HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-27; City Council; ; General Fund Surplus Policy: Approval of Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget Carryforward Requests and Appropriation of Funds to FY 2022-23CA Review CKM Meeting Date: Sept. 27, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Zach Korach, Finance Director zach.korach@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2127 Subject: General Fund Surplus Policy: Approval of Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget Carryforward Requests and Appropriation of Funds to FY 2022-23 District: All Recommended Action 1. Adopt a resolution: • Approving the fiscal year 2021-22 budget carryforward request list of individual items over $100,000, which totals $1,174,750 in the General Fund and $120,000 outside of the General Fund, appropriating the funds to the FY 2022-23 budget and authorizing capital outlay purchases 2. Consider adopting resolutions to approve three additional uses of the General Fund budget surplus from FY 2021-22 and General Fund reserve: • An additional transfer to the Workers’ Compensation Fund, to fund it at an estimated 50% confidence level according to the most recent actuarial study • An additional transfer to the Risk Management Fund, which is temporarily in a deficit position and incurring legal and settlement costs in fiscal year 2022-23 that are trending above budget • An additional transfer to the Fleet Maintenance Fund, which is temporarily in a deficit position and incurring fuel and parts costs in fiscal year 2022-23 that are trending above budget, and appropriation $290,000 for those increased fuel and parts costs Executive Summary The City of Carlsbad, like other governments, usually has surplus funds at the end of each fiscal year as a result of the city’s actual revenue exceeding what it actually spent, plus any unspent and unencumbered funds that had been budgeted to have been spent in that fiscal year. These unspent funds can be moved into the budget for the following fiscal year in what is referred to as a budget carryforward of funds. The city’s General Fund Surplus Policy was established by City Council Policy No. 87. In accordance with Policy No. 87, staff are presenting the list of budget carryforward requests and appropriation of funds to FY 2022-23 for the City Council’s consideration and approval. The requests are detailed below. Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 1 of 19 Staff are also reporting that the city is in conformance with City Council Policy No. 74 on the General Fund Reserve and City Council Policy No. 86 on pension funding. This item is before the City Council because council policies require reporting the status of the reserve levels relative to the policy to the council, and because the council’s approval is required for individual carryforwards greater than $100,000. Discussion The FY 2021-22 budget surplus, or unspent and unencumbered expenditure budget, for the General Fund on June 30, 2022, was $14.7 million. This balance decreased to $8.8 million after considering previous City Council actions carrying forward balances into FY 2022-23 (additional details are provided below). The unspent balance is the result of several factors, including, but not limited to, salary savings from position vacancies for part of the year, prudent spending from departments, and items or activities that were budgeted in FY 2021-22 but for various reasons were not purchased or encumbered by fiscal year’s end. Items approved by prior City Council action The City Council has already approved carrying forward the budget for various items from FY 2021-22 to 2022-23. A list of unspent grant funding, developer deposits, and other items approved previously by the City Council is included as Exhibit 3. These items include: •Unspent budget for grant balances and developer deposits approved by the City Council through the FY 2022-23 operating budget resolution (Resolution No. 2022-135, adopted on June 14, 2022) o Grant funding approved but not yet completely expended by the end of the fiscal year for various programs and services included: $64,483 in unspent grant funding in the General Fund $1,044,628 in total unspent grant funding in all other funds o Unspent developer deposits received for developer-funded studies and plan check services that were not expended by fiscal year end. These total $397,575 in the General Fund •$2 million of unspent General Fund budget to support the city’s coordinated efforts addressing the bicycle, e-bike and motorized mobility device safety local emergency to increase attention and resources on a range of solutions, including infrastructure, safety, enforcement, and safe driving and riding education (Resolution No. 2022-214, adopted Aug. 30, 2022) •$3.2 million of unspent General Fund budget