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2478 IMPALA DR; ; FS130009; Permit
7/28/22, 2:43 PM Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Lot#: Reference No.: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: FIRE SERVICE CORP. P.O. BOX 25671 ANAHEIM, CA 619-750-2223 Fees($) --- 292 about:blank FS130009 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fixed Systems Permit Permit No: FS130009 2478 IMPALA DR Status: PENDING FIXSYS Applied 2/5/2013 2090412800 Approved: 0 Issued: Inspector: LA POSADA GUADALUPE HOOD & DUCT Add'I Fees ($) ----------- 0 Owner: CATHOLIC CHARITIES DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO 349 CEDAR ST SAN DIEGO CA - Total($) 292 - Balance($) . ------ 0 1 /1 1. ALL INSTALLATION PROCEDURES ARE IN COMPLIANCE \JITH ALL MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS AS OUTLINED IN NFPA 17A, 2009, 96-2008, & CFC 2010 EDITIONS. 2. REM□TE PULL STATION IS MOUNTED 48" FROM FINISHED FLO□R SURFACE AND ON \JAY T□ EGRESS. PULL STATION CLEARLY STATES USE ON COVER PLATE. 3. CONTROL HEAD INDICATES SYSTEM AS BEING 'SET' □R 'DISCHARGED'. 4. ALL APPLIANCE NOZZLES TO BE INSTALLED BET\r/EEN MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM DISTANCES □F SPECIFIED COOKING HAZARD AS PRESCRIBED IN MOST CURRENT MANUFACTURERS TECHNICAL MANUAL, 5. ALL PLENUM NOZZLES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT FILTER HEIGHT AND POSITION AS DESCRIBED IN MANUFACTURER'S TECHNICAL MANUAL. 6. ALL DUCT NOZZLES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE MIDPOINT □F THE AREA THEY PROTECT AND N□ FARTHER THAN MFG. DESIGN LIMITATIONS. 7. SYSTEM SHALL BE TIED INT□ AND SUPERVISED BY BUILDING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND ACTIVATE GENERAL ALARM UPON DISCHARGE (IF BUILDING HAS EXISTING ALARM) 8. AUT□MA TIC FUEL SHUT-D□\JN DEVICE<S) SHALL SHUT -D□'JN ALL SOURCES □F FUEL, PO\IER AND HEAT TO ALL EQUIPMENT UNDER HOOD. 9. PROVIDE 2A 10 BC RA TED PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER NEAR SERVICE COUNTER AREA IN AN EASILY ACCESSIBLE L□CA TI□N. 10. PROVIDE K CLASS EXTINGUISHER NEAR PROTECTED COOKING EQUIPMENT BUT ON PATH OF EGRESS. (EXTINGUISHER AND LOCATION SUBJECT TO FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL) 11. SYSTEM T□ BE TESTED-FIRED AND \JITNESSED BY AUTHORITIES UPON COMPLETION AND PRIOR TD SYSTEM BEING PUT INT□ SERVICE. TEST T□ INCLUDE □PERA TI□N OF REMOTE PULL STATION, LAST FUSIBLE LINK ON DETECTION ON LINE AND FUEL SHUT-OFF DEVICE. 12. IT \JILL BE THE SOLE RESP□NSIBILIY □F" THE RESTAURANT O\JNER TD MAINTAIN AND SEVICE THE SYSTEM AS PRESCRIBED BY LOCAL AND STATE LA\JS. 13. ALL SUPPLY AIR SHALL SHUT-DD\JN UPON ACTIVATION □F SYSTEM. ALL EXHAUST AIR · SHALL REMAIN OPERATIONAL. SEE PAGE 2 FOR FLOOR PLAN CA CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE FLOOR PLAN #952180 C-16, C-10, C-36 UOB ND.• FS1305 FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM ~OF 3 LA POSADA GUADALUPE IRAVN BY• 2478 IMPALA DRIVE LHR CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 PATE• IAPPRCV[D BY• IMF"G• 2-4-13 AMEREX KP375 FIRE SERVICE CORP. PO BOX 25671 ANAHEIM, CA. 92825 (800) 767-3473 F$t3•oo, I\ .l ~ EXIT I I ur oo -;::! X t'i ;o,i n, PAGE 2 OF 3 I II 3C1 -= CAL~=1' - -GAS SHUTOFF VALVE 18 X 48 18 X 48 ,A,. 5 TIER 5 TIER * ............ --..-- -rl·-··· ... ( i . , , ~ :,( I 3. 