HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 333-2RB; CT 94-09; LEGOLAND EAST SIDE; 01-31.... , N RECLAIMED WATER INFORMATION LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM <PRIVATE> LEGOLAND Carlsbad CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA MASTFR IRRIG.ll.TION WAT[Ft METERS AND 13.A.CKFLOW PREVENTERS WILL 3E PROVIDED. REFER TO NOLTE ASSOC'/1.TES PARl<WIDE JOINT U11LITY rlPIN\> P'I.AN f OR INFORMATION REGARDING LEGOLAND PARKWIOE SITE l,TIL T!ES RECLAIMED RRIGATION WATER DIS-RlBU110N SYSTEM. IRRIGATION SYSTEM POC INFORMATION POINT O• CONNECTION: CONNECT TO 4"STUB-OUT FOR IRRIGATION. STUB-OUT WILL BE P~IDED FROM THE LE(',OLAND ON-SITF PARKWIOE RECLAIMED IRRIGATION WATER DISTRIBUTION SYS"'."EM, MASTER IRRIGATION WATF:R METERS AND [3£.CKFLOI'/ PREVENTER$ WILL BE INSTALLED AS A PART OF THE LEGClAND PARKWIDE SITE UTILITIES LEGOL:JD C.ARL-'BAP LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Billnnd L DK■ 7190 Blllund DENMARK +45 75 ll 11 81Voite +,U 753539 :II Fu: RECLAIMED WA TEA NOTES I. All. WORK SHALL Br DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT"S ~CARLSBAD RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF R~CI AIMED WATER MAINS"' DATED DCIOEIU{ 1993. 2. DRINf<ING fOUNTAIINS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SP-~AY OF ~ECLAIMED WATER. BEST MANAGEMENT c,RAICTIC[S SHALL BE USlD TO MINIMIZE RECLAIMED WATER ENCROACHMENT ON PUBLIC l="ACl:...ITIES SUCH AS PICNIC TABLES, BBO'S, PLAYGROUN:)$, SAND TOT LOTS, ETC. .'i. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE USED TO EC.IMINATI:. QR CONTROL TO THE BEST EXTENT POSSIBLE, POND·NG, RUN-OFF, OVER SPRAY 11.ND MISTING. 4. HOSE BIBS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 5. ON-SITE CROSS-CONNFC:TIONS BETWEEN RECLAIMED W.11.TER LINES AND POTABLE WATER LINES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 6. NO sues~ITUTION OF PIPE MATERIALS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT rRIOR APPROVAL or THE (;ARLSBAD MUNICIIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ?. All MAil'fl·NE PIPIES SHALL HAVE WARNING TAPE PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES ANO REGULAT,ONS, •8. +THE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE RUN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 1 O:OC PM AND 6:00 AM. THE FOLLOWING MORNING (SPOT IRRIGATION COULD BE DONE AT A DIFFER.':'-IT TIMF) WITH QJAL.FIED surER\1ISION PERSONNEL ON SIE, 9. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 18 INCHES OF COVER OVER ALL WIRING AND PIPING. 10. NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED F~OM CONTACT WITH RFC! AIMF:D WATER WI ICTHER BY WINDBLOWN SPRAY OR DIRECT APPUC~TION THROUG.-1 IRRIC4.TI01'l OR OTHEq USE. LACK OF PROTECT/ON. WHETrlER BY OESIG'-1, CONSTRUCTION ?RACTICE OR SYSTEM C?ERAl10N IS STRICTLY PROHll9ITED. 11. IRRIGATION HEADS SHALL BE RELOCATED OR ADJUSTED TO PREVEl'IT OVER-SPRAYING ON SIDEWt1,U{S, STREETS AND NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS. 12. RECLAIMED WATER QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE OF A lYPE DESIGNED FOR THE USE ON RECLAIMED W4.TER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS (srIKFS NOT EXCHANGEABLE Wllt-1 POTABLE WATER QUICK COUPLER SPIKES) PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER OISTRIcrs RULES AND RF\>\JI ATIONS. 1 :~. MFTFR SHALL BE SJZED BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. 14 Ali.. IRRIGATION Plf'ES SHALL BE STENCILED WITH THE WARN1'NG ~NON-POTABLE WATER" OR "RECLAIMED WATER; COLOR coorn (ruRr>LE) AND LAID WITH WARNING l'APE AND STENCILING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAi W4.TrR DISTR!CT'S RULES AND ~lGUL.AflONS. 15. ALL POTABLE ANO RECLAIMED WATER P1P[S SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE STENCILING OR!ENTED TOWARD:S THE TOP OF THE. fRE:.NCH. 16. WHEN A POTABLE WATER LINE AND RECLAIMED WATER LINE CROSS, THE RECLAIMED LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED WIT!HI~ A PROTECTIVE SL FF\,'[. THE SL[EVE SHALL EXTEND 10 FEET FROM EACI-- SIDE, FROM THE CENTER LINE OF POTAB:..E LINE, FOR A TOTAL OF 20 FEE-. 17, A 10-FOOT HORIZ'ONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN DQTABLE WATER AND RFO AIMFD WATER MAINS MUST BE MAINlAINIE.D AT All TIMES. THE POTABLE LINE MUST BE INSTALLED ABOVE THE RECLAIMED LINE. 18. A MIMMUM OF 11 INCHtS OF VCRTICAL $EPA.RATION BETWEEN UTIL:TIES MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. •19, •OE'I/ELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT A CROSS CONNFCTION TEST AND COVERAGE TEST AS DIRECH.O 13Y CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARThfENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PRIOR TO ANY l.SF OF RECLA.IM[D W,i1TER. 20. QUICK COUPLING VALVES USED IN RECLAIMl:.0 WAIER SYSTEMS SHALL CCNFORI-A TQ THE FOLLOWING: RECLAIMED WATER: QUICK COUPLING VALVES USFD IN RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE ACME TYPE THREADS (SPli(ES NOT INTERCH4NGfABLE wrn POTABLE WATER QUICK COUPlF"R SPIKES) A"IO PURPLE COLORED _OCl<ING cov~~s PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THE VALVE. QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE NELSON NO. 76 45. HUNTER NO. f-!V10DA-Rl -NP OR .A.PPROV[D [QL;AL. 21. AN ANNUAL CROSS~CONNECTION INSPECTION SHALL BE DONE BY EITHER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL •2J. 24. 25. 26. W4.TFR fll~ICT OIR ~AN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. COPIES OF 11\SPECTION REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE NON-INSPECTING PARTY. *DEVELOPE~ SHALL SHOW "RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT □RIM{" SIGN I OGA.TIONS ON THESE PLANS •AN ON-SITE USER/SUPERVISOR SHALL BE DESIGNED II'/ WRITING, THIS INOMDUAL SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH PLU~)BING SYSTFMS WITHIN THE PROPERTY, WITH THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF SACKFLOW/CROSS-CO~NECTION PROTECTION, ANO THE SPECIFIC REOUIREME"ITS OF A RECLAIMlD WArER SYSTEM. COPIES :)F -:-HE DESIGI-.ATION, WITH CONTACT PHOr-.JE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATR DISTRICT 11."'IO SAN Ol[GO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EINVIROM,IENTAL HEALTH. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT 01!.VII) CATTI.I' AT (ew 4S8-M570 OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT DAVD CATTLI -~N~A~M~,---PHONE NUMBER NAME. AT i~ <1-38-~~JJ_ PHONE NUMBER SHOW ALL PUBLIC ANO PRIVATE POTABLE WATER MAINS ON THE PLANS. ON RECLAIMED WAlER SYSTEMS, All APPURTENANCES (SPRINKLER HEADS, VALVE BOXES, FTC.) SHALL BE COLOR CODED PURPI F P[R AWWA GlJIDELINlS AND SECTION 404954 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTI-I ANO SAFITY CODE. ALL FIRE LATRALS ANO SEWER LATERALS WITHIN THE RECLAIMED WATR PRO,JFCT AR"A SHALL BE SHOW"-1 ON ~HE PLANS. ,TEM NOS. 8, 19, AND 23 SHALL BE REQUIRED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ITEM NO. 22. THE SIGNAGE PLANS SHALL Bt A PART OF THIS l,P, BUT THE ACTUAL SIGNS /\ND TAGS 'Nill BE NSTALLED JUST PRIOR TO ACTUAi usr OF RECLAIMED WATER. TYPICAL SIGNS rBLACK L.OGO I 1 '" BLACK LETTERS SIGNAGE NOTES TH[ FOLLOWING GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ARF TO BE PERMANENTLY PCISTCD INSIDE 'HE DCOR OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THEY ARE E/\SILY VISIBLE. PLACE ON 8-1/2"X11~ SILLL) SIGN. COLOR: PURPLE BACKGROUND wn-1 8-~CK LETTERING. GUll'JFI INF$ FOR ~[CLAIMED WATER USL 1. IRRIGATE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 PM AND 6:00 AM ONLY. WATERING OLJTSIDF TH'S TIME FRAME MUST BE DON:': MANUALLY wrn-QUALIFlED SUPERVISORY PFRSONNfL ON SITE. NO SYSTEM S·IALL AT ANV TIME BE LEFT UNATTENOD DU~ING USE OLJTSll)F TH" NORMAL SCfl[OULE. 2. IRRIGATE IN A MANNER THAT WILt.. MINIMIZE RUNOFF, POOLING AND PONDING. Tl-lE AflPLICATION l~Al[ SHALL NO' EXCEED THE: INF'LTRATION RATE OF THE SOIL TIMFRS UUS-BE ADJUSTED TO AS TO BE COMPAl IBLE WITH THE LOWEST SOIL INFILTR/\TION RATE PRESENT. THIS PROCEDURE. MAY L3L ~AC\LITATED BY THE [FC;CIENT SCHEOULNG OF THE AUTO~ATIC CONTROi Cl OCKS (I.E., EMPLOYING THE REPEAT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO CYCLFS TH,t..T WILL PRQMOfC:: MAXIMUM SOIL ABSORP-I01\. J, ADJUST SPRAY HE:\DS TO EL,MINAl"E OVERSPRAY {)NTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLf, POOi OFCKS, PRIVATE PATOS ANL) LOTS, AND STREETS A.N'.) SIDEWALKS. 4, MONITOR AND MAINTAIN TH:: SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMLNl !\ND MATRIAL FAIURE. BROKEN SPRINl<LE~ HEADS, LEAKS, UNRFI IARI F 'JALVES, ETC, SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME APPARENT, 5. EDUCATE ALL M/1/NTEN/\NCE PERSONNEL ON JI. CONTINUOUS BASIS OR fl-IE PRi::SENCE OF RECL4IMED WATER PERSONJ\IEL MUST BE INFOR~m .,.HAT RECLAIMED WATER :5 MEA"lT FOR IRRIGATIOI\-"'URPOSES ONLY, AND !S NOT APPRDVED FOR DRINKII\G P!JRPOS'::S, HAND, TOOL, WASHING. ETC. GIVEI\ THE HIGH TURNOVER RAE OF EMPLOYEES IN THE LANOSCAl''l'JG INDUSTRY, IT IS I\APORTAN-rilS IN"ORMAT'ON BE DISSEMINATED ON P..N ALMOST DAILY ~SIS. IT S YOU, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR, WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ECUCAflNG EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. 6. OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF Al I PROPOSED CHANGES ANC 'v\ODIFICATIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON-SITE FACILITIES. SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUl:3M' I rm ro !\ND APPR01/ED BY THE DISTRl:T ENGINEERING OFFICE AND DESIGNED l"l ACCORDANC[ Wll'I I JISf~ICT STANC./l.RDS. 7. ALL RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL 8E TAGGFn W!TH IOF:NTIFICA'ION TAGS. A. TAGS SHALL BE Wl.Arl·IL:RPR00" PLASTIC .3'X'4' PURPLE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS "WARNINC RECLAIMED WATER -DO NOT DRINI(" IMPRl:.JTED ON Oh!E SIDE, AND • ,WISO -ACLA IMP URA NO -o,.wr ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMA.NFl'-lT ANO ALACK IN COLOR. USL TAGS AS MA"lUFACTURED BY T. C:HRISTY ENERPRISES CR APPROVED EQUAL. 8. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO E,6,CH VALVE AS FOL' .. OWS· l. ATTACH TO VALVE ST[M DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE WRAP, OR 2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY M WITH PLAS-:-I;: 'IE WRAP, OR 3. ATTAC--1 TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT, 8. ALL SPRl"lKLER HEADS SHALL BE IDENTli:-IED AS RECL/\IMED WATER SPRINKLER HEAGS. II. EACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AND fTS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IOEI\ TIFlED WITH A SIGN BEARlll!G 'HF WORDS "'RECL.J,,ltJED WAE~ USLJ I OR IRRIGATION" fN ENGLISI-I AI\JD SPANISH, WITH BLACK Lmrns 1· HIGH ON A PUf~PLL l34CKGROUND. THE SIGN SHALL BE PLACED SO THt.T T CAN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATING PE~SCNNEL USING THE EQUl0 MENT. I !PURPLE AACKGROUND J6~(NTS) / WAANING FECLAMED WATER DO NOT DRINK WAPIMN8 IWOLAIMl!O WA.Tl!!Ft DO NOT DR .. K RECLAIMED WATER AYl80 -AQUA IMPURA NO TOMAR 2'' BLACK LmERS (SIZE) 12"X 35• -:>6D A.BS PLASTIC OR STICK ON 'JINYL SIGNS 11,_so 016 ALUMINUM 1" BL.ACK LETTERS Avt80 -AGUA t.F\JAA NO TOMAA (SIZE) 18"X 18" 076 ALUMINIJM, 060 ABS PLAS":IC OR STICK ON VINYL SIGNS INSPECTION PROCEDURES CllY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Sl1ALL INCLUDE: A. LOCATION OF PIPE LINES B. TRENCH DEPTH C. REQUIRED SEPARATION (HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY) D. PIPE IDENTlflC.~TION (P.O.C.S) P01N'IS m· CONNECTION E. LOCATION 1\NO IOENTIFICATIOt>. ::IF SPRINKI fR HEAOS F. WARNING SIGNS AT THE SITE AND ON "fl-JE TRUCKS Hl>.lJI ING "?FCL.AIMEO WATER (IF RECLAIMLl) WAI LI~ IS LSED FOR CONSTRUCTION. AN Al=>PROVAL LETTER REGARDING THE INSPECTION OF THE 0 ROJECT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM Tl-IE CITY AN'.) OISTRICT. AND BE FORWARDED TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DE~•.<\~TMENT OF ENVl~Ot-MENTAL HEALTI-PRIOR TO FII\Al INS"'ECTION A.PPROVAL If. O!STRIC I HNAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. COVERA.GE TEST. AFTER COMPLETION OF Tl-IE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO DETERMINE THE ADEOUACV OF COVFRAGF ON I HI:_ APPROVED USE A~EA AND PROTECTION OF AREAS NOT ArrROVED FOR RlCLIVING l{LCLA!MEO WATER B. iNARNING SIGNS ANO LABELS C. QUICK COUPLING VALVES D. ALL ASPECTS OF THE IRRIGATION CONOIT10NS INCLUDING WIN1)8LOWN SPRAY, RUl\0I-1", AND PONDING E. REQUIRED DRCTECTION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS F. r-?lQUlf~LO ~"ROTECTION OF WELLS, STREAMS, =tESERVOIRS. ETC. G. CROSS CONNECTION Ill. .<\NNUAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE A COMPLETE l"lSPECTIDN WI IICH SHOULD COVE,;: PART A. PART PART G OF THE DISTRICT'S FINAi ·NSPECTION, CARLSBAD RANCH BAND IRRIGATION WATER D·STRH3UTION SYSTEM. REffR TO NOi F ASSOCIATES PARKWIDE JOINT UTILITY PIPING PLAN FOR ST JB-OUT LOCATON AND ADDITICNAL JOINT UTILITY rIrING INFORMATION. ' ' \ ' SCALE 1"-400'-0" LF,GOLAND Al.traction Center, Wlndoor LI Thamm hllctfn£ Alma IW., Wlmt.or lertohlre, UK, IL41LU +44 1753 626400 Vole. ... 44 I HJ 7"667 Pax Ro• W yatl Associates Att .... on Dttllgn Consultanta 1 1014 Vine Street, Suite 1300, Clndftnatl, OH 45282 513 311 0055 Vole• 513 311 2691 Fax HOKStudioE An:hltect of RKONI 1655 26th StrNt, Suite tN. Santa Monka. CA '8404 JI04J.J0100Volce JI0G32052Fax Sasaki Aoooelateo, Inc. Lanchoipe Conllllltantil 703 Palomar Airport Road,.._ 171 619 603 6765 Voice 619 603 '761 Pax Nolte and Associates, Inc, CMI Enl'ineerlns 54'9 KMfflY VIiia had, lulee 301, lllll DI ... CA tt 123 619 278 9391 Vole• 619 2714621 Fax McGraw/Baldwin Architects Aaoclated Ai cllll.tccts 701 ■ Str.ct, Sutt. 100, San Dfeao, CA f2101-II II 619 13 I 8751 Voice 619 ll I -4396 Fu: Martin & Dunn, Inc. Sttwctu..i Ellp!Ml'ln1 7801 Minion C.nter Ct, #4DO Ian Dlqo, CA 911 N 6194'711 IIVulce "' 4t7 042f fmr: □ ■ □ □ Ro•enberg + Aosoclat.• D Mechallk:al, Eled:rlclll, i-ltanbln1 Con.ultanu 5tJJ W, Century llwl, #1050, Lua Anpl-., CA 90N5 310645D142Vuice 3106451861Fn WO IC """'"""" "' ""' aoc,,,.,. '"'"'""" "'"'''"'"' ,of><o,,·,c,, ., _fGOCM-IC "'"'"'" l,o ,,a/o.-o,t,,,e LEGO '"'""o< Aoy ""Y ceoo"''ll ,,.,, "'""~""' do•• <o '" e<af,Oor,ce ,o~ ,gcooo 1ho1 ·ho ;aformo,;oa ,~a,ola~O ho,c"' oSol oo< be 0,,1,.,,too ta ,holo o, h cod, ,o, clsc,osod Oo ota,,., wltho,,o the o,o,eo; o ,er w"""" cu,se, L uF LEGC<_Afll C,a,l<b>d 10, ' / ARMADA DRIVE-- VICINITY MAP DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RFSPONSIAI F CHARGE ovrn HI[ O[SIGN OF THIS PROJlC I AS DEFINED l'J SECTION 670.3 0" THE BUSINESS PROFESSIONS CODE AND THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CU~RENT STANl)ARGS. I UND[RSTAND THAT THI:. CHECK Of PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND Tf-;E SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT>-J IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW ON:..Y AND DOES NO,. RELIEVE ME. PS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK, OF ~1Y RFSPONSIBILTIES FOR r~OJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN. WATER CONSERV./lTION PLAN, "IRE SUPPRESSION PLAN. AND ALL CDND1TtONS or APPROVAL RELAIUJ 10 ..A.NJSO.PING. IA8AKI A880CIATl8 ~IRM TODDP.WNNITT L.ANDSCAPF ARCHITF(:T 703 PALOMAR Alff'OFIT AO., CARLaAD ADDRESS ------:7 ,.., LICENSE NO. -~_JAN t.7 DATE ce18Ht03-ena PHONl REVISIONS MUST BF APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, CITY ENGINEER, ANO DISTRICT EttG1NEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATON IN THE I ILLD. ~ d.d. Pagano, Inc. REVISIONS MUST f!F Arr>ROVFD BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING & CIS-,-RICT ENGINEER PRIOR -o l~PL£METNATION I~ FIELD. IMIGATION CONSULTANTS ~~~--Ill; --CA-("'i ?1'-f,lll (71") ?11-ffOI 18:~¾] AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER LEGEND -W-EXISTING DOMESTIC WATER SYSTE"M IN ARMAl)A ROAD -Rw-EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM IN ARM.A.DA ROAD -----PROPOSED RECLAIMED !R~IGArlON WATER DISrRIBUTION SYSTEM (ON-SITE) ----IRRIGATION MAINI.INF PIPING TO IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE:S ■ • • "'ROPOSED IRR GATION RECLAl~ED WATER METER ANO BACK FLOW PREVENTER RRIGATION POINT OF CONNlCTION ON PARKWIOE ON-SITE RE-CLAIMED WATER LINE "00 NOT DRINK" SICN ·_OCAT!ONS Issue No. 2 IOMP#ICo111C111CdonSet IGN~ #I Pac .... N-Ol-tl LIST OF SHEETS SEU VICE/ ADMINISTRATION IRRIGA-ION 2 IRR,GATION 3 IRRIGATION 4 IRRIGATION 5 IRRIGATION 6 IRRIGATION 7 IRRIGATION 8 PLANTING 9 PLANTING 10 Pl ANTING 1 1 PLANTING 12 PLANTING 1 .l PLANTING 14 PLANTING 15 PLANTING SASAKI Scso.;;i Associates, Inc. NOT[S LE:ENO PLAN PLAN DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS PLAN PLAN DETAILS SCHEOULJ SPEclrlCATIONS SPECl~ICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS SPFCl~ICATIONS Irrigation Notes A$ Noted SAi 61539 .00 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING ARRAS 'AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP ___ _ REVItw'ED BY, INSPECT□R I SH'," I CITY or CARLSBAD PLANNIN~ tEPARTMENT ------------+---+--+---,---j --1-----i IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: DATE DAT~ 703 F'olomor Afr-port Rood Suite 170 LEGOLAND Carlsbad INNER PARK SERVICE AREA Ccrlsboo, CA 1noo~ ARTMENT OF CARLS8.A.D MUN/Clr'AL WAT[R DISTRICT ,_e_e_e_ov_,_P_, _,,,_·-? I'/ Ass-. p NNING DIRECT {J.: 1/,l, 7- &'-; 4 7 ~ ~fl,,,>•••r 8-1· 9) DAE W!LUAM E. PLUMMFR D,l.TE DISTRICT ENG!J,,;EER R.:";.E. ?8176 DATT" NITIA! E~GINEER 0.F WORK REVSION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE IN!flAL 0A Tl'" OTHfR APPROVAL r.lTY APPROVAL DWN BY: ~ ! P~O,JF"(;T NO_ CHKD BY,~ 1' CT 94-09-03 RVl'VD BY: ___ . fJRAi'~NG NO f133-2.L. CMWD 94-201 <C 0 0 .... ""I:. O•; . ' ;'1:·: ., ITT LOW HEAD DRAINAGE NOTE• DRAINAG[ or IRr(IGATl:JN WATCR Tl lROUGI I SPr-'.'NKLrn I ICA.DS WlLL NOT G[ .A.LLOWlO. ALL SPR'NKLl:_R Hl:_AIJS HAVI:. 13l:.lN SPl:_CIFll:J) WIIH 8UILI-IN ANTI-DRAIN D'.:.VICCS TO PRCV[NT LOW HCI\D DRAII\AGL HOW'::VCR, Ir DURING THE CO.JRSE CF CONSTRJCTION ANY SPRINKLER HEAC SHOWS SIGNS or DRAINING AFTER THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS OPERATED rii'0\.1 AN ON TO OFF POSiT'ON, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A HUNTER HCV .A.NTI CRAIN VAL.l1E -o SPRINKLER HEAD RISER ASSEMBLY AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT LOW HEAD -JRAINAGE. ADDITION CF ANTI-DRAIN VALVES SH..-..LL BE INCLUDE~ IN THE BID PRICE Wl'HOUT ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. SPRAY HEAD NOZZLE INFORMATION WHl:.N INSIALLING SPRINKLl:.R Hl:.AJS L;Sl~G ~AIN::.ilRlJ 180D Sl:.Rll:.S NOZZLES THAT REQUIRE ARC PATTERNS OTHER THAN THE STANDARD ARC PATTERNS (360 . 180 , 90 , ETC.) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE RAINBIRD VARIABLI:. ARC NOZZLES ~VAN) IN LIEU 0~ SIANDARD ARC ~OLZLES. RAD JS m-VAN NOZZLE::S SHALL BE. SELE.CED re MATCH SIT[ CONDITIONS, [XAMPL[: US[ 8-VAN V/1 l[N 8 rocT RADIUS IS REQUIRED OR A 12-VAN W'--lEN A 12 FOOT RADIUS IS REQUIRED. OBSTRUCTIONS WHEN VERTICAL OBSTRUCTIONS ~PROPS, ST~EET LIGHTS, TREES, ETC.) INTFRF=:Rf WITH THF SPRAY PATTERN OF THE SPRINKLER HEADS SO AS TO PREV::NT PROPER COVERAGE, THE IRRIGATION CONTRA.CTOR SHALL FIELD ADJUST THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM BY 'NSTALLI\JC A QUARTER CIRCLE OR HAJ C1RCLE SPR \IKLER 1-<EAD ON EACH SIDE or -HE OBSTRUCTION SO AS TO PROVIDE PROPER COVERAGE. ALL ADJl,STMENTS SHALL BE MADE AT NO ADC•ITIONAL COST TO -rE OWNER. (TYPICAL) POP-UP SPRINKLER HEADS IN ADDITION T:J THOSE POP-UP TYPE SPRINKLER 1-'E.ADS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING, IT IS THI:: INTENT Qi:' TH!S IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN THAT ANY S.;,RINKLlR HEAD WITHIN I1:.N (10) ~E.1:.I Of-ANY PLOC:SIR,A\l OR VE'llCJLAR TRAFFIC AREA Sl-1ALL BE A POP-JP HEAD. SLEEVING NOTE• FOR MAINLINE, LATERAL LINE, OR WIRING UNflER VEHICLE PAVINC, lJSF PV;'.'.: SCHEDULE 80 WITH JO" COVE~. 