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3617 JETTY PT; ; FA040004; Permit
8/17/22, 4:34 PM Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Lot#: Reference No.: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: FA040004 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Permit No: FA040004 3617 JETTY PT Status: ISSUED FALARM Applied 1/7/2004 1680410800 Approved: 2/2/2004 0 Issued: 2/2/2004 Inspector: MYSTIC POINT FIRE ALARM PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Owner: CITY WIDE ELECTONIC SYSTEMS CAL E-1 LL C PO BOX 2069 EL CAJON CA 619-444-0219 Fees($) Add'I Fees ($) 181 0 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WAY #200 DEL MAR CA Total($) Balance($) 181 0 1 /1 ! bad Fire De artment 030016 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 FILE C Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 Plan Review Requirements Category: Alarm System Plan Reviewed by: Date of Report: _0_11_29_12_0_0_4 _______ _ Name: City Wide Electronic Address: PO Box 2069 City, State: El Cajon CA 92021-2069 Plan Checker: Job #: 030016 Job Name: Mystic Pointe Bldg #: PC030016 ------------------ Job Address: 3617 Jetty Pt Ste. or Bldg. No. D Approved D Approved Subject to ~ Incomplete Review FD Job# The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/ or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes and standards. Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instruct_ions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the attached conditions. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report c~n result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and/ or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. The item you have submitted for review is incomplete .. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and I or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and/ or specifications to this office for review and approval. 1st 030016 2nd FD File# 3rd Other Agency ID Page 1 ; r~ments Category: Alarm System Plan iequirement: Pending 13.25 Additional Requirements Use of Nema boxes is not approved. Fire alarm control panel must be in an area that is occupied or can be easiy accessed by maintenance personnel. 01/29/04 From: To: Date: Subject: Colleen, Bill Hopple <hop39@juno.com> <cbalc@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> 1/28/04 8:07AM Re: Milbank Gasketed screw cover junction boxes Can1t remember the discussion with Karyn, but if these boxes are intended to allow the fire alarm control to be installed on the exterior of the structure (11outdoor11 ), then l1d have several possible concerns. 1 . The audible signal( s) may not be heard inside the box. Therefore ... remote signals in an attended area (responsible party 24/7 during occupancy) or, transmit off-premises, or ... both. 2. The box should be a Listed NEMA 3R box (raintight). However, depending on the season, the environment (inside that sealed box) may not be good on the electronics of the control. I.E., NFPA 72 has a restriction to 11not11 put the control unit in an environment exceeding 120 degrees F. 3. Control unit requires (at least one) smoke detector for protection of same. That isn1t going to work. However, the requirement for the smoke detector has an exception if the environment is not suitable and permits some 11other11 acceptable detection. There are 11outdoor11 listed heat detectors. 4. Unless the control unit being used is 11listed11 for outdoor application ... it would be prudent to install it this way ... if you approve the installation at all. Also, you do realize that you will have to 11approve11 the use of the box, and if anything every goes wrong with the electronics ... you 11might" be heald liable. *Of course ... what's new? That's your job. : ) hope this helps a little ... there are probably more issues that l1m not thinking of right now. regards, hop On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 09:22:23 -0800 11Colleen Balch11 <cbalc@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> writes: > I have a fire alarm submittal where the contractor wants to put the > alarm panels in these junction boxes outside of each unit. Karyn > remembers something about these boxes and a discusion with you about > not using them. I don1t like the fact that the panels would be > hidden anyway. Can you enlighten me in any way? Thanks > > Colleen Balch > Deputy Fire Marshal > Fire Protection Services > (760) 602-4662 > cbalc@ci.carlsbad.ca.us > > The best thing to hit the internet in years -Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month -visit www.juno.com to sign up today! Carlsbad Fire Prevention Bureau 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Colleen RE: Mystic Point Apartment, located in Carlsbad, CA. Electronic Systems Inc;¾/ 7 ~ff, December 15, 2003 Enclosed you will find a submittal package prepared on the fire alarm system to be installed during the construction of the above referenced building. The installation of the alarm system shall comply with Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition, : California Code of Regulations, Title 24, 1994 Edition: and NFPA 72 1996 edition. The installation of all fire alarm wiring and equipment shall be in accordance with NFPA 70, 760, Fire Protective Signaling Systems, NEC. The audibility of fire alarm warning devices shall be audible throughout the occupancy with a minimal sound level 15 db over the ambient noise level. If you have any questions concerning the design of or the devices to be installed in this system, please telephone me at your earliest convenience. (619) 444-0219 x123. Sincerely, WE SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGE NICET CERTIFICATION Since 1966 P.O. Box 2069 • El Cajon, California 92021-2069 (619) 444-0219 • FAX (619) 444-9130 Tl.4 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY F·ireShield Conventional Fire Alarm Control Systems Features ■ Available in 3, 5, and 10 IDC models ■ IDC or NAC pairs convertible to single Class A circuits (10 and 5 IDC panels only) ■ Supports 2M, ''EC" and 6200 Series detectors ■ Combination Waterflow and Supervisory IDCs ■ NACs programmable by zone and individually selectable for Genesis, continuous, or temporal outputs ■ Front panel programmable ■ PC programmable with optional DACT installed ■ Genesis option allows precision synchronization and audible silence over two wires without additional modules ■ On-board relays for Alarm, Supervisory and Trouble ■ Optional serial bus relay modules are programmable for common or zone activation ■ Optional serial bus remote annunciator ■ One person device testing (audible or silent) ■ Expandable power supply (10 IDC panel only) ■ Optional City Tie and Reverse Polarity Modules ■ Optional trim ring for semi-flush mounting ■ Optional fully integrated DACT /Dialer with: • 32-character LCD display • Event history log • Supports Contact ID and SIA DCS 4/2 • Upload/download of Panel/DACTconfiguration, status and event history CONTROL PANELS . Compatibility ~ FireShield Description The FireShield fire alarm family consists of 3, 5 and 10 zone con- ventional fire alarm control panels, an integrated DACT/Dialer, serial annunciator modules, and serial remote relay modules. All of these components are microprocessor-controlled. The FireShie/d family is ideal for both new and retrofit installations alike. FireShieldincorporates features designed to simplify installation, operation and maintenance. These include front panel program- ming, one person walk testing, and selectable IDC and NAC types. FireShield panels are powerful enough to meet the demands of today's installations while leaving plenty of room to grow in the future. FS502 and FS1004 panels support Class A operation by combining pairs of on-board IDCs or NACs to provide the necessary circuits. For example, the FS 1004 comes factory set to support 10 Class B IDCs and four NACs. But it can be field-configured to provide five Class A IDCs, no Class B IDCs, and two Class A NACs -or any other combination of circuits that fall within the circuit-pairing parameters. FS1004 FS502 FS302 Class B IDCs Ue to 10 Ueto 5 3 ClassAIDCs Ueto 5 Ueto 2 Not sueeorted Class B NACs Ueto4 Ueto 2 2 ClassANACs Ueto 2 1 Not sueeorted NAC Power 2.5 exe to 5 ames 2.5 ames 1.5 ames Auxilia~ eower 0.5 ames 0.5 ames 0.5ames Note: Class A operation will reduce the number of available Class B IDCs and/or NA Cs, depending on the panel configuration. See Specifications on page 5 for details. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U.S.SALES: SARASOTA, Fl941-739-4200; FAX941-727-0740 • CANADA SALES: OWEN SOUND.ON 519-376-2430; FAX519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL SALES: 905-270-1711; FAX 905-270-9553 • CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: CHESHIRE, CT • U.S. MANUFACTURING: PITTSFIELD and NEWPORT, ME Issue 2.1 Literature Sheet #86006-0118 Page 1 of 8 Not to be used for installation purposes. For the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net. Options . Off-premise communication A fully integrated FireShield DACT/dialer is available for reporting events to a monitoring facility. The DACT also supports uploading or downloading of system configuration, status and event history. The DACT is programmable for either single or dual line opera- tion. It also supports split and dual reporting for two digital alarm receivers. The DACT brings additional features to the panel including a 32-character alphanumeric LCD display, local or remote PC programming and an event history log. Modules are also available for City Tie (CTM4.7) and Reverse Polarity (RPM) connections. Remote Annunciators and Relays The serial bus standard on all FireShield models is another installation time-saver. This circuit allows the . · connection of Remote System Indicators (FSRSI), Remote Zone Indicators (FSRZI-A) and Remote Relay Modules (FSRRM) over a four-wire (data and power) circuit. Annunciator and relay modules can be installed up to 1,000 feet from the panel on 18-gauge wire. Application FireShield provides smoke and fire detection, occupant notification and off-premises signaling for ~mall-to medium-sized buildings. =ach IDC can be configured for either Class B or Class A operation and one of eight operating modes: · Alarm -without smoke detector verification; · Alarm -with smoke detector verification, and instant activation of contact devices; Waterflow Alarm -no retard; · Waterflow Alarm -with 15 second retard; Combination Waterflow (no retard) and Supervi- sory; Combination Waterflow (retard) and Supervisory; Supervisory (Latching); · Monitor-for monitoring devices other than alarm or supervisory such as fire doors or fire dampers. NACs may also be configured for either Class B or Class A operation. Additionally, NACs can be individually configured for one of three outputs. These are Genesis, Continuous or Temporal. The Genesis selection allows independent horn control over two wires and provides precision synchroniza- tion for Genesis devices, all without the need for a Genesis Signal Master accessory. When configured for Genesis notification appliances, FireShield's Alarm Silence function will silence connected Genesis audible appliances but Genesis strobes will remain active until the panel is reset. When Genesis Mode is selected, both the horns and strobes on Genesis and Enhanced Integrity notifica- ion appliances will be synchronized across all NACs. FS1004 FS502 Panel Operation Operators' Interface Control of the panel's operation is both simple and intuitive. While the LEDs and optional LCD are visible with the panel door closed, the door and bezel block access to the controls. With the door open the following controls are available: · Reset-used to reset the panel; Signal Silence and Drill -used to silence notification appliances or activate the drill function; Panel Silence -silences the buzzer on the panel and the remote trouble unit; Remote Disconnect-disables the DACT, or, if no DACT installed, disables the panel's alarm relay; Walk Test-activates the panel's silent and audible walk test mode. The following system LEDs display the panel's status: · Alarm -panel is in the alarm state; Trouble -panel is in the trouble state; Supervisory-panel is in the supervisory state; · Power-indicates the status of the AC power source; · Disable -indicates when any IDC, NAC, relay or the DACT are disabled; · Annunciator Trouble -indicates trouble on the remote annunciator bus; Battery Trouble -indicates battery or charging problems; Ground Fault-indicates a short between any panel circuit and ground; · Walk Test-indicates that one or more IDCs are in the walk test mode; Alarms Silenced -indicates that the panel is in the alarm state with one or more NACs silenced. Each IDC has a disable switch and thr.ee LEDs: Alarm -red-indicates that the IDC is in the alarm state; · Trouble -yellow-indicates thatthe IDC is in the trouble state or is disabled (when flashing); · Supervisory/Monitor-ye//ow-indicatesthatthe IDC is in the supervisory state or the monitor state (when flashing). Each NAC also has a disable switch and a trouble/ disable LED. Status indication with the DACT /Dialer installed The dialer's LCD display provides two lines x 16 characters of text. For programming, the top line displays the programming step and the lower line displays the selected option. Page 2 of 6 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Literature Sheet #85005-0118 Issue 2.1 Not to be used for installation purposes. For the most currer:it literature end updates visit www.est.net. DACT/Dialer Remote Relay Module The DACT /Dialer installs behind the front panel display. The optional DACT/Dialer is a multifunction module that provides communications, modem capability, and LCD display functions. Its primary function is as a Digital Alarm Communi- cator Transmitter (DACT). As a DACT, it transmits event messages to a Digital Alarm Communicator Receiver (DACR) at a monitoring facility. The monitoring facility then notifies the fire department and other responsible parties of the event. Programmable options include single or dual line operation, and split or dual reporting to two DACRs. The Remote Relay Module mounts on a plastic track inside an MFC-Acabinet. The Remote Relay Module (FSRRM) is one component of the system that sets FireShie/d apart from other panels in its class. This module has five Form C relays rated at 1 amp each. It can be configured to function in either a zone relay mode or a common system mode. When configured in the zone relay mode, relays energize when the associated IDC is active. The module can be configured for activation by IDCs 1 through 5 or IDCs 6 through 10. One relay is automatically associated with each IDC. The FSRSI can be installed alone orwith one or more FSRZI-As. The FSRSI and FSRZI-A require trim plates (ordered separately). These are available in one, two or three gang models. Each panel willsupporttwoFSRSls. Issue 2.1 The DACT module can also be used as a modem to connect the panel to both local and remote computers for uploading and downloading of configuration data (programming), panel status and event history. For security, the modem can be configured to accept programming on incoming calls or it can be required to call a preprogrammed number before accepting downloads and sending uploads. The DACT module can be configured to work as all of the above, or as only an LCD display or LCD display and modem. Remote Annunciators FireShieldfamily has several remote annunciation options. The serial remote annunciator bus can be run up to 1000 feet (305 m) on untwisted non-shielded 18-gauge cable. Several annunciator models round out the family to provide a range offeatures and functions. As many as three annunciator modules may be mounted in a standard electrical box, sharing an attractive trim plate that blends with any decor. [t_ Snaplrack From contrnl panel or.,..-,adevlce ( Communication In + Communication In . _..,_ -In♦ Framcontratpanel .,_,_ { Communication In• Comft'llnicllioni1+ Powwln·+ Pow«ln- Upto4RRMs can be mounted inanFSRRM- S 11 snap track. Up to two FSRRM-S11s can be mounted inanMFC-A. When configured in the common system mode, relays energize or de- energize when the panel TonelCfdevlce h Q I • eommun1ca11onou1-} c anges state. ne re ay Is Conmunlcationou1 + available for each of the following functions: Alarm, Remote System Indicator (FSRSI) The FSRSI is ideal for common system annunciation. It includes five LEDs and a local silence/ lamp test switch. The LEDs indicate power status, alarm, supervisory, trouble and ground fault. The silence switch will silence the onboard trouble buzzer if active. The switch can also be used to initiate a lamp test of the LEDs on all connected FSRSls and FSRZI-As. Pow«out+ } Powerout- Communlcadonoul• COmmunlcatkxlout+ Supervisory, Trouble, Power Loss, Monitor. The FSRRM mounts on a plastic snap track and can be installed in an MFC-A or other listed fire alarm enclosure. The panE!I will support two RRMs of each configuration for a total of six on the 10-zone panel. Remote Zone Indicator (FSRZI-A) The FSRZI-A is used to indicate zones in the alarm state. It contains five red LEDs. Depend- ing on the jumper setting selected, the LEDs will indicate either IDCs 1 through 5 or IDCs 6 through 10. The panel can support two modules -out+ } Powwoul-1 Communicltlonout-' CommuniclUonout+ EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Literature Sheet #85005-0118 Page 3 of 6 Not to be used for installation purposes. For the mos.t current literature and updates visit www.est.net. Panel Layout Power Connections Page 4 of 6 From 120 Vac, 15 A, 60 Hz Dedicated branch circuit ---OR- From 230 Vac, 15 A. 50/60 Hz Dedicated branch circuit ~ N Main AC wiring block and fuse holder Tie wrap mounts 0 Main AC wiring block and fuse holder: Provides connections for 120 or 230 volt AC (primary power) from dedicated service. Includes primary power fuse (5 Amp). 