HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-27; Library Board of Trustees; ; FY 2022-23 Library Budget Submittal April 27, 2022 ITEM 2 1 of 2 Meeting Date: April 27, 2022 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Staff Contact: Fiona Everett, fiona.everett@carlsbadca.gov Subject: FY 2022-23 Library Budget Submittal District: All Recommended Action Receive report and provide support for the FY 2022-23 budget submission via a memo to City Council. Executive Summary/Discussion The board will receive a report summarizing city direction on preparation of the fiscal year 2022-2023 budget and the resulting library budget submittal. Pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.16.060, the Library Board of Trustees “…may make recommendations to the city council and advise the city council in matters pertaining to…the amounts of monies required to operate the library.” By proper motion and vote the Library Board will determine its support of the fiscal year 2022-23 library budget submission and will draft a memo to City Council confirming the decision (Exhibit 1). Next Steps Staff will assist the Library Board in finalizing a memo to City Council confirming their vote whether to support the library’s fiscal year 2022-23 budget submission. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Draft memo from the Library Board of Trustees to City Council LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Staff Report EXHIBIT 1 Library and Cultural Arts 1775 Dove Lane  Carlsbad, CA 92011  442-339-2011www.carlsbadlibrary.org April 27, 2022 ITEM 2 2 OF 2 April 27, 2022 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Library Board of Trustees SUPPORT OF LIBRARY STAFF BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 On April 27, 2022, the Library Board of Trustees received a presentation summarizing city direction on preparation of the fiscal year 2022-23 budget, the resulting library budget submission, and proposed changes to library fees in the master fee schedule. Pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.16.060, the Library Board of Trustees “…may make recommendations to the city council and advise the city council in matters pertaining to…the amounts of monies required to operate the library.” At this meeting, by proper motion and vote, the Library Board of Trustees determined that it supports staff’s budget submission and proposed fee changes. Respectfully, LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Gina McBride, Chair Dr. Sherman DeForest, Vice-Chair Art Larson Stan Schatt William Sheffler SS: fe cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FY 2022-23 Library Final Budget Submission Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst April 27, 2022 f Carlsbad City Library CITY BUDGET PRIORITIES •Focus on Strategic Planning Themes •Budget Challenges •2% reduction for every department ITEM 2: FY2022-23 BUDGET {city of Carlsbad CITY STRATEGIC PLAN THEMES •Economic vitality •Sustainability and the natural environment •Community character •Quality of life and safety •Organizational excellence and fiscal health ITEM 2: FY2022-23 BUDGET { City of Carlsbad CITY BUDGET CHALLENGES ITEM 2: FY2022-23 BUDGET •Rising personnel costs •Service costs are outpacing revenues •Fiscal sustainability with slower development •Funding long-term capital investments and aging infrastructure •Inflationary environment •Costs not under our control are going up fast •Unfunded retirement/pension costs •Rising health care costs •Utility costs {city of Carlsbad 2% REDUCTION FY 21-22 AD Budget less ISF $10,054,461 2% Calculation $201,089 •L&CA reduced its budget submission by $147,623 or 1.5% –$90,000 reduction by moving collection budget from GF to endowment accounts that support the collection –Remaining $57,523 reduction spread across printing, supplies, postage, utilities –Remaining $53,466 (0.5%) can be made up if requested positions are funded for 9 months rather than 12 ITEM 2: FY2022-23 BUDGET r Carlsbad City Library L&CA FY 2022-23 BUDGET ITEM 2: FY2022-23 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS M&O Requested Budget $2,487,207 # of Supplemental Requests 1 $ of Supplemental Requests $10,648 Total $ of M&O Request for FY 22-23 $2,497,855 PERSONNEL FULL TIME PART TIME FTE TOTAL Total Current Personnel 53 62.44 115.44 New Personnel Requested 5 -7.01 -2.01 Total Proposed Personnel 58 53.87 112.57 COLLECTION ELIMINATING LATE FINES L&CA BUDGET PRIORITIESSTAFFING PROGRAMS & SERVICES 0000 VwW f7-] I.Io o o Wc:u:::::u:::l ( City of Carlsbad ONE M&O REQUEST $10,648 increase in Community Arts Grant Funding •Arts & Culture Master Plan Initiative, approved by City Council in FY 2019-20: –10% annual increase –Only 50-60% of the requests are filled with existing funding •Numerous Carlsbad schools utilize these funds to provide students with arts programming •Supports the arts sector and provides economic revitalization in the post-pandemic ITEM 2: FY2022-23 BUDGET f Carlsbad City Library SIX PERSONNEL REQUESTS •Reclassify Senior Business Systems Specialist –Net cost increase including salary and benefits -$25,860 •Add New Business Systems Specialist –Net cost increase including salary and benefits -$126,183 –Full-time FTE increase:1.0 •Convert part-time FTE to 4 new full-time positions –Address challenges with recruitment and retention of part-time staff –Close to cost neutral (net cost = $7,859) ITEM 2: FY2022-23 BUDGET f Carlsbad City Library PERSONNEL REQUESTS •Programs and Services added with no net increases to staffing –Library Learning Center opened in FY 2009 –Outreach including the book bike, farmers’ market, preschool story times –Arts & Culture Master Plan initiatives including new public art and guest residencies –Curbside materials pick-up –On-line chat with a librarian –Personalized reading recommendations •Provide ongoing core services to a growing population ITEM 2: FY2022-23 BUDGET f Carlsbad City Library PERSONNEL HISTORY 53.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 52.25 51.25 51.25 51.25 50.25 50.50 50.50 51.50 50.50 52.50 53.00 70.00 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 61.50 61.50 60.11 59.83 59.83 59.83 59.83 61.66 63.66 - 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 Budgeted FTE by Fiscal Year Full Time PT FTE Learning Ctr Opened w/ 8.15 redeployed staff Change From FY07 to FY21 Full Time: No change Part Time: Lost 6.34 ITEM 2: FY2022-23 BUDGET • • • • • • ... • • • • I l .............. f Carlsbad City Library REQUEST TO ELIMINATE LATE FINES •Eliminate fines for late return of library materials •Five-year average revenue minus the cost of collecting fines = $62,110 •Equity and access –Financial penalties drive away the people who stand to benefit the most from free library resources –Libraries that eliminated late fines found a higher rate of item return and increased circulation •The overwhelming majority of SD county and city libraries have already eliminated late fines •The trend is nationwide ITEM 2: FY 2022-23 BUDGET f Carlsbad City Library REQUEST TO ELIMINATE LATE FINES f Carlsbad City Library Library Late Fines ~ Eliminated Jurisdiction with ,.. No Late Fines □ Jurisdiction with Late Fines Library REQUEST TO ELIMINATE LATE FINES ITEM 2: FY 2022-23 BUDGET $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 s- FY 14-15 LATE FINES COLLECTED BY FISCAL YEAR $121,086 $129,416 $127,528 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 March 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic: Fines on Hold FY 19-20 April 2021 Fines Resumed $19,531 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 f carlsbad City Library REQUEST TO ELIMINATE LATE FINES ITEM 2: FY 2022-23 BUDGET Circulation of Physical vs Electronic Materials 1200 . J J 800 J 200 J 23J12 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 , Ph y.stal Items a Electron· M ateriat FY202~21 f Carlsbad City Library NEXT STEPS Date MAY 24 Budget Presentation to City Council JULY 1 New Fiscal Year Begins JUNE 7 City Council Adopts FY 2022-23 Budget ITEM 2: FY2022-23 BUDGET MAY 25 •Library Board Meeting •Vote: Concurrence with Budget r Carlsbad City Library QUESTIONS? f Carlsbad City Library