2. FOR MAINLINE OR WIRING UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING, USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 WITH 18~ COV~R. J. FOR LATERAL LINE UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING, USE PVC SCH!::DIJLE 40 WITH 12" C.OVER POTABLE WATER PIPING NOTE OE.NOTES POTABLE WA-ER PIPING. REFER TQ ~PO-ATS: .. .:: SERVICE LINE 2-ROSSING" AND "POrABLE MAINI .. ·NE CROSSING'' DETAILS #2J AND #2t.. ON SHEET 6 (L216) cciR ADDITIONAL INFOR~ATION. IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LEGEND SYlv'BCL 1'1ANU'°",1\CT JRER ~mDEL NC, DES::;RIPrlON l•aAXICOMI RAINBl~D ~lAXICOM-60 CENTRAJ.. COM PU I I:.~ CON IROL SYST[M ASS[MGL Y [3Y PACIFIC TECHNICAL S'::RVICES (PTS) TO BE LUCA.TED WITHIN LANDSCP.rE OFFICE ~ ~AIN8IRD CCU-28 CLUSTE~ CONTROL UNIT ASSFMAI '!' AY PA(';IFIC TFCHN,CAL SERI/ICES (PTS) - '?EFER TO IRRIGATION nRP.W!N(';S FOR I OC'.A-ION, Sl7F AN') MOUNTING -YPE -,?AINAIRI) FIELD SATELLITE ASSEMBLY BY PACIFlC TECHNICAL SE~VICES {PTS) -PEDESTAL \WUNTED IN STP.INLESS STEEL CABINET -REFER TO RRIGATION DRAWINGS FO~ LOCl>.T/ON, SIZE AND 'v10UNTING TYPE • () ---N- ~ @ ~IZI -wo- 5001 ILR PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE WI-H 10 TO 12::< SPRING RANGE -USE BRONZE SCl1[WD BODY roR SIZES -s-ANO SMALLER -SIZE AND rRESSURE SETTING "IOTE.0 DATA INOUSTRIA<-IR-220-P IRRIG/>.TION MAINLINE ANO/OR WASHDOWN FLOW SENSOR. -SIZE NOTED -,. INDICATES FLOW SEI\SJR SIZE RAINSiRD NFI.SON NlBCO KING BROS. CRISPIN RAINBIRD PFA A-PRS-B PRESSURF RFGUIATING FIFCTRIC CONTROi VA.l.VF -SIZE NOTED. 7645 QUICK COUPLING VALVE wrH LOCKING PURPLE VINYL COVER FOR REClAIMED WATER-1" T-113 SERIES GATE VALVE WITH BRONZE CROSSHANOLE FOR VALVES 3tt AND S'YIALLER ANC NIBCO P-619-RW SERIES RESILIENT SE.AL GATE VALVE WITH 2tt o::iERATING NLT !:'QR VALVES 4" AND LARGER -LI\JE SIZE "KSc'' SERIES SWl"JG CHECK VALVE_ -LINE SILE. IC1 OA Al~ RE:.L!Ef-' VALVE:: -2M 44LRC QUICK COUPLING VALVE WITI-7 LOCKING RUBBER COVER FOR WASHf)flWNS lJSIN\, OOMfSTIC WATF"? 1" WS-200 WEATHER STATION ASSEMBLY BY PACIFIC TF(;HN1CAI SFR:VlCFS (PTS) MASTER VALVE / BASKET STR.l\lNER ASSE\lB:..Y WITH 40 MESH STAINLESS STEEL SCREEI-I -REFER TO STR.A,INER / PRFSSURF RFnlJ\. NG VAi VF CONSTRUCTION DETAIL AND IR::i:ICATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL IWORM.A.TICN BUR'ED PRESSJRE MAIN LINE PIPING -USE PVC CLASS 200 WITH RII\G-TITE JOINTS FOR SIZES 4" AND LARGER PVC CLASS 315 FOR SIZES 2" THRU 3" AND PVC SCHEDULE 40 FOR SIZES 1-1 /2" AND SMALLER -SIZE-NO I t.D -USL'- PJRPLE COLOR PIPE FOR IRRIG/ITlON UNES USINC RECLAIMED WATER BLJRICD PR[SSIJRE MAINLINE WASHDOWN PIPING -USE PVC CLASS 315 FOR SIZES 'L THRL' 3• ANO PVC SCHFntJl.• 40 roR SIZ[S 1-1/2'' AND SMALLrn -SIZ[ NOT[D -JS[ WHITE COLOR PIPE FOR WASHDOWN LINES USING )OMESTIC WATER BURIED NON-PRESSURE LATERAL JNE PIPING -USE e)vc CLASS 200 FOR LATERAL LINE P'PING INSTALLED WITHIN PLANTING AREAS ANO PVC SCHEDULE 40 FOR LATERAL LINE PIPING INSTALLED UNJER PAVED AREAS -SIZE NOTED - USE ruRr>LE COLOR r>lr>[ FOR IRRIGATION LINES USING RFCI AIMFI) WATFR -CC-C0MfvIJNICATION CABLE &; CONDUIT -t' PVC SCHEDULE 40 PROV1DED .&ND iNSTALLED BY IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR. CONTROL WIRE SLEEVE UNDER PAVED AREA -SEE' SLEFV!NG NOTFS SI7F NOTFn ---PIPE SLEE\1[ FOR IRRIGATION PIPING INSTALLED l,NCF~ PAVING -SC[ SLEEVING NO~ES -SIZE NOTED --- -CS-FLOW SENSOR CJ>.B-.. E IN PVC SCHEDULE 40 CONDUIT -2" PVC SCHEDULE 40 PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY IR~!GJ>TION CONTRACTOR. -----INDICATES ON-SITE RECLAIMED WATER )ISTRl8UTION SYSTEM -SHOWN FOR INFORMATI0"-1 ONLY REFER TO NOLTE ASSOC'ATES PARKWIJE SITE UTILITIES CIV L JRAWJNGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ~--l--I1\'DICATES CCU LETTER JESIGNATION r:ll-,F:;::tlNDIC/ITES FIELD St,TELLITE / CCLJ CHANNEL NUMBER •-• -•1 INDICATES FIELD SATELLITE STATION NLJ~~RFR • I • I I1\DICATES FLOW I1',i G.P.M. INDIC.A'ES VALV'c.. SIZE ~--+ INDICATES CCU LETTER DESlGNATION. ~f-'.F:;::tlJ\iDICATES FIEL:) SATE:..LITE / CCU CHANNEL NUMBER. 11'-• --~ lt-;0I8.ATES Fl::LJ SATE,..LITL'-Sl"AIION NUM8C.R. ;jt . .t INDICA-TS MASlrn VALVl (MCV). '-l:::':::':::'-1-1NDICATS MASTER VALVE SIZE. ~--!-INDICATES CCU LETTER JESIGNATION. I I1\0ICATcs occoorn c, IANNCL NUMBER. • • • INOICAT[S D[VIC[ TYP[, -_ovv SENSO~ (FS) 0~ RAIN BUCKET (RB). -. • INOICA-;-ES PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE AND/OR PRESSURE REDUCING/BASKET STRAINER ASSEMBLY SIZE I1\'DIGATES PRESSURE SETTINC FOR PRESSURE RDUCING VALVE NOTE• USE RECLAIMED WATER LIDS FOR ALL VALVE BOXES PCS SELECTION CHART DESCRIPTION FLAT SPRAY LOW ANG;E SPRAY 15° TRAJECTORY STD. 1\NGLE SPRAY 30° lRAJECCORY STREAM BUBBLER ,10DEL Gl-'M COLOR SF-FLT SH-FLT s-FLT 8C-ILI 10F-LA 10'1-LA 10T-IA 10:::-LA 12F 12TQ 12TT 12 I l?T 12::;; 5F-8 5H 8 bC-B SCST-8 rcs-020 PCS cJo 0.2 0.3 Brown ,j' 5' 3' 2" 5" 12" 12." 4' 4" 6" +18" +18" PCS C4C C.4 Orange 6" F3ub .. , 4'-6' -· +8' 1' Bub. 5' /' +10' 7" +18" 4' 4' PCS-060 0.6 Back 2' Bub. 7' :,' +8' ,, Bub. 4' 8' 10' +12' 12" 4' PCS-000 0.9 White +8' 4' 110' 2' Bcb. 6' 10' +12' +18" P\,S-125 1.25 Green 5' 6' R' s· +12' 30" WHEN RADIUS OF SPRINKi_[R H~ADS, REQUi~[D roR PROPrn CO\/CRAG[, iS L'.:SS Tl IAN RAO;IJS SHOWN ON LEGEND, THE CONTRACTCR SHALL C:QUIP SPRINKI rn HF AD WITH A RAIN BIRD "pcs· PRFSSlJRF COMPFNSATING SCRFPJ '°"OR !.CW F'_O'I'\' ANIJ Rl">,l)IUS CON"IROL.. Sf Fr:T Sl,REEN ON CHART ABOVE FCR rRorER RADIUS. NOTE• USE RECLAIMED WATER LIDS FOR ALL SPRINKLERS PCS-175 1.75 Yellow +8' +10' 7' +12' -12· NOTE• IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LA TEST EOtTION OF THE CMWD SPCECIFICA TIONS FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEMS USING RECLAIMED WATER ·• • IRRIGATION SPRINKLER LEGEND • LEGOLA~D SYl~BOL MANUFA,::TURER MODE_ NO. DESCRl:,TON NOLLLC. F~ADIUS 3.F.'vl P.S.I. 0 0 0w © ® ®"" © © ©w 0 © @"" 0 0 0- @> ® @ @ @ 0 ® ® @ (f!) @I @J 61; @ @ @ @) @) @ @) ® @ @ @ @ @) @ • ♦ )S( RAII\Bl"?D T-4-SAM-FC 1-4-SAM-PC T-4-SAM-PC I-4-SAM-FC T-4-SAM-PC T-4-SAM-PC T-4-SAM-FC T-4-SAM-PC T-4-SAM-PC T-4-SAM-FC T-4-SAM-PC T--4-SAM-·PC T-4-SAM-FC T-4-SAM-PC T-4-SJ>M-PC I-4-SAM-~C T-4-SAM-PC T-4-SJ>.M-PC T-4-SAM-FC .,.-4-SAM-PC T-4-SAM-PC T-·4·SAM FC --4-SAM-PC ~ -4-SAM-FC T-4-SAM-PC T-4-SAM-PC T-4-SAM-PC T-4-SAM-PC ~ -'2-SAM-FC --'2-SAM-PC T-12-SAM-PC T-12-9.M-FC I-12-SAM-PC T-17-~AM-PC I-12-SII.M-~C T-12-SAM-rc T-i 2-S/>M-PC T-12-SAM-PC T-12-Si\M-PC T 17--SAM PC T-12-SAM-PC T-12-SAM-PC 1812-SA~1-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 187 2-SAM-PRS 1812-SAM-PRS 18~2-SA~1-FRS 18'2-SAM-PRS 1872-SAM-PRS 1812-SA~1-PRS 18'2-·SAM PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS , aoG-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM··PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1 f\Ofi--SAM·-PRS 1806-SAM-PRS 1806-SA~1-PRS PA-8S···PRS PA-8S-PRS PA-8S-PRS PA-85-PRS rA-85-rRS PA-8S-PRS PA-8S-PRS PA-BS~PRS PA-8S-PRS PA-8S-Pr~s PA-85-PRS PA-8S~PRS 6!'F''JAl),J TN- .35e>JADJ-TN~ 2!:>PJ-.A.DJ 1401 (7 ~FO'f)) 4"POP-UP LP.WN ROTOR T-22-2.0/PCS 17• FT, T-22-1.0/PCS 17• T -22-.65/PCS 17• T -22-2.0 22• T-22-1.0 22• T--22 .65 22• T-J0-4.0/PCS 25• T-30-2 o;rcs 25• T-30-1.0/PCS 25• T-30--1.0 30• T-30-20 30-+ T-30·-1.0 JO-+ T 40· 6 0 RC 3.'S• "'.' -40-3.0 RC 35+ r-40-2.0 RC 4~POP-UP SHRUB ROTOR T 40 6.0 RC T-40-3.o r-ic T-40-2.0 RC T-30-5.0 T-30-2.5 12• POP-UP SPRAY HEAD 6"POP-UP SPRAY >--JEAD I ! l l ~HRl!B SPRAY IMPACT SPRINKLER l l TREEWELL BUBBLER r-30-LJ 30• T :30-4.0/PCS 25+ ~ -30-2.0/PCS 25• T-22-2.5 T-22-1.3 T-22-.65 T-22-1.0/PCS 11-+ T-22-.65/FCS l7• T-40-t'i.0 RC .35• T-40-3.0 RC .35• f-40-2.0 RC .35* T-30-5.0 30• l-30-2.5 30-1< T-3D-1.3 30"' T-30-4.0/P(;~ 25,. T-30-2.0/PCS 25+ T-22-2.5 22• T-22~1 . .3 22* T-22-0.65 22 .. T-22-2.0/PCS 171< T-22-1.0/PCS 17• l-22-.65/PCS 17« U-15F 15 u-1::.II LJ-15Q '2F 1/H 120 10F-l.A 'OH-..A ·oQ-..A 8F-FLT BH-FLT BQ-FLT U-15' U-15H U-15Q '2F '.2H 1/Q 1 OF-LA 'OH-L.A \OQ-1..A 8F-FLI 81-'-FLT BQ-FLT ',5-SST 75-EST U-15::' U-15-i ll-15Q 1'.H ·2H ~20 10F-LA 10H IA 'OQ-..A 8F --FLT BH-FLT 80-~ LI '6 '2 10 15 15 12-.. 12 ... 12-.. 10 .... 10u 10 ... a .. . .. a .. 15 15 15 12u 12 .. 12 .... 10u 10u "" a .. 15 15 15 12,u l2u 12 .. 10 .. H),u 1 :, .. a .. "" Bu .L 57• 49• 41' 1.6 45 1 . .:1 45 0.6 45 2.6 4,5 1.3 45 0.6 45 J.75 45 2.0 45 1,0 45 5.30 45 2.6 45 1.::S 45 7.1 45 3.8 45 2.G 4:, 7.' 45 3.8 45 2.6 45 5.5 45 2.•g ~5 1.3 45 J.75 45 2.D 45 2.5 45 1.3 ~5 0.5 45 1.0 4!:i .06 45 7.1 45 3.8 45 2.6 45 5,5 -15 2.9 45 1.3 45 3.75 45 2.0 45 2.5 45 1 . .3 45 0,6 45 L8 45 1.0 45 .06 45 3.7 30 1.9 30 0.9 30 2.6 JO 1.3 30 0.7 JO 1.6 ."\D C.8 JO 0.4 30 1.6 30 0.8 JD C.1 30 3.7 30 1,9 30 0.9 JD 2.6 30 FLJL_ CIRCLE HAL- QTR. FULL HALF OTR. FULL HALF QTR. FULL HA_F QTR. FULL HALF QIR. FLL.l HAL~ QTR. FULL HALF OTR. FULc. HALF. FULL HALF QTR. HA_r HALc FIJI I HALF QTR. F!JLL I ·ALF OTR. fULL f-JALF FULL HALF QTR. FULL HALF QTR. FU_L IIA,..I OTR. rut.L HALF QTR. FlJi I HALF QTR. FULL HAc.F OTR, FULL HALF OTR. FULL u 0.7 JO HALr 1.6 Ii .l'l C.4 1.6 0.8 C.4 1.0 1.0 3.8 1.9 0.9 2.5 1.3 07 1.6 0.8 C.4 1.6 0.8 0.4 12.9 7,2 5.0 0.5 30 OTR. 30 FULL .'iO 1-cAI F 30 QTR. 30 fULL 30 HALF 30 QTR. 30 SIDE STRIP 30 END STRIP 30 JO .,o 30 30 JD 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 30 FULL CIRCc.E HAU: QTR. r-LJ:..L HALF Olf. FUl.L HiLF OTR, FULL HA'_F QTR. PART PART PART FLOOC ... C A R ,L ~ B A D LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Billund .:J DK• 7190 lllli.nd DENMARK +45 75 33 11 88 Voice +45 75 35 39 38 Fu: LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Wind,or D Thames Bulldfn1,, Alma Rd., Wlndsor Bl!rklhll'e, UK, SL4I LU +<M 1753 626400 Voice +44 1753 79U67 Pu: Rou•c Wyatt A•soclatc,, I_ I Attl'lldlon Design Consutbmta 101,t Vlne~Sulte 1300,Clndnnad, OH ,15202 513 311 ODSSVokeSIJ 311 ]691 Fax HOK Studio E Archltec:t of Record 1655 26th Stramt, Sulta 2DO, Sana. Monica. CA 9CMCM 31045JOIDOVolC9 JI0-41532052Fax Sasaki Associates., Inc. Landleape Con1ultana 703 Palomar Airport lload Ste. 170 619 603 6765 Voice 619 603 6761 Fu LJ ■ Nolte and Associates, Inc. n C:IYII Enzlneerlna: 5469 Kearny vtlla Road, Suite 3D5, Ian t»eso, ~ 92 I 2S 619178 93'2 Voice 619 278 4628 Fax , ~ . . ' " ' .. McGraw/Baldwin Architect, Auodated Archlteca 781 B5treet.Sulte210,San Diep,CA92IDl-1I0I 6192310751 Voice 6l92314396Fu Martin & Dunn, lne. St:ruetul"III Eftllneerlnl 7801 Minion Center Ct. #400 San .::..0, CA '1108 619,f971118Volc:e 6l94f70◄29Fu. Rosenberg + Associates Hechanlc.i, Eledl'kal, Plumbln1 Comultants 5933 W. Century Blvd. #1050, LOI Anples, CA 90MB 310 645 01◄:i Vofc:e 3106"5 1868 Fu: N<_>,,US '"• coo1ear, "' '"" ooc=•nr °""" "-'" '""'"~ "t ""''"'""" a' ,~, :·1 ·"'" ,,.,,,,or '"' ,o;;« o·O" I GC• .,,,,,., >ns '"'I '"-'"'""'g "' '""'"'"""' Oo•e ,o "conro~,ee mn1 "" """ l ,aL Iha I"( ., , ,a!lc,,, '..~"'"'' vJ >,,, O•" sldl ""I Lu "" ,co 10J '" w>,o,o o, "' ,,.. L, w ~'"'"'"" ,c OCM , a11 ,',,,, "" a,~ '-" "' ~, "' """ rno,aot ct I fe,, ,I , rr ,,, ..• ,,a ''" Issue No. 2 IGMP #I Packap 06-03-97 I I~ 0.11" Deul11pment lubmlttlll 05-IJ..t7 SERVICE/ ADMINSITRATION Irrigation Details NTS SAi 61539.00 □ n I ADJusr RADIUS o~-GE.4-R ROTOR AND STREA\.1 ROTOR SPRINKLERS FOR 1-'EA.D-TO-rlEAD COVERAGE_ WHEN RAJIUS OF RA!NBIRD 1800 SERIES SPRAY HEADS REQUIRCD roR PROPER COVERAGE S LESS TH/>.N RADIUS SI ,,JWN ON LCG[ND, TH[ CONTRACTOR SHA_L EQUIP THE SPRINK· FR HEAD WITH A RAIN RIRD "PCS" PRESSURE COMPENSATlt,G SCR[[N roR rLOw ANO RADIUS COi\ TROL. SELECT s:::REEN ON PCS NOZZLE SCREEN SELE:::TI0N C--jA~T FOR APPROPRl/>.TE RADIUS. @P d.d. Pagano, Inc. IRRIGATION CONSULTANTS 470S EAST C~APMAN AVENLIE QAANGE -CA ll2M9 {7H) 771-~?(\0 FA~ (7'4} 771-!l,tl' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLA:-JTING AREAS '"f',S BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP ___ _ REVIEw'ED BY, INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD .. II S4ffTS I 1---f---+----------------+--+----,f---+---J L___g_J Pl ANNiNG DEPAR-ME'l-15 --1----1 -·-··---, ·-·-···· 1---f---+----------------+--+----,f---+---J 'IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND Carlsbad INNER PARK S£Rw:£ AREA /? f-----,--+---------------+--+---i APPROVF,0 ~ J;/,4/.. t? / 1-------<---+-----------------+---+----t---+---t IASST. PLANN:-..i1 DIRECTOR EXPIRES ~ t==j==:t£':==============:t==t=j==:t=--l DWN BY: ~11 PROJECT NO. ··· 1r1DRAWMC: N·o .. JME INITir\L DATE l'IITII\L DATE. ll'l!IIAI. CHKO BY• (ldp ENGINW~ Cf WCRK REVISION DESCRIPTION ornrn APPROv•I CITY APPROVAL RVWC BY; CT 94-09-03 333-2R, CMWD 94 201 o, " iL /} ' ,, 1-J --~. ·~ .V IFIRIGA TK>N SYSTEM POC POINT CF CONf,lECTTCN: CONNE:'.:T TO 4»STUB-0UT FCR IRRIGATION. STUB-CUT WILL BE PROVIDED FROM THE LEGOLAND ON-SI-E PARKWIOE RECLAIMED IRRIGATION WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. MASTER IRRIGATION WAE~ ~ ' MEE~S /ll~D B·ACKFLOW PREVENTERS WILL BE INST/ILLH AS A PAR-OF THE LEGOLAND PARKWIDE SITE UTILITIES lf~PIGll.TION WAffR Dl~,mlBUTION SYSTU,L RlHcR 10 ,_.,-- NOLTE ASSCC /1,TES PARKWIDE JOINT UTILITY P Pl"lG PLAN roR SIUtJ-our LOCAIION ANIJ AIJOIIIONAL JOl'fl u-1uTY PIP'NC INFORMATION. EXISTING WATER PRESSURE: SYSTEM DESIGNI P~ESSURE: PEi\K IRRIGAHON DEMAND: 9.3 P.S.I. 80 P.S.I. 60 C.P.M, STUB-OUT FOR FUTURE PROVIDE 2-1/:2" CAPPED LINE, ON: (1) CC'JMvtON Wl~E AND THREE {J) C:'.:lNTROL WIRES FROM FIELD SATELLITE "'A-3~ TO THiS P01NT F:'.)R FUTURE CONNECTION. COVER CAPPED LINE A'JO 30" LOOP OF CONTROL WIRES IN COi\ TROL VALV':_ BCX. NOTE LOCATION ON ft•As Bu-LT" RECORD DRAWIN'.iS. • ----,-·- / I 185' ./ / /' ,/ ,/ A$· BUILT LEGl:N F • fROM w L \ii. BC.= s C. I(. OF CURe, / ' I / /" ,/ / I / ./ I ' / // / ' / / // ' I -,./; -' ' / ~, -----;r / I / I ' I I I ' ' / / \ \ \ cc coi-iourr 15' FIi.OM ; BLOG-, R!I.Otl\Tl!l'O ~ g FIELD SATELLITE "B-2" ONE J 1) RAIN BIRD ESP-32-SAT-TW -32 STATION FIELD SATELLITE "B---2 MOlJN-ED WITHIN A r>TS "STRONG ROX" -.1orm NUMRF"R SA-60-J2E/LPP/MSP/J2EX TCP 1,/0UNT STAINLESS STEEL VANDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY Vv'ITH LPP A"JD MSP SURGE PROTECTION AND CABLE READY FOe? ~RAINMASTFR~ RADIO RF"MOff. THE 120 VOLT POWER SUPPLY FDR HCO-<-UP OF FIELD SATELLITE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBlc.lTY OF T-IE IRRIGATIO".J CONTRACTOR. REFER TO SITE ELECTRICAi Pl ANS FOR rowrn surr, y 1-tOOK-Ur LOCATION, PLUS ANY ADD·TICNAL ELECTRl:'.::AL INFO~M,'.TION, Fll\,'.L LOCAIION m ~ll:_LlJ SAllLUIE. SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWI\IER'S AIJTHORIZED R~PRFSFNTATIVF. STUB-OUT FOR FUTURE PROVIDE 2-1/2" ::.:APPED LINE, ONE (1) cm1MON W1Ri:_ AND IW!c_NIY ONE_ (21) CO~lHOL WIRES FROM FIELD SA-ELLITE nB z' TO THIS POINT FOR FUTURF CONNECTION. COVER C.11.,PPEO Ll"IE AND 3C" LOOP OF CONTROL WIRES IN CONTROL VALVE BOX. NOIE LDC1i.-JON ON "AS-BUILI RECORD ORAWIN(;S. SPARE WIRE STUB-OUT l·'IWVll)L ANO l~S1AL~ IWO (2) SP;.RE CONTROL WIRES FRCM FIELD SATELLITE "B-2" TO THIS POINT. TER\.11NATE WIRES IN CONTROL VALVE BOX. SPARE CONTROL WIRFS SHAI I e3F A IJICTFRFNT COi.OR THAN ELECTRIC CON'ROL VALVE'S WIR'::S. 42 • " I I 5 1" 41 ,9. 41 ML 8FROM FENCE I" 4 1" 20 ,•--- 1, '1'. __ _ 1 ------· >-~--·-,rtr1=:=:=::;==;::-::;--;;:----i~#.,F.":":::"'i-11Foa:"::_,:';_9:""i--.==::=:==,rn-;::::=::::;~<>:;_-~---:t,y B-2-8 B-2-6 ,C-V 36 &·.2-14 e,-~-II B-2-10 -1/2" 4' --- / 30 ..:i' / / 3' 1-1/2" 31 ll-J ¥ 1-1/2" 52 --- 11-.2.· 13 - 7 , / --- l·Ya." 39: 1-1/2" 47 1" 16 1" 25 1" 20 B-2-7 1" 8 -13-,:/- NOTE l~LI LI~ 10 0-JL ~ PAHK ll~l?IGAIION / ' / DRAW1NG ___ $HEET #18 (_196) FJR t---✓ C(JNTINUA71CIN, \ / i \ •, '\ \ 1, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I + I I I I i1 ~I I /u I '" I ~ ~l l ~ 11d I ~j ~I MLj -1 ,_ , I SC I I t ",: I t' I ., ll I 1'' , 3' I 1" I ll ll I I " I :r 52: I" I I ' I : % I I I '<41 I I ' I I , 1-1/2" 29 LE6ENP ----l"'R.Of'ERTT' Lll'E ---MATGH LINE LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Bllhmd LI DK•7190 lllllmld DENMARK -t45 75 33 11 81 Voiff -t,45, 75 .J5 39 38 Fax LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Windsor L Thames Bulldlna. Alma Rd., Wlndaor Berkshire,. UK,. SL4 I LU +44 1753 616"°° Voice +44 175J 79'661 Fax Rouse Wvatt Associates D Attraction o;_l1n CoMUlltants I D 14 Vine Street,. Suite I :100, Clncfnnatl, OH 45202 513 3111 0055 Voke 513 381 2691 Fax HOK Studio E LJ Archltct of Record 1655 26th Street, Sutt. 2N. Santa Monica, CA t4MCM 310 4530100Volce 310453 2052 Fu Sasaki Associates, Inc. Landscape Consultants 703 Palomar Airport Road Ste. 170 619 6D3 6765 Yoke 619 6D3 6761 Fu Nolte and Associates, Inc. CIYII Enstr-rtna 5469 Kearny VIiia ltoad, Suite 305, San Diep, CA 9212! 619 278 9392 Voice 619 178 4628 Fu: MeGraw/Raldwln Anhiteets Anodated Architects 70 I B Street, Suite 200, Ian Diep, CA '2111-110 I 619 lll D751 Voice 619 231 .. 396 Fax Marfin & Dunn, Inc. Structural Er,afiawww h,a 7801 Mlulon Center Ct, IIHOO S.. Diep, CA 91 IOI 6194972118Volce 61949704l9Fax ■ □ :::J IJ Rosenberg + Assoeiat.es D 0 30' r-i..r-, NORTH r 0 I !. , --·--· 1~--~11 '·--'-'===, Mechank:al, l!!ledrkal,, Plumbln,: ContUlbmtl .!it]] w. Centu,,. Bhnl. #IOSO, Las Angeles, CA too.ts l106 .. 50142Volce 31DM51868Fax SOTIU 1,,,, '"" e,,is "' 11,s ,10,rnt""' ,or,slOule ""'""'"' "' °''"'''·" "' LEGC•L.,NO Cadsh..- '"'' ,aa/c,, 01aa· hi., •"'"'"' o,, "'"' '"'"'"'"O ,~, '"''"''" doss so , ooaf,O•••C< oed cgroco hat H,o hfo,c,o~o• oc,,1ol,o0 ho',;" ohol< •ot bo cop••a•oj lo ,.,r~lc "' h pacl, ,~ rllsc,,w,1 t,; olho,s ,,.,hc,ut tho""'"' """' ,,,;ttoo co,,,,,.,t cl LEUJ.J',ll: ,Ca< •hac> I'' Issue No. l IGMP #I Pacbp N-Dl-t7 I 18"' Dell .. Development SUbmltal IS-02-t7 ADMINISTRATION AREA Irrigation Plan SAi 61539.00 Compo1.nt ID .,,.,,,,.... NumlNr A-109 00 1~293 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "f\S BUJL I" t?n,fl. I I \,A..L~ -!c[Q-"t'I ~---EXP.~v~--DATE REVIE\vED BY INSPECTOR LAT[ r. sa,61 r c1rY OF cARLSDAD I ,HF,-5FTS7 1----l--f----------------t----+--f--+--J J ; PL4Nr--INC:: DEPAR-MENT 1----J--t----------------t----+--t---+-----J !IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: LEGOLAND Carlsbad INNER PARK SERVICE AREA ; ll.PPROYE 1----J--+-,~-------------t----+--t---+-----J ~A;c.S;;'ST=·c:cP;:L=AN=N='IN=G=D:';IR::EC'cT::O::R~==c:cEX=:P~IR=E=:S=,ic'':='=.=~ i--=;,--J-.;;,,---fLJ"----------------t-,=-+=~l---;;=+=c--f OWN BY: ~ PROJECT NO. DR!\WlNG NO DATE INITIAc OATt l"IITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKrl RY ~ REVISION DESCRIPTION i-c=~==-+~~==; . ' CT 94-09-03 JJJ-2R ENGl1'UR Of WCRK OJHHI Al''f'ROVAl Ci IY Af"l-'!lOVAL RV\IYD BY; -•a, __ CMIIV 94-201 \ \ \ \ ~ 6-' \ \ \ \ \ \ MAXICOM RM\Fl RD MAXICOM-60 CENTRAi CO~Pl!TFR \.ONTROI HARr:wARE AND SO~IWARE ASSEI.IBLY BY PACIFIC TECHNICAL SERVICES (PTS), T7E FIRFR OPTIC OJMMUNICA.!iONS CONNEC-:-Jor,.. ANO 120 VOLT POW!::R SLP=>LY FOR HOOK-UP :)F MAXICOM SHALL BE ~E' ~ESPONSIRII ITY ,-J._ ________ --101 THl CONli{A.CDR. REFER TO SITE ELECTRICAL P~.NS FO~ FIBER \ ' " ' ' OPTICS ANO rowrn SUPPLY IIOCK-UP LOCATION. PLUS ANY ADCl-!ONAL ELECTRICAL l'lFORMATION. FINAL LOCATION OF \AAXICOM SIIALL GE .. 1•.,::>f-lROV:.lJ BY IHE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. PROV!DF Al\ln INS-Al.I. MAXICOM IN ACCJRDANCL VJll""I INSTALLAT ON INS-:-RLCTIONS FROM PTS, Ri\lNBIRC /\ND Tf-E IRRICPTIOl'- SP[ClrlCATIONS. ' ~~~I~ 10 OIJTC:R PARK IRRIGATION ,---------"---l DRAWi!\(; SHFFT # 28 (L206), FOR '-CONTl"lUATION. " ' .. ' .. '' COMMUNICATION NOTE: MAXICOM t---A, .._ ._ -...........r----1 CSE ONC: PAIR FOR COM\.fl.;Nll..ATION TO RA:NBIRD FIELD SATELLITE B-2 ANO ONL PAIR rOR TELEPHONE SEIZvlCE TO W:c.ATHER STATION. "".....::::::._ _______ _ ...... ............. I CCU "B" / / dNr (1) "?AINAIRD CCU-28 -28 CHANN!:.L CLUSTER CONTRCL UNIT "f3' WALL MOUWED ON A PTS "STRONG 80)1"' MODEL NUMBFR S:A-10-CCU28/I/LPl-'/MSP/INDOOR WALL MOUNT STAINLESS STEEL J\SSEM8LY WITH LPP ANO MSP SURGE rROT"CIION IIJC FIBER OPTIC QOMMUNICA.TIOI\JS CONNECTION AND 120 VOL'7" POWER SL'PPLY FCR cjOOK-UP OF CCU SIIALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY Or 1;1:. IRRIGATION ()ON"'"RAC'70R. REFER TO SITE ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR F1BER OPTICS AJ\D POWLR SUPPLY -IOOK-UP LOCATIOt,,:, PLUS ANY ADDITIONAL E[LECTRICfaL INFORl .. 1.£,TION. F,NAI. LOCATION or CCU Sc-lt.L BE APP'10VED BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVf". ciROVIOE P!-NO INSTA.LL I\LL NLCLSSA~Y CO"lDUITS A"lD SWEEP EL ... S FOR F ... OOR fiENETRATIO\JS, CON!JLJITS UNDER FLOOR AND UNO[R ROADWAY A5 NECESSARY TO FACILITATE INSTALU.TION OF MAXICOM CCMMi.JNll.ATl(JN dARI F. COORDINAf[ ALL WORK WIIH G!:.Nt::~AL CONTRACTOR. 