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MAY 05 2015 LAND DEVELOPME ENGINEERING WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS FOR RANCHO COSTERA April 17, 2015 M. C 51070 EXP.9130115 OF Prepared Prepared by: Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. 2234 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Job No.: 936-003 DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. DEXTER S. WILSON, P.E. ANDREW M. OVEN, P.E. STEPHEN M. NIELSEN, P.E. NATALIE J. FRASCHETfl, P.E. April 17, 2015 936-003 Toll Brothers 725 W. Town & Country Rd., Suite 200 Orange, CA 92868 Attention: Peter Kim, P.E., Land Development Director Subject: Rancho Costera Water System Analysis Introduction This letter-report summarizes our evaluation of the water system that will serve the proposed western portion of the Robertson Ranch project (Rancho Costera). The project is located along the north side of El Camino Real, just east of Tamarack Avenue. Figure 1 provides a location map for the project. The proposed land use for the project includes single family and multi-family residential, commercial, park, and open space areas. The project area is within the Carlsbad Municipal Water Ditrict (CMWD) for service. This study provides recommendations for public lines within the site, but does not evaluate water service laterals or meter sizing for non- residential sites. Water Service Design Criteria The water system planning criteria used in this study are in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Water Design Procedures and Guidelines, last revised November 30, 2009. The criteria pertinent to this study are summarized below: 2234 FARADAY AVENUE • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 438-4422 • FAX (760) 438-0173 : t N. 4 £ - . — .. — - V / 4. / Jk 11 / _ 1 f — RANCHO COSTERA Nb owa / ,1 i NO SCALE EL CAMINO REAL DO L ; 41 At Of - tv waft 15 FIGURE 1 N) - -- - - - - ( LOCATiON MAP -- - - DEX 1ER WILSON ENGNEERN G N? -- - 44 RANCHO COSTERA Peter Kim, P.E. April 17, 2015 Minimum Pressure, Static = 60 psi Maximum Pressure, Static = 125 psi (up to 150 psi allowed with approval of City Engineer) Minimum Pressure, Peak Hour = 40 psi Minimum Pressure, Max Day plus Fire =20 psi SF Residential Demand Factor = 550 gpdlunit MF Residential Demand Factor = 250 gpd/unit Commercial Demand Factor = 2,300 gpdl10,000 SF Bldg. Area (assume building coverage of 30 percent of gross acreage) Max Day Factor = 1.65 x Average Day Demand Peak Hour Factor = 2.9 x Average Day Demand SF Residential Fire Flow = 1,500 gpm MF Residential Fire Flow = 3,000 gpm Commercial Fire Flow = 4,000 gpm Maximum Pipeline Velocity, Peak Hour = 8.0 ft.Is The actual fire flow requirement will be provided by the fire marshal based on the Uniform Fire Code. The fire flow requirement is based on building footprints, construction materials, and what reduction, if any, will be allowed for buildings with sprinklers. Since some of these factors are unknown at this planning stage, the fire flow requirements listed above were utilized. Projected Water Demand Based on the demand factors presented above, Table 1 summarizes the projected water demands for the project. For non-residential acreage, the assumption of 30 percent building coverage and a demand factor of 2,300 gpdl10,000 square feet result in a demand factor of approximately 3,000 gpd per gross acre. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3 Peter Kim, P.E. April 17, 2015 TABLE 1 RANCHO COSTERA PROJECTED WATER DEMANDS Planning Area LandUse - Gross • Acres Maximum. nDwelling,Units Demand . Factor. Average Demand, gpd 1 Community Facility 1.87 -- 3,000 gpd/ac 5,610 3 SF Residential -- 87 550 gpd/unit 47,850 5 SF Residential -- 36 550 gpd/unit 19,800 6 SF Residential -- 87 550 gpd/unit 47,850 7 MF Residential -- 96 250 gpd/unit 24,000 8 MF Residential -- 268 250 gpd/unit 67,000 9/10 SF Residential -- 75 550 gpd/unit 41,250 11 Commercial 15.1 --- 3,000 gpd/ac 45,300 TOTAL •• • .• 649 ' 298,660 Based on a projected average daily demand of 298,660 gpd (207 gpm), the projected maximum day demand is 492,789 gpd (342 gpm) and the projected peak hour demand is 866,114 gpd (601 gpm). Existing Water System There are numerous pipelines in several different pressure zones in the vicinity of the project. Figure 2 graphically shows the location of existing facilities in the vicinity of the project and a brief description by pressure zone is provided below. 490 Zone. The primary supply. of water to the area comes from the 490 Zone. The 490 Zone is supplied from the 10 million gallon Maerkle Tank which has a base elevation of 490 feet and a high water line of 514 feet. There is a 36-inch diameter 490 Zone transmission line in El Camino Real adjacent to the Rancho Costera project. The existing 14-inch water line that traverses the project is currently supplied by the 36-inch water line in El Camino Real. Several lower pressure zones in the area are formed by pressure reducing off the 490 Zone System. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 4 oo $ ROAD GA TES HEAD -11 Am * 8 NORMALLY CLOSED VALVE - —1 ' I V - LEGEND - 14 490 ZONE , RANCHO COSTERA 446 ZONE * / 349 ZONE / 241 ZONE - 00, Nv 490/446 ZONE PR STATION 446/241 ZONE ELcAMINO REAL PR STATION 6 N £4' / 446/349 ZONE PR STATION - N i NO SCALE FIGURE 2 EXISTING WATER DEXTER L DON ENGINEEND iNC FACILITIES RANCHO COSTERA Peter Kim, P.E. April 17, 2015 446 Zone. The 446 Zone is supplied by the Tap Reservoir located approximately one mile north of the Rancho Costera project. This reservoir has a capacity of 6.0 million gallons, a pad elevation of 446 feet, and a high water line of 473 feet. This zone is also supplied by several 490/446 Zone pressure reducing stations. A 490/446 Zone pressure reducing station is located near the intersection of Kelly Drive and El Camino Real. In Glascow Street near the northern project boundary, a normally closed valve in the 14" transmission line separates the 490 and 446 Zone systems. The existing homes to the north of the project are served from the 446 Zone. 349 Zone. The 349 Zone is a small area supplied by a 446/349 Zone pressure reducing station in Tamarack Avenue. A 14-inch transmission line is located in Tamarack Avenue supplying a small service area west of Tamarack Avenue. 241 Zone. The 241 Zone is the CMWD's largest pressure zone, serving the central coastal area of the City. This zone has also been extended to serve areas west and south of the Robertson Ranch project. This pressure zone is formed by several pressure reducing stations. In the vicinity of the project there are 446/241 Zone pressure reducing stations west of Tamarack Avenue and near the intersection of Kelly Drive and El Camino Real. There is a 12-inch 241 Zone line in El Camino Real and an 8" line in Tamarack Avenue. Proposed Water System It is proposed to serve the project by expanding the 446 Zone, 349 Zone, and 241 Zone systems. To provide adequate redundancy in the 349 Zone, a 446/349 Zone pressure reducing station is recommended onsite. Figure 3 provides the proposed water system layout and Table 2 summarizes the anticipated static pressures with service from these zones. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 6 Peter Kim, P.E. April 17, 2015 TABLE 2 RANCHO COSTERA STATIC PRESSURE SUMMARY . Zone Pad Elevation; Ft. Static Pressure, PSI Minimum Maximum Minimum Maxin?um 446 147 206 104 129 349 102 162 81 107 241 50 70 74 83 As shown in Table 2, the majority of lots will receive pressures in the 60 psi to 125 psi range as required by the CMWD. The recommended water system generally consists of 12- inch lines to serve the multi-family residential and commercial areas with 8-inch lines in the single family residential areas. The next section of this study discusses the hydraulic modeling to verify the adequacy of the water lines proposed in this study. Hydraulic Analysis Analysis using the KYPIPE computer software developed by the University of Kentucky determined residual pressures throughout the proposed water system. This computer software utilizes the Hazen-Williams equation for determining headloss in pipes. The Hazen-Williams "C" value used for all pipe sizes in the analysis is 120. The system was modeled with an estimated hydraulic grade line of 430 feet at the connection to the existing 446 Zone. A gradeline of 349 feet was set at the 446/349 pressure reducing stations onsite and offsite. The system has been designed to provide a minimum residual pressure of greater than 20 psi under a maximum day demand plus fire flow scenario at all locations within the proposed project development. For the project, fire flows were modeled at a few critical locations within the site. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 7 Peter Kim, P.E. April 17, 2015 The results of the computer analysis indicate that adequate water pressures are provided to the project. Furthermore, fire flow requirements are being met with greater than 20 psi residual pressure at all locations within the project. Appendix A provides the computer modeling output and Exhibit A provides the corresponding node and pipe diagram. Recycled Water There are currently no recycled water facilities immediately adjacent to the property. The closest existing recycled water line is at the intersection of Cannon Road and El Camino Real. The most recent CMWD Recycled Water Master Plan was prepared in January 2012 by Carollo Engineers, Inc. The 2012 Recycled Water Master Plan identifies an existing 16- inch/24-inch 384 Pressure Zone pipeline at the intersection of El Camino Real and Cannon Road that could