7 5 GAL +· , ·, . _ ____ ____ _ ___ )CYLINDER IJ 1----. £ I rll-REMOTE PULL STATION -·------..--------- •· .._ .. 9"X28" DUCT -------------@ @-----------------~ # <D @ @ © ® © <D 11' 6" EXHAUST HOOD 1 1'6" 4' G) 2' 2' 2' ,- @ @ © 36"X24" RANGE 36"X24" GRIDDLE L H ALL PIPE 3/8" SCHEDULE 40 BLACK IRON ◄ G) 1' 1' 2' 3.75 GAL. CYLINDER MIN. PIPE LENGTH FROM TANK OUTLET TO FIRST FRYER, RANGE OR WOK NOZZLE IS 6' APPLIANCE TYPE PIPE SIZE FLOW/QTY TOTAL NOZZLE HEIGHT PLENUM 11982 3/8 II 1 / 2 2 TOP 1/3 OF FILTER DUCT 16416 3 / 8 II 1/2 2 2"TO8" RANGE 14178 3/ 8 II 2/2 4 18" TO 50" GRIDDLE 11982 3/8 II 1 / 1 1 30" TO 48" THIS AMEREX KP-3.75 GALLON WET CHEMICAL SYSTEM USES 9 OUT OF 11 FLOWS AND COMPLIES WITH STANDARD UL300 CA. CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE #952180 C-16, C-10, C- FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM LA POSADA GUADALUPE 2478 IMPALA DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 APPROVED BY• MF"G• AMEREX KP375 FIRE SERVICE CORP. PO BOX 25671 ANAHEIM, CA. 92825 (800) 767-3473 m Carlsbad Fire Department APPLICANT COPY Plan Review · • Date of Report:· ::~::::::ts Category: FIXSYS, HOOD Reviewed by: ___ 4 ___ . _ft_.,,. ___ · Name: Address: Permit#: Job Name: Job Address: FIRE SERVICE CORP. P.O. BOX 25671 ANAHEIM, CA 92825 FS130009 LA POSADA GUADALUPE 2478 IMPALA OR CBAD INCOMPLETE -The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and/or standards . . Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and/or specificatio•ns, with changes "clouded", to this office for review and approval. Conditions; Cond: CON0006083 [NOT MET]: Provide a scale drawing of appliance areas to be protected. Include square footage of surface areas. 5~ r~ 9' 4 3 . Cond: HD00S [NOT MET]: Provide a symbol chart that accurately illustrates all symbols on the plan. ,._ITI+~ . Cond: H·ooo7 [NOT MET]: Equipment listed shall be from a single manufacturer or listed as compatible for the product. Se§"' U-tYtP~lS l,;\S.r -. Cond: CON0006085 [NOT MET]: Provide a current service manual. Components used shall be highlighted and State Fire Marshals listing sheet for each component. ~~ Cond: CON0006086 [NOT MET]: Provide copy of current business license, certificate of insurance with your plan submittals. Dry chemical fire protection is not an approved method of fire protection in the City of Carlsbad. . s~ PA&-€ :, , -r1{;\S l.S fr tu~ ~\C;+L, $'(5~ ~ S\,tOuJ~ o rJ Ofll ~ ,-.t~ () lArv.5 . Entry: 02/12/2013 By: GR Action: CO 1. ALL INSTALLATION PROCEDURES ARE IN COMPLIANCE \JITH ALL MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICA TI□NS AS OUTLINED IN NFPA 17 A, 2009, 96-2008, & CFC 2010 EDITIONS. 2, REMOTE PULL ST A TI□N IS MOUNTED 48" FR□M FINISHED FL□□R SURFACE AND □N \JAY TD EGRESS, PULL STATION CLEARLY STATES USE ON COVER PLATE. 3. CONTROL HEAD INDICATES SYSTEM AS BEING 'SET' OR 'DISCHARGED'. 4, ALL APPLIANCE NOZZLES T□ BE INSTALLED BET'JEEN MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM DISTANCES OF SPECIFIED COOKING HAZARD AS PRESCRIBED IN MOST CURRENT MANUFACTURERS TECHNICAL MANUAL, 5. ALL PLENUM NOZZLES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT FILTER HEIGHT AND POSITION AS DESCRIBED IN MANUFACTURER'S TECHNICAL MANUAL. 6. ALL DUCT NOZZLES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE MIDPOINT OF THE AREA THEY PROTECT AND ND FARTHER THAN MFG. DESIGN LIMITATIONS. 