HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD 2020-0011; BRESSI RANCH SELF-STORAGE FACILITY T-MOBILE SD02436A; Consistency Determination (CD)CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FORM FOR CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION APPUOATION CITY USE ONLY Original Project Number: 11\C.,U P o 'l -07 PROJECT NAME: T-Mobile Anchor Project Assessor's Parcel Number(s) and 213-261-05 / 2500 Campbell Place Carlsbad 92009 Address: Description of proposal (add attachment if necessary): Modification to existing wireless facility. Fully screened. Adding (1) new antenna per sector; (3) total new. Adding (3) new radios. Modifying the existing FRP. No visual changes to the site -fully screened. Would you like to orally present your proposal to your assigned staff planner/engineer? Yes D □ No Please list the staff members you have previously spoken to regarding this project. If none, please so state. Shannon Harker, Associate Planner OWNER NAME (Print): TRI REIT Operating Partnership dba APPLICANT NAME (Print): Steven Johnson MAILING ADDRESs:Carlsbad Self Storage Investors (Edwin Murg MAILING ADDRESS: 3131 Keats St. -------------CI TY, STATE, ZIP: 2500 Campbell Place Carlsbad, CA 920 ~ITY, STATE, ZIP: San Diego, CA 92016 TELEPHONE: 760-918-6600 TELEPHONE: 562-477-8715 EMAIL ADDRESS: bressiranch@storquest.com *Owner's signature indicates permission to conduct a preliminary review for a development proposal. IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. See LOA with package SIGNATURE DATE APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE (Print): MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: steven.johnson@smartlinkllc.com I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 07/29/20 DATE RECE~VED JUL 39 2820 CITV OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLICANT AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE DATE FEE REQUIRED/DATE FEE PAID: l=A-"-t-~L..-:f----------------------- RECEIVED BY: r-::_J \ ~-~\ .l;(l \-. ~.\>.$V.., P-16 Page 2 of2 Revised 02/28/18 Section 6409(a) Modification Worksheet For Wireless Base Stations Purpose: This worksheet serves to assist the City of Carlsbad to determine whether a proposed collocation or modification to an existing base station qualifies as an eligible facilities request and/or would cause a substantial change as defined by the FCC. Instructions: Applicants must complete this worksheet and submit it with an application for a Section 6409(a) modification to collocate or modify transmission equipment on an existing base station submitted for approval pursuant to Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. § 1455(a)). Any proposed modification submitted for approval pursuant to Section 6409(a) must answer two general questions: (1) is the proposed modification an eligible facilities request and if so, (2) will it cause a substantial change? Section 1 addresses the eligible facilities request question and Sections 2 through 7 address the substantial change questions. In general, any "NO" answer in Section 1, or any "YES" answer in Sections 2 through 7 will disqualify the proposed modification from Section 6409(a). The City may deem any application without a completed worksheet incomplete. If a response to any question requires additional space, applicants may attach additional pages to this worksheet so long as the responses are clearly labeled with the number that corresponds with the question. Questions about this worksheet should be submitted to the Planning Division at planning@carlsbadca.gov. Applicant Name: Steven Johnson Phone: 562-4 77 -8 715 Email: steven.johnson@smartlinkgroup.com Project Address: 2500 Campbell Place Applicant's Site ID: _S_D_0_2_4_36 ______________________ _ ELIGIBLE FACILITIES REQUEST Section 1. EXISTING FACILITY 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Does the non-tower structure currently support wireless transmission equipment? Has all the transmission equipment been deployed in accordance with the applicable siting and zoning regulations in effect when the deployment occurred? Does the application include a copy of the most recent permit or regulatory approval issued in connection with this site? IX YES D NO !XYES D NO ~YES D NO If the answer in Line 1.3 is "NO" explain why the relevant permits and/or regulatory approvals are not attached: 6049(a) Modification Worksheet For Base Stations page 1 / 5 03/18 1.4. Will the proposed modification maintain (and NOT replace) the existing IX YES O NO non-tower support structure? SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE FACTORS Section 2. HEIGHT INCREASES Rule: A modification substantially changes a base station if it increases the height of the original support structure by more than 10% or 10 feet (whichever is greater). 47 C.F.R. § 1.40001 (b)(7)(i). 2.1. Provide the following measurements: 2.1.1. overall height after the proposed modification: 2.1.2. support structure height when originally constructed: 2.1.3. subtract Line 2.1.1 by Line 2.1.2 2.1.4. multiply Line 2.1.2 by 0.1: 2.2. Is the measurement in Line 2.1.3 greater than 10 feet AND greater than the measurement in Line 2.1.4? Section 3. WIDTH INCREASES 35' feet 35' feet 0 feet 3.5' feet DYES □XNO Rule: A modification substantially changes a base station if it adds an appurtenance that protrudes from the support structure by more than six (6) feet. 47 C.F.R. § 1.40001(b)(7)(ii). 3.1. 3.2. Provide the furthest distance that any proposed appurtenance would protrude from the support structure: Is the measurement in Line 3.1 greater than six (6) feet? Section 4. EQUIPMENT CABINETS --""-o __ feet DYES IXNO Rule: A modification substantially changes a base station if it involves (i) more than four (4) new equipment cabinets; (ii) installation of any new ground-mounted equipment cabinets if none currently exist; or (iii) installation of any ground-mounted equipment cabinets that are more than 10% taller or voluminous than any existing ground-mounted cabinets associated with the base station. 47 C.F.R. § 1.40001(b)(7)(iii). 4.1. Provide the following quantities: 4.1.1. total proposed new equipment cabinets: 4.1.2. existing ground-mounted equipment cabinets: 4.1.3. proposed new ground-mounted equipment cabinets: 6049(a) Modification Worksheet For Base Stations page 2 / 5 0 2 2 03/18 [CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE] 4.2. Provide the following measurements (unit of measure required): 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. 