8 Dual Transformer AC wiring block: Ten-zone panel only. Provides connections between primary side of both main and expander transformer and 120 or 230 volt AC (fused primary power). OTransformer: Changes 120 or 230 volt AC supply voltage to 24 volt AC. 0 Power expander transformer (XTR): Optional. Available for the ten-zone panel only. Provides additional primary power to increase the available NAC current for the ten-zone panel. 0 Main circuit board: Provides connections for all circuits. Also includes the operator interface. 0 Operator Interface: Includes operator controls, LED indicators and circuit identification labels. 0 Cabinet enclosure: Houses the panel electronics and standby batteries. In some cases the batteries may be housed in an external battery cabinet (BC2). 0 Standby batteries: Provide Secondary/Standby power to the panel electronics in the absence of primary power. 0 Tie wrap mounts: Used to secure wires and to help maintain proper separation between pow~r-limited and nonpower- limited conductors. Dimensions Model D1* D2 D3 D4 D5* Three-& 16.5 in 3.75 in 9.13 in 10.5 in 14.23 in five-zone (41.9 cm) (9.5cm) (23.2 cm) (26.67 cm) (36.14 cm) Ten-zone 23.65 in 3.75 in 7.75 in 21.27 in 16.25 in (60cm) (9.5cm) (19.7 cm) (54.0 cm) (41.27 cm) *Add 1 ½ inches (3.81 cm) to D1 and D5 dimensions for trim kit. +-02-+ ' o·· 0 ··o 0 o..J --~ (/) (I) 0 .c 0) C :g 01 ::, 0 E Surface mounting holes 04 .c en ::, c.;= I .E I (I) 1cn 0 o-~~ 0 0 0 0 14-------05------- EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Literature Sheet #85005-0118 Issue 2.1 Not to be used for installation purposes. For the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net. Specifications Control Panels FS1004 FS502 FS302 Initiating Device Circuits -IDCs Class B 10 I 8 6 1. 4 2 I 0 5 3 I 1 (Available combinations shown at right) Class A 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 Three Class B IDCs Notification Appliance Circuits -NACs Class B 4 2 0 2 0 Two Class B NACs (Available combinations shown at right) Class A 0 1 2 0 1 Power Supply 3.0 A expandable to 6.0 A 3.0 amps total 2.0 amps total NAC Voltage Rating 24 Vfwr 1.5 amps each,2.5 amps total 1.5 amps each 1.5 amps each Maximum NAC current for NAC 1 + 2 or 3 + 4 5.0 A w/ optional transformer 2.5 amps total 1.5 amps total AC Input 120 Vac 60 Hz ... 1.6 Aw/ optional transformer 0.8 amps 0.8 amps 230 Vac 50/60Hz ... 0.8 A w/ optional transformer 0.4amps 0.4amps Base Panel Current Draw Standby ... 145mA 120 mA 110 mA Alarm ... 250mA 170mA 145mA Panel Battery Charge Capacity (sealed lead acid Up to two 18 Ah batteries Up to 18 Ah, 7 Ah max in cabinet * only) Auxiliary Current 0.5 amps max. May be programmed as resetable. Auxiliary Output 19 to 25.7 Vdc IDC Alarm Current 1.5 mA (Consult detector compatibility list p/n 3100468 for maximum detectors per circuit) IDC Circuit Maximum loop resistance: 13 Ohms; Maximum loop capacitance: 0.03 µF IDC Operating Voltage · 16.3 to 25.7 Vdc j UL Detector ID 100 Alarm Contact (normally open) Trouble Contact (Form C) 30 Vdc@ 1 A (resistive load) Supervisory Contact (normally open) Operating Environment Temperature: 32 -120° F (0 -49° C); Humidity: 5 -93% RH, non-condensing Terminals (wire gauge) 18 -12 AWG (0.75 mm2 -2.5 mm2) Asynchronous Serial Communications Maximum resistance: 13 Ohms; Maximum capacit;mce: 0.03 µF * If larger batteries are required, use the BC-2 battery cabinet. See installation sheet 3100027 for details. DACT -FSDACT (mounts in panel) Receivers Communications Protocol Programming Telephone line connection Telephone lines Telephone wall connector Communications Compliance Operating Environment Current requirements Remote Annunciators Maximum per System Current Requirements Voltage Range Maximum Circuit Capacitance Maximum Circuit Resistance . Wire Size Mounting Operating Environment Remote Relay Module -FSRRM Maximum per system Current Requirements Voltage Range Maximum Circuit Capacitance Maximum Circuit Resistance Wire Size Mounting Operating Environment Dimensions Issue 2 .1 Supports two receivers with two phone numbers each Contact ID (SIA DC-05), 4/2 (SIA DC-02 P3) Front panel controls or PC with appropriate software Two RJ31X (plug-to-plug) cords supplied with DACT Two or one loop start lines on the public switched telephone network. Pulse or DTMF. RJ31X/CA31X equiv. or RJ38X/CA38X equiv. Communications Canada CS-03; FCC/CFR 47 Parts 15 & 68; NFPA 72; UL 864; ULC S527-M87 Temperature: 32-120° F (0-49° C); Humidity: 93% RH, non-condensing Standby: 40 mA; Alarm: 60 mA FSRSI Remote System Indicator FSRZI-A Remote Zone Indicator All panels: 2 10 zone panel: 4 3 or 5 zone panel: 2 Standby: 12 mA Alarm: 48 mA Standby: 8 mA Alarm 35 mA Minimum: 21 Vdc; Maximum: 25 Vdc 0.03µF 13 Ohms 18 -12 AWG (0.75 mm2 -2.5 mm2) ANSI/NE MA OS 1-1996 1-3 gang electrical box Temperature: 32 -120° F (0 -49° C); Humidity: 93% RH, non-condensing Configured for Zone Mode Configured for Common Mode 10 zone panel: 4; 3 or 5 zone panel: 2 All panels: 2 Standby: 8 mA; Alarm: 65 mA Standby: 30 mA; Alarm: 41 mA Minimum: 18 Vdc; Maximum: 27 Vdc 0.03µF 13 Ohms 18-12 AWG (0.75 mm2 -2.5 mm2) Single FSRRM mounts in plastic track (included) or up to four FSRRMs in an FSRRM-S11 11" track ordered separately. FSRRMs should be installed in an MFC-A or other listed fire alarm enclosure. Temperature: 32 -120° F (0 -49° C); Humidity: 93% RH, non-condensing 2-3W W x 3-3/8" H x 1-1/2" D (65.9 mm W x 85.7 mm H x 38.1 mm D) EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Literature Sheet #85005-0118 Not to be used for installation purposes. For the most current literature end updates visit www.est.net. Page 5 of 6 0 ('' f rdering In ormation ~ Part Number Description Ship Wt. lb. (kg.) Control Panels EST-FS1004* Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel -10 Class B IDCs and 4 Class B NACs (Pairs of IDCs and NACs convertible to single Class A circuits), 120 Vac EST-FS1004-2 Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel -10 Class B IDCs and 4 Class B NACs (Pairs of IDCs and NACs convertible to single Class A circuits), 230 Vac. Grey cabinet. EST-FS502* Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel -5 Class B IDCs and 2 Class B NACs (Pairs of IDCs and NACs convertible to single Class A circuits), 120 Vac EST-FS502-2 Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel -5 Class B IDCs and 2 Class B NACs (Pairs of IDCs and NACs convertible to single Class A circuits), 230 Vac. Grey cabinet. EST-FS302* Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel -3 Class B IDCs and 2 Class B NACs, 120 Vac EST-FS302*-2 Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel -3 Class B IDCs and 2 Class B NACs, 230 Vac FSTRIM35* Semi-flush trim ring for FS302 and FS502 FSTRIM10* Semi-flush trim ring for FS 1004 * Insert "G" for Gray cabinet or "R" for Red cabinet. Insert "GP for French language (grey cabinets, 120 volt models only). Related Items XTRA3A120 Expander Transformer, 120 Vac -For FS1004* only XTRA3A230 Expander Transformer, 230 Vac -For FS1004*-2 only FSCDF35 Electrical terminal shield for 3 & 5 IDC panels. Required for all installations in Canada FSCDF10 Electrical terminal shield for 10 IDC panels. Required for all installations in Canada EOL3.6-1.1 Required UL listed End of Line Resistors -One 3.6K Ohm and one 1.1 K Ohm. One required for each IDC configured as combination waterflow and supervisory. EOL-P1 Required ULC End of Line Resistor Plate -includes one 1.1 K, 3.6K and 4. 7K Ohm resistor Off Premises Communications FSDACT Digital Communicator/Modem/LCD module (Mounts in control panel) CTM4.7 City Tie Module (Requires 4" square or 2-gang North American electrical box) RPM Reverse Polarity Module (Requires MFC-A or other listed fire alarm enclosure) Remote Annunciation Remote System Indicator-Includes LEDs for display of Power, Alarm, Supervisory, Trouble FSRSI and Ground Fault, trouble sounder and silence/lamp test switch. Single gang trim plate included, multi-gang plates ordered separately. Mounts in a single or multi-gang North American electrical box. Remote Zone Indicator -Includes LEDs for five IDCs. FSRZI-A Single gange trim plate included, multi-gang plates ordered separately. Mounts in single or multi-gang North American electrical box. FSAT2 Annunciator Trim Plate, 2 gang with FireShield Logo FSAT3 Annunciator Trim Plate, 3 gang with FireShield Logo Remote Relay Module FSRRM Remote Relay Module -Five Form C relays. Configurable for IDCs 1-5, or 6-10, or common system indications. Requires MFC-A or other listed fire alarm enclosure. FSRRM-S11 11" Mounting track. Holds up to 4 FSRRMs. Accessories MFC-A Multi-function Cabinent (fire alarm accessory enclosure) BC-2 Grey Battery Cabinet (holds two 18 Ah batteries) BC-2R Red Battery Cabinet (holds two 18 Ah batteries) Batteries 12V4 4Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery -12 Vdc (2 required) 12V6 6.5 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery -12 Vdc (2 required) 12V10 10 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery -12 Vdc (2 required) 12V17 17 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery -12 Vdc (2 required) EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements. © 2002 EST Page 8 of 8 All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information or questions relative to this Specification Sheet, contact EST. Literature Sheet #86005-0118 Not to be used for installation purposes. For the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net. 30.5 (13.8) 30.5 (13.8) 18.5 (8.4) 18.5 (8.4) 18.0 (8.2) 18.0 (8.2) 1.7 (0.8) 2.2 (1.0) 4.0 (1.8) 4.0 (1.8) 1.0 (0.5) 2.0 (0.9) 0.1 (0.5) 1.0 (0.5) 1.0 (0.5) 1.0 (0.5) 3.0 (1.4) 0.3 (0.1) 0.3 (0.1) 0.1 (0.05) 0.1 (0.05) 0.4 {0.2) 0.4 (0.2) 7.0 (3.2) 12.0 (5.4) 12.0 (5.4) 5.0 (2.3) 6.0 (2.7) 10.0 (4.5) 13.0 (5.9) Printed in U.S.A. Issue 2.1 LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: RATING: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: NOTE: NOTE: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING -BUILDING MATJ:RIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7165-1591 :102 Page 1 of 1 Control Units (Non High-Rise) Edwards Systems Technology, 6411 Parkland Dr., Sarasota, FL 34243 Contact: Leon Newsome (941 ) 739-4276 FAX (941 ) 739-4334 p.3 Model FireShield series fire alann control units. Models FS302G, FS302R, FS302G-2, FS302GF, FS502G, FS502R, FS502G-2, FS502GF, FS1004G, FS1004R, FS1004G-2 and FS1004GF. Model FSDACT digital alarm communicator transmitter. Local, auxiliary, *central station, remote station, automatic, manual, waterflow and sprinkler supervisory service. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. 120 VAC Primary. 24 voe Secondary In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicabJe codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name. model number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as fire alarm control unit for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. *This control unit can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal {for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition. For Fire Alarm Verification Feature (delay of fire alarm signal). the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart period shall not exceed 30 seconds. Formerly 7165-1501:129 •Rev. 06-26-03KK This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable informatio~ sources. Date Issued: Authorized By: JUNE 26, 2003 DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Listing Expires June 30, 2004 LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: -RATINGS: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: NOTE: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & ARE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE ARE MARSHAL ARE ENGINEERING -BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7300-1591 :103 Misc. Device/Control Unit Accessories Edwards Systems Technology, 6411 Parkland Dr., Sarasota, FL 34243 Contact: Leon Newsome (941) 739-4276 Fax (941) 739-4334 Page 1 of 1 Model FSRZI-A remote zone indicator, Model FSRSI remote system indicator and Model FSRRM remote relay module. Models FSAT1, FSAT2, FSAT3 and FSAT4 nylon wall plates. Model FSRRM-S 11 span track mount for FSRRM. Models EOL-1.1 KL and EOL- 3.6KL end of line resistors. Model CTM4. 7 city tie module. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. Primary Operating Supply: 21-25VDC In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name or Edwards, model number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as control unit accessories for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. For indoor use only. Fonnerly 7300-1501 : 130 09-28-2002 JEW This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: Authorized By: JUNE 17, 2003 DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Listing Expires June 30, 2004 •'11Nl111/Jl ,-,,-L--rjl _ 1-.. -w- ....... L Tl ii ••1&11D F1 _J _ ~;g ====:::::! (FASTONTAB N0.187) F2~-1.,1n ½c-fT-11 L'~~ _ 7.95 --}:! (FASTONTAB NO. 250) (MS NUT) WIRE ~ RNDWiS0-63 F3 +o.3 F4 WIRE □~2 r.7 ~ c~ ~•; @3 JJ: ~ GJ (M5 80Ln (M6 B0Ln SORWi50-54 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 :~r,,it: ::::•~rnneAf ol Transportatiori), ICAO (International Commercial Airline Organization), and IATA (International Airline Transport Association) definitions. ~ ~ UL AAeo1,11Yd Ccmpono.ot •1-Fig. 5 11118001 111114001 Fig. 8 R Fig. 11 Pb j . EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY CONVENTIONAL INITIATING DEVICES Compatibility ➔ QuickStart FireShield EST2 EST3 LSS4 IRC-3/FCC Fire Alaran Stations 270 Series Features ■ Pull lever ■ Simple positive operation ■ Break glass ■ Attractive, streamline design ■ Less than 5 lb pull force complies with ADA ■ Solid, die-cast metal construction Description The EST 270 Series Non-Coded Fire Alarm Stations are sturdy, attractive, and designed for economical installation. The station is available in the following operational and functional designs: -The 270 Series provides a single action, break glass initiat- ing station. It is available with normally open (N.O.), nor- mally closed (N.C.) or combination N.O./N.C. contacts. The basic 270 Series have screw terminals for field connection. The 270A Series Manual Stations have 6 inch (150mm) wire leads. -The 270P Series is a break glass, normally open pre-signal station. The pull of the lever sounds an alarm on all pre-signal indicating devices. Inserting a key and turning it will initiate a general evacuation alarm. Screw terminals are provided for field connection. Ordering Information Table FINISH: MARKINGS: Cat. No. 270-DPO 270-SPO 270A-DPO 270A-SPO 270P-DPO 270P-SPO Fire Alarm Red with Aluminum Strips Top -Fire Alarm Handle -Pull in Case of Fire Switch Contacts UL Listed Single Pole Double Pole X X X X X X X X X X X X <8> MEA All non-coded statins are designed for either flush or surface mounting. For flush mounting a 4 inch standard North American square box with single gang plaster cover should be used. For surface mounting the 270 Series or 270P Series, use P-027193 Cast Box, P-039250 Steel Box, or Cat. No. 1291 Housing for weatherproof enclosure. WARNING: These devices will not operate without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power interruptions, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Field Connections Open Circuit Screw Terminals Wire Leads Pre-Signal X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ' EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U.S. SALES: SARASOTA. FL 941-739-4638; FAX941-727-1214 • CANADA SALES: OWEN SOUND, ON 519-376-2430; FAX 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL SALES: 905-270-1711; FAX905-270-9553 • CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: CHESHIRE, CT • U.S. MANUFACTURING: PITTSFIELD, ME Issue 6 Literature Sheet #86001-0303 Page 1 of 2 ounting 4-1/2"' (114mm) L~ 3-1/8"' r (80mm) 7 l 4-1/2"' (114mm) J FRONT ~·~7 (89mm) , .. (25mm)I 0 SIDE P27165 GLASS ROD FLUSSH INSTALALTION USING P-024900 STEEL BOX I 0 3-5132"' (80mm) I STEEL SURFACE BOX FRONT P-039250 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY , .. :=T1-1/2"' (25mm) I (38mm) 0 I 0 7 4-9/16"' (116mm) 0 J (INCLUDED WITH PRl:-SIGNAL STATIONS) ONLY DETAILS FLUSH MTG. UNIT FITS 4" SQ BOX & PLASTER COVER WITH SINGLE GANG OPENING HAVING OVERALL MIN. DEPTH OF 2 1/4" , .. 3-9116"1 (25mm) (90mm) I L __ J 0 r-=---=--=;-I I CAST SURFACE BOX SIDE P-027193 It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements. C> 2000 EST Page 2 of 2 All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information or questions relative to this Specification Sheet, contact EST. Literature Sheet #85001-0303 Printed in U.S.A. Issue 5 LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: NOTE: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & ARE PROTECTION OFACE OF THE STATE ARE MARSHAL ARE ENGINEERING -BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7150-15 91 : 111 Boxes/Pull Stations Page 1 of 1 Edwards Systems Technology, 6411 Parkland Drive, Sarasota, FL 34243 Contact: Leon Newsome (941) 739-4276 F_ax (941) 739-4334 Models 270, 270P, 270-SPO, 270A-SPO, 270-DPO, 270A-DPO, 270-DOC, 2768, 2778, 2788, 2798, 279TC, 279P, 279T, 279L, 276A-REL, 278A-REL., 59668, 5966BR, 59668V, 5966BRV, 62968-270, 6296B-K279, 62968-T279, 8557-8301, 8557-8311, 8558-8301, 8558-8311 and 8558-8312 manual pull stations. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as non-coded fire alarm pull stations for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. 