October 31, 2019
Mr. Mark Elliott
Elliott Drilling Services, Inc.
1342 Barham Drive
San Marcos, CA 92078
Re: Carlsbad Inn
Carlsbad, California
a & Date
Fax (760) 722-1404
Subject: Response to City Comments Round 3, on Plans Dated 8/30/2019 DEC 0 3 2019
Project ID GR2019-020
I It
Dear Mr. Elliott: LAND
Shoring Design Group is in receipt of the 3 plan review comments prepared by Michael Baker International, on
behalf of the City of Carlsbad, regarding the above referenced project. In response, Shoring Design Group (SDG)
offers the following responses:
Response to Comments on Sheet SH8
Transformer box & sidewalk callouts are typically not shown at this scale for the overall site plan.
However, for the sake of permit, please see call outs to the existing transformer box & sidewalk, as
It is our understanding that construction fencing is required within the public right-of-way. The proposed
construction staging plan (see attached) submitted to the city has the fencing beyond the right-of-way
under a separate permit. Furthermore, this information is outside the scope of services & shall be
resolved through a separate right-of-way permit (by others).
See updated line type for the property line as directed.
The 1" = 24' scale is typical for shoring (as noted in last plan check). Furthermore, the requested scale at
1" = 20', is too small for the overall site plan view & will not show the full scope.
Response to Comments on Sheet SH9
See fence line per response item #2 above.
See call outs to the existing pedestrian easement & sidewalk.
Construction fencing is being submitted under a right-of-way permit. Please see updated note for
reference to fencing & sidewalk closure (by others).
Response to Comments on Sheet SH11
1. No matchline is needed at the location specified (see last plan check). The reader can clearly define the
extents of shoring by looking at the profile view. Additional matchlines will only clutter the plan and make
it difficult to read.
Response to Comments on Sheet SH12
This was addressed in the previous plan check. The transformer box is being relocated near the parking
garage entrance, as shown on sheet SH8. This relocation is outside the scope of shoring & is not the
responsibility of the shoring engineering. However, for the sake of permit, please see the updated call out
that now says permanently relocated.
The extent of sidewalk removal will match the location of the proposed shoring & grading shown. For
clarity, see the updated hatchline the depicts the locations.
No matchline is needed. See response to item 1 (sheet SH11).
Temporary fencing & pedestrian parking is outside the scope of temporary shoring and is under a
separate right-of-way permit & traffic control plan (by others). For clarity, see please see updated note for
reference to fencing, sidewalk closure, and temporary pedestrian parking.
Response to Comments on Sheet SH13 & SH14
1. The temporary shoring plans already have a call out to the handrail detail per 1/SH16 (See 1' & 2 round
of plans submitted). See sheets SH13 & 14 for the additional call out as directed.
Response to Comments on Sheet SH16
Detail 2/SH16: See updated dimension call out. Pipes will be called pipe brace for consistency.
Detail 3/SH16: See updated text "pipe brace".
Detail 4/SH16: Analysis for the anchors was provided in section 15 of the April 8, 2019 calculations (1's
submittal). Attached is the analysis Included the manufacturer specifications.
Detail 7/S16: Measuring the strut location relative to the existing wall is not practical due to the overall
wall height at the elevator shaft. Strut location shall be positioned based on the elevation provided per
plan, as noted in profile view & soldier beam schedule.
Should you have any additional questions or comments regarding this matter, please advise.
'1 C 80503 rn
'4Exp. 3/31/21 1 1*)
Roy P. Reed, P.E.
Project Engineer
Enclosed: Pipe strut anchor design -Detail 4/SH16
Temporary Staging & Deliveries Plan (By Others)
Shoring Design Group
7755 Via Francesco #1
San Diego, CA 92129
Carlsbad Inn
Eng: RPR Sheet j.of_
Date: 7/23/2019
Pipe Strut Design
Pipe Sturt Attributes & Properties
P:= 35.2. kip = Reaction/Load tributary to strut support (4.4kLf max reaction)
:= 35-deg = Angle of restrained strut with horizontal
L:= 15-ft
if(a=0, 1, COS ())
= Pipe strut unbraced Length
= Pipe strut load
Strut Prooerties
Pipe a "6-inch Sch. 40 Pipe" ASTM A53 Gr. B
A= 5.2•in2 d0= 6.6. in I = 26.5. in r= 2.3. in Fy:= 354i 'y:= 490.pcf
tw = 0.261•in d = 6.1-in Z = 10.6•1n3 E:= 29000.ksi Fu:= 65•ksi K:= 1
Slenderness Ratio - AISC Table 84.1 d0•tw 1 = 25.4
0.11. E = 91.1
0.07.E 0.31. E
Compression = "Non-Slender"
= 58 = 256.9
Fy Fy
Flexure = "Compact"
Wall Brace Deslgn.xmcdz
Shoring Design Group
7755 Via Francesco #1
San Diego, CA 92129
Carlsbad Inn
Eng: RPR Sheet ..!34 .of_
Date: 7/23/2019
Concentric Compression_AISC Chapter E 11= 1.67 -> Allowable strength safety factor
Flexural Buckling - "Won-Slender Element'
K.L it F — Fy - = 80 ---> Slenderness Ratio e 2
r Fe
Lr )
FT = Nominal compressive stress - AISC E.3-2 & E3-3 —
Fcr:= O.658>
Fy if ~471
0.877. Fe otherwise
Fcr A
Allowable compressive force - AISC E.3-1 n Pc = 78.5. kip
Flexure (Dead Load)_AISC Chapter F M:=
Slenderness Ratio - AISC Table B4.1 d0.tw 1 = 25.4
---> Dead load maximum bending
0.45. E
= 372.9 ---> AISC F8
Mc:= I Z Fy. if Flexure = "Compact"
( 0.021•E ' S
+ Fy . - if Flexure = "Non-Compact"
do* tw' )fl
O.33•E.S otherwise
d0•tw 1f
Allowable Bendina - AISC F8
M = 0.5. ft. kip
Mc = 18.5. ft. kip
AISC HI-la & HI-lb
R 1Interaction:= 8
.(M if R ~ 0.20
Mc )j Pc
(R M'
I - + - otherwise
2.Pc Mc) Interaction = 0.571
Unity = "Oki'
Wall Brace Design.xmcdz
Shoring Design Group
7755 Via Francesco #1
San Diego, CA 92129
Bearing Plate Connection
R=43.kip = Maximum strut design Load
Carlsbad Inn
Eng: RPR Sheetj.jof_
Date: 7/23/2019
fm:= 1500. psi
Areq :=
0.60. fm'- 0.25
= CMU waLL compressive strength
= Minimum bearing area required
Areq= 191 -in 2 ijAreq= 13.8.in--> Use 16" square plate b:= 16-in L:= 16-in
Determine minimum plate thickness
Fy:= 36•ksl
P fa:= -
b• L
1 .
(b_ IJU A 0
Mmax:= —I •fa.in 2 2 )
= Bearing plate yieLd. stress
= Maximum bearing stress
= Maximum bending moment
Sr := Mmax = Required section modulus
t:= - = Radius of gyration
.4 in
t = 0.56. in. Use 5/8" thick steel plate
Wall Brace Design.xmcdz
.' Shoring Design Group Carlsbad Inn
7755 Via Francesco #1 Eng: RPR Sheetjof_
San Diego, CA 92129 Date: 7/23/2019
Wall Anchorage Support
Anchor "Hilti HIT70 CMU Epoxy Anchors"
K:= 0.65 = Coefficient of friction between block & steel plate
dia:= 0.75. in = Nominal anchor diameter
Fv:= 4090. Lb = Allowable shear load
N:= R.(1 -
= Number or anchors required
Slab on Grade Support
Use 3/4" with 3-1/2" embedment
Wall Brace Deslgn.xmcdz
The following excerpt are pages from the North American
Product Technical Guide, Volume 2: Anchor Fastening, Edition
Please refer to the publication in its entirety for complete details
on this product including data development, product
specifications, general suitability, installation, corrosion and
spacing and edge distance guidelines.
US: httD://submittals.us.hilti.com/PTGVol2/
CA: http://submittals.us.hilti.com/PTGVoI2CA/
To consult directly with a team member regarding our anchor
fastening products, contact Hilti's team of technical support
specialists between the hours of 7:00am - 6:00pm CST.
US: 877-749-6337 or HNATechnicalSeMceschilti.com
CA: 1-800-363-4458, ext. 6 or CATechnicalSeMces(hilti.com
HIM, Inc.
