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El Camino Real Corporate Center Hydrology and Hydraulics Report April 30, 2007 Revised: July 27, 2007 )P25- LA Prepared for: ECR Corporate Center, L.P. 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 CONTACT: John White, President Prepared by: RBF CONSULTING 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.476.9193 CONSULTING Contact Person: Tim Thiele, P.E. RBF JN 55-100293 1. Li. Table of Contents Introduction and Purpose ......................................................................................... I 1.1 Background and Project Description.................................................................1 1.2 Study Goals ...................................................................................................... I 2 Rational Hydrology...................................................................................................3 3 Pipe Hydraulics........................................................................................................3 4 Conclusions .............................................................................................................4 List of Figures Figure 1 - Vicinity Map ....................................................................................................2 Technical Appendices Appendix A - Post-Development Hydrology and Pipe-Sizing Calculations Appendix B - 100-Year Hydraflow Model Appendix C - Storm Drain Plan Appendix D - Pre-Developmént Hydrology ECR Corporate Center JN 55-100293 Hydrology and Hydraulics Report WF I Introduction and Purpose 1.1 Background and Project Description The project is located within the City of Carlsbad in the La Costa Greens Development (CT-99-03). The project is adjacent to El Camino Real, just south of Town Garden Road (see Figure 2-1). The site will be rough graded per City Drawing No. 397-2Y and is currently vacant. The existing site is a 7.7 acre graded pad with a vegetated parkway along El Camino Real. The project site contains side slopes of 2:1 or less. The project is not located within the Coastal Zone. Its land use designation is Medical. There are no water bodies, sanitary landfills, historical, archaeological or paleontological resources located within a half-mile of the project site. A conservation easement (within La Costa Greens Lot 20) borders the project area to the east. The project will consist of a medical office building (25,000 sq. ft.), a wellness facility (62,000 sq. ft.), and adjacent parking lots (160,000 sq. ft.). Landscaping will be incorporated into the planter medians and parkway strips surrounding each building. There are two private driveways proposed as part of this project. The driveways will provide access to the site from El Camino Real and from Metropolitan Street. Drainage from the project will be directed into a proposed storm drain system and connected to an existing piping system and will outlet to open space located directly south of the project area on the Daycare Center property (Parcel I of Map 20174). Although the site has been rough graded, approximately 80% of the site will be re-graded as part of this project. 1.2 Study Goals . To delineate the post development watersheds Quantify Q100 at the study nodes using the rational method Verify adequacy of the design of pipes for ECR Corporate Center based upon City and County Criteria ECR Corporate Center JN 55-100293 Hydrology and Hydraulics Report T C WAY - r. - RD >'ROJECT SITE ©2005 Thomas Bros ) / C,PTE UELA r:t VIDA PS Figure 1 - Vicinity Map FOR Corporate Center: JN 55-100293 2 Hydrology and Hydraulics Report BF 2 Rational Hydrology The rational hydrology study was completed using information from the ECR Corporate Center precise grading plans and methodology described within the San Diego County Hydrology Manual, June 2003 