to purchase 34 police vehicles in accordance with the 2022-24 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Police Officers’ Association (Resolution No. 2022-210, adopted Aug. 30, 2022) •$276,399 of unspent General Fund budget approved by the City Council to authorize the planning and engineering design services agreement with Fehr & Peers for various transportation initiatives (Resolution No. 2022-220, adopted Sept. 13, 2022) •$446,625 of unspent Information Technology Operations budget approved by the City Council to renew the master services agreement for hosting and professional services with Navisite Inc. for the Lawson Human Capital Management System software and management of the system (Resolution No. 2022-211, adopted Aug. 30, 2022) Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 2 of 19 Council Policy No. 87 – General Fund Surplus Policy This policy established the process of using surplus funds after a fiscal year is closed. The policy dictates that the city will take the four actions listed below, in order. Each action is followed by staff’s updates and recommendations. City Council reserve policy update Staff manage city funds in accordance with the City Council’s policies on pension funding and reserves. Action 1 - The city will use surplus funds to replenish any General Fund reserve deficiencies, up to 40%, as set forth in the City Council General Fund Reserve Policy No. 74. • The city’s General Fund reserve is projected to end the fiscal year at approximately $122.3 million, or 62% of the FY 2022-23 budget, excluding the funds set aside for economic uncertainty, which total $9.6 million. Action 2 - The city will use surplus funds to replenish any pension liability deficiencies to achieve a pension funded ratio of no less than a minimum of 80%, with a target funded ratio range of 80% to 85%. • The city’s combined miscellaneous and safety pension funded ratio as of June 30, 2021, is 86% funded,1 exceeding the 80% funded ratio as required by City Council policy. The city does not need to contribute any additional funds to increase the pension funded ratio at this time. Carryforward process In July 2022, the Finance Department asked city departments to submit budget carryforward requests for one-time expenses and not for ongoing services, programs or personnel. The requests were reviewed by the City Manager. According to Council Policy No. 87, the City Manager may approve the carry forward of any unspent and unencumbered budget for individual items less than $100,000 into the following fiscal year. All items equal to or greater than $100,000 must be brought forward to the City Council for approval. Action 3 - The City Manager is authorized to approve the carrying forward of any unspent and unencumbered budget for a particular item equal to or less than $100,000 into the following fiscal year. These items will be one-time expenditures and not for on-going services, programs or personnel. • The City Manager approved $690,160 in General Fund carryforward requests and $1,275,102 in carryforward requests for other non-General Fund funds. All individual items are less than $100,000. A listing of all City Manager-approved requests is included as Exhibit 2 of this staff report. Action 4 - Items equal to or greater than $100,000 will be brought forward for City Council consideration to approve the use of any remaining surplus funds. • The requested items over $100,000 requiring City Council approval are listed and described in the following section. The General Fund carryforward requests total $1,174,750 and the non-General Fund requests total $120,000. A listing of these requests is included as Attachment A to Exhibit 1. 1 As of June 30, 2021, based on the most recent CalPERS actuarial report, the city’s total pension assets are $712,858,578 and city’s total pension liability is $828,831,527. Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 3 of 19 General Fund requests for City Council Approval Staff request the City Council approve the following budget carryforward requests, which total $1,174,750. Parking In-Lieu Program Fee Update Study - $150,000 The Parking In-Lieu Fee Program, adopted in 1999, funds projects that reduce parking demand. The fee amount has not been updated since the program was adopted, and the program currently does not support the construction of parking facilities. On Nov. 16, 2021, the City Council directed staff to pursue an update to the Parking In-Lieu Fee program as part of the Village and Barrio Master Plan. Funding has not yet been allocated to this update. This carryforward request will pay for a fee study that will identify ways to fund structured parking and evaluate potential updates to the fee amount and structure. Staff anticipate a substantial increase in revenue to the city with this fee update. Self-contained