HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-16; Planning Commission; ; CDP 13-20 - WALLACE RESIDENCE
October 16, 2013
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Proposed Grading: Estimated grading quantities include 30 cubic yards (cy) of cut and 30 cy of fill with 0
cy of import/export. A minor grading permit will be required for this project.
The proposed project is subject to the following ordinances, standards, and policies:
A. Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) General Plan Land Use designation;
B. One-Family Residential Zone (R-1, CMC Chapter 21.10);
C. Coastal Development Regulations for the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program
(CMC Chapter 21.201) and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter
D. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85); and
E. Growth Management (CMC Chapter 21.90).
The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency
with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above
regulations and policies is discussed in the sections below.
A. General Plan
The project site has a Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) General Plan Land Use designation. The
RLM Land Use designation allows the development of one-family dwellings at a density of 0-4 dwelling
units per acre with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 3.2 dwelling units per acre. The
project has a density of 3.42 dwelling units per acre which is above the GMCP but is within the range of
the RLM General Plan Land Use designation. Since the new dwelling unit is replacing an existing
dwelling unit that was already accounted for when the Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan was
prepared, the .22 fractional dwelling unit will not need to be withdrawn from the city’s excess dwelling
unit bank.
B. One-Family Residential Zone (R-1, CMC Chapter 21.10)
The project is required to comply with all applicable regulations and development standards of the
Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) including the One-Family Residential (R-1) zone. The proposed project
meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of the R-1 zone (Shown in Table 1 below).
Front Yard Setback 20’ 25.5’ Yes
Side Yard Setback 7.41’ minimum 9’/10.1’ Yes
Rear Yard Setback 14.82’ minimum 40.5’ Yes
Lot Coverage 40% maximum 21.3% Yes
Max Building Height 30’ maximum with ≥ 3:12 roof pitch or
24’ maximum with < 3:12 roof pitch
25.5’ with 3:12 roof
Parking Two-car garage Two-car garage Yes
October 16, 2013
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C. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201) and the Coastal
Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.03)
As shown in Table 2 below, the proposed development is in compliance with all applicable regulations.
Building permits may be issued subject to the conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution
No. 7016.
LCP Land Use Plan Residential Low-Medium Density – RLM
General Plan Residential Low-Medium Density – RLM
Zoning One-Family Residential – R-1
Grading Permit Required Yes
Hillside Development Permit Required No
Native Vegetation Impacts None – Previously Developed Lot
Review of Required Coastal Findings
The project site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The site is
also located within and subject to the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203).
The project’s compliance with each of these programs and ordinances is discussed below:
1. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program
The project consists of the construction of a new 2,565 square foot single-family residence on a lot
designated as Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM), by the Mello II Land Use designation. The
proposed two-story home will not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or the
public right-of-way, nor otherwise damage the visual beauty of the coastal zone. No agricultural uses
currently exist on the previously developed site, nor are there any sensitive resources located on the
property. In addition, the proposed single-family residence is not located in an area of known geologic
instability or flood hazards. Since the site does not have frontage along the coastline, no public
opportunities for coastal shoreline access are available from the subject site. Furthermore, the
residentially-designated site is not suited for water-oriented recreation activities.
2. Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone
The project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC
Chapter 21.203 of the Zoning Ordinance) in that the project will adhere to the City’s Master Drainage
Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan
(SUSMP) and Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP) to avoid increased urban run-
off, pollutants and soil erosion. No development is proposed in areas of steep slopes (> 25% gradient)
and no native vegetation is located on the subject property. In addition, the site is not located in an
area prone to landslides, or susceptible to accelerated erosion, floods or liquefaction.
D. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
Pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.85.030 (D.3), a project may be exempt from the inclusionary housing
requirement if the construction of a new residential structure replaces a residential structure that was
demolished within two years prior to the application for a building permit for the new residential
October 16, 2013
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structure, provided that the number of residential units is not increased from the number of residential
units of the previously demolished residential structure. Since there will not be an increase in the
number of units on the property, the project will be exempt from the inclusionary housing requirement
if building permits are issued within two years of the demolition of the existing residential structure.
E. Growth Management
The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of
the city. However, there will be no impact to public facilities because the new single-family residence
will be replacing an existing single-family residence that will be demolished.
This project is exempt from CEQA per the exemptions listed below:
(1) Section 15301 of CEQA exemptions (Class 1) exempts the demolition of single-family
residences and other small structures from environmental review.
(2) Section 15303 of CEQA exemptions (Class 3) exempts the construction of single family
residences in urbanized areas from environmental review.
Notices of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon project approval.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7016
2. Location Map
3. Disclosure Form
4. Reduced Exhibits
5. Exhibits “A” – “F” dated October 16, 2013