edition. The design storm for this study is the 100-year event. Using the San Diego County Hydrology Manual Isopluvial Map, the 100-year P6 was found to be 2.8 inches. The drainage subareas in the watershed include asphalt paving, sidewalk, buildings, and landscaped areas. Because the drainage through landscaped areas is not significant, a "C" value of 0.85 was used for entire site. For conservatism, the time of concentration (Tc) was assumed to be 5 minutes to each inlet. Refer to attached calculations (Appendix A) for each subarea's flow calculation. The intensity was found using Figure 3-2 (San Diego County Hydrology Manual). The subareas studied can be seen in Appendix A - Post-Development Hydrology. 3 Pipe Hydraulics First, pipes were sized using Manning's Equation and assuming additive flows heading downstream through the pipe system. These calculations can be seen in Appendix A. Second, the capacity of the system was then analyzed using "Hydraflow" computer program. "Hydraflow" uses design flows generated from the site hydrology to calculate hydraulic grade line and flow velocity. The software computes pipe hydraulics using the widely accepted "Standard Step" Method, in which iterative calculations are performed to achieve on overall system energy balance, as described in Bernoulli's Principal. The software makes an assumption at the upstream end about hydraulic grade elevation, and then checks for an energy balance between the two points after considering head loss due to pipe friction and junctions. The assumption process is repeated until the assumed upstream HGL achieves an energy balance, at which time a calculation is done to determine HGL based upon inlet control and is compared to the previous results from energy balance. The more conservative (higher) of the two elevations is added to a computed junction loss. The sum elevation becomes the control for the next upstream segment and the process is repeated. If an energy balance cannot be achieved the software sets the hydraulic grade line at critical depth, and proceeds to the next line. Detailed hydraulic calculations for each pipe segment during the 100-year event are included in Appendix B. ECR Corporate Center JN 55-100293 3 Hydrology and Hydraulics Report WF 4 Conclusions The post construction watershed and sub-areas have been identified and can be found on the Drainage Area Map in Appendix A. The Q100 has been calculated at the inlet points within each sub-area and a summary table has been included on the Drainage Area Map. The Rational Method assumptions made for this project can be seen in Section 2 Rational Hydrology. Runoff within the project site will discharge into a proposed onsite drain system. This proposed storm drain system will connect at the property boundary into an existing offsite storm drain system. The existing offsite system consists of a 30-inch pipe, which outlets through a D-41 energy dissipater into open space located south of the project site on the Daycare Center property. A previous drainage report, "Mass-Graded Hydrology Study for La Costa Greens Neighborhoods 1.1-1.3 & El Camino Real Widening" (August 23, 2005), was prepared to support the design of the existing outlet storm drain system. Based upon the Rational Method Formula as outlined in the "San Diego County Hydrology Manual" (1993), the approved master study anticipated and made allowance for a 100-year flow of 31.9 cfs over 10.3 acres to Node 113 (refer to Appendix D). For our development watershed of 6.1 acres draining to the project's onsite pipe system, final calculations show a 100-year flow of 26.5 cis. Additional offsite flow from the Daycare Center was calculated to be 7.7 cfs entering the existing 30" pipe (per a separate report entitled "Aspirations Daycare Center - Hydrology and Hydraulics Report", dated April 16, 2007). Therefore, a