1. Models provided with two-wire lead 'and normally closed switch contacts are not approved for fire alarm signaling use. 2. Formerly 7150-0073:117 and 7150-1388:121 11-02-2002 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: Authorized By: JUNE 17, 2003 DIANE K. ANEN~ Senior Deputy Program Manager Listing Expires June 30, 2.004 GENESIS~ EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES Compatibility ➔ OuickStart FireShield EST2 EST3 LSS4 IRC-3/FCC Field Configurable Horns and Strobes G1 Series Features ■ Unique low-profile design -The most compact UL-1971/ULC-S526 listed strobe available -Ultra-slim -protrudes less than one inch from the wall -Attractiveappearance -No visible mounting screws ■ Four field-configurable options in one device -Select 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd strobe output -Select high (default} or low dB horn output -Selecttemporal (default} or steady horn output -Select public mode flash rate (default} or private mode temporal flash ■ Easy to install -Fits standard 1-gang electrical boxes -no trim plate needed -Optional trim plate accommodates oversized openings -Pre-assembled with captive hardware -#12 AWG terminals-ideal for long runs or existing wiring ■ Unparalleled performance -Industry's most even lightdistribution -Meetstoughsynchronizingstandardsforstrobes -Single microprocessor controls both horn and strobe -Low current draw minimizes system overhead -Independent horn control over a single pair of wires -Highly regulated in-rush current -Multiple frequency tone improves wall penetration -lndustry'sfirsttemporalstrobeoutput Description The Genesis line of signals are among the smallest, most compact audible-visible emergency signaling devices in the world. About the size of a deck of playing cards, these devices are designed to blend with any decor. Thanks to patented breakthrough technology, EST Genesis strobes do not require bulky specular reflectors and lenses. Instead, an exclusive cavity design conditions light to produce a highly controlled distribution pattern. Significant development efforts employing this new technology have given rise to a new bench- mark in strobe performance-Fulllighttechnology. Full light strobe technology produces a smooth light distribution pattern without the spikes and voids characteristic of specular reflectors. This ensures the entire coverage area receives consis- tent illumination from the strobe flash. As a result, Genesis strobes Selectable 15, 30, 15, _ . or 1 10 cd strobe! {~J CE@® <S> a PEA Listings pending One or more patents pending. with Fulllighttechnology go well beyond the minimum OL- required "T" pattern, significantly exceeding UL-1971 and ULC- S526 lightdistribution requirements. Although all Genesis strobes are self-synchronizing, when installed with an optional synchronization module,strobeflashes from devices on the same circuit synchronize to within 10 milliseconds of each other indefinitely. This exceeds the two-hour minimum specified in the UL standards. Only one synchronization module is required per circuit. Genesis strobes and horn-strobes offer 15 to 11 0.candela output, which is selectable with a conveniently-located switch on the side of the device. Thecandela output setting remains clearly visible even after final installation, yet it stays locked in place to prevent unauthorized tampering. Genesis horn outputreachesashighas99 dB and features a unique multiplefrequencytonethatresults in excellentwall penetration and an unmistakable warning of danger. Horns may be configured for either coded or non-coded signal circuits. They can also be set for low dB output with a jumper cutthat reduces horn output by abouts dB. Genesis signals feature textured housings in architecturally neutral white or traditional fire red. An ingenious iconographic symbol indicates the purpose of the device. This universal symbol is code- compliant and is easily recognized by all building occupants regardless of what language they speak. Models with "FIRE" markings are also available. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U.S. SALES: SARASOTA; FL941-739-4638; FAX941-727-1214 • CANADA SALES: OWEN SOUND, ON519-376-2430; FAX519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL SALES: 905-270-1711; FAX905-270-9553 • CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: CHESHIRE, CT • US. MANUFACTURING: PITTSFIELD& NEWPORT, ME Issue 1 Uterature Sheet #85001-0573 Page 1 of6 Not to be used for installation purposes. For the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net. Application Genesis strobes are UL 1971-listed for use indoors as wall- mounted public-mode notification appliances for the hearing impaired. Prevailing codes require strobes to be used where ambient noise conditions exceed 105 dBA (87dBA in Canada), where occupants use hearing protection, and in areas of public accommodation as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (see application notes -USA). Combination horn-strobe signals must be installed in accordance with guidelines established for strobe devices. Strobes The following guidelines are based on ANSI/NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code (1999). When applied and installed in accor- dance with that code, EST strobes meet or exceed the illumina- tion produced by the ADA-specified 75 candela (cd) strobe at 50 feet.* Non-Sleeping Rooms EST wall mounted strobes* Up to 20' x 20' (6.1 m x 6.1 m) One 15 cd strobe Up to 30' x 30' (9.1 m x 9.1 m} One 30 cd or two 15 cd strobes Up to 40' x 40' (12.2 m x 12.2 m} One 75 cd or two 30 cd strobes Up to 50' x 50' (15.2 m x 15.2 m} One 110 cd or two 75 cd strobes Corridors 15 cd strobes spaced at 100' Any length. (30.5 m} max. Strobes must be Maximum width: 20' (6.1m). placed within 15' (4.5m) of each end of the corridor. * ADA suggests using 75 cd strobes throughout an area, with spacing that never exceeds 50 ft from the strobe to any point in the protected space. Non-Sleeping Rooms and Corridors: EST strobes rated at less than 110 cd per UL 1971 are intended for use in non-sleeping areas only. Install with the bottom of the device at least 80 inches (2.0 m) and no more than 96 inches (2.4 m) above the finished floor. No point in any space (including corridors) required to have strobes should be more than 50 feet ( 15.2 m) from the signal (in the horizontal plane). For detailed spacing requirements, consult The Handbook of Visible Notification Appliances for Fire Alarm Applications published by EST Press, or contact your local EST representative. Sleeping rooms: EST 110 cd strobes are intended for use in sleeping rooms and should be installed along with a smoke detector. It must be wall mounted at least 8011 (2.03 m) above floor level, but no closer than 2411 (610 mm) to the ceiling. The distance from the strobe to the pillow must not exceed 16' (4.8 m). Sleeping Rooms EST wall mounted strobe Any size 110 cd within 16 feet of pillow Horns The suggested sound pressure level for each signaling zone used with alert or alarm signals is at least 15 dB above the average ambient sound level, or 5 dB above the maximum sound level having a duration of at least 60 seconds, whichever is greater, measured 5 feet (1.5 m) above the floor. The average ambient sound level is, A- weighted sound pressure measured over a 24-hour period. Doubling the distance from the signal to the ear will theoretically result in a 6 dB reduction of the received sound pressure level. The actual effect depends on the acoustic properties of materials in the space. A 3 dBA difference represents a barely noticeable change in volume. Application Notes -USA Audible signals in the public mode should never have a sound level less than 75 dBA at 1 O' (3 m) per NFPA 72. Signals cannot exceed 120 dBA per ADA and NFPA 72 atthe minimum hearing distance to audible appliance. Strobe and combination horn/strobe devices should be installed with the bottom of the device at least 80 inches (2.0 m) and no more than 96 inches (2.4 m) above the finished floor. Horns should be installed with their tops not less than 6 inches (152 mm) below the ceiling and not less than 90 inches (2.3 m) above the finished floor. Strobes must be used tosupplementaudible signals wherever the average ambient sound level exceeds 105 d BA. Combination audible/visual signals must be installed in accordance with NFPA guidelines established for strobes. ADA requires visible signals in the following areas: • restrooms, meeting rooms, and other common.use areas. • sleeping rooms intended for use by persons with hearing impairment (in accordance with Title 1 of ADA). • work areas used by a person with a hearing impairment (per Title 1 of ADA). Application Notes -Canada (Based in part on 1995 Canada National Building Code) The fire alarm signal sound pressure level shall not exceed 110 dBA in any normally occupied area. The sound pressure level from an audible signal in a floor area used for occupancies other than residential occupancies shall not be less than 10 dBA above ambient levels, and never less than 65 dBA. In sieeping rooms the sound pressure level from an audible signal shall not be less than 75 dBAwhenanyintervening doors between the device and the sleeping room are closed. Audible signal devices shall be installed not less than 1.8 m to the center of the device above the floor (per CAN/ULC S524). The fire alarm audible signal shall be supplemented by fire alarm strobes in any floor area where the ambient noise level exceeds 87 dBA, or where the occupants of the floor area use ear protective devices, are located within an audiometric booth, or are located within sound insulating enclosures. This also applies to assembly occupancies in which music and other sounds associated with performances could exceed 100 dBA Strobes shall be installed in a building so that the flash from one device is visible