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2450 IMPALA DR; ; AS040057; Permit
7 /28/22, 11 :52 AM AS040057 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS040057 Job Address: 2450 IMPALA DR Status: ISSUED Permit Type: SPRINK Applied 4/15/2004 Parcel No: 2090412000 Approved: 5/11/2004 Lot#: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 5/11/2004 PC#: Inspector: Project Title: MYRON L. COMPANY FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: COSCO FIRE PROTECTION STEA 6108 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 760-431-9901 Fees($) Add'I Fees ($) 482.75 0 about:blank Owner: MYRON LL LC 2450 IMPALA DR CARLSBAD CA Total($) 482.75 Balance($) 0 1/1 AS040057 Myron L Company 2450 IMPALA DR Technical Opinion and Report ,Included 0 <[ co Ul _J 0:: <[ 0 ~ M LL 0 ~ 0 0 CD r-4 120 (5.7) ,.~--,--,--,--,--r----r--,l-.--.----rl----r----.i--.....------- 110 (5.3) 7-t"---t---1;--t-;---t-t---\-----t---+--+---1----+----+--l---l__,___j 100 r ,._ _ __,,,..--_ , JI--. {4.8)_-rr,-;-;--;--t-t--r--t-~-c--=--lr~~c,~,~C/M"""~-.~.~~~-n--..,.1~.,._--+----!----J 90 -~~ ... -:----~,-.1.__----/ (4 .3) ·rr ... --.-----~::i...=---t-.-t--r---1-----t----;-:-----.....==,~~--~~--+----!---:~/~_li 80 -~~-------.----.J..____ : ./ I Tt,---t-;--,--t-,F-t----==t::=-i~-+____;_-+--+---1~-------~====t:~~,,.:.1::---1 {3.8) -r:---·-----r---+--i 70 :----..IC"'> ___ -........_ ·' :! · ~ (3.4) -n--r-,--;---;---t-t-~=----t---i--t----+---+-~;---:-=r-~~..........:::::~ ·u, c.. 60 ~-(2.9) :J ~ 50 l £ (2.4-) i r 40 '-(1.9) -rt"--r--t-t-r--t----r----t---t--t--t---+--+--+l ---i--:~:--__J I . 30 ! _. (1.4) 20 (1.0) 10 (0.5) ! l .. l r i "·1 . I 0--r--r--r-----r-~--i-_.._-;--~-+----'----+--~---+~~___:_---:•· ! I 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 ::,~ 900 ~t.'' (378.5) (757)(1136)(1514){1893) (2271) (2650} (3Q28} \t' 0 {340?t; Q1 .es Flow, gpm (Um) (Multiply this scale by 4 .; Figure A-6-2.-t Sample grapl1 sh~cc. .....,_ i(IG-0 (37e.5~ ~1~~ /~4 FuuJ w.;r /~~/~ A-M ~rPvAl,. t>o?, ~,otJ ~PM -~PV~:P ~c/ ft?~ ~ ~. ~M11e-- 1 z, ~ ~lt?clt<: ~/ && ~1,J?i fJtt{fZt, {V L.. M I Z-Lf q I) ( tv\ p~L, A. ffll . __ Fi re Protection by Computer Design Job Name Building Location System Contract Data File COSCO FIRE PROTECTION INC 6108 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92009 760 431-9901 MYRON L COMPANY MEZZANINE REMOTE AREA A 2450 IMPALA DR CARLSBAD CA RA "A" CD2582 CD2582.1 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ·IF!)~t '/71 , ASo400csq. >- ....I -I.I.a Your Company Name Page 2 Date Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name -MYRON L COMPANY Date -4/5/04 Location -2450 IMPALA DR CARLSBAD CA Building -MEZZANINE REMOTE AREA A Contractor -COSCO System No. - Contract No. -CD2582 Drawing No. -1 OF 1 Ceiling Height -VARIES Calculated By -RANDY Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non-Combustible Occupancy -MISCELLANEOUS STORAGE s y s T E M D E s I G N (X) NFPA 13 ( ) NFPA 231 Other Lt. Haz. NFPA 231C Ord. Haz. Gp. ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 (X) Ex. Haz. ( ) Figure Curve Specific Ruling Area of Sprinkler Operation -2500 Density -0.4 Area Per Sprinkler -92 Elevation at Highest Outlet -38.75 Hose Allowance -Inside Rack Sprinkler Allowance Hose Allowance -Outside Note -100 -400 Made By System Type (X) Wet ( ) Dry ) Deluge ) Preaction ) Other Date Sprinkler/Nozzle Make RELIABLE Model Fl Size 3/4 K-Factor 8 Temp.Rat.155 Calculation Flow Required -1616.34 Press Required -72 .615 POC Summary C-Factor Used: 120 Overhead 150 Underground w A T E R s u p p L y C 0 M M s R T A 0 C R K A G E Water Flow Test: Date of Test -3/23/04 Time of Test Static Press -10:15 AM -85.5 Residual Press -72 Flow -3700 Elevation -O Location -2450 IMPALA DR Pump Data: Rated Cap.- @ Press Elev. -0 Tank or Reservoir: Cap. - Elev. - Well Proof Flow Source of Information -CARLSBAD FIRE DEPT AND COSCO FIRE PROTECTION Commodity Storage Ht. Storage Method: Single Row Double Row Mult. Row Flue Spacing Longitudinal Class Area Solid Piled % Conven. Pallet Slave Pallet Horizontal Barriers Provided: Location Aisle w. Palletized % Rack ( ) Auto. Storage Encap. ( ) Solid Shelf Non ( ) Open Shelf Clearance:Storage to Ceiling Transverse Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Your Company Name City Water Supply: Cl-Static Pressure: 85.5 PSI C2-Residual Pressure: 72 PSI C2-Residual Flow: 3700 GPM 150 Page 3 Date Pump Data: 140 Dl-Elevation: 6.713 PSI .---+----+-----------+-------~--------+------------1D2-System Flow:1116.34 GPM 130 p 120 R 110 E 100 s 90 ,-.l. s 80 )2 -u 70 ., I R 60 I E 50 l 40 I 30 ,-I 20 t 10 4 l )1 I3 , .... I 400 800 1200 1600 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. 2000 2400 2800 FLOW (NA 1.85) Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 D2-System Pressure: 72.615 PSI Hose ( Adj City) :0 GPM Hose (Demand) :500 GPM D3-System Demand:1616.34 GPM Safety Margin: 9.968 PSI C2 3200 3600 Your Company Name Fitting Legend Abbrev. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 p Q R s T u V w X y z Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Date Name Generic Alarm Va Generic Butterfly Valve Roll Groove Coupling Dry Pipe Valve 90' Standard Elbow 45' Elbow Gate Valve 45' Grvd-Vic Elbow 90' Grvd-Vic Elbow 90' Grvd-Vic Tee Detector Check Valve Long Turn Elbow Medium Turn Elbow PVC Standard Elbow PVC Tee Branch PVC 45' Elbow Flow Control Valve PVC Coupling/Run Tee Swing Check Valve 90' Flow thru Tee 45' Firelock Elbow 90' Firelock Elbow Wafer Check Valve 90' Firelock Tee Mechanical Tee Flow Switch Page 4 Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Your Company Name Page 5 Date Unadjusted Fittings Table 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 A 7.7 21. 5 17.0 B 7 10 12 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 9.5 17 28 E 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 F 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 G 1 1 1 1 2 H 1 1.5 2 2 3 3 3.5 3.5 I 2 3 4 3.5 6 5.0 8 7 J 4.5 6 8 8.5 10.8 13 17 16 K 14 14 L 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 M 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 8 N 7 7 7 8 9 11 12 13 0 3 3 5 6 8 10 12 15 p 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 Q 18 29 35 R 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 s 4 5 5 7 9 11 14 16 19 22 T 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 u 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.4 V 3.5 4.3 5 6.8 w 10.3 X 8.5 10.8 13 16 y 2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.5 12.5 15.5 22 z 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 A 17 27 29 B 9 10 12 19 21 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 47 E 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 F 5 7 9 11 13 17 19 21 24 28 G 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 H 4.5 5 6.5 8.5 10 18 20 23 25 30 I 8.5 10 13 17 20 23 25 33 36 40 J 21 25 33 41 50 65 78 88 98 120 K 36 55 45 L 8 9 13 16 18 24 27 30 34 40 M 10 12 16 19 22 N 0 p Q 33 R s 27 32 45 55 65 76 87 98 109 130 T 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 u 4.2 5.0 5.0 V 8.5 10 13 w 13.1 31. 8 35.8 27.4 X 21 25 33 y z 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Your Company Name Page 6 Date Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Density No. Actual Actual Added Actual Deviation Al 15.5 8 21.16 na 36.8 0.4 92 0 % A2 15.5 8 22.01 na 37 .53 0.41 92 3 % A3 15 .5 8 23.47 na 38.76 0.42 92 5 % A4 15 .5 8 24.42 na 39.53 0.43 92 8 % AS 15.5 8 21.22 na 36.85 0.4 92 0 % A6 15.5 8 22.06 na 37.58 0.41 92 3 % A7 15.5 8 23.53 na 38.81 0.42 92 5 % AS 15.5 8 24.48 na 39.58 0.43 92 8 % A9 15.5 8 21.42 na 37.02 0.4 92 0 % Al0 15 .5 8 22.27 na 37.75 0.41 92 3 % All 15 .5 8 23.75 na 38.99 0.42 92 5 % A12 15.5 8 24. 71 na 39.77 0.43 92 8 % A13 15.5 8 21.84 na 37 .39 0.41 92 3 % A14 15.5 8 22. 71 na 38.12 0.41 92 3 % AlS 15.5 8 24.22 na 39.37 0.43 92 8 % A16 15.5 8 25 .19 na 40.15 0 .44 92 10 % A17 15.5 8 22.57 na 38 0.41 92 3 % A18 15.5 8 23.47 na 38.75 0.42 92 5 % A19 15 .5 8 25.02 na 40.02 0.44 92 10 % A20 15.5 8 26.02 na 40.81 0.44 92 10 % A21 15.5 8 26.28 na 41.01 0.45 92 13 % A22 15.5 8 27 .31 na 41.81 0.45 92 13 % A23 15.5 8 29.1 na 43.16 0.47 92 18 % A24 15.5 8 29.97 na 43.79 0.48 92 20 % A25 15 .5 8 27.93 na 42.28 0.46 92 15 % A26 15.5 8 29.02 na 43.1 0.47 92 18 % A27 15.5 8 30.91 na 44.48 0.48 92 20 % A28 15.5 8 31.83 na 45.13 0.49 92 23 % A0l 15 .5 27.14 na A02 15.5 27.21 na A03 15 .5 27.46 na A04 15.5 27.99 na A0S 15.5 28.91 na A06 15.5 32. 72 na A07 15 .5 34.74 na A08 15 .5 38.47 na A09 15.5 44.13 na Bl 11. 67 49.35 na B2 11. 67 49.35 na B3 11. 67 49.35 na B4 11. 67 49.35 na BS 11. 67 49.35 na B6 11 . 67 49.35 na B7 11. 67 49.35 na BS 11 . 67 49.35 na B9 11. 67 49 .35 na Bl0 11.67 49.35 na Bll 11. 67 49.35 na B12 11.67 49.35 na B13 11. 67 49.35 na B14 11. 67 49.35 na B15 11 . 67 49.35 na Bl6 11. 67 49.35 na B17 11 . 67 49.35 na Bl8 11 . 67 49 .35 na B19 11 . 67 49 .35 na B0l 11 . 67 49.35 na B02 11. 67 49 .35 na B03 11 . 67 49.35 na 301 18.75 46.28 na 101 32 54.39 na 102 32 54.4 na 103 32 54.44 na 104 32 54.5 na 105 32 54.61 na Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Your Company Name Page 7 Date Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Density No. Actual Actual Added Actual Deviation 106 32 54.13 na 107 32 54.09 na 108 32 54.07 na 109 32 54.06 na 110 32 54.05 na 111 38.75 51.13 na 302 32 42.29 na 201 32 47.72 na 202 32 49.45 na 203 32 50.69 na 204 32 51.56 na 205 32 52.16 na 206 32 52.55 na 207 32 52.81 na 208 32 52.97 na 209 32 53.07 na 210 32 53 .11 na 101 32 54.39 na 102 32 54.4 na 103 32 54.44 na 104 32 54.5 na 105 32 54.61 na 112 32 54.37 na 106 32 54.13 na 107 32 54.09 na 108 32 54.07 na 109 32 54.06 na 110 32 54.05 na 105 32 54.61 na TOR 32 55.16 na BOR 0.5 71. 05 na 100 UGl 0 72. 24 na 400 POC 0 72. 61 na The maximum velocity is 25.13 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes A07 and A08 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Your Company Name Page 8 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total pf Pn Al 36.80 1.38 8.000 21.160 K Factor= 8 to 120 A2 36.80 0.1058 8.000 0.846 Vel = 7.894 A2 37.53 1. 61 8.000 22.006 K Factor= 8 to 120 A3 74.33 0.1833 8.000 1.466 Vel = 11. 714 A3 38.76 2.067 8.000 23.472 K Factor = 8 to 120 A4 113. 09 0.1180 8.000 0.944 Vel = 10.813 A4 39.53 2.067 lT 10.000 3.250 24.416 K Factor= 8 to 120 10.000 A0l 152.62 0.2054 13. 250 2.722 Vel = 14.592 152.62 27.138 K Factor 29.30 AS 36.85 1. 38 8.000 21.215 K Factor 8 to 120 A6 36.85 0.1060 8.000 0.848 Vel = 7.904 A6 37.58 1. 61 8.000 22.063 K Factor= 8 to 120 A7 74.43 0.1838 8.000 1.470 Vel = 11.730 A7 38.80 2.067 8.000 23.533 K Factor= 8 to 120 AS 113. 23 0. 1183 8.000 0.946 Vel = 10.826 AS 39.59 2.067 lT 10.000 3.250 24.479 K Factor = 8 to 120 10.000 A02 152.82 0.2059 13. 250 2.728 Vel = 14. 611 152.82 27.207 K Factor 29.30 A9 37.02 1.38 8.000 21.415 K Factor 8 to 120 Al0 37.02 0.1069 8.000 0.855 Vel = 7.941 Al0 37.75 1. 61 8.000 22. 271 K Factor= 8 to 120 All 74.77 0.1853 8.000 1.482 Vel = 11. 783 All 38.99 2.067 8.000 23.753 K Factor= 8 to 120 A12 113. 76 0. 1193 8.000 0.954 Vel = 10.877 A12 39.77 2.067 lT 10.000 3.250 24.707 K Factor = 8 to 120 10.000 A03 153.53 0.2077 13.250 2.752 Vel = 14.679 153.53 27.459 K Factor 29. 30 A13 37.39 1.38 8.000 21.840 K Factor 8 to 120 A14 37.39 0.1089 8.000 0.871 Vel = 8.020 A14 38.12 1. 61 8.000 22. 711 K Factor= 8 to 120 A15 75.51 0.1886 8.000 1.509 Vel = 11. 900 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Your Company Name Page 9 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn A15 39.37 2.067 8.000 24.220 K Factor= 8 to 120 A16 114. 8 8 0.1215 8.000 0.972 Vel = 10.984 A16 40.16 2.067 lT 10.000 3.250 25.192 K Factor= 8 to 120 10.000 A04 155.04 0. 2115 13.250 2.802 Vel = 14.824 155.04 27.994 K Factor 29.30 A17 38.00 1.38 8.000 22.568 K Factor 8 to 120 A18 38.00 0. 1123 8.000 0.898 Vel = 8.151 A18 38.76 1. 61 8.000 23.466 K Factor= 8 to 120 A19 76.76 0.1945 8.000 1.556 Vel = 12.097 A19 40.01 2.067 8.000 25.022 K Factor= 8 to 120 A20 116. 77 0.1251 8.000 1.001 Vel = 11.165 A20 40.81 2.067 lT 10.000 3.250 26.023 K Factor= 8 to 120 10.000 A05 157.58 0.2180 13.250 2.888 Vel = 15.066 157.58 28. 911 K Factor 29.31 A21 41.01 1.38 8.000 26.278 K Factor 8 to 120 A22 41.01 0.1293 8.000 1.034 Vel = 8.797 A22 41.81 1. 61 8.000 27.312 K Factor= 8 to 120 A23 82.82 0.2239 8.000 1. 791 Vel = 13. 052 A23 43.16 2.067 6.000 29.102 K Factor= 8 to 120 A24 125.98 0.1440 6.000 0.864 Vel = 12.045 A24 43.79 2.067 lT 10.000 1.000 29.967 K Factor= 8 to 120 10.000 A06 169.77 0.2502 11.000 2.752 Vel = 16.232 169.77 32.719 K Factor 29.68 A25 42.28 1. 38 8.000 27.927 K Factor 8 to 120 A26 42.28 0.1368 8.000 1.094 Vel = 9.069 A26 43.09 1. 61 8.000 29.021 K Factor= 8 to 120 A27 85.37 0.2368 8.000 1.894 Vel = 13.454 A27 44.48 2.067 6.000 30. 915 K Factor= 8 to 120 A28 129.85 0.1523 6.000 0. 914 Vel = 12.415 A28 45.14 2.067 lT 10.000 1.000 31.829 K Factor= 8 to 120 10.000 A07 174.99 0.2645 11. 000 2.910 Vel = 16.731 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Your Company Name Page 10 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 174.99 34.739 K Factor 29.69 A0l 152.62 4.26 11. 500 27.137 to 120 A02 152.62 0.0061 11. 500 0.070 Vel 3.435 A02 152.81 4.26 11. 500 27.207 to 120 A03 305.43 0.0219 11.500 0.252 Vel 6.875 A03 153.53 4.26 11. 500 27.459 to 120 A04 458.96 0.0465 11. 500 0.535 Vel 10.331 A04 155.04 4.26 11. 500 27.994 to 120 A0S 614.00 0.0797 11. 500 0. 917 Vel 13. 821 A0S 157.58 4 .26 2L 7.900 15.500 28. 911 to 120 15.800 A06 771.58 0.1216 31.300 3.807 Vel 17.368 A06 169.77 4.26 11. 500 32. 718 to 120 A07 941.35 0.1757 11. 500 2.021 Vel 21.190 A07 174.99 4.26 15.500 34.739 to 120 A08 1116. 34 0.2409 15.500 3.734 Vel 25.129 A08 4.26 23.500 38.473 to 120 A09 1116. 34 0.2409 23.500 5.661 Vel 25.129 A09 6.357 SL 11. 316 47.000 44.135 to 120 56.580 -1.408 301 1116.34 0.0343 103.580 3.552 Vel 11. 284 1116. 34 46.279 K Factor 164.10 Bl 0 1.38 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 B2 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 B2 0 1. 61 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 B3 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 B3 0 1.61 6.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 B4 0 0 6.000 0 0 Vel 0 B4 0 2.067 4E 5.000 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 20.000 0 BS 0 0 30.000 0 0 Vel 0 BS 0 2.067 6.000 49.346 0 t o 120 0 B6 0 0 6.000 0 0 Vel 0 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Your Company Name Page 11 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn B6 0 2.067 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 B7 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 B7 0 2 .067 lT 10.000 5.500 49.346 0 to 120 10.000 0 BOl 0 0 15.500 0 0 Vel 0 49.346 K Factor BS 0 1.38 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 B9 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 B9 0 1.61 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 BlO 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 BlO 0 1. 61 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 Bll 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 Bll 0 2.067 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 B12 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 B12 0 2.067 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 B13 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 B13 0 2.067 lT 10 .000 5.500 49.346 0 to 120 10.000 0 B02 0 0 15.500 0 0 Vel 0 49.346 K Factor B14 0 1. 38 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 B15 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 B15 0 1. 61 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 Bl6 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 B16 0 1. 61 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 Bl7 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 Bl7 0 2.067 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 Bl8 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 Bl8 0 2.067 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 0 B19 0 0 10.000 0 0 Vel 0 Bl 9 0 2.067 lT 10.000 5.500 49.346 0 to 120 10.000 0 B03 0 0 15.500 0 0 Vel 0 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc . Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Your Company Name Page 12 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 49.346 K Factor B01 0.01 3.26 10.000 49.346 to 120 B02 0.01 10.000 Vel B02 3.26 10.000 49.346 to 120 B03 0.01 10.000 Vel B03 0 3.26 3L 6.720 10.000 49.346 0 to 120 lT 20.159 40.318 -3.066 0 301 0 0 50.318 0 0 Vel 0 301 1116. 34 6.357 3L 11. 316 17.000 46.279 to 120 33.948 -5.739 302 1116. 34 0.0343 50.948 1.747 Vel 11. 284 1116.34 42.287 K Factor 171.67 101 -182.84 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 54.385 to 120 80.637 201 -182.84 -0.0312 213.637 -6.665 Vel -7.028 -182.84 47.720 K Factor -26.47 102 -155.62 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 54.397 to 120 80.637 202 -155.62 -0.0232 213.637 -4.946 Vel -5.982 -155.62 49.451 K Factor -22.13 103 -133.97 3.26 4T 20.159 133. 000 54.435 to 120 80.637 203 -133.97 -0. 0175 213.637 -3.749 Vel -5.149 -133.97 50.686 K Factor -18.82 104 -117.66 3.26 4T 20.159 133. 000 54.505 to 120 80.637 204 -117.66 -0. 0138 213. 637 -2.949 Vel -4.523 -117.66 51.556 K Factor -16.39 105 -106.56 3.26 4T 20.159 133. 000 54.610 to 120 80.637 205 -106.56 -0. 0115 213.637 -2.455 Vel -4.096 -106.56 52.155 K Factor -14.76 106 -84.00 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 54. 131 to 120 80.637 206 -84.00 -0.0074 213.637 -1.581 Vel -3.229 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Your Company Name Page 13 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn -84.00 52.550 K Factor -11. 59 107 -75.04 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 54.094 to 120 80.637 207 -75.04 -0.0060 213.637 -1.283 Vel -2.884 -75.04 52. 811 K Factor -10.33 108 -68.92 3.26 4T 20.159 133. 000 54.070 to 120 80.637 208 -68.92 -0.0051 213.637 -1.096 Vel -2.649 -68.92 52.974 K Factor -9.47 109 -65.25 3.26 4T 20.159 133. 000 54.057 to 120 80.637 209 -65.25 -0.0046 213. 637 -0.991 Vel -2.508 -65.25 53.066 K Factor -8. 96 110 -63.48 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 54.051 to 120 80.637 210 -63.48 -0.0044 213. 637 -0.942 Vel -2.440 -63.48 53.109 K Factor -8.71 111 -62.99 3.26 4T 20.159 133. 000 51.126 to 120 80.637 16.783 211 -62.99 -0.0043 213.637 -0.928 Vel -2.421 -62.99 66.981 K Factor -7.70 302 1116. 34 4.26 2L 7.900 6.750 42.288 to 120 15.800 201 1116. 34 0.2409 22.550 5.432 Vel 25.129 201 -182.84 4.26 10.000 47.721 to 120 202 933.50 0.1730 10.000 1.730 Vel 21. 013 202 -155.62 4.26 10.000 49.451 to 120 203 777.88 0.1235 10.000 1.235 Vel 17.510 203 -133.97 4 .26 10.000 50.686 to 120 204 643.91 0.0870 10.000 0.870 Vel 14.494 204 -117.66 4.26 10.000 51.556 t o 120 205 526.25 0.0599 10.000 0.599 Vel 11.846 205 -106.57 4.26 10.000 52.156 to 120 206 419.68 0.0394 10.000 0.394 Vel 9.447 206 -84 .00 4.26 10.000 52.550 to 120 207 335.68 0.0261 10.000 0.261 Vel 7.556 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Your Company Name Page 14 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 207 -75.03 4.26 10.000 52. 811 to 120 208 260.65 0.0163 10.000 0.163 Vel 5.867 208 -68.93 4.26 10.000 52.974 to 120 209 191. 72 0.0093 10.000 0.093 Vel 4.316 209 -65.25 4.26 10.000 53.067 to 120 210 126.47 0.0043 10.000 0.043 Vel 2.847 210 -63.48 4.26 10.000 53.109 to 120 13.859 211 62.99 0 .0012 10.000 0.012 Vel 1.418 62.99 66.980 K Factor 7.70 101 182.84 6.357 10.000 54.385 to 120 102 182.84 0.0012 10.000 0.012 Vel 1.848 102 155.62 6.357 10.000 54.397 to 120 103 338.46 0.0038 10.000 0.038 Vel 3.421 103 13 3. 97 6.357 10.000 54.435 to 120 104 472.43 0.0070 10.000 0.070 Vel 4.776 104 11 7. 66 6.357 10.000 54.505 to 120 105 590.09 0.0105 10.000 0.105 Vel 5. 965 105 -1009.77 6.357 lT 37.720 5.000 54.610 to 120 37.720 112 -419.68 -0.0056 42.720 -0.240 Vel -4.242 112 6.357 lT 37.720 5.000 54. 371 to 120 37.720 106 -419.68 -0.0056 42.720 -0.240 Vel -4.242 106 84.00 6.357 10.000 54.131 to 120 107 -335.68 -0.0037 10.000 -0.037 Vel -3.393 107 75.03 6.357 10.000 54.094 to 120 108 -260.65 -0.0023 10.000 -0.023 Vel -2.635 108 68.93 6.357 10.000 54.070 to 120 109 -191.72 -0.0013 10.000 -0. 013 Vel -1.938 109 65.25 6.357 10.000 54.057 to 120 ll0 -126.47 -0.0006 10.000 -0.006 Vel -1.278 ll0 63.48 6.357 10.000 54.051 to 120 -2.923 lll -62.99 -0.0002 10.000 -0.002 Vel -0.637 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H . USA 03087 Your Company Name Page 15 Date Hyd . Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv . Ln. Total pf Pn -62.99 51.126 K Factor -8.81 105 1116. 34 6.357 16.000 54.610 to 120 TOR 1116. 34 0.0343 16.000 0.549 Vel 11. 284 TOR 6.357 lA 33.948 31.500 55.159 to 120 33.948 13.643 BOR 1116.34 0.0343 65.448 2.245 Vel = 11. 284 BOR 100 .00 7.98 lG 5.720 50.000 71. 046 Qa = 100 to 150 3L 18.589 61.482 0.217 UGl 1216.34 0.0088 111.482 0.980 Vel = 7.803 UGl 400.00 7.98 25.000 72.243 Qa = 400 to 150 POC 1616.34 0.0149 25.000 0.372 Vel = 10.369 1616.34 72.615 K Factor 189.68 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 . __ Fi re Protection by Computer Design Job Name Building Location System Contract Data File COSCO FIRE PROTECTION INC 6108 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92009 760 431-9901 MYRON L COMPANY MEZZANINE REMOTE AREA B 2450 IMPALA DR CARLSBAD CA RA "B" CD2582 CD2582.2 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 00SCQ PIRE PROTECTION INC MYRON L COMPANY Page 2 Date 4/5/04 Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name -MYRON L COMPANY Date -4/5/04 Location -2450 IMPALA DR CARLSBAD CA Building -MEZZANINE REMOTE AREA B Contractor -COSCO System No. -RA 11 B11 Contract No. -CD2582 Drawing No. -1 OF 1 Ceiling Height - Calculated By -RANDY Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non-Combustible Occupancy -MISCELLANEOUS STORAGE s y s T E M D E s I G N (X) NFPA 13 ( ) NFPA 231 Other Lt. Haz. Ord. Haz. Gp. ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 (X) Ex. Haz. NFPA 231C ( ) Figure Curve Specific Ruling Area of Sprinkler Operation -2500 Density -. 40 Area Per Sprinkler -100 Elevation at Highest Outlet -15.5 Hose Allowance -Inside Rack Sprinkler Allowance Hose Allowance -Outside Note -100 -400 Made By System Type (X) Wet ( ) Dry ) Deluge ) Preaction Other Date Sprinkler/Nozzle Make RELIABLE Model Fl Size 3/4 K-Factor 8 Temp.Rat.155 Calculation Flow Required -1181.12 Press Required -79.946 POC Summary C-Factor Used: 120 Overhead 150 Underground w A T E R s u p p L y C 0 M M s R T A 0 C R K A G E Water Flow Test: Date of Test -3/23/04 Time of Test Static Press -10:15 AM -95 Residual Press -80 Flow -3700 Elevation -0 Location -2450 IMPALA DR Pump Data: Rated Cap.- @ Press Elev. Tank or Reservoir: Cap. - Elev.- Well Proof Flow Source of Information -CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT AND COSCO FIRE PROTECTION Commodity Storage Ht. Storage Method: Single Row Double Row Mult. Row Flue Spacing Longitudinal Class Location Area Aisle W. Solid Piled % Palletized % Conven. Pallet Slave Pallet ( ) Auto. Storage ( ) Solid Shelf ( ) Open Shelf Rack Encap. Non Clearance:Storage to Ceiling Transverse Horizontal Barriers Provided: Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 COSCO FIRE PROTECTION INC MYRON L COMPANY City Water Supply: Cl-Static Pressure: 85.5 PSI C2-Residual Pressure: 72 PSI C2-Residual Flow: 3700 GPM 150 Page 3 Date 4/5/04 Pump Data: 140 Dl-Elevation: 5.054 PSI a-+--+------+-----,f-------+-------+--------+-----------1D2-System Flow:681.12 GPM 130 p 120 R 110 E 100 s 90 .L ..IL. s 80 -r u 70 R 60 E 50 40 30 20 10 4 ~ Dl I 400 800 Computer Programs ~ D 1200 1600 2000 by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 2400 2800 FLOW (NA 1.85) Windham N.H. USA 03087 D2-System Pressure: 79.946 PSI Hose ( Adj City) :0 GPM Hose (Demand) :500 GPM D3-System Demand:1181.12 GPM Safety Margin: 3.921 PSI C2 3200 3600 oosc9 FIRE PROTECTION INC MYRON L COMPANY Fitting Legend Abbrev . A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 p Q R s T u V w X y z Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Name Generic Alarm Va Generic Butterfly Valve Rol l Groove Coupling Dry Pipe Valve 90 ' Standard Elbow 45 ' Elbow Gate Valve 45' Grvd-Vic Elbow 90 ' Grvd-Vic Elbow 90' Grvd-Vic Tee Detector Check Valve Long Turn Elbow Medium Turn Elbow PVC Standard Elbow PVC Tee Branch PVC 45' Elbow Flow Control Valve PVC Coupling/Run Tee Swing Check Valve 90' Flow thru Tee 45' Firelock Elbow 90' Firelock Elbow Wafer Check Valve 90' Firelock Tee Mechanical Tee Flow Switch Page 4 Date 4/5/04 Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 COSCO FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 5 MYRON L COMPANY Date 4/5/04 Unadjusted Fittings Table 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 A 7 .7 21.5 17.0 B 7 10 12 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 9.5 17 28 E 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 F 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 G 1 1 1 1 2 H 1 1 .5 2 2 3 3 3.5 3.5 I 2 3 4 3.5 6 5.0 8 7 J 4.5 6 8 8.5 10 .8 13 17 16 K 14 14 L 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 M 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 8 N 7 7 7 8 9 11 12 13 0 3 3 5 6 8 10 12 15 p 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 Q 18 29 35 R 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 s 4 5 5 7 9 11 14 16 19 22 T 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 u 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.4 V 3.5 4.3 5 6 .8 w 10.3 X 8.5 10.8 13 16 y 2.0 4 .0 5.0 6 .0 8 .0 10.5 12.5 15.5 22 z 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 A 17 27 29 B 9 10 12 19 21 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 47 E 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 F 5 7 9 11 13 17 19 21 24 28 G 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 H 4.5 5 6.5 8.5 10 18 20 23 25 30 I 8.5 10 13 17 20 23 25 33 36 40 J 21 25 33 41 50 65 78 88 98 120 K 36 55 45 L 8 9 13 16 18 24 27 30 34 40 M 10 12 16 19 22 N 0 p Q 33 R s 27 32 45 55 65 76 87 98 109 130 T 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 u 4.2 5.0 5.0 V 8 .5 10 13 w 13.1 31. 8 35.8 27.4 X 21 25 33 y z 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 COSCO P'IRE PROTECTION INC Page 6 MYRON L COMPANY Date 4/5/04 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Added Req. Req. Al 15.5 65.33 na A2 15.5 65.33 na A3 15.5 65.33 na A4 15 .5 65 .33 na AS 15.5 65 .33 na A6 15.5 65.33 na A7 15.5 65.33 na AS 15.5 65.33 na A9 15.5 65.33 na Al0 15.5 65.33 na All 15.5 65.33 na Al2 15 .5 65.33 na Al3 15.5 65 .33 na Al4 15.5 65.33 na Al5 15.5 65.33 na Al6 15.5 65.33 na Al7 15.5 65.33 na Al8 15.5 65.33 na Al9 15.5 65.33 na A20 15.5 65.33 na A21 15.5 65.33 na A22 15.5 65.33 na A23 15.5 65.33 na A24 15.5 65 .33 na A25 15.5 65.33 na A26 15.5 65.33 na A27 15.5 65.33 na A28 15.5 65.33 na A0l 15.5 65.33 na A02 15.S 65.33 na A03 15.5 65.33 na A04 15.S 65.33 na A05 15.S 65.33 na A06 15.5 65.33 na A07 15.S 65.33 na A08 15.S 65.33 na A09 15.5 65.33 na Bl 11. 67 8 25 na 40 .4 100 7 B2 11 . 67 8 26.23 na 40.98 .4 100 7 B3 11.67 8 28.38 na 42.62 .4 100 7 B4 11. 67 8 31.2 na 44.68 .4 100 7 BS 11.67 8 38.58 na 49.69 . 4 100 7 BG 11. 67 8 40. 96 na 51. 2 .4 100 7 B7 11. 67 8 46.83 na 54.75 .4 100 7 B8 11.67 8 31.13 na 44.64 .4 100 7 B9 11.67 8 32.64 na 45.71 .4 100 7 Bl0 11.67 8 35.27 na 47.51 .4 100 7 Bll 11.67 8 41.02 na 51.24 .4 100 7 B12 11.67 8 44.07 na 53 .11 .4 100 7 B13 11. 67 8 48.9 na 55.94 .4 100 7 B14 11. 67 8 54.51 na 59.07 .4 100 7 B15 11.67 57.05 na Bl6 11.67 58.25 na B17 11.67 59.44 na B18 11. 67 59.8 na B19 11. 67 60.15 na B0l 11.67 59.64 na B02 11. 67 59.89 na B03 11. 67 60.7 na 301 18.75 63.92 na 101 32 64.24 na 102 32 64.24 na 103 32 64.26 na 104 32 64.29 na 105 32 64.33 na Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ~OSCO FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 7 MYRON L COMPANY Date 4/5/04 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Added Req. Req. 106 32 64.14 na 107 32 64.12 na 108 32 64 .11 na 109 32 64 .11 na 110 32 64.1 na 111 38.75 61.18 na 302 32 58.88 na 201 32 61.57 na 202 32 62.26 na 203 32 62.75 na 204 32 63.1 na 205 32 63.34 na 206 32 63.5 na 207 32 63.61 na 208 32 63.67 na 209 32 63. 71 na 210 32 63.73 na 101 32 64.24 na 102 32 64.24 na 103 32 64 .26 na 104 32 64.29 na 105 32 64 .33 na 112 32 64.23 na 106 32 64.14 na 107 32 64.12 na 108 32 64 .11 na 109 32 64.11 na 110 32 64 .1 na 105 32 64.33 na TOR 32 64.55 na BOR 0.5 79.09 na 100 UGl 0 79.74 na 400 POC 0 79.95 na The maximum velocity is 30.97 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes B7 and BOl Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 e::o sco nRE PROT ECTION INC Page 8 MYRON L COMPANY Date 4/5/04 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref . "C" or Ftng 's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv . Ln. Total pf Pn Al 0 1.38 8.000 65 .326 0 to 120 0 A2 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 A2 0 1.61 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A3 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 A3 0 2.06 7 8.000 65 .326 0 to 120 0 A4 0 0 8 .000 0 0 Vel 0 A4 0 2 .067 lT 10.000 3.250 65.326 0 to 120 10.000 0 A0l 0 0 13.250 0 0 Vel 0 65.326 K Factor AS 0 1.38 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A6 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 A6 0 1.61 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A7 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 A7 0 2.067 8.000 65.326 0 to 12·0 0 AB 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 AB 0 2.067 lT 10.000 3.250 65.326 0 to 120 10.000 0 A02 0 0 13.250 0 0 Vel 0 65.326 K Factor A9 0 1. 38 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 Al0 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 Al0 0 1. 61 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 All 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 All 0 2.067 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A12 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 A12 0 2.067 lT 10.000 3.250 65.326 0 to 120 10.000 0 A03 0 0 13. 250 0 0 Vel 0 65.326 K Factor A13 0 1.38 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A14 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 A14 0 1.61 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A15 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 C:OSCQ FIRE PROTECTI ON INC Page 9 MYRON L COM PANY Date 4/5/04 Hyd . Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Re f. "C'' or Ftng 's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Po int Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Tota l pf Pn Al5 0 2.067 8 .00 0 65 .326 0 to 120 0 Al6 0 0 8 .000 0 0 Vel 0 Al6 0 2.067 lT 10.000 3 .250 65 .326 0 to 120 10.000 0 A04 0 0 13.250 0 0 Vel 0 65.326 K Factor Al 7 0 1.38 8 .000 65.326 0 to 120 0 Al8 0 0 8 .000 0 0 Vel 0 Al8 0 1.61 8 .000 65.326 0 to 120 0 Al9 0 0 8 .000 0 0 Vel 0 Al9 0 2.067 8 .000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A20 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 A20 0 2.067 lT 10.000 3 .250 65.326 0 to 120 10.000 0 A05 0 0 13.250 0 0 Vel 0 65.326 K Factor A21 0 1. 38 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A22 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 A22 0 1.61 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A23 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 A23 0 2.067 6.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A24 0 0 6.000 0 0 Vel 0 A24 0 2.067 lT 10.000 1 .000 65.326 0 to 120 10.000 0 A06 0 0 11. 000 0 0 Vel 0 65.326 K Factor A25 0 1.38 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A26 0 0 8.000 0 0 Vel 0 A26 0 1.61 8.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A27 0 0 8 .000 0 0 Vel 0 A27 0 2.067 6.000 65.326 0 to 120 0 A28 0 0 6.000 0 0 Vel 0 A28 0 2.067 lT 10.000 1.000 65.326 0 to 120 10.000 0 A07 0 0 11. 000 0 0 Vel 0 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 COSCO. ?'IRE PROTECTION INC Page 10 MYRON L COMPANY Date 4/5 /04 Hyd. Qa Dia . Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref . 11c 1• or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln . Total pf Pn 65 .326 K Factor A0l 0.01 4.26 11 .500 6 5 .326 to 120 A02 0 .01 11. 500 Vel A02 4 .26 11 . 500 65.326 to 120 A03 0 .01 11 .5 0 0 Ve l A03 4 .26 11.5 00 65.32 6 to 120 A04 0 .01 11 .500 Vel A0 4 4.26 11.500 65 .326 t o 120 A05 0.01 11 .5 00 Vel A05 4.26 2L 7 .900 15.500 65 .326 to 1 20 15.800 A06 0.01 31.300 Vel A06 4.26 11.500 65.326 t o 12 0 A07 0 .01 11. 500 Vel A07 4 .26 2L 7.900 15.500 65.326 to 120 15 .800 A08 0 .01 31.300 Vel A08 0 4.26 4L 7.900 23.500 65.326 0 to 120 31.601 0 A09 0 0 55.101 0 0 Vel 0 A09 0 .01 6.357 SL 11.316 47.000 65.326 to 120 56.580 -1.408 301 0.01 103.580 Vel 0.01 63.918 K Factor Bl 40.00 1. 38 10.000 25.000 K Factor 8 to 120 B2 40.00 0.1234 10.000 1.234 Vel = 8.580 B2 40.98 1.61 10.000 26.234 K Factor= 8 to 120 B3 80.98 0.2147 10.000 2.147 Vel = 12.762 B3 42.61 1.61 6.000 28.381 K Factor= 8 to 120 B4 123.59 0.4695 6.000 2.817 Vel = 19.477 B4 44.69 2.067 4E 5.000 10.000 31.198 K Factor = 8 to 120 20.000 BS 168.28 0.2461 30.000 7.383 Vel = 16.089 BS 49.69 2.067 6.000 38.581 K Factor= 8 to 120 B6 217.97 0.3972 6.000 2.383 Vel = 20.840 Computer 'Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 e:osco FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 11 MYRON L COMPANY Date 4/5/04 Hyd . Qa Dia . Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref . "C" or Ftng 's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total pf Pn B6 51 .20 2 .067 10.000 40 .964 K Factor = 8 to 120 B7 269 .17 0 .5868 10.000 5 .868 Vel = 25.736 B7 5 4 .75 2.067 lT 10.000 5.500 46 .832 K Factor = 8 to 120 10.000 B01 323 .92 0 .8 265 15.500 12.811 Vel = 30.970 323.92 59 .643 K Factor 41.94 BB 44.64 1. 38 10.000 31.13 1 K Factor 8 to 120 B9 44.6 4 0.1512 10.000 1.512 Vel = 9.575 B9 45.70 1. 61 10.000 32 .643 K Factor = 8 to 120 B10 90.34 0.2629 10.000 2.629 Vel = 14.237 B10 47.52 1.61 10.000 35.272 K Factor = 8 to 120 B11 137.86 0.5746 10.000 5.746 Vel = 21.726 B11 51.23 2.067 10.000 41.017 K Factor = 8 to 120 B12 189.09 0.3053 10.000 3.053 Vel = 18.079 B12 53 .11 2.067 10.000 44.071 K Factor = 8 to 120 B13 242.20 0.4827 10.000 4.827 Vel = 23.157 B13 55.94 2.067 lT 10.000 5.500 48.898 K Factor = 8 to 120 10.000 B02 298.14 0.7090 15.500 10.989 Vel = 28.506 298.14 59.887 K Factor 38.53 B14 59.07 1. 38 10.000 54. 511 K Factor 8 to 120 B15 59.07 0.2538 10.000 2.538 Vel = 12.671 B15 1. 61 10.000 57.049 to 120 B16 59.07 0.1198 10.000 1.198 Vel 9.309 B16 1. 61 10.000 58.246 to 120 B17 59.07 0. 1198 10.000 1.198 Vel 9.309 B17 2.067 10.000 59.444 to 120 B18 59.07 0.0355 10.000 0.355 Vel 5.648 B18 2.067 10.000 59.799 to 120 B19 59.07 0.0355 10.000 0.355 Vel 5.648 B19 2.067 lT 10.000 5.500 60.154 to 120 10.000 B03 59.07 0.0355 15.500 0.550 Vel 5.648 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ~OSCO. FIRE PROTECTION I NC Page 12 MYRON L COMPANY Date 4/5/04 Hyd . Qa Dia. Fitting Pip e Pt Pt Ref . "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv . Ln. Total Pf Pn 59 .07 60 .70 4 K Factor 7.58 B0l 323.92 4.26 1 0 .0 00 59.643 to 120 B02 323.92 0.0244 1 0 .000 0.244 Vel 7. 291 B0 2 298.14 4.26 10.000 59.887 to 120 B03 6 22 .06 0.0817 10.000 0.817 Vel 14.002 B03 59.0 6 4.26 3L 7.900 15.000 60 .703 to 120 lT 26.334 50.035 -3.066 301 6 8 1.12 0.0966 65 .035 6.281 Vel 15.332 301 6.357 3L 11. 316 17.000 63.918 to 120 33.948 -5.739 302 681.12 0.0137 50.948 0.700 Vel 6.885 681.12 58.879 K Factor 88.77 101 -111. 