HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-23; Library Board of Trustees; ; Library Reports for February 2022ITEM 1 Meeting Date: March 23, 2022 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director Katie Nye, Deputy Library Director Staff Contact: Sheila Crosby, sheila.crosby@carlsbadca.gov Katie Nye, katie.nye@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Library Reports for February 2022 District: All Recommended Action Receive reports. No action needed. Executive Summary/Discussion The board will review the library’s monthly narrative and statistical report for February 2022. These reports provide a summary of work completed across all Carlsbad City Library divisions and locations as well as data and information about the services and programs presented for the community. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits #1 Narrative report for February 2022 #2 Statistical report for February 2022 March 23, 2022 Page 1 of 6 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Staff Report EXHIBIT 1 ITEM 1 Carlsbad City Library Monthly Library Report February 2022 Highlights: 1.Museum Month Carlsbad Library & Cultural Arts facilities distributed 2,083 passes in support of Museum Month from Jan. 28 through Feb. 28. Each free pass offered half-price admission for up to four people at over 45 cultural institutions throughout the county. The effort drove new visitors to our facilities to retrieve passes and provided the community with an opportunity to enjoy the rich variety of cultural destinations throughout the region. San Diego Museum Council Executive Director Bob Lehman noted that Carlsbad libraries were among the most popular locations in the county for Museum Month participation. 2.Career Online High School Two students received scholarships to earn their high school diploma through Carlsbad City Library’s Career Online High School program. 3.Chromebooks In December of last year and with funding from the California State Literacy Grant, Literacy Services launched a pilot-project to circulate 11 Chromebooks to literacy program participants. In February, the first Chromebook was checked-out to an adult learner studying for her citizenship test. 4.Library Lover’s Month February was Library Lover’s Month and all three library facilities had fun interactions with patrons. Patrons shared what they loved about the library on paper hearts and received Hershey’s kisses as a thank you. March 23, 2022 Page 2 of 6 EXHIBIT 1 ITEM 1 Programs: 5.Guess the Minutes Contest Alongside the Winter Reading Challenge, which concluded in January, was a “Guess the Minutes” contest. Candies representing minutes read during Winter Reading Challenge were placed in jars and patrons submitted guesses as to how many “minutes” were in the jars. Over 122,000 minutes were read by 212 readers. One patron guessed the correct amount exactly and several others guessed within six candies. 6.1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Carlsbad Library continued encouraging patrons to register for 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, a nationwide program that encourages parents to instill the enjoyment of reading in ages 0 to 5 years old. The program was launched by Carlsbad City Library in January. There were 70 new readers in February, bringing the total number of readers to 113. There were 1,513 books read in February, bringing the total number of books read to 2,869. 7.Virtual Tween Scene 35 tweens participated in Virtual Tween Scene programs this month. They celebrated Black History Month and National Inventor’s Day by exploring the science of electricity and hearing about African Americans like Lewis Howard Latimer, the innovative genius behind both Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell, delved into the science of cardiology by making working models of a heart for Valentine’s Day, and had fun with Harry Potter-themed STEAM kits. Community Connections: 8.Books To Go On Wednesday, Feb. 16, Lead Librarian Darin Williamson led library outreach at the State Street Farmer’s Market. Staff interacted with 218 people promoting library resources and programs. Staff gave away books and swag to many excited children, parents, and other book lovers. 