be potentially used for recycled water service. The 2012 Recycled Water Master Plan identifies an 8-inch pipeline in El Camino Real that fronts the project as a potential expansion segment for the 384 Pressure Zone. This 8-inch 384 Pressure Zone pipeline in El Camino Real could be utilized by the project for recycled water service. In keeping with the CMWD and City's policy of using recycled water where possible to offset potable water use, it is recommended that piping be installed to the potential use areas within the site. The major potential use areas within the project are the open space slopes and common areas of the commercial and mutli-family sites. Figure 4 provides the proposed onsite recycled water facilities for the project. Conclusions Water service can be provided to the Rancho Costera project by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Water service is proposed to be provided by expanding the existing 446 Zone, 349 Zone, and 241 Zone systems, including construction of a new 446/349 Zone pressure reducing station onsite. Figure 3 provides the proposed water system layout for the project. Recycled water can be supplied by the 384 pressure zone system. DEXTER WILSON ENGII4EERING, INC. PAGE 8 Peter Kim, P.E. April 17, 2015 If you have any questions on the information contained herein, please let us know. Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. M. Stephen M. Nielsen C51070 EXP.913w15 1* SMN:pjs cb& \ DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 9 APPENDIX A COMPUTER MODELING OUTPUT I The following conditions were modeled: Average Day Demands. Maximum Day Demands plus 1,500 gpm at node 6. Maximum Day Demands plus 1,500 gpm at node 16. Maximum Day Demands plus 3,000 gpm split between nodes 106 and 110. Maximum Day Demands plus 4,000 gpm split between nodes 104 and 112. Maximum Day Demands plus 1,560 gpm at node 105. Maximum Day Demands plus 1,500 gpm at node 126. Peak Hour Demands. Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis File: 936003A FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS THERE IS A PRV AT JUNCTION 12 FOR LINE 101 SET AT A GRADE OF 349.00 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR LOSS K FIXED GRADE (FEET) (INCHES) 1 0 2 300.0 14.0 120.0 .00 430.00 3 2 4 950.0 8.0 120.0 .00 5 4 6 720.0 8.0 120.0 .00 7 6 8 280.0 8.0 120.0 .00 9 8 10 280.0 8.0 120.0 .00 11 10 12 130.0 8.0 120.0 .00 13 12 14 1100.0 12.0 120.0 .00 15 14 16 1060.0 12.0 120.0 .00 17 16 18 .1330.0 12.0 120.0 .00 19 18 20 540.0 12.0 120.0 .00 21 20 22 1500.0 12.0 120.0 .00 23 18 24 310.0 12.0 120.0 .00 25 24 26 1960.0 12.0 120.0 .00 27 2 26 400.0 14.0 120.0 .00 101 12 102 200.0 12.0 120.0 .00 103 102 104 930.0 12.0 120.0 .00 104 104 105 870.0 8.0 120.0 .00 105 104 106 180.0 12.0 120.0 .00 107 106 108 350.0 12.0 120.0 .00 109 108 110 130.0 8.0 120.0 .00 111 108 112 350.0 12.0 120.0 .00 113 112 114 330.0 12.0 120.0 .00 115 114 116 360.0 12.0 120.0 .00 117 116 118 150.0 12.0 120.0 .00 119 118 120 260.0 8.0 120.0 .00 121 120 122 290.0 8.0 120.0 .00 123 122 124 250.0 8.0 120.0 .00 125 118 124 300.0 12.0 120.0 .00 127 124 126 240.0 8.0 120.0 .00 129 126 128 320.0 8.0 120.0 .00 131 118 128 250.0 8.0 120.0 .00 133 124 130 1470.0 12.0 120.0 .00 135 0 130 2700.0 14.0 120.0 .00 349.00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES 2 10.00 190.00 1 3 27 4 10.00 199.00 3 5 6 9.00 185.00 5 7 8 9.00 16.7.00 7 9 10 7.00 147.00 9 11 Rancho Costera Water System Analysis 12 .00 130.00 14 .00 125.00 16 11.00 170.00 18 11.00 159.00 20 .00 136.00 22 .00 82.00 24 13.00 165.00 26 7.00 180.00 102 4.00 128.00 104 16.00 125.00 105 11.00 162.00 106 15.00 118.00 108 .00 120.00 110 32.00 122.00 112 16.00 100.00 114 8.00 110.00 116 8.00 128.00 118 3.00 138.00 120 2.00 133.00 122 6.00 137.00 124 6.00 145.00 126 6.00 155.00 128 4.00 148.00 130 .00 70.00 April 14, 2015 File: 936003A 11 13 101 13 15 15 17 17 19 23 19 21 21 23 25 25 27 101 103 103 104 105 104 105 107 107 109 111 109 111 113 113 115 115 117 117 119 125 131 119 121 12]. 123 123 125 127 133 127 129 129 131 133 135 OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE OUTPUT EACH PERIOD 3 VALUES ARE OUTPUT FOR MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES THIS SYSTEM HAS MULTIPLE SUPPLY ZONES ZONE NO. 1 IS SUPPLIED THROUGH THESE PIPES: 101 135 THIS SYSTEM HAS 33 PIPES WITH 29 JUNCTIONS , 3 LOOPS AND 3 FGNS ZE801 00081 866?b 00L 9 6L'TT 00591 066Z17 00C1 vz 5L051 0O8 686t 00 SELZI 009E1 686Zt 00 O 8LT1 00651 686t 0011 81 09lI 000L1 986t7 0011 91 01ZEt OO.SZT b86Zb 00 Z661 000E1 86ti 00 - ZI 99ZZ1 OOLFE Z86Z' 00L 01 68TI 00L91 £86V 006 B 01901 00581 t'86ti 006 9 50001 00661 686Zti 0001 I' 66C01 00061 866b 0001 urissaEci NOIJXAI2 3NIrI SCIVHD UN\1NU USEMIN NOI.L3NflC 10 TV 00 00 Z0 St'ZS OEt 0. S1 10- SV- 00 00 0 - StiS- OET vzI LET 00 00 00 00 00 ob 8T 811 lET 00 0 00 00 00 09E 8T 91 6Z1 00 90 00 00 00 096 9Z1 VZT LZT 00 80- 00 00 00 EtLZ- t7ZT 811 SZT 00 90- 00 00 00 t1 ZT EZI 00 o - 00 00 00 zzl ozi TZT 00 10- 00 00 00 ZtiT- ON 811 611 00 L0- 00 00 00 StiSZ- 811 911 LIT 00 50- 00 00 00 StiLT- 911 VTT SIT 00 C0 - 00 00 00 S6- VIT ZTT LII 00 Z0 00 00 00 99*9 ZIT 801 TIT 00 00 00 OOZE 011 801 601 TO. IT 00 00 00 558E 801 901 LOT 10 51 00 00 00 SSLS 901 tOT 501 00 L0 00 00 00 0011 SOT t7ol VOT L0 5Z 00 00 E0 5508 VOT ZOT LOT £0. 