--_ /401101019
JUL 10 2019
This report presents the results of a geotechnical evaluation of the site located at 2736 Arland road, Carlsbad,
California. The site is legally known as Parcel A, Parcel Map No. 20908, in the City of Carlsbad. County of
San Diego, State of California, recorded on 18th day of August, 2011 in the office of County Recorder of San
Diego County, State of California, (APN- 156-142-56). The general location of the site is shown on Figure 1.
The purpose of this study was to provide geotechnical input to the appropriate governmental authorities that
control the issuance of necessary permits or approval of the planned subdivision.
The geotechnical evaluation was based on the followings:
Observation of existing site conditions.
Observation of the exposed soil conditions in two of the test pits explored within the proposed new lot.
Logging, sampling and test of representative soil samples from the pits.
Review of published geological and soil conditions data at or near the site, and
Preparation of this report presenting my findings, conclusions and recommendations.
The proposed building lot (Parcel C) is located immediately east of the existing two-story building at 2732 and
2734 Arland Road, in the City of Carlsbad, California. Access to the site is via Arland Road to the wçst.
The proposed construction site Parcel (C) is approximately 20,528 sf with an RI -7500 zoning. The new lot (C)
created will be approximately 156.75 foot deep and 125.73 foot wide (See figure 1).
Two test pits (see Figure 1) were explored manually within the planned two building sites (Parcel Q. The test
pits were excavated to depths ranging from 18 to 30 inches below existing ground surface where hard
formatioal soils have prevented excavation below these depths. The soil layers encountered are described
Test Pit 1:
0-12": Top soils, silty fine to medium sand, dry to moderately moist with some wet spots, brown to dark
brown in color, moderately compact with some loosely cultivated loose spots.
12-18": Formational materials, also silty fine to medium sand, but compact, moist, reddish brown to
brown. End of excavation at 18".
Test Pit 2:
0-12": Top soils, same as Pit 1, dark brown, graded into brown with depth, some root lets, organic,
slightly moist to moist, loose.
12-30": Formational materials, reddish brown to brown silty fine to medium sand, compact. End of
excavation at 30".
Based on the results of field excavations and the research of the published geological and soil literatures, the
subject site is covered with shallow top soils (slope wash material) to a depth of approximately 12 inches below
existing ground surface. The top soil layer is underlain by firm formational materials consisting essentially of
reddish brown to brown silty fine to medium sand to the end of exactions. Because of uniformity in soil profile,
the excavation was terminated at relatively shallow depth. Physical properties, such as maximum dry density
compressibility and expansiveness of both on-site top soils and remolded compacted soils, were previously
tested reported by the writer in Reference 1.
Geologically, both top soils and the formational materials are known locally as Pleistocene-aged marine terrace
deposit. The US Department of Agriculture has classified and grouped the deposit into Marina loamy sand, 2 to
9 percent slope series with a description symbol of MIC. (See Reference: "Soil Survey" By USDA Soil
Conservation and Forest Service in cooperation with UC Agricultural Experiment Station, US Department of
the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Navy, and the USA Marine Corps, 1973). This series
of soil spreads widely along the coastal area of North San Diego area.
The MIC series of deposit consists essentially of somewhat excessively drained soils derived from weakly
consolidated to non-coherent ferruginous loamy sand. The representative profile of the surface layer is brown
and dark yellowish brown, medium acid to slightly acidic loamy sand about lO-inchin thickness. The subsoil is
brown and neutral to mild alkaline loamy sand deposit of approximately 47 inches in thickness. It is uniformly
non-expansive, non-sticky with non-to low plasticity. The deposit is permeable and erosive. The available
water holding capacity is approximately 4 to 5 inches. The average particle size of MIC series is 2.0 to 0.005
millimeter and it typically has less than 35 percent of fine particles passing US 200 standard sieve sizes (74
microns or 0.0029 inch).
Note Reference 1: "Soil Report for Prosed Building Construction on 2732 Arland Rd. Ca 92008, MS 08-06,
prepared for Michelle Lin, 2732 Arland Rd. Carlsbad, Ca.
Dated on: 08/08/2013
The western San Diego region has historically been an area of low seismic activities (Allen et all, 1969, page - -
753). All of San Diego county, the northwestern tip of Baja California and much of the peripheral offshore
areas have been devoid of large earthquake epicenters since 1932. Smaller earthquakes with a magnitude
(Richter scale) of 3.9 or less have occurred within this area, but they have been scattered both spatially and
temporarily. On the whole, very little damage, if any, occurred as the results of these small earthquakes. The
largest recent earthquakes were the low-magnitude of 3.7 and 3.6 events on June 21 and 22, 1964 with
epicenters near southeast San Diego. Both of the local events had the maximum Modified Mercalli intensities
of VI and caused only slight damage. In San Diego region, future earthquakes are most likely to associate with
the prominent local faults, such as Rose Canyon fault, the La Nacion fault or the Sweetwater fault. Among
these, the Rose canyon fault is the closest to the job site and would probably govern the selection of the required
earthquake design criteria for the proposed project. However, this fault is still considered to be only
"potentially active to low potential" category fault rather than an "active" fault. Elliot has studied this fault, and
concluded that the Rose Canyon fault might produce an earthquake having a magnitude of 4.8 in a 100 years
recurrence time.
