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2215 CALLE BARCELONA; ; FPC2020-0086; Permit
PERMIT REPORT City of Carlsbad Print Date: 12/27/2021 Job Address: 2215 CALLE BARCELONA, CARLSBAD, CA 92009-2918 Permit Type: FIRE-Construction COmmercial Work Class: Parcel #: 2552730700 Track #: Valuation: $3,326,318.22 Lot #: Occupancy Group: Project #: #of Dwelling Units: Plan #: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check #: Plan Check #: Permit No: FPC2020-0086 Status: Closed - Finaled Fire Sprinklers Applied: 05/12/2020 Issued: 12/29/2020 DEV02116 Finaled Close Out: 12/27/2021 Inspector: Final Inspection: Project Title: COASTLINE CHURCH Description: COASTLINE CHURCH - 2ND REVISION TO NEW SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR CHILDRENS MINISTRY BLDG (NEW CONSTRUCTION, 43 HEADS, 2 FLOORS) FPContractor: RIOS FIRE PROTECTION INC 1097 EMERALD AVE EL CAJON, CA 92020-7313 (619) 212-0956 FEE AMOUNT FIRE NFPA 13 System> 100 heads (includes 1 riser) $858.00 FIRE Plan Review Per Hour - Office Hours $136.00 FIRE Plan Review Per Hour - Office Hours $136.00 FIRE Reinspection (per Inspection) $212.00 Total Fees: $1,342.00 Total Payments To Date: $1,342.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Fire Department Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-4665 760-602-8561 f I www.carlsbadca.gov Cèity o f Carlsbad January 09, 2020 Jensen Hughes' 11545 West Bernardo Court, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92127 Attn: Garrett Kaye Subject: Alternate Materials and Methods Request Coastline Community Church 2215 Calle Barcelona Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Kaye: We have reviewed your alternate materials and methods request and are granting approval as requested. A summary of our findings is outlined below and includes the facility description, request, and Carlsbad Fire Department's (CFD) conditions of approval. Project Information: Project: New Children's Ministry Center 2215 Calle Barcelona Carlsbad, CA 92009 Tract 88-03-2, Lot 482 Owner: Coastline Community Church 2215 Calle Barcelona Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 753-0886 Request In accordance with Section 104.9 of the 2016 California Fire Code (CFC), we are requesting an alternate method of fire protection for the project identified below. This is in response to item 11 on the February 13, 2019 fire plan correction letter submitted under Carlsbad Permit # CBC2019-0044. In lieu of extending fire apparatus access roads onto the sloping site, we request that: exterior standpipe hose connections be allowed to serve as starting measurement points for the 150-foot hose pull coverage requirement along the southern façade of the building; and that enhanced sprinkler system design criteria / discharge density be allowed to increase the hose pull distance along the northern façade of the building that fronts on Calle Barcelona from 150 feet to 185 feet. Code Requirement: Fire Department _____ Fire Prevention 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 1 760-602-4660 I www.carlsbadca.gov Coastline Church 01/09/2020 CFC Section 503.1.1 requires that fire apparatus access roads be provided that extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior walls of the first story, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building. However, Exception 1 specifically identifies that the fire code official is authorized to increase the 150-foot limit where any of the following conditions occur: (1) the building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with CFC Section 903.3.1.1; or (2) where fire apparatus roads cannot be installed because of location on property, topography, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, and an approved alternative means of fire protection is provided. Code Intent: The 2016 CFC is based on the 2015 International Fire Code (IFC). The IFC Commentary provides supplemental information about the intent of code requirements. The IFC Commentary identifies that the intent of Section 503. 1.1 is to limit the maximum length of hose needed to reach any point along the exterior of the building from a fire department vehicle. The normal 150-foot distance is based on the standard length of preconnected hoses carried on fire apparatus. The Commentary further identifies that an "alternative means" as mentioned in Exception 2 could include standpipes or automatic sprinklers. Proposal: We are proposing the following combination of improvements and enhancements to provide fire department personnel with an equivalent or greater level of safety and choice of options in how to respond to a fire event: Construct two exterior stairways on grade that connect Calle Barcelona with the elevated project site. One stairway is located near the northeast corner of the building, and the other is located near the northwest corner of the building. Each stairway will be a straight-run without switchbacks, measuring 60 inches wide. Provide two exterior standpipe hose connections, with one located near each back corner of the building (southeast and southwest). These would provide full hose pull coverage for the entire southern façade, limiting the worst case distance to approximately 120 feet in the middle between standpipes. We have attached a highlighted grading plan (Drawing No. 4234C) that identifies the proposed location of these four-inch wet standpipes. Increase the design density of our light hazard sprinkler system by 50-percent, from 0.10 gallons of water per minute per square foot (gpnilsqft), to 0.15 gpm/sqfI. The sprinkler system will still be considered light hazard for things like maximum spacing, and the design area will remain the same as well. Coastline Church 01/09/2020 Justification: Providing two separate site stairways will give the fire department multiple response options to access the project site in the event of an emergency. Having straight-run stairways without switchbacks that are each 60 inches wide will make it easier for fire department personnel carrying gear or equipment to negotiate the 15-foot elevation difference between the project site and Calle Barcelona with minimal difficulty. Providing exterior standpipes near the southeast and southwest corners of the building will actually reduce the hose pull distance along the southern façade down to approximately 120 feet, which is a 20-percent reduction below the normal code maximum of 150 feet. So, the shorter hose pull distance is one benefit to responding fire department personnel. Also, having additional connection points on site (beyond just the fire trucks on Calle Barcelona) will give fire department personnel extra options in how to best respond to a fire event on the back half of the building. The CFC identifies that a building having automatic sprinkler protection in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 (i.e., NFPA 13) could be sufficient on its own for an increase in hose pull distance to be allowed where approved by the fire code official. For instance, the City of San Diego has a written policy that specifically allows sprinidered buildings to automatically increase their hose pull distance to 200 feet. We recognize that the City of Carlsbad does not automatically allow this same increase to 200 feet for any building with a sprinkler system, which is why we are offering an enhanced level of protection above and beyond normal code requirements via a 50-percent higher design density for our light hazard sprinkler system: Buildings that are equipped throughout with automatic sprinkler protection in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 /NFPA 13 do a much better job of limiting the size and speed of fire growth compared to a non-sptinklered building where the same prescriptive 150-foot hose pull limit would normally apply. In this case, our sprinkler system will be enhanced even further, to provide 50-percent more water on a fire than a standard NFPA 13 light hazard system would minimally require. This will further limit fire growth from the time of system activation to the fire department arriving on site and beginning their response operations. CFD's Response The above stated proposal and justification has been evaluated against requirements held in the California Fire Code and local amendments by the City of Carlsbad. Although we do not concur with the City of San Diego's amendments to their Fire Code, we do feel that the proposal should be considered by the Carlsbad Fire Department in this instance. After consideration, the above proposal provides a reasonable level of fire safety and meets the intent of the requirements associated with fire department access for commercial properties. The Carlsbad Fire Department is in agreement that a comparable level of life safety and fire department I!' Coastline Church ól/09/2020 access could be achieved through the proposed enhancements to walkways, standpipes and increased fire sprinkler densities. It is the opinion of CFD that the proposed site access enhancements will adequately provide life safety and property protection in lieu strict code compliant fire department access. Respectfully, / Randall L. Metz Fire Marshal Pc: File Copy HydrauIic_Overview Job Number: 01-079 Report Description: Lioht Hazard-CORRIDOR CALC Job Job Number Design Engineer 01-079 Job Name COASTLINE CHURCH Phone FleE Address 1 2215 CALLE BARCELONA State Ce,tifloatiorvticense Number Address 2 CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 AHJ Address 3 Job SitelDuiidirg System Density Area otApplisation NA NA Meet Demanding Sprinider Data Hose Streams K-Factor at 750.00 Coverage Per Sprtntder Number Of Sprinlders Caicuiated suarrberleSpAddersCalo.eaied NA 0 0 SyidemPressureSeeerA Syslen Flea Demand 142.663 750.00 Total Demand 750.00 © 142.663 Pressure ResAft +16.904 (10.6%) Supplies Check Point Gauges Node Name Flow(opm) Hose Flow(glom) Static(psi) Residual(psi) Identifier Pressure(psi) K-Factor(K) Flow(pm) 1 Water Supply 1714.00 160.000 158.000 SPG WEST (Hose) 58.909 65.14 500.00 SPG EAST (Hose) 122.226 22.61 250.00 BOR 130.064 65.76 750.00 COASTLINE CHURCH FIRE SPK PLAN Water Supply at Node 1(1714.00, 0.00, 160.000, 158.000) 200- 180- tatic Pressure 160.000 160- 00 @ 158.000 - 140 7~@142 ff50.00 120- (0 0 _100- 80 System demand curve 40 20 _ 0- pq05 400 2100 2800 3500 1750 2450 3150 Water flow, gpm , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. ffi AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1 .19.0 5/11/2020 9:48:30PM Page 1 I' Hydraulic Summary Job Number: 01-079 Renort Descriotion: Liaht Hazard-CORRIDOR CALC Job Job Number 01-079 Design Engineer Job Name: COASTLINE CHURCH State CartlflootiOli/USerox Number Address t 2215 CALLE BARCELONA AHJ Address 2 CARLSBADr CA. 92008 Job SoelSuildirrg Address3 Drawing Name COASTLINE CHURCH FIRE SPK PLAN System Remote Area(s) Most Demanding bprtnAer Data K-Factor at Occupancy NA Job Suffix Manually Flowing Hose Allowance At Source 0.00 Density NA Rosa otAppllcatron NA Additional Hose Supplies Node Hose At Node 711 Hose At Node 802 Flow(gpm) 250.00 500.00 Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Number Of N0001ox Calouloted 0 0 Coverage Per Sprrkler NA AutoPeak Results: Presoure For Remote Areo)s)Adjsoertlo Most Remote Area Total Rosa Streams 750.00 System flow SornarA 750.00 Total Water Required (Including Hose Allowance) 750.00 Maximum Pressure Dnbalanoe In Loops 0.000 M ax imu m Velocity Above Ground 33.51 between nodes 799 and 802 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 7.58 between nodes 4 and 5 Volume capacity of PoNt Pipes 994.22ga1 Voluma oapaoityotOnly Pipes Supplies Node Name Hose Flow (gpm) Static (psi) Residual (psi) Flow (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) (gpm) Required (psi) Safety Margin (psi) 1 Water Supply 150.000 158.000 1714.00 159.567 750.00 142.663 16.904 Contractor ContractorNumber Contact Name Corrtaotfltle Name of Contractor. Phone Btamdon Address I FAX Address 2 E-mail Address 3 Web-Site , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. E.0 AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1 .19.0 5/11/2020 9:48:32PM Page 2 IIII'Summary Of Outfiowing Devices Job Number: 01-079 rceport uescrlpuon: LI9flt r1azara-uuKNiuuN Actual Flow Minimum Flow K-Factor Pressure I Hose 711 1 250.00 250.00 50 112.820 Hose 802 500.00 500.00 100 25.000 c Most Demanding Sprinkler Data , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 11 AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.19. 