HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2022-0011; SB 330 PRELIMINARY APPLICATION - 7290 PONTO DRIVE; Preliminary Review (PRE)00\\
0 Preliminary Housing Development (SB-330) D Affordable Housing Streamlined Approval (SB-35)
Property Address: 7200 Ponto Drive, 7290-7294 Ponto Drive
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN): _____ ?14-160-25-00; 214-160-28-00; 214-171-11-00
Project Data # Existing # to be Demolished
Residential Units -Number: 0 0 ...... ..............
Residential Units -Floor Area (Sq . Ft.): 0 0 ·-··
Nonresidential -Floor Area (Sq. Ft.): ~30,350 ~30,350 .... --
Existing Uses/Site conditions (Describe in detail existing uses/physical conditions on the site.)
Self-storage complex and junkyard
If so,# Occupied
City of Carlsbad
Planning Division
Please attach additional pages/supporting documentation that help completely answer the questions listed below.
Proposed Project (Describe in detail scope of the proposed project and major physical alterations to the property)
See attached project description
Subdivision (any approvals under the Subdivision Map Action being requested and if so, describe) ~ YES D NO
Parcel Map
Housing Units Market-Rate lnclusionary Density Bonus1 Below Market2 Project Total
Total number: 57 11 18 0 86
Unit size (sf min): 1103 1103 1103 1103
Unit size (sf max): 2000 2000 2000 2000 ··-···········
Affordability level: N/A 80% 80% N/A ·-··-··
TOTAL SQ. FT. 105467 19823 25586 3782 154658
1If Density Bonus being utilized, include completed form P-l(H)_ Please refer to IB-112 for additional information on requested
incentives, concessions, waivers, or parking reductions; 2Affordbale units in excess of inclusionary standards_
Non-Residential (does the project include non-residential uses and if so, provide use categories
under the city's zoning, floor area and square footage of all structures)
No non-residential proposed
Standard Parking Residential Non-Residential TOTAL
148 I ______ ,__ I _____ , ____ ~_~_8 __ _.I Any parking reductions
-------~ requested pursuant to Section
Stall Count
Electric Vehicle Parking Residential Non-Residential TOTAL 65915[Pl need to be included in ________ .;;.... ____________ o ______ l_-____ -____ -__ 4_3 ___ 1 Form P-l(H). See Gov. Code§
Stall Count 43 _ ---~-65941.l(a)(ll)
P-32_Preliminary Housing Development Pre-Application (11/2021) Page 2 of 5
Indicate if any portion of the property includes any of the following environmental, historic, or cultural resources. Submittal
must include supporting documentation, reports and/or analysis.
Does the site contain any of the following (provide documentation for "yes" responses):
1. A very high fire hazard severity zone, as determined by the Department of Forestry and
Fire Protection pursuant to Gov. Code Section 51178?
2. Wetlands, as defined in the US Fish and Wildlife Service Manual, Part 660 FW 2?
A hazardous waste site that is listed pursuant to Section 65962.5 or a hazardous waste
3. site designated by the Depa rtment of Toxic Substances Control pursuant to Section
25356 of the Health and Safety Code?
A special flood hazard area subject to inundation by the 1 percent annual chance flood
4. (100-year flood) as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in any
official maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency?
A delineated earthquake fault zone as determined by the State Geologist in any official
maps published by the State Geologist, unless the development complies with applicable
5. seismic protection building code standards adopted by the CA Building Standards
Commission under the CA Building Standards Law (Part 2.5 (commencing with Section
18901) of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code), and by any local building
department under Chapter 12.2 (Section 8875) of Div. 1 ofTitle 2?
A stream or other resource that may be subject to a streambed alteration agreement
6. pursuant to Chapter 6 (Section 1600) of Division 2 of the Fish and Game Code (Attach a
biological technical report prepared by a qualified biologist?
