HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUP 06-11; ROBERTSON RANCH PARK; FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACT; 2009-04-22F d ral En1 rg ncy lVIanag 111 nt v\'a~hine;ton. D. . 20,it.2 g ncy April 22, 2009 (TRT!FIFD AIL R[ rt. RN RLCTIPT R[QUE T · D I he Honorable Claude A. Le,\ i,; Mayor. Cit; of Carlsbad I .:!00 arlstia<l Village Drhc Carlsbad. C,. 9200 Dear , 1a)-or Le\\ is: !N Rl:.l LY REF ER TO: as;e o.: 09-0C>-(C76P rolkms onditional Case No.: 07-0 • IJ !3R Comnumhy Name: ommunil) '-Jo.: I· f ect1\ c Date of This Re, ision: City of Carbhad. CA 060285 September 8, 2009 Th Flood Insurance Stud~ report and rlo d lnsurai-1ce I ate . 1ap for your comm unit:-ha\.c been re\ bed h) thi :s Letter of Map f C\ ision (l OMR J. Please t1<,c the cm:lo;;ed annotated mop punclt :s) rt."-iscd h) this LO 1 R for t1oodplain management purposes and for all flood insurance policies and rene\\als issued in your communit}. Additional documents are enclosed \\hid1 pro ide information rcgardin.; this LOMR. Please see the List of Encl sures helow lo determine which doi.:uments are indudcd. Other attachment specific 10 this request ma~ be included as referenced in the Determination Document. If: ou have any questions regarding flo dplain managemen regulations for your communit} or the , 'ational} lood Insurance Program ('.\l lPl in general. ple.1se contact the Consultation Coordination Officer for your communit). lfyou have any technical que. ions regarding this LOMR. please contact he Director. Mitigation Dh ision of 1he Depannwnt of Homeland ecuri~ ·s rcderal Emergenc) Management Agenc;-(FE 1.'\ l in { a!-.land. alifomia. at {5 lOJ 627-717 :. or the FEM. Map Assistance 'enter toll free at 1-8 "7. 36--2027 ( I-& -fEMA MAP). Additional information ar>Clu! the.? '1FIP b a ailable n our \\en i1e a http. '\\\\w.tcma.go\-nfip. Sin erely. Duhlia Kasperski. P.C.. CFM. f rngram Spe ialist Engineering Management Branch Mitigntion Directorate List of En lo:.ure-.: Letter of \-tap Revision Determination D >~·umcnt Annotated r lood Insurance Rate r-1ap An.notated flood In. urance Study Repon l'C: , 1r. Da\ id l lau!>.:r D put~ Cil) bngineer City of arbbad Mr. \va. nc: Chang 'hang 'onsultants I (Ir: \Villiam R. Bln111011 Jr., (TM, hief Engine.:ring \llam1gem~·nt Branch \,1 itigati m Directorate C1 ~. Page, of 5 I Issue Dale: April 22, 2009 I Effective Date: September 8, 2009 Case o.; 09-Q9-0276P I LOMR,APP Follows Conditional Case No.: 07--09·1313R 1,.1•\llf\1, \'~I -i'!t.W'lr.,~ F deral E1n r ncy '.Ian· rnent enc .,. ~~} '- \Vashing'l<m. D.C. :!