7. SYSTEM SHALL BE TIED INT□ AND SUPERVISED BY BUILDING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND ACTIVATE GENERAL ALARM UPON DISCHARGE (IF BUILDING HAS EXISTING ALARM) 8, AUTDMA TIC FUEL SHUT-DD'w'N DEVICE<S> SHALL SHUT-DD\JN ALL SOURCES OF FUEL, PO\JER AND HEAT TD ALL EQUIPMENT UNDER H□□D. 9. PROVIDE 2A 10 BC RATED PORT ABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER NEAR SERVICE COUNTER AREA IN AN EASILY ACCESSIBLE LOCA TI□N. 10. PROVIDE K CLASS EXTINGUISHER NEAR PROTECTED COOKING EQUIPMENT BUT ON PATH OF EGRESS. (EXTINGUISHER AND LOCATION SUBJECT TO FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL) 11. SYSTEM T□ BE TESTED-FIRED AND \JITNESSED BY AUTHORITIES UPON COMPLETION AND PRIOR TD SYSTEM BEING PUT INT□ SERVICE. TEST TD INCLUDE OPERATION □F REMOTE PULL STATION, LAST FUSIBLE LINK ON DETECTION □N LINE AND FUEL SHUT-OFF DEVICE. 12. IT \r/lLL BE THE SOLE RESP□NSIBILIY □F THE RESTAURANT D\r/NER TO MAINTAIN AND SEVICE THE SYSTEM AS PRESCRIBED BY LOCAL AND STATE LA\JS, 13. ALL SUPPLY AIR SHALL SHUT-DD\JN UPON ACTIVATION OF SYSTEM. ALL EXHAUST AIR· SHALL REMAIN □PERATI□NAL. SEE PAGE 2 FOR FLOOR PLAN CA CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE FLOOR PLAN #952180 C-16, C-10, C-36 UOB NO., FS1305 Sf££T• 1 OF 3 DRAWN BY• LHR DATE• 2-4-13 FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM LA POSADA GUADALUPE 2478 IMPALA DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 I APPROVED BY• I MF'Ga AMEREX KP375 FIRE SERVICE CORP. PO BOX 25671 ANAHEIM, CA. 92825 (800) 767-3473 GAS SHUTOFF VALVE 18 X 48 18 X 48 5 TIER 5 TIER * ·--·-- .- --{.·-··· .... !\ IJ l r1f. REMOTE PULL ST A TION -·-u. II :::::P---,. ~;··-:·:.:::.~.· .. :,:::::-: ···~ ----·-··---. ····-----~ • '<.· >r .. v 1····--·· Y I r., · ,~ ~ t I 3.75 GAL ~ .. -............... ' ... ...,· ·········--•-··-··· __ :: ~YLINDER _____ J - I EXIT j - @ - ~ ,. __ ..,._. ~ ~~! y--------------i l PAGE 2 OF 3 9"X28" DUCT @ @ 11' 6" EXHAUST HOOD I ♦ 1' ♦ 11'6" 4' 1' I 11· t. 0 ~ ~ ◄j I 2' (D 2' 2' 2' (D ,-, ◄, I I @ @ © 3.75 GAL. CYLINDER ~ ~ ~ ~ (0) [0)i • 36"X24;:;:JE SLE I 864 SQ. IN . '( ~ ~ ~ -......__,., B 00e00 . OG e@aoe eo 8 I LI l LI J Nc_1/ / F SCHEDULE ALL PIPE 3/8" SCHEDULE 40 BLACK IRON MIN. PIPE LENGTH FROM TANK OUTLET TO FIRST FRYER, RANGE OR WOK NOZZLE IS 6' # APPLIANCE TYPE PIPE SIZE FLOW/QTY TOTAL NOZZLE HEIGHT <D PLENUM 11982 3/8" 1 / 2 2 TOP 1/3 OF FILTER @ DUCT 16416 3/8" 1 / 2 2 2"TO8" @ RANGE 14178 3 /8 II 2/2 4 18" TO 50" © GRIDDLE 11982 3/8" 1 / 1 1 30" TO 48" ® © 0 / ~ ~ ~ THIS AMEREX KP-3.75 GALLO~ USES 9 OUT OF 11 FLOWS A D PLIES T DARO UL300 C-16, C-10, C-31/::---~ CA. CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE #952180 I I i~:t s~ ~ NC],t FIRE EXTINGUISHING SY~T~ ~ SERVICE CORP. FS1305 St££T, LA POSADA GUADALUPE ....___ 3OF3 PO BOX 25671 DRAWN BY, 2478 IMPALA DRIVE LHR CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 ANAHEIM, CA. 92825 DATE• tPPRDVCD BY• INF'G, AMEREX KP375 (800) 767-3473 2-4-13 :heck a License -License Detail -Contractors State License Board https:/ /www2.cslb.ca.gov/OnlineServices/CheckLicenseWLicenseDetai. .. l of2 DEPARTME T OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS ...... Contractors State License Board Contractor's License Detail -License # 952180 DISCLAINER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations . .. ~> CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law B&P 7124.6) If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the link or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action information . .. i>> Per B&P 7071.17 , only construction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed. ~:>> Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitration . .. :>> Due to v.orkload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license database. License Number Business lnfonnation 952180 FRE SERVICE CORP Business Phone Number: (800) 767-3473 POBOX25671 ANAHEM, ~ 928~5 __ Extract Date 2/19/2013 !=nt!_tv _ ·-______ Corporation Issue Date 09/09/201 O ------- Expi!9 D~te License Status Classifications 09/30/2014 ACTIVE This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. CLASS C16 DESCRIPTION FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR C10 ELECTRICAL C36 PLUMBING ---------------=--~ --- Bonding CONTRACTOR'S BOND This license filed a Contractor's Bond with AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY. Bond Number: 100133590 Bond Amount: $12,500 Effective Date: 08/01/2010 BOND OF QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL 1. The Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) WEAVER DANIEL LEE certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/equity of the corporation. A bond of qualifying individual is not required. Effective Date: 09/09/2010 -_-·_ -~---------------- 2/1 9/2013 8:28 AM M.O. Masonry Opening I. VY. 10p OT ¥VOii E. East MID. Mounted TYP. Typical EA. Each MUL. Mullion UNF. Unfinished E.J. Expansion Joint U.O.N. Unless Otherwise Noted EL. Elevation N. North UR. Urinal ELEC. Electrical N.I.C. Not In Contract ELEV. Elevator NO. or # Number VERT. Vertical EMER. Emergency NOM. Nominal VEST. Vestibule ENCL. Enclosure N.T.S. Not To Scale w. West E.P. Electrical Panelboard W/ With EQ. Equal O.A. Overall w.c. Water Closet EQPT. Equipment OBS. Obscure WO. Wood E.W.C. Electric Water Cooler o.c. On Center W/O Without EXST. Existing O.D. Outside Diameter (Dim.) WP Waterproof EXPO. Exposed OFF. Offic7 WRB Water Resistive Barrier EXP. Expansion OPNG. Openi~g WSCT. Wainscot EXT. Exterior OPP. Opposite WT. Weight SYMBOLS ALIGN OFFICE ( OPTION #2) A ~ INTERIOR ELEVATION VIEW OFFICE-i.--ROOM NAME OFFICE -ROOM NAME I 0000 -~--ROOM NUMBER fcJ DOOR NUMBER WINDOW NUMBER /-.... \_~ DETAIL REFERENCE \ ... _/~ SHEET NUMBER -.a----'-Cx:r-_x---1 DETAIL SECTION REFERENCE -~ SHEET NUMBER .A w= DETAIL SECTION REFERENCE XX SHEET NUMBER ~ EXlERIOR ELEVATION REFERENCE ~ SHEET NUMBER ( OPTION #1) A -.-INTERIOR ELEVATION VIEW D~ INlERIOR ELEVATION REFERENCE ~ SHEET NUMBER C D B 100 _.__ SHEET NUMBER C KEYNOTE INDICATOR FINISH INDICATOR REVISION ~ FLOOR MATERIAL TYPE Q3---FLOOR NOTE ~ WALL MATERIAL TYPE ~WALL NOTE ----0 WALL TYPE INDICATOR I EXIT I FEC Cl ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGN, 1 FOOT CANDLE MIN. AT FLOOR LEVEL. (BATTERY BACKUP) FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET W / FIRE EXTINGUISHER -- - -- December 2008 Section 3 Design Amerex Restaurant Fire Su PLENUM PROTECTION Page 3-5 EX4658 NOTE: An Amerex KP & ZD Kitchen Fire Suppression System have the same listed criteria for the protection of the Duct and Plenum. PLENUM PROTECTION LIMITATIONS- SINGLE FLOW POINT NOZZLE (P/N 11982) The Amerex Appliance, Plenum Nozzle (P/N 11982) is capable