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1998-08-05; Planning Commission; ; SDP 97-24|CDP 97-45 - ISLANDS RESTAURANT
.... Tl City of CARLSBAD Planning Departme1. tf4l_ A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: August 5, 1998 ItemNo.@) Application complete date: May 21, 1998 Project Planner: Don Neu Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham SUBJECT: SDP 97-24/CDP 97-45 -ISLANDS RESTAURANT -Request for a recommendation of approval for a Site Development Plan and Coastal Development Permit for the demolition of an existing Denny's Restaurant and construction of an Islands Restaurant on a lease area of approximately 0.93 acres located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road east of the northbound I-5/ Palomar Airport Road offramp in the Coastal Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone 3. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 4338 and 4339, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of SDP 97-24 and CDP 97-45, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION These applications propose the demolition of an existing single story 4,919 square foot Denny's Restaurant and the construction of a single story 5,116 square foot Islands Restaurant on a 0.93 acre lease area on the south side of Palomar Airport Road east of the northbound I-5/Palomar Airport Road offramp. The proposed land use is permitted by the C-T-Q (Commercial-Tourist, Qualified Development Overlay) Zone subject to the approval of a site development plan. The project also requires the approval of a coastal development permit as the site is in the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and is subject to the requirements of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone, Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The project is subject to the Carlsbad Ranch Overlay Zone Urgency Ordinance which requires that the City Council have final review and approval of all commercial projects that would otherwise have received final approval from the Planning Commission around the LEGOLAND/Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Area. Therefore, the Planning Commission is being requested to make a recommendation of approval on the project to the City Council. The project is in compliance with all city requirements . -SDP 97-24/CDP 97-45 -ISLANDS RESTAURANT August 5, 1998 Pa e2 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting that the Planning Commission recommend approval of a site development plan and coastal development permit that would allow the demolition of the existing 4,919 square foot Denny's restaurant and the construction of a 5,116 square foot single story building to be operated as an Islands Restaurant on a 0.93 acre lease area. The project includes the removal of the majority of the existing improvements on the property except for the pole sign. Parking areas, landscaping, exterior signage, and the dedication of right-of-way on the Palomar Airport Road frontage to accommodate a future right turn only lane for eastbound Palomar Airport Road to southbound Paseo Del Norte traffic are also included as part of the project. Only minor finish grading is necessary for the proposed development. An island theme is utilized for the building's architecture and site landscaping. The building design includes a small thatched entry cover. Exterior building materials include wood, metal, stucco, and river rock. Canvas awnings and hoop light fixtures are utilized over exterior doors and windows. The maximum building height proposed is 21 feet 6 inches. Approximately 21 percent of the site will be landscaped with an additional 2,402 square feet of the CALTrans right- of-way adjacent to the west property line being landscaped through a lease agreement. Planter areas adjacent to the building will have a tropical theme to compliment the architecture of the building. The