56 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 64.237 to 120 80.637 201 -111.56 -0.0125 213.637 -2.672 Vel -4.288 -111.56 61.565 K Factor -14.22 102 -94 .95 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 64.242 to 120 80.637 202 -94.95 -0.0093 213.637 -1.983 Vel -3.650 -94.95 62.259 K Factor -12.03 103 -81.74 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 64.257 to 120 80.637 203 -81.74 -0.0070 213.637 -1.503 Vel -3.142 -81.74 62.754 K Factor -10.32 104 -71.79 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 64.285 to 120 80.637 204 -71.79 -0.0055 213.637 -1.182 Vel -2.759 -71.79 63.103 K Factor -9.04 105 -65.02 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 64.327 to 120 80.637 205 -65.02 -0.0046 213.637 -0.984 Vel -2.499 -65.02 63.343 K Factor -8.17 106 -51.25 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 64 .135 to 120 80.637 206 -51.25 -0.0030 213.637 -0.634 Vel -1.970 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ."COSCO."'FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 13 MYRON L COMPANY Date 4/5/04 Hyd. Qa Dia . Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng 1 s Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv . Ln. Total Pf Pn -51 .25 63.501 K Factor -6.43 107 -45.78 3 .26 4T 20.159 133.000 64.120 to 120 80 .637 207 -45.78 -0.0024 213.637 -0.514 Vel -1.760 -45.78 63.606 K Factor -5.74 108 -42.05 3.26 4T 20.159 133. 000 64. 111 to 120 80.637 208 -4 2.05 -0.0021 213.637 -0.439 Vel -1.616 -42.05 63. 672 K Factor -5.27 109 -3 9 .81 3.26 4T 20.159 133. 000 64.106 to 120 80.637 209 -39.81 -0.0019 213. 637 -0.397 Vel -1. 530 -39.81 63.709 K Factor -4.99 110 -38.73 3.26 4T 20.159 133.000 64.103 to 120 80.637 210 -38.73 -0.0018 213.637 -0.377 Vel -1.489 -38.73 63.726 K Factor -4.85 111 -38.43 3.26 4T 20.159 133. 000 61.179 to 120 80.637 16.783 211 -38.43 -0. 0017 213.637 -0.372 Vel -1.477 -38.43 77.590 K Factor -4.36 302 681.12 4.26 2L 7.900 12.000 58.880 to 120 15.800 201 681.12 0.0966 27.800 2.685 Vel 15.332 201 -111.55 4.26 10.000 61.565 to 120 202 569.57 0.0694 10.000 0.694 Vel 12.821 202 -94.95 4.26 10.000 62.259 to 120 203 474.62 0.0495 10.000 0.495 Vel 10.684 203 -81.75 4.26 10.000 62.754 to 120 204 392.87 0.0349 10.000 0.349 Vel 8.843 204 -71.79 4.26 10.000 63.103 to 120 205 321.08 0.0240 10.000 0.240 Vel 7.227 205 -65.01 4.26 10.000 63.343 to 120 206 256.07 0.0158 10.000 0.158 Vel 5.764 206 -51.26 4.26 10.000 63.501 to 120 207 204.81 0 .0105 10.000 0.105 Vel 4.610 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ,'COSCO, .. FIRE PROTECTION INC Page 14 MYRON L COMPANY Date 4/5/04 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng 's Pe Pv ******* Note s ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 207 -45.78 4 .26 10 .000 63.6 06 to 120 208 159 .03 0.0065 10 .000 0.065 Vel 3.580 208 -42 .05 4 .26 10 .000 63 . 671 to 120 209 116.98 0 .003 7 10 .000 0.037 Vel 2.633 209 -3 9.81 4.26 10 .000 63.708 to 1 20 210 77.17 0 . 0017 10.0 00 0 .017 Vel 1.737 2 10 -38 .74 4 .26 10 .000 63.726 to 120 13.859 211 38.43 0 .0005 10.000 0.005 Vel 0.865 38 .4 3 77.590 K Factor 4.36 1 01 111. 56 6 .357 1 0 .000 64.237 to 12 0 1 02 111. 56 0.0005 10.000 0.005 Vel 1.128 102 94 .95 6.357 10.000 64.242 to 120 103 206.51 0.0015 10.000 0.015 Vel 2.087 1 03 81.74 6.357 10.000 64.257 to 120 104 288.25 0.0028 10.000 0.028 Vel 2.914 104 71 . 79 6.357 10.000 64.285 to 120 105 360.04 0.0042 10.000 0.042 Vel 3.639 105 -616.11 6.357 lT 37.720 5.000 64.327 to 120 37.720 112 -256.07 -0.0022 42.720 -0.096 Vel -2.588 112 6.357 lT 37.720 5.000 64.231 to 120 37.720 106 -256.07 -0.0022 42.720 -0.096 Vel -2.588 106 51 .26 6.357 10.000 64. 13 5 to 120 107 -204.81 -0.0015 10.000 -0.015 Vel -2.070 107 45.78 6.357 10.000 64.120 to 120 108 -159.03 -0.0009 10.000 -0.009 Vel -1.608 108 42.05 6.357 10.000 64. 111 to 120 109 -116.98 -0.0005 10.000 -0.005 Vel -1.182 109 39.81 6.357 10.000 64.106 to 120 110 -77.17 -0.0002 10.000 -0.002 Vel -0.780 110 38.74 6.357 10.000 64.103 to 120 -2.923 111 -38.43 -0.0001 10.000 -0.001 Vel -0.388 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 .. toscb .. t<'IRE PROTECTION INC Page 15 MYRON L COMPANY Da.te 4/5/04 Hyd. Qa Dia . Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total pf Pn -38.43 61 .179 K Factor -4 .91 105 681.12 6.357 16.000 64.327 to 120 TOR 681.12 0.0138 16.000 0.220 Vel 6.885 TOR 6.357 lA 33.948 31 .500 64.547 to 120 33.948 13. 643 BOR 681.12 0.0138 65 .448 0.900 Vel = 6 .885 BOR 100.00 7.98 lG 5 .720 50.000 79.090 Qa = 100 to 150 3L 18.589 61.482 0.217 UGl 781.12 0.0039 111. 482 0 .432 Vel = 5.011 ---··-· UGl 400.00 7.98 25 .000 79.738 Qa = 400 to 150 POC 1181.12 0 .0083 25.000 0.208 Vel = 7.577 1181.12 79.946 K Factor 132.10 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ~cJ~t9£/7( Consolidated 1reprotect1on, Inc f \L[ COPY I 08 A.vemda Enemas,, Suite A Carebad, CA 92009 (7~0) 43 I =~90 t w 43 = 17~4 CAL,~~4 834 April 8, 2004 Technical Opinion and Report Prepared for: Myron L Company 2450 Impala Drive Carlsbad, CA. For Submittal to: Carlsbad Fire Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Fire & Life Safety Systems • Consu/Jing • Inspections CflCk Product Image [i.) NFPA8 MEMBER 03-04 C ns h ated F,reprote 10 , In G I 8 Avenlda Enemas 5tute A Carebad, CA 2009 (7~0) 43 ~ =~90 I f~ 43 -724 April 8, 2004 Ms. Karyn Vaudreuil, Fire Marshal Carlsbad Fire Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 C/Au~~41M4 RE: Myron L Company -Technical Opinion and Report Dear Ms. Vaudreuil: The following technical opinion and report is written on behalf of the Myron L. Company, at the direction of the Mr. Dan Robinson, its Project Manager. The writer has compiled the following information for use in preparation of this "Technical Opinion & Report" which is intended to address minimum California Fire & Building Code requirements applicable to the owner's use of the facility located at 2450 Impala Drive, Carlsbad, CA. Compliance with the California Fire & Building Codes is based on information collected from Myron L Company, including architectural floor plans, rack storage plans, an overview of facility operations and a review of the firm's products offered by Mr. Robinson and a review of data and information on the company website: http:\\www.myronl.com. Consolidated Fireprotection, Inc. shall not be held liable for errors in this document due to failure to disclose information either intentional or otherwise. Scope: This document is for the purposes of Construction Approval and Certificate of Occupancy permits only. Any discrepancies between the information in this report and conditions discovered during inspection are the sole responsibility of Myron L. Company. Final inspection for occupancy and verification of compliance with requirements and conditions described in this report shall be the responsibility of the authority having jurisdiction and are outside the scope of this report. Negative Impact: This report will confirm our opinion that Myron L. Company will introduce no increase of hazards with the proposed tenant improvement and operations of the facility. Additionally, this report will demonstrate Myron L Company's complete compliance with 2001 editions of the California Fire & Building Codes. This comprehensive fire protection plan is thorough, and will illustrate that an adequate level of fire and life safety protection is provided to the occupants of the building. Fire & Life Safety Systems • Consulting • Inspections m NFPN MEMBER 03-04 Myron L Company -Technical Opinion & Report (Cont) Page2 Report Purpose: , In 1. Identify materials and/or operations that present a hazard per the California Fire Code and develop methods of protection. 2. Present information related to the design of the building/facility and operations to indicate the acceptance of materials and safe practices. Report Elements: • Address minimum requirements for the storage, handling and use of hazardous materials and the storage of raw materials and finished goods within this facility. • Classify commodities stored or used within the building. • Review storage array and related protection requirements. • Chemical analysis and hazardous materials inventory statement (HMIS). • Review of hazardous materials storage, use and quantity limitations in accordance with applicable codes. • Present an analysis of the design, operation and use of the building. • Outline general safety procedures for occupant safety and building protection. Code Analysis/Technical References: The following codes and/or standards are applicable for this evaluation: • 2001 California Fire Code • 2001 California Building Code • National Fire Protection Association Standard 13 -Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems Facility Description of Operations: The Myron L Company manufactures Water Testing Equipment for conductivity and pH instrumentation used in municipal, commercial and industrial water quality control, chemical concentration testing and process control. Their product line includes handheld and in-line, conductivity/TDS & resistivity, pH & ORP instrumentation, calibration solutions and buffers and related accessories. Myron L instruments are used in a variety of applications, including water treatment; metal finishing, agriculture, aquaculture, and printing, RO & DI, hemodialysis, and electronics manufacturing and environmental studies/protection. Fire & Life Safety Systems • Consulting • Inspections Myron L Company -Technical Opinion & Report (Cont) Page 3 Building Description/Information: In This evaluation pertains to specifically the operations and tenant improvements proposed for 2450 Impala Drive, Carlsbad, CA. The owner is currently in operation as a tenant at 6115 Corte del Cedro, Carlsbad, CA with operations identical to those proposed for this new location. The building is a Type VN -fully sprinklered tilt-up, owner-occupied building with an existing fire sprinkler system designed to deliver a density of 0.45 gpm per sqft over the most demanding 3,000 sqft of floor area. Tenant improvements include the addition of three mezzanines, to be protected with sprinklers designed for Extra Hazard -Group 2 Occupancies per NFP A 13, 1999 edition; .40/2500 sqft. Plans are currently in plan review pending approval. Total building area (approximately) Assembly/Repair (approximately) Machine/Hobby Shop (approximately) Existing Office Area New Mezzanines: A B C 42,450 sqft 12,000 sqft 6,200 sqft 10,672 sqft 3,350 sqft 1,850 sqft 953 sqft Storage on the 2nd level ofMezzanine C will be stacked water (only). The storage above and below Mezzanines A & B will include shelves, pallets and on floor stacks. No pallet racks are planned for this facility. All storage is located either above or below the mezzanines, with a maximum storage height of 12 ft . The building has a 30 ft ceiling height however the only area of the building with a clear height available greater than 16 ft, is the assembly area, where test equipment is assembled by hand on benches. While most of Myron L Company manufacturing is done offshore and in Mexico, the assembly process includes installing a computer circuit board and diodes into the unit housing. Each unit requires a few soldered connections, which are performed by hand with resin core 95/5 silver solder. Each assembly station has a small bottle of alcohol for use in cleaning connections with small wipes. All spent wipes are disposed of in approved spring loaded cans, which are in turn emptied at the end of each shift. It should be noted for the purpose of this report that the owner does not intend to store any materials above 12 ft high. However, this report is based upon storage heights of 15 ft, which is the highest possible storage height in the areas designated as storage use. Fzre & Life Safety Systems • Consulting • Inspecaons Myron L Company-Technical Opinion & Report (Cont) Page4 Fire Protection Requirement Analysis for Storage of Materials: In The areas designated as storage and warehouse include a variety of raw materials, finished products and packaging materials used in the manufacture of water testing equipment. The hand-held and bench-top models are primarily made up of an electronic circuit board, diodes, wiring and instrumentation assembled in a Valox plastic housing. For the purpose of this report, the storage commodity shall be considered unexpanded Group A Plastics, stored on the floor and on shelves. The finished product is packaged in Styrofoam bricks, specifically cut out to accommodate each product. The individual packaged units are put into cardboard boxes and stored on shelves for shipping. The packaging materials are considered Expanded Group A Plastics, stored on pallets on the floor level to a height not exceeding 5 ft. Expanded exposed group A plastics are not permitted to be stored within or on top of pallet racks, per NFP A 13 and the UFC. The following materials are stored within shelves are 12 ft height: ► Computer circuit boards ► Cables ► Misc. small plastic parts in boxes and in plastic bins ► Manuals ► Housing (Valox Plastic) ► Electrodes and diodes ► Screws, Hardware, etc. ► Water based solution for use in field testing. The products are classified as a Class IV commodity overall however, for the purpose of this report and in an effort to avoid restrictive storage methods or areas, the entire analysis will be based upon Group A plastics as noted above. Fire Sprinkler Design Requirements per NFPA 13, 1999 Edition (UFC Standard 81-2): 1. Per Table 7-3 .3.1.1 Decision Tree for General Storage of Plastics, the required density/area for Non-Expanded Group A Plastics in a Stable Array, Exposed, less than 12 ft in height with a roof deck or ceiling up to and including 20 ft refers us to Column E, which prescribes a density/area per EH2, which can be found in Figure 7- and is 0. 40 gpm/2500 sqft. Fire & Life Safety Systems • Consulting • Inspections F, Myron L Company -Technical Opinion & Report (Cont) Page5 2. Per Table 7-3 .3.1.1 Decision Tree for General Storage of Plastics, the required density/area for Expanded Exposed Group A Plastics in a Stable Array, equal to or less than 5 ft in height with a roof deck or ceiling up to and including 25 ft refers us to Column B, which prescribes a density/area of 0.2 gpm/2500 sqft and allows storage up to 12 ft with a roof height of 15 ft maximum with an area/density equal to EH2 (.4/2500). In all cases, the existing fire sprinkler design density is adequate for the storage array proposed at this site with the followin caveats: Hazardous Materials: Aggregate quantities of materials for storage are identified in the following Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement and the Comparative Summary of Hazardous Materials to Exempt Amounts per the Building Code and Fire Code. For the purpose of this report, the entire building shall be considered as one control area. Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) Summary Product Form Quantity CFC Classification Comments: Stored or Used Acetone Liquid 5 gal Class I-B Flammable Extremely Flammable Flammable Vapors Use in well vented areas Irritant; Toxic; OHH Isopropyl Alcohol Liquid 5 gal Class I-B Flammable Extremely Flammable Flammable Vapors Use in well vented areas Irritant; Toxic; OHH Methanol Alcohol Liquid 5 gal Class I-B Flammable Extremely Flammable Flammable Vapors Use in well vented areas Irritant; Toxic; OHH Tetrahydrofuran Liquid 1 gal Class I-B Flammable Extremely Flammable (THF) Irritant; Toxic; OHH Use in well vented areas Dow Corning 1205 Liquid 1 Pint Class I-A Flammable Primecoat Irritant; OHH; Toxic GE Silicone Primer SS Liquid 1 Pint Class I-A Flammable 4179 Irritant; OHH; Toxic 3M Tape Primer #94 Liquid ½Pint Class I-B Flammable Disposal in permitted Irritant; Toxic; Carcinogen Hazardous Waste Facility or Incinerated GE Electric PSA529 Liquid 5 gal Class I-B Flammable Liquid Silicone Resin in Irritant; OHH; Toxic Toluene Fire & Life Safety Systems • Consu/.ing • Inspections Myron L Company -Technical Opinion & Report (Cont) Page 6 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY STATEMENT (HMIS) (DISCLOSURE BY TENANT) Company Name: ------'--M'-'-Y-'--R-=O_N_L_C=-0=-M_PA_N_Y ______ _ Contact: ____ ~Je_r_ry_A~d~a_m_s ____ Page: 1of 1 Address: __ 24_5~0~I_m __ p~al~a_D_r.~. _C_ar_ls_b_ad_._C_A_9_2_0_08 ___ _ Telephone: (760) 438-2021 Fax: (760) 931-9189 Container Concentrate Name Storage Unit of Use Use Storage Storage Use MSDS Size % (Chemical) Qty Measure Closed Open Cabinets Location Location and (Material) (Cf, Gal., Qty. Qty. State (Product) Gms, Kgs, YorN YorN [A, C, G, L, S] (I.D. one or more of the above) Lts. Lbs., Mgs,Ml.) 5 Gallon 100%L Acetone (2 -Propane) 5 Gallon 4 oz. y Stock Area Production y Mach. Shop 5 Gallon 100%L lsopropyl Alcohol 5 Gallon 4-6 oz. y Stock Area Production y IPA lsopropanol 2-Propanol Mach. Shop 5 Gallon 100%L Methanol Alcohol 5 Gallon 4-602. y Stock Area Production y Mach. Shop 1 Gallon 100%L Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 1 Gallon 30cc y Stock Area Mach. y Shop Pint 100%L Dow Corning 1 Gallon 30cc y Stock Area Production y 1205 Primecoat Pint 100%L General Electric Silicone 1 Quart 30cc y Stock Area Production y Primer SS 4179 1/2 Pint 100%L 3M Tape Primer #94 1 Pint 30cc y Stock Area Production y 5 Gallon 100%L General Electric PSA529 5 Gallon 30cc y Stock Area Production y Silicone Resin in Toluene Container Size= Pint, Quart,½ Gallon, Gallon, Liter, 5 Gallon, 55 Gallon Drum State = Material/Product Physical State (A=Aerosol, C=Cryogenic, G=Compressed Gas, L=Liquid, S=Solid, Name= Material Name, Product Name, Chemical Name Storage Quantity= Amount Use-Oosed= Closed Condition Amount Use-Open= Open Condition Amount Storage Cabinets= Approved Cabinets Units of Measurement: Cf= Cubic Ft., Gal= Gallons, Gms=Grams, Kgs=Kilograms, Lts=Liters, Lbs=Pounds, Mgs=Milligrams, Ml=Milliliters Storage/Use Location= Area of the Building Please Provide MSDS for each Chemical or Product Listed Myron L Company -Technical Opinion & Report (Cont) Page 7 Allowable Exempt Amounts: In Aggregate quantities of materials for use are identified by hazard class in the following Summary of Hazardous Materials to Exempt Amounts per the Building and Fire Code Tables 3-E and 7903 .2-B. CFC/UBC Amount in Amount in Allowable Stored Allowable open use per CBC & CFC Classification open use storage per CBC& CFC Flammable 60 cc 2 pints 60 gal. 10 gallons per Table 3-D & CFC Liquid I-A Table 7903.2-B Flammable < 5 gal. 22 gal 120 gal. 15 gallons per Table 3-D and CFC Liquid Class I-B Table 7903.2-B Irritant < 5 gal. 22 gal. N.L. per Table 500 gal without exhaust vent 8001.15-B Toxic < 5 gal. 22 mt!. 1000 gal 125 gal Other Health < 5 gal. 22 gal. 20 gal N.L. per note 11 Hazards Table 3-E * Exempt quantities have been increased as allowed for sprinklered buildings. Storage of flammable liquids in approved storage lockers would allow an additional 100% increase in the allowable amounts stored. Hazardous Materials Handling and Use: All chemicals are stored and used in accordance with the respective manufacturer's written recommendations and procedures. 3M Tape Primer #94, a clear liquid with the consistency of water is noted in the HMIS below, is used as a cleaning agent prior to attaching the gauge onto the units. The primer is applied with a q-tip applicator with no waste material. The residue evaporates and spent q-tips are discarded into approved snap-lid cans. Smoke & Heat Vents: No smoke or heat vents are present at this facility and none are prescribed by codes or recommended by this report. Draft Curtain Boards: No draft curtains are present at this facility and none are prescribed by codes or recommended by this report. General Safety Practices • No smoking will be permitted in the building. • All employees will receive special training on the use of portable fire extinguishers of the type to be provided in this building. • An evacuation plan will be in place. • Exit doors will be maintained unobstructed and will be opened weekly to ensure their operation. • Aisles shall remain clear at all times ( except for loads being moved in or out). • Fire hose valve stations for use in I st aid fire fighting and mop up operations shall be provided. Fire & Life Safety Systems • Consulting • Inspecnons Myron L Company -Technical Opinion & Report (Cont) Page 8 Hydrants/Access Roadways: Hydrants and fire department access roadways will continue to be maintained unobstructed and accessible to emergency response crews. Exiting/Egress: The basic layout of the building is in conformance with the 200 I CBC. The travel distance from any point in the building to an exit does not exceed 250 feet. All exit doors are at least three feet wide and proper exit signs over each door will be provided. Fire Extinguishers: Minimum 2AI0BC rated fire extinguishers shall be provided for every 50 feet of travel distance. Fire Hose Stations: Per the exception to NFP A 13, section 7-3 .1 .1, small fire hose valve stations normally required in storage occupancies are not provided and not prescribed where storage does not exceed 12 ft in height. Conclusion: Based upon our review of the storage arrangements and use, and the recommendations contained in this report, it is our opinion that in full compliance with the requirements of the CBC and CFC 200 I Editions. If you have any comments or questions regarding this report or the proposed use of this facility, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned or the owner directly. Respectfully submitted, Robert G. Caputo President Fire & Life Safety Systems • Consulting • Inspections Ci.] NFJW MEMBER 03-04 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE TABLE 3-E-EXEMPT AMOUNTS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PRESENTING A HEALTH HAZARD MAXIMUM QUANTITIES PER CONTROL AREA1,2 When two units are given, values within parentheses are in pounds (lbs.) TABLE 3-E STORAGE3 USE3-CLOSED SYSTEMS USE3-0PEN SYSTEMS h.lquld Liquid Liquid Gallons4,5,6 Gas Solid Gallons4,5 Gas Solid Gallons4,5 MATERIAL Solid Lbs.····· (Lbs.) Cu. Ft5 Lbs.4,5 (Lbs.) Cu. Ft.5 Lbs.4,5 (Lbs.) x 3,785 tor L x 3.785 tor l x 3.785torL x 0.4536 tor kg x 0.4536 tor kg x 0.028 for ml x 0.4536 tor kg x 0.4536 tor kg x 0.028 for ml x 0.4536 tor kg x 0.4536 tor kg I. Corrosives10 5,000 500 8106 5,000 500 8106 1,000 JOO 2. Highly toxics 7 10 (10) 208 10 (10) 208 3 (3) 3. lrritants9 N.L. N.L. 8106,tl N.L. N.L. 8106,11 5,ooou 50011 4. Sensitizers9 N.L. N.L. 8106,11 N.L. N.L. 8106,ll 5,ooot t 500 11 5. Other health hazards9 N.L. N.L. 8106,11 N.L. N.L. 81Q6,II 5,ooott 50011 6. Toxics7 500 (500) 8l06 500 (500) 81 08 125 (125) N.L. = Not limited. 1Control areas shall be separated from each other by not less than a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation. The number of control areas within a building used for retail or wholesale sales shall not exceed two. The number of control areas in buildings with other uses shall not exceed four. See Section 204. 2The quantities of medicines, foodstuffs and cosmetics, containing not more than 50 percent by volume of water-miscible liquids and with the remainder of the solutions not being flammable, in retail sales uses are unlimited when packaged in individual containers not exceeding 4 liters. 3Toe aggregate quantity in use and storage shall not exceed the quantity listed for storage. 4The aggregate quantiiy of nonflammable solid and nonflammable or noncombustible liquid health hazard materials within a single control area of Group M Occu- pancies used for retail sales may exceed the exempt amounts when such areas are in compliance with the Fire Code. 5Quanlities may be increased 100 percent in sprinklered buildings. When Footnote 6 also applies, the increase for both footnotes may be applied. 6Quantities may be increased 100 percent when stored in approved storage cabinets, gas cabinets or exhausted enclosures as specified in the Fire Code. When Foot- note 5 also applies, the increase for both footnotes may be applied. ?for special provisions, see the Fire Code. 8Permitted only when stored in approved exhausted gas cabinets, exhausted enclosures or fume hoods. 9Jrritants, sensitizers and other health hazards do not include commonly used building materials and consumer products that are not otherwise regulated by this code. IOfor stationary lead-acid battery systems, see the Fire Code. 11The quantities allowed in a sprinklered building are not limited when exhaust ventilation is provided in accordance with the Fire Code. See Table 8001.15-B, Footnote 12. 1-40.7 F F F F F F F F ~ F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F ~ F I ~ F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F I i 7901.11.9 TABLE 7901.4-A 2001 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE trade size of the pipe or tube when the radius is measured from the inside edge of the pipe or tube. leak exists. Piping that could contain flammable or combustible liquids shall not be tested pneumatically. Such tests shall be at the expense of the owner or operator. 7901.11.10 Testing. Unless tested in accordance with the appli- cable sections of nationally recognized standards for pressure pip- ing (see Article 90, Standard a.2.3), piping, before being covered, enclosed or placed in use, shall be hydrostatically tested to 150 percent of the maximum anticipated pressure of the system, or pneumatically tested to 110 percent of the maximum anticipated pressure of the system, but not less than 5 psig (34.47 kPa) at the highest point of the system. This test shall be maintained for a suf- ficient time period to complete visual inspection of all joints and connections. For a minimum of 10 minutes, there shall not be leak- age or permanent distortion. Care shall be exercised to ensure that these pressures are not applied to vented storage tanks. Such stor- age tanks shall be tested independently from the piping. EXCEPTION: Vapor-recovery piping is allowed to be tested using an inert gas. 7901.12 Powered Industrial Truck Operation. Powered in- dustrial trucks shall be listed and labeled for use in the environ- ment intended and shall be in accordance with nationally recognized standards. See Article 90, Standard n.2.2. 7901.13 Maintenance of Protected Aboveground Tanks. Pro- tected aboveground tanks and connected piping shall be main- tained in a safe operating condition. Protected aboveground tanks shall be maintained in accordance with their listings. Damage to protected aboveground tanks shall be repaired using materials having equal or greater strength and fire resistance or the protected aboveground tank shall be replaced or taken out of ser- vice. Existing piping shall be tested in accordance with Section 7901.11.l O when the chief has reasonable cause to believe that a TABLE 7901.1-A-CLASSIFICATION OF FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS (See Sections 7901.1.2 and 7901.4.3) FLASH POINT (FAHRENHEIT) BOILING POINT (FAHRENHEIT) CLASSIFICATION1 0.556 x (l•F -32) for •c 0.556 x (t•F -32) for •c Class I I-A Less than 73 degrees Less than I 00 degrees 1-B Less than 73 degrees Greater than or equal to I 00 degrees I-C Greater than or equal to 73 degrees and less than JOO NIA degrees Class II Greater than or equal to 100 degrees and less than 140 NIA degrees Class Ill ID-A Greater than or equal to 140 degrees and less than 200 NIA degrees ill-B Greater than or equal to 200 degrees NIA Crude Petroleum Less than 150 degrees NIA NI A = Not applicable to classification. 1 When heated, sprayed or mixed, Class II or ID liquids can assume the characteristics of lower flash point liquids. Under such conditions the appropriate provisions of Article 79 for the actual flash point shall apply. For construction requirements, see the Building Code. When flammable or combustible liquids present multiple hazards, all hazards shall be addressed. See Section 8001.1.3. LOCATION Underground tank fill opening Vent-Discharging upward Drum and container filling Outdoor or indoor with adequate ventilation TABLE 7901.4-A-CLASS I ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS1 (See Section 7901.4.2.1) GROUP D DIVISION E>CTENT OF CLASSIFIED AREA 1 Pits, boxes or spaces below grade level, any part of which is within the Division I or 2 classified area. 2 Up to 18 inches (457.2 mm) above grade level within a horizontal radius of 10 feet (3048 mm) from a loose-fill connection and within a horizontal radius of 5 feet (1524 mm) from a tight-fill connection. 1 Within 3 feet (914.4 mm) of open end_of vent, extending in all directions. 2 Area between 3 feet (914.4 mm) and 5 feet (1524 mm) of open end of vent, extending in all directions. 1 Within 3 feet (914.4 mm) of vent and fill opening, extending in all directions. 2 Area between 3 feet (914.4 mm) and 5 feet (1524 mm) from vent of fill opening, extending in all directions. Also up to 18 inches (457 .2 mm) above floor or grade level within a horizontal radius of 10 feet (3048 mm) from vent or fill opening. Pumps, bleeders, withdrawal fittings, meters and similar devices Indoor 2 Within 5 feet (1524 mm) of any edge of such devices, extending in all directions. Also up to 3 feet (914.4 mm) above floor or grade level within 25 feet (7620 mm) horizontally from any edge of such devices. Outdoor 2 Within 3 feet (914.4 mm) of any edge of such devices, extending in all directions. Also up to 18 inches ( 457 .2 mm) horizontally from an edge of such devices. Pits Without mechanical ventilation 1 Entire area within pit if any part is within a Division 1 or 2 classified area. 1-172 2001 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE TABLE 7902.3-A--OUTDOOR LIQUID STORAGE IN CONTAINERS AND PORTABLE TANKS (See Sections 7902.3.3.1 and 7902.3.3.2) CONTAINER STORAGE-MAXIMUM PORTABLE TANK MINIMUM DISTANCE PER PILE STORAGE-MAXIMUM PER PILE TO PROPERTY LINE TABLE 7902.3-A TABLE 7902.5-8 MINIMUM DISTANCE OF PROPERTY THAT MINIMUM DISTANCE Quantity 1, 2 Quantity 1, 2 Height CLASS (gallons) Height (feet) (gallons) BETWEEN PILES OR CAN BE BUILT TO STREET, ALLEY OR (feet) UPON3,4 (feat) OF RACKS (feet) A PUBLIC WAY4 (feel) LIQUID x 3.785 for L >e 304.8 tor mm x 3.785 for L x 304.8 for mm I-A 1,100 10 2,200 7 5 50 JO 1-B 2,200 12 4,400 14 5 50 10 1-C 4,400 12 8,800 14 5 50 10 Il 8,800 12 17,600 14 5 25 5 lJl 22,000 18 44,000 14 5 10 5 1 For mixed class storage, see Section 7902.3.3.1. 2For storage in racks, the quantity limits per pile do not apply, but the rack arrangement shall be limited to a max.imum of 50 feet (15 240 mm) in length and two rows or 9 feet (30 480 rrun) in depth. 3If protection by a public fire department or private fire brigade capable of providing cooling water streams is not available, the distance shall be doubled. 4When the total quantity stored does not exceed 50 percent of the max.imum allowed per pile, the distances are allowed to be reduced 50 percent, but not less than 3 feet (914.4 mm). . . TABLE 7902.5-A-EXEMPT AMOUNTS OF FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS- MAXIMUM QUANTITIES STORED PER CONTROL AREA 1,2,3 (See Section 7902.5. 7) EXEMPT AMOUNT (gallons) TYPE OF LIQUID x 3.785 for L Flammable Class I-A 30 Class'I-B 60 Class I-C 90 Combination I-A, 1-B, 1-C 1204 Combustible Class II 120 Class Ill-A 330 Class IlI-B 13,2005 1 Control areas shall be separated from each other by not less than a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation. The number of control areas within a building used for retail or wholesale sales shall not exceed two. The number of control areas in buildings with other uses shall not exceed four. See Sections 204 and 800 I.I 0.2. 2Quantities are allowed to be increased 100 percent when stored in approved storage cabinets. When Footnote 3 applies, the increase for each footnote is allowed. 3Quantities are allowed to be increased 100 percent in buildings equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system. When Footnote 2 applies, the increase for each footnote is allowed. 4Combinations shall not contain more than the exempt amounts of any individual class. 5Quantities permitted in a building equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system are not limited. TABLE 7902.5-8-EXEMPT AMOUNTS OF FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS IN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALES USES- MAXIMUM QUANTITIES STORED PER CONTROL AREA 1 (See Section 7902.5.7.1) EXEMPT AMOUNTS (gallons) x 3.785 for L TYPE OF LIQUID Sprjnklered2 per Footnote Denaltles end Arrangements Sprinklered per Tablea 7902.S·F through 7902.S-K Un■prlnklered Flammable: Oass I-A 60 60 30 Flammable and combustible: Combination Oass 1-B, I-C, 7,5003 II and III-A 15,0003 1,600 Combustible: Class IlI-B Unlimited Unlimited 13,200 1Control areas shall be separated from each other by not less than a one-hour fire-res1suve occupancy separation. The number of control areas within a bwlding used for retail or wholesale sales shall not exceed two. The number of control areas in buildings with other uses shall not exceed four. See Sections 204 and 8001.10.2. 2To be considered as sprinklered, buildings shall be protected with approved automatic sprinkler systems with designs providing minimum densities as follows: For uncartoned commodities on shelves 6 feet (1829 mm) or less in height where the ceiling height does not exceed 18 feet (5486 mm), quantities are those per- mitted with a minimum sprinkler design density of Ordinary Huard Group 2. For cartoned, palletized or racked commodities where storage is 4 feet 6 inches (1372 mm) or less in height and where the ceiling height does not exceed 18 feet (5486 mm), quantities are those permitted with a minimum sprinkler design density of 0.21 gpm per square foot [8.56 U(min•m2)] over the most remote l,500-square-foot (139 m2) area. 3When wholesale and retail sales or storage areas exceed 50,000 square feet ( 4645 m2) in area, exempt amounts are allowed to be increased by 2 percent for each 1,000 square feet (92.9 m2) of area in excess of 50,000 square feet (4645 m2), up to a max.imurn of 100 percent of the table amounts. A control area separation is not required. The cumulative amounts, including amounts attained by having an additional control area, shall not exceed 30,000 gallons (113 562 L). 1-193 GENERAL INFORMATIO. 13-l I nearby wall in a pattern resembling one-quarter of a sphere, with a small portion of the discharge directed at the wall behind the sprinkler. Upright Sprinkler. A sprinkler designed to be installed in such a way that the water spray is directed upwards against the deflector. 1-4.5.4 The following sprinklers are defined according LO spe cial application or environment. Corrosion-Resistant Sprinkler. A sprinkler fabricated with corrosion-resistant material, or with special coatings or plat- ings, to be used in an atmosphere that would normally cor- rode sprinklers. Dry Sprinkler.* Aspri n kler secw·ed in an extension ni pple that has a seal at the inlet end LO prevent water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates. Intermediate Level Sprinkler/Rack Storage Sprinkler.· A sprinkler equipped with integral sh ields to protect its operat- ing elements from the discharge of sprinklers installed at higher elevations. Ornamental/Decorative Sprinkler. A sprinkler that has been painted or plated by the manufacturer. 1-4.6 Construction Definitions. Obstructed Construction.* Panel construction and other construction where beams, trusses, or other members impede heat flow or water distribution in a manner that materially affects the ability of sprinklers to control or suppress a fire. Unobstructed Construction.* Construction where beams, trusses, or other members do not impede heat flow or water dis- tribution in a manner that materially affects the ability of sprin- klers to control or suppress a fire. Unobstructed construction has horizontal structural members that are not solid, where ti e openings are at least 70 percent of the cross-section area an the depth of the member does not exceed the least dimension of the openings, or all construction types where the spacing of structural members exceeds 71 / 2 ft (2.3 m) on center. 