HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-12-02; Planning Commission; ; ZC 97-06|LCPA 97-08|CT 97-15|HDP 97 -16|CDP 97-39 - LOHF SUBDIVISIONThe City of CARLSBAD Planning Department
P.C. AGENDA OF: December 2,1998
Application complete date: June 15, 1997
Project Planner: Michael Grim
Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham
SUBJECT: ZC 97-06LCPA 9 7-08lCT 97-15/HDP 97 -16KDP 97-39 - LOHF SUBD I-
VISION - Request for a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring
and Reporting Program, Zone Change, Local Coastal Program Amendment,
Tentative Tract Map, Hillside Development Permit and Coastal Development
Permit to change the zoning from Limited Control (L-C) to One Family
Residential with a Qualified Development Overlay (R-1-7,500-Q), and to
subdivide and grade for 73 single-family lots with three open space lots on 36.7
acres generally located west of El Camino Real, between Cassia Road and Dove
Lane in Local Facilities Management Zone 2 1.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4424,
REXOM MENDING APPROVAL of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 4425,
4426, 4427, 4428 and 4429, JWCOMMEN DING APPROVAL of Zone Change ZC 97-06,
Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 97-08, Tentative Tract Map CT 97- 15, Hillside
Development Permit HDP 97-16, and Coastal Development Permit CDP 97-39, based upon the
findings and subject to the conditions contained therein.
The proposal has two components. The first involves a change in the zoning designation for two
parcels, covering 36.7 acres, from Limited Control (L-C) to One Family Residential with a
Qualified Development Overlay (R-l-7,500-Q). The Zone Change and Local Coastal Program
Amendment are required to change the Zoning Map in both the City’s Zoning Ordinance and the
City’s Local Coastal Program. The second component involves the subdivision of, and grading
for, a 73-unit single-family subdivision with three open space lots, covering the same 36.7 acres.
A Tentative Tract Map is needed to subdivide the property, a Hillside Development Permit is
required to grade the sloping site and a Coastal Development Permit is necessary because the
project is located in the City’s Coastal Zone. The project meets all applicable regulations and
staff has no issues with the proposal.
ZC 97-06LCPA 97-08/C’I 97-15/HDP 97-161CDP 97-39 - LOHF SUBDIVISION
December 2, 1998
LAMCO Housing, Inc. is requesting a Zone Change and Local Coastal Program Amendment to
change the zoning designation of a 36.7 acre property from Limited Control (L-C) to One Family
Residential with a Qualified Development Overlay (R- 1-7300-4) and a Tentative Tract Map,
Hillside Development Permit and Coastal Development Permit to allow subdivision of, and
grading for, 73 single-family lots and three open space lots over the same 36.7 acres. The project
site is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 21, with the northeast comer of the
property being located approximately 200 feet west of El Camino Real. To the south of the
project site are the Plaza Paseo Real shopping center and the Pavoreal single-family
neighborhood. North of the property are two, individually-owned single-family lots, each
containing one home, and west of the property is undeveloped, residentially-designated property.
The project site has been mostly cleared of native vegetation by previous agricultural operations
and contains three single-family homes, each with a dirt access. There is a large, relatively
undisturbed native habitat area in the southwest portion of the site that includes the northern end
of a riparian oak woodland. This area is to be placed in open space and would be maintained by
the future Homeowner’s Association. There is also a mature oak tree in the middle of the site,
which would be mitigated by the replanting of 10 oaks in the open space area.
Virtually the entire site is designated Residential Low Medium Density (RLM) in the City’s
General Plan, allowing a range from 0.0 to 4.0 units per acre, with a Growth Control Point of 3.2
units per acre. There is a small, 0.5 acre sliver of unconstrained land in the northeast comer of
the project site that is designated Residential Medium (RM), allowing between 4.0 and 8.0 units
per acre with a Growth Control Point of 6.0 units per acre. While no units are proposed for the
RM area, it is developable for the purposes of calculating allowable unit yields. Deducting the
constrained lands contained in slopes, riparian woodlands and Circulation Element roadways, the
developable acreage on the site would yield a maximum of 112 units. Due to design constraints
and open space preservation, the project proposes only 73 units.