00 00 10 99,b8 ZOT 0 TOT 00• 00 10 98501 9z z L 8 - 00 00 80- 9886- 9z vz 9z E0 - 00 00 10 - 9858- t'Z 81 EZ 00• 00• 00• 00• 00• 00• zz Oz TZ 00. 00 00 00 00 00 OZ 81 61 Z0.- TZ- 00 00 E0 - 98t'L- 81 91 LT 8V- 00 00 30- 98E9- 91 1I ST 8V- 00 00 Z0 - 98L9- t'I ZI £1 Z0 E1 00 00 00 890Z ZT 01 IT L0 8V 00 00 10 89LZ 01 8 6 00 00. 10 899E 8 9 L L0 6Z 00 00 . 50 89St 9 v 5 01 9E 00 00 01 8955 v Z £ 50 9E 00 00 Z0 SSILT z 0 I 000I/'IH ALIDOT3A SSO'I UONIN GYH awfid SSO'l GYaH 3,LVdMOrIJ SON WON 0N SdId sativwia xva z5vusAy U'TOO = A0V1UD3V NY HJ.IM Sr.[YIL 8 11313V QNIVJ1O UV SJ111flSd 3H.1 VE009E6 :a,i SISAI euv walsAS iae 510? 'lit I!JdV eJasoD o.pue Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis File: 936003A 102 4.00 348.99 128.00 95.76 104 16.00 348.97 125.00 97.05 105 11.00 348.96 162.00 81.02 106 15.00 348.97 118.00 100.09 108 .00 348.96 120.00 99.22 110 32.00 348.96 122.00 98.35 112 16.00 348.96 100.00 107.88 114 8.00 348.96 110.00 103.55 116 8.00 348.96 128.00 95.75 118 3.00 348.96 138.00 91.42 120 2.00 348.96 133.00 93.58 122 6.00 348.96 137.00 91.85 124 6.00 348.97 145.00 88.39 126 6.00 348.96 155.00 84.05 128 4.00 348.96 148.00 87.08 130 .00. 348.98 70.00 120.89 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 22 .00 429.89 82.00 150.75 14 .00 429.84 125.00 132.10 12 .00 429.82 130.00 129.92 MINIMUM PRESSURES 105 11.00 348.96 162.00 81.02 126 6.00 348.96 155.00 84.05 128 4.00 348.96 148.00 87.08 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 224.00 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 1 171.55 135 52.45 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 224.00 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 t996 00981 890 OOG1G1 9 LLC6 00661 IEGTIi 0Y91 LbE01 00061 8L83t' OG91 3 3flSS2!d MOI.LVA272 3N1'I aayus UNVWaU U38MN NOLL3Nfl 10 81 00 00 'O t?9,98 OCT 0 GET CO '- GZ - 00 00 G0- I79*98- OCT IZT ELI 00 00 00 00 00 99 831 811 ILl 00 tO 00 00 00 831 931 631 10 01 00 00 00 1i891 931 IZ1 LZI 10 - CT,- 00 00 00 8ZSi7- iiZl 811 G31 10.- 0T•- 00• 00 00 LGG1- tv31 331 £31 00. t70- 00 00 00 L9S- 331 031 131 00 10- 00 00 00 LL3- 031 811 611 10- 00 00 00 66i- 811 911 LIT 00 80- 00 00 00. 6L8Z- 911 11 Gil 00 00 00 00. 69G1- t'iI 311 LII 00 CO'00 00 00 1801 311 801 111 60 E 00 00 10 083G 011 801 601 81 00 00 I0 19L9 801 901 LOT L0 GZ 00 00 I0 9L88 901 VOT GOT 10 3I 00 00 10 9181 GOT 1701 1701 L0 8E 00 00 L0 I63Ll 1701 301 COT 80 017 00 00 30 1G6L1 301 0 101 631 003 00 00 3G 9G196 9? 3 L3 L9Z- 6:9?- 00 00 tiZG- IO096- 9? 173 993- L9Z- 00 00 6L - 98?6- 17? 81 £3 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 0? 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 81 61 LLiZ- 8G3- 00 00 6?C- t1i016- 81 91 LT 8E?- £G?- 00 00 ?G?- 9??68- 91 171. LI 8E3- CG3- 00 00 393- 9??68- lit 31 £1 ZYZI- 081i- 00 00 L91- GLZGL- 31 01 11 LVZI- LUti- 00 00 11'L- 0?1tiL- 01 8 6 ?L1T- 1i91- 00 00 83L- 9L93L- 8 9 L 99L1 L09 00 00 L86 9988L 9 17 G 811i1 1i15; 00. 00 LVEI GV908 v 3 C GOlF ?LE O 00 331 t?C8L1 3 0 1 000T/'IH A31130'l3A SSO'I UONIN GV2H dWfld SSOFI UVH 3LY1MO'L SON 300N ON 2dld 9 WON 1Y MO WdD OOSt Sfl'Id UMYKU Iva WflWIXYW 30000 = XDV'flDDV NV HIM S'IVfllJl £ 1131.3V UaNIY.LEO 2iY SILFIflS! RHI OOGIGI 9 UNVWU usewnN NOI31DNflf UVW SEV SaENVH3 GNVWaU 3LI3dS ENIMOTIO H1L 99t = 'dOlDV9 V AB S3(YIVA IVNIIO WOHa GDNVHD 3W SUNYWG 3HI SMOUqOa NOIJIV'IflWIS ILXaN 3HI Wa U2LI3dS SNOILIGNOD .O AVWWflS V VE009E6 :ai.j SISAl euv walsAS iae STO? 'ti l!ldv opuell Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis File: 936003A 8 14.85 408.77 167.00 104.76 10 11.55 412.17 147.00 114.91 12 .00 413.80 130.00 122.98 14 .00 416.42 125.00 126.28 16 18.15 418.94 170.00 107.88 18 18.15 422.23 159.00 114.07 20 .00 422.23 136.00 124.03 22 .00 422.23 82.00 147.43 24 21.45 423.03 165.00 111.81 26 11.55 428.27 180.00 107.58 102 6.60 348.98 128.00 95.76 104 26.40 348.92 125.00 97.03 105 18.15 348.91 162.00 80.99 106 24.75 348.91 118.00 100.06 108 .00 348.91 120.00 99.19 110 52.80 348.90 122.00 98.32 112 26.40 348.91 100.00 107.86 114 13.20 348.91. 