breathing apparatus replacement - $850,000 Self-contained breathing apparatuses are critical personal protective equipment for incidents involving structural firefighting, confined space rescues and in dealing with hazardous materials. These types of incidents require protection from environments that pose an immediate danger to firefighters’ health. One apparatus consists of an air pack harness with a regulator, alarm system, air bottle, mask and voice amplifier. The service life for these units is limited to 15 years by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The existing inventory is 13 years old. Due to their age, all units are beyond warranty and continued serviceability. The cost of the replacement apparatuses is quoted at $968,000, and staff are requesting capital outlay authority for this item up to $1 million, to account for potential rising costs. The Fire Department requests a budget carryforward of $850,000 to replace all self-contained breathing apparatuses and will fund the remaining cost of the replacement with the department’s existing budget. License plate reader installation - $174,750 The City Council approved the purchase of 85 replacement fixed license plate reader cameras, six mobile cameras, and an additional 43 cameras through Vigilant Solutions on May 10, 2022. At the time, the cost of the installation was unknown, and the resolution the City Council adopted (Resolution No. 2022-106) stated that staff would return to the City Council to request the appropriate funding for the installation of the 128 fixed cameras at a later date. After a competitive bidding process, the city awarded a contract in the amount of $174,750 to Bear Electrical Solutions to install the cameras. The Police Department is now requesting the funding for the contract so that the cameras can be installed. Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 4 of 19 Non-General Fund requests for City Council approval Staff are also requesting one budget carryforward of $120,000 that is not in the city’s General Fund. Compliance evaluation contract - $120,000 The Environmental Sustainability Department is requesting carryforward funding to hire an experienced consultant to help develop a performance review process and conduct audits of the city's waste hauling and transfer station contracts. This project will allow the department to develop systems to ensure compliance with both the city’s contract and state law and determine any potential liquidated damages. These services would fulfill a need for a one-time program setup. Options Options for carryforward requests Staff have identified the following options in response to the carryforward requests brought forward for City Council approval: Option 1: Staff’s recommended actions a. Approve all or a combination of individual carryforward requests equal to or greater than $100,000 presented above and listed in Attachment A to Exhibit 1 of this staff report. Staff will appropriate the City Council-approved carryforward requests to FY 2022-23 Pros • Provides the needed resources to execute city programs as detailed in Attachment A to Exhibit 1. Con • The funds used would not be available for other programs the City Council might wish to fund. Option 2: Take no action on the carryforward requests brought forward for City Council approval. Pro • Funds would be returned to the reserve account and be available to support future needs. Con • Departments will be unable to fully implement planned programs and expenditures Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 5 of 19 Options for surplus funds If the recommended action is chosen, there remains a projected $6.9 million in budget surplus funds available. Staff offer the following four options to deploy these unused funds from FY 2021-22 for the City Councils consideration: Option A: Approve an additional transfer of $8.2 million to the Workers’ Compensation Fund to increase the estimated liability to what is known as a 50% confidence level.2 The city is self-insured for workers’ compensation. The city’s Workers’ Compensation Fund is assessed annually by an external actuary firm that estimates the city’s outstanding losses based on current claims, case reserves and incurred but not reported claims. The most recent report, when compared to the current fund balances, indicates the city has additional potential exposure that could be mitigated. Confidence level Estimated outstanding losses Balance of Workers’ Compensation Fund Current funding shortfall 50% $22,009,758 $13,801,506 $8,208,252 70% $26,411,710 $13,801,506 $12,610,204 80% $31,033,759 $13,801,506 $17,232,253 90% $38,737,174 $13,801,506 $24,935,668 Pros • The city’s Workers’ Compensation Fund would have additional funds to mitigate potential future exposure • The city’s reserve balance would be reduced to