0 5/11/2020 9:48:34PM Page 3 I' NodeAnalysis Ll Job Number: 01-079 Reoort Descriotion: Liaht Hazard-CORRIDOR CALC Node Elevation(Foot) Fittings Pressure(psi) Discharge(gpm) 1 -5-6 S 142.663 750.00 711 V-0 Hose(-25.000)(3l'-O) 112.820 250.00 802 4-0 Hose(-25.000)(31'-O) 25.000 500.00 2 -4-10 141.125 3 -4-10 135.259 4 -5-6 132.981 5 0-6 BOR 130.064 6 11-5 T(21-11) 118.981 7 11-5 1(6-10) 95.504 9 11-5 1(6-10) 92.661 10 11-5 P0(21-11) 90.890 11 11-5 P0(6-10) 90.862 12 11-5 P0(5-11) 90.826 13 11-5 T(6-10) 88.848 14 11-5 P0(6-10) 64.212 15 11-5 P0(6-10) 90.819 33 1-0 122.732 34 -5-0 125.291 669 -5-0 124.885 707 -1-0 123.097 708 1-0 P0(12-0), SPG EAST (Hose) 122.226 768 -2-0 E(21-7) 62.151 798 2-0 59.792 799 4-0 P0(12-0), SPG WEST (Hose) 58.909 , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. IJ AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1 .19.0 5/11/2020 9:48:35PM Page 4 1 Hydraulie Analysis L) Job Number: 01-079 Recort Descriotion: Lioht Hazard-CORRIDOR CALC Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss - Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary =. ..... Route l ..... MS 2.4690 500.00 33.51 120 0.776551 0-8 Pf 33.909 802 799 4-0 4-0 500.00 25.000 58.909 Hose, P0(12-0), SPG WEST (Hose) 43-0 43'-8 Pe Pv MS 6.3570 500.00 5.05 120 0.007761 2-0 Pf 0.016 799 798 4-0 2-0 58.909 59.792 2-0 Pe Pv 0.867 MS 6.0900 500.00 5.51 150 0.006330 34-0 Pf 0.625 798 768 2-0 -2-0 59.792 62.151 3E(21'-7) 64'-8 98'-8 Pe Pv 1.734 CM 3.3160 500.00 18.58 120 0.184652 98-5 Pf 27.878 768 14 4-0 11-5 62.151 84.212 3E(10'-3), T(21'-11), Z 52'-7 151'-0 Pe Pv -5.816 BL 1.4160 54.02 11.01 120 0.189781 17-8 Pf 4.636 14 13 11-5 11,-S 84.212 88.848 PO(6-10) 6-10 24-5 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 30.88 6.29 120 0.067440 22-5 Pf 1.970 13 15 11-5 11-5 88.848 90.819 P0(6-10) 6-10 29'-3 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 30.88 1.15 120 0.001070 7'-2 Pf 0.008 is 12 u-s 11-5 90.819 90.826 7'-2 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 54.02 2.01 120 0.003010 12-0 Pf 0.036 12 11 11,-S 11,-S 23.14 90.826 90.862 Flow (q) from Route 12-0 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 29.15 1.08 120 0.000961 7'-2 Pf 0.028 11 10 11-5 11-5 90.862 90.890 P0(21-11) 21-11 29-1 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 29.15 5.94 120 0.060621 22'-5 Pf 1.771 10 9 11,-S 11,-S 90.890 92.661 T(6'-10) 6-10 29-3 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 54.02 11.01 120 0.189781 4-9 Pf 2.842 9 7 11-5 11,-S 24.87 92.661 95.504 Flow (q) from Route 4 E(3'-5), T(6'-10) 10-2 15-0 Pe Pv 0.000 CM 3.3160 500.00 18.58 120 0.184652 95-0 Pf 23.478 7 6 11-5 11,-S 445.98 95.504 118.981 Flow (q) from Route 3 E(10'-3), T(21'-11) 32-1 127-2 Pe Pv -0.000 FR 4.3160 750.00 16.45 120 0.108310 10-11 Pf 6.350 6 S 11,-S 0-6 250.00 118.981 130.064 Flow (q) from Route 2 CV(30'-10), f, BV(16'-10), BOR 47'-8 58-7 Pe Pv 4.733 UG 6.3570 750.00 7.58 150 0.010874 12-0 Pf 0.316 S 4 0-6 -5-6 130.064 132.981 LtE(17'-1) 17-1 29-1 Pe Pv 2.601 MS 6.0900 750.00 8.26 150 0.013401 170-0 Pf 2.567 4 3 -6-6 4-10 132.981 135.259 E(21'-7) 21-7 191-7 Pe Pv -0.289 MS 6.0650 750.00 8.33 120 0.020660 12-0 Pf 5.866 3 2 -4-10 -4-10 135.259 141.125 2GV(0'-O), 2T(0'-O), BFP(-5.618) 0,-0 12-0 Pe Pv MS 6.0900 750.00 8.26 150 0.013401 50,-0 Pf 1.248 2 1 -4-10 -5-6 141.125 142.663 2E(21'-7), s 43'-2 93'-2 Pe Pv 0.289 0.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 750.00 Route ..... MS 2.4690 250.00 16.75 120 0.215409 0-8 Pf 9.406 711 708 1-0 11 0 250.00 112.820 122.226 Hose, P0(12-a), SPG EAST (Hose) 43-0 43'-8 Pe Pv MS 6.3570 250.00 2.53 120 0.002153 2-0 Pf 0.004 708 707 1-0 -1-0 122.226 123.097 2-0 Pe Pv 0.867 MS 6.0900 250.00 2.75 150 0.001756 9,-0 Pf 0.054 707 669 -1,-0 -5-0 123.097 124.885 E(21'-7) 21-7 30-7 Pe Pv 1.734 MS 4.2300 250.00 5.71 150 0.010358 20-0 Pf 0.406 669 34 -6-0 -5,-0 124.885 125.291 E(19'-3) 19-3 Pe Pv f,, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK 2019 v15.1 .19.0 5/11/2020 9:48:36PM Page JHydraulic Analysis Job Number: 01-079 Report Description: Light Hazard-CORRIDOR CALC Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge Upstream K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary UG 6.3570 250.00 2.53 150 0.001425 12-0 Pf 0.041 34 -5-0 33 1-0 125.291 122.732 LtE(17'-l) 17-1 29-1 Pe -2.601 Pv FR 4.3160 250.00 5.48 120 0.014190 11-10 Pf 0.766 33 1-0 6 11-5 122.732 118.981 E(14-0), T(28.1) 42-1 53-11 Pe -4.516 Pv =. ..... Route 3 ..... CM 3.3160 445.98 16.57 120 0.149447 43-5 Pf 11.292 14 11-5 54.02 7 11-5 84.212 95.504 Flow (q) from Route 1 E(10'-3), T(21'-11) 32-1 757 Pe 0.000 Pv =...... Route 4 ..... BL 1.4160 24.87 5.07 120 0.045187 29-7 P1 1.799 11 11-5 9 11,-5 90.862 92.661 P0(6-10) E(3'-5) 10-2 39-10 Pe Pv =. ..... Route 5 ..... BL 1.4160 23.14 4.71 120 0.039547 29-7 Pf 1.978 13 11,-s 12 11-5 88.848 90.826 1(6-10) 1(6-10), P0(6-10) 20-5 50'-O Pe Pv lEquivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) Actual Inside Diameter ( Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter 4.87 ) = Factor C Value Multiplier Value Of 100 Multiplying Factor 0.713 130 140 150 1.16 1.33 1.51 , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1 .19.0 5/11/2020 9:48:36PM Page 6 1191'Hydraulic Analysis I Job Number: 01-079 report uescrlption: ugni riazara-LuNmuuN u/-\LU Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss ILength Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length ~Pressure Summary Upstream Total Length Pipe Type Legend Units Legend Fittings Legend AC Arm-Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BalV Ball Valve DR Drop BFP Backflow Preventer DY Dynamic Velocity fps BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Pressure psi C Cross Flow Turn 90 FR Feed Riser Length Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous Friction Loss psi/Foot Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger HWC Hazen-Williams Constant CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe DeIV Deluge Valve SP Sprig DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe E 90 Elbow UG Underground Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points EE 45 Elbow Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated Eel 11W Elbow points Ee2 221/V Elbow Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90 FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45D FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90 Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.l .19.0 5/11/2020 9:48:36PM Page 7 111, Hydraulic Overview Job Number: 01-079 Reoort Descriotion: Liaht Hazard Job Job Number 01-079 Design Engineer Job Namel COASTLINE CHURCH Phone FAX Address I 2215 CALLE BARCELONA State Cersfl50110nflJoenso Number Address 2 CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 AHJ Address 3 Job SltelBullding System Densby kea olAppOcation 0.logpm/ft° 1500ft2 (Actual 997ft2) Most Demanding Springer Data Hose Stneame 5.6 K-Factor 33.75 at 36.322 100.00 coveroge Per Sprllnlden 2251t2 Numbnn Of Sprinklers Calculeted branberO SprinOersCalcuOter 7 0 Spetem Pressure oerrrsnd Syolem more Demand 134.035 276.80 Total Demond 376.80 @ 134.035 Pressure Result +25.844(16.2%) Supplies Check Point Gauges Node Name Flow(pm) Hose Flow(pom) Static(psi) Residual(psi) Identifier Pressure(psi) K-Factor(K) Flow(gpm) 1 Water Supply 171400 100.00 160.000 158.000 SPG WEST (Hose) 0.000 0 0.00 SPG EAST (Hose) 0.000 0 0.00 BOR 125.399 2472 276.80 COASTLINE CHURCH FIRE SPK PLAN Water Supply at Node 1 (1714.00, 0.00, 160.000, 158.000) 200- Static Pressure 160.000 16 714.00 ) 158.000° 140 .335--- withose streams F376Ottlh 120 U) CL Nk 100 80- System demand cue 60- 40- 20- 0- ItlihIrluiaL IJ.WJ.L LLLIJJ.0 Li.LLLU.I 111111111 ______ 3150 pq051400 1750 2100 2450 2800 3500 Water flOW gpm , © M.E.P.CADr Inc. qj AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.19.0 5/10/2020 8:02:13PM Page 1 111 JHydrauIic Summary Job Number: 01-07 Reoort Descriotion: Liaht Hazard Job Job Number 01-079 Design Engineer Job Name: COASTLINE CHURCH State CertiflcatiotriUcense Number AddrOse 1 2215 CALLE BARCELONA AHJ Add— 2 CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 Job SfletRrrilding Add— 3 DrawIng Name COASTLINE CHURCH FIRE SPK PLAN System Remote Area(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data 5.6 K-Factor 33.75 at 36.322 Occupancy Light Hazard Job GoNe Rose Ailowarwe At Source 100.00 Density 0.1ogpm/ft2 Grea olApplicavon 1500ft2 (Actual 997ft2) Additional Rose SlNPtloN Node Flow(qpm) Number Of Sprtrridars Calculated Number Of RowdieR Calculated 7 0 Coverage Per Sprinider 225ft2 AbtoPeak Results: Pressure For RemoteArea(s) Adjacent To Most Remote Puma Total lose StreartN 100.00 System Flow Demand 276.80 Tctal PuNter Required (Including Hose Allowarroo) 376.80 Maoima.rm Pressure Onbalance In t.ocps 0.000 Maolrrsem Velccrty Above Ground 37.97 between nodes 25 and 26 Maximum Velocity Sole, Ground 2.80 between nodes 4 and 5 Veilone capacity 01 Wet Pipes 958. 33ga1 Volume capacity of Dry Pipes Supplies Node Name Hose Flow (gpm) Static (psi) Residual (psi) Flow (gpm) Available (psi) Total Demand (gpm) Required (psi) Safety Margin (psi) 1 Water Supply 100.00 160.000 158.000 I 1714.00 159.879 I 376.60 134.035 25.844 Contractor Controcror Number Contact Name Contact Dli. Rome otContractar. Phone Address 1 FAX AddreNs2 Email Address 3 Pkb.Site f, © M.E.P.CADr Inc. J AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1 .19.0 5/10/2020 8:02:15PM Page 2 111 [ Summary Of Outfiowing Devices Device Actual Flow (gpm) Minimum Flow (9pm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Sprinkler 101 4430 33.75 5.6 62.570 Sprinkler 102 38.00 33.75 5.6 46.056 Sprinkler 103 35.44 33.75 5.6 40.050 Sprinkler 104 34.89 33.75 5.6 38.821 Sprinkler 105 46.01 33.75 5.6 67.509 c Sprinkler 106 33.75 33.75 5.6 36.322 Sprinkler 107 44.40 33.75 5.6 62.869 c Most Demanding Sprinkler Data , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. jAutoSPRlNK 2019 v15.1.19.0 5/10/2020 8:02:16PM Page 3 Job Number: 01-079 Reoort Descriotion: Licht Hazard I' Node Analysis I Job Number: 01-079 Reoort Descriotion: Lioht Hazard Node Elevation(Foot) Fittings Pressure(psi) Discharge(gpm) 1 -5-6 S 134.035 276.50 101 22-6 Spr(-62.570) 62.570 44.30 102 22-6 Spr(-46.056) 46.056 38.00 103 22-6 Spr(-40.050) 40.050 35.44 104 22-6 Spr(-38.821) 38.821 34.89 105 22-6 Spr(-67.509) 67.509 46.01 106 22-6 Spr(-36.322) 36.322 33.75 107 22'-6 Spr(-62.869) 62.869 44.40 2 4-10 133.548 3 -4-10 128.167 4 -5-6 128.050 5 0-6 BOR 125.399 6 11-5 1(21-11) 119.662 7 11-5 1(6-10) 111.800 8 11,-5 1(21-11) 110.454 9 11-5 T(6-10) 111.425 10 11-5 P0(21-11) 111.192 11 11-5 P0(6-10) 111.188 12 11-5 P0(5-11) 111.164 13 11-5 T(6-10) 110.923 14 11-5 P0(21-11) 110.483 15 11-5 PO(6-10) 111.183 16 24-5 P0(21-11) 99.978 17 24-5 T(21-11) 101.562 18 24-5 T(6'-10) 100.410 19 24-5 P0(6-10) 99.965 20 24-5 P0(6-10) 99.955 21 24-5 1(6-i0) 99.407 22 24-5 P0(6-10) 97.424 23 24-5 P0(6-10) 99.951 24 24-5 P0(5-11) 94.022 25 24-5 P0(5-11) 93.585 26 24-5 1(5-11) 67.332 27 24-5 1(5-11) 49.241 28 24-5 1(5-11) 42.750 29 24-5 1(5-11) 72.223 30 24-5 1(5-11) 41.593 © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. ] AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.19. 