110.00 103.53 116 13.20 348.91 128.00 95.73 118 4.95 348.91 138.00 91.39 120 3.30 348.91 133.00 93.56 122 9.90 348.91 137.00 91.83 124 9.90 348.91' 145.00 88.36 126 9.90 348.91 155.00 84.03 128 6.60 348.91 148.00 87.06 130 ' .00 348.96 70.00 120.88 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 22 .00 422.23 82.00 147.43 14 .00 416.42 125.00 126.28 20 .00 422.23 136.00 124.03 MINIMUM PRESSURES 105 18.15 348.91 162.00 80.99 126 9.90 348.91 155.00 84.03 128 6.60 348.91 148.00 87.06 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 1869.75 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 1 ' 1783.21 135 86.54 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 1869.75 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis . File: 936003A A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 1.65 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 16 1519.00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 4 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00023 MAXIMUM DAY DEMANDS PLUS 1500 GPM FIRE FLOW AT NODE 16 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 1 0 2 1783.91 1.22 .00 .00 3.72 4.06 3 2 4 536.59 6.35 .00 .00 3.42 6.69 5 4 6 520.09 4.55 .00 .00 3.32 6.31 7 6 8 505.24 1.68 .00 .00 3.22 5:98 9 8 10 490.39 1.59 .00 .00 3.13 5.66 11 10 12 478.84 .70 .00 .00 3.06 5.42 13 12 14 339.33 .44 .00 .00 .96 .40 15 14 16 339.33 .42 .00 .00 .96 .40 17 16 18 -1179.67 -5.31 .00 .00 -3.35 -3.99 19 18 20 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 21 20 22 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 23 18 24 -1197.82 -1.27 .00 .00 -3.40 -4.11 25 24 26 -1219.27 -8.32 .00 .00 -3.46 -4.25 27 2 26 1230.82 .82 .00 .00 2.57 2.04 101 0 102 139.51 .02 .00 .00 .40 .08 103 102 104 132.91 .07 .00 .00 .38 .07 104 104 105 18.15 .01 .00 .00 .12 .01 105 104 106 88.36 .01 .00 .00 .25 .03 107 106 108 63.61 .01 .00 .00 .18 .02 109 108 110 52.80 .01 .00 .00 .34 .09 111 108 112 10.81 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 113 112 114 -15.59 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 115 114 116 -28.79 .00 .00 .00 -.08 .00 117 116 118 -41.99 .00 .00 .00 -.12 -.01 119 118 120 -2.33 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 121 120 122 -5.63 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 123 122 124 -15.53 .00 .00 .00 7.10 -.01 125 118 124 -45.28 .00 .00 .00 -.13 -.01 127 124 126 15.84 .00 .00 .00 .10 .01 129 126 128 5.94 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 131 118 128 .66 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 133 124 130 -86.54 -.05 .00 .00 -.25 -.03 135 0 130 86.54 .04 .00 .00 .18 .01 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 16.50 428.78 190.00 103.47 4 16.50 422.43 199.00 96.82 6 14.85 417.88 185.00 100.92 Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis File: 936003A 8 14.85 416.21 167.00 107.99 10 11.55 414.62 147.00 115.97 12 .00 413.92 130.00 123.03 14 .00 413.48 125.00 125.01 16 1519.00 413.06 170.00 105.33 18 18.15 418.37 159.00 112.39 20 .00 418.37 136.00 122.36 22 .00 418.37 82.00 145.76 24 21.45 419.65 165.00 110.35 26 11.55 427.97 180.00 107.45 102 6.60 348.98 128.00 95.76 104 26.40 348.92 125.00 97.03 105 18.15 348.91 162.00 80.99 106 24.75 348.91 118.00 100.06 108 .00 348.91 120.00 99.19 110 52.80 348.90 122.00 98.32 112 26.40 348.91 100.00 107.86 114 13.20 348.91 110.00 103.53 116 13.20 348.91 128.00 95.73 118 4.95 348.91 138.00 91.39 120 3.30 348.91 133.00 93.56 122 9.90 348.91 137.00 91.83 124 9.90 348.91 145.00 88.36 126 9.90 348.91 155. 00 84.03 128 6.60 348.91 148.00 87.06 130 .00 348.96 70.00 120.88 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 22 .00 418.37 82.00 145.76 14 .00 413.48 125.00 125.01 12 .00 413.92 130.00 123.03 MINIMUM PRESSURES 105 18.15 348.91 162.00 80.99 126 9.90 348.91 155.00 84.03 128 6.60 348.91 148.00 87.06 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 1870.45 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 1 1783.91 135 86.54 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 1870.45 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 £96 00661 LOSIti 09,91 1ZE01 00061 8V8Zt7 09*91 2flSSd NOIJYAT3 3NIrl aav GNYW2U USEMIN NOIIDNIW 081 6YZ 00 00 868V11 DCI 0 SCI 08E- 9E- 00 00 69*5- 868b'II- OCT t?I CCI 99- 86- 00 00 9V- BYCSI- 8I 811 ICI TC ZOT 00 00 CZ 86651 8Z1 9Zl 6ZT 6C 801 00 00 61 88691 9l rzI LZI L'Z- 00 00 BY- CY66L- V ZT 811 SZI 6L- 801- 00 00 0?- 98691- 1iZ1 ZZI CZI IL- Z01- 00 00 TV- 96651- ZZI OZI 121 89- 001- 00 00 81- 99951- ON 811 611 YC- £VC- 00 00 LY- £t717011- 811 911 LII 9!iC- OVC- 00 00 IZI- £1601- 911 PTT 511 BYE- 90C- 00 00 ZIT- C08L01- VII Z11 £11 CZC- 86 - 00 00 EII- C9ISO1- ZII 801 III 88LV I66 00 00 Z9 000551 011 801 601 Z8 ZVI 00 00 6? LCIOS, 801 901 LOT L801 5L5 00 00 961 LCSZOZ 901 POT 501 10 ZI . 