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TI i ifl'T VT IW(_.tl V £L MAR 22 2004 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Lot 31, Tract 5162, Cove Drive Carlsbad, California March 3, 2004 Prepared For: MR. JERZY J. LEWAK do Nisus Software, Inc. 107 South Cedros Avenue, Suite B Solana Beach, California 92075 Prepared By: VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Suite 102 Escondido, California 92029 Job #03-348-P VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. Job #03-348-P March 3, 2004 2450 Vineyard Avenue Escondido, California 92029-1229 Phone (760) 743-1214 Fax (760) 739-0343 Mr. Jerzy J. Lewak c/a Nisus Software, Inc. 107 South Cedros Avenue, Suite B Solana Beach, California 92075 PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION, LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Pursuant to your request, Vinje and Middleton Engineering, Inc., has completed the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Report for the above-referenced project site. The following report summarizes the results of our research and review of pertinent geotéchnical maps and reports, subsurface field investigation and soil sampling, laboratory testing, engineering analyses and provides conclusions and construction recommendations for the proposed development as understood. From a geotechnical engineering standpoint, it is our opinion that the site is considered suitable for the support of the proposed duplex condominium building with the associated improvements, provided the recommendations presented in this report are incorporated into the design and construction of the project. The conclusions and recommendations provided in this study are consistent with the indicated site geotechnical conditions and are intended to aid in preparation of final development plans and allow more accurate estimates of the construction costs. If you have any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Reference to our Job #03-348-P will help to expedite our response to your inquiries. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. CERTRED— CEG#980 DM/jt Eo 3 R.x 0 0 = rn C) fl1OQ> G cn - co) C) 0 z mcnom rn 0 rn 0 rn .D rn g —I C). < LA. _U. 0 z rn z - O.°°cn• Cl )0. CO) .-. C) C) I :3g'.::::: • : : 00 Z Q • :°'::o- • • CO)•. • --.::. Z - : :.'.:.::D::: -:::: .2: . rn : . . . . rIN . •. • . • • 0 z • Z —' m,. • • D • o.3::: • • : • : • • • ::: Cl) .'r.. • • o. . • C• —•. • • • .• . • • • • • . • . . • CL Z 0• • • . • .• mx C) •CD. . mo. .,. . . C) . • • in ID . . . . • . . . . . . . . . .. . . • • .. . ..... . . . CD • • • • ". . . . . : . . . • • ... CD . • • • . • • I- • . . ... . . . • rn • . . . . . . z . • . . • . - -h C). (D CO 1 0) 01 C) t) - ,• ' - P..) - 0 W 0101 C) ) P.) P.) P. - - - - TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) PLATE NO. Regional Index Map ...................................................I SitePlan .......................................................... 2 Architectural Site Plan ................................................3 Architectural Building Section ..........................................4 Boring Logs (with key) ................................................5-6 Fault - EpicenterMap ..................................................7 Corrected N-values & Liquefaction Safety Factor Graphs .................8-9 Grain Size Analysis .................................................. 10 Engineering Design Information by Foundation Pile, Inc . ....................................... Appendix A PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA• I. INTRODUCTION The property investigated herein is a small bay-side lot off of Agua Hedionda, near the coast in the City of Carlsbad. The approximate site location is depicted on a Regional Index Map enclosed with this report as Plate 1. We understand that the site is planned for the support of a duplex condominium structure which will occupy much of the lot surface. Consequently, this study was initiated to determine geologic and soils conditions beneath the property and their influence upon the planned development. Deep test hole borings, soil sampling and testing were among the activities conducted in connection with this effort which has resulted in the design and foundation recommendations presented herein. SITE DESCRIPTION The project site is a small, level lot between two developed buildings on either side. Cove Drive provides access and;marks the front (western) boundary. A small graded and rock- lined slope marks the rear (eastern) boundary which descends approximately 8 feet into the lagóonal waters. The lot surface soils support a light cover of native grasses. Site drainage is indistinct with no evidence of scouring orrun-offerosion. Details of site conditions are shown on a Site Plan enclosed herein as Plate 2. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT An Architectural Site Plan prepared by Zijistra Architecture, and property layout are depicted on Plate 3. An architectural building section is also included herein as Plate 4. No grading is planned and finish grades are likely to be at or very near the-existing ground surfaces. The use of conventional wood-frame with exterior stucco buildings supported on driven prestressed concrete pile foundations with raised structural floor type construction is also anticipated. The rear patio and the driveway will consist of flexible interlocking concrete payers set in sand. The project utilities/plumbing pipes will be suspended from the structural slab/grade beams. SITE INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions at the project lot were chiefly determined from the excavation of 2 test boring drilled with a truck-mounted rotary drill. The borings were logged by our project geologist