7250 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1000
Piano, TX 75024
HIT-HY 70 Hybrid for Masonry Construction 3.2.6 Product description
The HIT-HY 70 adhesive anchor system
is used to anchor building components
to grouted and ungrouted concrete
block walls, solid and hollow brick
walls and unreinforced multiple wythe
brick walls referred to as unreinforced
masonry or URM.
HIT-HY 70 is an injectable two-
component hybrid adhesive mortar.
The two components are separated
by means of a dual-cylinder foil pack
attached to a manifold. An injection
nozzle with an internal mixing element
is attached to the manifold, and the
adhesive components are dispensed
through the injection nozzle to ensure
their proper mixing. The injection nozzle
may be replaced to permit interruptions
in the use of the cartridges. Only
injection tools and static mixing nozzles
as recommended by the manufacturer's
printed installation instructions may
be used.
The HIT-HY 70 adhesive anchor
systems consists of steel all thread
rods, steel internally threaded inserts,
combi inserts, reinforcing bars, plastic-
mesh screen tubes for installation only
in unreinforced masonry (URM), hollow
concrete block, and hollow brick walls,
and the HIT-HY 70 adhesive.
For clay tile, terracotta, and masonry
applications that are not specifically
addressed in this Technical Guide,
please contact Hilti Technical Services.
Guide Specifications
Master Format Section:
Previous 2004 Format
03250 031600 Concrete
Related Sections:
03200 032000 Concrete
05050 055000 Metal
05120 051000 Structural metal
Urethane Methacrylate injectable
adhesive is used for installation
of post-installed reinforcing steel,
anchor rods and inserts into existing
masonry and brick construction. Him
HIT-HY 70 is dispensed through
side-by-side packs and mixed as the
adhesive is dispensed through a static
mixing nozzle
Plastic mesh screen tubes shall
be used in conjunction with the
injectable adhesive when reinforcing
steel or anchors are post-installed in
unreinforced masonry (URM), ungrouted
concrete block, brick with holes or
other masonry construction with voids.
The screen tubes are manufactured
with a mesh size, length and diameter
matched the anchor or reinforcing steel.
HIT-HY 70 adhesive, HIT-SC screen
tubes, HAS threaded rods, HIT-IC
inserts and HIS-N insert shall be
furnished by Hilti.
Installation shall be performed in
accordance with the manufacturer's
published installation instructions. Product description Material specifications Technical data Installation instructions Ordering information
ICC-ES (International Code Council)
ICC-ES (International Code Council)
ESR-3342 URM
City of Los Angeles
Research Report No. 25980
Research Report No. 25947 URM
LEEDO Credit 4.1-Low Emitting
The Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED5) Green
Building Rating systerrim is the nationally
accepted benchmark for the design,
construction and operation of high
performance green buildings.
[A Material specifications
Table 1 - Properties of fully-cured HIT-HY 70 adhesive
Compressive strength ASTM D695/DIN 53454 7,252-10,153 psi 50-70 MPa
Modulus of elasticity (Compression test) ASTM D790/DIN 53452 246,568 psi 1,700 MPa
Water absorption ASTM D570/DIN 53495 3-8%
Electrical resistance VDE/DIN 0303T3 4.2 x 10" ohm/In. 1 1.065 x 1012 ohm/cm
For material specifications for anchor rods and inserts, please refer to section 3.2.8.
Hilti, Inc. (US) 1.800-879.8000 I www.hlltt.com I en españcl 1-800-879-5000 1 Hilti (Canada) cop. 1-800-363-4458 1 www.hlltl.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 223
3.2.6 HIT-HY 70 Hybrid for Masonry Construction Technical data
Table 2- Hllti HIT-HY 70 allowable adhesive bond tension loads for threaded rods and reinforcing bars in the face
of grout-filled concrete masonry wallslZeY.t
Spacing9 Edge distanc&°
Nominal Effective Critical Minimum Load Critical Minimum reduction
anchor Rebar embedment Tension,, 5,, S,, reduction C. c 11 factor @
diameter size In. (mm)1' lb (kN) in. (mm) in. (mm) factor @ S,,° In. (mm) in. (mm) c 12
3/8 3 3-3/8 1,240 13.5 070 12 0.80 (86) (5.5) (342.9) (304.8)
1/2 4 4-1/2 2,035 18 070 20 0.76 (115) (9.0) (457.2) 4
(509) 4
(102) 5-5/8 2,840 22.5 20 5/8 5 (143) (12.6) (571.5) 050 (508)
3/4 6 6-3/4 3,810 27 0.50 20 0.66 (172) (16.9) (685.8) (509) __
Table 3- Hllti HIT-HY 70 allowable adhesive bond shear loads for threaded rods and reinforcing bars In the face
of grout-filled concrete masonry wails'Zs.e 7 e
Spacing9 Edge dlstance'°
Load reduction factor
Load Load Nominal Effective Critical Minimum reduction Critical Minimum
anchor Rebar embedment Shear S. s,,, factor @ C. c,,,, perpendicular parallel
diameter size in. (mm)" lb (kN) in. (mm) in. (mm) s.,n6 In. (mm) in. (mm) to edge to edge
3 3-3/8 850 13.5 1.00 12 0.88 1.00
(86) (3.8) (342.9) (304.8)
1 4-1/2 1,495 18 1.00 12 0.49 1.00
(115) (6.7) (457.2) 4
5 5-5/8 2,615 22.5 0.50 20 0.40 0.78
(143) (11.6) (571.5) (508)
3/4 6
6-3/4 4,090 27 0.50 20 0.26 0.60
(172) (18.2) (685.8) (508)
1 Al values we for anchors installed In fully grouted concrete masonry with minimum masonry prism strength of 1,500 psi. Concrete masonry units shall be lightweight,
medium-weight or heavy-weight conforming to ASTM C90. Allowable loads are calculated using a safety factor of 5.
2 Anchors may be installed In any location In the face of the masonry wall Including cell, web, and mortar joints. Anchors are limited to one per masonry cell.
3 Linear interpolation of load values between minimum spacing (s,) and critical spacing (a,,) and between minimum edge distance (c.J and critical edge distance (c,)
Is permitted.
4 Concrete masonry thickness must be equal to or greater than 1.5 times the anchor embedment depth. EXCEP11ON: the 5/8-Inch- and the 3/4-Inch diameter anchors
(No.5 and No.6 bars) may be installed in minimum nominally 8-inch thick concrete masonry.
5 When using the basic load combinations in accordance with IBC Section 1605.3.1, tabulated allowable loads must not be increased for seismic or wind loading.
When using the alternative basic load combinations In IBC Section 1605.3.2 that Include seismic or wind loads, tabulated allowable loads may be Increased by 33-1
percent, or the alternative basic load combinations may be reduced by a factor of 0.75.
6 Allowable loads must be the lesser of the adjusted masonry or bond tabulated values and the steel values given In table 4.
7 Tabulated allowable loads shall be adjusted for increased base material temperatures In accordance with figure 12.
8 For combined loading: ff/TJ+ (V_/V,,J 1
where n-5/3 for 3/8- andil/2.lnch diameters (No. 3and No.4 rebar) and n-i for 5/8- and 3/4-Inch diameters (No.5 and No.6 rebar).
9 The critical spacing, s,,. Is the anchor spacing where full load values may be used. The minimum spacing, s,,,, is the minimum anchor spacing for which values we
available and Installation Is recommended. Spacing is measured from the center of one anchor to the center of an adjacent anchor.
10 The critical edge distance, c,, is the edge distance where full load values may be used. The minimum edge distance, c,,,, is the minimum edge distance for which
values are available and installation is recommended. Edge distance Is measured from the center of the anchor to the closest edge.
11 Embedment depth Is measured from the outside face of the concrete masonry unit.
12 Load reduction factors are multiplicative, both spacing and edge distance load reduction factors must be considered.
Load values for anchors installed at less than s,, and cc, must be multiplied by the appropdate load reduction factor based on actual edge distance (c) and spacing (s).