The proposed zoning of R-1-7,500-Q is an appropriate zone to implement the lUM and RM
designations. R-1-7,500 zoning is used throughout the City to implement the RLM and RM
General Plan designations by creating single-family neighborhoods. The Q Overlay ensures that
the building locations and architectural styles are reviewed and approved through a Site
Development Plan prior to issuing building permits for production housing.
As shown on Exhibits “A” - “K”, the proposed site design would include an access off of the
existing terminus of Dove Lane, with two cul-de-sac streets taking access off of meandering
drives that lead from Dove Lane and Mimosa Drive northward to Poinsettia Lane. There would
also be a small portion of development north of Poinsettia Lane that would include 12 lots on a
double-loaded street. All lots would have a minimum street frontage of 60 feet, with the
exception of three cul-de-sac lots that have at least 35 feet of frontage. As discussed below, all
lots meet the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and the R-1-7,500 zone.
The project also involves the construction of the portion of Poinsettia Lane, a Circulation
Element roadway, that traverses the subject property. Poinsettia Lane is not needed for the early
ZC 97-06/LCPA 97-08/CT 97-15kIDP 97-16/CDP 97-39 - LOHF SUBDIVISION
December 2,1998
Page 3
phases of the project but will likely be constructed simultaneous with the residential subdivision.
There are also several adjacent properties that require access connections: the single-family
homes of Saska and Steiner to the north, Kevane to the east and Pavoreal to the south. To
provide the access to the north, the developer has committed to constructing driveways from the
project’s streets to the Saska and Steiner homes. In order to provide future access to the
undeveloped Kevane property, the developer has indicated an area where access could be taken
off of their local streets and proposed an irrevocable offer of dedication in this area for future
access. The proposed subdivision also shows a connection to Mimosa Drive to the south, linking
the local circulation system in the Pavoreal subdivision with this subdivision, as originally
intended with the Pavoreal map (then known as Viewpoint - CT 85-34). The exact commitments
of the developer for access as shown on Exhibit “B”, dated December 2, 1998 and listed in
Planning Commission Resolution No. 4427.
As mentioned above, the Lohf Subdivision proposal has two components: the legislative Zone
Change and Local Coastal Program Amendment actions, and the adjudicatory Tentative Tract
Map, Hillside Development Permit and Coastal Development Permit. Since the Zone Change
and Local Coastal Program Amendment are subject only to compliance with the General Plan
and Local Coastal Program, these analysis sections are organized to evaluate each component
separately. Taken together, the Lohf Subdivision proposal subject to the following regulations:
A. General Plan;
B. Local Coastal Program;
C. R-1 - One Family Residential Zone (Chapter 21.10 of the Zoning Ordinance);
D. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Chapter 2 1.85 of the Zoning Ordinance);
E. Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code);
F. Hillside Development Ordinance (Chapter 2 1.95 of the Zoning Ordinance);
G. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Zoning Ordinance);
H. Zone 2 1 Local Facilities Management Plan.
The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s
consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. The following analysis
section discusses compliance with each of these regulations/policies utilizing both text and
ZC 97-06/LCPA 97-08/C1 97-15MDP 97-16/CDP 97-39 - LOW SUBDIVISION
December 2, 1998
A. General Plan
1. Zone Change and Local Coastal Program Amendment Compliance
The legislative actions associated with the Lohf Subdivision proposal are consistent with the
applicable policies and programs of the General Plan. Particularly relevant to the Zone
Change/LCPA is the Land Use Element. The existing General Plan land use designation of the
Lohf Subdivision site is Residential Low Medium Density (RLM), with the exception of
approximately 0.5 acres in the northwest portion, which is designated Residential Medium
Density (RM).