4.2.1. height of the tallest proposed ground-mounted equipment cabinet: 4.2.2. height of the tallest existing ground-mounted equipment cabinet: 4.2.3. multiply Line 4.2.2 by 1.1: 4.2.4. volume of the most voluminous proposed ground-mounted equipment cabinet: 4.2.5. volume of the most voluminous existing ground-mounted equipment cabinet: 4.2.6. multiply Line 4.2.5 by 1.1: Is the quantity in Line 4.1.1 greater than four (4)? Is the quantity in Line 4.1.2 zero (0) AND the quantity in Line 4.1.3 greater than zero (O)? Is the measurement in Line 4.2.2 greater than the measurement in Line 4.2.3? Is the measurement in Line 4.2.5 greater than the measurement in Line 4.2.6? N/A 56.5" 62.15" N/A 24,667.9 in (cubed) 27,134.69 in (cubed) D YES IX NO DYES IXNO DYES [XNO DYES [XNO Section 5. NEW EXCAVATION OR DEPLOYMENT AT GROUND LEVEL Rule: A modification substantially changes a base station if it entails any excavation or deployment outside the current boundaries of the leased or owned property and any access or utility easements related to the site, and further restricted to the area in proximity to the support structure and to other transmission equipment already deployed on the ground. 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.40001 (b)(6), 1.40001 (7)(iv). 5.1. Mark the appropriate box(es) if the project plans contain the following items. Mark any box "N/A" if the item is not part of the scope of work for the proposed modification: 0( Current boundaries of the area that the carrier/infrastructure provider leases or owns, including access and utility easements N/A □ All proposed equipment deployed on the ground (second floor of b_u\lding, underneath antennas) N/A □ All proposed ground disturbance (excavation, trenching, boring, digging, etc.) 5.2. Describe all P.roposed ground disturbance and proposed equipment deployed on the ground: No ground disturbance 6049(a) Modification Worksheet For Base Stations page 3/ 5 03/18 5.3. [CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE] Will any new ground disturbance or equipment deployed on the ground be outside the leased or owned areas, including any associated easements for access or utilities, OR outside the proximity of the support structure or existing ground-mounted transmission equipment? DYES fXNO Section 6. CONCEALMENT ELEMENTS Rule: A modification substantially changes a base station if it would defeat the concealment elements of the base station. 47 C.F.R. § 1.40001 (b)(7)(v). 6.1. Mark the appropriate box(es) if the application contains the following items: 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. □ Full-color photo simulations that depict how the site appears now and how it will appear after the proposed project No changes to exterior views. 0( Project plans that depict and call out all existing and proposed concealment elements (painting, stealth techniques, camouflaging, integration, etc.) Describe the existing concealment elements and/or techniques: FRP material painted to match the existing parapet wall of the roof. Describe the proposed concealment elements and/or techniques and how, if at all, the proposed modification would alter the existing concealment elements: New ERP to be employed foe expanded sector oeeds, but oo visual cbaoges will occur. No altering of the current concealment views. Will the proposed modification defeat the existing concealment elements of the base station? □ YES 'ff NO I Section 7. COMPLIANCE WITH PRIOR PERMIT CONDITIONS Rule: A modification substantially changes a base station if it does not comply with conditions associated with the siting approval for the original construction or subsequent modification(s) of the base station. Noncompliance with prior permit conditions related to height, width, equipment cabinets and excavation would not cause a substantial change to the extent the condition is more restrictive than the applicable FCC thresholds (described in Sections 2 through 5 of this worksheet). 47 C.F.R. § 1.40001{b)(7)(vi). 7.1. Mark the appropriate box(es) if the application contains all the following items: [)( Copies of all prior permits and other regulatory approvals issued in connection with this site [X All conditions of approval applicable the corresponding prior permits and other regualtory approvals 6049(a) Modification Worksheet For Base Stations page4 / 5 03/18 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. Identify the condition(s) corresponding to a prior permit or regulatory approval that the proposed modification would violate: Per CD-2019-0019, this new request does not alter any previous findings of approval and finds consistency with all past approvals of DEV2005 0129 Identify the condition(s) corresponding to a prior permit or regulatory approval that the proposed modification would violate, but such condition(s) would be preempted by a "NO" answer in Line 2.2, 3.2, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 or 5.3 of this worksheet: N/A Are there any conditions identified in Line 7.2 that do not appear in Line 7.3? DYES IX NO PREPARER'S CERTIFICATION I have read and I understand this worksheet and all its instructions. All my responses on this worksheet are true, accurate and based on my personal knowledge about the proposed project to which this worksheet corresponds. I understand that the City of Carlsbad will rely on my responses to evaluate whether to process this application in accordance with the FCC's regulations under 47 C.F.R. § 1.40001 et seq., and I acknowledge that any inaccuracies may result in the application being deemed incomplete or the request for approval pursuant to Section 6409(a) being denied. Applicant Name: Steven Johnson Applicant Signature; ,"')VUt,-4& r 6049(a) Modification Worksheet For Base Stations page 515 Date: 8/17/2020 03/18 Proposed T-Mobile Modification Project Applicant Correspondence Site: SD02436/Bressi Ranch Storage 2500 Campbell Pl. Carlsbad, CA 92009 Project Description This project consists of adding (3) new antennas for a total of 12 antennas and adding (3) new radios; (1) new per sector. No visual changes will be occurring to the site.