total combined flow of 34.1 cfs outlets through the existing D-41 energy dissipater onto the Daycare Center property. This increase represents about 4% additional flow compared to that originally estimated in the previous La Costa Greens Study. This increase is negligible, because the existing 30" outlet has sufficient capacity to handle these additional flows (see Appendices A and B). Table 4-1 - Comparison of Previous and Current studies Previous Mass-Graded Hydrology Study for La Costa Greens Neiahborhoods 1.1-1.3 & El Camino Real Widenina A* I I '-1OO 0.87 16.31 min 1 3.44 in/hr 110.3 acres 1 31.9 cfs Current Study I ECR Corporate Center Hydrology & Hydraulics Report C I Tc I I I A* I ECR Corp. 0.85 8.9 min 5.0 in/hr (from Daycare Hydrology Report) 6.16 acres 3.68 acres 26.5 cfs 7.67 cfs Daycare Total 9.78 acres 34.17 cfs * Decrease in total area contributing to flow is due to Daycare lot decrease. (see MS 05-05 and Map in Appendix D) ECR Corporate Center: JN 55-100293 4 Hydrology and Hydraulics Report PF izz LEGEND EXIST. CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR PROPOSED AREA DRAIN PROPOSED STORM DRAIN DRAINAGE FLOW PATH PROPOSED CURB PROPOSED ZERO—CURB SD p —SD= --rn-- DRAINAGE AREA / PROJECT BOUNDARY 7 \\ 1 7 TRASH ENCLOSURE BIORETENTION BASIN DRAINAGE BYPASS AREA DRAINAGE FLOW PATH DRAINAGE AREA TABLE # AREA (AC) Qioo A 0.446 2.80 CFS B 0.674 4.23 CFS C 0.130 CFS _0.82 D 0.235 .47 CFS - E 0.197 1.24 CFS - F 0.099 CFS _0.62 G 1.035 CFS _6.49 H 0.157 CFS _0.98 I 0.163 .02 CFS - J 0.205 .29 CFS - K 0.055 CFS _0.34 L 0.278 .74 CFS - M 0.195 1 .22 CFS - N 0.130 0.82 CFS 0 0.096 0.60 CFS P 0.515 3.23 CFS Q 0.108 0.68 CFS R 0.132 0.83 CFS S 0.637 3.99 CFS 1 0.628 3.94 CFS 24 * 0.500 2.70 CFS 26 ** 3.680 7.67 CFS ogz co k xll 14, \ 57 ff H 1EX. B-5 CLEOUI LI 7 61 EX,Q100 7.67 CF(Sl T .-_--_-. I EX D 41 ENERGY DISSIPATER\ STORM DRAIN PIPE DIA. 1 10" PVC 2 15" PVC 3 6" PVC 4 6" rvc 5 15" PVC 6 6" PVC 7 18" RCP 8 6" PVC 9 24" RCP 10 30" RCP ii 10" PVC 12 6" PVC 13 6" PVC 14 12" PVC 15 6" PVC 16 15" PVC 17 6" PVC 18 15" PVC 19 6" PVC 20 6" PVC 21 24" RCP 22 24" RCP 23 24" RCP 24 LX. 30" RCP 25 EX. 30" RCP 26 6" PVC 27 6" PVC 28 6" PVC *EXISTING OFFSITE DRAINAGE FLOWING THROUGH PROJECT SITE VIA EXISTING TERRACE DITCH. REMOVE & REPLACE APPROXIMATELY 42 LF OF EXISTING TERRACE DITCH WITH 18" RCP PIPE PER PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PLAN. **OFFSITE DRAINAGE FROM PARCEL 1 FLOWING TO EXISTING 30" RCP STORM DRAIN. R 40 0 40 80 120 NAG E AEA MJ: - — GRAPHIC SCALE T R I Irm"N1 \/V E L L N Et"hiSm" C E I\ T E FN". PLANNING r DESIGN CONSTRUCTION E(; R ElA 5050 AVENIDA ENCINAS STE 260 A r r CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 % I V4J I CONSULTING 760.476.91923 • FAX 760.476.9198 • www.RBF.com I. Hydraflow Plan View ECR 55100293 I Storr Line Line ID Flow Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor HGL Dns No. rate (cfs) size (in) length (ft) EL Dn (It) EL Up (ft) slope (%) down (ft) up (ft) loss (It) Junct (ft) line No. I EX PIPE #26 34.06 30 c 48.8 276.38 285.89 19.496 278.88 287.84 n/a 289.64 i End 2 EX PIPE #25 26.50 30 c 27.4 286.22 289.09 10.471 289.64 290.81 n/a 292.141 1 3 PIPE#10 26.93 30 c 86.3 289.42 290.50 1.252 292.14 292.24 n/a 293.57i 2 4 PIPE #9 9.62 24 c 263.8 291.00 297.06 2.297 293.57 298.16 n/a 298.811 3 5 PIPE #7 9.18 18 c 38.8 297.56 297.95 1.005 298.81 299.11 n/a 300.121 4 6 PIPE #5 7.63 15 c 111.2 298.20 299.35 1.034 300.12' 300.87' n/a 301.54 i 5 7 PIPE #2 6.39 15 c 50.4 299.35 299.87 1.032 301.54* 301.77' 0.60 302.37 6 8 PIPE #1 2.77 10 c 190.3 299.87 301.77 0.998 302.39' 303.85' 0.40 304.25 7 9 PIPE #23 15.21 24 c 179.9 291.00 292.68 0.934 293.57 294.27 n/a 294.77i 3 10 PIPE #22 12.60 24 c 83.7 293.01 293.60 0.705 294.77 294.86 n/a 295.701 9 11 PIPE #21 10.38 24 c 242.5 293.93 295.63 0.701 295.70 296.77 n/a 297.471 