The existing zoning of Limited Control (L-C) is a holding zone that does not implement any
General Plan designations, therefore it is appropriate to remove that zoning to allow
development. Since the General Plan designation is a residential designation, it follows that the
proposed zoning should also be a residential designation. The densities allowed by the RLM and
RM designations range from 0.0 to 4.0 and 4.0 to 8.0 dwelling units per acre with Growth
Management Control Points of 3.2 and 6.0 dwelling per acre, respectively. The applicant has
proposed the One Family Residential with a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet (R-1-7,500)
designation to implement the RLM and RM designations. R-1-7,500 is one of the appropriate
zones to implement RLM and RM designations and is the zoning of the developed subdivision
immediately to the south of the project site. The proposed zoning of R-1-7,500 is, therefore,
consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element.
The Lohf Subdivision proposal does not involve the construction of any dwelling units and the
site is quite visible from El Camino Real, a scenic corridor. The project site does not front on El
Camino Real, therefore, it is not subject to the Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone. Staff is
therefore recommending that the site be designated with a Qualified Development Overlay (Q) so
that the future production housing can be reviewed and approved through a Site Development
Plan prior to issuance of any building permits. This is also consistent with the development
subdivision to the south and with zoning practices City-wide. Since one of the goals of the Land
Use Element is to “create a visual form for the community that is pleasing to the eye.. .”, the Q
Overlay ensures discretionary review of future building architecture and siting on the lots. Given
the above, the proposed R-1-7,500-Q zoning designation is consistent with the Land Use
Element of the General Plan.
2. Tentative Tract Map, Hillside Development Permit and Coastal Development
Permit Compliance
The Lohf Subdivision is consistent with the applicable policies and programs of the General
Plan. Particularly relevant to the single-family subdivision are the Land Use, Circulation, Noise,
Housing, Open Space and Conservation, and Public Safety Elements. Table 1 below indicates
how the project complies with these particular elements of the General Plan.
ZC 97-06LCPA 97-08/CT 97-1 S/HDP 97- 16/CDP 97-39 - LOW SUBDIVISION
December 2, 1998
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Land Use
Open Space
Site is designated Residential Low
Medium (0.0 - 4.0 ddac) and
Residential Medium (4.0 - 8.0 ddac)
Require new development to
improve all rights-of-way needed to
serve the development.
Enforce the City Policy requiring
exterior noise levels to be mitigated
to 60 &A CNEL.
Ensure that all qualified subdivisions
provide a range of housing for all
income ranges.
Preserve open space in as natural a
state as possible.
Utilize Best Management Practices
for control of storm water pollutants
Provision of emergency water
systems and all weather access roads.
Proposed density of 2.2
ddac meets the RLM range;
RM area is only slopes.
Project is conditioned to
provide public streets to
serve the development and
access to adjacent parcels
Noise study was conducted
and noise walls and internal
ventilation requirements
have been identified.
Housing Commission
recommended approval of
off-site provision in Villa
Loma apartments. Project is
conditioned to enter
Affordable Housing
Agreement prior to final map
93 percent of existing
southern maritime chaparral
habitat is remaining in
undisturbed open space.
Project will comply with all
NPDES requirements.
All necessary water mains,
fire hydrants and
appurtenances must be
installed prior to future unit
occupancy and all weather
access roads will be
maintained throughout
ZC 97-06LCPA 97-08/C1 97-1 5/HDP 97-1 6/CDP 97-39 - LOHF SUBDIVISION
December 2,1998
B. Local Coastal Program
1. Zone Change and Local Coastal Program Amendment Compliance
The Lohf Subdivision site is located in the Mello 11 segment of the Local Coastal Program. The
implementing ordinances for the Mello I1 segment are contained in the City’s Zoning Ordinance
and includes a Zoning Map. The Local Coastal Program Zoning Map shows that the project site
is designated L-Cy consistent with the City’s Zoning Map. In order to maintain consistency
between the City’s Zoning Map and the Local Coastal Program, the zoning designation on both
the Zoning Map and LCP must be changed. Therefore the proposed Zone Change/Local Coastal
Program Amendment from L-C to R-1-7,500-Q provides consistency between the City’s Zoning
designations and the zoning designations contained in the Local Coastal Program.
2. Tentative Tract Map, Hillside Development Permit and Coastal Development
Permit Compliance
As mentioned above, the Lohf Subdivision site lies within the Mello I1 segment of the City’s
Coastal Zone and is subject to the corresponding land use policies and implementing ordinances,
including zoning designations. The policies of the Mello I1 segment emphasize topics such as
preservation of prime agriculture and scenic resources, protection of environmentally sensitive
lands, provision of shoreline access, and prevention of geologic instability and erosion.