( 472 <,./ ' , -~ ., 1\u .,\,"' LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT COMMUNfTY ANO REVISION INFORMATION PROJECT OE C IPTION I SASIS OF REQUEST City of Carlsbad CULVERT FLOOOWAY San Diego County DETENTION BASIN HYDRAULIC A .AL YSIS California FILL I HYOROLOGIC ANALYSIS COMMUNITY NEW TOPOGRAPHIC DATA COMMUNITY NO.: 060285 fOENTIFIER I Robertson Rancn LOMR APPRO IMA'f'E LATITUDE & LONGITUDE: 33.186. -117.318 SOURCE; USGS QUADRANGLE DATUM: NA027 ANNOTATED MAPPING E CLOSURES I ANNOTATED STUDY ENCLOSURES TYPE FIRM' NO 06073C0768 F DATE June 19 1997 DATE OF EFFECTIVE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY September 2S 2006 TYPE FIRM• NO 06073C0166 F DATE June 19 1997 PROFILEiSl 526P DELElED PROFILE/SJ 527P FLOODWAY DATA TABLF. S SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES TABLE Enclosures reflect cnanges 10 Rooding sovrces affected by !hiS re111s1on 'FIRM Flood msurair..e Rate Map ·• FBFM -Flood Bounaary and Flooowa Map. ••• FHBM -Flood Hawn} Sounoary Map FLOODING SOURCE(SI & REVISED REACH(E ) See Pa9e 2 tor Addi on1I Flooding Soun:!!$ Cala11era Creek from Jus upstream of confluence wrm Agua Hedtoflt:la Creek lo approiumaloly :; 700 feet uostream of U1e con!li.,ence SUMMARY OF EVISIONS Flooding Source Effective Flooding Revised Flooding Increases Oecroases Calavera Cree Zone Af:. loneAE YE$ YES ZoneAE Zone fUnstiaded) NONE YES BFEs• BFEs YES YES Floooway FkJO(l'>vay NONE YES • BFE~. Base Fiooo Ele:villlOOS DETERMlNATION This documen provides the determmauon from he Department of Homeland Securr y's Federaf Emergency Management Agency rFEMA) regarding a request for a Letter of Map Rev1S1on /LOMR) for the area descnbed above Usmg the 1nrormatton subm led we have determined thal a rews1on o the flood hazards depicted 10 the Flood Insurance Stuay (FlS) report and/or National Flood insurance Program ( FIP)map,s warranted This document revises !he effect111e NF!P map as mdicared m the a tached documentat1on Please use the enclosed annotated map panels rev1set1 by tl1Is LOMR for floodplam management purposes and for all ood msurance po11c1es and rf:newals in your community This determ,nat,on ,s based on the nood data p1eserit!y available ihe e11cJosed oocwnents prmm:le add1taonat 1nforma11on regan:bng t11is !letennmat,on lf you have any ques11011s about 1h1s document. please eoniac: the FEMA Map As$1stance Center 1011 tree at 1.J!71,336-2627 (1-877-fEMA MAP) or by le er addressed 10 lhe l.OMR Depo1 360T Eisenhower Avenue AleJ<antlna VA 22304 Amlil1onal Information about the NF!P ,s ava1lab Ot> our webMe a1 htti:<IIW'lvw tema gov.lnfip ~Y~.J - ' Dahlia Kaspers ,. P E CFM Program Speciahs Engmeenng Management Branch Mitigallon Directorate 112553 10 3 1 09090276 102 l·A·C Page 2 of 5 Issue Date: April 22, 2009 I Effective Oat.e: September 8, 2009 Case No.; 09-09-0276P J -~ F ·aeral E1ner ncy fan ll1 nt ~ -~ .h,,. ~ .. Washington. D. h 20-172 /l\o~\~'- LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) OTHER FLOODING SOURCES AFFECTED BY THIS REVISION FLOODING SOURCE(S) & REVlSEO REACH!ES) n LOMR-APP Oetenllon Basin a.is -from appro~1ma1 ly 600 e I no nea t of tne mterseellon ol Don Carlos Dnve 11nd Don Juan Drw~ to apprtmmaiety 1 400 ree1 no neast of the 111tersect1011 SUMMARY OF REVISIONS Ftoodmg Source Effecttve flooding Revised floc,dlng Increases O creases Detention