a level closer to the 40% target Con • These funds, once appropriated for this purpose, would not be available for other purposes. Option B: Approve an additional transfer of $1 million to the Risk Management Fund to bring the fund out of a deficit and absorb unanticipated cost increases in FY 2022-23. The fund incurred substantial unanticipated costs in FY 2021-22, temporarily putting the fund in a deficit position. Legal and settlement costs are already trending above budget in FY 2022-23. Pros • The city’s Risk Management Fund would have additional funds to absorb increasing costs that are trending above the FY 2022-23 budget • The city’s reserve balance would be reduced to a level closer to the 40% target 2 A 50% confidence level, the city’s expected confidence level, means that there is an equal likelihood that the city’s actual outstanding losses may emerge higher or lower than the estimates. The city’s outstanding losses have a 50% chance of emerging higher or lower than $22,009,758. The actuary’s expected outcome is $22,009,758. Similarly, the city’s outstanding losses have a 10% chance of emerging higher than $38,737,174 and a 90% chance of emerging lower than $38,737,174. The actuary’s expected outcome is $22,009,758. Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 6 of 19 Con • These funds would not be available for other purposes once they are appropriated. Option C: Approve an additional transfer of $1.4 million to the Fleet Maintenance Fund to establish a healthy minimum fund balance and an appropriation of $290,000 to account for fuel and parts costs trending above budget in FY 2022-23. The fund recently collected less revenue because the previous methodology for variable maintenance costs resulted in a lag in revenue generation and the fund collecting less revenue than budgeted. Costs for fuel, oil, and parts is trending higher than anticipated when the budget for FY 2022-23 was originally submitted in February 2022. Pros • The city’s Fleet Maintenance Fund would have a healthy minimum fund balance moving forward and be pulled out of a deficit position. • The city’s reserve balance would be reduced to a level closer to the 40% target Cons • Funds, once appropriated, would not be available for other purposes. Option D: Take no additional action and allow the surplus to increase the General Fund reserve balance Pros • Funds would be available for other uses in the future Cons • The city’s reserve balance would be above its targeted level Fiscal Analysis The unspent and unencumbered budget balance as of June 30, 2022, for the General Fund and the amounts of the department carryforwards are as follows: Initial surplus budget funds (unaudited) $14,659,885 Previous City Council-approved carryforwards -$5,902,457 Available surplus budget funds $8,757,428 General Fund reserve replenishment required - Pension liability deficiency - City Manager-approved carry forward requests -$690,160 Carryforward requests for City Council approval -$1,174,750 Ending total of surplus budget funds $6,892,518 Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 7 of 19 The impact of each associated action on the city’s General Fund reserve balance are shown below: Reserve balance Reserve %* Beginning projected unassigned General Fund balance 122,315,475 62% Previously approved carryforward requests -5,902,457 -3% City Manager approved carryforward requests -690,160 -0.40% Carryforward requests for City Council approval -1,174,750 -0.60% Projected unassigned General Fund balance after carryforwards 114,548,108 62% Reserve balance requirement (40% of budget) 73,840,000 40% Excess reserve 40,708,108 22% *Calculated as a percentage of the FY 2021-22 adopted budget of $184.6 million Next Steps All City Council-approved carryforward requests will be appropriated to FY 2022-23. The annual fiscal year audit is currently underway for FY 2021-22. City staff will return to the City Council to present the results of the financial audit and the status of the city’s General Fund reserve after the final audit opinion has been issued. Environmental Evaluation In accordance with California Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Therefore, it does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.City Council Resolution – Carryforward approval 2.Listing of City Manager-approved FY 2021-22 General Fund and non-General Fund carryforward budget requests 3.Items approved by previous City Council action and unspent grant and developer balances 4.City Council resolution – Transfer to Workers’ Compensation Fund 5.City Council resolution – Transfer to Risk Management Fund 6.City Council resolution – Transfer to Fleet Maintenance Fund Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 8 of 19 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-229 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 