HomeMy WebLinkAbout1145 CHINQUAPIN AVE; ; CBR2021-0952; PermitBuilding Permit Finaled Print Date: 09/12/2022 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel#: Valuation: Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Occupant Load: Code Edition: Sprinkled: Project Title: 1145 CHINQUAPIN AVE, BLDG-Residential 2061401900 $303,318.69 Residential Permit CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3544 Work Class: Track#: Lot#: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Addition (city of Carlsbad Permit No: CBR2021-0952 Status: Closed -Finaled Applied: 04/06/2021 Issued: 07/21/2021 Finaled Close Out: 08/26/2022 Final Inspection: 08/26/2022 INSPECTOR: Kersch, Tim Renfro, Chris Description: 1,147 SF ADDITION// 1,768 SF REMODEL// 184 SF DECK// ADD 272 SF GARAGE Property Owner: MCCARTY FAMILY 708 LONGLEAF DR NE ATLANTA, GA 30342-4349-FULTON FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) ELECTRICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION MECHANICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL PLUMBING BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL SB1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE STRONG MOTION -RESIDENTIAL (SMIP) SWPPP INSPECTION FEE TIER 1 -Medium BLDG SWPPP PLAN REVIEW FEE TIER 1 -MEDIUM Total Fees: $3,163.77 Total Payments To Date: $3,163.77 Contractor: SCOFIELD HOMES INC PO BOX 712233 SAN DIEGO, CA 92171-0000 (858) 602-2818 Balance Due: AMOUNT $1,350.20 $945.14 $66.00 $175.00 $92.00 $182.00 $13.00 $39.43 $246.00 $55.00 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exact ion." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov (_ City of Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Pl•n Check~;,2.(J~ -(B52. E,;t. Value ;lffi I ::',l3.,:-__ PC !lepo,lt ____ ---· Date ~,:JJ,c r::'.: ,, " """ Job Address 1145 Chinquapin Ave. Sulre:. ___ _,...PN: 206-140-19-00 CT/Project #: _______________ __;lot#: 15 Year Built: -'1'"9;,:.7'"9 ______ _ Fire Sprinklers: Oves@No Air Condltloning:@YES ONO Electrical Panel Upgrade:~EsO NO BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The project involves a remodel and addition to the existing two-story home. Ii] Addition/New: 1,147 Living SF, ___ Deck SF, 184 Patio SF, 184 Garage SF!!}___ Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? 0Y.0N New Fireplace? 0Y ON, if yes how many? _2 __ Ii] Remodel:,_:1c:, 7_::6::.8 ___ SF of affected area Is the area a conversion or change of use ? Ov 0 N 0 Pool/Spa:. ____ .SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? ___ V-"~""-'.S==------- QSolar: KW, ___ Modules, Mounted:0Roof 0Ground, TIit: 0 YON, RMA:OYON, Batterv:OY ON, Panel Upgrade: Ov ON fig Reroof: N E 0 e_c,c;,;:: PEL P L.A:-N ~ Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical _,__/Vc::..=E:..,;0"--_LP-"E-"IL=-_P!..,;L"'-'-'~'-'--:.......--------- 0 Only: Other: This permit Is to be Issued in the name of the Property owner as owner-Builder, licensed contractor or Authorized Agent of the owner or contractor. The person listed as the Applicant below will be the main point of contact throughout the permit process, PROPERTY OWNER APPUCANT 0 Name: Todd & Carolyn McCarty Address: 1145 Chlnquapin Ave. City: carlsbad State: CA Zip: 92008 Phone: 760.683.4285 Email: sam@sk7desiQnstudios.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Name: Sam Koob Address: 3056 Rosecrans Pl. APPLICANT iJ PROPERTY OWNERS AUTHORIZED AGENT Name: Sam Koob APPLICANT 0 Address: _________________ _ City:. ________ state:_Zip:. ___ _ Phone: _________________ _ Email: _________________ _ CONTRACTOR OF RECORD APPllCAIIT 0 Name: s, C1 F IE:, I Q t/0 .,.,g 1 /NC., Address: p. 0. Box 7 I 223!> City: San Diego State: CA Zip:,.:.9.:.21;..1.:.0 __ City: SM DlxJ.,O State: CA Zip: 'J2 IJ I Phone: '1,$'6-1.,ol.-2-'tl'b Phone: 858.345.7597 Email: sam@sk7designstudios.com Email: $f)>,,J@. s (.0FIE),OH01v\.::S1"JC., (o,'-"' Architect Stare License: _c;..3;..7_854 _______ _ Stare License/class: 43 '2."Z.-I I Bus. License: m 2.ij,3<\, 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602"2719 Fax: 760--602-8558 REV. 00!20 IDENTIFY WHO Will PERFORM THE WORK BY COMPLETING {OPTION A) OR (OPTION B) BELOW: {OPTION A): LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Di,li':,1t1n of the Business and Professions Code, and my license Is in full force and effect, I afso affirm under penalty of perjvry on~ of tht• foltowing declarations: 01 have and will maintain a certlflcate of conset1t to ~lf~inwre for workers' compenS{ltlon provided bySealon 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perlctmM,v· uf tne-work whlch th!spermtt:ls!s.sued. Polley No .. ____________________________________ _ ~ have and will maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work: for wh;ch this permit 11 ,s!{red My workers' compensation lnsuran~ carrier and pollc.y number are: lnsuraneeCompany Name: ..(EQu O IA W.<J~ ( f: L PM f4,..jf PoUtyNo, 01-,lGl 14t,14C.. __________ ___!ExplratlOnOate: 3/llJ-Z&:bi-, 0 CertlflcateofExemption: I certify that ln ttieperformance of the work for which th.ts permit is issued, I shall not emptoy any person In any matmet" so as to bw:lme subject to the workers' compensation Laws of C:allfomla. WARNING: Failure to .ecure workers ccmpC!!nsation coverqe Is unlawful and ~n subjeCt an employer to crlmlnal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000.00, Jn addition the to the cost of compensation, ct.maps as provided fw In Sectkm 3706 of the Labor Code, lntetest and attorney's feM. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: I hereby affinn that there Is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit !s !nued (Sec. 3097 {l) Civil Code). lenffr'sName: Lender's AddN!SS: __________________ _ CONTRACTOR PRINT: .$E;A;N ,$tpF(l;.L0 SIGN: /4 .Lail DATE: _74/..,__tj....,/..;;;.1..--'-I _ (OPTION BJ: OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I om exempt from Contractor's License Low for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as tl'lelr sole compensation, wll! do the wo,k and the structv~ rs: not lntom:led or offered for sale {Sec. 7044. 8usl/'le$$ and ProfMStons Code: The Ctmtractof's Ucen:re Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or lmproves thereon, and who does sud! WOfk hJmsetf or throogh his own employees. provided that wdl Improvements are: not Intended or offered for sale. If, however, the bwkfing or !mprtiW!ment !:. $Old wrth!n one year of completlo~ the owner~bulld!!r will have the burden of proving that he did not build or Improve for the purpose of sale). Ot as owner of the property, am exclUSiVelycontr.lctlng wlth llcensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044. Busloess and Professions Code: Toe Contractor's lkense law doe5 not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licen~ pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Bwlness and Professions COde Divis ton 3, Chapter 9, Artlde 3 for thls reason: Downer Bulldu od::noWdtament and vfl'rlficatlon furm" has been filled ou1. \lgrH>d and attached to this app!lwtiorL 0 Owners "Authorized Agent Fomr" has been fllled out, signed and attached to thi~ appliQltlOn giving the ogent ourhotity ro obtain the permit on rtw owm-r's b.:hc!f Sy my Slgnature berow I acknowledge that, except for my personal msldM~e in which I must ha~ reslderl for at least one year prior to comi:!etJon of th~ Improvements cove~d by this permit, I cannot legaUy sell a structure that! have bulit as an owner•bui!der If Jt has not been rnnstructe<i in iu entrrety bv bceris~d contractors. I untkrstond that a copy of the appficoble law, ~ctlon 7044 of the Business and Professions C~ ls avaUabfe upon reque:.t when this appt1Cotlon ts submitted or or tht! fr,l/oWing Web sl~: http://www,leglnfo,co.gov/rolaw.fttml. OWNER PRINT: _________ _ SIGN: _________ DATE: _____ _ APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: SIGNATURE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF SUBMITTAL By my signature below, I certify that: I am the property owner or State of Coli/amla Uan.sed Contractor or authorized to oet on the property owner or contractor's behalf I Cf!rt/fy that I have read the appflcatlon and state that the above lnformatJon Is correct. and that the Information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property forittspection purposes. i ALSO AGREE 70 SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE arY Df CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL UABJU11E$,JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCR/JE AGAJNSTSAJD QTY JN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit 1s required for excavations over S'(f deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. fJ ~ APPLICANT PRINT: ,5t;;;:.A rJ ~ C.OFl£LD SIGN: L. d1\((/ DATE: 7 Jiq l.2.1 _.::;.....1,""''-""-.l<.;F-"!-"'----I I 1635 F;ar.id;,iy Ave C-rl$b.d, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602•.2719 fax: 760.602·8S58 2 REV.08/20 " PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2021-0952) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 04/06/2021 Owner: TRUST MCCARTY FAMILY Work Class: Addition Issue Date: 07/21/2021 Subdivision: HARBOR VIEW Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 07/25/2022 Address: 1145 CHINQUAPIN AVE IVR Number: 32590 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3544 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Status Monday, September 12, 2022 Page 3 of3 PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2021-0952) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 04/06/2021 Owner: TRUST MCCARTY FAMILY Work Class: Addition Issue Date: 07/21/2021 Subdivision: HARBOR VIEW Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 07/25/2022 Address: 1145 CHINQUAPIN AVE IVR Number: 32590 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3544 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Re inspection Inspection Date Start Date Status Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLOG-Building Deficiency Roof sheeting. Yes 01/0612022 01/06/2022 BLDG-14 17 4004-2022 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Frame/Steel/Bolting/We lding (Decks) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Roof sheeting. Yes 01/2012022 01/20/2022 BLDG-27 Shower 174992-2022 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Pan/Tubs Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 01/26/2022 01/2612022 BLDG-17 Interior 175324-2022 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Lath/Drywall Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLOG-Building Deficiency Yes 0712612022 07/26/2022 BLDG-Gas Meter 187775-2022 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Release Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 08/1812022 08/1812022 BLDG-Final Inspection 189451-2022 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Reinspection Incomplete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Partial pass. Need final paperwork. Need No handrail and guard rail on exterior back staircase installed. Call for final inspection when completed. BLOG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes 08/2612022 08/26/2022 BLDG-Final Inspection 190048-2022 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Partial pass. Need final paperwork. Need Yes handrail and guard rail on exterior back staircase installed. Call for final inspection when completed. BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLOG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Fin al Yes Monday, September 12, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled (City of Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2021-0952) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 04/06/2021 Owner: TRUST MCCARTY FAMILY Work Class: Addition Issue Date: 07/21/2021 Subdivision: HARBOR VIEW Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 07/25/2022 Address: 1145 CHINQUAPIN AVE IVR Number: 32590 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3544 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Status 07/27/2021 07/27/2021 BLDG-32 Const. Service/Agricultural(Te 162862-2021 Passed Tim Kersch Complete mp) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Requested power Yes BLDG-Electric Meter 162863-2021 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Release Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLOG-Building Deficiency Yes 08/24/2021 08/24/2021 BLDG-22 Sewer/Water 164871-2021 Service Partial Pass Tim Kersch Reinspection Incomplete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 09/08/2021 09/08/2021 BLDG-11 Foundation/Ftg/Piers 166002-2021 Passed Tim Kersch Complete (Rebar) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Footings and rebar for residence. Yes 09/29/2021 09/29/2021 BLDG-14 167497-2021 Frame/Steel/Bolting!We Cancelled Tim Kersch Reinspection Incomplete lding (Decks} Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-33 Service 167 498-2021 Change/Upgrade Passed Tim Kersch Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 10/28/2021 10/28/2021 BLDG-14 169522-2021 Frame/Steel/Bolting/We Partial Pass Tim Kersch Reinspection Incomplete lding (Decks} Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Roof sheeting. Yes 12/13/2021 12/13/2021 BLDG-14 172510-2021 Frame/Steel/Bolting/We Partial Pass Tim Kersch Reinspection Incomplete lding (Decks) Monday, September 12, 2022 Page 1 of 3 Carlsbad CBR2021-0952 April 26, 2021 Ccttyof Carlsbad SPECIA.L INSPECTION AGREEMENT B-45 Development services Building Dlvislon 1635 Foradav Aveni.:e 76o-602·27l9 www,carlsbadca.gov In aOOOrdan~ with Chapter 17 of the Callfornl!I' Bull ding Code ttie· follow log niUst be cgmpleted when work being perfOrmed reqvlres· special Ji1spet;tfoo, •,(ruc1ural Ob$e!"V<'ltloll and t,ol"l&tructlon materia_l testing, A. THIS SECTION MlJST BE COMPLETED SY THE PROPCRTYOWNERIAUTHORIZED AGENT. P!ec1se check if you ere O"wner•BuUder 0. (If you ~~eek&d a~ ow11er-buildar_you ml.1$1 als_o c_Qmf)lata Section B of thls agreerrieryl) Name: lP"'"'• """'' PAV'-5 C\i12,1~Jlw,..J (f'i<l!J (M.l,l (l~) MaillngAddtes~lfW Cr-)C.AQJ!-AA £A <,Zoll> Em~i1'--f"t1JL~,fl'lil•Cu1 Phone:_· _______ _ I am: □Property Owner □Property .Owner's Agent of Record State of Califomfa Regfstration Num/let: l?.C'eOS::ZJ f, Z.. ClArchitecl of Record ~nglneer of Record Expiration Oatec·....,_1-&.=t.J/s..,,_I ___ _ ' AGREEMENT:-1, -lhe undersigned, declare uOOei'_ woalty o1 perjury under it}e laws of the State of Galif9miq, that I have rea·d, understand., acknowledge. ai'ld· promise to ·comply with lhe City ·or C8rlsbaQ requirements for Special inspecU0ns, structural Qbserv_cttioos, construction materials-testing and_-off-site fabrication of bulldlng eomponems.. as prescribed in the statement of special. insp~ no18d on the approved plans and, as re"quired tly the Cal.fforilia Building Code, Signatun,~:.'.'.:n1'. d 'RC-k Date: _.c.:1'..::·'S-..,~,.__,_. ----- B. CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONStBlUTY {01 CBC, Ch 17, Section 1706}, This section must be completed ·by the contractor I builder·/ owner•builder, Contractot's Company Name: _________________ Please Check !fyuu are OwJlcr,.Bui!dBr n Mai!lngAddress: _____________________ ~---------- Emaic.· ______________________ Phone~· _________ _ State of Califofnia Coptractor'S Ucf1.(lse·Number: _________ Explration Date: ______ _ • I acknowledge qnd. am aware. of !!,pedal requirements contained ·fr, the _statement of sp~ial inspe1;_tions noted on the appl'Oved ptaris: . _ . - • I acknowledge that control will b~fexercised to obtain conformance with-the construction documents approved l;ly the building official; I wm have in-place procedures for-exercising control within our. (the COntractor's-) orge.rlilatioh, for the method and frequency of report(ng.and·the distribution.of the repOTT5; _a.od . , • l Certify that I W1R have a quallfle<t".person within our (the corrt_raC!Or's) 0rga{lization to exeti;1$8: such control. .. I will ecovfde-a flnnl reoorl llrttitt ta cqmpflpnce with C§C Section 1704 .1,1 edPr-to IAA:Ytstlna f1nal mspgctlon. B-45 Page· 1 of 1 RECEIVE(')""" CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION DATE: June 23, 2021 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK#.: CBR2021-0952 ✓• EsG1I SETH PROJECT ADDRESS: 1145 Chinquapin Ave PROJECT NAME: Addition & Remodel to McCarthy Residence □ APPLICANT □ JURIS. D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. [gj The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: [gj EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: Please delete note A (1 thru 5) under General Provisions on sheet T.3 of the plans. See red inked change on sheet T.3 of set II plans. By: Abe Doliente EsGil 6/10/21 Enclosures: 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 ♦ San Diego, California 92123 ♦ (858) 560-1468 ♦ Fax (858) 560-1576 DATE: April 26, 2021 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK#.: CBR2021-0952 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1145 Chinquapin Ave SET: I PROJECT NAME: Addition & Remodel to McCarthy Residence □ APPLICANT □ JURIS. D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Sam Koob D EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Sam Koob Telephone#: 858-345-7597 Date contacted: Mail Telephone 0 REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente EsGil (by: ) Email: sam@sk7designstudios.com Fax In Person Enclosures: 4/6/21 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 ♦ San Diego, California 92123 ♦ (858) 560-1468 ♦ Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad CBR2021-0952 April 26, 2021 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK#.: CBR2021-0952 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1145 Chinquapin Ave FLOOR AREA: Addition -1147 SF STORIES: 2 Remodel -1 768 SF Garage -272 SF; Decks -184 SF; Patio -184 SF HEIGHT: REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: April 26, 2021 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 4/6/21 PLAN REVIEWER: Abe Doliente This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California Residential Code, California Building Code, California Plumbing Code, California Mechanical Code, California I Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that construction comply with the 2019 edition of the California Code of Regulations (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2019 CRC, 2019 CBC, 2019 CPC, 2019 CMC and 2019 CEC. The above regulations apply, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2019 California Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. I Carlsbad CBR2021-0952 April 26, 2021 PLANS Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602- 2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring TWO corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil is complete. 1. A reminder that due to Covid-19, the City will not permit counter corrections. Please make sure all the items are satisfied; otherwise, another round of corrections will be necessary. 2. All sheets of plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation. (California Business and Professions Code). Signatures on the final sets of plans will be verified before they are approved. 3. Plans shall have the structural portions signed and sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, along with structural calculations. (California Business and Professions Code). Signatures on the final sets of plans will be verified before they are approved. 4. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans stating that this project shall comply with the 2019 California Residential Code, which adopts the 2019 CBC, 2019 CMC, 2019 CPC and the 2019 CEC. Section R106.1. PLEASE DELETE NOTE A (1 THRU 8) UNDER GENERAL PROVISIONS ON SHEET T.3 OF THE PLANS. THESE NOTES REFER TO THE OLD CODE. FIRE PROTECTION 5. Revise the location of the smoke alarms shown on sheet 1.2 so that it is at least 3 ft away from the opening of bathroom 202. Carlsbad CBR2021-0952 April 26, 2021 FOUNDATION/STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS 6. Provide a copy of the project soil report. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with Section R401.4. 7. If the soils engineer recommended that he/she review the foundation excavations. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: a) The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, b) The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and c) The foundation excavations, the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity conform to the soils report." 8. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (when reguired by the soil report). 9. Show the hold down (MST 37) at each end of the shear walls along grid line 4 as called out on sheet 27 of the structural calculations. Refer to sheet S3 of the plans. 10. Show a total of 14 ft shear wall type B along grid line 4.2 as called out on sheet 31 of the structural calculations. Refer to sheet S2 of the plans. 11. Show (2) WSW 12 X 9 at grid line A.8 as called out on sheets 40 -42 of the structural calculations. Refer to sheets S1 and S2 of the plans 12. The plans indicate that special inspection will be provided. Please complete the attached City Special Inspection form. ELECTRICAL 13. Show on the plan the amperage of the electrical service, the location of the service panel and the location of any sub-panels. If the service is over 200 amperes, submit a single line diagram, panel schedules, and provide service load calculations. 14. Note on the plans that receptacle outlet locations will comply with CEC Article 210.52. 15. Show that at least one receptacle outlet accessible at grade level will be installed outdoors at the front and back of the dwelling. CEC Article 210.52(E). This \ • Carlsbad CBR2021-0952 April 26, 2021 receptacle must be GFCI protected. 16. A balcony, deck, or porch that is accessible from the interior of the dwelling will require a minimum of one receptacle outlet. CEC 210.52(E) (3). This receptacle must be GFCI protected. 17. Per CEC Article 210.11 (C)1, note on the plans that there will be a minimum of 2 small appliance branch circuits within the locations specified in Article 210.52(B), i.e., kitchen and dining areas. PLUMBING 18. An instantaneous water heater is shown on the plans. Please include a gas pipe sizing design (isometric or pipe layout) for all gas loads. a) The gas pipe sizing for a tank type water heater shall be based upon a minimum 199,000 Btu gas input rating. Energy Standards 150.0(n). 