7. Any proposed point sources of air or water pollutants?
8. Any species of special concern known to occu r on the property?
Any historic or cu ltural resources known to exist on the property (Attach a cultural and
9. historic resources report prepared by a qualified professional (historian and/or
If located within the coastal zone, indicate if the site contains any of the following:
Wetlands, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 13577 of Title 14 of the California Code
of Regulations. A Wetlands Delineation Report my be required following the filing of the
application requesting approval of a discretionary action in the Coastal Zone if the site
contains a defined wetland.
Environmentally sensitive habitat areas, as defined in Section 30240 of the Public
Resources Code
A tsunami run -up zone
Use of the site for public access to or along the coast
P-32_Preliminary Housi ng Development Pre-Application (11/2021)
Page 3 of 5
Under penalty of perjury the following declarations are made:
1. I hereby certify, that all statements contained in this pre-application and any accompanying documents are true and
correct, with full knowledge that all statements made in this pre-application are subject to investigation and that any
false or dishonest answer to any question may be grounds for denial or subsequent revocation of the deemed complete
2. I understand this pre-application is not a development application that authorizes an entitlement and is strictly for the
purposes of Senate Bill 330, the Housing Crisis Act of 2019; or Senate Bill 35, the Affordable Housing Streamlined
Approval Process of 2017.
3. I understand and agree that any report, study, map or other information submitted to the city in furtherance of this pre-
application will be treated by the city as public records which may be reviewed by any personand if requested, that a copy
will be provided by the city.
4. I understand that if this pre-application cannot be submitted and deemed complete by staff at the submittal appointment,
there is no refund of fees paid.
5. I understand and agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, the City of Carlsbad, its officers, agents, employees,
and volunteers (collectively "city"), from any and all legal actions, claims, or proceedings (including administrative or
alternative dispute resolution and Public Records Act requests (collectively "actions"), arising out of any city process or
approval prompted by this Action, either in whole or in part. Such actions include but are not limited to: actions to attack,
set aside, void, or otherwise modify, an entitlement approval, environmental review, or subsequent permit decision;
actions for personal or property damage; actions based on an allegation of an unlawful pattern and practice; inverse
condemnation actions; and civil rights or an action based on the protected status of the petitioner or claimant under state
or federal law (e.g. ADA or Unruh Act). I understand and agree to reimburse the city for any and all costs incurred in
defense of such actions. This includes, but it not limited to, the payment of all costs (including litigation costs,
administrative record preparation, public records act responses) and attorneys' fees, all judgments or awards, damages,
and settlement costs. The indemnity language in this paragraph is intended to be interpreted to the broadest extent
permitted by law and shall be in addition to anyother indemnification language agreed to by the applicant.
6. If the applicant is not the Property Owner, both the Property Owner and Applicant must sign this affidavit. By signing
this affidavit, the Property Owner authorizes the Applicant listed in this application to act as the Property Owner's
agent on all matters in connection with this application.
The city requires original signatures below -the signatures do not need to be notarized.
Name: H.G. Fenton Property Company LLC
Address: 7577 Mission Valley Rd, San Diego, Ca 92108
ii~:~~~~~ ... ck/
City Staff Only
App. Vesting Date:
Staff Name: Staff Signature:
Date :
P-32_Preliminary Housing Development Pre-Application (11/2021)
Page 4 of 5
Self-Storage and Junkyard Redevelopment Project Description
The proposed project is the redevelopment of an existing 4.64 acre self-storage facility and junkyard into
86 (18.5 du/ac) rowhomes, townhomes, and triplexes. The mix of units consists of eight 2-bedroom
units, 40 3-bedroom units, and 38 4-bedroom units. The project will include 15% of the units as
affordable to low-income and will utilize a density bonus which would allow for up to 19.125du/ac. The
rowhomes and townhomes will be 3-story and the triplexes will be 2-story.
The project site is located at 7290 Ponto Drive on 3 APN's: 214-160-25, 214-160-28, 214-171-11. The
General Plan Designation for the site is R-15/VC Q for two of the parcels and R-15 for the third and the
zoning of the site is RD-M-Q/C-T-and RD-M-Q respectively. The project will include 191 parking spaces
with 2 internal per unit and 19 guest parking spaces.
