2450 Auto Park Way
Escondido, California 92029-1229
Job #09-159-F Phonc (760) 743-1214
Fax (760) 739-0343
April 8, 2009 RECEIVED
Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County NOV 1 6 2009
Attention: Mr. Gary Webb
5835 Avenida Encinas, Suite #118 ENGINEERING
Carlsbad, California 92008 DEPARTMENT
In accordance with the request of Mr. Jim Thayer of Timeless Architecture, and the requirement set
forth in a report previously prepared by this office for review after six months, this report is written
to bring the foundation recommendations put forth in that report into current standards, and to
discuss remedial grading that will be required prior to construction of the proposed residence.
The following listed Site Plan and document have been reviewed in order to provide this update C1
report: I.i..1
-J Site Plan prepared by Timeless Architecture.
"R-Value Test Result, Pavement/Base Thickness and Sub/Basegrade Recommendations For
On Site Improvements, Daybreak Community Church", report prepared by this office, dated -
August 10, 2001, Job #00-248-F.
"As-Graded Compaction Report and Foundation Recommendations For Proposed Daybreak
Community Church, Lot #8, Map #13434, Located at 6515 Ambrosia Lane, City of Carlsbad
Drawing #392-6A", prepared by this office, dated August 17, 2001, Job #00-248-F.
This site was previously graded as a "cut" lot during bulk grading operations conducted from
September 1996 through June 1998 for the Aviara Phase II project. A final as-graded compaction
report was issued by Geotechnics Incorporated, dated June 25, 1998.
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Update Compaction Report, Proposed 2-Story Building Addition Page 2
Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
Our involvement in 2001 included grading operations to finalize elevations in order to provide a near
flat area for the proposed building and parking areas. Grading observations and compaction testing
were conducted periodically by this office during the remedial and fine grading operations, for the
period of July 25, 2001 through August 13,2001. An as-graded compaction report with compaction
results and foundation recommendations was issued by this office as indicated above.
Grading was conducted in substantial conformance with Appendix Chapter 33, latest edition of the
California Building Code, and the Grading Ordinance for the City of Carlsbad. All observations and
testing, were conducted by a representative from this office as indicated above.
In our opinion, all embankments and excavations were constructed in substantial
conformance with the provided grading plan, and are acceptable for their intended use.
A site inspection was made by a representative from this office on March 25, 2009, and found the site
to be visually the same with respect to pad elevation, location of, and height of cut and fill slopes.
Therefore, the building pad remains substantially as reported in the subject report.
It is our understanding that a new 2-story classroom building supported on shallow stiff concrete
footings with slab on grade construction is planned directly south the existing worship center. The
existing parking and curbs are to be removed prior to construction.
Maximum Dry Density Optimum Moisture Tests: The maximum dry density and
optimum moisture contents ofthe different soil types used as compacted fill were determined
in accordance with ASTM Method D-1557 during the previous grading operations.
Expansion Tests: Expansion tests were conducted per 2001 UBC Standard Procedure 18-2
on a representative sample of the "clayey" soils during the previous grading operations of
Aviara Phase ii, in order to determine the expansion potential and to provide appropriate
foundation recommendations. As no new soils were encountered during our involvement,
no additional testing was conducted.
Direct Shear Tests: Direct shear tests were conducted on representative samples of the on
site soils during the previous grading operations of Aviara Phase II in order to determine the
allowable bearing capacity and to provide retaining wall design parameters. As no new soils
were encountered during the grading operations, no additional testing was conducted.
Corrosion Testing: pH-Resistivity, sulfate, and chloride testing will be conducted on the
foundation soils after the completion.of remedial grading operations.
VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. • 2450 Auto Park Ways Escondido, California 92022-1229 Phone (760) 743-1214
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Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
A. Remedial Grading
Remove the existing parking asphalt, curbs and sidewalks. Fine grading will be required
in order to provide a level area for the proposed building and associated improvements.
Areas outside the pavement were found to be soft and compressible to a depth of one to
three feet, and are no longer suitable for the support of structures. Removal and re-
compact of the upper soils can be determined after removal of the paved parking area.
Based on the limited information of the soils beneath- the currently paved areas, it is
recommended that the upper soils to a minimum depth of 3-feet or 12 inches below the
bottom of the deepest footing be removed and re-compacted where ever structures are
to be placed. Removals should include the structure's footprint, plus a 5 foot perimeter
where possible. The bottom ofthe excavations should be "ripped" an additional 6 inches,
moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content, and compacted to a minimum
of 90% of the corresponding laboratory maximum dry density. The bacidill of the
excavations should also be moisture conditioned and re-compacted as described above.