who also retained soil/rock samples for laboratory analysis. Test boring locations are shown on Plate 2. Logs of the borings are enclosed herein as Plates 5 and 6. Laboratory test results are summarized in a following section. VINJE & MIDDLETON ENQINEERINQ, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido, California 92029.1229 • Phone (760) 743.214 Fax (760) 739.0343 QEOTECHNICAI.. iNVESTIQATIONS QRAVING SUPERVISION I'ERC T,STINq ISNVIRONMENTAL INV1ISTIATION PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PAGE 2 LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD MARCH 3, 2004 V. GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS The project site is situated upon level terrain created in the 1960's by placing imported fill soils over natural lagoonal areas adjacent to Agua Hedionda. Grading records for engineering inspections and compaction testing of the existing fills are unavailable. Earth Materials The following earth materials underlie the project site: Fill - Imported fill soils directly underlie the project site to an approximate depth of 15 feet The fill consists chiefly of clàyey sands in a loose to very loose and moit to saturated condition overall. S Lagoonal Deposit -.Natural lagoonal soils underlie site the fills to significant depths. These soils consist of variable sequence of dark colored clayey and silty soils with sandy lenses that occur in a saturated and very soft t0 very loose condition. Bedrock - The site is underlain at depths by sedimentary bedrock units which characterize nearby hillside terrain. The rocks consist chiefly of sandy to clayey siltstone units found in a cemented and firm condition. Based upon test boring exposures, bedrock units occur at approximate depths of 50 feet below the existing lot surface. Details of site earth materials are given on the enclosed Boring Logs, Plates 5 and 6. Engineering properties are additionally defined in a following section. Groundwater Subsurface groundwater characterizes the project soil section at depths of 5 to 7 feet below existing lot surfaces. The water reflects lagoonal water which has saturated the underlying soils. The indicated levels are expeóted to fluctuate slightly with changing tide levels. Slope Stability A small graded slope descends into the lagoon along the north property boundary. The slope is a 2:1 gradient embankment which is provided with large rock rip-rap facing. No evidence of instability is apparent within the project slope. VINJE& MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido, California 92029-1229 • Phone (760) 743-1214 • Fax (760) 739-0343 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS. GRADING SUPERVISION I'ERC TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION . PAGE 3 LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD -. MARCH 3, 2004. D. Faults / Seismicity • : . . Faults or significant shear zones are not indicated on or near. proximity to the project site. . .. . ' . • : As with most areas of California, the San Diego régionlies within a seismically active, zone; however, coastal areas of the county 'are characterized by low levels of seismic activity relative to inland areas tothe east. During a 40year period (1934-1974),'37 earthquakes were recorded in San Diego coastal areas by the California Institute of Technology:'Nne of 'the recorded events exceeded a Richter magnitude of 3.7, nor, did any of' the earthquakes generate more than modest ground ihaking or'significant damages.' Most of the recorded .events ' occurred along various offshore faults which characteristically generate modest * earthquakes. . . • . ' ' .• • 'S. • •• Historically, the most significant earthquake events which affect local areas originate along well known, distant faült'zones to the' east and the Coronado' Bank Fault to the west Based upon available seismic data, compiled from California Earthquake Catalogs, the most significant historical event in the area of the study site occurred in 1800 at an estimated distance of 10 miles from the project area " This event, which is'thought to have occurred along an off-shore fault, 'reached an estimated magnitude of 6.5 with estimated bedrock acceleration values of 0 128g at the project site. The following'liét represents the rnostsignificant faults which commonly impact the region. Estimated ground acceleration data compiled from Digitized California Faults (Computer Program EQ FAULT VERSION 3 00 updated) typically associated with the fault is also tabulated: ' .• TABLE I Fault Zone Distance from Site ' ' Maximum Probable .". Acceleration (R.H.)' Rose Canyon fault 5 miles 0.244g Nep6rt-ingiewood fault' , '6.1 'miles ' : 0.220g Coronado Bank fault 21.2 miles O.184g Elsinore fault ' 24.1 miles , ' 0.142g The location of significant faults and earthquake events relative to the study site' are depicted on a Fault - Epicenter Map enclOsed herein'as Plate 7. ., VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido, California 92029.1229 • Phone (760) 743.1214 • Fax (760) 739•0343 cEOTECHN,CM. INVESTIgATIONS - . * qLwINQ SUPERVISION I'ERC TESTING , ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PAGE 4 LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD MARCH 3, 2004 More recently, the number of seismic events which affect the region appears to have heightened somewhat. Nearly40 earthquakes of magnitude 3.5 or higher have been recorded in coastal regions between January 1984 and August 1986. Most of the earthquakes are thought to have been generated along offshore faults. For the most part, the recorded events remain moderate shocks which typically resulted in low levels of ground shaking to local areas. A notable exception to this pattern was recorded on July 13, 1986. An earthquake of magnitude 5.3 shook