throughout the floor area or portion thereof in which they are installed. For maximum safety, EST recommends that strobes be installed as per the guidelines shown here under Strobe Spacing. Page 2 of 6 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Literature Sheet #85001-0573 Issue 1 Not to be used for installation purposes. For the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net. Installation Genesis horns and strobes mountto any standard one-gang surface or flush electrical box. Matching optional trim plates are used to cover oversized openings and can accommodate one- gang, two-gang, four-inch square, or octagonal boxes, and Genesis Horn/Strobe with optional trim plate Wiring European 100 mm square. All Genesis signals come pre-as- sembled with captive mounting screws for easy installation. Two tabs atthe top of the signal unlock the cover to reveal the mounting hardware. The shallow depth of Genesis devices leaves ample room behind the signal for extra wiring. Once installed with the cover in place, no mounting screws are visible. Field Configuration Temporal horn and horn-strobe models are factory set to sound in a Field wiring terminals accommodate #18 to #12 AWG (O. 75 mm2 to 2.5 mm2) wiring. Horns, strob~s, and combination horn-strobes are interconnected with a single pair of wires as shown below. Polarity shown in alarm condition To next device or end of line device 04-------' ,_ ________ .. ._ ___ • Note: Strobes must have continuous voltage. three-pulse temporal pattern. Units may be configured for use with coded systems by cutting a jumper on the circuit board. This results in a steady output that can be turned on and off (coded) as the system applies and removes power to the signal circuit. A Genesis Signal Master is required when horn-strobe models are configured for coded systems. Non-temporal, horn-only models sound a steady tone. Genesis strobes and horn-strobes are shipped from the factory ready for use as UL 1971 compliant signals for public mode operation. These signals may be configured for temporal flash by cutting a jumper on the circuit board. This battery-saving feature is intended for private mode signaling only. Genesis strobes and horn-strobes may beset for 15, 30, 75, or 110 candela output. The output setting is'changed by simply opening the device and sliding the switch to the desired setting. The device does not have to be removed to change the output setting. The setting remains visible through a small window on the side of the device after the cover is closed. Horns and horn-strobes are factory set for high dB output. Low dB output may be selected by cutting a jumper on the circuit board. This reduces the output by about 5 dB. Issue 1 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Literature Sheet #85001-0573 Page3 of6 Not to be used for installation purposes. For the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net. Specifications Housing Red or white textured UV stabilized, color impregnated engineered plastic. Exceeds 94V-O UL flammability rating. Lens Optical grade polycarbonate (clear) Mounting Flush mount: 2½ inch (64 mm) deep one-gang box Surface mount: EST model 27193 surface mount box, wiremold box, or equivalent surface-mount box {indoor wall mount only) With optional trim plate: One-gang, two-gang, four-inch square, octagonal, or European single-gang box Wire connections Screw terminals: single input for both horn and strobe. #18 to #12 AWG (0.75 mm2 to 2.5 mm2) wire size Operating environment Indoor only: 32-120°F (0-49°C) ambient temperature. 93% relative humidity Agency UL 1971, UL 1638, UL464, ULC S525, ULC S526, CE, FCC, (MEA, FM, CSFM pending). listings/approvals (All models comply with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule.) Dimensions (HxWxD) Signal: 4-1/211 x 2-3/411 x 13/1611 (113 mm x 68 mm x 21 mm) Trimplate: 5" (127 mm); Height-5-7/81 (149 mm); Depth -½" (13 mm) G1-HD series temporal-tone horns: non-coded, filtered 16-33 Vdc or unfiltered 16-33 Vdc FWR (or coded when horn set to steady tone) Operating voltage G1-HDVM series temporal-tone horn-strobes: non-coded, filtered 16-33 Vdc or unfiltered ~6-33 Vdc FWR (or coded (audible NAC only) when used with optional G1M Genesis Signal Master) G1-VM series strobes: non-coded, filtered 16 -33 Vdc or unfiltered 16-33 Vdc FWR G1-P series steady-tone horns: coded or non-coded, filtered 20-31 Vdc or unfiltered 20-27 Vfwr Strobe output rating UL 1971, UL 1638, ULC S526: selectable 15 cd, 30 cd, 75 cd, or 110 cd output G1-VM strobes and G1-HDVM series temporal-tone horn-strobes: one flash per second synchronized with Strobe flash rate optional G1M Genesis Signal Master indefinitely within 10 milliseconds (or self-synchronized within 200 milliseconds over thirty minutes on a common circuit without G1 M Genesis Signal Master) Temporal setting (private mode only): synchronized to temporal output of horns on same circuit Compatible synchronization G1M, G1M-RM, SIGA-CC1S, SIGA-MCC1S modules* G1-HD temporal-tone horns and G1-HDVM series temporal-tone horn-strobes: temporal rate synchronized Horn pulse rate with optional G1M Genesis Signal Master indefinitely within 10 milliseconds (or self-synchronized within 200 milliseconds over thirty minutes on a common circuit without G1 M Genesis Signal Master) G1-P steady-tone horns: continuous, steady tone only Temporal audible pattern ½ sec ON,½ sec OFF,½ sec ON,½ sec OFF,½ sec ON, 1½ sec OFF, then repeat cycle * Not compatible with G 1-P Series horns. d BAoutput Temporal Horns, Horn-strobes (G1-HD, G1-HDVM series) -High dB Setting UL464 Average Peak Temporal Steady Temporal/Steady Temporal/Steady 16Vdc 81.4 85.5 91.4 94.2 24Vdc 84.4 88.6 94.5 97.6 33Vdc 86.3 90.4 96.9 99.5 Temporal Horns, Horn-strobes (G1-HD, G1-HDVM series)-Low dB Setting UL464 Average Temporal Steady Temporal/Steady 16 Vdc 76.0 80.1 86.3 24Vdc 79.4 83.5 89.8 33Vdc 82.1 86.5 92.5 Steady Tone Homs (G1-P series) UL464 Average 20Vdc 76.7 89.5 24Vdc 77.1 90 31 Vdc 77.2 90.4 Notes 1. All values shown are dBA measured at 1 0feet (3.01 m). 2 UL464 values measured in reverberation room. Peak Temporal/Steady 89.2 92.5 95.3 Peak 91 91.1 91 .6 3. Average and Peak values are measured in anechoic chamber. Average Sound Output {dBA) (High dB setting, anecho~, 24V, measured at 1 Oft) -80" 1211110100 IIO IIO 70 80 50 40 JO 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 50 70 BO IIO 100 110120 90' Light outpu t -{effective cd) Percent of UL rating versus angle .1~--------15• o• Page 4of6 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Literature Sheet #85001-0573 Not to be used for installation purposes. For the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net. Issue 1 Current Draw Strobes, Horn-Strobes Multi-cct Wall Strobes (G1-VM) UL Nameplate Ratin~ (UL 1971, Effective May 2004) 15cd 30cd 75cd RMS RMS RMS I 16Vdc 103 141 255 I 16 Vfwr 125 179 346 Typical Current (Measured by EST) 15cd 30cd 75cd RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean 16Vdc 85 79 127 124 245 243 20Vdc 71 66 98 96 188 186 24Vdc 59 55 82 80 152 150 33Vdc 46 44 64 63 112 111 16Vfwr 119 64 169 97 332 203 20Vfwr 103 51 143 76 253 150 24 Vfwr 94 44 129 65 218 121 33Vfwr 87 37 112 52 179 89 110cd RMS 311 392 110cd RMS Mean 285 283 240 238 191 190 137 136 376 240 331 198 262 152 205 106 Multi-cct Wall Temporal Hom-strobes (G1-HDVM) -High dB Setting UL Nameplate Rating (UL 1971, Effective May 2004) 15 cd 30cd 75cd 110cd RMS RMS RMS RMS r 16Vdc 129 167 281 337 r 16Vfwr 176 230 397 443 Typical Current (Measured by EST) 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean 16Vdc 102 89 135 129 246 242 309 305 20Vdc 88 77 109 104 193 190 248 243 24Vdc 81 71 94 90 161 158 203 200 33Vdc 74 64 72 74 124 121 154 151 16Vfwr 144 77 182 106 352 212 393 249 20Vfwr 141 68 162 87 274 158 362 210 24 Vfwr 136 65 152 76 235 133 282 165 33Vfwr 125 54 144 65 201 101 232 123 Multi-cd Wall Temporal Horn-strobes (G1-HDVM) -Low dB Setting UL Nameplate Rating (UL 1971, Effective May 2004) 15 cd 30cd 75cd 110cd RMS RMS RMS RMS I 16Vdc 122 160 274 330 I 16Vfwr 162 216 383 429 Typical Current (Measured by EST) 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean 16Vdc 96 84 130 124 243 240 302 297 20Vdc 79 70 104 99 189 186 241 237 24Vdc 68 61 88 84 156 154 197 193 33Vdc 56 52 71 68 118 116 146 143 16Vfwr 128 69 180 104 344 204 389 244 20Vfwr 118 60 157 84 266 156 343 200 24 Vfwr 113 54 144 74 230 128 279 161 33Vfwr 112 48 137 64 197 99 226 117 Horns Wall Temporal Horns (G1-HD) UL Nameplate Rating (UL464 Effective May 2004) High dB Low dB RMS RMS 16Vdc 26 19 24Vdc 36 27 33Vdc 41 33 16 Vfwr 51 37 24 Vfwr 69 52 33 Vfwr 76 70 Typical Current (Measured by EST) High dB Low dB RMS Mean RMS Mean 16Vdc 22 17 17 14 20Vdc 24 19 19 16 24Vdc 27 21 22 18 33Vdc 32 25 26 22 16Vfwr 34 15 30 14 20 Vfwr 40 19 34 16 24 Vfwr 45 21 38 18 33 Vfwr 52 24 47 22 Wall Horns (G1-P) UL Nameplate Rating Measured by EST RMS RMS Mean 20Vdc 9 10 10 24Vdc 10 11 11 31 Vdc 12 12 12 20Vfwr 8 9 8 24 Vfwr 9 10 9 Notes and Comments 1. Currentvalues are shown in mA. 2. UL Nameplate Rating can vary from Typical Currentdueto measure- ment methods and instruments used. 3. EST recommends using the Typical Current for system design including NAC and Power Supply loading andvoltagedropcalculations. 