4 45 4 , .. 4J ............ ..... I 1\ ,/!\ / i I ,, \ I / " I , \, i ·~ 4i'~' ~ 45 ¾ 45 4' I I _.'!:' .. =·---- . 16' cc 1" 23 43 1" ' B 11/4 " 108' 2" C. ., /, .. t 2 1" • 17 1-1/2" 35 1-1/2" 29 I , IS'-' ............. ............. I / ')\ I ' I , ' I I , ! / / f ...... 1" ............. ............. I] c::, ..... 17 II I ~6 il, J 4 • .......... Ll. 1oo' ..... ............. ............. ...... ............ ............. I / I_/ I/ I , I ,! /.' / I I /, , / I / // ' / I i / / SEE OUTER PARK IRRIGATION _____ ____,_,...,, PLANS FOR THIS AREA ..... ' I ......... .......... , 1'/ / / / / /.J Cj cf 0::: :CNGlf!EER Of WORK i i LEGEND ----~T'l"LIN!!! ---MATCH LIiie 0 ?,01 r-i..r-, NORTH (JJ LEGOLA'1D C.ARL--'BA'D LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Billund □ DK-7190 Blllund DENMARK +45 75 33 11 II Voice +<t5 75 35 39 31 Pn LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Windsor D "Than'tet BuDdlna. Alma Rd., Wlnd10r hrkshl,._ UK, SI.A I LU +44 1 n:1 62Hoo v•• +-f.f Ins 796667 .._ Rouse Wyatt Associates 17 Attracil8n De-in COMUltants 1014 Vine Street, Sutte 1100, Clndnnatl, OH 4S20:Z 513 381 0055 Voice SIS 381 26'1 Fax • HOKStudioE Archltect of Record 1 1655 26th Street,. Suite 200, Santa Monie&, CA t0404 31145J0I00Volce 31045]2052Fo: Sasaki Associates, Inc. Landscape Consultants 703 Palomar Airport Road lte. 170 619 603 6765 Voice 619 603 6761 Pu ■ l\olte and Associate•, Inc. I] CMIE-""8 5469 Kearny VIiia Road, Sult. 305, San Diep. CA 92123 619 271 f3f2 Voice 619 278 4628 Pax McGraw/Baldwin Architect. Anoclated Archltecu 701 Bstreet,.Suite 200, San Dhlp,CAf2111-1101 619 lJI 0751 Voice 619 231 4396 Fax LJ Martin & Dunn, Inc. LJ St'PUetUNI Enif~ 7801 Minion Center Ct, #400 Ian Diep, CA 91108 6194972118Volce 61t4970429Fax Rosenberg + Associates D Mechankal, Pft t 'lcal. Plumbl"8 COMUtt.ttl 5913 W. Certtury Btvd. #1050, Los Angel et. CA fOCMI 3106-450142Volce 3106451868Fax ,o,,nc Tho oo•<•o·,. d tl1'a doc,m,o,t catt.O,t,,Jo """·""'v .,,,.,,,,..u,,,, ,)I I C(J,~IA~D c.,,,,,.d "" '"°'"' wno, LC<>·'""""' ·'"'pa·,'"'""'"'"" 1,,, o>c,msm ,,,w. <"" oo7'0•aca "''" ""'"""• t,al '"• '"''=at,o,, oartaln•d "•'•'" shal o,>; lo dcpb-"oO I, whole ,, "' '""' w ;1,00,od to oiho,s ~,tsout ho,,,,,,,,. ,,,101 ~ntton o,_,,,.,,t o, LLG(ll Nm G, ,,,,.,, '"'' Issue No. D111cript1ad ......... 2 IGMP#I l'ackqe 06-0J-f7 IOR Dellpi 0.-opment SubmlUld OMl--97 ADMINISTRATION AREA Irrigation Plan SAi 61539.00 .. A-109 00 1~294 Af'PROVF;D POR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OP PT.ANTT'IG AREAS 'AS BJJLI" RCE l{)tJ ~X~ '7-~~;E'' klVll'wl.11 BY, I'ISPCCTDR DATE --------+---+--+--+--ti SH~[] I CTTY OP CARtSBAD ISHFI.SFTSI ..,. PLANNING DEPARTMENT lRRIGATl~ON==P~L=A~N::'S~F~D=:I<=-=======::=c.==~ LEGOLANO Carlsbr;d INNER PARK SERVICE: AREA OATt INITIAL DATE INITIA ... REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER AP"ROVAL CM/IV. 94-201 • * r IN TURF AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. A-1-1 Bl!CTION 14 2" IN SHRUB AREAS, 1'" IN TURF AREAS. LEGEND 1. CARSON 1419-12B, PUFtPLE PLASTIC VALVE BOX OR EOUAl.. 2. WIRE CONNECTORS. 3. FINISH GRADE 4. fl(TENSION AS REQUIRED. 5. ALLOW MINIMUM DISTANCE Of 10 PIPE DIAMETERS FROM NEAREST UPSTREAM VALVE, FITTING, METER, OR REDUONG COUPLER. l!I. MAIN UN[ PIPING. SIZE AS SHOWN ON PLAN. 7. crn.tMON BRICK (4 REQUIRED). e. J/4" CRUSHED ROCK B" Dl::EP. 9. FLOW SENSOR. 10. ALLOW MINIMUM DISTANCE OF' 5 PIPE DIAMETERS FROM NEAREST DOWNSTREAM VALVE, FITTING, METER, OR REDUCING COUPLER, 11, 1/AL\IE, FITTINC, METER, OR REDUCING COUPLER NEAREST TO FLOW SENSOR. 12. CONTROi.. WIRE WITH JO" EXPANSION LOOP. 13. PVC SCH. 40 PIPE. S,'.ME SIZE AS FLOW SENSOR. LEGEND 1. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE. 2 RECTANGULAR 1/AL\IE BOK W/?URPLE BOLT DOWN cove:R. HEAT BRANO VALVE STATION NO. ON LID 11\t 2" HIGH CHARACTERS. 3. CHRISTY'S 1.0. TAG -NUMBERED TO MATCH DRAWINGS. 4. FINISH GRADE. 5-. PVC. MALE ADAPTER (TYP.) !I. PVC PIPE TO SPRINKLERS -ANGLE PIP[ TO SPECIFIED DEPTH MTH 45 DEG. ELLS. 7. COMMON BRICK (4 REQUIRED). 5. COMMON WIRE TO OTHER VAL.I/ES ON SAME CONTROLLER 9. J/4" CRUSHED ROCK. e• O[EP. 10. CONTROL/COMMON WIRES FROt.1 CONTROLLER. 11. PVC So-tEDULE ~ PIPE. 12. PVC $1(S 90 DEG. ELL 13. WIRE CONNECTOR, 14. MAIi\! LINE FITTlNG W/50LVEl\tT WELD OUTI.ET. 15. CHRISTY'S RECLAIMED WATER WARNING TAG. 16. COIL WIRES PER SPECIFICATIONS. 0 ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE u:oo 7 ,-...,,.,-:,------------------,,,...,. N. T.S, ECV-RW STE!" I 7 • 1. SUP eASE SOCKET OVER ENDS OF WIRES. 2. STRIP WIRES APPROX. 3/8• FROM ENOS - TWIST TOGETHER. J. PUT CRILlP SLEEVE OVER WIRE ENDS - CRIMP ANO CUT OFF EXCESS WIRE, 4. APPLY SEALER TO OUT9DE OF SEALING PLUG -FILL CA\IITY WITH SEALER. 5, PULL BASE SOCKET Ove:R CRIMPED CON- NECTION AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. 1!1. PUSH SEALll\tG PLUG INTO BASE S()Cl(ET. 7. PUSH WIRES TO END OF BAS£ SOCKET TO ASSURE COMPLETE SEALING OF CONNECTION. 8. RAIN 81RD "SNAP-TlTE" 'MRE CONNECTOR OR APPROVED EOLIAL. ®~~:.;. ,~.s;.;. =--=CONN!===C;;.T.;..:O;.;FI.;.... __________ _,,~,=,.;;;:;~:: • ' l£GP.:ND 1. N0N-P"l!:55U"E LATI!:IU,L LINE PIPtNO. 2. PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING FOR R[CLAIMED WATER. J. PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING FOR POTABLE WATER, IF ANY. -4, CONTl'tOL WIAE-l!IUNOLE AND TAPE tYERY 10 FEET. INSTAU ADJACENT TO l='RESSUAE MAINLINE. NOTE: t.llNlt.lUM BACl<flLL DEPTHS FROM GRADE TO TOP OF MAINUNE- J6~ FOR l='IPE SIZES 6fi AND LARCDI. 24• FOR PIPE SIZES Y TO 5 1\2fi. 11!1• FOR PIPE SIZES 2 1/2• ANO SMo\Ll£R. 5. PROVIDE 2• DEPTH Of CLEAN l!IACKFILL. 5. SEE IRRtGA TION SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKFILL AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. 7. FINISH GRADE. I'S, PROVIDE A MINIMUM !EPAAATION OF 10 FEET BETWEEN POTABLE AND IRRIGATION MAl"1LINE PIPING. ®1-"""~""'.s. __ HING __ CRE_CL_A_IMED __ W_A_I_E_R_> ---.. -.,."..-"" 0 0 3}-+H-, [llj LEGEND 1. PACIFIC TECHNICAL SE~\IICES Ur' TOP ENTRY CONTROLLER ASSELtBLY /SA SERIES) l\tEMA JR RAINPROOF ENCLOSURE UL LISTED). 2. FIELD SA TELUTE. 3. PO'tot:R SWITCH RECEPTACLE. -4. TERMINAL STRIP, 2 Ji}-+-.+ LEGEND 1. PACIFIC TECHNICAL SERIIICES 22~ TOP ENTRY SA TELUTE ASSEMBLY (SA SERIES) NEMA JR RAINPROOF' ENCLOSURE (UL LISTED). 2. FIELD SATEUITE. J. CLUSTER CONTROL UNIT MOUNTED ON BACKBOARD. LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Blllund 0 Dlt-71toan ..... Dl!NMAIUC +457113 II UV.. +4171313tJll'a 5. 3/4" PVC CONDUIT FOP!: 120 VAC FROM METERED POWER SUPPLY. 4. POWER SWITCH RECEPTACLE. 5. TERMINA.L STRIP. ' 6 28" .. •' •·' • ' 11 . ' 5 ' . ' / • ' • 7 • .. . .. • • ' ' • , lo N . ' 6. 3" PVC CONDUIT FOR CONTROL WIRES. 7. 1-1/r PVC CONDUIT FOR F"UTURE COMMUNICATION CABLE. B. 5/a• DIAMETER )( 8' GROUND ROD WITH #10 GROUND WIRE ANO CLAMP. 9. POURED CONCRETE BASE, SLOPE TO DRAIN. 10. FINISH GRADE . 11. FILL \1010S WITH CONCRETE SLURRY MIX. ® 8TAN.E88 STEEL Fll!LD 8A TELLITE ENCLOSURE N.r.s. SINGLE ASSMEMBLY LAYOUT wa-om LEGEND 1. RAINBIRD ESP FIELD SAlELLITE (INSIDE). 2. CONTROLLER F"ACE?LA TE. (REVERSE SIDE) 3. COLORED RIBBON/CABLE CONNECTION. 4, ESP 2 W1RE INT£RFACE BOARD. !!,, STANDARD AC TRANSFORMER. 6. MRE TERMINAL COONECTORS TO REMOTE CONTROL VAL YES 7, RIBBON CABLE TO TERMINAL STRl!=t. IS. COMMON WIRE (BLACK) FROM MAXt'MRE TO SURGE ARRESTOR, rR6M SURGE ARRESTOR TO SATELLITE COMMON WIRE TERMINAL POST. 9. GROUND WIRE (GREEN} FROM MAXIWIRE TO SURGE ARRESTOR, F'ROM SURGE ARRESTOR TO ESP INTERFACE BORD GROUND WIRE TERMINAL POST, FROM ESP INTERFACE BOARD GROUND WIRE TERMINAL POST TO ESP-FIELD SATELLITE GROUND WIRE TERMINAL POST. WIRING SCHEMATIC ONLY REFER TO DETAIL /13 FOR MORE INFORMATION 10. 110 COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM ESP FIELD SATELLITE TERMINAL POST TO GROUNDING ROD 11. MOT WIRE (RED) FROM MAXIWIRE TO SURGE ARRESTOR. FROM SURGE ARRE:STOR TO SATELLITE HOT WIRE TERMINAL POST. 11 12. ESP flUO SATELLITE GROUND WIRE TERMINAL POST. 13. MSP-1 RECOMMENDED SURGE ARRESTOR PART f69JOO. 0 ESP FIELD SATl!LLITI! WIRING SCHEMATIC 4 >-=~-----= l\t.T.S. we-one SEE 8INGLE ASSEMBLY LAYOUT FOR COMPONENT LABl!LS I. BM I, ~------i1 ""· 1 -!~-----------LENGTH AS REQUIRED ----------->I. .. ' ' '. ' ... : ' . '. . . '·■·. '• . ' '. . . ' . . . ' ,. ' , • • -... .. : 0i-;,;.~~;.;;;..-11;;.;;Pl...;;;;;;;f...;f..;;;E;;;;;;L.;;;..D....;S;.;.A;;.;.T.;;;;fl;;;;;;I ;;;;.;IT..;;;E/;;..;C;;.;ClJ;.;:..;L;;;;,A.;;.;Y...;O;..:U;;.;;T_WB_-orn; IJ 15 8 J6" .. 6. PULSE DECODER. 7. FLOW SENSOR RECEIVER. I!. J/4• PVC CONDUIT FOR 120 VAC F'ROM METER[D POWER SUPPLY. 9. 1-1/2" PVC CONDUIT FOR TELEPHONE SERVICE. 10. 3" PVC CONDUIT FOR CONTROL WIRES. 11. 2~ PVC CONDUIT FOR COMMUNICATION CABLE TO OTHER SATELLITES AND FLOW SENSOR • 12. ~/8" DIAMETER X e· GROUND ROD WITH #10 G~OUNO 'MRE Al\tD CLAMP. 13, POURED CONCRETE BASE, SLOPE TO DRAll\t . 14. FINISH GRADE. 15. FILL VOIDS WITH CONCRETE SLURRY MIX • LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Wlndeor 0 'Thalnellaullcllne,~lkl.. M:.r:lwt ...lllhla-.UIC.SlAILU ++t 17H6D400Valce +4417D'JttU7,_ Rouee Wyatt Aueclatl!I , ttn.cden Dellan Conlullantt 1014 YIM 1trNt;. luha 1-., a.,• t.iia1, OH ◄I20I Sll311-SVobst:UII 2691 Pu: HOKStudtoE -.. ~ lffl21kh--lll,--CA- SI04HIIOIVok:e JIOfD1t12'- Saeakl AHoclatff, Inc. Lal .. 4 C--lmnt:s m -.. •--• ,,. llt 60J '761 Volca lit ID 6761 l'Wl □ □ ■ 0STAN.ESS STEEL CCU/SATELLITE ENCLOSURE "· r.s. SINGLE A88MEMBL Y LAYOUT ,.,_,m Nolte and A1•oelate•, Inc. 0 Chll ■nal--- lffl ...... Vlllo--Hf, ........ CA'2121 ,1, 271 Ht2 Voice 61t 271 ◄121 Pu: ' I ll REVERSE SIDE WIRING SCHEMATIC ONLY REFER TO DETAIL #1 FOR MORE INFORMATION • • ' • 11,,,.,.,.,, .. ,.,. C .Q, .. ., ....... 41 .. .,.,.,Q ,, .. ,, .......... .,,. .... .,. .. LEGEND 1. RA.INBIRD CLUSTEFt CONTROL UNIT (CCU)., 2. COlORED RIBBON/CABLE CONNECTION. 3. FIBER OPTICS MODEM INTERFACE BOARD. 4. TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION CABLE TO RJ 11 JACK. 5. RJ 11 PHONE JACK, &. COMMON WIRE (BLACK) F'ROM MAXIWIM: TO SURGE ARRESTOR, FR0\.1 SURGE ARRESTOR TO CCU COMMON WIRE TERMINAL POST. 7. CROOND WIRE (GREEN} FROl.1 MAXl"'1RE TO SURGE ARRESTOR AND FROM SURGE ARRESTOR TO CCU GROOND WIRE TERMINAL POST. 8. HOT WIRE (RED) FR~ MAXIWIRE TO SURGE ARRESTOR, FROM SURGE ARRESTOR TO CCU HOT WIRE TERMINAL POST. 11, POWER TRANSF'ORMER. it!liJ!l!iY!~@!lff1@. G 2 ~4-,f-(10 10. FIELD BREAKER. McGraw/Baldwin Archlteet1 D Am I I Ar.ell I 711 ■--2IO,■-..... CA'2IOl.alOI ,1t23107S1V.. 6192114JN,_ Martin a. Dunn, Inc, -.... -. 7111 H ....... .,_Ct,_ ... "'-CA t21N ,11 ffl 2118 Yob 619 4t'1042' P.x l\ooenberg + A11oclalet Mechulfcal, llecbla.l, ""fflMnsCr t •• lfflW.c:.turyllvd.#IOIO,.Loek4 I ,CANMI 311'4S0142Volce JI06411161'- ~CHIOII, ~~ :;.';"!11::. t~tr:::;r.;, •:-,~I:.:~ .. ~~~ .;::~~f1..,'!,?"~~,:,-, .. ~:= ,,.; ·~'-t~Ol '"" lnf~,~•1.,n OOO[OlO ....... .., ... , OOt ... (11,o•iO~lff la """'• O' ~ ..... ""' -'" .. , ......... w, ..... , , .. ·~,.·-i,,,o, ""°'"' -N•• ot lEGOLANO c,~,i,,,o ''• D \ II □ □ 01---,:,CU,,,._s . ..;._WII ___ IN_G---"8...;;.C ..... HE""'M_A_TI ..... C;.._ _____ ,.,---_,m cdP d.d. Pagano, Inc. IRRIGATION CONSULTANTS 4705 E.+.!IT CHAPMAN AvtNO£ ORANGE -~ 5126" (114) 771-9200 fAX (7U} 771-flC» 2 IGMP#I ....... _,., I'°" ....... De.et ,imcut lwlin Ml I 111-12-fJ ADMINISTRATION AREA Irrigation Detail• NTS SAi ... ,,.oo o-101 loo IL21s APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS •As BUil T' RC[ __ _ [l(P. ___ _ R[VIE'w'ED BY, INSPECTtlt: DATE DATE I SH~ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~::::::j::::t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t::::t:::jt:::jt::::l "' PLANNI~ DEPARTMENT f---t--+---------------1--+--ii--+--t [RRIGATION PLANS roe: ~ uu APPROVED l£GOLAND Carlsbad INN£R PAJII( .5!1\'ll'a MFA l---l--+-,~-------------1--+--,1---i---l ASST. PLANNI G DIRECTOR [)(~IRES A DATE INITIAL rNOINE'.ER OF wo,ti,: 04Tt INITIAL DATE lt<IITIAL Yi fJ:lll,/JJJnL PROJECT 1110. ~~ :~: ""'--CT 94-09-0.J REVISION DESCRIPTION CITY AFIPROVAL DRAWING NO. .J.JJ-2R CMIIO 94-201 I I ) • IS' "."Ii 7 > a: 0.. SECTI □N 0 9 LEGEND 1. PRESSURE REOLJCING VALVE. 2. RECTANCULAR VALVE BOX W/ PUfll!PLE LID. HEAT BRAr-1D PRV" ON VALVE BOX LID IN 2" HIGH CHARACTERS. J. FINISH GRADE. 4. PVC PIPE FROM BACKFLOW PREVENTER 5. PVC MALE ADAPTER (TYP.}. 5. PVC PIPE TO tRRIGA TION SYSTEM ANGLE PIPE TO SPECtFlED DEPTH WITH 45' ELLS. 7. COMMON BRICK (-4-REQUIR:EO). B. 3/4" CRUSHED AOCK e~ DEEP. i. 2" CLEAR SPACE. 1• IN TURF ARE.-.S. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS, NOTE: USE TffLON TAPE 00 ALL MALE PIPE THREADS. @-~-.,.-.,_-S_SUAl! ___ Rl!DUC ___ ING __ Y_AL __ YE _________ ;-~ ... "" .. ~""; NOTE: "1.1. IAAIN LINES SHA.LL BE INSTALLED AND TESTED ACCOROINC TO THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH SHALL BE A PART OF THE INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS. @~~,.,...s_.....;...;"""T...;BL=..cOCK...;;.;..;8.;;..,;.F.;;.OR.;;.;...;.RfiG-=;;;...;..;11"'"'1 E:;;;...:..PIP;;;,..;;;E __ "' __ " __ '--'' 4 0-- 10' wtllll,IUl,I TO POf ... 11.E 1,11""-'N! IN S'IIIIKT NOTE: LEGEND 1. METER BOX W/UETE'.Ft 2. SIDEWALK. 1r wNww 3, CURB. • 4. POTABLE SERV!CE LINE. 5, RECLAIMED WAlER IRRIGATION MAINLINE W/SLEEVE. VERTICAL CLEARANCE 0, 12'" MINIMUM IS MANDATORY WHE:N CAOSSINC PATH OF A POTABL[ WATER LINE, INSTALLATION Of" FIECLAIMED WATEFI IFIFIICATION MAINW4E 2,4• FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK WILL PROVIOE THE NECESSARY 10' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM PCJTABLE MAINLINE IN THE STREET @,__~--.s __ TA_I_LE __ I_ER_Y_IC_I_L_lolE __ C_R08_8_NI ____ ''"-'~"'-~ LEGEND 2 1, STREET SURrACE. 2. POTABLE MAINLINE J. 3.5 FEET. 4. 12" MINIMUM REQUIRED vrnnCAL SEPARATION, 5. SLEEVE. 6. RECLAIMED W-',T[R IRRIGATION MAINLINE. 6 NOTE: ALL RECIL-',IMEDEATER IRRIGATION PIPE AND SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE'. AND LAEILE'.D AS SPECIFIED IN. "STANDAIRD SPECIFICATIONS f"OR PFtlVATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS" CARLS8A0 RECLAIMATION RULES AIND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS OCTOBER 199.3. @-~f-s_T_A_B_L_E_M_A_IN_LINE __ C_R_0_8_8_1N_G ______ ,-~: NOTE: □ LEGEND POP-UP ROTOR HEAD. 2 MAFtLE){ T .: T eo DEG. STREET ELL. 3 FINISH GRADE, 4 PVC SCH. eCl NIPPLE. LENGTH AS REOD. e, PVC T • T 90 DEG, STREET ELL. &. LATERAL LINE F'ITTINC. 7 #4 "-24~ REBAR STEEL STAKE !. V,I.T, PRODUCTS ST9 SPRINKLER TIES. (2 REO'O). NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL M-'l.E PIPE THREADS. DRAINAGE OF IRRIGATION WATER THROUGH SPRINKLER HEAD WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. SO~E SPRINKLER HEADS WILL REQUIRE THE INSTALLATION or AN ANTI-DRAIN VALVE IN THE RISER NIPPLE TO PREVENT DRAINAGE. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AN ANTI-DRAIN VALVE AS REQ'O. AT ANY SPRINKLER HEAD SHOWING SIGNS OF DRAINING AFTER THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS OPERATED FROM AN ON TO Off POSITION. INSTALLATION OF ANTI-DRAIN VALVES SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE WITHOUT ADDtTIOl\tAL COST TO THE OWNER. ®,,_.,.;.,~:,,.;,PO;....;..;.P_-lJP.;;.;......a.8'""HR"'"U8a.aa...R;.;.O"-T;;..;OR;.;.;...I-E=AD.;;;;;.. _____ ""_-"" ; .. • ;_ . . . . . . .. .. • 0- 4 • LEGEND 1. SHRUB SPRAY / l!tUBBLE HEAD. 2. ANTI-DRAIN VALVE. (SEE NOTE BLOW}. J. FINISH GRADE. <t-. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE. 5. PVC TJ1.T 90 DEG. ELL. 6. MARL£X Td 90 DEG. STREET ELL 7. LATERAL LINE FlTTil\tG. a. WALL OR FENCE • "' 12· ABOYE r.G. roR SHRUB SPRAY HEADS. 3" ABOVE f".G. FOR BUBBLER HEADS ANO 6~ ABOVE F.G. FOR STREAM BUBBLERS. NOTE: DRAINAGE or IRRIGATION WATER THROUGH SPRINKLER HEAD WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. SO~E SPRINKLER HEADS WILL REQUIRE THE INSTALLATION Of" AN ANTI-DRAIN VALVE IN THE RISER NIPPLE TO PREVENT DRAINAGE. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AN ANTI-ORA1N VALVE AS REQ'D. AT ANY SPRINKLER HEAD SHOWING SIGNS OF DRAINING AFTER THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS OPERATED FROM AN ON TO OFT POSITION. INSTALLATION OF ANTI-DRAIN VALi/ES SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BIO PRICE WITHOUT ADDITIOl\tAL COST TO THE O"wNER. @~~,--~-R_UB_S_P_R_A_Y_I-E_AD ________ _,,,:,,;.;;:,"'ee~; 12~ X 1 e" RECTANGULAR ----, IRRIGATION VALVE BOX WITH PURPLE LID. FINISHED CRADE 3/4· CAUSHrC ROCK -e· ~INIMUM DEPTH. PVC MAINLINE MAINLINE FITTING---~ SCH. 80 STREEL ELL. ----~ r------,-PIN f IC10A AIR RELIEF' VALVE 1,,.:"""-1,,"'---1" SCH. eo r-lPPLE-LENGTH AS NEEDED ,-\Yt,--(2) SCH. eo STREET ELS STEEL ANGLE STAl<E. SECURE W/ (2) STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS '-++-----1• SCH. e0 NIPPLE-LENGTH AS NEEDED @-~,-'!'-RE_L_i_EF_V_A_L_V_E _________ ,-,,~=:: LEGEND 1. BROOKS 124 -27 1/4'" ,c 50 J/4~ ,c 1!1'" DEEP PLASTIC VAULT W/12'" EXTENSION ANO PLASTIC PURPLE BOL T-OOv.t.l COVER. 2. NIBCO f619F FLANGE:O GAT£ VALVE: W/2'" OPERATING NUT. J. FINISHED GRADE. 4. FROM POINT or CONNECTION -ANGLE m SPECIFIED DEPTH W/~ DEGREE ELLS (TYP). ~ PVC T l( S MALE ADAPTER (TYPICAL), &. CAST IRON FLANGED SPOOL (TYPIC.-.L}. 7. HAYWARD 1172 BASKET STRAINER W/40 MESH MON EL SCREEN. I. 12" l( I 2'" l( 6~ CONCRE1t SUPPORT FOR GRINNELL PIPE SUPPORT. 9. EPOXY COATEC, SOLENOID ACUTUATED, NORMALLY OPEN PFIESSUftE REDUCING VALVE MASTER VALVE W/ FLANGED ENOS ANO 10-125 PSI SPRING RANGE -SIZE AS NOTED. 10, J/4'" CRUSHto ROCK -12~ DEEP. 11. TO IRRIGATION SYSTrn -ANGLE m ~EClf"IED DEPTH W/45 DEClREE ELLS. 12, CONTROL ANO COMMON WIRE TO DESIGNATED FIELD SATELLITE 8TRAINER/PRE88URI! REDUCING VALVE SOLENOID ACTUATED STILEPRV 7 4 12" 12" , t· 12" 0-() PLAN VIEW 1.-,,. LEGEND 1. 10" DIAMETER CIRCULAR VALVE BOX. 2. EDGE OF LAWN. WALK, FENCE, CURB, ETC, J. 14" ,c Hi" RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX. 4. 20" K JO~ RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX. NOTES A. CENTER VALVE B<lX OVER VALVE TO F'ACILITAT£ SERVICING· OF VAL VE. 13. SET VALVE BOXES 2" tr.tAXIMUM ABOVE GRADE IN MULCH COVER OR GROUNDOOVER/sHRUB AREAS - SET F'LUSH 'MTH f"INISH GRADE IN TURF' AREAS. C. SET VALVE BOX AND VALVE ASSEMBLY IN CROUND- COVER/sHRUB AREA 'M-iERE POSSIBLE -INSlALL IN TURF ONLY IF' THERE IS NO ADJACENT GROUND- COVER. D. SET VALVE: BOXES PARALLEL TO ONE ANOTHER ANO PERPENDICULAR TO EDGE. E. AVOID HEAVY COMPACTION Or SOIL AROUND VALVE BOXES TO PREVENT THEIR DEFORMATION/COLLAPSE. @-~-,~_L_VE_B_O_X_NS_T_AL_L_A_TIO_N ______ "_'-_.=':': LEGEND 1. 12• POfl-UP SPRINKLER. 2. WALK OR CURB. 3. PVC SCH. M NIPPLE -3/4'" ic SHORT. <t-, PVC T,cT 90 DEG, Ell, 5. ~ARLEX QO DEG. STREET ELL 15. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE -12" LONG . 7. LATERAL LINE PIPE AND F'ITTING. 8. FINISH GRADE NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL t.tALE PIPE THREADS. * 2" IN TURF AREAS. 6" IN PLANTING BEDS. 5 @~~~,.,...s __ P_OP_-lJP....;;...._8"-H_RUB-'-'"-_RO....;;....T...;..O...;.R...;8'-PR.;;.;;;;;;.;N<.;..;;L=ER;;;;..;;..._,,,,,.,~'.:: LEGEND 1. 12" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD. 2, WALK OR CURB. 5, PVC SCH. SO NIPPLE -1/2~ ~ SI-IORT. 4. F"t/C TxT 90 DEG. ELL. 5. MARI.EX 90 DEG. STREET ELL, IS. PVC SCH. SO NIPPLE -12" LONG. 7, LATERAL LIN£ PIPE AND FlTTINC. 9, F'INISH GRADE. NOTE: USE TEF'LON TAPE ON ALL MALE PIPE THREADS. * T IN TURF' AREAS. ff' IN PLANTING BEDS. @---~--,:_PO_P_·_UP __ 8_PR_A_Y_I-E_A_D ________ 12 _,'.:-- * II 1'" 1"-1 LAWN AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. PLAN te• MAX. 6" MIN. SECTI□N LEGEND 1. 10'" ROUND VALVE IIOX, HEAT BRAND "WD" ON LIO IN 2'" HIGH CHARACTERS.•• 2, FINISH GRADE. 3. J/4" CRUSHED ROCI<. e" DEPTH. 4. BRASS NIPPLE. (LENGTH AS REQUIRED). ~. BRASS 90 DEG. EI.L, 6. MAINLINE PIPING 7. MAINLINE FITTING. e. BRASS 90 DEG. STREET ELL. 9. BRASS NIPPLE -6" LONG. 1a QUICK COUPLING VAL 1/E, 11 WALK OR CURB. 12, 1-1/4ff X 24" STEEL ANGLE STAKE. SECURE W/ (2) STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS NOTE: USE TEF'LON TAPE ON ALL MilllE PIPE THREA.DS @~~--~_8HDO __ WN __ Q __ UICK __ O_OUPUNG ___ V_A_LV_E ___ ""'_"' 1. ROUND VALVE BOX WITH PURPLE BOLT- DOYatl COVER -I-IEA T BRAND '"GV" ON VAL VE em: COVER IN 2" HIGH LETTERS. 