The proposed project is consistent with these policies. There are no agricultural activities or
prime agricultural lands within the project area. No impacts to scenic resources will occur
because none exist on or near the site. Since the site is located over 0.18 miles from the
Batiquitos Lagoon and 0.53 miles from the Pacific Ocean, no shoreline access provisions apply.
The project is conditioned to adhere to the City Standards with regard to erosion control and
grading operations, therefore no geologic instability or erosion should occur.
The project proposes to preserve virtually all of the environmentally sensitive lands, namely
those areas with slopes over 25 percent inclination that contain native habitat (a.k.a. dual-criteria
lands). As shown on Exhibit “E”, dated December 2, 1998, the development would encroach
into three dual criteria areas, totaling 7,600 square feet. The Mello I1 segment of the Local
Coastal Program allows for up to ten percent encroachment into dual criteria lands if total
preservation of such lands would preclude a reasonable use of the property. The three areas of
dual criteria land encroachment are located at critical design points within the development as it
relates to the alignment and grade of Poinsettia Lane. Given that the range of positions and
elevations of the Circulation Element roadway are very limited, the proposed development
minimizes the amount of encroachment while maintaining at-grade access with Poinsettia Lane.
The only applicable implementing ordinance is found in the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay
Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Zoning Ordinance). The provisions in this implementing ordinance
mimic the provisions contained in the Mello I1 land use policies, therefore, based on the above,
the project is consistent with the implementing ordinances. Given the above, the Lohf
Subdivision conforms to the provisions of the Local Coastal Program.
ZC 97-06LCPA 97-08/C1 97-15/HDP 97-16/CDP 97-39 - LOW SUBDIVISION
December 2,1998
C. R-1 - One Family Residential Zone
The proposed zoning for the Lohf Subdivision property is One Family Residential with a
minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet (R-1-7,500-Q). Therefore the proposed development must
comply with all applicable portions of R-1 zone, as contained in Chapter 21.10 of the Zoning
Ordinance. Since no structures are proposed with the single-family subdivision, only those R-1
standards addressing lot size and dimensions are applicable. Table 2 below illustrates the
proposed subdivision’s consistency with the R- 1 zone.
Minimum lot size: 7,500 sq. fi. All lots range in size from 7,500
sq. fi. to over 11,500 sq. fi. Yes
I ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~
Yes 1 All lots widths measure between I 60 ft. and 115 ft.
Minimum lot width: 60 ft.
Given the above, the proposed subdivision design is consistent with the requirements of the R-l-
7,500 zone.
D. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
The proposed residential subdivision is subject to the provisions of the Inclusionary Housing
Ordinance, Chapter 21.85 of the Zoning Ordinance. Since the project involves more than seven
units, it must provide affordable units, either within the project or within a combined project in
the same quadrant. Given the total project yield of 73 dwelling units, the project’s inclusionary
obligation of affordable housing would just under 11 dwelling units. At the November 19, 1998
meeting of the Housing Commission, the project applicant requested purchasing affordable unit
credits in the Villa Loma Apartment project, located in the northern portion of the southwest
quadrant. The Housing Commission recommended approval of this request, therefore, the
project is conditioned to enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement to ensure the provision of
affordable units prior to final map. The Housing Commission recommendation and Affordable
Housing Agreement condition address the requirements of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
for the Lohf Subdivision project.
E. Subdivision Ordinance
Since the Lohf project involves a subdivision of land, the proposal is subject to the regulations of
Title 20, the Subdivision Ordinance. Chapter 20.16 of the Subdivision Ordinance addresses the
requirements for a major subdivision, that being a subdivision that creates more than four
parcels. These requirements mostly deal with providing the drainage, sewerage and circulation
dedications and improvements needed to serve the subdivision. There are also requirements
concerning consistency with Title 21, the Zoning Ordinance, which is addressed in the other
sections of this staff report.