10 12 PIPE #18 6.87 15 c 182.7 296.38 298.21 1.001 297.47 299.26 n/a 300.311 11 13 PIPE #16 5.96 15 c 158.4 298.21 299.79 0.998 300.31 300.87 n/a 301.47i 12 14 PIPE #14 3.43 12 c 99.8 299.79 300.79 1.002 301.47' 301.91' n/a 302.061 13 15 PIPE #11 1.93 10 c 70.5 300.79 .301.63 1.191 302.06 302.25 n/a 302.731 14 16 PIPE #4 1.48 6 c 26.8 299.35 304.42 18.925 301.54 304.91 We 306.961 6 17 PIPE #6 1.23 6 c 36.5 298.95 302.26 9.068 300.12 302.75 n/a 304.111 5 18 PIPE #3 0.80 6 c 32.8 298.14 304.80 20.299 300.12 305.24 n/a 305.781 5 19 PIPE #8 0.61 6 c 69.9 297.06 303.97 9.891 298.81 304.37 n/a 304.711 4 20 PIPE #112 0.98 6 c 50.3 301.63 304.65 6.004 302.73 305.12 n/a 305.951 15 21 PIPE #13 1.29 6 c 55.0 300.79 304.65 7.025 302.06 305.14 We 306.661 14 22 PIPE #15 1.23 6 c 71.8 299.79 304.67 6.800 301.47 305.16 n/a 306.52i 13 23 PIPE #17 0.61 6 c .70.5 298.21 304.00 8.209 300.31 304.40 n/a 304.741 12 24 PIPE #20 1.42 6 c 55.4 295.95 303.27 13.213 297.47 303.76 n/a 305.65 i 11 25 PIPE #19 0.68 6 c 63.4 303.27 303.92 1.026 305.65' 306.09' 0.18 306.27 24 ECR 55100293 Number of lines: 25 Run Date: 05-10-2007 NOTES: c = cir e = ellip; b = box; Return period = 100 Yrs. ; *Surcharged (HGL above crown). ; i - Inlet control. Hydraflow Stoim Seweis 2005 Storm Sewer Tabulation Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff Area x C Ic Rain Total Cap Vol Pipe invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd I Rim Elev Line ID coeff (I) flow full Line - To lncr Total Incr Total Inlet Syst Size Slope Up Dn Up Dn Up Dn Line (ft) (ac) (ac) (C) (mm) (mm) (In/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/a) (in) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) I End 48.8 0.00 6.16 0.00 0.00 5.24 0.0 8.9 5.0 34.06 181.1 7.61 30 19.50 285.89 276.38 287.84 278.88 302.25 0.00 EX PIPE #26 2 1 27.4 0.00 6.16 0.00 0.00 5.24 0.0 8.8 5.1 26.50 132.7 6.38 30 10.47 289.09 286.22 290.81 289.64 301.80 302.25 EX PIPE #25 3 2 86.3 1.04 6.16 0.85 0.88 5.24 5.0 8.6 5.1 26.93 45.89 6.44 30 1.25 290.50 289.42 292.24 292.14 300.00 301.80 PIPE #10 4 3 263.8 0.00 1.79 0.00 0.00 1.52 0.0 6.2 6.3 9.62 34.28 4.25 24 2.30 297.06 291.00 298.16 293.57 305.90 300.00 PIPE #9 5 4 38.8 0.00 1.69 0.00 0.00 1.44 0.0 6.1 6.4 9:18 10.53 6.06 18 1.01 297.95 297.56 299.11 298.81 306.15 305.90 PIPE #7 6 5 111.2 0.00 1.36 0.00 0.00 1.16 0.0 5.8 6.6 7.63 9.49 6.21 15 1.03 299.35 298.20 300.87 300.12 306.20 306.15 PIPE #5 7 6 50.4 0.67 1.12 0.85 0.57 0.95 5.0 5.6 6.7 6.39 9.48 5.21 15 1.03 299.87 299.35 301.77 301.54 304.62 306.20 PIPE #2 8 7 190.3 0.45 0.45 0.85 0.38 0.38 5.0 5.0 7.2 2.77 3.16 5.07 10 1.00 301.77 299.87 303.85 302.39 304.84 304.62 PIPE #1 9 3 179.9 0.63 3.33 0.85 0.54 2.83 5.0 8.0 5.4 15.21 21.86 5.25 24 0.93 292.68 291.00 294.27 293.57 298.23 300.O0 PIPE #23 10 9 83.7 0.64 2.70 0.85 0.54 2.30 5.0 7.7 5.5 12.60 18.99 5.16 24 0.71 293.60 293.01 294.86 294.77 299.95 298.23 PIPE #22 11 10 242.5 0.52 2.06 0.85 0.44 1.75 5.0 6.9 5.9 10.38 18.94 4.56 24 0.70 295.63 293.93 296.77 295.70 302.80 299.95 PIPE #21 12 11 182.7 0.13 1.30 0.85 0.11 1.11 5.0 6.4 6.2 6.87 9.33 6.15 15 1.00 298.21 296.38 299.26 297.47 303.61 302.80 PIPE #18 13 12 158.4 0.28 1.07 0.85 0.24 0.91 5.0 5.8 6.6 5.96 9.32 5.09 15 1.00 299.79 298.21 300.87 300.31 303.60 303.61 PIPE #16 14 13 99.8 0.06 0.59 0.85 0.05 0.50 5.0 5.5 6.8 3.43 5.15 4.37. 