0 5/10/2020 8:02:17PM Page 4 Hydraulic Analysis Job Number: 01-079 Renort Descriotion: Lioht Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary Routel ..... DR 10570 33.75 11.67 120 0.288086 12-10 Pf 6.083 106 30 22-6 24-5 33.75 5.6 36.322 41.593 Sprinkler, E(2.5), T(5-11) 8-4 21-1 Pe Pv -0.813 DL 1.4160 68.64 13.98 120 0.295571 3-11 P1 1.158 30 28 24-5 24-5 34.89 41.593 42.750 Flow (q) from Route 2 3-11 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 104.08 21.20 120 0.638434 10-2 P1 6.491 28 27 24-5 24-5 35.44 42.750 49.241 Flow (q) from Route 3 10-2 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 142.09 28.95 120 1.135515 15-11 Pf 18.091 27 26 24-5 24-5 38.00 49.241 67.332 Flow (q) from Route 4 15-11 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 186.38 37.97 120 1.875963 7-2 Pf 26.253 26 25 24-5 24-5 44.30 67.332 93.585 Flow (q) from Route P0(6-10) 6-10 14-0 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 186.38 6.92 120 0.029752 14-8 Pf 0.436 25 24 24-5 24-5 93.585 94.022 14-8 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 276.80 10.28 120 0.061838 33-1 Pf 3.402 24 22 24-5 24-5 90.41 94.022 97.424 Flow (q) from Route 6 T(21-11) 21-11 55-0 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 246.03 9.14 120 0.049725 39-5 Pf 4.138 22 17 24-5 24-5 97.424 101.562 2T(21-11) 43-10 83-3 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 276.80 10.28 120 0.061838 20-6 Pt 3.256 17 8 24-5 11-5 30.77 101.562 110.454 Flow (q) from Route 9 E(10'-3), T(21-11) 32-1 52-8 Pe Pv 5.636 CM 3.3160 258.74 9.61 120 0.054582 2-9 Pf 1.346 8 7 11-5 11-5 110.454 111.800 T(21-11) 21-11 24-8 Pe Pv 0.000 CM 3.3160 276.80 10.28 120 0.061838 95-0 Pf 7.862 7 6 11-5 11-5 18.06 111.800 119.662 Flow (q) from Route 8 E(10-3), T(21-11) 32-1 127-2 Pe Pv -0.000 FR 4.3160 276.80 6.07 120 0.017132 10-11 Pf 1.004 6 5 11-5 0-6 119.662 125.399 CV(30-10), 1, BV(16'-10), BOR 47-8 58-7 Pe Pv 4.733 UG 6.3570 276.80 2.80 150 0.001720 12-0 Pf 0.050 5 4 0-6 -5-6 125.399 128.050 LtE(17'-l) 17-1 29-1 Pe Pv 2.601 MS 6.0900 276.80 3.05 150 0.002120 170-0 Pf 0.406 4 3 -5-6 -4-10 128.050 128.167 E(21-7) . 21-7 191-7 Pe Pv -0.289 MS 6.0650 276.80 3.07 120 0.003268 12-0 Pt 5.381 3 2 4-10 4-10 128.167 133.548 2GV(0-0), 2T(0-0), BFP(-5.342) 0-0 12-0 Pe Pv MS 6.0900 276.80 3.05 150 0.002120 50-0 Pt 0.197 2 1 -4-10 -5-6 133.548 134.035 2E(21'-7), S 43-2 93-2 Pe Pv 0.289 100.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 376.80 Route ..... DR 1.0870 34.89 12.06 120 0.306373 3-5 Pf 3.584 104 30 22-6 24-5 34.89 5.6 38.821 41.593 Sprinkler, E(2'-5), T(5'-11) 8'-4 11'-8 Pe Pv -0.813 Route ..... DR 1.0870 35.44 12.25 120 0.315337 2-10 Pt 3.513 103 28 22-6 24'-5 35.44 5.6 40.050 42.750 Sprinkler, E(2-5), T(5'-11) 5-4 11-2 Pe Pv -0.813 =. ..... Route 4 ..... DR 1.0870 38.00 13.14 120 0.358842 2-10 Pt 3.998 102 27 22-6 24-5 38.00 5.6 46.056 49.241 Sprinkler, E(2'-5), T(5.11) 84 11-2 Pe Pv -0.813 -. Route 5 ..... DR 1.0870 44.30 15.31 120 0.476435 3-5 Pf 5.575 101 26 22-6 24-5 44.30 5.6 62.570 67.332 Sprinkler, E(2-5), T(5-11) 8'-4 11,-S Pe Pv -0.813 , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1 .19.0 5/10/2020 8:02:1 5PM Page 5 111 iHydrauIic Analysis L) Job Number: 01-079 Report Description: Light Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss ILength Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary =. ..... Route 6 ..... DR 1.0870 44.40 15.35 120 0.478539 16-6 Pf 10.167 107 29 22-6 24-5 44.40 5.6 62.869 72.223 Sprinkler, 2E(2'-5) 4-9 21-3 Pe Pv -0.813 BL 1.4160 90.41 18.42 120 0.492054 37-6 Pf 21.799 29 24 24'-5 24-5 46.01 72.223 94.022 Flow (q) from Route 7 P0(6-10) 6-10 Pe Pv =. ..... Route 7 ..... DR 1.0870 46.01 15.91 120 0.511120 2-6 Pf 5.527 105 29 22-6 24'-5 46.01 5.6 67.509 72.223 Sprinkler, E(2'-5), T(5'-11) 8'-4 10'-10 Pe Pv -0.813 Gib ..... Route 8 ..... BL 1.4160 18.06 3.68 120 0.024996 17-8 Pf 0.441 14 13 11-5 11-5 18.06 110.483 110.923 Flow (q) from Route 15 17-8 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 10.32 2.10 120 0.008883 22-5 Pf 0.260 13 15 11-5 11-5 110.923 111.183 P0(6-10) 6-10 29'-3 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 10.32 0.38 120 0.000141 7'-2 Pf 0.001 15 12 11-5 11-5 111.183 111.184 7'-2 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 18.06 0.67 120 0.000396 12-0 Pt 0.005 12 11 11,-S 11,-S 7.74 111.184 111.188 Flow (q) from Route 14 12-0 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 9.75 0.36 120 0.000127 7'-2 Pt 0.004 11 10 11-5 11-5 111.188 111.192 P0(21-11) 21-11 29-1 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 9.75 1.99 120 0.007984 22'-5 Pf 0.233 10 9 11-5 11,-5 111.192 111.425 1(6-10) 6-10 29-3 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 18.06 3.68 120 0.024996 4-9 Pf 0.374 9 7 11,-S 11,-S 8.31 111.425 111.800 Flow (q) from Route 13 E(3'-S), 1(6-10) 10-2 15-0 Pe Pv 0.000 - Route 9 ..... BL 1.4160 30.77 6.27 120 0.066990 10-5 Pf 1.152 18 17 24'-5 24'-5 19.30+ 11.47 100.410 101.562 Flow (q) from Route 10 and 12 1(6-10) 6-10 17-2 Pe Pv =. ..... Route lO ..... BL 1.4160 30.77 6.27 120 0.066990 22-10 Pf 1.983 22 21 24'-5 24'-5 97.424 99.407 P0(6-10) 6-10 29-7 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 12.83 2.61 120 0.013285 24'-3 Pt 0.548 21 20 24'-5 24'-5 99.407 99.955 T(6'-l0) E(3'-5), P0(6-10) 17-0 41-3 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 30.77 1.14 120 0.001062 9,-0 Pf 0.010 20 19 24'-5 24'-5 17.94 99.955 99.965 Flow (q) from Route 11 9-0 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 19.30 0.72 120 0.000448 9,-0 Pf 0.014 19 16 24-5 24'-5 99.965 99.978 P0(21-11) 21-11 30-11 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 19.30 3.93 120 0.028267 15-3 Pf 0.432 16 18 24-5 24-5 99.978 100.410 15-3 Pe Pv =. ..... Route ll ..... BL 1.4160 17.94 3.65 120 0.024685 15-3 Pt 0.545 21 23 24-5 24-5 12.83 99.407 99.951 Flow (q) from Route 10 P0(6-10) 6-10 22-1 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 17.94 0.67 120 0.000391 9,-0 Pf 0.004 23 20 24-5 24-5 99.951 99.955 9-0 Pe Pv =...... Route 12 ..... BL 1.4160 11.47 2.34 120 0.010793 24'-3 Pt 0.445 19 18 24'-5 24'-5 99.965 100.410 P0(6-10) E(3'-5), 1(6-10) 17-0 41-3 Pe Pv -. ..... Route 13 ..... BL 1.4160 8.31 1.69 120 0.005952 29'-7 Pf 0.237 11 9 11-5 11-5 111.188 111.425 P0(6-10) E(3'-5) 10-2 39-10 Pe Pv © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.19.0 5/10/2020 8:02:18PM Page 6 Hydraulic Analysis Job Number: 01-079 Recort Descriotion: Liaht Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length =. ..... Route 14 ..... BL 1.4160 7.74 1.58 120 0.005209 29-7 Pf 0.261 13 11-5 110.923 T(6-10) 20-5 Pe 12 11-5 111.184 T(6-10), P0(6-10) 50-0 Pv - Route 15 ..... CM 3.3160 18.06 0.67 120 0.000396 40-8 Pf 0.029 8 11-5 258.74 110.454 Flow (q) from Route 1 32-1 Pe 14 11-5 110.483 E(10-3), P0(21-11) 72-10 Pv lEquivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) C Value Multiplier Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 Value Of C 100 130 140 150 ( Schedule Steel Pipe Inside Diameter ) = Factor Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 Pipe Type Legend Units Legend Fittings Legend AO Arm-Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BaIV Ball Valve DR Drop BFP Backfiow Preventer DY Dynamic Velocity fps BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Pressure psi C Cross Flow Turn 90 FR Feed Riser Length Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous Friction Loss psi/Foot Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger HWC Hazen-Williams Constant CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pt Total pressure at a point n a pipe i DelV Deluge Valve SP Sprig DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pn Normal pressure at a point n a pipe i E 90 Elbow UG Underground Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points EE 45 Elbow Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated Eel 11W Elbow points Ee2 22W Elbow Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90 FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45o FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GIoV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve PrV Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90 Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. JAutoSPRlNK 2019 v15.1 .19.0 5/10/2020 8:02:18PM Page 7 1111'Hydraulic Overview Job Number: 01-079 Reoort Descriotion: Liaht Hazard-CORRIDOR CALC Job Jab N,anber Design Engineer 01-079 Job Rennet COASTLINE CHURCH Phone FAX Address 1 2215 CALLE BARCELONA State CertcflcationlUcense Number Ad dress 2 CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 AHJ Address S Jab Site/BuIlding System Density Area otAppiloatten 0.logpm/ft2 1500ft2 (Actual 420ft°) Most Demanding Spain/del Data Hose Sheams 5.6 K-Factor 28.00 at 25.000 100.00 Coverage Per Sprtntder Number Of Sprinlders Calculated rl,arrterotSp,trueraCaleubted 225ft2 3 0 System Pressure Demand System Flora Oerrerru 46.654 84.06 Total Demand 184.06 @46.654 Pressure Result +113.313 (70.8%) Supplies Check Point Gauges Node Name Flow(gpm) Hose Flow(pm) Static(psi) Residual(psi) Identifier Pressure(psi) K-Factor(K) Flow(cinm) 1 Water Supply 1714.00 100.00 160.000 158.000 SPG WEST (Hose) 0.000 0 0.00 SPG EAST (Hose) 0.000 0 0.00 BOR 38.939 13.47 84.06 COASTLINE CHURCH FIRE SPK PLAN Water Supply at Node 1 (1714.00, 0.00, 160.000, 158.000) 200 tatic Pressure 160.00016 1714.00@ 158.000 140 0 12 CIL U) jJ r 100 80 _ 60 4.06 @ 46.654 40--— I System demand curve 20- -- ____ ___ 0- 'l1III!'hhhhhhII.I.1.I.I.1.1.t'.I.l.I.I.I.I.I.l1.I.J.I.1.I_I_I.J1111IthhhhhhIhh1I 3150 M905014001750 2100 2450 2800 3500 Water flow, gpm ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M1 AutoSPRlNK 2019 5/10/2020 8:03:56PM Page 1 1111Hydraulic Summary Job Number: 01-079 Report Description: LiQht Hazard-CORRIDOR CALC Job Job Number 01-079 Design Engineer Job Name: COASTLINE CHURCH State CetliflbatiorVUcense Number Address 1 2215 CALLE BARCELONA AHJ Address 2 CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 Job Siteleulding Address DraorrgNarna COASTLINE CHURCH FIRE SPK PLAN System Remote Area(s) Most Demanding Spdn5er Data 5.6 K-Factor 28.00 at 25.000 Occupancy Light Hazard-CORRIDOR CALC Job Sulfa HaeeAsooearee At Source 100.00 Density 0.logpm/ft2 Area of Application 15002 (Actual 420ft2) Additional Coca Supplies Node Flow(gpm) Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Number Of N0021es Caloulored 3 0 Coverage Per Spynider 225ft2 AutoPeak Results: Pressure For Remote Areg(c) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Total Hose Streams 100.00 System Flow Demand 84.06 Total Water Required (inoluding Hose A100.wnoe( 184.06 Maoirmim Pressure Unbalance in Loops 0.000 Meoiervm Velocity Above Ground 9.70 between nodes 530 and 1149 McairrsvmValooity Under Ground 0.85 between nodes 4 and 5 Volume capacity or War Pipes 958.33ga1 Volume capacity of Dry Pipes Supplies Node Name Hose Flow (gpm) Static (psi) Residual (psi) Flow (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) @ (gpm) Required (psi) Safety Margin (psi) 1 Water Supply 100.00 160.000 158.000 1714.00 159.968 184.06 46.654 113.313 Contractor Contreotor Number Contact Name Cortaotririo Rams of Conrootor, Phone Extension Addrenxl FAX Address 2 E-mail Address 3 Mb-Sits , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1 .19.0 5/10/2020 8:03:58PM Page 2 111, JSummary Of Outfiowing Devices Job Number: 01-079 Report Description: Light Hazard-CORRIDOR CALC Device Actual Flow (gpm) Minimum Flow (gpm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) c) Sprinkler 1145 28.00 28.00 5.6 25.000 Sprinkler 1147 28.01 28.00 5.6 25.021 Sprinkler 1149 28.04 28.00 5.6 25.078 c Most Demanding Sprinkler Data , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. WA AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.19.0 5/10/2020 8:03:59PM Page 3 III INode Analysis I Job Number: 