HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-08; Housing Commission; ; Request from USA Properties Fund for an increase in the loan from the Housing Trust Fund for the Marja Acres Senior Apartments (DEV 16-038)Meeting Date: September 8, 2022 To: Housing Commissioners From: Mandy Mills, Housing Services Manager Staff Contact: Mandy Mills, Housing & Homeless Services Director mandy.mills@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2907 Subject: Request from USA Properties Fund for an increase in the loan from the Housing Trust Fund for the Marja Acres Senior Apartments (DEV 16-038) Recommended Action Adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council approve an increase of $65,000 in the loan from the Housing Trust Fund to USA Properties Fund for construction of the 46-unit Marja Acres affordable senior apartments. Executive Summary USA Properties Fund, Inc. (USA Properties), has partnered with NUWI Carlsbad, LLC (NUW) to construct the affordable housing portion of the Marja Acres mixed-use project. Marja Acres was approved by the City Council 2020, receiving a density bonus and certain development concessions and incentives to provide 46 senior apartments affordable to lower-income seniors. To provide additional public benefit to the Carlsbad community and to secure tax- exempt bond and tax credit equity financing, the applicant proposed to deepen the project’s affordability by providing five of the housing units to extremely low-income seniors. To help achieve these goals, USA Properties requested a loan from the city’s Housing Trust Fund. The City Council approved an original loan for $650,000 on Oct. 12, 2021. Since then, economic conditions have changed dramatically which have impacted project financing. USA Properties has requested the city consider an increase in the loan from the Housing Trust Fund to support the development of the project. Discussion On Nov. 3, 2020, the master developer, New Urban West, received approval to demolish an existing home, its accessory structures and three commercial buildings located on the south side of El Camino Real just east of Kelly Road and build a mixed- use project consisting of 248 townhomes, a 47-unit affordable senior apartments (46 lower-income plus 1 manager’s unit) and 10,000 square feet for specialty commercial uses (Location Map-Exhibit 2). The 46 senior apartments, all one-bedroom and approximately 535 s.f. in size, are located within the commercial portion of the site as a mixed-use development. A total of 10,000 square feet of specialty retail and restaurant are also proposed for two buildings on the commercially- designated portion of the site. Nine common recreation areas provide active and passive spaces throughout the project, including one area designated for the senior affordable apartments. Sept. 8, 2022 Item #1 Page 1 of 4 In exchange for the affordable housing, the developer received a 35% density bonus under state law, as well as a number of concessions, incentives, and modifications to development standards. The city’s approval requires that 37 of the apartments be affordable to very low- income senior households (up to 50% area median income) and 9 apartments be affordable to low-income senior households (up to 60% area median income). This requirement fulfills the state density bonus and city inclusionary housing obligations. NUW is partnering with USA Properties to construct the affordable senior apartments. USA Properties will own and operate the Marja Acres senior apartments. The company has extensive experience with market rate and affordable housing, and expertise in senior apartment communities throughout California and Nevada. USA Properties owns and manages the Carrillo Ranch affordable apartments in Carlsbad. USA Properties received a bond allocation and tax credits in June 2022 which will finance the majority of the project’s cost. Additional funding for the development costs will come from the master developer, a deferral of the developer fee, and a soft loan from the City’s Housing Trust Fund. Both the Housing Commission and City Council reviewed and approved a request from USA Properties for a $650,000 loan from the city’s Housing Trust Fund. In exchange, the developer will deepen the affordability of five apartments to serve extremely low-income seniors (up to 30% area median income). Because the developer is required to provide the units at a very low-income average level, the subsidy analysis was limited to only 5 units that were deepening in affordability to the extremely low-income level. The staff report from Aug. 12, 2021 is included as Exhibit 3 and includes a thorough subsidy analysis and review of conformance with City Council Policy No. 90. Project financing details have significantly changed over the last year based on increased construction costs and rising interest rates. The city’s Housing Policy Team, composed of representatives from Finance, Community Development, Housing Services, and the City Attorney’s office, reviewed the project financing in July 2021 and again in July 2022 with updated information provided by the developer. Construction costs have increased approximately 20% which, along with other cost increases, increased the total development cost in the amount of $2.7m (approximately 17%). Additionally, interest rates increased which decreases the amount of