1-4.7 Private Water Supply Piping Definitions. Private Fire Service Main.* Private fi re service main, as used in this standard, is that pipe and its appurtenances on pri- vate property (1) between a source of water and the base of the riser for water-based fire protection systems, (2) between a source of water and inlets to foam-making systems, (3) between a source of water and the base elbow of private hydrants or monitor nozzles, and ( 4) used as fire pump suc- tion and discharge piping, (5) beginning at the inlet side of the check valve on a gravity or pressure tank. 1-4.8 General Storage Definitions. Array, Closed. A storage arrangement where air movement through the pile is restricted because of6-in. (152-mm) or less vertical flues. Array, Open.* A storage arrangement where air movement th rough the pile is enhanced because of vertical flues larger than 6 in. (152 mm). Available Height for Storage.* The maximum height at which commodities can be stored above the floor and still maintain adequate clearance from structural members and the required clearance below sprinklers. Bin .Box Storage. Storage in five-sided wood, metal, or card- board boxes "~th open face on the aisles. Boxes arc self-sup- porting or supported by a structure so designed that little or 10 horizontal or vertical space exists around boxes. Ceiling Height. The distance between the floor and the underside of the ceiling above (or roof deck) within the stor- age area. Clearance. The distance from the top of sLOrage to the ceil- ing sprinkler deflectors. Commodity. Combinations of products, packing material, and container upon which the commodity classification is based. Compartmented.* The rigid separation of the prod ucts in a container by divi.ders that form a stable u nit under fire conditions. Container (Shipping, Master, or Outer Container).* A receptacle strong enough, by reason of material, design, and construction, to be shipped safely without further packaging. Encapsulation. A method of packaging consisting of a plas- tic sheet completely enclosing the sides and top of a pallet load containing a combustible commodity or a combustible package or a group of combustible commodities or combusti- ble packages. Combustible commodities individually wrapped in plastic sheeting and stored exposed in a pallet load also are to be considered encapsulated. Totally noncombustible com- modities on wood pallets enclosed only by a plastic sheet as described are not covered under this definition. Banding (i.e., stretch-wrapping around the sides only of a pallet load) is not considered to be encapsulation. Where there are holes or voids in the plastic or waterproof cover on the top of the car- ton that exceed more than half of the area of the cover, the term encapsulated does not apply. The term encapsulated does not apply to plastic-enclosed products or packages inside a large, nonplastic, enclosed container. Expanded (Foamed or Cellular) Plastics. Those plastics, the density of which is reduced by the presence of numerous small cavities (cells), interconnecting or not, dispersed throughout their mass. Exposed Group A Plastic Commodities. Those plastics not m packaging or coverings that absorb water or otherwise appreciably retard the burning hazard of the commodity. (Paper wrapped or encapsulated, or both, should be consid- ered exposed.) Free-Flowing Plastic Materials. Those plastics that fall out of their containers during a fi re, fill flue spaces, and create a smothering effect on the fire. Examples include powder, pel- lets, flakes, or random-packed small objects [e.g., razor blade dispensers, 1-oz to 2-oz (28-g to 57-g) bottles). Packaging. A commodity wrapping, cushioning, or container. Palletized Storage. Storage of commodities on pallets or other sLOrage aids that form horizontal spaces between tiers of sto rage. Pile Stability, Stable Piles.* Those arrays whe re collapse, spillage of content, or leaning of stacks across flue spaces is not likely to occur soon after initial fire development. Pile Stability, Unstable Piles.* Those arrays where collapse, spillage of contents, or leaning of stacks across flue spaces occurs soon after initial fire development. 1999 Edition 13-12 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER sYSTEMS Roof Height. The distance between the floor and the underside of the roof deck within the storage area. Shelf Storage. Storage on structures less than 30 in. (76.2 cm) deep with shelves usually 2 ft (0.6 m) apart verti- ally and separated by approximately 30-in. (76.2-cm) aisles. Solid Unit Load of a Nonexpanded Plastic (Either Cartoned or Exposed). A load that does not have voids (air) within the load and that burns only on the exterior of the load; water from sprinklers might reach most surfaces available to burn. Storage Aids. Commodity storage devices, such as pallets, dunnage, separators, and skids. Unit Load. A pallet load or module held together in some manner and normally transported by material-handling equipment. 1-4.9 Rack Storage Definitions. Aisle Width.* The horizontal dimension between the face of the loads in racks under consideration. [See Figure A-J-4.9(a).} Bulkhead. A vertical barrier across the rack. Cartoned. A method of storage consisting of corrugated cardboard or paperboard containers fully enclosing the commodity. Conventional Pallets.* A material-handling aid designed to support.a unit load with openings to provide access for mate- rial-handling devices. [See Figure A-1-4. 9(b ).} Face Sprinklers. Standard sprinklers that are located in transverse flue spaces along the aisle or in the rack, are within 18 in. (0.46 m) of the aisle face of storage, and are used to oppose vertical development of fire on the external face of storage. Horizontal Barrier. A solid barrier in the horizontal posi- tion covering the entire rack, including all flue spaces at cer- tain height increments, to p revent vertical fire spread. Longitudinal Flue Space.* The space between rows of storage perpendicular to the direction of loading. [See Figure A-1-4.9(c).J Rack.* Any combination of vertical, horizontal, and diago- nal members that supports stored materials. Some rack struc- tures use solid shelves. Racks can be fixed, portable, or movable [see Figures A-1-4. 9 (a) through (m)]. Loading can be either manual -using lift trucks, stacker cranes, or hand placement -or automatic -·using machine-controlled stor- age and retrieval systems. Racks, Double-Row. Two single-row racks placed back-to- back having a combined width up to 12 ft (3.7 m), with aisles at least 3.5 ft (1.1 m) on each side. Racks, Movable. Racks on fixed rails or guides. They can be moved back and forth only in a horizontal, two-dimensional plane. A moving aisle is created as abutting racks are either loaded or unloaded, then moved across the aisle to abut other racks. Racks, Multiple-Row. Racks greater than 12 ft (3.7 m) wide or single-or double-row racks separated by aisles less than 3.5 ft (1.1 m) wide having an overall width greater than ]2ft(3.7m). Racks, Portable. Racks that are not fixed in place. The)' can be arranged in an)' number of configurations. 1999 Edition Racks, Single-Row. Racks that have no longitudinal flue space and that have a width up to 6 ft (1.8 rn) with aisles at least 3.5 ft (1.1 m) from other storage. Slave Pallet. A special pallet captive to a material-handling system. [SeeFigureA-l-4.9(b).] Solid Shelving. Solid, slatted, and other types of shelving located within racks that obstruct sprinkler water penetration down through the racks. Transverse Flue Space. The space between rows of storage parallel to the direction ofloading. [SeeFigureA-l-4.9(c).J 1-4.10 Rubber Tire Storage Definitions. Banded Tires. A storage method in which a number of tires are strapped together. Horizontal Channel. Any uninterrupted space in excess of 5 ft (1.5 m) in length between horizontal layers of stored tires. Such channels can be formed by pallets, shelving, racks, or other storage arrangements. Laced Tire Storage. Tires stored where the sides of the tires overlap, creating a woven or laced appearance. [See Fig- ure A-1-4.10. l(g).J Miscellaneous Tire Storage.* The storage of rubber tires that is incidental to the main u$e of the building. Storage areas shall not exceed 2000 ft2 (186 m2). On-tread storage piles, regardless of storage method, shall not exceed 25 ft (7.6 m) in the direction of the wheel holes. Acceptable storage arrange- ments include (a) on-floor, on-side storage up to 12 ft (3.7 m) high; (b) on-floor, on-tread storage up to 5 ft (1.5 m) high; (c) double-row or multirow fixed or portable rack storage on-side or on-tread up to 5 ft (1.5 m) high; (d) single-row fixed or por- table rack storage on-side or on-tread up to 12 ft (3.7 m) high; and (e) laced tires in racks up to 5 ft (1.5 m) in height. On-Side Tire Storage. Tires stored horizontally or flat. On-Tread Tire Storage. Tires stored vertically or on their treads. Palletized Tire Storage. Storage on portable racks of vari- ous types utilizing a conventional pallet as a base. Pyramid Tire Storage. On-floor storage in which tires are formed into a pyramid to provide pile stability. Rubber Tires. Pneumatic tires for passenger auwrnobiles, aircraft, light and heavy trucks, trailers, farm equipment, con- struction equiprnen t (off-the-road), and buses. 1-4.10.l * Rubber Tire Rack Illustrations. See Fi gures A-1-4.10.1 (a) through (g). 1-4.11 Baled Cotton Definitions. Baled Cotton.* A natural seed fiber wrapped and secured in industry-accepted materials, usually consisting of burlap. woven polypropylene or sheet polyethylene, and secured with steel, synthetic or wire bands, or wire; can also include !inters (lint removed from the cottonseed) and motes (residual mate- rials from the gi nning process). (See Tabl.e A-1-4.11.) Block Cotton Storage. The nurn ber or bales closely stacked in cubical form and enclosed by aisles or building sides, or both. Cold Cotton. Baled cotton five o r more days old afrer the ginning process. , S\'STEi\l COMPONENTS Al'\TD HARDWARE 13-15 ( I) ConsLnicLed partially or totally or Group B plastics. (2) CousisL5 of free-flowi ng Group A plastic materials. (3) Contains wi thin icseu· or it.5 packaging an appreciable amount (5 percent to 15 percent by weight or 5 percent to 25 percent by volume) of Group A plastics. The remaining mate rials shall be pern1itted to be metal, wood, paper, natural or synlhetic fi bers, 01· Group B o r Group C plastics. 2-2.4* Classification of Plastics, Elastomers, and Rub- ber. Plastics, elastomers, and rubber shall be classified as Group A, Group B, or Croup C. 2-2.4.l * Group A. The following materials shall be classified -.112:~10.s Group A: ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer) Acetal (polyfo1maldehyde) Acrylic (polymethyl methacrylate) Butyl rubber EPDM ( ethylene-propylene rubber) FRP (fiberglass-reinforced polyester) Natural rubber (if expanded) Nitr.ile rubber (acrylonitrile-butadie ne rubber) PET (thermoplastic polyester) Polybutadiene Polycarbonate Polyester elastomer Polyethylene Polypropylene Polystyrene Polyurethane PVC (polyvinyl chloride -highly plasticized; with plasti- cizer content greater than 20 percen t) (rarely found) SAN (styrene acrylonitrile) SBR (styrene-butadie ne rubber) 2-2.4.2 Group B. The following materials shall be classified as CroupB: Cellulosics ( cellulose acetate, cellulose acetate butyrate, ethyl cellulose) Chloroprene rubber Fluoroplastics (ECTFE -ethylene-chlorotrifluoro-ethyl- ene copolymer; ETFE -ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene-copoly- mer; FEP -fluorinated ethylene-propylen e copolymer) Natural rubber (not expanded) Nylon (nylon 6, nylon 6/6) Silicone rubber 2-2.4.3 Group C. The following materials shall be classified as Group C: Fluoroplastics (PCTFE -polychlorotrifluoroethylene; PTFE -polytetrafluoroethylene) Me lamine (melamine formaldehyde) Phen olic PVC (polyvinyl chloride -flexible -PVCs with plasticizer content up to 20 percent) PVDC (polyvinylidene chloride) PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) PVF (polyvinyl fluoride) Urea (urea formaldehyde ) 2-2.5* Classification of Rolled Paper Storage. For the pur- poses of this standard, the following classifications of paper shall apply. These classifications shall be used to determine the sprin kier system design criteria. 2-2.5.1 Heavyweight Class. Heavyweigh t class shall include pape1·board and paper stock having a basis weight [weight per 1000 ft2 (92.9 m2)] of 20 lb (9.1 kg). 2-2.5.2 Mediumweight Class. Mediumweight class shall include all the broad range of papers having a basis weight [weight per 1000 ft2 (92.9 m2)] of JO lb to 20 lb (4.5 kg to 9.1 kg). 2-2.5.3 Lightweight Class. Lightweight class shall include all papers having a basis weight [ weight per l 000 ft2 (92.9 m2)] of JO lb (4.5 kg). 2-2.5.4 Tissue. Tissue shall include the broad range of papers of c haracteristic gauzy texture, which, in some cases, are fairly transparent. For the purposes of th.is standard, tissue shall be defined as the soft, absorbent type, regardless of basis weight -specifically, crepe wadding and the sanitary class including facial tissue, paper napkins, bathroom tissue, and toweling. Chapter 3 System Components and Hardware 3-1 General. This chapter provides requirement.5 for correct use of sprinkler system components. 3-1.1 * All materials and devices essential to successful system ope ration shall be listed. Excepticm No. 1: Equipment as permitted in TaUe 3-3.1, Tabl.e 3-5.1, and the Exceptions to 6-1.1 and 6-1.1.1 shall not be required to be listed. Exception No. 2: Components that do not affect system performance such as drain pipjng, drain valves, and signs shall not be required to be listed. The use of reconditioned valves and devices other than sprin- kl.ers as replacement equipment in existing systems shall be permitted. 3-1.2 System components shall be rated for the maximum sys- tem working pressure to which they are exposed but shall not be rated at less than 175 psi (12.1 bar). 3-2 Sprinklers. 3-2.1 Only new sprinklers shall be installed. 3-2.2* Sprinkler Identification. All sprinklers shall be perma- nently marked with a one-or two-character manufacturer sym- bol, followed by up to four numbers, so as to identify a unique model of sprinkler for every change in orifice size or shape, deflector characteristic, and thermal sensitivity. This rule shall become effective on January 1, 2001. 3-2.3 Sprinkler Discharge Characteristics. 3-2.3.1 * The K-factor, relative discharge, and marking identi- fication for sprinklers having different orifice sizes shall be in accordance with Table 3-2.3.1. Exception No. 1: Listed sprinklers having pipe threads different from those shown in Tabl.e 3-2.3. I shall be permitted. Exception No . 2: Sprinkl.ers listed with nominal Kjactors greater than 28 shall increase the flow iYy 100 percent increments when compared with a nominal K-5. 6 sprinkl.er. 1999 Edition 13-14 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Table 1-7 SI Units and Conversion Factors Name of Unit Unit Symbol Conversion Factor liter L I gal = 3.785 L millimeter per minute mm/min 1 gpm/ft2 = 40.746 mm/min = 40.746 (L/min)/m2 cubic decimeter dm5 I gal = 3. 785 dm5 pascal Pa 1 psi = 6894.757 Pa bar bar 1 psi = 0.0689 bar bar bar I bar = 105 Pa For additional conversions and information, see ASTM SI I 0, St~ for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Motkrn Metric System 1-7.1 If a value for measurement as given in this standard is followed by an equivalent value in other units, the first stated is to be regarded as the requirement. A given equivalent value might be approximate. 1-7.2 The conversion procedure for the SI units has been to multiply the quantity by the conversion factor and then round the result to the appropriate number of significant digits. Chapter 2 Classification of Occupancies and Commodities 2-1 * Classification of Occupancies. Occupancy classifications for this standard shall relate to sprin kier design, installation, and water supply requirements only. They shall not be intended to be a general classification of occupancy hazards. 2-1.1 * Light Hazard Occupancies. Light hazard occupancies shall be occupancies or portions of other occupancies where the quantity and/or combustibility of contents is low and fires with relatively low rates of heat release are expected. 2-1.2 Ordinary Hazard Occupancies. 2-1.2.1 * Ordinary Hazard (Group 1). Ordinary hazard (Group 1) occupancies shall be occupancies or portions of other occupancies where combustibility is low, quantity of combustibles is moderate, stockpiles of combustibles do not exceed 8 ft (2.4 m), and fires with moderate rates of heat release are expected. · 2-1.2.2* Ordinary Hazard (Group 2). Ordinary hazard (Group 2) occupancies shall be occupancies or portions of olher occupancies where the quantity and combustibility of contents is moderate to high, stockpiles do not exceed ] 2 ft (3. 7 m), and fires with moderate to high rates of heat release are expected. 2-1.3 Extra Hazard Occupancies. 2-1.3.l * Extra Hazard (Group 1). Extra hazard (Group 1) occupancies shall be occupancies or ponions of other occu- pancies where the quantity and combustibility of contents is very high and dust, lint, or other materials are present, intro- ducing Lhe probabili ty of rapidly developing fires with high rates of heat release hut with little 0 1· no combustible or flam- mable liquids. 1999 Edition -1.3.2* Extra Hazard (Group 2). Extra hazard (Group 2) occupancies shall include occupancies with moderate to sub- stantial amounts of flammable or combustible liquids or occu- pancies where shielding of combustibles is extensive. 2-1.4* Special Occupancy Hazards. 2-2*t Commodity Classification. 2-2.l General. 2-2.1.1 * Classification of Commodities. Commodity classifi- cation and the corresponding protection requirements shall be determined based on the makeup of individual storage units (i.e., unit load, pallet load). 2-2.1.2 Mixed Commodities. Protection requirements shall not be based on the overall commodity mix in a fire area. Mixed commodity storage shall be protected by the require- ments for the highest classified commodity and storage arrangement. Exception No. J: Up to 10 pallet loads of a higher hazard commodity, as described in 2-2.3 and 2-2. 4, shall be permitted to be present in an area not exceeding 40,000 ft (3716 m2). The higher hazard commod- ity shall be randomly dispersed with no adjacent loads in any direction ( including diagonally). If the ceiling protection is based on Class I or Class IJ commodities, then the allowah/e number of pallet loads for Class IV or Group A plastics shall be reduced to five. Exception No. 2: The higher hazard material shall be permitted to be confined to a designated area and properly protected for that area. 2-2.2 Pallet Types. When loads are palletized, the use of wooden or metal pallets shall be assu med in the classifica- tion of commodities. When plastic p allets are used, the clas- sification of the commodity unit shall be increased one class (i.e., Class III will become Class IV and Class IV will become Group A plastics). No in crease shall be required for Group A plastic commod ity. Exception: v\t'hen specific test data is availah/e, the data shall take pre- cedence in determining classification of commodities. 2-2.3* Commodity Classes. 2-2.3.l * Class I. A Class l commodity shall be defined as a noncombustible product that meets one of the following criteria: (I) Placed directly on wooden pallets (2) Placed in single layer corrugated cartons, with or with- out single-thickness cardboard dividers, with or without pallets (3) Shrink-wrapped or pape1~wrapped as a unit load wilh 01· without pallets 2-2.3.2* Class II. A Class I1 commodity shall be defined as a noncombustible product that is in slatted wooden crates, solid wood boxes, multiple-layered corrugated cartons, or equiva- lem combustible packaging material, wi th or without pallets. 2-2.3.3* Class III. A Class Ill commodity shall be defined as a product fashioned from wood, paper, natural fibers, or Group C plastics with or without cartons, boxes, or cr~tes and wnh or without pallets. Such a product shall be permmed to con ram a limited amount (5 percent by weight or volume) of Group A or Group B plastics. 2-2.3.4* Class IV. A Class JV com modit-y shall be defined as a product, with or without pallets, that meets one of the follow- ing criteria: 13-86 INSTALLATION OF SPRJNKLER SYSTEMS 7-* Where multiple adjustments to the area of oper- ation are required to be made in accordance with 7-, 7-, 7-, or 7-, these adjustments shall be compounded based on the area of operation originally selected from Figure 7- If the building has unsprin- klered combustible concealed spaces, the rules of 7- shall be applied after all other modifications have been made. 7-2.3.3 Room Design Method. 7- * The water supply requirements for sprinklers only shall be based upon the room that creates the greatest demand. The density selected shall be that from Figure 7- corresponding to the room size. To utilize this method, all rooms shall be enclosed with walls having a fire-resistance rating equal to the water supply duration indicated in Table 7- 7- If the room is smaller than the smallest area shown in the applicable curve in Figure 7-, the provisions of 7-2.3.l.3(a) shall apply. ', 7- Minimum protection of openings shall be as follows: (1) Light hazard -automatic or self-closing doors Exception: Whire openings are not protected, calculations shall in- clude the sprinklers in the room plus two sprinklers in 1he communicat- ing space near(!St each such unprotected opening unkss the communicating space has only one sprinkler, in which case calcula- tions shall be extended to the operation of that sprinkler. The selection of the room and communicating space sprinklers to be calculated shall be that which produces the greatest hydraulic demand. (2) Ordinary and extra hazard -automatic or self-closing doors with appropriate fire-resistance ratings for the enclosure 7-2.3.4 Special Design Methods. 7- Where the design area consists of a building service chute supplied by a separate riser, the maximum number of sp1;nklers that needs to be calculated is three. 7- the room design method is used and the area under consideration is a corridor protected by one row of sprinklers, the maximum number of sprinklers that needs to be calculated is five. (See 7-2.3.1.) Exception: IM!ere the area under consideration is a corridor protected by a single row of sprinklers and the openings are not protected, the design area shall include all sprinklers in the corridor to a maximum of seven. 7- Where an area is to be protected by a single line of sprinklers, the design area shall include all sprinklers on the line up to a maximum of seven. 7-3 Fire Control Approach for the Protection of Commodities That Are Stored Palletized, Solid Piled, in Bin Boxes, or in Shelves. 7-3. l General. This section shall apply to a broad range of combustibles, including plastics that are stored palletized, solid piled, in bin boxes, or in shelves above 12 ft (3.7 m) high and using standard spray sprinklers. 7-3.1.1 For first-aid fire-tighting and mop-up operations, small hose (1 ½ in. (38 mm)] shall be provided in accordance with 5-15.5. ·xception: Hose connections shall not be required for the protection of Class I, If, Ill, and lV commoriitiP,s stared 12 fl (3. 7 m) ar less in height. 1999 Edition 7-3.1.2 Minimwn System Discharge Requirements. 7- The design density shall not be less than 0.15 gpm/ ft2 (6.1 mm/min), and the design area shall riot be less than 2000 ft2 (186 m2) for wet systems or 2600 ft2 (242 m2) for dry systems for any commodity, class, or group. 7- The sprinkler design density for any given area of operation for a Class III or Class IV commodity, calculated in accordance with 7-3.2, shall not be less than the density for the corresponding area of operation for ordinary hazard Group 2. 7- The water supply requirements for sprinklers only shall be based on the actual calculated demand for the hazard in accor- dance with 7-3.2, 7-3.3, 7-9.4, or 7-9.5, depending on the type of sprinkler selected and the commodity being protected. 7- In buildings occupied in part for storage, within the scope of this standard, the required sprinkler protection shall extend 15 ft (4.6 m) beyond the perimeter of the storage area. Exception: This requirement shall not apply where separated by a bar- rier partition that is capable of preventing heat from a fire in the stor- age area from fusing sprinklers in the nonstorage area. 7-3.1.3 The sprinkler system criteria specified in Section 7-3 is intended to apply to buildings with ceiling slopes not exceeding two in 12 (16.7 percent). 7-3.2 Water Demand Requirements of Class I through IV Requirements. 7-3.2.1 * General. 7- Protection for Class I through Class IV commodities in the following configurations shall be provided in accor- dance with this chapter: (1) Nonencapsulated commodities that are solid pile, palletized, or bin box storage up to 30 ft (9.1 m) in height (2) Nonencapsulated commodities on shelf storage up to 15 ft (4.6 m) in height (3) *Encapsulated commodities that are solid pile, pallet- ized, bin box, or shelf storage up to 15 ft ( 4.6 m) in height 7-3.2.l.2 Bin box and shelf storage that is over 12 ft (3.7 m) but not in excess of the height limits of 7-3.2.1 .1 and that is provided with walkways at vertical intervals of not over 12 ft (3.7 m) shall be protected with automatic sprinklers under the walkway(s). Protection shall be as follows: (a) Ceiling design density shall be based on the total height of storage within the building. (b) Automatic sprinklers under walkways shall be designed to maintain a minimum discharge pressure of l 5 psi (1 bar) for the most hydraulically demanding six sprinklers on each level. Walkway sprinkle r demand shall not be required to be added to the ceiling sprinkler demand. Sprinklers under walkways shall not be spaced more than 8 ft (2.4 m) apart horizontally. 7-3.2.2 Protection Criteria. 7- The water supply shall be capable of providing 1he sprin- kler system demand determined in accordance with 7-, including the hose stream demand and duration requirements of Table 7- 7- The area and density for the hydraulically remote area shall be determined as specified in 7-2-3.2.2 for storage under L2 ft (3. 7 m) and 7- l through 7- for stor- age over 12 ft (3.7 m). DESIGN APPROACHES 13-87 7- "Where using ordinary Lemperature-raLed sprin- klers, a single poim shaJI be selected from the appropriate commodity curve on Figure 7- Figure 7- Sprinkler system design curves, 20-ft (6.1-m) high storage -ordinary temperature-rated sprinklers. "' Q) oi C1> C ~ Q) a. 0 a; 32 C ·c a. en m2 ft2 550 6000 500 450 5000 400 4000 350 300 3000 250 200 2000 gpm/ft2 0.1 mm/min 4.1 " 'O ' '~ <l',s, -1- C}. r-. ' ~ 0 -<l'✓, 0 ~ 'l ,~ <l',s, I 0.15 6.1 I\..J'd\ "l I 'lo./ 1'.I " " .... I 0.2 8.2 0.25 10.2 0.3 12.2 Sprinkler density .... 0.35 14.3 I 0.4 16.3 7- Where using high temperature-rated sp1inklers, a single point shall be selected from the appropriate commodity curve o n Figure 7- Figure 7- Sprinkler system design curves, 20-ft (6.l-m) high storage -high temperature-rated sprinklers. "' ~ "' C1> C ~ m2 ft2 375 4000 :g_ 280 3000 0 a; 32 C ·c a. en 190 2000 gprn/ft2 0. 1 mm/min 4.1 0.15 6.1 0.2 8.2 Sprinkler density 0.25 10.2 0.30 12.2 7- The densities selected in accordance with 7- or 7- shall be modified in accordance with Figure 7- without revising the design area. 7- Where dry-pipe systems are used, the areas of oper- ation indicated in the design curves shaJl be increased by 30 percent. 7- In the case of metal bin boxes with face areas not exceeding 16 ft2 (1.5 m2) and metal closed shelves with face areas not exceeding 16 ft2 ( 1.5 m2), the area of application shall be permitted to be reduced by 50 percent, provided the minimum requirements of 7-3.1 through 7-3.1.3 are met. 7- The final area and density shall not be less than the minimum specified in 7-3.1.2. figure 7- Ceiling sprinkler density vs. storage height. ~ ·c:;; C Q) "O Q) C: :::, u C C1> "iii Q) "O 0 c Q) ~ Q) Q. 250 200 150 100 50 0 ft m 10 3.0 j V I/ ,,. ,,.,,. - 15 20 25 4.5 6.0 7.5 Storage height - j 30 9.0 7- Given the area and density determined in accordance with 7-, the fire sprinkler system shall be hydraulically calculated. 7- High-Expansion Foam Systems. 7- High-expansion foam systems that are installed in addition to automatic sprinklers shall be installed in accor- dance with NFPA l lA, Standard Jar Medium-and High-Expansion Foam Systems. Exception: This requirement shall not apply where modified by this standard. 7- High-expansion foam used to protect the idle pal- let shall have a maximum fill time of 4 minutes. 7- High-expansion foam systems shall be automatic in operation. 7- Detectors for high-expansion foam systems shall be listed and shall be installed at no more than one-half the listed spacing. 7- Detection systems, concentrate pumps, genera- tors, and other system components that are essential to the operation of the system shall have an approved standby power source. 7- A reduction in ceiling density to one-half that required for Class I through Class IV commodities, idle pal- lets, or plastics shall be permitted without revising the design area, but the density shall be no less than 0.15 gpm/ ft2 (6.1 mm/min). -3.3 Water Demand Requirements for Plastic and Rubber Commodities. 7-3.3.1 * General. See Appendix C. 7-* Plastics stored up to 25 ft (7.62 m) in height pro- tected by spray sprinklers shall be in accordance with this chapter. The decision tree shown in Figure 7- shall be used to determine the protection in each specific situation. 1999 Edition / 13-88 INSTALLATION OF SPR1NKLER SYSTEMS Figure 7- Decision tree. ~ Plastics Group A (See Note) I Group B Class IV Group C Class Ill Expanded Nonexpanded Free-flowing Class IV Cartoned Exposed ~ ~ Unstable Table 7- Column A I Stable Unstable Stable Unstable Solid Unit Load Cartoned Exposed Table 7- Table 7- Table 7- Table 7- Table 7- Table 7- Table 7- Column E Column D Column B Column C Column A Column C Column E Note: Cartons that contain Group A plastic mat hall be permitted to be treated as Class IV commodiites under the following conditions: (a) There shall be multiple layers of corrugation or equivalent outer material that would significantly delay fire involvement of the Group A plastic (b) The amount and arrangement of Group A plastic material within an ordinary carton would not be expected to significantly increase the fire hazard 7-* Factors affecting protection requirements such as closed/open array, clearance between storage and sprinklers, and stable/unstable piles shall be applicable only to storage of Group A plastics. This decision tree also shall be used to deter- mine protection for commodities that are not wholly Group A plastics but contain such quantities and arrangements of the same that they are deemed more hazardous than Class IV commodities. 7- Group B plastics and free-flowing Group A plastics shall be protected in the same manner as a Class IV commod- ity. See 7-3.2 for protection of these storage commodities with spray sprinklers. 7- Group C plastics shall be protected in the same man- ner as a Class III commodity. See 7-3.2 for protection of these storage commodities with spray sprinklers. 7-3.3.2 Protection Criteria. 7- * The design of the sprinkler system shall be based on those conditions that routinely or periodically exist in a building that create the greatest water demand. These condi- tions include the following: (1) Pile height (2) Clearance (3) Pile stability (4) Array Where the distance between roof/ceiling height and top of storage exceeds 20 ft (6.1 m), protection shall be provided for the storage height ihat would result in a 20-ft (6.1-m) d istance between the roof/ceiling height and top of storage. 7-* Design areas and densities for the appropriate stor- age configuration shall be selected from Table 7- The columns A, B, C, D, and E correspond to the protection required by the decision tree shown in Figure 7- 7- l For Table 7-, the design area~ are a mini- m 11m of 2500 ft2 (232 rn2). 1999 Edition Exception No. 1: Where Table 7- allows densities and areas to be selected in accordance with 7-2.3, for ordinary hazard Group 2 oc- cupancies, any area/ density from that curve shall be acceptab/,e. Exception No. 2: For closed arrays, the area shall be permitted to be re- duced to 2000 ft2 (186 m2). 7- Interpolation of densities between storage heights shall be permitted. Densities shall be based upon the 2500 ft2 (232 m2) design area. The "up to" in the table is intended to aid in the interpolation of densities between storage heights. Interpolation of ceiling/roof heights shall not be permitted. 7-* Where dry pipe systems are used for Group A plas- tics, the operating area shall be increased by 30 percent with- out revising the density. 7- High-Expansion Foam Systems. Where high-expansion foam is used, a reduction in ceiling density to one-half that required for plastics shall be permitted without revising the design area but shall be no t less than 0.15 gpm/ft2 (6.1 mm/min). 74t Fire Control Approach for the Protection of Commodities Stored on Racks. 7-4.1 Protection Criteria -General. 7-4.1.1 This section shall apply to storage of materials repre- senting the broad range of combustibles stored in racks using standard spray sprinklers. 7-4.1.2 The sprinkler system c1iteria of Sectio n 7-4 is intended to apply LO buildings with ceiling slopes not exceeding two in 12 (16.7 percent). 7-4.1.3* Sprinkler protect.ion criteria for the storage of mate- rials on racks shall be in accordance with section 7-4.1 and either 7-4.2 for storage up Lo 25 ft (7.6 m), 7-4.3 for storage over 25 ft (7.6 m), or 7-4.4 for plastics storage as appropriate. Exception:* Protection criteria, for Group A pla.1/ics as indicated in 7-4. 4 shall be permitted for the protection of the iame stomge height and conjig11mtion of Class 1, 11, 11[, and JV com111odities. DESIGN APPROACHES 13-89 .i'able 7- Design Densities for P lastic and Rubber Commodities --Density Storage Height Roof/Ceiling Height A B C D E ft m ft m gpm/ft2 1n1n/1nin gpm/ft' mm/min gpm/ft2 n1n1/min gpm/ft2 mm/min gpm/ft2 mm/min '., 5 1.52 up to 25 up to 7.62 OH-2 O H-2 0.2 8.2 0!-1-2 OJ-1-2 OH-2 OH-2 OH-2 OH-2 :, l2 3.66 up to 15 up LO 4.57 0.2 8.2 Ef-1-2 Ell-2 0.3 12 2 Ef-l-1 EH-I Ef-l-2 EH-2 >15 lO 20 >4.57 to 6.1 0.3 12.2 0.6 24.5 0.5 20.4 EH-2 EH-2 EH-2 E!-1-2 >20 to 32 >6.1 to 9.75 0.4 16.3 0.8 32.6 0.6 24.5 0.45 18.3 0.7 28.5 15 4.5 up to 20 up to 6.J 0.25 10.2 0.5 20.4 0.4 16.3 0.3 12.2 0.45 18.3 >20 to 25 >6.J to 7.62 0.4 16.3 0.8 · 32.6 0.6 24.5 0.45 18.3 0.7 28.5 >25 to 35 >7.62 to 0.45 18.3 0.9 36.7 0.7 28.5 0.55 22.4 0.85 34..6 10.67 20 6.1 up to 25 up to 7.62 0.3 12.2 0.6 24.5 0.45 18.3 0.35 14.3 0.55 22.4 >25 to 30 >7.62 to 9.14 0.45 18.3 0.9 36.7 0.7 28.5 0.55 22.4 0.85 34.6 >30 to 35 >9.'14 to 0.6 24.5 l.2 48.9 0.85 34.6 0.7 28.5 1.1 44.8 10.67 25 7.62 up to 30 up to 9.14 0.4 16.3 0.75 30.6 0.55 22.4 0.45 18.3 0.7 28.5 >30 to 35 >9.14 to 0.6 24.5 1.2 48.9 0.85 34.6 0.7 28.5 1.1 44.8 10.67 Notes: l . Minimum clearance between sprinkler deflector and top of storage shall be maintained as required. 