ZC 97-06LCPA 97-08/C1 97-15/HDP 97-16/CDP 97-39 - LOHF SUBDIVISION
December 2, 1998
The proposed Lohf subdivision would provide all necessary facilities prior to, or concurrent with,
construction. The hydrology report, submitted by the applicant, indicates that all runoff can be
controlled on-site and conveyed into existing and proposed storm drain facilities. The on-site
sewer system would be connected with the existing system in Dove Lane and water distribution
would involve looped service from existing lines in the El Camino Real right-of-way. As
mentioned above, the applicant would improve Poinsettia Lane within their subdivision
boundary and complete off-site improvements to connect Poinsettia Lane with El Camino Real to
the east. The project would also provide access to the four adjacent properties surrounding the
site to the north, west and south (including a connection to Mimosa Street as previously planned
with the Pavoreal subdivision). No standards variances are needed to approve the project. Given
the above, the proposed subdivision would provide all necessary facilities and improvements
without producing land title conflicts, therefore the project is consistent with the Subdivision
F. Hillside Development Ordinance
The Lohf Subdivision involves development over sloping topography and, therefore, it is subject
to the Hillside Development regulations, Chapter 21.95 of the Zoning Ordinance. While the City
recently amended the Hillside Development Ordinance, these amendments have not been
approved by the California Coastal Commission and have not been effectually incorporated into
the Local Coastal Program implementing ordinances. Therefore the project is subject to the pre-
existing Hillside Development Ordinance. Table 3 below details the project’s conformance with
the provisions of the Hillside Development Ordinance.
The project includes the grading and construction of Poinsettia Lane, a Circulation Element
roadway, through the northern portion of the project site. According to Section 21.95.070 of the
Hillside Development Ordinance, the decision making body may approve modifications to the
hillside development standards if the site requires extensive grading to accommodate a
Circulation Element roadway. In this case, the decision making body is the City Council. The
grading required for Poinsettia Lane involves 82,000 cubic yards of cut and 28,000 cubic yards
of fill and covers and area of 5.5 acres. To acquire access from Poinsettia Lane at a safe distance
from El Camino Real, the development requires a 36 foot high slope and a 3,800 square foot
encroachment into sloping native habitat. By accommodating Poinsettia Lane, and the allowable
intersection spacing for arterials, the project design still allows for almost complete preservation
of the existing native habitat.
Preservation of 40% slopes With the exception of two small
Yes, if approved by Council areas associated with the grading
of Poinsettia Lane, all slopes I steeper than 40% are preserved. I
Maximum slope height of 30 feet All man-made slopes are 30 feet
maximum, except one slope area
Yes, if approved by Council
ZC 97-06/LCPA 97-08/C1' 97-15/HDP 97-16/CDP 97-39 - LOHF SUBDIVISION
December 2,1998
needed for Poinsettia Lane.
Contour grading
Grading volumes less than
10,000 cubic yards per acre with
circulation element roadway
The perimeter slopes of the
project include contour grading.
Excluding the grading for
Poinsettia Lane, the grading
volumes reach 9,586 cy/ac.
City Administration
ImpactdStandards Compliance
588.26 sq ft Yes
Yes, if approved by Council
Waste Water Treatment
Given the above, and the requirement for developing Poinsettia Lane, the Lohf Subdivision
project is consistent with the Hillside Development Ordinance, Chapter 21.95 of the Zoning
73 EDU Yes
1.18 acres Yes
G. Growth Management Ordinance
The proposed Lohf residential subdivision is subject to the provision of the Growth Management
Ordinance, Chapter 21.90 of the Zoning Ordinance. Since the project is 39 units below the total
yield anticipated by the Zone 21 LFMP, all existing and planned facilities are or will be adequate
to serve the need generated by this project. Table 4 below details the project's compliance with
the applicable Growth Management facility requirements.