of protecting plenums up to 10 feet (3.048m) long with either a single inclined filter bank or a "V" bank filter arrangement. The filter height cannot exceed 24 inches (60.96 cm). Each plenum nozzle uses one flow point. The nozzle must be positioned 4 inches (10.16) maximum from the end wall of the hood, aimed horizontally and positioned down 1/3 the vertical filter height from the top of the filter. The width of a "V" bank filter arrangement is limited to a maximum of 48" (122 cm). SINGLE BANK PROTECTION CENTERED BETWEEN TOP OF 481N. ---(122an) --- MAX. FILTER ANO SIDE WALL OF HOOD 1/2 1/2 J OF THE VERTICAL HEIGHT DOWN FROM THE TOP OF FILTER VER ICAL HEIGHT 1/3 VERTICAL HEIGHT Ct_ DOWN FROM THE TOP OF THE FILTER & CENTERED IN THE 'V' BANK PLENUM PROTECTION -MULTIPLE NOZZLES Plenums exceeding 10 feet (3.048 m) in length may be protected by using multiple plenum nozzles. Each nozzle must be protecting an area of no more than 10 feet in length. Nozzles may be positioned facing each other or facing the same direction as long as the entire plenum area is being covered. Nozzles may not face in opposite directions from a common tee. VERTICAL HEIGHT NOZZLE TO BE LOCATED 0-4" FROM THE END WALL CENTERED IN THE 'V' BANK December 2008 Section 3 Design Amerex Restaurant Fire Su ression S stem DUCT PROTECTION LIMITATIONS - 1WO NOZZLES (2 x P/N 16416) Two Amerex Duct Nozzles (P /N 16416) will protect ducts with a perimeter of 51 inches to 84 inches (129.5 -208.3 cm) or a maximum diameter of 26 inches (66 cm). To correctly position the nozzles in a rectangular duct divide the duct along its longest side into four equal distances. A circular duct should be divided along a centerline into four equal distances. A nozzle should be placed at one quarter of the duct's width ( or diameter) with both nozzles on the centerline, paced 2-8 inches (5.08 -20.3 cm) into the duct opening and aimed at the center of the modular cross section of the duct. Each nozzle has one flow point. NOTE: In no case can the diagonal dimension of each module exceed 18.8 inches (46 cm). T s" l ___ I ~1r j I+-34" DUCT PROTECTION LIMITATIONS -MULTIPLE NOZZLES (P/N 16416) 1/4 .G ~ Page 3-2 EX4658 1/2 Protecting ducts larger than 84 perimeter inches (208.3 cm) utilizing the single flow point nozzle (P/N 16416). Divided the perimeter by 42 (104 cm) and round up to the next whole number. Divide the duct cross section into the same number of equally sized modules. Check the modules to insure they are equal to or less than 50 perimeter inches and have a diagonal equal to or less than 18.8 inches. If they meet the criteria then place a duct nozzle in the center of each module, 2"-8" into the hood/duct opening. DUCT PROTECTION LIMITATIONS 100 IN. PERIMETER 1WO -1½ FLOW POINT NOZZLES (P/N 11983) The Amerex Solid Fuel Appliance/Duct Nozzle (P/N 11983) is listed to protect a restaurant cooking exhaust duct of unlimited length, unlimited changes in direction and up to 100 perimeter inches (254 cm) or 32 inch diameter (81.2 cm) using two nozzles. The nozzles total three flow points and to properly position the nozzles, a rectangular duct should be divided along its longest side into four equal distances. A circular duct should be divided along its center line into four equal distances. The nozzles are to be placed at one quarter and three quarters position of the duct width (or diameter) with both nozzles on the center line, placed 2 -8 inches (5.08 -20.3 cm) into the duct opening and aimed straight up in a vertically run duct. NOTE: In no case can the diagonal dimension of the duct exceed 37.2 inches (94.4 cm) without adding additional duct nozzles. NOTE: The use of one Duct Nozzle PIN 11983 is permitted for duct 50 perimeter inches or less in the same manner as Duct Nozzle 16416. 