Basin BJB Zone AE Zone AE YE$ YES Zone x iUnstiaoed) ZoneAE. V(S NONE BFEs· BFEs YES NONE No !;lf!;s BFEs YES ONE • SFEs Base Flood Elevaiions Thi! determ1na1ton is based on the flOO<l data presemfy a11allahle Tti em:Josed documems prov, e adt.11!1ona1 1ntormation 1egardmg l/'11$ determination If you have any questions abOut fflis docum n1 please ccmt&cl the f'EM'\ Map Assistance Center toll free al 1-S77•336--2627 ti-877-FEMA MAP) or by Jette( addresseo to U'!e lOMR Depot 3001 El$ennowet Avenue. AlelG!ndna VA 2.2304 Addit1ooal ln!ormaI1on about the NFIP 1s available on our website a1 hltP J/www fema govlnfip Ck)~~ Danita Kaspers • ? E CFM Program Speciahst Eng,neenng M,ma. emeni Branch Mm9ahon Directorate 112553 10 3. l 09090276 102 J,A-C Page 3 of 5 Issue Oate: April 22, 2009 j Effective Date; September B, 2009 Fed ral En1 -r ncy lVlana m nt \Va.hington. D .. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY lNFORMA TION \PPI.I . \Bl£ ·rtl' REC 'L.\TrO~. C-0.MMl'NIT\ OULJ A flO LOMR-APP gene We hav~ made thii, dctennination pursuant to Section :::oo of the l'lood Disaster Protection Act ol 1973 (P.l .. QJ-~34) and in accordance \\ ith the :atiunal Flood Insurance /\ t of l 968. as amendetl ( Title . 111 of the Housing and t Jrban De ... elopmt:ni Act of 1968. P.L. Q0-448), -L LJ.S.C.4001--H~S. and-14 Cl·R Part 65. Pursuant to ection 1361 of the National Fk)(1<l lm,urnnct· Act of 1968. as amemJed, -:ommunitie.-, participating. in the TIP are required to adopt and en orce npodplain management regulations that meet ore 'Ceed FrP criteria. The:><! criteria. indudine adoption of the FIS report and FIR 1, and the modifications made b~ this L )MR, are the minimum r.:qum:m¢nt;. for continued !·IP participation and do not super-;cde more stringcnl tme Co,mnon\\t"ah 1 or local requirements to \.\hich 1lw re!!u lat ions :1ppl}, \\ e pro, 1dl.' the !food\,a~ des.ignation t() your -:ommunit} a a tonl to ~gulate floodplain development. fhcrelore. the tlood,\a} revision \\e IHt\C de-.cribc<l in thi" lener, \\hile a ceptablc to us. mm,t aho h~· ;1ccepta le 10 ;-our communil) mid adopted b) approprfrtte cornmunil) ac1ion. a, spl.'cilied in l'arngraph 6().:l(d) ()fthc '\!FlP rcgulatiom,. M'l P rl.!gulat ions Subparagraph 60.J(b )( 7) requires cmn!,l'lunitic, 10 ensure that the flo{)d-can;-ing capadt} v. ithin tht: altered or relocakd fl(•rtion ot an1 ,\mercourse is maimained. fhi~ provisi<•n is mcorpomtt.'tl into :our communit~ ·, e,btin: tloodplain rmmagemeni ordinances. therefore. resp nsibili y for maintenance of the altcn:J ~,r rcloc,ltc:d \.\a.tercour-.e. including an: rdatcd appurtt>fian ·ei. such bnJ2es. cuhcm,. and mherdramagc structure<., rests 'with ;our commlmity We ma: request that )-Olll community -.ubrnit u d ), ription .md l'Chcdule <'f maintenance activities neces,11~ to ensure 1h1,; requirement. 0\1:'lll .'<ITY REM J'\'l)fJ<..' V. c ba.,ed this determination .m the !