2. FINISH GRADE. 3. GATE VALVE WITH BRONZE WI-IEELI-IANDLE OR CROSSHANDLE. 4. 5" DIA. SCH. 40 PVC PIPE EXTHISION - LElt.tCTH AS REQUIRED. !i. J/4" CRUSHED ROCK -e" DEP1H. &. COMMON BRICK (2 REQUIRED). 7, PVC MAL£ ADAPTER (TYPICAL). !I. 2" CLEARANCE. 9. PVC M_.,IN LINE PIPE. 10, "RECLAIMED WATER TAG" AS PER SPEC1FICA TION. * 1~ IN TURF AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB _.,REAS. LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Blllund 0 DK,.71HUkmd Dl!NMARll +.4575:IJ IIMV... +4171Jl,t)I,- LECOLAND Attraction Center, Wlnd1or □ ,,.,_.,. .... .., .. .._wr_ ..~UK,IL41LU +44 I 71J 62640G Vob ...... 170 7'NH7 Pu: Rouoe Wyatt Anodaletl D &It actfN.,..,... Cu. 1&11.,u 1114 Vine llrNt., llufta 1,00,01..tnMII, OH 41202 113 311 GOii Vote. SI 3 311 2191 Pax HOK Studio E 0 @i--,,-~,..,,.!-TI_V_A_LVl __ cs_•_A_ND_SM_ALL __ ER_> ___ .....,,,.,=;;;,~ Archhaa:ofllaeenl l6SS2'd,-Sulllo10l,--CA- IIO 453 OlaGVala llO 4512012 ,_ 7 LEGEND , ROUND VAL VE eox w /BOLT -DOWN PURPLE COV'ER. HEAT BRAND "GI/' ON VAL'-IE BOX LID IN 2'" HICl-i CHARACTERS. 2. FINISH GRADE. 3. CATE VALVE WITH 2• OPERATING NUT . 4. e" PVC SCH. 40 EXTENSION-LrnGTH AS REQUIRED. ~-3/4R CRUSHED ROCI< -8" DEPTH. e. COMMON BRICK -(2 REOUIREC). 7. PVC MALE ADAPTER. (TYP.) e, 2" CLEAR SPACE. 9. CAST IRON COMPANION FLANGE It. GASl<ET. SAME SIZE AS GATE VAL'JE. (TYP.) 10. STAINLESS STEEL NUTS ANO BOLTS. (TYP,) 11. "RECLAIMED WATER TAG" AS PER SPECIFICATION. * 1" IN TURF" AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. Sa.aid AMOclateo, Inc. Land pe~ m_....,.,. __ 1n 619 613 '761 Vola 61t '8J '161 ,_ Nolte and Anoelateo, Inc, C:Mllnaf-._ ,..,......,.Vllla __ ..,..,Dlop,CAHID 61 t 271 flt2 Volm flt 2714621 ,_ McGraw/Baldwin Archlteete A I !A1chlt m 701 ■--2",-Dloao,CAHltl .. lOI 61t211 0711 V._ 6192:tl 4Jft Ila Martin a. Dunn, Inc. -.... -.. na1 M_.,._c:t,-._,Dlop,CA'21N 61tffl2111Vvlce llf4HCM2t'- Rooenberg + AHoclatee Mact.tlal, lllldrful, ll'lu ........ Ca lk9 lffl W. Centurr llh<L#IOIG, Loo-CA-1106411142 Valco 1106411161 ... • □ □ □ □ ®-~-~T_E_V_AL_V_E_<4_•_A_ND_L_A_R_G_E_R> ________ ;: r,:,nc:e, r,o "''"""'" ~ '"'" --""""';'"'" "'°"""'"'' "''""""''""., 1.rno'""° co11.,..o "'O ,..,,. ... ., LE<i0 ooi,,;,,, M, J>l"Y •-v"I) ·010 000""'""' ,-00 •• .., ........ .,~ "II•-1•01 11,. ;oro••._1,0• ~•••<1000 "'°'""' J"U ••• bo 4,~10010~ 1, ~holo « iO o,r, ..... ~-~o,H lo ., .... 5 ,,ur .. 1 tt, •••• , .. 5 .,.,., ~,1tton OOIIMOi •• lEGOU'IO °""-''"' SECTICJN 7 • LEGl::NO 1. 10'" ROUND VALVE BOX WITH PURPLE BOLT-DOWN COVER -HEAT BRANO "QCV" ON v.-.LvE BOX COVER IN 2" HIGH LETTERS. 2. FINISH GRADE. 3. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK. &" DEPTH. -4. BRASS NIPPLE. (LENGTH AS REQUIRED). :5, BRASS 90 DEG. ELL, e. MAINLINE PIPING, 7. MAINLINE FITTING. !. BRASS 90 OEG. STREET ELL. 9. BRASS NIPPLE -~• LON!l. 10. QUICK COUPLING VAVLE. 11. WALK OR CURB. 12. I" ,c J/4~ BRASS REDUCER BUSHING. * I" IN LA'MII AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL MALE PIPE THREADS. lloueNo. D r,1111 -- 2 IGMP.I ....... -.., @-~-~_IC_K_COUP __ L_ING_V_AL_VE_-_IN_B_O_X ____ oc,--~: ADMIMSTRATION AREA <dP d.d. Pagano, Inc. IRRIO_., TION CONSUL T.a.NTS 410!1 DST CI-IAl"MAN AlltNUE OIW«lE -C4 i2M9 (714) 771-1100 f"Al( (714) 111-t202 Irrigation Detall1 IAI 61139.00 OR PLANTING IGATION ONLY CLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING "AS BUil T' RCE __ _ EXP, ___ _ REVIEIJED BY: AREAS INSPECTOR l----+--+----------+--1---+--+---I c...l S::::'H~:::ET::'.I =C=I=T=Y==O=F===C=AR==LS=B=A=D::::..!l==•=:I I".'::-v PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ 1---1--+---------------+--+---l--+--I !RRIGATION PLllNS FOR: DATE IMtT!Al E~Ol~R OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION APPROVED ASST. WN f-'o~,~~~~°"~'"~"=;~DA~~~='"~'"~'', CHKD 01HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RV'ft'O BY: L£GOLANO Carlsbad INNER PAJIK SE11"'1E MFA EXPIRES PROJECT ~O. er 94-09-0J CMWO 94-201 - \ I I I A • . \'):; ,;t< ® z I • LEGEND ,. RAINGAUGE. 2. SOLAR FV,CIATION Sf'.NSM. J. RADIATION SENSOR LEVELING FEATURE. •• WINOSET . ' •• RADIATION SHIELD 'UTH TEMPERATURE • AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY PROBE . ~ •• 2~ PVC CONDUIT FOR TELEPHONE WIRE . 7. 1-112-• PVC CONDUIT FOR 24\I POWER ~,o·-l WIR • •• 3/4• PVC CONDUIT FOR GROUND WIR(, •• TELEPHONE LINE OR DIRECT CONNECTION CABLE. l ~ 10 TO 24 VOLT POWER SOURCE LOCATED IN NEAREST SATELLITE ENCLOSURE. 11. GROUNFD ROD IN 10" ROUND VALVE BOX • WITH BRICK SUPPORTS . @~~;-:".s_;;...;A'-'-'THER=;;..Sa;.T;;.;;.A.;;..;;TION.;;..;;;;.;;.;;..A;;.;;.8;;;.;SEM=.;.;;BL.;.;;Y.;._ ___ -= .. ,='"'" SECTION 6 LEGEND 1. ROCK MULCH 2. "CARSON" tr ROUND ECONOMY SOX - INSTALL FLUSH W/ FINISH GRADE. J. "RAINBIRD" 1401 BUBl!ILE HEADS (TWO (2) REQUIRE□ PER TREE). 4. LATERAL LINE PIPING FROM ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE, !. J/◄-CRUSHED ROCI< IN VALVE BOX. e, PVC Slll 90 DEG. ELL 7. OUTER EDGE OF ROOT BALL. !. FINISH GRADE. 9, PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE (LrnGTH AS REQUIRED). @--,,-,~~""".s._E_I __ Ul;......;;.BL_E_A.....;.;..IN;...;AOC...;..;;...;;.;;.K.;....;MlL;;;.;,.;.. ... o_,H ______ Til,.,._M,...,..OCC< 12" □ 1. IMPACT SPFl:tNKLER. 2. ANTI-DRAIN 1/ALVE, (SEE NOTE EIELOW) J. F'INISH GRADE. •• PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE . LENGTH ~ FIEOO. 5. PVC T x T 90 DEG. STREET Ell. •• LATERAL UNE FITTING . ,. 14 x 36" REBAR STEEL STAKE •• MARLEX T x T 90 DEG. STREET ELL •• V.I,T. PRODUCTS ST9 SPRINKLER TIE! • (2 REO'D). NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL PVC MALE PIPE Tl-lREAOS. @--,,-,~.,,..:-A..;;..OT~8.;..PA_ft_JK_l...;E"""H""'HE='-A;;;;.D _____ .....,"="" • 1 ' LEGEND ,. PO~-UP SPRAY HEAD, ' WALK Ofil CURB. J. PVC SCH. 80 Nll'Pl.E:-4• MIN. LENGTH. • PVC hT 90 DEG. ELL . •• LA TrAAL LINE PIPE ANO FITTING . • ' ' • M"RLEX 90 DEG, STREET ELL . '· PVC SCH. eo NIPPLE-e· LONG •• FlNISH GRADE. NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL MALE PIPE THREADS. • 1" IN flJRF AREAS. • 3" IN PLANTING BEDS. @1-~~,0P~.s.'--lP.aa.a.....;;;8.;....;PA=A.;;.;Y~Hl!;;;;;.AD=--------::..,:-::::__,,,. 10 'j~' J • • LEGEND '· SET ROTO't F'LUSH WITH ADJACENT WALK OR CURB ANO 4• ABOVE: F'INISH GRADE IN OPEN ARE._S AT Tn,!E OF INSTALLATION.• ,. WALK OR CURB. J. ll!OTOR HEAD. •• PVC SCH. 60 Nll'PLE -TBE 2'' MINIMUM LENGTH. •• PVC TXT 90 DEG. ELL ,. LATERAL LINE PIPE ANO FITTING. , . PVC T:<T 90 DEG. STREET ELL ,. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE -12,. LONG •• PVC Tir;T 90 DEG, STREET ELL 10. FINISH Gfl!ADE, NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL MALE PIPE THREADS. • AO,AJST SPRINKLER HEADS TO PPIOPER HEIGHT (1/<ln ABOVE FINISH GRADE) PRIOR TO END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD, LEGOL:Jo G A R L1 .., B A t) LEGOLAND Attracdon Center, Blllund 0 DK-TIMUbMI DENMAIIK +41713311NValN ffl71JlltN'- LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Wlndtor 0 lhomoo ... kl .... _M._ -Uk,IL41W +4417H62'400Vakll +441107"661'- Rouoe Wyatt AHOOlatee 0 Mb cllo I n.lp Conaik:llllta 1014\IIM......._ ....... Cln ... 111111,0H41212 II.JJII IOHVobllJ3112691 PIX HOKStudioE A,l,;hllw, o, P&w,nl ... , ______ eA_ 11141:10100Vob .JID4D2112ha: Sasaki AHOelatee, Inc. Lau d 11p1 Cotuulta.111 ,.,.......,Alrpon __ ,,. 61t60J'7HVolm 61tl0)67'1 Pa D ■ Nolte and AaeoclatM, lru,, 0 CMll1ijlll4MIII ------...,.,...._u.n1n 119 271 tffl Vat. llf 27140■ Pa McGraw/Baldwin Architect• 0 a r I :di !\ncMt itl 701 ■---....... CA'211141tl llf 231 0751 Vob llt 2JI 4Jt61'ax Mlll'ffn & Dunn, lne, ltrucCUNll•.J•-·· 7IOIM--~Ct,-....... eA'21N ,., 497 2111 Yob ,., "" 042f Pax D Roeenberg + A111oclatet 0 ...,_.lcal,,lledlll.al.f'liw1Mio;C It• ltJJW,Conary ...... #IOH, .... _CA_I .JID64Sllol2Yotc. JIIHI 1111'- @~~:.,,.., POP __ •_lJP_L_AWN __ RO_T_OR_H_E_A_D ___ --:,:=o,_=OEAA f'lOTQe T .. "'""'" ., """ -'!'t"1 ",.~,.,. ~c,c,;t11r; 1,1(o'or11IO, .,, L£QO(.~t() °"~-.... tl>OI..-;11..,. LEGO oa~tiOI. Mt wt, con,l'llil 1h10 -.,. .. ,"-•<>lo'"'""-•""" •nd o;i,-..-. ll'r•t 1t,o _,,0,or,u.,., "°"'"'""" ...-o<n onoll •01 ~• .. i:<ICOO\ff"' "'"~• or~ l'f"-"'lO" --1~ .,..,, "''"••• ... •-• p,~r w,u ....... ., ~! L~OOI.AII) 01~ • ..., ~ ... 4 --WALL 7 • LEGEND 1. CLUSTER CONTROL UNIT• 2. 120 VOLT POWER SWITCH AND RECEPTACLE,-" J. STAINLESS STEEL PRE-DRILLED BACKBOARD.• 4. 120 VOLT POWER SUPPLY WIRING IN GPIEY ELECTRICAL CONDUIT. 5. Y P.V.C. SWEEP ELL, fl. 2• COLtt.tUNICATION CAIRE CONDUIT WTH 6-PAIR COMMUNICATION CABLE TO FIELD SATELLJTE(S) 7. J~ CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT. NOTE: INSTALL ALL WIRING PER LOCAL CODE. • INCLUDED AS PART OF' THE SPECIFl[D PREFABRICATED CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY. IIIUeN., D lid I 2 taMP.1........ ....,_,,. llft.,.... .,_.l"MM ... kc ltL I II-ft.ff ADMINISTRATION AIIEA @~0::-:-N ~':,""su_sTEA __ OON __ TA_OL_UNI_T __ lWA_LL_M_OUNTJ __ :::-:,cu=_,,, Irrigation Details NTS @P d.d. Pagano, Inc. IRRIOA TION CONSUl. TAN TS 410e CAST CHAl"IMN AvtNU[ OIWIGE -C"A 92ett {714) 771-9200 F.t,jj (7U.) 771-1202 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS SAi 61Dt.N 'AS BUILT' OCE __ _ [KP ___ _ !IATE REV)EIJED BY: INSPE:CT□R I SH7EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~====~====+=============================t====t===~~====~===~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1----t--+---------------1-----+---tt----+---I IRRlGATION PLANS FOR: DATE INl'IIAL EMGINEE" Of" wo,tl,: REV1SION DESCRIPTION DA 1E IM'IIAL DA TE INI 'IIM. OTHEI! A"°,W,,OAL ~TY APPRO\IAL L£GOLAND Carlsbad INN£R PARK .IRH'a MlfA er !H- CMIIO 9~-201 1'1111111 ""' 1111 -- ., 4 "' "" <I <l <I " MLclll <I ., <l .. "'--,--,1-....... """"'IOO=·~=-· ·, . . . .I . . . 0!!,J.• L \ / 'I \ \ \ I I I I \ u, \ ... ' ' ~ I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '"'"" '--,-: )~. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ """loll \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ I ' \ ' ~ " I ' !~--.. ', ! ·-·~"' " ,,,_ ........ \ ' \ \ \ ' ' \ \ \ . I ' ' . '' 0 I LEGEND -••-PROPERTY LINE LEGOLAID ---CLUSTER MATCH LINE C.ARL~BAD 1't~~&'.~D' ~<;.1l::ralll~TE' LECOLAND Attraction Center, Blllund 0 DK-7190 .... nd DINHAllK. +45 75 33 11 II Voice ..... 71 JI S, :II Pu: CARISSA MACROCARPA LONICERA, JAPONICA • r r ,-~ r ,-, HALLIANA LECOLAND Attraction Center, Windsor D Tham• Bulldln1, Alna 1111., Wlndlar "1NCA MAJOA llJRF MULCH TREE I/INE llerklhlra, UK, SUI W +44 1753 626400 Voice +44 I HJ '"'67 Pax Rouse Wyatt Asooclate1 Attraction 0-. COMUltancl 1014 Vine Street, Sub 1300.. c:~~_,..,., • .,Hltl.,, OH ◄1202 113311 D055Volce513311 Utl Pax HOKStudloE Archbct of ll.9cord 1611 261fl 11:nat, lulla DD......_ Nania. CA tcMN 310 •n 0IOOVola 3ie•!ll 1012 Pu: Sasaki All•oelates, Inc, 9 9 e 8' CHAIN UNI< FtNCE Lan-Comu...,_ 703 Palomar Airport Road .... 170 619 603 67'5 Voice 619 60l 6761 1'1111 -<■----■--<■► METAL PICKET FENCE □ • ACCESSIBLE ROUTE OF TRAVEL Nolte and Associate,, Inc. D CMllnal,-!n■ 1469 K......, VIiia lloM, lutt. 1111 IM DIieo, CA 92121 619 278 9392 Yob 619 1714628 Pu H.C. HANDICAP RAMP. ... ., mN ■ DOUBLE HEADED DRIVE LIGHT FlXTURE STANDARD BOLLARD McGraw/Baldwin ArehJtecta Altoc: ...... ArchlOM:«. 701 ala'INt.Sulte200.lanD ..... CA'21014101 "9111 0711 Voice 619 2.11 ◄39' flu: Martin & Dunn, Inc. ...,_,..,._ .. PARKING LOT STRIPING TIOI HlulonC-C~-.. Dlop,CAHIOI HANDICAP PARl<ING SIGtf1 .. 97 llllV-6lt '9T o42t ... □ □ Rosenberg + A11oclate• D ~ l'LANT !!GHl!t:)IJ~ -TO 111-eTL.2'1"1 1'0RTII ff) Mlldwllcal, ll4c:trlcal.1'1umbfn1 Crs:•n• 1933W.Canmry1Md.#1050,Las~CA.HIMI 310 U5 llot2Voac. 310 645 1868 Fu NnTICI', "" "°"''""' Oi "" """""'""' oon,uw,, prop ...... ~ .,,,,,,, .. ., •• "' L~OOLANO o ...... , ...... ,., • .,., ,eoo .,.,,... A•V Plf~ , ••• ,.,ng "" ., .. ,. ......... " 00,11 .. , •• ond •or••• thos tho lo1o,mo11on oootolnoO ""'"" oholl ool oo o,plloo1od In ,.t,olo ~;:,::t.,~~r, <Msdo .. o • olhoro o lllO,I 11• °'""" orro, •~"'" oonaonr •' LEOCl~ND lnue No. Dai lpdse. 3 IOMPIICOIIICl'udlonht :J: IGMP#l ....... ADMINISTRATION AREA Area Development Planting Plan .....,... 01-02-97 I "•30--0" SAi 61D9.00 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY "AS BUILT' INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING RCE,___ EXP, __ _ REVIEW-ED BY, DATE \ AREAS INSPECTOR DATE I \ \ I S~EET I CIT~.N2!o D~P~J;.,TBAD ~ '\ '-1---+--+--------------+---+----t--+---l ~==PLANT===;;;:IN~G:::::::;P;;:LANS::::;:::FO~R,:=• =::'=:::=::=::::::=='.':::::::::::= ' LEGOLAND Carlsbad 7 )aDf----.;;.,~ -....:_,,,, SERi,tC£ ARCA/ffl/SH GRAO/Nf1 ,'IJ)d---K ~--'-'t---+--t--------------t--t---i---t---1 APPROVED DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INllVU. OAT( INl11AL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL PROJECT NO. DRAIMNG NO. CT 9,f.-09-0.J .J.J.J-2R CMWD 9;(.-201 _J <» la> l,J ' .. ~ -I c--m en -,_ ~ <'-' U7 ai 0 -a '?' .;; -~ CL ~ N -' / en ~ D -' CL / z -:,: L D < / Ii, CL cc "" % % -/ D < u -0 a en "' "' -"'! I i ' I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ I ~ I I , ' I ' I I OATE INITIAL ENGIIEEfl OF WORK LEGEND -----PROPERTY LINE ---CLUSTER MATCH LINE •:• •r.AP/\Nll-lUS >: 'sTORM CLOUD' {// jJ/. f;l'c'Worn~lI' l"-4'4"-.:;....<4 .... , . ,. . ·· .. ,. _,,';.. --~ ': .. •· . .. . . \ • • CARISSA MACROCARPA LONICERA, JAPONICA HALUANA 11NCA MAJOR TURF MULCH TREE VINE -E8,__-Ee,__-,9,-8' CHAIN LINK FENCE -o■e--1■1---1■1-METAL PICKET FENCE E ... ACCESSIBLE ROUTE OF TRAVEL HANDICAP RAMP DOUBLE HEADED DRIVE LIGHT FlXTURE STANDARD BOLLARD LEGOL:ID C.ARL-'BA'D LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Blllund 0 Dl.-7190 Blllu ... DINMARll +45 75 ll 11 II VolN Ml 71 JI It SI Pu: LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Wlnd1or 0 Thllm• Wkllnlo Alma lld., Wlndtor le-UK, SUILU +.44 1753 626400 Vob ~ 171l 7HU7 ,- Rome Wvatt A1soclate1 At:tractktn tt:.. Cont111tMa 1014 Vine Street, SU1te 1300, ClnclnMil, OH 41211 513 311 0055 Voice 513 311 :1691 Pu: HOKBtudloE Architect of~ 16SS26thS-lultoHG,--la,CA- 310 .. 5l0IOOVoke 310"532012Pax: Sa•akl A••oclate1, Inc. ............ ~-70J Palamv Airport load.._ lff 6196036765Volu 6196«136761 Pax Nolte and A••oolateo, Inc. CMI lnalneerin1 1469 K.....,. VIiia--HI, ... Diop, CA 921H 619 278 9392 Volc6 619 278 4121 Pax: McGraw/Baldwin Arehltecto t It dArchttant 701 Bltl'Mt,Sutte200,._Dtato,CAt2101-II0I 619 211 0711 Vein 619 231 4396 Fu: Martin & Dunn, Inc, 11:ruduNI lnP•••tna D □ ■ □ D D ■ PARKING LOT STRIPING flOl -c.n-Ct,-... Dtop,CAt21ot HANDICAP f>ARKING SIGN6194'72111Volai 6194970429Pu l"Ollt l"L-'HT :!GHl!C>ULI!, -TO !!He!!Tl.2"MOfl-lO f[) DA1E INtllAL DATE INtllAL REVISION DESCRIP110N OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL Rooenberg + Associate• Meehenlall, llec:tltcal. Plumbl .. c.n.u ....... . lfJJ W. c.ntury llvd.#1050, Loi .... -. CA N1M1 310 641 0 U2 Vote. J IO 641 1161 •• NOTIOf, Tho "°""'"" ol lh. ""••m•ni """""''" .,,,,.,i. .. ,y ~i<,,notloo of Le~OLANO OorltHO lnO onO/o• ,.,., LEGO on11troo. _.,~ pa,>y '"""''''"' ,.., doo,monl ooo, oo In ooolldonoo •od •grooo ih°' t"" nfo•motlon OOOIOIMO horon on.,, not .. <tJPIOO!OO 10 V/MIO o, ,, ••··. no, <Moolo .. d 10 otl>oi, ,.,_.,, too o,p,o,o prlo• ••ltton oorooot ol L.EG0l'"D r,.,,. ••• "" ...... No. 3 IQMP#I Co:.Ai eden let 2 IGMPl'1 ...... I l>NltnDeulup ztlubmltW ADMINISTRATION AREA Area Development Planting Plan -- ... ,.,, OJ-21-t7 I 11•30'-011 SAi 61 S39 .09 Co..:paa.t A-109 u AS BUIL TH □ RCE __ DATE REVIEWED BY1 PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CT 94-09-0.J .J.JJ-2R 7 CMIIO 94-201 _J ~ "' "' -0 "' cri 0 0 --0 ~ ~ " ~ '-CL ~ "' ru _J / en ~ 0 _J a.. / z ~ L i's " / "" er a.. er sJil z ~ / C, "" u / 0 0 01 C7 LO -CD / uJ fl'LANT M,._T!!llll,",I.. eeH!!C>UL!! 9'r'M Q'T'( 90TAHleH. NAl4! ~-•1ZI! ,,.,.,. ,..mm I I _,. rinH■-Po1141 J■c;:a c1ndan-.. .... IN,(, M.lltfeNm, LtM ...... OI• _,,. .. 01N tllll"'op,cNCI '11,o\ HIii' OIJw,..... :>4-"box. M.lltrn«n, L..N llranGI,, 1 faw.ct ........ » ,..,....., ... '"' !!kt"~ ...... 24•- .... ""' .. ~ hclll!IIINMr. ,..,_...,. ....... .... ""' .. ~ holl..,_le ,..,_...,. *"'°" ,i,,u1,11 1 ,.,,,.,_ bllNIO'ICI .-~-.-il,ffl 2-f" bo,c, ·~ .... ,,., ..., .. Tt"tetor'IICI ~ ..... ... .......... 19-1. --L'IIJ"P ..., L~ JGIPonlc-wn .,.•)CCll"ll,ffl' J.,,., ... 19r1v.t • gal. V1le9 --... .,..,.lei °'"'lc:t.ntCllllt UINWl'IGlr Marfl.,,_, I gal., oiong ~ 10' tJS. ~ ~ A ,...,.,.,. --...... , ...... I pl. • 2i..o• o..._ cX>< 0: 'Morlaontolll' LI ",r r' 1.0009" Lonlt:«'G JaponlOo Hol'I ll!flUOlc .. ,. .... e 1•~· o.o. 'Mc:llll«IOI' ~ ........... """'"'"-""' _,.,..., . ,. .... ,.~···· .' ~I,', '.' .;, ;, 14,'tOO 9P "l\rf "l\rf --· ..... ' '', ,. ;:-·· \:,,> . ◄''. . .. •; .... .... of''nlWr.L.yr . ... . ...co .. . . : .•. ·. I. l"Glllt ~ Ol!!T,IJLe, 'llel'"9l TO 914!!1!'1" L.290 2. vatll'Y NC MAIIIK M.L U11Ll11B 1H ,-111.J:1, 19111.ICR TD c::.oH11"1'111TIOl S. ~>ft! Mtt:HITl!G-T TC ~ ~ Cit' fll.JrJrlT MA'T1!!9ltl,.._ IN fllll..O i-R!Oll TO INeTi"'U.AflCIN. 4. ~ ~ 9H,A,U. l!X11!ND l.fril0elll. 9Hl'1J5 9"l"M90L8 ■. IN ALL V'INC.A MA.Jc:)111. ~. M1X Jo'GTH .,._ LaNIG!91lA ~C,A 'HAI..LANA1• ., •i..o• .. 1 1 r-+--::;:.---,-:-,...-..,..---'7===;;-~~~~ITV 91~ 1,12 f111.!R. !1!G, 112'1!5.5 ~ MAX. THe 1"411& l>lll"ORM eL..Dl"I! l!!UlLOlHII GODE I ,,,o "'"" ....,,.,. (!)~~~DICAPPED PARKING :f l1 l1 ,---JlltNIIH ... Aea ~ ~"VIHe. ,----....... , .. ~ 1•· Ll!HltTI-I, 9' OG. ,----fllHIIH ..... A(2 GONCflll!'T'!! fll'AVN. ,----.. IL.IP DOt9., Wt" LeNeTH, 9' O,t:,. ,------~, l/6fll>iH K 9/•P Dl!PTH IMO. @;2~CRETE CONTROL JOINTS ,-------- ~--~ ----+------+-_,._"" GOHl9~51111M.Ad:II! --------~. 9/6"1"1C'T1-I )( 9J4f.N Dt!PTH LtlO. ,,--7;::r:;::....---------TOCl..l!O ~ ""™ ) ~"l'Ofl0"86. \ / l'll!!GMOO lte• l!!ll!LC:W't '... l"'INl!H ~AOe. '-------~ MD 9/"4" 91!1....(»'l ,_.Nl&H 91J11tr>w:2. '------............... "'LI.IIIO ,----flllHl9H IIJIIIIIAGe ~ ,-AVJHa,, ,-----!tN'l::UT, t/&,..i,,,,t ,c &14• Dl!l9TH IMO. \* \--,.::=,; * I .,,ho.__ . '~ OF CAL\ra . •• ,-------P'IHIIH MACII r----.. ,.,_ ••• ,= .... Ti= ..... C,Qt..p~fl!C> me1,w:,e ,--------.Tic>"""""""' II l"'INleH~ LEGOL:ID C.ARL~BAD LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Blliund DK-7190 llllund DENNA.RIC. +41 71 J3 11 II VOM +41 71 II Jf JI Pu: □ LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Wlndoor D Thames Bufldlne. Alma Rd,, Wlndlor hrkthlN. UK. SUILU +1114 1753 626400Volce +4,t lffl THUY Pu: Rouse Wyett A•ooclatM Attnctfon Dellp COMU!tano I 014 Vin■ 1trNt. Iuka I 300, Qrtefnnad, OH 45202 S 13 311 IOS5 Voice 513 JII :1691 Fu: HOK Studio E Architect: of IIRord 16552'41,--Ht,--CA- 310 453 IIOOVolce 310413 2052 Fu: □ □ {t-,;•'d .. t~ "•' Saorud Assocleteo, Inc • ....._Cantu ...... 703 Plllom11r Airport Ro.d .._ 170 619 603 67'5Valce 619 603 6761 ,_ ■ Nolte and A••oclatM, Ine. Clvlllnaf- 5469KMmyVlh Rood, -SOI, ... ,,,..., CA '2123 619271'3t2VDlca 619271.fUll'u: McGraw/Baldwin Archltecm Anoctat.d Archtt.cts 701 Bhreet,Sutt.200,lanDlap,CAf2101-IIOI 619131 0751 Vole. 619 231 413'6 Pax Martin & Dwm, Inc, _,.,,...._,. 7801 Minion Cenc.r Ct, .... ._ .... CA t21ot 619-4972111Volce 619-4t7041tl'ax □ □ □ ¢= ----+------~ .... _ """"""'"'1'1'Vl!!H!HT (rrl') Rooenberg + Ao1oelatM ea,,__ D "-chanlcal, llectrkal, l"lumbfnl CDII ......... I'-+-------TOI'"" ....... ----L,l,NDlc,"""' -11!1!........,. f------"""""""' 111AH91,,0N c::IJlal ---C:..1.1"'. ~ .....,,,.._"""" ,----.\--"s:-----,.,,,.,,....,. L , v.-.... ............ @~,~-ICAP RAMP L , 5933 w. c.m:ury Blvd. ••oso, Lo.An....., CA Mt4I 310 645 01•2 v-. 310 645 1161 Fax MOliC~ '"" ••"'•""' •• '"'" .... ,. .. 1 ooootlM• pr01>~•t••y ,.,.,,.,tto• •• Ll~O..IIND e,,1111,,, "" 4'<1/0( othor LEQO .,~11 ... A,y """Y """""I ltlo 100,m .. 1 .... U 1, 00011<1..,., ""~ ogrou "'"' ;ho lnlormOlla, "'°"'"'''" .... ,,, •hall ODI bo dool ..... '" ~·"'· o, In po,t '"" OIOC,o .. o 10 """'• """°" '"• o,r,oH I>' 01 "''""' 00,000, of LEOOL<SO Corllbod ,..., luue No. Doe,;..lptler. 4 IGMP II CONITMJCTION UT 1-----------------fllA&::a (1ft 9UILOIMI c,il l!r)M t:r P"AVl!Ml!!NT-91!!1! ~ 3 llDUIMITTAL 2 IGMP#I ...... 07-eJ..fJ .....,_,, :1t11ii.aiiil Mil<. v--"""" ,,.