1/2 1/4 >-1/4 December 2008 Section 3 KP Design Amerex Restaurant Fire Su FOUR (4) BURNER RANGE PROTECTION TWO (2) FLOW POINT NOZZLE (P/N 14178) The Amerex 4 burner range nozzle (P/N 14178) has two (2) flow points and will protect a range surface area of 24" x 24" (61 x 61 cm). The center to center distance between burners must not exceed 12 inches. The nozzle must be located 18 -50" (46 -127 cm) above the range surface and centered between the burners. The nozzle is aimed straight down at the center of the appliance. NOTE: Maximum and minimum heights must be measured from the tip of nozzle to the surface of the appliance. RANGE PROTECTION - MULTIPLE NOZZLES (P/N 14178) For ranges that have a surface area exceeding the capabilities of a single nozzle, multiple nozzles must be used provided that the surface area of the range is divided into equally sized modules. Each module must be equal to or less than 24" x 24" (61 x 61 cm). NOTE: When using this nozzle to protect a two (2) burner range the aiming point is where an 8.50" radius from the center of each burner crosses one another WOK PROTECTION - SINGLE FLOW POINT NOZZLE (P/N 11982) 50-MAX CJ Min. Size -~--2--:IIWIL 't 0 24' IIIIX. Page 3-12 EX4658 Nlax. Size The Amerex appliance plenum nozzle (P/N 11982) has one flow point and will protect a wok with dimensions between a minimum diameter of 14" (36 cm) and a maximum diameter of 24" (61 cm) inclusive. The wok must have a height dimension between a minimum of 4" (10 cm) and a maximum of 7" (18 cm) inclusive. The nozzle must be centered over the center of the wok and located at a height between 40 " ( 102 cm) and 50" ( 127 cm) from the bottom of the inside of the wok and aimed at the center of the wok. Mm Poim~ t + mw. iJ40"mw. . I l December 2008 Section 3 KP Design Amerex Restaurant Fire Su ression S stem Page 3-13 EX 4658 GRIDDLE PROTECTION - SINGLE FLOW POINT NOZZLE (P/N 11982) The Amerex griddle nozzle (P/N 11982) has one flow point and will protect a griddle surface of 36 inches wide (91 cm) x 30 inches deep (76 cm). The nozzle must be located along the perimeter of the appliance and within a vertical height range from 30" to 48" (76 -122. cm) above the surface of the appliance. The aiming point for the nozzle is the "point of intersection" of a straight line from the nozzle location to the center of the appliance, with an 11" (28 cm) square, generated about the center point of the griddle. Note: Maximum & minimum heights must be measured from the tip of nozzle to the surface of the appliance. . . 11 • Sqm Centered Parimntr of Griddle on Griddle Cen1er GRIDDLE PROTECTION - ' Point of Intersection AIM POINT Nozzle Location MULTIPLE SINGLE FLOW POINT NOZZLES (P/N 11982) Multiple Amerex griddle nozzles (P/N 11982 - one flow point) may be used to protect a griddle surface area greater than 30 inches (76 cm) X 36 inches (91 cm). The griddle must be divided into modules for single nozzle coverage and the nozzles located and aimed for each module as indicated for single nozzle coverage. 