-percent-annual-chance di~chargc), c,1111putcd in the submitted h; drologic model. future de\dopmem of projecb up;,tteam could cau!>e hu:rca.'-cd di:.diarge~. \\h1ch couh.l cau:-e in~·r.:a,cd Ooo<l ha1;1rd:-. A 1.-,imprchcni-i\e re~tUd) of }\)tJr communit} · s flol d ha1.ard~ wou ld con,idcr the ctllllUllltiH• clfott:. of de\ elopment on Ji. charges and could, therefore, indicate that greater flood hazards c,ist in this area. Your communit) must regulate all riropo ed fltX•dp!ain dt'\elopmcnt and en,ure that permib required b, federal ,md N ~tate;Commonwealth h'm ha\c been obtai ned. tatc (onirnon,,ealth or comrnunit: official,. h:red on knowledge of local condilions and in the mtcrest of safe!'~. mn~ ,,:1 higher standards lt ➔r tonstructi nor ma: limil de,d(lpm1.mt in lloodplain area~. lfy{ ur ·,ate Cpmmom\ealth or Ci)mmunit~ ha<. adopted more tC'itri tiw or com rehcn,hc nondrilain management crit\!ria. th 5C critt'Tia take prcceJcncc t)\ er I he minimum • Tl P rcqmrcmcms. \\ e \\ ill not print and distribute thi:i> LOMR to primal) users. such as local insurance agcnb or mortgage lenders: inst~-a<l, the eomrnuni. \,\ ill 'it'r\ c as a repositot) for the ne\\ dam. We encournge }OU 10 dbS1.•mmate the infonnation in thi LO, -1R l~ ,,reparing a news release for publication in you:r rommuni • 's ne\\ spaper that describes the revision ,md explain~ ho,\ }tlur ct1m111unil} "ill provide lhe data and help inter:rret the Nrtl' maps. [n that wa). interested person:,,, s:uch as propert} ownel'!,. insunmc,· agent5, and mortgage knders. can benefit fmm the infom1ation. This termu1at10n ,s based on Ille Oood data presently ava11abte. e enclosed documents provide add1t1011al informauon regarding lh1s determmat1on u you 11ave any questions about tros documfi'!llt please contact he FEMA Map Ass1StarlC$ Cente toll fr e al l-8TT-13S-2627 ( 1.an.i=EMA MAP) or by letter addressed to lhe LOMR Depot 3601 'Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria. VA 223'04 Add1t1onal lnformauon about the FIP ,r; available oo our websne al r,ttpJlwww fema govlnlip 4d~~- Datllia Kaspero111, PE CFM. Program !:>)>eeiailst Engineenng Manag ment Branch Mittga1,on 011ectora1e t125Sl 1fL31 00090276 102 l•A.C Page 4 o 5 I ue Oat : April 22, 2009 I Effecti e Date: September 8, 2009 : s -:.. .-:..., -~ . ~ Y_. ~-- ' f\t ,t'--""' F deral En1erg n c ~1:anag n1 n \\'ash1ngton. D. . 204 72 LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) tOMR-AFP nc fnis t'C\ ision has mer our criteria for removing. an area fr m tJ1e 1-pcrccn -annual~chan e floodplain 10 rellect the placement uf fill. Hov,e, er. we encourage you to require that the lov.e::,t adjacent grade and l<mest floor (including ba~ementl of an~ structure plac d \\ ithin the subject area be efe1,ated to or aoo\e the Ba. e ( l-pcrccnHmnual-chance) Flood Elevation. We have ae~ignated a Con ultation Coordination Oni er{CC(Jl to aisist your ommunity. fhe CC "ill he the primal)-liai:-,of\ b tween your ommunit) and f[M. For infomnllhm regarding ~our CCO. please contact: M!