HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-23; Library Board of Trustees; ; eResources Overview March 23, 2022 ITEM 3 1 of 1 Meeting Date: March 23, 2022 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Joe Burch, Technology Librarian Jacqui Petri, Lead Librarian, Collections Staff Contact: Joe Burch, joe.burch@carlsbadca.gov Jacqui Petri, jacqueline.petri@carlsbadca.gov Erin Peak, erin.peak@carlsbadca.gov Subject: eResources Overview District: All Recommended Action Informational. No action needed. Executive Summary/Discussion Librarians Joe Burch and Jacqui Petri will present an overview of the eResources available to patrons of the Carlsbad City Library. The presentation will highlight the eBook collection as well as research, learning and entertainment eResources for all audiences. There will be a description of the changes made to the eResources collection during the COVID-19 pandemic and some possibilities for the future. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits None. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Staff Report e(lectronic)Resources Technology Librarian Joe Burch Lead Librarian Jacqui Petri March 23, 2022 I I eResources Webpage {carlsbad Our Library Youth Programs ( 11yl 11>,ary Services En Espanol Q Library@Home Services Now Available Catalog Homebound Service Literacy Services -eResources eAudiobooks & eBooks + Exploration HUB + Read ing, Viewing and Listening Recommendations + Genealogy Carlsbad History Collection Rental Facilities + Career On line High School Curbside Service Study Rooms Ask Us Friends Bookstores Chapters Cafe Services » eResources ant Size: 1111 II Share & Bookmark .. ~eedback i!t Print Explore available eResources t hrough t he topics below, or browse by name in the A to Z list You'll need your Carlsbad City Library card number to access most databases. 8RRh.r on line for immediate access. Books & Reading + Business & Investing + College and eLearning + Genealogy + Homework Help + Language Learning + Magazines & News + Streaming + All Databases A-Z + H-o mi e·wo, r k H ,e II p - • ABCmouse Thirty""'d ay home checkout now ava ilable. Des· g ned especia I ly fo r kids ages 2 -8, .AB C mouse offers B,500-t-act iivit Ees t hat tea ch read i ng , math, scEence, heal h, soc ia I studies, art and music thl rough books, games, songs, puzz les, videos and more. Cl ~ck In ere t o access ABCmo1Jse if yo u're at t in e l~b ra rY-, • Black Freedo n1 Hi s o rka I R.e cords Primary source d □ictJ me Flits i 11 um i nati ng t he st rugg le fo r Black Freedom En t hl e United States. • Book Conn ections R.eso1J rces t o engage K -12 readers, Inc l des aut hor int erviews, aud io book read ings, book d ~scussion guides, l esson pl a r, s and more. Teachin g Books in t er ace a I so ava El able. • Brainfu se Job · ow /Vet · ow St udy a Flld test grade-leve l sk i 11 s in read ing, w rit ing1 mat h, science a rid socia I st ud i1es and get live online help for grad es 3 t hrough co l lege, 1 ·-10 p.m . each day in Learn Now. Bui ld academ Ee ski I Is t hl rough t argeted lessons & quizzes for ACT, GED i 11 the LEAP sect Eon . Crea t e a Flld share Bra inwave short videos w it h eResources Webpage {carlsbad Our Library Youth Programs ( 11yl 11>,ary Services En Espanol Q Library@Home Services Now Available Catalog Homebound Service Literacy Services -eResources eAudiobooks & eBooks + Exploration HUB + Read ing, Viewing and Listening Recommendations + Genealogy Carlsbad History Collection Rental Facilities + Career On line High School Curbside Service Study Rooms Ask Us Friends Bookstores Chapters Cafe Services » eResources ant Size: 1111 II Share & Bookmark .. ~eedback i!t Print Explore available eResources t hrough t he topics below, or browse by name in the A to Z list You'll need your Carlsbad City Library card number to access most databases. 8RRh.r on line for immediate access. Books & Reading + Business & Investing + College and eLearning + Genealogy + Homework Help + Language Learning + Magazines & News + Streaming + All Databases A-Z + Magazines & News .. • Co nsumer ReP-orts An independ ent, nonprofit organization that wor ks to provide consu mers with objective, i m pa rtia II testing, rev·ews and ratings. • eMagazines in Overdrive Hu ndreds of popu lar mag1a:zines available t lh rouglh Overdrive w ith apps for iOS/Android. Most t itles are in Enq ish, with s01me 1mag1azines availabl•e in SP-a ni sh, French, Chi nese, Ge r man and more. • Fl i gster (eMag azi nes). Fu II color, interactive d ·g1 ita I ma•g a z · nes. AQP-1 e AP-.R and And ra id AP-P-· Check out t i P-S f or u si ngB.lP-ste r • Ga le in con t ext: High Schoo l Magazine, news pa per and schollar ya rticles on a w ide range of