01-079 Rnnrt fljrintinn I inht Hri7rd-flflRPIflflP (AI fl Node Elevation(Foot) Fittings Pressure(psi) Discharge(gpm) 1 -5-6 S 46.654 84.06 1145 22-6 Spr(-25.000) 25.000 28.00 1147 22-6 Spr(-25.021) 25.021 28.01 1149 22-6 Spr(-25.078) 25.078 28.04 2 -4-10 46.344 3 4-10 41.301 4 -5-6 41.545 5 0-6 BOR 35.939 6 11-5 T(28-1) 34.095 7 11-5 T(21-11) 33.228 8 11-5 1(21-11) 33.080 9 11-5 1(6-10) 33.187 10 11-5 P0(21-11) 33.161 11 11-5 P0(6-10) 33.161 12 11-5 P0(5-11) 33.160 13 11-5 T(6-10) 33.132 14 11-5 P0(21-11) 33.083 15 11-5 P0(6-10) 33.160 16 24-5 P0(21-11) 26.915 17 24-5 T(6-10) 27.085 18 24-5 1(6-10) 26.962 19 24-5 P0(6-10) 26.914 20 24-5 P0(6-10) 26.913 21 24-5 1(6-10) 26.854 22 24-5 P0(6-10) 26.642 23 24-5 P0(6-10) 26.913 517 24-5 P0(5-11) 26.568 523 24-5 P0(5-11) 26.591 530 1 24-5 1 P0(5-11) 1 26.653 ©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. JAutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.19.0 5/10/2020 8:04:00PM Page IHydraulic Analysis Job Number: 01-079 Recoil Descriction: Liaht Hazard-CORRIDOR CALC Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary =. ..... Route l ..... DR 10870 28.00 9.68 120 0.203919 3-5 Pf 2.390 1145 517 22-6 24-5 28.00 5.6 25.000 26.568 Sprinkler, E(2-5), PO(5-11) 8-4 11-9 Pe Pv -0.822 CM 3.3160 28.00 1.04 120 0.000892 26-0 P1 0.023 517 523 24-5 24-5 26.568 26.591 26-0 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 56.01 2.08 120 0.003218 15-9 Pf 0.051 523 22 24-5 24-5 28.01 26.591 26.642 Flow (q) from Route 2 15-9 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 46.82 1.74 120 0.002309 4-8 Pf 0.011 22 530 24-5 24-5 26.642 26.653 4-8 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 74.86 2.78 120 0.005503 34-9 Pf 0.432 530 17 24-5 24-5 28.04 26.653 27.085 Flow (q) from Route 3 2T(21'-11) 43-10 78-7 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 84.06 3.12 120 0.006819 20-6 Pf 0.359 17 8 24-5 11-5 9.20 27.085 33.080 Flow (q) from Route E(10-3), T(21-11) 32-1 52-8 Pe Pv 5.636 CM 3.3160 78.57 2.92 120 0.006019 2-9 Pf 0.148 8 7 11-5 11-5 33.080 33.228 1(21-11) 21-11 24-8 Pe Pv 0.000 CM 3.3160 84.06 3.12 120 0.006819 95-0 Pt 0.867 7 6 11-5 11-5 5.48 33.228 34.095 Flow (q) from Route 4 E(10-3), T(21-11) 32-1 127-2 Pe Pv -0.000 FR 4.3160 84.06 1.84 120 0.001889 10-11 Pf 0.111 6 5 11-5 0-6 34.095 38.939 CV(30-10), f, BV(16-10), BO 47-8 58-7 Pe Pv 4.733 U 6.3570 84.06 0.85 150 0.000190 12-0 Pt 0.006 5 4 0-6 -5-6 38.939 41.545 LtE(17-1) 17-1 29-1 Pe Pv 2.601 MS 6.0900 84.06 0.93 150 0.000234 170-0 Pf 0.045 4 3 -5-6 -4-10 41.545 41.301 E(21-7) 21-7 191-7 Pe Pv -0.289 MS 6.0650 84.06 0.93 120 0.000360 12-0 Pf 5.042 3 2 4-10 4-10 41.301 46.344 2GV(0-0), 21(0-0), BFP(-5.038) 0-0 12-0 Pe Pv MS 6.0900 84.06 0.93 150 0.000234 50-0 Pf 0.022 2 1 4-10 -5-6 46.344 46.654 2E(21-7), S 43-2 93-2 Pe Pv 0.289 100.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 184.06 - Route 2 ..... DR 1.0870 28.01 9.68 120 0.204080 3-5 Pf 2.392 1147 523 22-6 24-5 28.01 5.6 25.021 26.591 Sprinkler, E(2-5), P0(5-11) 8-4 11-9 Pe Pv -0.822 =. ..... Route 3 ..... DR 1.0870 28.04 9.70 120 0.204506 3-5 P1 2.397 1149 530 22-6 24-5 28.04 5.6 25.078 26.653 Sprinkler, E(2'-5), P0(5-11) 8-4 119 Pe Pv -0.822 -. Route 4 ..... BL 1.4160 5.48 1.12 120 0.002756 17-8 Pf 0.049 14 13 11-5 11-5 5.48 33.083 33.132 Flow (q) from Route 11 17-8 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 3.13 0.64 120 0.000979 22-5 Pf 0.029 13 15 11-5 11-5 33.132 33.160 P0(6-10) 6-10 29-3 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 3.13 0.12 120 0.000016 7-2 Pf 0.000 15 12 11-5 11-5 33.160 33.160 7-2 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 5.48 0.20 120 0.000044 12-0 Pf 0.001 12 11 11-5 11-5 2.35 33.160 33.161 Flow (q) from Route 10 12-0 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 2.96 0.11 120 0.000014 7-2 Pf 0.000 ii 10 11-5 11-5 33.161 33.161 P0(21-11) 21-11 29-1 Pe Pv © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 11 AutoSPRlNK 2019 v15.1.19.0 5/10/2020 8:04:01 PM Page 5 11NIHydraulic Analysis Job Number: 01-079 rcepori uesculpllon: L19111 riazaro-t uKmiuum L../LL. Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Upstream Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary BL 1.4160 2.96 0.60 120 0.000680 22-5 Pf 0,026 10 9 11-5 11-5 33.161 33.187 1(6-10) 6-10 29-3 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 5.48 1.12 120 0.002756 4-9 1 Pt 0.041 9 7 11-5 11-5 2.52 33.187 33.228 Flow (q) from Route 9 E(3-5), T(6-10) 10-2 15-0 Pe Pv 0.000 =. ..... Route 5 ..... BL 1.4160 9.20 1.87 120 0.007173 10-5 Pf 0.123 18 17 24-5 24-5 5.77 +3.43 26.962 27.085 Flow (q) from Route 6 and 8 1(6-10) 6-10 17-2 Pe Pv =. ..... Route 6 ..... BL 1.4160 9.20 1.87 120 0.007173 22-10 Pf 0.212 22 21 24-5 24-5 26.642 26.854 P0(6-10) 6-10 29-7 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 3.84 0.78 120 0.001422 24-3 Pt 0.059 21 20 24-5 24-5 26.854 26.913 T(6'-10) E(3-5), P0(6-10) 17-0 41-3 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 9.20 0.34 120 0.000114 9-0 Pt 0.001 20 19 24-5 24-5 5.36 26.913 26.914 Flow (q) from Route 7 9-0 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 5.77 0.21 120 0.000048 9-0 Pt 0.001 19 16 24-5 24-5 26.914 26.915 P0(21-11) 21-11 30-11 Pe Pv BL 1.4160 5.77 1.18 120 0.003027 15-3 Pt 0.046 16 18 24-5 24-5 26.915 26.962 15-3 Pe Pv =. ..... Route 7 ..... BL 1.4160 5.36 1.09 120 0.002643 15-3 Pf 0.058 21 23 24-5 24-5 3.84 26.854 26.913 Flow (q) from Route 6 P0(6-10) 6-10 22-1 Pe Pv CM 3.3160 5.36 0.20 120 0.000042 9-0 Pt 0,000 23 20 24-5 24-5 26.913 26.913 9-0 Pe Pv =...... Route 8 ..... BL 1.4160 3.43 0.70 120 0.001156 24-3 Pt 0.048 19 18 24-5 24-5 26.914 26.962 P0(6-10) E(3-5), 1(6-10) 17-0 41-3 Pe Pv Route ..... BL 1.4160 2.52 0.51 120 0.000656 29-7 Pf 0.026 11 9 11-5 11-5 33.161 33.187 P0(6-10) E(3'-5) 10-2 39-10 Pe Pv - RoutelO ..... EL 1.4160 2.35 0.48 120 0.000574 29-7 Pf 0.029 13 12 11-5 11-5 33.132 33.160 1(6-10) T(6.10), P0(6-10) 20-5 50-0 Pe Pv - Routell ..... CM 3.3160 5.48 0.20 120 0.000044 40-8 Pf 0.003 8 14 11-5 11-5 78.57 33.080 33,083 Flow (q) from Route 1 E(10-3), P0(21-11) 32-1 72-10 Pe Pv Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) Actual Inside Diameter ( Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter k 487 ) = Factor C Value Multiplier Value Of 100 130 140 Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 150 1.51 , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. JAutoSPRlNK 2019 v15.1 .19.0 5/10/2020 8:04:01 PM Page 6 Hydraulic Analysis Job Number: 01-079 report uescripuon: Li9fll nazara-LLrnrIuur UALU Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss I Length Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length ~Pressure Summary Upstream Total Length Pipe Type Legend Units Legend Fittings Legend AO Arm-Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge g gpm BalV Ball Valve DR Drop BFP Backflow Preventer DY Dynamic Velocity fps BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Pressure psi C Cross Flow Turn 90 FR Feed Riser Length Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous Friction Loss psi/Foot Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger HWC Hazen-Williams Constant CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe DelV Deluge Valve SP Sprig DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe E 90 Elbow UG Underground Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points EE 45 Elbow Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated Eel 11 %' Elbow points Ee2 22h/ Elbow Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90 FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45 FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve CV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve PrV Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90 Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap (, © ME.PCAD, Inc. 11AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.l .19.0 5/10/2020 8:04:01 PM Page 7 tqC00 Worldwide I Contacts www.tyco-fire.com Series TY-FRB, 56 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage General Description The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, Upright (TY313) and Pendent (TY323) Sprinklers described in this data sheet are quick response, standard coverage, decorative 3 mm glass bulb-type spray sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard, commercial occupan- cies such as banks, hotels, and shop- ping malls. The recessed version of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinkler, where applicable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. This recessed pendent sprinkler uses one of the following: A two-piece Style 15 Recessed Escutcheon with recessed adjust- ment up to 5/8 in. (15,9 mm) from the flush pendent position. A two-piece Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon with recessed adjust- ment up to 1/2 in. (12,7 mm) from the flush pendent position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Intermediate level versions of Series TY-FRB Sprinklers are described in Technical Data Sheet TFP357. Sprin- kler guards and shields are described in Technical Data Sheet TFP780. IMPORTANT Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to regulatory and health information. Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Page 1 of 4 NOTICE The TYCO Series TY-FRB Sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authori- ties having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for main- taining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating con- dition. Contact the installing contrac- tor or product manufacturer with any questions. Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) 1Y313.... Upright 5.6K, 1/2 in. NPT TY323.. . .Pendent 5.61K, 1/2 in. NPT Technical Data Approvals Refer to Table A Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12.1 bar) 250 psi (17.2 bar)* * The maximum working pressure of 250 psi (17.2 bar) only applies to the listing by Underwriters Laborato- ries, Inc. (UL). Discharge Coefficient K=5.6 GPM/psi/2 (80,6 LPM/bar') Temperature Rating Refer to Table A Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table B Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Black Coated, Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated Physical Characteristics Frame ............................Bronze Button ......................Brass/copper Sealing Assembly . . . Stainless Steel w/TEFLON Bulb...............................Glass Compression Screw .................Bronze Deflector ..........................Bronze AUGUST 2018 Operation The glass bulb contains a fluid which expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, Upright (TY313) and Pendent (TY323) Sprinklers are intended for fire protec- tion systems designed in accordance with the standard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (such as, UL Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on the requirements of FM's Loss Prevention Data Sheets). Only the Style 15 or Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon is to be used for recessed pendent installations. TFPI72 2-7/8 (73,0 mm) DIA. TFPI72 Page 2 of 4 Components: 1 - Frame 2 - Button 3 - Sealing Assembly * Temperature rating is ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7-1 4 - Bulb indicated on Deflector. can be provided on special request. 