12 1.00 300.79 299.79 301.91 301.47 305.02 303.60 PIPE #14 15 14 70.5 0.16 0.32 0.85 0.14 0.27 5.0 5.2 7.1 1.93 3.45 3.98 10 1.19 301.63 300.79 302.25 302.06 305.07 305.02 PIPE #11 16 6 26.8 0.24 0.24 0.85 0.20 0.20 5.0 5.0 7.2 1.48 3.52 7.52 6 18.93 304.42 299.35 304.91 301.54 307.25 306.20 PIPE #4 17 5 36.5 0.20 0.20 0.85 0.17 0.17 5.0 5.0 7.2 1.23 2.44 6.28 6 9.07 302.26 298.95 302.75 300.12 304.93 306.15 PIPE #6 18 5 32.8 0.13 0.13 0.85 0.11 0.11 5.0 5.0 7.2 0.80 3.65 4.20 6 20.30 304.80 298.14 305.24 300.12 307.30 306.15 PIPE #3 19 4 69.9 0.10 0.10 0.85' 0.09 0.09 5.0 5.0 7.2 0.61 2.55 3.40 6 9.89 303.97 297.06 304.37 298.81 306.47 305.90 PIPE #8 20 15 50.3 0.16 0.16 0.85 0.14 0.14 5.0 5.0 7.2 0.98 1.98 5.07 6 6.00 304.65 301.63 305.12 302.73 307.32 305.07 PIPE #12 21 14 55.0 0.21 0.21 0.85 0.18 0.18 5.0 5.0 7.2 1.29 2.15 6.59 6 7.02 304.65 300.79 305.14 302.06 307.32 305.02 PIPE #13 ECR 55100293 S Number of lines: 25 Run Date: 05-10-2007 NOTES: Intensity = 20.53/ (Inlet time + 0.10) '0.64; Return period = 100 Yrs. Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2005 Storm Sewer Tabulation Page 2 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff Area x C Ic Rain Total Cap Vol Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd I Rim Elev Line ID - - coeff (I) flow full - Line To lncr Total lncr Total Inlet Syst Size Slope Up Dn Up Dn Up Dn Line (ft) (ac) (ac) (C) (mm) (mm) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/a) (In) (%) (ft) (ft) M. (ft) (ft) (It) 22 13 71.8 0.20 0.20 0.85 0.17 0.17 5.0 5.0 7.2 1.23 2.11 6.28 6 6.80 304.67 299.79 305.16 301.47 307.34 303.60 PIPE #15 23 12 70.5 0.10 0.10 0.85 0.09 0.09 5.0 5.0 7.2 0.61 2.32 3.40 6 8.21 304.00 298.21 304.40 300.31 306.50 303.61 PIPE #17 24 11 55.4 0.13 0.24 0.85 0.11 0.20 5.0 5.3 7.0 1.42 2.94 7.25 6 13.21 303.27 295.95 303.76 297.47 306.36 302.80 PIPE #20 25 24 63.4 0.11 0.11 0.85 0.09 0.09 5.0 5.0 7.2 0.68 0.82 3.44 6 1.03 303.92 303.27 306.09 305.65 306.42 306.36 PIPE #19 ECR 55100293 Number of lines: 25 Run Date: 05-10-2007 NOTES: Intensity = 20.53/ (Inlet time + 0.10) "0.64; Return period = 100 Yrs. Hydraflow Storm Sows 2005 Hydraulic Grade Line Computations Page 1 Line Size Q Downstream Len Upstream Check JL Minor coeff loss Invert HG L Depth Area Vol Vol EGL Sf Invert HGL Depth Area Vol Vol EGL Sf Ave Enrgy elev elev head elev elev elev head elev Sf loss (in) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sqft) (ftls) (ft) (ft) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sqft) (ft/a) (ft) (ft) (%) (%) (ft) (K) (ft) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) I 30 34.06 276.38 278.88 2.50 4.91 6.94 0.75 279.63 n/a 48.8 285.89 287.84j 1.95** 4.11 8.29 1.07 288.911 n/a n/a n/a 1.06 n/a 2 30 26.50 286.22 289.64 2.50 4.91 5.40 0.45 290.10 n/a 27.4 289.09 290.81 j 1.72" 3.60 7.36 0.84 291.651 n/a n/a n/a 0.15 n/a 3 30 26.93 289.42 292.14 2.50 4.91 5.49 0.47 292.61 n/a 86.3 290.50 292.24j 1.74" 3.65 7.38 0.85 293.091 n/a n/a -0.367 1.91 n/a 4 24 9.62 291.00 293.57 2.00 3.14 3.06 0.15 293.72 n/a 264 297.06 298.16j 1.10** 1.77 5.44 0.46 298.621 n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a 5 18 9.18 297.56 298.81 1.25 1.57 5.85 0.53 299.34 n/a 38.8 297.95 299.11 j 1.16 1.46 6.28 0.61 299.721 n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a 6 15 7.63 298.20 300.12 1.25 1.23 6.21 0.60 300.72 n/a 111 299.35 300.87 1.25 1.23 6.21 0.60 301.47i n/a n/a 0.143 1.00 n/a 7 15 6.39 299.35 301.54 1.25 1.23 5.21 0.42 301.96 0.470 50.4 299.87 301.77 1.25 1.23 5.21 0.42 302.20 0.470 0.470 0.237 1.42 0.60 8 10 2.77 299.87 302.39 0.83 0.55 5.07 0.40 302.79 0.765 190 301.77 303.85 0.83 0.55 5.07 .0.40 304.25 0.765 0.765 1.455 1.00 0.40 9 24 15.21 291.00 293.57 2.00 3.14 4.84 0.36 293.94 n/a 180 292.68 294.27 1.59 2.68 5.66 0.50 294.77i n/a We 0.335 1.50 n/a 10 24 12.60 293.01 294.77 1.76 2.93 4.29 0.29 295.06 n/a 83.7 293.60 294.86j 1.26" 2.09 6.03 0.57 295.431 n/a n/a -0.199 0.90 n/a 11 24 10.38 293.93 295.70 1.77 2.94 3.53 0.19 295.90 n/a 242 295.63 296.77J 1.14" 1.85 5.60 0.49 297.26i n/a n/a n/a 1.50 n/a 12 15 6.87 296.38 297.47 1.09 1.14 6.04 0.57 298.04 n/a 183 298.21 299.26j 1.05' 1.10 6.25 0.61 299.871 n/a n/a n/a 1.50 n/a 13 15 5.96 298.21 300.31 1.25 1.23 4.86 0.37 300.68 n/a 158 299.79 300.87 1.08 1.12 5.31 0.44 301.30i n/a n/a 0.185 1.50 n/a 14 12 3.43 299.79 301.47 1.00 0.79 4.37 0.30 