19.5 cfs Yes
438 ADT Yes
Open Space
Station # 2 Yes
7.1 acres Yes
Carlsbad Unified Yes
Library I 313.70 sq ft I Yes
Water 16,060 GPD Yes
Sewer Collection System I73 EDU I Yes
ZC 97-06/LCPA 97-08/CT 97- 1 S/HDP 97-1 6/CDP 97-39 - LOHF SUBDIVISION
December 2, 1998
Page 10
H. Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan
The project site lies within Local Facilities Management Zone 21. The special requirements for
development in Zone 21 include payment of park-in-lieu fees and public facility fees. As
discussed above, the developer would also construct Poinsettia Lane from the western
subdivision boundary eastward to El Camino Real. No other special conditions exist in the zone
plan and all required facilities would be constructed prior to, or concurrent with, need. Therefore
the proposed Lohf Subdivision is consistent with the Zone 2 1 Local Facilities Management Plan.
The potential impacts of the Lohf Subdivision project, as conditioned, were reviewed and a
Mitigated Negative Declaration was issued on October 26, 1998. The Mitigated Negative
Declaration was necessary to mitigate potential impacts to biological resources, air quality, and
cultural resources. As described above, the project would include slight encroachments into the
existing native habitat and would require the removal of a mature oak tree. These impacts are
mitigated to a level of insignificance by the preservation of the remaining open space within the
project area and an oak tree replacement ratio of 10: 1 within the project open space. The project
site could also contain paleontological resources, however any potential impacts are mitigated to
a level of insignificance because all grading operations must be reviewed and supervised by a
paleontologist. Since the project involves grading operations directly adjacent to occupied
homes, the developer is conditioned to provide controls against fugitive dust, in order to mitigate
any potential short-term air quality impacts. All of the above potential impacts and their
mitigation have been analyzed in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and relevant conditions of
approval have been included in Planning Commission Resolution No. 4424. With regard to the
proposed alignment of Poinsettia Lane within the project area, the certified EIR for the Zone 20
Specific Plan reviewed this alignment of Poinsettia Lane through all of Zone 21. With regard to
other areas of concern, such as population and housing, geologic problems, water, air quality,
transportation and circulation, energy and mineral resources, hazards, noise, public service,
utilities and service systems, aesthetics and recreation, the project, as designed, has no additional
impacts not previously analyzed in the Master Environmental Impact Report for the 1994
General Plan Update (MEIR 93-01) and no additional review or mitigation measures are
necessary with regard to these areas of concern. The Mitigated Negative Declaration was posted
for a 30 day public review period and staff received no comments.
ZC 97-06LCPA 97-08/CT 97-1 S/HDP 97- 16/CDP 97-39 - LOHF SUBDIVISION
December 2, 1998
Planning Commission Resolution No. 4424
Planning Commission Resolution No. 4425
Planning Commission Resolution No. 4426
Planning Commission Resolution No. 4427
Planning Commission Resolution No. 4428
Planning Commission Resolution No. 4429
Location Map
Background Data Sheet
Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form
Disclosure Statement
Exhibits “A” - “K’, dated December 2, 1998
ZC 97-06lLCPA 97-08lCT 97-1 51
HDP 97-16lCDP 97-39
CASE NO: ZC 97-06/LC PA 97-08/CT 97-15/HDP 97 -16/CDP 97-39
CASE NAME: J,ohf Subd ivision
REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for a M itigated Negat ive Dec laration. Mitigation
Monitoring and Report ing Promam. Zone Change. Loca 1 Coastal Promam Amend ment,
Tentative Tract Map. Hillside De velopment Permit and Co astal Developme nt Permit to change
rol (L-C) to 0 ne Family Res' identi 'a1 with a qualified De velopment the zoning from Limited Cont
Overlay [R-1-7.500-0). a nd to subdi vide ZCns - made fo r 73 single fam ily lots with three ope n
space lots for 36.7 acres ge nerally located west of E 1 cam ino Real. betwee n Cass ia Road and
Dove Jane in Loca 1 Facilities Manageme nt Zone 2 1.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 2 of Mat> No . 2244. filed in the Ofice o f the County
Recorder on Januarv - 10. 1974 and the southern half of the northeas t auarte r of Section 26,
Township 12 South. Rang -e 4 West. San Bernard' ino Men 'dian. all in the City of Carlsbad. Co unty
of San Dieog. State of Cal ifornia.