BUDGET CARRYFORWARD REQUESTS AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS TO FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 AND AUTHORIZING CAPITAL OUTLAY PURCHASES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California established City Council Policy No. 87 -General Fund Surplus Policy for the appropriation of surplus funds resulting from General Fund actual revenues exceeding total actual expenditures, plus any unspent and unencumbered expenditures budgeted for a given fiscal year; and WHEREAS, at the close of fiscal year 2021-22, the city's unaudited General Fund reserve balance is 62% and has exceeded its General Fund Reserve Policy target of 40%; and WHEREAS, at the close of fiscal year 2021-22, the remaining unaudited unspent and unencumbered expenditures budget for the General Fund is $14.7 million of which $5.9 million has been carried forward as a result of previous City Council resolutions, resulting in an available surplus of $8.8 million; and WHEREAS, in accordance with City Council Policy No. 87, the City Manager has approved individual items of less than $100,000 that total $690,160 in General Fund carryforward requests and $1,275,102 in carryforward requests for other non-General Fund funds; and WHEREAS, City Council Policy No. 87 requires City Council approval for the carryforward of any unspent and unencumbered budget for a particular item equal to or greater than $100,000; and WHEREAS, department carryforward requests submitted for City Council approval that total $1,174,750 in General Fund carryforward requests and $120,000 in carryforward requests for other non-General Fund funds are listed in Attachment A to this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the budget carryforward requests shown in Attachment A to this resolution are approved for carryforward from fiscal year 2021-22 to fiscal year 2022-23. 3.That the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to purchase the capital outlay items as shown in Attachment A. Exhibit 1 Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 9 of 19 4.That the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to purchase the self-contained breathing apparatuses described in Attachment A for an amount up to $1,000,000. 5.That the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services, is authorized to appropriate carryforward budgets to the funds in the amounts shown in Attachment A. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of September, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby. Hall. None. MATT HALL, Mayor FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager (SEAL) Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 10 of 19 DEPARTMENT FUND DESCRIPTION REQUEST TYPE AMOUNT Community Development General Fund Parking In-Lieu Program Fee Update Other 150,000 Fire General Fund Replace Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus prior to expiration Capital Outlay 850,000 Police General Fund License Plate Reader installation Professional Services 174,750 Environmental Sustainability Non General Fund Contract for Compliance Evaluation Professional Services 120,000 General Fund Total 1,174,750 Non-General Fund Total 120,000 GRAND TOTAL 1,294,750$ CARRYFORWARD BUDGET REQUESTS FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION CITY OF CARLSBAD FY 2021-22 TO FY 2022-23 (ITEMS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN $100,000)Attachment ASept. 27, 2022Item #11 Page 11 of 19 DEPARTMENT FUND DESCRIPTION REQUEST TYPE AMOUNT City Manager General Fund Funding professional service agreement Professional Services 8,000 City Manager General Fund Sustainability efforts - Kitchen supplies, appliances, modifications Equipment & Supplies 12,500 City Manager General Fund Training opportunities Professional Services 1,000 City Manager General Fund State of the City event tickets Other 1,500 Housing & Homeless Services General Fund New staff furniture, equipment, supplies Equipment & Supplies 21,981 Housing & Homeless Services General Fund Winning teams grants Equipment & Supplies 20,268 Parks & Recreation General Fund Office Renovation & Security Capital Outlay 10,000 Parks & Recreation General Fund Consultant Services for Park in Lieu Fee Survey Study/Reports 40,000 Parks & Recreation General Fund Sandag Regional Beach Sand Replenishment Project III - Prelim Study/Eval (Phase I)Other 40,000 City Clerk General Fund Desktop to Laptop Conversion for future City Clerk Equipment & Supplies 1,540 Environmental Sustainability General Fund Comprehensive CAP Update - additional costs Professional Services 20,000 Finance General Fund Additional conference Budget Other 4,300 Finance General Fund Consultant costs for cost recovery policy Professional Services 11,000 Finance General Fund FEMA claim related