19. Provide a note on the plans: The control valves in showers, tub/showers, bathtubs, and bidets must be pressure balanced or thermostatic mixing valves. CPC Sections 408,409,410. 20. Specify on the plans: Water conserving fixtures: New water closets shall use no more than 1.28 gallons of water per flush, kitchen faucets may not exceed 1.8 GPM, lavatories are limited to 1.2 GPM, and showerheads may not exceed 1.8 GPM of flow. CPC Sections 407,408,411,412. Revise Note F (1 to 5) under Plumbing Fixtures and Fittings on sheet SP.3 and note 16 under Mechanical Notes on sheet E1 .1 to comply with this statement. 21. For additions or improvements to a residence built before 1994, note on the plans that existing "noncompliant" fixtures (toilets that use more than 1.6 gallons of water per flush, urinals that use more than one gallon of water per flush, showerheads that have a flow capacity of more than 2 .5 gallons of water per minute, and interior faucets that emit more than 2.2 gallons of water per minute) shall be replaced. Certification of compliance shall be given to the building inspector prior to final permit approval. California SB407. ENERGY CONSERVATION 22. Recheck the areas of the conditioned area used in the energy calculations. There is a big difference from the areas shown under the Project Info on sheet T1 and under the Sheet Notes on sheet C 1.1 of the plans. Please clarify. 23. Sheet E1 .1 of the plans shows tankless water heater. This is not included in the energy calculations. Please clarify. Carlsbad CBR2021-0952 April 26, 2021 24. Note or provide the following design requirements for gas water heaters installed to serve individual dwelling units: ES 150.0(n) a) Gas piping sizing based upon a minimum input of 200,000 btu/hr. b) A condensate drain installed no higher than 2" above the base of the heater that also allows for gravity drainage. c) The "B" vent installed in a straight position from the room containing the water heater to the roof termination. (For future possible sleeving for high efficiency heater venting.) d) A 120-volt receptacle accessible to the heater installed within 3'. 25. Instantaneous water heaters shall have isolation valves on both the cold and the hot water piping leaving the water heater complete with hose bibs or other fittings on each valve for flushing the water heater when the valves are closed. ES 110.3 26. All domestic hot water piping to have the following minimum insulation installed: ½" pipe (1/2" insulation);¾" pipe (1" insulation); 1" to 1-½" pipe (1-½" insulation). CPC 609.11 & ES 150.0U) a) Additionally, the ½" hot water pipe to the kitchen sink, and the cold-water pipe within 5' of the water heater both require 1" minimum insulation. ES 150.OU) 27. When replacing or modifying the mechanical system: If applicable. o If more than 40' of new ductwork is installed in unconditioned space, HERS inspection is required for both existing and new duct sealing. o Replacement of mechanical equipment (air handler, condensing unit of an air conditioner or heat pump, cooling or heating coil, or the furnace heat exchanger) requires HERS inspection. o Note: The CF1 R-AL T-HVAC form may be submitted at the final inspection, it is not required at initial plan submittal. MISCELLANEOUS 28. Building sections 3 and 4 on sheet A3.2 refer to detail 8/A5.2. This detail does not app.ly. Please clarify. 29. Detail 2/A5.1 refers to detail1 0/A5.1. Please clarify. 30. Complete the bubble reference at grid line 4.2 on sheet S2 of the plans. 31. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Carlsbad CBR2021-0952 April 26, 2021 32. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes □ No □ 33. The jurisdiction has contracted with EsGil, located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Error! Reference source not found. at EsGil. Thank you. Carlsbad CBR2021-0952 April 26, 2021 [DO NOT PAY -THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Abe Doliente BUILDING ADDRESS: 1145 Chinquapin Ave BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R3/U BUILDING AREA Valuation PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Multiplier Addition 1147 169.59 Garage 272 36.98 Deck 18420 Patio 184 12.33 Remodel 1768 46.51 Air Conditioning 1915 5.39 Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance 1997 UBC Buildin Permit Fee 9 ... 1997 UBC Plan Check Fee .., Type of Review: Complete Review D Repetitive F-ee ..,. Repeats Comments: □ Other [J Hourly EBGilFee PLAN CHECK#.: CBR2021-0952 DATE: April 26, 2021 Reg. VALUE ($) Mod. 194,520 10,059 2,269 82,230 10,322 299,399 D Structural Only $868.441 Sheet 1 of 1 PCSD Engineering Corp 3529 Coastview Court Carlsbad, CA 92010 Ph: 760-207-1885 Structural Design Calculations Residential Addition Client sk7 Design Studios 8400 Miramar Road, Ste. 200-219 San Diego, CA 92126 Project McCarty Residence 1145 Chinquapin Avenue Car RCE C57182, exp. 12/31/21 CBR2021-0952 .. 1145 CHINQUAPIN AVE ij >-,_ --0 Februar 1,147 SF ADDITION// 1,768 SF REMODEL// 184 SF DECK // ADD 272 SF GARAGE PCSO File 2061401900 6/7/2021 CBR2021-0952 Paul Christenson San Diego Engineering 3529 Coastview Ct -Carlsbad, CA 92010 Telephone (760) 207-1885 -Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 1.0 Design Criteria: McCarty Residence 21-056 Code: Timber: 2019 California Building Code -ASCE 7-16 Douglas Fir-Larch (DF-L), WWPA or WCLIB 2x Wall Framing: DF-L #2 (unless noted otherwise) 2x Rafters & Joists: DF-L #2 " " Posts & Beams: DF-L #1 " Glue-Lam Beams: Simple Span: Grade 24F-V4 (DF/DF) Grade 24F-V8 (DF/DF) Cantilevers: Sheathing: Min. APA-Rated Sheathing, Exposure 1, Plywood or OSB (U.N.O .) Engineered Framing Wood I-Joists: TJI 110,210,230,360,560 ICC ESR-1153 1.9E Microllam, 2.0E Parallam ICBO ER-4979 LVL, PSL Concrete: Compressive Strength @ 28 days per ASTM C39-96: Footings: fc = 2500 psi Grade Beams: f c = 3000 psi Concrete Block: Grade N-1 per ASTM C90-95, fm = 1500 psi per ASTM E447-92 \ / Mortar: Grout: Type S Mortar Cement per ASTM C270-95, Min. f'm = 1800 psi @ 28 days. Coarse Grout w/ 3/8" Max. Aggregate per ASTM C476-91 , Min. f m = 2000 psi @ 28 days. Reinforcing Steel: #4 & Larger: #3 & Smaller: ASTM A615-60 (Fy = 60 ksi) ASTM A615-40 (Fy = 40 ksi) Structural Steel: 'W' Shapes: ASTM A992, Fy= 50-65 ksi Plates, Angles, Channels ASTM A36, Fy = 36 ksi Tube Shapes: ASTM A500, Grade 8 , Fy= 46 ksi Pipe Shapes: ASTM A53, Grade B, Fy=35 ksi Welding Electrodes: Structural Steel: E70-T6 E90 Series Bolts: Soils: References: A615-60 Rebar: Sill Plate Anchor Batis & Threaded Rods: Steel Moment & Braced Frames: 1500 psf Bearing Pressure A307 Quality Minimum A325 (Bearing, U.N.O.) t?5"~r;rn.nen,1r,n -;,,.,, 1fuJo bJ'neemtJ JOB 21-056 SHEET NO ')_ OF CALCULATED BY PSC DA_T_E___,,,2...,.,/2'""0...,.,/2'""'1- CHECK BY _____ DATE __ _ 3529 Coastview Ct -Carlsbad, CA 92010 SCALE Telephone (760) 207-1885 -Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 2.0 LOAD LIST 2.1 Roof {Vaulted) Roofing 15/32" Sheathing Roof Framing 5/8" Gyp. Bd. Insulation and Misc. IoL = ILL = Total Load= 2.2 Roof (w I ceiling) Roofing I 5/32" Sheathing Roof Framing Insulation and Misc. 2.3 Ceiling Ceiling Joists IoL = ILL= Total Load= 5/8" Gyp. Bd. Insulation and Misc. 2.4 Walls IoL = Iii= Total Load= Exterior Wall 7/8" Stucco 15/32" Sheathing 2x4 Studs @ 16" o.c. 5/8" Gypsum Bd. Misc. 5.0 psf 1.5 psf 2.8 psf 2.8 psf 1.9 psf 14.0 psf 20.0 psf 34.0 psf 5.0 psf 1.5 psf 2.8 psf 1.7 psf l 1.0 psf 20.0 psf 31.0 psf 1.3 psf 2.8 psf 1.9 psf 6.0 psf 10.0 psf 16.0 psf 9.0 psf 1.5 psf I. I psf 2.8 psf 0.6 psf 15.0 psf Interior Wall 1/2" Gyp. Bd. (2 Sides) 2x4 Studs @ 16" o.c. Misc. 4.6 psf I.I psf 2.3 psf 8.0 psf $' ,u/°f;',t,w&ehJ't,h -;f,m ffzitfo bfaeeMJ 3529 Coastview Ct -Carlsbad, CA 92010 JOB 21-056 SHEET NO ') OF -----CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 2/20/21 CHECK BY _____ DATE __ _ SCALE Telephone (760) 207-1885 -Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 2.0 LOAD LIST (CONTIN) 2.5 Floor Floor Cover Sheathing 2x F.J. 5/8" Gyp. Bd. Insulation and Misc. IoL = ILL= Total Load= 5.5 psf 2.3 psf 3.5 psf 2.8 psf 0.9 psf 15.0 psf 40.0 psf (60.0 psf -Decks) 55.0 psf WIND PARAMETERS 2.6 Wind Basic Wind Speed = 110 mph Exposure Cat = B Ps = >.Kzt"I *Ps30 (ASCE 7-16 -Equation 28.5-1) P = 26.6 psf P = 16.0 psf (•0.6 -ASD) 2.7 Seismic SMs = 1.267 Sos = (2/3) SMs Sos= 0.845 s Cs = _o_s_ (R/l) Cs = 0.13 USE: V= 0.130 WoL ASD BASE SHEAR C,WvL 1.4 (! 1.4.5) >. = 1.00 (fig. 28.5.1-Ps30 = 26.6 psf Kzt = 1.00 (fig. 26.8-1) I= 1.0 USGS APPLICATION s. = 1.056 S1 = 0.382 F.= 1.20 F.= 0.00 R = 6.5 I = 1.00 hn = 25.00 Occupancy Category: 2 Site Class: D SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY S1 < 0.15 S1 >0.04 Ss>o.15 (11.6 ASCE 7-16) (11.4.2 ASCE 7-16) (fig. 28.5-1) (table 1.5-2) T • = C, • (h,,)°·75 = 0.224 Ts = S01/Sos-0 k = 1.0 ::qn. I 2 .8-1 Not 01 Ta<0.5 Seismic Design Category: D 2/17/2Q21 U.S. Seismic Design Maps McCarty 1145 Chinquapin Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA Latitude, Longitude: 33.15140540000001, -117.3318529 OSHPD ~, Map data ©2021 Date Design Code Reference Document Risk Category Site Class r ... - :Type Value 1.056 'Ss 0.382 1.267 null -See Section 11.4.8 null -See Section 11.4 .8 -.. ~ C -· .,,,_ • .., ~-~ ; Type Value ~ SOC null -See Section 11.4.8 i F8 1.2 Fv null -See SecUon 11.4.8 ; PGA 0.465 f ; FpGA 1.2 ' PGA+.4 0.558 1 TL 8 I SsRT 1.056 l SsUH 1.18 ' · SsD 1.5 S1RT 0.382 : S1UH 0.422 , S1D 0.6 PGAd 0.549 CRs 0.895 https:f/seismicmaps.org ---------------·------ Description 2/17/2021, 3:43:11 PM ASCE7-16 II D -Defauh (See Section 11.4.3) MCER ground motion. (for 0.2 second period) Description MCER ground motion. (for 1 .Os period) Site-modified spectral acceleration value Site-modified spectral acceleration value Numeric seismic design value at 0 . .2 second SA Numeric seismic design value at 1.0 second SA Seismic design category Site amplification factor at 0.2 second Site amplification factor at 1.0 second MCEG peak ground acceleration Site amplification factor at PGA Site modified peak ground acceleration Long-period transition period in seconds Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (0.2 second) Factored uniform-hazartl (2% probability of exceadance in 50 years) spectral acceleration Factored deterministic acceleration value. (0.2 second) Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (1.0 second) Factored uniform-hazard (2% probability of exceadance in 50 years) spectral acceleration. Factored deterministic acceleration value. (1.0 second) Factored deterministic acceleration value. (Peak Ground Acceleration) Mapped value of the risk coefficient at short periods 1/3 0 12 4j ill MEMBER REPORT Roof Framing, (RR-1) Rafters 1 piece(s) 2 x 10 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2@ 24" OC Sloped Length: 16' 5 1/8" 15' All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left can~lever end), All dimensions are horizontal. . ,-. ·, : .......... •I .,-~ ·';.JJ ,~~r:~~r t..,,;.,~-~,,i!~ µ)}Y:~~i~\. ~:.,\::Ii:::i1t:f 11,,~·'" iij.cjf~ •i••~>•:'ilt:.f,·$~1<'' Member Reaction (lbs) 558 @ 2 1/2" 3281 (3.50") Passed (17%) -1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Shear (lbs) 485 @ 1' 1/4" 2081 Passed (23%) 1.25 1.0 o + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs} 2059 @ 7' 9 1/2" 2537 Passed (81 %) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Live Load Oefl. (In) 0.334 @ 7' 9 1/2" 0.799 Passed (l./574) .. 1.0 0 + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Total Load Oefl. (In) 0.599 @ 7' 9 1/2' 1.066 Passed (l./321) .. 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) • Deflection crlterla: U. (l/240) and TL (l/180). • Allowed moment does not reftect the adjustment ror the beam stability factor. • A 15% Increase In the moment capacity has been added to acex>unt for repetitive member usage. • Applicable calOJlatlons are based on NOS. 558 elocklng 2 • Beveled Plall! • DF 3.50" 1.50• 246 312 558 Blod<inQ • Blodcing Panels are assumed to carry no IOMls applied directly above them and the fuN load Is applied to the member being designed. Top Edge (Lu) eottom Edge (Lu) •Ma>dmum alowable bracing Intervals based on applied load, l • Uniform (PSF) PASSED + 0 Member Length: 16' 8 3/16" System : Roof Member Type : Joist Building Use : Resldentlal Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD Member Pitch : 4/12 weyemaeuser warrants that the sizing al Its products wlll be In aa:ordarce with Weyerhileuser prod.ct design Cl'ltl!rla and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related ID the software. Use of this software Is not Intended ID drcum\/ent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having Junsdlctlon. The designer of rea,rd, builder o, framer Is responsible ID assure that this c:aku~tlon is wmpalible with the <M?rall project. Accessories (Rim 8oard, Blocking Panels and 5Qui!sh Blocks) are not desig,ed by this~-Products manufitctured at Weyemaeuser facilities are third-party certified ID sustainable fores1ry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engl-lJJmber Products ha\/e been evaluatl!d by lCC·ES under evaluatlon reports ESR·USJ and ESR-1387 and/or teslrd In aa:ordarc.e with appUcable AST1'ol standards. For cooent code evaluatlon reports, Weyerhaeuser product Ull!rature and Installation detallS refer ID www.wevert-user.con,/woodproducts/document-llbnlry. The product applleatlon, lnp.,t design loads, dimenslonS and support information ha\/e been provided by ForteWEB Software Operata- For11eWH SOftwaN OparalDr loll- Paul Christenson PCSO Engineering (760) 207-1885 A paul,pc:sd@omall.wm 3/24/2021 8:36:33 PM LJTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: V8.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Page 1 / l ~FORTE'B MEMBER REPORT PASSED Roof Framing, (RB· l) Ridge@ Bed#l 1 piece(s) 4 x 12 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 OveraH length: 13' 7" + 0 0 All locations are measured from the outside face ,:/ left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are hortzontal. n..lantiaults _,; -~:. ,...:-.Adlale,~' 'L 1 ~~~~ ~:r.:r -.._..,):.:~). ,• '-,}'~ 1.aNi, ' .•. ~1,}:;,} . '. ,;;; System : Roof Member Type : Drop Beam Building Use : Resldef1tial Building Code : !BC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD Member Pitch : 0/12 Member Reaction (lbs) 1915@ 2· 7656 (3.50") Passed (25%) -1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Shear (lbs) 1568 @ 1' 2 3/4" 5906 Passed (27%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 6188 @ 6' 9 1/2" 7614 Passed (81%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Live load Defl. (in) 0.167 @ 6' 9 1/2" 0.663 Passed (l/952) .. 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Total load Defl. {In) 0.294 @ 6' 9 1/2" 0.883 Passed (l/540) -1.0 D + 1.0 Lr {All Spans) • Deflection crttena: LL (L/240) and n (L/180). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor, • Apl)llcable c:alcula110ns are based on NOS. '~-. . . . l:AllcetlllaltN t.~j 3.50" I.SO" 828 1087 1915 8locklng 2·ColulM ·Df 3.so· I.SO" B28 1087 1915 Bloddng • Bloddng Panels are assumed to c:any no loads applied cl above them and the !\JU load Is appfled to the member being designed, Top Edge (Lu) 13' ro/c Bottom Edge (Lil) 13' ro/c •Ma>dmum alowable tnclng lnll!tVlls based on 1ppled load. ,-· : '•rj,\~ J"-'.~:1" .,.,'Qiie l · \I . ~-·• 1~0:•>. :' <(~~ 1ca•...i:a: 0 • Se4f Weight (PlF) 0 ID 13' 7• N/A 10.0 I • Unllbnn (PSF) 0 to 13' 7" (front) 8' l◄.0 20.0 Default Load . ... ~· . -i-·:... , ,_· ..... ~· ·. .. ·,. .. • .• ..., ,j Weyemaeuser warrants that the salno of its products wlN be In acmrdance with w,,.,..,rhaaJser product design atter1a and l)Ulllished deslQn values. W~ expressly disdalms any other warranties related ID the software. USe of this software Is not lntl!nded to drwmvent tile need for• design professional as determined by the authority having Jur15Cllctkln. The designer ot -• builder or frame< Is responsible lo assure 11\at this calculatlon Is compatible with tile overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Bloddng Panels and Squash Blocks) are not desloied by this sonware. Products manufactured at w~ fadlllleS are lhlrO-perty cenllled lo sustalnalje lorestry stanOarcls. w,,.,..,maeuser ~-lUntlef 'Proclucts have been evaluated by 1cc-~ undEF evaluaDon reports 'fSIH 1'5:1 and ESIH:387 &nd/or tes1led In ICXlOrdanc! with aJll)lic:atlle ASTM stanclarcls. r« C\llffllt code evaluation ~. w~ser product Ntrrature and lnslalation details refer ID www.weyemaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-lbary. The product appllcatlon, Input ~ loads, dimensions and support lnformaUon have been prov!cled by Fo<1eWEB Software Operator FottaWU Software 0l)ernDr Job- Paul Christenson PCSD Engineering (760) 207-1885 paul.pc,d@gmall.com A ~crtucuser 3/24/2021 8:40:23 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: VS.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Pagel /1 ·---· ----------- + 0 MEMBER REPORT Roof Framing, (RB-2) Ridge@ Attic 1 piece(s)31/2" x 14" 2.2E Parallam® PSL Overall length: 23' 7" PASSED 0 All locations are measured from the outside face cl left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal . ! pijlanJti■1Jlt.\..,.~·{~t/J;1!J~ l'."li:~-~;,z~ :~'.i,t,~--~-~ Member Reaction (lbs) 3092@ 23· 5• 7656 (3.50") Shear (lbs) 2737 @ 22' 1 1/2" 11842 Moment (Ft·lbs) 18493@ 11' 9 7/8" 33952 Live Load Defl. (In) 0.585 @ 11' 9 5/8" 1.163 Total load Defl. (In) 1.054 @ 11' 9 5/8" 1.550 • Deflection criteria: LL (L/2◄0) and n (L/180). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. ..:.wila·· :£.~~·;~i~ \·~!;:; ;~,. Passed {40%) -- Passed (23%) 1.25 Passed (54%) 1.25 Passed CL/477) -- Passed (L/265) -- . j ialiii.:r4i,'lilli~~~lf,;:°i,},0,':~,,:t ~ 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Soans) 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Soans) 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) System : Roof Member Type : Drop Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : !BC 2018 Design Method010gy : ASD Member Pitch : 0/12 • Bloddng Panels are assumed to cany no loads applied directly above them and the ful load Is applled to the member being designed. 23' r O/C Bottom Edge (Lu} 23' r o/c •Maldmum allowable bracing Intervals based on applied load. 0 • Self Weight (Plf) 0 to 23' 7" N/A 15.3 I • ~lfonn (PSf) o to 6' 6" (front) 6' 6" l◄.O 20.0 Default Load 2 • ~lfonn (PSf) 6' 6" to 17' 9" (front) 8' 14.0 20.0 Default Load 3 • Unlfonn (PSf) 17' 9" to 23' 7" (Front} 6' 6" 14.0 20.0 Default Load Weyerhaaoser warrant5 that the sizing of its products wiN be In acc.ordance with Weyerhaeuser product design atteria and publtshed design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software Is not lntl!ncled to circumvent the need for• design pro-onal as detennlned by the authority having jurisdiction. Toe designer of record, bu1def or fnmer Is responsible to assure that this calculaUon Is compilllble with the overall project. Ac:cessor1es (Rim Board, Blod<log Panels and Squash Blod<s) are not designed by this soltwllre. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser fadlltles are third-party cert!fled to sustalna~e forestry standards. W~euser Engineered Lumber Products have been el/llluated by ICC-ES under el/llluallon reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 ar,d/or tesl!:d in aa:o-dance with applicable ASTM stz,rdaros. For current code evaluallon reports, Weyemaeuser product ill!!ral!Jre and lnstaltatlon details refer to www.~.com/woodproducts/document·llbrny. The prociJCt application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by ~WEB Software Opel'ator -W!I Software OperalDr JobNOIM Pa\JI Olr1stenson PCSD Engineering (760) 207-1885 paul.pcsd@gmall.com ~rhaeuw 3/24/2021 8:43:33 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: VS.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Pagel/1 MEMBER REPORT Roof Framing, (RB-3) Ridge @ Patio l plece(s) 4 x 10 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 0 All locations are measured from the outside face (I left support ( or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. DeilfGii Raut~\,,,"'/:'is4rt:f J\t•·•·~S""•f '11t~~~-r.~ , ~~·-~~)f-"-~~:i,~t.: J',t.Qf t t~~-a•f•~~,-. "' ~10:{?#~·~%~<~,;: Member Reactlon (lbs) 1524@ 2· 7656 (3.50") Passed (20%) .. LO D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Shear (lbs) 1245 @ 1' 3/4. 4856 Passed (26%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 4164@ S' 9 1/2" 5615 Passed (74%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in) 0.146@ 5' 9 1/2" 0.563 Passed (l/922) .. 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (In) 0.257 @ S' 9 112• 0.750 Passed (l/526) --1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) • Deflecllon criteria: u (LJ240) and n. (LJ180). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment fOt' the beam stability factor. • Applk:able calculatJons are based on N DS. 2 • Column • Df 3.50' 3.50' 1.50" 656 869 • Blocking Panels are assumed to ta!Ty no loads applied dlredfy above them and the ful load is applied to the member being designed, Top Edge (Lu) 11' 7" o/c Bottom Edge (Lu) 11' 7" o/c •Maldmum allowable bracing Intervals based on applied load. ..\ ~-.,;,;!_· i . , w..Mf' ~-~:--·:~ .. ~-~,., J'·1'-.~~ 1 · Uniform (PSf) 20.0 Default Load PASSED 0 System : Roof Member Type : Drop Beam Bulldo,g Use : Resldential Building Code : !BC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD Member Pitth: 0/12 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of Its products will be In accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design crltena and published design values. Weyerhaeu,er expressly disclaims any other Wllminttes related ID the software. Use of this softwa,.., Is not Intended lo clr<:um""nt the need for• design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The desiQnl!< d record, buUder or framer Is responsible to assure that this cak:ulatJon is rompaable with the ove-all project. AcresSOt'les (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser 1ac1nnes are lhlrd-party cer1llleCI lo sustalnatie loresby standards. Weyemaeuser 1:nglneered I.umber Products have been evaluated by 1CC·l:S under evalual!on reports 'ESll.·1153 and l:SR-1387 ancl/Ot' tested In accordance with applicable AS™ standards. For current code evaluallon reports, Weyemaeuser product iterature and lnstallallon details refer to www.wevemaeu,;er.com/woodproducts/document-Hbra,y. The produd aWflcallon, Input design loads, dimensions and support Information halle bee!