County coastal areas with moderate to locally heavy ground shaking resulting in $700,000 in damages, one death, and injuries to 30 people. The quake occurred along an offshore fault located nearly 30 miles southwest of Oceanside. A series of notable events shook County areas with a (maximum) magnitude 7.4 shock in the early morning of June 28, 1992. These quakes originated ..along related segments of the San Andreas Fault aproximately 90 miles to the north. Locally high levels of.ground shaking over an extended period of time resulted; however, significant damages to local structures were not reported. The increase in earthquake frequency in the region remains a subject of speculation among geologists; however, based upon empirical information and the recorded seismic history of County areas, the 1986 and 1992 events are thoUght to represent the highest levels of ground shaking which can be expected at the study site as a result of seismic activity. In recent years, the Rose Canyon Fault has received added attention from geologists. The fault is a significant structural feature in metropolitan San Diego which includes a series of parallel breaks trending southward from La Jolla Cove through San Diego Gay toward the Mexican border. Test trenching along the fault in Rose Canyon indicated that at that location the fault was last active 6,000 to 9,000 years ago. Thus, the fault is classified as "active" by the State of California which defines faults that evidence displacement in the previous 11,000 years as active. More active faults (listed on the preceding page) are considered most likely to impact the region during the lifetime of the project. The faults are periodically active and capable of generating moderate to locally high levels of ground shaking at the site. Ground separation as a result of seismic activity is not expected at the property. For design purposes, site specific seismic parameters were determined as part of this investigation in accordance with the Uniform Building Code. The following parameters are consistent with the indicated project seismic environment and may be utilized for project design work: VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido, California 92029.1229 • Phone (760) 743.1214 • Fax (760) 739.0343 QEOTECHNICAL INVESTIqATI0NS qRAI)INq SUPERVISION I'ERC TESTINQ ENVIRONMENTAL INVIZ5TIqATION PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PAGE 5' LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD - MARCH 3, 2004 TABLE 2 Site Soil Profile Type Seismic Zone Seismic Zone Factor Seismic Source Type Seismic Response Coefficients Na Nv f Ca Cv Ts To SF '4. [ 0.4 T .B' ] 1.0 1 1.1.1 0.66 I 1.92 .11.164 I 0.233 According to Chapter 16, Division IV of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. Site probabilistic estimation of peak ground acceleration was also evaluated using the FRISKSP VERSION 4.00 UPDATE(T.-Blake, 2000) computer program. Based on Boore et. al (1997), a 10 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years was estimated to generate a site specific peak ground acceleration of 0.350g: The result was obtained from the corresponding probability of exceedance versus acceleration curve. .. . . . .' . E. Geologic Hazards: and LiguéfactiónPotential •,. " . I. Based on our site specific geotechnical study, the most significant geologic hazard''' at the project site will be those associated with"liuefaction and secondary ground rupture/movements which may be initiated by a major seismic event aloig a d!stant- éctive fault.: Significant slopes 'are' not present.. at the project 'nor is site development expected to construct major graded slope. conditions. / A soil profile.was modeled based, on the' new boring data and analyzed uing the' LIQUEFY2 VERSION 1.5 UPDATE (T. Blake, 1998) computer program. Based upon our analysis and assumptions using a, design site, specific peak ground acceleration of 0.350g, design earthquake magnitude- of 7.5 and correäted N- values, saturated site fills and natural lagoonal deposits are highly liquefiable (safety factors less than 1.0). Corrected N-values and liquefaction safety factor graphs are included with this report as Plates 8' and 9. ' F. LaboratoryTesting_/'Results Earth 'deposits encountered in our exPloratory test excavations were closely examined and sampled for laboratory testing. Based upon our test trench data and field exposures site soils have been grouped into the following soil types: VINJE8MIDDLETONENQINEERINQ, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido, CaLifornia92029.1229 • Phone (760)743.1214 • Fax (760)739.0343 EOTECHNICAL INVESTIQATONS . ' . CJRADINQ SUPERVISION l'ERC TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL IWUSTIQATION PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION . . . .. PAGE 6: LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD - .• . MARCH .3, 2004.. .,- .. --.. .-...-----. .:, .- TABLE 3 Soil Type Desàription S •• I brown clayey to silty sand (Fill) . 2 . .dark brown to grey fine to medium snd with a trace of clay (fill) 3 grey to brown silty to sandy clay/clayey silt (Lagoonal deposit, fill) 4• •. tan thedium to coarse sand (Lagoohal deposit) . • 5 dark brown silty to. clayey sand '(LagoOnal deposit) .' S 6 . olive fine sandy to ciàyey.siltstone (Formational rock) The following tests were conducted in support of this investigation I Standard Penetration Tests Standard penetration tests (SPT) were performed at the time of bore hole drilling in accordance with the AST standard procedure D-1586, using a mechanical drive hammer The procedure consisted of a standard 51 MM outside diameter sampler, 457 MM in length and 35 MM in inside diameter using' 5fobt long AW drill ods*The bore hose Was 200 .MM (8 inches) in diameter and water was added fbibOre hole support. The test results are indicated at the corresponding locations on the Boring Logs 2. Maximum Dry Density and Optimudi Moisture Coflteñt:. The maximumd density and optimum moisture content .of SOil .Type 1 was. determined in accordance with ASTM D-1557. The test result is presented in Table 4. . TABLE 4 . . Location • Soil . Type Maximum Dry •, Density (Ym-pcf Optimum Moisture: . Content (wopt-%) B-I @ 2' •' i. .1 • -. 