Testing is to be conducted to confirm minimum compaction requirements.
Shallower removals and re-compact beneath proposed concrete flatwork outside of the
5-foot building perimeter will be required based-on site conditions found after removal
of the existing paved parking area.
5. All abandoned underground utilities should be removed and the backfill of the trenching
be properly compacted to a minimum of 90%.
6. Any import soils shall be approved by the project geotechnical engineer prior to delivery
to the site.
B. Foundations, Monolithic Pour System
Conventional shallow foundations with stem walls and slab-on-grade floors, or slab-on-ground
with turned-down footings.
VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. '2450 Auto Park Way • Escondido, California 92029-1229 0 Phone (760) 743-1214
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Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
The following minimum foundation recommendations for medium expansive (Expansion Index
less than 91) bearing soils, classified using the "Unified Soil Classification System" or "USCS"
as SM, with minimal indicated fill differential depth of should be adhered to, and incorporated
into the foundation plans. Foundation plans and details may be submitted to our office for
review, to insure conformance with our recommendations;
Continuous strip stem wall foundations and turned-down footings should be a minimum
of 24-inches deep measured below the lowest adjacent ground surface not including the
sand under the slab. Continuous strip foundations should have a minimum width of 12-
inches for one story and 15-inches for two story structures. Spread pad footings should
be at least 24-inches square and 18-inches deep, for one and two story structures.
Exterior continuous foundations or turned-down footings should enclose the entire
building perimeter.
Continuous interior and exterior stem wall fOundations should be reinforced with a
minimum of four #4 reinforcing bars. Place two bars 3-inches below the top of the stem,
and the other two bars 3-inches above the bottom of the footing. Turned-down footings
should be reinforced with a minimum of two #4 bars top and two #4 bars at the bottom.
Reinforcement for spread pad footings should be designed by the project structural
Foundations where the surface of the ground slopes more than 1-unit vertical in 10-units
horizontal (10% slope), shall be level or shall be stepped so that both top and bottom of
such foundation are level. Individual steps in continuous footings shall not exceed 18-
inches in height and the slope of a series of such steps shall not exceed 1-unit vertical to•
2-units horizontal (50%) unless otherwise specified. The steps shall be detailed on the
structural drawings. The local effects due to the discontinuity of the steps shall also be
considered in the design of foundations as appropriate and applicable.
Open or backfllled trenches parallel with a footing shall not be below a plane having a
downward slope of 1 unit vertical to 2 units horizontal (50%) from a line 9-inches above
the bottom edge of the footing, and not closer than 18-inches from the face of such
Where pipes cross under footings, the footings shall be specially designed. Pipe sleeves
shall be provided where pipes cross through footings or footing walls and sleeve
clearances shall provide for possible footing settlement, but not less than 1-inch all
around the pipe.
All interior slabs should be a minimum of 5-inches in thickness reinforced with #3
reinforcing bars spaced 18-inches on center each way, placed midheight in the slab. Use
VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. • 2450 Auto Park Way Escondido, California 92029-1229 • Phone (760) 743-1214
Update Compaction Report, Proposed 2-Story Building Addition Page 5
Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County . April 8, 2009
4-inches of clean sand (SE 30 or greater) beneath all slabs. A well performing
moisture/vapor retardant (I 0-milor greater) must be placed midheight in the sand. Joints
in the moisture/vapor retardant should be overlapped a minimum of 12-inches.
The project architect should review the moisture requirements of the proposed flooring
system and incorporate an appropriate level of moisture protection as part of the floor
covering design.
Provide re-entrant (±270° corners) reinforcement for all interior slabs as generally shown
on the enclosed "Isolation Joints and Re-Entrant Corner Reinforcement" detail. Re-
entrant corners will depend on slab geometry and/or interior column locations.
The clayey soil should not be allowed to dry before pouring the concrete. The soil should
be 3% to 5% above the optimum moisture content at 18 inches below slab subgrade.
This office should be notified 72 hours prior to pouring the footings and slab to
inspect the footing trenches and to verify the moisture conditions.