\ provided by folteWE8 Software Operator for1eW9 SOftwaN <>i,erator .Job Notes Paul Ovlstenson PCSO Engineering (760) 207-1885 A paul.pcsd@gmaN.com Wty,rhaeus,r 3/24/2021 8:44:53 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VB.1.6.2, Data: VS.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Pagel/1 MEMBER REPORT Roof Framing, (RB-4) Ridge @ Life 1 plece(s) 8 3/4" x 19 1/2" 24F-V4 OF Glulam Overall Length: 33' 11· .. 0 All locations are measured from the outside face r:l left support ( or left cantilever end). All dlmenSions are horizontal. ·.,n..1an~&,:;.;:jt~~<1f ~ ... ~,•~i;~";, ·;.J:_~!~~}1f-·, •.-.~t!:.?:lf!'i~j:~~/ -~.WJii (~M;C.■iii'-.iij'~~)'t1;.: r,~~·;~d,;;;z~ ! Member Reaction (lbs) 8089@2" 19906 (3,50") Passed (41%) .. 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Shear (lbs) 7175@ 1· u· 37680 Passed (19%) 1.25 1.0 D + l.0 Lr (All Spans) Pos Moment (Ft-lbs} 67250 @ 16' 11 1/2" 119442 Passed (56%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Live Load Deft. (In) 0.643 @ 16' 11 1/2" 1.679 Passed (l/627) .. 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Total Load Deft. (In} 1.403 @ 16' 11 1/2" 2.239 Passed (l/287) .. 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) • Deftectlon crttl!ni!I: LL (L/240) and Tl {L/180). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factllr. • Crilkal poslt!Ye moment adjusted by a volume factor of 0.86 that was calculared usiig length L = 33" T'. • The effects of positive or negative camber have not been aaxiunted tor when calculating deflection. • The spedfted glulam IS assumed to ha.e Its strong laminations at the bottom of the beam. Install with proper side up as Indicated by the manufacturer. • Applicable calculations are based on NOS. • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the ful load ts applied to the member being deSlgned. Bottom Edge (Lu) •Maximum alowabie bracing Intervals based on applied load. 0 • Self Weight (PLF) I • Uniform (PSF) PASSED 0 System : Roof Member Type : Drop Beam Building Use : Resldentlal Building Code : !BC 2018 Design Mettlodology : ASO Member P"!Wl : 0/12 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the slzlng of Its products wlN be In accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressty disclaims any other warranties 11!1ated to the software. Use of this softwan, Is not Intended to circumvent Ille need for a design professional as delefmlned by Ille authonty having jUrisdlctfon. The dl!sfgner of record, builder or framer Is responSible to assu-e that this calculation Is rompatible wtth the cwerall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Bloddng Panels and Squash Btod<s) are not de59Jed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser fadlltles are third-party oertffled to sustainable forestry standards. Weye<haevSl!r Engineered lumber ProclJcts have been evalua!Ed by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tes1l!d In accordance with applicable AST1'1 standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyemaeuser product literature and Installation details refer to www.w~.com/woodproducls/document-Ubrary. The product applfcatlon, Input design loads, dimensions ard support lrlormatlon have been provided by FateWEB Software Operator FortaWH Software Operator Job- Paul Ovistenson PCSO Engineering (760) 207-1885 paut.pcsd@gmaH.com A Weyerhaeuser 3/24/2021 8:47:08 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: VS.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Page 1 / 1 •" i : PCSD Engineering j 3529 Co~stview Gourt , Car1sbad, CA 92010 i (760) 207-1885 I paul.pcsd@gmail.com ~~,~~ ! DESCRIPTION: (RB-5) Hdr Bm CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NOS 2018, IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set : ASCE 7-16 Material Pro'perties · Analysis,Melhod: Allowable Stress Design • Load Combination ASCE 7-16 Wood Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 · Beam Bracing : Completely Unbraced Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Fb+ Fb- Fc-Prtl Fe-Perp Fv Ft 1350psi 1350psi 925ps·1 625psi 170 psi 675psi E: Modulus of Elasticity Ebend-xx 1600 ksi Eminbend -xx 580ksl Density 31 .21 pct Span= 13.670 ft A lied Loads Se1Vice loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam,self weight calculated and added to loads Point Load : D = 0.6560, Lr= 0.8690 k@ 6.833 ft , DESIGN.SUMMARY ____ ------. -·--~---.. _______________ _ jMaximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.735 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio . = Design OK 0.120 : 1 7.50 X 6.50 25.53 psi 212.50 psi +O+Lr+H 0.000ft Span #1 : Section used for this span 7.50 X 6.50 Section used for this span Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transier;it Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection Overall Maximum Deflections Load Combination -+D+lr-+H Vertical Reactions Load Combination Civeiall MAXimum Overall MINimum ..O+H -+0-+l-+H -+D-,Lr--t/ ..O+S-+H -+0-+0.750lr-+0.750L-+H +D+0.750L-l{).750S-+H +0-l{).60W+H +D-+0.750Lr-+0.750l-+-0.450W->H Span = 1,239.93psi = 1,68_7.SOpsi +O+t.r+H 6.835ft Span# 1 Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs 560>=360 0<360 301 >=240 = 9<240 . • . ... , .......... ,-········-··•····•-·••······-···-··-·"'•·-··-···---~·----,,. '~--,.'t'. ~.: . . 0.293 in Ratio = 0.000 in Ratio = 0.544 in Ratio= 0.000 in . R~tio = Max.•-• Oefl 1 Location in Span Load Combination 0.5439 6.835 Support notation : Far left is #1 Support 1 0.835 0.435 0.400 0.400 0.835 0.400 0.726 0.400 0.400 0.726 Support2 0.834 0.434 0.400 ci.400 0.834 0.40.0 0.726 0400 0.400 0.726 Max. '+' Defl Location in Span 0.0000 0.000 Values in KIPS MEMBER REPORT PASSED Roof Framing, (RB-6) Hdr Bm Deck 1 plece(s) 6 x 10 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 Overall Length: 12' 9" + 0 0 All locations are measured from the outside face of le~ support ( or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. .. ' •;:--..W~¢'4{X:l1~-1 'l-::: Ae1u,na ~-~tr: l:i~--.,11~,ef:,.-4:.; .. Member Reaction (lbs) 1384 @2" 12031 (3,50") Shear (lbs) 1279@ 1' 1" 7402 Moment (Ft-lbs) 6614 @ 6' 4 1/2" 7540 Uve Load Den. (in) 0.162 @ 6' 4 1/2" 0.621 Total Load Defl. (in) 0.308 @ 6' 4 1/2" 0.828 • Deflecllon crtt.ena: Ll (l/24O) and TI. (L/180). • A/lowed rroment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. • Applicable calrulatlons are based on NOS. Jijiiiilf,11 ~f ? Ii-.). 'ii;~~~- Passed (12%) -- Passed (17%) 1.25 Passed (88%) 1.25 Passed (L/923) -- Passed (L/484) .. :~~(l V 'iij O ~-• (~i,r,:i;:,:':-(W°ta,i'J,.;; 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) System : Roof Member Type: Drop Beam Bulk!lng Use : Residential Building Code : !BC 2018 Design Meltlodology : ASD Member Pitch : 0/12 • Bloddng Panels are assumed to car,y no loads applied dlrectly above them and the full load Is applied to the member being designed, lZ' 9" o/C 8ot!Dm Edge (Lu) lZ' 9" o/c •Mllximum al<lwable tracing Intervals based on ilpplied load. ~se, warrants that the sizing or Its products WIU be In aa:ordance wlttl Weye~ser product design crtterla ilnd published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties relabad to the softwa,e. Use of tlis software Is not Intended tc clro.umlel1t the need for a desQ, !)l'Ofessiooal as determined bv the autharitv havlnQ jur1sdlcflon. The designer of rea:><d, builder or tr.mer Is resPoflSlble to assure that this calculation Is CX>ITil»tible wilh the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocklno Panels and Squash SklCks) are not deslQrll!d by this software. ProductS manufactured at Weyerhaeuser fadlltles are third-pany certified to SUSlaln~e forestry standarlls. Weyemaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 ar,d/or tested In accordance with applicable ASTl-4 standards. For a,rrent code evaluation reports, Weyemaeoser product literature and Installation details ~ to www .weyemaeuser .COl11/woodproducts/document·lllnry. The product appllcat!on, Input design loads, dimensions and support Information have been iro,lded by ForteWE8 Software Operator -WH Software Open,IDr JobN- Paul Dlrlstfflson PCSO Engneertng (760) 207-1885 paul.pcsd@omall.com A ~yerhacuser 3/26/202110:28:20 PM lJTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: VS.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Pagel /1 ------------ :t;!F_ORTE'B MEMBER REPORT Roof Framing, (RB-7) Hdr Bm @ Patio 1 plece(s} 6 x 12 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 OveraH Length: 18' 4• 0 [TI ill All locations are measured from the outside face cl left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. I DMlan'~··,.::,. " Member Reaction (lbs) ["l:,•~Adlllll.~ ,,,'.,,f'AIIDINJit~_.'"•,bNl!t '.";-:,.,_.;,·,>•·'/.,i,o,:, IAiol;, ',' (....,,),~>,1 •'•,f{!: 1542 @ 2· 12031 (3.50") Passed (13%) --1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Shear (lbs) 1332 @ 1' 3• 8960 Passed (15%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 6813 @ 9' 2" 11050 Passed (62%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Live Load Dell. (in) 0.199 @9' 2" 0.900 Passed (l/999+) •• 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Total Load Den. (In) 0.438 @ 9' 2" 1.200 Passed (l/493) --1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) • Oeflectton crft1!'1a: LL (l/2◄0) and n (l/180). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. • Applcable calrulatlons are based on NOS. 2 • Column • OF 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 812 700 1542 BlockJng • elodclng Pa are assumed to carry no loads applied dlredly above tnem and the full load Is applied to t!1e member being designed. Top Edge (Lu) 18' 4" o/c llotlDm Edge (Lu) 18' ◄" o/c •Ma>lmum alowllble tndng lnt2tViils based on appied load. 1 -Uniform (PSF) Default Load ;.. PASSED + 0 System : Roor Member Type : Drop Beam lluildlng Use : Resldentlal Building COde : IIIC 20111 Design Methodology : ASD Member Pitch : 0/12 Weyert,aeu,e, wam,nts that t!1e sizing of its products will be In ea:ordance with Weyerhaeuser product design Oiberia and publlShed design values. W~ expressly tisdalms any other waminties relau.l to the software. Use or this sollware Is not ln12nded to dn:umvent the need for• deslQn professional as determined bv the authortty having Jun-.. The designer of N!CO<'d, bull~ or frame,-i. responslllle to aSS1Jre that this calculatlon Is compaUble with the =II project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not desig,ed by this software. Products manufactured at weyemaeuser ladlllleS are 1ttlrll1)0tty cert!lled to~ forestry-· Weye,t,aeuser l:'9neer«l lumber Products have been e.alualed 'oy lCC-ES undef evaluallon reports 'ESR-1153 ancl 'ESIM387 and)o, tl!Stl!d In accordance with applialble AS™ standards. For curre,t code evaluatlon reports, W~r product •~ture and lnstallaUon details refer to www.weyertlaeuser.com/woodproductr,/documenHbraly. The product app41catlon, Input design loads, dimensions and support Information have i-n ?'()Vlded by ForteWEB Software Operator -•SoftwaNoi-ator .JobN«- Paul Christenson PCSO Engineering (760) 207-11185 paul.pc:sd@gmaU.com ~yerhaaim 3/26/2021 10:30:27 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: V8.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Page 1 / 1 MEMBER REPORT Floor Framing, (FH) Fir Jst 1 piece(s) 11 7 /8" TJI® 110 @ 16" OC Overall length: 16' 7" 0 All locations are measured from the outside face of Jen: support ( or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. r>Mari'R-.ilts •,t...,,d,%,:, ·•~·liiialo ~\'i;, . :e•:i t~6JIQi!t•ijf~>~ -...;.:·:~::.:z:~1:,·;_· J~l'c • ~,~(~>'·;:;Jii",i!;';'\~'ift Member Reaction (lbs) 600@ 2 1/2" 1041 (2.25") Passed ( 58%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs) 587@ 3 1/2" 1560 Passed (38%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 2396 @ 8' 3 1/2" 3160 Passed (76%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) live Load Def!. (In) 0.275 @ 8' 3 1/2" 0.404 Passed (L/704) --1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Dell. (in) 0.379 @ 8' 3 1/2" 0.808 Passed (L/512) --1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) TJ-Pro'" Rating 43 40 Passed ---- • Denectlon criteria: LL (l/"80) and n (l/240). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. • A structural analysis of the deck has not been performed. • Dellectlon analysis Is based on composite action with a singl• layer of 'l3/32" Weyemaeuser Edge'" Panel (24" Span Rating) that Is glued and nailed down. • Addltlonal considerations for the TJ-Pro'" Raijng indude: None. 1.75" 166 2 -Stud wall -OF 3.50" 2.25" 1.75" 166 , Rim Board Is assumed tD carry aN loads applied dlr'ectly aboYe It, bypassing the member being designed. Top Edge (Lu) Bottnm Edge (Lu) 16' s· o/c • Tl! Joists ar• only analv,ed using Maximum Allowable bracing solutions. •Maximum alowable bracing Intervals based on applied load. I, • 442 442 608 1 1/4" Rim Board 608 I 1/4" Rim Board '.{-;Ir'~:;. ·::;tf{' f-.·it ♦ 0 System : Floor PASSED Member Type : Joist Building Use : Residentlai Building Codt! : !BC 2018 Design Me1nOdology : ASD Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of Its products wiU be In aa:ordance with Weyerhaeuser product design aftena and published design values. Weyerhaeuser e,qressly dlsdaims any ott1"I' warrantleS related to the softwa,e, Use of this softwo,e Is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professlonol as _,,,ined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, buUder or framer Is n!Sponslble tn assure that this calculation is oompaUble with the overall project. Aa:essories (Rim Board, BlockJng Panels and Squash Bloclts) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at weyemaeuser facilities are third-party certified 10 sustainable forest,y standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber ProduclS have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested In acmrdancl! with applicable ASTM standards. For a,rrent code evaluation reports, Weyemae<J>Or product literature and lnstallatlon details refer tD www.weyertiaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-libnlry. The product applicatiOn, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by ForteWE8 Software Operator l'orteWEII Software OperalDr Job Notes Pali CMstenson PCSO Engineenng (760) 207-1885 A paul.pcsd@gmall.com Weyerh,rus,r 3/28/20211:11:55 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: V8.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Pagel/1 MEMBER REPORT Floor Framing, (FJ-2) Fir Jst 1 piece{s) 18" TJI® 360 @ 16" OC Owrall length: 23' s•· + 0 All locatlons are measured from the outside face or left support ( or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. '.l_liliUltis\;~·:, ~-,,~; Jt;:'.~.,..,.~'.,,··r [~i~~~~!i.~,~ :·~-,jt\t:iJ -~~:i-tl.' .\LO,,'· ~~ll~~ .... ·*i'~> ~::Vi:.(,,~'··,, ~- Member Reaction (lbs) 873 @ 23' 5 1/2" 1202 (2.25") Passed {73%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L {All Spans) Shear (lbs) 869 @ 23' 4 1/2" 2425 Passed (36%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 5598 @ 11' 10 5/8" 9465 Passed (59%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Def\. (in) 0.272@ 11' 10 5/16" 0.581 Passed (L/999+ l --1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 Lr (All Spans) Total Load Def\. (In) 0.515 @ 11' 10 1/4" 1.163 Passed (L/542) --1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0.75 Lr (All Spans) TJ-Pro'" Rating 43 40 Passed ---- • DeflectiOn crtt.erla: LL (IJ480) and TL (IJ240). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for !tie beam stability factor. • A structural analysis of !tie deck has not been performed. • Deflection analysis Is based on composite action with a single layer ol 23/32" Weyerhaeuser Edge-Panel (2◄" Span RaUng) that Is glued and nailed doWn, • Addltlonal conslderatlOns for the TJ-Pro'" Rating Include: None . 2 • Stud wal • Of • ! ·-.,(~}"'i~\ ,~ .,, ,.., J ;--r •: ;;, , '"' _; ·r: • -. r -••i )t "'• .. - 2.25" 1.75• 2.25" 1.75' 488 503 ~,(~J-~c:~~ ' '{!:l- ~ t f~, .tAlcilii•it,W WF!~.· 366 1131 l 1/◄" Rlm Soard 372 292 1167 1 1/4" Rlm Board • RJm Board is assumed to carry all loads applied directly above It, bypassing the member being deSlgned. Top Edge (lo) Bottom Edge (Lu) 23' 6" O/C •TJl joists are only analyzed using Ma><lmum Allowable bracing solutions. •Ma>dmum alowallle bracing Intervals based on applled load. 1. Uniform <PSFJ o 10 5' 16" 14.o 2 • Unifoml (PSF) 5' to 18' JO" 16" 15.0 3 -Uniform (PSF) 18' 10" ID 23' 8" 16" 14.0 4 • Point (PLF) S' 16' 192.0 5 • Point (PLF) 18' 10" 16' 206.0 20.0 Default l..oild 40.0 Oefalllt Load 20.0 Default Load 105.0 Default Load 125.0 Default Load PASSED SVstern : Floor Member Type : Joist Building Use : Residential Building Code : !BC 2018 Design Methodology : ASO Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of Its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeu5er product design oiteria and publiShed design values. Weye<haeuser expressly dlsdalms any other warranties related to the software, USe of this software Is not lnlended ID dltumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer Is responsible to assure that this calculalkln Is compotll:Jle with the OYerall project, Accessories (RJm Board, Blocklng Panels and Squash Blocks) are not deslg,ed by this sottware, Products manufactured at weyemaeuser fadMttes are third-party certmed ID sustainable forestry standards. Weyemaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by lCC·ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESl\-1387 and/or tested In aocordance with appllcable A5TM standards, f« cvrrent code evaluation reports, Weyemaeuser product literature and Installation details refer Ill www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/documenHbrary. The proc1lct appllcaUon, Input design loads, dimensions and support lnformaUon have been provlcled by ForteWEB Software O~tor forteWE■ Softwere Operalllo" Job Holies Paul Ovlstenson PCSD Engineering (760) 207-1885 paU1.poOCgma1 .com A llr/eyahaeustt -------------- 3/28/20211:26:09 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.l, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: VB.0.1.0 f~~--~ Page 1 / 1 MEMBER REPORT Floor Framing, (DJ-1) Deck Jst 1 plece(s) 2 x 10 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2@ 16" OC 0 All locatlons are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. ~•.~i•:-,.f.f.:'>;,f,,\ ,-;.:;,,;.~ .• ~1,,,._. · ~~~i~t~n~ -'~-~itll':fl;~ 1:~w ii j:~r: r' ', ----~ ~ ....... ,¥t~~,'.;~~1' --~!::;~ Member Reaction (lbs) 622@ 2 1/2" 2109 (2.25") Passed (29%) --1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs) 517@ 1' 3/4" 1665 Passed (31 %) LOO 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 1104@ 5' 9 112" 2029 Passed (84%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Uve Load Defl. (In) 0.177@ 5' 9 1/2" 0.279 Passed (L/758) .. 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Dell (in) 0.242 @ 5' 9 1/2" 0.558 Passed (L/555) --1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) TJ-Pro '" Rating N/A N/A N/A --N/A • Deflection crtterla: Ll (1./480) and Tl (1./240). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability factor. • A 15% Increase In the moment capacity has been added to account for repetlttve member usage. • Applicable calculations are based on NOS. • No composite action between deck and joist was considered in analysis. 2 • Stud wal · OF 1.50" 170 463 1 1/4" Rim Board • Rim Board is assumed to carry aU loads applled directly above It, bypassing the member being designed. ll'S"o/c •Maximum alowable bracing intervals based on applied load. PASSED 0 System : Floor Member Type : Joist Bulldlng use : Residential Building COde : !BC 2018 (lesjgn Methodology : ASD Weyemaeuser wan-ants that the sizing of Its products WIK be In accordance with Weyemaevser product design criteria and published design values. Weve,t,aeoser expressly disclaims any other waminties related to the software. Use of this software Is not Intended ID clrcum-the need for a design professional as detennlned by the authortt:y having jurisdlctlOn. The designer of re<Xlrd, builder or framer Is responsible ID assun, !Mt this calaJlallon Is oompaHble wtth the overall project. Acx:esscries (Rim Board, Blod<lng Panels and Squash Bkld<s) are not~ by lllls software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser fadlltles are third-party certified ID sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under l!llaluation l1!l)Or1s ESR· 1153 and ESR· 1387 and/or tested In aa:ordance wtth applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluatlon reports, Weyemaeuser product literature and lnstalladon details refer to www.weyert,aeuser.convwoodproducnJdocument-lllnry. The prodUct appllcatlon, Input design IOaOs, dimensions and support Information have been provided by ForteWEB SOltware Operator ForteWEI Software Operator .Job Notes Paul Olrlstenson PCSD fng4neenng (760) 207-1885 paul.pcsd@gmall.com A Wey,rhaeus<.r 3/28/2021 1:28:10 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.l, Engine: V8.1.6.2, Data: VS.0.1.0 Ale Name: McCarty Page 1 / 1 ~I F'.ORTE'B MEMBER REPORT PASSED Floor Framing, (FB-1) Deck Bm 1 plece(s) 6 x 12 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 1 Overall Length: 14' 3" 0 0 All locations are measured from the outside face <:I left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. 'r/llll6n ~ts·~ /i~•ftf-~ it/kailii-.~'ii/1 A~'.~~•~-';~f:, Member Reaction (lbs) 3328@ 2" 12031 (3.50") Shear (lbs) 2744@ 1' 3" 7168 Moment (Ft-lbs) 11306 @ 7' 1 1/2" 13638 Live Load Defl. (In) 0.277 @ 7' 1 1/2' 0.464 Total Load Defl. On) 0.393 @ 7' 1 1/2' 0.696 • Oefledlon crttena: LL (l/360) and n. (l/2◄0). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stablHty factor. • Apillieable caleulatlons are based on NOS. Bol!Om Edge (Lu) 14' 3' o/c •Maximum anowable bracing lnt,r,als based on applied load. ·,~~?k~~;~\•:;.) ·p ,-D-,,-· . .,~ u,FJ Passed (28%) -- Passed (38%) 1.00 Passed (83%) 1.00 Passed (l/602) -- Passed (l/425) -- l~~~ .... ~r~~z-.t1g'~~~tf::;:~~ 1.0 D + 1.0 l (All Spans) 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) sys1em : Floor Member Type : Drop Beam BulldlllQ Use : Residential Buildlllll Code : lBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD w~ warrants that the slzillQ of Its products wiN be In aa:ordance with Weyerhaeuser product design aileria and published design values. Weyemaeuse-expressly disclaims any other wam,ntles related to tile software. Use of this software Is not In-to drcu"""'nt tile need for a design professional as delefmined by the author1ty having jurisdiction. Toe designer of record, buHoer or framer Is re5l)OllSlble to assure lhat this caleulation Is compatible with the O\/el'all project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocklllll Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser 1ad1l'lleS are 1!1lrd-patty cer1lfle<I to sustalna'oe forestry standards. weyemaeuser 1:nglneered \.un1ber Proouas have 't>ttn evaluated l)ylCC-t:S uncle, evalua11on repom t:SR-11'53 and 'ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with aPl)llcable ASTM standards. For a.m,nt code evaluatlon reports, Weyert,aeuser product iterawre and instanauon details refer to WWW ,weyemc,euser.corr\lwoodproducts/document·Ubrary, The product appllcatton, Input design loads, dimensions and support Information have been provided by forteWEB Software Operator For1eWH Softw•re <>t,en,tor JobNaliel Paul Chr1stenson PCSD Englneerillll (760) 207-1885 paul.pcsd@9mall.com A Weyerhaeuser 3/28/20211:29:36 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VB.1.6.2, Data: VB.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Pagel/1 + 0 MEMBER REPORT Floor Framing, (FB-2) Hdr Bm 1plece(s)31/2" x 9 1/2" 2.2E Parallam@ PSL Overall length: 10' 1" All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horlzontal. l>eif• 1t4ilUlts1,~·3i~·i 1.~/.'.~'•·~·~0·t-t?t~%1, ~Jr:~-i:;~,:,1thzt:;_ t ~:,., ~•"''', . ·-:• '.~....,.j~'i~'i.g1;:;••z.,fc; Member Reaction /lbs) 5059@ 2" 7656 (3.50") Passed (66% l --1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs) 3972@ 1' 1" 6428 Passed (62%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 11923 @ 5' 1/2" 13057 Passed (91%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in) 0.210 @ 5' 1/2" 0.325 Passed (L/434) ·-1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (In) 0.408@5' 1/2" 0.488 Passed (L/286) .. 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) • Oellectlon crlte<ia: LL (L/360) and n. (L/240). • Allowed moment doeS not reflect the adjustment ror the beam stability factor. 2 • c.otumn -Df 3.50' 3.50' 2.31' 1716 33◄3 • llklclclng Panels are assumed to cany no loads applied directly above them and the full load Is applied to the member being desloned, Top Edge (Lu) Bottom &lge (Lu) •Maximum alowable bracing intervals based on applied load. PASSED ♦ 0 System : Floor Member Type ; Drop Beam Building Use : Residential Building c.oc1e : lBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD weyemaeuser warrants that the slllng of Its produCtS will be In accordance with Weyertlaeuser product design crttena and published design vaiues. Weyerhaeuser exJl"'ssly dtsdalms any other -.antles relab!d to the software. Use of this software Is not Intended to circumvent the need for a desi"1 professional as determined by the authority having jur1sdiction. The designer of record, builder or fnlmer Is responsible ID assure that this calculaUon 15 compaUble with the 011erall project. AGCessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Block5) are not designed by this 90/tware. Products manufaclured at Weyerhaeuser fi!dHtleS are third-party certified to sustainable rorestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC·ES under evaluation reports ESR· 1153 and ESR· 1387 Mfd/or testl!<l ln aca,rdana, With aJllllicable ASTl'I stan<tarcls. For OJtTent oode evaluallon reports, Weyemaeuser produa lle'abJre and lnstafla'llon clelaUs refer to www.weyemaeuser.com/woodproduct!i/document•library. The product a~lcatlon, Input design loads, dirnenslOns and support Information have been provicled ll')I Fortl!WEB Software Operator l'orteWl!I Software es,.ator JobN- Paul Olrlstenson PCSD Engineering (760) 207-1885 pau1.pcsd0omall,com A Weyerhaeuser 3/28/2021 1:47:49 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: V8.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Page 1 / 1 + 0 [TI MEMBER REPORT Floor Framing, (FB-3) Fir Bm@ Garage 1piece(s)31/2" x 18" 2.2E Parallam® PSL Ove ra II length: 23' 8 • All locattons are measured from the outside face c;J le~ support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. :Deis1a11~;,"t.~::.,:~1,Ps1'•~S~;t.~·:ff' <":'S-:.~r:;:-,F· ·~ ~,~~M::-% t.:~:,. ~i'..~~;~t,\>;5.>:.⇒~~~-½:: Member Reaction (lbs) 2949 @ 2" 7656 (3.50") Passed (39%) ·• 1.0 D + 0.7 E (All Spans) Shear (lbs) 2596@ 1' 9 1/2" 19488 Passed (13%) 1.60 1.0 D + 0.7 E (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 12441 @S' 4" 69864 Passed (18%) 1.60 1.0 D + 0.7 E (All Spans) Uve Load Deft. (In) 0.188@ 10· 9" 0.778 Passed (L/999+) .. ~~~s; 0·525 E + 0·75 L + o.75 S (All Total Load Deft. (In) 0.291 @ 10' 11 1/2" 1.167 • Dellecllon crlll!rla: u (l/360) and n. (l/240). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment fo, the beam stability factor, I -Column -OF 3.50" 3.50" 1.50' 2 -Column -OF 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" Passed (L/963) 1188 393 560 291 1.0 D + 0.525 E + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Scans) 209 198 2516/-2516 'IJ06/· Blocking 2516 • Bloclclng Panes are assumed to carry no loads applied directly abolle them and the fiJll load Is applied to the member being designed. Top Edge (Lu) Bottom Edge (Lu) 23' 8" o/C •Ma>dmum alowable bracing inteNals based on applied load. 0 • Self Weight (PLF) 0 to 23' 8" N/A 19.7 1 • l.kllform (Plf) 0 to 5' ◄" (Front) N/A 177.0 27.0 40.0 2 • Uniform (Plf) 5' 4• to 18' 10" (Front) N/A 15.0 40.0 3 • Uniform (Plf) 18' 10· to 23' 8" (Front) N/A 28.0 40.0 4 • Point (lb) s· ◄-(Front) N/A 3231 .. 0 System : Floor Member Type : Drop Beam &JJJdl,>gU,,,;~ Building Code : !BC 2018 Design Methodology : ASO ~f, ;~v+~~)}{<>;.~?;j'~Jt;~J.=t; :~ ~ ~lJ-l-Ji,Y~~,/ ?~J{.f~;'/Jt ~'4~:(";{}/:f/f:';J.:,.) ,:_, Y~(-~~;.;J~( ~:~i{fj}\t">tt:tt•i:"~t;~•:,. :\} _ \ ;f.t , ";:' wevert,aeuser warrants that the sizing of Its products wtll be In accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design o1tet1a and published design values. w~aeuser exp-essly cllsdalms any other warranties related to the software. use of this sottware Is not Intended to drcumvent the need for a design professional as determined b\l the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of reco<d, builder or framer Is responsible to asS<n that this calOJlalion Is compaijble with the am-all project Accessories (Rlm Board, BloddnQ Panels and Squash BlockS) are not designed b\l this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser fadlltles are thlrd•party certified to sustainable ta-estry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered lumber ProductS have been evaluated b\l ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or testl!d In aax,rdance with applialllle AS™ standards. FOi current code evaluation reports, Weye,t,aeuser product literature and Installation ~Is refer to www.~.oom/woodproducts/documenHbrary. The product~ i,,putdes/fJ,iloid>, dlmensk>nsilllds,,ppc,tinfDr_,,-.,i-,prco,idedq,ForteWEB-OpE<ato, ForteWH Software <>i,.ator Job- Paul CIY1stenson PCSO Engineering 060) 207-1885 paut.pcsd@gmail.com A Weyerhaeuser 3/28/20211:57:00 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: V8.1.6.2, Data: V8.0.l.0 file Name: McCarty Pagel /1 ... 0 MEMBER REPORT Floor Framing, (FB-4) Hdr Bm 1 plece{s) 6 x 6 Douglas fir-Larch No. 2 All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. ,De_11an~ltW111fr, ;',;,%1}~ ~i'~,Wliij:lllfg1i:VS ~~---~~?.~~ ~?~ttt{JJ·it~::~ fi'.~1 ~i):o~.(~11)·A't'.,;;"'~~;,,,"', Member Reaction (lbs) 208"@ 3' 7" 12031 (3.50") Passed (17%) --1.0 D + 0.525 E + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All SDans) Shear(Jbs) 1703@3' 5485 Passed (31%) l.60 J.O D + 0.7 E (AJJ Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 1737@ 2' 7" 2772 Passed (63%) 1.60 1.0 D + 0.7 E (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in) 0.021@ 1' 11 3/16" 0.114 Passed (L/999+) --1.0 D + 0.525 E + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All Soans) Total Load Defl. (In) 0.034@ l' 11" 0.171 Passed (L/999+) --1.0 D + 0.525 E + 0.75 L + 0.75 S (All SDans\ • Deflection criteria: LL (l/360) and il. (l/240). • Allowed moment~ not~ the adjustment for the beam stability factor. • -788 lbs uplift at support located at 3' 7". Strapping or other restraint may be required. • Applicable calculations are based on NOS. , ThlS prodoct has a square aoss section. The analysis engine has ched<ed both edge and plank or1entatlons to allow for either Installation. I -Column • OF 3.50" 3.50" 1.so· 762 516 478 736/-736 Z -Column -OF 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 762 516 478 1780/-1780 • Bkx:klno Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly abolte them and the fuQ load Is applied to the member being designed. Top Edge (Lu) 3' 9" o/C BotlDm Edge (Lu) 3' 9" 0/C •Maximum alowable bradno lntelvals based on applied load. 1 -Unlfonn (PLF) 0 to 3' 9" (Front) N/A 399.0 275,0 255.0 2 -Point (lb) i: r {front) NIA 3536(- 1780 2516 Bloddng Blod(lng PASSED 'o/ + 0 System : Floor Member Type : Orop Beam Building Use : Residential Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD Weyerhoeuser wamints that the sizing of Its products wtll be In accordance wilh Weyerhaeuser product design alterla and published design values. Weyerhaeuser e,q,ressly disdalms any other wam,ntles related tD the software. Use of this software IS not intended tD Circumvent the need tor a design proressional as determined by the authority having jumllictlon. The desigler of record, t:ulder or framer Is responsible to assure that this caleulallon ls compatible with the overall project. AO:l!Ssortes (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash BIOcl(s) are not designed by this software. Products manufac1ured at Weyerhaeuser fadlltles are third-party certined tD sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested In acx:ordance with applicable ASTM standards, For current code evaluation reports, Weyemaeuser product literature and instaHatlon details refer to www.weyemaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-llbrary. The product al)l)llcation, Input design loads, dimensions end suPPort Information have been provided by forteWE8 Software Operator l'or1leWEB Software Operator JobNota Paul Chrtstenson PCSO eng1neer1no (760) 207-1885 paul.pcsd@gmaH.com Weyerhaeuser 3/28/2021 2:03:53 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: VS.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Pagel/1 MEMBER REPORT Floor Framing, (FB-5) Hdr Bm 1 plece{s) 4 x 12 Douglas f ir-Larch No. 2 + 0 All locations are measured from the oot51de face of left support ( or left cantilever end). All dimensions are hor1zontal. -,an~R~ w~~ ~1N~~'.t .. ~t~•~,W: :~?/~;, .. ~ '~~f.,~~t(\:?jt?'..~1~ Member Reaction (lbs) 2990@ 2" 7656 {3.50") Passed (39%) Shear (lbs) 2748 @ 1' 2 3/4" 7560 Passed (36%) Moment (Ft-lbs) 9143@3' 8" 9745 Passed (94%) Live Load Oefl. (In) --0.123 @ 4' 6 3/4" 0.314 Passed (L/920) Total Load Defl. (In) 0.196@ 4' 8 5/8" 0.471 Passed (L/577) • Deflectlon criteria: LL (L/360) and Tl (L/240). • Allowed moment does not reffect the adjustment for the beam stablUty factor. • -205 lbs uplift at support IOcated at 9' 7". Strapl)ing or other restraint may be required. • ~lcable cak:ulatlons are based on N DS. 1 -Column -DF 3.50" 3.50" 1128 195 2 • Coklmn • Df 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 1494 195 ~.u,,,ii ~,-, . C >\ ; • "• ~»4¥t:r;:.;,};.0 -- 1.60 1.60 .. .. 1.0 D + 0.7 E {All Spans) 1.0 D + 0.7 E (All Spans) 1.0 D + 0. 7 E (All Spans) 0.6 D • 0.7 E (All Spans) 1.0 D + 0.7 E (All Spans) 337 860 2660/-2660 4320/· Blod<lng 2660 1574/-1574 ◄;;;f Bloddng • Bloddno Panels are assumed to carry no loads apple<! directly abolle them and the full load Is applied ID the member being designed. 9' 9" o/C •Maximum allOWllble bracing lnteMb based on applied load. I • llnlform (PLF) 2 • Point (lb) 3 -Point Ob) L't/ + 0 systl!m : Floor Member Type : Drop Beam IIIJlldjngUse :~I llulldlng Code : lBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD W"Y"rhaeuser warrants that the sizing of Its products wtll be In accordance with W"V"rhaeuser product design aireria and published design values. Weyerllaeuser expressly dlSdalms any other warranties related to the software. Use of this sonware Is not lnlfflded ID drcumvent the need for a design professtonal as determined by the authority having Ju~Sdlction. The designer of record, bulkler or framer 15 responsible to assure that this calculatton Is compattble with the overall project. AccessorleS (Rim Board, 8locklng Panels and Squash Blod<s) are not designed by this soltware. Products manufaCt\Jred at W"V"rhaeuser fadlitles are third-party certified to SUS1alnable fbrest,y Slandards. Weyemaeuser Engineered Lumber ProductS have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluatlon reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested In accordance with app!cable ASTM standards. For current code evaluaUon reports, Weyerhaeuser product iterature and lnstallatlon details refer to www .weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document--fftnry. The procaict aR)llcatlon, Input design loads, dimensions and support lnformaUon have been provided by ForteWEB Software Operator fo111eWEI Software ~tor Job Notes Paul Christenson PCSD Engineering (760) 207-1885 paul.pcsd@gmall.com A Wt')'Cfhaaiser 3/28/2021 2:06:15 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: VS.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Page 1 / 1 .. 0 MEMBER REPORT Floor Framing, (FB-6) Hdr Bm 1plece(s)51/4" x 11 7/8" 2.2E Parallam@ PSL Overall Length: 16' s· All locations are measured from the outside face of left support ( or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horfzontal. -~:'~tia.~l",¼,·;~t;,:~ -i.~~--~yJ ,:,;-.:;i)llif •~· ~;,.,W.;¥(.rJ,.-;~ f.U1f.-Z :~•··••O,'-'-~) .. ~;~.{t-.J•~i':.' ;~f-,1 ' .. Member Reac:llon (lbs) 4309@2" 11484 (3.50") Passed (38%) --1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (AU Spans) Shear (lbs) 3650 @ 1' 3 3/8" 15066 Passed (24%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 17332 @ 8' 4 1/2" 37317 Passed (46%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in) 0.219@ 8' 4 1/2" 0.547 Passed (L/898) --1,0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Total Load Den. (In) 0.551 @ 8' 4 1/2" 0.821 Passed (L/358) --1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) • Deflection criteria: LL (l/360) and TL (l/240). • Allowed moment does not reflect the acfJustment fir the beam stability factor. 2 -Column -DF 3.50' 3.50" 1.50" 2592 1717 ◄309 Bloddfllj • Blocking Panels are assumed to cany no loads applied tirectly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Top Edge (Lu) 16' 9" 0/C Bottom Edge (Lu) 16' 9" o/c •Maldmum allowable btadng lnt!!Vals based on applied load. 0 -Self \Yeight (PLf) 19.5 l -Unlfoml (PlF) 290.0 205.0 PASSED ldl + 0 System : Roor Member Type : Drop Beam Bulldlfllj use : Residential Building CDde : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD . w Ir. ~ .. , ... ~-~ .. -~·-,~-f:~'\ t t,.. J~: -~<r:,:. r~~~~i(·~~~~:_~l.4~:~ f;\~4:~~if5,::;~::~·;,~:rr.{: ~i~1:/-r }:-"r. Weyemaeuser warrants that the sizing of 115 product5 wiU be In accordance with Weyemaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser ~ly dlsclalms a"'( other warranties related to the softwMe. use of this software Is not Intended to drrunvent the need for• design professional as detennlned by the authority haVing Jurisdiction. The designer of rea>rd, buMcler or framer Is responsible ID assure that this calrulation Is compattble with the overatl project. Acce5sotle5 (Rim Board, Blockifllj Panels and Squash Biod<s) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Product5 have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 andJo, tested In aa:ordance with applicable ASlM standa<ds. !'or rurrent code evaluallon repo,ts, Weyemaeuse, product nterature and lnSlll1a11on -ns refer lo www .weyemaeuser ,COOVwoodproducts/doc\Jment~ltnry. The product appllcat!on, Input design loads, dimensions and support lnformaHon have been provided by ForteWEB Sottware Operator Fo<teWEB Software Operator JobNotel Paul Chrtsten'""1 PCSD Englneertfllj (760) 207-1885 paut,pc5d@omall.com W,yerhaeuser 3/28/2021 2:39:42 PM t..rrC ForteWEB v3.l, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: VS.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Pagel /1 ~F.ORTE'B .. 0 [I] MEMBER REPORT Floor Framing, (FB-7) Fir Bm 1 piece(s) 5 1/4" x 18" 2.2E Parallam® PSL Overall Length: 16' 2· All locaUons are measured from the outside face c:l left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. -~;m: ~-, -; .. <->?t ·}~•~'-~.-~'K-/:z..;:~·-~.}?~ < ~-~~-t~t1~ire/ li~ µiijl~'.(!! . '·' ~l',..-.)','!"~,,~',!{i'.)!('.~i'~ Member Reaction (lbs) 10210@ 16' 11484 (3.50") Passed (89%) --1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Shear (lbs) 4496 @ 14' 4 1/2" 22838 Passed (20%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 12430 @ 9' 2 7/16" 81872 Passed (15%1 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in) 0.042 @ 8' 5 3/8" 0.528 Passed (l./999+) --1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Total load Defl. (In) 0.116 @ 8' 4 3/8" 0.792 Passed (l./999+) -1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) • Defledlorl criteria: u (l/360) and n (1/240). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment for the beam stability !actor. 2 -COiumn -Of 3.50' 3.50' 3.11' 5852 323 ~358 10533 Blocking • Blocklng Panels are assumed to car,y no IOilds applied directly above them and the luff load is applied to the member being designed. Top Edge (Lu) 16' 2' o/c Bottom Edge (Lu) 16' 2· o/c •Maximum allowable bracing Intervals based on applied load. PASSED + 0 System : Floor Member Type : Drop Beam Building use : Rl!sldentlal Building COOe : !BC 2018 Design Methodoloqy : ASD Weyerhaeuser wam1nts that the sizing of Its p,oducts will be In accon:lance with Weyerhaeuse< product design crtter1a and published design values. W~ expressly disclaims any~ Wllmlnlies related ID the software. Use of this software is not intended ID clrcu,n..,nt the need for a design pro-al as -mined t,y the authortty having jumdk:tlon. The deslQner of record, builder or framer Is responsible ID assure that this calc11lallon Is cnmpatlble with the cwerall project. Aca!ssorles (Rim Boaro, 8lccklno Pan.is am SqJash lllodr.s) are not desq,ed bf tNs 50ltware.. l'nld<.<:ts marufadured at Weyemaeu<er fadlitles are third-party c:ertltled ID sustainable forestry standards. ~!ll!r Engl-Lumber Products have been evalua~ I:,( ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR· 1153 and ESR· 1387 and/or tested In accordance with applicable AS'TM standards. For current code evaluatlon reports, Weyemaeuser product literature and installatlon details refer to www .weyemaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-llbrary. The prOO.ld: application, Input design loads, dimensions and support Information have been provided t,y ForteWEB Software Operator for11eWEI Software Operator JobN- Paul Olristenson PCSD Engineering (760) 207-1885 paul.pcsd@gmall.com A Weyerhaeuser 3/28/2021 2:45:27 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.l, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: V8.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Pagel /1 ~F.ORTE'B ... 0 II] MEMBER REPORT Floor Framing, (FB-8) Fir Bm 1 plece(s) 51/4" x 18" 2,2E Parallam@ PSL Overall Length: 19' 7" PASSED + 0 I?] All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. i~JttllJUlt.'1> "\'.f_f:C,-:, -~.,'1 ai;bi,ifo~N Y,~~~,f~~(\{; Member Reactlon (lbs) 10355 @ 19' 5" 11484 (3,50") Shear (lbs) 10257 @ 17' 9 1/2" 22838 Moment (Ft·lbs) 20583 @ 17' 5" 81872 Uve Load Defl, (In) 0.102 @ 10' 2 15/16" 0.642 Total Load Defl. (In) 0.245 @ 10' 5 9/16" 0.962 • Deflection crttena: LL (l/360) and Tl (l/240). • Allowed rroment does not rellt!ct the adjustment for the beam stability factor. ·•--it'~;,.~:~~~~;~: l~)~}~ Passed (90%) .. Passed (45%) 1.25 Passed (25%) 1.25 Passed (L/999+) .. Passed (L/944) .. ~:, ...... ', -~--<-~•~-,.;;~'ih::»':f~i.. . LO D + LO Lr (All Spans) LO D + LO Lr (All Spans) 1.0 D + LO Lr (All Spans) 1.0 D + 0.75 L + 0,75 Lr (All Spans) 1.0 D + 0,75 L + 0,75 Lr (All Spans) System : F10or Member Type : Drop Beam Building Use : Resldenttal Building Code : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD 3.16" 6200 961 ◄155 11316 Blocking Bot10m Edge (Lu) 19' r o/c •MaXlmum allowable bradng lnte<vals based on atJlllled load. N/A 25.0 40.0 2 • Point (lb) N/A ◄63 1237 3 • Point (lb) N/A 6213 343 ◄637 Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing at Its products wm be In aocordance with Weyerhaeuser produCt design attena and published design values. weyemaeuser expressty dlsclaims any odler wam,nties related to lhe software. Use of this software ts not Intended to draJmvent the r-.:1 for a design professional as determined by the authortty having jurisdiction. The designer of record, buAder or framer Is responsible to assure that this calrulatlon Is compaU~ with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Bloddng Panels and Scµ,sh Blodcs) are not deslgned by this software. Products manufactured at Weye,tiaeuser fadlttles •re thlrd1)8rty certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuse, Engineered Lumber Products have been e11aluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tesb!d In aaxrdana! with applicable A5™ standards. For a.nent code evaluatlon reports, Wevert,aeuser product literature and installatlOn details refer to WWW ,weye<t,aeuser .a,m/woodp,oduct:s/dcx:ument-ilbrary. Toe pnxb:t application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided bv ~WEB Software Operator fortlWH Softw•N Operator Job Nota Paul Olrlstenson PCSD Engineering (760) 207-1885 paul.pcsd@omall.com 3/28/2021 2:54:28 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: V8.1.6.2, Data: VS.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Page 1 / 1 ill MEMBER REPORT Floor Framing, (FB-9) Fir Bm 1 plece(s) 5 1/4" x 18" 2.2E Parallam® PSL Overall Length: 24' 23' s· All locations are measured from the outside face cl lett support ( a-left: cantllever end). All dimensions are horizontal. • Al:....1-':Reiulta,· it \. ti,, .. ,;;_;· 1ldllil:•·~ ._: ii''. '~:~·,; ~~, .. .. .•.--~./;, ,-;; .... ! ''lo ~' co,,..,"dieol ,~,·~-, ·:fc·':. ·,;o · Member Reactlon Obs) 8628 @> 23' 10· 11484 (3.50") Passed (75%) .. 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Shear (lbs) 7557 @ 22' 2 1/2" 18270 Passed (41%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft·lbs) 49281 @ 14' 2 3/8" 65'497 Passed (75%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Live Load Den. {In) 0.577 @ 12' 3 1/8" 0.789 Passed (L/492) .. 