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FINAL HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS REPORT OCEAN CONDOMINIUMS 2501 STATE STREET, CARLSBAD, CA CTI6.02 I GR2019.0028 / DWG 519.5A Prepared for Carlsbad 17 GP, LLC 234 Venture Street, Suite 100 San Marcos, CA 92079 Prepared by: TAYLOR GROUP, INC. 301 Mission Avenue, Suite 201 Oceanside, CA 92054 (tu No.58274 It ( Exp. 06/30/2022 ii Larry R. Taylor, P.E., G.E. RCE 58274, Expires 06/30/2022 TGI Project No. 19.00911 RECEIVED Updated August 30, 2020 SEP 17 2020 LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 1T7ULW3 IWtJ!J?, flBD Geotechnical Engineering • Civil Engineering 9 Environmental Site Assessment FINAL HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS STUDY REPORT OCEAN CONDOMINIUMS 2501 STATE STREET, CARLSBAD, CA. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a drainage study and hydrology evaluation for a proposed residential condominium project located at 2501 State Street in Carlsbad, California ("the Site"). The scope of the study has included the following tasks: assessment of existing and proposed site conditions in regard to drainage characteristics; performance of a field reconnaissance to observe conditions at and downstream of the Site; evaluation of hydrologic and characteristics of the Site; evaluation of conditions of concern based on the site conditions and characteristics, and; preparation of this report summarizing our conclusions, opinions and recommendations. This report is an update of a preliminary hydrology and hydraulics report that was prepared by Michael Baker International (MBI) during the entitlement phase of the project. This report has been revised to incorporate changes associated with the final design of the project. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Existing Conditions Figure 1 is a vicinity map showing the general location of the project site in Carlsbad, California "(the Site)". The Site is trapezoidal in shape and consists of an existing parcel measuring approximately 220 feet by 100 feet for a total of 0.49 acres. The lot is located at 2501 State Street and is identified as Assessor's Parcel Number 155-200-10-00. The project Site is bordered to the east by State Street, to the south by an existing multi-family residential development, to the west by undeveloped land and to the north by a commercial office building. The Site is currently developed with a roughly 5,680 s.f. single story commercial office building, a roughly 7,750 s.f. asphalt drive and parking lot and various hardscaped and landscaped areas. A 7-foot high sound wall constructed of mechanically stabilized earth blocks extends across the westerly property boundary and the westerly 40 feet of the southerly property boundary. The Site slopes mildly down from the southwest to the northeast, with most of the site being relatively level at El. 36 feet. 2.2 Existing Soil Conditions Per NRCS data (Appendix A) the site soils are characterized as Hydrologic Soil Group B. However, a site-specific geotechnical investigation indicates that the existing near surface soils at the Site consist predominantly of clay (CL) and clayey sand (SC) fill soils overlying weathered granular terrace deposits. The existing near-surface site soils are judged to be Group D soils. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 11 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 Groundwater was not encountered in borings that were advanced to depths of 20 feet below ground surface at the Site. Groundwater is estimated to be roughly 4 to 5 feet above sea level beneath the Site, or about 30 feet below existing grade. 2.3 Existing Drainage Runoff from approximately 92% of the Site flows from west to the east to State Street via surface flow, roof downspouts and a sidewalk underdrain. Area drains capture the flow on portions of the Site and convey it to a sidewalk underdrain. Once in the gutter of State Street, flow travels to the northwest, where it enters existing storm drain piping at a curb inlet on the westerly side of State Street approximately 250 feet northwest of the Site. The storm drain is a 66" pipe that discharges to Buena Vista Lagoon approximately 80 feet northeast of the curb inlet. A small portion of the site (approximately 0.04 acres, or 8% of the parcel area) flows to the adjacent properties to the north and west. Existing Drainage conditions are illustrated on Figure 2 - Existing Hydrology Exhibit. Peak discharge from the Site for the existing conditions was calculated using the Rational Method as specified in Part IV of the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual and Section V.B.5 of the San Diego County Flood Control District Design and Procedure Manual. Rainfall intensity was estimated using the County Hydrology Manual for 10 year, and 100-year frequency, 6-hour duration precipitation maps and the Intensity-Duration Design Chart. Discharge was calculated for various sub areas as shown on Figure 2. Calculations and supporting information are summarized on Appendix A. Calculated peak discharge from the Site at three points of concentration as shown on Figure 2 for 10-year and 100-year storm events are summarized in the following table. Event Precipitation (inches) Peak Discharge (cfs) POCI POC2 POC3 TOTAL 1 0-Year 6-Hour Precipitation 1.60 1.56 0.03 0.02 1.61 100-Year 6-Hour Precipitation 2.50 2.44 0.05 0.03 2.52 3.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The proposed project will consist of demolition of all existing improvements at the Site and construction of 17 residential condominium units in a single structure with three habitable stories over a partially subterranean parking/storage level accessed from State Street. Grading for the project will result in removal of the clayey fill soils from the Site and replacement with select granular soils, resulting in a change of the effective Hydrologic Soil Group from Group "D" to Group "B". The planned development of the Site will not significantly alter the overall drainage pattern, with essentially all the runoff discharging to State Street. However, existing discharge to the adjacent property to the north will be eliminated and minor existing discharge to the property to the west will be reduced. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 12 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 Runoff from the more than 99% of the Site area will be captured in private onsite drainage systems and discharged to the MS4 via a private storm drain and a curb inlet tree well. As illustrated on Figure 3, most of the Site will consist of the building structure, which will have an overall of impervious footprint of 17,636 s.f. (approximately 0.404 acres or 83% of the Site area). Rain falling on approximately 96% of this area including rooftops, roof decks, balconies above the podium deck areas, and podium deck patios) will be directed to raised biofiltration planters to be constructed on the second- floor podium deck and at street level in the southeastern corner of the site.. The podium deck planters will connect to drain piping routed through the building and discharge to an existing 66" storm drain in State Street. The street level planter will discharge to State Street via a sidewalk underdrain. Approximately 1,230 s.f. (0.03 acres) of impervious podium deck, patio and other building surfaces will drain to self-retaining landscaped areas and permeable paver areas in the northeasterly yard area and southerly side yard. Approximately 2,655 s.f. of the site beyond the building structure will consist of permeable paver walkways, landscape areas, and concrete hardscape. The northerly side yard will sheet flow to State Street. The southerly side yard will filter through a permeable paver system to an underdrain and then to a sump that will discharge to a biofiltration planter with an underdrain system connected to a sidewalk underdrain discharging to the gutter on State Street. Runoff from a small (260 s.f.) portion of impervious hardscaped driveway and walkway areas in the front yard will flow to a channel drain at the driveway entrance and then to the same sump to be discharged to a biofiltration planter with an underdrain system connected to a sidewalk underdrain discharging to the gutter on State Street. 