130.4 I 11.1 . . •. 3. Moisture-Density Test (Undisturbed Ring Samples): In-place dry densit and moisture content of representative soil deposits beneath the site.were determined from a relatively undisturbed ring sample using the Weights and measurements test method. The test result is presented in Table .5 and. tabulàtéd on the enclosédBoririg Logs (Plates .5-6): . . . . . VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido, California 92029-1229 • Phone (760) 743.1214 • Fax (760) 739-0343 EOTECHNICAL INVESTIQATI0NS QRADINQ SUPERVISION • I'ERC TESTINQ •• ENVIRONMENTAL INVIS'rIqATIoN PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION . . . PAGE 7 LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD -. ., MARCH 3 2004. TABLES . Field Ratio Of In-Place Dry. Moisture Field Dry Max. Dry Density To Max. Dry Sample 'Soil . Content Density . Density . Density* Location Type (w-%) (Yd-pcf) (Ym-pcf) (Yd/Ym x 100) [_B-I 3' 1 5.8 ._f . f 130.4 loose disturbd sample *Designated as reiati,e compaction for strUctL fiuiS irai . •.. . Required relative compaction for structural fill is 90% or greater. 4.. Expansion Index Test: One expansion index was performed., on a representative sample of Bui Soil Type I in accordance with the Uniform lding Code Standard 18-2 The test result is presented in Table 6 TABLE 6 Sample Location Soil Type Remoided w (%) Saturation (%) . Saturated . w (%) Expansion. Index (El) Expansion Potential 9.9 17.9 : [ 2 .. . low F . . . . . (ui) môsture content in percent. . . . I 5. Direct ShearTest: One direct shear test was performed oh a representative sample of Soil Type 1. The prepared specimen was Soaked overnight, loaded with normal loads of .1, 2, and 4 kips per square foot respectively, and sheared to failure in anundrainéd condition: The test result is presented in Table 7. TABLE 7 . Sample Wet Angle of Apparent Sample Soil Density mt. Fric. Cohesion Location Type Condition . .(Yw..pf), (0-Deg.). (c-psf) B-I c2' I i 1_remolded to 90% of Ym @%w0pt 130.4 [_•31 f. 185 S. Grain Size Analysis: Grain size analyses were performed on representative - samples of Soil Types 3 and 4. The test results are presented in Table 9 and graphically illustrated on the enclosed Plate. 10. . .. . . . . . VINJE & MIDDL.ETON ENGINEERING, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Econdido, California 92029-1229 • Phone (760)743-1214 • Fax (760) 739-0343 QEOTECHNICAL INVESTIQATI0NS . QRADINq SUPERVISION I'ERC TF.STINQ INVIRONMENTAL INVESTIQATION PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PAGE 8 LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD • - MARCH 3, 2004 . TABLES. •. . Sieve Size #4 I #10 I #20 I #40 I #60 I #100 I #200 Location Soil Type B-1 @25' 3 100 99 98 97 96 93 90 B-i @ 35' 4 94 78 58 29 - . - 4 B-2 @ 15' 3 100• 99 98 96 93 92 87 7.. Amount of Material in Soils Finer Than the No. 200 Sieve: The amount of material in soils finer than •No.- 200- sieve tests were prformed on representative selected samples of foundation bearing and pavement subgrade soils in accordance with the ASTM D-1140.. -The test results are presented h Table 9. . . • . . - TABLE : .: ••• Location Original Dry Mass (g) Dry Mass Retained after washing (g) Percent of Material Finer Than No. 200 Sieve Predominant Soil Type B-i @ 2' 751.2 . 466.7 . 38 . . SM/SC B-I © 7W 226.9 137.4 40 Sc B-i @15' 256.7 20.9 92 •. ML/CL. B-i @45' 100.0 72.2.. 28 SM 8. Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index:. Liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index tests were performed on representative samples of Soil Types 3 and 4 in accordance with the ASTM D-4318. The test results are presented in Table 10. • • •. • . . • . TABLE 10 . Location Soil Type Liquid Limit I (%) Plastic Limit 1 (%) Plasticity index (PI) B-I © 15' . 3 59 27. . .32 B-i @ 35' 4 - - non-plastic VINJE & MIDDLETON ENINEERINQ, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido, California 92029.1229 • Phone (760) 743-1214 • Fax (760) 739-0343 qEoTECHNCM. INVESTIQATIONS • qRAmNQ SUI'ERVISION . I'ERC TESTINQ ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIQATION PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PAGE 9 LOT 31, TRACT. 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD . -. . •. MARCH 3, 2004. 9 Sulfate Test One sulfate test was performed on a representative sample of Soil Type I in accordance with the California Test 471 The test result is presented in Table ll. .. . ...'. ... TABLE 11 Sample Lodation - . . Soil Type s04) Amount of Water Soluble Sulfate.( ' . in' Soil' (% by Weight). I B-I @ 2 I I •. 0.268 VI CONCLUSIONS Based upon the foregoing investigation, development of the project lot for residential purposes is feasible from a geotechnical viewpoint. HoWever, the site is underlain by a thick section of highly liquefiable loose and saturated soil deposits which will require special geotechnical engineering development techniques The following factors are unique to the property and will most impact its development from a geotechnical viewpoint I Liquefaction is the most significant geotechnical concern at the project property Secondary affects such as seismically induced settlements, sand boils, ground spreading and lurching also remain a major concern at the study property. The underlying loose and saturated fills and lagôonal deposits ârØaIo. highly compressible Project compressible soils are not suitable for foundation support The upper fill soil above the water table are susceptible to collapse in their present conditions. However, remedial grading is not planned and project utility /plumbing pipes will be suspended from the structural slab/rade beams, and flexible •. interlocking payers will be used for the rear patio and driveway construction In the absence Of remedial grading removal and re-compaction,'.continued repairs of on-grade site improvements supported on the. existing soils should be' ' . anticipated. . . '. .. .