5 - Compression Screw ESCUTCHEON PLATE 1/2 7/16 (11,1 mm) 6 - Deflector* DEFLECTOR* SEATING SURFACE NPT** NOMINAL MAKE-IN I 7/16 I (11,1mm) MAKE-IN (50,8 mm) I NOMINAL 2 2" I 1-3/8 (50,8 mm) ________ ________ (34,9 mm) ____[V WR ___ F! 1/2 NPT** DEFLECTOR* STYLE 15or20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON CROSS SECTION UPRIGHT PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT FIGURE 1 SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY313) AND PENDENT (TY323) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT, QUICK RESPONSE Installation The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, Upright (TY313) and Pendent (TY323) Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with this section. General Instructions Do not install any bulb-type sprin- kler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diam- eter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 in. (1,6 mm) for the 135°F (57°C) and 3/32 in. (2,4 mm) for the 286°F (141°C) temperature ratings. A leak-tight 1/2 in. NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained by applying a minimum to maximum torque of 7 to 14 lb-ft (9,5 to 19,0 N.m). Higher levels of torque can distort the sprinkler Inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for insufficient adjustment in the Escutch- eon Plate by under- or over-tightening the sprinkler. Re-adjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Upright and Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Upright and Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions. Step 1. Install Pendent sprinklers in the pendent position. Install upright sprin- klers in the upright position. Step 2. With pipe-thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand- tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 2). With ref- erence to Figure 1, apply the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench to the wrench flats. Torque sprinklers 7 to 14 lb-ft (9,5 to 19,0 N.m). Recessed Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with the following instructions. Step A. After installing the Style 15 or Style 20 Mounting Plate over the sprinkler threads, and with pipe-thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand-tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 3). With reference to Figure 1, apply the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats. Torque sprinklers 7 to 14 lb-ft (9,5 to 19,0 N.m). Step C. After ceiling installation and finishing, slide on the Style 15 or Style 20 Closure over the Series TY-FRB Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. ^WRENCH RECESS / (USE ONLY FIGURE 2 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 3 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH TFPI72 Page 3 of 4 Care and Maintenance The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, Upright (TY313) and Pendent (TY323) Sprinklers must be maintained and ser- viced in accordance with this section. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Absence of the outer piece of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, can delay sprinkler operation in a fire situation. The owner must assure that the sprin- klers are not used for hanging any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dusting with a feather duster; otherwise, non- operation in the event of a fire or inad- vertent operation may result. Sprinklers which are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or other- wise altered after leaving the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the sprinklers before, during, and after installation. Sprin- klers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprin- kler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installa- tion Section.) The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the install- ing contractor or product manufacturer with any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections Specify: Series TY-FRB Upright or Pendent (specify) Sprinkler, SIN (specify), K=5.6, Quick Response, (specify) temperature rating, (specify) finish, P/N (specify, refer to Table A). Recessed Escutcheon Specify: Style 15 Recessed Escutch- eon with (specify*) finish, P/N (specify*) Specify: Style 20 Recessed Escutch- eon with (specify*) finish, P/N (specify*) * Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770 Sprinkler Wrench Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387 Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001 2-7/8 DIA. (73,0 mm) 2-1/4 DIA. FACE OF - (57,2 mm) 5/8 (15,9 mm) SPRINKLER FITTING ___________ FLUSH 3/8±5/16" (9,5±7,9 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE (3,2 mm) CLOSURE SERIES MOUNTING 1-3/8 (34,9 mm) TY-FRB PLATE 3/4" (19,1 mm) FIGURE 4 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY (TY323) WITH TWO PIECE 5/8 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 15 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) FACE OF SPRINKLER 2-1/4" DIA. 1/2" (12,7 mm) (7,9±6,4 mm) 5/16±1/4' FITTING (57,2 mm) FLUSH MOUNTING 1/8" J I/ SURFACE/// \ (3,2 mm) CLOSURE SERIES MOUNTING 1-3/8" (34,9 mm) TY-FRB PLATE 7/8" (22,2 mm) FIGURE 5 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY (TY323) WITH TWO PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 11 1 TFPI72 Page 4 of 4 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 7) FACTOR TYPE TEMPERATURE BULB LIQUID COLOR NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED POLYESTERC 135°F (57°C) Orange UPRIGHT 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 5.6 1/2 in. NPT PENDENT (TY323) ______________ 200°F (93°C) Green 286-F (141-C) Blue 135°F (57°C) Orange RECESSED PENDENT (TY323) Figures 4a and 5b 1,2,3,4 155°F (68-C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F(93°C) Green Notes: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. VdS Approved (For details, contact Johnson Controls, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-54-428-3377.) Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LFCB Ref. No. 094a/06) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion-Resistant Sprinklers. Installed with Style 15(1/2 in. NPT) 5/8 in. Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Installed with Style 20(1/2 in. NPT) 1/2 in. Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to color (Special Order). TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS FOR 5.6 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS P/Na 77 XXX - X - XXX 9 CHROME PLATED Notes: a. Eastern Hemisphere sales only TABLE B SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT AND PENDENT SPRINKLERS PART NUMBER SELECTION I SPRINKLER j_ FINISH 1 NATURAL BRASS PURE WHITE (RAL9010)a - POLYESTER SIGNAL WHITE (RAL9003) - POLYESTER JET BLACK (RAL9005) POLYESTER TEMPERATURE RATINGS 135 135°F(57°C) 155 I 155°F(68°C) 175 I 175-F (79-C) 200 I 200-F (93-C) 286 1 286°F(141°C) SIN 370 I 5.6K UPRIGHT (1/2 n.NPT) I TY313 371 1 5.6K PENDENT (1/2 in.NPT) TY323 Notes: a. Use suffix ""for ISO 7-1 connection; for example, 77-370-4-175-I 1400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 194461 Telephone +1-215-362-0700 02018 Johnson controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other Information shown wore current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. Johnson 11 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION and NFPA e,o,rgistn,nd t,adomo,ks of Nation Fire P,eoctior Associ000nl TEFLON Inc registered t,ederne,k of DuPont Controls Model LT56 Series Special Sprinklers Designed specifically for corridors and hallway Models LT56 & LT56-300 Model FV Escutcheon K5.6 (80 Metric) cULus Listed n Models LT56L & LT56L-300 Model FP Escutcheon Bulletin 058 January 2020 Relmlabii Features 28 ft x 10 ft (8.5 m 3m) max. coverage area cULus Listed for Light Hazard occupancies Increased spacing and reduced water demand in corridors compared with traditional extended coverage sprinklers Product Description Model L156 series sprinklers are cULus Listed Specific Application sprinklers designed for installation in accordance with NFPA 13. The sprinklers produce a spray pattern that is specifically designed to cover long narrow spaces, such as corridors and hallways, with fewer sprinklers and less water demand compared with traditional extended coverage sprinklers. Model LT56 series sprinklers are quick-response sprinklers for use in Light Hazard occupancies only. Model LT56 and Model LT56-300 sprinklers have a glass bulb operating element. Model LT56L, LT56L-300, and LT56C sprinklers have a fusible link operating element. Model LT56, LT56-300, LT56L, and LT56L-300 sprinklers are available with Model FV recessed escutcheons, Model FP recessed escutcheons, or Model COP concealed cover plates. Model LT56C sprinklers require a Model G4/G5 flat concealed cover plate. L Model G4/35 Flat Cover Plate Model CCP Cover Plate Model LT56C Sprinkler Operating Max. Working Coverage Sprinkler Sprinkler Model Element Pressure Styles Areas Identification psi (bar) Number (SIN) L156 Glass Bulb 250 (17.2) Pendent, Recessed Pendent or Conical Concealed Pendent Table B RA5814 LT56L Fusible Link 250 (17.2) Table C R5814 L156-300 Glass Bulb 300 (21) Table D RA5914 LT56L-300 Fusible Link 300 (21) Table E R5914 LT56C Fusible Link 175 (12) Flat Concealed Table F RA5994 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Pendent, Recessed Pendent, or Conical Concealed Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.6 (80 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 250 psi (17.2 bar) Mm. Spacing: 14 ft. (4.3 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass-bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Sprinkler Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Quick-response Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) 200°F (93°C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates Model FV recessed escutcheon Model FP recessed escutcheon Model CCP cover plate Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 (pendent) Model GFR2 (recessed and concealed) 7_7 1' Listings and Approvals cULus Listed Model LT56 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Threads Wrench Flat Glass Bulb Deflector 1-1/2" (38 mm) Model LT56 Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure Max. Coverage Area Flow Pressure ft. x ft. gpm psi (m x m) (I/mm) (bar) 28x8 23 16.9 (8.5x2.4) (87) (1.17) 28x10 28 25.0 (8.5x3.0) (106) (1.72) Note: For coverane area dimensions less than or between those listed above, use the minimum reauired flow for the next hiahest coveraae area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. Bulletin 058 Page 2 of 10 January 2020 Heliabld www.reliablesprinkler.com Sprinkler Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Quick-response Temperature Ratings V 165°F(74°C) 212°F(100°C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates Model FV recessed escutcheon Model FP recessed escutcheon Model CCP cover plate Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 (pendent) Model GFR2 (recessed and concealed) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed Technical Specifications Style: Pendent, Recessed Pendent, or Conical Concealed Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.6 (80 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 250 psi (17.2 bar) Mm. Spacing: 14 ft. (4.3 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Model LT56L Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Je1uIt.W Threads Wrench Flat Fusible Link Deflector II F -- 11/2h1 (38 mm) Model LT56L Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure Max. Coverage Area Flow Pressure ft. x ft. gpm psi (m x m) (I/mm) (bar) 28x8 23 16.9 (8.5x2.4) (87) (1.17) 28x10 28 25.0 (8.5x3.0) (106) (1.72) Note: For coveraae area dimensions less than or between those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. Bulletin 058 Page 3 of 10 January 2020 Reliable www.reliablesprinkler.com Sprinkler Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Quick-response Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) ) 200°F (93°C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates Model FV recessed escutcheon Model FP recessed escutcheon Model CCP cover plate Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 (pendent) Model GFR2 (recessed and concealed) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed Technical Specifications Style: Pendent, Recessed Pendent, or Conical Concealed Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.6 (80 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 300 psi (21 bar) Min. Spacing: 14 ft. (4.3 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass-bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Model LT56-300 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Threads Wrench Flat Glass Bulb Deflector -.