Site improvements consist of an internal primary arterial street, dog park, and additional open space.
Existing dry utilities will be undergrounded and new water and stormwater connections will be made to
existing facilities in Ponto Drive. A private lift station will serve a new sewer connection. Off-site
improvements consist of curb and gutter along Ponto Road and Ponto Drive. An additional right-of-way
dedication may be considered for the extension of Ponto Drive east along the southern property line if it
is determined to be necessary.
~City of Carlsbad
MAR 2 2 2022
_!'lanning Division'
Supplemental Application-Density Bonus Program
Project Location:
APN's: 214-160-25-00; 214-160-28-00; 214-171-11-00
Addresses: 7200, 7290, 7294 Ponto Drive Carlsbad, CA 92011
Property Description:
~~ity of Carlsbad
MAR 2 2 2022
t1anning Division
Property is located West of the Railroad Tracks, East of Ponto Road, and North of Ponto Drive. The site
is presently developed with a self-storage facility, a junkyard/storage yard, and a vacant house/office.
The property is surrounded by a parking structure to the north, single family residences to the west,
vacant land to the south, and railroad tracks with single family beyond to the east. The site slopes from
North to South and East to West with the existing low point in the Southwest corner. The general plan
designates the site a combination of R-15/V-T and R-15. The zoning designation is a combination of R-
15/C-T-Q and R-15. The maximum density allowed by zoning is 68 units at 15 du/ac on a 4.54 acre site.
Project Description:
The project proposes to construct 86 town homes, rowhomes and triplexes. There will be a mix of two
and three story product. The project will be constructed in one phase and the affordable units will be
distributed equally amongst the product types. The project will be accessed off Ponto Road from the
west property line. Proposed utilities include water, sewer, and electric. The proposed amenities for
the site include barbecue area, dog park, and pickleball court.
Density Calculations:
Gross Acreage: 202,221sf / 43,560= 4.64ac
Net Acreage (Due to Dedications) 197,895sf / 43,560= 4.54ac
4.54ac x 15du/ac= 68 units
68 units x .275%= 18.7 (19 units) (15% of 68 units at Low Income)
87 Units allowed: 86 Units Proposed
No Incentives Requested: One Allowed
Two Waivers Requested
No requested concessions/incentives at this time
Reduction of Front Yard setback to 5 feet where normal setback is 20 feet. A setback of 10 feet is
allowed if the front yard is landscaped. Proposed setback is 5 feet and includes a landscaped front yard.
The project fronts a non-contiguous sidewalk which contains a 4 foot landscape plant and then a 5 foot
side. With a 5 foot setback from the lot line, the effective setback is 14 feet from the street.
If the required setback of 20 feet was provided the site would be reduced by 7,600 sf (380' Frontage x
20ft). Given the unique shape of the site, that square footage is the most developable and would result
in the reduction of potentially 9 units or over 10% of the project.
Reduction in required visitor parking spaces. The proposed 86 units would require 22 visitor parking
spaces. The project proposes to provide 19 spaces, a reduction of 3 parking spaces. However, the
project contains 11 affordable units that only require 1.5 spaces per unit and will be providing 2 spaces
for each of those units. Therefore, the total number of parking spaces in the project is still greater than
would be required under Government Code Section 65915.
City of Carl · bad
MAR 2 2 2022
f_l~nning DivisioriJ
_ _; rCity of Carlsbad
MAR 2 2 2022
Planning Division Ii-,
The land referred to herein is situated in the State of California, County of San Diego, City of
Carlsbad and described as follows:
Parcel "B" as shown on Parcel Map No. 4383 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of
California, filed in the office of the County recorder of San Diego County, January 14, 1976.