consulting services Professional Services 98,000 Fire General Fund iPad Replacement Program Capital Outlay 9,000 Fire General Fund EMS Supplies - replace expiring items Equipment & Supplies 10,000 Fire General Fund Three additional portable radios for EOC Capital Outlay 23,000 Fire General Fund Boat dock installation at Temporary Fire Station 7 Capital Outlay 50,000 Fire General Fund Update emergency alerting system at Fire Station 6 Capital Outlay 7,000 Fire General Fund Urban Search & Rescue Appartus equipment Capital Outlay 96,000 Fire General Fund Installation of ambulance decals to show new staffing model Equipment & Supplies 8,000 Fire General Fund Purchase two reserve gurneys for ambulances Capital Outlay 24,000 Fire General Fund Purchase 20 Fire Apparatus Decontamination Units Equipment & Supplies 43,000 Fire General Fund Outfit replacement apparatus with updated equipment Capital Outlay 42,000 Fleet & Facilities General Fund EV Charging Station and connectivity kit Capital Outlay 26,084 Police General Fund Hotel Voucher Program Professional Services 15,000 Police General Fund Purchase Police K9 and academy costs Capital Outlay 18,000 Police General Fund Lockbox for property pick up Equipment & Supplies 3,792 Police General Fund Computers for employees Capital Outlay 25,195 Fleet Replacement General Fund-ISF Complete planned vehicles and outfitting*Other 459,358 Information Technology General Fund-ISF Fluid mesh wireless devices implementation services Professional Services 50,000 Information Technology General Fund-ISF Azure cloud storage devices - Pilot Professional Services 50,000 Information Technology General Fund-ISF Harris (Utility Billing System) domain migration Professional Services 18,000 Information Technology General Fund-ISF Navisite Lawson domain migration Professional Services 5,850 Information Technology General Fund-ISF Finance Enterprise (FE) - upgrade/domain migration Professional Services 21,240 Information Technology General Fund-ISF ECS Credits - Laserfiche support Professional Services 7,500 Information Technology General Fund-ISF IT Training video and document services Professional Services 25,000 Information Technology - Repl General Fund-ISF Annual Replacement Fund carryforward*Capital Outlay 626,359 Utilities Non General Fund Saw Cut machine for water construction maintenance Capital Outlay 11,795 General Fund Total 690,160 Non-General Fund Total 1,275,102 GRAND TOTAL 1,965,262$ *Totals are comprised of individual items less than $100,000 CARRYFORWARD BUDGET REQUESTS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER CITY OF CARLSBAD FY 2021-22 TO FY 2022-23 (ITEMS LESS THAN $100,000)Exhibit 2Sept. 27, 2022Item #11 Page 12 of 19 DEPARTMENT FUND DESCRIPTION REQUEST TYPE AMOUNT Transportation General Fund Update to the Sustainable Mobility Plan Element Professional Services 276,399 Multiple Departments General Fund Declaration of Local Emergency Other 2,000,000 Police General Fund Take Home Vehicles Capital Outlay 3,164,000 Community Development General Fund Unspent Developer Deposits Deposits 397,575 Library & Cultural Arts General Fund Adult Learning Grant Balance Unspent Grant Balance 41,091 Library & Cultural Arts General Fund State Grant Balance Unspent Grant Balance 15,892 Environmental Sustainability General Fund CAP Grant Balance Unspent Grant Balance 7,500 Information Technology General Fund-ISF Navisite Lawson hosting extension Other 446,625 Housing & Homeless Services Non General Fund CDBG Grant Balance Unspent Grant Balance 18,208 Housing & Homeless Services Non General Fund CDBG Community Support Grant Balance Unspent Grant Balance 944,157 Police Non General Fund JAG Grant Balance Unspent Grant Balance 18,285 Fire Non General Fund Homeland Security Grant Balance Unspent Grant Balance 54,612 Environmental Sustainability Non General Fund FY 2021 Beverage Container Grant Balance Unspent Grant Balance 220 Environmental Sustainability Non General Fund FY 2022 Beverage Container Grant Balance Unspent Grant Balance 27,354 General Fund Total 5,902,457 Non-General Fund Total 1,509,461 GRAND TOTAL 7,411,918$ CITY OF CARLSBAD FY 2021-22 TO FY 2022-23 CARRYFORWARD BUDGET LISTINGITEMS APPROVED BY PREVIOUS CITY COUNCIL ACTION ANDUNSPENT GRANT AND DEVELOPER BALANCES Exhibit 3Sept. 27, 2022Item #11 Page 13 of 19 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-230 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND RESERVES IN FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 TO THE CITY'S WORKERS' COMPENSATION FUND WHEREAS, City Council Policy No. 87 -General Fund Surplus Policy allows for General Fund reserve levels in excess of the 40% target requirement to be used for one-time opportunity cost purposes at the discretion of the City Council; and WHEREAS, at the close of fiscal year 2021-22, the city's unaudited General Fund