00 00 I0 5181 501 POT POT ZC11 L85 00 00 YOI Z6 *69OZ POT ZOT £01 8CII 685 00 00 8Z 9'9L0Z ZOT 0 101 Z9Z V6Z 00 00 501 IZOIVI 9Z Z LZ LVS- L6C- 00 00 CL01- 9986C1- 9Z Pz 9z 16C- 00 00 591- IZLLCI- Pz 81 EZ 00• 00• 00• 00• 00• 00• zz Oz 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 Oz 81 61 615- 99C- 00 00 069- 9065C1- 81 91 LT 905- 08C- 00 00 LUG- 160VC1- 91 VI 51 905- 08C- 00 00 LSS- I60VCI- VI ZI. CI 00Z1 69V 00 00 99*I I9SCL ZI 01 II SCZI LLV 00 00 WE 91LVL '01 8 6 I8ZI 98V 00 00. WE I0Z9L 8 9 L LZCI 96V 00 00 99*6 989LL 9 V S OBCI 905 , 00 00 IICI 9CC6L V z £ 809 C9V 00 00 381 LO *OZZZ Z 0 I 000IIIH 7..LI3OT1A SSO'l IdONIN GVH dWfld SSO'I Q11}1 2JiMOL 'SON aao 0N adId Ott MM 90t SQON mamiza zirias MO'L zaij wae 000E SI1'Id QMVWa XYG WflWIXVN 69000 = A3V1fl33V NY H.LIM S'IYflLL £ UNIY.LO 3!Y SIrIfIS311 2H31 OOCSSI 011 OOVZSI 901 UNYNU U39MN NOI.LDNLIC v S9NYH3 uNvwu oinaas ONIMOTIO. 1H.L 591 = U010V3 Y AE Safl'IYA IYNIfl!O WOU3 U2fNYH3 aY SQNYWU 3H31 SMOqqOA NOIIY'IflWIS LX1N aH.L HOI aainas SNOLLINOD aO A!YWflS Y VE009E6 :a11J sisAl euV WaSAS iae SIOZ 't7l I!JdV eiasoj oupue Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis File: 936003A 6 14.85 405.51 185.00 95.55 8 14.85 401.92 167.00 101.80 10 11.55 398.46 147.00 108.97 12 .00 396.90 130.00 115.66 14 .00 402.47 125.00 120.24 16 18.15 407.84 170.00 103.06 18 18.15 414.75 159.00 110.82 20 .00 414.75 136.00 120.79 22 .00 414.75 82.00 144.19 24 21.45 416.40 165.00 108.94 26 11.55 427.13 180.00 107.09 102 6.60 346.72 128.00 94.78 104 26.40 336.20 125.00 91.52 105 18.15 336.19 162.00 75.48 106 1524.00 334.24 118.00 93.71 108 .00 333.96 120.00 92.72 110 1553.00 327.73 122.00 89.15 112 26.40 335.09 100.00 101.87 114 13.20 336.20 110.00 98.02 116 13.20 337.45 128.00 90.76 118 4.95 337.98 138.00 86.66 120 3.30 338.16 133.00 88.90 122 9.90 338.36 137.00 87.26 124 9.90 338.56 145.00 83.88 126 9.90 338.37 155.00 79.46 128 6.60 338.14 148.00 82.40 130 .00 344.15 70.00 118.80 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 22 .00 414.75 82.00 144.19 20 .00 414.75 136.00 120.79 14 .00 402.47 125.00 120.24 MINIMUM PRESSURES 105 18.15 336.19 162.00 75.48 126 9.90 338.37 155.00 79.46 128 6.60 338.14 148.00 82.40 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 3369.05 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(t) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 1 2220.07 135 1148.98 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3369.05 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis File: 936003A A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 1.65 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 104 2027.00 112 2027.00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00003 MAXIMUM DAY DEMAND PLUS 4000 GPM FIRE FLOW SPLIT BETWEEN NODES 104 AND 112 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE 1 0 2 2883.15 3 2 4 1033.36 5 4 6 1016.86 7 6 8 1002.01 9 8 10 987.16 11 10 12 975.61 13 12 14 -1763.99 15 14 16 -1763.99 17 16 18 -1782.14 19 18 20 .00 21 20 22 .00 23 18 24 -1800.29 25 24 26 -1821.74 27 2 26 1833.29 101 0 102 2739.60 103 102 104 2733.00 104 104 105 18.15 105 104 106 687.85 107 106 108 663.10 109 108 110 52.80 111 108 112 610.30 113 112 114 -1416.70 115 114 116 -1429.90 117 116 118 -1443.10 119 118 120 -205.57 121 120 122. -208.87 - 123 122 124 -218.77 125 118 124 -1040.51 127 124 126 218.47 129 126 128 208.57 131 118 128 -201.97 133 124 130 -1487.65 135 0 130 1487.65 HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 2.96 .00 .00 6.01 9.87 21.39 .00 .00 6.60 22.51 15.73 .00 .00 6.49 21.85 5.95 .00 .00 6.40 21.27 5.79 .00 .00 6.30 20.69 2.63 .00 .00 .6.23 20.24 -9.26 .00 .00 -5.00 -8.41 -8.92 .00 .00 -5.00 -8.41 -11.41 .00 .00 -5.06 -8.58 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -2.71 .00 .00 -5.11 -8.74 -17.51 .00 .00 -5.17 -8.93 1.71 .00 .00 3.82 4.27 3.80 .00 .00 7.77 19.02 17.61 .00' .00 7.75 18.93 .01 .00 .00 . .12 .01 .26 .00 .00 1.95 1.47 .48 .00 .00 1.88 1.37 .01 .00 .00 .34 .09 .41 .00 .00 1.73 1.18 -1.85 .00 .00 -4.02 -5.61 -2.05 .00 .00 -4.06 -5.70 -.87 .00 .00 -4.09 -5.80 -.29 .00 .00 -1.31 -1.13 -.34 .00 .00 -1.33 -1.17 -.32 .00 - .00 -1.40 -1.27 -.95 .00 .00 -2.95 -3.17 .30 .00 .00 1.39 1.27 .37 .00 .00 1.33 1.16 -.27 .00 .00 -1.29 -1.10 -9.02 .00 .00 -4.22 -6.14 7.82 .00 .00 3.10 2.90 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE • ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 16.50 427.04 190.00 102.72 4 16.50 405.65 199.00 89.55 Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis File: 936003A 6 14.85 389.92 185.00 88.80 8 14.85 .383.96 167.00 94.02 10 11.55 378.17 147.00 100.17 12 .00 375.54 130.00 106.40 14 .00 384.79 125.00 112.58 16 18.15 393.71 170.00 96.94 18 18.15 405.12 159.00 106.65 20 .00 405.12 136.00 116.62 22 .00 405.12 82.00 140.02 24 21.45 407.83 165.00 105.23 26 11.55 425.33 180.00 106.31 102 6.60 345.20 128.00 94.12 104 2027.00 327.59 125.00 87.79 105 18.15 327.58 162.00 71.75 106 24.75 327.33 118.00 90.71 108 .00 326.85 120.00 89.63 110 52.80 326.83 122.00 88.76 112 2027.00 326.43 100.00 98.12 114 13.20 328.28 110.00 94.59 116 13.20 330.34 128.00 87.68 