Provide "soft-cut" contraction/control joints consisting of sawcuts spaced 10-feet on
center maximum each way for all interior slabs. Cut as soon as the slab will support the
weight of the saw, and operate without disturbing the final finish, which is normally
within 2-hours after final finish at each control joint location, or when the compressive
strength reaches 150 to 800 psi. The "soft-cut" must be a minimum of 1-inch in depth
and must not exceed 1 'h-inch in depth or the reinforcing may be damaged. Anti-ravel
skid plates should be used and replaced with each blade to avoid spafling and raveling.
Avoid wheeled equipment across cuts for at least 24-hours.
C. Soil Design Parameters
The following soil design parameters are based upon the on site soils used during the grading
of the building pad:
Use a friction angle of 33 degrees.
Use a wet density of 118.0 pcf.
Use a coefficient of friction of 0.35 for concrete on compacted soils.
Use an active pressure of 35 pcf equivalent fluid pressure for cantilever, unrestrained
walls with level backfill surface.
VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. • 2450 Auto Park Way' Escondido, California 92029-1229 • Phone (760) 743-1214
Update Compaction Report, Proposed 2-Story Building Addition Page 6
Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
Use an active pressure of45 pcf equivalent fluid pressure for cantilever unrestrained walls
with a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) backfill.
Use an at rest pressure of 56 pcf equivalent fluid pressure for restrained walls.
Use a passive resistance of 384 pcf equivalent fluid pressure for level condition at the toe.
Use an allowable foundation pressure of 2,000 psf for minimum 12-inch wide by 24-inch
deep footings.
Use an allowable lateral bearing pressure of 100 psf per foot for all structures except
retaining walls.
Use a minimum safety factor of 1.5 for wall overturning and sliding stability. Because
large movements must take place before maximum passive resistance can be developed,
a safety factor of 2.0 may be considered if sensitive structures or improvements are
planned near or adjacent to the top of the wall.
When combining passive and frictional resistance, the passive component should be
reduced by one-third.
The allowable soil bearing pressure provided herein was determined for footings having
a minimum width of 12-inches and a minimum depth of 24-inches below the lowest
adjacent ground surface. This value may be increased 20% for each additional foot of
depth, and 10% for each additional foot of width to a maximum of 4,500 psf, if needed.
The allowable soil bearing pressure provided herein is for dead plus live loads and may
be increased by one-third for wind and seismic loading.
The lateral bearing earth pressures may be increased by the amount of the designated
value for each additional foot of depth to a maximum of 1,500 pounds per square foot.
These values are for the tested on site soils only. Additional testing and
recommendations will be required for any new or import soils that are not tested
and approved.
D. Seismic Ground Motion Values
For design purposes, site specific seismic ground motion values were determined in
accordance with the California Building Code (CBC). The following parameters are
VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 0 2450 Auto Park Ways Escondido, California 92029-1229 'Phone (760) 7434214
Update Compaction Report, Proposed 2-Story Building Addition Page 7
Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
consistent with the indicated project seismic environment and our experience with similar
earth deposits in the vicinity of the project site, and may be utilized for project design work.
Site Class I Ss I si I Fa I Fv I SMs I SM1 I SDs I SD1
B 1.189 0.449 1 1 1.489 0.449 0.793 0.299
According to Chapter 16, Section 1613 of the 2007 California Building Code. I
Ss: Mapped MCE, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods.
Si: Mapped MCE, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of!-
Fa: Site coefficient for mapped spectral response acceleration at short periods.
Fv: Site coefficient for mapped spectral response acceleration at i-second period.
SMs: The MCE, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration at short periods adjusted for site
class effects (SMS = FaSs).
SM!: The MCE, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration at a period of! -second adjusted
for site class effects (SM! = FvS i).
SDs: Design, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods (SDs
= %SMs).
SD!: Design, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of! -second
(SD! = %SM!).
Liquefaction and seismically induced settlements will not be factors in the development of
the proposed structures and improvements.
E. Paving and Concrete Improvements Not Within The Public or Private Street Right of
1. Exterior Flatwork Adjacent to Buildings:
a) Exterior flatwork (walkways, and patios) must be a minimum of 4-inches in thickness
reinforced with 6x6/! Ox! 0 welded wire mesh carefully placed 2-inches below the top
of the slab. Provide "tool joint" or "soft cut" contraction/control joints spaced 10-
feet on center (not to exceed 12-feet maximum) each way within 24-hours of
concrete pour. Slab reinforcements should extend through the construction (cold)
In construction practices where the reinforcement is cut at the construction joints, slab
panels should be tied with minimum 18-inch long #3 dowels (dowel baskets) at 18-
VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 0 2450 Auto Park Ways Escondido, California 92029-1229 0 Phone (760) 743-1214
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Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
inches on center maximum, placed mid-height in the slab (9-inches on either side of the
joint). The slabs should also be tied to the adjacent curbs where they occur, with #3
dowels at 18-inches on center.