>. Sal ly M. 7inll-.o\,ski Director \foigation Di\i1,ion I cdl'.ral Lmergenc} Management AgcnC). R ·gion I 1111 13madwa:, Street. Suite 1200 Oa~land. C .\ 94607--W52 (510)627-7175 ~ T TU OF THE O;\ntlf'\;J Y . 'FIP M.-\P: \\ e \\ ill not ph~ icall} rt:\ ise and republish the rm.Mand r{ report for) (lllr communit} 1\1 rdlect the mod1lkations made h: thi" LO 1R t thi~ time. When ch;mgel> to the pre\ iou'>l) cited FIRM pand(:) an<l Fl rep011 \-\arram phy ical re,is1on and republication in the fu ture. -'C will in orporute the m◊difica1ions; made : thi I OMR at that time. This determ1nat10n is oosed on tte nooo data presently available The enclosed documents provide add, 1ona1 1n1orma1,on regam111g ltt,s determma on JI ycm nave any questions aoout th,s document please confact he FEMA Ma Assis ance Cemer toll free al 1-8i7-336-2627 t 1-a77-FEMA MAP! or by lettet addre sed 10 he LOMR Depoi 3601 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria VA 22304 Additional Information aoou1 tne NFlP 1s .ava1la~le on wr website at http 1/www fema 9011/nfip Dahlia Kaspersk, PE. CFM. Program Speciahs Engineering Management Branen M,1,ga1,on Directorate 112553 10 '.l 1.09090276 102 l,A-C 0 \) Page 5 of 5 I issue Date: Aprll 22, 2009 I Effective Date: September a, 2009 I Case No.: 09·09•0276P I LOMR-APP \' U1 --~~I :. F d ral E111 1' nc Manacren1 n . nc · \~E \Ya, hington. D.C. :Wc!72 ",, ... ~ ·1 \ll ,l' LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTtNUED) PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF REVISION PUBLIC NOTIFICATION BFE (FEET NGVO 29) MAP PANEL FLOODING SOURCE LOCATION OF REFERE CEO ELEVATION EFFECTIVE REVISED UMSER{S) Calavera Cree Approximately 1 500 feet upstream o me conflu n<".e 49 48 06073C0768F with Agua HediOnd.i Creel( ApproX!ma ely 3.500 feel upstream ol me confluence 63 59 06073C0768F with Agua Hedlonda Creek Detenl10n Basin BJS Appro,mnately 600 feet northeast o1 he •lllersectiOI' of None 76 060 3C0708F Don Carlos Dnve and Don Juan Dove Approximately 1 400 feet northeast of the mlersec110n 74 6 06073C0766F of Don Carlos Dove and Don Juan Dnve \\ithin O day:', of the ~econd puMication in lhe J(}cal newspaper. a citizen may ri:quest that we reconsidt!r 1his determination. Any requc-.1 for rcc(lnsidera 1011 must be based on scientiti or technical data. J'herefore. this letler v. ill be dfecti, e onh alter the 90-du appeal period has elapsed and \H: haYe re&olved ru1y appeals h,1t ,,e rcct~hc during fhis appeal pt:riod. lntil thii. L{)l\lR is efTt.--ctiv~. the re\ i-,ed BFEs presented in thb l O JR ma: be changed. A notice of changes \\ i II he published in the F,.;deral R..rww.:r. f\ '>hon notice abo \.\ ill be published in ~our !Peal nC\\:-,paper on or about the date., II ·tcd belcJ\\, Please rvfor lo f-£MA'~ wcb'>ite at hnp-,: v.W\\.lhiodmap,,.fema.go, fhm eript~ bfe main.asp for a more detailed des,:ription of propo;.ed Bf[ chang<.