reserve balance is 62% and has exceeded its General Fund Reserve Policy (City Council Policy No. 74) target of 40%; and WHEREAS, at the close of fiscal year 2021-22, the remaining unaudited unspent and unencumbered expenditures budget for the General Fund is $14.7 million of which $5.9 million has been carried forward as a result of previous City Council resolutions, resulting in an available surplus of $8.8 million; and WHEREAS, City Council Policy No. 87 requires City Council approval for the carryforward of any unspent and unencumbered budget for a particular item equal to or greater than $100,000; and WHEREAS, the city is self-insured for workers' compensation; and WHEREAS, an external actuary firm estimated the city's outstanding losses based on current claims, case reserves and incurred but not reported claims, and determined that when compared to current fund balances, the city has additional potential exposure that could be mitigated; and WHEREAS, the balance of the city's Workers' Compensation fund at June 30, 2022 is $13,801,506, which is $8,208,252 less that the actuary firm's expected loss outcome of $22,009,758. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That a transfer to the city's Workers' Compensation Fund in an amount �s determined by the City Council and set forth in the minutes of the City Council meeting of Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022, is approved to help mitigate potential future exposure based on the most recent report from the external actuary firm. Exhibit 4 Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 14 of 19 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of September, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby. Hall. None. MATT HALL, Mayor � � FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager 1" (SEAL) Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 15 of 19 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-231 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND RESERVES IN FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 TO THE CITY'S RISK MANAGEMENT FUND WHEREAS, City Council Policy No. 87 -General Fund Surplus Policy allows for General Fund reserve levels in excess of the 40% target requirement to be used for one-time opportunity cost purposes at the discretion of the City Council; and WHEREAS, at the close of fiscal year 2020-21, city's unaudited General Fund reserve balance is 57% and has exceeded its General Fund Reserve Policy (City Council Policy No. 74) target of 40%; and WHEREAS, at the close of fiscal year 2021-22, the remaining unaudited unspent and unencumbered expenditures budget for the General Fund is $14.7 million of which $5.9 million has been carried forward as a result of previous City Council resolution, resulting in an available surplus of $8.8 million; and WHEREAS, City Council Policy No. 87 requires City Council approval for the carryforward of any unspent and unencumbered budget for a particular item equal to or greater than $100,000; and WHEREAS, the balance of the city's Risk Management Fund at June 30, 2022 is in a temporary deficit position of $472,000 due to unanticipated costs and costs are trending above budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That a transfer to the city's Risk Management Fund in an amount as determined by the City Council and set forth in the minutes of the City Council meeting of Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022, is approved. Exhibit 5 Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 16 of 19 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of September, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby. Hall. None. J!;& L FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager 1v -(SEAL) Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 17 of 19 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-232 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND RESERVES IN FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 TO THE CITY'S FLEET MAINTENANCE FUND WHEREAS, City Council Policy No. 87 -General Fund Surplus Policy allows for General Fund reserve levels in excess of the 40% target requirement to be used for one-time opportunity cost purposes at the discretion of the City Council; and WHEREAS, at the close offiscal year 2021-22, the city's unaudited General Fund reserve balance is 62% and has exceeded its General Fund Reserve Policy (City Council Policy No. 74) target of 40%; and WHEREAS, at the close of fiscal year 2021-22, the remaining unaudited unspent and unencumbered expenditures budget for the General Fund is $14.7 million of which $5.9 million has been carried forward as a result of previous City Council resolutions, resulting in an available surplus of $8.8 million; and WHEREAS, City Council Policy No. 87 requires City Council approval for the carryforward of any unspent and unencumbered budget for a particular item equal to or greater than $100,000; and WHEREAS, the balance of the city's Fleet Maintenance Fund is expected to be in a deficit during fiscal year 2022-23 due to a lag in revenue collection and unanticipated increase in fuel, oil and parts costs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That a transfer to the city's Fleet Maintenance Fund in an amount as determined by the City Council and set forth in the minutes of the City Council meeting of Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022, is approved. 