financing to the project. While some other financing sources have increased, the net increase in financing sources to the project is approximately $781,000, which creates a new financing gap. Although city staff acknowledges the increase in the overall financing gap, the subsidy amount is limited to 5 units at extremely low-income levels. Per City Council Policy Statement No. 90, Housing Trust Fund dollars shall not be used to satisfy a development's housing requirement but may be used to assist in exceeding the requirement. Because the applicant is required to provide 46 units at a very low-income average level, city staff examined the gap analysis only above and beyond the requirement. Based on considerable increases in construction costs and other market conditions, we recommend an increase in $65,000 to the original loan amount from the Housing Trust Fund to support the development. Sept. 8, 2022 Item #1 Page 2 of 4 Below is a summary of the change in the proposed sources and uses of funds: SUMMARY PROFORMA SOURCES OF FUNDS 2021 TOTAL 2022 TOTAL CHANGE Senior Loan $4,625,000 $4,140,000 -$485,000 Net operating income during construction 197,187 288,057 90,870 Tax Credit Equity 7,393,959 7,935,990 542,031 USA MFD – deferred developer fee 609,645 758,341 148,696 City of Carlsbad loan 650,000 650,000 0 New Urban West (master developer) 2,350,000 2,835,000 485,000 TOTAL SOURCES $15,825,791 $16,607,388 $781,597 PERMANENT USES OF FUNDS 2021 TOTAL 2022 TOTAL CHANGE 2022 PER UNIT Construction (incl. bonds) $7,997,749 $9,583,550 $1,585,801 $203,905 Construction general conditions 840,000 780,000 (60,000) 16,596 Contractor overhead & profit 279,685 607,413 327,728 12,924 Construction contingency 799,775 1,097,096 297,321 23,342 Financing costs 886,349 984,049 97,700 20,937 Other transaction costs 2,938,124 3,274,627 336,503 69,673 Developer fee 2,084,109 2,262,082 177,973 48,129 TOTAL USES $15,825,791 $18,588,817 $2,763,026 $395,507 Fiscal Analysis The total recommended loan amount of $715,000 would be drawn from the city’s Housing Trust Fund (Fund 133), which is restricted to affordable housing and homelessness-related projects, programs and services. Through the end of 2021, the Housing Trust Fund has an available balance of $7.3 million. Next Steps The Housing Commission recommendation and staff analysis of the additional financial assistance request will be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration. If the request is approved by the City Council, staff will begin negotiations with USA Properties and execute all appropriate documents necessary to provide the financial assistance. Environmental Evaluation The City Council certified an environmental impact report, and adopted candidate findings of fact and mitigation monitoring and reporting program for the Marja Acres development project on Nov. 3, 2020 (City Council Resolution No. 2020-215). As an integral component of the overall Marja Acres development, the senior affordable apartments were adequately evaluated by the certified EIR and is subject to applicable mitigation monitoring and reporting requirements. No further environmental review is required. Sept. 8, 2022 Item #1 Page 3 of 4 Public Notification and Outreach Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the state’s Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.Housing Commission resolution 2.Location map 3.Aug. 12, 201 Housing Commission Staff Report Sept. 8, 2022 Item #1 Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE AN INCREASE OF $65,000 IN THE LOAN FROM THE HOUSING TRUST FUND TO USA PROPERTIES FUND FOR MARJA ACRES SENIOR APARTMENTS (DEV 16- 038) WHEREAS, NUWI Carlsbad, LLC (New Urban West or NUW) sought the city’s approval to build a mixed-use project consisting of 248 townhomes, 46 affordable senior apartments (plus an unrestricted manager’s unit) and 10,000 square feet for specialty commercial uses located on property commonly known as Marja Acres, on the south side of El Camino Real just east of Kelly Road; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved said development, including the affordable senior apartments on Nov. 3. 2020; and WHEREAS, USA Properties Fund, Inc. has partnered with NUW to build the Marja Acres affordable senior apartments; and WHEREAS, USA Properties Fund requested financial assistance for the construction of 46 apartment homes to be affordable to extremely low, very low, and lower-income households; and WHEREAS, the request for financial assistance was submitted to the City of Carlsbad’s Housing Commission for review and consideration at their public meeting on Aug. 12, 2021, on which date said Commission recommended that the City Council approve the requested financial assistance in the amount of $650,000; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved $650,000 in Housing Trust Fund assistance on Oct. 12, 2021, in order to create additional public benefit by serving extremely low-income seniors and improve project competitiveness for tax exempt bond and tax credit equity financing; and WHEREAS, the city’s Affordable Housing Policy Team evaluated the subsequent financial assistance request on Aug. 2, 2022, and recommended that it be forwarded to the Housing Commission for their consideration and recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Housing Commission considered the financial assistance request, staff evaluation and recommendation, and the testimony of all persons desiring to be heard on the matter at their regular meeting on Sept. 8, 2022. EXHIBIT 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the request for additional financial assistance from USA Properties Fund, Inc. is consistent with the goals, objectives and programs of the City of Carlsbad's Housing Element, City Council Policy No. 90 guidelines, and the city’s Housing Trust Fund underwriting practices. 