topics. • National Geog raP-hic Kids Find amazing adven t u res in science, natu re, culture, a rclhaeology, and space within the pages of Nationa l! Geographic K"ds Magazine. • NYTimes.com Unl imited access t o The New York Times on line from within t he li bra rv.. To access NYtimes.co m ou t side t he libr arv. redeem cod,e and sign up or log in us ing your Books & Reading - • Book Co n nect ions Reso u rces to engage K -12 readers. Includes author interviews, aud io book read ings, book discussion guides, lesson plans and 1mo re. Teach in gBooks interface also avai llable. • BoolkF lix Vid eo sto ry books fo r yo ung ones pa ired with relat ed nonfiction eBooks from Sc ho la stic. • eBoo ks & eAud iobooks from Overd ri ve Download OverDrive eBooks and eAudiobooks from Serra Dig ital Download Library to you r comput er or mobile devices. New adds each month! Works wit h the Li bby_ app and Overdrive app/software. • en ki Ca lifornia Dig it al Li brary_ Fiction, non fiction and comics from larger publishers as wel l as tlhe lndie Author Project. Bibhoboard a pp/website accessible anywhere in Cal ifornia; cou rtesy of Califa during library clos ure . • Novel ist Plu s ,& Novelist K -8 Book recomme ndations as we ll as rev iews, book group d isc uss ion topics, awa rd w inners, chi lld re n's boo ks and more. Magazines & News - • Consumer ReP-orts An independent, nonprofi'i organization that works to provide consu.mers with objective, impa rtia l testing, reviews. and ratings. • eMagazioe in Gvere r ive Hundreds of pop1 lar mag1az ines available through Overdrive with apps. for iOS/Android. Most t itles are in English, with s01me ma,gaz·nes available in SP-an ·sh , French , Ch i nese, German and more. • f l~P-ster (eMa g azi r::iesJ. Full color, interacfve d igital ma,gazines. ARP-le ARR and Android AP-P-· Check out t iP-s far si ng..fliP-s ·er • Ga lle in Context: Hig h School] Magazine, newspaper and scholllar ly articles on a wide range of topics.. • Natio na I Geog ra P-h · c Kids Find amazing adventures ·n science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space wi t hin the pages of Nat"onal Geographic Kids Magazine. • NYTimes.com Unl imited access to The New York Times on line from within t h e lib ary. To access NYtimes.com o tside the librarY. redeem code and sign up or log in using your emaill. March 2020 Maximize Access to eResources •Digital library cards •eResources included in catalog I I New eResources & Support •New online learning needs •Vendors supporting remote access •Unprecedented California State Library support I I Serra Digital Download Library •eBooks •eAudiobooks •Readalongs •eMagazines •Great Courses videos I I Libby, by OverDrive OverDrive, Inc. Books & Reference ~ Everyone ~ Add to Wishlist Serra Digital Download Library 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Number of copies purchased 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Serra Digital Download Library 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Number of titles in collection by format, per year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ■ Carlsbad eBook collection count in Dec ■ Carlsbad eAudiobook collection count in Dec Serra Digital Download Library Checkouts by format, per year 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 -- 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ■ Carlsbad eBook downloads ■ Carlsbad eAudiobook downloads Physical and Electronic Checkouts 1200000 10000001 8'00000 600000 4,00000 0 2017 IIFY 17 /18 2018 IFY 18/19 2019 IFY 19/20 2020 IIFY 20/21 2021 • Ca1dsbad eBook + eAudiobook downloads • Physical Items ci1rculated Other eResource Usage Sessions 2019 2020 2021 I 2022 12000 11000 10000 9000 • 8000 7000 6000 5'000 41000 Jan ,Feb Mar Apir May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Future eResources •Streaming video •Streaming music •eComics I I Questions? I I eMagazine Comparison Flipster •66 titles •Audience = adults •2 languages OverDrive in SDDL •~4000 titles •Audience = all ages •21 languages I I OverDrive eMagazine Languages •English •Spanish/Castilian •French •Chinese •German •Japanese •Afrikaans •Italian •Russian •Swedish •Danish •Portuguese •Arabic •Welsh •Korean •Dutch/Flemish •Indonesian •Malay •Norwegian •Ukranian •Vietnamese I I Serra Digital Download Library 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Number of SD IDL checkouts over three years -.......,,_ L__ ~ -~ ,.,, .... -~ ~ • --- Jan ~eb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct !Nov Dec --2018 --2019 --2020 Meeting Patron Demand •Charge per checkout –Immediately available –Many patrons have access at the same time •Enjoy Now –Immediately available –Short lending period increases turnover I I