3.1 Proposed Drainage Improvements Drainage improvements associated with the proposed development are illustrated on Figure 3 and include the following: A total of twelve (12) biofiltration planters on the podium deck that will accept runoff from roughly 90% of the impervious roof/roof deck area of the structure; A private 10" PVC storm drainpipe that will accept discharges from the podium deck biofiltration planters will connect at an nlet-type cleanoutto a new public 18" RCP storm drain pipe in the right-of-way. The 18" RCP storm drain will connect to an existing 66" RCP storm drain in State Street; Runoff from a small portion of the structure and pumped discharge from a sump near the lobby entrance in the depressed entry area at the southeastern corner of the Site that will discharge to a biofiltration planter with an underdrain system connected to a sidewalk underdrain discharging to the gutter on State Street. A channel drain to capture runoff from low areas at the drive entrance to the garage connected to a sump that will discharge to the sump identified above, and; A tree well with a curb inlet located apprximately 45 feet north of the northerly property boundary on State Street that will intercept gutter flow from the parkway along the project frontage, including the discharge from #3 and #4 above. Cross-sections for the biofiltration planters are illustrated on Figures 4A and 4B. Routing of building runoff to the biofiltration planters will be via building drain lines and downdrains that are TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 13 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 indicated on the drainage exhibit and that will be detailed on the building architectural plans. A conceptual diagram of the routing is illustrated on Figure 5. 4.0 HYDROLOGY FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT' TGI evaluated site hydrology for the proposed development based on the same Rational Method methodology described in the previous section and for the same overall area considered for the existing condition calculations. Unmitigated discharges were calculated for various sub areas as shown on Figure 3. Results are provided in Appendix B and summarized below. Event Precipitation (inches) Peak Discharge (cfs) POCI POC2 POC3 TOTAL CHANGE 10-Year 6-Hour Precipitation 1.60 1.64 0.00 0.00 1.64 +0.03 100-Year 6-Hour Precipitation 2.50 2.56 0.00 0.00 2.56 +0.04 The results of the hydrologic assessment indicate that the proposed site development will increase peak discharge to the primary point of concentration, with the post-development peak discharge for the 100- year storm event being 2.56 c.f.s. as compared to 2.52 c.f.s. for the current conditions. 4.1 Mitigation of Increased Peak Discharge Rational method calculations determined that peak flow rate in the proposed condition is 2.56 cfs. Detention measures will be implemented to attenuate the flow to the less than the pre-development level of 2.52 cfs. Peak discharge to POCI (State Street) will be mitigated by routing runoff from a 982 s.f. portion of exposed fourth floor walkway and rooftop area to Biofiltration Planter No. 2 (1310.02). This planter has an area of 219 s.f. and a total storage volume of 356 cubic feet. The biofiltration planter details are provided on Figure 4 and are also included in the DMA Plan in the Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) for the project. Using results from rational method calculations for peak flow in the proposed condition, a 6-hour hydrograph was generated for the area draining to 1310.02 using the methods described in Section 6 of the San Diego County Hydrology Manual. The detention and peak flow mitigation calculations can be found in Appendix C. As illustrated by the data in Appendix C, discharge from the basin via infiltration to the underdrain pipe will begin after approximately 315 minutes (5.25 hours). The maximum calculated ponding depth is approximately 4.5 inches. With detention at BI0.02, peak discharge for the proposed development with detention will be less than the current peak discharge as summarized in the following table. • Event Precipitation (inches) Peak Discharge (cfs) POCI POC2 POC3 TOTAL CHANGE 10-Year 6-Hour Precipitation 1.60 1.57 0.00 0.00 1.57 -0.04 100-Year 6-Hour Precipitation 2.50 2.43 0.00 0.00 2.43 -0.08 TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 14 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 5.0 HYDRAULICS The proposed development will include engineered drainage systems including area drains along the northerly and westerly yard areas, a channel drain in the driveway and two area drain discharge locations on Surfrider Way with sidewalk underdrains and curb-face outlets. The drainage systems are illustrated on Figure 3. Pipe sizing calculations and channel drain information is included in Appendix D of this report. 5.1 Pipe Hydraulics The calculations indicate that a minimum 8" PVC pipe is required to convey combined flows at the peak discharge rate from the biofiltration planters on the podium deck (BIO.02 through 13I0.08). Individual 6" pipes will connect each of the planters to the 8" collector, which will be routed along the garage ceiling and then connect to a private 10" PVC storm drain pipe in the northerly side yard that will connect to a new 18" RCP storm drain in the State Street ROW to an existing 66" RCP storm drain in State Street. Pipe hydraulics for piping within the structure to the planters is outside the scope of this study and shall be addressed by the building designer and documented on the architectural/plumbing plans. Conceptual routing to the biofiltration planters is illustrated on Figure 5. 5.2 Southerly Side Yard Flow to Sump The southerly side yard will be paved with permeable payers over an 6" thick gravel storage layer with a 4" perforated PVC pipe underdrain. The underdrain will connect to a sump that will discharge by pumping to a curb outlet on State Street. Peak discharge to the sump will be approximately 0.09 cfs (40 gpm). A sump pump with a minimum flow rate of 70 gpm at 10' total dynamic head is recommended to be installed in the sump. Information on a recommended sump and sump pump is provided in Appendix E. The sump pump will discharge to biofiltration planter BlO.09 via a 1.5" diameter PVC pipe. The gutter flow in State Street will be intercepted by a street tree curb inlet as shown on the plans. 5.3 Channel Drain Peak discharge for the small areas at the drive entrance to the garage level is included in the calculations provided in Appendix B. The Rational Method calculations indicate that the peak discharge to the channel drain for the 100-year storm event will be 0.02 cfs. The A 6" channel drain is recommended for the driveway area. Runoff collected at the channel drain will be routed to the sump described in Section 5.2. Flow from the channel drain is included in the pump sizing as described in that section. The gutter flow in State Street will be intercepted by a street tree curb inlet as shown on the plans. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 15 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 6.0 CONCLUSIONS A change to a project sites hydrologic regime is considered to be a condition of concern if the change would impact downstream channels and habitat integrity. With mitigation as described herein, the proposed development of the Site will result in a net decrease in peak discharge for the 100-year storm event as compared to current conditions. The anticipated changes to the hydrologic regime are minor. Runoff from the site enters the MS4 at the project boundary and is discharged to Buena Vista Lagoon at a point located a few hundred feet from the site. We conclude that the changes in site hydrology will not negatively impact any downstream channels or impact habitat integrity. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. - Page 1 6 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 FIGURES OCEAN CONDOMINIUMS - 2501 STATE STREET TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 17 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 XMap04.5 .*, ••1\:, rlt:t 'T _ :5 \ JFlS I ic — 10 Tra ( 1.0 It or tm?/ 5th - .'.:-- -A '-1 - t.-.tv '_ (,i) -. .' • r 0tt Ah \006w Nee - j \J0 \ i i \t\\ bii -• L9i vsi-1' I AVC — ----- ------ ' 169 i S LAC UN Project Site -oil 43 nril4 State -)taLe - f Army n ) }n v 'i ' s - High ;--°tot 'o°o74i- ' •' ,s \ diI N '44 P10 I - Avv CARLSBAD-S cSth -1. •• ViUty I - .\c_ :-./ •' '<-.' 1\t 7.flk X. ;- \•' ''n t. \' • 5th S \\Z. \ie Yp c"-.\'\ t'•"k --. 151 Data use subject to license. - 2004 Delorme XMap 45. I 0 000 1600 2400 3200 4000 wswi delorme corn MN (00° W) Data Zoom 13-0 -i SAW FIGURE 1. SITE LOCATION & VICINITY MAP Drawn by: LT Ihecked by: &tntlilca Ii,l1uutp IPiiIi •kitI.iTiia Date: June 10, 2019 Ocean Condominiums, 2501 Slate Street, Carlsbad, CA up 34.81 Rld 38 39 Iro LEGEND: DESCRIPTION SYMBOL PARCEL BOUNDARY EXISTiNG TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR _- 20- EXIS71NG SPOT ELEVATiON X 49.00 EXISTiNG RETAINING WALL/SITE WALL — — — — SUBAREA BOUNDARY - — — — — — — - DIREC11ON OF DRAINAGE A=970 sf (0422 acre) ON 35 - H - I ., IL LJ4J. 1- 7 - 4 0.6;? 4 •, • -k-4 __4 4 I .7% -\i& .0,% •9 7 kUB - = acre) 23T1 = .ti is j ii POW L .J Q= 0.03 Cf SUBAREA 03 3 • .4 .0 A=480 sf (0.011 acre) \ % - . . •-\ r4- r -k:rf:tr 4;? ./f> NC=0.35 S. \ ' .4 • t NO MAN II ©. 0 °" I I I 6uaau!6u3 hAlO • 6uu99u!6u3 I 3!Utl33 O3 I I.H]Wd011A1O - Ills OINNV1I 1101 SVIIIV ]9VNIVIIO C 11111911 ooV0/90 :ao 1H1 ooVocI8o :sea IHi 31 dD L L peqspe I46006I. as L09Z - SWfliuiWopUoo ueoo :Aq poaq :,cq ueia :weN 1U91I0 Jaqwn 3 1OJd :weN P!OJd 0 N —J 0 U, — — — — — — 0 CN 0000 III ZE *ON% CON 00 co 0 O .o cs cs cs (s cs i U. U, 'U cc sc,, 4 L&j 0 I- - 4 cc * 0 IL o 4d -ld 000000 I N V / / z w C, w 1 MAX WATER LEVEL 18736" SPLASH BLOCK AT DOWNDRA!N LOCATION (MODERN PRECAST OR APPROVED EQUAL) 6" SOLID PVC RISER/OVERFLOW Y.IR EXT. WALKWAY 10 MAX I 2 MULCH LAYER I 18 SOIL MEDIA 42 _____ 2 CHJER LA YER 6' GRAVEL CONCRETE PODIUM DECK I I "WA HDPE-4O PROTECTION COURSE LEVEL MEMBRANE - 7REA ____I I TREMPROOF 6100 SYSTEM NTH 7RE 7 \ 6 PVC DISCHARGE PIPE MOUNTED ON PARKING—I LEVEL CEILING 4 PERFORATED PVC UNDERDRAIN PIPE BIOFILTRATION PLANTER 6I0.02 (on podium deck] DRAIN FROM ROOFTOP 18"X36" SPLASH BLOCK AT DOWNDRAIN LOCATiON (MODERN PRECAST OR APPROVED EQUAL) —6" SOLID PVC RISER/OVERFLOW V€1R "t[—IEII—il9 18" SOIL MEDIA__ il i L_ur.....i - .CHOKER IIIuIIuuIIIIIuIuIIuulIuuIIuuIluuuI uuupuuuiiiiiiiiiiE ! &•. I CONCRETE PODIUM DECK \ '—WA TERPROOF1NG MEMBRANE - TREMCO TREMPROOF 6100 SYSTEM 071I 1 TREMCO \ HDPE-40 PR07EC71ON COURSE 6" PVC DISCHARGE PIPE MOUNTED ON PARKING—I 3" PERFORATED PVC UNDERDRAIN PIPE LEVEL CEILING BIOFILTRATION PLANTERS 8I0.01, 03-08 (on podium deck] NOTES: SEE PROJECTPL4NS FOR LOCATIONS AND PLAN DIMENSIONS OF THESE PLANTERS. DETAILS FOR DISCHARGE PIPE PENETRATION OF PODIUM DECK, WATERPROOFING DETAILS, AND ROUTING OF INLET PIPE FROM ROOFTOP TO BE SHOWN ON ARCHITECTURAL PLANS t Name: ocean Condominiums - 2501 State Street I tNumber.19.00911 FIGURE 4. CROSS-SECTIONS FOR Name: Carlsbad 17 GP, LLC BIOFILTRATION PLANTERS by: LRT I Date 08/30/2019 GeotechnkaI Engineeiing 9 Civil gin - . NOTES: SEE PROJECT PLANS FOR LOCATIONS AND PLAN DIMENSIONS OF THIS PLANTER. WATERPROOFING DETAILS, AND ROUTING OF INLET PIPE(S) FROM ROOFTOP BALCONIES AND PATIOS TO BE SHOWN ON ARCHITECTURAL PLANS WA TERPROOF1NG MEMBRANE - ____ TREMCO TREMPROOF 6100 SYSTEM Vil711 TREMCO HDPE-40 PROTECTION COURSE - IWDTH VARIES— SEE DETAIL F ON SHEET 7 6 PVC RISER 91*1 7.iñ \ 18 0/A. X 72 DEEP ROUND FIBERGLASS Si AK INDUSTRIES CB-18772-100 OR EQUAL MASONRY RETAINING WALL TYPE 5 PER SDRSO C-5 1 6- MAX 2' MULCH LAYER J• I , 18 SOIL MEDIA 1.5 OI1cY(ER LAYER I 4.5' STATE STREET T SOLID SCH 40 PVC DISCHARGE TO SIDEWALK UNDERORAIN 4 SCHEDULE 40 PVC SLEEVE 2 SCHEDULE 40 PVC SLEEVE J__3-2 SCHEDULE 40 PVC SLEEVE '--1.5' DIA. SCH 40 PVC DISCHARGE TO PLANTER IE 30.40 4 PVC IN FROM CHANNEL DRAIN, AREA DRAINS AND UNDERDRA!N NO7E SUMP SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTING RETAINING WALLS IE 31.30 40 PVC IN FROM PAVER UNDERDRAIN AND S. SIDE AREA DRAINS SUMP PUMP - ZOELLER M137-- OR APPROVED EQUAL Project Name: Ocean Condominiums - 2501 State Street Project Number 19.00911 Client Name: Carlsbad 17 GP, LLC Drawn by: LRT I Date: 08/30/2020 Scale: As shown FIGURE 4B. CROSS-SECTIONS FOR BIOFILTRATION PLANTER 11I0.09 _[7u1:E3 (ff3[PD [ll Geotechnical Engineering • Civil Engineering O1 &ft CA2bffft • gnu .7IO.721.99IO . f.L 7e0.,21a9g1 ROOFTOP (PS 73.7 70 87.7) FOURTH FLOOR Cl) BALCONY DRAINS THIRD FLOOR (FT 52. I AJfA.22 7 I I 1 810 03-08 I a.m 1QQZ I FROM 3rd FLOOR EXPOSED I I a 4&J4 IIR I BALCONY DRAINS I Ift-448 .35t Fw:Pawmw, i FX'JM LDt BAWJV SECOND FLOOR/PODIUM DECK (FT 427) No EL d2 c _____PWtD( I ISCHARGE 70 LANDSCAPE (6 PVC MOUNTED ON GARAGE LEVEL CEILING) PARKING GARAGE (FT 32.5) aAWV - TO STORM DRAIN SUMP (NON—STORY WATER) PUMP TREA1EDSTC4MWA7ERTOUS4 PVC STORM DRAIN) A75 7 a.-::s m ania Is a zio vwra 37D (SIDEWALK UNDERORAIN) ENGINEER'S NOTES ALL FLOOR DRAINS AND DOWNDRAINS FOR STORM WATER FROM THE ROOF LEVEL, BALCONIES ON THE THIRD AND FOURTH STORIES AND FROM PA 770 DRAINS ON THE PODIUM DECK (SECOND STORY) SHALL BE ROUTED TO THE BIOF7L TRA liON PLANTERS. ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND PLUMBING PLANS SHOWiNG FLOOR DRAINS AND DOVINDRAINS FOR STORM WATER SHALL BE RE WE WED BY THE CIWL ENGINEER TO CONFiRM THAT THEY ARE ROUTED IN ACCORDANCE WiTH THE ABOVE REQUIREMENT AND Ti-IA T THE ROUTING IS CONSISTENT 117H THE SIZING REQUIREMENTS PRO WOED IN THIS APPROVED SWQMP. rrojeci pjame: ucewi L,UIIUUIIUIIIUIIIb - I )LW OUL I I Project Number. 119.00911 I FIGURE 5. GENERALIZED ROUTING OF GUMME MR M. Client Name: I Casbad 17 GP, LLC I BUILDING RUNOFF TO - Drawn by: I LRT I Datel 08/30/2020 BIOHLTRAUON PLANTERS GeotechnicaI Engineering o Civil Engineering Scale: I As shown APPENDIX A RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATIONS FOR EXISTING CONDITIONS 10-YEAR, 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION 100-YEAR, 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOIL HYDROLOGIC GROUPS MAP S.D. COUNTY 6-HOUR AND 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIAL MAPS - S.D. COUNTY 85' PERCENTILE PRECIPITATION ISOPLUVIAL MAP TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 1 8 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS - EXISTING CONDITIONS OCEAN CONDOMINIUMS DATE: 08/30/2020 RUNOFF ESTIMATE FOR 10 YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION P6= 1.6 inch APPENDIX A TGI PROJECT NO. 19:00911 BY: L. TAYLOR P24= 3.00 inch P6/P24= 0.53 Subarea No. Area (s.f.) Description C D I (in/hr) Q (cfs) DRAINS TO 1 20271 SITE AREA 0.79 5.0 4.22 1.56 POC1 2 970 N'LY SIDE YARD SLOPE 0.35 5.0 4.22 0.03 POC2 3 480 REAR YARD 0.35 5.0 4.22 0.02 POC3 TOTAL 21721 1.61 DISCHARGE TO POC1 (CURB OUTLETS): 1.56 CFS - DISCHARGE TO POC2 (SIDE YARD/OFFSITE): 0.03 CFS DISCHARGE TO POC3 (REAR YARD/OFFSITE): 0.02 CFS RUNOFF ESTIMATE FOR 100 YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION P6 = 2.5 inch P24= 4.50 inch P6/P24= 0.56 Subarea No. Area (s.f.) Description . C D I (in/hr) Q (cfs) DRAINS TO 1 20271 SITE AREA 0.79 5.0 6.59 2.44 POC1 2 970 N'LY SIDE YARD SLOPE 0.35 5.0 6.59 0.05 POC2 3 480 REAR YARD 0.35 5.0 6.59 0.03 P003 TOTAL 21721 1 _______ _______ ________ 2.52 DISCHARGE TO POC1 (CURB OUTLETS): 2.44 CFS DISCHARGE TO POC2 (SIDE YARD/OFFSITE): 0.05 CFS DISCHARGE TO POC3 (REAR YARD/OFFSITE): 0.03 CFS 339'57'N Hydrologic Soil Group—Sari Diego County Area, California IVA ISK I I , N ft .dt j\\ 33 949 N 4655' D ~669co 4369Y,437c10 4G7aC if Map Scale: 1:1,690 if printed on A landscape (lix 85') sheet Meters N 0 25 50 Ico 150 Feet 0 5D ico 200A Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge ties: UTM Zone uN WG584 LisDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey QiM Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey N NI N , 33 9'49"N 46733 if 6/8/2019 Page 1 of 457053 467,110 457140 467170 Hydrologic Soil Group—San Diego County Area, California Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres In AOl Percent of AOl LG-W Lagoon water 0.3 6.6% MIC Marina loamy coarse sand, 2 to percent B slopes 4.0 80.3% Tel Terrace escarpments 0.7 13.1% Totals for Area of Interest 5.0 100.0% Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B. C, and 0) and three dual classes (AID, BID, and CID). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or CO), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group 0 are assigned to dual classes. ts Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 6/8/2019 Conservation Service National cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group—San Diego County Area, California Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher Natural Resources - - Web Soil Survey 6/8/2019 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 - - - - Is_Q > I \ OCEANSIDE Ot1 O,j, a UOZ)WNOO :? - A - - L1J 'p z . Lli D - - MARRON 0.60" 1) IT 2501 S' 2501 STATE STREET - \>' AQUA HEDIONDA LAGOON ' \ S 0 ALOMAR\\tRPORT 85th PERCENTILE RAINFALL ISOPLU VIAL \. V APPENDIX B RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATIONS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 1 0-YEAR, 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION-UNMITIGATED 100-YEAR, 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION-UNMITIGATED 10-YEAR, 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION-MITIGATED 100-YEAR, 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION-MITIGATED TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 1 9 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 APPENDIX B HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS - PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT -UNMITIGATED OCEAN CONDOMINIUMS TGI PROJECT NO. 19.00911 DATE: 08/30/2020 BY: L. TAYLOR RUNOFF ESTIMATE FOR 10 YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION P6 = 1.6 inch P24= 3.00 inch P6/P24= 0.53 Subarea No. Area (s.f.) Description C 0 I (in/hr) Q (cfs) DRAINS TO 1 982 ROOFTOP TO 13I0.02 0.74 5.0 4.22 0.07 POC1 2 6830 ROOFTOP TO BIO.01A-D 0.89 5.0 4.22 0.59 POC1 3 9307 ROOFTOP/BALCONIES TO 13I0.03-08 0.87 5.0 4.22 0.79 POC1 4 632 ROOFTOP/BALCONIES TO13I0.09 0.82 5.0 4.22 0.05 POC1 5 2667 N & W YARDS/PATIOS 0.56 1 12.5 2.33 0.08 POC1 6 1303 SE&SYARDS 0.76 12.5 2.33 0.05 POC1 TOTAL 21721 1.64 DISCHARGE TO POC1 (STATE STREET): 1.64 CFS RUNOFF ESTIMATE FOR 100 YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION P6 = 2.5 inch P24= 4.50 inch P6/P24= 0.56 Subarea No. Area (s.f.) Description C D I (in/hr) Q (cfs) DRAINS TO 1 982 ROOFTOP TO 13I0.02 0.74 5.0 6.59 0.11 POC1 2 6830 ROOFTOP TO BIO.01A-D 0.89 5.0 6.59 0.93 POC1 3 9307 ROOFTOP/BALCONIES TO 13I0.03-08 0.87 5.0 6.59 1.23 POC1 4 632 ROOFTOP/BALCONIES TO 13I0.09 0.82 1 5.0 6.59 0.08 POC1 5 2667 N & W YARDS/PATIOS 0.56 12.5 3.65 0.13 POC1 6 1303 SE &S YARDS 0.76 12.5 3.65 0.08 POC1 TOTAL 21721 2.56 DISCHARGE TO POC1 (STATE STREET): 2.56 CFS APPENDIX B HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS - PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT - MITIGATED OCEAN CONDOMINIUMS DATE: 08/30/2020 RUNOFF ESTIMATE FOR 10 YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION P6= 1.6 inch TGI PROJECT NO. 19.00911 BY: L. TAYLOR P24= 3.00 inch P6/P24= 0.53 Subarea No. Area (acre) Description. C D I (in/hr) Q (cfs) DRAINS TO 1 982 ROOFTOP TO BIO.02 0.74 315.0 0.29 0.00 POC1 2 6830 ROOFTOP TO BIO.01A-D 0.89 5.0 4.22 0.59 POC1 3 9307 ROOFTOP/BALCONIES TO BIO.03-08 0.87 5.0 4.22 0.79 POC1 4 632 ROOFTOP/BALCONIES TO BIO.09 0.82 5.0 4.22 0.05 POC1 5 2667 N & W YARDS/PATIOS 0.56 12.5 2.33 0.08 POC1 6 1303 SE&SYARDS 0.76 12.5 2.33 0.05 POC1 TOTAL 21721 1.57 DISCHARGE TO POC1 (STATE STREET): 1.57 CFS RUNOFF ESTIMATE FOR 100 YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION P6 = 2.5 inch P24= 4.50 inch P6/P24= 0.56 Subarea No. Area (s.f.) Description C D I (in/hr) Q (cfs) DRAINS TO 1 982 ROOFTOP TO BIO.02 0.74 315.0 0.46 0.01 POC1 2 6830 ROOFTOP TO BIO.01A-D 0.89 5.0 6.59 0.93 POC1 3 9307 ROOFTOP/BALCONIES TO BIO.03-08 0.87 5.0 6.59 1.23 POC1 4 632 ROOFTOP/BALCONIES TO BIO.09 0.82 5.0 4.22 0.05 POd 5 2667 N & W YARDS/PATIOS 0.56 12.5 3.65 0.13 POC1 6 1303 SE &S YARDS 0.76 12.5 3.65 0.08 POC1 TOTAL 21721 2.43 DISCHARGE TO POC1 (STATE STREET): 2.43 CFS APPENDIX C DETENTION IN BIOFILTRATION PLANTER BASIN INFLOW HYDROGRAPH AND BASIN DISCHARGE FOR 100-YEAR, 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION - BIO.02 SUBAREA DETRENTION STORAGE AND DISCHARGE VOLUMES - BIOFILTRATION PLANTER BIO.02 TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 110 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 APPENDIX D PIPE HYDRAILICS CALCULATIONS TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 1 11 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 APPENDIX D HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS - INDIVIDUAL BIOPLANTER AREAS FOR SIZING OF DISCHARGE PIPES OCEAN CONDOMINIUMS DATE: 08/30/2020 PEAK DISCHARGE FROM PLANTERS FOR 100 YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION P6 = 2.5 inch P24= TGI PROJECT NO. 19.00911 BY: L. TAYLOR 4.50 inch P6/P24= 0.56 Area (s.f.) Subarea No. Planter Impervious Total Description C D I (in/hr) Q (cfs) DRAINS TO 13I0.01A 90 2992 3082 ROOTOPTO 13I0.01 0.88 5.0 6.59 0.41 13I0.01B 18 286 304 ROOTOPTO 13I0.01 0.88 5.0 6.59 0.04 13I0.01C 34 725 759 ROOTOPTO 13I0.01 0.88 5.0 6.59 0.10 13I0.01D 94 2774 2868 ROOTOPTO 13I0..01 0.88 5.0 6.59 0.38 13I0.02 219 763 982 4TH FLOOR & ROOFTOP TO 13I0.02 0.77 315.0 0.46 0.03 13I0.03 101 1612 1713 ROOTOPTO 13I0.03 0.86 . .5.0 6.59 0.22 13I0.04 92 3030 3122 ROOTOPTO 13I0.04 0.88 5.0 6.59 0.42 13I0.05 77 1755 1832 ROOTOPTO 13I0.05 0.87 5.0 6.59 0.24 13I0.06 16 515 531 ROOTOPTO 13I0.06 0.88 5.0 6.59 0.07 13I0.07 56 1863 1919 4TH FLOOR & ROOFTOP TO 13I0.07 0.88 5.0 6.59 0.26 13I0.08 23 180 203 4T1H FLOOR & ROOFTOP TO 13I0.08 0.82 5.0 6.59 0.03 13I0.09 75 557 632 STREET LEVEL 0.82 5.0 6.59 0.08 TOTAL 17947 2.29 1.32 Worksheet for 13I0.04 RISER Project Description Solve For Diameter Input Data Discharge 0.42 cis Headwater Elevation 36.62 ft Centroid Elevation 36.58 ft Tailwater Elevation 33.00 ft Discharge Coefficient 3.100 Results Diameter 3.9 in Headwater Height Above a ft Centroid Tailwater Height Above -3.58 ft Centroid Flow Area 0.1 ft2 Velocity 4.97 ft/s Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution FlowMaster 00911 FlowMaster_10042019.fm8 Center [] 9/13120 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1 -203-755-1666 Worksheet for 13I0.04 DISCHARGE PIPE Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.020 ft/ft Diameter 6.0 in Discharge 0.42 cfs Results Normal Depth 2.7 in Flow Area 0.1 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 0.7 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.4 in Top Width 0.50 ft Critical Depth 4.0 in Percent Full 44.4% Critical Slope 0.006 ft/ft Velocity 4.99 ft/s Velocity Head 0.39 ft Specific Energy 0.61 ft Froude Number 2.136 Maximum Discharge 1.11 cfs Discharge Full 1.03 cfs Slope Full 0.003 ft/ft Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.0 in Length 0.0 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.0 In Profile Description N/A Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.0% Normal Depth Over Rise 44.4% Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity InliniLy rs Normal Depth 2.7 in Critical Depth 4.0 in Channel Slope 0.020 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.006 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution FlowMaster 00911 FlowMater_10042019.fm8 Center [] 9/13/20 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200W Page 1 oil Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Cross Section for 13I0.04 DISCHARGE PIPE Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.020 ft/ft Normal Depth 2.7 In Diameter 6.0 in Discharge 0.42 cfs V:1 H: I Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution FlowMaster 00911 FlowMaster_10042019.fm8 Center ( 9113/20 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1686 Worksheet for COLLECTOR PIPE IN GARAGE Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.015 ft/ft Diameter 8.0 In Discharge 1.27 cfs Results Normal Depth 4.7 In Flow Area 0.2 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 1.2 ft Hydraulic Radius 2.2 In Top Width 0.65 ft Critical Depth 6.4 in Percent Full 59.3% Critical Slope 0.007 ft/ft Velocity 5.89 ft/s Velocity Head 0.54 ft Specific Energy 0.93 ft Froude Number 1.808 Maximum Discharge 2.07 cis Discharge Full 1.92 cis Slope Full 0.007 ft/ft Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.0 In Length 0.0 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.0 in Profile Description N/A Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.0% Normal Depth Over Rise 59.3% Downstream Velocity Infinity ftls Upstream Velocity Inflriity fl/s Normal Depth 4.7 In Critical Depth 6.4 In Channel Slope 0.015 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.007 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution FlowMaster 00911 FlowMaster_10042019.fm8 Center (] 9/13/20 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200W Page 1 oil Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1686 Cross Section for COLLECTOR PIPE IN GARAGE Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.015 ft/ft Normal Depth 4.7 in Diameter 8.0 in Discharge 1.27 cfs V:1 H: I Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution FlowMaster 00911 FlowMaster_10042019.fm8 . Center [] 9/13/20 27 Slemon Company Drive Suite 200W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 08795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Worksheet for 10" STORM DRAIN TO MS4 Project Description Friction Method Solve For Manning Formula Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient Channel Slope Diameter Discharge 0.010 0.040 ft/ft 10.0 in 2.21 cfs Results Normal Depth 4.3 in Flow Area 0.2 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 1.2 ft Hydraulic Radius 2.3 in Top Width 0.83 ft Critical Depth 8.0 in Percent Full 43.2% Critical Slope 0.006 ft/ft Velocity 9.79 ft/s Velocity Head 1.49 ft Specific Energy 1.85 ft Froude Number 3.300 Maximum Discharge 6.13 cfs Discharge Full 5.70 cfs Slope Full 0.006 ft/ft Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.0 in Length 0.0 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data - Upstream Depth 0.0 in Profile Description N/A Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.0% Normal Depth Over Rise 43.2% Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velociiy Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 4.3 in Critical Depth 8.0 in Channel Slope 0.040 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.006 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution FlowMaster 00911 FlowMaster_10042019.fm8 Center ( 9/13/20 27 Slemon Company Drive Suite 200W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Cross Section for 10" STORM DRAIN TO MS4 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.040 ft/ft Normal Depth 4.3 in Diameter 10.0 in Discharge - 2.21 cfs V:1 H: I Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution FlowMaster 00911 FlowMaster_10042019.frfl8 Center ( 9/13/20 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Worksheet for 18" RCP STORM DRAIN IN ROW Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.070 ft/ft Diameter 18.0 in Discharge 2.21 cis Results Normal Depth 3.4 in Flow Area 0.2 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 1.4 ft Hydraulic Radius 2.1 in Top Width 1.18 ft Critical Depth 6.7 in Percent Full 19.1% Critical Slope 0.005 ft/ft Velocity 9.40 ft/s Velocity Head 1.37 ft Specific Energy 1.66 ft Froude Number 3.711 Maximum Discharge 29.89 cfs Discharge Full 27.79 cis Slope Full 0.000 ft/ft Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.0 in Length 0.0 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.0 in Profile Description N/A Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.0% Normal Depth Over Rise 19.1% Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Inflnhiy rc/s Normal Depth 3.4 in Critical Depth 6.7 in Channel Slope 0.070 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.005 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution FlowMaster 00911 FlowMaster_10042019.fm8 Center f10.02.00.011 9/13120 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203.755-1866 Cross Section for 18" RCP STORM DRAIN IN ROW Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.070 ft/ft Normal Depth 3.4 in Diameter 18.0, in Discharge 2.21 cis V:1 H: I Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution FlowMaster 00911 FlowMaster_10042019.fm8 Center [ 9113/20 27 Slemon Company Drive Suite 200W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 08795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Worksheet for SIDEWALK UNDERDRAIN Project Description Friction Method Formula Manning Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.010 ft/ft Diameter 3.0 in Discharge 0.08 cfs Results Normal Depth 1.8 in Flow Area 0.0 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 0.5 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.8 in Top Width 0.24 ft Critical Depth 2.1 in Percent Full 61.4% Critical Slope 0.007 ft/ft Velocity 2.53 ft/s Velocity Head 0.10 ft Specific Energy 0.25 ft Froude Number 1.237 Maximum Discharge 0.12 cfs Discharge Full 0.11 cfs Slope Full 0.005 ft/ft Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data DownstreamDepth 0.0 in Length 0.0 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.0 in Profile Description N/A Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.0% Normal Depth Over Rise 61.4% Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocily Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 1.8 in Critical Depth 2.1 In Channel Slope 0.010 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.007 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution FlowMaster 00911 FlowMaster_10042019.1m8 center [ 9/13/20 27 Siemon company Drive Suite 200W Page 1 of I Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Cross Section for SIDEWALK UNDERDRAIN Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.010 ft/ft Normal Depth 1.8 in Diameter 3.0 in Discharge 0.08 cfs V:1 H: I I Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution FlowMaster 00911 FlowMaster_10042019.fm8 Center 9/13/20 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 APPENDIX E SUMP & SUMP PUMP INFORMATION TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 112 Ocean Condominiums Hydrology Report August 30, 2020 Horse Power 1/2 Voltage 115-460 Phase 1or3Ph Hertz 60 Hz RPM 1760 Type Split phase or3phase Insulation Class B Amps 1.4-10.7 (: Operation Automatic or nonautomatic Auto On/Off Points 10-(25.4 cm)! 2-3/4" (7 cm) " Discharge Size 1-1/2* NPT Solids Handling 5/8° (15 mm) spherical solids Cord Length Cord Type 10' (3 m) automatic, 15' (5 in) nonautomatic UL listed, neoprene cord Max. Head 26' 18 m) Max. Flow Rate 93 GPM (352 LPM) . Max. Operating Temp. 130° F (54° C) (extra duty 140°F (60"01 Cooling Oil filled Motor Protection Auto reset thermal overload (1 Ph) Motor Housing Cast Iron (137) or bronze (139) Pump Housing Cast iron (137) or bronze (139) Base Cast Iron (137) or bronze (139) Upper Bearing Sleeve bearing 'J . Lower Bearing Sleeve bearing Mechanical Seals Carbon and ceramic Impeller Type Non-clogging vortex Impeller Cast iron or bronze Hardware Stainless steel Motor Shaft AISI 1216 cold rolled steel Gasket Neoprene p. 4-13/16° 112.2 cm 1-1/2" NPT 12-3/4° (32.4 cm) ) 3-15/16°(10.ocm) 81073 SECTION: 2.15.060 FM2782 1016 Supersedes 0916 Trusted. Tested. Tough.Tm I Product information presented I Z I here reflects conditions at time I I of publication. Consult factory I I regarding discrepancies or PUMP COMPANY Inconsistencies. TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FLOW-MATE SERIES Models 137,139 Effluent/Dewatering Pumps PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS NOTE: See model comparison chart for specific details. AL @ @~~ a ;a Trtd dVdIrmrd © Copyright 2016 ZoellerO Co. All rights reserved. 