2. Column designations correspond to the configuration of plastics storage as follows: A: (l) Nonexpanded, unstable (2) Nonexpanded, stable, solid unit load B: Expanded, exposed, stable C: (1) Expanded, exposed, unstable (2) Nonexpanded, stable, cartoned D: Expanded, cartoned, unstable E: (1) Expanded, cartoned, stable (2) Nonexpanded, stable, exposed 3. OH-2 = Density required for ordinal')'. hazard Group 2 occupancies EH-I = Density required for extra hazard Group l occupancies EI-1-2 = Density required for extra hazard Group 2 occupancies 4. Hose streams shall be provided in accordance with Table 7- 7- t Sprinkler protection criteria is based on the assump- tion that roof vents and draft curtains are not being used. 7-4.1.4 Flue Space. 7- t Storage Up to and Including 25 ft (7.6 m). In dou- ble-row and multiple-row racks without solid shelves, a longi- tudinal (back-to-back clearance between loads) flue space shall not be required. Nominal 6-in. (142.4-mm ) transverse flue spaces between loads and at-rack uprights shall be main- tained in single-row, double-row, and multiple-row racks. Ran- dom variations in the width of flue spaces or in their vertical alignment shall be permitted. (See Figure 7-4.1. 4.1) 7- Storage Height Over 25 ft (7.6 m). Nominal 6-in. (142.4-mm) transverse flue spaces between loads and at-rack uprights shall be maintain ed in single-row, double-row, and multiple-row racks. Nominal 6-in. (152.4-mm ) longitudinal flue spaces shall be provided in double-row racks. Random variations in the width of the flue spaces or in their vertical alignment shall be permitted. 7-4.1.5 Protection Systems. 7- * Sprinkler systems shall be wet pipe systems. Exception: ln areas that are subject to freezing or where special condi- tions exist, drypipe systems and preaction systems shall be permitted. 7- Where dry-pipe systems are used, the ceiling sprinkler areas of operation shall be increased 30 percent over the areas specified by 7-4.2, 7-4.3, and 7-4.4. Densities and areas shall be selected so that the final area of operation after the 30 percent increase is not greater than 6000 ft2 (557.4 m2). 7-4. 1.5.3 Where preaction systems are used, preaction systems shall be treated as dry-pipe systems. Exception: This requirement shall not apply where it can be demon- strated that the detection system that activates the preaction system 1999 Edition Standard Solutions & Buffers from Myron L Page 1 of 4 MVFIDN L GCJWS'ANV Applications Company Profile C_c;>otact Us Distribut9rs Download Center EmJ!I_Qyment FAQ'S /__Qefinitions Literature Requ,st Order Info Press ~le_ases Products Tr_a(t!.._~b_Q__ws Tech Tips Warranty/ Servic-' What's New I STANDARD SOLUTIONS & BUFFERS Myron L DS, pDS, TechPro™ and UL TRAMETER ™ are factory calibrated with NIST traceable standard solutions having specific conductivity/TDS values. Myron L Company Standard Solutions are made under strictly controlled conditions using reagent grade salts. These salts are mixed with deionized water having a resistivity of at least 5 megohm-cm purity. Myron L Company Standard Solutions are accurate to within ±1.0% of potassium chloride reference solutions. These solutions are traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology primary solutions. The original conductivity data for all solutions are derived from International Critical Tables Volume No. 6, pp 229-239. Solution MSD Sheets ~re c!_Vailable here Solution Pricing IAII Standard Solutions, Buffers & Storage Solutions $16.00 per quart IAII Standard Solutions, Buffers & Storage Solutions $58.00 per gallon jNIST Traceable Custom Conductivity/TDS Standard Solution $90.00 per gallon INtST certificate (when ordered with solution) $25.00 I NIST certificate (when ordered after solution is shipped) $45.00 The following conductivity standard solutions and pH buffers are used for factory calibration. Regular use of these solutions is recommended for greatest instrument accuracy. Frequency of conductivity recalibration depends upon use, but once every three months should be sufficient for an instrument used daily. pH models should be recalibrated with pH 7 buffer every 1-2 weeks, with 4 and 10 buffers every 6-8 weeks. pH buffers and standard solutions are available in quart and gallon plastic bottles, ready to use. II Instrument http://www.myronl.com/products/solutions.htrn 4/5/2004 Standard Solutions & Buffers from Myron L Page2 of 4 I Model Recommended Standard Solutions & Buffers 3P pH 4, 7, 10 4P KCl-7000, 442-3000 6P KCl-7000, 442-3000, pH 4, 7, 10 pH1 pH 4, 7, 10 AR1 I KCl-1800 or 442-1500 ARH1 KCl-1800 or 442-1500, pH 4, 7, 10 512T2 (M2) 442-30 512T3 (M3) 442-300 512T4 (M4) 442-1500 512M5 I 442-3000 512T5 442-3000 512T10 442-3000 512M10 KCl-7000 532M1 442-30, 300, 3000 532T1 442-30, 300, 3000 532T2 442-15, 150, 1500 AG-5 442-3000 AG6/pH 442-3000, pH 4, 7, 10 D-1 14.0 Millimhos D-2 14.0 Millimhos DS-1 442-1000 EP 442-30, 300, 3000 I EP-10 KCl-70, 700, 7000 I EP11/pH KCl-70, 700, 7000, pH 4, 7, 10 M6/pH 442-3000, pH 4, 7, 10 RO-1 (NC) 442-1000 T2/pH 442-30, 300, 3000, pH 4, 7, 10 T6/pH 442-3000, pH 4, 7, 10 Note: RE-10 Range Extenders are usually calibrated with 442-30,000 standard solutions (30,000/442; 18,235/NaCI; 30, 100/microsiemens) or 442-15,000 (15,000/442; 9462/NaCI; 16,630 microsiemens) Refer to the following for actual calibration point values: Conductivity instruments are a convenient way to determine the parts per million of total dissolved solids (ppmffDS) in boilers, cooling towers, reverse osmosis systems, etc. Although the International Unit (SI) of measuring conductivity is the http://www.myronl.com/products/solutions.htm 4/5/2004 Standard Solutions & Buffers from Myron L microsiemens/cm (also known as micromhos/cm), a direct reading in ppm/TDS is sometimes preferred. Myron L conductivity instruments and monitor/controllers are calibrated to read in ppm/442, ppm/NaCl, or microsiemens. All three values are shown on the label of our Standard Solutions. The relationship among these standards can be seen in the chart below. I TDS/Conductivity Equivalents Chart Type II PPM PPM Microsiemens 442™ NaCl Micromhos/cm 442-15 I 15 11 .1 23.8 442-30 30 21 .8 46.7 442-150 150 108.7 229 442-300 300 214.3 445 442-500 500 355.8 731 442-1000 1000 703.6 1417 442-1500 1500 1036 2060 442-3000 3000 2027 3900 442-15,000 15,000/15.0 ppt 9462/9.4 ppt 16,630/16.6 mS 442-30,000 30,000/30.0 ppt 18,235/18.2 ppt I 30,100/30.1 ms KCl-70 45 I 32.8 70 KCl-700 478 340.2 700 KCl-7000 5687 3740 7000 KCl-70,000 84,983 47,999 70,000 (70.00 mS) KCl-18 * 11 .4 8.4 18 KCl-180 116.5 85.2 180 KCl-1800 1294 II 901.6 1800 KCl-18,000 16,462/16.4 ppt II 10,289/10.3 ppt 18,000/18 ms NaCl-12.5 10,870/10.8 ppt II 6955.7 12,500/12.5 ms NaCl-13.4 11 ,767/11 .7 ppt II 7501.1 13,400/13.4 ms NaCl-14.0 12,370/12.3 ppt II 7864.7 14,000/14.0 ms Notes: 1. 442 Natural Water Standard™ is a trademark of the Myron L Company originating in 1964. 2. All values are cross-referenced @ 25°C. 3. * Because of environmental factors, accuracy of this solution cannot be guaranteed to destination. 442 Natural Water™ Standard Solution is used in calibrating many Myron L http://www.myronl.com/products/solutions.htm Page 3 of 4 I I 4/5/2004 Standard Solutions & Buffers from Myron L Page4 of 4 Instruments. It is the best choice when measuring boiler and cooling water samples, city water supply, lakes, wells, etc. "442" refers to the combination of salts mixed with deionized water to make this standard: 40% sodium sulfate, 40% sodium bicarbonate, 20% sodium chloride. A combination of standard salts is necessary, since natural water salt type and concentration can vary greatly by location. After much research, the 442 Standard was developed by Myron L Company in 1964. It remains the world's most accepted such standard. NaCl Standard Solution is offered to calibrate instruments which measure any sample that is predominantly NaCl (sodium chloride), such as sea water, brackish water, etc. 1000 ppm of NaCl has conductivity of 2000 micromhos. Note how this 1 :2 relationship is continuously variable and decreases as ppm NaCl increases. KCI Standard Solution is used to calibrate conductivity instruments which read directly in microsiemens (micromhos) or millisiemens (1000 microsiemens). KCI (potassium chloride) is a very stable salt and is an international calibration standard for conductivity measurement. pH Buffer Solutions of 4, 7, and 10, are mold inhibited, and accurate to within± 0.01 pH units@ 25°C. Myron L buffers are traceable to NIST certified pH referenced and are color-coded for instant identification. pH Sensor Storage Solution Model: SS2OZ (2 ounce bottle), SSQ (quart), SSG (gallon) 2450 Impala Drive Cartsbad, CA 92008-7226 USA Tel {760) 438-2021 Fax (800) 869-7688 I (760) 931--9189 lnfo@myronl.com __ myronl.com (Home ) ( Top of Page ) MYRON Lj COMPANY Water Quality Instrumentation Accuracy • R•llablllty · Simplicity © 1999-2004 Myron L Company. All rights reserved. ~op.)'llill}!. !)h;~laimero..frivacy Policy.Jing Terms of Use http://www.myronl.com/products/solutions.htm 4/5/2004 KCI MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Preparation & Last date Printed: 10/27/00 REV: F (WEBSITE) Page 1 of 2 SECTION 1 CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MYRON L COMPANY 6115 CORTE DEL CEDRO, CARLSBAD, CA 92009, USA INFORMATION PHONE # : (760) 438-2021, Contact either Jerry Adams or Gary Robinson BUSINESS HOURS : Mon thru Fri 8:00-4:30 PM (Pacific Time) This and additional Myron L Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.myronl.com CHEMICAL NAME: Aqueous Salt Solution CATALOG NUMBERS: KCl-70, KCl-700, KCl-7000, KCl-70,000, KCl-18, KCl-180, KCl-1800, KCl-18,000, KCI Special TRADE NAME & SYNONYMS: TDS/Conductivity Standard Solution, KCI Solution CHEMICAL FORMULA: KCI and H,O CHEMICAL FAMILY: Inorganic Salts CAS #: Potassium Chloride #7447-40-7 Water #7732-18-5 SECTION 2 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT, 760mm Hg ( ·c ) 102-107 SPECIFIC GRAVITY FREEZE POINT ( °C) -0 T0-20 SOLUBILITY IN H2O,% BY WT. @ 20° C VAPOR PRESSURE @ 20° C N/A APPEARANCE AND ODOR VAPOR DENSITY N/A PERCENT VOLATILES BY VOLUME N/A EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 3 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES 1.0 100% COLORLESS, ODORLESS LIQUID N/A FLASH POINT (TEST METHOD) N/A FLAMMABLE LIMITS N/A I Lei N/A I Uel N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA NON-FLAMMABLE SPECIAL HAZARDS & PROCEDURES N/A UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS N/A SECTION 4 STABALITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Product stable under normal temperatures and pressures. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NONE KNOWN. REACTIVITY: SAME AS WATER. MATERIALS TO AVOID: (N/A) WATER, (N/A) ACIDS, (N/A) BASES, (N/A) OTHER SPECIFY SECTION 5 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: CLEAN SPILL USING ABSORBENT MATERIALS AND WATER, AND THEN AIR OUT AREA. SECTION 6 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ROUTES OF ENTRY: CARCINOGENICITY: NONE KNOWN. IRRITATING TO EYES, MUCOUS MEMBRANES, SKIN AND DIGESTIVE TRACT. INGESTION. MATERIAL IS NOT LISTED (IARC, NTP, OSHA) AS A CANCER CAUSING AGENT. SECTION 7 FIRST AID MEASURES FIRST AID PROCEDURES: EYE CONTACT: SKIN CONTACT: INGESTION: FLUSH WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. RINSE WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IF IRRITATION PERSISTS. KCI Page 2 of 2 SECTION 8 PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: NONE REQU IRED. NONE REQU IRED. RECOMMENDED. NONE REQU IRED. NONE REQU IRED. VENTILATION: EYE PROTECTION: PROTECTIVE GLOVES: PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: SECTION 9 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: NORMAL USE DOES NOT GENERATE A HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHEN HANDLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY PRACTICES. STORAGE: STORE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. SECTION 10 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICITY DATA: N/A TOXICOLOGICAL FINDING: TESTS ON LABORATORY ANIMALS INDICATE MATERIAL DOES NOT PRODUCE ADVERSE MUTAGENIC EFFECTS. CITED IN REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCES (RTECS) SECTION 11 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS EPA WASTE NO. & DISPOSAL TREATMENT: MATERIAL DOES NOT HAVE AN EPA WASTE NUMBER AND IS NOT A LISTED WASTE. NOTE: ALWAYS CONTACT A PERMITTED WASTE DISPOSER {TSO) TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. SECTION 12 TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME ........... NON-REGULATED DOT NUMBER ....................... NONE SECTION 13 REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA INVENTORY: THE CAS NUMBER OF THIS PRODUCT IS LISTED ON THE TSCA INVENTORY. COMPONENT .............. N/A SARA EHS (302) ........... N/A SARA EHS TOO (LBS) ........ N/A CERCLA RO (LBS) .......... NIA OSHA FLOOR LIST ......... .N/A SARA 313 ................ N/A DeMinimis for SARA 313 {¾) .... N/A SECTION 14 OTHER INFORMATION DISCLAIMER: This information is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us; however, we make no warranty of merchantability, or fitness for any particular use, or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to this information, and we assume no liability resulting from the use of this inlormation. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability ol the information for their particular needs and puposes. MSDS APPROVED BY: f}-e,,z,,z,<p Z:,, r/da-md- NF PA Hazard Ratings Health: 0 Flammability: o Reactiveity: 0 Special Hazards: 0 NaCl MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Preparation & Last date Printed: 10/27/00 REV: E (WEBSITE) Page 1 of 2 SECTION 1 CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MYRON L COMPANY 6115 CORTE DEL CEDRO, CARLSBAD, CA 92009 INFORMATION PHONE # : (760) 438-2021, Contact either Jerry Adams or Gary Robinson BUSINESS HOURS : Mon thru Fri 8:00-4:30 PM (Pacific Time) This and additional Myron L Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.myronl.com CHEMICAL NAME: Aqueous Salt Solution CATALOG NUMBERS: 12.5 Millisiemens, 13.4 Millisiemens, 14.0 Millisiemens, NaCl Specials TRADE NAME & SYNONYMS: Conductivity Standard Solution NaCl Solution CHEMICAL FORMULA: NaCl and H,O CHEMICAL FAMILY: CAS #: Sodium Chloride Water Inorganic Salts SECTION 2 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT, 760mm Hg ( °C) 102-107 SPECIFIC GRAVITY FREEZE POINT ( °C ) -0 T0-20 SOLUBILITY IN H20,% BY WT. @ 20° C VAPOR PRESSURE @ 20° C N/A APPEARANCE AND ODOR VAPOR DENSITY N/A PERCENT VOLATILES BY VOLUME N/A EVAPORATION RATE SECTION 3 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES #7647-14-5 #7732-18-5 1.0 100% COLORLESS, ODORLESS LIQUID N/A FLASH POINT (TEST METHOD) N/A FLAMMABLE LIMITS NIA l Lei NIA I Uel NIA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA NON-FLAMMABLE SPECIAL HAZARDS & PROCEDURES NIA UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS N/A SECTION 4 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Product stable under normal temperatures and pressures. REACTIVITY: SAME AS WATER. CONDITIONS TO AVOID NONE KNOWN. MATERIALS TO AVOID (N/A)WATER ( N/A}ACIDS (N/A)BASES ( N/A)OTHER SPECIFY SECTION 5 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: CLEAN SPILL USING ABSORBENT MATERIALS AND WATER, AND THEN AIR OUT AREA. SECTION 6 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ROUTES OF ENTRY: CARCINOGENICITY: NONE KNOWN. IRRITATING TO EYES, MUCOUS MEMBRANES, SKIN AND DIGESTIVE TRACT. INGESTION. MATERIAL IS NOT LISTED (IARC, NTP, OSHA) AS A CANCER CAUSING AGENT. SECTION 7 FIRST AID MEASURES FIRST AID PROCEDURES: EYE CONTACT: FLUSH WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. SKIN CONTACT: RINSE WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. INGESTION: DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IF IRRITATION PERSISTS. NaCl Page 2 of 2 SECTION 8 PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQU IRED. RECOMMENDED. NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQU IRED. VENTILATION: EYE PROTECTION: PROTECTIVE GLOVES: PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: SECTION 9 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: NORMAL USE DOES NOT GENERATE A HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHEN HANDLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY PRACTICES. STORAGE: STORE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. SECTION 10 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICITY DATA: N/A TOXICOLOGICAL FINDING: TESTS ON LABORATORY ANIMALS INDICATE MATERIAL DOES NOT PRODUCE ADVERSE MUTAGENIC EFFECTS. CITED IN REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCES (RTECS) SECTION 11 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS EPA WASTE NO. & DISPOSAL TREATMENT: MATERIAL DOES NOT HAVE AN EPA WASTE NUMBER AND IS NOT A LISTED WASTE. NOTE: ALWAYS CONTACT A PERMITTED WASTE DISPOSER (TSD) TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. SECTION 12 TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME ........... NON-REGULATED DOT NUMBER ........................ NONE SECTION 13 REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA INVENTORY : THE CAS NUMBER OF THIS PRODUCT IS LISTED ON THE TSCA INVENTORY. COMPONENT .............. N/A SABA EHS (302) ........... N/A SABA EHS ma (LBS) ........ N/A CERCLA BO (LBS) .......... NIA OSHA FLOOR UST .......... NIA SABA 313 ................ NIA DeMiolmls tor SABA 313 (%) •... NIA SECTION 14 OTHER INFORMATION DISCLAIMER: This information is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us; however, we make no warranty of merchantability, or fitness for any particular use, or any other warranty, express or implied, with respecl to this information, and we assume no liability resulting from the use of this information. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular needs and puposes. MSDS APPROVED BY: P,e,z,,z,e,, Z,, Ada-ma, NF PA Hazard Ratings Heatth: o Flammability: O Reactiveity: o Special Hazards: O • • 442 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Preparation & Last date Printed: 10/27/00 REV: F (WEBSITE) Page 1 of 2 SECTION 1 CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MYRON L COMPANY 6115 CORTE DEL CEDRO, CARLSBAD, CA 92009, USA INFORMATION PHONE # : (760) 438-2021, Contact either Jerry Adams or Gary Robinson BUSINESS HOURS : Mon thru Fri 8:00-4:30 PM (Pacific Time) This and additional Myron L Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.myronl.com CHEMICAL NAME: Aqueous Salt Solution CATALOG NUMBERS: 442-15, 442-30, 442-150,442-300, 442-500, 442-1000, 442-1500, 442-3000, 442-15,000, 442-30,000, 442 Special TRADE NAME & SYNONYMS: TDS/Conductivity Standard Solution, 442 Solution CHEMICAL FORMULA: NaHCO,, Na ,SO, , NaCl and H, 0 SECTION 2 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT, 760mm Hg ( ·c ) 102-107 FREEZE POINT ( •c ) -0 TO -20 CHEMICAL FAMILY: Inorganic Salts CAS #: Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Sulfate Sodium Chloride Water SPECIFIC GRAVITY #144-55-8 #7757-82-6 #7647-14-5 #7732-18-5 SOLUBILITY IN H2O,% BY WT. @ 20° C 1.0 100% COLORLE VAPOR PRESSURE @ 20° C N/A APPEARANCE AND ODOR ss, s ODORLES VAPOR DENSITY N/A LIQUID PERCENT VOLATILES BY VOLUME N/A EVAPORATION RATE N/A SECTION 3 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT (TEST METHOD) N/A FLAMMABLE LIMITS N/A I Lei N/A I Uel N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA NON-FLAMMABLE SPECIAL HAZARDS & PROCEDURES N/A UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS N/A SECTION 4 STABIL TY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Product stable under normal temperatures and pressures. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NONE KNOWN. REACTIVITY: SAME AS WATER. MATERIALS TO AVOID: (NIA) WATER, (NIA) ACIDS, (NIA) BASES, (NIA) OTHER SPECIFY SECTION 5 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: CLEAN SPILL USING ABSORBENT MATERIALS AND WATER, AND THEN AIR OUT AREA. SECTION 6 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ROUTES OF ENTRY: CARCINOGENICITY: SECTION 7 FIRST AID MEASURES FIRST AID PROCEDURES: EYE CONTACT: SKIN CONTACT: INGESTION: NONE KNOWN. IRRITATING TO EYES, MUCOUS MEMBRANES, SKIN AND DIGESTIVE TRACT. INGESTION. MATERIAL IS NOT LISTED (IARC, NTP, OSHA) AS A CANCER CAUSING AGENT. FLUSH WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. RINSE WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IF IRRITATION PERSISTS. 442 Page 2 of 2 SECTION 8 PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQUIRED. RECOMMENDED. NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQUIRED. VENTILATION: EYE PROTECTION: PROTECTIVE GLOVES: PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: SECTION 9 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: NORMAL USE DOES NOT GENERATE A HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHEN HANDLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY PRACTICES. STORAGE: STORE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. SECTION 10 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICITY DATA: N/A TOXICOLOGICAL FINDING: TESTS ON LABORATORY ANIMALS INDICATE MATERIAL DOES NOT PRODUCE ADVERSE MUTAGENIC EFFECTS. CITED IN REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCES (RTECS) SECTION 11 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS EPA WASTE NO. & DISPOSAL TREATMENT: MATERIAL DOES NOT HAVE AN EPA WASTE NUMBER AND IS NOT A LISTED WASTE. NOTE: ALWAYS CONTACT A PERMITTED WASTE DISPOSER (TSD) TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. SECTION 12 TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME ........... NON-REGULATED DOT NUMBER. ...................... NONE SECTION 13 REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA INVENTORY: THE GAS NUMBER OF THIS PRODUCT IS LISTED ON THE TSCA INVENTORY. COMPONENT .............. N/A SARA EHS ~0~ ........... N/A SARA EH$ TOO (LBS) ........ NIA CERCLA RO (LBS) .......... NIA OSHA FLOOR UST ......... .NIA SARA 313 ................ NIA DeMlolrois for SARA 313 (%) .... N/A SECTION 14 OTHER INFORMATION DISCLAIMER: This information is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us; however, we make no warranty of merchantability, or fitness for any particular use, or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to this information, and we assume no liability resulting from the use of this information. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular needs and puposes. MSDS APPROVED BY: fe't't<f Z,, Ada.m4, NEPA Hazard Ratings Health: 0 Flammability: O Reactiveity: 0 Special Hazards: O pH4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Preparation & Last date Printed: 10/27/00 REV: E (WEBSITE) Page 1 of 2 SECTION 1 CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MYRON L COMPANY 6115 CORTE DEL CEDRO, CARLSBAD, CA 92009, USA INFORMATION PHONE# : (760) 438-2021 , Contact either Jerry Adams or Gary Robinson BUSINESS HOURS : Mon thru Fri 8:00-4:30 PM (Pacific Time) This and additional Myron L Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.myronl.com CHEMICAL NAME: Buffered Phthalate Solution CATALOG NUMBERS: pH 4.00 Buffer TRADE NAME & SYNONYMS: pH Reference Buffer Solution, pH 4.00 CHEMICAL FAMILY: Buffered Phthalate Dilute Solution CHEMICAL FORMULA: KHC,H,0, and H,O CAS #: Potassium Hydrogen Phlhalate Water #877-24-7 #7732-18-5 SECTION 2 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT, 760mm Hg ( °C) 100 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1.0 FREEZE POINT ( °C) 0 SOLUBILITY IN H20 ,% BY WT.@ 20° C 100% VAPOR PRESSURE@ 20° C 14 TORR APPEARANCE AND ODOR PINK OR LIGHT RED, VAPOR DENSITY 0.7 (H,O) ODORLESS LIQUID PERCENT VOLATILES BY VOLUME N/A EVAPORATION RATE (ETHER= 1) 1.0 SECTION 3 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT (TEST METHOD) N/A FLAMMABLE LIMITS NIA I Lei N/A I Uel N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA NON-FLAMMABLE SPECIAL HAZARDS & PROCEDURES N/A UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS N/A SECTION 4 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Product stable under normal temperatures and pressures. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NONE KNOWN. REACTIVITY: SAME AS WATER. MATERIALS TO AVOID: (N/A) WATER, (N/A) ACIDS, (N/A) BASES, (N/A) OTHER SPECIFY SECTION 5 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: CLEAN SPILL USING ABSORBENT MATERIALS AND WATER, AND THEN AIR OUT AREA. SECTION 6 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ROUTES OF ENTRY: CARCINOGENICITY: NONE KNOWN. IRRITATING TO EYES, MUCOUS MEMBRANES, SKIN AND DIGESTIVE TRACT. INGESTION. MATERIAL IS NOT LISTED (IARC, NTP, OSHA) AS A CANCER CAUSING AGENT. SECTION 7 FIRST AID MEASURES FIRST AID PROCEDURES: EYE CONTACT: FLUSH WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. SKIN CONTACT: INGESTION: WASH WITH SOAP AND RINSE WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, INDUCE VOMITING, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. pH4 Page 2 of 2 SECTION 8 PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQUIRED. RECOMMENDED. NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQUIRED. VENTILATION: EYE PROTECTION: PROTECTIVE GLOVES: PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: SECTION 9 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: NORMAL USE DOES NOT GENERATE A HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHEN HANDLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY PRACTICES. STORAGE: STORE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. SECTION 10 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICITY DATA: N/A TOXICOLOGICAL FINDING: TESTS ON LABORATORY ANIMALS INDICATE MATERIAL DOES NOT PRODUCE ADVERSE MUTAGENIC EFFECTS. CITED IN REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCES (RTECS) SECTION 11 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS EPA WASTE NO. & DISPOSAL TREATMENT: MATERIAL DOES NOT HAVE AN EPA WASTE NUMBER AND IS NOT A LISTED WASTE. NOTE: ALWAYS CONTACT A PERMITTED WASTE DISPOSER (TSO) TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. SECTION 12 TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME ........... NON-REGULATED DOT NUMBER ....................... NONE SECTION 13 REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA INVENTORY : THE CAS NUMBER OF THIS PRODUCT IS LISTED ON THE TSCA INVENTORY. COMPONENT .............. N/A SARA EH$ (302) ........... N/A SARA EH$ TOO (LBS) ........ N/A CERCLA RO (LB$) .......... N/A OSHA FLOOR UST ......... N/A SARA 313 ................ NIA DeMioirols tor SARA 313 (%) .... N/A SECTION 14 OTHER INFORMATION DISCLAIMER: This information is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us; however, we make no warranty of merchantability, or fitness for any particular use, or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to this information, and we assume no liability resulting from the use of this information. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular needs and puposes. MSDS APPROVED BY: 9,e,i,,z,t;, Z,, r/da,m,4, NEPA Hazard Ratings Health: 0 Flammability: O Reactiveity: O Special Hazards: O pH7 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Preparation & Last date Printed: 10/27/00 REV: F (WEBSITE) Page 1 of 2 SECTION 1 CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MYRON L COMPANY 6115 CORTE DEL CEDRO, CARLSBAD, CA 92009, USA INFORMATION PHONE#: (760) 438-2021, Contact either Jerry Adams or Gary Robinson BUSINESS HOURS; Mon thru Fri 8:00-4:30 PM (Pacific Time) This and additional Myron L Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available on the World Wide Web at http://www.myronl.com CHEMICAL NAME: Buffered Phosphate Solution CATALOG NUMBERS: pH 7.0 Buffer TRADE NAME & SYNONYMS: pH Reference Buffer Solution.pH 7.0 CHEMICAL FAMILY: Buffered Phosphate Dilute Solution CHEMICAL FORMULA: Na,HPO,, KH,PO, and H,O CAS #: Sodium Phosphate, Dibasic Potassium Phosphate, Monobasic Water #7558-79-4 #7778-77-0 #7732-18-5 SECTION 2 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT, 760mm Hg ( •c ) 100 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1.0 FREEZE POINT ( °C) 0 SOLUBILITY IN H 2 0 ,% BY WT. @ 20° C 100% VAPOR PRESSURE@ 20' C 14 TORR APPEARANCE AND ODOR YELLOW, ODORLESS VAPOR DENSITY 0.7 (H,0) LIQUID PERCENT VOLATILES BY VOLUME NIA EVAPORATION RATE (ETHER= 1) 1.0 SECTION 3 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT (TEST METHOD) NIA FLAMMABLE LIMITS N/A I Lei NIA I Uel NIA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA NON-FLAMMABLE SPECIAL HAZARDS & PROCEDURES NIA UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS NIA SECTION 4 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Product stable under normal temperatures and pressures. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NONE KNOWN. REACTIVITY: SAME AS WATER. MATERIALS TO AVOID: (NIA} WATER, (NIA) ACIDS, (NIA) BASES, (NIA} OTHER SPECIFY SECTION 5 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: CLEAN SPILL USING ABSORBENT MATERIALS AND WATER, AND THEN AIR OUT AREA. SECTION 6 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ROUTES OF ENTRY: CARCINOGENICITY: NONE KNOWN. IRRITATING TO EYES, MUCOUS MEMBRANES, SKIN AND DIGESTIVE TRACT. INGESTION. MATERIAL IS NOT LISTED (IARC, NTP, OSHA) AS A CANCER CAUSING AGENT. SECTION 7 FIRST AID MEASURES FIRST AID PROCEDURES: EYE CONTACT: FLUSH WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. SKIN CONTACT: INGESTION: WASH WITH SOAP AND RINSE WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, INDUCE VOMITING, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATLY. J pH7 Page 2 of 2 SECTION 8 PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQUIRED. RECOMMENDED. NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQUIRED. VENTILATION: EYE PROTECTION: PROTECTIVE GLOVES: PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: SECTION 9 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: NORMAL USE DOES NOT GENERATE A HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHEN HANDLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY PRACTICES. STORAGE: STORE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. SECTION 10 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICITY DATA: N/A TOXICOLOGICAL FINDING: TESTS ON LABORATORY ANIMALS INDICATE MATERIAL DOES NOT PRODUCE ADVERSE MUTAGENIC EFFECTS. CITED IN REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCES (RTECS) SECTION 11 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS EPA WASTE NO. & DISPOSAL TREATMENT: MATERIAL DOES NOT HAVE AN EPA WASTE NUMBER AND IS NOT A LISTED WASTE. NOTE: ALWAYS CONTACT A PERMITTED WASTE DISPOSER (TSO) TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. SECTION 12 TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME ........... NON-REGULATED DOT NUMBER. ....................... NONE SECTION 13 REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA INVENTORY : THE CAS NUMBER OF THIS PRODUCT IS LISTED ON THE TSCA INVENTORY. COMPONENT .............. N/A SARA EH$ (302) ........... N/A SARA EH$ mo (I BS) ........ N/A CERCLA Ra (LBS) .......... NIA OSHA FLOOR UST ......... NIA SARA 313 ................ N/A DeMioirois for SARA 313 (%) .... NIA SECTION 14 OTHER INFORMATION DISCLAIMER: This information is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us; however, we make no warranty of merchantability, or fitness for any particular use, or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to this information, and we assume no liability resulting from the use of this information. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular needs and puposes. MSDS APPROVED BY: P,e1t't(f Z,, Ada.m~ NEPA Hazard Ratings Health: o Flammability: 0 Reactiveity: 0 Special Hazards: 0 pH10 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Preparation & Last date Printed: 10/27/00 REV: F (WEBSITE) Page 1 of 2 SECTION 1 CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MYRON L COMPANY 6115 CORTE DEL CEDRO, CARLSBAD, CA 92009, USA INFORMATION PHONE # : (760) 438-2021, Contact either Jerry Adams or Gary Robinson BUSINESS HOURS : Mon thru Fri 8:00-4:30 PM (Pacific Time) This and additional Myron L Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.myronl.com CHEMICAL NAME: Buffered Carbonate Solution CATALOG NUMBERS: pH 10.0 Buffer TRADE NAME & SYNONYMS: pH Reference Buffer Solution, pH 10.0 CHEMICAL FAMILY: Buffered Carbonate Dilute Solution CHEMICAL FORMULA: NaHCO,, Na,CO and H,O CAS #: Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Carbonate Water SECTION 2 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT, 760mm Hg ( ·c ) 100 SPECIFIC GRAVITY FREEZE POINT ( °C ) 0 SOLUBILITY IN H2O,% BY WT.@ 20° C VAPOR PRESSURE @ 20° C 14 TORR APPEARANCE AND ODOR VAPOR DENSITY 0.7 (H,O) PERCENT VOLATILES BY VOLUME N/A EVAPORATION RATE (ETHER= 1) SECTION 3 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES #144-55-8 #497-19-8 #7732-18-5 1.0 100% BLUE, ODORLESS LIQUID 1.0 FLASH POINT (TEST METHOD) N/A FLAMMABLE LIMITS N/A I Lei N/A I Uel N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA NON-FLAMMABLE SPECIAL HAZARDS & PROCEDURES N/A UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS N/A SECTION 4 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Product stable under normal temperatures and pressures. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NONE KNOWN. REACTIVITY: SAME AS WATER. MATERIALS TO AVOID: (N/A) WATER, (N/A) ACIDS, (N/A) BASES, (N/A) OTHER SPECIFY SECTION 5 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: CLEAN SPILL USING ABSORBENT MATERIALS AND WATER, AND THEN AIR OUT AREA. SECTION 6 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ROUTES OF ENTRY: CARCINOGENICITY: NONE KNOWN. IRRITATING TO EYES, MUCOUS MEMBRANES, SKIN AND DIGESTIVE TRACT. INGESTION. MATERIAL IS NOT LISTED (IARC, NTP, OSHA) AS A CANCER CAUSING AGENT. SECTION 7 FIRST AID MEASURES FIRST AID PROCEDURES: EYE CONTACT: SKIN CONTACT: INGESTION: FLUSH WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. WASH WITH SOAP AND RINSE WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, INDUCE VOMITING, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. pH10 P~e2~2 SECTION 8 PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: VENTILATION: EYE PROTECTION: PROTECTIVE GLOVES: PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQUIRED. RECOMMENDED. NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQUIRED. SECTION 9 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: NORMAL USE DOES NOT GENERATE A HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHEN HANDLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY PRACTICES. STORAGE: STORE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. SECTION 10 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICITY DATA: NIA TOXICOLOGICAL FINDING: TESTS ON LABORATORY ANIMALS INDICATE MATERIAL DOES NOT PRODUCE ADVERSE MUTAGENIC EFFECTS. CITED IN REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCES (RTECS) SECTION 11 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS EPA WASTE NO. & DISPOSAL TREATMENT: MATERIAL DOES NOT HAVE AN EPA WASTE NUMBER AND IS NOT A LISTED WASTE. NOTE: ALWAYS CONTACT A PERMITTED WASTE DISPOSER (TSO) TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. SECTION 12 TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME ........... NON-REGULATED DOT NUMBER. ...................... NONE SECTION 13 REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA INVENTORY: THE CAS NUMBER OF THIS PRODUCT IS LISTED ON THE TSCA INVENTORY. COMPONENT .............. NIA SARA EH$ (302) ........... NIA SARA EH$ TOO (LBS) ........ NIA CERCLA RO (LBS) .......... NIA OSHA FLOOR UST ......... NIA SARA~J-............... NM OeM!oiro!s for SARA 313 (%) .... N/A SECTION 14 OTHER INFORMATION DISCLAIMER: This information is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us; however, we make no warranty of merchantability, or fitness for any particular use, or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to this information, and we assume no liability resulting from the use of this information. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular needs and puposes. MSDS APPROVED BY: 9,e't't'f Z,, r/d~m-4- NEPA Hazard Baliogs Health: 0 Flammability: 0 Reactiveity: O Special Hazards: 0 pHSS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Preparation & Last date Printed: 10/27/00 REV: B (WEBSITE) Page 1 of 2 SECTION 1 CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MYRON L COMPANY 6115 CORTE DEL CEDRO, CARLSBAD, CA 92009, USA INFORMATION PHONE# : (760) 438-2021, Contact either Jerry Adams or Gary Robinson BUSINESS HOURS : Mon thru Fri 8:00-4:30 PM (Pacific Time) This and additional Myron L Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.myronl.com CATALOG NUMBERS: ssa, SSG CHEMICAL NAME: Buffered Phthalate and Potassium Chloride Solution TRADE NAME & SYNONYMS: pH Sensor Storage Solution CHEMICAL FAMILY: Phthalate Dilute Solution & Inorganic Salts CHEMICAL FORMULA: KHC,H,O,, KCI and H,0 CAS #: Potassium Hydr09en Phthalate Potassium Chloride Water SECTION 2 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT, 760mm Hg ( ·c) 100 SPECIFIC GRAVITY FREEZE POINT ( 'C ) 0 SOLUBILITY IN ~0,% BY WT. @ 20' C VAPOR PRESSURE @ 20' C 14 TORR APPEARANCE AND ODOR VAPOR DENSITY 0.7 (H,0) PERCENT VOLATILES BY VOLUME NIA EVAPORATION RATE (ETHER= 1) SECTION 3 FIRE FIGHTING PROPERTIES #877-24-7 #7447-40·7 #7732-18·5 1.0 100% COLORLESS. ODORLESS LIQUID 1.0 FLASH POINT (TEST METHOD) NIA FLAMMABLE LIMITS NIA I Lei NIA I Uel NIA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA NON-FLAMMABLE SPECIAL HAZARDS & PROCEDURES NIA UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS NIA SECTION 4 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Product stable under normal temperatures and pressures. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NONE KNOWN. REACTIVITY: SAME AS WATER. MATERIALS TO AVOID: (NIA) WATER, (NIA) ACIDS, (NIA) BASES, (NIA) OTHER SPECIFY SECTION 5 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: CLEAN SPILL USING ABSORBENT MATERIALS AND WATER, AND THEN AIR OUT AREA. SECTION 6 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ROUTES OF ENTRY: CARCINOGENICITY: NONE KNOWN. IRRITATING TO EYES, MUCOUS MEMBRANES, SKIN AND DIGESTIVE TRACT. INGESTION. MATERIAL IS NOT LISTED (IARC, NTP, OSHA) AS A CANCER CAUSING AGENT. SECTION 7 FIRST AID MEASURES FIRST AID PROCEDURES: EYE CONTACT: FLUSH WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. SKIN CONTACT: WASH WITH SOAP AND RINSE WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. INGESTION: DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, INDUCE VOMITING, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. pHSS Page 2 of 2 SECTION 8 PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: VENTILATION: EYE PROTECTION: PROTECTIVE GLOVES: PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQUIRED. RECOMMENDED. NONE REQUIRED. NONE REQUIRED. SECTION 9 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: NORMAL USE DOES NOT GENERATE A HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHEN HANDLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY PRACTICES. STORAGE: STORE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. SECTION 10 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICITY DATA: N/A TOXICOLOGICAL FINDING: TESTS ON LABORATORY ANIMALS INDICATE MATERIAL DOES NOT PRODUCE ADVERSE MUTAGENIC EFFECTS. CITED IN REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCES (RTECS) SECTION 11 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS EPA WASTE NO. & DISPOSAL TREATMENT: MATERIAL DOES NOT HAVE AN EPA WASTE NUMBER AND IS NOT A LISTED WASTE. NOTE: ALWAYS CONTACT A PERMITTED WASTE DISPOSER (TSO) TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. SECTION 12 TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME ........... NON-REGULATED DOT NUMBER ....................... NONE SECTION 13 REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA INVENTORY: THE CAS NUMBER OF THIS PRODUCT IS LISTED ON THE TSCA INVENTORY. COMPONENT .............. NIA SARA EHS (302) ........... NIA SABA EHS TOO (l BS) ........ N/A CERCLA RO (LBS) .......... N/A OSHA FLOOR UST ......... .NIA SARA 313 ................ N/A OeMlnimls for SARA 313 (%) .... N/A SECTION 14 OTHER INFORMATION DISCLAIMER: This information is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us; however, we make no warranty of merchantability, or fitness for any particular use, or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to this information, and we assume no liability resulting from the use of this information. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular needs and puposes. MSDS APPROVED BY: P,e1t't(f z,. rtd~ma- NEPA Hazard Ratings Health: 0 Flammability: O Reactiveity: O Special Hazards: O V ALOX® PBT RESIN I-lame Buy Searcn Helo Contact Us. Updute Prnfile Pra,.s Ro-:irn Cares,-,,, S,w Map • GE Plastics ~GE Live Click here to speak LIVE to an engineer. CONTACT RESINS If you would like to send feedback to via our online form, or are looking for contact information regarding ... Order and Inquiries Technical Questions About Our Materials Product Literature Press Relations ... Please see our ~ ~page NEW APPLICATION? Let us help you with your new application. GOT ACROBAT ? ~ Documents marked with this icon require the Acrobat ~der , available for free from Adobe. Oe11~[o_Q a_PrQ(luct > > ~-1t~r~IJ;~ecti9n > > Product Line Details VALOX® PBT RESIN VALOX thermoplastic polyester resins are semi-crystalline materials based on polybutylene terephthalate (PBD polymers. The product line includes many performance-matched grades, each designed to provide a unique property profile. Grades range from 100% unmodified PBT resins to combinations of glass-fiber reinforced, mineral filled, mineral/glass reinforced and flame resistant grades. No matter how hostile the end-use environment, processors and designers find solutions with VALOX resin. VALOX resin, with its combination of heat and chemical resistance, deliver unique design advantages, with exceptionally good processability and surface appearance. This is why the product is found in computer keyboards, cool-to-the-touch appliances, fluid handling systems, automotive components, electrical connectors, and industrial systems and controls. VALOX resins offer: Chemical resistance Outstanding dielectric strength Outstanding electrical properties High RTI up to 284°F (140°C) Low temperature performance down to -40°F (-40°C) Strength and modulus at elevated temperatures Very good processability-long flow in thin sections Flame resistance Typical applications for VALOX resins include: Electrical/electronic connectors Smart network interface devices (SNID's) Power plugs and electrical components Switches and controls Circuit breaker enclosures Outdoor telecommunications enclosures Automotive under-hood componentry Electrical appliance components requiring high surface gloss Fiber optic tubes GE Plastics' engineering thermoplastics portfolio is constantly being enhanced with an exciting array of new technologies and products. Whether it's a new color or special effect you are looking for or new eco- conforming products to meet environmental needs, GE is the right place to come. So, please visit our web site frequently to learn about what we have to offer you. http://www.geplastics.com/resins/materials/valox.html Page 1 of 2 D.it<t_S_heet Processin.9. ~Product Gu T~chnifacti Zoo_r 4/9/2004 GE Plastics Page 1 of 3 GE Plastics VALOX® PBT Resin Material Properties VALOX thermoplastic polyester resins are semi-crystalline materials based on polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) polymers. This resin product line includes many series of performance-matched grades, each designed to provide a unique property profile. VALOX resins combine high mechanical, thermal and electrical properties with very good chemical resistance and very good dimensional stability. Product grades range from 100% unmodified PBT resins to combinations of glass-fiber reinforced, mineral filled, mineral/glass reinforced and flame resistant grades. Both filled and unfilled grades of this resin family offer a range of UL and other agency compliance ratings. High dielectric strength is a special attribute of VAL OX resins -even in high temperatures and over widely varied environmental conditions. They also offer low moisture absorption, low warp, high heat resistance up to 420°F (216°C), and inherent lubricity. VALOX resins also enable optimum production cycle times and predictable mold shrinkage due to the rapid rate of crystallization of the materials. VALOX resins are characterized by their very good resistance to a variety of chemicals, including aliphatic hydrocarbons, petrol, oils and greases, dilute acids and bases, detergents and most aqueous salt solutions at ambient temperatures. http://www.geplastics.com/resins/ProductGuides/valox/Introduction_prr.html 4/9/2004 GE Plastics VALOX resins offer: • chemical resistance • outstanding dielectric strength • outstanding electrical properties • high RTI up to 284°F {140°C) • lowtemperature performance down to -40°F (-40°C) • very good processability - long flow in thin sections • flame resistance Typical applications for VALOX resins include: • electricaVe lectronic connectors • smart network interface devices ISNIDsl • power plugs and electrical components • switches and controls • circuit breaker enclosures • outdoor telec ommunications enclosures • automotive under-hood componentry • electrical appliance components requiring high surface gloss • fiber optic tubes Page 2 of 3 Where an application requires exposure to, or immersion in, certain environments, prototypes or suitable stressed samples of the material should be tested under actual operating conditions. http:/ /www.geplastics.com/resins/Prod uctGuides/valox/Introd ucti on __prr. html 4/9/2004 GE Plastics Page 3 of 3 http://www. geplastics. com/resins/ProductGuides/valox/Introduction _prr .html 4/9/2004 MSDS Number: M2015 * * * * * Effective Date: 11/12/01 * * * * * Supercedes: 12/14/00 METHYL ALCOHOL 1. Product Identification Synonyms: Wood alcohol; methanol; carbinol CAS No.: 67-5 6-1 Molecular Weight: 32.04 Chemical Formula: CH3OH Product Codes: J.T.Baker: 5217, 5370, 5794, 5811, 5842,5869, 9049,9063,9065, 9066,9067,9069, 9070,9071,9073, 9075, 9076, 9077,9091, 9093, 9096, 9097,9098,9263, 9822, 9830, V654 Mallinckrodt: 3004, 3006, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3024, 3041, 3701, 4295, 5160, 8814, H080, H488, H603, H985, V079, V571 . 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient CAS No Percent Hazardous Methyl Alcohol 67-56-1 100% Yes 3. Hazards Identification Emergency Overview POISON! DANGER! VAPOR HARMFUL. MAY BE FATAL OR CAUSE BLINDNESS IF SW ALLOWED. HARMFUL IF INHALED OR ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. CANNOT BE MADE NONPOISONOUS. FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. AFFECTS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AND LIVER. SAF-T-DATA(tm) Ratings (Provided here for your convenience) Health Rating: 3 -Severe (Poison) Flammability Rating: 3 -Severe (Flammable) Reactivity Rating: 1 -Slight Contact Rating: 3 -Severe (Life) Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES & SHIELD; LAB COAT & APRON; VENT HOOD; PROPER GLOVES; CLASS B EXTINGUISHER Storage Color Code: Red (Flammable) Potential Health Effects Inhalation: A slight irritant to the mucous membranes. Toxic effects exerted upon nervous system, particularly the optic nerve. Once absorbed into the body, it is very slowly eliminated. Symptoms of overexposure may include headache, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, blindness, coma, and death. A person may get better but then worse again up to 30 hours later. Ingestion: Toxic. Symptoms parallel inhalation. Can intoxicate and cause blindness. Usual fatal dose: 100-125 milliliters. Skin Contact: Methyl alcohol is a defatting agent and may cause skin to become dry and cracked. Skin absorption can occur; symptoms may parallel inhalation exposure. Eye Contact: Irritant. Continued exposure may cause eye lesions. Chronic Exposure: Marked impairment of vision has been reported. Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause skin irritation. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye problems or impaired liver or kidney function may be more susceptible to the effects of the substance. 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention immediately. Ingestion: Induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately. Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Fire: Flash point: 12C (54F) CC Autoignition temperature: 464C (867F) Flammable limits in air % by volume: lel: 6.0; uel: 36 Flammable Liquid and Vapor! Explosion: Above flash point, vapor-air mixtures are explosive within flammable limits noted above. Moderate explosion hazard and dangerous fire hazard when exposed to heat, sparks or flames. Sensitive to static discharge. Fire Extinguishing Media: Use alcohol foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide. (Water may be ineffective.) Special Information: In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Use water spray to blanket fire, cool fire exposed containers, and to flush non-ignited spills or vapors away from fire. Vapors can flow along surfaces to distant ignition source and flash back. 6. Accidental Release Measures Ventilate area of leak or spill. Remove all sources of ignition. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Isolate hazard area. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Contain and recover liquid when possible. Use non- sparking tools and equipment. Collect liquid in an appropriate container or absorb with an inert material ( e. g., vermiculite, dry sand, earth), and place in a chemical waste container. Do not use combustible materials, such as saw dust. Do not flush to sewer! If a leak or spill has not ignited, use water spray to disperse the vapors, to protect personnel attempting to stop leak, and to flush spills away from exposures. US Regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities. The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response Center is (800) 424-8802. J. T. Baker SOLUSORB.!E solvent adsorbent is recommended for spills of this product. 7. Handling and Storage Protect against physical damage. Store in a cool, dry well-ventilated loc ation, away from any area where the fire hazard may be acute. Outside or detached storage is preferred. Separate from incompatibles. Containers should be bonded and grounded for transfers to avoid static sparks. Storage and use areas should be No Smoking areas. Use non-sparking type tools and equipment, including explosion proof ventilation. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (vapors, liquid); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product. Do Not attempt to clean empty containers since residue is difficult to remove. Do not pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind or expose such containers to heat, sparks, flame, static electricity or other sources of ignition: they may explode and cause injury or death. 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Airborne Exposure Limits: For Methyl Alcohol: -OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 200 ppm (TWA) -ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 200 ppm (TWA), 250 ppm (STEL) skin Ventilation System: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures below the Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details. Use explosion-proof equipment. Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): If the exposure limit is exceeded and engineering controls are not feasible, wear a supplied air, full-facepiece respirator, airlined hood, or full-facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus. Breathing air quality must meet the requirements of the OSHA respiratory protection standard (29CFR1910.134). This substance has poor warning properties. Skin Protection: Rubber or neoprene gloves and additional protection including impervious boots, apron, or coveralls, as needed in areas of unusual exposure. Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area. 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid. Odor: Characteristic odor. Solubility : Miscible in water. Specific Gravity: 0.8 pH: No information found. % Volatiles by volume@ 21C (70F): 100 Boiling Point: 64.SC (147F) Melting Point: -98C (-1 44F) Vapor Density (Air=l): 1.1 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 97@ 20C (68F) Evaporation Rate (BuAc=l): 5.9 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Hazardous Decomposition Products: May form carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde when heated to decomposition. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatibilities: Strong oxidizing agents such as nitrates, perchlorates or sulfuric acid. Will attack some forms of plastics, rubber, and coatings. May react with metallic aluminum and generate hydrogen gas. Conditions to Avoid: Heat, flames, ignition sources and incompatibles. 11. Toxicological Information Methyl Alcohol (Methanol) Oral rat LD50: 5628 mg/kg; inhalation rat LC50: 64 000 ppm/4H; skin rabbit LD50: 15800 mg/kg; Irritation data-standard Draize test: skin, rabbit: 20mg/24 hr. Moderate; eye, rabbit: 100 mg/24 hr. Moderate. Investigated as a mutagen, reproductive effector. --------\Cancer Lists\------------------------------------------------- ---NTP Carcin ogen--- Ingredient Known An t i cipated IARC Category Methyl Alcohol (67-56 -1) No No Non e 12. Ecological Information Environmental Fate: When released into the soil, this material is expected to readily biodegrade. When released into the soil, this material is expected to leach into groundwater. When released into the soil, this material is expected to quickly evaporate. When released into the water, this material is expected to have a half-life between 1 and 10 days. When released into water, this material is expected to readily biodegrade. When released into the air, this material is expected to exist in the aerosol phase with a short half-life. When released into the air, this material is expected to be readily degraded by reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals. When released into air, this material is expected to have a half-life between 10 and 30 days. When released into the air, this material is expected to be readily removed from the atmosphere by wet deposition. Environmental Toxicity: This material is expected to be slightly toxic to aquatic life. 13. Disposal Considerations Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handled as hazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved incinerator or disposed in a RCRA approved waste facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. 14. Transport Information Domestic (Land, D.O.T.) Proper Shipping Name: METHANOL Hazard Class: 3 UN/NA: UN1230 Packing Group: II Information reported for product/size: 358LB International (Water, I.M.O.) Proper Shipping Name: METHANOL Hazard Class: 3, 6.1 UN/NA: UN1230 Packing Group: II Information reported for product/size: 358LB 15. Regulatory Information --------\Chemical Inventory Status -Part 1\----------------------------- Ingredient TSCA EC Japan Australia Methyl Alcohol (67-56-1) Yes Yes Yes Yes --------\Chemical Inventory Status -Part 2\------------------------------ --Canada-- Ingredient Korea DSL NDSL Phil. Methyl Alcohol (67-56-1) Yes Yes No Yes --------\Federal, State & International Regulations -Part 1\-------------- -SARA 302-------SARA 313---- Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg. Methyl Alcohol (67-56-1) No No Yes No --------\Federal, State & International Regulations -Part 2\-------------- -RCRA--TSCA- Ingredient CERCLA 261 .33 B(d) Methyl Alcohol (67-56-1) 5000 Ul54 Chemical Weapons Convention: SARA 311/312: Acute : Yes Reactivity : No (Pure Australian Hazchem Code: 2PE Poison Schedule: S6 WHMIS: No TSCA 1 2 (b) : No CDTA : No Chronic: Yes Fire: Yes Pres s u re : No / Liquid) No This MSDS has been prepared ac cording to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. 16. Other Information NFPA Ratings: Health: 1 Flammability: 3 Reactivity: 0 Label Hazard Warning: POISON! DANGER! VAPOR HARMFUL. MAY BE FATAL OR CAUSE BLINDNESS IF SW ALLOWED. HARMFUL IF INHALED OR ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. CANNOT BE MADE NONPOISONOUS. FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. AFFECTS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AND LIVER. Label Precautions: A void breathing vapor. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Label First Aid: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. In all cases get medical attention immediately. Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. Revision Information: MSDS Section(s) changed since last revision of document include: 3, 8. Disclaimer: ************************************************************************ Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material b y a properly trained person using this product. Individuals receiving the information must exercise their independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular purpose. MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION. ************************************************************************ Prepared by: Environmental Health & Safety Phone Number: (314) 654-1600 (U.S.A.) MSDS Number: A0446 * * * * * Effective Date: 02/12/04 * * * * * Supercedes: 04/10/01 ACETONE l.Productldentification Synonyms: Dimethylketone; 2-propanone; dimethylketal CAS No.: 67-64-1 Molecular Weight: 58.08 Chemical Formula: (CH3)2CO Product Codes: J.T.Baker: 5008, 5018, 5356, 5580, 9001, 9002,9003,9004,9005,9006, 9007,9008, 9009,9010,9015,9036,9125,9254,9271,Al34, V655 Mallinckrodt: 0018, 2432, 2435, 2437, 2438, 2440, 2443, 2445, 2850, H451, H580, H981 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient CAS No Percent Hazardous Acetone 67 -64 -1 99 -100% Yes 3. Hazards Identification Emergency Overview DANGER! EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. VAPOR MAY CAUSE FLASH FIRE. HARMFUL IF SW ALLOWED OR INHALED. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. AFFECTS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. J.T. Baker SAF-T-DATA(tm) Ratings (Provided here for your convenience) Health Rating: 1 -Slight Flammability Rating: 4 -Extreme (Flammable) Reactivity Rating: 2 -Moderate Contact Rating: 1 -Slight Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES; LAB COAT; VENT HOOD; PROPER GLOVES; CLASS B EXTINGUISHER Storage Color Code: Red (Flammable) Potential Health Effects Inhalation: Inhalation of vapors irritates the respiratory tract. May cause coughing, dizziness, dullness, and headache. Higher concentrations can produce central nervous system depression, narcosis, and unconsciousness. Ingestion: Swallowing small amounts is not likely to produce harmful effects. Ingestion of larger amounts may produce abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Aspiration into lungs can produce severe lung damage and is a medical emergency. Other symptoms are expected to parallel inhalation. Skin Contact: Irritating due to defatting action on skin. Causes redness, pain, drying and cracking of the skin. Eye Contact: Vapors are irritating to the eyes. Splashes may cause severe irritation, with stinging, tearing, redness and pain. Chronic Exposure: Prolonged or repeated skin contact may produce severe irritation or dermatitis. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Use of alcoholic beverages enhances toxic effects. Exposure may increase the toxic potential of chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as chloroform, trichloroethane. 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention. Ingestion: Aspiration hazard. If swallowed, vomiting may occur spontaneously, but DO NOT INDUCE. If vomiting occurs, keep head below hips to prevent aspiration into lungs. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician immediately. Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting upper and lower eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Fire: Flash point: -20C (-4F) CC Autoignition temperature: 465C (869F) Flammable li mits in air% by volume: lel: 2.5; uel: 12.8 Extremely Flammable Liquid and Vapor! Vapor may cause flash fire. Explosion: Above flash point, vapor-air mixtures are explosive within fl ammable limits noted above. Vapors can fl ow along surfaces to distant ignition source and flash back. Contact with strong oxidizers may cause fire. Sealed containers may rupture when heated. This material may pro duce a floating fire hazard. Sensitive to static discharge. Fire Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, alcohol fo am or carbon dioxide. Water may be ineffective. Water spray may be used to keep fire exposed containers cool, dilute spills to nonflammable mixtures, protect personnel attempting to stop leak and disperse vapors. Special Information: In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. 6. Accidental Release Measures Ventilate area of leak or spill. Remove all sources of ignition. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Isolate hazard area. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Contain and recover liquid when possible. Use non- sparking tools and equipment. Collect liquid in an appropriate container or absorb with an inert material ( e. g., vermiculite, dry sand, earth), and place in a chemical waste container. Do not use combustible materials, such as saw dust. Do not flush to sewer! If a leak or spill has not ignited, use water spray to disperse the vapors, to protect personnel attempting to stop leak, and to flush spills away from exposures. US Regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities. The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response Center is (800) 424-8802. J. T. Baker SOLUSORBJE solvent adsorbent is recommended for spills of this product. 7. Handling and Storage Protect against physical damage. Store in a cool, dry well-ventilated location, away from any area where the fire hazard may be acute. Outside or detached storage is preferred. Separate from incompatibles. Containers should be bonded and grounded for transfers to avoid static sparks. Storage and use areas sho uld be No Smoking areas. Use non-sparking type tools and equipment, including explosion proof ventilation. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (vapors, li quid); observe all warnings and precautions listed fo r the product. 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Airborne Exposure Limits: Acetone: -OS HA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 1000 ppm (TWA) -ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 500 ppm (TWA), 750 ppm (STEL) A4 -not classifiable as a human carcinogen Ventilation System: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures below the Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details. Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): If the exposure limit is exceeded and engineering controls are not feasible, a half-face organic vapor respirator may be worn for up to ten times the exposure limit, or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. A full-face piece organic vapor respirator may be worn up to 50 times the exposure limit, or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. For emergencies or instances where the exposure levels are not known, use a full-face piece positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator. WARNING: Air-purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Skin Protection: Wear impervious protective clothing, including boots, gloves, lab coat, apron or coveralls, as appropriate, to prevent skin contact. Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles and/or a full face shield where splashing is possible. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area. 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: . Clear, colorless, volatile liquid. Odor: Fragrant, mint-like Solubility: Miscible in all proportions in water. Specific Gravity: 0.79 @ 20C/4C pH: No information found. % Volatiles by volume @ 21 C (70F): 100 Boiling Point: 56.SC (133F)@ 760 mm Hg Melting Point: -95C (-139F) Vapor Density (Air=l): 2.0 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 400@ 39.SC (104F) Evaporation Rate (BuAc=l): ca. 7.7 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide may form when heated to decomposition. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatibilities: Concentrated nitric and sulfuric acid mixtures, oxidizing materials, chloroform, alkalis, chlorine compounds, acids, potassium t-butoxide. Conditions to Avoid: Heat, flames, ignition sources and incompatibles. 11. Toxicological Information Oral rat LD50: 5800 mg/kg; Inhalation rat LC50: 50, 100mg/m3; Irritation eye rabbit, Standard Draize, 20 mg severe; investigated as a tumorigen, mutagen, reproductive effector. ------\Cancer Lists\------------------------------------------------------ ---NTP Carcinogen --- Ingredient Known Anticipated IARC Category Acetone (67-64-1) No No None 12. Ecological Information Environmental Fate: When released into the soil, this material is expected to readily biodegrade. When released into the soil, this material is expected to leach into groundwater. When released into the soil, this material is expected to quickly evaporate. When released into water, this material is expected to readily biodegrade. When released to water, this material is expected to quickly evaporate. This material has a log octanol-water partition coefficient of less than 3.0. This material is not expected to significantly bioaccumulate. When released into the air, this material may be moderately degraded by reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals. When released into the air, this material may be moderately degraded by photolysis. When released into the air, this material is expected to be readily removed from the atmosphere by wet deposition. Environmental Toxicity: This material is not expected to be toxic to aquatic life. The LCS0/96-hour values for fish are over 100 mg/1. 13. Disposal Considerations Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handled as hazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved incinerator or disposed in a RCRA approved waste facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. 14 . Transport Information Domestic (Land, D.O.T.) Proper Shipping Name: ACETONE Hazard Class: 3 UN/NA: UN1090 Packing Group: II Information reported for product/size: 21 SL International (Water, I.M.O.) Proper Shipping Name: ACETONE Hazard Class: 3 UN/NA: UN1090 Packing Group: II Information reported for product/size: 21 SL 15. Regulatory Information --------\Chemical Inventory Status -Part 1\------------------------- Ingredient TSCA EC Japan Australia Acetone (67-64-1) Yes Yes Yes Yes --------\Chemical Inventory Status -Part 2\----------------------------- --Canada-- Ingredient Acetone (67-64-1) Korea DSL NDSL Phil. Yes Yes No Yes --------\Federal, State & International Regulations -Part 1\-------------- -SARA 302-------SARA 313--- Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg. Acetone (67-64 -1) No No Yes No --------\Federal, State & International Regulations -Part 2\------------- -RCRA--TSCA- Ingredient CERCLA 261.33 8(d) Acetone (67-64-1) 5000 U002 Chemical Weapons Convention: No TSCA 12(b): Yes CDTA: Yes SARA 311/312: Acute: Yes Chronic: No Fire: Yes Pressure: No Reactivity: No (Pure/ Liquid) No Australian Hazchem Code: 2[Y]E Poison Schedule: None allocated. vVHMIS : This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. 16. Other Information NFPA Ratings: Health: 1 Flammability: 3 Reactivity: 0 Label Hazard Warning: DANGER! EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. VAPOR MAY CAUSE FLASH FIRE. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. AFFECTS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. Label Precautions: Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing vapor. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Label First Aid: Aspiration hazard. If swallowed, vomiting may occur spontaneously, but DO NOT INDUCE. If vomiting occurs, keep head below hips to prevent aspiration into lungs. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician immediately. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. In all cases, get medical attention. Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. Revision Information: No Changes. Disclaimer: *********************************************************************** Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to _the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Individuals receiving the information must exercise their independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular purpose. MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION. ************************************************************************ ************************ Prepared by: Environmental Health & Safety Phone Number: (314) 654-1600 (U.S.A.) MSDS Number: P6401 * * * * * Effective Date: 05/07/03 * * * * * Supercedes: 01/24/02 2-PROPANOL 1. Product Identification Synonyms: Isopropyl alcohol; sec-propyl alcohol; isopropanol; sec-propanol; dimethylcarbinol CAS No.: 67-63-0 Molecular Weight: 60.10 Chemical Formula: (CH3)2 CHOH Product Codes: 5373,5582,5863,5870,5873, 5890,5986,5996,9016, 9025,9026, 9055, 9059,9078,9079,9081, 9082, 9083, 9084,9088, 9089,9095,9334,XM-181,XM- 198 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient Isopropyl Alcohol Water 3. Hazards Identification Emergency Overview CAS No 67-63-0 7732-18-5 Percent Hazardous 90 -100% Yes 0 -10% No WARNING! FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED. CAUSES IRRITATION TO EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. AFFECTS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. MAY BE HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO SKIN. SAF-T-D AT A (tm) Ratings (Provided here for your convenience) Health Rating: 2 -Moderate Flammability Rating: 3 -Severe (Flammable) Reactivity Rating: 2 -Moderate Contact Rating: 3 -Severe Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES & SHIELD; LAB COAT & APRON; VENT HOOD; PROPER GLOVES; CLASS B EXTINGUISHER Storage Color Code: Red (Flammable) Potential Health Effects Inhalation: Inhalation of vapors irritates the respiratory tract. Exposure to high concentrations has a narcotic effect, producing symptoms of dizziness, drowsiness, headache, staggering, uncon?ciousness and possibly death. Ingestion: Can cause drowsiness, unconsciousness, and death. Gastrointestinal pain, cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also result. The single lethal dose for a human adult= about 250 mls (8 ounces). Skin Contact: May cause irritation with redness and pain. May be absorbed through the skin with possible systemic effects. Eye Contact: Vapors cause eye irritation. Splashes cause severe irritation, possible corneal bums and eye damage. Chronic Exposure: Chronic exposure may cause skin effects. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or impaired liver, kidney, or pulmonary function may be more susceptible to the effects of this agent. 