site design includes parking spaces in excess of the total number required by the City's parking ordinance. The City standard results in the requirement to provide 63 spaces and the proposal includes a total of 77 spaces. Existing on-site driveway connections to the Mobil gas station and the uses to the south of the development area will be maintained. The project proposes a total of three signs. One is the replacement of the Denny's copy on the existing pole sign with copy fitting into the existing sign frame. Two wall signs are proposed above the building's main entrance. One wall sign will face north and the other will be oriented to the east. No signage is proposed on any of the awnings as the three proposed signs utilize the sign area allowance for the project. General Plan, Zoning & Existing Land Use for the Site and Adjacent Property The General Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Travel/Recreation Commercial (T-R) which is established to identify sites for commercial uses which serve the travel and recreation needs of tourists, residents, as well as employees of business and industrial centers. The zoning designation for the site is Commercial-Tourist, Qualified Development Overlay Zone (C-T-Q). Restaurants are one of the permitted uses for the C-T zone. The qualified development overlay zone requires the approval of a site development plan. The following table lists the general plan, zoning and existing land use for the site and adjacent properties: SDP 97-24/CDP 97-45 -IS!NDS RESTAURANT August 5, 1998 Pae 3 GENERAL PLAN ZONING EXISTING LAND USE Site T-R C-T-Q Denny's Restaurant North T-R C-T-Q Chevron Gas Station & Pea Soup Andersen's Hotel & Restaurant South T-R C-T-Q Jiffy Lube & Car Wash East T-R C-T-Q Mobil Gas Station West TC T-C I-5 Offramps and Freeway T-R (Travel/Recreation Commercial), TC (Transportation Corridor), C-T-Q (Commercial -Tourist, Qualified Development Overlay Zone), T-C (Transportation Corridor) Applicable Regulations The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards as analyzed within the following section of this staff report: A. Travel/Recreation Commercial (T-R) General Plan Land Use Designation; B. Commercial -Tourist, Qualified Development Overlay Zone (C-T-Q); C. Site Development Plan findings required by the Qualified Development Overlay Zone - Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.06, Section 21.06.020; D. Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport; E. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone -Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.203; F. Carlsbad Ranch Overlay Zone Urgency Ordinance (Urgency Ordinance No. NS-424); and G. Growth Management Ordinance (Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 3). IV. ANALYSIS The recommendation for approval for this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. Therefore, this section will cover the project's compliance with each of the regulations listed above in the order in which they are presented. SDP 97-24/CDP 97-45 -IS!NDS RESTAURANT August 5, 1998 Page4 A. General Plan The proposed project is consistent with the applicable policies and programs of the General Plan. As indicated in the "Project Description and Background" section of this report the site is designated as Travel/ Recreation Commercial on the General Plan Land Use Map. The proposed use is in keeping with the land use designation as the proposed restaurant is located in an area whereby it will serve the needs of tourists and residents, as well as employees of business and industrial centers. The project has been conditioned to dedicate additional right-of-way for Palomar Airport Road as required by Policy C.18 of the Streets and Traffic Control Section of the General Plan Circulation Element. B. Zoning The project site is zoned C-T-Q (Commercial -Tourist, Qualified Development Overlay Zone). The proposed