118 4.95 331.21 138.00 83.72 120 3.30 331.50 133.00 86.02 122 9.90 331.84 137.00 84.43 124 9.90 332.16 145.00 81.10 126 9.90 331.85 155.00 76.64 128 6.60 331.48 148.00 79.51 130 .00 341.18 70.00 117.51 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 22 .00 405.12 82.00 140.02 130 .00 341.18 70.00 117.51 20 .00 405.12 136.00 116.62 MINIMUM PRESSURES 105 18.15 327.58 162.00 71.75 126 9.90 331.85 155.00 76.64 128 6.60 331.48 148.00 79.51 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 4370.80 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 1 2883.15 135 1487.65 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 4370.80 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 tE3O1 00581 L11Zt' 58t'I 9 tiLL6 00661 SSt'31? 0591 ILEOI 00061 0591 3 flSS3d NOI1iA1I1 aNI'I WVED GNVW3U ssewnN NOI313Nfl2 6V 611 00 00 £I 513L5 OCT 0 551 501- 391- 00 00 tS1- 9V3L9- OCT tZ1 £51 91- 9- 00 00 550L- 831 811 151 81 6ri 00 00 90 SILL 831 931 631 £3. 95 00 00 90 50L8 931 Ii3l L31 011- 00 00 9V- 89885- tiZl 811 531 00 00 90 - 3598- 1i31 331 £31 81- 6'- 00 00 50- 399L- 331 031 131 LT` Lb- 00 00 031 811 611 06 - 0S1- 00 00 LV- 09L35- 811 911 LIT 98- 91- 00 00 15- Otv1S- 911 11 SIT Zb1- 00 00 L3- OZ105- VTT 311 £11 00 00 93- 08t7Lt7- 311 801 111 60 tL 00 00 10 0835 011 801 601 09- 031- 00 00 13- 00331?- 801 901 LOT LVI- 00. 00 OT*- 53L6L- 901 tiol SOT 969 696 00 00 8665 006151 SOT 01 0I 085 9ZL 00 00 L5L 91,8'11 0I 301 LOT WE 83L 00 00 LL 9LS11 301 0 101 L6 IUI 00 00 65 60338 93 3 LZ 661- 0L3- 00 00 16L- 1v5018- 93 061- t733- 00 00 69*- 6068L- tz 81 £3 00 00 00 00 OO 00 33 03 13 00 00 00 00 00. 00 03 81 61 6V3- 00 00 31i3- I76OLL- 81 91 LT tiLl- 1713- 00 00. 8T- 6L35L- 91 tp 1 SI FVZ- 00 00 161- 6L35L- 11 31 £1 365 L53 00 00 IS 9610 ZI 01 IT LVti t93 00 00 9V1 tS51t7 01 8 6 £L3 00 00 L31 9E8Zb 8 9 L 69 £83 00 00 8L5 TZLbt' 9 V 5 305 £63 00 00 LLt IL69t' Z £ 533 1L3 00 00 89 058631 3 0 1 0001/nH AJ1I3OA SSO'I UONIN UYH dWfld SSO'I UYH 1LVMOrL SON WON 0N SdId GOT WON LY MOLE aL WJD 0051 SL1'Id UMYWI XYU WflWIXYW 80000 = XMIMOV t.W HIM SYn!a1 S 2J1. G3NIY1O av SJ'IflSI ZHL 006151 SOT UNYWaC USEMIN NOIJ1DNflf M S9NYH3 uNvwu 3LID.3dS 9NIMOr1rIO,3 3H.L 591 = HOIDVJ V XU S3QVA qVNIDINO WOHa U3ONVHD av SUNVW3U alll SMO7qOJ NOIIVflWIS 1XN 2H.L Wa GL3I38S SNOIJ.IQNOD .O XWi1NflS V VE009E6 :a,1j S!SAIeUV walsAS JaM 5103 't?1 I!JdV ejaso otpue Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis File: 936003A 8 14.85 419.94 167.00 109.61 10 11.55 418.78 147.00 117.77 12 .00 418.27 130.00 124.92 14 .00 420.18 125.00 127.91 16 18.15 422.03 170.00 109.21 18 18.15 424.44 159.00 115.03 20 .00 424.44 136.00 124.99 22 .00 424.44 82.00 148.39 24 21.45 425.03 165.00 112.68 26 11.55 428.94 180.00 107.87 102 6.60 348.23 128.00 95.43 104 26.40 344.70 125.00 95.20 105 1519.00 304.72 162.00 61.85 106 24.75 344.80 118.00 98.28 108 .00 345.00 120.00 97.50 110 52.80 344.99 122.00 96.63 112 26.40 345.26 100.00 106.28 114 13.20 345.53 110.00 102.06 116 13.20 345.84 128.00 94.40 118 4.95 345.98 138.00 90.12 120 3.30 346.02 133.00 92.31 122 9.90 346.07 137.00 90.60 124 9.90 346.13 145.00 87.16 126 9.90 346.07 155.00 82.80 128 6.60 346.02 148.00 85.81 130 .00 347.67 70.00 120.32 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 22 .00 424.44 82.00 148.39 14 .00 420.18 125.00 127.91 20 .00 424.44 136.00 124.99 MINIMUM PRESSURES 105 1519.00 304.72 162.00 61.85 126 9.90 346.07 155.00 82.80 128 6.60 346.02 148.00 85.81 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 1870.45 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWBATE 1 1298.30 135 572.15 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 1870.45 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis File: 936003A A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 1.65 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 126 1510.00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00067 XINUM DAY DEMAND PLUS 1500 GPM FIRE FLOW AT NODE 126 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 1 0 2 1036.19 .44 .00 .00 2.16 1.48 3 2 4 364.83 3.11 .00 .00 2.33 3.27 5 4 6 348.33 2.16 .00 .00 2.22 3.00 7 6 8 333.48 .78 .00 .00 2.13 2.77 9 8 10 318.63 .71 .00 .00 2.03 2.55 11 10 12 307.08 .31 .00 .00 1.96 2.38 13 12. 14 -585.56 -1.20 .00 .00 -1.66 -1.09 15 14 16 -585.56 -1.16 .00 .00 . -1.66 -1.09 17 16 18 -603.71 -1.54 .00 .00 -1.71 -1.16. 