502-778-2731 1 800-928-7867 1 3649 Cane Run Road I Louisville, KY 40211-1961 1 www.zoeller.com TOTAL DYNA MIC HEAD FLOW PER MINUTE MODEL 137/139 Feet Meters Gal. Liters 5 1.5 90 340 10 3.0 75 284 15 4.6 58 220 20 6.1 36 136 25 7.6 8 30 Shut-off Head: 26 ft.(8.0m) PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVE MODEL 137/139 ~t~ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GU I I 0 80 160 240 320 FLOW PER MINUTE 009921 Model ...... •... .: :• ..: . - •:. ....ry . ... MODEL COMPARISON . ,. ..........•:.. _____ _______ _______ _____ 'IONS Seal Mode Volts Ph Amps HP Hz Lbs Kg Simplex Duplex CSA UL M137 Single Auto 115 1 10.7 1/2 60 47 21 1 4 V V N137 Single Non 115 1 10.7 1/2 60 46 21 2or3 20r4 V V BN137 Single Auto 115 1 10.7 1/2 60 48 22 4 V V 0137 Single Auto 230 1 5.8 1/2 60 47 21 1 4 V V E137 Single Non 230 1 5.8 1/2 60 48 22 20r3 4 V V H137 Single Auto 200 1 8.2 1/2 60 48 22 1 4 V N *1137 Single Non 200 1 6.2 1/2 60 48 22 3 4 V N J137 Single Non 200 3 2.6 1/2 80 48 21 3 4 V V F137 Single Non 230 3 2.8 1/2 60 48 22 3 4 V V G137 Single Non 460 3 1.4 1/2 60 48 22 3 4 N N BE137 Single Auto 230 1 5.8 1/2 60 48 22 04 - V V M139 Single Auto 116 1 10.7 1/2 60 61 23 1 4 V V N139 Single Non 115 1 10.7 112 60 51 23 20r3 20r4 V V 0139 Single Auto 230 1 5.8 1/2 60 47 21 1 4 V V E139 Single Non 230 1 5.8 1/2 60 48 22 2or3 4 V V H139 Single Auto 200 1 6.2 1/2 60 48 22 1 4 V N 1139 Single Non 200 1 6.2 1/2 60 48 22 3 4 V N J139 Single I Non 200 3 2.6 1/2 60 50 23 1 3 4 V V 'F139 Single Non 230 3 2.8 1/2 60 48 22 3 4 V V 13139 Single Non 460 3 1.4 1/2 60 1 48 22 3 4 N N No molded plug 00 Single piggyback switch included BE end BN models include a piggyback variable level pump switch. SELECTION GUIDE Integral float-operated mechanical switch, no external control required. For automatic, use single piggyback variable level float switch or double piggyback variable level float switch. Referto FM0477. See FM1228 for correct model of simplex control panel. See FM0712 for correct model of duplex control panel or FM1663 for a residential alternator system. All installation of controls, protection devices and wiring should be done by a qualified licensed electrician. All electrical and safety codes should be IA CAUTION I followed Including the most recent National Electrical Coda (NEC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act lOSHA). © Copyright 2016 Zoeller5 Co. All rights reserved. . 502-778-2731 1 800-928-7867 1 3649 Cane Run Road I Louisville, KY 40211-1961 1 www.zoeller.com Notice to installing contractor: Instructions must remain with Installation. FM2676 0419 Trusted. Tested. Tough (. Supersedes I Product information presented I I fire here reflects conditions at time I fA1 ofpublication. Consult factory I 0117 regarding discrepancies or I PCOM Inconsistencies. I Register your MAILTO: P.O. BOX 16347 • Louisville, KY 40256-0347 Zoeller Pump Company SHIPTO: 3649 Cane Run Road •Louisville, KY 40211-1961 Visit our web site: Product on our website: TEL: (502) 778-2731 • 1(800) 928-PUMP • FAX: (502) 774-3624 zoellerpumps.com http:/Ireg.zoellerpumps.coinl IN DATE INSTALLED: 6 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS I RECOMMENDED MODELS MODEL NUMBER: EFFLUENT*/SUMP/DEWATERING SEWAGE 535/57 Series, 98 Series 264 Series 137 Series. 151 /152/153 Series 268 / 257 Series I.. NOTICE: VENT HOLE FOR CHECK VALVE SEE #3 IN CAUTION SECTION z BELOW AND #4 ON PAGE 3 Effluent systems should specify that pumps should not handle solids exceeding 3/4 119.1 mm) In order to prevent large solids from entering leeching fields, mound systems, etc. (Model 49 Series has air (9.5 mmJ solids capability. 50, 90, and 151 Series have 1/2' (12.7 mm). 130 Series has 5/8" 115.9 mm), 152 and 153 models have 3/4 119.1 mm).) More code permits, sewage pumps can be used for effluent systems. Nonautomatic pumps with external-level controls are recommended for septic tank effluent applications. PREINSTALLATION CHECKLIST - ALL INSTALLATIONS Inspect your pump. Occasionally, products are damaged during shipment. If the unit is damaged, contact your dealer before using. 00 NOT remove the test plugs in the cover nor the motor housing. Carefully read the literature provided to familiarize yourself with specific details regarding installation and use. These materials should be retained for future reference. SEE BELOW FOR I IA WARNING I SEEBELOWFOR I CAUTION LIST OF CAUTIONS I ______ UST OF WARNINGS I Make certain that the receptacle is within the reach of the pump's power supply cord. DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD. Extension cords that are too long or too light do not deliver sufficient voltage to the pump motor, and they could present a safety hazard if the insulation were to become damaged orthe connection and were to fall into a wet ordamp area. Make sure the pump electrical supply circuit Is equipped with fuses or circuit breakers of proper capacity. A separate breech circuit is recommended, sized according to the 'National Electrical Code' for the current shown on the pump nameplate. Testing for ground. As a safety measure, each electrical outlet should be checked for ground using an Underwriters Laboratory Listed circuit analyzer which will indicate if the power. neutral and ground wires are correctly connected to your cuttet lftheyere not, cell a qualified, licensed electrician. For Added Safety. Pumping and other equipment with a 3-prong grounded plug must be connected to a 3-prong grounded receptacle. For added safety the receptacle may be protected with a ground-fault circuit interrupter. When a pump needs to be connected in a watertight junction box, the plug can be removed and spliced to the supply cable with proper grounding. For added safety this circuit may be protected by a ground.feult circuit interrupter. The complete installation must comply with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes end ordinances. FOR YOUR PROTECTION,ALWAYSOISCONNECTPUMPFROM ITS POWER SOURCEBEFORE HANDLING. Single phase pumps are supplied with a3-prong grounded plug to helppretact you against the possibility of electrical shock. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, REMOVE THE GROUND PIN. The 3-prong plug must be Inserted into a mating 3-prong grounded receptacle. lithe Installation does nothave such a receptacle,itmustbe changed to the proper type, wired and grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. Three phase pumps require motorstarting devices with motor overload protection. See FM0488 for duplex installations. The tankistobevented in accordancewith local plumbing code. Pumps must be Installed In accordance with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codesandordlsances. Pumps are not to be installed in locations classified as hazardous in accordance with National Electrical Code. ANSIINFPA70. Risk of electrical shock. Do not remove power supply cord and strain reiel or connect conduit directly to the pump. Installation and servicing of electrical circuits and hardware should be performed bye qualified licensed electrician. Pump installation and servicing should be performed by qualified person. Risk of electrical shock. These pumps have not been investigated for use in swimming pool and marine areas. Prop65WamingforCelifomia residents: Cencerand Reproductive Harm-v.P65Wamings. ca.gov. Check to be sure your power source is capable of handling the voltage requirements of the motor, as indicated on the pump name plate. The installation ofautomaticpumpswithvariable level floatswitchesornonautomaticpumps using auxiliary variable level float switches is the responsibilityof the installing party and care should be taken thatthetethered float switchwill nothang up onthe pump apparatus or pit peculiarities and is secured so that the pump wit shut off. It is recommended to use rigid piping and fittings and the pit be 18'(45 cm) or larger in diameter. Information - vent hole purpose. It is necessary that all submersible sump, effluent, and sewagepumps capable ofhandlingvarioussizesofsolid waste beof the bottomintakedesign to reduce clogging and seal failures. Ifs check valve is incorporated In the installation, a vent hole (approx. 