3. That the request for financial assistance will assist the affordable housing developer in constructing a total of 46 apartment units affordable to extremely low, very low, and low income senior households, plus one unrestricted manager’s apartment. Specifically, the assistance will result in deeper affordability levels by providing five extremely low- income (30% AMI), 36 very low-income (50% AMI), and five low-income (60% AMI) senior apartments. 4. That, based on information provided in the Housing Commission staff report and considering testimony of all persons desiring to be heard at the Sept. 8, 2022 public meeting, the Housing Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve an additional amount of $65,000 in financial assistance from the Housing Trust Fund to USA Properties Fund, Inc., subject to the following conditions: a. The financial assistance shall be in the form of a residual receipts loan for a term of 55 years at three percent simple interest per annum. Said loan shall be secured by a promissory note and deed of trust. b. The financial assistance is conditional and contingent upon USA Properties Fund, Inc. receiving all other necessary funding commitments identified in the financial assistance application including private loans, tax credit financing, master developer contribution, and deferred developer fees. c. The city’s commitment of funds will be maintained for a period of twenty-four months upon City Council’s approval. The funding commitment will expire at the end of this term unless developer has secured all other necessary funding, has executed a loan agreement with the city, and the project is ready to construct; or unless a time extension is granted by the City Council. EXHIBIT 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Meeting of the Housing Commission of the City of Carlsbad on the 8th day of September 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: JOHN NGUYEN-CLEARY, CHAIRPERSON CARLSBAD HOUSING COMMISSION ATTEST: Mandy Mills Housing & Homeless Services Director Exhibit 2 Marja Acres Senior Apartments Location Map Senior Apartments Marja Acres Additional Request from Housing Trust Fund Mandy Mills, Housing & Homeless Services Director Sept. 8, 2022 TODAY’S PRESENTATION •Project Background •Subsidy Analysis •Staff recommendation Marja Acres •20.65 acres on 2 parcels •Designated as an underutilized housing opportunity site in the City of Carlsbad General Plan •Zoned for residential &commercial use Major Employment Corridor + Healthcare &Services Airport, Hospitality, Businesses Major Community Amenities, Attractions and Recreation Recreation School School Daycare Services Carlsbad Village + Retail,Business, Professional Services Schools SITE CHARACTERISTICS 248 market rate townhomes Designated for high density residential & commerical Marja Acres +20.5 acres Mixed-use AFFORDABLE SITE CHARACTERISTICS 46 units Onsite community space & services 3 stories Affordability mix for seniors Marja Acres Rancho Carillo Apartments 116 affordable apts. Applicant Background •Extensive experience •Positive local project history Marja Acres 2020 Planning Commission Approval 2018-2019 Project design & environmental review OCT 2022 City Council considers 2021 Housing Commission Approval 2017 Initial project design 2019-2020 Environmental process Marja Acres SEPT 2022 Housing Commission considers 2021 City Council approval Table 1 –Rent Ranges Income group Extremely Low (30% AMI) Very Low (50% AMI) Low (60% AMI) Market rate Required 0 units 37 units 9 units Proposed 5 units 36 units 5 units Rents -1 Br $607 $1,040 $1,257 $1,900- $2,300 Marja Acres Marja Acres SUMMARY PROFORMA SOURCES OF FUNDS 2021 TOTAL 2022 TOTAL CHANGE Senior Loan $4,625,000 $4,140,000 -$485,000 Net operating income during construction 197,187 288,057 90,870 Tax Credit Equity 7,393,959 7,935,990 542,031 USA MFD –deferred developer fee 609,645 758,341 148,696 City of Carlsbad loan 650,000 650,000 0 New Urban West (master developer)2,350,000 2,835,000 485,000 TOTAL SOURCES $15,825,791 $16,607,388 $781,597 PERMANENT USES OF FUNDS 2021 TOTAL 2022 TOTAL CHANGE Construction (incl. bonds)$7,997,749 $9,583,550 $1,585,801 Construction general conditions 840,000 780,000 (60,000) Contractor overhead & profit 279,685 607,413 327,728 Construction contingency 799,775 1,097,096 297,321 Financing costs 886,349 984,049 97,700 Other transaction costs 2,938,124 3,274,627 336,503 Developer fee 2,084,109 2,262,082 177,973 TOTAL USES $15,825,791 $18,588,817 $2,763,026 SUBSIDY ANALYSIS City Council Policy 90 Public benefit Housing Element Risk Marja Acres NEXT STEPS LOAN & BOND DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTIONCITY COUNCIL CONSIDERS FUNDING REQUEST Marja Acres STAFF RECOMMENDATION •Recommend City Council approve an addition of $65,000 loan to USA Properties for the development of Marja Acres Apts. Marja Acres