11" square centered on griddle center Nozzle Location Note: Maximum & mm,mum heights must be measured from the tip of nozzle to the surface of the appliance. Point of Intersection AIM POINT for nozzle protecting this module /7 Ip 48" /i f O" 11" square centered on griddle center '!'lo. ','::"lt, . . '-wmu. 30• min. 11"Squn Ceallfldon Grtddll Module fi--~ I i i ;~ u7 ii O" 8" i' ~ ....... -+--11" square centered on griddle center December 2008 Section 3 KP Design Amerex Restaurant Fire Su Page 3-33 ression S stem EX 4658 DISTRIBUTION PIPING LIMITS for KP FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ONLY DESIGN LIMITS FOR ALL CYLINDER SIZES When designing a KP System to protect a kitchen containing a Fryer, Wok or Range, the following MINIMUM TOTAL SYSTEM PIPING must be used in accordance with the chart below: MINIMUM PIPING REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM MINIMUM TOTAL MINIMUM FLOW APPLIANCE LINEAR FEET EQUIVALENT FEET POINTS PER SYSTEM Fryer 6.5 10 2 Wok 9 22.1 6 Range 7 16.4 4 SUPPLY LINE LIMITATIONS: . . . . . . . . . 275-8 3/8 20 1 5 0 375 -11 3/8 OR 1/2 25 1 5 1 475 -14 1/2 25 1 5 2 600 -18 1/2 25 1 5 2 Two-375-22 1/2 30 2 7 2 NOTE: 1. Use 3/8" supply line only when all piping is to be 3/8" pipe. 2. The supply line has a maximum vertical rise above the distributor of 10 feet. SUPPLY BRANCH LINE (including last nozzle branch) LIMITATIONS: All pipe and fittings leaving the first splitting tee in the system and ending with the last nozzle in the last branch line. While the last nozzle branch is included in the piping limitations for the supply branch line, the limitation (pipe size and maximum length) for nozzle branch lines apply to this portion of the supply branch line. CYLINDER MAX. FEET OF MAX. MAX. MAX. QTY. FLOW PIPE STRAIGHT MAX. FEET OF QTY. QTY. REDUCING POINTS PIPE SIZE PIPE SPLIT TEES ELBOWS BUSHINGS 275-8 3/8 20 25 7 8 375 -11 3/8 OR 1/2 27 30 10 8 475 -14 3/8 27 30 12 8 600 -18 AS NOTED 35' OF 3/8" OR 1 /2" 50' 3/8" PIPE ONLY 14 8 Two-375-22 AS 40' of½" 45 of½" 18 8 NOTEED (*30' of 3/8") (*30' of 3/8") NOTE: 1. In a single 3.75 Gallon Straight Pipe System, 5' of pipe may be transferred from the supply line to the supply branch line. * 2. The use of 3/8" pipe with two manifold KP375s is only permitted when the SUPPLY LINE length is equal to or less than 20'. NOZZLE BRANCH LINE LIMITATIONS: All pipe and fittings leading from the supply branch tee to a system nozzle. CYLINDER TOTAL LINEAR MAX. QTY. MAX. QTY. MAX. QTY. FLOW POINTS PIPE SIZE FEET OF PIPE TEES ELBOWS BUSHINGS 275-8 3/8 32 5 10 0 375 -11 3/8 OR 1/2 32 8 12 11 475 -14 3/8 32 10 15 0 600 -18 3/8 32 11 18 15 Two-375-22 3/8 32 18 18 20 MAX. PER NOZZLE BRANCH 7 3 6 4 GENERAL SYSTEM LIMITATIONS: 1. No½" pipe nozzle branches shorter than 12" long. 2. Nozzle types may not be mixed on any nozzle branch line and a maximum of 4 flow points. 3. The discharge fitting, distributor and distribution hose are not to be included in any calculations. 0 2 2 2 0 4. No mixing of pipe sizes is allowed within pipe categories. Example: if one nozzle branch is to be ½" pipe then all must be ½" pipe. ½" pipe for nozzle branch lines is allowed only in an 11 flow point system. 5. Duct nozzle has a maximum vertical rise above the supply branch line of 4'0".