The concrete should be placed over 6-inches subgrade compacted to a minimum of
90% of ASTM 1557. The construction procedures for tool joint or soft cut
contraction/control joints are described in Item #A-9 above.
Exterior slabs supported on potentially expansive soils may be subject to movements
especially in the event as-grade moisture contents are not uniformly maintained during
the post construction periods. In order to enhance performance of exterior flatwork
supported on expansive soils, it is recommended that a minimum of an 8-inch wide
by 12-inch deep "thickened" slab edge, reinforced with a minimum of one #4
reinforcing bar placed near the bottom, be placed along the slab free edges.
Exterior slabs placed against the perimeter footings should be doweled to the footing
using #3 reinforcing bars spaced 18-inches on center, extending 20-inches into the
slab at mid-height, and into the footing to the elevation of the bottom reinforcing bar.
The clayey soil should not be allowed to dry before pouring the concrete. The soil
should be 3% to 5% above the optimum moisture content within the upper 12-inches
of the subgrade prior to placement of the concrete.
2. Concrete driveways and parking areas should consist of 5-inch thick concrete reinforced
with #3 reinforcing bars spaced 18-inches on center each way placed 2-inches below the
top of the slab. The concrete should be placed over 4-inches Caltrans Class 2 aggregate
base compacted to 95% over 6-inches subgrade compacted to a minimum of 90% of
ASTM 1557.
Provide "tool joint" or "soft cut" contraction/control joints spaced 10-feet on center (not
to exceed 12-feet maximum) each way within 24-hours of concrete pour. The
construction procedures for tool joint or soft cut contraction/control joints are described
in Item #A-9 above. Slab reinforcements should extend through the construction (cold)
In construction practices where- the reinforcement is cut at the construction joints, slab
panels should be tied with minimum 18-inch long #3 dowels (dowel baskets) at 18-inches
on center maximum, placed mid-height in the slab (9-inches on either side of the joint).
The slabs should also be tied to the adjacent curbs where they occur, with #3 dowels at
18-inches on center.
VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. • 2450 Auto Park Ways Escondido, California 92029-1229 • Phone (760) 743-1214
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Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
Joints shall intersect free-edges at 900 angle and shall extend straight for a minimum of
V/2-feet from the edge. The minimum angle between any two intersecting joints shall be
80°. Align joints of adjacent panels. Also, align joints in attached curbs with joints in
slab panels.
Provide adequate curing using approved methods (curing compound maximum coverage
rate = 200 sq. ft./gal.).
Asphalt concrete (AC) parking areas should consist of 3-inches AC over 6-inches
Caltrans Class 2 aggregate base compacted to a minimum of 95% over 12-inches
subgrade compacted to a minimum of 95% of ASTM 1557.
Sub and basegrade soils should not be allowed to dry out or become saturated prior to
placement of concrete or asphalt. Subgrade and basegradé soils shall be tested for proper
moisture and compaction levels just prior to placement of the improvements.
Proper drainage must be maintained at all times so that no water from any source is
allowed to infiltrate the sub or basegrade soils, or deterioration of the improvements may
F. Geotechnical Observation/Documentation
This office is to be notified no later than 2 p.m: on the day before any of the following
operations begin to schedule appropriate testing and/or observation/documentation:
1. Foundations and Utility Trenches Beneath Building Slabs:
If required by the governing agency, this office should be notified to document or test
the following prior to foundation concrete pours:
Observe the plumbing trenches beneath slabs alter the pipes are laid and prior to
Test the plumbing trenches beneath slabs for minimum compaction requirements prior
to sand and moisture barrier placement.
Observe the bottom of the footing trenches for proper embedment into firm
compacted or formational soils, and Observe for proper footing width prior to
placement of reinforcing steel.
VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 0 2450 Auto Park Way' Escondido, California 92029-1229 0 Phone (760) 743-1214
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Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
d) Document the footing reinforcement size and placement. Document the slabs for
proper thickness, reinforcing placement and size, document the sand thickness and
moisture barrier placement and thickness, after the initial footing embedment and
width documentation, and prior to concrete pour.