• . '• '. ' ' . .. 5 The project property is not suitable for the support of shallow conventional foundations, and cut-fill and remedial rading is not planned. Deep prestressed driven concrete pile foundations and . structural floors' should be used as recommended in the following sections 6. Competent formationàl bedrock units occur at depths of approximately 50 .feet below the existing lot surfaces which could'suitably support driven concrete pile foundations. .• ' . ' ' . . VINJE'& MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido,, California 92029.1229 • Phone (760) 73-1214 • Fax (760) 739-0343 QEOTECHNICAL INVESTIgATIONS . . GRAIMNQ SUPERVISION ' I'ERC TESTING '. ENVIRONMENTAL INVCSTIQATI0N PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION ' PAGE 10 LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD MARCH 3, 2004 Groundwater was encountered in both exploratory boring excavations at the depth of approxirriately 5 to 7 feet at the time of our field investigation. Groundwater conditions at the project site is expected to seasonally fluctuate. and may impact foundation constructions. Site upper soils include some clay bearing deposits.. Finish grade soils are expected to consist of clayey to silty sand (SM/SC) with low to very low expansion potential (expansion index less than 51). . VII. RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations provided herein are consistent with the indicated project conditions and are intended to preclude site adverse geotechnical factors impacting the future building structures. The following may be considered for site development and foundation designs: Cut-fill or remedial grading is not planned. Prestreésed driven pile foundations will be used for support of the building. The rear patioind the driveway.?ill consist of flexible interlocking. concrete payers set in sand. The. project utilities/plumbing: pipes will also be suspended from the structuralslab/grade beams. Pile foundations should be driven to adequate depths into the underlying formatibnal bedrock bearing stratum by approved impact pile hammers. .:Actual pile foundations should be designed bythe project structural engineer. However, the following geotechnical factors and soils design parameters associated with the structural pile design and installations are appropriate and should be considered where. appropriate and applicable: • • • . The piles should consist of prestressed concrete piles proportioned, designed and manufactured to sustain the driving stresses and develop the design allowable pile capacity.. A qualified contractor with experience with a similar project should be retained. A sample order form by Foundation Pile Inc., for engineering design information is enclosed herein as Appendix A. A minimum of 14 inches square prestressed concrete. (f'c = 5000 psi) piles or greater may be considered. A point of fixity at a minimum Of 3 feet below the contact with the formational units may be considered for determining the. maximum moments. . . . * The pile spacing shall not be closer than 2% times the pile diameter. Maximum spacing should be. determined by the project structural engineer. * The capacity of pile groups will be less than the sum of individual piles in the same group and should be considered in the design. Actual supporting VINJE & MIDDLETON ENQINEERINQ, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido, California 92029.1229 • Phone (760) 743.1214 • Fax (760) 739.0343 qEoTECHN,CAI. INVESTlqATI0NS QRAVINQ surERv,sloN I'ERC TESTINQ ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIQATION PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PAGE 11 LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD - . . MARCH 3, 2004 capacity of piles driven closer than 8 times pile diameter, center to center, should be reduced using appropriate group efficiency formulas. * Piles should be driven into the underlying, competent formational units until the design allowable pile capacity of 50 kips is developed. Formational units were encountered at the depth 'of 49 feet in our exploratory boring. Based on our an design allowable, pile capacity will be achieved when minimum 5 blows per inch of penetration for the last 3 inches of each pile in to the underlying formational *units is indicated by the pile driving. Design blow counts in to the underlying formational units should be confirmed and/or revised as necessary by the project geotechnical. consultant in the field based on the driving data obtained from the first pile. Pile lengths are not expected to exceed 60 to 65 feet maximum. Large rocks, cobble zones or hard and cemented 'layers which could influence pile driving through the site fills/lagoonal deposits-were not indicated by our boring excavations where explored. Refer to theenclosed boring logs and. gradation analyzes for establishing the characteristics of the underlying deposits for pile driving purposes. . ' •' ' Damages to the piles shall be avoided or, minimized by squaring'.the driving' head with the energy source.. Appropriate pile-driving caps and/or cushions should be used. Driving should be sopped when the required driving resistance is encountered. Driving refusal is defined as 4 to 5 (approximately) blows for the last %-inch of driving. * Actual pile capacities may vary based on the blow counts. The design allowable pile capacity, however, is for dead plus live loads and may be increased by one-third for wind and seismic loads.' * Pile settlement should be limited to Y.