224 HI, inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 www.hlltl.com I on espatiol 1-800-879.5000 I Hiltl (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hlltLcon, I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
HIT-HY 70 Hybrid for Masonry Construction 3.2.6
Table 4- HIM HIT-HY 70 allowable tension and shear values for threaded rods based on steel strengthlZa
Nominal Tension, lb (kN) Shear, lb (kN)
diameter A36 A307 A193 B7 Class 5.8 304/316 A36 ASTM A307 A193 B7 Class 5.8 304/316
1/4 940 972 2,025 1,175 1,620 485 500 1,040 605 835
(4.2) (4.3) (9.0) (5.2) (7.2) (2.2) (2.2) (4.6) (2.7) (3.7)
5/16 1,470 1,520 3,160 1,835 2,530 756 780 1,630 945 1,300
(6.5) (6.8) (14.1) (8.2) (11.3) (3.4) (3.5) (7.3) (4.2) (5.8)
3/8 2,115 2,185 4,555 2,640 3,645 1,090 1,125 2,345 1,360 1,875
(9.4) (9.7) (20.3) (11.7) (16.2) (4.8) (5.0) (10.4) (6.1) (8.3)
1 /2 3,755 3,885 8,100 4,700 6,480 1,935 2,000 4,170 2.420 3,335
(16.7) (17.3) (36.0) (20.9) (28.8) (8.6) (8.9) (18.6) (10.8) (14.8)
5/8 5,870 6,075 12,655 7,340 10,125 3,025 3,130 6,520 3,780 5,215
(26.1) (27.0) (56.3) (32.7) (45.0) (13.5) (13.9) (29.0) (16.8) (23.2)
3/4 8,455 8,750 18,225 10,570 14,580 4,355 4,506 91388 5,445 7,510
(37.6) (38.9) (81.1) (47.0) (64.9) (19.4) (20.0) (41.8) (24.2) (33.4)
1 Allowable load used in the design must be the lesser of bond values and tabulated steel values.
2 The allowable tension and shear values for threaded rods to resist short term loads, such as wind or seismic, must be calculated In accordance with the appropriate
IBC Sections.
3 Allowable steel loads are based on tension and shear stresses equal to 0.33 x F. and 0.17 x F., respectively.
Table 5- Hilti HIT-HY 70 allowable adhesive bond loads for threaded rods and reinforcing bars in the top of grout-filled
concrete masonry wells'- 2-3-
Shear load, lb (kN)9
Nominal anchor Effective Edge Minimum end Load parallel to perpendicular to
diameter or rebar embedment distance distance Tension edge of masonry edge of masonry
size In. (mm) In. (mm)78 In. (mm) lb (kN) wall wall
1-3/4 1,165 815 345
1 4-1/2 (44.5) (5.2) (3.6) (1.5)
4 1,625 1,445 505 (114)
(101.6) (7.2) (6.4) (2.3)
1-3/4 1,165 1,190 385
51Q 5-5/8 (44.5) 8 (5.2) (5.3) (1.7)
4 1,590 1,825 655 (143) (203)
(101.6) (7.1) (8.1) (2.9)
4-1/2 865 630 245
(114) 1-3/4
(4.0) (2.8) (1.1)
55/8 980 755 295
(143) (4.4) (3.4) (1.3)
1 Al values are for anchors installed in fully grouted concrete masonry with minimum masonry prism strength of 1,500 psi. Concrete masonry units shall be lightweight
medium-weight or heavy-weight conforming to ASTM C90. Allowable loads are calculated using a safety factor of 5.
2 When using the basic load combinations in accordance with IRC Section 1605.3.1 or the alternative basic load combinations in IBC Section 1605.3.2. Tabulated
allowable loads must not be Increased for seismic or wind loading.
3 One anchor shall be permitted to be Installed In each concrete block.
4 Anchors are not permitted to be installed In a head joint, flange or web of the concrete masonry unit.
5 Allowable loads must be the lesser of the adjusted masonry or bond tabulated values and the steel values given In table 4.
6 Tabulated allowable loads shall be adjusted for increased base material temperatures In accordance with figure 12.
7 For combined loading: (T,1/11,,,,1,,) + (V_/V,,,,,,,) 1
8 The tabulated edge distance Is measured from the anchor centerline to the edge of the concrete block. See figure 2.
9 Linear Interpolation of load values between the two tabulated edge distances is permitted.
Figure 1 - Hifti HIT-HY 70 specifications for HAS Figure 2- Edge and end distances for
threaded rod In grout-filled masonry walls threaded rods and reinforcing bars Installed In
the top of grout-filled CMU
. h.
- .. ':''. : l..1 ••;••:'
' d114
13/4 Edge Distance
Threaded Rod Reinforcing Bar
End Distance
--. - - --.-- zz. - - - -- - _.:
HUll, Inc. (US) 14800-879-8000 I www.hiltl.com I an espafo1 1-800479-5000 I HUll (Canada) Corp. 1-800-3634458 1 www.hlltLcom I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 225
* lj
3.2.6 HIT-HY 70 Hybrid for Masonry Construction
Table 6- HiltI HIT-HY 70 allowable adhesive bond tension loads for Hitti HIS-N inserts In the face of grout-filled
concrete masonry walls"3.""7
Spacings Edge distance'°
Critical Minimum Load Critical Minimum Load Effective
Thread embedment Tension s s reduction c, c,,, reduction
size in. (mm)" lb (kN) in. (mm) in. m) factor @ S In. (mm) in. (mm) factor @ c,'2
3/8-16 UNC 4-3/8 2,075 17 0.55 12 0.82 (111) (9.2) (431.8) 4
1/2-13 UNC 5 2,710 20 0.55 20 0.63 (127) (12.1) (508) (508)
Table 7 - Hilti HIT-HY 70 allowable adhesive bond shear loads for Hilti HIS-N inserts in the face of grout-filled
concrete masonry walls"3.345,1'
Spacing' Edge distance'°
Load reduction factor
@ C,,
Load Load Effective Critical Minimum reduction Critical Minimum,
Thread embedment Shear S,,, s,, factor 0 c c,, perpendicular parallel to
size in. (mm)" lb (kN) in. (mm) in. (mm) sInn in. (mm) in. (mm) to edge edge
3/8-16 UNC
074 12
0.72 1.00
1/2-13 UNC 5 2,065 20 0.71 20 0.40 0.87 (127) (9.2) (508)
1 All values are for anchors Installed in fully grouted concrete masonry with minimum masonry prism strength of 1,500 psi. Concrete masonry units shall be lightweight
medium-weight or heavy-weight conforming to ASThI C90. Allowable loads are calculated using a safety factor of S.
2 Anchors may be Installed in any location in the face of the masonry wail including cell, web, and mortar joints. Anchors are limited to one per masonry cell.
3 Unear Interpolation of load values between minimum spacing (s,,,) and critical spacing (s,,) and between minimum edge distance (c,,,,) and critical edge distance (c,)
Is permitted.
4 Concrete masonry thickness must be equal to or greater than 1.5 times the anchor embedment depth. Exception: 5/8-and 3/4-In. anchors (No.5 and No.6 bars) may
be installed in minimum nominally 8-Inch-thick concrete masonry.
5 When using the basic load combinations In accordance with IBC Section 1605.3.1, tabulated allowable loads must not be Increased for seismic or wind loading.
When using the alternative basic load combinations in IBC Section 1605.32 that include seismic or wind loads, tabulated allowable loads may be increased by 33-1/8
percent, or the alternative basic load combinations may be reduced by a factor of 0.75.
6 Allowable loads must be the lesser of the adjusted masonry or bond tabulated values and the steel values given in table 4.
7 Tabulated allowable loads shall be adjusted for increased base material temperatures in accordance with figure 12.
B For combined loading: (T,,/T,,,,J+ (V_/V,,,,J ~ I
where n5/3 for 3/8-and ff2-Inch diameters (No.3 and No.4 rebar) and n°1 for 5/8- and 3/4-Inch diameter or No. 5 and No.6 rebar.
9 The critical spacing, s,,, Is the anchor spacing where full load values may be used. The minimum spacing, a,1,,, Is the minimum anchor spacing for which values are
available and Installation is recommended. Spacing is measured from the center of one anchor to the center of an adjacent anchor.
10 The critical edge distance, c,,, is the edge distance where full load values may be used. The minimum edge distance, c,,1,, is the minimum edge distance for which
values are available and Installation is recommended. Edge distance Is measured from the center of the anchor to the closest edge.
11 Embedment depth is measured from the outside face of the concrete masonry unit
12 Load reduction factors are multiplicative, both spacing and edge distance load reduction factors must be considered.
Load values for anchors Installed at less than s,, and c0 must be multiplied by the appropriate load reduction factor based on actual edge distance (c) and spacing (s).
Figure 3- Hiftl HIT-HY 70 Figure 4— Allowable anchor installation locations
specifications for HIS-N inserts In the face of grout-filled concrete block
In grout-filled masonry walls 4 Miotmum — diatenca
t.- -
- •-': •, I--.
., t •,r ' r • .....
' dI. ati91
, :i- ••" '.,'-.., , I.