9.Older & Bolder Expo Library Assistant Susan Burke represented the Carlsbad City Library at the Chamber of Commerce Older and Bolder Expo. Approximately 100 persons stopped by the Library & Cultural Arts table to hear about our Homebound Services program and its flexible guidelines, pick up Eldercare directories, learn about our upcoming Reyna Grande author event, and to ask questions about services and programs. Cultural Arts staff were also present to share programs and services as were representatives from the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation. March 23, 2022 Page 3 of 6 EXHIBIT 1 ITEM 1 10.Grauer School Research Workshops Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden and Library Technician Karen Tinajero-Vasquez conducted two research workshops at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane for 23 high school students from the Grauer School on Feb. 9 and 10. Students received a brief tour of the library, an explanation of what a library call number is, a digital overview of the library website and eResources, and conducted research on topics related to World War II. Services: 11.Ask a Genealogist Ask a Genealogist is a service that provides a one-hour appointment with a member of the genealogy staff to help patrons pursue specific areas of interest. Eight appointments were scheduled in February. 12.Carlsbad Seed Libraries Since their introduction in December 2021, the Carlsbad Seed Libraries located at the Georgina Cole Library, Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane, and the Library Learning Center have distributed over 1000 seed packets. We currently offer celery, cilantro, luffa and butternut squash seeds. The next shipment of varietals will include California poppies, basil, dill, thyme and beets. Our Seed Libraries are generously supported by the Friends of the Library and the Carlsbad Community Gardens Projects: 13.Cultural Arts Resource Guide In the month of February, Adult & Teen Services coordinated a project with Cultural Arts to create a resource guide for the artists featured in the Cannon Art Gallery for the Reimagined: The Artist’s Book exhibition. 14.STEAM Kits The Dove Children’s Division launched a pilot project on Oct. 1, 2021 to lend Maker kits to patrons. Each of the six kits covers a STEAM concept and includes a book and activities for patrons to complete at home. The topics are: Robotics and coding, Engineering gears and mazes, Building and design, Green energy, Everyday science, and Sounds, music, and band. Kits have suggested age ranges to help parents decide which kit is best for their child. Library Assistant Brandon Tiongison is leading this project, but staff from various divisions assisted with the rollout of this pilot project. The kits have been checked out 47 times so far. Library staff will monitor this pilot program through March 31, 2022 and then evaluate the pilot. 15.Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane Interfiling Carlsbad City Library’s oversize non-fiction books are now housed within the “regular” non-fiction collection. This enormous project took four months, involved the handling of March 23, 2022 Page 4 of 6 EXHIBIT 1 ITEM 1 over 40,000 books and the shifting of 1,500 shelves. The result is that non-fiction subjects are now located in one place, more attractive and easier to discover. Over the next few months, staff will monitor the rate at which interfiled items are checked-out in comparison to check-out rates prior to the move. Once final shifting, arranging and monitoring of the second-floor collections at the Carlsbad City Library is complete, Collection & Technical Services staff will start the same project at the Georgina Cole Library. 16.Literacy Services’ Help Desk A new help desk was installed the week of Feb. 4, upstairs, at the Library Learning Center. The installation was the culmination of a very successful project that resulted in improved safety, ergonomics and customer service. Features include a second exit from behind the desk, wires and cables being routed through the ceiling vs. the floor, standing desks with ergonomic chairs, six feet of space between staff desks and improved sight lines. Patrons have complimented the new desk saying that the area looks much more open and inviting. Patron Stories: As we were locking up the Library Learning Center one evening, a patron said as he was leaving, “You guys have the best library going! I love you!” March 23, 2022 Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT 2 ITEM 1 LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS February 2022 February 2020 (Pre-COVID-19) February 2022 Total Library Hours Open 788 573 Total Visitors On-site (2022 includes curbside) 52,541 31,615 Library Services Circulation of Library Materials 86,428 63,838 eAudiobook/eBook/eMagazine Downloads Audio/Video Streaming *Available offerings have adjusted 13,315 202 15,748 54 Reference Questions 15,160 9,375 Programs, Facility Usage Number of Programs Presented (On-site, Off-site, 2022 includes virtual) Programs Attendance 228 6,390 31 966 Number of Community Rentals Community Rentals Attendance 67 3,803 22 951 Technology Web Sessions In-House Computer Use eResource Use 64,222 6,647 7,001 35,413 1,641 8,756 March 23, 2022 Page 6 of 6 (carlsbad City Library mt 0000 ~ ~ [i] 0 fl □