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (In) 0.926 @ 12' 3 11/16" 1.183 Passed (L/307) .. 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) • Delledlol'I criteria: LL (l/360) and n (l/2'40). • Allowed moment does not reflect the adjustment fo, the beam stability factor. 1 ·Column· Df 3.50" 3.50" 2.17" 255'4 ◄S53 160 7267 Blocklng 2 • Column • Df 3.50" 3.50" 2.63" 3163 5-46S 322 8950 Blocking • Blocking Panels aie as,umed to cany no loads applied directly -them aod the flil load Is applied to the member being designed. TopEdge(l.lJ) 24' o/C 8ottDm Edge (Lu) 24' o/c •M1ldmum allowable bracing lntervlls based on applled load. 0 • Self Wel;tlt (Plf) 0 to 24' N/A 29.S l • l)llfonn(PI.F) 0 to 16' (Front) N/A 139.0 332.0 2 • Point (lb) 16' (Front) N/A 15'4◄ 1402 482 3 • l.kllfbnn (PlF) 16' to 2◄' (front) N/A 15S.O 413.0 PASSED ,,,; 0 System : Floor Member Type : Drop Beam Building Use : Resldentlal 8ulldlng C.ode : IBC 2018 Design Methodology : ASD w ~Notai, 1~ ~~ ,.,..,!-·~\!t"'_';,tr.,~;-,-::~,;-_ .·~ ·:_'·¥~i.~:-, ·:."-fl ,.J?i~(l.., __ .J:-:;~\'. __ : . .,'f ...... ·-"':.~ ·:·-, .... ""'~ '1,-t., · -.-·,·.;~~t-.. ~-~.~..,'"'~-....... Weyerhaeuser wi1rrants that the sizing of Its products wm bo In ao::ordara with Weyerflaeuser produCt design criteria and published design values. Weyemoeuser expressly disclaims any other wananUes reloml to the software. Use of this software Is net tntll!nded tD circumvent the need tor a design professional as determined by the ao1honty ha\ltng Jurtsdletlon. The desq-.er of ~. lulder or framer Is responslble 1D assure that this calculatlon ls compaUble With the overall project Access0f1es (Rim Board, Blocldng Panels and Squash Blod<s) are not desl9ied by this~-Products manulactlJred at Weyerl,oeuser fadlltles are thlro-porty certified to susl3lnable forestry standards. W~ser Engl~ Ulmber Products have been evaluall:d by ICC-£5 under eYaluilllon reports ESR-11S3 and £SR-1387 and/or trstl!d In acoordanCe with applicable AST'M standards. For current aXlo evaluatlon reports, Weyert-.,ser product ftll!rab.Jre and Installation details refer to www.weyemaeus« .OOOVwoodproducl$,ldocument-Nbrary. The product applicatlon, Input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Fort~WEB Software Operator "°'11eWE8 Software Operator JobN-• Paul Ovfsten5on PCSO Engi.-rlng (760) 207-1885 pau.pcsd(l>Qmall.com Weyerhaeuw 3/28/2021 2:59:26 PM UTC ForteWEB v3.1, Engine: VS.1.6.2, Data: VS.0.1.0 File Name: McCarty Page 1 / 1 ~ ,u.f'f;,trl.r&e;,,rc,n ef llll ,D/'!f" £rpeem1J 3529 Coastview Ct -Carlsbad, CA 92010 JOB 21-056 SHEET NO '.l'1 OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 2/20/21 CHECK BY _____ DATE __ _ SCALE Telephone (760) 207-1885 -Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 5.0 Lateral Design & Analysis (Two-Story) Wind: P = A Kzt I psJo (ASCE 7-16 -Equation 28 5-1) Seismic: V = C5 W DL (ASCE 7-16-Eqn 12.8-2) A.= Kzt= PS30 = 1.00 1.0 26.6 psf S5= 1.056 F. = 1.2 R = 6.50 s, = 0.382 F.= 0.0 I = 1.00 I = 1.0 (fl~ 23 5. ,. I) (fig 20.8) (fiH.2U-l/ (tab!< U-2) V = 0.093 * Wt * p (p -Redundancy) P = 16.0 psf Criteria Each Story Resists > 35% Base Shear: Wind Loads Any Shear Wall w/ (h/1)>1 .0 is < 33% Story Force: P = 16.0 psfx Trib Area Roof Level Direction: Direction: 2nd Floor Level Direction: Direction: Roof Weight Roof Wt. = Exterior Wall Wt = Interior Wall Wt = Ceiling Wt = Floor Weight Diaphragm = Exterior Wall Wt = Interior Wall Wt = I st Flr. Roof Wt. = N /S 16.0 psf X 528 sq. ft.= 8427 lbs. E /W = 16.0 psf X 659 sq. ft.= 10518 lbs. N /S = 16.0 psf X 604 sq. ft.= 9640 lbs. E /W = 16.0 psf X 556 sq. ft.= 8874 lbs. 11.0 psf x 2564 sq. ft.= 28204 lbs. 15.0 psf x 675 sq. ft.= 10125 lbs. 8.0 psf x 591 sq. ft.= 4728 lbs. 3.0 psf x 2230 sq. ft.= 6690 lbs. ------Total Trib. WR = 49747 lbs. 15.0 psf X 2230 sq. ft. = 33450 lbs. 15.0 psf X 1463 sq. ft. = 21945 lbs. 8.0 psf X 1153 sq. ft. = 9224 lbs. 14.0 psf X 545 sq. ft. = 7630 lbs. Total Trib. WR= 72249 lbs. Total Seismic Dead Load: Wt = 121996 lbs. ASD Base Shear: V = 0.093 * Wt = 11326 lbs. p= 1st Storv 2nd Story satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied 1 I 21-056 ~gu/f;,trU'Rl.n.ro.n 'efmi 2JUIJ" bJUteen'nJ JOB SHEETNO __ ,...,.( __ OF ___ _ PSC DA TE 2/20/21 CALCULATED BY CHECK BY SCALE ____ DATE __ _ 3529 Coastview Ct -Carlsbad, CA 92010 Telephone (760) 207-1885 -Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com Roof Diauhra&m: N /S Direction E /W Direction V = 8427 lbs. V = 10518 lbs. A= 2564 sq. ft A= 2564 sq. ft f =V/A= p 3.29 psf f = V/A = p 4.10 psf Floor Dianhra&,m: N I S Direction E /W Direction V= 9640 lbs. V= 8874 lbs. A= 2775 sq. ft A= 2775 sq. ft f =VIA= p 3.47 psf f = VIA= p 3.20 psf Seismic Lateral Distribution V= 11326 lbs. •p F V Level Wx hx Wx hx k w. (h. l (lbs) (ft) (lbs-ft) :I w-h k (lbs) (lbs) Roof 49747 18.5 920319.5 0.586 6637 6637 2nd Floor 72249 9 650241 0.414 4689 11326 1570560.5 1.000 J 1326 ~ ,u/r;",f"'n'.dm,""n ';1,n ~!f'o £:nfaeen'nJ 3529 Coastview Ct-Carlsbad, CA 92010 JOB 21-056 SHEET NO t(, OF ------CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 2/20/21 CHECK BY ____ DATE __ _ SCALE Telephone (760) 207-1885-Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 5.1 Lateral Design & Analvsis -2nd Story Shear Walls N I S E/W Gridline Length of Shearwalls Total Wall Ht. Type Gridline Length of Shearwalls Total Wall Ht. Type I I I 2.0 8 s A 4 4 8 8 A 2 6 7 12.0 8 s B 4 4 8.6 8 s 3 5 5.0 8 C C 6 9 14 8 A 4 23 23.0 8 s E 4 5 5 6 5 23 8 s 5 16 15.5 8 A 0 6 6 7 12.5 8 s 0 #D O! 0.0 t 0 # O! 0.0 0 #D /01 0.0 0 #D /0! 0.0 0 #DI /0! ?mJf:,f°'rln-ehJ'D:11 'efl:16 2X!l'o JOB 21-056 SHEET NO t..J OF £n_pneermJ CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 2/20/21 CHECK BY DATE 3529 Coastview Ct-Carlsbad, CA 92010 SCALE Telephone (760) 207-1885 -Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 5.1 Lateral Design & Analysis (cont.) Gridline G 4 % 8427 X 0.04 337 #) 337 lbs. fil V = 2 ft. 169 plf OTF 1348 lbs. '"1 )1c1li..f Gridlinc Q 9 % 8427 X 0.09 758 #) 758 lbs & V = 12 ft. 63 plf OTF 505.6 tbs. MST37 Gridline (42 27 % 8427 X 0.27 2275 #) 2275 lbs £ V = 5 ft. 455 plf; lklfF - OTF 3640 lbs. ,,1- t"""' MST60 Gridline Q 9 % 8427 X 0.09 758 #) 758 lbs. & V = 23 ft. 33 plf OTF 264 lbs. MST37 Gridline G 38 % 8427 X 0.38 3202 #) 3202 lbs. & V = 15.5 ft. 207 plf OTF 1653 lbs. MST37 --------·--·------- t?' ,u/f;,f'n',ne,n,o,n ';In, cZZ-,-o bJVIHeMJ 3529 Coastview Ct -Carlsbad, CA 92010 Telephone (760) 207-1885 -Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com JOB 21-056 SHEET NO ~ OF -----CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 2/20/21 CHECK BY _____ DATE ___ _ SCALE 5.1 Lateral Design & Analysis (cont.) Gridline G 13 % 8427 X 0.13 1095 #) 1095 lbs. ~ V = 12.5 ft. 88 plf OTF 701 lbs. MST37 ·-·----· ---------------- $5",u/'{;,t'n'.rR,.,,.,.,,.,, ';In, ~~o JOB 21-056 SHEET NO itz OF bfaeen'hJ CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 2/20/21 CHECK BY DATE ,;;.:.,l:,,,.,:;;.,A.:J.J 3529 Coastview Ct-Carlsbad, CA 92010 SCALE fMtt ~>:.; SA-K r>v,, Telephone (760) 207-1885-Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 5.1 Lateral Design & Analysis (cont.) Gridline Q:) 19 % ( 10518 X 0.19 = 1998 #) 1998 lbs. plf~ctv~n, & V = 8 ft. llO \1. OTF 1998 lbs. t~ MST37 Gridline 0 14 % ( 10518 X 0.14 = 1472 # ) 1472 lbs. plf .< (t-i3~ rf'lft' ~ V = 8.6 ft. 17 1 01F 1370 lbs. MST37 Gridline ~ 35 % ( 105 18 X 0.35 3681 #) 3681 lbs. ~ V = 14 ft. 263 plf OTF 2104 lbs. n,~, Gridline G 32 % ( 105 ]8 X 0.32 3366 #) 3366 lbs. & V = 23 fl.. 146 plf OTF = 1171 lbs. MST37 ' \ ~; t>-~ ,f ~ :v-:i?{] t?5°,uff;',tn'.rtll.1ttl'0.1t ';!,.,, .ix,~" bfaeermJ 3529 Coastview Ct -Carlsbad, CA 92010 JOB 21-056 SHEET NO '3 Q OF _______ _ CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 2/20/21 CHECK BY DATE -----SCALE ?A-J4l7.~=~;~"~• Telephone (760) 207-1885 -Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 5.2 Lateral Design & Analysis -1st Story Shear Walls N IS E /W Gridline Length of Shearwalls Total Wall Ht. Type Gridline Length of Shearwalls Total Wall Ht. Type I 8 8 9 s A 2 2 3 9 l3L SJDED 1.1 3 4 4 3 14 9 s A.8 I I 2 9 A 3 4 12 16 9 A B 3 3 6 9 B 4.2 3 4 4 3 14 9 A C 11 7 18 9 B 5,5.1 15 16 31 9 A D 11 11 9 A 6 6 4 6 15.5 9 s E 4 5 4 4 3 19.5 0 A 0 ; 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----------------------··------- ~ ,u/f;,trk&e.n,c.n -;J,,, 2ZeJo JOB 21-056 SHEET NO ":,1 OF EnfaeermJ CALCULATED BY C DATE 2/20/21 CHECK BY DATE 3529 Coastview Ct -Carlsbad, CA 92010 SCALE Telephone (760) 207-1885 -Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 5.2 Lateral Design & Analysis (cont.) Gridline Q) 4 % ( 9640 X 0.04 386 #) 386 lbs. + 337 fil V 8 ft. 90 plf U.)'4151.c) n.. ~ Gil C,o.11rrt) Gridline 6 % ( 9640 X 0.06 = 578 #) S78 lbs. + 758 plf ~ (!~~ ~ V = 14 ft. 95 I '1; p, OTF 859.l lbs. HDU2 Gridline G 20 % ( 9640 X 0.20 1928 #) 1928 lbs. + 2275 ~ V = 16 ft. 263 plf OTF 2364 lbs. ~()"i Gridline @ 27 % ( 9640 X 0.27 2603 #) 2603 lbs. + 758 ,~ ~ & V = 14 ft. 240 plf A-~l.V -\•l- OTF 2160 lbs. HDU2 Gridline ~ 31 % 9640 X 0.31 2988 #) 2988 lbs. + 3202 B V = 31 ft. 200 plf OTF 1797 lbs. 1/ HDU2 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. (800) 999-5099 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588. www.strongtie.com Job Name: McCarty WaU Name: Wall Line 1 Application: Standard Wall on Concrete Design Criteria: • 2018 International Bldg Code • Wind • 2500 psi concrete • ASD Design Shear= 723 lbs Selected Strong-Wall® Panel Solution: SIMPSON Strong'-Tie ·r-~~~-_:_~~--~-·-~:~e~~~-.:--~~-~~-~:-; ~~:e·_~J._~;i ~~~-·~-Q~~: ... L~£:~-l~-·-_··;~~-o·r··_·~~~:r·: -~l~~;~-1~-~l~g~l~,~~-Ji~~~,--· i WSW12x9 ! Wood j 12 : 105.25 ! 3.5 1 NIA I 2 -7/8" , 2500 : 3471 lb l --.. ~~~~ 2~? ! W_?_?_d _ "_ -~ ~ ; 1_Q5._25_~ . -· 3.5_ _J. _ •• ---~~--, •• _2_-_! /8~ _ i ---~~~~-··---~~-1 _I~._ Actual Shear & Drift Distribution: Model ! Relative l Shear Shear I Allow I Drift , Limit ·---·---____________ .... _____ .~!~itx_~_Q_b~l ____ Jibs) __ .. __ _j_ __ ~~e~~_; ___ (i_~L_ __ ~ ___ (in_l_ ... l. -· -.. -f ---RR-: Act~i, .. Allowable I Actual i ~--Actual I -Drift - 1 I • 1 t ·---·---··-·:~:~~::. -------~. -~:~~ __!_ __ ~:~·-·· ~--~~~~-~~---~-~:~~ ___ j __ ~:~~--! ____ ~::~ Notes: 1. Strong-Wall Wood Shearwalls have been evaluated to the 2018 IBC/IRC. See www.strongtie.com for additional design and installation information. 2. Anchor templates are recommended for proper anchor bolt placement, and are required in some jurisdictions. 3. The applied vertical load shall be a concentric point load or a uniformly distributed load not exceeding the allowable vertical load. Alternatively, the load may be applied anywhere along the width of the panel if imposed by a continuous bearing vertical load transfer element such as a rimboard or beam. For eccentric axial loads applied directly to the panel, the allowable vertical load shall be divided by two. 4. Panels may be trimmed to a minimum height of 74 1/2". Disclaimer: It Is the Designer's responsibility to verify product suitability under applicable building codes. In order to verify code listed applications please refer to the appropriate product code reports at www.strongtie.com or contact Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. at 1-800-999-5099. Page 1 of 3 ------·-·--------- SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. (800) 999-5099 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588. www.strongtie.com Job Name: McCarty Wall Name: Wall Line 1 Application: Standard Wall on Concrete Design Criteria: • Slab on grade -Slab edge • 2018 International Bldg Code *Wind • 2500 psi concrete Anchor Solution Details: Slab-on-Grade Installation Slab-on-Grade Section View SIMPSON Strong-Tie Perspective View Footing Plan Anchor Solution Assuming Cracked Concrete Design: Anchor Solution Assuming Uncracked Concrete Design: r · --· -·· ·--·-, ··-· -,-·---: ··----,-·--·------•· -·· . __ .. _ --·--1 r .... --__ .. _______ ...... ,·--·-... _ .. ····.-----·-··-·---T ---·---, l ~-: W i -"' : S : .. ~':_""' ! Sl<ooglh I 'I Model i W \ de '. S l Anchor Bolt : Strength \ I l I I I I 1---·-.... -.... _ --·' ........... _ .. __ -····--· --~ .. --.. -... , I I l I • I WSW12x9 ! 14 : 6 1 8.125 ! WSW-AB7/8 : Standard j l_ ·-·---·----·-•--.i. ---~.J _____ 1 ____ ... ··-·•~-_ --•••······-··-•-·· _ __ .1 1. wsw1_~~~---1 .• 1~ __ , __ s . _l,~·:2~_Lwsw~~~~!a .! __ sta.~~a~~J Notes: 1. Anchorage designs conform to ACI 318-14 and 318-11 Appendix D with no supplementary reinforcement for cracked and uncracked concrete as noted. 2. Anchorage strength indicates required grade of anchor bolt. Standard (ASTM F1554 grade 36) or High Strength (HS)(ASTM A449). 3. Wind includes Seismic Design Category A and Band detached 1 and 2 family dwellings in SOC C. 4. Foundation dimensions are for anchorage only. Foundation design (size and reinforcement) by others. The registered design professional may specify alternate embedment, footing size or anchor bolt. Page 2 of3 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. (800) 999-5099 SIMPSON 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588. www.strongtie.com Strong'-Tie l., MIN ., __ _ GAAi)£ 60RE8AA (MIN.) FIELD TIC MD SECVRE 0\/RINO COHCl>£TE "'-"COK•n. 0\/t!..,__.,. \IARllS WITH 80l T SPACING ·--N<CHOA 80L t HAIRPIN S11£,\R REINFORCEMENT ANCHOlt80LT .. HAIRPIN INSTALLATION ...-...~ ..... Ol'ttlflfOO .... T"!'N'l ......... 1 L •:i TIE, GRADE &O REBAA(MIN) F1RO TIE AA!> SECVl<t Oc>RING CONCRETE PlACEMEHT. Al<C:>10~ 80L T TIE SHEAR REINFORCEMENT SECTION A•A Rl!G>ST£RE.0 0£StGN PIIOf£SSIONAL IS PEIIIMTTED TO MODIN DET-'ILS FOR Sf"e.CIFIC CONOITIONS • &t110MG-WAU • WOOD S.._AJtWALl St4£AII ANCHQltAGE SEtSMIC' WIND' -..---------· ----~-----· .... MlNIMVM MINIMVM OIi ASO AI.I.OWAlll.E Sl'EAR LOAD. \I (11,J' MOOEI. l,. -CVRIII SMEAA c~ , ... , REINfOftClcMENT STEMW/11.L R~iNl'OltCEMENT STEMWAI.L W!DTH(ln.) WIOTHt ... 1 UHCAACl<laD l CIIACKED WSW12 •OY. 111 #3 HAlt\P1N a• SEE NOTEI • 1,0,S I 740 W$W18 1$ t1) "3 HAJRPIN t" (11 "3 HAlf<PIN • H41RPIN REINFORCEMENT ACHIEVES a' MAXIMUM ALLOW"8l.E SHEAR LOAO Of WSW24 II 12) #1 HA/IIPINS t1 J "3 HAIAPIN • TH!aWSW NOTES: 1 SWEAR ANCHORAGEC>eSKlHSCONFORMTOACI l 11•1\ N..oAQ 31a.1• ANOASSIJME MIHl'-4UM 2.500 PSlo::>NCf:t£11: 2. SHEAR REINl'ORCEMENT IS NOT REQUIRED FOIi iNTERiOR FOVNOI\TION APl'I.ICATIONS (PANEL INSTl\ll.EDAWAY FROM EDGE OF CONCRETE).. 00 BAAC£0 WI\U. IPANEt. APPltCATfONS. 3 SEISMtC ltC>ICATES SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGl'JRY C 1HR:0UGH F. 0£TACHED 1 ~D 2 rAMILY O'NELLINGS IN SOC C MAY USE WINO ANCHORAGE 80<.UTIONS. 4. W$trf0 iNcl..~ SE.ISMtC DCStGH C-'TEGORY A ANO 9 AND DETACHED 1 AHO 2 FAMILY DWELUNGS 1H SOC C. S. WHER.e NOTED. MINIMUM CUR8/STEM'NAU. ~nOTH IS 6 INCH~S WHEN STANDARD STRENGTH ANCIIOR OOl TIS USED. 6. VSE (1) #3 'HE FOR WSW,21MEH PANEL OESJGN SHEAR FORCE: E.XClilO.$ TA8VLATED ANCHORAGE M.L.OW"8t.-E SHE.AR t.OAO 1. ~ G~ •o ~N RElHFOACEMENT MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR WSW StEAR ANCHORAO! SOUJTtONS. STRONG-WALL® WSW SHEAR ANCHORAGE SCHEDULE AND DETAILS Page 3 of 3 ~,u/f;,tdde.nJ'Oh dllll 2k~o bfaeermJ 3529 Coastview Ct-Carlsbad, CA 92010 Telephone (760) 207-1885-Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 5.2 Lateral Design & Analysis (cont.) Gridline G) 12 % 9640 X 0.12 = 1157 # ) 1157 lbs. + 1095 ,. ~ V = 15.5 ft. 145 plf A (i.., ~ \(t, f F' OTF 1307 lbs. JOB 21-056 SHEET NO :3(:: OF CALCULATED BY PSC DAT-E-.,,.-,2/,.,...20,...,./2""'1,- CHECK BY DATE ---SCALE ~ \41>~ XfP ? ,u/f;,tn.J'&ehJVUI ';1n, ~,.D JOB 21-056 SHEET NO l.{1 OF bJineermJ CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 2/20/21 . [&~-~ CHECK BY DATE 3529 Coastview Ct -Carlsbad, CA 92010 SCALE f'Mtlt:;f!~~~~~, Telephone (760) 207-1885 -Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 5.2 Lateral Design & Analysis ( cont.) Gridline ~ 12 % ( 8874 X 0.12 1065 #) 1065 lbs. + 1998 ffi V = 3 ft. 1021 plf l2.) wSU (&-t ~ ~ ~-1'1\ Gridline 5 % ( 8874 X 0.05 444 #) 444 lbs. + 0 & V = 2 ft. 222 plf t'2.) "'5Wl~1 tf,:, 'i O•'il\ Gridline G 8 % ( 8874 X 0 .08 = 710 #) 710 lbs. + 1472 ~~ g V = 6 ft. 364 plf ,< ~ ... ,~ ,-'( S'S" -\,'L OTF 3273 lbs. 1-wt .. HDU4 Gridline G 20 % ( 8874 X 0.20 1775 #) 1775 lbs. + 3681 & V = 18 ft. 303 plf ~ 2fSPF ---"t OTF = 2728 lbs. 1,'\M 'µOJ! Gridline ~ 28 % ( 8874 X 0.28 2485 #) 2485 lbs. + 0 ~ V = II ft. 226 plf OTF 2033 lbs. HDU2 ------------"··· -... SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. (800) 999-5099 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588. www.strongtle.com Job Name: McCarty WalJ Name: Wall Line A Application: Garage Front Design Criteria: * 2018 International Bldg Code *Wind * 2500 psi concrete * ASD Design Shear = 3063 lbs • Shearwall Height = 81 with header on top of Strong-Wall Selected Strong-Wall® Panel Solution: I SIMPSON Strong-Tie 1 ·· ·---·-· --· -·· ·-----· --------··-··--· ---· ___ i ________ i ------···-; ------· ·-i ----··----End ·-r· Total Axial • Actual I Model ' Type i "!" '. H : T l Sill Anchor Load , Uplift '[ ___ ------~s~~~;~---------l"~::~-i---(!:·-i -~t;~·--'---~:--+-___ A:~:o!_ ---i·-··2~~;::~·--:--··--!;:~ ·l ~:::>;~ WSW18x8 I Wood ! 18 : 93.25 '. 3.5 : N/A : 2 -7/8" , 2500 1 8995 lb ·--... -·--· --·--······-·-·-----···---·----'--·---····L.·--____ ; ... ---...... · ----·· --····-·· ··-·----·--·-.. --······-----·-------·'--... ---- Actual Shear & Drift Distribution: '1 -----·--·-··-·-Model -------·-·:I, -RRelRglalRdtilvt.ye T -~(~lb~s:)~ --· --All~(l~besa)~:e -· TAi~~~T~--A5~ji -~-----s~r ·1 ! Shear ' (in) : (in) r-·· -------~s~;8~~---.. --·1 ~:;~--r ;5~2---~-. ;;;;~I(·: ~-~~ -1 -~_;6·· ;··-~.60. L_ _________ "'Y_~W1~~~. ___ -·--··'. ___ ~.50 ___ , ___ 1_~~---~--!~_7} --~~-. ! _ 0.64 __ 1 ___ 0.26 __ ; _0.60 _ Notes: 1. Strong-Wall Wood Shearwalls have been evaluated to the 2018 IBC/IRC. See www.strongtie.com for additional design and installation information. 2. Anchor templates are recommended for proper anchor bolt placement, and are required in some jurisdictions. 3. Check that wall height "H" plus curb height (above slab) will attain overall rough header opening height (top of driveway slab to bottom of header). 4. The applied venical load shall be a concentric point load or a uniformly distributed load not exceeding the allowable vertical load. Alternatively, the load may be applied anywhere along the width of the panel if imposed by a continuous bearing vertical load transfer element such as a rimboard or beam. For eccentric axial loads applied directly to the panel, the allowable vertical load shall be divided by two. 5. Panels may be trimmed to a minimum height of 74 1/2". 6. 2 ply headers may be used with Strong-Wall Wood Shearwalls. Minimum 9 1/4 inch deep nominal header is required with header design by others. Disclaimer: It is the Designer's responsibility to verify product suitability under applicable building codes. In order to verify code listed applications please refer to the appropriate product code reports at www.strongtie.com or contact Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. at 1-800-999-5099. Page 1 of 3 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. (800) 999-5099 SIMPSON 5956 W. Las Posltas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588. www.strongtie.com Strong-Tie Job Name: McCarty Wall Name: Wall Line A Application: Garage Front Design Criteria: • Slab on grade -Garage curb • 2018 International Bldg Code *Wind * 2500 psi concrete Anchor Solution Details: Curb Installation WSW-AB ·: ~ -----·-····-2 y,..,_·-----.J:J..z..../·-Shear reinforcement f per detail when required .. 6" Minimum curb/stemwaH H I I I r-----, I I I I I I I _______ , -------, -··--,~. -·; t----• I de l Y,W L r 5' min. for I · , WSW-/SB 1~ ;+-½W--½W·-►i 6' min. for }4--·----W ---·---+! WSW-A81 ' Curb Section View .. 41• • /. ·-:· 4 • .,. . . . . .. Perspective View (Slab not shown for clarity/ I I ----'-· I . I I i I 1 1 . i L------4------,-------' i••H~W--·► I. ½W -I I I ' .., Footing Plan i I-w ; i Y.,W I I ! -··---'·-·l Anchor Solution Assuming Cracked Concrete Design: Anchor Solution Assuming Uncracked Concrete Design: r -··· ---· -----·. -··· . -------, ·-·-··· !" --·-·---··; --·-·----1 r----·-·--···-··-, ----··-••-.·--·-·-·:•-··-·-···--··~·-·-··--•·1 II Model ; W , de : S : Anchor Bolt '. Strength \ I Model , W '. de ', S 1 Anchor Bolt 1 Strength l I ? ) ! l I 1----···-·--· --···--· -------~ ---···-r···--•4 --•-· --·-•-.-.--·--t-·--·~-·-··-·-1 1--·· . ·•--. •·. ~-·1 --·-·-r ···-----·..,__-·-··· --~-·· ·--·-.. ·•·· ··-·. --··-1 '--~~~~~:~J __ ~7-· ~--__ ~-_ ~--1~ _'. ~-~VJ-~~~~~ l_s~~~-d~r_d _ __l I .. WSW18x~--_i _ ~~_j_ ~ .. 14 ;_ ~-S·VJ~A~~~ _ [_ ~-~an~-~~~ _J Notes: 1. Anchorage designs conform to ACI 318-14 and 318-11 Appendix D with no supplementary reinforcement for cracked and uncracked concrete as noted. 2. Anchorage strength indicates required grade of anchor bolt. Standard (ASTM F1554 grade 36) or High Strength (HS)(ASTM A449). 3. Wind includes Seismic Design Category A and B and detached 1 and 2 family dwellings in SDC C. 4. Foundation dimensions are for anchorage only. Foundation design (size and reinforcement) by others. The registered design professional may specify alternate embedment, footing size or anchor bolt. Page 2 of 3 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. (800) 999-5099 SIMPSON 5956 W. Las Posltas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94566. www .strongtie.com Strong-Tie l., MIN ~ HAIRPIN. GAAllC &O REGAR (MIN I FIELD TIE ANO $f.Cl>RE OVltJ'<O CONCRETE PI.ACUIENT. OVO>JJo/' VAP;IE.$ WITH BOl. T SPJ.CING. ANCHOR BOLT HAIRPIN SHEAR REINFORCEMENT ANCHOR 80l. T ~ ... HAIRPIN INSTALLATION l.,._...cuiite...,...._o~,ooT ... t'ffta--.M., UTte.GftAOEISO REBAR (MIN,J FIFLO TIE /U'iO 81:Cl/flE OUR~ CONCRETE PLACEMDIT. ANCHOltBOLT TIE SHEAR REINFORCEMENT r ANC'<OR SOLT "3 HAIRPIN illl TIE SlMll.AR I. SEE T ABI.E FOR REOUIAED QUANTl"IY. SECTION A-A R£Gl$TER£0 01!.SKiN PROf'E:SStONAL IS PERMITTED TO~ DETAILS fOA SP£CIFlC COHOfTIONS. s~wALL•WOOO-RWALL IKEMI AHCHOAAGE SEISM•c> WINO' "' MINIMUM MINIMUM OR ASD ~LOWABLE SI-EAR LOIIO. V (H,.J' MODI:.\. C\IR8I L. $HEAR CURii SHE,\R 1 .. , REIHf'OH.CE:MENT STEl,IWAU. AEINFOACE ... ENT STEMW~l WIOTH(in.J WIOTH(rn.) UHCRACKED I CRACKt'O WSW12 U)/1 (1) #3 KAIOIPtt< 8' SEE NOTE 8 6 t.035 I 1◄0 wsw,e 15 (t) OJ HAIRPIN e' C'i"3HAIAPIN 6 HAIRPIN REINFOIICEMENT ACHIEVE& "'-'lOMUM AUOWAIII.E Sl<EAR LOAO OF WSW2A 19 (2) 113 HAIRPINS a' (fl "3 HIJRPIN e THE WSW NOT£S· 1. SHEAR~HORAO(OESIGNSGONfORM TOAC1316-'\1 ANDACI ,, .. ,. ANO A$SVME MtH..._,MZ.600 PSICOHCRE.T£. 