—inch maximum and less than %-inch differential due to 'liquefactionand load induced settlements. * Piles may be pre-drilled with an auger with a diameter less than the pile width. Pre-drilling, -if used, shall be terminated a minimum of 5 feet above the final pile tip elevations. Pile driving should not damage or disturb the existing adjacent structures and imprOvements. * Pile , driving shall be continuously inspected and monitored by the project geotechnical consultant. Added or modified recommendations should be given in the field based on the data obtained during the installations as appropriate. VINJE & MIDDLETON ENQINEERINQ, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido, California 92029-1229 • Phone (760) 743-1214 • Fax (760) 739-0343 QEOTECHNICAL INVESTIQATIONS CRAI)INQ SUPERVISION I'ERC TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIgATION PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PAGE 12 LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD MARCH 3, 2004 Grade beams and raised structural floors also designed by the project structural engineer should be considered for the planned buildings. Based upon the results of the tested soil sample, the amount of water soluble sulfate (SO4) in the soil was found to be 0.268 percent by weight which is considered severe according to the California Building Code Table No. 1 9-A-4. Portland cement Type V and minimum 4500 psi (f'c) concrete should be used. Flexible interlocking concrete payers set in sand are considered for the rear patio, driveway and on-site improvements. The payers may be placed over the existing subgrade soils, however, continued repairs and maintenance due to subgrade settlements should be anticipated. Final foundation and design plans should be provided to the project geotechnical consultant for review. Added or modified recommendations may be necessary based on the final design plans,and should be given at that time. VIII. LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations provided herein have been based pn available data obtained from pertinent repots and plans, subsurface exploratory excavations as well as our experience with the soils and formational materials located in the general area The materials encountered on the project site and utilized in our laboratory testing are,believed representative of the total area; however, earth materials may vary, in characteristics between excavations. . . Of necessity we must assume a certain degree of continuity between exploratory excavations and/or natural exposures. It is necessary, therefore, that all observations, conclusions, and recommendations be verified during the grading operation. In the event discrepancies are noted, we should be contacted immediately so that an inspection can be-made and additional recommendations issued if required. The recommendations made in this report are applicable to the site at the time this report was prepared. It is the responsibility of the owner/developer to ensure that these recommendations are carried out in the field. It is almost impossible to predict with certainty the future performance of a property. The future behavior of the site is also dependent on numerous unpredictable variables, such as earthquakes, rainfall, and on-site drainage patterns. The firm of VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC., shall not be held responsible for changes to the physical conditions of the property such as addition of fill soils, added cuts, or changing drainage patterns which occur without our inspection or control. VINJE & MIDDLETON ENQINEERINQ, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido, California 920291229 • Phone (760) 743.1214 • Fax (760) 739.0343 QEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS GRADING SUPERVISION PIiRC TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIQATION PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PAGE 13 LOT 31, TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD MARCH 3, 2004 The property owner(s).should be aware that the development of cracks in all concrete surfaces such as floor slabs and exterior stucco are associated with normal concrete shrinkage during the curing process. These features depend chiefly upon the condition of concrete and weather conditions at the time of construction and do not reflect detrimental ground movement. Hairline stucco cracks will often develop at window/door corners, and floor surface cracks up to 1/8-inch wide in 20 feet may develop as a result of normal concrete shrinkage (according to the American Concrete Institute). - This report should be considered valid for a period of one year and is subject to review by our firm following, that time. If significant modifications are made to your tentative development plan, especially with respect to the height and location of cut and fill slopes, this report must be presented to us for review and possible revision. Vinje & Middleton Engineering, Inc. warrants that this report has been prepared within the limits prescribed by our client with the usual thoroughness and competence of the engineering profession. No other warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, is included or intended. . Once again, should any questions arise concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Reference to our Job #037348-P Will help to expedite our response to your inquiries. ' We appreciate this opportunity to be'of service to you VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. Dennis Middleton CEG #980 /D GE0 YIDO * GEFiIIhL) ENGINEERING 4. OF CM.