4. Use the Vdc RMS current ratings for filtered power supply and battery AH calculations. Use the Vfwr RMS current ratings for unfiltered power supply calculations. 5. Fuses, circuit breakers and other overcurrent protection devices are typically rated for curre,nt in RMS values. Most of these devices operate based upon the heating affect of the currentflowing through the device. The RMS current (not the mean current) determines the heating affect and therefore, the trip and hold threshold forthose devices. 6. Our industry has used 'mean' currents over the years. However, UL will d irectthe industry to use the 2004 RMS values in the tutu re. i Issue 1 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Literature Sheet #85001-0573 Page 5 of6 Not to be used for Installation purposes. For the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net. Ordering Information Catalog Number White Finish Red Finish G1-HDVM G1R-HDVM G1-VM G1R-VM G1-HD G1R-HD G1-P G1R-P G1F-HDVM G1RF-HDVM G1F-VM G1RF-VM G1F-HD G1RF-HD G1F-P G1RF-P Mounting Accessories G1T G1RT G1T-FIRE G1RT-FIRE 27193-16 27193-11 Synchronization Modules G1M G1M-RM SIGA-CC1S SIGA-MCC1S 'ilt .00.·. ,amnm FIHE Description Genesis Hom-Strobe {selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd output, selectable high/low dB output) Genesis Strobe {selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd output) Genesis Temporal Horn {selectable high/low dB output) Genesis Steady Hom {not compatible with Genesis Signal Master) Genesis Hom-Strobe {selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd output, selectable high/low dB output) -with 11FIRE11 marking Genesis Strobe (selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd output) -with 11FIRE11 marking Genesis Temporal Horn (selectable high/low dB output) -with 11FIRE11 marking Genesis Steady Hom with 11FIRE11 marking (not compatible with Genesis Signal Master) Genesis Trim Plate (for two-gang or 411 square boxes) Genesis Trim Plate {for two-gang or 411 square boxes) with 11FIRE11 markings One-gang surfa~e mount box Genesis Signal M~ster -Snap-on Mount Genesis Signal Master -Remote Mount (1-gang) Intelligent Synchronization Output Module (2-gang) Intelligent Synchronization Output Module (Plug-in UIO) Genesis Horn-Strobes may be ordered in red or white, with or without 'FIRE' marking. Ship Wt. lbs(kg) 0.25 (0.11) 0.15 (0.7) 0.15 (0.7) 1 (0.4) 0.1 (0.5) 0.5 {0.23) 0.18 (0.08) WARNING: These devices will not operate without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power interruptions, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. These visible signal appliances' flash intensity may not be adequate to alert or awaken occupants in the protected area. Research indicates thatthe intensity of strobe needed to awaken 90% of sleeping persons is approximately 100 ed. EST recommends that strobes in sleeping rooms be 11 0 cd minimum. Genesis and Fulllight Strobe Technology are trademarks of Edwards Systems Technology, Inc. © 2002 EST Page 6of6 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information or questions relative to this Specification Sheet, contact EST. Uterature Sheet #85001-0573 Not to be used for installation purposes. Printed in U.S.A. (origin) Issue 1 For the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net. A product of EST Marketing, Sarasota, FL LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: RATING: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL:· NOTE: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFJCE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING -BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7125-1591:202 Fire Alarm Devices for the Hearing Impaired Page 1 of 1 Edwards Systems Technology, 6411 Parkland Drive, Sarasota, FL 34243 Contact: Leon· NeVJSome (941) 739-4276 Fax (941) 739-4334 Models "EST" G1-P, G1-H, G1-HO, GlF-P, GIRF-P, GIF-HO, GIRF-HO electronic horns; Models "EST'' G1-HV15, -HV30, -HV60, -HV-75, G1-HOV15, -HOV30, -HOV60, -HOV75, -HOV110, GIF-HOV15, -HOV30, -HOV60, -HOV75, -HOV110, GIRF-HOV15, -HOV30, -HOV60, -HOV75, -HOV110, *G1-HD, *G1R-HD, *G1F-HD, *G1RF-HD, *G1-HDVM, *G1R-HDVM, *G1F-HDVM, *G1RF-HDVM horn strobes with or without suffixes -R and -F. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product descrjption and operational considerations. Electrical: 24-30 voe Candela: 15cd,30cd,60cd, 75cd, 110cd In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating and UL label. Listed as horns and horn/strobe lights for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. For indoor use and wall mount only. These horns can produce a distinctive temporal code pattern in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition. Formerly 7125-1388:231 *Rev. 07-29-03 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: Authorized By: JUL V 29, 2003 DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Listing Expires June 30, 2004 TIA EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY CONVENTIONAL INITIATING DEVICES Compatibility -+ QuickStart FireShield EST3 LSS4 Low-profile Plug-in Photoelectric Detector EC30U-3 Features ■ Sensitive to visible and invisible products of combustion Finely tuned to sense all fire types, especially slow burning, smoldering fires fuelled by combustibles typically found in modern multi-use buildings. ■ Stable, reliable design Uses the light scattering principle for smoke detection and is not affected by air movement. ■ Non-polarized Simplifies installation of field wiring ■ Simple to install, difficult to vandalize Twist-and-lock design saves installation and maintenance time. Field-configurable locking mechanism prevents unauthorized removal. ■ Flexible mounting options Compatible standard base mounts to 1-gang, 4" octagonal, BESA, or European single-gang boxes. ■ At-a-glance alarrt) indication An on-board high"..intensity LED glows bright red when the unit is in alarm, making alarm response a simple and straightforward operation. ■ Easy to maintain Removable housing and insect mesh facilitates cleaning. ■ Attractive appearance with clean, modern lines Low-profile design blends easily with surroundings, extending less than 2½11 (61 mm) from the ceiling, including base. Description EC30U-3 low-profile plug-in photoelectric detectors measure-up to the quality and performance standards that have made EST fire detection products the industry's best price-performance buy available today. Meticulously engineered to deliver high-perfor- mance features, superb reliability, and unbeatable quality, the EC30U-3 is a low-cost solution for conventional detection applica- tions. The EC30U-3 distinguishes itself as a performance leader in its class with its highly stable design that resists air movements caused by heating and air conditioning, and changing environ- mental conditions. This makes it a reliable performer ideally suited to modern building interiors. Shown with base, ordered separately i ® @ CE The installation and maintenance advantages of the EC30U-3 add value to this detector throughout its service life. Its twist-and-lock design makes short work of installation and maintenance opera- tions. A plastic breakout on the detector housing optionally prevents removal from the base except with a special tool. A bright, easy-to-see LED on the detector glows steady when it is in alarm, thus eliminating much of the guesswork when responding to front-panel indications. If a detector is removed for any reason while the panel is in its normal state, a zone trouble condition will result. This ensures the integrity of the alarm system at all times. EC30U-3 detectors are manufactured to strict international ISO 9001 standards. All electronics employ surface mount technol- ogy (SMT) for smaller size and greater immunity to RF noise. A corrosion-resistent conformal coating is used to seal components against dust and humidity. Application Thanks to its high-performance photoelectric sensor, the EC30U-3 responds quickly and reliably to all fire types, especially slow burning fires fuelled by combustibles typically found in modern multi-use buildings. Particles as small as 0.5 microns will be detected by the sensing element, triggering an alarm atthe first sign of smoke. EST recommends that all detectors be installed according to the latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U.S.SALES: SARASOTA, FL941-739-4200; FAX941-727-0740 • CANADASALES: OWEN SOUND, ON 519-376-2430; FAX519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL SALES: 905-270-1711 ; FAX 905-270-9553 • CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: CHESHIRE, CT • U.S. MANUFACTURING: PITTSFIELD and NEWPORT, ME Issue 1.1 Literature Sheet #86001-0662 Page 1 of 2 Not to be used for installation purposes. For the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net. ..,ompatibility Panel model Zone model Maximum Detectors UL ULC Zone ID UL I ULC OuickStart ZA8-2, ZB16-4 40 30 100 EST1-2Z3, -2Z3R, -2Z6, -2ZR 462213-2101, -2102, -2104, -2105 40 00 EST3 IDC8/4 48 30 00 I 0.0 LSS4/12(R), LSS4/36(R), LSS4/52(R) 8ZEXP, 4CLA, Motherboard 48 0.0 LSS4(R) 4ZEXP 48 0.0 130108,240113,240119 48 3289B IRC-3 130082, 48 3289A 240124 (RZB12-6 only) 48 5389 FCC 130108,240113,240119 48 3289B 130082 48 3289A FireShield CPU 24 24 100 I 100 Mounting Specifications Operating Voltage Range 14-30 Vdc Normal Operating Current 62µA l-•·<•1mm) Alarm Current 100 mA (max.) limited by control panel Sensitivity Range 1.38 -3.08% obs/ft Test Feature Sensitivity reading using Test/Picker Tool 4.65" (116 mm) Operating Environment Altitude Not Applicable Temperature 32° F to 100° F (0° C to 38° C) EC Series with Standard Base Humidity 20 -95% RH (non condensing) Air Velocity 0 -5,000 ft/min (manufacturer rated) _tandard bases mount to the following electrical boxes: 0 -300 ft/min (UL listed) • North American 3½ inch octagon boxes Storage Environment 32° F to 120° F (0° C to 49° C) Temperature • North American 4 inch o'ctagon boxes Maximum Spacing 30 ft (9. 