- 15/16' (24 mm) ø- 1-1/2" __'•• (38 mm) Model LT56-300 Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure 7 Max. Coverage Area Flow Pressure ft. x ft. gpm psi (m x m) (I/mm) (bar) 28x8 23 16,9 (8.5x2.4) (87) (1.17) 28x10 28 25.0 (8.5x3.0) (106) (1.72) Note: For coverage area dimensions less than or between those listed above, use the minimum reauired flow for the next hicihest coveraae area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. Bulletin 058 Page 4 of 10 January 2020 Reliable www.reliablesprinkler.com Threads Wrench Flat Fusible Link Deflector 1-1/2" (38 mm) 15/16' (24 mm) Sprinkler Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Quick-response Temperature Ratings 165°F(74°C) 212°F(100°C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates Model FV recessed escutcheon Model FP recessed escutcheon - ps Model CCP cover plate Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 (pendent) Model GFR2 (recessed and concealed) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed Technical Specifications Style: Pendent, Recessed Pendent, or Conical Concealed Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.6 (80 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 300 psi (21 bar) Mm. Spacing: 14 ft. (4.3 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Model LT56L-300 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Model LT56L-300 Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria _F1i Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure Max. Coverage Area Flow Pressure ft. x ft. gpm psi (m x m) (I/mm) (bar) 28x8 23 16.9 (8.5x2.4) (87) (1,17) 28x10 28 25.0 (8.5x3.0) (106) (1.72) Note: For coveraae area dimensions less than or between those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. Bulletin 058 1 Page 5 of 10 January 2020 Reliable www.reliablesprinkler.com Model LT56C Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Fusible Link Deflector (retracted) Pin (extended) Deflector (extended) Threads Sprinkler Body Cup Lever Tower I 1-5/16" (33 mm) _/4" (19 mm) Technical Specifications Style: Flat Cover Plate Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.6 (80 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Mm. Spacing: 14 ft. (4.3 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Sprinkler Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Quick-response Temperature Ratings 165°F (74°C) 212°F (100°C) Cover Plate Model G4/G5 Sprinkler Wrench Model FC (without wrench-able cap) Model W3 (with wrench-able cap) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed 2-5/1 611 (38 mm) Model LT56C Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure Max. Coverage Area Flow Pressure ft. x ft. gpm psi (m x m) (I/mm) (bar) 28x8 24 18.4 (8.5x2.4) (91) (1.27) 28x10 28 25.0 (8.5x3.0) (106) (1.72) Note: For coveraqe area dimensions less than or between those listed above, use the minimum reauired flow for the next hiahest coverane area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. Bulletin 058 iiabI Page 6of 10 January 2020 www.reliablesprinkler.com 2-1/2 (64 mm) Dia. Hole in Ceiling 2-5/16 Face of Fitting (59 mm) Dix. to Face of Ceiling F1-1/2 (38 mm) at Max. Recess 1 (25 mm) at Mm. Recess i I -1 1/2 3/4)l9 mm) Max. (25 mm) I (12 mm) Cover Plate Adiustmen ii i--" I I Minimu rnl I Maximum Recess k-3-5/16 (84 mm) oia.—1 Recess Face of Fitting to Face of Ceiling 2-1/4 (57 mm) at Max. Recess 1-1/2 (38 mm) at Mm. Recess a Recessed Escutcheon and Conical Concealed Cover Plate Dimensions Maximum Face Minimum Face of Maximum Minimum Cover Plate Adjustment of Fitting to Fitting to Deflector Deflector Temperature Type Inch Ceiling1l Ceiling111 Distance Below Distance Below OF (mm) Inch Inch Ceiling Inch Ceiling Inch (°C) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) FV 1/2 7/8 3/8 1-3/4 1-1/4 N/A (12) (22) (10) (44) (32) FP 1/2 1-1/2 1 1 1/2 N/A (12) (38) (25) (25) (12) COP 1/2 1-1/2 1 1 1/2 1350F(2) 135 (12) (38) (25) (25) (12) (57°C) CCP 1/2 1-1/2 1 1 1/2 165°F3 165 (12) (38) (25) (25) (12) (74°C) G4/G5 3/4 2-1/4 1-1/2 1 1/4 1350F(2) 135 1 (19) (57) (38) 1 (25) (6) (57°C) G41G5 3/4 2-1/4 1-1/2 1 1/4 165°F3 165 (19) (57) (38) (25) (6) (74°C) Notes: Face of fitting to ceiling dimensions are based on nominal thread makeup. Verify dimensions based on fitting and thread sealing method prior to installation. For use with 155°F (68°C) and 165°F (74°C) temperature rated sprinklers where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 100°F (38°C). For use with 200°F (93°C) and 212°F (100°C) temperature rated sprinklers where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 150°F (66°C). Recessed Escutcheon and Concealed Cover Plate Diagrams 2-1/4"(57 mm) Dia. t-.--4— (64 mm) Dia. —l-.-.-1 Hole in ceiling I Hole in Ceiling I ________ 1 Face of Fitting (59 mm is to Face of Ceiling ________:mb0ia. 7/8 (22 mm) at Max. Recess 15/16 16 Face of Fitting çL1 FV (25 mm) at Mm. Recess 1 1-1/2 (38 mm) at Max. Recess to Face of Ceiling _________ I 3/8!'(10 mm) at Mm. Recess 1-3/4 (44 mm) 1-1/4 (32 mm) Minimum l-_---2-7/8 (72 mm) Die—]Maximum Recess Recess Model LT56, L156-300, LT56L or LT56L-300 Sprinkler with Model FV Escutcheon Minimum Maximum MRecess Recess Model LT56, LT56-300, LT56L or LT56L-300 Sprinkler with Model FP Escutcheon 2-1/2 lodel L156, LT56-300 LT56L or LT56L-300 Sprinkler Model LT56C Sprinkler with Model 04/G5 Cover Plate with Model CCP Cover Plate Bulletin 058 AiiabI Page 7 of 10 www.reliablesprinkler.com January 2020 Application Model L156 series sprinklers are cULus Listed Specific Application sprinklers for use in Light Hazard corridors and hallways in accordance with NFPA 13. The sprinklers are classified as Special Sprinklers based on the maximum and minimum allowable spacing, but shall otherwise be designed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 13 for Extended Coverage Pendent Spray sprinklers. Model LT56 series sprinklers are quick-response sprinklers for use in Light Hazard occupancies only. The sprinklers must be hydraulically designed using the minimum flow and pressure specified in the Hydraulic Design Criteria tables in this Bulletin. Figure 7 outlines the maximum coverage area of Model LT56 series sprinklers. Figure 8 identifies the sprinklers that can be located adjacent to Model L156 series sprinklers; note that LT56 series sprinkler are not permitted to be installed with the short coverage length oriented towards the short coverage length of an adjacent L156 series sprinkler. An example layout of Model LT56 series sprinklers is illustrated in Figure 9. Listings and Approvals Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and UL Certified for Canada (cULus) UL Listing Category Sprinklers, Automatic and Open UL Guide Number VN IV Installation Model LT56 series sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the requirements of the NFPA 13 for pendent sprinklers and may also be installed as a recessed sprinkler or concealed sprinkler as shown in Figure 6. The Model FV and FP recessed escutcheons, and Model CCP cover plate, are the only recessed escutcheons and concealed cover plate to be used with Model LT56, LT56L, LT56-300 and LT56L-300 sprinklers. The Model G4/G5 cover plate is the only concealed cover plate permitted for use with the Model LT56C sprinkler. Use of any other recessed escutcheon or cover plate will void all approvals and warranties. Do not install Model FV and FP escutcheons or Model CCP and G4/G5 cover plates in ceilings that are positively pressurized with respect to the occupied space below. When installing Model LT56, LT56L, LT56-300, and LT56L-300 sprinklers use only the Model W2 wrench for pendent installations and the Model GFR2 wrench for recessed pendent and concealed installation. The Model LT56C sprinkler must be installed with the W3 or FC wrench only. Use of wrenches other than those specified may damage these sprinklers. I Model LT56C series sprinklers can be installed without removing the wrench-able protective cap using the Model W3 wrench. Alternatively, Model LT56C series sprinklers can be installed using the Model FC wrench by temporarily removing the protective cap during installation of the sprinkler. The use of any other wrench to installed Model LT56C series sprinklers is not permitted and may damage the sprinkler. Fully insert the Model W3 wrench over the cap until it reaches the bottom of the cup, or the Model FC wrench over the sprinkler until the wrench engages the body. Do not wrench any other part of the sprinkler/cup assembly. The Model W3 and FC wrenches are designed to be turned with a standard 1/2" square drive. Tighten the sprinkler into the fitting after applying a PTFE based thread sealant to the sprinkler's threads. Recommended installation torque is 8 to 18 ft-lbs (11 to 24 N-m) for 1/2' thread sprinklers and 14 to 20 ft-lbs (19 to 27 N-m) for 3/4" thread sprinklers. Model LT56 series sprinklers must be installed with the frame arms or towers perpendicular to the length of the corridor or hallway. The deflector is marked with <-28 Fl->" to indicate the direction of the 28 ft. (8.5 m) coverage length. Model LT56 series sprinklers need not be installed with the frame arms or towers parallel to the sprinkler pipe. Recommended installation torque is 8-18 ft-lbs (11 —24 N-m). Do not tighten sprinklers over the maximum recommended torque. Exceeding the maximum recommended torque may cause leakage or impairment of the sprinklers. Do not install any glass bulb sprinklers where the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to minimize bulb damage during shipping, handling and installation. Remove the bulb protector at the time the sprinkler system is placed in service for fire protection. Removal of the bulb protectors before this time may leave the bulb vulnerable to damage, The required sprinkler wrenches are designed to install sprinklers with bulb protectors in place. Remove bulb protectors by undoing the clasp by hand. Do not use tools to remove the bulb protectors. Bulletin 058 January 2020 Page 8 of 10 www.reliablesprinkler.com It Coverage Area 5 ft (1.5 m) max. @25.0 psi (1.72 bar) 4 ft (1.2 m) max. @ 16.9 psi (1.17 bar) for L156, LT56-300, LT56L, or LT56L-300 4 ft (1.2 m) max. @18.4 psi (1.27 bar) for LT56C 14 ft (4.3 m) 4 ft (4.3 m) 5 ft (1.5 m) max. @25.0 psi (1.72 bar) 4ft(1.2 m) max. @ 16.9 psi (1.17 bar) for LT56, L156-300, LT56L, or LT56L-300 4 ft (1.2 m) max. © 18.4 psi (1.27 bar) for LT56C Adjacent Sprinklers Sprinklers Installed Adjacent to Short Throw Direction of L156 Series Sprinklers (ø \.