- S - -
critical edge distance
(See load tables)
installation in
this area for
du abowabta
load capacity ii.
Installation In
Oft area for
full allowable
load capacity
V Minimum
edge distance
Critical edge distance 11
(See load tables) A.A
- - - _ --:
226 Hl, Inc. (1.16-1 -soo-s7g-8000 I www.hllti corn I on espafiol —1 8__79-_5_Q00 I Hilti (Canada) corp. 1-800-363-4458 I wwwillltl.corn I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
L?2 L P9 °P1fl9 I3!U4-1 6U!UolSe 1°.PW I W031111WMMM I 9cPP-9 -009-I diO3 (eue) flH I 000S-619-0091 IOVdSO US I WODAh14'MM I 009-619-008-I (Sr) W 'fll!H
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3.2.6 HIT-HY 70 Hybrid for Masonry Construction
Table 10- Hilti HIT-KY 70 allowable adhesive bond loads for threaded rods in the face of hollow brick1'2,9-45,10
in. (mm)'
lb (kN)7"
Minimum edge
distance c,
In. (mm)9
factor @ c,,,,,
lb (kN)7"
Edge distance°
Critical Ca
In. (mm)
Minimum c tr.
in. (mm)
Load reduction
factor 0 c,,,,,
3-1/8 (79)
530 (2.4)
8 (203) 1.00
370 (1.6)
12 (304.8) 8 (203)
5/16 735 (3.3) 595 (2.6) 1.00
3/8 905 (4.0) 1,045 (4.7) 0.76
1/2 905 (4.0) 1,685 (7.5) 0.52
Table 11 - Hilti HIT-HY 70 allowable adhesive bond loads for Hilti HIT-IC Inserts In the face of hollow brick'-1-3-4,5,10
in. (mm)'
lb (kN)'
Minimum edge
distance c,,,
In. (mm)'
factor 0 c,,,,,
lb (cN)7 '
Edge distance'
___________ Critical Ca
In. (mm)
Minimum c,r
in. (mm)
Load reduction
factor 0 c,,,,,
#14 Screw 2 (51) 170 (0.8)
8 (203) 1.00
222 (1.0)
12 (304.8) 8 (203)
5/16-18 UNC
3-1/8 (79)
880 (3.9) 650 (2.9) 1.00
3/8-16 UNC 880 (3.9) 1,290 (5.7) 0.63
1/2-13 UNC 990 (4.4) 1,780 (7.9) 0.47
1 All values are for anchors Installed in hollow brick masonry with minimum masonry prism strength of 3.000 psi. Hollow brick units shall be conforming to ASTM 0652.
Allowable loads are calculated using a safety factor of 5.
2 Anchors shall be installed In the face of the hollow brick masonry wall.
3 Anchors are not recognized for resisting earthquake forces. For short-term loading due to wind forces, the allowable loads shall not be'
4 Tabulated allowable loads shall be adjusted for increased base material temperatures in accordance with figure 12.
5 Tabulated embedment depth Is limited by the length of the plastic Hfl.SC screen&
6 Tabulated values are for one anchor installed in any location of the brick wall including the horizontal and head mortar joints.
7 One anchor shall be permitted to be installed in each brick. iWo anchors may be spaced as close as the lesser of 2 bricks or 8 in. apart without any load reduction.
8 Allowable loads must be ft lesser of the adjusted masonry or bond tabulated above and the steel values given in table 4.
9 The critical edge distance, c Is the edge distance where full load values in the table maybe used. The minimum edge distance, c,,,,, is the minimum edge distance for which
values are available and I-istllatlon Is recommended. Edge distance Is measured from the center of the anchor to the closest edge.
lOForcoinbined loading: + ,/V,,,,,,J s 1
Table 12- HIM HIT-KY 70 allowable adhesive bond loads for threaded rods In multi-wythe solid brick walls', 2-3- 4-5,6, 8
in. (mm)
lb (kN)
lb (kN)
spacing s
in. (mm)
Edge distance'
Critical c,,
in. (mm)
Minimum c
in. (mm)
Load reduction
factor 0 c,,,,
3/8 8 (152) 895 (4.0) 680 (3.0)
16 (406) 16 (406)
1,985 (8.8)
8 (203) 0.5
10 (254) 1,325 (5.9) 795 (3.5)
1/2 6 (152) 895 (4.0) 1,075 (4.8)
10 (254) 1,455 (6.5) 1,115 (5.0)
5/8 6 (152) 1,025 (4.6) 1,405 (6.3)
10 (254) 1,955 (8.7) 1,445 (6.4)
3/4 8 (203) 1,575 (7.0) 1,985 (8.8)
13 (330) 2,135 (9.5)
1 AN values we be on mortar shear strength of 45 psi or greater. Allowable loads are calculated using a safety factor of 5.
2 Anchors must be installed in the face of the mutti-w1he URM wall. The well must have a minimum thickness of 13 inches representing 3 wlhes of WW-
3 Tabulated values are for maximum one anchor installed in the center of the brick of the multi-wlhe URM wall.
4 Edge distance, c,,,, and spacing, s,,, are the minimum distances for which values we avallabie and installation Is recommended. Edge distance Is measured from the center of
the anchor to the closest edge. Spacing is measured from the center of one anchor to the center of an adjacent anchor.
5 Allowable loads must be the lesser of the adjusted masonry or bond tabulated values and the steel values gIven In table 4.
6 Tabulated allowable loads shall be adjusted for increased base material temperatures in accordance with figure 12.
7 Tabulated embedment depth Is limited by the length of the plastic Hr'-SC screens.
8 For combined loading (ç,,/T,J +
Figure 7- Hilti HIT-HY 70 specifications
for HAS rods In multi-wythe brick wall
Figure 8- Hilti HIT-HY 70 specifications
for rebar In multi-wythe brick wall
228 Hill. Inc. (US) 1.800-879-8000 1 www.hlltl.com I en espaflol 1-800-879-5000 I Hill (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 1 www.hlltl.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
HIT-HY 70 Hybrid for Masonry Construction 3.2.6
Table 13- HiltI HIT-MY 70 allowable adhesive bond seismic loads for threaded rods and
reinforcing bars in unreinforced brick masonryiza
Configuration A - Shear anchor or rebar dowel
Nominal anchor
in. (mm)
Minimum wall thickness
in. (mm)
lb (kN)
lb Qch
112 #4
8 (203) 13 (330)
- - 500 (2.2)
5/8 1 #5 - - 750 (3.3)
3/4 #6 1,000 (4.5)
Configuration B —22 1/20 combinatIon anchor
Nominal anchor diameter
Minimum wall thickness
I in. (mm)
lb (kN)
lb (kN)
3/4 Within 1 inch of the
opposite I surface 13 (330) 1,200 (5.3) 1,000 (4.5)
1 Allowable load values are applicable only to anchors where in-place shear tests indicate minimum mortar strength of 50 pal.
2 Allowable loads are computed in accordance with ICC-ES AC60 (2010) and IBC
3 No Increase for ntadkig Is permitted, such as loading induced by wind or earthquake.
4 Anchors must be tested in accordance with the requirements of IEBC and UCBC.
Figure 9- HiltI HIT-HY 70 shear anchor Figure 10- HIM HIT-HY 70 with 221/20
or dowel in configuration A combination anchor in configuration B
VarIes. 8"
Shear anchor
1/2-, 5/8- or 3/4-in.
,. diameter ASTM A307
/ threaded rod
Shear dowel no. 4,
no.5 or no. 6 rebar
Screen tube in
1-In, diameter hole
- •:. ---.-; '"4...• 3/4-In, diameter .';i
threaded rod
- - • \Screen tube in
1-in. diameter hole
Table 14- Hlltl HIT-MY 70 allowable adhesive bond loads for threaded rods in hollow core concrete panels''"
Nominal anchor Effective Minimum
diameter embedment concrete thickness Tension Shear
In. in. (mm)2 in. (mm)3 lb (kN) lb (kN)
3/8 2 (50.8) 1-3/8 (34.9) 450 (2.0) 560 (2.5)
1 AU values are for anchor installed In hollow core concrete with minimum compressive strength of 7,000 psi. Due to variations In materials and dimensional
configurations, on-site testing Is required to determine the actual performance of the anchor. Allowable loads are calculated using a safety factor of 5.
2 Tabulated embedment depth is limited by the length of the plastic HIT-SC 16x50 mm screens. See figure 11.
3 The required concrete thickness Is the thickness for which values are available and Installation Is recommended. Anchors shall be Installed along the centerline of the
hollow core or along the line of minimum thickness. Verify these requirements with the hollow core plank supplier before Installation. The required thickness is measured
from the inner to the outer side of the hollow core panel. In case of deviation from the outlined requirements, field testing Is required. See figure 11.
