' water esm't21FG 34.00Exist. 10" VCP sewer main to bereplaced w/ 12" PVC sewer main perDWG 519-5INVERT EL. 22.6 TO 25.0EL. 27.00Exist. 8" ACP water main2530354020PLSlab subgrade (El. 32.2)8' sewer esm't10' water esm'tExist. 10" VCP sewer mainINVERT EL. 22.6 TO 25.0Exist. 8" ACP water main2530354020PL8' sewer esm't10' water esm'tExist. 10" VCP sewer mainINVERT EL. 22.6 TO 25.0Exist. 8" ACP water mainApprox. limit of removal forremedial gradingApprox. limit of removal forremedial gradingA. Construct initial temporary cut slope at property line.B. Excavate "A" Slot Cuts to approved depth of removalC. Place and Compact Fill in "A" SlotsG. Place fill to finished surface after sewer main replacementE. Place and compact fill to slab subgrade elevationMax. 8' wide slot cutsspaced @ 8'3/415' max. vertical in clay soils2333 State Street2333 State Street2333 State Street2333 State Street2333 State StreetPlace fill after construction of newsewer mainTrench excavation for sewer mainreplacementGround surface adjacent to slotGround surface adjacent to slotD. Repeat B through C for "B" Slots and then for "C" Slots2530354020PL4.0'FF 32.66Approx. limit of removal forremedial grading118' sewer esm't10' water esm'tEL. 27.00Exist. 8" ACP water mainF. Construct deepened footing, slab and stemwall.2333 State StreetPlace fill after construction of newsewer mainExist. 10" VCP sewer mainINVERT EL. 22.6 TO 25.0FIGURE 1. SCHEMATIC ILLUSTRATION OF A-B-C
Project Name:Ocean Condominiums - 2501 State Street
Project Number:14.00711
Client Name:Neil & Nicole Billock
Drawn by:LRT Date:11.19.2021
301 Mission Avenue Suite 201
Oceanside California 92054
tel. 760.721.9990 fax. 760.721.9991
Geotechnical Engineering Civil Engineering
Checked by:LRT Date:11.19.2021
GGGGGGGGGGWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSB4B4D4C4C4A4A4G6G6D4E6E6STATE STREET212ENGINEER'S EARTHWORK NOTESOCEAN CONDOMINIUMSDEMOLITION, SHORING & INTERIM GRADING PLANtgi301 Mission Avenue Suite 201 Oceanside CA 92054tel. 760.721.9990 fax. 760.721.9991 www.visitTGI.comGeotechnical Engineering Civil EngineeringREGISTERE