------►12• ,1fltll.J'fll 91'0HI! S!!T 115 ~ IN 9">.Vl:I.. I DNlp D•• I I MIit lubmlnll ....... , 1/,4• .. 1r.:z• OfllUl!!l l!!D -.-....... \/1!1. ,-----~LI! P"~O,. ---COl'-PMT!!D S'!IIIMfOII t•.)(6• liltl!l:)l,t:::,00 ..,.. t'-6• il'tOQD, ST~ ll!T 4' O.t:,,. l"'IHl9H_....,. ADMINISTRATION AREA Area Development Details APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS SAi 61139.00 HAS BUILT' RCE EXP, __ _ REVIE\r/ED BY1 INSPECT□R DATE DATE fSHm7 CITY OF CARLSBAD fsRill5l ~----1--~---------------t--+--+---t---l ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT lM_J ;::::PLAN'I'IN:::::::::c!G==P=LANS:::::c'FO~R:C· ====:=:=::::=:=.'::::::::::= L£GOLAND Corlsbod .51!'Rlfa' ARcA/"1NISH GRADING APPROVED 7 CMHO 94--201 _J I , ~ Cf> Cf> -<D "' 0 = 0 - 0 ~ ~ < -~ ~ "' co co a_ / Cf> ~-L_ 0 -' a_ / "' is' 0: w >-0 0 / □ < w / 0 0 Cf> = "' -<D / "' CJ z if-----J'c:=dJ'c:=dJ=dJ=,,J---~ l'AINTEP E>AND Y,ITH ¥,HITE LETTERS READINO., "NO F'ARKIN<S, FIRE LANE" l!IHALL E>E PAINTED AT 25' INTERVALS. l!ILOCK LETTERS 5" HT. 5/S" STROKE (MIN.) L :I' () a:: <C A. 0 z -0'-!!5" 2CJIIClN 8 CONCRETE BAND EDGE / EMERGENCY VEHCLE ACCESS SCAl.f: 1 112· -f-()" 0-102100, 0-105/00 --\i'',/-----IN1'1!1'tl.OC,KIN6 1'LA5TIC ""'-"'"5 P.f:INFORCEMENT UN.IT ~-----FINleH <MtAD1: 1/-4" Al!IOVE RINO.S ~----SOD OR sea, ~---HYDR061'\0Y, MIX i!lfcLOY, UNIT CLEAN SHARP SAND I---IN1'1!1'tl.OCKIN6 l'LA5TIC 0-RASS l'tf;INFOfo!.CEMCNT SYSTEM ROOT MASS TO FILL i.JNIT5 ·""'-+---50IL/A6cSoRE:6Aii! HIX ---UNDISTUMl:D 01'< COM!" AC 1'1!D SIJ1!161'<ADI! 0 RBNFORCED LAWN / EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS SCAl.f: 1 1/2" -f-()" LEISENt:> L I..OGA1'1! OVl<'TS .. 1>1 """"'-.....,,,,._ .... IIC,IC,ATIC> ON flll..AN f"'INIIUJrtllt 91"~1NitJ. 2, l'-0" OJ:; 91",trG,lf!W. (";'\ INTER."-Pl:ccA-c-NTl~NG-'-=---------------~ N.r.s. L!:6eNO I. W~~~~1:f."N,.,. INl>l""TIC> 2. ..,,...,...,.._., 0 GROUNDCOVER PLANTING SCALE: N. T .S. ~?!"---;---CAeLI! Y,ITH TVl'<N- l!>UCKI.E (!l REGl'D) rc,lt"---MULCH /,.AUG.,._ !"IIN. 611.AO!! ('Nll'IC.AL t,CONDITIO =::::: __ j I -'1~' -----....__ ~IN. :.l'<ADl!e AT ~Ol'I! EXIST. S-RADE AT 9LOF'e Ot!:Ai,MAN (.:!'-6" MlN.) DEPTH) ~---p;'LANTIN6 WIL ~---UNt>IS'T'1..IRBE=O O!'t COMPACTED "-'B&RADI" ® CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING SCAl.f: N. T .S. 0 PLANT HEADER-SHOVEL EDGE SCALE: 1 112• -f-()" LEc!;ENt:> ,......._ .2. *iet l!IMIN. e· MtH. ~- •· P"INIIH -....c:e, FINISH <§AAD!!/LAl'IN SHOVEL ED.s.E <§l'<OIJND COVER AMENDED BACKFILL AS SPEC. L!NDl5TUR6ED OR COMPACTED SUB6RADE cf., ,,, LtCl!O B,lrrGl(IIIILL. 11!1! IPl!GS. fltOlll Ml.IC NC P'IT 6111!. I. eGMtlt-Y' 6101!!S AND l90TTOM Of" P'I..NffN .. IT. 6. l!Xl6Tltlllo SOIL. 1. PU.HT TAl!!ll.2T'. NI! 9fi'l!Oa. 6. eeT' ~ CJIIIA "-OOT9AL.L. 1• H90VI! P"INlltf ~ AN:> ll.OP"I! eou. AKA.Y ~ ~. .. ~ 10. llt.OoT9ALL 0 1-DGH AND LOW SI-RUB PLANTING SCAl.f: N. T .S. . '-=11 1::-NOTE,., L~l!ND 1. FRoNDe,, TIE l'RIOl't TO :OELIV!::RY. fll!:HOVE TIES ON SCHEDULE APPRoVED SY SUPPLIER. 2. "l"INf:A!='PLE". ... ¥,ATER BASIN, 4. F.<§. ,._ NOT USED, 6. Fl!,l'<TILIZcl'< TAl!ILET_ 7. PALM RoOTBALL, t,. NOT USED ~->'!ASHED l'LA5TER 5AND BACKFILL 10. SCARIFY 51DE5 AND l!IOTTOM OF PLANTIN<S l'IT. II. 2-!>"~AU6ERED HOLE!I FOR POSITIVE DRAINA6E PER PIT, FILL W <SRAVEL 12. MULCH. 19, (I) 9" DIA. l'l!!RF. A65 I'll'!!! HRAF'PED IN SOIL SEPARATOR. 14. PVC CAI' W (5) 114" Dl'<ILLED AIR HOLES 1/2" ABOVE SOIL LEVEL 15, SKINNED TRUNK (TYp J II ... __. ..... , ... '""") ~~ LE6ENt:> I. 241 ~ Tl!. '11!1! 9P'll!C:a. AffAGH I'll (2) ~INII> NAILS. 2, :2· PIA. ,c 10' L..c:JDel! 19()1.2 i-ne STAie!. ~ a..Alt ~ ~-Ml! 5flll!c::6. 9. AA'l'!,t ..... N. 9" MIN, 0IPTH ~ ~1'?!11t1Nit 9Y' HOR. 9'&IO'v'I! ... IN IN TIJIIJ"' ANC> A& OIN!G-iEC> l5'f ~H'I! M.GI-IITec.T. -4. l"INl6HMACIII. I. ,,.,, 9ICll!D BAc:,l(pllU... 9111! lfll!Ge. P'Clt MIX AHt) f'IT 61:zll. I, •. ~~d-•- 21 MAM l"L..ANT T"'8U!T. Ill!! ll'l!Ge. ~MINeo 901L. ----------.. ec::.MPT' &ID!!e AND l!IOTTOM or l"LAN- T1N6 ,-IT. -,, @ @ --r',m~@ -, _-111~ -.. .,_, (iJ @ IO. QM GaHC>IT10N II, ........ ALTIG~ alOl!,l"OC 12. ftOOT 9Al!Qtft!!llt AT ~D!!l'li'iLIC CQNl:)ITION. .. ~ .MQil:I! A. MAINTAIN -rui-r~ 1:Z" GLeNt. ~ '1'1112!1!! fflllll(, 5E:C.TION 0 TREE PLANTNG SCAl.f: N. T .S. Ll:61:NP , ___ 2, M~ .,.IH .. •• MIN. ci.TH. 9. P"IHIIH~ 8. 00tJl!5l.e STMQ!! ~ 241-" l!90X NC> L'ftl!lelt. C::.. ltOOT l!MM.l!!R MAINIIT ALL CI.M, •4YP"'Hl"NT Wln+IN ft' OP' Pl Mtt'lwl 4. /tl ll!HAC l!L',C,ICIIILL 91!1! 9l'eC,9. i-c,,11. MO<. I. eGAltlfl'T' 511'9 ANO l90TTOM rJr 19\.AlfflNlt 'l"IT. 6, I005TIN9 !OIL. 1. ~ T,aei_ff, 91!11 IP'IC6. •• HT Glf.Ollt,I ~ l'OOT9ALL 1• ~ fltlHl9H MA0e AND ~ BOIL~T'P"IIOM'~ If. tl'l!C,lfl'll!D HJL.GH. PI..Nff' ~II ■ff HCTB, AVOIC fl'UrGIN6 ~ DftlUIC,'T\. Y IN i-itaHT c,a IIUlliSA.TtON ~'I" ~ .,-,.ovir,e~~~- 0 SHRU3 PLANTNG AT SLOPE SCAl.f: N. T .S. LEGOLAID C.ARL-'BAP LECOLAND Attraction Center, Blllund 0 Dk-7191 Bltlund DENMARK +45 75 ll 11 II Volct +4171 JI Jf II Pu: LECOLAND Attraction Center, Wlnd•or 0 Tham• lulldlnt, Alma lld., Wlndlor lerlmhlr., UK. SL41W ++f 1753 616-400 Voice +44 1713 7'U'7 PIK Rouse Wyatt Associate• D Attraction Dtllip Conaultutl 1014 Vine 9trfft, lulte 1300, a.dnnul. OH •1202 Ill 381 0055Voke51l l81 'J6fl Fu HOK Studio E [J Architect of RKonl 1,11 26th St:rMt, S ... 200, ..._ Mon .... CA tCMM ,,o.SJOIOliVolce ll0.5J2052Fax Sasaki As1oolate1, Inc. ■ Landscape Contut..ta 70.1 Palomar Airport II.cl lta. IJCI ,., 6016765 Voiai 61f 613 6761 Pu: Nolte and Alooclates, Inc. [] CMI lnalnMnns 5"'9 Kearny VIiia Road, luJM SOI, ._ Dhp. CA '2121 619 278 9392 Voice 619 278 "621 Pax McGraw/Baldwin Architect• D Ataoc:latacl Ald.teclS 701 ■StrMt,Sulte200,a.ot.p.CAHIOl.alll 619 2ll 0751 Volc:ti 619 'Jll 4lt6 Pu: Martin & Dunn, Inc. Structural ! ........... 7801 MlnlonCanterCt,INOOhnDlqo,CAHIOI 6194'72118Volce 61949JIMZ,Fu: Rosenberg + _A11oclates Mttchanlcal, llecCrtcal, l'hnnbln, Covn♦-ntr 1933 W. Century Blvd. #1050, Lot Anp1N. CA 90MI 1106"5 0142Volcto 3116◄5 1168 Fu NOT!CO, Tho ooo,omo 01 ,m oooumtol <onottu" p•oprlo,o,y iolO'M•tl<• of L!OOL•NO c,,1,00, 1no ""'"' ••••• '""° t"1 ~... any port, ,oooM,o thio Ooo•~ .. , '"" •• In 0001100000 "" 09,too tn01 +h• Info""'•"~" 0001<00J ""'"'" """'' nal •• ""'""""" ~ ~0010 or i, ""'· ""' ,<,c10,.,o ton·••"'"""""',,..°'""" pr.,,'"""" o,o .. ,, of LfGOLANt• C"IObOO IOO lnueNo. Dualplka J IGMP#I- 2 IGIHP #I Packap OUTER PARK Landscape Detail1 -- ......... SAi 61139.00 □ □ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS 'AS BUILT' RCE ___ EXP--- REYIE\JED BY1 JNSPECT□R DATE DATE fsiiml CITY OF CARLSBAD fsirusl f--+-+-------------+--f---i--t----f :=U!..J~f::;,;,';=;;::::;::P:=LA~N~Nl:=NG':::;:D:=EP:=A:::RT:::M:':EN=T::===-'cl!LJ=!Sc==: PLANTING PU.NS FOR: LEGOLAND Carlsbad 5117rlfa AIIFA/F1NISH GRADING APPR0\IED A, ALL l'ALM5 eHALL !!IE Al'f'l'RoVED ElY LAND!>. ASST. PLAN ING DIRECTOR 0 PALM PLANTING SCALE: N. T .S. ARCH. PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEl"TANCE. DATE IMITI,4,L ENGINEER OF WORK DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: CHKD BY:'/1L__ RVWD BY: __ PROJECT NO. CT 94-09-03 DRAWlNG NO. .JJ3-2R CMlfD 9,f.-201 _J \ cc, L The following standards ore cited from the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual and will be strictly enforced by the City Inspector. SLOPE REVEGETATION/EROSION CONTROL POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS E.1 POLICY STATEMENTS E.1-1 Soil eroslon is detrlmen tol life in Carlsbad due to topsoil loss and situation of waterways and lagoons. to the quality al the E.1-2 The most effective erosion control is the establishment of permanent landscaping. E.1-3 Erosion potentials shall be mitigated through erosion control planting/slope revegetation. E.1-4 Irrigation shall be designed to apply optimum water to the slope plants without causing erosion. E.1-5 Plant materials used on slopes shall be those species that are known to have low water requirements and rooting systems of various depths that will minimize erosion and water slippage. E.1-6 Plant materials used shall be compatible in cultural requirements and aesthetic appearance to adjacent natural landscapes. E.2 OTHER APPLICABLE SECTIONS Included but not limited to: -Fire Management Program Policies and Requirements -General Landscape and Irrigation Policies and Requirements -Water Conservatlon REQUIREMENTS SLOPE PLANTING E.3 E.3-1 E.3-1.1 SLOPE PLANTING STANDARDS Slopes requiring erosion control herein shall be treated with one or the following standards: measures os speclfled more of a. Standard /11 -COVER CROP /JUTE MESH Cover crop shall be a seed mix typically made of quick germinating and fast covering grasses, clovers, and/or wildflowers. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to application. The cover crop shall be applied at a rate and manner sufficient to provide 90% coverage within thirty (30) days. Type of jute mesh shall be as approved by the City and staked to the slope as recommended by the manufacturer. Jute m,esh shall be required when planting occurs between August 15 and April 15. During the remainder of the year, the cover crop and/or jute mesh may be used. b. Standard /12 -GROUND COVER One hundred (100%) percent of the area shall be planted with a ground cover known to have excellent soil binding characteristics (planted from a minimum slze of flatted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one year). c. Standard #3 -LOW SHURBS Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a minimum af 2 _ inch liners) shall cover a minimum of seventy (70%) percent of the slope face (at mature size). d. Standard #4 -TREES AND/OR LARGE SHRUBS Trees ond/or large shrubs shall be (planed from o minimum of 1 gallon containers) at a minimum rate of one (1) plant per two hundred (200) square feet. E.3-1.2 AREAS OF APPLICATION PLANTING E.3-1.2.1 SLOPES -6:1 or steeper and: a. 3 feet or less in vertical height public walks or streets require at #1 (cover crop and juted). and ore adjacent to minimum Standard b. 4 feet to 8 feet in vertical height require Standards #1, #2. and #3. c. In excess of 8 feet in vertlcal height requlre Standards #1, #2, #3, and #4. E.3-1.2-2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS E.3-1.2-2.1 Areos graded flatter than 6: 1 rl!!lquire Standard #1 (cover crop) when they have one or more of the following conditions: a. Sheet graded pads not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of completion of rough grading. b. A potential erosion problem as determined by the City. c. Identified by the City as highly visible areas to the IPUblic or hove special conditions that warrant Immediate treatment. E3.1.2-2.2 Areas to bl!! hydroseeded shall first be disked or rotoilled to provide a friable, loose seedbed. E.3-1.3 H'!'DRO SEEDING E.3-1.3.1 Hyc!lroseeding in lieu if approved by the City and following conditions: of Standard #2 may be allowed under the a. Native plants ore required to be planted as a condition of the approval al the project by the City or other presiding agency and the required species are commercially unavailable in container of flatted stock. b. The slope is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City to bee too rocky for hand planting. E.3-1.3.2 The hydroseed mix shall consist of a variety of long lived plant materials with root systems of varying depth. E.3-1.4 ROCKY SLOPES Planting need not be provided for cut slopes that are deemed by the City Engineer to be rocky In character and not subject to damage by erosion. This also includes any slopes protected against erosion damage by other methods. Other methods can be used if they have been specifically recommended by a soils engineer, engineering geologist, or equivalent authority and found to offer erosion protection equal to that provided by the planting specified in this section and they are approved by the City Engineer. E.3-2 E.3-2.1 SLOPE IRRIGATION AREAS OF APPLICATION (IRRIGATION) All areas requiring plantlng under Section E.3-1 sholl be irrlgated with a permanent automatically control led irrigation system covering 100% of the planted area and in conformance with the following requirements. E.3-2.2 SLOPE IRRIGATION STANDARDS E.3-2.2·1 Water service (point of connectlon) installation, temporary or permanent, shall be tn place to coincide with planting timing specified In section E.3-1. E.3.2-2 PIPE On grade pipe is not allowed unless it hs demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City that the rocky condition of the slope would prevent trenching. In coses where on grade pipe is allowed lt shall be the galvanized type or UVR resistant PVC approved by the City. E.3.2.2-3 MASTER CONTROL VALVE Projects with over 50,000 square feet of slopes shall install a "master control valve" (normally closed) to be activated by the automatic controller. This valve :shall be located just downstream of the point of connection. E.3.2-4 SEPARATE CIRCUITS a. The top, bottom, and middle of slopes shall be designed to operate on separate circuits. b. Level planting areas adjacent to roads or walls 5' or greater in width shall be irrigated separately from the slopes. E.3.2.2-5 SPRINKLER HEAD TYPES They precipitation rate (based on ? head pattern) of sprfnklers used on slopes shall; a. not exceed .51i per hour on slopes 25' In horlzontal distance or larger. not e>:ceed 1.4" per hour on slopes 25' in horizontal distance or less. SECTION 02930 LAWNS AND GRASSES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Provide all materials end equipment, end do all work required to complete the seeding, Including furnishing and placing topsoil, as indicated on the Drawings and as specified. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Exeimlne Contract work of this Section. directly relate to work not limited to: Documents for reciulrements that affect Other Specification Sections thet of this Section include, but are 1. Section 02810, IRRIGATION SYSTEM; lrrlg•tlon system. 2. Section 02950, TREES, PLANTS. AND GROUND COVERS: New plantings, 3. Section 02970, LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. 1.03 REFERENCES A. Comply with applicable requirements of the following standards, Where these standards confltct with other specified requirements, the most restrictive requirements st1all govern. 1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM}: C 136 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates D 422 E 11 Particle-Size Analysis of Salls Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes 2. Slope Revegetatlon / Erosion Control Policies and Requirements, City of Carlsbad, CA (See Attachedl 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: The following samples shall be submitted: Material Fertilizer Lime Seed, each mix Loam borrow Ou•ntity lib. I 10 10 1 10 B. Manufacturer's Product Data: Manufacturer's product data shall be submitted for the following materials, Aluminum sulfate Fertilizer C, Certificates: Labels from ttie manufacturer's container certifying that the product meets the specified requirements shall be submitted for the following materials: Commercial fertllizer Grass seed Ground llmestone 1.05 INSPECTION AND TESTING A. Work will be subject to Inspection at all times by the Arct1itect and City Inspector, The Owner reserves the right to engage an Independent testing laboratory to analyze and test materials used in the construction of the work. Where directed by the Architect the testing laboratory will make material analyses and will report to the Architect whether materials conform to the requirements of this specification. t Cost of tl!!lsts and material analyses made by the testing laboratory will be borne by the Owner wtien they indicate compliance witti the specification, and by the Contractor when they indicate non-compliance. 2. Testing equipment will be provided by and tests performed by the testing laboratory. Upon request by the Architect, tt,e Contractor shall provide such auxilia·ry personnel and services needed to accomplish the testing work and to repair damage caused thereby to the permanent work. 3. Gradation of granular materials shall be determined in accordanoe with ASTM C 136. Sieves for determining material gradation shall be as described in ASTM E 11. 8. Testing, analyses, and Inspection required by the Contractor for his own information or guidanae shall be at tils own expense Testing lab shall be: Soil and Plant Lab, 1594 North Main, Orange CA 92867, or approved equal. C. The Contractor shall engage an Independent testing agency to perform the following tests and analyses: Material Topsoil Tests and Analysts Required Mechanical analysis of soil end determination of pH and organic matter content, and nutrient content. Recommendations sliall be made by the testing agency as to the type and quantity of soil additives required to bring nutrient content and pH to satisfactory levels for seeding and sodding. 1. Materials shall not be used in construction until test results have Osen reviewed by the Architect & City Inspector. 2, All costs associated with testing shall be at the expense of the Contractor. C.3-2 C.3-2.1 SOIL CONDITIONING SOIL TEST C.3-2.2 After rough grading, soil sample• shall be taken from enough locations on the s!te to represent an adequate cross section of conditions. C.3-2.3 Soll test shall be performed by a soil testing laboratory pre-approved by tlie City. The test shall indicate but not be limited to the following: a. organic matter content b. N.P.K. c. pH d. EC e. soil texture (silt, clay, sand) f. recommendations for amendments, teaching, and maintenance fertilizations. C.3-2.4 Tt,e results and recommendat!ons of the soil testing laboratory shall be submitted to and approved by the City. The approved recommendations for amendments and backtill shall be incorporated into the landscape plans prior to the start of construction and shall become part of the approved plans. Products specified by product name by the soil lab ln the recommendations may be substituted witt, "or equal" products approved by the City, 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver seed In original sealed containers, labeled with analysis of seed mixture, percentage of pure seed, year of production, net weight, date of packaging, location of packaging, and name of seed grower. Damaged packages will not be accepted. 8. Seed shall be stored under cool and dry conditions so ttiat the endophytic seed in the mixture is capable of maintaining a high level of endophytes C. Deliver fertilizer in sealed waterproof bags, printed with manufacturer's name, weight. and guaranteed analysis. 1.07 PLANTING SEASON A. Planting season for seeding shall bl!! as follows: Item F'lantlnc Period Spring Seed Mix No. 1 4/15 ta 6/15 8/20 to 11/15 B. Plentlng stiall only be performed when weather and soil conditions are suitable for planting the material specified in accordance with locally accepted practice. C. Planting season may be extended with the written permission of the Architect. 1.08 ACCEPTANCE A. Acceptance: t The Architect will inspect all work for Substantial Completion upon written request of the Contractor. The request shall be received at least ten calendar days before the anticipated dete of inspection, 2. Acceptance of material by the Architect wlll be for general conformance to specified requirements, and shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for full conformance to the Contract Documents. 3. Upon completion and reinspection of all repairs or renewals necessary in the Judgement of the Architect. ttie Architect will recommend to the Owner that the work of this Section be accepted. 8. Seed areas will be accepted when In compliance with all the following conditions: t All areas show a uniform stand of specified grass In healthy condition: 2. At least 60 days have elapsed since the completion of work under this Section. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SEED A. Seed mixture: Standard grade seed of the most recent season's crop. Seed shall be dry and free of mold. Seed shall be inoculated with endophytes. Seed mixture shall be es follows: SEED MIX NO. 1 -Triple Crawn Tall Foscue Blend by S&S Seeds, P. 0 Box 1275 Carpinteria, CA 93013 tel. 1805) 684-0436 fax. 1805) 684-2798 Ingredients: 34% Rebel II Tall Fescue 33% Arid Tall Fescue 33¾ Apache Tall Fesoue Seeding Rate: New Turf 10-20 lbs. Overseedlng 8-10 lbs. Per 1000 square feet Per 1000 square feet Seed Standards: 97% Minimum purity 90¼ Minimum germination 230,000 seeds per pound 2.02 SOIL AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZERS A. Soll Amendments and Fertilizers are to be incorporated Into on-site soils. Landscape Contractor shall be required to gather on-site samples at approved locations as indicated on the Site Plan/Landscape Planting Plan. Agricultural suitability tests, including tests for Boron are to be performed by an approval and acceptable Soil and Plant Laboratory. Percolation tests shall also be required as noted on Planting Plans. All Soil and Plant Laboratory Technical Analysis Reports shall be submitted to Architect and City Inspector in duplicate prior to trenching for irrigation installation. Soil and Plant Lab recommendations shall be implemented as directed by the Landscape Architect and City Inspector, 8. All materials shell be of standard, approved and first- grade quality and shall be In prime condition when Installed and accepted. Any commercially processed or packaged material shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened container bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis, C, Organic Amendment: t Nitrogen Stabilized: 0. 56 to 0. 84¼ N based on dry weight for wood residual or rice hulls. 2. Particle Size: 95¼ -100% passing 6. 35 mm standard sieve. 80% -100% passing 2.33 mm standard sieve. 3. Salinity: The saturation extract conductivity shall not exceed 3. 5 millimhos/centimeter at 25 degrees centigrade as determined by saturation extract method. 4, Iron Content Minimum 0. 08% dilute acid soluble Fe on dry weight basis. 5. Ash, 0-6. 0% !dry weight!. D. Soil Amendment: 1. Soil sulfur: Agricultural grade sulfur containing a minimum of 99% sulfur !expressed as elemental). 2. Iron sulfate: 20'¼ Iron (expressed as metallic iron]. derived from ferric and ferrous sulfate, 10% sulfur (expressed as elemental). 3, Calcium carbonate: 95% lime as derived from oyster shells. 4, Gypsum: Agricultural gr11.1de product containing 98¼ minimum calcium sulfate. E. Fertilizer 1. Planting fertilizer: Pelleted or granular form shall consist of the following percents by weight and shall be mixed by commercial fertilizer supplier: 12% nitrogen 12•1o phosphoric acid 12% potash 2. High Iron acid fertilizer guaranteed analysis: Organic Nitrogen (Derived from Ureaformxx) !Soluble 1.3%, Insoluble 2.2%) Ammonic Nitrogen TOTAL NITROGEN Phosphoric Acid !Available) (Derived from Ammonium Phosphate) Potash (Water Soluble) (Derived from Sulfate of Potash) Calcium (Derived from Gypsum) Sulfur [Combined! (Derived from Gypsum, Ferrous & Potassium Sulfate) xlron (Expressed as elementall (Derived from Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate) xManganese (Expressed as elemental) xZinc !Expressed as elemental) xDerlved from specially processed natural minerals containing a mixture of sulfides whicti become available upon exposure to air and water. x:,,:Derived from Nitrofrom, Reg. Chemical Inc. TM of FBC 3.50% 3.50% 7.00% 7,00% 7.00% 1.50% 7.00% 7.00% 0.30% 0.30% • LEGOLA D CARL~BA'D LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Billund □ DK-7190 Blllund DENMARK +45 75 33 11 11 Voice +45 75 JS 39 :18 ,_ LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Windsor C Tham• Bulldlna, Alma ltd., Wlnchor ._hire, UK, SUI LU +.14 1753 62~00 Voice +44 1753 796'67 Pu Rouse Wyatt Associates D Attnd:lon Detlp Con111- 1014 Vine Stroet, Suite I 300, Clndnnatl, OH 45202 513 381 0055 Voice 513 311 2691 Pox HOK Studio E □ Ardlltect of Roconl 1655 26th S-Suite ZOO,...,_ Monica, CA - ll04530l00Volce 310453205ZPax Sasaki Associates, Inc. ■ Land-Co11111- 703 Palomar Airport Road lh, I 7t '19 603 6765 Voice 619 613 6761 Pax Nolte and Associates, Inc. D Ct.tllnstneortns 5469 Kearny VIia Road, latte lOI, Ian Diep, CA 9Z I lJ 619 278 9392 Voice 619 278 4628 Fox McGraw/Baldwin Architects AaocluoclArch- 701 8 Stroet, latte ZIO, Ian Die .... CA tZ 101-110 I 619 231 0751 Voice 619 231 4396 Fax Martin & Dunn, Inc. -............... . 7801 MIiiion c:-r Ct,-Ian Diep, CA 92108 6194972ll8Volce 61949704Z9Pax Rosenberg + Associate, Mechanical, lfectncal, Plumbl"I Con,o- 1933 W. Century Blvd. #1050, Loo Anpleo, CA too4S 3106450142Volce 3106451868Pax NOTICE, TM 0<1nt&nts QI in,o <10oument ccn,llt"te proprle1ery l~forrnali,n of LEGOLAND O•rl•P•d 1-1~ ond,o, nthe, LEGO ~ntltle•. Ary p...-ty reoelvlng trlS OOou,u,t o,u ,c ,n ooeTldenct ar,d ag,·us lhat •r• lnfo,matlon or,ntalned ,ereln sha·I no, be dupllcoted n WOOi• or io r,a<I. OQ( dlacleud lo olhO<S .. 1\ho"l •h• •xpru• arlor v,rlllen COOHO! of LE,30U,NO c,-,~~•~ ""· l11ue No. Duc1tpt1 ... l IGMP'#IP'ldcap 06-03-97 I OS-02-97 * * APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS 'AS BUILT' RCE __ _ EXP, ___ _ REVIE\.JED BY1 INSPECTOR DATE DATE □ □ □ fS>iml CITY OF CARLSBAD fsRrnsl l---f------+----------------+----1--+----f------l U~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ 1---f------+----------------+----1--+----f------l ~P:::LAN'l'l=::':~NG~P:::LAN==s=F::O=R=, ========::..:::=== LECOLAND Carlsbad OUTE'R PARK / FINISH GRADING APPROVED;; .,,,;:uJ! P-ir-9,z A~S:cSc::;T:--, -;::P-;-LA,cN\,N!-::IN';;Gf-;cDl~R~EC::cT;::O:;:R---;Ec;-X:;:P:;:IR;cES,,-"-DATE t-=;;c-r==.,-1-----------------+-cc=-+=,,.-t--,=:---f-:,::=-t ~D~W~N:;=';B~Y;=: ';,./P~c~::_:::_~~=:::':'P:,:RccO:'J:::E:::CT~N;';:O~. =::=,r.D~R~AC,W~INc;Gc=::N~O. DATE INlllAL DAlE INITIAL DATE INITIAL .... ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAL aTY APPROVAL ~~~g ~~: IPl/MQ/2 CT 94-09-03 U'33-2QA \ • ' \ " 8l --0 ., 0 en --M " --, " .c ~ -"' -0. ,., <fO e-0 ~ 0. ,., " cc 0. cc w ~ ::, 0 ,., □ < u ,., = C, en "' "' -"' / "' L 2.03 WATER A. Water st'1all be suitable for irrigation and s.halt be free fl'l""1 intreiidients harmful to plant life. 2.04 CELLULOSE FIBER MULCH A. Cellulose fiber mulch shall be composed of virgin wood, contain a green color additive, be weed free, and non- polluting, ,containing no germination or growtt1 - inhibiting factors, similar to Hydro Mulch, manufactured by Conwed Corporation, St. Paul, Minnesota 55113. 2.05 JUTE MESH A. Green color, vegetable fiber jute "Soll Saver", 48" roll by Ludlow Company, or approved equal. B. Staples -11 gauge, 6" x 1" looped wire. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION OF SUBGRADE A, Subgrade st'1all be examined to ensure that rough grading and all other subsurface work in lawn areas and other areas to be seeded is done prior to start of saeding and sodding B. Existing subgrade shall be loosened or scarified to a minimum depth of 3 in. prior to spreading topsoil. Subgrade shall be brought to true and uniform grade, and shall be cleared of stones greater than 3 in, , sticks, and other extraneous material. 3.02 APPLICATION OF SOIL AMENDMENTS A. Fertilizer and conditioners shall be applied at rates recommended by the testing laboratories. B. Mixing with topsoil: t Fertilizer and conditioners sliall be spread over the entire lawn areas at the application rates Indicated above. 2. Materials shall be uniformly and thoroughly mixed into the top 4 in. of topsoil by discing, rototilling, or other approved method. 3.03 FINISH GRADING A. Final surface of topsoil immediately before seieding shall be within + 1/2 in. of required elevation, with no ruts, mounds, ridges, or otheir faults, and no pockets or low spots in which water can collect. Stones, roots. and other debris greater than 1 in. in any dimension, wt"iich are visible at the surface, shall be removed and the resulting holes filled with topsoil, leaving a uniform planar surface. 8. Finish grade surface with a drag or rake. Round out all breaks in grade, smooth down all lumps and ridges, fill in all holes and crevices. Rolling with a light roller is acceptable, if the surface is scarified afterward. C In the event of settlement, the Contractor shall readjust the work to required finished grade. 3.04 SEED APPLICATION A. Seed s.hall be broadcast by means of an approved mechanical spreader, to give a uniform application at the following rates Seed Seed Mixture No. 1 Seed Mixture No. 2 Application Rate lb, /acre 31.0 31.0 8. Seed shall be applied in two equal applications for uniform coverage; direction of travel of spreader for second pass shall be perpendicular to that of the first pass. Seeding shall not be done when it is raining or snowing, or when wind velocity exceeds 5 mph. C. At the Contractor's option, and with the permission of the Architect, seed may be spread by the hydroseedlng method, utilizing power equipment commonly used for that purpose. 1. Seed shall be applied in two equal applications for uniform coveragei; direction of second pass shall be perpendicular to that of the first pass. Seeding Shall not be done when it is raining or snowing, or when wind velocity exceeds 5 mph, 2. Seed, lime, fertilizer, and mulch shall be mixed and applied to achieve application quantities specified herein fair the conventional seeding method, with mulch applied at the rate of 2,000 lb. /acre. Other provisions specified above for conventional seeding shall apply also to hydroseeding. 3. Mulch shall be applied in two stages with 5% to 10% of the qU1antity applied with seed and the balance applied separately. 4. Seed shall not be placed in water until immediately before application. 5, Centrifugal pumps shall not be used to apply seed mix without filber mulch. Hand broadcast or use gear pump. 6, Ecology Controls M-Binder ltackifier) shall be applied at the rate of 100 lbs. /acre. D. Following seeding the area shall be lightly raked to mingle seed with top 1/8 to 1/4 In. of sail. Area shall then be fine graded. Stones and other debris greater than 1 In. In any dimension which are visible on surface shall be removed. Surface shall be rolled with a hand roller having a weight of 60 to 90 lb, /ft. of width, and a minimum diameter of 2 ft. E. Following seeding and raking, entire area shall be watered by use of lawn sprinklers, or other approved means. Initial watering shall continue untll the equivalent of a 2 in. depth of water has been applied to entire seeded surface, at a rate which will not dislodge the seed, Watering shall be repeated thereafter as frequently as required to prevent drying of the surface, until the grass attains an aveirage height of 1/4 in, Watering methods and apparatus which may cause erosion of the surface shall not be permitted. F. Rope off entire seeded area to prevent vehicles and pedestrians from entering area. 3.05 MAINTENANCE A. Maintenance shall be as specified In Section 02970, LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. SECTION 02950 TREES, PLANTS. ANO GROUND COVERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Provide all materials and equipment, and do all work required to complete the planting, as Indicated on the Drawings and as specified. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. ExBmine Contract Documents for requirements that affect work of this Section. Other Specification Sections that directly relate to work of this Section include, but are not limited to: 1. Section 02810, IRRIGATION SYSTEM; Irrigation. 2. Section 02930, LAWNS AND GRASSES; Seeding and sodding. 3. Section 02970, LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. 1.03 REFERENCES A. Comply with applicable requirements of the following standards. Where these standards conflict with other specified requirements, the most restrictive requirements shall govern, 1. American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI): Z60. 1 American Standard for Nursery Stock (Sponsor: American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. I 2, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTMI: C 136 E 11 Sleive Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes 4. "Hortus Third", A Concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated In the United States and Canada, Cornell University, L. H. Bailey Hortorlum, MaoMillian Publlshlng Co. , New York, NY. 5, Slope Revegetatlon / Erosion Control Policies and Requirements, City of Carlsbad, CA I See Attached I 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: Thei following samples shall be submitted· Meterial Samele Size or Quantity Tree stake 36 in. length B. Manufacturer's Product Data: Manufacturer's product data shall be submitted for the following materials: Aluminum sulfate Antidessicant Fertilizer Fungicide Herbicide Insecticide C. Certificates: Labels from the manufacturer's container certifying that the product meets the specified requirements shall be submitted for the following materials: Commercial fertilizer D. Test Reports: Test reports from an approved testing agency Indicating compliance with the specifications shall be submitted for topsoil, peat moss, planting soil mixture, and any other materials designated by the Architect. 1.05 OWNER'S INSPECTION AND TESTING A. Wark will be subject to inspection at all times by the Architect and City Inspector. The Owner reserves the right to analyze and test materials used in the construction of the work. Where directed by the Architect, the testing laboratory will make materiel analyses and will report to the Architect whether materials conform to the requirements of this specification, 1. Cost of tests and material analyses made by the testing laboratory will be borne by the Owner when they indicate compliance with the specification, and by the Contractor when they indicate non-compliance. 2. Testing equipment will be provided by and tests performed by tlie testing laboratory. Upon request by the Architect, shall provide such auxiliary personnel and services needed to accomplish the testing work. 3. Gradation of granular msterlals shall be determlned in accordance with ASTM C 136. Sieves for determining material gradation shall be as described in ASTM E 11. 1.06 CONTRACTOR'S INSPECTION AND TESTING A. Testing, anelyses, and Inspection required by the Contractor for his own information or guidance shall be et his own expense. Testing lab shall be: Soil and Plant Lab, 1594 North Main, Orange CA 92867, or approved equal. B. The Contractor shall engage an Independent testing agency, experienced in the testing of agricultural soils and acceptable to the Architect, to perform the following tests end analyses: Material Topsoil Tests and Analysis Required Mechanical analysis of soil indicating the percent passing by weight of the following sieve sizes: 1 in. , '1/2 in. No. 4, No. 10, No. 100, and No. 200. Determination of pH, organlc content, and nutrient content. Recommendations shall be made by the testing agency as to the type and quantity of soil additives required to bring nutrient content and pH to satisfactory levels for planting. 1. Materials shall not be used In construction until test results have been reviewed by the Architect. 2. All costs associated with testing shell be at Contractor's expense. 1.07 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Identification of plant names shall be as listed in "Hortus Third". 8. Selection of Plant Materials: Submit to the Architect the names and locations of nurseries proposed as sources of acceptable plant material. Inspect all nursery materials to determine that the materials meet the requirements of this section. Proposed materials shall be flagged at the nurseries by the Contractor prior to viewing by the Architect. 1. Schedule with the Architect a time for viewing plant material at the nursery. Trips to nurseries shall be efficiently arranged to allow Architect to maximize his viewing time, A minimum of six weeks shall be allowed for this viewing prior to time that plants are to be dug, 2. Architect may c~oose to attach his seal to each plant, or representative samples. 3. Where requested by the Architect, photograplis of plant material or representative samples of plants shall be submitted. 4. Viewing and/or sealing of plant materials by the Architect at the nursery does not preclude the Architect's right to reject material at the site of planting. 108 UNAVAILABILITY OF PLANT MATERIALS A. Before changes or substitutions can be made due to unavailability of plant material, submit satisfactory evidence tliat he has advertised for a one month period In a trade journal such as the "Landscape Materials Information Service", with no response, or has undertaken other methods of locating plant material acceptable to the Architect. 1.09 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Digging Plant Material: Plants shall not be dug at the nursery or approved source until tlie Contractor Is ready to transport them from their orlglnal locations to the site of the work or acceptable storage location. B Transportation of Plant Material: Plants trensporteid to thei project in open vehicles shall be covered with tarpaulins or other suitable covers securely fastened to the body of the vehicle to prevent injury to the plants. Closed vehicles shall be adequately ventilated to prevent overheating of the plants t Plants shall be keipt moist, fresh, and protected at all times. Such protection shall encompass the entire period during whlcli the plants are in transit, being handled, or are in temporary storage. 2, Unless otherwise authorized by the Architect, notify the Architect at least five working days in advance of the anticipated delivery date of any plant material. A leglbla copy of the bill of lading, showing the quantities, kinds, and sizes of materials included for each shipment shall be furnished to the Architect C, Storage: Unless specific authorization Is obtained from the Architect, plants shall not reimain on thei site of work longer than three days prior to being planted. 1. Plants that are not planted immediately shall be protected as follows: a. Boxed or oontainerized plants shall be temporarily irrigated until such time of permanent planting, b. Earth balls shall be kept moist and their solidity carefully preserved. c. Plants shall not be allowed to dry out. 2. Both the duration and method of storage of plant materials sliall be subject to the approval of the Architect. D. Handling of Plant Materials: Exercise care in handllng plant materials to avoid damage or stress. 1.10 REJECTION OF MATERIALS A Evide-nce of Inadequate protection following digging, carelessness white in transit, or improper liandllng or storage, shall be cause far rejection. B, Upon arrival at the temporary storage location or tlie site of the work, plants shall be Inspected for proper shlpping procedures, Should the roots be dried out, large branches be broken, balls of earth broken or loosened, or areas of bark be torn, the Architect will reject the injured plant. C. When a plant has been rejected, remove It from the aree of the work and replace It with one of the required size and quality. 1.11 PLANTING SEASON A. Planting shall only be performed when weather and soil conditions are sultable for planting the material specified In accordance with locally accepted practice. B. Planting season may deviatei from abovei only with the written permission of the Architect. 1.12 ACCEPTANCE A. The Architect will Inspect all work for Substantial Completion upon written notice of completion. The request shall be received at least ten calendar days before the anticipated date of inspeictian. B. Acceptance of plant material by the Architect will be for general conformance to specified size, character, and quality, and shall not diminish responsibility for full conformance to the Contract Documents. C, Upon completion and reinspeotion of all repairs or renewals necessary in the Judgement of the Architect, the Architect will recommend to the Owner that acceptance of the work of this Section be given. D. Acoeptanoe In Part 1. The work may be accepted in parts when it is deemed to be In the Owner's best Interest to do so, and when permission is given to the Contractor in writing to complete tlie work in parts 2. Acceptance and use of such areas by the Owner shall not waive any other provisions of this Contract. 