HomeMy WebLinkAbout5864 OWENS AVE; ; AS030197; Permit12/14/2020 AS030197 Permit Data
City of Carlsbad
Sprinkler Permit
Job Address: 5864 OWENS AV
Permit Type: SPRINK
Parcel No: 2120923900
Lot #: 0
Reference No.:
Permit No: AS030197
Status: ISSUED
Applied 9/29/2003
Approved: 11/20/2003
Issued: 11/20/2003
PC #: Inspector:
Applicant: Owner:
11260 EL CAM INO REAL #200
Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($)
464.75 0 464.75 0
October 1, 2000 AS (---) .3 o i Sprinkler 41 a
Viking Microfast® and MicrofastHP®
Model M Quick Response Pendent
The Viking Corporation
210 N. Industrial Park Road
Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A.
Telephone: (616) 945-9501
(877) 384-5464
Fax: (616) 945-9599
e-mail: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com
Viking Microfast® and MicrofastHP®
Quick Response Pendent Sprinklers
are small, thermosensitive spray sprin-
klers available with several finishes,
temperature ratings, and orifice sizes to
meet design requirements. The special
Polyester finishes and Teflon® coatings
can be used in decorative applications
where colors are desired. In addition,
these two finishes are corrosion resis-
tant and provide protection against
many corrosive environments.
The pip-cap and sealing assembly of the
sprinkler is held in place by a rugged 3
mm glass bulb. During fire conditions,
when the temperature around the sprin-
kler reaches its operating temperature,
the heat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb
expands, causing the bulb to shatter, re-
leasing the pip-cap and sealing spring
assembly. Water flowing through the
sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler de-
flector, forming a uniform spray pattern
to extinguish or control the fire.
Refer to the approval chart on page
41 b.
Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to
-65 °F (-55 °C).
Minimum operating pressure: 7 psi
(48,3 kPa).
Rated Water Working Pressure:
Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 06662B,
06718B, and 06932B are rated
for use with water working pres-
sures ranging from the minimum
7 psi (48,3 kPa) up to 250 psi (1
724 kPa) for high-pressure sys-
tems. High-pressure (HP) sprin-
klers can be identified by locat-
ing the number "250" on the de-
All Other Part Nos: Maximum 175
psi (1 207 kPa) wwp.
Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi
(3 448 kPa).
Spring: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,167,974
Bulb: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,796,710
Testing: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,831,870
Minimum operating pressure: 7 psi
(48,3 kPa)
Frame: Brass Castings UNS-C84400
Deflector: Brass UNS-C26000
Bushing (for High-Pressure Sprinklers):
Brass UNS-C36000
Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter
Seal: Teflon® Tape
Spring: Nickel Alloy
Screw: Brass UNS-C36000
Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper
UNS-C1 1000 and Stainless Steel
Sprinklers with Polyester Coating or
Poly Finish
Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed
Screw: Brass UNS-C36000
Nickel plated.
Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper
UNS-Cl 1000 and Stainless Steel
Sprinklers with Teflon® Coating
Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed
Screw: Brass UNS-C36000
Nickel plated.
Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper
UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel
UNS-530400, Teflon® Coated
Brass, Bright Brass, ChromeEnloy®
(patents pending), White Polyester
(White Poly finish for P/N 06662B only),
Navajo White Polyester, Black Polyes-
ter (Black Poly finish for P/N 06662B
only), and Black Teflon®
Sprinkler Cabinets:
Six-head capacity: Part No. 01724A
Twelve-head capacity: Part No.
Available since 1971.
Sprinkler Wrenches:
Standard Wrench: Part No.
10896W/B (available since 2000)
or 05000CW/B (no longer avail-
Wrench for coated and recessed
Viking MicrofastHP® Sprinklers:
Part No. 07398W*
* A 1/2 ratchet is required (not available
through Viking).
Refer to the "SPRINKLER ACCES-
SORIES" section of the Viking Engi-
neering and Design Data book.
Sprinkler Nominal Sprinkler Ceiling Temperature at Sprinkler
Temperature Temperature Rating u lb Max. Ambient Max. Recommended
Classification ff L (Fusing Temp. Allowed 1 Ambient Temp 2 Color
Ordinary 135 °F (57 °C) 115 °F (46 °C) 100'F(38 °C) Orange
Ordinary 155°F (68 °C) 135°F (57 "C) 100'F(38 "C) Red
Intermediate 175 °F (79 °C) 155°F (68 "C) 150°F (65 "C) Yellow
Intermediate 200°F (93 °C) 180 "F (82 °C) 150°F (65 "C) Green
-High 286 °F 041 °C) 266 °F (130 °C) 225 "F (107 "C) Blue
Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Bright Brass, Chrome-Enloy® (patents pending), White Polyes-
ter (White Poly finish for P/N 06662B only), Navajo White Polyester, Black Polyester (Black Poly finish for P/N 06662B only3), and Black Teflon®
Corrosion-Resistant Coatings : White Polyester (White Poly finish for PIN 06662B only),
Navajo White Polyester, Black Polyester (Black Poly finish for P/N 06662B only), and Black
1 Based on National Fire Prevention and Control Administration Contract No. 7-34860. 2 Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location,
and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation
3 The corrosion-resistant coatings have passed standard corrosion tests required by particu- lar approving agencies. Refer to the approval chart on page 41 b. These tests cannot and
do not represent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verify through the
end-user that the coatings are compatible with or suitable for the proposed environment.
The coatings indicated are applied to the exposed exterior surfaces only. NOTE: The spring is exposed on sprinklers with Teflon® Coating, Polyester Coating, or Poly
finishes. Table 1
Note: Units of measure in parentheses
may be approximations.