restaurant is a permitted use by the C-T zone. The only development standard in this zone is a base building height of 35 feet or three levels with allowed height protrusions to a maximum of 45 feet. The zone contains provisions for building height to reach 45 feet with allowed height protrusions to 55 feet if findings contained in the section are made by the City Council. The proposed structure does not exceed a height of 21 feet and 6 inches at the top of the parapet and equipment screening. The project complies with all zoning ordinance standards applicable to the project as demonstrated in the following table: STANDARD Building Height Parking Standards Sign Area REQUIRED 3 5 feet maximum 63 spaces 75.50 square feet maximum in addition to a portion of the total 250 square feet of freeway oriented signage on the existing freeway service facility pole sign PROPOSED 21 feet, 6 inches maximum --~ 77 spaces 75.50 square feet of wall signage plus 72 square feet of signage on the existing pole sign. The exact area of the existing Denny's freeway service facility pole sign will be used. C. Site Development Plan Findings Required By the O-Overlay Zone The Qualified Development Overlay Zone (Q-Overlay) which is part of the zoning designation for the property requires that a site development plan be approved for the proposed use prior to the issuance of any building permit. Four findings are required by the Q-Overlay Zone. The required findings with justification for each are contained in the Planning Commission Resolution for the site development plan. This section summarizes the necessary findings and support for each. As shown on the reduced exhibits, the requested use is properly related to the site, surroundings and environmental setting as the project design complies with the requirements of the Commercial Tourist (C-T) Zone. The building is setback a significant distance from lease lines SDP 97-.24/CDP 97-45 -IS!NDS RESTAURANT August 5, 1998 Pae 5 and adjacent structures. The building is setback the following distances from the lease lines of the site: 610 feet to the north; 750 feet to the east; 840 feet to the west; and 20 feet to the south. A total of 21 percent of the site area will be landscaped. An additional 2,402 square feet of the Caltrans right-of-way will be landscaped as a result of a landscaping lease agreement the applicant has obtained with that agency and 607 square feet of city right-of-way will be landscaped. The site is also adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use as all applicable code requirements have been met including the parking requirement. A total of 14 spaces in excess of the parking standard are included in the site design. Building coverage is proposed as 12.65 percent of the lease area of the site. All features necessary to adjust the use to existing and permitted future uses will be provided. A landscape hedge will be planted along the northern and western boundaries of the parking lot to partially screen views of parked cars. Adequate vehicle circulation has been provided to accommodate truck turning movements and driveway connections to the Mobile Gas Station site to the east and the lube and tune, car wash, and Taco Bell to the south have been maintained. The planned street system is adequate to handle all traffic generated by the use with the exception of the cumulatively significant regional circulation impacts at buildout of the General Plan due to regional through-traffic. This project is consistent with the General Plan and the General Plan Master Environmental Impact Report for which a statement of overriding considerations was adopted for circulation impacts. The site plan shows the area where additional right-of-way will be dedicated along the south side of Palomar Airport Road to accommodate a future 14 foot wide right turn only lane for eastbound Palomar Airport Road to southbound Paseo