1.13 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain plant material until the completion of guarantee period and Final Acceptance of work, as described in Section 02970, LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. 1.14 GUARANTEE A. Plants shall be guaranteed for a period of one year after the date of Acceptance by the Owner. 1. When the work is accepteid In parts, the guarantee peiriods shall extend from each of the partial acceptances to the terminal date of the last guarantee period. Thus, all guarantee periods terminate at one time. B. Plants shall be healthy, free of pests and disease, and In flourishing condition at the end of the guarantee period, Plants shall be free of dead and dying branches and branch tips, and shall bear foliage of normal density, size, and color. C. Replace dead plants and all plants not in a vigorous, thriving condition, as determined by the Architect during and at the end of the guarantee period, without cost to the Owner, as soon as weather conditions permit and within the specified planting period. 1. Replaceiments shall closely match adjacent specimens of the same species, Replacements shall be subject to all requirements stated in this Specification. 2. Make all necessary repairs due to plant replacements Such repairs shall be done at no extra cost to the Owner. 3. The guarantee of all replacement plants shall extend for an additional one year period from the date of their acceptance after replacement. In the event that a replacement plant is not acceptable during or at the end of the said extended guarantee period, the Owner may elect one more replacement or credit for each item. D. At the end of the guarantee period, and no less than five days prior to final inspection, staking and guying materials, and tree wrap and ties shall be removed from the site. 1.15 FINAL INSPECTION AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. At the end of the guarantee period, the Architect will, upon written notice of end of guarainteie period inspect the work fer Final Acceptance. Request shall be received at least ten calendar days before the anticipated date for Final Inspection. 8, Upon completion and reinspectlon of full repairs or replacements necessary In the Judgment of the Architect at that time, tlie Architect will recommend to the Owner that Final Acceptance of the Work of this Section be given. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PLANTS A. Except es otherwise specified, size and ~rade of plant materials shall conform to ANSI Z60. i. In no case shall ball size be less than 11 In. in diameter for each inch of caliper. 8. Plants shall have outstanding form; symmetrical, heavily branched with an even branch distribution, densely foltated and/or budded, and a strong, straight, distinct leader where this Is oharaoteristic of species. Plants shall possess a normal balance between height and spread. The Architect will be tlie final arbiter of acceptability of plant form. C, Plants shall be healthy and vigorous, free of disease, insect pests and their eggs, and larvae !PART 2 PRODUCTS CONTINUED ON SHEET 621 • LEGOLA D GARL--'BAD LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Billund L DK-7190 Blllund DENMARK ~S 7S 33 11 18 Volc4o ~S 71 JI H JI l'u LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Windsor D Tham• BuHdlns, Alma llcl., Wlnd•r ._.,,re,UK,SL41LU ~417S3626..00Volc• +4417H7t66671'u Rouse Wyatt Associates D Attraction Deslp Consu- l 0 14 Vine S~ Suite 1300, C .. dnnatl, OH 41202 513 311 0055 Voice 513 311 2691 l'ax HOK Studio E 0 An:h-ollleconl 16SS 26th Street, Suite 200, ,_ Monla, CA - 310 453 0100 Volca 311413 2052 l'ax Sasaki Associates, Inc. ■ Land"-Comu- 703 l'alomar Airport Road Ste. 170 619 603 6765 Voice 619 603 6761 l'IX Nolte and Associates, Inc. D ClvlllnalnMrl,. 5469 Kearny VIiia Road, Suite 301, Ian r,._, CA '2121 619 2719392 Voice 619 278 4628 l'ax McGraw/Baldwin Architects D --Archltectl 70 I 8 -, Suite 200, Ian DIOfO, CA 92101-1111 619 231 0751 Voice 619 231 4396 Pax Martin & Dunn, Inc. ltn.ictural l!n&lneerln1 7801 Minion Center Ct, #40I Ian Dt.p, CA 92108 619 497 2118 Voice 619 497 0429 Pax □ Rosenberg + Associates C Mechanical, -col, Plumbln, eo-- 5933 W, Century Blvd. #1050, Loi.-........, CA 90045 310 645 0142 Voice 310 645 1868 Fox NOTICE ~h,. contents of 1hlg docum1n1 conamu11 Droprl11ary 1nrorrr•to~ of LEGOLAND Co_rlHod loo. •nd/or other LEGO ont,tlu, An)· party r~coMni; lhla dooumon-doo, ,o W" oont,0ono~ a1d a;,eu that :~ lnformatlor, oontolned herelr sholl ncl b~ jupllcated In whal., or in p•rt, ro' dlSCloeod to otMr8 v,itM"t ,~~ eapreoo p• o· wrllt~o conee;t ol LEOOLAND Corl~l>iO lr,o l11ue No. D11c:11ptl1n 2 IGMP#ll'adaip N-G3-t7 I Deelp De, 1lapm...e lubmktal OS-Gl-t7 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS 'AS BUILT" RCE __ _ EXP, ___ _ REVIEWED BY• INSPECTOR DATE DATE fSHml CITY OF CARLSBAD [sREIBl f-----,--+---------------t-----t--t----J--7 ~LlLJ::::::::.J::::c,:::==:'::P:":L::AN:::N::l::NG:::::D:::E::P::AR=:T::M:=E::N=:T==::::'..:L_1LJ::::::=:5=:=~ f---f--+------------------,f---+--t----t--1 PLANTING PLANS FOR; DAT£ INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK RE'v1S1ON DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LEGOLAND Carlsbad OU~ PARK / FINISH GRADING APPROVED ~ f?-IL/-f,z A_S_S_T_. _P_LA_N_:,.N,::;1N"'G=Dls::R-=-Ec~T~O~R----cEc,X""P1"R""Es~-DATE DWN BY: ~,1e~c __ CHKD BY: TPBMOD RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. er 94-09-0.J ORAl'ANG NO. l3'3J'-2QA 111 c--'" 0-, -rn -oi 0 ui --en ~ ~ ..._, ~ .c ~ N CD ~ Q_ / en ~ 0 -' Q_ / " cc Q_ cc ""' ~ =, 0 / 0 ~ u / 0 0 m en "" -w / Lri L PART 2 PRODUCTS (CONTINUED) D. Plants shall have a well-developed fibrous root system. E. Plants shall be free of physical damage such as scrapes, broken or split branches, scars, bark abrasions, sunscalds, fresh limb cuts, disfiguring knots, or other defects. These defects shall not interrupt more than 25¼ of the circumference of the plant cambium. F. Plants shall meet the sizes indicated on the Plant List. Plants larger or smaller than specified may be used only if accepted by the Architect. G. Where a size or oaliper range Is stated, at least 50% of the material shall be closer in size to the top of the range stated. H. Plants shall not be pruned before delivery. I. Container grown plants shall be well rooted and established! in the container in which they are growing. They shall have grown In the container for a sufficient length of time for the root system to hold the planting medium when taken from the container, but not long enough to become root bound. Container grown plants exceeding the sizes indicated in ANSI Z60. 1 shall have containers which are not less than 75¼ of the ball sizes for comparable B&B plant material. Each container plant shall be inspected and root pruned as needed. 1. Canes or Trunk[s) and Branches: a. Very well formed and sturdy. b. Branching plentiful and uniformly distributed to form a weH-balanced plant. c. Scars shall be free of rot and not exceed 1/4 the diameter of the wood beneath in greatest dimension unless completety healed (except pruning scars). d. Pruning scars clean cut leaving little or no protrusion from tt,e trunk or branch. e, Graft union completely healed f, No mechanical or pest damage. g, No extreme succulence, 2. Foliage: ei. Densely supplied with healthy, vigorous leaves of normal size, shape, color, and texture !except shrubs moved bare-root or deciduous stirubs when dormantl. b. No holes, cavities, or depressed areas caused by broken or dead branches or insufficient foliage, c. No chlorosis. d. Pest or mechanical damage barely perceptible with no more th,an 5% of total foliage affected e. No frost or cold damage discernible. 3. Root System: a. Sturdily established In contl!liner. b. Shall not be excessively rootbound except plants deliberately grown rootbound to produce a dwarf plant, c, No large roots growing out of container. d. No noxious weeds in container, 2,02 SOIL AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZERS A. Soll Amendments and Fertilizers are to be incorporated into on-site soils, Landscape Contractor shall be required to gather on-site samples at approved locations as indicated on the Site Plan/Landscape Planting Plan. Agricultural suitability tests, including tests for Boron are to be performed by an approval and acceptable Soil and Plant Laboratory. Percolation tests shall also be required! as noted on Planting Plans, All Soil and Plant Laboratory Technical Analysis Reports shall be submitted t,o Architect in duplicate prior to trenching for irrigation installation. Soil and Plant Lab recommendations shall be Implemented as directed by the Landscape Architect and City Inspector. B. All materials shall be of standard, approved and flrstM grade quality and shall be in prime condition when installed and accepted. Any commercially processed or packaged material shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened container bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. C. Organic Amendment: t Nitrogen Stabilized 0, 56 to O. 84% N based on dry weight for wood residual or rice hulls. 2. Particle Size: 95¾ -100% passing 6. 80% ~ 100% passing 2. 35 mm standard sieve. 33 mm standard sieve. 3. Salinity: The saturation extract conductivity shall not exceed 3. 5 millimhos/centimeter at 25 degrees centigrade as determined by saturation extract method. 4. Iron Content, Minimum 0. 08% dilute acid soluble Fe on dry weight basis. 5 Ash, 0-5 0% (dry weight), D. Soil Amendment: 1. Soll sulfur: Agricultural grade sulfur containing a minimum of 99% sulfur lexpressed as elemental) . 2. Iron sulfate: 20% Iron (expressed as metallic iron). derived from ferric and ferrous sulfate, 10% sulfur !expressed as elemental). 3, Calcium carbonate: 95% lime as derived from oyster shells. 4. Gypsum: Agricultural grade product containing 98% minimum calcium sulfate E. Fertilizer 1. Planting fertlllzer: Pelleted or granular form shall consist of the following percents by weight and shall be mixed by commercial fertilizer supplier: 12¼ nitrogen 12% phosphoric acid 12% potash 2, Planting Tablets, a. Shall be slowMreleased type with potential acidity of not more than 5'¼ by weight containing the following percentages of nutrients by weight: 20% nitrogen 10¼ phosphoric acid 5'¼ potash 2.6'¼ combined calcium 1.6% combined sulfur 35% Iron (elemental) from ferrous sulfate b, Shall be 21 gram tablets as manufactured by Agriform or approved equal, applied per manufacturer's instructions. 3. Pre-Sod Fertilizer: Shall consist of the following percentage by weight and shall be mixed by a commercial fertilizer supplier: 16% nitrogen 20% phosphoric acid 8% potash 4 High iron acid fertilizer guaranteed analysis: Organic Nitrogen (Derived from Ureaformxx} !Soluble t3%, Insoluble 2 2%) Ammonia Nitrogen TOT AL NITROGEN Phosphoric Acid IAvallable) (Derived from Ammonium Phosphate) Potash (Water Soluble) (Derived from Sulfate of Potash) Calcium laerived from Gypsum) Sulfur (Combined) (Derived from Gypsum, Ferrous & Potassium Sulfate) :.Iron !Expressed as elemental) !Derived from Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate) :..Manganese (Expressed as elemental) ><Zinc (Expressed as elemental) :..Derived from specially processed natural minerals containing a mixture of sulfides which become available upon exposure to air and water. x"Derlved from Nitrofrom, Reg, TM of FBC Chemical Inc. 2,03 WATER 3.50% 3,50% 7,00% 7,00% 7.00% 1,50% 7,00¼ 7.00% 0.30% 0.30% A Water shall be suitable for irrigation and shall be frl!lt!I from ingredients harmful to plant life. 2, 04 GUYING AND STAKING MATERIALS A Guying and Staking Materials: 1. Wood tree stakes: Lodge pole pine, full treated with Coppernapthanate Wood Preservative In strict accordance with Federal Spec. TT-W-572 Type 1 Composition B, 2" (minimum nominal size] diameter x 10' long, no split stakes. 2, Ties: a, 12 gauge wire and new rubbt!lr hose tie. 3. Guying Hardware: a. Wire: Pliable 9 gauge galvanized, b. Hose: 1/2" new rubber hose, c. Turnbuckles: galvanized or dlp-pe:lnted, size as required. d. Cable clamps: galvanized, size as required, e, Safety sleeve: 1/4" white PVC full length of wire. f. Steel guy anchor: 3/4" dia. x 36" steel vane as manufactured by Maxwell Steel Corporation, g. Wall anchors: 1/2" dla, x 4" gatvanlzed eyebolts with expansion shleld. 2,05 FILTER FABRIC A. Supac 5-P -nonwoven polypropylene fabric 5. 3 oz /sq. yd. Fabric thickness. 50 mils. 2.06 VERTICAL DRAIN SYSTEM -PALM TREES A. Pipe for vertlcol drain system for palm trees shall be perforated ADS corrugated polyethylene pipe manufactured by ADS, Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc., Columbus, OH 43221, or approved equal. 1.Pipe 9h□II conform to ASTM F' 405. 2.Flttlngs and cop shall be supplled by pipe manufacturer, Cop diameter holes. shall be perforated with 1/4 in. ,3,Joints sholl be manufacturer's standard snop tight joint. 4.P!pe shall be supplled wlth manufacturer's f!lter fabric "sock". B. Crushed stone fill for 8 in. diameter ougered holes below ADS pipe shall consist of washed, durable, crushed rock free from fine sand, slit, or rock flour. Gradation shalt conform to the following: Sieve Size 3/4 In. t/2 in. 3/8 In. No. 4 No. 8 "-Passing by Weight 100 90-100 40-70 0-15 0-5 2,07 ANTIDESICCANT A. Antldesslcant shalt be an emulsion specifically manufactured for plant protection which provides a protective film over plant surfaces which Is permeable enough to permit transpiration. Antidessicant shall be delivered in manufacturer's sealed containers and shall contain manufacturer's printed instructions for use. B. Antldesslcant sl"iall be equal to the following: Product Wilt-Prut Winter Shield 2,08 FUNGICIDE Manufacturer Wilt-Pruf Products, lnc. P, 0, Box 469 Essex, CT 06426 Rockland Corporation A Fungicide shall be LESCO Mancozeb DG, E022033, sprayable broad-spectrum fungicide, manufactured by LESCO, Rocky River, OH 44116, or approved equal, 2.09 INSECTICIDE A. Insecticide shall be LESCO Sevin Brand SL, £019106, for broad spectrum control for most trees, shrubs and ornamentals, manufactured by LESCO, Rocky River, OH 44116, or approved equal. 2,10 POST-EMERGENT HERBICIDE A. Herbicide shall be Lescogran Selective Post-Emergent Herbicide, £035039, for control of insects and mites, manufactured by LESCO, Rocky River, OH 44116, or approved equal. 2,11 PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE A. Herbicide shalt be LESCO Ornamental Herblicide 5G, preM emergent grassy and selected broadleaf weed control for ornamental plants, nursery strock and ground covers, £019515, manufactured by LESCO, Rocky River, OH 44116, or approved equal. 2.12 BARK MULCH A. Bark mulch for planting areas shall be classlfled In two grades based on their intended use as follows: 1. "Appearance Grade": mulches used in planting areas subject to close visual observation by people. This grade shall be assumed for all plantlng areas except slopes steeper than 4:1 and where Non-Appearance Grade" mulch is specified. "Appearance Grode" mulch shall be commercially manufactured mulch for this intended purpose and shall be composed of shredded and chlpped bark from Fir, Pine, Cedar, or Redwood. Pieces shall fall within a size range of ?" to 1 ?", with over 50% in the ?" to 1'' range, Pre-approved products are Kellogg's Medium Grade Walk-On Bark, Butler's Mill Shredded Bark Mulch. Other similar products proposed for use shall be submitted to the Landscape Architect and City Inspector for approval. 2. "Non-Appearance Grade" (Recycled green waste mulch): mulches used ln areas not subject to close visual inspection by people, or used ln native or rural settings, slope paintings, or elsewhare as desired by the Londscape Architect. This grade shall be used only where noted on the plans. "Non-Appearance Grade" mulch may be manufactured from any clean, green softwood, free of diseases and pests. Chips from kiln-dried or air-dried material will not be accepted. Chips shall be produced by mochinery equipped with knives or blades which cut rather than shred or break the material. Piece shall foll within a size range of ?" to 3" In length, ?" to 1 ?" in width, and from 1/8" to ?" in thickness. Chips may be produced from tree trimmings, however shall contain no trash or extraneous material. Such materials may be available from processors of vegetative municipal waste, os long as it meets requirements herein. Submit samples from all proposed sources to the Landscape Architect for approval. 2,13 ROOT BARRIER A. Root barrier shall be linear type root barrier or square root box, capable of blocking tree roots from interfering with adjacent pavement without sacrlfricing the tree's stability, simlllar to "Deep Root" tree barrier, manufactured by Deeproot Partners, L. P. Burlingame, CA 9410; "Root Control Barrier", manufactured by Century Products, Anaheim, CA 92806; "Root Booster", manufacturer by Shawtown Industries, Inc.; or approved equal. B. Root barrier to be cut to 10' length. PART 3 EXECUTION 3,01 EXAMINATION OF SUBGRADE A. Examine subgrade and rough grading before planting. Alert Arctiitect to unacceptable rough grading or subgrade. 3,02 DRAINAGE OF SOILS A, Test drainage of five plant beds and pits chosen by the Architect shall be done by filling with water twice in succession. The time at which water is put Into the pit or bed for a second filling shall be noted. Architect shall then be notified of the time it takes for pit or bed to drain completely. Planting operations stlall not proceed until Architect has reviewed test drainage results. B. Notlfy the Architect in writing of all soil or drainage conditions ttlat he considers detrimental to growth of plant material. Submit proposal and cost estimate for correction of the conditions for Architect's approval before starting work. 3,03 LAYOUT OF PLANTING AREAS A. Individual plant locations and outlines of shrub and ground cover areas to be planted shall be staked by the Contractor in ample time to allow inspection by the Architect. B. Digging shall not begin until locetions are approved by the Architect C. Location of trees shall be staked using color coded stakes. A different stake color shall be used for each tree species. 3,04 PREPARATION OF SUBGRADE A. Subgrade of planting areas shall be loosened or scarified to a minimum depth of 3 in. prior to spreading planting soil. Subgrade shall be brougt,t to true and uniform grade and shall be oleBred of stones greater than 2 in. sticks, and other extraneous material. 3,05 PLANT PIT EXCAVATIDN A. Planting pits for trees and shrubs shall be excavated to the depth and dimension indicated on ttie Drawings. B. Excavation shall not begin until locations ere approved by the Architect, 3,06 PLANTING A, Wolls of plant pits shall be dug so that they are vertical and scarified. B, Plants shall be set as indicated on Drawings. Plants shall have same relationship to finished grade as in tt,e nursery C. Plants shall be turned to the desired orientation when required by Architect. D. Containerized plants shall be removed from container taking care not to damage roots The side of the root ball shall be scarified to prevent root-bound condition and plant positioned in planting pit. E. Planting shall be positioned In center of planting pit, set plumb, and rigidly braced In position untll all planting soil has been tamped solidly around the bsll. F, Pits shall be backfilled with ammended topsoil, Soil shall be worked carefully into voids and pockets, tamping llghtly every 6 In. 1. When pit is two-thirds full, plants shall be watered thoroughly, and water left to soak In before proceeding. 2. At this time, ropes or strings on top of ball shall be cut and shall be pulled back. Burlap or cloth wrapping stiall be left intact around ball exoept that portions of wrap that are exposed at top of ball shall be turned under and buried. NonMbiodegradabfe ball wrapping and support wire shall be totally removed from ball and planting pit 3. Wire baskets and boxes shall be completely cut away from sides of root ball, and removed from pit. Bottom of basket may remain. 