4 Tabulated allowable loads must be the lesser of the adjusted concrete or bond values tabulated and the steel values in table 4.
5 Tabulated allowable bond loads shall be adjusted for increased base material temperatures in accordance with figure 12.
6 The required adhesive gel and cure times shall be Identical to the values adopted for masonry.
7 For combined loading: ff/T1 + '_/V) S 1
Figure 11 - Hilti HIT-MY 70 adhesive Installed In hollow core concrete12
1 Representation of the tested conditions for which
allowable adhesive bond loads are applicable.
Refer to footnote 3 of corresponding load table
above for more information on requirements and
restrictions on the admissible anchor installation.
2 Minimum edge distance Is 6-Inches.
Minimum spacing Is:
- 8-inches along the length of each hollow
core section.
- One anchor per hollow core section (left and
right on page), 6-inches minimum.
o '1K2 °71 [_7w
••.• - . 00
L) Cs( ...,,, -3 Admtssibleancticrlocation
3/5-in. diameter threaded rod
in combination with HIT-SC 16 a 50 mm
Hull, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 I www.hlltl.com I an espafiol 14100-879-5000 1 Hull (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hlftl.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 229
Figure 12 - Influence of in-service temperature on bond strength
i 1Lrn r
3.2.6 HIT-HY 70 Hybrid for Masonry Construction Installation instructions
Installation Instructions For Use (IFU) are included with each product package. They can also be viewed or downloaded
online at www.hilti.com. Because of the possibility of changes, always verify that downloaded IFU are current when used.
Proper installation is critical to achieve full performance. Training is available on request. Contact Hilti Technical Services for
applications and conditions not addressed in the IFU.
Table 15- Gel and full-cure time In masonry Table 16- Gel and full-cure time In brick
23-32 -5...0 10 min 6h -- 33-41 1...5 10 min 4h
42-50 6...10 7 min 2.5h
51-68 11...20 4 min 1.5h
69-86 21...30 2 min 30 min
87-104 31...40 1 min 20 min
41 5 10 min 4h
42-50 6...10 7 min 2.5h
51-68 11...20 4 min 1.5h
69-86 21...30 2 min - 30 min
87-104 I 31...40 J 1 min-20mm
Base material temperature, OF
- -- -. _: - - -= - - -.- - - --- --_= .-- ::--,j 230 HiltI, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 I www.hlltl.com I en espaRal 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I wwwiilltLcom I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
HIT-RE 500 V3 Epoxy Adhesive Anchoring System 3.2.4
Table 25- Hiltl HIT-RE 500 V3 adhesive design strength with concrete/ bond failure for threaded red
In uncracked concrete ,44M7Mfl
Nominal Tension - ON, Slear- V ______ anther Effective f' - 2,500 psI = 3,000 psI f' - 4,000 psI f - 6,000 psi f' - 2,500 psI f' - 3,000 psi 6,000 psI
diameter embedment (17.2 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (41.4 MP (172 MPa) (20.7 MPa) .4 MPa)
In. In. (mm) lb (kN) lb (fcN) lb (kl'(f lb (kN) lb (fit lb (fd
lb (kM
2-3/8 2,855 3.125 3,610 4,425 3,075 3,370 4,765
(60) (12.7) (13.9) (16.1) (19.7) (13.7) (15.0)
4,835 5.300 6.115
3-3/8 7,490 10,415 11,410 6,135
(86) (21.5) (23.6) (272) (33.3) (46.3) (50.8) (58.6) (71.8) 3/6 4-1/2 7,445 8,155 9,225 10,210 16,035 17,570 19,865 21,985
(114) (33.1) (36.3) (41.0) (45.4) (71.3) (782) (88.4) (97.8)
7-1/2 13,670 14,305 15,375 17,015 29,440 30,815 33,110 36,645
(191) (60.8) (63.6) (68.4) (75.7) (131.0) (137.1) (147.3) (163.0)
2-3/4 3,555 3,895 4,500 5,510 7,660 8,395 9,690 11,870
(70) (15.8) (17.3) (20.0) (24.5) (34.1) (37.3) (43.1) (52.8)
4-1/2 7,445 8,155 9,420 11,535 16,035 17,510 20,285 24,845
(114) (33.1) (36.3) (41.9) (51.3) (71.3) (782) (90.2) (110.5) 1/2 6 11,465 12,560 14,500 17,535 24,690 27,045 31,230 37,775
(152) (51.0) (55.9) (64.5) (78.0) (109.8) (120.3) (138.9) (168.0)
10 23,485 24,580 26,410 29,230 50,580 52,940 56,885 62,955
(254) (104.5) (109.3) (117.5) (130.0) (225.0) (235.5) (253.0) (280.0)
3-1/8 4,310 4,720 5,450 6,675 9,280 10,165 11,740 14,380
(79) (19.2) (21.0) (24.2) (29.7) (41.3) (45.2) (522) (64.0)
5-5/8 10,405 11,400 13,165 16,120 22,415 24,550 28,350 34,720
(143) (46.3) (50.7) (58.6) (71.7) (99.7) (109.2) (126.1) (154.4)
7-1/2 16,020 17,550 20,265 24,820 34,505 37,800 43,650 53,455
(191) (71.3) (78.1) (20.1) (110.4) (153.5) (168.1) (194.2) (237.9)
12-1/2 34,470 36,900 39,655 43,885 74,245 79,480 85,405 94,520
(318) (153.3) (164.1) (176.4) (195.2) (330.3) (353.5) (379.9) (420.4)
3-1/2 5,105 5,595 6,460 7,910 11,000 12,050 13,915 17,040
(89) (22.7) (24.9) (28.7) (35.2) (48.9) (53.6) (61.9) (15.8)
6-3/4 13,680 14,985 17,305 21,190 29,460 32,275 37,265 45,645
3415 (171) (60.9) (86.7) (77.0) (94.3) (131.0) (143.6) (165.8) (203.0) 9 21,060 23,070 26,640 32,625 45,360 49,690 57,375 70,270
(229) (93.7) (102.6) (118.5) (145.1) (201.9) (221.0) (255.2) (312.6)
15 45,315 49,640 55,035 60,905 97,600 106,915 118,535 131,180
(381) (201.6) (220.8) (244.8) (270.9) (434.1) (475.6) (527.3) (583.5)
3-1/2 5,105 5,595 6,460 7,910 11,000 12,050 13,915 17,040
(89) (22.7) (24.9) (28.7) (35.2) (48.9) (53.6) (61.9) (75.8)
7-7/8 17,235 18,885 21,805 26,705 37,125 40,670 46,960 57,515
(200) (76.7) (84.0) (97.0) (118.8) (165.1) (180.9) (208.9) (255.8) 7/810 10-1/2 26,540 29,070 33,570 41,115 57,160 62,815 72,300 88,550
(267) (118.1) (129.3) (149.3) (182.9) (254.3) (278.5) (321.8) (393.9)
17-1/2 57,100 62,550 71,740 79,395 122,990 134,730 154,520 171,005
(445) (254.0) (278.2) (319.1) (353.2) (547.1) (599.3) (687.3) (760.7)
4 6,240 6,835 7,895 9,665 13,440 14,725 17,000 20,820
(102) (27.8) (30.4) (35.1) (43.0) (59.8) (65.5) (75.6) (92.6)
9 21,060 23,070 26,640 32,625 45,360 49,690 57,375 70,270
110 (229) (93.7) (102.6) (118.5) (145.1) (201.8) (221.0) (255.2) (312.6)
12 32,425 35,520 41,015 50,230 69,835 76,500 88,335 108,190
(305) (1442) (158.0) (182.4) (223.4) (310.6) (340.3) (392.9) (481.3)
20 69,765 76,425 88,245 99,635 150,265 164,605 190,070 214,595
(508) (310.3) (340.0) (392.5) (443.2) (668.4) (1322) (845.5) (954.6)
5 8,720 9,555 11,030 13,510 18,785 20,575 23,760 29,100
(127) (38.8) (42.5) (49.1) (80.1) (83.6) (91.5) (105.7) (129.4)
11-1/4 29,430 32,240 37230 45,595 63,395 69,445 80,185 98,205
1.11410 (286) (130.9) (143.4) (165.6) (202.8) (282.0) (308.9)
15 45,315 49,640 57,320 70,200 97,600 106,915 123,455 151,200
(381) (201.6) (220.8) (255.0) (312.3) (434.1) (475.6) (549.2) (672.6)
25 97,500 106,805 123,330 142,175 210,000 230,045 265,630 306,220
(433.7) (475.1) (548.6) (632.4) (934.1) (1023.3) (1181.6) (1362.1)
1 See Section 3.1.8 for explanation on development of load values.
2 See Section convert design strength (factored resistance) value to ASD value.
3 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths Is not permitted. 4 Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness factors in Tables 30-41 as necessary to the above values. Compare to the steal values in Table 29.