2 SllfAR REINFORCEMENT IS NOT REOUIAED FOR INTEIIIOR FOUNDATION APPUCATIONS (PANEl ,..STALLEOAWAV FROM EDGE OF CONCRET£), OR IIAACfD WALL PNl!!L 111'1'1.ICl'ITIOHS. l . SEISMIC INDICil.TES $ElStoltC OES!G" CAT£GORV C 1HROUGH f . OETACHEO 1 ANO HAMIL'r OWEI.LINGS IN SOC C MAY USE WINO ANCHORAGE SOt.UltcJNS. ~. WtNOINCLVOES $£\$NIC0£S'GlllCATEQORY ,,,,_ANO IANO 01.T~CHEO 1 '-HtJ 2fAMll.Y O"Na.l.lNGS INSOC C, $. WHERE NOTED, MINIMUU CVRMT£M'NAU WICTH IS 6 INCHES WHEN STANDARD STRENGTl< ANCHOR 801.T IS USED. 6 USE (1) IQ TIE FOR WSW11Wlit:N PANfil OliSIGN S-FORCE EXCEEDS T"8UV.T£0 ANCHORAGE AU.OW"81.£ SHEAR LOAD 1. °"GRADE"° 9HEAA RE-OACEMENT MAY IN! SV8STITU11!0 F<>R WSW SHEAR ANCHORAGE SOt.UTIONS. STRONG-WALL® WSW SHEAR ANCHORAGE SCHEDULE AND DETAILS Page 3 of 3 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. (800) 999-5099 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588. www.strongtie.com Job Name: McCarty WaJJ Name: Wall Line AB Application: Standard Wall on Concrete Design Criteria: • 2018 International Bldg Code *Wind • 2500 psi concrete • ASD Design Shear = 444 lbs Selected Strong-Wall® Panel Solution: SIMPSON Strong-Tie -l · · · · , 1 ! ; , , Eric( -~-·rciia, Aic1a1T-"eiiiar-1 ----·-· __ --·-···-·Model ··----_____ ·--~--Type _ : J~) __ i_ !]~) ... ; . _}n) .... i --· _ An~~or ___ -· ! ___ A~~~~r __ ;_ .... :fi~~) __ : _ ~g~j __ 1! ! ' ' ' I I I WSW12x9 i Wood : 12 : 105.25 : 3.5 N/A 2 -7/8" 1200 ; 2299 lb L .. ·------~~~:~x9 _________ J ~~oj __ ~_ !3 ... [.1_q5:3~_'. -~--~--'----~'.A_. __ , __ -~:-7!.~" L ____ 1_200 .... '.. 22991b __ ! Actual Shear & Drift Distribution: I -------· --.... .. ·-·---· -·-., .... RR.. r Actual·--· Allowabie··--i Actual).,·· Actual I Drift I Model . Relative ! Shear Shear · Allow , Drift , Limit : t, --------ws;~;~;·----------t-~~~t -\--;;}--~---~~t-;~--:-_so~:~r--~ -t~;-·-r-~~~--·! WSW12x9 i 0.50 ! 222 :S 1020 OK : 0.22 . 0.13 . 0.60 J I --------------·---·-·--·· ---··-· --·-·---·-··•--·-.. ----·----···--··----.. --·-·-· ---·"· ·-............ , __ ----·-..... --·-····--· Notes: 1. Strong-Wall Wood Shearwalls have been evaluated to the 2018 IBC/IRC. See www.strongtie.com for additional design and installation information. 2. Anchor templates are recommended for proper anchor bolt placement, and are required in some jurisdictions. 3. The applied vertical load shall be a concentric point load or a uniformly distributed load not exceeding the allowable vertical load. Alternatively, the load may be applied anywhere along the width of the panel if imposed by a continuous bearing vertical load transfer element such as a rimboard or beam. For eccentric axial loads applied directly to the panel, the allowable vertical load shall be divided by two. 4. Panels may be trimmed to a minimum height of74 1/2". Disclaimer: It is the Designer's responsibility to verify product suitability under applicable building codes. In order to verify code listed applications please refer to the appropriate product code reports at www.stronglie.com or contact Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. at 1-800-999-5099, Page 1 of 3 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. (800) 999-5099 SIMPSON 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588. www.strongtie.com Strong'-Tie Job Name: McCarty Wall Name: Wall Line A.8 Application: Standard Wall on Concrete Design Criteria: • Slab on grade -Slab edge • 2018 International Bldg Code *Wind • 2500 psi concrete Anchor Solution Details: Slab-on-Grade Installation WSW-AB -1 ... Shear reinforcement 2\.-·--·······-·-_ ~~~,:1' wren +"-·· --•·• ··-A-,C--,-------l H i- de t __ ,--j, ' _ i c;~ o; ·, · ; s· min. for ' WSW-AB¼'-(4-½W -··-··½W -~ 6" min. for :.---..•. w -------./ WSW-AB1 Slab-on-Grade Section View . , . Perspective View Footing Plan Anchor Solution Assuming Cracked Concrete Design: Anchor Solution Assuming Uncracked Concrete Design: f" -·-·--· -_____ T ____ :_ --·-;··----;"-------·-----.-·--·· -... -·~ 1 i -· . -·----··-··-· ------·• ----r-----.--·---·-----~ ---------l I Model \ W , de ' S ! Anchor Bolt : Strength \ \ Model , W ', de ·, S \ Anchor Bolt 1 1 Strength I I I I I ' I ' . : . :·-··--·· · ·•---~--· ·---!.---·-·-···~----, ----· --,---·-·· -~! r-·-··· ----·· ·--~·-···· -~ ··-···· ~ -~ ~ --· ·· -•---•--·J. ~-·-------t 1 1 WSW12x9 ; 14 ! 6 : 8.125 ·,· WSW-AB7/8 i Standard j ! WSW12x9 1 12 ' 6 i 8.125 i WSW-AB7/8 : Standard I ' . I i ' ; : I L--• --·--•-•-~· ___ )•-••-•-• .1. •• •••---• ----•• ·--•--•-. -----•· -•• -•-----•· ·-•-••.• --•·••• •••••--••·-~·-... ,,_ .. , -•••-••I .. --• -..• -•---•--••-•-_____ ! Notes: 1. Anchorage designs conform to ACI 318-14 and 318-11 Appendix D with no supplementary reinforcement for cracked and uncracked concrete as noted. 2. Anchorage strength indicates required grade of anchor bolt. Standard (ASTM F1554 grade 36) or High Strength (HS)(ASTM A449). 3. Wind includes Seismic Design Category A and B and detached 1 and 2 family dwellings in SOC C. 4 . Foundation dimensions are for anchorage only. Foundation design (size and reinforcement) by others. The registered design professional may specify alternate embedment, footing size or anchor bolt. Page 2 of3 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. (800) 999-5099 SIMPSON 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588. www.slrongtle.com Strong-Tie L,. MW #lHAIRPiN, GAAi)£ 60 REBAA (MIN.) t. *l TIE, CAADE 60 REBAR (MfN.J FIEI.D TIE !,NO SECURE DURING CO>ICIICTt: PV,C-NT OVf!IIUS' V/OOES WITH 801. T SPACIN(). FIEW Tl£ AN!> SECtJRE DIJRlf-l<3 CONCRETE PlACEM£NT. --ANCHOR OOI. T ANCHOR BOI.T HAIRPIN SHEAR REINFORCEMENT TIE SHEAR REINFORCEMENT Ao'ICHOR BOl T ANCHOR BOLT ReGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL JS PERUITTEO TO M00»FY OETAJLS roR SPl;Cff'IC CONOITIONS. ~ .. HAIRPIN IN.STALLATION SECTIONA,A IQ,lillflll, .. OllftatHOlll'li.OflltllPOOrtMlnNI ....... } -· t mONG-WAU. • WOOO SHEARWALL SHU.1111 -.NCHORAGE SEISMK:., WINO' -------- l, MIHIMUM MlNIMUh' OR /ISO ALLOWABLE $MW! LOAD. V (lo.)' MODEL CUM' CURS/ .... $HEAR SHEAR (N"I) ME-ORCEMENT STEMWALL REIHl'ORCEMENT STEMW,\l.L WlDTH(w,.) WJOTHlln,1 UIICRACJ(EO I CRACt<ED WSW12 1oY., ( t) 4'l HA.tRPJN t' SEE NOTE 6 • ,.on l 74() W$Wt8 15 i 1J H HAIRPJN t' (1)"3 ......,PIN ' ~IRPIN AEINFORCcMENT ACHIEVES MA)IIMUl,I Au.ow-.e SHEAR LOAD Of WSW24 19 121 .t3 HAIRPll<S ti' (1)., .....,,,,.. • THE WSW NOTU : ,. $HEAA ,tV,iCMORA<-£ OESK;N& CONf:O~ TOACI 3,a-111'NOACI s1a.1,ANDA.8SUME M1MIMVM2.500PSlC.0NCR£Tt::. 2, SHEAR RflNfORCEMENT IS HOT REQUIRED FOR INTERIOR F()WOATION APl'I.ICATlONS (PANEL O<STAI.LEDAWAY FROM EOOE Of CONCJ<ETE~ OR BRACED WN.J.. ~-N'PUCATIONS. 3. SEISM'C: INDICATES SEISMIC OE&GNCAT£GORYClHRO\JG>t f. DEl-.cHEO 1 -'N02fAM"-YOWEUINGSIN SOCC MAY USE W~ ANCHORAGl! SOI.UnONS 4, wtNO JHCl.00€$ SEISMfC DESIGN C"TEGORY A ANO 8 AND DETACHED 1 ANO 2 FAMILY OWEL.LINGS IN SOC C. 5. WHERE NCTEO, MlNlll1UM CURBISTEM'NAl.l. WIOTM IS• tHCH£S WHEN STANOARO STRENGTH ANCIIOR 80LTIS USED. & USE (ti 13 TIE FOR WSW12 ""'4EN P,t,NEL 0681<.H SHEAR FORCE £XC£EOS TAIIUt.ATED ANCHORAGE AU.OW"81.E SMEAR LOAD 7. ,.. GRADE •o SHEAR -ORCE""'NT MAV BE SU8STITUTED FOR WSW SHEAR ANCHOAAOE. S01.VTIONS, STRONG-WALL® WSW SHEAR ANCHORAGE SCHEDULE AND DETAILS Page 3 of 3 fP au/T;Gruten6'0n ~an :Die.,o bfaeerutJ 3529 Coastview Ct-Carlsbad, CA 92010 Telephone (760) 207-1885-Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 5.2 Lateral Desien & Analysis (cont.) Gridline 0 22 % 8874 X 0.22 1952 #) 1952 lbs. + 3366 plf c~):: J~\1f V = 19.5 ft. 273 ,.~ OTF '360\ . lbs. JOB 21 -056 SHEETNO \.(~ OF ___ _ CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 2/20/21 CHECK BY SCALE ____ DATE __ _ ffi t,i<W'i . . ,..>J;'i t,;.:c,;_ !'Awl e,.1i.,;.,utt.1ht-S.H ~ Ztt,iH-Uri"' ~gu/f:",f"rz'.den.ron &tm zj,'t/f" :&peemtJ 3529 Coastview Ct -Carlsbad, CA 92010 Telephone (760) 207-1885 -Email: paul.pcsd@gmail.com 6.0 FOUNDATION DESIGN 6. I CONTINUOUS FOOTING w = I 125 plf width = ~ plf 1500 psf 0.75 ft (MIN.) => 9 INCHES (MIN.) ( E) 15 "WIDE CONTIN. FTG WI I -# 4 TOP AND BOTTOM & EMBED. 18 "INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL (MIN.) 6.2 MAX POINT LOAD ON FOOTING JOB 21-056 ~ERNO -~1u1~_0F ___ _ PSC DATE 2/20121 CALCULATED BY CHECK BY SCALE _____ DATE __ _ ASBP = 1500 psf pall = 1500 * ~ * ~ 12 12 P a1, = 7500 lbs 6.3 PAD DESJGN PAD SIZE LOAD Pl 20 "SQUAREx 18 "THK p = max 1500 • 2 2 WI 3 -# 4 EACH WAY Pmax = 4167 lbs P2 24 "SQUAREx 12 "THK Pmax = 1500 * 22 WI 3 -# 4 EACH WAY Pmax = 6000 lbs P3 30 "SQUAREx 12 "THK Pmax = 1500 * 3 2 WI 4 -# 4 EACH WAY Pmax = 9375 lbs P4 34 "SQUAREx 18 "THK p = max 1500 * 3 2 WI 5 -# 4 EACH WAY P max = 12042 lbs .. 8 AGS ADVAI\CED <?EOTEO-INI CAL SCl.UTl a.JS, I t\C. 485 Corporate Drive, Suite B Escondido, California 92029 Telephone: (619) 867-0487 Fax: (714) 409-3287 Todd and Carolyn McCarty 1145 Chinquapin Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 Report No. 2104-11 -B-2 Subject: Limited Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Residential Remodel and Addition, 1145 Chinquapin Avenue, Carlsbad, California Gentlepersons, Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc., (AGS) has prepared this report presenting the results of a limited geotechnical investigation completed for the remodel and addition of the existing single family residence located at 1145 Chinquapin Avenue, in the City of Carlsbad, California. 1.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES This study is aimed at evaluating the site for support of the proposed remodel and addition. The scope of our study included the following tasks: 2.0 ► Review pertinent published and unpublished geologic and geotechnical literature, maps, and aerial photographs. ► Conduct subsurface exploration consisting of the excavation and logging of 2 hand auger borings to depths of up to 4 feet. The locations of the borings are shown on Figure I and the boring logs are included in Section 3.0, below. ► Evaluate the condition of the existing residence and front yard within the footprint of the proposed addition. ► Prepare this report presenting our findings, conclusions and construction recommendations for the proposed remodel and addition. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The existing residence at 1145 Chinquapin Avenue is a one-to two-story wood framed structure supported on shallow footings and slab-on-grade foundation constructed in 1979. The site is bordered by Chinquapin A venue to the north and by existing single family residences to the south, east and west. The proposed remodel and addition will include demolition of the existing garage and front portion of the residence and construction of new perimeter footings and grade beams with concrete slab-on-grade for a new garage and covered front patio area. The project includes a 392 sq. ft. main floor addition, a 755 sq. ft. second floor addition, substantial remodel of both floors and construction of a new two-car garage 12 feet to the west of the current location. A new 3 ft high retaining wall will be constructed in the landscape area to the west of the residence. The property is level with an ascending slope on the northern and eastern boundary and a descending slope to the west. Based on our site visit, the existing landscape area and flatwork within the footprint of the proposed addition appear to be performing adequately. A large tree, which will be removed, is located within the footprint of the proposed front patio addition. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. oe:,~aoa , . o'I Sd > 1---0 May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 3.0 Page 2 Report No. 2104-1 l-B-2 FIELD AND LABO RA TORY INVESTIGATION AGS conducted a limited subsurface exploration at the subject site on May 6, 2021, to evaluate the onsite soil conditions. Two hand-auger borings (HA-I and HA-2) were manually advanced with a 4-inch diameter auger in the landscape areas west of the garage and north of the residence, respectively. The approximate locations of the exploratory borings are shown on Figure 1. FIGURE 1-BORING LOCATION MAP ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 Page 3 Report No. 2104-11-B-2 The borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 4 feet below ground surface. The boring logs are presented in Table 3.0. TABLE 3.0 -LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Boring Depth uses Fines Description No. (feet) Content HA-1 O' -I' SC/SM Topsoil/Artificial Fill Silty to clayey SAND, dark reddish brown, damp, loose to medium dense, fine-to medium-grained, some roots up to 2" diameter, organic. I' -3' SM 20% Old Paralic Deposits (Map Sl:mbol Qop2-4} Silty SAND, reddish brown, damp to moist, dense, fine-to medium-grained, trace gravel, few roots to 2' depth. TERMINATION DEPTH 3 ft. NO WATER, NO CA YING HA-2 O' -0.75' SM Old Paralic Deposits (Map Sl:mbol Qop2-4} Silty SAND, reddish brown, moist, dense, fine-to medium- grained, trace gravel, abundant fine roots. 0.75' -3' 20% @ 0.75 ft. same, trace roots. 3' -3.5' @ 3 ft. same, lighter reddish brown, less silt. 3.5' -4' CL @ 3.5 ft. Sandy CLAY, reddish brown, moist to wet, dense, sand is fine-grained. TERMINATION DEPTH 4 ft. NO WATER, NO CAVING Bulk soil samples were obtained for laboratory testing at selected depths or where lithologic changes were encountered in the excavations. Samples were tested for particle size analysis, expansion potential, maximum dry density and optimum moisture content, remolded direct shear and chemical/resistivity analyses. Results of the associated laboratory testing are presented in Appendix B. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 Page4 Report No. 2104-11-B-2 4.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Based on the Geologic Map of the 30' x 60' Oceanside Quadrangle (Kennedy et. al. 2007), the site is underlain by Old Paralic Deposits, Units 2-4 (map symbol Qop2-4). An excerpt of the geologic map for the site vicinity is presented in Figure 2. FIGURE 2 -GEOLOGIC MAP A shallow layer of topsoil/artificial fill overlying Old Paralic deposit materials was encountered in boring HA-1 . The following is a brief description of each geologic unit, listed from youngest to oldest. 4.1. 4.2. Topsoil/ Artificial Fill Topsoil/artificial fill was encountered in boring HA-1 extending to I ft. depth. These materials consisted of dark reddish brown silty to clayey sand. These materials contained some roots and were in a moist and loose to medium dense condition. Old Paralic Deposits (Map Symbol Oop2-4) Old Paralic deposits were encountered below artificial fill and on the surface at boring HA-2. The Old Paralic deposits consist of reddish brown silty sand, which is fine-grained, moist and dense, Trace gravel and abundant fine roots were observed in the upper 9 inches. A sandy clay layer was encountered in boring HA-2 at 3.5 ft. depth. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 Page 5 Report No. 2104-11-B-2 5.0 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Presented herein is a general discussion of the geotechnical properties of the various soil types encountered. 5.1. Excavation Characteristics It is anticipated that excavations within topsoil/artificial fill and Old Paralic deposits can be accomplished with conventional grading equipment (D-6 or equivalent). 5.2. Compressibility 5.3. Onsite materials that are significantly compressible in their current condition include topsoil/artificial fill and the upper weathered portion of Old Paralic deposits. These materials will require complete removal prior to placement of fill or where exposed at design grade. Collapse Potential/Hydro-Consolidation After the recommended removals are completed, the potential for hydro-consolidation is considered remote at the subject site. 5.4. Expansion Potential 6.0 Expansive soils are characterized by their ability to undergo significant volume changes (shrink or swell) due to variations in moisture content. Changes in soil moisture content can result from precipitation, landscape irrigation, utility leakage, roof drainage, perched groundwater, drought, or other factors and may result in unacceptable settlement or heave of structures or concrete slabs supported on grade. Based on our observations, the upper portion of Old Paralic deposits will have "Very Low" expansion potential. However, excavations extending into the clay layer encountered at 3.5 ft. depth will expose materials with "Low" to "Medium" expansion potential. Additional recommendations may be provided if "Highly Expansive" soils are encountered during grading. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The site is suitable for support of the proposed addition. It is recommended that new footings bear directly on compacted artificial fill and be connected to existing footings with grade beams. The existing improvements and concrete flatwork appear to be performing adequately. 6.1. Site Preparation and Removals/Overexcavation 6.1.l. Site Preparation Abandoned concrete foundations, vegetation, roots, debris, and other deleterious materials should be removed and wasted from the site prior to commencing removal of unsuitable soils and placement of compacted fill materials. Utility lines should be removed and/or abandoned in accordance with local regulations. 6.1.2. Unsuitable Soil Removals In areas to receive settlement sensitive improvements or structures, artificial fi ll and the upper weathered portion of Old Paralic deposits should be removed. It is anticipated that ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 Page 6 Report No. 2104-11-B-2 the upper 3 feet of onsite soils will require removal and recompaction. Localized areas may require deeper removals. Where possible the removals should extend a lateral distance of at least 5 feet beyond the limits of settlement sensitive improvements or structures. Removal bottoms should expose Old Paralic deposit materials in a firm and unyielding condition. The resulting removal bottoms should be observed by a representative of AGS to verify that adequate removal of unsuitable materials bas been conducted prior to fill placement. In general, soils removed during remedial grading will be suitable for reuse in compacted fills, provided they are properly moisture conditioned and do not have deleterious content including organic materials. Grading shall be accomplished under the observation and testing of the project soils engineer and engineering geologist or their authorized representative in accordance with the recommendations contained herein. 6.2. Earthwork Recommendations and Compaction 6.3. 6.4. Mixing and moisture control of materials will be necessary. All fills should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D 1557. Fill should be placed in thin (6 to 8-inch) lifts, moisture conditioned to 110 percent of optimum moisture, and compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density (ASTM D1 557) until the desired grade is achieved. Footing Excavations New footing excavations should extend into compacted artificial fill. Footings should be cleaned of spoils and kept moist until concrete is placed. Utility Trench Excavation and Backfill All utility trenches should be shored or laid back in accordance with applicable OSHA standards. Utility trench backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D 1557. Compaction should be accomplished by mechanical means. Jetting of native soils will not be acceptable. 6.5. Flatwork Subgrade Preparation The upper one foot of subgrade below exterior slabs, sidewalks, driveways, patios, etc. should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557. The subgrade below exterior slabs, sidewalks, driveways, patios, etc. should be moisture conditioned to a minimum of 110 percent of optimum moisture content prior to concrete placement. 6.6. Preliminary Foundation Design Recommendations Foundations for the proposed addition may be designed using the values provided below. These values may be increased as allowed by Code to resist transient loads such as wind or seismic. Building code and structural design considerations may govern depth and reinforcement requirements and should be evaluated. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 TABLE6.6 Page 7 Report No. 2104-11-B-2 FOUNDATION DESIGN PARAMETERS . I-Story: 12 inches in width and 12 inches in depth . Minimum Footing Dimensions 1•2 . 2-Story: 15 inches in width and 18 inches in depth . . 2,000 pounds per square foot (pst) Allowable Bearing Capacity . Allowable bearing values may be increased by one-third for transient live loads from wind or seismic forces. . Total settlement: I inch Estimated Static Settlement . Differential settlement: 0.5 inch over 40 feet. Coefficient of Friction below Footings 0.30 Lateral Bearing (Level Condition) 250 psf/foot of depth to a maximum of 2,000 psf Notes: I. Depth of footing embedment should be measured below lowest adjacent finish grade. 2. For resisting lateral forces on footings, lateral bearing and sliding coefficient may be combined with a maximum sliding resistance limited to ½ of dead load. 6.7. Moisture and Vapor Barrier A moisture and vapor retarding system should be placed below the slab-on-grade in portions of the structure considered to be moisture sensitive. The retarder should be of suitable composition, thickness, strength and low permeance to effectively prevent the migration of water and reduce the transmission of water vapor to acceptable levels. Historically, a 10-rnil plastic membrane, such as Visqueen, placed between one to four inches of clean sand, has been used for this purpose. More recently Stego® Wrap or similar underlayments have been used to lower permeance to effectively prevent the migration of water and reduce the transmission of water vapor to acceptable levels. The use of this system or other systems, materials or techniques can be considered, at the discretion of the designer, provided the system reduces the vapor transmission rates to acceptable levels. 6.8. Deepened Footings and Setbacks Improvements constructed in proximity to natural slopes or properly constructed, manufactured slopes can, over a period of time, be affected by natural processes including gravity forces, weathering of surficial soils and long-term (secondary) settlement. Most building codes, including the California Building Code, require that structures be set back or footings deepened where subject to the influence of these natural processes. For the subject site, where foundations for residential structures are to exist in proximity to slopes, the footings should be embedded to satisfy the requirements presented in the following figure. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 Page 8 Report No. 2J04-l l -B-2 6.9. FIGURE 6.8 -SETBACK DIMENSIONS (2019 CBC) FACE OF STRUCTURE Retaining Wall Design TOE OF SLOPE H/2 BUT NEED NOT EXCEED IS FT. MAX. FACE OF FOOTING H/3 BUT NEED NOT EXCEED 40 FT. MAX. H I Retaining walls should be designed to resist lateral earth pressure as presented below. It is anticipated that the walls will be retaining native soils and will be backfilled with select materials. Select backfill should be specified by the wall designer and shown on the plans. Retaining walls should be designed to resist additional loads such as construction loads, temporary loads, and other surcharges as evaluated by the structural engineer. Static Case Select A rtificial Fill, (afc90): phi = 32°, unit wt. = 125 pc/ Rankine Level Backfill Coefficients Coefficient of Active Pressure: Ka = 0.31 Coefficient of Passive Pressure: Kp = 3.25 Coefficient of At-Rest Pressure: Ko = 0.47 Rankine 2 : 1 Backfill Coefficients Coefficient of Active Pressure: Ka= 0.46 Coefficient of At-Rest Pressure: Ko= 0.68 Equivalent Fluid Pressure (psf/lin.ft.) 38 407 59 Equivalent Fluid Pressure (psf/lin.ft.) 58 85 For rigid restrained walls it is recommended that "At-Rest" values be used. For cantilever retaining walls which can undergo minor rotations active pressures can be used. The above values may be increased by 1/3 as allowed by Code to resist transient loads. Building Code and structural design considerations may govern. 6.10. Retaining Wall Drainage Retaining walls should be provided with a drainage system adequate to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressures. To relieve the potential for hydrostatic pressure wall backfill should consist of a free draining backfill (sand equivalent "SE" >20) and a heel drain should be constructed (see Figure 8.4). The heel drain should be place at the heel of the wall and should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforated pipe (SDR35 or SCHD 40) surrounded by l cubic feet of crushed rock (3/4- inch) per lineal foot, wrapped in filter fabric (Mirafi® 140N or equivalent). ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 Page 9 Report No. 2104-11 -B-2 WATERPROOFING t\EMSRANE (CPTJONAl} FIGURE 6.10 Retaining Wall Backfill and Drainage NATI~ BACKFILL (El<OO) I t:l (H;VJ 00 FLATTER 6.11. Concrete Desh?n Laboratory testing indicates onsite soils exhibit a "SO" sulfate exposure when classified in accordance with ACI 318. Accordingly, sulfate resistant concrete is not required. Some fertilizers have been known to leach sulfates into soils and increase the sulfate concentrations to potentially detrimental levels. Additional protective measures to mitigate the potential fo r increased sulfate concentrations in onsite soils may be provided by a corrosion engineer. 6.12. Corrosion 7.0 The onsite soils are expected to be mildly corrosive to buried metallic materials. AGS recommends minimally that the current standard of care be employed for protection of metallic construction materials in contact with onsite soils or that consultation with an engineer specializing in corrosion to determine specifications for protection of the construction materials. Steel reinforcement in contact with onsite soils should be protected with an epoxy coating, adequate concrete cover, or other approved methods as detailed by the structural engineer. LOT AND SLOPE MAINTENANCE Maintenance of improvements is essential to the long-term performance of structures and slopes. The homeowners must implement certain maintenance procedures. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 Page 10 Report No. 2104-11-B-2 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 8.0 Lot Drainage Roof, pad and Jot drainage should be collected and directed away from structures and slopes and toward approved disposal areas. Design fine-grade elevations should be maintained through the life of the structure, or if design fine grade elevations are altered, adequate area drains should be installed in order to provide rapid discharge of water away from structures and slopes. Residents should be made aware that they are responsible for maintenance and cleaning of downdrains and other devices that have been installed to promote structure and slope stability. Irrigation The resident and homeowner should be advised of their responsibility to maintain irrigation systems. Leaks should be repaired immediately. Sprinklers should be adjusted to provide maximum uniform coverage with a minimum of water usage and overlap. Overwatering with consequent wasteful run-off and ground saturation should be avoided. If automatic sprinkler systems are installed, their use must be adjusted to account for natural rainfall conditions. Slope Planting Slope planting should consist of ground cover, shrubs and trees that possess deep, dense root structures and require a minimum of irrigation. The resident should be advised of their responsibility to maintain such planting. Burrowing Animals Residents or homeowners should undertake a program for the elimination of burrowing animals. This should be an ongoing program in order to maintain slope stability. LIMITATIONS This report is based on the project as described and the information obtained from the excavations at the approximate locations indicated above. The findings are based on the results of our field and office investigations combined with an interpolation and extrapolation of conditions between and beyond the excavation locations. The results reflect an interpretation of the direct evidence obtained. Services performed by AGS have been conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. No other representation, either expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended. The recommendations presented in this report are based on the assumption that an appropriate level of field review will be provided by geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists who are familiar with the design and site geologic conditions. That field review shall be sufficient to confirm that geotechnical and geologic conditions exposed during grading are consistent with the geologic representations and ~orresponding recommendations presented in this report. AGS should be notified of any pertinent changes in the project plans or if subsurface conditions are found to vary from those described herein. Such changes or variations may require a re-evaluation of the recommendations contained in this report. The data, opinions, and recommendations of this report are applicable to the specific design of this project as discussed in this report. They have no applicability to any other project or to any other location, and any and all subsequent users accept any and all liability resulting from any use or reuse of the data, opinions, and recommendations without the prior written consent of AGS. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 Page 11 Report No. 2104-11-B-2 AGS has no responsibility for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions or programs in connection with the construction, for the acts or omissions of the CONTRACTOR, or any other person performing any of the construction, or for the failure of any of them to carry out the construction in accordance with the final design drawings and specifications. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. Should have you any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectfully Submitted, Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. W-~ ANDRES BERNhl,Sr.Geotechnical Engineer PAUL J. DERJSI RCE 62366/GE 2715, Reg. Exp. 9-30-CEG 2536, Reg. Exp. 5-3 Distribution: Attachments: (I) Addressee (pdf) Appendix A -References Appendix B -Laboratory Test Results Appendix C -General Earthwork Specifications 2104-11-B-2 (May 27, 2021, Limited Geotech Evaluation, McCarty Addition, Carlsbad).docx ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. I.fl,,_ "1 May 27, 2021 P/W 2104-11 APPENDIX A REFERENCES Page A-1 Report No. 2 104-11-B-2 California Building Standards Commission, 2019, California Building Code, Title 24, Part 2, Volumes l and 2. Kennedy, M.P., and Tan, S.S., 2007, Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30' x 60' Quadrangle, California Regional Geologic Map Series, Scale l : 100,000. sk7 Design Studios, Residential Remodel Plans, The Edwinds, 1145 Chinquapin Avenue, Carlsbad, California, dated April 2, 2021 . ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. APPENDIXB LABO RA TORY TEST RESULTS ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 100 90 80 70 ~ ~ ~ 60 Cl C: ·.;; V) 50 ro 0.. c 40 Q) [: Q) 30 0.. 20 10 0 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS -ASTM 0422 AGS FORM E-7 Project Name: 1145 Chinquapin Avenue Location: Carlsbad Project No.: _2_1_0_4_-1_1 ____ _ Date: 05-2021 i . -~ ; :\ ; . i\ i i . ' : \ 1 1 \ • \ i I• \ . • I 't . j I i 100 10 1 0.1 Grain Size (mm) GRAVEL SAND COBBLE Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Grain Size Grain Size Amount (in/#) (mm) Passing (%) 3. 76.20 100 2 1/2" 63.50 100 2" 50.80 100 1 1/2" 38.10 100 1 " 25.40 100 3/4" 19.05 100 1/2 " 12.70 100 3/8" 9.53 100 #4 4.75 100.0 #8 2.36 99.1 #10 2.00 98.7 #16 1.18 96.4 # 30 0.60 83.9 #40 0.425 69.5 # 50 0.30 50.0 # 100 0.15 27.8 #200 0.075 20.0 Excavation: HA-1 /HA-2 Depth: __ 1 ..,,.-_3_ft_ Tested by: __ F_V __ Checked by: __ A_B __ Ii ., i' ·! :: ., t .. !: i . ,. ;: ! ,. .. 0.01 0.001 SILT CLAY Summary %Gravel= 0.0 % Sand = 80.0 % Fines= 20.0 Sum= 100.0 LL= n/a ----PL= n/a ----Pl = n/a ---- Soil Type: __ S_M __ ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. EXPANSION INDEX -ASTM D4829 Project Name: 1145 Chinguapin Avenue Location: Carlsbad Excavation/Tract: HA-2 Depth/Lot: 3.5-4 ft P/W: 2104-11 Description: CL Date: 5/18/21 Tested by: FV Checked by: ----AB Expansion Index -ASTM 04829 Initial Dry Density (pcf): 106.7 Initial Moisture Content(%): 10.4 Initial Saturation(%): 48.5 Final Dry Density (pcf): 101 .7 Final Moisture Content(%): 22.5 Final Saturation(%): 92.7 Expansion Index: 49 Potential Expansion: Low ASTM D4829 -Table 5.3 Expansion Index Potential Expansion 0 -20 Very Low 21 -50 Low 51 -90 Medium 91 -130 High >130 Very High 2104-11_EI_HA2_3.5-4 ft ft_05-18-2021_FV.xlsx AGS FORM E-6 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. MAXIMUM DENSITY -ASTM D1557 Project Name: 1145 Chinguapin Avenue Location: Carlsbad Excavation: Depth: HA-1/HA-2 1-3 ft PNi/ No.: 2104-11 Soil Type: SM c;::-- (J E: >-I-en z w 0 >-0:: 0 Date: 05-2021 Tested by: WO Checked by: AB Method: A Oversize Retained: 10 % Point No. 1 2 3 4 Dry Density (pcf) 123.5 127.3 127.9 123.8 Moisture Content (%) 5.1 7.1 9.2 11.2 MAXIMUM DENSITY CURVE 130.0 110.0 105.0 Zero Air Voids Curves • --~-----·SG=2~ ,-.,r---;---+--+--,...-t'i ---SG=2.7 100.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 MOISTURE(%) 20.0 25.0 30.0 Corrected Max. Dry Density 131 pct Max. Dry Density 128 pct Corrected Moisture 7.7 % ---- Optimum Moisture 8.5 % AGS FORM E-8 c;:- ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. DIRECT SHEAR -ASTM D3080 Project Name: 1145 Chinquapin Avenue Location: Carlsbad Excavation: HA-1/HA-2 Depth: 1-3 ft -------- Project No.: _2_1_04_-_1_1 ___ _ Tested by: FV 1800 1600 1400 Date: 5/18/2021 Samples Tested lntial Moisture {%' Initial Orv Density (pcf) Normal Stress (psf) Peak Shear Stress (psf) Ult. Shear Stress (psf) 2000 1500 ;--"' E: "' "' Ill 1000 ... ... .,.. ;; Ill ~ .,.. 500 0 0 500 1 2 3 8.5 8.5 8.5 115.2 115.2 115.2 500 1000 2000 540 864 1524 384 744 1344 Strength Parameters Friction Angle, phi (deg) Cohesion (psf) Reviewed by: AB Soil Type: __ S_M __ Test: Remolded 90% Method: Drained Consolidation: Yes Saturation: Yes Shear Rate (;"/min): 0.01 Peak 33 225 Ultimate 33 50 o Peak --Peak o Ultimate ---Ultimate 1000 1500 Normal Stress (psf) 2000 2500 3000 Shear Stress v. Displacement Vertical Deformation v. Displacement 0.05 ,.•········ I 0.04 C ~ 1200 ··, .................... __ ......... ---·····•·"'''""" 0.03 ·2 '" ::: ~ VI ~ '" ., .Z! VI 1000 800 600 ' , f I 400 200 !( I ................ 2000 [1-----+-----+-----l -----1000 1--soo 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 Displacement (in) ~ 0.02 .E ., 0.01 0 ;;; u 0.00 "f ., > -0.01 -0.02 f-----+----+----,1 ................. 2000 1 -----1000 --500 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 Displacement (in) Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. 485 Corporate Ave., Suite B Escondido, CA 92029 Project No.: 2 104-11 Project: 1145 Chinquapin Avenue Date sampled: 5/12/2021 Sample ID: HA-1/HA-2@ 1-3' pH 8.0 ANAHEIM TEST LAB, INC 196 Technology Drive, Unit D Irvine, CA 92618 Phone (949)336-6544 ANALYTICAL REPORT CORROSION SERIES SUMMARY OF DATA M IN. RESISTIVITY per CT. 643 ohm-cm 10,700 SOLUBLE SULFATES per CT. 41 7 ppm 276 DATE: 5/18/2021 P.O. NO.: Chain of Custody LAB NO.: C-4838 SPECIFICATION: CTM-643/417 /422 MATERIAL: Soil SOLUBLE CHLORIDES per CT. 422 ppm 143 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED "~~ WES BRIDGER, LAB MANAGER APPENDIXC GENERAL EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. General Earthwork Specifications Page 1 GENERAL EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS I. General A. General procedures and requirements for earthwork and grading are presented herein. The earthwork and grading recommendations provided in the geotechnical report are considered part of these specifications, and where the general specifications provided herein conflict with those provided in the geotechoical report, the recommendations in the geotechoical report shall govern. Recommendations provided herein and in the geotechoical report may need to be modified depending on the conditions encountered during grading. B. The contractor is responsible for the satisfactory completion of all earthwork in accordance with the project plans, specifications, applicable building codes, and local governing agency requirements. Where these requirements conflict, the stricter requirements shall govern. C. It is the contractor's responsibility to read and understand the guidelines presented herein and in the geotechoical report as well as the project plans and specifications. Information presented in the geotechnical report is subject to verification during grading. The information presented on the exploration logs depicts conditions at the particular time of excavation and at the location of the excavation. Subsurface conditions present at other locations may differ, and the passage of time may result in different subsurface conditions being encountered at the locations of the exploratory excavations. The contractor shall perform an independent investigation and evaluate the nature of the surface and subsurface conditions to be encountered and the procedures and equipment to be used in performing his work. D. The contractor shall have the responsibility to provide adequate equipment and procedures to accomplish the earthwork in accordance with applicable requirements. When the quality of work is less than that required, the Geotechoical Consultant may reject the work and may recommend that the operations be suspended until the conditions are corrected. E. Prior to the start of grading, a qualified Geotechoical Consultant should be employed to observe grading procedures and provide testing of the fills for conformance with the project specifications, approved grading plan, and guidelines presented herein. All remedial removals, clean-outs, removal bottoms, keyways, and subdrain installations should be observed and documented by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placing fill. It is the contractor's responsibility to apprise the Geotechoical Consultant of their schedules and notify the Geotechoical Consultant when those areas are ready for observation. F. The contractor is responsible for providing a safe environment for the Geotechnical Consultant to observe grading and conduct tests. TI. Site Preparation A. Clearing and Grubbing: Excessive vegetation and other deleterious material shall be sufficiently removed as required by the Geotechoical Consultant, and such materials shall be properly disposed of offsite in a method acceptable to the owner and governing agencies. Where applicable, the contractor may obtain permission from the Geotechnical Consultant, owner, and governing agencies to dispose of vegetation and other deleterious materials in designated areas onsite. B. Unsuitable Soils Removals: Earth materials that are deemed unsuitable for the support of fi ll shall be removed as necessary to the satisfaction of the Geotechoical Consultant. C. Any underground structures such as cesspools, cisterns, mining shafts, tunnels, septic tanks, wells, pipelines, other utilities, or other structures located within the limits of grading shall be removed and/or abandoned in accordance with the requirements of the governing agency and to the satisfaction of the Geotechnical Consultant. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. General Earthwork Specifications Page 2 D. Preparation of Areas to Receive Fill: After removals are completed, the exposed surfaces shall be scarified to a depth of approximately 8 inches, watered or dried, as needed, to achieve a generally uniform moisture content that is at or near optimum moisture content. The scarified materials shall then be compacted to the project requirements and tested as specified. E. All areas receiving fill shall be observed and approved by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to the placement of fill. A licensed surveyor shall provide survey control for determining elevations of processed areas and keyways. III. Placement of Fill A. Suitability of fill materials: Any materials, derived onsite or imported, may be utilized as fill provided that the materials have been determined to be suitable by the Geotechnical Consultant. Such materials shall be essentially free of organic matter and other deleterious materials, and be of a gradation, expansion potential, and/or strength that is acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant. Fill materials shall be tested in a laboratory approved by the Geotechnical Consultant, and import materials shall be tested and approved prior to being imported. B. Generally, different fill materials shall be thoroughly mixed to provide a relatively uniform blend of materials and prevent abrupt changes in material type. Fill materials derived from benching should be dispersed throughout the fill area instead of placing the materials within only an equipment-width from the cut/fill contact. C. Oversize Materials: Rocks greater than 8 inches in largest dimension shall be disposed of offsite or be placed in accordance with the recommendations by the Geotechnical Consultant in the areas that are designated as suitable for oversize rock placement. Rocks that are smaller than 8 inches in largest dimension may be utilized in the fill provided that they are not nested and are their quantity and distribution are acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant. D. The fill materials shall be placed in thin, horizontal layers such that, when compacted, shall not exceed 6 inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed to obtain near uniform moisture content and uniform blend of materials. E. Moisture Content: Fill materials shall be placed at or above the optimum moisture content or as recommended by the geotechnical report. Where the moisture content of the engineered fill is less than recommended, water shall be added, and the fill materials shall be blended so that near uniform moisture content is achieved. If the moisture content is above the limits specified by the Geotechnical Consultant, the fill materials shall be aerated by discing, blading, or other methods until the moisture content is acceptable. F. Each layer of fill shall be compacted to the project standards in accordance to the project specifications and recommendations of the Geotechnical Consultant. Unless otherwise specified by the Geotechnical Consultant, the fill shall be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density as detennined by ASTM Test Method: DI557-09. G. Benching: Where placing fill on a slope exceeding a ratio of 5 to I (horizontal to vertical), the ground should be keyed or benched. The keyways and benches shall extend through all unsuitable materials into suitable materials such as firm materials or sound bedrock or as recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant. The minimum keyway width shall be 15 feet and extend into suitable materials, or as recommended by the geotechnical report and approved by the Geotechnical Consultant. The minimum keyway width for fill over cut slopes is also 15 feet, or as recommended by the geotechnical report and approved by the Geotechnical Consultant. As a general rule, unless otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant, the minimum width of the keyway shall be equal to l /2 the height of the fill slope. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. General Earthwork Specifications Page 3 H. Slope Face: The specified minimum relative compaction shall be maintained out to the finish face of fill and stabilization fill slopes. Generally, this may be achieved by overbuilding the slope and cutting back to the compacted core. The actual amount of overbuilding may vary as field conditions dictate. Alternately, this may be achieved by back rolling the slope face with suitable equipment or other methods that produce the designated result. Loose soil should not be allowed to build up on the slope face. If present, loose soils shall be trimmed to expose the compacted slope face. I. Slope Ratio: Unless otherwise approved by the Geotechnical Consultant and governing agencies, permanent fill slopes shall be designed and constructed no steeper than 2 to I (horizontal to vertical). J. Natural Ground and Cut Areas: Design grades that are in natural ground or in cuts should be evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant to determine whether scarification and processing of the ground and/or overexcavation is needed. K. Fill materials shall not be placed, spread, or compacted during unfavorable weather conditions. When grading is interrupted by rain, filing operations shall not resume until the Geotechnical Consultant approves the moisture and density of the previously placed compacted fill. rv. Cut Slopes A. The Geotechnical Consultant shall inspect all cut slopes, including fill over cut slopes, and shall be notified by the contractor when cut slopes are started. B. If adverse or potentially adverse conditions are encountered during grading; the Geotechnical Consultant shall investigate, evaluate, and make recommendations to mitigate the adverse conditions. C. Unless otherwise stated in the geotechnical report, cut slopes shall not be excavated higher or steeper than the requirements of the local governing agencies. Short-term stability of the cut slopes and other excavations is the contractor's responsibility. V. Drainage A. Back drains and Subdrains: Back drains and subdrains shall be provided in fill as recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant and shall be constructed in accordance with the governing agency and/or recommendations of the Geo technical Consultant. The location of subdrains, especially outlets, shall be surveyed and recorded by the Civil Engineer. B. Top-of-slope Drainage: Positive drainage shall be established away from the top of slope. Site drainage shall not be permitted to flow over the tops of slopes. C. Drainage terraces shall be constructed in compliance with the governing agency requirements and/or in accordance w ith the recommendations of the Geotechnical Consultant. D. Non-erodible interceptor swales shall be placed at the top of cut slopes that face the same direction as the prevailing drainage. VI. Erosion Control A. All finish cut and fi ll slopes shall be protected from erosion and/or planted in accordance with the project specifications and/or landscape architect's recommendations. Such measures to protect the slope face shall be undertaken as soon as practical after completion of grading. B. During construction, the contractor shall maintain proper drainage and prevent the ponding of water. The contractor shall take remedial measures to prevent the erosion of graded areas until permanent drainage and erosion control measures have been installed. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. General Earthwork Specifications Page 4 VII. Trench Excavation and Backfill A. Safety: The contractor shall follow all OSHA requirements for safety of trench excavations. Knowing and following these requirements is the contractor's responsibility. All trench excavations or open cuts in excess of 5 feet in depth shall be shored or laid back. Trench excavations and open cuts exposing adverse geologic conditions may require further evaluation by the Geotechnical Consultant. If a contractor fails to provide safe access for compaction testing, backfill not tested due to safety concerns may be subject to removal. B. Bedding: Bedding materials shall be non-expansive and have a Sand Equivalent greater than 30. Where permitted by the Geotechnical Consultant, the bedding materials can be densified by jetting. C. Backfill: Jetting of backfill materials is generally not acceptable. Where permitted by the Geotechnical Consultant, the bedding materials can be densified by jetting provided the backfill materials are granular, free- draining and have a Sand Equivalent greater than 30. VIII. Geotechnical Observation and Testing During Grading A. Compaction Testing: Fill shall be tested by the Geotechnical Consultant for evaluation of general compliance with the recommended compaction and moisture conditions. The tests shall be taken in the compacted soil s beneath the surface if the surficial materials are disturbed. The contractor shall assist the Geotechnical Consultant by excavating suitable test pits for testing of compacted fill. B. Where tests indicate that the density of a layer of fill is less than required, or the moisture content not within specifications, the Geotechnical Consultant shall notify the contractor of the unsatisfactory conditions of the fill. The portions of the fill that are not within specifications shall be reworked until the required density and/or moisture content has been attained. No additional fill shall be placed until the last lift of fill is tested and found to meet the project specifications and approved by the Geotechnical Consultant. C. If, in the opinion of the Geotechnical Consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as adverse weather, excessive rock or deleterious materials being placed in the fill, insufficient equipment, excessive rate of fill placement, results in a quality of work that is unacceptable, the consultant shall notify the contractor, and the contractor shall rectify the conditions, and if necessary, stop work until conditions are satisfactory. D. Frequency of Compaction Testing: The location and frequency of tests shall be at the Geotechnical Consultant's discretion. Generally, compaction tests shall be taken at intervals not exceeding two feet in fi ll height and 1,000 cubic yards of fill materials placed. E. Compaction Test Locations: The Geotechnical Consultant shall document the approximate elevation and horizontal coordinates of the compaction test locations. The contractor shall coordinate with the surveyor to assure that sufficient grade stakes are established so that the Geotechnical Consultant can determine the test locations. Alternately, the test locations can be surveyed and the results provided to the Geotechnical Consultant. F. Areas of fill that have not been observed or tested by the Geotechnical Consultant may have to be removed and recompacted at the contractor's expense. The depth and extent of removals will be determined by the Geotechnical Consultant. G. Observation and testing by the Geotechnical Consultant shall be conducted during grading in order for the Geotechnical Consultant to state that, in his opinion, grading has been completed in accordance with the approved geotechnical report and project specifications. H. Reporting of Test Results: After completion of grading operations, the Geotechnical Consultant shall submit reports documenting their observations during construction and test results. These reports may be subject to review by the local governing agencies. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Ccityof Carlsbad CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID Th_is form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school dfstricts and returned to the City pnor to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project # & Name: Permit#: CBR2021--0952 .;;;.;:;.;.;.;;;.;;;;,;;.;;...;;.;;..;;.;;;.. ____________ _ Project Address: 1145 CHINQUAPIN AVE ___ .,_,;;_ ____________ _ Assessor's Parcel #: 2061401900 __ ...;....;..;..;; _____________ _ Project Applicant: TRUST MCCARTY FAMILY (Owner Name) _;..;.;;.;;..;...;..;.;..;;..;;;;..;.;.;..;..,;,..;..;.=;.;;;.;...--------- Residential Square Feet: New/Additions: 1,147 -------------------- Second Dwelling Unit: _________________ _ Commercial Square Feet: New/Additions: _________________ _ City Certification: Citv of Carlsbad Building Division Date: 07/17/2021 Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above Is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner Is the owner/developer of the above described projed(s), or that the person @ Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 Phone· (760) 331-5000 D Encinitas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: (760) 944-4300 x1166 D San Dieguito Union H.S. District 684 Requeza Or. Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: (760) 753--6491 Ext 5514 (By Appt. Only) D San Marcos Unified Sch. District 255 Pico Ave Ste. 100 San Marcos. CA 92069 Phone: (760) 290-2649 Contact Katherine Marcelja {By Appt.only) D Vista Unified Sc~ool District 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista CA 92083 Phone: (760) 72&-2170 x2222 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)J THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifl• that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This Is to certify that the applicant listed on page l has paid all amounts or completed other applicable Khool mitigation determined by the School District. The City may Issue building permits for this project. Signature of Authorized School Disltict Olficlal:i2,,._ , B • ~ 1 S-• ( :L.w J., JO le . 0\J-J \ ~ ~ Title: S , LP ~ 'i ,\':n-t l:X:lx -:)6-k Da1e: 'J -B l ~ 96(:B:l ' CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Name of School District: 6225 ELCAVJNQ BEAL Phone:J {r() 31./ ... sn (() CARLSBAD, CA 92009 - Community a Economic Development • Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602·2719 I 760•602"8SS8 fax i bulldlng@carl$badea gov STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES '· ALL s[C(S$1-~\ ECt~f'U<Nl ANO ,IATI:RIALS SHAll,BE Al'M • .-\SU: Cf; sm: TO fAC:llTATI: RAPID INSTAl.lAllON Ci' t ~C,S<N A'IO S!:O<\JENT CONTRCl 8\IPs \\HEN RA!N <$ tll-l,'£NT. l. Tl-.a O\lt-['l./Cl.'!,:!RACTOO $.<iAll RESTORE All EROSION crt,l'W.. Dt'.v1CES TO \\l'.)R!(ING QR()fR TO !HE SATISfACTION Cf T,;t ON ,'(Sl'i:CTOR AfTER EAa-t RUN-ITT PROOUCING R ~,'f >.l.L . 3. ni;: Oll!<S'1/CCtHRACTCR SHAU !f!STAll ,IOOITIONAL EROSION CO(N(X_ ~~RES AS \IA y BE REQUIRED BY THE cm '<'S?i:Cl"OR DUE TO 'NCCl.(Pt.I:lt: GRADING OPl:RAllONS OR lW-.fO-"!SUN C."lC\.!I.IS1ANCt:S ~ICH MAY ARIS£. ~-All :l!:\IOV,'BLE PROTECTIVE DEYlCES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT Th1: DID Or EACH V.'ORKING CAY \\HEN frlE nVE (5) OAY RA,.'l ffiOOASUN FO<ECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PECENf { 4C•%). SI. T ANO 011-!ER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED Afl[R i:ACH fW.'I'!' A!.!.. 5. All GRAIH 8ACS SH,>.!,L COOTA!N 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AOO"iiGA TE. S. At~CU,H[ ER051CN AND SEDiMENT CONTROL AND P(RIM£T£R f'>:OT::Cll()l BEST l.(A/IAGOIENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST a[ .-:STA!.!.£0 AND !IAJNTAINEO. 7. 1H£ QTY NSPECTOO SHAU HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ALITR lrvS FU.~ OUR<!IG 00 8ITOOE CONSTRUCTIOII AS NEEDED TO ulSURE CaJ.PUANCt \\fl}! OTY STORM WATER OUAUTY REGL"..A11Cf<S. QW~iER'S CERTTF!CXTE.: I lMCERSTOO /..~ ACXNOllUl)G( THAT I llUSf: (1) JIIPLO,IE/H cES'1' IU.'l,IGOl!)H PRACTICES (8"11'5) lXJRINC CQ;STR\JCllOO ACillllB 10 lrt lolAXllA!ll [XT!Jll FRACnc.1&£ TO A\(XO ir! 11(81.JZJ,. 1l(ll ~ PW.lll /./HS S>JC>i AS SEDIIIOH AX0 TO A~ is:E E:X?09Jl£ c:£" 5100\.I WAi[R iO COOSTRUCTION P.-J.An:D PCU\lil..~TS; mD (2) ~ER£ iO, ,IHQ AT AU TIMCS, Co.l!'I. Y 1':lH TtiS O TY ~0\£0 itR l CetlSTRUCTlON S'fffP T~i 1,i£ 01.,'f!AnOI< ~ Tll( COOSTRIJCTION ACTI\ITICS um. ii-£ CCNSiR\X:TlON ~ IS COWU:TE A!tO A!'PROl{l) SY T:'.!'. arr cr CAAL$AO. ~ . :~P_ 7/19 1J. \ 4 4" -4mf/ twh ~.re ,OIArLIRr) ~~ <s ·~ i:-19 STORM WATER COMPLIANCE FORM TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP C2JQJ_o2 I -0152 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) SELECTION TABLE Bost Managemenl Practlco' (BMP) Doscrlplion -) CASCA~$M ➔ ~!di"" i31 Gtod°'19/Sol ();slu1booce Jr.tc1,Jlno/uc=lion Slcd<pl~g OcminmMnn e«,c,~l•/>-"'1>.ol\. SowculllnQ ti<'.! coo<i,1, f\o(wonc Po•.:.,10 Cmdull • lnolollolloo Stucco odor Woo: Wo.tle 0/sposoJ Sloqn9i{oy Do"" /lreo ~Ml ua~tMoncd cod Fuellna Hoiorcfou, SubtlCflce Use/Sl<:t'Ollfl Oew-ct!(~Q ~~:rt 0th..-Q;,1~ Ero,ionC<,,S(I OM?, ~ ~ 0' St ,!iii )' "' n ~ u ..... • i ] ~ g ~ P. '8 ~ ... 8-~ i _wJs o, " I "' 0 J w w 1 1 C, 1-~ ~ so:'m6!1 Con!.rd 91..!Ps el!I g Ii 6 0 ... ~ i ~ l o 6 -g -~ -~ i "' ~ l . i11 .~'[ .. f 11 ~ l ~j t b ~lilJl~I~ .. ,'l', ~ I)! IX I)! iX 1'x N 1--. "' l!ld:og ~lt{JSJIP1 .g ·~ hJ '8"!. ~ ;; -~ ! .tf Jr: Jc l§ v,_ V>CX: J I --y:: N 1 £!c NM-Q)mi Waf.et M.._6-.S.V.Pl ,g 6 i I~! i .§ulil 1 §., -~ a,-;, ~ o., ~gj :g3l!i i?i. ~ t. jd j; I~,~, l z z z z VI-11.._...-c •-d llow.'ols p-.,c,,m1e,,,P, 6 6 6 ~ i 6 ~ ~ --u § "' -i-~-;g :!3:X~ -~6niitii ]1r?i.i:1ifih-H "!1"8 '"~:,,Et:!i~S :,in ::ir In btQ ~:,, :r:> u::ir ' ~ 71711' i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I lnitrucUME I. O.edc the bo< lo lh• l•fl oJ oil (WIJccbl• coos\roclloo oclhily (f,s\ cclu1N1) e.-p,<:led to ocO¥ du,ng cooslruclloo . 2' ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~J \~• u~~P d<l,',,,~' d:.,~~,\i:;;, \'!,• J~~1)(' d,~rf:.'t,1 ~~~t 5~":.:,0t:,t~i:i/=~ t~50l) 8t@~~~n~"-· Ol<oso 0"' .I. Ref« lo (ho C>SOA ccn,lrucUon hondbod< fc, ilfom,otlm acd d<lclt of the cho= BIil's a,d ho• lo opply them lo th• p,oj,cl Pogc I of I PROJECT INFORMATION SlleA«lru~ 1145: 4t IN Qv e, P l!Y Ass.,,.,..·, Pored Numb": 2¼-\4:0-\q-Q Em«1«><Y ea.tee~ Ncmt: .S@N .$(oFIE:LQ 24 Hw, Phooo; ..15$ -./..0;2-~ 2'.i{ ) <a' Cc-nslnx:lkn lhm:I lo Storm W<>t.r Ouof<ly (Cl\,etc Bo,) 0 IIEI)(l;'ll ¥LOW REV 11/17 (_ City of Carlsbad PURPOSE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST B-50 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov This checklist is intended to assist building permit applicants identify which Climate Action Plan (CAP) ordinance requirements apply to their projects. The completed checklist must be included in the building permit application. It may be necessary to supplement the completed checklist with supporting materials, calculations or certifications, to demonstrate full compliance with CAP ordinance requirements. For example, projects that propose or require a performance approach to comply with energy-related measures will need to attach to this checklist separate calculations and documentation as specified by the ordinances. NOTE: The following type of permits are not required to fill out this form ❖ Patio I ❖ Decks I ❖ PME (w/o panel upgrade) I ❖ Pool .,,1 If an item in the checklist is deemed to be not applicable to a project, or is less than the minimum required by ordinance, an explanation must be provided to the satisfaction of the Building Official . .,,1 Details on CAP ordinance requirements are available on the city's website . .,,1 A CAP Building Plan template (form B-55) shall be added to the title page all building plans. This template shall be completed to demonstrate project compliance with the CAP ordinances. Refer to the building application webpage and download the latest form. Project Name/Building Permit No.: ------------------- Property Address/APN: 206-140-19-00 Applicant Name/Co.: sk7 design studios, inc. Applicant Address: 3065 Rosecrans Pl. BP No.: C5R202!-CA52 Contact Phone: 858.345.7597 Contact Email: sam@sk7designstudios.com Contact information of person completing this checklist (if different than above): Name: Company name/address: Contact Phone: Contact Email: Applicant Signature:---------~~----Date: _______ _ ~A--r--..:l c;;ca-v11:;~ 8-50 Page 1 of6 Revised 06/18 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist Use the table below to determine which sections of the Ordinance Compliance checklist are applicable to your project. For alterations and additions to existing buildings, attach Building Permit Valuation worksheet. Building Permit Valuation (BPV) from worksheet: $._1_00.:..,0.:..00'----- •1 "l \ ~~~-".•~-a,11,r,'-',f;t:~ 11,>: ;,~ ;:,!I, H;.o;<:'<':,;,r,~ y✓..,...,y'<:J>;,.--,,.;,-.t-<-;,,..,., ,•• '"°-~-~-.,...p<r-'<.:O-~ ,.....,... "''""'=,=-,.,.,,, -~ i£:~V~Jii/.ltH~;u,,1~,;,.~-;,:~'.;aUE}aTilirair,l..t,~~~~~ - [!) Residential □ New construction 0 Additions and alterations: □ BPV < $60,000 - 0 BPV;, $60,000 n~ □ Electrical service panel upgrade only □ BPV;, $200,000 0 Nonresidential □ New construction □ Alterations: □ BPV" $200,000 or additions;, 1,000 square feet □ BPV;, $1,000,000 □ "2,000 sq. ft. new roof adddion 1. Energy Efflclency l.ow-fise N/A 1A,4A.......,_ ~ 1A,4A• High-rise 1 1B, 2B, : 3B,4A N/A 4A 1B, 4A• 1 B, 2B, 3B, 4B and 5 1B, 5 1B,2B,5 2B, 5 A high-rise residential building is 4 or more stories, Including a mixed-use building in which at least 20% of its conditioned floor area is residential use All residential additions and alterations 1-2 family dwellings and townhouses with attached garages only "Multi-family dwellings only where interior finishes are removed and significant sde work and upgrades to structural and mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed Building alterations of;, 75% existing gross floor area 1B also applies if BPV;, $200,000 Please refer to Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) sections 18.21.155 and 18.30.190, and the California Green Building Standards Code (CAI.Green) for more information when completing this section. A. [!] Residential addition or alteration ~ $60,000 building penntt valuation. Sae CMC section 18.30.190. Year Built SlnglHamliy Raquin,ments 0 NIA _______ _ D Exception: Home energy score ~ 7 (attach certification) Multi-family Raqul1811l8111s CAiiie insulation □ Cool roof □ Attic insulation □ Water heating Package Select one: □Ductseali OAtlicinsulation □Coolroof D 1992 and later Select one: □Lighting package □Water heating package B. D Non19111dentiar new construction or alterations ~ $200,000 building penntt valuation, or additions~ 1,000 squa19 feet D NIA Updated 8/15/2019 2 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist See CMC 18.21.155 and CALG18811 Appendix A5, Division A5.2-Energy Efficiency. A5.203.1.1 Choose one: D .1 Outdoor lighting □ .2 Warehouse dock seal doors □ .3 Reslaurant service water heating (comply wi1h California Eneryy Code section 140.5, as amended) D NIA. ________ _ □ .4 Daylight design PAFs □ .5 Exhaust air heat recovery A5. Choose one as applicable: 095 Eneryy budget 000 Eneryy budget □NIA A5.211.1H D OMtte renewable energy 0 NIA A5.211.3H □ Green power(~ offered by local utiltty provider, 50% minimum renewable sources) □NIA A5.212.1 D Elevators and escalators 0 NIA A5.213.1 D Steel framing □ NIA ' Includes hotelshnotels and higtHise residential buildings H For alterations ~ $1,000,000 BP\/ and affecting > 75% existing gross floor area, or alterations that add 2,000 square feet of new roof addition: comply with CMC 18.30.130 instead. 2. Photovoltaic 8ynams A. D Residential new cons1ructlon (for low-fiae residential building parmhpplications submlUlld attar 1/1/20~ Refar lo 2019 California Energy Code aection 150.1(c)14 for 19quirements. Nolee: 1) High-rise residential buildings ara subject lo nonresidential photovoltaic 19qulrament (28 below) Instead. 2) H project includee installa1lon of an electric heat pump water heater purauant lo CMC 18.30.150(B) (hlg~se residential) or 18.30.170(B) (low-rise residential), incntase systam size by .3kWdc if PV oll9et option is selected. Floor Plan ID (use additional CFA #d.u. Calculated IM\k:' sheets foeoessary) Tolal System Size: kV\llc = (CFAx.572) / 1,000 + (1.15 x#d.u.) 'Formula calculation v.tiere CFA = conditional floor area, #du = number of dwelings per plan type H proposed system size is less than calculated size, please explain. Exception □ □ □ □ kVlllc B. 0 Nonresidential new construction or allllratlons ~1,000,000 BPV and alfacting 275'/4 existing floor area, or addition that Increases roof area by ~000 square f9et. Please relerlo CMC section 18.30.130 when completing this section. Note: Thia section alao applies lo hig~ residential and hotellmoml buildings. Choose one of the following methods: □ Gross Floor Area (GFA) Method GFA: OH< 1O,000s.f. Enter: 5 kWjc Min. System Size: 0H2: 1O,000s.f. calculate: 15 kl,Mjc x (GFA/10,000) - -Round building size factor to nearest tenth, and round system size to nearest whole number. □ Time-Dependent Valuation Method Updated 8/15/2019 3 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist Annual TDV Energy use:-______ x .80= Min. system size: _____ k\/\klc -Attach calculation documentation using modeling software approved by the California Energy Commission. 3. Watar Heating A. D Residential and hotel/motel new construction Please refer lo CMC sections 18.30.150 and 18.30.170 when completing this section. O For systems serving individual dwelling units choose one: D Heat pump water heater AND Compact hot water distribution AND Drain water heat recovery (low-rise residential only) D Heat pump water heater AND PV system .3 kWdc larger than required in CMC section 18.30.130 (high rise residential hotel/motel) or CA Energy Code section 150.1(c) 14 (low-rise residential) D Heat pump water heater meeting NEEA Advanced Water Heating Specification Tier 3 or higher O Solar water heating system that is either .60 solar savings fraction or 40 s.f. solar collectors 0 Exception: D For systems serving multiple dwelling units, install a central water-heating system with all of the following: D Gas or propane water heating system D Recirculation system per CMC 18.30.150(8) (high-rise residential, hotel/motel) or CMC 18.30.170(8) (low- rise residential) D Solar water heating system that is either: D .20 solar savings fraction D .15 solar savings fraction, plus drain water heat recovery D Exception: B. D Nonresidential new construction Please refer lo Carlsbad Ordinance CMC section 18.30.150 when completing this section. D Water heating system derives at least 40% of its energy from one of the following (attach documentation): D Solar-thermal D Photovoltaics D Recovered energy □Water heating system is (choose one): D Heat pump water heater □ Electric resistance water heater(s) □Solar water heating system with .40 solar savings fraction D Exoeption: Updated 8/15/2019 4 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist ew construction and major alterations• o-family residential dwelling or townhouse with attached garage: SE Ready parking space required O Exception : 0 Exception : Capable Ready EVSESpaces I Installed Calculations: Total EVSE spaces = .10 x Total parking (rounded up to nearest whole mrnber) E\/SE Installed= Total E\/SE Spar.es x .50 (rounded up to nearest whole number) E\/SE other= Total EVSE spaces -E\/SE Installed (EVSE other may be "Capable," "Ready" or "Installed.") Total 'Major alterations aie: (1) for one and two-fatnly dwelings and townhouses IMlh attached garages, alterations have a building pennit valuation ~ $60,000 or include an electrical service panel upgrade; (2) for multifamily dwelings (three units or more IMlhout attached garages), alterations have a building pennit valuation ~ $200,000, interior finishes a,e removed and significant site work and upgrades to structural and mecharical, electrical, and/or plurrbing systems are proposed. B O Nonresidential new conatruction (includes hotels/motsls) 0 Exception · Total Parking Spaces EVSESoaces Proposed Capable I Readv I Installed I Total 7 I I Calculation-Refer to the table below· Total Number of Parkim Snoces . Number of ""'uired EV-Number of IMUired E\/SE Installed <:n~ □ 0-9 1 1 □ 10-25 2 1 n 26-50 4 2 D 51-75 6 3 □ 76-100 9 5 101-150 12 6 151-200 17 9 201 and over 10 =rcent of total 50 oercent of Reauired EV Snoces Updated 8/15/2019 5