4. Remove nursery plant identification tags. G. Backfilling and tamping shall then be finished and a saucer formed around plant pits as indicated on the Drawings. H. Saucer shall be filled with water and water left to soak in. Saucer shall then be filled with water again. 3,07 A. B. C. VERTICAL DRAIN SYSTEM -PALM TREES Auger 8 in. diameter x 3 ft. deep holes directly beneath vertical pipe locations, and backfill with drainage gravel as indicated on the Drawings. Plpe shall be installed In vertlcol positron over grovel filled drainage holes at locattons indicated on the Drawings. Perforated pipe shall be fitted with filter fabric "sock" prior to perforated cap onto top of pipe above soll level. pipe manufacturer's installation. Fit approximately < in. II LEGOLA D C.ARL~BAD LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Billund □ DK-71t0 Bllund DENMARK +•5 75 33 II •• Voice +.15 7S 3S 3t 31 Pox LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Wind8or D Thames Bulldln• Ahna lld .. Wlndlor Berkahlre, UK, Sl.41 LU +44 1753 626400 Voice +44 175J 7t6667 Pax Rouse Wyatt Assoelate1 D Attnctlon Deolp Con111- 1014 Vine 5-Sulte 1300, Clndnnod, OH 41212 5133110055Volce513 3812691 Fax HOK Studio E □ Arch'-of Record 1655 l6dl Sa-eet, -200, -Monica, CA flMfM JI04530100Volce 3104532052Fax Sasaki Associates, Inc. Lan~ Con1ultanta 703 Palomar Airport Rood SU. 170 619603 6765 Voice 619 603 6761 Fox • Nolte and Associates, Inc. D CMI l!nalnoeri"II 5469 Reamy VIiia Road, lulu 311, .... 01...,, CA tl 123 619 278 9392 Voice 619 271 4621 Fax McGraw/Baldwin Architects Aaocluod Architects 701 BS-, Suite 200, .... Dt.p. CA 92101-8111 619 231 0751 Vole• 61t 231 4396 Pax Martin & Dunn, Inc. Structural Enal11Nrlns 7101 Hlulon C-Ct, -fllln Dt.p, CA tllOI 619 4971119 vo1 .. 61t 497 0429 Pax Rosenberg + Associates Hechanlcol, Eloctrlcol, l"lumblns Con111- 5933 W. Century Bml. #I 050, Los Anples, CA 90041 310 645 0142 Vole■ 310 645 1168 Fax NOllOE The cont.nto of thlo doourr•nl coc,g1l1u1~ proiprlet,ry inlormot~,n of LEGOL~~D CulotJ•d 111e. &nO/o, ot~er LliGQ erm1.a. Pny r,erty roooivlng lhlo ooeumon1 <loe~ oo In conlldoM~ ond ~G'""" 1h01 tho lnlor,ne<1on oon,aln<>O ~er<>ln shall not b• duPll001M 1n whole or o P•'i, ""' Ol•olose,J 1o oth•rs .. 1,hcu· the e<pns prio, w•lll•m con••nt oJ LEGOLANO Corl•bod Inc luue No. Deoctipdon 2 IOHP#IP ...... I Dellp D■,■lopmant lubmlttaf O!l-02-97 □ □ □ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS NAS BUILT' RCE __ _ EXP,____ DATE REVIEl,IED BY, INSPECTOR DATE fsHml CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ l---l,---1-----------------+--+---+--+---I ~LJ±_J:::::,1.:::::::!..'::::=::::::P:::L:::AN:=N::l::NG:::::D:::EP:=A::R=:T:=ME=:N'::T==:::'.'L!L.J=:':'5~ PLANTING PLANS FOR DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LEGOLAND Carlsbad Ot/TF:R PARK / F1NISH GRADING APPROVED -✓~J f/~V A0s=-s=T=-.""P"'L"'A"N"N"°1N°"G""o1=R~Ec"'T::o::R:----:::Ec:XP:::1"'RE"'s::"'--DATE DWN BY: ~1ff~-- CHKD BY: 1PBMOO RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. CT 94-09-03 DRA~NG NO, l333-2QA ,___ "" "" -,___ rn cJ 0 <Ci --"' -~ ..., ~ .c >-- rn "' ~ a_ -"' >--0 ~ a_ -"' cr 0. cr w >--c:, 0 -D < u -0 C, '" 07 "" '° -"' L 3 08 APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER A. Fertilizer shall be applied when planting pits are backfilled two-thirds full. Fertilizer application shall be of the type, rate, and timing recommended by the testing .agency for each plant type. 3.09 FUNGICIDE A. Immediately after planting, all trunks of deciduous trees shall tie sprayed with fungicide, applied as directed by chemical manufacturer. 3.10 PRE-EMERGENT-HERBICIDE A. Immediately after planting, pre-emergent herbicide shall be applied to ornamental shrub beds and and around base of trees, in strict accordance with ohemlcal manufacturer's printed Instructions. 3.11 POST EMERGENT-HERBICIDE A. Upon the appearance of weeds within planted areas, pre- emergent herbicide shall be applied to ornamental shrub beds and and around base of trees, in strict accordance with chemical manufacturer's printed instructions. 3.12 INSECTICIDE A. Upon the appearance of insect problems, all trunks of deciduous trees shall be sprayed with Insecticide, applied as directed by chemical manufacturer. 3.13 STAKING AND GUYING A. Each tree shalt be staked or guyed immediately following planting. Plants shall stand plumb after staking or guying. 3.14 PRUNING A. Each tree and shrub stiall be pruned to preserve the natural character of the plant Pruning shall be done after delivery of plants and after plants have been inspected and approved by the Architect. Pruning procedures shall be reviewed with Architect before proceeding. B. Pruning st'iall be done with clean, sharp tools. Cuts shall be made flush, leaving no stubs. No tree paint shall be used. C. Dead wood, suckers. and broken and badly bruised branches shall be removed. 3.15 MAINTENANCE OF PLANTING A Maintenance shall begin Immediately after eacti plant is planted and shall continue until Final Acceptance as described in Section 02970, LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. END OF SECTION SECTION 02910 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS The requirements of the General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, and Special Conditions of the Contract shall apply to all work of this Section with the same force and effect as though repeated In full herein. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK A. Work Specified in this Section: Furnish all labor, material, equipment and services required to maintain the landscape in an attractive condition as specified herein for a period of 120 days 8, Related Work Specified In other Sections: 1. Section 02810, IRRIGATION SYSTEM: lrrlg•tlon system 2. Section 02930, LAWNS AND GRASSES. 3. Section 02950, TREES, PLANTS, AND GROUND COVERS: New plantings, C. Definition; The word Architect as used herein :shall refer ta the Owner's authorized representative. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A Work Force: Contractor's representative stiall be experienced In landscape maintenance and shall have received an education in ornamental tiorticulture. 1.04 MAINTENANCE PERIOD A. The Contractor shall continuously maintain 1111 areas Involved In this Contract during the progress of the work and during the maintenance period until final acceptance of the work by the Owner or his authorized representative. B. Improper maintenance or possible poor condition of any planting at the termination of the scheduled maintenance period may cause postponement of the final completion date of the Contract. Maintenance shall be continued by the Contractor until all work is acceptable. C. In order to carry out the plant establishment work, the Contractor shall furnish sufficient men and adequate equipment to perform the work during the plant maintenance period. D. Ste.rt of Maintenance Criteria -Maintenance period stlall not start until all elements of construction, planting, and irrigation for the entire project are complete, Project will not be segmented Into maintenance phases unless speclflcally authorized in writing by the Owner's authorized representative. E. The Contractor shall request an inspection to begin the plant maintenance period after all planting and related work has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. A prime requirement Is that all groundoover and lawn areas be planted. If such criteria is met to the satisfaction of tlie Architect, a field notification will be Issued to the Contractor to establish the effective beginning date of the period, F. Any dl!ly when the Contractor falls to adequately maintain plantings, replace unsuitable plants or do weed control or other work, as determined necessary by the Architect, will not be credited as one of the plant maintenance working days G, The Contractor's maintenance period wlll be extended If tha provisions required within the plans and specifications are not filled, H. Prior to being placed on maintenance, the Contractor shall submit a schedule of all activities planned during the maintenance period. This shall be accepted by Architect prior to the start of maintenance. All sctiedule changes shall be documented and accepted by the Architect. 1.05 GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT A. All plant material Installed under tlie Contract shall be guaranteed against any and all poor, inadequate or inferior materials and/or workmanship for a period of one year. Any plant found to be dead or In poor condition due to faulty materials or workmanship, as determined by the Architect, shall be replaced by the contractor at his expense. The start of the Guarantee Period shall commence upon completion of the Maintenance period. 8, Any materials found to be dead, missing, or in poor condition during the maintenance period shall be replaced immediately. The Architect shall be the sole Judge as to the condition of material. Material to be replaced within ttie guarantee maintenance period shall be replaced by the Contractor within fifteen [151 days of written notification by the Owner or his authorized representative. C. The commencement of all Guiuantees shall be noted in the Certificate of Substantial Completion which shall be signed by Owner, Contractor and Landscape Architect. 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. Normal progress Inspection shall be requested by the Contractor from the Architect at least seven (7) days In advance of an anticipated inspection. Inspections ere as follows: t Commencement of maintenance, (Pre~maintenance). 2. At thirty (30) day Intervals through maintenance period. 3. Completion of maintenance period -Final walk- through -ten (10) days prior to end of maintenance period. B. All conditions noted in Landscape Planting Section stiall apply herein. 1.07 FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT A. Prior to the date of the Final Walk-through, the Contractor shall acquire from the architect approved reproducible prints and Final record from the Job record set of all changes made to all plans during construction, label said prints "As-Buills", and deliver to the Architect and as required to any Local Agency. Prior to the date of final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver to the Architect the "Landscape and Irrigation Guarantee" as required, Said Guarantee shall be on the Contractor's letterhead and dated the final acceptance date. 8. All turn-over Items noted In other specification sections shall be delivered prior to a Final Walk- through. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. All materlals used shall either conform to Landscape Planting specifications in other sections or shalt otherwise be acceptable to the Owner. The Owner shall be given monthly record of all herbicides, insecticides and disease control chemicals used. 8. Top dress fertilizer shall consist .of the following percentages by weight and shall be mixed by a commercial fertilizer supplier: 16% nitrogen 6% phosphoric acid 8% potash Unless otherwise noted in a project Soils Report. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 MAINTENANCE Maintenance shall be according to the following standards: A. All areas shall be kept free of debris and all planted areas shall be weeded and cultivated at intervals of not more than ten (10) days. Watering, mowing, rolling, edging, trimminQ, fertilization, spraying and pest control, as may be required, shall be included In the maintenance period. Street gutters shall be included within the debris/siltation removal program. All area drains and drain pipes are to remain free of silt and debris. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining adequate protection of the area. Damaged areas shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. C. Between the 15th day and the 20th dey of ttie maintenance period, the Contractor shall reseed or resod all spots or areas within the lawn where normal turf growth is not evident as determined by the Owner's authorized representative. After the 20th day, all areas not acceptable to the Architect shall be sodded to match adjacent turf seed type, 3 02 TREE AND SHRUB CARE A. Watering: Maintain a large enough water basin around plants so that enough water can be applied to establish moisture through the major root zone. When hand- watering, use a water wand to break the water force. Use mulches to reduce evaporation and frequency of watering. B. Pruning: 1. Trees: a, Prune trees to select and develop permanent scaffold branches that are smaller in diameter than the trunk or branch to which they are attached which have vertical spacing of from 18"' to 48" and radial orientation so as not to overlay one another; to eliminate diseased or damaged growth; to eliminate narrow V-shaped branch forks ttiat lack strength; to reduce toppling and wind damage by thinning out crowns; to maintain growth within space limitations; to maintain a natural appearance; to balance crown with roots. b. Under no circumstances will stripping of lower branches ("raising-up") of young trees be permitted. Lower branches shall be retained in a "tipped back" or pinched condition with as much foliage as possible to promote caliper trunk growth (tapered trunk). Lower branches can be cut flush with the trunk only after the tree is able to stand erect without staking or other support. Sucker growth shall be removed if deemed appropriate by the Owner's authorized repress nt ative. c. Eviergrieen trees shall be thinned out and shaped when necessary to prevent wind and storm damage. The primary pruning of deciduous trees shall be done during the dormant season. Damaged trees or those that constitute health or safety hazards shall be pruned at any tlme of tt,e year as required to eliminate these conditions, a, The objective of shrub pruning are the same es for trees. Shrubs shall not be clipped into balled or boxed forms unless such is required by the design and directed by the Architect. b. All pruning cuts shall be made to lateral branches or buds or flush with the trunk. "Stubbing" will not be permitted. C. Staking and Guying: Remove stakes and guys as soon as they are no longer needed. Stakes and guys are to be inspected to prevent girdling of trunks or branches and to prevent rubbing that causes bark wounds. Replace all broken stakes and ties with specified materials. ,, D. Weed Control: Keep basins and areas between plants free of weeds. Use re-commended legally approved herbicides. Avoid frequent soil cultivation that destroys shallow roots. Use mulches to help prevent weed seed germination, E. Insect and Disease Control: Maintain ii reasonable control with approved materials. F. Fertilization: t Fertilize all planting areas with the following or as noted In project Salls Report: a. At the end of the first 30-day and at 30-day intervals -6 lbs. per 1,000 square feet of top dress fertilizer. b. At the end of the maintenance period and at 30-day Intervals should maintenance period be extended -6 lbs. per 1.000 square feet of top dress fertilizer. c, After application, water fertilizer down thoroughly. 2. Avoid applying fertilizer to the root ball and base of main stem; rattier, spread evenly under plant to drip line. G. Replacement of Plants: Replace dead, dying and missing plants and plants of a size, condition and variety acceptable to Owner's authorized representative at Contractor's expense. 3.03 GROUNDCOVER CARE A. Weed Control: Control weeds, with chemical systemic spray or by mechanical means so as to cause minimal damage to planted materials. 8. Watering: Water enoui;ih that moisture penietrates throughout root zone and only as frequently as necessary to maintain healthy growth. C. Fertilizing: Fertilize as specified under Tree and Shrub care. D. Remove trash weekly. E. Edge groundcover to keep in bounds and trim top growth as necessary to achieve an overall even appearance. F. Replace dead and missing plants at Contractor's expense, 3.04 LAWN AND TURF CARE A. Mawing and Edging: 1 Mowing of turf wlll commence when the grass has reached a recommended height for the specified species. Mowing will be at least weekly after the first cut Turf must be well-established and free of bare spots and weeks to the satisfaction of the Architect prior to final acceptance. 2. Excess grass clippings as determined by the Architect shall be picked-up and removed from the site and premises. 3. Edges shall be trimmed at le21.st twice monttily or as needed for neat appearance. Clippings shall either be vacuumed or blown off walks. 8. Watering; Lawns shall be watered at sucti frequency as weather conditions require to replenish soil moisture below root zone end maintain healthy growth. C. Fertilizing: Fertilizers specified under Tree and Shrub care. o. Weed Control: If needed, control broad leaf weeds with selective herbicides. E. Renovating: 1. If required, remove thatch by verticutting, preferably in the Fall, but otherwise in the Spring. At this time, fertilize with nitrate N and over-seed if needed, Over-seeding must precede pre-emergent herbicides by at least four to six weeks. 2 Aerlfy compacted areas to Improve water penetration whenever needed. 3.05 IRRIGATION SYSTEM A. The Contractor shall ctieck weekly all systems for proper operation. Lateral lines shall be flustied out after removing the last sprinkler head or two at each end of the lateral. All heads are to be adjusted as necessary for unimpeded coverage. B. Set end program automatic controllers for seasonal water requirements. Give Owner's representative a key to controllers and written instructions on how to turn off system In case of emergency, C. Repair all damages to Irrigation system at Contractor's expense. Repairs shall be made within one watering period. END OF SECTION ■ LEGOLA D GARL~BA:D LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Billund □ DK-7190 ■IHund DENMARK +45 75 33 11 •• Voice +.cs 11 JI H 38 Pox LEGOLAND Attraction Center, Windsor D Tham .. 8ulklln1, Alma Rd., Wlndoor ■erklhlN, UK, SIAIW +,44 1753 626400 Voice +44 1153 7H6'1 Fax Rouse Wyatt Associates D Attractlm ~ CDIIIU- 1014 Vine Street, Suitt. 1300, Cndnnad, OH 45212 SI 3 381 0055 Voice 513 311 269 I Pox HOK Studio E L Architect of Record I 655 26th Street, Sula 100, -Monica, CA - JIO 453 0100 Vole. 310 4U 2052 Pax Sasaki Associates, Inc. ■ Landoape Con1111tants 103 Palomar Al.,.-Road Ste. 1711 619 603 6165 Voice 619 603 6761 ,... Nolte and Associates, Inc. D Ci,,11 ln&lnffrlnc 5469 KeamyVllaRotul, Suitt. 305, hn Diep, CA 92123 619 2119392 Vol .. 619 278 4628 Fox McGraw/Baldwin Architects D Assnrlat,d Architects 70 I B Street, Sula 200, Ian Diep, CA 92111-110 I 619 231 0151 Voice 619 231 43H Pox Martin & Dunn, Inc. D Structural ............. , 7801 Minion Centt.r Ct, -Ian Di...,, CA 92109 619 4912118Volce 619 4910429 Pax Rosenberg + Associates D Mochanlcal, llectrfcal, P'lumbl"I Con..,..._ 1933 W. Contury ■Ivel. #I 050, Loo Anpln, CA -• 3106450142Volce JI06451861Fu ~OTIO~, The co"tonts of th,& dccum~nt caootH"l~ propd~lari· lnfor,n,tlon o1 _e<'.lOLANt> Culobaa lno ~M/Qr ot.,., LE\lO ent,lle&. Any port~ '•oolvlng thl~ deo,ment do.s so I~ oonl11~oo• ,nd ogr•e~ 1hu 1,e 1nfon>1atlcn 00Ma1nea herein a~a11 not ~~ ouo11:ated 1n "hole or in port 11or dlsola••d to othero wlt!",Q"1 lh& hpru• pr,o, w,lttan 0◊08&1'1 or LEGOLMSD C•rlsbaO Inc 1•111• No. l1111eD ... 2 ff-1.1-ff I Da.lp Drnclup:.w..t lubmtt:tal 05-02-ff APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS 11 AS BUIL T11 RCE __ _ EXP, ___ _ REVIE\./ED BY, INSPECTOR DATE DATE f'SHEEi7 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1---J--+---------------+--+--+---t---, ;::L___lj__J::::::::6:::=:..'::=::::::P:::L::AN;=N:::IN::G::::::'D:=EP:::A::R:::TM::E::N'::':T==:::"L...lU='::'6===: 1---l--+----------------1---+--+---f---l PLANTING PLANS FOR: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LEGOLAND Carlsbad OUTER PARK / FINISH GRADING . APPROVE'/ _d. hi'.~ y. /,{/_r? 7 ASST. PLM<NING -"!RECTOR/ EXPIRES ~ DWN BY: ' ' PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ~~~ ~~: ""'MoO CT 94-09-03 333-2QA