301.77 n/a 99.8 300.79 301.91 1.00 0.79 4.37 0.30 302.211 n/a n/a 0.147 1.50 n/a 15 10 1.93 300.79 302.06 0.83 0.55 3.53 0.19 302.26 n/a 70.5 301.63 302.25j 0.62" 0.43 4.43 0.31 302.551 n/a n/a -0.007 1.50 n/a 16 6 1.48 299.35 301.54 0.50 0.20 7.51 0.88 302.41 n/a 26.8 304.42 304.91 j 0.49" 0.20 7.53 0.88 305.801 n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a 17 6 1.23 298.95 300.12 0.50 0.20 6.26 0.61 300.73 n/a 36.5 302.26 302.75j 0.49 0.20 6.30 0.62 303.371 n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a 18 6 0.80 298.14 300.12 0.50 0.18 4.07 0.26 300.38 n/a 32.8 304.80 305.24j 0.44" 0.18 4.33 0.29 305.541 n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a 19 6 0.61 297.06 298.81 0.50 0.20 3.13 0.15 298.96 n/a 69.9 303.97 304.37j 0.40" 0.17 3.67 0.21 304.58i n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a 20 6 0.98 301.63 302.73 0.50 0.19 5.01 0.39 303.13 n/a 50.3 304.65 305.12j 0.47 0.19 5.12 0.41 305.531 n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a 21 6 1.29 300.79 302.06 0.50 0.20 6.57 0.67 302.73 n/a 55.0 304.65 305.14j 0.49" 0.20 1 6.61 0.68 305.821 n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a ECR 55100293 [Number of lines: 25 [n Date: 05-10-2007 Notes: ; " Critical depth.; i-Line contains hyd. jump. Hydraulic Grade Line Computations Page 2 Line Size Q Downstream Len Upstream Check JL Minor coeff loss Invert HGL Depth Area Vol Vol EGL St Invert - HGL Depth Area Vol Vol EGL St Ave Enrgy olov elov head dcv cloy elev, head dcv Sf loss (in) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sqft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sqft) (ft/a) (ft) (ft) (%) (%) (ft) (K) (ft) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) 22 6 1.23 299.79 301.47 0.50 0.20 6.26 0.61 302.08 n/a 71.8 304.67 305.161 0.49 0.20 6.30 0.62 305.781 n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a 23 6 0.61 298.21 300.31 0.50 0.20 3.13 0.15 300.47 n/a 70.5 304.00 304.401 0.40" 0.17 3.67 0.21 304.611 n/a n/a n/a 1.00 n/a 24 6 1.42 295.95 297.47 0.50 0.20 7.24 0.81 298.29 n/a 55.4 303.27 303.76j 0.49" 0.20 7.26 0.82 304.58i n/a n/a n/a 0.50 n/a 25 6. 0.68 303.27 305.65 0.50 0.20 3.44 0.18 305.83 0.697 63.4 303:92 306.09 0.50 0.20 3.44 0.18 306.27 0.697 0.697 0.442 1.00 0.18 ECR 55100293 {Number of lines: 25 [n Date: 05-10-2007 Notes: ; " Critical depth.; J-Line contains hyd. jump. Hydraflow HGL Computation Procedure General Procedure: Hydraflow computes the HGL using the Bernoulli energy equation. Manning's equation Is used to determine energy losses due to pipe friction. In a standard step, iterative procedure, Hydraflow assumes upstream HGLs until the energy equation balances. If the energy equation cannot balance, supercritical flow exists and critical depth is temporarily assumed at the upstream end. A supercritical flow Profile is then computed using the same procedure in a downstream direction using momentum principles. The computed HGL is checked against inlet control. Col. I The line number being computed. Calculations begin at Line I and proceed upstream. Col. 2 The line size. in the case of non-circular pipes, the line rise Is printed above the span. Col. 3 Total flow rate In the line. Col. 4 The elevation of the downstream Invert. Col. 5 Elevation of the hydraulic grade line at the downstream end. This is computed as the upstream HGL + Minor loss of this line's downstream line. Col. 6 The downstream depth of flow inside the pipe (HGL - Invert elevation) but not greater than the line size. Col. 7 Cross-sectional area of the flow at the downstream end. Col. 8 The velocity of the flow at the downstream end, (Col. 3/ Col. 7). Col. 9 Velocity head (Velocity squared / 2g). Col.. 10 The elevation of the energy grade line at the downstream end, HGL + Velocity head, (Col. 5 + Col. 9). Col. 11 The friction slope at the downstream end (the S