The lesser of the values Is to be used for the design.
5 Data Is for temperature range A. Max. short term temperature - 130°F (55°C), max. long term temperature - 110°F (431C).
For temperature range B: Max. short term temperature -178°F (801C), max. long term temperature -110°F (43°C) multiply above values by 0.69.
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief Intervals, e.g., as result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete temperatures are roughly constant over
significant periods of time.
6 Tabular values are for dry or water saturated concrete conditions.
For water-filed dflhlad holes multiply design strength by 0.51.
For submerged (under waters applications multiply design strength by 0.45.
7 Tabular values are for short term loads only. For sustained loads Including overhead use, see Section
8 Tabular values are for normal-weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength (factored resistance) by A as follows:
For sand-lightweight, k - 0.51. For all-lightweight, A - 0.45.
8 Tabular values are for holes dulled In concrete with carbide tipped hammer drill bit. For diamond core drilling, except as indicated In note 10, multiply above values by 0.55. Diamond core dulling Is not permitted for water-filled or underwater (subnwgacQ applications.
10 Diamond core dulling with Hilti TE-YRT roughening tool Is permitted for 5/8", 3/4°, 7/8°. 1°, and 11/4' diameter anchors for dry and water-saturated concrete conditions. See Table 27.
11 Tabular values we for static loads only. Seismic design Is not permitted for uncrecked concrete.
Hill, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 I www.hlltl.com I an espaflol 1-800-879-5000 I HUti (Canada) Corp. 14800-363-4458 1 www.hlltt.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 157
3.2.4 HIT-RE 500 V3 Epoxy Adhesive Anchoring System
Table 26- Hilti HIT-RE 500 V3 adhesive design strength with concrete / bond failure for threaded rod
In cracked 6oncrete''711
Tenslon-ON• Shear-OV,,
anchor f' 3,000 psi f' -4,000 psI f - 6,000 psi f 2,500 psI J' 3,000 psi 1' 4,000 psI f - 6,000 psI Effective diameter embedment 20.7 MPa) 27.6 MPa)4l.4 MPa) 17.2 MPa) 20.7 MPa) 7.6 MPa) 4l.4 MPa)
In.(mm) Ob 0" ibQcN) ib(kN) ibOd" ibO& IbQrN)
2,215 2,500
2-3/B 2,655 2,180 2,385 2,690 2,860
(60) (9.9) (11.1) (11.8) (9.7) (10.6) (12.0) (12.7)
3-3/3 3,400 3,550 3,770 7,125 7,325 7,645 8,125
(86) (14.7) (15.1) (15.8) (16.8) (31.7) (32.6) (34.0) (36.1) 3/8 4-1/2 4,410 4,535 4,735 5,030 9,500 9,765 10,195 10,835
(114) (19.9) (20.2) (21.1) (22.4) (42.3) (43.4) (45.3) (48.2)
7-1/2 7,350 7,555 7,890 8,385 15,835 16.275 16,990 18,055
(191) (32.7) (83.6) (35.1) (37.3) (70.4) (72.4) (75.6) - (80.3)
2-3/4 2,520 2,760 3,185 3,905 5,425 5,945 6,885 8,405
(70) (11.2) (12.3) (14.2) (17.4) (24.1) (26.4) (30.5) (37.4)
4-1/2 5,275 5,780 6,260 6,655 11,360 12,445 13,485 14,330
(114) (23.5) (25.7) (27.8) (29.6) (50.5) (55.4) (600) (63.7) 1/2 6 7,780 7,995 8,350 8,870 16,755 17,220 17,980 19,110
(152) (34.6) (35.6) (37i) (39.5) (74.5) (76.6) (80.0) (85.0)
10 12,965 13,325 13,915 14,785 27,930 28,705 29,970 31,850
(254) (57.7) (59.3) (61.6) (65.6) (124.2) (127.7) (133.3) (141.7)
3.1/B 3,050 3,345 3,860' 4,730 6,575 7,200 8,315 10,185
(79) (13.6) (14.6) (17.2) (21.0) (29.2) (32.0) (37.0) (45.3)
5.5/8 7.370 8,075 9,325 10,315 15,875 17,390 20,080 22.215
(143) (32.8) (35.9) (41.5) (45.9) (70.6) (77.4) (89.3) (98.8)
7-112 11,350 12,395 12,940 13,755 24,440 26,695 27,875 29,620
(191) (50.5) (55.1) (57.6) (61.2) (108.7) (118.7) (124.0) (131.8)
12-1/2 20,100 20,660 21,570 22,920 43,295 44,495 ' 46,460 49,370
(318) (89.4) ' (91.9) (95.9) (102.0) (192.6) (197.9) (206.7) (219.8)
3-1/2 3,620 3,965 4,575 5,605 7,790 8,535 9,855 12,070
(89) (16.1) (17.6) (20.4) (24.9) (34.7) (38.0) (43.8) (53.7)
6-3/4 9,690 10,615 12,255 14,735 20,870 22,860 26,395 31,740
(171) (43.1) (47.2) (54.5) (65.5) (92.8) (101.7) (117.4) (141.2) 3/410 9 14,920 16,340 18,490 19,650 32,130 35,195 39,820 42,320
(229) (66.4) (72.7) (82.2) (87.4) (142.9) (156.6) (177.1) (188.2)
15 28,715 29,510 30,815 32,745 61,850 63,565 66,370 70,530
(381) (127.7) (131.3) (137.1) (145.7) (275.1) (282.7) (295.2) (313.7)
3.1,2 3,620 3,965 4,575 5,605 7,790 8,535 9,855 12,070
(89) (16.1) (17.6) (20.4) (24.9) (34.7) (38.0) (43.8) . (53.7)
7-7/8 12,210 13,375 15,445 18,915 26,300 28,810 33.265 40,740
(200) (54.3) (59.5) (68.7) (64.1) (117.0) (128.2) (148.0) (181.2) 7/810
10-1/2 18,800 20,590 23,780 26,530 40,490 44,355 51,215 57,140
(267) (83.6) (91.6) (105.8) (118.0) (180.1) (197.3) (227.8) (254.2)
17-1)2 38,775 39,850 41,605 44,215 83,510 85,825 89,610 95,230
(445) (172.5) (177.3) (185i) (196.7) (371.5) (381.9) (398.9) (423.6)
4 4,420 4,840 5,590 6,845 9,520 10,430 12,040 14,750
(102) (197) (21.5) (24.9) (30.4) (42.3) (46.4) (53.6) (65.9)
9 14,920 16,340 18,870 23,110 32,130 35,195 40,640 49,775
Ila (229) (66.4) (72.7) (83.9) (102.8) (142.9) (156.9) (180.9) (221.4)
12 22,965 25,160 29,050 34,650 49,465 54,190 62,570 74,630
(305) (102.2) (111.9) (129.2) (154.1) (220.0) (241.0) (278.3) (932.9)
20 49,415 52,045 54,340 57,750 106,435 112,100 117,045 124,385
(508) (219.8) (231.5) (241.7) (256.9) (473.4) (498.6) (520.6) (553.3)
5 6,175 6,765 7,815 9,570 13,305 14,575 16,830 20,610
(127) (27.5) (30.1) (34.8) (42.6) (59.2) (64.9) (74.9) (91.7)
11-1/4 20,850 22,840 26,370 32.295 ' 44,905 49,190 56,800 69.565
1-1/4" (286) (92.7) (101.6) (117.3) (143.7) (199.7) (218.9) (252.7) (309.4)
15 32,095 35,160 40,600 49,725 69,135 75,730 87,445 107,100
(381) (142.8) (156.4) (180.6) (221.2) ' (307.5) (336.9) (389.0) (476.4)
25 69,060 75,655 80,800 85,865 148,750 162,945 174,030 184,945
(635) (307.3) (336.5) (359.4) (381.9) (661.7) (724.9) (774.1) (822.7)
1 See Section 3.1.8 for explanation on development of load values. .
2 See Section to convert design strength value to ASD value.
3 Linear Interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths Is not permitted. 4 Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thicluiess factor, In tables 30-41 as necessary to the above values. Compare to the steel values In table 29. The lesser of the values Is to be used for the design.