APN: 215-050-18. -59 Acres: Proposed No. of LotsAJnits: 76 lots173 units
Land Use Designation: fir .M and RM
Density Allowed: 0.0-3.2 & 4-6 du/ac Density Proposed: 2.2 du/ac
Existing Zone: I,-C
Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: (See attached for information on Carlsbad's Zoning
Proposed Zone: R-1-7.500-0
Zonlng I.iauuk
Site L-c Agriculture/Single family
North L-C Vacant
South R-1-Q Single family houses
East L-C Vacant
West R- 1 Vacant -
School District: Carlsba d Unified Water District: Carlsbad
Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 73 F.DT J
Sewer District: Carlsbad
Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated:
15] Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued -be r 26.1998
(To be Submitted with Development Application)
FILE NAME AND NO: Lohf Subd ivision - ZC 97-06DCPA 97 -O8/CT 97-1 5/HD P 97-16/CDP
ADDRESS: 2385 Cam ino Vida Roble. Suite 107. Carlsbad. C A 92009
PHONE NO. 1760) 97.9- 160Q ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NO.: 215 -050-18. -59
City Administrative Facilities:
Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer)
Park: Demand in Acreage =
Drainage: Demand in CFS =
Demand in Square Footage =
Demand in Square Footage =
Identify Drainage Basin =
(Identify master plan facilities on site plan)
Circulation: Demand in ADT =
(Identify Trip Distribution on site plan)
Open Space: Acreage Provided =
(Demands to be determined by staff)
Sewer: Demands in EDU
Served by Fire Station No. =
Identify Sub Basin =
(Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan)
Water: Demand in GPD =
43 8
Carlsbad Unified
The project is 39 units below the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance.
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all
applications which will require discretionary action on the pan of the City
Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee.
The following information must be disclosed:
List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the
Lamco Housing, Inc.
2385 Camino Vida Roble,
Suite 107
Carlsbad, CA 92009
List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the
property involved.
Lohf Trust, 6/22/92
Alice M. Lamplugh Trust, 3/9/89
1425 Via Del Corvo
San Marcos, CA 92069
If any person identified pursuant to (1) or {2) above is a corporation or partnership,
list the names and addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares
in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership.
Gene Rosenfeld
300 No. Continental Ave
Suite 390
El Segundo, CA 90245
If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a
trust, list the names and addresses of any person serving as officer or director of
the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the trust.
Richard Alexander Lohf and
Linda Jean Lohf (Successor Trustee of Alice Lamplugh Trust)
(Trustees of Lohf Trust)
1425 Via Del Cow0
San Marcos, CA 92069
2075 Las Palmas Dr. - Carlsbad, CA 92009-1 576 - (61 9) 438-11 61 FAX (G19) 438-0894
- -
5. Have you had m\ ;ted with any member of
City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve
(1 2) months? 0 Yes a No If yes, please indicate personis):
than $250 worth of business tran
Person is defined as .Any individual, :fimr,-co:partnership, joint venture, association, social club,
fraternal organization,-corporation,-estate,:trust,,receiver, syndicate, this and any other county, city and county, city I. municipaiiy, ..rCTrstri subdivision or any other group or
combination acting-assYnit:" . ....
NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary.
/L &-- LO/@ - -2
Signature &-owner/ i nature of applicantldate
mhf Trust, Dated June 22, 1992
Richard A. Lohf & Linda J. Lohf rustees Print or type name of owner
Lance Waite, LAMCO Housinq, Inc.
Print or type name of applicant
Disclosure Statement 10/96 Page 2 of 3
I c
5. Havs*i)ou had nb, d than $250 worth of business trar -dcted with any member of
Cityl'staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve
(1 2) months?
Yes No If yes, please indigate person(s):
doiht -wenture, association, social club,
e, This and any other county, city
ivision .. .or any other group or
fraternal organization,=orpo
NOTE: Attach aqditional sheets if necessav. I.
Signature of, owneridate Signature of applicant/date
Alice M.' Lamplugh Tmst Agreement, 3/9/09 Ron Hadley, Successor Trustee
Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant
Disclosure Statement 10/96 Page 3 of 3