-s. \\ htch will b< po:.11.:J appm,imatd) \\ ithin a\\ ed. <if lb._. J,ite of thi, let er LOCAi 'l WSPAPER 1\:ame: \orth Coumy I imi-., Date,,: 05 01 ::!009 05 082009 nus determ,natton 1s based on ltw nooo data presently avai!able he enclosed documents pro11lde additional tnforrnath:m re9an:mg mes aetenwna on llyou na11e any questions atioUl th•s oocumenl please contact lhe FEMA Map .Asststan Cemer tort free al 1--871-336-2627 (1-l.!77-FEMA MAP} Of by lelte, addressed to lhe LOMR Depot 3&01 Eisenhower Avenue. Alexandria VA .22304 Addlttonal tnformaltan about the NF!P ,s available oo ou1 websne al h!!p;ttwww ferna.go111111ip ~~ Dahha Kaspersl!l. P.E CFM Program Speciat1s1 Engmeering Management Branch Mitigation D,re.clorate 112553 10,3 1 09090270 1021-A-C VI ... Table 4. Swnmary of Dbchargu (Cont'd} Flooding . St'n1rs1 an.d Location Buena Vitt• Creek trib:uta.ry l At Con.fluenee with Buena Viau Creek At lnteraectlan of Monte Vista Drive and Banta P'e Avenue At tntenection of Monte Vista. an.d Valley Drive, Buena Vhta Cree.k 1'ributary 2 A.t Confluence with Bue.na V.hta Creek. At Inte1:1ection of Bucal:,ptua 1Avenue and Tige~ Tait load Bueni Vitt& Creek. Tdbutu.-y 3 At Confluence with Buena Vilta Creek Approximately 1,000 feet Upatream of North Santa Pe Avenue Bu:en.1 Vitta Creek tdbutar1 4 At Confluence with :Suen.a Vhta Creek Calavera Creek Up1trees of ltancho Oarl1bad Mobile Home. Par'k Confluence vlth Agua 8edionda Creek Carmel V«lle1 Creek Above Conflqenee wi th SOledad Cmyon. Below Cor £luence vi.th Sh«w Valley Creek Carroll Ca:nyon Ct'eek At Atchhon, Topek:.4 , Santa J.le Railway At Interltate Higbvay 805 At Cart"ol.l Cu:yon lload Coleman Creek Approd:mately 1,800 Feet Downstream of Highway 78 1nata Not Available DtaiMge Are• tssuall'e Kil ea l Pea.Ir. Dhchargea (cf1) 2.6 1.1 1.0 n.a o.s 1.5 0.5 4 .. 5 5.8 15.,7 11.0 11.a u.o u.o 8.1 lO•ty .r 50-Yeat 100-Yeat SOQ-Year 460 1.1ao 32.0 800 2.10 510 110 410 uo 280 350 160 llO 280 570 l,UO __ l. -... 1 __ l. __ l 2,100 6,500 1,400 4,200 1,soo 1,300 REVISED TO 1,000 REFLECT LOMR 4.soo 3,800 3,000 EFF£CTl\lE: September 8, 2009 __ l __ 1 1,510 1,010 630 530 360 950 350 1,450 500 910 9,800 6,300 . 6,700 S,600 4,500 8,750 2,020 1,350 840 700 480 I R.EVISED 460/ATA 1,.860 21,300 13,700 18,700 1S, 700 12,soo __ 1 1> .. LCOD!NG SOURCE FLOODWt.Y Il:\5£ F'LOOtJ \'/ATER SURJ:/1.(;E £LEVA! ,tlN Si'.C1'l0N l(ltAN CMSS StCTl'.ON OtS'l'ANr::.:£1 Wlil:tll ~ Vltt.OCI'l'.¥ W:r:t'll®'l' WX1'J1 (FKE'l') (SQOMIE (TUT :lilt: REGULATORY ll't.OOnWAY FX.OOl>WAY IN~ASE: HE?) S£00Nl)J {FEET NGVD) Calavera Creek A 140 76 300 3.0 48.01 44.0 44,7 0.7 B 430 43 193 4,7 48.0z 44.7 45.2 0.4 C 647 51 228 4,0 48.01': 45,!i 45.S 0.3 Cl 1()83 44 210 4,3 4a.cr 4$.ll 46.9 (U E 1.313 49 214 4.3 48.02 47.5 47.6 O.! F 1.583 38 166 5,4 48.5 48.5 48.5 0.0 G 1,933 41 174 5.2 50.2 50.2 50.2 o.o H 2,533 44 193 4.7 55.5 55.5 55.5 0.0 I 2,811 4G 186 4,9 56.5 56.5 56.5 0.0 J 3,101 45 204 4.5 57.4 57.4 57.4 0.0 K 3,530 50 !Oi 6.2 58.9 58.9 58.9 0.0 b 3, 00 m 4,1 00.8 00,8 u1t.e h-0 M 4~-0 40 :t-38 &,6 74,2 74'2 74.i 0,4 Cala11era Creek " Spill Flow REVISEOt ATA -----I A 4800~ 70 tit 3,2 73,-0 7-aJ) 74Jl M REVISEOTO 1 l'<>N llrn:.