5 Data Is for temperature range k Max. abort term temperature - 130F (55C), max. long term temperature - 110F (43C).
For temperature range B: Max. short term temperature - 176F (80C), max. long term temperature 110F (43C) nvirdply above values by 0.69.
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief Intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete temperatures ale roughly constant over
significant periods of time
6 Tabular values we for dry or water saturated concrete conditions.
For water-filed drilled holes multiply design strength by 0.51.
For submerged (under water) applications multiply design strength by 0.44.
7 Tabular values are for shoot term loads only. For sustained loads Including overhead use, see Section
8 Tabular values are for normal-weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength by A as follows
For sand-tghtwelght, k - 0.51. For al-lightweight, A - 0.45.
9 Tabular values are for holes drilled in concrete with carbide tipped hammer dill bit. Diamond core drilling Is not permitted In cracked concrete conditions except as Indicated In note 10.
10 Diamond core drilling with HIM TE-YRT roughening tool Is permitted for 5/8 3/4, 7/8w, 1", and 11/4" diameter anchors for dry and water-saturated concrete conditions. See Table 28
11 Tabular values are for static loads only. For seismic leads, multiply cracked concrete tabular values In tension and shear by u,. Indicated below.
See section for additional Information on seismic applications.
3/B-ln. diameter -a,,-0.69
1,2-in. diameter - -0.70
5)8-in. diameter - a -0.71
3/4. n. diameter anà19er - a_i, - 0.75
158 Huh, Inc. (US) 14800-879-8000 1 wwwhlltLcom I an espaflol 1-800-879-5000 1 Hutti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 1 www.hlltl.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
HIT-RE 500 V3 Epoxy Adhesive Anchoring System 3.2.4
Table 27 - Hlltl HIT-RE 500 V3 for Core Drilled Holes with TE-YRT Roughening Tool adhesive design strength with con-
crete /,bond failure for threaded rod In uncracked concrete1 "7
Nominal Tension - IN,, Shear -
anchor Effective f' 2,500 psI f' - 3,000 psi f - 4,000 psI f,, - 6,000 psI I - 2,500 psI f' - 3,000 psI f' - 4,000 psi f' = 6,000 psI
diameter embedment (17.2 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (41.4 MPa) (17.2 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (41.4 MPa)
in. in. (mm) lb (kt lb QtN) lb Qtt' lb Qtt' lb QrN) lb (N) lb (kN) lb QN)
3-1/8 4,310 4,720 5,450 6,675 9,280 10,165 11,740 14,380
(79) (19.2) (21.0) (24.2) (29.7) (41.3) (45.2) (52.2) (64.0)
5-5/8 10,405 11,400 13,165 15,865 22,415 24,550 28,350 34,170
(143) (46.3) (50.7) (58.6) (70.6) (99.7) 1 (109.2) (152.0) 5/8 7-1/2 16,020 17,550 20,265 21,155 34,505 37,800 45,565
(191) (71.3) (78.1) (90.1) (94.1) (153.5) (168.1)
12-1/2 34,470 35,255 35,255 35,255 74,245 75,940 75,940
(318) (153.3) (156.8) (156.8) (156.8) (330.3) (337.8) (337.8)
3-1/2 5,105 5,595 6,460 7,910 11,000 12,050 13,915 17,040
(89) (22.7) (24.9) (28.7) (35.2) (48.9) (53.6) (61.9) (75.8)
6.3/4 13,680 14,985 17,305 21,190 29,460 32,275 37,265 45,645
(171) (60.9) (66.7) (77.0) (94.3) (131.0) (143.6) (165.8) (203.0) 3/4 9 21,050 23,070 26,640 29,360 45,360 49,690 57,375 63,235
(229) (93.7) (102.6) (118.5) (130.6) (201.8) (221.0) (255.2) (281.3)
11-1/4 29,430 32,240 36,700 36,700 63,395 69,445 79,045 79,045
(286) (130.9) (143.4) (1632) (163.2) (282.0) (308.9) (351.6) (351.6)
3-1/2 5,105 5,595 6,460 7,910 11,000 12,050 13,915 17,040
(89) (22.7) (24.9) (28.7) (35.2) (48.9) (53.6) (61.9) (75.8)
7-7/8 17,235 18,885 21,805 26,705 37,125 40,670 46,960 57,515
75 (200) (76.7) (84.0) (97.0) (118.8) (165.1) (180.9) (208.9) (255.8)
/ 10-1/2 26,540 29,070 33,570 38,275 57,160 62,615 72,300 82,435
(267) (118.1) (129.3) (149.3) (170.3) (254.3) (278.5) (321.6) (366.7)
17-1/2 57,100 62,550 63,790 63,790 122,990 134,730 137,390 137,390
(445) (254.0) (2782) (283.8) (283.8) (547.1) (599.3) (611.1) (611.1)
4 6240 6,835 7,895 9,665 13,440 14,725 17,000 20,820
(102) (27.8) (30.4) (35.1) (43.0) (59.8) (65.5) (75.6) (92.6)
9 21,060 23,070 26,640 32,625 45,360 49,690 57,375 70,270
(229) (93.7) (102.6) (118.5) (145.1) (201.8) (221.0) (255.2) (312.6) 1 12 32,425 35,520 41,015 48,030 69,835 76,500 88,335 103,445
(305) (144.2) (158.0) (182.4) (213.6) (310.6) (340.3) (392.9) (460.1)
20 69,765 76,425 80,050 80,050 150,265 164,605 172,410 172,410
(508) (310.3) (340.0) (356.1) (356.1) (668.4) (7322) (766.9) (766.9)
5 8,720 9,555 11,030 13,510 18,785 20,575 23,760 29,100
(127) (38.8) (42.5) (49.1) (60.1) (83.6) (91.5) (105.7) (129.4)
11-1/4 29,430 32,240 37,230 45,595 63,395 69,445 80,185 98,205
1-114 (286) (130.9) (143.4) (165.6) (202.8) (282.0) (308.5) (356.7) (436.8)
15 45,315 49,640 57,320 68,535 97,600 106,915 123,455 147,615
(381) (201.6) (220.8) (255.0) (304.9) (434.1) (475.6) (549.2) (656.6)
25 97,500 106,805 114,225 114,225 210,000 230,045 246,025 246,025
(635) 1 (433.7) (475.1) (508.1) (508.1) (934.1) (1023.3) (1094.4) 1 (1094.4)
See Section 3.1.8 for explanation on development of load values.
See Section to convert design strength value to ASD value.
Linear Interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths Is not permitted.
Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness factors in tables 30-41 as necessary to the above values. Compare to the steel values in table 29. The lesser of the values is to be
used for the design.
Data Is for temperature range A Max. short term temperature - 130F (55C), max long tern temperature 110F (43C).
For temperature range B: Max. short term temperature - 1781F (50C), max. long tern temperature - 110F (43C) multiply above values by 0.69.
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief Intervals, e.g., ass result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete temperatures are roughly constant over
significant periods of time.
Tabular values we for dry or water saturated concrete conditions. Water-filled and submerged (under waters applications are not permitted for this hole preparation method.
Tabular values are for short term loads only. For sustained loads including overhead use, see Section
Tabular values we for normal-weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength by k as 1o1low5
For sand.fghtwelght, A. -0.51. For a ghtwelght, k 0.45.
Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design Is not permitted for uncracked concrete. For seismic loads, multiply cracked concrete tabular values in tension and shear by
a_,-0.75. See section for additional Information on seismic applications.