\Extended Coverage Sprinkler \ \ Standard Coverage Sprinkler \ "-LT56 Series Sprinkler Installed with Long Throw Perpendicular to Long Throw of Adjacent LT56 Sprinkler Not Permitted: LT56 Series Sprinkler Installed with Long Throw Parallel to Long Throw of Adjacent LT56 Sprinkler Short Throw Direction Sprinklers Installed Adjacent to Long Throw Direction at LT56 Series Sprinklers 10 ft (3m) max. Coverage Length LT56 Series Sprinkler Installed with Long Throw Perpendicular to Adjacent Sprinkler LT56 Series Sprinkler Installed with Long Throw Parallel to Adjacent Sprinkler 0 Standard Coverage Sprinkler 0 Extended Coverage Sprinkler Long Throw Direction 28 ft (8.5 m) max Coverage Length Example Sprinkler Layout IT11T Standard Coverage Alcove SprinklerJ 12.5 (1(3.8 m) max. @25.0 psi /11.5 ft (3.5 m) max. @ 16.9 psi (18.4 psi for LT56C) II 5 ft (1.5 m) max. @25.0 psi lit Required) 6 f (1.8 m) mm. II (1(1.2 ml max. @16.9 psi (18.4 psi for LT56C) I II I -Model LT56 Series Sprinkler I 5 (1 (1.5 m) max. @25.0 psi I 4(1(1.2 m)max. @16.9 psi (18.4 psi for LT56C) 14 ft (4.3 m) mm. Bulletin 058 Page 9 of 10 January 2020 www reliablesprinkler.com Model FC For use with Model LT56C Series sprinklers without wrench-able cap installed Model W3 For use with Model LT56C Series sprinklers with wrench-able cap installed Sprinkler, Escutcheon, & Cover Plate Finishes(2) Standard Finishes Special Application Finishes SprinkIer1) F'/, FP(4) Escutcheons CCP, G4/G5 Cover Plate Sprinkler P/, FPM Escutcheons CCP, G4/G5 Cover Plate Bronze Brass Bright Brass Bright Brass Bright Brass Chrome Plated Chrome Plated Chrome Plated Dull Chrome Dull Chrome Chrome Dull White Polyester(3) White Polyester I White Paint Black Polyester(3) Black Polyester Black Paint Notes: 1. Model LT56, LT56L, L156-300. and LT56L-300 only. Custom Color Polyester Custom Color Polyester Custom Color Paint Electroless Nickel PTFE3 Electroless Nickel PTFE - Paint or any other coating applied over the factory finish will void all approvals and warranties. cULus Listed Corrosion Resistant, Models L156 (RA5814) and LT56-300 (RA5914) only. The Model FP escutcheon assembly consists of an unfinished galvanized cup with a finished escutcheon ring. Maintenance Reliable Model LT56 series sprinklers should be inspected and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25, as well as the requirements of any Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Prior to installation, sprinklers should remain in the original cartons and packaging until used. This will minimize the potential for damage to sprinklers that could cause improper operation or non-operation. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia liquid or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by gentle vacuuming without touching the sprinkler. Replace any sprinkler which has been painted (other than factory applied). Properly installed Model CCP and Model G4/ G5 cover plates will have an air gap that is required for proper operation, do not seal the gap or paint the cover plates. Model FV and FP escutcheons as well as Model CCP and Model G4/ G5 cover plates have holes in the ring or cup that must remain unobstructed. Replace any sprinkler which has been damaged, cracked the glass bulb, or has lost liquid from the glass bulb, A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Failure to properly maintain sprinklers may result in inadvertent operation or non-operation during a fire event. Guarantee For the Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. guarantee, terms, and conditions, visit www.reliablesprinkler.com. Patents Patent Pending Ordering Information Specify the following when ordering: Sprinkler Model (LT56, LT56L, L156-300, LT56L-300, LT56C) Temperature Rating Threads (1/2 NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2) Finish (See Table H) Escutcheon or Cover Plate Type (None, FV, FP, CCP, G4/G5) Finish (See Table H) Sprinkler Wrench Pendent: Model W2 Wrench Recessed Pendent & Conical Concealed: Model GFR2 Wrench Flat Concealed Pendent: - Model W3 Wrench (with wrench-able cap) - Model FC Wrench (without wrench-able cap) co 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) Bulletin 058 Page 10 of 10 o January 2020 Reliabld www.reliablesprinkler.com ES-F-LF876V Job Name Contractor Job Location Approval Engineer Contractor's P.O. No. Approval Representative MasterSeries® LF876V Double Check Detector Backflow Prevention Assemblies (Type II) Size: 21/211 - 10" The FEBCO MasterSeries LF876V Double Check Detector Assembly is specifically designed to protect against possible backpressure and backsiphonage conditions for non-health hazard (i.e., pollutant) application in accordance with Local Governing Water Utility Code. The coating on this backflow assembly uses ArmorTekTM technol- ogy to resist corrosion due to microbial induced corrosion (MIC) or exposed metal substrate. This Backflow Assembly is primarily used on potable drinking water systems and fire sprinkler sys- tems, where Local Governing Code mandates protection from non-potable quality water being pumped or siphoned back into the potable water system. Features Main Valve: Inline Serviceable Assembly Horizontal "N-Pattern" Installations Vertical-Up "Z-Pattern" Installations No Special Tools Required for Servicing Captured Modular Spring Assembly Reversible & Replaceable Discs Field Replaceable Seats Ductile Iron Valve Body Design Stainless Steel Check Components Utilizes advanced ArmorTekTM coating technology to resist cor- rosion of internals Winterization feature with disc retainers and valve body drain ports Clapper Check Assembly Commonality between 1st & 2nd Check Components Captured 0-ring Design Auxiliary Bypass: Compact Bypass Design; Remains within Main Valve Assembly Profile Inline Serviceable 3/4' Check Assembly No Special Tools Required for Servicing Field Replaceable Seat & Disc Detect Potential Underground Water Leaks Detect Unauthorized Water Usage Model LF876V Double Check Detector Assembly Specifications The FEBCO MasterSeries LF876V Double Check Detector Valve Assembly shall be installed on the potable water supply and at each point of cross-connection to protect against possible backpressure and backsiphonage conditions for non-health hazard (i.e., pollutant) applications. The assembly shall consist of a main line valve body composed of two (2) independently acting approved clapper style check modules with replaceable seats and disc rubbers. Servicing of both check modules does not require any special tools and are accessed through independent top entry covers. This assembly shall be fitted with approved UL/ FM inlet/outlet resilient seated shutoff valves and contain four (4) properly located resilient seated test cocks as specified by AWVA Standard C51 0. The auxiliary bypass line contains a %" X3 Water Meter that complies with ANSI/AWWA Standard C700 coupled with an approved check assembly. The bypass line is designed to detect leaks or unauthorized water usage of the water system while protecting against possible backpressure and backsiphonage conditions for non-health hazard (i.e., pollutant) application. The valve body shall utilize a coating system with built-in electrochemi- cal corrosion inhibitor and microbial inhibitor. The assembly shall be approved for horizontal and/or vertical-up installations while meeting the requirements of AWWA Standard 0510 flow and pressure loss performance parameters. NOTICE The information contained herein is not intended to replace the full product installation and safety information available or the experience of a trained product installer. You are required to thoroughly read all installation instructions and product safety information before beginning the installation of this product. Inquire with governing authorities for local installation requirements *The wetted surface of this product contacted by consumable water contains less than 0.25% of lead by weight. FEBCO product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact FEBCO Technical Service. FEBCO reserves the nght to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials with- out prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on FEBCO products previously or subsequently sold. A WAITS Brand Shutoff Valves: OSY resilient wedge gate valve A\ (UL/FM) Check Seats: Stainless Steel Disc Holder: Stainless Steel Elastomer Disc: Silicone Spring: Stainless Steel Clamp: AWWA C606 1 Aen,bly Arnbty Cock #4 Options — Suffix OSY: ULJFM Approved OS&Y Gate Valves [ANSI/AWWA C515 Compliant] DNRS: Domestic Non-Rising Stem Gate Valves [ANSI/AWWA C509 Compliant] CFM: Totalizing Cubic feet/min %"x 3/4"Water Meter [ANSI! AWWA C700 Compliant] GPM: Totalizing Gallons/min 5/8"x 3/4 ' Water Meter [ANSI! AWWA C700 Compliant] LG: Less Shutoff valves; This is NOT an APPROVED ASSEMBLY Example Ordering Description: 4' LF876V-OSY-GPM - Valve Assembly fitted with OS&Y Shutoff Valves & Gallons per Minute Water Meter 4' LF876V-OSY-CFM - Valve Assembly fitted with OS&Y Shutoff Valves & Cubic Feet per Minute Water Meter Available Components Wye Strainer: FDA Approved [ASME 1316.1 Class 125 & AWWA Class D Flange] Series 611 Valve Setter: MJ x MJ - Mechanical Joint x Mechanical Joint [AWWA Cli 1!A21.11] MJ x FL - Mechanical Joint x Flange [AWWA C111!A21.11; ASME B16.1 Class 125/AWWA Class D Flange] FL x FL - Flange x Flange [ASME 1316.1 Class 125 &A\tiNVA Class D Flange] Materials Below is a general materials list of the Model LF876V Al assemblies size 21/2 ' through 10" is similar in materials and construction. Please contact your local FEBCO Representative if you require further information. Main Valve Body: Ductile iron Grade 65-45-12 Coating: Fusion epoxy coated internal and external AWWA C550-90 Approvals — Standards: Approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at The University of Southern California [FCCCHR-USC] ASSE 1048 Listed **UL Classified [US & Canada] **FM Approved IAPMO!cUPC AWWA Standard C510 Compliant End Connections: Compliant to ASME B16.1 Class 125 & AWWA Class D Flange **Assembly configured with UL!FM Approved OS&Y RW Gate Valves. Less gate valve assemblies are not UL!FM approved configurations. Assembly Flow Orientation: Horizontal (N-Pattern 21/2" - 10) - Approved by FCCCHR-USC, ASSE, cULus, FM, IAPMO!cUPC Vertical Up (7-Pattern 21/2" - 10') - Approved by FCCCHR-USC, ASSE, cULus, FM, IAPMO!cUPC 8 cukUs Approved C ® 1048 B64.5 Pressure — Temperature Max. Working Pressure: 175p5i (12.1 bar) Min. Working Pressure: lOpsi (0.7 bar) Hydrostatic Test Pressure: 350p5i (24.1 bar) Hydrostatic Safety Pressure: 700p5i (48.3 bar) Temperature Range: 33°F - 140°F [0.5°C- 60°C] Continuous Dimensions - Weights Size: 21/2 ' - 10" Below are the nominal dimensions and physical weights for the Model LF876V size 21/2 through 10. Alowances must be made for normal manufacturing tolerances. Please visa our website to download a copy of this product installation instructions, or contact your local FEB00 Representative for more information. Model LF876V Standard Orientation (N-Pattern) Model LF876V Vertical Orientation (Z-Pattern) Note: The Series LF876V is shipped in the standard (N-Pattern) orientation as shown above. Gate Valve Side View Clearance LF876V SIZE - DIMENSIONS WEIGHT* IL A in. mm B in. mm c in. mm D in. mm E in. mm F in. mm in. G mm H in. mm in. mm J in. mm K* in. mm L in. mm OSY lbs. kg. 21/2 291h 740 121/2 318 61/4 159 251/4 642 171/2 445 135/8 346 271/4 692 51/2 140 111/8 283 31/2 89 16% 416 111/2 292 216 98 3 291/8 740 121/2 318 61/4 159 25/4 654 173/4 451 141/8 359 281/4 718 51/2 140 111/8 283 33/4 95 18/8 479 111/2 292 242 110 4 311/8 791 14 356 7 178 27/4 705 183/4 476 151/2 394 31 787 6 152 111/8 283 41/2 114 221/4 578 13 330 347 157 6 353/4 908 16 406 8 203 323/4 831 221/8 562 181/8 473 371/4 946 71/4 184 121/2 316 51/2 140 301/8 765 13 330 529 240 8 1 403/4 1035 181/2 470 91/4 235 363/4 933 251/8 638 203/4 527 411/2 1054 81/2 216 14 356 63/4 172 37% 959 141/2 368 827 375 10 1 461/4 11751 21 533 107A6 264 41Y16 1047 281/8 714 2311A6 601 473/8 1202 95/8 244 1511A6 398 8 203 453/4 1162 131/8 333 1 1335 606 Notes: * Indicates nominal dimensions with OSY Gate Valves (Full Open Position) ** Indicates weight of complete Backf low Assemblies with specified Gate Valves Performance Flow capacity chart identifies valve performance based upon rated water Velocity up to 20fps Maximum service flow rate is determined by maximum rated Velocity of 7.5fps. AWA Manual M-22 (Appendix C) recommends that the maximum water Velocity in the services be not more than iofps. UL flow rate is determined by typically rated Velocity of 15 feet/sec. Pipe Support (furnished by customer) I!ll for valve weight only. Vertical Orientation 2-Pattern Row curve z Standard Orientation "N-Pattern" How Curve N Capacity 2½" psi N-Pattern Pt!ern LF876V Service Flow Rated Flow *UL Rated Flow 22 20 I I I 18 II 16 I I I I I 0 I I I 1 I I- t- I I 4 I I I 2 0 I . I 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 284 568 852 7.5 14.7 3" LF876V psi Service Flow Rated Flow I I 275 300 325 350gpm 1136 1pm 22.0 fps *01 Rated Flow I 22 I 20 I I I 18 I I I 16 I I I 14 I I I 12 1 6 4 I __ I I I 2 I I 0 I . 