HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-23; Library Board of Trustees; ; Library Reports for January 2022ITEM 1 Meeting Date: February 23, 2022 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director Katie Nye, Deputy Library Director Staff Contact: Sheila Crosby, sheila.crosby@carlsbadca.gov Katie Nye, katie.nye@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Library Reports for January 2022 District: All Recommended Action Receive reports. No action needed. Executive Summary/Discussion The board will review the library’s monthly narrative and statistical report for January 2022. These reports provide a summary of work completed across all Carlsbad City Library divisions and locations as well as data and information about the services and programs presented for the community. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits #1 Narrative report for January 2022 #2 Statistical report for January 2022 Feb. 23, 2022 1 of 8 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Staff Report EXHIBIT 1 ITEM 1 Carlsbad City Library Monthly Library Report January 2022 Highlights: 1.Staff Development The American Library Association hosted the first annual LibLearnX conference in lieu of the annual Mid-Winter conference from Jan. 21 – Jan. 23. LibLearnX is a completely new conference experience developed by ALA to offer innovative and participatory education programs to help library professionals learn, network and find solutions. Seven staff members from across the library were able to attend virtually and will report out on highlights and key takeaways at upcoming department Connect & Learn sessions. 2.Graduations Two Career Online High School students have completed their coursework to earn high school diplomas and career certificates in Home Health Care and General Career, respectively. Career Online High School offers adults the opportunity to earn an accredited high school diploma and career certificate, in partnership with the California State Library and Smart Horizons. The city’s Communication & Engagement Department has promoted the program through social media and has improved the search results on the library’s website resulting in a prospective student starting the prerequisite program. 3.Winter Reading Challenge Library Staff challenged the Carlsbad community to read 100,000 minutes in the month of January. Community members of all ages logged time using the program Beanstack. Over 122,000 minutes were read by 212 readers. Programs: 4.Exploration HUB Eighty-five patrons visited the Exploration HUB during the month of January. Staff answered 395 informational questions which included helping patrons with software, hardware and giving out general information about the HUB. The HUB Stations are being reserved for different equipment and software needs. The most popular station is the Other HUB Equipment which includes different media conversion equipment, Adobe Creative Cloud, Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements, 3D print job submission, Tinkercad and other software programs. 5.Carlsbad City Library and North San Diego County Genealogy Society partnership program Virtual DIG: DNA Interest Group – Saturday, Jan. 15, 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 10th Anniversary Celebration with DNA Interest Group co-founder CeCe Moore. CeCe Moore, a pioneer and leading authority on investigative genetic genealogy whose groundbreaking work featured Feb. 23, 2022 2 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 ITEM 1 widely in thousands of articles and hundreds of television shows throughout the world, presented two of her most intriguing case studies. Attendance was a record 397. 6.Virtual Tween Scene In recognition of Martin Luther King Day of Service, Librarian Missy Shaw and Library Assistant Brandon Tiongison led an event to review the life of the civil rights hero and advocate of nonviolent activism on Jan. 10. They discussed why his birthday is observed as a day of community service while they decorated a kindness rock. One of the participants was brave enough to share her own experiences of bullying and racism at school. 7.Book Bingo The Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane held a live and in-person Book Bingo event on Jan. 29, featuring authors Georgie Blalock, Rich Farrell, Nicola Harrison, Aimee Lu, Jan Moran, Isla Morley, Kaira Rouda, Judith Teitelman, Wendy Voorsanger and keynote speaker, Jenna Blum. Hosted by the Adult & Teen Services Author Event Team, Adventures by the Book, and the Novel Network, the three and half-hour extravaganza attracted an estimated 65 patrons. The day started in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium with a kickoff presentation by Library Assistant and event chair Sheri Hanlon. Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden introduced the keynote speaker, and Adventures by the Book CEO Susan McBeth moderated the three thirty-minute panels with three authors each. The not-so-traditional bingo game was held in the library courtyard between talks, where patrons were given bingo cards and encouraged to meet with authors, sign their books and win prizes. Six raffle prizes were awarded, and Adventures sold over 100 books. Comments from the public: •Perspective is important to helping each of us understand many of the things around us and this event provided interesting (and new) points of view. Feb. 23, 2022 3 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 ITEM 1 •Thank you and your library colleagues and volunteers for the spectacular book bingo event today. I LOVED it!!! •The authors were remarkably forthcoming about their ups and downs of their writing careers and lives. So very heartfelt on their parts, which made the event more interesting. •Wow! Congratulations! Pls encourage your library to plan similar events. I will definitely come again! Book Clubs 8.The Tuesday Night Book Club Sixteen participants joined Librarian Madelyn Horton to discuss Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu for the Tuesday Night Book Club on Jan. 4. This award-winning title, written in the form of a screenplay (the author is a Hollywood screenwriter) sparked an honest and thought-provoking discussion about race, identity, and Asian stereotypes. Readers discussed literary precedents as varied as Jay McInerny and Kurt Vonnegut, the use of the 2nd person narrative voice, and the undeniable power of satire as a storytelling device in fiction. 9.First Wednesday Book Club Library Assistant Avery Ardent hosted the First Wednesday Night Book Club on Jan. 6., there were 13 attendees. There was a lively discussion on The Color of Water by James McBride including topics from jazz, to race relations, family, and the joys of being a middle child. It was a truly wonderful conversation, and everyone willingly and excitedly participated. Multiple patrons expressed the inspirational and educational quality of the book, and a good five minutes was spent at the end of the program discussing other books that could be read relating to these topics. 10.Literacy Services Four learners attended the book club to discuss They Called Us Enemy by George Takei on Jan. 25, facilitated by Library Technician Drea Giaconelli. This graphic novel chronicles the author's family's incarceration in the Japanese-American internment camps during World War II. The attendees enjoyed his first-person account coupled with the vivid illustrations. 11.Club de Lectura en Español Jan. 6 Community Outreach Supervisor Mayra Turchiano facilitated book club discussion of Volver a casa by Yaa Gyasi. Homegoing (the title in English) begins in Ghana in the eighteenth century. It follows the lives of two half-sisters and eight generations of their descendants, those who endured enslavement in America and those who remained in Africa. The powerful story shows the deep and lasting effects of slavery. Yaa Gyasi was born in Ghana and raised in Huntsville, Alabama. She earned an MFA from the Iowa Feb. 23, 2022 4 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 ITEM 1 Writers’ Workshop. Homegoing won the PEN/Hemingway Award and the NBCC’s John Leonard Award. It is Gyasi’s first novel. Services: 12.eResources Three new databases were made available to Carlsbad patrons through the California State Library’s K-12 Online Content Project at no cost to the library. o Interactive Science - This resource allows secondary students to manipulate and explore models focused in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Human Anatomy. Each model helps students visualize abstract scientific topics, while providing reference materials for support. 3D printable model files keep the learning going offline as well. For upper grade learners. o Environmental Science - Students can explore and understand environmental issues that affect people globally through topic overviews, journals, news and multimedia content. For mid- to upper-grade learners. o National Geographic Kids - Students are invited to adventure in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space. National Geographic Kids includes the complete run of the [children’s] magazine from 2009 to the present, as well as books, videos, and images. High-quality informational texts are available for primary, upper elementary, and middle school English Language Arts, social studies, and science classrooms. Suitable for younger grade learners. 