Hitti, Inc. (US) 14800-879-8000 1 www.hlltl.com I an espahol 1.800.879.5000 I Hithi (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hlltl.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 159
_________ Adlisvo Arichorucj Systcn
3.2.4 HIT-RE 500 V3 Epoxy Adhesive Anchoring System
Table 28- Hilti HIT-RE 500 V3 for Core Drilled Holes with TE-YRT Roughening Tool adhesive design strength with
concrete / bond failure for threaded rod in cracked concrete'4 7
Nominal Tension - Shear -
anchor Effective f-2,500psi f-3,000psi f-4,000psi f,-6,000psi f'-2,500psi f-3,00Opsi f.'4,000psi f-6,000psi
diameter embedment (17.2 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (41.4 MPa) (17.2 MPa) (20.7 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (41.4 MPa)
In. In. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kM lb QcN) lb QrN) lb (kN) lb QtN) lb (iN)
3-1/8 3,050 3,345 3,510 3,510 6,575 7,200 7,580 7,560
(79) (13.6) (14.9) (15.6) (15.6) (29.2) (32.0) (33.6) (33.6)
5-5/8 6,320 6,320 6,320 6,320 13,605 13,605 13,605 13,605
5f8 (143) (28.1) (28.1) (28.1) (28.1) (60.5) 1 (60.5) (60.5) (60.5)
7-112 8,425 8,425 8,425 8,425 18,145 18,145 18,145 18.14F--
(191) (37.5) (37.5) (37.5) (37.5) (80.7) (80.7) (80.7) (80.7)
12-1/2 14,040 14,040 14,040 14,040 30,240 30,240 30,240 30,240
(318) (62.5) (62.5) (62.5) (62.5) (134.5) (134.5) (134.5) (134.5)
3-1/2 3,620 3,965 4,575 4,690 7,790 8,535 9,855 10,100
(89) (16.1) (17.6) (20.4) (20.9) (34.7) (38.0) (43.8) (44.9)
6-3/4 9,045 9,045 9,045 91045 19,485 19,485 19,485 19,485
(171) (40.2) (40.2) (40.2) (40.2) (86.7) (86.7) (86.7) (88.7) 3/4 9 12,060 12,060 12,080 12,060 25,975 25,975 25,975 25,975
(229) (53.6) (53.6) (53.5) (53.6) (115.5) (115.5) (115.5) (115.5)
11-1/4 15,075 15,075 15,075 15,075 32,470 32,470 32,470 32,470
(288) (67.1) (67.1) (67.1) (67.1) (144.4) (144.4) (144.4) (144.4)
3-1,2 3,620 3,965 4,575 5,440 7,790 8,535 9,855 11,720
(89) (16.1) (17.6) (20.4) (24.2) (34.7) (38.0) (43.8) (52.1)
7-718 12,210 12,240 12,240 12,240 26,300 26,385 26,365 26,365
(200) (54.3) (54.4) (54.4) (54.4) (117.0) (117.3) (117.3) (117.3)
10-1/2 16,320 16,320 16,320 16,320 35,155 35,155 35,155 35,155
(2 7) (72.6) (72.6) (72.6) (72.6) (156.4) (156.4) (156.4) (156.4)
17-1/2 27,205 27,205 27,205 27,205 58,595 58,595 58,595 58,595
(445) (121.0) (121.0) (121.0) (121.0) (260.6) (260.6) (260.6) (280.6)
4 4,420 4,840 5,590 6,845 9,520 10,430 12,040 14,750
(102) (19.7) (21.5) (24.9) (30.4) (42.3) (46.4) (53.6) (65.6)
9 14,920 15,990 15,990 15,990 32,130 34,440 34,440 34,440
1 (229) (66.4) (71.1) (71.1) (71.1) (142.9) (153.2) (153.2) (153.2)
12 21,320 21,320 21,320 21,320 45,920 45,920 45,920 45,920
(305) (94.8) (94.8) (94.8) (94.8) (204.3) (204.3) (204.3) (204.3)
20 35,530 35,530 35,530 35,530 76,530 76,530 76,530 76,530
(508) (158.0) (158.0) (158.0) (158.0) (340.4) (340.4) (340.4) (340.4)
5 6,175 6,765 7,815 9,570 13,305 14,575 16,830 20,610
(127) (27.5) (30.1) (34.8) (42.6) (59.2) (64.8) (74.9) (91.7)
11-1/4 20,850 22,840 23,690 23,690 44,905 49,19D 51,025 51,025
(286) (92.7) (101.6) (105.4) (105.4) (199.7) (218.8) (227.0) (227.0) 1-1/4 15 31,590 31,590 31,590 31,590 68,035 68,035 68,035 68,035
(381) (140.5) (140.5) (140.5) (140.5) (302.6) (302.6) (302.6) (302.6)
25 52,645 52,645 52,645 52,645 113,390 113,390 113,390 113,390
(635) 1 (234.2) (234.2) (234.2) (234.2) (504.4) (504.4) (504.4) (504.4)
See Section ..1.8 for explanation on development of load values.
See Section to convert design strength value to MD value.
Unear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted.
Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness factors In tables 30-41 as necessary to the above values. Compare to the steel values In table 29. The lesser of the values Is to be used for the design.
Data Is for temperature range A Max. short term temperature - 130F (55C), max. long term temperature - 110°F (43°C).
For temperature range B: Max. short term temperature -176°F (80°C), max. long term temperature -110°F (43°C) multiply above values by 0.69.
Short term elevated concrete temperatures we those that occur over brief Intervals. e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete temperatures are roughly constant over
significant periods of time.
Tabular values we for dry or water saturated concrete conditions. Water-flied and submerged (under waters applications are not permitted for this hole preparation method.
Tabular values are for short term loads only. For sustained loads including overhead use, see Section
Tabular values we for normal-weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength by A as follows:
For sand-lightweIght, A -0.51. For all-lightweIght, A - 0.45.
Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design Is not permitted for urrcracked concrete. For seismic loads, multiply cracked concrete tabular values in tension and sheer by
O_E 075 See section for additional Information on seismic applications.
160 HIlti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 I www.hlltl.com I an español 1-800-879-5000 I Hlltl (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hlltl.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
HIT-RE 500 V3 Epoxy Adhesive Anchoring System 3.2.4
Table 29- Steel design strength for Hilti HIT-V and HAS threaded rods'
HIT-V HAS-E HAS-E-B HAS-R stainless steel
ASTM A307 Grade A2 ISO 898 Class 5.82 ASTM A193 B73 ASTM F593 - AISI 304/316 SS2
Nominal Seismic Seismic Seismic Seismic
anchor Tensile4 Shear' Shear' Tensile4 Shear' Shear' Tensile Shear' Shear' Tensile4 Shear' Shear'
diameter 4N, $V 40V N, v 4V N_ V qV ioN. V v
in. lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
3,025 1,675 1,175 3,655 2.020 2,020 7,265 3,775 3,775 5,040 2,790 2,230
(13.5) (7.5) (5.2) (16.3) (9.0) (9.0) (32.3) (16.8) (16.8) (22.4) (12.4) 1 (9.9)
1 5.535 3,065 2.145 6,690 3,705 3.705 13,300 6,915 6,915 9,225 5.110 4,090
(24.6) (13.6) (9.5) (29.8) (16.5) (16.5) (59.2) (30.8) (30.8) (41.0) (22.7) (18.2)
5/8 8,815 4,880 3,415 10,650 5,900 5,900 21,190 11,020 11,020 14,690 8,135 6,510
(39.2) (21.7) (15.2) (47.4) (26.2) (26.2) (94.3) (49.0) (49.0) (65.3) (36.2) (29.0)
13,045 7,225 5,060 15,765 8,730 8,730 31,360 16,305 16,305 18,480 10,235 8,190
(58.0) (32.1) (22.5) (70.1) (38.8) (38.8) (139.5) (72.5) (72.5) (82.2) (45.5) 1 (36.4)
7 - -
21,755 12,050 12,050 43,285 22,505 22,505 25,510 14,125 11,300
(96.8) (53.6) (53.6) (192.5) (100.1) (100.1) (113.5) (62.8) (50.3)
1 23,620 13,085 9,160 28,540 15,805 15,805 56,785 29,525 29,525 33,465 18,535 14,830
(105.1) (58.2) (40.7) (127.0) (70.3) (70.3) (252.6) (131.3) (131.3) (148.9) (82.4) (66.0)
1-1/4 - -
45,670 25,295 25,295 90,850 47,240 47,240 53,540 29,655 23,725
- (203.1) 1 (112.5) (112.5) (404.1) (210.1) (210.1) (238.2) 1 (131.9) 1 (105.5)
1 See Section to convert design strength value to ASD value.
2 HflW, HAS-E, and HAS-R threaded rods are considered brittle steel elements. HIT-V does not comply with % elongation requirements of ASTM A307 Grade A
steel. HAS-E does not comply with % elongation requirements of ISO 898-1.
3 HAS-E-B7 rods are considered ductile steel elements.
4 Tensile 4pAf,1 as noted mACI 318 Chapter 17.
5 Shear- 0 0.60 A.,, f. as noted mACI 3l8 Chapter ll.
6 Seismic Shear = ;, $V: Reduction for seismic shear only. See section for additional Information on seismic applications.
Hfttl, Inc. (US) 1-800-879.8000 1 www.hlltl.com I on espatiol 1-800-879-5000 1 Huh (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 1 www.hlltl.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 161