2. Grading - Improvements - Utility Trenches, Etc.
a) Fill placed under any conditions 12-inches or more in depth, to include:
Building pads.
Street improvements, sidewalks, curbs and gutters.
Utility trench backfills.
Retaining wall backfills.
The spreading or placement of soil obtained from any excavation (spoils from
footings, underground utilities, swimming pools, etc.).
Observation and testing of subgrade and basegrade beneath driveways, patios,
sidewalks, etc., prior to placement of pavement or concrete.
Moisture testing.
Any operation not included herein which requires our testing, observation, or
documentation for submittal to the appropriate agencies.
G. Setbacks
Footings located on or adjacent to the top of slopes should be extended to a sufficient
depth to provide a minimum horizontal distance of 7-feet or one-third ofthe slope height,
whichever is greater (need not exceed 40-feet maximum) between the bottom edge ofthe
footing and face of slope. Reinforcement for deepened footings should be provided by
the project structural engineer and detailed on the approved foundation plans.
This requirement applies to all improvements and structures including fences, posts,
pools, spas, etc. Concrete and AC Improvements should be provided with a thickened
edge to satisfy this requirement.
H. Slopes
1. All slopes should be landscaped with types of plants and planting that do not require
excessive irrigation. Excess watering of slopes should be avoided. Slopes left unplanted
VINJE & MIDOLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 0 2450 Auto Park Ways Escondido, California 92029-1229 • Phone (760) 743-1214
Update Compaction Report, Proposed 2-Story Building Addition Page 11
Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
will be subject to erosion. The irrigation system should be installed in accordance with
the governing agencies.
Water should not be allowed to flow over the slopes in an uncontrolled manner. Until
landscaping is fully established, plastic sheeting should be kept accessible to protect the
slopes from periods of prolonged and/or heavy rainfall. Berms should be constructed
along the top edges of all fill slopes. In no case should water be allowed to pond or flow
over slopes.
Brow ditches should be constructed along the top of all cut slopes sufficient to guide
runoff away from the building site and adjacent fill slopes prior to the project being
I. Drainage
The owner/developer is responsible to insure adequate measures are taken to properly
finish grade the building pad after the structures and other improvements are in place so
that the drainage waters from the improved site and adjacent properties are directed away
from proposed structures in accordance with the designed drainage patterns shown on
the approved plans.
A minimum of 2% gradient should be maintained away from all foundations. Roof
gutters and downspouts should be installed on the building, all discharge from
downspouts should be led away from the foundations and slab to a suitable location.
Installation of area drains in the yards should also be considered.
Planter areas adjacent to foundations should be provided with damp/water proofing,
using an impermeable liner against the footings, and a subdrainage system within the
planter area.
It should be noted that shallow groundwater conditions may still develop in areas
where no such conditions existed prior to site development. This can be
contributed to by substantial increases of surface water infiltration resulting from
landscape irrigation which was not present before the development of the site. It
is almost impossible to absolutely prevent the possibility of shallow groundwater
on the entire site. Therefore, we recommend that shallow groundwater conditions
be remedied if and when they develop.
The property owner should be made aware that altering drainage patterns, landscaping,
the addition of patios, planters, and other improvements, as well as over irrigation and
VINJE & MIODLETON ENGINEERING, INC. • 2450 Auto Park Ways Escondido, California 92029-1229 0 Phone (760) 743-1214
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Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
variations in seasonal rainfall, all affect subsurface moisture conditions, which in turn
affect structural performance.
The minimum steel reinforcement provided herein is based on soil characteristics only, and
is not intended to be in lieu of reinforcement necessary for structural considerations.
The concrete reinforcement recommendations provided herein should not be considered to
preclude the development of shrinkage related cracks, etc.; rather, these recommendations
are intended to minimize this potential. If shrinkage cracks do develop, as is expected from
concrete, reinforcements tend to limit the propagation of these features. These
recommendations are believed to be reasonable and in keeping with the local standards of
construction practice. Special attention should be given to any "re-entrant" corners (±270
degree corners) and curing practices during and after concrete pour in order to further
minimize shrinkage cracks.
It should be noted that the characteristics of as-compacted fill may change due to post-
construction changes from cycles of drying and wetting, water infiltration, applied loads,
environmental changes, etc. These changes can cause detrimental changes in the fill
characteristics such as in strength behavior, compressibility behavior, volume change
behavior, permeability, etc.