In the absence of known active fault in the vicinity of the site as well as within the Aiquist-Priolo Earthquake
Fault Zone, the most likely place for these damaging earthquakes to occur in future is along the known active
faults that lie within the Southern California region outside San Diego area. This is because most of the large
earthquakes in California are related to movements along active faults that lie within the Southern California
region outside San Diego area. This is because most of the large earthquakes in California are related to
movements along active faults. The closest active fault known to exist outside San Diego area is the Newport-
Inglewood fault located approximately 5.6 miles west of the site.
Earthquake design of future building at the new subdivision lot may be based on the design parameters listed on
the 2016 California Building Code ASCE 7-10 standard that are selected from this geologic setting. The
specific earthquake design parameters recommended are presented in the RECOMMENDATIONS section of
this report.
In addition, liquefaction potential on the site during earthquake shaking is nil due to dense nature of the
formational materials and the absence of ground water body nearby.
Based on the results of field investigations and study, it is the writer's opinion that the existing site is feasible
for subdividing to facilitate new construction as long as the subdivision conforms to the local zoning ordinance.
There will be no geologic or soil constraints that would prevent the new subdivision lot from new construction.
The integrity of the existing owner's building at the site is exemplary to the favorable geology and soil
In addition, the subject is neither in the vicinity of a lake or a natural water body nor in amidst of a natural water
course. The subsurface materials consist mainly of firm formational deposit. Therefore, the site should be
devoid of soil liquefaction during earthquake shaking.
Foundation Design and Construction:
Conventional spread footing and continuous perimeter footing may be used to support future building at new
subdivided lot. The footings may either by founded on the firm native formational soils or on the compacted fill.
The required minimum depth for footings on both formational and compacted fill is 12 inches below the
compacted or undistrubed fill. Insert (C), the presence or absence of gopher holes or lateral force design
requirement may govern the required footing depth. The recommended minimum width for continuous footing
is -1-2 inches; and-l8 inches 'for square footing.
Insert (C): All footings should also be located at least 5 feet horizontally from the top adjacent slope.
All footings so designed and placed at the recommended minimum depth may be loaded to a maximum unit
foundation pressure of 2500 pounds per square foot. This value is for dead and live loads only. It may be
increased one third for combined dead, live and transient seismic or wind load.
After footing trench excavations, the exposed soils in the trench should be observed by a Geotechnical Engineer
before pouring concrete. If loose soil is detrimental organic or debris is exposed, the footing depth may be
deepened or these should be removed. Insert (D) properly compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry
density. Where unexpected gopher tunnel is encountered, the tunnel should be grouted or be removed for
- - -
Insert (D):
The removed materials can be replaced with compacted fills.
Lateral Resistance Design:
The lateral force may be resisted by the combination of (a) the friction developed between the footings and the
bearing soils and (b) the passive pressure developed on the side faces of the footings.
To estimate frictional resistance component, a frictional coefficient of 0.4 may be used. To estimate passive
resistance of the soil on the side of footing, 300 pounds per square foot of depth is recommended for those
footings completely surrounded and confined by a level ground. The recommended maximum passive pressure
is 3000 pounds per square foot for the combined total of dead, live and seismic loads.
Earthquake Resistant Design
--Thernost-likeiy-place-for-potentially damaging earthquakes to occur in the future is along the known active
Newport-Inglewood Fault located approximately 5.6 miles west of the site in the Southern California region.
Based on these findings, the recommended seismic design parameters that may be used for earthquake design,
per 2016 California Building Code ASCE 7-10 standard, is as follows:
Seismic Design Parameters
Site Location Latitude 33.169760
Longitude 117.339350 W
Site Class D
Maximum Spectral Response Acceleration Ss 1.131g
Si 0.434g
Adjusted Maximum Acceleration Srns 1.1 85g
SMI 0.680g
Design Spectral _Response Acceleration Parameters SDS 0.790g
SDI 0.453g
Concrete Slab on Grade:
Both compacted fill or on site formational sub-grade soils can be considered non-expansive. Slab
reinforcement, per local building ordinance, can be used. The suggested minimum slab reinforcement is one
later of 6x6-l0xlO welded wire fabrics at the middle height of the slab. The slabs to be covered with flooring
should be protected by an acceptable vapor barrier, such as 10 mil thick plastic sheet. To prevent punctures and
aid in concrete cure, slab should be covered above with and underlain by clean sand later at least 4 inches in
thickness. The sand later can serve to equalize intruded moisture and support a moisture vapor barrier
sandwiched in the sand layer.
Site Drainage:
As onsite soils are erosive, it is necessary to confine both footing and slab bearing soils at all times. To
accomplish this, an efficient site drainage system should be installed to drain away or to minimize surface run-
off from adversely influencing the bearing soils. The efficient site drainage system should be maintained and
all footings should also be kept at least 5-foot horizontally from the top of adjacent slopes at all times.
Construction Observation and Testing:
The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on the information obtained from field
explorations, laboratory testing of soils as well as research of available geo-technical publications pertinent to
the site. As subsurface materials may vary from place to place, it is prudent to have exposed soils checked from
time to time during construction and grading. The suggested phases of soil observation by a Geo-technical
Engineer during grading and construction are listed below:
After removal of top soils and before placing excavated soils for compaction.
After foundation trench excavation before setting steels and pouring concrete.
Before and after backfilling of utility trench, is any.
Testing of compacted fill after placement.
Temporary excavations in the vicinity of any existing structure, if any.
If you have any questions regarding the information presented in this report, please feel free to call.
Respectfully submitted.
S.H. Shu, CE 19913, GE 772, Date