1 m) centers • North American 1-gang electrical boxes Construction White molded high-impact • European 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers fire-retardant plastic UL Compatibility ID A • European BESA boxes Compatible Bases · See Ordering Information Wiring Ordering Information The detector mounting bases will accept#18AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2),#14AWG(1.5mm2)and#12AWG(2.5mm2)wiresizes. Model Description CSBU-1: Standard detector base Provides plug-in tamper-resistant mounting. Includes screw terminals for connection of installa- tion wires. Terminal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DNalpllon Notuaed OUT(-) IN (-) Notuaed IN/OUT(-) Notuaed Notuaed LED EC30U-3 CSBU-1 CSB4U-1 CRB4U-1 CSBU-3 C-LED C-TRIM C-PST Low-profile Plug-in Photoelectric Detector Standard detector base 411 Standard detector base 411 Detector base with relay Detector base with resistor Remote Alarm LED Trim skirt for standard base Detector picker/sensitivity tester EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements. © 2002 EST Page 2 of 2 All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information or questions relative to this Specification Sheet contact EST. Literature Sheet #86001-0562 Not to be used for lnstallatlon purposes. For the most current literature end updates visit www.est.net. Ship Wt. lb (kg) 0.25 (0.11) 0.11 (0.05) 0.4 (0.18) 0.4 (0.18) 1.4 (0.64) Printed in U.S.A. Issue 1.1 LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: RATING: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: NOTE: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING -BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7272-1591 :135 Page 1 of 1 Photoelectric Smoke Detector Edwards Systems Technology, 6411 Parkland Drive, Sarasota, FL 34243 Contact: Leon Newsome (941) 739-4276 Fax (941) 739-4334 Model EC30U-3 photoelectric type, 2-wire smoke detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. 12-30 VDC In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as a photoelectric type smoke detector for use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Formerly 7272-1388:245 11-02-2002 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: Authorized By: JUNE 17, 2003 DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Listing Expires June 30, 2004 LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: RATING: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: XLF: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING -BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7271-1501 :136 Ionization Smoke Detector *Edwards Signaling, 90 Fieldstone Court, Cheshire, CT 06410 Contact: David Mazur (203) 699-3000 Fax (203) 699-3100 Page 1 of 1 Model CSBU-1 smoke detector base. Base is for use with Models SC1 0U-3, SC30U-3, smoke detector heads and Models SC20FTU-3 and SC20RRU-3 heat detector heads. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. 24VDC In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as an ionization smoke detector base for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. 7271-1591 :214 *Rev. 06-17-2003 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: Authorized By: JUNE 17, 2003 DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Listing Expires June 30, 2004 +ARRCW Unshielded Fire Alarm APPROVALS: UL Listed FPLR NEC Article 7 60 California state fire marshal Temperature -20C to + 75C Suggested working voltage 300V CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: solid bare copper Insulation: PVC Jacket: Red PVC with sequential foot markings APPLICATIONS: Fire protective circuits Smoke detectors Burglar alarms Monitor detection Parallel Fire Alarm CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: bare copper Insulation: Red PVC ribbed for polarity identification PACKAGING: 1000 ft reels or Arrow-pales 500 ft reels or Arrow-pales Arrow part no. 16FA4 16FA6 16FA8 16FA10 16FA12 16FA16 16HA2 16HA3 16HA4 16HA6 16HA8 16HA10 16HA12 16JA2 16JA4 16KA2 16KA4 16LA2 161,.A4 Arrow part no. 12HA2 12JA2 12KA2 AWG& STRD 22SOLID 22SOLID 22SOLID llSOLID 22SOLID llSOLID 18SOLID 18SOLID 18SOLID 18SOLID. 18SOLID 18SOLID 18SOLID 16 SOLID 16SOLID 14 SOLID 14SOLID llSOLID 12SOLID AWG& STRD 18SOLID 16SOLID 14SOLID No. Conductors 4 6 8 10 12 16 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 2 4 2 . 4 No. Conductors 2 2 2 FIRE ALARM CABLE Nominal Weight per 0.0. 1000ft .141 16.5 .168 22.4 .182 28.7 .214 . 36.9 ·.221 42.4 .260 53.0 · .152 17.4 .163 24.0 .177 30.4 .212 44.6 .230 . 58.0 .273 72.4 .281 85.0 .174 25.3 .20S · 46.6 .21S 38.6 .251 72.0 .248 59.3 .294 99.5 Nominal Weight Per O.D. 1000ft .105 X .195 18.3 ·.115 X .230 25.9 I .128 X .242 40.S /. • +ARROW Direct Burial / Outdoor Tray Cable APPROVALS: UL Listed 1277 NEC Article 340 Temperature -20C to +90C Working voltage 600V CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: bare copper Insulation: PVC I Nylon Jacket: Black PVC Sunlight / weather Resistant APPLICATIONS: Process control & instrumentation Lighting & signal circuits Direct burial Sunlight / Weather resistant Outdoor aerial when supported with messenger COLOR CODE: 1 Blaclc 9 Orange/Black 17 Blaclc/Blue 2Rcd 10 Yellow/Blade 18 Red/Blue 3 Blue 11 Brown/Black 19 Orange/Blue 40range 12 Black/Red 20 Yellow/Blue 5Yellow 13 Blue/Red 21 Brown/Blue 6 Brown 14 Orange/Red 22 Black/Orange 7 Red/Black 15 Yellow/Red 23 Red/Orange 8 Blue/Black 16Brown/Red 24 Blue/Orange Arrow part no. 50HB2 50HB4 50HB6 50HB8 50HB10 50HB12 50HB15 50HB16 50HB20 50HB25 50JB2 50JB4 50JB6 50JB8 50JB10 50JB12 50JB16 50JB20 50JB25 50JB30 50KE2 50KE4 50KE6 50KE8 25 Yellow/Orange 50KE10 26 Brown/Orange 50KE12 27 Black/Yellow 50KE15 28 Red/Yellow 50KE16 29 BludY ellow 50KE20 30 Orange/Yellow 50KE25 PHONE# 800-659-3.655 AWG& No. STRD Conductors 18(7) 2 18(7) 4 18(7) 6 18(7) 8 18(7) 10 18(7) 12 18(7) 15 18(7) 16 18(7) 20 18(7) 25 16(7) 2 16(7) 4 16(7) 6 16(7) 8 16(7) 10 16(7) 12 16(7) 16 16(7) 20 16(7) 25 16(?) 30 14(19) 2 14(19) 4 14(19) 6 14(19) 8 14(19) 10 14(19) 12 14(19) 15 14(19) 16 14(19) 20 14(19) .25 OUTDOOR TRAY CABLE Nominal Weight per 0.0. 1000ft .269 4M .305 62.5 .367 89.8 .380 99.0 .445 127.0 .460 156.0 .490 169.0 .510 191.0 i .580 226.0 .650 285.0 .289 · 49.0 .325 78.9 .390 98.0 .440 126.0 .480 158.0 .490 198.0 .600 240.0 . .650 294.0 .710 362.0 .770 428.0 .325 65.5 .363 108.0 .430 140.0 .480 185..0 .570 230.0 .590 275.0 .660 330.0 .670 350.0 .720 420.0 .800 520.0 27 LISTING No. CATEGORY: USTEE: DESIGN: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FiRE PROTECTION OF.FICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING -BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7161-1486:102 Cables-Fire Protectiye Signaling lsotecl Inc.I 1780 Birchwoodl Des Plainesl IL 60018 Contact: Douglas H. Guevara (84 7) 299-9299 Page 1 of 1 Type FPL, FPLP and FPLR power limited fire protective signaling cables. lnsufation -PVC Compound GA 3132, Gary Smokeguard 4010, solid high or low density polyethylene or solid polypropylene. Shields -(Optional) AH metal tape shield applied heHcaUy or longitudinally over the conductor core, over each insulated conductor, over each insulated conductor pair or over any group of insulated conductors. Jacket -PVC Compound GA-94-120D, Gary Smokeguard U 6920, Gary GW-2403-1 , North American plastics 1188002, Global GA 3133, GA 509. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. In accordance with Hstee's printed installatton instructions, NEC Article 760, applicable codes and ordinances, and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, type FPL, FPLP or FPLR, rating and UL label. Listed as power limited fire protective signaling cables. Reinstated 08-03-98 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an jndependent verification of any claims. This Usting is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: Authorized By: JUNE 15, 2002 DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Listing Expires June 30, 2003