3.That the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services, is authorized to transfer $290,000 from the General Fund to the Fleet Maintenance Fund and appropriate $290,000 to the Fleet Maintenance operating budget. Exhibit 6 Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 18 of 19 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of September, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby. Hall. None. � FAVIOLA MEDINA, City Clerk Services Manager {SEAL) Sept. 27, 2022 Item #11 Page 19 of 19 General Fund Surplus Policy: Fiscal Year 2021-22 Review Zach Korach, Finance Director Finance Department September 27, 2022 COUNCIL POLICY NO. 87 ITEM 11: GENERAL FUND SURPLUS •General Fund Surplus Policy •Established a policy for the appropriation of any actual revenues less actual expenditures, in a given fiscal year, plus any unspent and unencumbered expenditure budget FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 GENERAL FUND RESERVE SUMMARY Year -end Summary:Total Unassigned at 2020-21 FYE $120,998,762 Revenues 198,898,098 Expenditures 197,581,385 Surplus 1,316,713 Unassigned at 2021-22 FYE $122,315,475 ITEM 11: GENERAL FUND SURPLUS FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 GENERAL FUND BUDGET SUMMARY Spending category:Working Budget Unspent budget at year end % Unspent M&O and capital outlay $76,636,438 $8,492,533 11% Personnel 120,853,689 6,167,353 5% Transfers 26,927,804 -0% Grand Total $224,417,931 $14,659,885 6.5% ITEM 11: GENERAL FUND SURPLUS BUDGET SURPLUS FUNDS USED TO: •Replenish reserve deficiencies, if needed •Replenish any pension liability deficiencies, if needed •Used for one-time expenditures that will not create new ongoing services, programs or personnel ITEM 11: GENERAL FUND SURPLUS CARRYFORWARD REQUESTS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN $100,000 FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL ITEM 11: GENERAL FUND SURPLUS •General Fund ($1,174,750): –Community Development: Parking In-Lieu Program Fee Update ($150,000) –Fire: Replace self-contained breathing apparatus prior to expiration ($850,000) –Police: License plate reader installation ($174,750) CARRYFORWARD REQUESTS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN $100,000 FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL ITEM 11: GENERAL FUND SURPLUS •Non-General Fund ($120,000): –Environmental Sustainability: Contract for compliance evaluation ($120,000) OPTIONS FOR REMAINING GENERAL FUND SURPLUS: •Transfer remaining budget surplus, and some of the city’s General Fund reserve, to a combination of the city’s internal service funds •Workers’ Compensation •Risk •Fleet Maintenance ITEM 11: GENERAL FUND SURPLUS SUMMARY OF FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 SURPLUS Available according to Policy Actual surplus $1,316,713 Unspent and unencumbered budget 14,659,885 Total available $15,976,598 Spending Previously approved: Unspent grants and developer deposits $462,058 Declaration of Emergency 2,000,000 Police Take Home Vehicles 3,164,000 Sustainable Mobility Plan Update 276,399 City Manager approved <$100,000 690,160 Council approved >$100,000 1,174,750 Internal Service Fund transfers: Workers’ Compensation 8,208,252 Risk Management 1,000,000 Fleet Maintenance 1,400,000 Total spending $18,375,619 Additional spending under Council’s discretion $2,399,021 FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 GENERAL FUND RESERVE SUMMARY Year -end Summary:Total Ending Unassigned $122,315,475 Surplus budget used as summarized thus far 14,659,885 Revenue excess and one-time General Fund reserve use 3,715,734 Estimated ending unassigned as of June 30, 2022 $103,939,856 40% minimum reserve policy 73,840,000 General Fund available for use in excess of reserve requirement $30,099,856 ITEM 11: GENERAL FUND SURPLUS PROPOSED ACTION ITEM 11: GENERAL FUND SURPLUS •Adopt a resolution approving and appropriating fiscal year 2021-22 budget carryforward requests of individual items equal to or greater than $100,000 •Consider adopting a resolution transferring General Fund dollars to the previously mentioned internal service funds and appropriating $290,000 to Fleet Maintenance’s budget for fuel, oil and parts