- S. Shariat 174 Steven J. Me RG #6953 DMISMSS/SJM/jt (70 No. 6953 I! Exp.5-31.OS J.d Distribution: Addressee (1) Zijlstra Architecture (4) VINJE & MIDDLETON ENqINEERINQ, INC. 2450 Vineyard Avenue, Escondido, California 92029-1229•Phone (760) 743-1214 • Fax (760)739-0343 QEOTECHNICAL INVESTIQATIONS QRADINQ SUPERVISION l'ERC TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION TOPO! map printed on 03/09/04 from "senDiego.tpo and "Untitled.tpg 117.3333° W WGG84 117316670 W 's\ ,..• 9UjIITA I . NOD~E~s AVE + FLAIE i\ \\ /69 1 AOUNA 44ray W 2 / RGI A1J High Nk D MAP Well >Holiday M *4 Park Y 334P Ave $ch - •... . .a1k '' / Jr High ch• Ile N reI I A G U A 15 .--.. -- Sti'atricks . St.fj /69 -- \ % LI LJI \ , - --- — I / *\SITE U r- 1 OCATIO14' / :--. :. •' .ij I / / ------4-- I - , %7- Reservoir L -, SubSta\ -- °------ _i z - ,. -•--•-- .•. C - . 2-_•- .7 . Farr .L Water -• ..- S \\ \\\ \ , '\iy•• \-._--_,' . \ 47 - T —0 n d \A/(R4 117 1 7° W TN/MN 1/2 • 1MILE 13%0 - 1O FEET 500m bOUrn V Printed from TOPO' ©1999 Wildflower Productions (www topo corn) • -I-F.- PLMr'i A U -. Sht .• ., -• ...'• •.: .. LOT 31,. TRACT 5162, COVE DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CALIF. 03-348—P Scale 1=20' Location attest boring BOATDOCK BAY:. -BAY • . • • • :• •':------- SLOPE PA t1O -. • 1 • • PROPOSED • • •r I • - S • • . • .• . . •• - • •••• • • • • • ••• .. : •.• Ext. house VAANTLOT31 a Ext.- house TI • • • I) I • - Cb--. I . =:• • • •• • • .• ____ ________ ___ - • • . • CONC. •• .• :5 ,• •.-.•••.•••.•. -. .:.. .•••• •.•, •.•:AL I ..• ••••: - - . • • . . SIDEWALK • - COVEDRIVE - COVE DRIVE PLATE 2 PRIMARY DIVISIONS GROUP I SECONDARY DIVISIONS SYMBOL -.1 GRAVELS CLEAN GW Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. GRAVELS GP Poorly graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. Uj g MORE THAN HALF (LESS THAN o OF COARSE 5% FINES) (l) ô FRACTION IS GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines. GRAVEL LL Z LU LU OZNJ LARGER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE NO. WITH FINES Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines. < -''LU SANDS CLEAN SW. Well graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. C!) I CC w SANDS SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no fines. LU z LU i5 CD Cl) < MORE THAN HALF (LESS THAN CC CC OF COARSE 5% FINES) SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines. < O w FRACTION IS SANDS CC SMALLER THAN WITH 0 NO. 4 SIEVE FINES SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines. LU ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine N 3 o uj Cl) U.sands SILTS AND CLAYS or clayey silts with slight plasticity. LIQUID LIMIT CL - Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy ________ clays,_silty_clays,_lean clays. ic,, LESS THAN 50% III z o OIL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity. _J 04 MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty < . SILTS AND CLAYS - CD UJ Fr 0 soils, elastic silts. CH inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. uj ct LU Z z oz . LIQUID LIMIT IS GREATER THAN 50% OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts. I- HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat and other highly organic soils. GRAIN'SIZES U.S. STANDARD SERIES SIEVE CLEAR SQUARE SIEVE OPENINGS 200 40 10 4 3/4" 3" 12" SAND I GRAVEL I SILTS AND CLAYS I COBBLES BOULDERS FINE I MEDIUM I COARSE FINE COARSE I I RELATIVE DENSITY ANDS, GRAVELS AND NON-PLASTIC SILTS BLOWS/FOOT VERY LOOSE 0 - 4 LOOSE 4-10 MEDIUM DENSE 10 -30 DENSE 30 -50 VERY DENSE OVER 50 CONSISTENCY CLAYS AND PLASTIC SILTS STRENGTH BLOWS/FOOT VERY SOFT 0-¼ 0-2 SOFT 'A-V2 2-4 FIRM ',4-1 4-8 STIFF 1-2 8-16 VERY STIFF 2-4 16-32 HARD OVER 4 OVER 32 Blow count, 140 pound hammer failing 30 inches on 2 inch O.D. split spoon sampler (ASTM D-1 586) Unconfined compressive strength per SOILTEST pocket penetrometer CL-700 V Sand Cone Test Bulk Sample 246 = Standard Penetration Test (SPT) (ASTM D-1 586) with blow counts per 6 inches 0 Chunk Sample 0 Driven Rings 246 = California Sampler with blow counts per 6 inches VINJE & MIDDLETON KEY TO EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS ENGINEERING, INC Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D-2487) 2450 Vineyard Ave., #102 Escondido, CA 92029-1229 I PROJECT NO. flA. KEY I BORING LOG B-I DEPTH FT SAMPLE Description USGS SYMBOL MOISTURE (%) DRY DENSITY (PCF) RELATIVE COMPACTION (%) -0- FILL: = - - = Clayey to silty sand. Brown color. Moist. Loose. Incomplete sample recovery at 3'. ST-I• SM/SC 5.0 - - Clayey fine to medium sand with clay. Dark brown - - to grey color. Saturated. Free water visible. Very loose. - SC - - -10- 0 Minimal sample recovery at 7W. No sample 3,5 recovery at 10'. ST-2 LAGOONAL DEPOSIT: Clayey silt to silty clay. Grey to brown color. Locally sandy. Highly weathered. Very soft. High -15- 1 - - plastic. Saturated. . MUCH -20- At 25', sampler sunk to 18" under weight of drill - - stem. :25 To ST-3 ML Silt. Dark grey color. Saturated. Plastic. Very soft. - _30 - 30- - Some shell fragments. ST-3 SW = Medium to coarse sand. Tan color. Saturated. - - Free water visible. Loose ST-4 - - ..35T . SM 110,5,5 Silty sand. Clayey. Dark grey color. Medium - - dense. ST-5• - - ML cK: to clayey siltstone. Olivecolor. Moist. ed. : °:dy Friable. ST-6 fBE 114,6, -50- End Test Boring at 56W. -55 - - - j 117819/ Groundwater at5. Water added to aid drilling. - - - - . Boring filled with bentonite. PROJECT: COVE DRIVE. CARLSBAD . Bulk Sample • Ring Sample 0 Project No: 03-348-P Date Drilled: 8-14-03 —Logged By: SJM Truck-mounted rotary drill, 8" Hollow stem auger. - Drill, Sample Method: 140 lb. Hammer. 