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a physician. Ingestion: Give large amounts of water to drink. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention. Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician if irritation develops. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Fire: Flash point: 12C (54F) CC Autoignition temperature: 399C (750F) Flammable limits in air% by volume: lel: 2.0; uel: 12.7 Listed fire data is for Pure Isopropyl Alcohol. Explosion: Above flash point, vapor-air mixtures are explosive within flammable limits noted above. Contact with strong oxidizers may cause fire or explosion. Vapors can flow along surfaces to distant ignition source and flash back. Sensitive to static discharge. Fire Extinguishing Media: Water spray, dry chemical, alcohol foam, or carbon dioxide. Water spray may be used to keep fire exposed containers cool, dilute spills to nonflammable mixtures, protect personnel attempting to stop leak and disperse vapors. Special Information: In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. 6. Accidental Release Measures Ventilate area of leak or spill. Remove all sources of ignition. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Isolate hazard area. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Contain and recover liquid when possible. Use non- sparking tools and equipment. Collect liquid in an appropriate container or absorb with an inert material ( e. g., vermiculite, dry sand, earth), and place in a chemical waste container. Do not use combustible materials, such as saw dust. Do not flush to sewer! If a leak or spill has not ignited, use water spray to disperse the vapors, to protect personnel attempting to stop leak, and to flush spills away from exposures. J. T. Baker SOLUSORBJE solvent adsorbent is recommended for spills of this product. 7. Handling and Storage Protect against physical damage. Store in a cool, dry well-ventilated location, away from any area where the fire hazard may be acute. Outside or detached storage is preferred. Separate from incompatibles. Containers should be bonded and grounded for transfers to avoid static sparks. Storage and use areas should be N o Smoking areas. Use non-sparking type tools and equipment, including explosion proof ventilation. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (vapors, liquid); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product. Small quantities of peroxides can form on prolonged storage. Exposure to light and/or air significantly increases the rate of peroxide formation. If evaporated to a residue, the mixture of peroxides and isopropanol may explode when exposed to heat or shock. 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Airborne Exposure Limits: For Isopropyl Alcohol (2-Propanol): -OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 400 ppm (TWA) -ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 200 ppm (TWA), 400 ppm (STEL), A4 -not classifiable as a human carcinogen. Ventilation System: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures below the Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details. Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): If the exposure limit is exceeded, a full facepiece respirator with organic vapor cartridge may be worn up to 50 times the exposure limit or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. For emergencies or instances where the exposure levels are not known, use a full- facepiece positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator. WARNING: Air purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Skin Protection: Wear impervious protective clothing, including boots, gloves, lab coat, apron or coveralls, as appropriate, to prevent skin contact. Neoprene and nitrile rubber are recommended materials. Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles and/or a full face shield where splashing is possible. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area. 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid. Odor: Rubbing alcohol. Solubility: Miscible in water. Specific Gravity: 0.79@ 20C/4C pH: No information found. % Volatiles by volume @ 21 C (70F): 100 Boiling Point: 82C (18 0F) Melting Point: -89C (-128F) Vapor Density (Air=l): 2.1 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 44 @ 25C (77F) Evaporation Rate (BuAc=l): 2.83 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Heat and sunlight can contribute to instability. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide may form when heated to decomposition. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatibilities: Heat, flame, strong oxidizers, acetaldehyde, acids, chlorine, ethylene oxide, hydrogen- palladium combination, hydrogen peroxide-sulfuric acid combination, potassium tert- butoxide, hypochlorous acid, isocyanates, nitroform, phosgene, aluminum, oleum and perchloric acid. Conditions to Avoid: Heat, flames, ignition sources and incompatibles. 11. Toxicological Information Oral rat LD50: 5045 mg/kg; skin rabbit LD50: 12.8 gm/kg; inhalation rat LC50: 16,000 ppm/8-hour; investigated as a tumorigen, mutagen, reproductive effector. --------\Cancer Lists\----------------------------------------------------- ---NTP Carcinogen--- Ingredient Known Anticipated IARC Category Isopropy l Alcohol (67-63-0 ) Water (7732-18-5) 12. Ecological Information Environmental Fate: No No No No 3 None When releas ed into the soil, this material is expected to quickly evaporate. When released into the soil, this material may leach into groundwater. When released into the soil, this material may biodegrade to a moderate extent. When released to water, this material is expected to quickly evaporate. When released into the water, this material is expected to have a half-life between 1 and 10 days. When released into water, this material may biodegrade to a moderate extent. This material is not expected to significantly bioaccumulate. When released into the air, this material is expected to be readily degraded by reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals. When released into the air, this material is expected to have a half-life between 1 and 10 days. When released into the air, this material may be removed from the atmosphere to a moderate extent by wet deposition. Environmental Toxicity: The LC50/96-hour values for fish are over 100 mg/1. This material is not expected to be toxic to aquatic life. 13. Disposal Considerations Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handled as hazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved incinerator or disposed in a RCRA approved waste facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. 14. Transport Information Domestic (Land, D.O.T.) Proper Shipping Name: ISOPROP ANOL Hazard Class: 3 UN/NA: UN1219 Packing Group: II Information reported for product/size: 355LB International (Water, I.M.O.) Proper Shipping Name: ISO PROP ANOL Hazard Class: 3 UN/NA: UN1219 Packing Group: II Information reported for product/size: 355LB 15. Regulatory Information --------\Chemical Inventory Status -Part 1\------------------------------ Ingredient TSCA EC Japan Australia Isopropyl Alcohol (67-63-0) Water (7732-18-5) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes --------\Chemical Inventory Status -Part 2\------------------------------ Ingredient Isopropyl Alcohol (67-63-0) Water (7732-18-5) --Canada-- Korea DSL NDSL Phil. Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes --------\Federal, State & International Regulations -Part 1\-------------- -SARA 302-------SARA 313---- Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg. Isopropyl Alcohol (67-63-0) Water (7732-18-5) No No No No Yes No No No --------\Federal , State & International Regulations -Part 2\------------- -RCRA--TSCA- Ingredient CERCLA 261.33 8 (d) ------------ Isopropyl Alcohol (67-63-0) No No No Water (77 32-18 -5) No No No Chemical Weapons Convention: No TSCA 12 (b): No CDTA: No SARA 31 1/312: Acute: Yes Chronic : Yes Fire: Yes Pressure: No Reactivity: No (Mixture / Liquid) Australian Hazchem Code: 2[S]2 Poison Schedule: None allocated. WHMIS: This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. 16. Other Information NFPA Ratings: Health: 2 Flammability: 3 Reactivity: 0 Label Hazard Warning: WARNING! FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. HARMFUL IF SW ALLOWED OR INHALED. CAUSES IRRITATION TO EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. AFFECTS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. MAY BE HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO SKIN. Label Precautions: Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. A void breathing vapor or mist. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Label First Aid: If swallowed, give large amounts of water to drink. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. In all cases, get medical attention. Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. Revision Information: MSDS Section(s) changed since last revision of document include: 8. Disclaimer: ************************************************************************ Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Individuals receiving the information must exercise their independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular purpose. MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION. ************************************************************************ ************************ Prepared by: Environmental Health & Safety Phone Number: (314) 654-1600 (U.S.A.) MSDS Number: M 2015 * * * * * Effective Date: 11/12/01 * * * * * Supercedes: 12/14/00 METHYL ALCOHOL 1. Product Identification Synonyms : Wood alcohol; methanol; carbinol CAS No.: 67-56-1 Molecular Weight: 32.04 Chemical Formula: CH3OH Product Codes: J.T.Baker: 52 17, 5370, 5794, 58 11,5842, 5869,9049, 9063, 9065, 9066, 9067,9069, 9070,9071, 9073, 9075,9076, 9077, 9091 , 9093, 9096, 9097, 9098,9263 , 98 22, 983 0, V654 Mallinclaodt: 3004, 3006, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3024, 3041 , 3701 , 4295, 516 0, 8814, H08 0, H488, H603, H985, V079, V571 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient CAS No Per cent Hazardous Methyl Alco hol Yes 3. Hazards Identification Emergency Overview 67-56-1 100% POISON! DANGER! VAPOR HARMFUL. MAY BE FATAL OR CAUSE BLINDNESS IF SW ALLOWED. HARMFUL IF INHALED OR ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. CANNOT BE MADE NONPOISONOUS. FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. AFFECTS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AND LIVER. SAF-T-DATA(tni) Ratings (Provided here for your convenience) Health Rating: 3 -Severe (Poison) Flammability Rating: 3 -Severe (Flammable) Reactivity Rating: 1 -Slight Contact Rating: 3 -Severe (Life) Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES & SHIELD; LAB COAT & APRON; VENT HOOD; PROPER GLOVES; CLASS B EXTINGUISHER Storage Color Code: Red (Flammable) Potential Health Effects Inhalation: A slight irritant to the mucous membranes. Toxic effects exerted upon nervous system, particularly the optic nerve. Once absorbed into the body, it is very slowly eliminated. Symptoms of overexposure may include headache, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, blindness, coma, and death. A person may get better but then worse again up to 30 hours later. Ingestion: Toxic. Symptoms parallel inhalation. Can intoxicate and cause blindness. Usual fatal dose: 100-125 milliliters. Skin Contact: Methyl alcohol is a defatting agent and may cause skin to become dry and cracked. Skin absorption can occur; symptoms may parallel inhalation exposure. Eye Contact: Irritant. Continued exposure may cause eye lesions. Chronic Exposure: Marked impairment of vision has been reported. Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause skin irritation. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye problems or impaired liver or kidney function may be more susceptible to the effects of the substance. 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention immediately. Ingestion: Induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately. Skin Con tact: Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention. Wash clo thing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lo wer and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Fire : Flash point: 12C (5 4F) CC Autoignition temperature: 464C (867F) Flammable limits in air % by volume: lel: 6.0; uel: 36 Flammable Liquid and Vapor! Explosion: Above fl ash point, vapor-air mixtures are explosive within flammable limits noted above. Moderate explosion hazard and dangerous fire hazard when exposed to heat, sparks or flames. Sensitive to static discharge. Fire Extinguishing Media: Use alcohol foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide. (Water may be ineffective.) Special Information: In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand or other positive pres sure mode. Use water spray to blanket fire, cool fire exposed containers, and to flush non-ignited spills or vapors away from fire. Vapors can flow along surfaces to distant ignition source and flash back. 6. Accidental Release Measures Ventilate area of leak or spill. Remove all sources of ignition. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Isolate hazard area. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Contain and recover liquid when possible. Use non- sparking tools and equipment. Collect liquid in an appropriate container or absorb with an inert material ( e. g., vermiculite, dry sand, earth), and place in a chemical waste container. Do not use combustible materials, such as saw dust. Do not flush to sewer! If a leak or spill has not ignited, use water spray to disperse the vapors, to protect personnel attempting to stop leak, and to flush spills away from exposures. US Regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities. The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response Center is (800) 424-8802. J. T. Baker SOLUSORB.!E solvent adsorbent is recommended for spills of this product. 7. Handling and Storage Protect against physical damage. Store in a cool, dry well-ventilated location, away from any area where the fire hazard may be acute. Outside or detached storage is preferred. Separate from incompatibles. Containers should be bonded and grounded for transfers to avoid static sparks. Storage and use areas should be No Smoking areas. T,Jse non-sparking type tools and equipment, including explosion proof ventilation. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (vapors, liquid); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product. Do Not attempt to clean empty containers since residue is difficult to remove. Do not pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind or expose such containers to heat, sparks, flame, static electricity or other sources of ignition: they may explode and cause injury or death. 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Airborne Exposure Limits: For Methyl Alcohol: -OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 200 ppm (TWA) -ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 200 ppm (TWA), 250 ppm (STEL) skin Ventilation System: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures below the Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details. Use explosion-proof equipment. Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): If the exposure limit is exceeded and engineering controls are not feasible, wear a supplied air, full-facepiece respirator, airlined hood, or full-facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus. Breathing air quality must meet the requirements of the OSHA respiratory protection standard (29CFR1910.134). This substance has poor warning properties. Skin Protection: Rubber or neoprene gloves and additional protection including impervious boots, apron, or coveralls, as needed in areas of unusual exposure. Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area. 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid. Odor: Characteristic odor. Solubility: Miscible in water. Specific Gravity: 0.8 pH: No information found. % Volatil es by volume @ 21C (70F): 100 Boiling Point: 64.SC (147F) Melting Point: -98C (-144F) Vapor Density (Air=l): 1.1 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 97 @ 20C (68F) Evaporation Rate (BuAc=l): 5.9 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Hazardous Decomposition Products: May form carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde when heated to decomposition. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatibilities: Strong oxidizing agents such as nitrates, perchlorates or sulfuric acid. Will attack some forms of plastics, rubber, and coatings. May react with metallic aluminum and generate hydrogen gas. Conditions to Avoid: Heat, flames, ignition sources and incompatibles. 11. Toxicological Information Methyl Alcohol (Methanol) Oral rat LD50: 5628 mg/kg; inhalation rat LC50: 64000 ppm/ 4 H; skin rabbit LD 5 0: 15 8 00 mg/kg; Irritation data-standard Draize test: skin, rabbit: 20mg/24 hr. Moderate; eye, rabbit: 100 mg/2 4 hr. Moderate. Investigated as a mutagen, reproductive effector. --------\Cancer Lists\----------------------------------------------------- Ingredient Category Methyl Alcohol (67-56-1) 12. Ecological Information Environmental Fate: ---NTP Carcinogen--- Known Anticipated No No IARC None When released into the soil, this material is expected to readily biodegrade. When released into the soil, this material is expected to leach into groundwater. When released into the soil, this material is expected to quickly evaporate. When released into the water, this material is expected to have a half-life between 1 and 10 days. When released into water, this material is expected to readily biodegrade. When released into the air, this material is expected to exist in the aerosol phase with a short half-life. When released into the air, this material is expected to be readily degraded by reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals. When released into air, this material is expected to have a half-life between 10 and 30 days. When released into the air, this material is expected to be readily removed from the atmosphere by wet deposition. Environmental Toxicity: This material is expected to be slightly toxic to aquatic life. 13. Disposal Considerations Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handled as hazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved incinerator or disposed in a RCRA approved waste facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. 14. Transport Information Domestic (Land, D.O.T.) Proper Shipping Name: METHANOL Hazard Class: 3 UN/NA: UN1230 Packing Group: II Information reported for product/size: 358LB International (Water, I.M.O.) Proper Shipping Name: METHANOL Hazard Class: 3, 6.1 UN/NA: UN1230 Packing Group: II Information reported for product/size: 358LB 15. Regulatory Information --------\Chemical Inventory Status -Part 1\------------------------------- Ingredient TSCA EC Japan Australia Methyl Alcohol (67-56-1) Yes Yes Yes Yes --------\Chemical Inventory Status -Part 2\------------------------------- --Canada-- Ingredient Korea DSL NDSL Phil. Methyl Alcohol (67-56-1) Yes Yes No Yes --------\Federal, State & International Regulations -Part 1\-------------- -SARA 302-------SARA 313---- Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg. Methyl Alcohol (67-56-1) No No Yes No --------\Federal, State & International Regulations -Part 2\-------------- -RCRA--TSCA- Ingredient CERCLA 261. 33 8 (d) Methyl Alcohol (67-56-1) 5000 Ul54 No Chemical Weapons Convention: No TSCA 12(b): No CDTA: No SARA 311/312: Acute: Yes Chronic: Yes Fire: Yes Pressure: No Reactivity: No (Pure/ Liquid) Australian Hazchem Code: 2PE Poison Schedule: S6 WHMIS: This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. 16. Other Information NFPA Ratings: Health: 1 Flammability: 3 Reactivity: 0 Label Hazard Warning: POISON! DANGER! VAPOR HARMFUL. MAY BE FATAL OR CAUSE BLINDNESS IF SW ALLOWED. HARMFUL IF INHALED OR ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. CANNOT BE MADE NONPOISONOUS. FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND.Y APOR. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. AFFECTS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AND LIVER. Label Precautions: Avoid breathing vapor. A void contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Label First Aid: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. In all cases get medical attention immediately. Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. Revision Information: MSDS Section(s) changed since last revision of document include: 3, 8. Disclaimer: ************************************************************************ ************************ Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Individuals receiving the information must exercise their independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular purpose. MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION. ************************************************************************ Prepared by: Environmental Health & Safety Phone Number: (314) 654-1600 (U.S.A.) FORMAT : USA MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT: SS 4179 SILICONE PRIMER 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY I DENTIFICATION MANUFACTURED BY: GE SILICONES 260 HUDSON RIVER ROAD WATERFORD, NY 12188 EMERGENCY PHONE (24 HRS} (5 18 ) 237 -3330 REVISED: 01/23/03 PREPARER: CE HANNIGAN SUPPLIED BY: GE SILICONES 260 HUDSON RIVER ROAD WATER FORD, NY 12188 EMERGENCY PHONE (24 HRS} (518) 237-3330 CHEMICAL FAMILY /USE: SILICONE SOLUTION FORMULA : MIXTURE 2 . COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS PRODUCT COMPOSITION/ CAS REG NO. APPROX. WGT. % TWA <lPPB O. 5 ACGIH TLV STEL 2.5 1 OSHA PEL TWA STEL UNITS PPM HAZARDOUS BENZENE 71-43-2 METHANOL 67-56-1 TOLUENE 108-88-3 ETHYL ACETATE 1-5 200 SKN250 200 SKN250 PPM <lPPM 50 (SKIN) 100 150 PPM COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 1 141-78-6 80-99 400 NE 2-PROPENOIC ACID, 2-METHYL-,METHYL- ESTER, POLYMER W/ 3-(TRIMETHOXYSILY L) PROPYL 2-METHYL , 2-PROPENOATE 400 NE PPM 26936-30-1 5-10 NA NE NA NE NA 2 . NON-HAZARDOUS None Found See Secti on 15 for description of any WHMIS Trade Secret(s) 3 . HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 1~ EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: WARNING! Irritating to skin, eyes, and respiratory tract . Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin . May cause adverse liver, kidney, and CNS effects. Flammable liquid and vapor. May harm vision. May cause allergic skin reaction. May generate formaldehyde at temperatures greater than 150 C (300 F). See Section 3 of MSDS for details. Ester odor Clear liquid POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: INGESTION: Harmful if swallowed. Causes vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. Coma, shock and death may occur . Irritation of the mouth, throat, and stomach. May be fatal or cause blindness if swallowed. Large intake can result in narcosis. SKIN CONTACT: COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 2 Causes moderate skin irritation. Causes drying of the skin. May cause an allergic skin reaction . May cause a rash and itching of the skin. May be absorbed through the skin and contribute to the symptoms listed under "Ingestion". Vapor and/or liquid causes irritation. INHALATION: Excessive inhalation causes headache, dizziness, nausea and i ncoordination. Causes moderate respiratory irritation. Causes irritation of the mouth, nose, and throat. Harmful if inhaled . Can cause unconsciousness if inhaled. Causes depression and fatigue . May cause systematic poisoning. EYE CONTACT: Causes severe eye irritation. High vapor concentration will cause irritation. May harm vision. Vapor and/or liquid causes irritation. May cause mild eye irritation. May cause severe eye irritation. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED: Respiratory disorders. Pulmonary disorders . Central nervous system disorders. Gastrointestinal disorders. Blood disorders . Eye disorders. Pre-existing liver or kidney disorders. Skin disorders. SUBCHRONIC (TARGET ORGAN) EFFECTS: Dermatitis. Respiratory ailments. Central nervous system damage. Optic nerve damage. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 3 Liver and kidney damage. Corneal damage. Blood disorders. Pulmonary edema. Cumulative systemic toxicity. Eye damage. Anemia Permanent brain damage. CHRONIC EFFECTS/CARCINOGENICITY: This product or one of its ingredients present 0.1% or more is NOT listed as a carcinogen or suspected carcinogen by NTP, IARC, or OSHA. PRODUCTS/INGREDIENTS This space reserved for specia l use . PRINCIPLE ROUTES OF EXPOSURE : Oral. Dermal -skin. Eyes. Inhalation. Absorption through skin. OTHER: This product contains methylpolysiloxanes which can generate formaldehyde at approximately 300 degrees Fahrenheit (150'C) and above, in atmospheres which contain oxygen. Formaldehyde is a skin and respiratory sensitizer, eye and throat irritant, acute toxicant, and potential cancer hazard. An MSDS for formaldehyde is available from GE Silicones. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Slowly dilute with 1-2 glasses of COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 4 water or milk and seek medical attention. Never give any- thing by mouth to an unconscious person. SKIN: In case of contact, immediatel y flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes . Get medical attention. INHALATION: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing give artificial respiration using a barrier device . If breathing is difficult give oxygen. Get medical attention. EYES : In case of contact, or suspected contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention immediately after flushing. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: None known. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT: -2 .8 METHOD (C) 27 TCC. IGNITION TEMP 3 8 5 FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR -LOWER (%): 2 FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR -UPPER (%): 11 (F) (C) 725 SENSITIVITY TO MECHANICAL IMPACT (Y/N): NO SENSITIVITY TO STATIC DISCHARGE: Sensitivity to static discharge is expected; material has a flash point below 200 F. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Alcohol foam Carbon dioxide Dry chemical Foam SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES : COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. (F) page: 5 Fl ammabl e. Pos i tive pressure, s el f-cont ained breathing appar atus Wear f u ll prot ect ive c l oth i ng . 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ACTION TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL r s RELEASED OR SPILLED : Wipe, scrape or s oak up in an inert material and put in a container for disposa l . Wear proper protective equ i pmen t as s pec ified in the protective equipment section . Remove sources of ignition . Warn other wor kers of spill. Increase area ve ntilation. Person not t r ained shoul d evacuate area . 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE 1~ PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: Use ground strap and appropriate precautions for dispensing flammable liqui ds. Ke ep container closed when not in use. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Us e only in a well ventilated area. Do not inhale vapors. Store away from heat, sources of ignition, and incompatibles. This product is sensitive to static discharge and other i gintion sources. Handle with care. Keep away from children. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO . page: 6 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Exhaust ventilation Showers . Eyewash stations. Use in a well ventilated a rea. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION : Use in a well ventilated area . Use approved NIOSH respiratory protection if TLV exceeded or overexposure is likely . PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Rubber gloves . EYE AND FACE PROTECTION: Safety glasses. Monogoggles . Face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Rubber apron. Wear eye protection and protective clothing. VENTILATION: Ventilation and other forms of engineering controls are preferred for controlling exposures. Respiratory protection may be needed for non-routine or emergency situations. 9 . PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO . page: 7 BENZENE BOILING POINT 80.1 (C) 176 (F) VAPOR PRESSURE(20 C) (MM HG): 75 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) 2.8 METHANOL BOILING POINT 64.7 (C) 148.5 (F) VAPOR PRESSURE(20 C) (MM HG): 96 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l ) 1.1 TOLUENE BOILING POINT 110 (C) 231 (F) VAPOR PRESSURE(20 C) (MM HG): 22 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) 3.2 ETHYL ACETATE BOILING POINT 77 (C) 171 (F) VAPOR PRESSURE(20 C) (MM HG): 73 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) 3 .0 2-PROPENOIC ACID, 2-METHYL-,METHYL- BOILING POINT NA (C) NA (F) VAPOR PRESSURE(20 C) (MM HG): NA VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) NA PRODUCT INFORMATION: BOILING POINT NA (C) NA (F) VAPOR PRESSURE(20 C) (MM HG): NA VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) NA FREEZING POINT <0 (C) <32 (F) MELTING POINT UNK (C) UNK (F) PHYSICAL STATE LIQUID ODOR ESTER COLOR CLEAR ODOR THRESHOLD (PPM) 3.9 % VOLATILE BY VOLUME -94 -COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 8 EVAP. RATE(BUTYL ACETATE=l): SPECIFIC GRAVITY (WATER=l) DENSITY (KG/M3) ACID/ALKALINITY (MEQ/G) PH voe EXCL .H2O & EXEMPTS(G/L): SOLUBILITY IN WATER (20 C) 6 .91 910 .7 UNK UNK 84 0 INSOLUBLE SOLUBILITY IN ORGANIC SOLVENT (STATE SOLVENT) 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: STABLE HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR SOLUBLE IN ALCOHOLS HAZARDOUS THERMAL DECOMPOSITION/COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Methanol . Ethyl acetate. Formaldehyde . 1~ INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Contact with oxidizing agents. CONDITIONS TO AVOID : Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Avoid any source of ignition. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION BENZENE ACUTE ORAL LDS0 (MG/KG): 3,800 (RAT) COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO . page: 9 ACUTE DERMAL LOSO (MG/KG): NONE POUND ACUTE INHALATION LCSO (MG/L): 10,000 PPM/7HR(RAT) OTHER: Tested for acute oral LOSO and LCSO. AMES TEST : UNKNOWN METHANOL ACUTE ORAL LDSO (MG/KG): 5628MG/KG(RAT) ACUTE DERMAL LOSO (MG/KG): 15,800 (rbt) ACUTE INHALATION LCSO (MG/L) : 64, OO OPPM/4HR OTHER: Tested for acute oral LOSO. AMES TEST: TOLUENE ACUTE ORAL LDSO (MG/KG): 5000 (RAT) ACUTE DERMAL LOSO (MG/KG): 14,000 (RBT) ACUTE INHALATION LCSO (MG/L): 5320 PPM /BHR(MUS) OTHER: Tested for acute oral, dermal and inhalation. AMES TEST: UNKNOWN ETHYL ACETATE ACUTE ORAL LDSO (MG /KG): 11,300 (RAT) ACUTE DERMAL LOSO (MG/KG): NONE FOUND ACUTE INHALATION LCSO (MG/L): 1600 PPM/BHR(RAT) OTHER: None . AMES TEST: 2-PROPENOIC ACID, 2-METHYL-,METHYL- ACUTE ORAL LOSO (MG/KG): NA ACUTE DERMAL LDSO (MG/KG): NA ACUTE INHALATION LCSO (MG/L): NA OTHER : None. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 10 --- AMES TEST: 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOG ICAL INFORMATION: No data at this time CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATION: No data at this time 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS DISPOSAL METHOD: Disposal should be made in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. Incineration recommended in approved incinerator according to federal, state, and local regulations . 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME: FLAMMABLE LIQUID N.O.S. (ETHYL ACETATE & METHANOL) DOT HAZARD CLASS: 3 DOT LABEL(S): FLAMMABLE LIQUID UN/NA NUMBER: UN1993 PLACARDS: FLAMMABLE LIQUID IATA: COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 11 FLAMMABLE LIQUID N.0.S. (ETHYL ACETATE & METHANOL), 3, UN1993, II IMO IMDG-code: 3 EMS No: EmS. No.3-07 EUROPEAN CLASS: RID (OCTI) : ADR (ECE) : RAR ( IATA) : 3 ,2301 ,lA 3 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA SECTION 302: None Found SARA (311,312) HAZARD CLASS: ACUTE HEALTH HAZARD CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD FIRE HAZARD SARA (313) CHEMICALS : THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS TOXIC CHEMICAL(S) LISTED BELOW WHICH IS(ARE) SUBJECT TO THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 313 OF TITLE III OF THE SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1986 AND 40 CFR PART 372 . METHANOL 67-56-1 CPSC CLASSIFICATION: NA WHMIS HAZARD CLASS: 82 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS 028 TOXIC MATERIALS WHMIS TRADE SECRET: None EXPORT : SCHDLE 8/HTSUS: 3208.90 Polymer Solution COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. p age: 12 ECCN: EAR99 HAZARD RATING SYSTEMS HMIS NFPA FLAMMABILITY 3 , REACTIVITY 1 , HEALTH HEALTH= 3, FLAMMABILITY= 3, REACTIVITY= 1 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 CHEMICALS WHICH ARE LISTED BELOW : BENZENE (71-43-2) TOLUENE (108-88-3) 16. OTHER INFORMATION These data are offered in good faith as typical values and not as product specifications. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. The recommended industrial hygiene and safe handling procedures are believed to be generally appl icable. However, each user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropri ate . This product or its components are on the Australian inventory (ACOIN) ....................................................... . C ceiling limit NEGL negligible EST= estimated NF none found NA not applicable UNKN unknown NE none established REC recommended ND none determined V recomm. By vendor By-product = reaction by-SKN skin product, TSCA inventory TS trade secret status not required under R recommended COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 13 40 CFR part 720.30(h-2) MST STEL = short term exposure NT limit Californ~a Proposition 65: mist not tested WARNING! This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Additional technical guidance for NYS bulk storage Some NYS bulk storage requirements are covered in previous sections. -This product contains flammable/combustible solvents. -Materials of construction/compatibility Material is commonly stored in closed stainless steel or gtelmapsesralit·nuierde)steAenlypiping and storage tanks (at ambient other materials such as reinforce fiber- glass, plastic and etc. must be tested for compatibility be- fore use. Consult supplier for materials for gaskets, packing, etc. -Condition for safe storage Bulk sto}age design factors to consider are venting, diking, separation distances between tanks and other structures . Storage requirements should be determined through consultation with qualified design and fire protection engineers and fire insurance carriers . Technical guidance may be found in pamphlet NFPA 30 or factory ~utual handbook of industrial loss prevention. Recommended tank design: For pressure vessels, see American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) code, section VIII, 50 PSIG minimum pressure and full vacuum. For atmospheric tanks, see API 2000 for design requirements. Relief Valves: Flammable and Combustible Liquids code, NFPA Nos. 30 and 29 CFR 1910.106, also consult API 520, 521. For I COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 14 piping design, consult ANSI 8.31.3. -Storage equipment Corrosion protection, leak detection, spill and over- fill protection requirements, installation and ma intenance information may be found in EPA f inal rule: 40 CFR part 280 underground storage tanks . New York State regul ates storage requirements of this material in 6NYCRR parts 595-599. -Inspection and maintenance NYS regulates some inspection and maintenance requirements under 6NYCRR part 598. API publication, guide for inspection of refinery equipment, is a source for inspection and maintenance information. (American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L . Street, Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20005) -Safety precautions, warnings and procedures for handling and unloading bulk deliveries Only qualified, fully trained and experienced persons should sample, connect, load, unload, or disconect a tank car, portable tank or tank truck . When loading or unloading material in bulk, all DOT (Department of Transportation) regulations found in 49 CFR 172-178 must be followed when applicable . This will include grounding, braking, attendance, etc. The contents of the material to be unloaded should be verified before any transfer is made. Prior to unloading into a storage tank, a qualified person must check the storage tank level to be sure that the amount of material to be received will not overflow the storage tank. The proper unloading connection should be vented to a vapor removal, recovery or conservation system. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 15 -Spill and emergency response Release reporting and corrective action are listed in 40 CFR part 280 underground storage tanks and 6NYCRR part 595. All materials in this product are either listed on the TSCA inventory or are exempted from notification requirements. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO . I page: 16 / 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DA TA SHEET 3M(TlYQ PRL7\1ER 94 01/21/2004 Material Safety Data Sheet Copyright, 2004, 3M Company. All ri ghts reserved. Copying and/or downloading of this information for the purpose of properly uti lizing 3M products is allowed provided that: (1) the information is copied in full with no changes unless prior written agreement is obtained from 3M, and (2) neither the copy nor the original is resold or otherwise distributed with the intention of earning a profit thereon. PRODUCT NAME: 3M(TM) PRIMER 94 MANUFACTURER: 3M DIVISION: Industrial Adhesives and Tapes ADDRESS: 3M Center St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 EMERGENCY PHONE: 1-800-364-3577 or (651) 737-6501 (24 hours) Issue Date: 01/21/2004 Supercedes Date: 06/07/2003 Document Group: 06-8243-5 Product Use: Specific Use: Ingredient CYCLOHEXANE XYLENE ETHYL ALCOHOL ETHYLBENZENE SURF ACE PRIMER ACRYLIC POLYMER (NITS#04499600-5984P) CHLORINATED POLYETHYLENE ETHYL ACETATE ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 3.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Specific Physical Form: Liquid Odor, Color, Grade: Amber colored, solvent odor General Physical Form: Liquid C.A.S. No. 110-82-7 1330-20-7 64-17-5 100-41-4 Trade Secret 68609-36-9 141-78-6 67-63-0 ¾byWt 45 -50 25 -35 5 -IO 3 -7 1 -5 1 -5 1 -5 0.1 -1 ____________________ ......_ _____________ Page 1 of 9 I 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M(TM) PRIMER 94 01/21/2004 Immediate health, physical, and environmental hazards: Closed containers exposed to heat from fire may build pressure and explode. Vapors may travel long distances along the ground or fl oor to an ignition source and flash back. Flammable liquid and vapor. Contains a chemical or chemicals which can cause cancer. May cause target organ effects. 3.2 POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS Eye Contact: Moderate Eye Irrit3ition: Signs/symptoms may include redness, swelling, pain, tearing, and blurred or hazy vision. Skin Contact: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause: Moderate Skin Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include localized redness, swelling, itching, and dryness. May be absorbed through skin and cause target organ effects. Inhalation: Upper Respiratory Tract Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include cough, sneezing, nasal discharge, headache, hoarseness, and nose and throat pain. May be absorbed following inhalation and cause target organ effects. Ingestion: Gastrointestinal Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. May be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Chemical (Aspiration) Pneumonitis: Signs/symptoms may include coughing, gasping, choking, burning of the mouth, difficulty breathing, bluish colored skin (cyanosis), and may be fatal. May be absorbed following ingestion and cause target organ effects. Target Organ Effects: Central Nervous syrstem (CNS) Depression: Signs/symptoms may include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, incoordination, nausea, slowed reaction time, slurred speech, giddiness, and unconsciousness. Prolonged or repeated exposure, above recommended guidelines, may cause: Liver Effepts: Signs/symptoms may include loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, weakness, abdominal tenderness and jaundice. Central Nervous System (CNS) Effects: Signs/symptoms may include emotional or personality changes, lack of coordination, tremors and sensory loss. ____________________________________ Page 2 of 9 I 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET JM(TlYD PRJMER 94 01/21/2004 Kidney Effects: S igns/symptoms may include reduced or absent urine prod uction, increased serum creatinine, lower back pain, increased protein in urine, and increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN). Carcin ogenicity: Contains a chemical or chemicals which can cause cancer. NOTE: This product contains ethanol. In IARC published Monograph No. 44, entitled, "Alcohol Drinking", the carcinogenicity of eth anol was determined based on chronic exposure to ethanol through human consumption of alcoholic beverages. This is not an expected effect during the foreseeable use of this product. Ingredient C.A.S. No. ETHYL ALCOHOL 64-17-S ETHYLBENZENE 100-41-4 4.1 FIRST AID PROCEDURES Class Description Group I Group 2B Regulation International Agency for Research on Cancer International Agency for Research on Cancer The following first aid recommendations are based on an assumption that appropriate personal and industrial hygiene practices are followed. Eye Contact: Flush eyes with large amounts of water. If signs/symptoms persist, get medical attention. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Immediately flush skin with large amounts of water. Get medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing and clean shoes before reuse. Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air. If signs/symptoms develop, get medical attention. If Swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. Give victim two glasses of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get immediate medical attention. 4.2 NOTE TO PHYSICIANS Treatment for overexposure is symptomatic and supportive care. 5.1 FLAMMABLE PROPERTIES Autoignition temperature Flash Point No Data Available Approximately -4 °F [Test Method: Open Cup] ______________________________________ Page 3 of 9 ! 3M MATERIAL AFETY DATA SHEET JM(TM) PRIMER 94 0112112004 Flammable Limits -LEL Approximately 1 % Flammable Limits -UEL Approximately 6 % OSHA Flammability C lassification: Class IB Flammable Liquid 5.2 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Use fire extinguishers with class B extinguishing agents (e.g., dry chemical, carbon dioxide). 5.3 PROTECTION OF FIRE FIGHTERS Special Fir-e Fighting Procedures: Wear full protecti ve equipment (Bunker Gear) and a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Water may not effectively extinguish fire; however, it should be used to keep fire-exposed containers and surfaces cool and prevent explosive rupture. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Closed containers exposed to heat from fire may build pressure and explode. Vapors may travel long distanc9s along the ground or fl oor to an ignition source and flas h back. Flammab le liquid and vapor. Note: See ST ABILITY AND REACTIVITY (SECTION 10) for hazardous combustion and thermal decomposition information. Accidental Releas¢ Measures: Refer to other sections of this MSDS for information regarding physical and health hazards, respiratory protection, ventilation, and personal protective equipment. Call 3M-HELPS line (1-800-364-3577) for more information on handling and managing the spill. Evacuate unprotected and untrained personnel from hazard area. The spill should be cleaned up by qualified personnel. Remove all ignition sources such as flames, smoking materials, and electrical spark sources. Use only non- sparking tools. Ventilate the area with fresh air. For large spill, or spills in confined spaces, provide mechanical ventilation to disperse or exhaust vapors, in accordance with good industrial hygiene practice. Warning! A motor could be an ignition source and could cause f1ammable gases or vapors in the spill area to burn or explode. Contain spill. For larger spills, cover drains and build dikes to prevent entry into sewer systems or bodies of water. Cover spill area with a fire-extinguishing foam. An aqueous film forming foam (AF~F) is recommended. Working from around the edges of the spill inward, cover with bentonite, vermiculite, or co mmercially available inorganic absorbent material. Mix in sufficient absorbent until it appears dry. Remember, adding an absorbent material does not remove a toxic, corrosivity or f1ammability hazard. Collect as much of the spilled material as possible using non-sparking tools. Clean up residue with an appropriate solvent selected by a qualified and authorized person. Ventilate the area with fresh air. Read and follow safety precautions on the solvent label and MSDS. Collect the resulting residue containing solution. Place in a metal container approved for transportation by appropriate authorities. Seal the container. Dispose of collected material as soon as possible. In the event of a release of this material, the user should determine if the release qualifies as reportable according to local, state anb federal re ulations. 7.1 HANDLING Avoid eye contact yrith vapors, mists, or spray. Avoid breathing of vapors, mists or spray. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water. Ground containers securely when transferring contents. Wear low static or properly gfounded shoes. A void static discharge. Keep away from heat, sparks, open f1ame, pilot lights and other sources of ignition. No smoking while handling this material. 7.2 STORAGE Keep container in well-ventilated area. Keep container tightly closed. Store away from areas where product may come into contact with food or pharmaceuticals. Store away from heat. ___________________________________ Page 4 of 9 I 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DA TA SHEET JM(TM) PRIMER 94 01/21/2004 8.1 ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use with appropriate local exhaust ventilation. Provide appropriate local exhaust ventilation on open containers. Use in a well- ventilated area. Use general dilution ventilati on and/or local exhaust ventilation to control airborn e exposures to below Occupational Exposure Limits and/or control mist, vapor, or spray. If ventilation is not adequate, use respiratory protection equipment. 8.2 PERSONAL PROTE CTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) 8.2.1 Eye/Face Protection Avoid eye contact with vapors, mists, or spray. T he following eye pro tecti on(s) are recommended: Safety Glasses with side shields. 8.2.2 Skin Protection Select and use gloves and/or protective clothing to prevent skin contact based on the results of an exposure assessment. Consult with your glove and/or protective clothing manufacturer for selection of appropriate compatible materials. Gloves made from the following material(s) are recommended: Fluoroelastomer (Viton). 8.2.3 Respiratory Protection A void breathing of vapors, mists or spray. Select one of the following NIOSH approved respirators based on airborne concentration of contaminants and in accordance with OSHA regulations: Half facepiece or fullface air-purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridges. Consult the current 3M Respiratory Selection Guide for additional information or call 1-800-243-4630 for 3M technical assistance. 8.2.4 Prevention of Swallowing Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water. 8.3 EXPOSURE GUIDELINES Ingredient Authority ~ Limit Additional Information CYCLOHEXANE ACGIH TWA 100 ppm CYCLOHEXANE OSHA TWA 300 ppm Table Z-1 ETHYL ACETATE ACGIH TWA 400 ppm ETHYL ACETATE OSHA TWA 400 ppm Table Z-1 ETHYL ALCOHOL ACGIH TWA 1000 ppm TableA4 ETHYL ALCOHOL OSHA TWA 1000 ppm Table Z-1 ETHYLBENZENE ACGIH TWA 100 ppm Table A3 ETHYLBENZENE ACGIH STEL 125 ppm Table A3 ETHYLBENZENE OSHA TWA 100 ppm TableZ-lA ETHYLBENZENE OSHA STEL 125 ppm Table Z-lA ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL ACGIH TWA 200 ppm TableA4 ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL ACGIH STEL 400 ppm TableA4 ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL OSHA TWA 400 ppm Table Z-lA ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL OSHA STEL 500 ppm Table Z-lA XYLENE ACGIH TWA 100 ppm TableA4 XYLENE ACGIH STEL 150 ppm TableA4 XYLENE OSHA TWA 100 ppm Table Z-lA XYLENE OSHA STEL 150 ppm Table Z-IA SOURCE OF EXPOSURE LIMIT DAT A: ____________________________________ Page 5 of 9 I 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DA TA SHEET 3M(TM) PRilVIER 94 01/21/2004 ACGIH: Ameriqan Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists CMRG: Chemical Manufacturer Recommended Guideline OSHA: Occupat~onal Safety and Health Admini stration AIHA: American Industrial Hygiene Association Workplace Environmental Exposure Level (WEEL) Specifi c Physical Form: Odor, Color, Grade: General Physical Form: Autoignition temperature Fla sh Point Flammable Lim~ts -LEL Flammable Lim~ts -UEL Boiling point Vapor Density Vapor Pressure Specific Gravity pH Melting point Solubility In Water Evaporation rate Hazardous Air Pollutants Volatile Organic Compounds Percent volatile VOC Less H20 & Exempt Solvents Viscosity Stability: Stable. Liquid Amber colored, solvent odor Liquid No Data Available Approximately -4 °P [Test Method: Open Cup] Approximately 1 % Approximately 6 % 170 °F -280 °P Approximately 0.0043 g/ml [@ 100 °C] Approximately 68 mmHg [@ 25 °C] Approximately 0.82 Approximately 5.5 Not Applicable Approximately 10 % Approximately 6.4 [Ref Std: XYLENE=l] 34 -36 % weight Approximately 750 g/1 Approximately 94 % Approximately 755 g/1 30 -40 centipoise Materials and Conditions to Avoid: Heat; Sparks and/or flames Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Substance Carbon monoxide Carbon didxide Hydrogen Chloride Hazardous Decomposition or By-Products Condition During Combustion During Combustion During Combustion __________________________________ Page 6 of 9 / 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DA TA SHEET 3M(TM) PRIMER 94 01/21/2004 Please contact the address listed on the first page of the MSDS for Toxicological Information on this material and/or its com onents. ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Not determined. CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATION Not determined. Waste Disposal Method: Incinerate in a permitted hazardous waste incinerator. As a disposal alternative, dispose of waste product in a permitted hazardous waste facility. Combustion products will include HCI. Facility must be capable of handling halogenated materials. EPA Hazardous Waste Number (RCRA): D001 (Ignitable) I Since regulations vary, consult applicable regulations or authorities before disposal. ID Number(s): 70-0160-4782-4, 70-0160-5476-2, 70-0160-5477-0, 70-0160-5478-8, 70-0160-5497-8, 70-0160-5499-4, 70-0160-5500-9, 70- 0160-5501-7, 70-0160-5506-6, 70-0160-5507-4, 70-0160-5508-2, 70-0705-7964-7, 70-0707-4298-9 Please contact the emergency numbers listed on the first page of the MSDS for Transportation Information for this material. US FEDERAL REGULATIONS Contact 3M for more information. 311/312 Hazard Categories: ___________________________________ Page 7 of 9 j 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M(T!VI) PRIMER 94 01/21/2004 Fire Hazard -Yes Pressure Hazard -No Reactivity Hazard -No Immediate Hazard -Yes Delayed Hazard -Yes Section 313 Toxic Chemicals subject to the reporting requirem ents of th at section and 40 CFR part 372 (E PCRA): Ingredient ETHYLBENZENE CYCLOHEXANE XYLENE C.A.S. No 100-41-4 110-82-7 1330-20-7 %by Wt 3 -7 45 -50 25 -35 This material contains a chemical which requires export notification under TSCA Section 12[b]: Ingred ient (Category if ai;n~licable) C.A.S. No Regulation CYCLOHEXAJNE 11 0-82-7 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 4 Test Rule Chemicals ETHYL ACETATE 141-78-6 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 4 Test Rule Chemicals ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 67-63-0 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 4 Test Rule Chemicals STATE REGULATIONS Contact 3M for more information. CHEMICAL INVENTORIES Contact 3M for more information. Status Applicable Applicable Applicable All applicable chemical ingredients in this material are listed on the European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (EINECS), or are exempt polyljTiers whose monomers are listed on EINECS. The components of this product are in compliance with the chemical notification requirements of TS CA. INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS Contact 3M for more information. This MSDS has been prepared to meet the U.S. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. ____________________________________ Page 8 of 9 j 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M(TM) PRIMER 94 01121/2004 NFPA Hazard Classification Health: 2 Flammability : 3 Reactivity: 0 Special Hazards: None National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) hazard ratings are designed fo r use by emergency response personnel to address the hazards that are presented by short-term, acute exposure to a material under conditions of fire, spill, or similar emergencies. Hazard ratings are primarily based on the inherent physical and toxic properties of the material but also include the toxic properties of combustion or decomposition products that are known to be generated in significant quantities. Revision Changes: Section 1: Product name was modified. Copyright was modified. Section 5: Fire fighting procedures information was modified. Section 6: Release measures information was modified. Section 7: Storage information was modified. Section 13: EPA hazardous waste number (RCRA) information was modified. Section 2: Ingredient table was modified. Page Heading: Product name was modified. Section 15 : EPCRA 313 information was modified. Section 12: Ecotoxicological phrase was added. Section 12: Chemical Fate phrase was added. DISCLAIMER: The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct as of the date issued. 3M MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and application of a 3M product, some of which are uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. 3M provides information in electronic form as a service to its customers. Due to the remote possibility that electronic transfer may have resulted in errors, omissions or alterations in this information, 3M makes no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. In addition, information obtained from a database may not be as current as the information in the MSDS available directly from 3M. 3M MSDSs are available at www.3M.com ____________________________________ Page 9 of 9 @ I NVI STA" INVISTA Material Safety Data Sheet 2724CR TETRAHYDROFURAN Revised 27-JAN-2004 CHEMICAL PRODUCT/COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Material Identification CAS Number Formula Molecular Weight CAS Name Grade Tradenames and Synonyms THF TETRAMETHYLENE OXIDE DIETHYLENE OXIDE 1,4-EPOXYBUTANE OXOLANE OXACYCLOPENTANE FORAN, TETRAHYDRO- Company Identification 109-99-9 CH2CH2CH2CH2O 72 .11 FURAN , TETRAHYDRO- TECHNICAL MANUFACTURER/DISTRIBUTOR INVISTA Inc. 4417 Lancaster Pike Chestnut Run Plaza Walnut Run 722 Wilmington, De 19805 PHONE NUMBERS Product Information Transport Emergency Medical Emergency 1 -800-441-7515 (outside the U.S. 302-774-1000) CHEMTREC 1-800-424 -9300(outside U.S. 703-527-3887) 1 -80 0-441-3637 (outside the U.S. 302-774-1000) COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Components Material TETRAHYDROFURAN CAS Number % 109-99-9 100 Page 1 2724 CR HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION INVISTA Material Safety Da t a Sheet Potential Health Effects Page Inhalation of Tetrahydrofuran vapors may cause irritation of the respiratory passages , possibly with coughi ng an d discomfort ; temporary nervous system depression with anesthetic effects such as dizziness, headache , confusion, incoordination , and loss of consciousness ; abno rma l liver function as detected by laborat ory tests; or nonspecifi c discomfort, such as nau sea, headache, or weakness. Skin contact with Tetr ahydrofuran may cause skin irritation with discomfort or rash from contact with the l iqui d. Evidence suggests t hat skin permeati on can occur i n amounts capabl e of producing the e ffec t s of s ystemi c toxi c i ty . Exposu re to vapors of Tetrahydrofuran may c ause e ye i rrita tion with teari ng, pain or blurred v i sion . Contact wi t h t he liquid may c~use severe i rri tation or burns. Damag e may be perma n ent. Individual s wi th preex i sting disea ses of the lungs or liver may have i n creased susceptibility t o the tox icity of e xces siv e exposures . Car cinoge nicity Information None of the components present in t hi s material at concentrations equal to o r greater than 0 .1 % are l isted by IARC, NTP, OSHA or ACGIH as a carcinogen . FIRST AID MEASURES First Aid INHALATION If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a physician. SKIN CONTACT In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Call a physician . Wash clothing before reuse. EYE CONTACT In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician. I~GESTION If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Immediately give two glasses of water or activated charcoal slurry. Call 2 2724CR INVISTA Material Safety Data Sheet (FIRST AID MEASURES -Continued) a physician. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. NOTE: To prepare activated charcoal slurry, suspend 50 grams activated charcoal in 400 mL water in plastic bott le and shake well. Give 5 mL/kg of body weight, or 350 mL for an average adult. FIRE FIGHT ING MEASURES Flammable .Properties Flash Point Method Flammable limits in Air, LEL UEL Autoignition : -2 0 C ( -4 F) : TCC % by Volume 2 .0 11. 8 321 C (610 F) Actual AIT's can be affected by the concentration of vapors and oxygen, vapor/air contact time, pressure, volume, catalytic impurities, etc. Process conditions should be analyzed to determine if the AIT may be higher or lower. Fire and Explosion Hazards: Extremely flammable; OSHA Class IB flammable liquid. Five percent THF in water is flammable. Follow appropriate National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes. Vapors are heavier than air and ma y travel to a source of ignition. THF can form heat sensitive peroxide which may explode on concentration by distillation or drying. Do not distill or allow THF, or solutions containing THF, to dry if tests show more than 0.05% THF peroxide present. To avoid a possible explosion, THF should never be distilled to dryness. BHT antioxidant is added to THF to minimize peroxide formation unless specifically requested otherwise. Extinguishing Media Use Ansul "Purple K" potassium bicarbonate-base dry chemical or National ''Aer-O-Foam" Universal alcohol resistant foam. Fire Fighting Instructions Evacuate affected area, stay upwind and avoid smoke and fumes. Use water spray to cool containers. If smoke and fumes cannot be avoided, wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Page 3 272 4CR INVISTA Material Safety Data Sheet ACC IDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Safeguards (Personnel) NOTE: Review FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES and HANDLING (PERSONNEL) sections before proceeding with clean-up. Use appropriate PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT during clean-up . Accidental Release Measures Evacuate to fresh air and ventilate area before reentering . Self-contained breathing apparatus should b e utilized when responding to spills or heavy fumes. Remove sources of heat sparks, flame , impact, friction, and electricity. Dike spill. Use water spray to disperse vapors or to flush liquid away from fire exposure. Prevent liquid from entering sewer waterways, or low areas. Comply with Federal, State, and local regulations. The Superfund reportable discharge is 1,000 lbs. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling (Personnel) Do not get in eyes. Avoid breathing vapors or mist. Avoid contact with skin and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Storage Store in a cool place out of sun and away from heat, sparks, and flame. Keep containers tightly closed. Use drums on a first in, first out basis. Page 4 2724CR INVISTA Material Safety Data Sheet EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering Controls Good general ventilation should be provided to keep vapor concentrations bel ow the flammability and exposure limits. Extremely flammable -keep away from ignition sources and clean up spills promptly. Personal Protective Equipment EYE/FACE PROTECTION Wear safety glasses wi th side shields . Wear coverall chemical splash goggles/face shield combination where the possibility exists for eye and face contact due to splashing or spraying of material. RESPIRATORS A NIOSH approved air purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge or canister may be permissible under certain circumstances where airborne concentrations are expected to exceed exposure limits. Protection provided by air purifying respirators is limited. Use a positive pressure air supplied respirator if there is any potential for an uncontrolled release, where exposure levels are not known, or in any other circumstances where air purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Where there is potential for skin contact, have available and wear as appropriate, impervious clothing such as gloves, apron, pants , jacket, hood and boots; or full chemical suit. Refer to vendor or published data for permeation times and durability to select clothing suitable for the application. Permeation data supplied by vendors for the 4H Glove (tm) indicate that the breakthrough time for tetrahydrofuran is >1440 minutes, however, to avoid tears and punctures in the glove it should only be used as a liner under a heavy duty glove that suits the application. # Exposure Guidelines Page 5 2724CR Exposure Limits TETRAHYDROFURAN PEL (OSHA) TJLV (ACGIH) AEL * INVISTA Materia l Safe ty Data Sheet 200 ppm , 590 mg/m3 , 8 Hr. TWA 200 ppm, 590 mg/mJ , 8 Hr. TWA STEL 250 ppm, 737 mg/m3 50 ppm , 8 & 12 Hr . TWA STEL 75 ppm, 15 minute TWA Page * AEL is DuPont 's Acceptable Exposure Limit. Where governmentally i1posed occupational exposure limits which are lower t han the AEL are in effect, such limits shal l take precedence . ----7 ----------------------------------------------------------------- PHYS]CAL AND CHEMI CAL PROPERTIES Physical Data Boiling Point Vapor Pressure Vapor Density MJ lting Point Evaporation Rate Solubility in Water pH Odor Odor Threshold Form cdlor sJecific Gravity 66 C (151 F) @ 760 mm Hg 160 mm Hg @ 25 C (77 F) 280 mm Hg @ 38 C (100 F) 2. 5 (Air = 1) -108 .5 C (-163.3 F) >1 (Butyl Acetate= 1) 100 WT% ~7 (Aqueous solution) Ethereal 2-50 ppm Clear liquid Colorless 0.9 STABI:LITY _AND_ REACTIVITY _____________________________________________ _ Chemical Stability cJ n form potentially explosive peroxides I • to 1 air. upon long exposure Inco~patibility with Other Materials I~compatible with strong oxidizers. Explosions have been reported with THF/borane and THF/thionylchloride mixtures. Decodposition M~y occur with heat if peroxides are present and concentrated by distillation or drying. Polymerization Can occur in presence of cationic initiators such as se~ected Lewis acids or strong proton acids. 6 2724CR INVISTA Material Safety Data Sheet TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Animal Data Tetrahydrofuran Oral LDS0 : Inhalation LCS0, 3 hr: 3.2 mL/kg (2842 mg/kg) in r ats 21 ,000 ppm in rats Page Animal testing indicates that Tetrahydrofuran is a moderate skin irritant, and a sever e eye irritant. It is not a skin sensitizer in an imals. Tetrahydrofuran rapidly penetrated the skin of rats and rabbits resulting in fatalities . Ingest i on of Tetrahy drofuran caused decreased food and water consumption, and body weights , and increases in kidney weights. Repeated exposures produced no functional or pathological changes in the liver or kidneys of animals that ingested approximately 888 mg/kg/day. Inhalation exposures of animals to 100-200 ppm of Tetrahydrofuran vapors caused slight local irritation of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. Exposures to concentrations greater than 5000 ppm resulted in marked local irritation symptoms, including nasal bleeding and corneal opacity, clonic muscle spasms, anesthesia at near lethal levels, and coma. Repeated exposure produced irritation of the eye, skin and respiratory system at concentrations of approximately 100-400 ppm. At concentrations of 3000 ppm and greater damage to the respiratory system was observed. Liver function was affected in animals exposed to 1000 ppm. Higher doses caused transient sedation. qlinical chemistry and hematological changes, microscopic and functional changes of the liver, thickening of the lining of the forestomach, and microscopic changes of the adrenal cortex and uterus have also been reported. Slight damage to the upper respiratory tract occurred in rats exposed to 200 ppm for 12-24 weeks; severe damage to the upper respiratory tract resulted from exposure to 1000 ppm from the same study. In a different study, cats, rabbits, and dogs exposed to 1000 ppm for one year demonstrated no signs of toxicity. When compared to control animals, no significant differences were observed in mice exposed 3000 ppm. Data show carcinogenic activity in the liver and kidneys of laboratory animals. The kidney tumors were by a mechanism that has no relevance in humans . Animal data show developmental effects only at exposure levels producing other toxic effects in the adult animal. Animal testing for reproductive effects shows no change in reproductive performance. Tetrahydrofuran has not produced genetic damage in bacterial or mammalian cell cultures or in animals. It has not been tested for its ability to cause permanent genetic damage in reproductive cells of mammals (not tested for heritable genetic damage). 7 2724CR I NVI STA Materia l Safety Data Sheet ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicological Information A~uatic Toxic ity 96 -hour LC50, fathead minnows: 2 ,160 mg/L DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Cleaned-up material is an RCRA Hazardous Waste. Treatment, storage, transportation and disposal must be in acco rdance with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. If permits allow, may be incinerated. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Shipping Information DOT Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class I.D. No. (UN/NA) DOT Label(s) Packing Group IMO P3oper Shipping Name Hazard Class I UN No. Packing Group IMO Label Shipping Containers Tank Cars T1nk Trucks ISO Containers 55-gallon Steel Drums TETRAHYDROFURAN 3 2056 FLAMMABLE LIQUID II TETRAHYDROFURAN 3.1 2056 II FLAMMABLE LIQUID Reportable Quantity 1,000 lbs/454 kg Page 8 2724CR INVISTA Material Safety Data Sheet REGULATORY INFORMATION U.S. Federal Regulations TSCA Inventory Status : Reported/Included. TITLE III HAZARD CLASS IFICATIONS SECTIONS 311 , 312 Acute Yes Chronic No Fire Yes Reactivity Yes Pressure No LISTS: SARA Extremely Hazardous Substance CERCLA Hazardous Material SARA Toxic Chemicals -No · -Yes -No TETRAHYDROFURAN is a flammable liquid as defined by OSHA in 29 CFR 1910.1200 (c). Use of this product may require compliance with 29 CFR 1910.119, Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals. Canadian Regulations Page CLASS D Division 2 Subdivision B -Toxic Material. Skin or Eye Irritant. CLASS B Division 2 -Flammable Liquid. OTHER INFORMATION NFPA, NPCA-HMIS NFPA Rating Health Flammability Reactivity NPCA-HMIS Rating Health Flammability Reactivity 2 3 1 3 3 1 Personal Protection rating to be supplied by user depending on use conditions. Additional Information For further information, see Tetrahydrofuran Data Sheet and Properties, Uses, Storage, and Handling Bulletin. 9 2724CR INVISTA Material Safety Data Sheet (Continued) Page 10 The data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to the specific material designated herein and does not relate to use in combination with any other material or in any process. Responsibility for MSDS Address Telephone Registered Trademarks INVISTA MSDS Coordinator DuPont Building Room 6054-A Wilmington , DE 19898 302-773 -0904 End of MSDS TI.4 LYCRA, Stainmaster, Antron, Comforel, Coolmax, Cordura, Supplex, Tactel, Teflon, Thermolite, Adi-Pure, C12 Corfree, DBE, Dytek, NYCO, SolarMax, Elaspan, and Terathane are Registered Trademarks of their respective companies. ·:DOWCORNING 1 . ' . DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet DOW CORNING(R) 1205 PRIME COAT 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Page: 1 of 9 Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: (989) 496-5900 Customer Service: (989) 496-6000 Product Disposal Information: (989) 496-6315 CHEMTREC: (800) 424-9300 MSDS No .: 01215558 Revision Date: 2002/01/18 Generic Description: Mixture of inorganic and organic compounds Physical Form : Liquid Color: Colorless Odor: Aromatic odor NFPA Profile: Health 2 Flammability 3 Instability/Reactivity 0 Note: NFPA = National Fire Protection Association 2. OSHA HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS CAS Number Wt% Component Name 108-88-3 40.0 -70.0 Toluene 107-98-2 40.0 -70.0 Propylene glycol methyl ether 112-07-2 15.0 -40.0 Butyl glycol acetate 1760-24-3 0.1-1 .0 Aminoethylaminopropyltrimethoxysilane 1589-47-5 0.1 -1.0 2-Methoxypropanol None 0.1-1.0 Methoxysilane The above components are hazardous as defined in 29 CFR 1910.1200. 3. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Acute Effects Eye: Skin: Inhalation: Oral: Direct contact may cause severe irritation. No significant irritation expected from a single short-term exposure. Vapor and/or mist may irritate nose and throat. Overexposure by inhalation may cause drowsiness, dizziness, confusion or loss of coordination. Aspiration of liquid while vomiting may injure lungs seriously. Low ingestion hazard in normal use. Prolonged/Repeated Exposure Effects DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 2 of 9 DOW CORNING(R) 1205 PRIME COAT Skin: Inha lati on: Repeated or pro longed contact may cause defatting and drying of skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. Overe xposure by inhalation may injure th e following organ(s):Blood. Li ve r. Kidneys. Nervous system. Oral: Repeated ingesti on or swallowing large amounts may injure internally. Signs and Sy~ptoms of Overexposure No known applicable information. Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure No knowi applicable information. The above listed potential effects of overexposure are based on actual data, results of studies performed upon similar compositions, domponent data and/or expert review of the product. Please refer to Section 11 for the detailed toxicology information. 4. FIRST AIOI MEASURES Eye : Skin : Inhalation: Oral: Comments: Immediately flush with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Remove from skin and wash thoroughly with soap and water or waterless cleanser. Get medical attention if irritation or other ill effects develop or persist. · Remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if ill effects persist. Get immediate medical attention. Only induce vomiting at the instructions of a physician. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Treat according to person's condition and specifics of exposure. 5. FIRE FIGHtrlNG MEASURES Flash Point: Autoignition Temperature: Flammability ~imits in Air: Extinguishing r edia: Fire Fighting Measures: 55 °F / 12.8 °C (Pensky-Martens Closed Cup) Not determined. Not determined. On large fires use dry chemical, foam or water spray. On small fires use carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical or water spray. Water can be used to cool fire exposed containers. Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn in fighting large fires involving chemicals. Determine the need to evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan. Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool. 'DOWCORNING ; DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 3 of 9 DOW CORNING(R) 1205 PRIME COAT Unusual Fire Hazards: Vapors are heavier than air and may travel to a source of ignition and flash back. Static electricity will accumulate and may ignite vapors. Prevent a possible fire hazard by bonding and grounding or inert gas purge. Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal breakdown of this product during fire or very high heat conditions may evolve the following hazardous decomposition products: Carbon oxides and traces of incompletely burned carbon compounds. Nitrogen oxides. Silicon dioxide. Hydrogen. Formaldehyde. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Containment/Clean up: Remove possible ignition sources. Determine whether to evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan. Observe all personal protection equipment recommendations described in Sections 5 and 8. For large spills, provide diking or other appropriate containment to keep material from spreading. If diked material can be pumped, store recovered material in appropriate container. Clean up remaining materials from spill with suitable absorbant. Clean area as appropriate since some silicone materials, even in small quantities, may present a slip hazard. Final cleaning may require use of steam, solvents or detergents. Dispose of saturated absorbant or cleaning materials appropriately, since spontaneous heating may occur. Local, state and federal laws and regulations may apply to releases and disposal of this material, as well as those materials and items employed in the cleanup of releases. You will need to determine which federal, state and local laws and regulations are applicable. Sections 13 and 15 of this MSDS provide information regarding certain federal and state requirements. Note: See section 8 for Personal Protective Equipment for Spills. Call Dow Corning Corporation, (989) 496-.5900, if additional information is re uired. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid eye contact. Avoid skin contact. Avoid breathing vapor, mist, dust, or fumes. Keep container closed. Do not take internally. Keep container closed and store away from water or moisture. Static electricity will accumulate and may ignite vapors. Prevent a possible fire hazard by bonding and grounding or inert gas purge. Keep container closed and away from heat, sparks, and flame. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS I PERSONAL PROTECTION Component Exposure Limits CAS Number Component Name Exposure Limits 107-98-2 Propylene glycol methyl ether ACGIH TLV: TWA 100 ppm, STEL 150 ppm. 108-88-3 Toluene OSHA PEL (final rule): 8-Hour TWA 200 ppm, Ceiling 300 ppm, 10 minutes maximum duration 500 ppm. ACGIH TLV-skin: TWA 50 ppm . 1760-24-3 Aminoethylaminopropyltrimethoxysilane See methyl alcohol comments. DOW CORNING.1 ~~ ., •jJ DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 4 of 9 DOW CORNING(R) 1205 PRIME COAT None Methoxysilane See methyl alcohol comments. Engineering Controls Local Ve ntilation: Recommended. General Ventilation: Recommended. Personal Protective Equipment for Routine Handling Eyes: Skin: Suitable Gloves: Inhalation: Suitable Resp rator: Use chemical wo rk er's goggles. Wash at mealtime and end of shift. Contaminated clothing and shoes should be removed as soon as practical and thoroughly cleaned before reuse. Chemical protective gloves are recommended. Teflon(R). Polyvinylalcohol. Silver Shield(R). Viton(R). 4H(R). Use respiratory protection unless adequate local exhaust ventilation is provided or air sampling data show exposures are within recommended exposure guidelines. Industrial Hygiene Personnel can assist in judging the adequacy of existing engineering controls. General and local exhaust ventilation is recommended to maintain vapor exposures below recommended limits. Where concentrations are above recommended limits as determined by air sampling or are unknown, appropriate respiratory protection should be worn. Follow OSHA Respirator Regulations (29 CFR 1910.134) and use NIOSH/MSHA approved respirators. Personal Protective Equipment for Spills Eyes: Skin: lnhalation/Sui~able Respirator: Use full face respirator. Wash at mealtime and end of shift. Contaminated clothing and shoes should be removed as soon as practical and thoroughly cleaned before reuse. Chemical protective gloves are recommended. Respiratory protection recommended. Follow OSHA Respirator Regulations (29 CFR 1910.134) and use N IOSH/MHSA approved respirators. Protection provided by air purifying respirators against exposure to any hazardous chemical is limited. Use a positive pressure air supplied respirator if there is any potential for uncontrolled release, exposure levels are unknown, or any other circumstance where air purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection. Precautionary Measures: Avoid eye contact. Avoid skin contact. Avoid breathing vapor, mist, dust, or fumes. Keep container closed. Do not take internally. Use reasonable care. Note: These precautions are for room temperature handling. Use at elevated temperature or aerosol/spray applications may require added precautions. I 9. PHYSICAL! AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical Form: Liquid Color: Colorless DOW CORN ING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet DOW CORNING(R) 1205 PRIME COAT Odor: Aromatic odor Specific Gravity @ 25°C: 0.9 Viscosity: 2 est Freezing/Melting Point: Not determined. Boiling Point: > 35C/95F Vapor-Pressure @ 25°C: Not determined. Vapor Density: Not determined. Solubility in Water: Not determined. pH : Not determined. Vo latile Content: Not determined. Page: 5 of 9 Note: The above information is not intended for use in preparing product specifications. Contact Dow Corning before writing specifications. 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Chemical Stability: Hazardous Polymerization: Conditions to Avoid: Materials to Avoid: Stable. Hazardous polymerization will not occur. None. Oxidizing material can cause a reaction. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Component Toxicology Information Toxicology studies with laboratory animals and occupational evaluations with humans have found limited evidence of birth defects, low birth weights and delayed growth in offspring resulting from repeated exposures to toluene during pregnancy. Special Hazard Information on Components Reproductive Effects CAS Number Component Name 108-88-3 40.0 -70.0 Toluene 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Environmental Fate and Distribution Complete information is not yet available. Environmental Effects Complete information is not yet available. Evidence of reproductive effects in humans. -!)OWCORNIIVG '. DOW CORNING CORPORATION Materia l Safety Data Sheet DOW CORNING(R) 1205 PRIME COAT Fate and Effects in Waste Water Treatment Plants Complete information is not yet availab le. Hazard Parameters (LC50 or EC50) Acute Aquatic Toxicity (mg/L) Acute Terrestrial Toxicit Ecotoxicit Classification Criteria High Medium <=1 >1 and <=1 00 <=1 00 >100 and <= 2000 This table is adapted from "Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment", ASTM STP 1179, p.34, 1993. Low >100 >2000 Page: 6 of 9 This table can be used to classify the ecotoxicity of this product when ecotoxicity data is listed above. Please read the other information presented in the section concerning th e overall ecological safety of this material. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS RCRA Hazard Class (40 CFR 261) When a decision is made to discard this material, as received, is it classified as a hazardous waste? Yes Characteristic Waste: Ign itable: D001 D018 TCLP: State or local laws may impose additional regulatory requirements regarding disposal. Call Dow Corning Corporate Environmental Management, (989) 496-6315, if additional information is required. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT Road Shipment Information (49 CFR 172.101) Proper Shipping Name: FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. Hazard Technical Name: TOLUENE/GLYCOL ETHER Hazard Class: UN/NA Number: Packing Group: Hazard Label(s): Ocean Shipment (IMDG) 3 UN1993 II FLAMMABLE LIQUID LABEL Proper Shipping Name: FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. Hazard Technical Name: TOLUENE/GLYCOL ETHER Hazard Class: UN Number: 3 1993 .:.DOWCORNING : 1• .. I• • DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet DOW CORNING(R) 1205 PRIME COAT Packing Group: Ha zard Label(s ): Marine Pollutant: Air Shipment (IAT A) II FLAMMABLE LIQUID Not Applicable Proper Shipping Name: FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. Hazard Technical Name: TOLUENE/GLYCOL ETHER Hazard Class: UN Number: Packing Group: Hazard Label(s): 3 1993 II FLAMMABLE LIQUID 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION Contents of this MSDS comply with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200. Page: 7 of 9 TSCA Status: All chemical substances in this material are included on or exempted from listing on the TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances. EPA SARA Title Ill Chemical Listings Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances: None. Section 304 CERCLA Hazardous Substances: CAS Number Wt% Component Name 108-88-3 40.0 Section 312 Hazard Class: Acute: Yes Chronic: Yes Fire: Yes Pressure: No Reactive: No Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: Toluene CAS Number Wt% Component Name 108-88-3 40.0 Toluene DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet DOW CORNING(R) 1205 PRIME COAT 112-07-2 15.0 Butyl glycol acetate Supplemental State Compliance Information California Page: 8 of 9 Warning: This product contains the following chemical(s) listed by the State of California under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) as being known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. CAS Number Wt% Component Name 108-88-3 40.0 -70.0 Toluene Developmental toxin. Massachusetts CAS Number Wt% Component Name 107-98-2 40.0 -70.0 Propylene glycol methyl ether 108-88-3 40.0 -70.0 Toluene New Jersey CAS Number Wt% Component Name 107-98-2 40.0 -70.0 Propylene glycol methyl ether 108-88-3 40.0 -70.0 Toluene 112-07-2 15.0 -40.0 Butyl glycol acetate 25036-25.:3 3.0 -7.0 Epoxy resin Pennsylvania CAS Number Wt% Component Name 107-98-2 40.0 -70.0 Propylene glycol methyl ether 108-88-3 40.0 -70.0 Toluene 112-07-2 15.0 -40 .0 Butyl glycol acetate 25036-25-3 3.0 -7.0 Epoxy resin ·DOW.CORNING -~ ·' ~ 1 ~~ DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet DOW CORNING(R) 1205 PRIME COAT 16. OTHER INFORMATION Prepared by: Dow Corning Corporation Page: 9 of 9 These data are offered in good faith as typical values and not as product specifications. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is hereby made. The recommended industrial hygiene and safe handling procedures are believed to be genera lly applicable. However, ea ch user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropriate. (R) indicates Registered Trademark GE.Sil:icanes FORMAT: USA PRODUCT: PSA529 MATERIAL SAFETY DAT.II. SHEET SILICONE RESIN IN TOLUENE 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MANUFACTURED BY: GE SILICONES 260 HUDSON RIVER ROAD WATERFORD, NY 12188 EMERGENCY PHONE (24 HRS) (518) 237-3330 REVISED: 05/29/01 PREPARER : CE HANNIGAN SUPPLIED BY: GE SILICONES 260 HUDSON RI VER ROAD WATERFORD, NY 12188 EMERGENCY PHONE (24 HRS) (518) 237-3330 CHEMICAL FAMILY/USE: SILICONE ADHESIVE FORMULA: MIXTURE 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS PRODUCT COMPOSITION/ CAS REG NO. HAZARDOUS BENZENE APPROX. WGT. %-TWA <.045 0.5 ACGIH TLV STEL 2 .5 TWA 71-43-2 TOLUENE 108-88-3 30-60 50 (SKIN) 100 OCTAMETHYLCYCLOTETRASILOXANE OSHA PEL STEL UNITS 5 PPM 150 PPM 556-67-2 1-5 5 PPM NE GE REC NE GUIDE 2. NON-HAZARDOUS COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 1 SILOXANES & SILICONES , DIMETHYL- HYDROXY-TERMI NATED, RXN PRODUCTS - W/ CHLOROTRIMETHYLSI LANE, HYDRO- CHLORIC ACID, ISOPROPANOL AN D- SODIUM SILICATE 68440-70-0 30-60 NE NA NE NA NA See Sect i on 15 for description of any WHMIS Trade Secret{s) 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: WARNING! Irritating to skin, eyes, and respiratory tract . Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin . / May cause adverse liver, kidney, and CNS effects, Flammable liquid and vapor . Ma y cause adverse reproductive effects. May cause adverse cardiac effects. Adverse liver and reproductive effects reported in animals . Aromatic odor Clear liquid POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: INGESTION: Harmful if swallowed. May cause kidney damage, May cause pneumonitis as a result of aspiration . May cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. May cause metallic taste in mouth. May also cause effects as listed under "Inhalation". SKIN CONTACT: Harmful if absorbed through the skin. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 2 May cause s kin deEatting wi t h prolonged exposure. Skin contact may cause irritation. Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause der ma titis (inflammation and rash) INHALAT ION: HarmEul i f inhaled. Ac ute inhalation of toluene vapors may cause respiratory tract irritati on and adverse centr a l nervous syst em e f fec t s , including dizzine ss, nau s ea, wea kness , headache, confusion, drowsiness , a nd impai red reactions. Repeated or prol onged expos ure may cause i r rit ati on, vomiting, noseb l eeds, chest pains, vertigo, l oss oE appetite, l oss of memory, l oss of coordination, r inging in the ea rs, alcohol intolerance, and abnormal bleeding. Bone marrow hyperplasia and leukopenia have been reported, but may be due to benzene contaminati on. Additional effects include adverse bl ood system effects, cardiac sensitization and cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation, irreversible nerve damage, kidney damage, chromosomal changes, and menstrual disorders . Adverse reproductive effects have also been reported in animals . EYE CONTACT: MAY CAUSE EYE BURNS Irritation with redness, swelling, pain, and tearing. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED: Respiratory disorders. Central nervous system disorders. Cardiovascular disorders. Pre-existing liver or kidney disorders. Skin disorders. 1-SUBCHRONIC (TARGET ORGAN) EFFECTS: Dermatitis. Respiratory ailments. Central nervous system damage. Liver and kidney damage. Reproductive disorders . Bone marrow and hematopoietic (blood forming) system Cardiovascular effects . COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO, page : 3 CHRONIC EFFECTS/CARCINOGENICITY: This product or one of its ingredients present 0.1% or more is NOT listed as a carcinogen or suspected carcinogen by NTP, IARC, or OSHA. PRODUCTS/INGREDIENTS This space reserved for special use. PRINCIPLE ROUTES Of EX POSURE: Oral. Dermal -skin. Eyes. Inhalation. OTHER: The metabolism of other solvent s may be inhibited resulting in a potentiation of toxic effects of those c·hemicals. Uptake is directl y proportional to the amount of body fat . Blood levels may be cumulative when exposure is extended . Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane Ingestion: Rodents given large doses via oral gavage of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (1600 mg/kg day, 14 days} developed increased liver weights relative to unexposed control animals due to hepatocellular hyperplasia (increased number of liver cells which appeared normal) as well as hypertrophy (increased cell size}. Inhalation: In inhalation studies, laboratory rodents exposed to octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (300 ppm five days week, 90 days} developed increased liver weights in female animals relative to unexposed control animals . When the exposure was stopped, liver weights returned to normal. Microscopic exami- nation of the liver cells did not show any evi- dence of pathology. Inhalation studies utilizing laboratory rabbits and guinea pigs showed no effects on liver weights. Inhalation exposures typical of industrial usage (5-10 ppm) showed no toxic effects in rodents. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 4 Range finding reproductive studies were conducted (whole body inhalation, 70 days prior to mating, through mating, gestation and l actati on) with octamethylcyclocetrasiloxane (D4). Rats were exposed to 70 and 700 ppm . In the 700 ppm group, there was a statistically significant reduction in mean litter size and in implantation sites. No D4 related cli nical signs were observed i n the pups and no exposure related pathological findings were found. Interim results from a two generation reproductive study in rats exposed to 500 and 700 ppm D4 (whole body inhalation, 70 days prior to mating, through mating, gestation and lactation) resulted in a statically significant decrease in live mean litter size as well as extended periods of off- spring delivery (dystocia). These results were not observed at the 70 and JOO ppm dosing levels. Preliminary results from an ongoing 24-month combined chronic/ongogenicity study in rats exposed to 10, JO, 150, or 700 PPM D4 showed test-article related effects in the kidney (male and female) and uterus of rats exposed for 12 to 24 months. These effects include increased kidney weight and severity of chronic nephropathy, increased uterine weight, increased incidence of endometrial cell hyperplasia, and an increased incidence of endometrial adenomas. All of these effects were limited to the 700 PPM exposure group. The relevance of these data to humans is unclear. Further studies are ongoing. In developmental toxicity studies, rats and rabbits COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 5 were exposed t o octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane at concentrations up to 700 ppm and 500 ppm respectively. No teratogenic e ff ec ts (birth defects) were observed in ei ther study. This product contains methylpol ysiloxanes whi c h can generate formaldehyde at approximately JOO degrees Fahrenheit (150 'C) and above, in atmospheres which contain oxygen. Formaldehyde is a skin and respiratory sensitizer, eye a nd throat irritant, acute t oxicant, and potential c ancer hazard. An MSDS for formal dehyde is available from GE Silicones. Al cohol may enhance toxic effects . 4. FIRST AID MEASURES l v INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Slowly dilute with 1-2 glasses of wa ter or milk and seek medical attention . Never give any- thi ng by mouth t o an unconscious person. SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and launder before reuse . Wash with soap and water. Ge t medical attention if irritation persists . INHALATION : If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing give artificial respiration using a barrier device. If breathing is difficult give oxygen. Get medical attention. EYES: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention if irritation persists. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page : 6 Aspiration may cause severe lung damage. Evacuate stomach in a way which avoids aspiration. Contai ns toluene. Alcohol may enhance toxic effeccs . Stimu l ants such as epinephrine may induce vent r i cular fibrill ation. The metabolism of other solvents may be inhibit ed resulting in a potenti ation of toxic effects of those chemicals. Uptake is direct ly proportional to the amount of body fat . Blood level s may be cumulative when exposure is extended . 5 . FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT : 1 .6 (C) 35 (F) METHOD TCC . IGNITION TEMP 536 (C) 997 FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR -LOWER ( % ) : 1 .2 FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR -UPPER (%): 7 .0 SENSITIVITY TO MECHANICAL IMPACT (Y/N) NO SENSITIVITY TO STATIC DISCHARGE: Sensitivity to static discharge is expected; material has a flash point below 200 F. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon dioxide Dry chemical Foam Water mist SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: Flammable. (F) Firefighters must wear NIOSH/MSHA approved positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus with full face mask and full protective clothing. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 7 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ACTION TO BE TAKEN Ir MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Wear pro per protective equipment as specified in the protective equipment section. Remove sources of ignition. Warn other workers of spill . Increase area ventilation. Person not trained should evacuate area. Wipe, scrape, or soak up in an inert material and put in a container intended for flammable materials for disposal. 7 . HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE : Use ground strap and appropriate precautions for dispensing flammable liquids . Recommended storage in original container below 30 1C (85'F). Keep container closed when not in use. Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid accidental ingestion of this material . Wash hands and face before eating, drinking, smoking, using toilet facilities, or applying cosmetics. Keep away from children. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 8 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Showers and eyewash stati ons. See "Ventilation" below. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: If exposure l imits are exceeded or respiratory irri tation i s experienced , NIOSH/MSHA approved respiratory pr ot ection should be worn . A NIOSH/MSHA a pproved respirator with an organic vapor cart ridge i s generall y acceptable . Supplied air respirators may be required f or high vapor concentrations . Re spiratory prot ect i on must be p r ovided in ac cordance wi t h OSHA regula tions (see 29 CFR 1910 .134). PROTECTIVE GLOVES : Rubber gloves . EYE AND FACE PROTECTION: Monogoggles. Safety glasses with side shields. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT : Rubber apron . VENTILATION: Ventilation and other forms of engineering controls are preferred for controlling exposures . Respiratory protection may be needed for non-routine or emergency situations . 9 . PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PRODUCT INFORMATION: BOILING POINT VAPOR PRESSURE (20 C} (MM HG}: COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 111 22 (C} 232 (F} page: 9 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) FREEZING POINT MELTING POINT PHYSICAL STATE ODOR COLOR ODOR THRESHOLD (PPM) % VOLATILE BY VOLUME EVAP. RATE(BUTYL ACETATE=l): SPECIFIC GRAVITY (WATER=l ) DENSITY (KG/MJ) ACID/ALKALINITY (MEQ/G) PH voe EXCL.H2O & EXEMPTS(G/L): 3 2 NA NA LIQUID AROMATIC CLEAR 2.14 45 1.9 .99 982.6 <15 PPM UNKNOWN 435 SOLUBILITY IN WATER (20 C) NEGLIGIBLE SOLUBILITY IN ORGANIC SOLVENT (STATE SOLVENT) 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: STABLE HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR (C) NA (C) NA (F) (F') SOLUBLE, TOLUENE HAZARDOUS THERMAL DECOMPOSITION/COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide . Carbon dioxide . Silicon dioxide. Formaldehyde . INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Contact with oxidizing agents. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Avoid any source of ignition. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO . page: 10 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION BENZENE ACUTE ORAL LDSO (MG/KG) : 3,800 (RAT) ACUTE DERMAL LOSO (MG/KG) : NONE FOUND ACUTE INHALATION LCSO (MG/L): 10,000 PPM/7HR(RAT) OTHER: Tested for acute oral LOSO and LCSO. AMES TEST: UNKNOWN TOLUENE ACUTE ORAL LDSO (MG/KG): 5000 (RAT) ACUTE DERMAL LDSO (MG/KG) : 14,000 (RBT) ACUTE INHALATION LCSO (MG/L): 5320 PPM /8HR(MUS) OTHER: Tested for acute oral, dermal and inhalation. AMES TEST : UNKNOWN OCTAMETHYLCYCLOTETRASILOXANE ACUTE ORAL LOSO (MG/KG): ACUTE DERMAL LDSO (MG/KG): ACUTE INHALATION LCSO (MG/L): OTHER: >64, 000 (RAT) >16,000 (RBT) >41MG/L/6HR(RAT) Non-irritating to the skin (human). AMES TEST : SILOXANES & SILICONES, DIMETHYL- ACUTE ORAL LOSO (MG/KG): UNKNOWN ACUTE DERMAL LOSO (MG/KG): UNKNOWN ACUTE INHALATION LCSO (MG/L): UNKNOWN OTHER: None. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 11 AMES TEST: UNKNOWN 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATI ON ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: No data at this time CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATION: No data at this time 13 . DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS DISPOSAL METHOD: Disposal should be made in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. Incineration recommended in approved incinerator according to federal, state, and local regulations . 14 . TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME: DOT HAZARD CLASS: DOT LABEL (S) : UN/NA NUMBER: RESIN SOLUTION 3 FLAMMABLE LIQUID UN1866 PLACARDS: FLAMMABLE LIQUID IATA : RESIN SOLUTION, 3, UN1866, II, RQ=l000 lb/454 kg (Toluene). COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 12 IMO IMDG -code: EMS No: Ems. No.J-05 EUROPEAN CLASS: RID (OCTI} : J ADR (ECE) RAR (IATA}: 3, 23 01, lA FLAMMABLE 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA SECTION 302 : None Found SARA (311,312} HAZARD CLASS: ACUTE HEALTH HAZARD CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD FIRE HAZARD SARA (313) CHEMICALS: THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS TOXIC CHEMICAL (S) LISTED BELOW WHICH IS(ARE} SUBJECT TO THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 313 OF TITLE III OF THE SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1986 AND 40 CFR PART 372 . TOLUENE 108-88-3 CPSC CLASSIFICATION: WHMIS HAZARD CLASS: 82 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS 02A VERY TOXIC MATERIALS 02B TOXIC MATERIALS 1~ WHMIS TRADE SECRET: None EXPORT : FLAMMABLE LIQUID SCHDLE B/HTSUS: 3910.00 Silicones in Primary Form COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page : 13 ECCN: E.Zl.R99 HAZARD RATING SYSTEMS HM I S NFPA FLAMMABILITY 3 , REACTIVITY O , HEALTH HEALTH= 2, FLAMMABILITY= 3 , REACTIVITY= 0 CAL I FORNIA PROPOSITION 65: THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 CHEMICALS WHICH ARE LISTED BELOW: BENZENE (7 1-43 -2) TOLUENE (108-88-3) 16. OTHER INFORMATION This product or its components are on the European inventory of existing commercial chemical s (EINECS) ... These data are offered in good faith as typical values and not as product specifications . No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made . The recommended industrial hygiene and safe handling procedures are believed to be generally applicable. However, each user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropriate. This product or its components are on the Australian inventory (ACOIN) ....................................................... . C ceiling limit EST= estimated NA not applicable NE none established ND none determined COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. NEGL NF UNKN REC V negligible none found unknown recommended recomm. By vendor page: 14 By-product= reaction by-SKN product, TSCA inventory TS status not requir ed under R 40 CFR part 720.J0(h-2) MST STEL = short term exposure NT limit California Proposition 65: skin trade secret recommended mist not tested WARNING! This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Additional technical guidance for NYS bulk storage Some NYS bulk storage requirements are covered in previous sections. -This product contains flammable/combustible solvents . -Materials of construction/compatibility Material is commonly stored in closed stainless steel or glass lined steel piping and storage tanks (at ambient temperature). Any other materials such as reinforce fiber- glass, plastic and etc. must be tested for compatibility be- fore use. Consult supplier for materials for gaskets, packing, etc . -Condition for safe storage Bulk storage design factors to consider are venting, diking, separation distances between tanks and other structures. Storage requirements should be determined through consultation with qualified design and fire protection engineers and fire insurance carriers. Technical guidance may be found in pamphlet NFPA 30 or factory mutual handbook of industrial loss prevention . Recommended tank design: For pressure vessels, see American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) code, section VIII, SO PSIG minimum pressure and full vacuum. For atmospheric tanks, COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 15 see API 2000 for design r equirements . Relief Valves: Flammable and Combustible Liqui ds code, NFPA Nos. 30 and 29 CFR 1910.106, a l so consult API 520 , 521 . For piping design, consult ANSI B.31.3. -Storage equi pment Corrosion pr otection, l eak detection, spill a nd over- fil l protect ion r equ i rements , installation and ma intenance information may be found in EPA final rule : 40 CFR part 280 undergr ound s t o r age tanks. New York State regula tes storage requir ements of thi s ma terial in 6NYCRR par t s 595-599. -Inspection and maintenance NYS regula tes some inspection and maintenance requirements under 6NYCRR part 598 . API publication , guide for inspection of refinery equipment, is a source for inspection and maintenance information. (American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L. Street, Northwest, Washington , D.C. 20005) -Safety precautions, warnings and procedures for handling and unloading bulk deliveries Only qualified, fully trained and experienced persons should sample, connect, load, unload, or disconect a tank car, portable tank or tank truck. When loading or unloading material in bulk, all DOT (Department of Transportation) regulations found in 49 CFR 172-178 must be followed when applicable. This will include grounding, braking, attendance, etc. The contents of the material to be unloaded should be verified before any transfer is made. Prior to unloading into a storage tank, a qualified person must check the storage tank level to be sure that the amount of material to be received will not overflow the COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 16 storage tank. The proper unloading connection should be vented to a vapor removal, recovery or conservation system. -Spill and emergency response Release reporting and corrective action are listed in 40 CfR part 280 underground storage tanks and 6NYCRR part 595. COPYRIGHT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. page: 17 S Tfil:,fi1 Tfi1EAD FL TWD FEFi1 Afi1Cl-l'L ---;L----T5Cfi1EH • C.LUE -FEfi1 Afi1Cl-l'L I ----------------------------------ti]~ I' 7' NET DEFTl-l I' LJ 2x l4 DF N"I STFoGfi1 • 16' o_c_, NOTCI-I TO ,. NET DEFTl-l FEfi1 FLN 7' NET DEPTI-I 2x8 DF N"I (7' NET DEFTI-I! x IIZ)ft_ LONc. 5I5TEfi1 Hi IIZ)d • 4' o_c_, STC.fi1D. TOF • 60TT•@ I 3/4 x ':1.25 MICfi10LAM Sl5TEfi1 x 16ft. LONc., @ SISTEfi1 ,l/ I6d • 4' o_c_ STC.fi1D TOF I 60TT • (NAIL Ffi1Ct1 FACE OF 2x! 2x6 PTDF Je Hi 5I-IOTFINS (PEfi1 51-lT 5-IJ ., 8 " O.C .. 5TC.fi1'D '\, \ 2xl4 5TRGR e lb" O.C. HI (3!-lbd T.N . ., Je / '\, / / '\, 1-____ __j~~/;:J __ ___,,./"'_~v:::___/_~_--J 515TEfi1 FEfi1 FLN • I • • IDET.@ f---------4'-----------55 l (E) CONC. 5LA6 ON GRADE PER PLN STRGR TO SLAB ON GRADE J ( 1'1 , _ _/ cb (3) 5Cfi1EH5 FEfi1 Tfi1EAD (2/ 5Cfi1EH5 FEfi1 Fi115Efi1\ 2xl2 5TFoGfi1 • 12· o.c.-~ \ \i;:;=:il=~===~k FL THD TO MATCI-I / FL fi1 FL Tv<D \ _ / , \ 6.N_ ~\ '\. / ~'==f======~~~-'\'\, /1J , / 111 2xle> LANDINc. JOIST • 16' O.C. HI 'LU528' 1-ic."1 I 4xllZ) 6M Hi 'EFC44' POST _j CAP TO 4x4 F05T EA END \ lEfi1 FEl FLN I DET. I 4or4,,:i. \ 55, \-'L628' TOP FLANc.E l1-1c.fi1 01'1 'L.U528' FACE MOUN/ 1-ic."1. MID-I-IT LANDING 1:il STRGf~ UP 2 SCALE, 1.112'•1'-IZl' 0 8f_:;,--•• ®r-··-- (3) 7 1 0r --- 1 I 0-:------ 1 _- I [i)---------- -I SEE SEE ' ___ j •---------1---·--- !~-~-= I --- --, -------f L ____ _J \3 cl) 6.N. 2x 6LK ., 24' O.C. (3/ 5CREH5 PER TREAD / (2! 5CREH5 -1 PER R l5Efi1 ~ \ X / / ~ 91====l===i~ \/ \/' Tfi1EAD5 ,m /Ii\ FEfi1 Afi1Cl-l'L / I /\ \ / / --,,L----'--'-----1 /1 \ I / -FLFi1 01'1 LANDINc. _ j / Ffi1AMINc. FEfi1 FLN L 4x I-IEADEfi1, Dfi10FFED 31/l' ·@ 'TI-IA213' 1-ic."1, 'LU5211Zl' •@NOTE, USE (2! 'A35' ANCS • EDGE 5TfilGfi1 ONL T HI-IEfi1E ACCE55 re, LIMITED TO ONE SIDE 2x8 01'1 MICFi10LLAM 515TEFi1 \ FEfi1 FLN • DET@ 4or4,~ ~ 2xl4 5TFoGfi1 e Iii>' O.C. 55 _ U.O.N. FEfi1 FLN ,,,--SI-IELL 6LOO C.fi11D LINES ~ AS PERMITTED ,,---_,/ ~5 FOR ENLAFoGED MEZZ Ffi1AMINc. FOfi1 ENLAFilGED MEZZ FD"TN FLAN (E) 'a-'o• _,,_ 's ~ ,. ,,, ·, l. ,-~ (5 ) ,_ FOfi1 ENLAFilGED MEZZ Ffi1AMINc. FOfi1 ENLA~ED MEZZ FD"TN FLAN '"'-. -, '· / ( , _,o I ,, I . ~ ,, )]) ; 8.8 OVERALL BUILDINc~ REFERENCE FLAN 0 ~~.;._.~-~~------'---A SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" Revisions: OLJi\jN SAVO IE INC. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA. 92054 Phone (760) 966-6355 Fax (760) 966-6360 Project Name: MYRON L. CO. MEZZANINE "' 2450 IMPALA DR. CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 Client MYRON L. CO. 6115 CORTE DEL CEDRO CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 DANIEL ROBINSON 760-519-1269 Job No: 04101 date drawn: JAN.,2004 date issued: FEB.0~,2004 project engineer. RMS drawn by: RJB checked by: RMS drawing status: (NOT FOR CONS'TflUCTlON) □ INFORMATION DWGS. D PAELIMNARY owoa □ DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DWGS. OCHECKSET □ PAOQRESS DRAWNGS D PLAN CHECK DRAWl'IGS □ Bao SET DRAVVNGS ■ CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS D OTHER ______ ___ DUNN SA.VOW INC. EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THIS DOCUMEN T THIS OOCUMEN I SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COf'IEO, CH,11,NGEO OR DISCLOSED IN AN Y FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER WITHOUT FIRST OBTAI NING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENf OF DUNN SAVOIE INC □□□□□□□ sheet title: OVERALL BUILDING REFERENCE PLAN & STAIR DETAILS sheet no~ S-5