Form No. F_081296
New format replaces page 41 a-d and page 51 a-d, dated
February 17, 2000. Refer to technical data page OR1-2
for care, installation, and maintenance information.
Sprinkler 41 b October 1, 2000
Approval Chart Temperature KEY
Microfast® and MicrofastHP Finish
Quick Response Pendent Sprinklers A1X*- Escutcheon (if applicable)
Maximum 175 PSI WWP
Standard Orifice
Thread Size I Sprinkler Description Nominal K-Factor Overall iLengthl Listings and Approvals2
NPT BSP Base Part No.' Identification U.S.12 metric8 Inches mm No.12 _____ UL LC FM9 NYC3 VdS LPCB
1/2 15 mm 0 6662B VK302 5.6 7,9 2.3 58 A2X. B2Y A2X, B3Y I AiX, B4Y A2X. B2Y Ci AiZ
_P rge.Qrife 3/4' I20 mm 06666B VK352 I 8.0 11,5 2.4 I 61 IA2X. B2YI A3 B1Y IA2X. 132Y -- --
1/2" -- 06765B VK352 1 8.0 1 2.9 t_74 I A2X A3X - A2X I -- --
S.maILQ rifjce 6
1/2 15 mm 06718B4 VK329 I 2.8 3,9 I 2.7 I __6,q.1 __A2X I A2)( 82Y - I A2X -- -- 1/2' I -- 0672GB4 VK331 4.2 ________ 1 2. 7 ___ 1 69 A2X A2X - A2X -- I -- lomml 06932B I VK329 I - 5,8 1 2.3 I 58 I -- - I - I - Ci I --
Maximum 250 PSI WWP
Standard Orifice
al K-Factor Overall I ngthl Listings2
I Descri!
Base Part No.1] metric8 Inches mm UL ULC FM NYC1' VdS LPCB
06662B I I 7,9 2.3 58 A2X A2X. B2Y
_________ Small_Orifice6
1/2' 15 MM 06718B4 VK329 2.8 3,9 I 21 1 69 1 A2X A2X, B2Y_ - A2X -- --
- 110 mml 06932B VK329 I - 5,8 1 2.3 1 58 1 - - , - -- --
Approved Temperature Approved Finishes
1 - Brass and ChromeEnloy® Approved Escutcheons
Ratings 2 - Brass, Bright Brass, ChromeEnloy®,White Polyester (White x - Standard surface-mounted escutcheon or the
Viking Microfast® Model F-i AdjustableEs- A - 135 °F (57 °C), 155 °F (68 Poly finish for P/N 06662B only) Navajo White Polyester7, cutcheon10 °C), 175 °F (79 °C), 200 °F
(93 °C), and 286 °F
Black Polyester (Black Poly finish for P/N 06662B only), and
Black Teflon67 Y - Standard surface-Mounted escutcheon or
B - 135°F (57 °C), 155°F (68
3-Brass, Bright Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White Polyester
(White Poly finish for P/N 06662B only), Nava4o White
the Viking Microfast Model F-i Adjustable
Escutcheo&° or recessed with the Viking
Micromatic® Model E-i Recessed Escutcheon °C), 175°F (79 °C), and 200 Polyester7, and Black Polyester (Black Poly finish for P/N z - Standard surface-mounted escutcheon or the ° F (93 °C)
C - 155°F (68 °C)
06662B only)
4 - Brass, ChromeEnloy®, White Poly finish 7, and Black Viking Microfast® Model F-i Adjustable Es-
cutcheon10, or recessed Poly_ finish 7
Base part number is shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule.
2 This table shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals may be in process. Check with the manufacturer for
any additional approvals.
Accepted for use, City of New York Board of Standards and Appeals, Calendar Number 219-76-SA.
The is bushed. sprinkler orifice
Refer to the "Sprinkler Accessories" section of the Viking Engineering and Design Data book for technical data on approved escutcheons and
other accessories. 6 UL, ULC, and C-UL Listings and NYC Approvals limited to Light-Hazard Occupancies with hydraulically calculated wet systems.
and -UL and as corrosion resistant. UL, ULC CListed NYC Approved 8 Metric K-Factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiply the metric K-Factor shown by 10.0.
FM Approved for use in wet-pipe sprinkler systems (or preaction systems qualifying as wet systems) for protection of occupancies described in
the Factory Mutual Engineering and Research Loss Prevention Data Sheets and Technical Advisory Bulletins.
10The Viking Microfast® Model F-i Adjustable Escutcheon is considered a surface-mounted escutcheon because it does not allow the fusible ele-
ment of the sprinkler to be recessed behind the face of the wall or ceiling.
Accepted for use, City of New York Department of Buildings, MEA 89-92-E, Vol XVI.
12 Sprinkler I.D. Nos. and nominal U.S. K-factors provided in accordance with the 1999 edition of NFPA 13, Section 3-2.2 and Section 3-2.3.
Ceiling Opening Size: 2-5/16" (58,7 mm) Minimum, 2-1/2" (63,5 mm) Maximum.
2-1/8" 2-1/8"
(54 mm) (54 mm)
2/8 Ip
-3/8(349mm) 1- 34" 125,4 mm)im Minimum urn
Maximum Maximum
Quick Response Pendent Sprinkler Quick Response Pendent Sprinkler Installed Quick Response Pendent Sprinkler
Installed with a Standard 1/8" with the Viking Microfast® Model F-i Installed with the Viking Micromatic®
(3,1 mm) Surface-Mounted Escutcheon Adjustable Escutcheon Model E-1 Recessed Escutcheon
New format replaces page 41 a-d and page 51 a-d, dated Form No. F_081296 February 17, 2000. Refer to technical data page QR1-2
for care, installation, and maintenance information.