30" mechanical drop. 5' AW rods. SPT Sample Groundwater V PLATE 5 VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. BORING LOG 13-2 Description DRY DRY RELATIVE DEPTH SAMPLE MOISTURE DENSITY COMPACTION FT SYMBOL (%) (PCF) (%) -0- FILL: Silty sand. Trace of clay. Medium to coarse SM/SC - grained. Very moist. Loose. ST-2 Clayey silt to silty clay. Dark brown color. Very - 5 - - - moist. Very soft. Low plastic. - - - ML/CL - - Becomes pale brown color below 10'. -10 - 110,1,1 .. ST-3 -15- End Test Boring at 161/2'. 20 Groundwater at 7'. Boring filled with bentonite. -25- 30- -35 - -40 - -45-. . - 50 - Bulk Sample • PROJECT: COVE DRIVE. CARLSBAD Ring Sample 0 SPT Sample II Project No: 03-348-P Date Drilled: 8-14-03 Logged By:SJM Groundwater .L Truck mounted rotary drill, 8" Hollow Stem Auger. PLATE 6 Drill, Sample Method: 140 lb. Hammer, 30" mechanióal drop. 5" AW rods. VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 7J-J /-.• 4- -J!..... __i .- -: - • — . _t t :ti 06 - H CD Ir Id ji I L. -- • . .: — — — _. - - - - - . 7- Tr •. •. •. I .• --: - - .S_r• - t.s ''.. . '::'•. "s'. -' 5_s 4' •.r. ,:::.. 00 or. : I r1- SITE -'5 • 0 0 Son13 oieg Lsf_ ..,'.. . . 1:'• ••' •'••. —..--.— . --- 5 5 \ 30 20 10 0 30 MILES FAULT -EPICENTER MAP SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGION INDICATED EARTHQUAKE EVENTS THROUGH 75 YEAR PERIOD (1900-1974) Map data is, compiled from various sources including California Division of Mines and Geology, California Institude of. Technology and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Map is reproduced from California Division of Mines and Geology, "Earthquake Epicenter Map of California; Map Sheet 39." Earthquake Magnitude .............4.0T04.9 O ............ 5.0 TO 5.9 PROJECT: Job #03-348-P CD ............ 6.OTOG.9 ED 70 TO 79 COVE DRIVE. CARLSBAD -- Fault. PLATE: ___________________________________ iNI)6Ocs. LOT 31, TRACT 5162 ____ ________ ______ _ _ • •. H .:-io -VTTTJ. ___•:t*H:. I - -20- s.- -. - -3 '%f u . . ..o_,.-_ •: .-. .. . S. .•• 5, w : o . . . . . • ,. • . .5 . A.' _____ _____ __ • 55:ILII Itli Ilti I1t lilt IIiie-I-- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 N160(bpf) PLATE 8 Factor of Safety LOT 31, TRACT 5126 0 •. • -5 . -15 -25 - --- -_ -40 551 0..01 05 10 15 20 FS • • APPENDIX A Lgu v UTILITY VAULT 0 OIdcastk ...• ENC4NEERII'4G DESIGN IN1ORMATION •• REQ1 OR—— - ....................• . :• S... PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILES . S • PileSizeaadSbape -, - 1stha minim, thcostrenthdfied? ram '@28 .days : . • ..••• .; • .._5..pau. S Provide Pile Loads as Sungth level (lacwxM Loads, 1999 USC) .. What are the Loads? Provide total mom loads that our pile cm 9=m will s. 112c1ud1 any P-Delta Mms due to laisiully unsupported lengths if applicable. Show brcakd wn for Dead, Live and Sismir, i(avallable . Dead L4vc EorW Total - ____• Aaa1 Comprauio& (kipa or tons) Arni Tension (kips or tons) BcadugMomeut((ooc-ips) Specify Load Ceutbtna*wu$ to be designed for D Bcnthng and Compression 0 Bending and Tension 0 Oth&zdcrlbc__________________ flexural Litagth ID Feel_- (attach Moment or Deftecnon Diagram) '. . NOTE: The above loads and cowbinaiious should be shown on the Stncnal • Drawings. lithe loads 'art no shown, ibis fonn 6an be sent to the s Swl Engineer to be completed. Soils Reports are good background . in(onnadon but should nor be used to obtain actual pile loads. Actual pile .loads and conifihavions mine from the ucture eIf (and heiicc . .' Srucuu2l Engines Drawings). •.• S • • • .': • S • •• . . . • • - (909) 350i56 S • • Fax (909) 360G20 FOUNDATION. . S •.• .. S • . .. S • •. . . . S. PEE, :.. ••PLE rsmw •. • COFFOWAMS . . INC. • iEAv F0MUQt • • . .. S • • .. JEFF REDMAN • .. S • . . • .5 MMi*Ii Sam Mngr - .• •. S • PC El" iis? •• • 9233e Page 2 of 3 Customer Initial -- Proec;____________________ Pile Size Are there any specified Structural Drawing Details showing the following*. 13 Concrete cover over Spiral 13 Strand quantity, size and location Reinforcing bar length, size, location and quantity ri Spiral size and spacing ' o Dowel tubes Strand Extensions Rebar Extensions CI let Tubes For boxes checked bove please attach a copy of Stnlcfl3ral Drawing details. If the information is not in the Srsucrural Drawing details please attach copies of relevant portions of specifications or a sketch of what you or your customer want. How much extra length is required at the tap of the pilero allow forcut off? Any Specisi CQ*dflgS required on spüitl, strand or rebar? P1ese describe; See Page 3 Page 3 of 3 NOTE: The above information is a minimum that we require to design your prestrescd concrete pile i'Ieak sip and date the bottom of this page to show this is what you want. Based on the above information we wiU engineer your pile and provide you with a drawing for foal appiovaL We must have you sign the drawing before we chedulc production- ltCalculaDons arid/or a Concrete Mix Design are required by a Registered Civil Engineer these will also be provided with your drawing. The cost of Engineering is included in our quote. If, however, there are later changes to the information given an this tbrw1 addidonal engineering costs will be charged at the following rates: Registered Engineer $ 120.00/hour CAD. Operator $50.00/hour Changes in this information will also result in delays to the submittal, production and delivery schedules. Please give the items on this form careful consideration. Customers who provide accurate information up front will obviously receive products sooner than those who make changes. CurocnerSignatore - Dare Contractor Name_________________________ Job Name -. XobLocarion -. For Internal Use Only; Cie Noc____ MEl__ QCM__-