or Slope term in Manning's equation). Col. 12 The line length. Col. 13 The elevatiOn of the upstream invert. Col. 14 Elevation of the hydraulic grade line it the upstream end. Col. 15 The upstream depth of flow inside the pipe (HGL - Invert elevation) but not greater than the line size. Col. 16 Cross-sectional area of the flow at the upstream end. Col. 17 The velocity of.the flow at the upstream end, (Col. 3/ Col. 16). Col. 18 Velocity head (Velocity squared / 2g). Col. 19 The elevation of the energy grade line at the upstream end, HGL + Velocity head, (Col. 14 + Cal. 18). Col. 20 The friction slope at the upstream end (the S or Slope term in Manning's equation). Cal. 21 The average of the downstream and upstream friction slopes. Col. 22 Energy loss. Average Sf/100 x Line Length (Col. 21/100 x Cal. 12). Equals (EGL upstream - EGL downstream) +/- tolerance.. Col. 23 The junction loss coefficient (K). Col. 24 Minor loss. (Cal. 23 x Col. 18). Is added to upstream HGL and used as the starting HGL for the next upstream line(s). Page 1 / H rc // \/ A / 1 / -CONSERVATION EASEMENT TO/ // \ \ \ \/ \ \ 3' RIBBON GUTTER / - /STATE%OO68O64O / \ \ [0 CUR \\ \ I /I/I/I /i 110. DATE - 09/21/2001 BI0RETEN] ION AREA / ! - j/// / // / I / JNLET #17 \ INLET #2O v/ / / O2.80TG 6 299.95'TG \ 7 ----- / '296.38 INV l5"IN\ 29393 INV 24"T' 0" CURB ?9563 INV 24' 0 INV 24"OUT 'AREA 3 __-BIORETENTION f r R IM P F 1\1 0, j BIORETENHON AREAI S 21 ___ 295.95 INV 6 3 0" CURB 298.23 TG IN V, 0 \L 93 .01 292 INV 24" OUT I INLET #19 z" / 1,305.60 TG IF 303.22 TNIV EX. 12" PVC WATERLINE PER DWG'. 400-813 30' ACCESS ESMT FOR ECR INLET #18 oc 7, CORPORATE CENTER L.P.,' PROPOSED 5.5' COVENANT-`'D0C. 2006-0958208 \ - / \ NLET #16 \Q,304.10 INV OF ESMT FOR RECIPROCAL ACCESS DATE 1/26/06 \ \ 305.60 TG y TO STATE' OF CA/ 299.20 TOP DOC. )640 PRflFC3ED 20' WATER ESMT / \ - (DATE 09/21/2001 FF=306 6 INL 298 35 INV' BUILDING B INLET #15 W\1 "CONSERVATION EASEMENT _~~,PRbPOSED 20' WATER ESMT 4111 If 30' ACCESS ESMT. Ap METROPOLITAWSTR~ET 299.12 INV -1 'INLET #71 PER DOC. 2006-0058208 f DATE 1/26/06 291.00 INV 24- 6 ThRETENTIoN AREA H INV 305.80 TG 305.30 o" CURB / ET# CURB A - 5 [I ~L'07` 20//( 304.30 IN 11 / . 8 W - \ BIORETENTION AREA 3=1 I 303.60 TG 2 NLET #13 / 297.07 TOP 24 INLET #14 1 99.80 INV TI ~N 11 ( iI j /1 J J J 543/p k1 / 304.73 I 300.69 INV 6" 296 82 INV 24"U V \ \ 29-7.32 3 RIBBON GUTTER 28942 INV 30 300.41 INV 12 305.50 RIM' N' CURB 301.80 TG INV 18"IN "IN 4'' / / - . 0,T 3' RIBBON GUTTER 7 289 .09 IN EX. \ /// 1% 13 7 INLET #5 if 1 / / 1 * / Z(\ A(\ Tr' ,' - / /INLET #11 INLET #12 1 30590 \ 295.57 INV 24" i ) \ - - EX. D-41 ENERGY DISSIPATER \ 1305.O2 TG 306.10 TG 'v :\ I \'6.32 INV 6" \ -281.8O TIN ,39O.7 INV 304.65 INV 1 -- -- --\ 276.38 FL ('302.25 RIM / 298.14 INV 6" / BUILDING A 297.64 INV 18" 286 INV EX. 3O"IN- \ / PER STORM DRAIN) FF=307.4 285.89 INV EX. 30"OUT / 01 301.51 301 34 INV 10 PAD=306.6 flRl T k,S INLET 4 20' STORM DRAIN ESMT TO _______________________ 'i'.'.u'uiivi ZCA rz rr' 'r r,Arr r.rIrrr I INV 6" - U't..)' ""L.rc L)rcrur-\Ir L.UN11.N L.r. 12 INLET #9 302.26 INV "-J PER DOC. 2006-0923091 / I INLET iO 306.80 TG 1 297.95 INV 18"OUT - j_- PROPOSED 5,5' COVENANT OF ESMT vi DATE 12/7/06 305.07 TG -1~71 303.86 INV I I I L_- I FOR RECIPROCAL ACCESS - 55 2 301.63 INV - ) 299.12 INV 1' - -ì INLET #22 s-' 299.50 INV 6"\.1J , - j._-EX. 8" PVC SS PER DWG NO. 397-2Z 306. 70 ' \ iv 1 INLET #3 I 35' COVENANT OF ESMT 306.52 TG \\\ -\ Log, INLET #23 305.02 INV\ -\- ' J-c / FOR R PRIVATE UTILITIES ECIPROCAL ACCESS 306.10 TG 1 -\ I / DOC. 2005-1054411 / 304.60 INV - 7 DATE 12/07/05 PiM I 1 88 PARCEL I ACCESS ESMT FOR ECR PROPOSED 20' WATER ESMT \NOUT # 1 CORPORATE CENTER L.P. jo L 4 3c 36T b W1 DOC. 2006-0058208 3' RIBBON GUTTER---- --------299 35 INV__ 0 7' CURB - 300.13 TOP 15"D DATE 1/26/06 .IMS (O5OS UT U R I IM P R 0 V IM INT':~ BIORETNION AREA- - SS -BIORETEN ION AREA PER SDPO6- I 3/SUP O6- 13 - HL " - H L \ INLET #1 I I - INLET #2 1 - 30' SEWER ESMT TO -- 304.84 TG ' 2 2 304.62 TG, - I CITY OF CARLSBAD PER 0" CURB 301.77 INV 299.87 INV 0" CURB /. 