•v• \'.t>tii.lu<>nce ii:• ll AwH Mu. >n ,, e,,.,.,, REFLECT LQMR 2 ttifl-t-1~ \ )tt<:1 ,m•\·~~H'f?d ~itn Ci.'):fj<;, . .Jet,j1, H}fl i.li t}d(.;Y,~~?;#c~T ~ttf1i:t_;o:. tr,.a•j!I; tt,u.1 lit~dH,lWJi<I CJ-t••:~ EFFECTIVE: September 8J 2009 FLOOOWAV DATA FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CA ANO INCORPORATED AREAS CALAVERA CREEK-C.ALAVERA CFIE.EK SPLIT FLOW I 100 90 90 80 80 u, ::.:: w w ..J w u:: 0::: 0 (.) 0::: ~ a. 10 70 C w > 0 <( 0 ..J .;;-N 0 i:; 60 60 ~ ti ..J <( u. (.) "' "" ~ cii w ... ~ z Q 50 50 .. < > w ..J w 40 40 t; ·-~-,.---~ z <( w (!) (.) cl; 30 20 10 LEGEND --------!1".Ak."fi.W.CMAN:Ct'R,000 30 ~ 1''flreMC&fQ 0 Clt0$S UCTIOk toeA.1':iN !z > "' w .... ~ :I: ~ w z (!) ::::) 0 < I!! ~ 0 < ::E (.) Ir: ► 0 0 (.) a.. z C, c:: w 0 (!) w u 0: !: w C 0 :e w z ..J z cl; ~ <( w u, 0 w 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 I.I. STREAM OISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH AGUA HEOIONOA CREEK(AT CITI OF CARLSBAD) 526P Legend I;.,;, ·~ :'. l Wo annual chance (100-Year) Floodpla!n ~~ 1 % annual chance (1 DO-Year) Floodway J: ::: ] 0.2% annual chance · · (500-Year) Floodplain MAP SCALE 1" :: 500' 2fu a ? 5roFEEi =i E3 13 , METERS 150 0 150 l . PANEL 07_6~-~ FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RA TE MAP N DIEGO O NT CALIFORNIA NO INCOllPottA TEO ARE S PANEL 766 OF 2375 {SEE MAP !NOS<.FOOrlfW l"Af<EL l.AVOUT) =~ ~ .'!! ~. · I· ---"' ~ -~AOflU' ~ ~ ISEOTO FLECTLOMR ECTfVE: September 8, 2009 MAP NUMBER . 0&073C0766F . EFFECTIVE DATE JUNE 19, 1997 ll<'tkntl Kmergrn r Mauilgt'Ulenl AU mry j CITY OF CARLSB D 1 060285 JOINS PANEL 0768 JOINS PANEL 0766 ZONEX REVISED AREA \ CITY OF CARLSBAD 060?85 Legend CJ 1% annual chance (100-Year) Floodplain 1% annual ch.arn:e (100-Year) Floodway CJ 0.2% annual chance (SOQ.Year) FI-OOdplain MAP SCALE 1~ ,. 500' 250 0 500 · ,., F• t:-·····--·~ • FEET ..... .., .... , ~ ··, METERS 0 150 PANEL 0768F MAPltUMBER , OW7;1C016liF : ff'f'ECTMOJITE . J\INE 19, 1991 JOINS PANEL 0766 r-------------=:..:..:-=~------;r----------------------;r----,i---r----r-------......,..-~,·~H:•10·ss.oo~ / . 33"09'22.50. / I ZONEX REVISED AREA Ca/aver-a Creek 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 060285 ' I LeJterh<>x l m (0 f'-,. 0 ....J w z ~ V) z 0 -, 250 150 Legend ... I _ ___,I 1 % annual chance (100-Year) Floodplain ..,.,.,,_,,,,..,., 1 % annual chance """"=..""" (100-Year) Floodway ....,.,,.,...,....., ...... -..... ... I 0.2% annual chance (500-Year) Floodplain MAP SCALE 1 .. = 500' (l 500 0 · FEET METERS 150 PANEL 0768F !FIRM FLOOO INSURANCE RATE MAP : SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 768 OF 2375 (SS!: WI? INOf:X FOR FiRM PM/El. ~YOt.lTl CO«It.'!:!S CQMM\INII:! ~ ~ ~ TO LOMR _p_,,_.. September 8, MAP NUMBER 00073C0768F EFFECTIVE DATE JUNE 19, 1997