19 18 20 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 21 20 22 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 23 18 24 -621.86 -.38 .00 .00 -1.76 -1.22 25 24 26 -643.31 -2.55 .00 .00 -1.82 -1.30 27 2 26 654.86 .25 .00 .00 1.36 .63 101 0 102 892.64 .48 .00 .00 2.53 2.38 103 102 104 886.04 2.19 .00 . .00 2.51 2.35 104 104 105 18.15 .01 .00 .00 .12 .01 105 104 106 841.49 .38 .00 .00 2.39 2.14 107 106 108 816.74 .71 .00 .00 2.32 2.02 109 108 110 52.80 .01 .00 .00 .34 .09 111 108 112 763.94 .63 .00 .00 2.17 1.79 113 112 114 737.54 .55 .00 .00 2.09 1.67 115 114 116 724.34 .58 .00 .00 2.05 1.62 117 116 118 711.14 .23 .00 .00 2.02 1.56 119 118 120 23.93 .01 .00 .00 .15 .02 121 120 122 20.63 .00 .00 .00 .13 .02 123 122 124 10.73 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 125 118 124 95.13 .01 .00 .00 .2.7 .04 127 124 126 929.47 4.44 .00 .00 5.93 18.50 129 126 128 -580.53 -2.48 .00 .00 -3.71 -7.74 131 118 128 587.13 1.98 .00 .00 3.75 7.90 133 124 130 -833.51 -3.09 .00 .00 -2.36 -2.10 135 0 130 833.51 2.68 .00 .00 1.74 .99 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 16.50 429.56 190.00 103.81 4 16.50 426.45 199.00 98.56 6 14.85 424.28 185.00 103.69 Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis File: 936003A 8 14.85 423.51 167.00 111.15 10 11.55 422.79 147.00 119.51 12 .00 422.48 130.00 126.74 14 .00 423.68 125.00 129.43 16 18.15 424.84 170.00 110.43 18 18.15 426.38 159.00 115.86 20 .00 426.38 136.00 125.83 22 .00 426.38 82.00 149.23 24 21.45 426.76 165.00 113.43 26 11.55 429.30 180.00 108.03 102 6.60 348.52 128.00 95.56 104 26.40 346.34 125.00 95.91 .105 18.15 346.33 162.00 79.87 106 24.75 345.95 118.00 98.78 108 .00 345.25 120.00 97.61 110 52.80 345.23 122.00 96.73 112 26.40 344.62 100.00 106.00 114 13.20 344.07 110.00 101.43 116 13.20 343.49 128.00 93.38 118 4.95 343.25 138.00 88.94 120 3.30 343.24 133.00 91.11 122 9.90 343.24 137.00 89.37 124 9.90 343.24 145.00 85.90 126 1510.00 338.80 155.00 79.65 128 6.60 341.27 148.00 83.75 130 .00 346.32 70.00 119.74 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 22 .00 426.38 82.00 149.23 14 .00 423.68 125.00 129.43 12 .00 422.48 130.00 126.74 MINIMUM PRESSURES 126 1510.00 338.80 155.00 79.65 105 18.15 346.33 162.00 79.87 128 6.60 341.27 148.00 83.75 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 1869.70 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 1 1036.19 135 833.51 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 1869.70 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 591E1 OO .GZI Z88Z 00 t7l Zb'61 000E1 L98Zti 00 90I OOLt7I 698Zt OEOZ 01 ZtEII 00L91 tL8Zt Ol9 8 99501 00581 88Zt' OT *9Z 9 SL66 00661 O6t 006Z 56E01 00061 6863b 006Z flSSd NOIJ1YAI NrI (IV'D UNYW3U IMMIN NOIL3Mfl2 t70 ZE 00 00 TV IVZST OCT 0 SET 60- £- 00 00 £I- I1ZS1- OCT ti1 LET 00 I0 00 00 00 9V1 8l 811 tEl 00 L0 00 00 00 '01 81 9Z1 6Z1 Co*81 00 00 10 t8 "LZ 91 tiZ1 LZI 00 00 10- L56L- tZ T 811 S1 L1- 00 00 TO.- 0EL- t'Zl ZZT £Zl 00 90- 00 00 00 066- Z1 01 11 00 £0- 00 00 00 OVI?- OZI 811 611 Z0.- 1Z- 00 00 00 18EL- 811 911 LIT 10- 00 00 00 1905- 911 t'lI 511 00 80- 00 00 00 1t7LZ- t?11 Z1T £11 00 50 00 00 00 668t ZTT 801 111 9Z 00 00 Eol 08Z6 011 801 601 90' ZU 00 00 Z0 6L111 801 901 LOT 60 00 00 Z0 6991 901 tOT 501 170 0Z 00 00 E0 061E SOT VOT T70T 0 99 00 00 61 69EE 0I ZOT £01 0L 00 00 t0 6T 'gVZ ZOT 0 101 9V t'9 00 00 90 IOLOE 9? z LZ 6Z- 18- 00 00 L5- 1L98Z- 9? tz 9z 00 00 L0- 106I?- V z 81 C? 00 00 00 00 00 00 0? 1? 00 00 00 00 00 00 0? 81 61 L1- ?9- 00 00 £Z- 11L1Z- 81 91 LT E1- ES- 00 00 tI- I?581- 91 uT ST 00 00 t'I- I?581- II ?I El 8E 00 00 ?0 8665 ?I 01 11 0?, 15 00 00 90 8?08 01 8 6 89 00 00 60 8E901 8 9 L 05 58 00 00 9E 8t?El 9 v 5 £01 00 00 69 8iT9l Li Z £ 8E b01 00 00 11 6LiL0 z 0 1 000I/Th AJ1I0OIA SSOI IIONIW UVH dWfld SSO'I UYH 2LVMOFL SON MON 0N adid QMYWU unoH M'dd £6100 = A3YflD3Y NY HLIM SPIL £ 1121,3V GNI'L8O aHV SJ1IflS H.L 06? = I013Y. V AS S1flrIVA TNIOIO WOS3 UNYH 2IY suNYwa SHI SMOqqO9 NOIJ,V'IflWIS J1XN 3H11 UO3 GLI3dS SNOLLIUNO3 .O A!VWWflS V VE009E6 :a,1j S!SAIBUV WaSAS iae so I!Jdv Jaso oLpuej Rancho Costera April 14, 2015 Water System Analysis File: 936003A 16 31.90 428.95 170.00 112.21 18 31.90 429.18 159.00 117.08 20 .00 429.18 136.00 127.05 22 .00 429.18 82.00 150.45 24 37.70 429.25 165.00 114.51 26 20.30 429.82 180.00 108.26 102 11.60 348.96 128.00 95.75 104 46.40 348.77 125.00 96.97 105 31.90 348.74 162.00 80.92 106 43.50 348.75 118.00 99.99 108 .00 348.74 120.00 99.12 110 92.80 348.70 122.00 98.24 112 46.40 348.74 100.00 107.79 114 23.20 348.74 110.00 103.45 116 23.20 348.74 128.00 95.65 118 8.70 348.75 138.00 91.32 120 5.80 348.75 133.00 93.49 122 17.40 348.75 137.00 91.76 124 17.40 348.75 145.00 88.29 126 17.40 348.75 155.00 83.96 128 11.60 348.75 148.00 86.99 130 .00 348.89 70.00 120.85 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 22 .00 429.18 82.00 150.45 14 .00 428.82 125.00 131.65 12 .00 428.67 130.00 129.42 MINIMUM PRESSURES 105 31.90 348.74 162.00 80.92 126 17.40 348.75 155.00 83.96 128 11.60 348.75 148.00 86.99 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 649.60 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 1 497.49 135 152.11 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 649.60 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00