000. 2006-0508575 - - - '\ DATE 7/19/06 30' SEWER ESMT. TO CITY OF CARLSBAD PER - - - I DOC. 2006-0508575 DATE 7/19/06 1PR0P0SED20'WATERESMT -cç -- - - - ', - -- L_ : -- 1' / - - - , - 1-EX. 8" PVC SS PER - 5. / I I DWG NO. 397-2Z ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- - - - - - N - V ------/_ ----------------------tL:r _:--: ::i-::/E -: - 55 ----- - R7W - - - - - - S - / f4 * -EXISTING 20" STEEL / -----------------------------------WATER LINE PER -- - -- - /5 -- - - - - I SLOPE ESMT. TO COUNTY OF SAN/ - - - - - [-30' ESMT. TO SDG&E PER - EL CAMINO REAL. ' DIEGO AND CITY OF CARLSBAD PER 9a - 29/ - - 29 OC. - 60-151772 __y - ___ 7 1 ___ ___ ___ ___ - '292 - DOG. : 70-130797 - ___ - ___ ___ - ___ DATE-07/27/1960, -- - - - - DATE - 07/24/70' W - - - ---- - -W- --- - * - - -- - --------- - - 27T I CONSULTANT: lof ESSIO* PLANNING • DESIGN CONSTRUCTION M. _ c 5050 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE 260 u-i No. C60283 ..' CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Exp. 06-30-08 C ON EU LTI N 13 760.476.9193 • FAX 760.476.9198 • www.RBF.com ENGINEER OF WORK: Civ - % TIMOTHY M. THIELE 760-603-6243 ]lUiHlO]•[SIil AREA DRAIN PER DETAIL SHEET 3 WITH KRISTAR FLO-GARD+PLUS CATCH BASIN FILTER INSERT 12"x 12" MODEL NO. FGP-12F OR APPROVED EQUAL. INSTALL PRECAST INLET PER DETAIL SHEET 3 WITH KRISTAR FLO-GARD+ PLUS CATCH BASIN FILTER INSERT 24"x 24" MODEL NO. FGP-24F OR APPROVED EQUAL. CONCRETE LUG PER SDRSD D-63. INSTALL BROOKS PRODUCTS INC. 2424 CB WITH 2424T24 TOP, 24241336 BOTTOM, & BOLT DOWN STEEL COVER. INSTALL TYPE A-4 CLEANOUT PER SDRSD D-9. INSTALL SINGLE TYPE G CATCH BASIN PER SDRSD 0-8 WITH KRISTAR FLO-GARD+ PLUS CATCH BASIN FILTER INSERT 24" x 36" MODEL NO. FGP-2436F OR APPROVED EQUAL. ® 6" PVC WYE CONNECTION. STORM DRAIN DATA TABLE nNo BEARING/DELTA RADIUS - LENGTH NOTE SLOPE 1 N080 07'54"E -- - 190.29' 10" PVC 1.0% 2 N610 20'55"W -- - 50.39' 15" PVC 1.0% 3 N370 44'21"E -- - 37.24' 6" PVC 20.8% 4 N080 07'54"E -- - 30.12' 6" PVC 19.0% 5 N81052'06"W -- - 113.17' 15" PVC 1.0% 6 N080 07'54"E -- - 34.50' 6" PVC 9.1% 7 N520 15'39"W -- - 62.98' 18" RCP 1.0% 8 N78043'28"E -- - 33.08' 6" PVC 24.1% 9 N11 0 16'32"W -- - 233.86' 24" RCP 2.5% 10 N78044'58"E -- - 86.25' 30" RCP 1.3% 11 N890 17'07"W -- - 64.00' 10" PVC 1.3% 12 N01 003'51"E -- - 43.42' 6" PVC 4.7% 13 N25029'44"E -- - 25.45' 6" PVC 15.6% 14 N64030'16"W -- - 106.14' 12" PVC 0.9% 15 N660 19'01"E -- - 70.28' 6" PVC 8.0% 16 N23040'59"W -- - 144.72' 15 PVC 1.0% 17 N26051'10"E -- - 88.38' 6" PVC 1.0% 18 N32027'44"W -- - 196.83' 15 PVC 1.0% 19 N63008'50"E -- - 69.04' 6" PVC 1.3% 20 N83056'22"W -- - 53.48' 6" PVC 13.6% 21 N06003'38"E -- - 242.47' 24" RCP 0.7% 22 N39003'20"E -- - 83.68' 24" RCP 0.7% 23 N460 15'49"W -- - 179.89' 24" RCP 0.9% 24 N800 18' 50"E -- - 27.40' EX. 30" RCP 10.4% 25 N09 0 41'10"W -- - 48.78' EX. 30" RCP 19.5% 26 N880 49' 43"E -- - 40.34' 6" PVC 1.0% 27 N880 49'43"E -- - 34.19' 6" PVC 1.0% 28 N280 35'41"W -- 57.34' 6" PVC 1.0% là I kowmmw A. Q 0 LU m 0 LU 0 0 F- P.E. ________ EXP. REVIEWED BY: DATE INSPECTOR DATE SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS 7 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 9 STORM DRAIN PLANS FOR: EL CAMINO REAL CORPORATE CENTER CARLSBAD, CA APPROVED: DAVID A. HAUSER DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER PE 33081 EXP 6/30/08 DATE DATE: DATE I INITIAL R.C.E #60283 ENGINEER OF WORK I IDWN BY: DW I PROJECT NO. 'DRAWING NO.1 DATE INIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: SDP 05-18(A) 451-9A REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL [RVWD BY: ___________________