Del Norte traffic. D. Comprehensive Land Use Plan For McClellan -Palomar Airport The project site is located within the Airport Influence Area for McClellan -Palomar Airport. The site is within the 60 CNEL noise contour for the airport. The property is approximately 9,200 feet (1.7 miles) west of the airport. The airport land use plan identifies the use as being compatible with the noise levels for the site. The project plans were sent to SANDAG staff and the Palomar Airport Manager for review and found to be in conformance with the airport land use plan. E. Mello II Segment Of The Local Coastal Program And The Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone As designed the project complies with the relevant policies of the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Section 21.06.020). The project site has no coastal resources and is currently developed. Only a minor amount of finish grading will be required to construct the project. As a result there are no project issues relative to wildlife habitat preservation, deterrence of soil erosion by maintaining the vegetative cover on steep slopes, and drainage improvements which the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone was established to address. Because there are no LCP policies or Coastal Ordinance requirements that are not complied with, the Coastal Development Permit for the project is recommended for approval. -SDP 97-24/CDP 97-45 -ISLANDS RESTAURANT August 5, 1998 Page 6 F. Carlsbad Ranch Overlay Zone Urgency Ordinance The Carlsbad Ranch Overlay Zone Urgency Ordinance applies to an area generally bordered by Cannon Road on the north, Poinsettia Lane on the south, Hidden Valley Road and A viara Parkway on the east, and Carlsbad Boulevard on the west. The urgency ordinance contains no additional development or design standards. The effect of the urgency ordinance is to require commercial projects subject to Planning Commission review to undergo City Council review and approval. In compliance with the urgency ordinance the Planning Commission will be making a recommendation to the City Council on the project instead of taking the final action as would be the case in absence of the ordinance. G. Growth Management Ordinance (LFMP -Zone 3) The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 3 in the southwest quadrant. The impacts on public facilities created by this project and compliance with the adopted performance standards are summarized as follows: FACILITY IMPACTS COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS City Administration NIA Yes Library NIA Yes Wastewater Treatment 33EDU Yes Capacity Parks NIA Yes Drainage Basin C Yes Circulation 1,023 ADT Yes Fire Station 4 Yes Open Space NIA Yes Schools Payment of non-residential Yes school fee at bldg. permit ISsuance Sewer Collection System 33EDU Yes Water Distribution System 33EDU Yes V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project has been determined to be categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15302. The exemption is for the replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced. SDP 97-24/CDP 97-45 -IS!NDS RESTAURANT August 5, 1998 Pae 7 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4338 (SDP 97-24) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4339 (CDP 97-45) 3. Location Map 4. Background Data Sheet 5. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 6. Disclosure Form 7. Reduced Exhibits 8. Exhibits "A" -"K", dated August 5, 1998 DN:dch ISLANDS RESTAURANT SOP 97-24/CDP 97-45 -BACKGROUNDDATASHEET - CASE NO: SDP 97-24/CDP 97-45 CASE NAME: Islands Restaurant APPLICANT: Islands Restaurant L. P. REQUEST AND LOCATION: Demolition of an existing Denny's Restaurant and construction of an Islands Restaurant on a lease area of approximately 0.93 acres located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road east of the northbound I-5/Palomar Airport Road offramp. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of Lot "H" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1896. APN: 211-050-01 Acres: 0.93 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: =-N"""/A'-"-------------- GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: T-R (Travel/Recreation Commercial) Density Allowed: N~/A~------ Existing Zone: ~C--T~-~O~------ Density Proposed: N~/A~------------ Proposed Zone: _N_/A _____________ _ Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: (See attached for information on Carlsbad's Zoning Requirements) Site North South East West Zoning C-T-Q C-T-Q C-T-Q C-T-Q T-C General Plan T-R T-R T-R T-R T-R Land Use Denny's Restaurant Chevron Gas Station & Pea Soup Andersen's Hotel & Restaurant Jiffy Lube & Car Wash Mobil Gas Station I-5 Offramps & Freeway PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): -=--33=-------------------- Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated: "'-'Ju=n=e--=2"-'4""'--=-19"'""'9;...a8'--_______________ _ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT D Negative Declaration, issued ____________________ _ D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _ ~ Other, Prior Compliance with MEIR 93-01 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMP ACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Islands Restaurant-SDP 97-24ICDP 97-45 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: l GENERAL PLAN: -=-T--=R~------ ZONING: =C--'-T._-=---O ______________________ _ DEVELOPER'S NAME: =Is=lan=ds"--'R=e=s=ta=u=ran=t--=L=.P:....:.·--------------- ADDRESS: 101 N. Acacia, Solana Beach, CA 92075 PHONE NO.: 619-350-1891 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: =21"'""1:.......;-0=5....:::..0-""°"0~1 ______ _ QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 0.93 acres, 5116 sq. ft. ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: ________________ _ A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. City Administrative Facilities: Library: Demand in Square Footage =N "'-'C!..!cl A-"'------- Demand in Square Footage =N :..;"""I A-=------- Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) Park: Drainage: Demand in Acreage = Demand in CFS = Identify Drainage Basin = (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADT = (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = Open Space: Acreage Provided = Schools: (Demands to be de!ermined by staff) Sewer: Demands in EDU Identify Sub Basin = (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) Water: Demand in GPD = 33EDU NIA NIA C 1 023 4 NIA NIA 33 VC15 7 260 L. The project is not proposing any dwelling units thereby not impacting the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. e City of Carlsbad ■ iJ G j ,, ;n ,bi •J@aa, ;,iN., I DISCLOSURE ST A TEMENT l,o.ppficant's statement or disclosure of certain .ownership interests on all ~ppfications which will require discretionary action on the part of the· City · pouncil or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. I I i The following ,ntormation m4st be disclesed: 1. I I APPLICANT Islands Restaurants, L. P. "{ see attached ownership structure) List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the applicaiion. : GENERAL PARTNER Aotbboy DeGrazier I John:Wagner 1550 Bayside Drive, Corona Del Mar, cA 92625 8440 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste,. 800, DaL~as, TX 7:5231 1 I I,IMl'tjw PARTNERS 2. ~mately 200 individuals none of whom own 10% or more list th~ names and addresses of .all persons having any owner-ship interest in the property· involved. . ' Ray & Barbara Winter Trust dated May 15f_ 1981 Ray and Barbara Winter,Trus ees 1745 Rocky Road, Fullerton, CA 92831; 3. ! . If any person identified pursuant to {1) or (2) above is a corporatio•n or partnership, list the lnames and addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the qorporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership. I A~thony DeGrazier J,ohn Wagner 1550 Bayside Drive,·eor~na del Mar, ¢A 92625 I 8440 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 800, Dal]as, TX 7: 4. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a trust, Ui5t the names and addres~-of n on serving as officer or dir~ctor of the non-profit organization or as trustee r beneficiary f the trust. I ----Ray W. Winter: Trustee / as above -------------'------Bar bar a E. Winter, Trustee I I I l Ray R. Winter Family ------~ . Duane A. R~iguez-Winter Farnily--~l Beneficiarie~ 1909 Meadow Road, Walnut Creek, CA 9459S-2633 I i 7328 Dorr St., Toledo, OH 43615 2075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad. CA 92009-1576'• (619) 438-1161 -FAX (619) 438-0894 @ POOR •' ·QUALITY ORIGINAL (S) 5. Have you had more ti' $250 worth of business transacat with any member of City staff, Boards, Con issions, Committees and/or Counc1 ithin the past twefve (12) mo(lths? D Yes I [ii No If y~s, please indicate person(s) : ___________ _ Person ·iS clefine~i··as· '!Any.1indivitlual,4inn;":-co~partnership; -joint--venture, .association, social club, fraternal,organiz4Qoii;;~orpor~ticio;-~state,::trust,'·receiver,'-syndicate, this and any other county, city and ~ou~ty, •·_cij'i'r:'iii~riiqj'~~~fit~ct:,;~r:_,_'O~~r -~P61Jti_C:~J-?s.~J:)0SH~ision or any other group or Comblnatlon.actinn:•.as:,-.•,uo..,··-· ··;•;·, '····· ~· ,., ... •·'"" ... --. • · • --....... ,, ! •2:f ra ~ ~&;. ~ .... ,. _ -~-.. -, ..... ~ ., .. ,l-·• ... ;_ ~· • .: I NOTE: Attach ~ dditional sheets if necessary. Signature of ovjtner/date ature Islands Restaurants, ~.P. , By: Seneca Partners, Inc~, its· General Partner Print or type mime of owner I By: _...Joa ....... 1 .... ig~J .... a .... s~Eu......, _K._..() ... J....._J 1...,15.._ _ _,_ ______ _ Print or type name of applfoant Disclosure Statement 10/96 Page 2 of 2 I n ,4-:, L , I , I .{ l, r,1 J 1 1 {I ,1, I,) ,j, H,:l"I!! vrn J hi!ld rn,:wti, lc1r1, .t, ;!'.~iO wonth of bu1s,iw1e:!)::; ·:r llll'l;i;:1.1 I 111," .. , ,:, r •., !'r~ r~rnl:i,3:1· of Cit· 1 ::vmf(, Eio;m:ls,. Cc:1rnmi·;E1~:icnr:;, Cor'l."lmittr:HllSi ~1n11/1:11· ::::,::1•,Jn1.:1! ,,:11: · '1 1.h·:: ~Y,1:·::'t twelve ( 1 :! 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WOOD SIDING SHST>lN OI.YMPK:STMl#716,"W.TUAA.10NECEDAA' 'IITIHCl.fAAW.lTESfNER OCYMPt S(U) OC()Y ST,llH"MOOlEREY GP>.'( ~ STOREFRONT P-1 CClOO. 111' TRIM P-2PNHT """'Clll.llll """· PUEBt.OJJ.11 737>.346 US>lut,UlfJNCORP SHER'IWlffl.WilS#SWllll 0/lll(""' I\Al EXTERIOR PLASTER FIELD P-3 PNHT, """'"'"' ""' P-4 PAM: """'"'"' """ LOCAOOK: SlffiH'll'UWolSfSW\099 ""'""' I\Al SHERWitl~#SWIIOJ -= I\Al WJ.IHSCOT>CCEHT -1M HOOP LIGHT FIXTURES P-5 P>ro """'""""' F11ISH METAL SIDING CMP PAINT "'" THATCH ""1"l[RIIL Clll.llll LOCA110N GLAZING REF£RTOATTJOIOI """''"""-Stm SH-1 ND SH-2 Sll\111""' """""""" SEMI-GI.OSSOW.O. 11111' 1• 24 G>J>3E ~TED MET.oil. •~ PAAELS ,._ """'"'""""" m&.TCH -FIR£ IREATED ,. .... Ollllt1'/l1100F a£AA w.ss ,GE':v I @:ITi) @:IE) Jgi_([PNl,IPfJ lOPOf''ll'llOOWOC'l'aiD oorroworscrnr ~ OOTTOYOF f!W,ING ~ »LL ~PE,.,..t.,j ~~~ _.,..c:\.FIHF1.R.O'-o" 'i'' t ~ ,__ EAST ELEVATION (FACING MOBIL SERVICE STATION) --0' 2' 4' ti 1/(. 1'-lf I Ta>Of[OOIPMEHTSCREENBEYOtll TOPorP,IJW)[T TOP OfllUOOW i Fll{.FUtEIIVO'-ff SOUTH ELEVATION (REAR) RIVER ROCK VENEER RR RMR ROCK. EP £XIDllORPIASIER flDOR.IOO • NIERlC>H llOO '111TllDAAKGl£YCROOi (FACING JIFFY LUBE) j............j d "l 4' 6' 1/4"" 1'-o' ! l ~T[Q)A SCHEER TANAKA DENNEHY ARCHITECTS 18201 WcDurmott les(Suite A !nine, CA 9261! (71!) 863-1960 (71!) 863-3160 Fax r:~.::-=~~j W..t11-,6rMaa,u,.-i.n-:!<ktr'lnob_,.,~11t. @ma rwu DOOm ucmn. 11(, 5 6-4-98AGEI-ICYCORRECTIONS ~~11 @~.11 #1;! APPiOVAUi -Drawn: SlS Checked: Architect: Princ1.E_al: PROJECT NO. '!1&20 TITLE PRELIMINARY EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET NO. A-2 UL..i DATE PRINTED 4-9-98/97820A2 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD i T R.O.W. ~1141,~· VINETYP. I I,.' VICINITY l,UJ' ~ SCREEN PLANTING H131SCUSSPP. 