3/16' (5 mm)) must be drilled in the discharge pipe below the check valve and pitcoverto purge the unitoftiappad air.Trapped airis caused by agitation and/ ore dry basin. Vent hole should be checked periodically for clogging. The 53'/57. and 98 Series pumps have a vent located in the pump housing opposite the float, adjacent to a housing lug, but an additional vent hole is recommended. The vent hole one High Head application may cause too much turbulence. You may not want to drill one. If you choose not to drill event hole, be sure the pump case and impeller is covered with liquid before connecting the pipe to the check valve and no inlet carries airto the pump intake. IdOIE THE HOLE MUST ALSO BE BELOW THE BASIN COVER AND CLEANED PERIODICALLY. Water stream will be visible from this hole during pump run periods. Pump should be checked frequently for debris end/or buildup which may interfere with the float 'on" or 'oft" position. Repair and service should be performed by Zoeller Pump Company Authorized Service and Warranty Center. Dewatering and effluent sump pumps are notdeslgnedforusa in pitshandling rewsewage. 8. Maximum operating temperature for standard modal pumps must not exceed 130 F (54 ed. Pump models 266, 251, and 131 must be operated in an upright position. Do not attempt to start pump when tilted or laying on its side. Do not operate a pump in an application where the Total Dynamic Head is lass than the minimum Total Dynamic Head listed on the Pump Performance Curves. NOTE Pumps with the 'UL' mark and pumps with the 'US' mark are tested to UL Standard U0711. CSA Certified pumps are certified to CSA Standard C22.2 No. 108. REFER TO WARRANTY ON PAGE 2. Copyright 2019 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved. Limited Wa Manufacturerwarrants,tothe purchaserand subsequentownerduring thewarranty period, every new product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, when properly used and maintained, fora period of three years from the date of purchase. Proof of purchase is required. Parts that fall within the warranty period, that inspections determine to be defective in material or workmanship, will be repaired, replaced orremanufactured at Manufacturer's option, provided however, that by so doing we will not be obligated to replace an entire assembly, the entire mechanism or the complete unit. No allowance will be made for shipping charges, damages, labor or other charges that may occur due to product failure, repair or replacement. This warranty does not apply to and there shall be no warranty for any material or product that has been disassembled without prior approval of Manufacturer, subjected to misuse, misapplication, neglect, alteration, accident or act of nature; that has not been installed, operated or maintained in accordance with Manufacturer's installation instructions; that has been exposed to outside substances including but not limited to the following: sand, gravel, cement, mud, tar, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon derivatives (oil, gasoline, solvents, etc.), or other abrasive or corrosive substances, wash towels or feminine sanitary products, etc. In all pumping applications. The warranty set out In the paragraph above is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied; and we do not authorize any representative or other person to assume for us any other liability in connection with our products. Contact Manufacturerat,3649 Cane Run Road, Louisville, Kentucky 4O2il,Attention: Customer Service Department to obtain any needed repair or replacement of part(s) or additional information pertaining to ourwan-anty. MANUFACTURER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR SPECIAL, CONSEGUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR BREACH OF EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY; AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND OF MERCHANTABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THE EXPRESSED WARRANTY. Some states do not allow limitations on the duration of an Implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not applyto you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. I EASY DO'S & DON'T'S FOR INSTALLING A SUMP PUMP I DO read thoroughly all installation material provided with the pump. 7. DO NOT use a sump pump as a trench or excavation pump, or for pumping DO Inspect pump for anyvisible damage caused by shipping. Contact dealer sewage, gasoline, or other hazardous liquids. if pump appears to be damaged. 8. 00 test pump immediately after installation to be sure that the system is DO clean all debris from the sump. Be sure that the pump will have a hard, working property. flat surface beneath It. DO NOT install on sand, gravel or dirt. 9. 00 cover sump with An adequate sump cover. DO be sure that the sump is large enough to allow proper clearance for the 10. DOrevlewallapplicable local and national codes andveri(ythattheinstallation level control switch(es) to operate properly, conforms to each of them. S. DO Always Disconnect Pump From Power Source Before Handling. 11. 00 consult manufacturer for clarifications or questions. DO always connectto a separately protected and properly grounded circuit. 12. 00 consider a two pump system with an alarm where an installation may become DO NOT ever cut, splice, or damage power cord (Only splice in a watertight overloaded orprimary pump failure would result in property damages. junction box). 13. DO consider a D.C. Backup System where a sump or dewatering pump is DO NOT carry or lift pump by its power cool. necessary for the prevention of property damages from flooding due to A.C. DO NOT use an extension cord with a sump pump. power disruptions, mechanical or electrical problems or system overloading. 6. DO install a check valve and a union in the discharge line. 14. DO inspectand test system for properoperations atleasteverythree months. DO NOT use a discharge pipe smaller than the pump discharge. I SERVICE CHECKLIST I IA WARNING I ELECTRICAL PRECAUTIONS- Before servicing a pump, always shut off the main power breaker and then unplug the pump -making sure you are wearing insulated protective sole shoes and not standing In water. Under flooded conditions, contact your local electric company or a qualified licensed electrician for disconnecting electrical service priorto pump removal. FA—WARN—IN—GI Submersible pumps contain oils which becomes pressurized and hot under operating conditions. Allow 2-1/2 hours after disconnecting before attempting service. CONDITION COMMON CAUSES Pump will not start or run. Checkfuse, lowvoltage, overload open, open orincorrectwiring, open switch, impellerorseal bound mechanically, defective capacitor or relay when used, motor or wiring shorted. Float assembly held down. Switch defective, damaged, or out of adjustment. Motor overheats and trips overload or IncorrectvoItage,negativo head (discharge open lowerthan normal) impellerorseal bound mechanically, defective blows fuse, capacitor or relay, motor shorted. Pump starts and stops too often. Floattight on rod, check valve stuck or none installed in long distance line, overload open, level switch(s) defective, sump pit too small. Pump will not shut off. Debris under float assembly,floatorfloatrod bound bypitsides orother, switch defective, damaged oroutofadiustment. Pump operates but delivers little or no Check strainer housing, discharge pipe, or if check valve is used vent hole must be clear. Discharge head exceeds water, pump capacity. low or incorrect voltage. Incorrect motor rotation. Capacitor defective. Incoming water containing air or causing air to enter pumping chamber. Drop in head and/or capacity after a Increased pipe friction, clogged line or check valve. Abrasive material and adverse chemicals could