13.Genealogy & Carlsbad History Notable Research Requests - A filmmaker seeking information about the reproduction rights for film footage used in two Carlsbad Classics videos posted to the city’s YouTube page, was referred to the division by the city’s Communication & Engagement department. The patron is producing a documentary about “Murf the Surf,” notorious jewel thief and former Carlsbad resident, Jack Murphy. Genealogy & Carlsbad History staff made the patron aware of the fact that we have childhood images of Murphy and were able to provide them with high resolution scans of the images for possible inclusion in the film. 14.Seed Libraries All three library locations continued seed availability, giving away more than 600 organic seed packets since the launch of the program on Dec. 13. Seed varietals include: ruby red chard, mixed lettuce, arugula & dazzling blue kale. 15.Study Rooms In the month of January, 264 study room reservations were used by 143 patrons. Projects: Feb. 23, 2022 5 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 ITEM 1 16.The Collections and Technical Services division (C&TS) initiatives o Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Audit: The Collection & Technical Services division Experienced Catalogers Team has taken further steps in our process to analyze our catalog data, as collection HQ has expanded the number of titles identified as falling into diverse categories. Staff are looking to create best practices to ensure that our own data reflects the terminology needed for these to be easily retrievable in our catalog. o Oversize project: Staff have reached the Dewey 900’s at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane in our efforts to weed both the nonfiction and oversize collections, respace all adult non- fiction shelving, and fold in oversized materials with the regular non-fiction. This will make browsing/locating nearly all adult materials on a given topic much simpler by combining them in one shelving location. o Adding Cross-references to the patron catalog: Librarian Kamling Tsang and Senior Librarian Kristi Bell are working with Business Systems and SirsiDynix (our catalog system provider) to explore two options for adding cross-references to catalog search results. Staff have long wanted to add this type of functionality for the public which will lead to better searching results in our catalog. The library will be using some of the annual credits contracted for with SirsiDynix as platinum package customers to implement the selected functionality. Staff are actively doing research into which of the two options will be best for our use. Community Connections: 17.State Street Farmer’s Market Librarians Madelyn Horton and colleagues, Librarian Jennifer Benson and Library Technician Noah Szajowitz represented the library at the State Street Farmer’s Market on the traditional third Wednesday of the month, Jan. 19. To promote the newly launched Seed Library, the team also brought vegetable seed packets. Library staff promoted resources and programs, and interacted with over 100 community members. Feb. 23, 2022 6 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 ITEM 1 18.Georgina Cole Tours On Jan. 28, Georgina Cole library staff gave an in-person tour of the library to a small group of students with disabilities from Valley Middle School. 4 children and 7 teachers learned how to find items and enjoyed some time to sit and read. Patron Stories: 19.One of the library’s unhoused patrons has been a frequent user of the broadband wifi to the point that he would regularly compliment staff for giving him access to resources for his creative writing. The library then started to function as a hub as he was doing deliveries to the point of affording and creating with virtual reality while out in the Children’s garden. He mentions owing the library for providing such ease of access to allowing him to thrive more and enjoy what he’s passionate about. 20.Genealogy and Carlsbad History staff assisted a patron in looking for mid-1990’s aerials of Leucadia after she was referred to the division by City of Carlsbad’s GIS department. After searching through the Carlsbad History archives, including unprocessed slide and photo collections, staff ultimately determined that the library did not have the specific items she was looking for, but staff were able to connect her with an online resource for historic aerials. The patron was very thankful and impressed with staff’s “dedication and great work ethic.” Feb. 23, 2022 7 of 8 EXHIBIT 2 ITEM 1 LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS January 2022 January 2020 (Pre-COVID-19) January 2022 Total Library Hours Open 824 600 Total Visitors On-site (2022 includes curbside) 56,051 32,783 Library Services Circulation of Library Materials 87,295 69,435 eAudiobook/eBook/eMagazine Downloads Audio/Video Streaming *Available offerings has adjusted 14,827 280 17,938 68 Reference Questions 15,928 9,404 Programs, Facility Usage Number of Programs Presented (On-site, Off-site, 2022 includes virtual) Programs Attendance 210 5,499 29 785 Number of Community Rentals Community Rentals Attendance 52 2,694 15 448 Technology Web Sessions In-House Computer Use eResource Use 70,309 6,872 7,174 38,874 1,673 8,414 Feb. 23, 2022 8 of 8 Ccarlsbad City Library J!m 0000 WW ~ ~ 0 fl □