5 gaL plant• at 4' o.e. I ANDSCAPE SITE PATA TOTALSrrEAREi\ ~0,41h1 II TOTALO'ISITELANOSCAPE ARhA(21%oflo~hnuru) S,467sq II CITYR.OW 607,q II CAL TRANS ROW 2,402,q ft MAINTENANCE AREAS Alllln<hcapearustobc.,..Ull&IOO.lb)'bludsRcsuunnt :tJlli<.UIJlSll~-----, 15¼ofthetotalb~apc:an:a Zoncl ar~s are 1.15Cd to acccnl the restaunnt entry areas Wateruscmthesea1cas1sm1111:31cd bybcmglocatcdononlytheE:istalldNorth focmg.,,allsof1hcbu1ldmgtom1mnuzcsun e,posure Thcscan:asw11Jbcso1lpn:ppcd a11dmulchcdtom.iumizcsoi!watcr PROPOSED ISLANDS RESTAURANT Z<lli£.l Allpl&oungarasr,ot,nd,c..,1«luJ.oncl&rc ZONE1 ZOSEi ZciNE2 PERCENTAGES 1,)()41qfl IS% , 7,163sq,fl gj% ESTIMATED WATER ANNIJA1,WATER IISE zo..-i;1 346&4pl.l)t ZONlll ~ """-1~9 216 gal.l)r LEGEND TREES I ~ f'OM"tl7qf\"t!LIM ~HcMiJI--I"> I 11'.l\'1~~ 1'1"""'NIX ~µaNII "'-"'f'OJ'> l'-l"X "1/'l"!--fFr ,;,:0,,,--1 7"f'1<,"f-ljl-ilb Q><-li'l17"'f½ c:, rl"'t!tNS]Q-11" fCf.>.J!'P" SHRUBS & VINES "'-"' Affl'il1C" @ ,.,_,,,,NVJ~ 'fr (Vl>-IE) !=iCF-Ot{\"~ Hi!Of.GU5 f,e>, "ff ~"ff' µ~"fW'i'\UM fl'IK>r:<r!CfON_,,_,, M't"IWI 71'!W ·M, f ; ANNUAL COLOR TYP. "'---..J ~fl'ffZII e>jfl'~V'f""'I~ ~ l'l'lfll'f!"" GROUND CO',IEJI -~1.o~/;f,CW'Ff- ~ ~~m~ (~Ni") Ilililll '-"M&';N]T-1~1-0~) <if-. ~ a. 11.•'oc, r::::51 '.'.P~ ~~t. (IN~) ________ ., 1!!4 /iJ LJ--le. ~ GRAPHIC SCALE SIZE qry 10'~ I ~~+. ' • I-""""' 5 z < !ii l"'l'<-~ a: 0 ::) a: , ....... (p < t:. I-i~ ti) 1e 16,;-t.. 4 w <~ a:m a: <~ '"""" (p :Ea: ti) 0< Q ~ "'""' 4 0. z 0, :,~t, < :l 7 _, .,_ ~ id~, 4 ----JO WI-"9 6<SN-5 '5/16$'i--27 10"1-lo& 00'!-.,,, ,;100'>-I< '-""'-19 1= Tl -"'' -10 ti,=TI I "' ·' " TOPOf'EIUWITSCRUH TOPOf'P,tJWU ~ TOP Of" W>l.l "' "' FF_,_fgyq'_~ WOFP.. I "' ~ REFERTOAJT,i,CHID """"'"""" SHEETSIHN{)SN-2 _Mfil\ - MATERIAL FINISH SCHEDULE CANVAS AWNINGS SU11l"'11A /4"llPl<lf<OOJE(raD) SU11l"'11A '"""'"""""'(""'-'"'') SU""81.\ /4602 SIJl<flllWl "1lllW (LOY<II "'') WOOD TRIM. MUTTINS, SASH ST-1STNN OI.YllPICSOOOOOOYST>JN'CEIIAA' EXPOSED POSTS AND FRAMING ST-SST,iJN OD\IPICSTA11if716,"K.-l.1UR.AlTONECEONi '11Tllltl.DRW.ITT5£.AUR WOOD SIDING ST-7ST>JH• Ol.nr?K: 5a.JD OODY 51.AIH"lilOHIER[Y GRAf STOREFRONT P-1 COl.00. UFR TRIM P-Z PNMT, GDIERK:CO!.OR: ""'' PIJEBLOTm 7l7.&J46 USNJJ1,I\NIJ\,ICORP I --~ROC( RRl- r~!=:~ND 1 ~e:e-~;:J.F'.,P# GN.V,OO'MiSPQIJT---/ PMITTOMATCH lru<Oif,,,.,,a (m>,) HOOP LIGHT FIXTURES P-5 PMIT Sll\rnlllll£ IINlll'"'1llllER, """'"'"'"' """· S£MI-Gt0SS oo.uEl ~ - SHER'MNWWilSfSW1111 METAL SIDING IIAAl(IIOO[ CMP P,iJlfT 241'.'JJK;ECOORIJGAlEDMET>t•~pmo,s rur FllllSII, l(\TIJRI< EXTERIOR PLASTER FIELD THATCH P-J PNlfl, SHEfl'WI\WJJ.IJ,ISfSW1099 ""'"'"""-""""'""""' GOlERK:COI.OR LQ!TIIOO[ THATCH-rnfTRfATED Fl1llSll. fl,IT co,_a, .. _ LOCATION OORYHUTROOF P-4 P>.INT, SHER'MHW11.1.W,1SfSWII03 GLAZING GENERICCOl.00, IIAAl(BOO: ClEAA russ FINISH rur lOCATIOH W~HSCOTACWIT I I I I I I ____________________ Lj RIVER ROCK VENEER RR Rl\rnli'OCK: "' EXTERll>IPlASl!R i ELOOR,.IOO"NilmC:Nill!NCf' 'IIUHIW!KGREYCROUt I ri::::., llftONO(m>) CIIP '""" TOPOf'P~ "' ·' " fJ. El.IV O'-Cf WEST ELEVATION (FACING 1-5) = O' '1 '4-' 1/(" 1'-ct TWC!...fill!_IPMOOSCREEN~O TOPOf'PAA.JKT H 1Cf'orw,u "' "' NORTH ELEVATION (FACING PALOMAR AIPORT ROAD) = (1 : 4' ~ 1/<" 1'-o" '.r ~ " ~1r[D).A\. SCHEER TANAKA DENNEHY ARCHITECTS 18201 WcDurmoll Jes~Smle A lmne, CA 92614 (714) 863-1960 (714) 883-3160 Fax ,. ", n..trafllClart~Pr-,at,U,~,I. S<:kfl:Tuob.,..,~llt.lillf ... MI. '"-'•-,•kt....,t½'lpcM\l!U-S.--Tuobtm,,I]~--©iam Tl!IW llt\'l!l'r .uamm, l!iC. ,i- PROJECT 5 6-4-98AGENC't'CORRECIIONS !t 11 ffJJ~ h ~ ~-!i «;! APPROVALS -Drawn: SlS Checked: Architect: Princ1.E_al: PROJECT NO. '!1020 TITLE PRELIMINARY EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET NO. A-1 LOE______A DATE PRINTED 4-9-Si}'97820A1