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DRAINAGE AND INLET SIZING CALCULATIONS FOR DR. MANEA PROPERTY P 017- 0001 4I 5? 7# / 2 017.. December 12, 2017 J.N. 161043-5 1 'S\7•• -'\ DLL 132017 LAND JPMENT ENGINLLING Prepared by: OFESS/Qk 1 S. 59286 MM O'DAY CONSULTANTS, INC. 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92008-6603 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 1,4 -1 / J(anne Tyler t RCE 59286 5 [1 * Civ. Date December 12, 2017 J.N. 161043-5 Calculations Backyard Drainage Behind Walls Determine Qioo for this lot and size drainage accordingly. Q=CIA C = 0.35 (previous) I = 7.44 X P6 D °645 A0.11 acres (Area of backyard flowing into westerly side of brow ditch and out of retaining wall on to backyard.) P6 = 2.75 (see attachment I and Ib) I = 7.25 in. Q0.28cfs (Q is equivalent to a 6" PVC pipe at 1% half full, therefore, 6" PVC sufficient for entire site) To avoid clogging issues, use 6" SD PVC in landscaping behind retaining walls. Currently there is a 3" PVC nuisance drain along westerly and easterly side yards. Install a 6" SD PVC for landscape and stormwater drainage parallel to 3" SD PVC. For sidewalk under drain with slope of 1%, a3" PVC is flowing almost full at Q = 0.11 cfs. 3 3" PVC SD can handle 0.33 cfs. (>0.28 cfs). Use 3 3"PVC sidewalk underdrains. Install manifold that can percolate at back of walk/retaining wall. (See attachment 3) Brow Ditch Inlet Check for Clogging Determine if inlets in brow ditch operate as weirs or orifices. Do this per SD County Drainage Design manual pages 2-8. Step 1: Calculate capacity of grate inlet (50% clogged) operating as a weir. Length is equal to perimeter of grate. 6" NDS inlet perimeter = 2flr = 1.57 ft eq: Q = CwPed3t2(0.50) ------------for clogged 50% Where Q = inlet capacity of grated inlet Cw = weir coefficient (w = 3.0 for US Trad. Units) PC = effective grate perimeter (ft) d = flow depth approaching inlet = 0.14' (See attachment 4) PC = (12" + 12" +12" + 12") (1/12) ft = 4 ft using 4 sides of inlet Q = 3 (4) (0.14)3/2 (0.5) = 0.314 cfs >0.28 cfs Step 2: Calculate capacity of grade inlet operating as an orifice (50% clogged) eq: Q = CoAe(2gd) CO = orifice coefficient (Co = 0.67 for trad. US units) g = gravitational acceleration d = depth of flow AC = area (50% clogged) Ae(1 x 1)(0.5)=0.5 sf d = 0.14' (See attachment 4) g32.2 ft/s2 CO = 0.67 Q = 0.67 (0.5) [(2(32.2) (0.14)] 1/2 = 0.67 (0.5) (3.00) = 1.005 cfs~! 0.25 cfs Both conditions work for a 12" SD inlet at 50% clogged. County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Ru/i i/cl!! Isop!iii ia/s 100 Year Rainfall Event - 6 Hours IsopuviaI (inches) : 2.7.5 7c%8 54kLt&}-. (oi'd,. C-1 U I) \ V / LJ .1 !, V GIS S " IN (3 1S \\c Ha Sin (3r4! :ro ED \CLUCIFS BUT TOT L EVED TO TOE I! P, EL - + -;,EpchqmeIIT(NcertL:sscEAPap-c,J.::- -: I SGIS AJ %jh' PpT,& I D 3 0 3 Miles Fm 15.1,0 3233 3245 3300' 3315 3330, LCD b ____ ____ _____ - Orange I County---- 33:30 Riverside County Cp - / <5 N , 33'15' - -- i -- - - -. - I - - - -.- - - - - - C - NSIDE 3-:5 I Escay, L4, - - - --------------- - \ I -. — / -- - 0 ENCINITAS, 33 00' I S COUN - - D PO'AY. -. -. 