The property owner(s) should be aware of the development of cracks in all concrete surfaces
such as floor slabs and exterior stucco associated with normal concrete shrinkage during the
curing process. The features depend chiefly upon the condition of concrete and weather
conditions at the tome of construction and do not reflect detrimental ground movement.
Hairline stucco cracks will often develop at windows/door corners, and floor surface cracks
up to 1/8-inch wide in 20 lineal feet may develop as a result of normal concrete shrinkage
(according to the American Concrete Institute).
E The amount of shrinkage related cracks that oácur in concrete slab-on-grades, flatwork and
driveways depend on many factors, the most important of which is the amount of water in
the concrete mix.. The purpose of the slab reinforcement is to keep normal concrete
shrinkage cracks closed tightly. The amount of concrete shrinkage can be minimized by
reducing the amount of water in the mix. To keep shrinkage to a minimum, the following
should be considered:
1. Use the stiffest mix that can be handled and consolidated satisfactorily.
VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. • 2450 Auto Park Way a Escondido, California 92029-1229 • Phone (760) 743-1214
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Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
Use the largest maximum size of aggregate that is practical, for example concrete made
with 3/8-inch maximum size aggregate usually requires about 40-pounds (nearly 5 gallons)
more water per cubic yard than concrete with 1-inch aggregate.
Cure the concrete as long as practical.
The amount of slab reinforcement provided for conventional slab-on-grade construction
considers that good quality concrete materials, proportioning, craftsmanship, and control
tests where appropriate and applicable are provided.
Where present, clayey deposits are subjected to continued swelling and shrinkage upon
wetting and drying. Maintaining a uniform moisture during the post construction periods
is essential in the future performance of the site structures and improvements.
All retaining walls should be provided with a drain along the backside as generally shown
on the enclosed "Retaining Wall Drain" detail. Specific drainage provisions behind
retaining wall structures must be inspected by this office prior to backflhling the wall.
All backfill soils must be compacted to a minimum of 90% of the corresponding
maximum dry density, ASTM 1557.
The planting of large trees behind any retaining wall will adversely affect their performance
and should be avoided.
Expansive soils should not be used for backfihling of any retaining structure. All retaining
walls should be provided with a 1:1 wedge of granular, compacted backfill measured from
the base of the wall footing to the finished surface.
All underground utility trenches beneath interior and exterior slabs 12-inches or more in
depth shall be compacted by mechanical means to a minimum of 90% of the maximum dry
density of the soil, unless otherwise specified. Care should be taken not to crush the utilities
or pipes during the compaction of the trench backfill. Trench backfill materials and
compaction shall also conform to the requirements of governing agencies and authorities,
as applicable.
Our description of grading operations, as well as observations and testing services herein, have been
limited to those grading operations performed periodically from July 25, 2001 through August 13,
2001. The conclusions contained herein have been based upon our obiervations and testing as noted.
No representations are made as to the quality or extent of materials not observed and tested.
VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINEERING, INC. 0 2450 Auto Park Way Escondido, California 92029-1229 0 Phone (760) 743-1214
Distribution: Thane, Timeless Architecture (6)
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Daybreak Community Church of Coastal North County April 8, 2009
This report is issued with the understanding that the owner or his representative is responsible to
ensure that the information and recommendations are provided to the project architect/structural
engineer so that they can be incorporated into the plans. Necessary steps shall be taken to ensure that
the project general contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations during
The project soil engineer should be provided the opportunity for a general review of the projects final
design plans and specifications in order to ensure that the recommendations provided in this report
are properly interpreted and implemented. The project soils engineer should also be provided the
opportunity to field verify the foundations prior to placing concrete. If the project soil engineer is
not provided the opportunity of making these reviews, he can assume no responsibility for
misinterpretation of his recommendations.
This report should be considered valid for permit purposes for a period of six months and is subject
to review by our firm following that time. IF ANY CHANGES ARE MADE, PAD SIZE,
If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact this office at your convenience.
Reference to our Job #09-159-F will help to expedite our response to your inquiries.
We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you.
mpr\my filesgrading department projectsO9-159-f daybreak community church bldg addition\update compac lion report for 2-story building addition
VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINF.ERINc., INC. 0 2450 Auto Park Way 0 Escondido, California 92029-1229 • Phone (760) 743-1214