That parcel of land, situated within a portion of the South half of Southwest quarter of Section 28 and
within a portion of the South two-thirds of Lot 4 Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter-of Section 29,
Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to Official Plat thereof, in the
County of San Diego, State of California, and more particularly described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the corner common to Sections 28, 29 32 and 33 in said Township and Range, thence along
the Southerly line of said Section 28 North 89° 59' 20" East 250 feet, more or less, to the Southwesterly
corner of that strip of land 200 feet wide, described in Deed to the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
Company, recorded March 30, 1946 as Instrument No. 34729, in Book 2059, Page(s) 466 of Official
Records; thence along the Southwesterly Ii ne of said 200 foot strip of land North 21 ° 08' 18" West 856.60
feet, more or less, to the Northeasterly boundary of the 200 foot right of way of the Atchison Topeka and
Santa Fe Railway Company formerly California Southern Railroad Company, as said rig ht of way was
granted by Act of Congress and as shown on original right of way map thereof approved by the
Department of the Interior, United States of America, on May 12, 1881; thence along said railway
boundary South 4° 40' 18" East to the Southerly line of said Section 29; thence along said Southerly
section line South 89° 49' East to the point of beginning.
All that portion of the South two-thirds of Lot 4 (Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter) of Section 29,
Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego. State of
California, according to the United State Government Survey approved October 25, 1875, described as
Beginning at the intersection of the South line of said Section 29, with the Westerly line of the abandoned
portion of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's (formerly the California Railway
Company) right of way across the South two-thirds of said Lot 4, said point being distant along said
Southerly line North 89°49' West 209.69 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 29; thence along
the Westerly line of said abandoned railroad right of way, North 4°40'18" West to the Northerly line of
South two-thirds of Lot 4, being the South line of land conveyed to Herbert J. Estes by Deed recorded
December 3, 1936 in Book 600, Page 65 of Official Records; thence retracing South 4°40'18" East a
distance of 600.00 feet to the true point of beginning: thence continuing South 4 °40'18" East 159.19 feet;
thence South 15°17' East, 188.48 feet to the North line of the South 40.00 feet of said Lot 4; thence along
said North line South 89° 49' East 162.60 feet to the Easterly line of said abandoned right of way; thence
along said Easterly line North 4°40' 18" West 343.26 feet to a point bearing South 89°40'18" East 200.00
feet from the true point of beginning; thence North 89°40'18" West 200.00 feet to the true point of
APN: 214-160-28-00 214-160-11-00 214-160-24-00
File No.: 22000480125
Prelim Report COM
Page 4 of 10
DocuSign Envelope ID: EE70805E-0EF1-4CFC-{ ;207 41510563
I, Michelle Booth, am the duly qualified and elected Secretary ofH.G. Fenton Property Company,
a California corporation organized and existing in good standing under the laws of the State of
California ("Corporation"), and I make the following certifications in my capacity as Secretary.
1. The following are true and correct excerpts of resolutions duly adopted by the Board
of Directors of the Corporation at meetings held on June 10, 2021 and September 16, 2021,
Election of Officers
RESOLVED, the following persons are elected to offices set forth opposite their respective
names effective June 10, 2021:
Michael P. Neal
Robert Gottlieb
Michael Praggastis
Election of Officer
President, Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Executive Vice President, Investments and Growth Markets
RESOLVED, the recommendation of the CEO to elect Michelle Booth to the office of
Secretary of this Corporation is hereby approved, with an effective date of June 1, 2021.
2. Signatures on Corporate Documents
RESOLVED, any two corporate officers, acting together, are authorized to sign documents for
the purpose of opening or closing bank accounts, investing funds, borrowing funds, pledging assets,
buying and selling assets, guaranteeing the borrowings of affiliated entities (including any trust owning
stock in the Corporation), granting easements, providing for subdivision of land and to execute all
other documents and do all other acts necessary and customary to carry out the normal course of
business for the Corporation.
3. I further certify that the resolutions remain in full force and effect and have not been
amended, modified or rescinded; that each of the persons whose name is set forth below was duly
elected to the respective office of the Corporation set forth opposite his/her name and that he/she
continues to occupy such office.
This certificate is executed at San Diego, California on January 28, 2022.
. -~
LCity of Carlsbad'
MAR 2 2 2022
Planning Division, ~-.
he .......... llr: .,..
bth, Secretary