0 SONA BEAC - ------------- DEL 0 - I 0 CD ANCIEG - 32: - -H-' 'LC 45 - LEN GROYE OROA Co : 2 / C ULV3A - C I 3230 un b 70 In b10 iC) r— orane -- - Co—unty-71 Y-- - 3330 Riverside County 0 .;:j-' 0 N 0 Q - J 1 / 0 I 3315'\. —-\f - 3315 ( AJSIDE \ S SQEDd 100 Year Rainfall Event - 24 Hours IsopIuvial (inches) County of San Diego Hydrology Manual '"?!(" Ixop/IR ia/s 7 9 5tto LiL-D.0. t Ccc1 C4 DPW -iit:GIS SanGIS VII Havc Sin ) ( r I I-P 15 F RV;zDEr I 71C ~' , ~~l j I I ~', , 1, [F - - El) INCIUCIN) P.LT IC' I rIFE 'F F' + .IERCI-AWUEI_1TU Al-C CThE$$ FOE A POETIC -.)fl Sa,GIS Al R,)fl:s P.Al-rl [ fl El-l)l)UU 3 0 3Miles 3300' 3245 3230 C') N- r'LSBAD\5s5. ( c) ErACNITAS -. j,'.---------------.) - 5S_. 5 - -- S - -- ji- NTE~ SOLA JAEEA( 1 QAY 8 -3 00 DEL MAR CD ----.. -- -.,.-..- . AND 40 IIE 5__ -t 8245' J D4GRDV SD — / - s CUL:i. -/ BE AC( MeX ° - - Ent C,) 100.75 100.50 100.25 100.00 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by <Name> Circular Diameter (ft) = 0.50 Invert Elev(ft) = 100.00 Slope (%) = 1.00 N-Value = 0.011 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.28 'f reo- ry".4eecI C cq ct Elev (if) 101.00 2 Inc. Monday, Dec 2017 Highlighted Depth (if) = 0.23 Q (cfs) = 0.280 "Area (sqft) = 0.09 'VeIocity(ft/s) = 3.16 Wetted Perim (if) = 0.75 Crit Depth, Yc (if) = 0.27 Top Width (if) = 0.50 EGL(ft) = 0.38 Section 99•75 _L 0 1 Reach (if) Depth :. Area Veloc S WP (ft) (cfs) (sqft) (ft/s) (ft) : 0.23 0.280 0.089 3.16 0.75 Hydraflow Express - Channel Report - 12/4/17 1 Yc TopWidth Energy (ft) (ft) (ft) 0.27 0.50 0.38 Hydraflow Express - Channel Report - 12/4/17 Channel Report ' 41 1 Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® divii 3D9 by <Name> A-Hc'd'w'~3 'i dLS Inc. D,,,.4 Cl i -)ç Tuesday, Dec 52017 lop Circular Diameter (ft) = 0.25 Invert Elev(ft) = 100.00 Slope (%) = 1.00 N-Value = 0.011 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q(cfs) = 0.11 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.22 Q (cfs) = 0.110 Area (sqft) = 0.05 Velocity (ft/s) = 2.40 Wetted Perim (ft) = 0.61 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.21 Top Width (ft) = 0.16 EGL(ft) = 0.31 Elev (ft) Section 101.00 T i[sls,'1 100.50 100.25 100.00 99.75 1 I 0 ?I?5 C11.54amce cd. p Reach (ft) ., - i'-.. . k+ckj. 4 Chatinel Report \ro1cu+th Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3138 by Autodesk, Inc. . Friday, Dec 8 2017 <Name> Circular Highlighted Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Depth (ft) = 0.14 Q (cfs) . = 0.280 Area (sqft) 0.10 Invert Elev (ft) = 100.00 Velocity (ftJs) = 2.83 Slope (%) = 2.00 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.08 N-Value = 0.013 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.19 Top Width (ft) - = 1.03 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.26 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.28 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 103.00 - LOO 102.50 2.50 102.00 2.00 101.50 1.50 101.00 1.00 100.50 0.50 100.00 S., 99.50 •'— -0.50 2 3 , 4 Reach (ft) Depth 0 Area Vetoc WP (ft) (cfs) (sqft) (ft/s) (ft) 0.14 0.280 0.099 2.83 1.08 Hydraflow Express - Channel Report - 12/8/17 11 Yc TopWidth Energy 0.19 1.03 0.26 Hydraflow Express - Channel Report - 12/8/17