possibly period of use, deteriorate impeller and pump housing. Check line. Remove base and inspect. If the above checklist does not uncover the problem, consult the factory. Do not attempt to service or otherwise disassemble pump. Service must be performed by Zoeller Authorized Service and Warranty Centers. Go to www.zoellerpumps.com to find the Authorized Service Center in your area. ©Copyright 2019 ZoellerO Co. All rights reserved. RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION FOR ALL APPLICATIONS (1) Electrical wiring and protection must be in accordance with National Basin must he clean and free of debris after installation. Electrical Code and any other applicable state and local electrical Gate Valve or Ball Valve to be supplied by installer and installed requirements. according to any and all codes. (2) Install proper Zoeller unicheck (combination union and check valve), (11) Locate float switches as shown in sketches. The best place for the off' preferably just above the basin to allow easy removal of the pump for point is above the motor housing and positioned 1800 from the inlet. cleaning or repair. On sewage, effluent or dewatering, if high head or Never put off point below discharge on pump (Sewage & below cover installation is required use 30-0184 on 1-1/2' pipe, 30-0152 on Effluent only). NOTE: FORAUTOMA TIC PUMPS, USE DEWATERINO 2' pipe and 10-0160 on 2' pipe. See (4) below. INSTALLATION SKETCH. (3) All installations require a basin cover to prevent debris from falling into Gas tight seals required to contain gases and odors. the basin and to prevent accidental injury. Vent gases and odors to the atmosphere through vent pipe. Must comply (4) When a Unicheck is installed, drill a 3/16 (5 mm) die. hole in the discharge with local codes but not required for dewatering. pipe even with the top of the pump. NOTE: THE HOLE MUSTALSO BE Install Zoeller Pump Stand (10-2421) under pump to provide a BELOW THE BASIN COVERAND CLEANED PERIODICALLY. (High Head settling basin. (Effluent & Dewatering only.) unit see #3 under"Caution" on front page). Water stream will be visible For Effluent Only: from this hole during pump run periods. Wire pump to power through a Zoeller watertight junction box or (5) Securely tape or clamp power cord to discharge pipe, clear of the float watertight splice. NOTE Watertight enclosure Is a must In damp areas. mechanism(s). See No. Ron front page of FMO73Z (6) Use full-size discharge pipe. (16) Refer to SSPMA Effluent Sizing Manuel for determining 'on" - "off' (7) Basin must be in accordance with applicable codes and switches. specifications. (17). Septic tank risers must be used for easy pump and filter access. (8) Pump must be level and float mechanism(s) clear,of sides of basin before NOTE Double seal pumps offer extra protection from damage caused by seal starting pump. failure. See FMOSII, FN0732 & FM1420 for alarms, nIrots &lunctlon boxes M taw rarsssic smmi. MM SMEK SN4D mi LEAOIIO flflD. OR Ofl WWI See FM0531.WIMEW FM0732 & FM1420 for alanns,ixintmb & lunclion boxes P1 TAIIX Off TYPICAL DEWATERING INSTALLATION TYPICAL SEWAGE INSTALLATION TYPICAL EFFLUENT INSTALLATION All installations must complywith all applicable electrical and plumbing codes, including, but not limited to, National Electrical Code, local, regional, and/or state plumb- ing codes, etc. Not intended for use in hazardous locations. SUGGESTED METHODS OF FLOAT INSTALLATION On same installations it maybe desirable TYPICAL FLOAT HANGER ON STEEL COVER PITS TYPICAL FLOAT HANGER ON CONCRETE PITS to Install an independent hanger for th e AccEs3WER OR SEPTIC TANK RISERS level control switches to avoid possible hang ups on the pumps, piping, valves, SWIO#esPPE etc. Float hangers are available from Zoeller Company on Catalog SheetFM0526 or can be fabricated from standard pipe ILAKE and fittings. F. LI . ... P.ORwNTOROHT snhassssimN'c 81(1217 - 51(1211 © Copyright 2019 Zoellere Co. All rights reserved. 3 0000.43 013071 I WO & WH MODEL INSTALLATION I ModelsWD &WH are fully automatic. Afloat switch is included and factory wired in the pump circuit to provide automatic operation once the float switch is secured properly to the outlet pipe. Use the diagram above to secure the float switch properly and obtain the propertetherto customize the on-off cycle to each application. Determining Pumping Range in Inches (1 inch -2.5 cm) Tether Length 5. 10 15 20 22 Pumping Range 913.5 18 22 24 Use only as a guide. Due to weight of cable, pumping range above horizontal Is not equal to oumDina ranoe below horizontal. Ranaos are based on testina In nanturbulent conditions. Range may vary due to water temperature and cord shape. As tether length Increases, so does the variance of the pumping range. mm) MAX. mm) 20 AMP SWITCH ND &WH MODELS) Note: Failure to keep within proper tether limits may prevent reliable switch operation. Note: Cable must be mounted in horizontal WIRING DIAGRAM FOR MODELS WD-230V,1 Ph, 60 Hz. WH - 200/208 V, I Ph, 60 Hz. SINGLE PHASE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS F51111 [A WARNING I FOR YOUR PROTECTION, ALWAYS DISCONNECT PUMP FROM ITS POWER SOURCE BEFORE HANDLING. Single phase pumps are supplied with a 3-prong grounded plug to help protect you against the possibility of electrical shock. 00 NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES REMOVE THE GROUND PIN. The 3-prong plug must be Inserted into a mating 3-prong grounded receptacle. If the installation does not have such a receptacle, it must be changed Oft propertvoe,wired and grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. 1 IA WARNING I Risk of electrical shock. Do not remove power supply cord and strain relief or connect conduit directly to the pump. A WARNING Installation and checking of electrical circuits and hardware should be performed by a qualified licensed electrician. A WARNING Units supplied without a plug (single and three phase) and single phase nonautomatic units with a 20 amp plug must have a motor control and liquid level control provided attime of installation. The control device should have suitable voltage, ampere, frequency, grounding and horsepower rating for the pump to which it is connected. I THREE PHASE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS I IA WARNING I FOR YOUR PROTECTION, ALWAYS DISCONNECT PUMP FROM ITS POWER SOURCE BEFORE HANDLING. To automaticallyoperate a nonautomatic three phase pump,a control panel isrequired. Follow the instructions provided with the panelto wire the system. For automatic three phase pumps see automatic 3 phase wiring diagram located to the for right. Before installing a pump, check the pump rotation to ensure that wiring has been connected properly to power source, and that the green lead of power cord (See wiring diagram), is connected to a valid ground. Momentarily energize the pump, observing the directions of kick back due to starting torque. Rotation is correct if kick back Is lnthe opposite direction of rotation arrow on the pump casing. If rotation is not correct, switching of any two power leads other than ground, should provide the proper rotation. All three phase pumps require motor starting devices with motor overload protection. See FM0488 for duplex Installations. Pumps must be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. Pumps are not to be installed in locations classified as hazardous in accordance with National Electrical Code, ANSIINFPA 70. NONAUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC 3 PHASE 3 PHASE IMPORTANT NOTICE: Some Insurance policies, both commercial and residential, extend coverage for damages incurred by productfailure. You will need to have possession of the product to support your claim in most cases. Zoeller Pump Co. will exchange the unit or refund the original purchase price once the claim is settled with the insurer in the case where you need to retain possession of the product to support a damage claim you submitto your insurance company. These are the original installation instructions. © Copyright 2019 Zoellerm Co. All rights reserved.