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 379 757 1136 7.5 14.5 400 450 500 gpm 1514 1pm 22.0 fps 4" LF876V psi Service Flow Rated Flow *UL Rated Flow 18 16 14 12 0.0 e- 10 8 6 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800gpm 379 1136 1893 2650 1pm 7.5 12.8 19.1 fps 6" psi LF876V Service Flow Rated Flow lii Rated Flow 18 16 14 I I I I I 9 12 I I °- 10 I I I 0 200 400 757 600 800 1000 1200 2271 3785 7.5 11.4 1400 1600gpm 5300 1pm 17.0 fps Service Flow Rated Flow *01 Rated Flow 2400 gpm 9085 1pm 15.3 fps Service Flew Rated Flow *UL Rated Flew 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 gpm 1892 3785 5678 7570 9463 11356 13248/pm 7.5 9.4 14.1 fps 8" LF876V psi 18 16 14 J 12 10 us 8 8 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 1514 3028 4543 6057 7571 7.5 10.5 10" LF876V psi 10 E9 5 4 t.- 3 A WATTS Brand ES-F-LF876V 2015 USA: T. (800) 767-1234 • F: (800) 788-4491 • FEBcOonline.com Canada: T: (888) 208-8927 • F: (888) 479-2887 • FEBcOonline.ca Latin America: T. (52) 55-4122-0138 • FEBcoonline.com 0 2019 FEB00 O-L 6- Municipal Water District Fire Flow Test Results Asset ID # WFHD5120 I GP # W589999 I EAM # I 335347 Flow Test Requested By: Rios Fire Protection, Inc. Telephone: 760-212-0956 Email:junior@riosfireprotection.com Project 2215 Calle Barcelona OMWD Personnel Conducting: M. Keller, B. Rickards Date: 4/23/20 rime: 6:15 am Address: 2215 Calle Barcelona City: Carlsbad County: San Diego Pressure Zone: 437' Hydrant (flow) Elevation: 89'Pipe Diameter: 12 inches Hydrant (gauge) Elevation: 91, feet Pipe Diameter: 12 inches Reservoirs Involved: Denk P.R. Stations Involved: RSF North,RSF South,Vails 1,La Costa South,Gardendale,Village Park West,Southeast 2,Quail Gardens Distribution System: IIIDead End lIiLooped Static Pressure (prior to flow test): 160 P.S.I. Residual Pressure (during flow test): 158 P.S.I. PIlOT Residual Pressure, 2 1/2 inch port: 120 P.S.I. Calculated Flow: 1714 G.P.M. Comments: Test Results Reviewed By: yn— 0 OMWD Fire Flow Test Request Fee:$4 00 Needed: map indicating one hydrant to be flowed and one hydrant to be gauged Date Processed: 4/22/2020 Fire Flow Requested by. Rios Fire Protection, Inc__ Phone number: 619-212-0956 E-mail: junior@riosfireprotection.com Test Address:2215 Calle Barcelona, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fig. 200S Fig. 200 - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger (Cooper B-Line Fig. B3170N9 Fig. 200F - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Felt Lining (Cooper B-Line Fig. B317ONFF) Fig. 200C - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Plastic Coated (Cooper B-Line Fig. B317ONFC) C..iUS LISTED Fig. 200S - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Non-Captured Nut FM Size Range: Fig. 200 - 1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (200mm) pipe Material: Steel, Pre-Galvanized to G90 specifications Function: For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled - - - - swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. 44 Features: (1/2" (15mm) thru 2" (50mm)) Flared edges ease installation for all pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion. Captured design - - - t ll~ keeps adjusting nut from separating with hanger. Hanger is easily B installed around pipe.A For hanger with non-captured nut order Fig. 200S. (21/2" (65mm) thru 8" (200mm)) Spring tension on nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Adjusting nut is easily removed. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories listed (1/2" (15mm)thru 8"(200mm)) Fig 2001I2 200-I4 in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) for steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Fig. 200-1 to 200-2 Fig. 200-21I2 to 200-8 Factory Mutual Engineering Approved (FM) 0/4" (20mm) thru 8 (200mm)). Conforms to Federal Specifications WW-H-171 E & A-A-1 192A, Type 10 and Manufacturers Standardization Society ANSI/MSS SP-69 & SP-58, Type 10. Maximum Temperature: 650°F (343°C) Finish: Pre-Galvanized. Stainless Steel in place of a knurl nut. Order By: Figure number and pipe size materials hex nuts Designed to meet or exceed requirements of Fig. 200 Fig. 200C Fig. 200F Pipe 200-I2 1/2 Size (15) Rod Size 3/8"-16 . 'r 1 31/8 (79.4) 2/8 (66.7) 11 a1uI]1uyLYLwVI (5.0) 200-/4 3/4° (20) /8-16 31/8 (79.4) 21/2 (63.5) ii (5.0) 200-1 1 (25) /8-16 3/8 (85.7) 2/8 (66.7) 12 (5.5) 200-1I4 11/4 (32) /8-16 33/4 (94.0) 2/8 (73.0) 13 (5.9) 200_11/2 11/2 (40) I8'-16 37/8' (98.4) 2/8° (73.0) 14 (6.4) 200-2 2' (50) /8'-16 41/2 (114.3) 3 (76.3) 15 (6.9) 200_2112 21/2 (65) /8-16 55/8 (142.9) 41/8 (104.7) 27 (12.3) 200-3 3° 75 /11-16 5/8 (149.1) 4 (101.6) 29 (13.3) 200_31/2 31/2 (90) 3/8 -16 7 /8 (187.3) 51/4 (133.3) 34 (15.6) 200-4 4 (100) /8-16 7 /8 (187.3) 5 (127.0) 35 (16.0) 200-5 5' (125) 1/2°_13 91/8° (231.8) 61/4" (158.7) 66 (30.2) 200-6 6° (150) 1 1/2°13 101/8 (257.2) 6/4' (171.4) 73 (33.4) 200-8 8" 1 (200) 1/2 ..13 131/8 (333.4) 8/4" (222.2) 136 (62.3) All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. coou B-Line SAMMYS FOR WOOD No pre-drilling required. Quick to install using the Sammy Nut Driver with an 18V cordless drill/driver. Saves time from traditional methods. Reduces installation costs. Made in the U.S.A. Wth a wdoo demonfrion wiwi.itwbuildex.comJ i - #14 Black Nut Driver Part #8113910 i . #14 SW Red Nut Driver Pan # 8114910 I 1/4' 8002957 GST 100 1/4 x r 25 125 1/4' 8003957 GST 200 1/4 x 2" 1760 (Fir) 25 125 1/4' 8004957 GST 300 1/4x3" 2060 (Fir) 25 125 3/8' 8007957 GST 10 1/4 x1" 210 (7116' OSB) 300 25 125 3/8' 8008957 GST 20 1/4x2" 1760 (Fir) 850 1475 25 125 3/8" 8068925 GST 20-SS 1/4x2" 1760 (Fir) 850 25 125 4t. 3/8' 8009925 GST 25-3803/8x2-1/2" 2113 (Fir) 1500 25 125 3/8' 8010957 GST 30 1/4x3" 2060 (Fir) 1500 1475 25 125 3/8' 8069925 GST 30-SS 1/4x3" 2060 (Fir) 25 125 3/8" 8011925 GST 40 1/4x4 2180 (Fir) - 25 125 1/2' 8013925 GST2 1/4x2" 1760 (Fir) 25 125 1/2' 8014925 GST 2.5-380 3/8x2-1/2" 2113 (Fir) 25 125 1/2" 8015925 GST3 1/4x3 2275 (Fir) 25 125 %W ONUMV Or SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM: The nut drivers were designed with a unique spin-off feature which provides a fast and safe installation each time. When the face of the driver comes into contact with the material you are installing into, continue drilling until nut driver spins free. Installation is then complete. Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for installations. Not lens than 2' nominal width /— (1-1/2') up to 3-1/2' pipe; not less than - 3'(2-1/2') nominal width 4" & 5" pipe 4 I I Minimum 2.1/2' from bottom for branch lines. Minimum 3' from bot- tom for main lines. Exception: This requirement shall not apply to 2' or thicker nailing strips resting on top of steel beams. No pre-drilling required. 'Quick to install using the Sammy FborJm Nut Driver with an 18V cordless - drill/driver. Saves time from traditional methods. Reduces installation costs. Made in the U.S.A. Ial.1llI!I!1W91! 1M!13 "-V pvwncha ,de0 deo,onsfrio,7\ v.itwbuildex.comJ DR7bITA'NMdT1 114" 8019957 4. 3/8 8020957 A 318" 8021957 3/8 8073925 3/8' 8022925 #14 SW Red 3/8' 8023925 Nut Driver Part #8114910 * May require pm-drilling; consult joist manufacturer. SWG 200 114x2" 1725 (Fir) 25 125 SWG 10 1/4 x 622 (Fir) 300 25 125 SWG 20 1/4x2" 1725 (Fir) 1050 25 125 SWG 20-SS 1/4x2" 1725 (Fir) 850 25 125 SWG 25-380 3/8 x 2-1/2" 2249 (Fir) 1500 25 125 SWG 30 1/4x3" 1884 (Fir) 25 125 Womim PAMMI V,MCEW Eliminates distortion of threaded rod. 'Accommodates up to 3 1/i" x 12 pitch roof. Allows 17° deflection from vertical. Saves lime from traditional methods. Reduces installation costs. 'Made in the U.S.A. 414 Black — 3/8" 8139957 SH-GST20 1/4x2" 1257 (Fir) 1050 1475 25 125 Nut Ddver Part #8113910 3/8" 8141957 SHGST30 1/4x3' 1720 (Fir) 1500 1475 25 125 1903Dim. Lumber 1500 3/8"' 8269957 SH-GST/CST2O 5/16x1-3/4" 1406@45°off vertical • 25 125 Dim. Lumber • 903 Dim. Lumber 1/2' 8303957 SH-GST/CST 2.0 5/16 x 1-3/4" 1406 @ 45°off vertical 25 125 Dim. Lumber — * May require pre-drilling; consuti joint manufacturer. #14 SH Orange Nut Driver Part #8273910 OTT ___E J7 _ VALVES 40604075 L\FIRE ANGLE HOSE VALVES SERIES Member of Morris Group International- SPECIFICATIONS ANGLE VALVES FEMALE X MALE Cast brass valve with red hand wheel, Female N.P.T. inlet x male hose thread outlet. 300 psi DOUBLE FEMALE Cast brass valve with red hand wheel. Female N.P.T. inlet and outlet. 300 psi c® USTED AppRoval -. MODEL 4065 (Shown) MODEL SELECTION PRODUCT OPTIONS VALVES Li 4060 1-1/2" Female x Male Angle Valve 4FM' Ii 4065 2-1/2" Female x Male Angle Valve '4FM Li 4065-500 2-112" Female x Male Angle Valve 500 psi Li 4070 1-1/2" Double Female Angle Valve 1FM 1p IJ 4075 2-1/2" Double Female Angle Valve 4FM IJ 4075-500 2-1/2" Double Female Angle Valve 500 psi OPTIONAL CAPS & FLANGES Li 4615 1-1/2" Cap w/ Chain Li 4625 2-1/2" Cap w/ Chain Li 4711 1-1/2" Flange 3" O.D. Li 4712 2-1/2" Flange 6-1/4" O.D. FINISHES: -B Polished Brass Li -C Rough Chrome Plated Li -D Polished Chrome Plated THREADS: LiN.S.T. Li Other VARIATIONS: Li Extended Stem Up to 24" Specify Li Rocker Lugs (Cap Models Only) Li -GRV Grooved Inlet (4065 Only) Call Potter Roamer - Fire Pm for can-ant listings and ____ POTTER ROEMER/FIRE PRO approvals. Dimensions are subject to manufacturer's tolerance and may change without notice. Potter Roamer- -- FP1 FIRE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS' ONFS4 ASSOCIATION Headquarters: Also in: Fire Pm assumes no responsibility for use of void or .44 P.O. Box 3527 New York (800) 526-4592 superceded data. © Copyright Potter Roamer- Fire Pfo, M City of Industry. CA Chicago (800) 547-3473 MernberofMonis Group International i Please visit poflerroemer.com for most current specifications. I'I H pu PE O 91744 U.S.A. Atlanta (800) 762-0542 Los Angeles Area Miami (866) 961-3473 800-366-3473 Dallas (866) 644-3473 40604015SERIES Date: 10/20/15 626-855-4890 www.potterroemer.coa WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - www.P65Warnings.ca.gov Fernils X Mat s1towi B (Open 9" (Closed -U 34" 1 c1 A MODEL 4070-4075 Female X Female Modeb!Series No. ________ VALVES 4475 L\\\\ F/ RE PRI2 ANGLE HOSE VALVES SERIES Member of Morris Group International - MODEL DIMENSIONS Size Closed Open A B C C 0 E 1-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 6-1/2 7-1/2 2-1/2 2 2-1/2 j 3-1/2 5 9-1/2 11-1/2 3-1/2 2-3/4 ALL DlPvB'ISI0NS N NHES MODEL 4060-4065 MODEL 4065-GRV MA Call Potter Roamer- Fire P/-c for current listings and POTTER ROEMER/FIRE PRO approvals. Dimensions are subject to manufacturer's tolerance and may change without notice. Potter Roamer- _ FIRE EQUIPMENT — - MANUFACTURERS UNFSA ASSOCIATION /4h&Irt\ Headquarters: Also in: Fire Pro assumes no responsibility for use of void or 4-4 ____________ P.O. Box 3527 New York (800) 526-4592 supercedad data. © Copyfight Potter Roamer- Fire P/v. City of Industry, CA Chicago (800) 547-3473 Member of Morris Group International Please ponen-oemer.com for most current specifications. (] PE - 91744 U.S.A. Atlanta (800) 762-0542 Los Angeles Area Miami (866) 961-3473 U O -3 44-3473 800-366473 Dallas (866) 6 4060-4075 SERIES Date: 10/20/15 NFPA 626-855-4890 www.potterroemer.com tLIC0 /Fire & Building I Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312/ Fax: (800) 791-5500 www.tyco-fire.com Grinnell Grooved Fire Protection Products Grooved Fittings General Description LLPB vdsj See Fire Protection Submittal Sheet for Pressure Rating and Listing/Approval &.0 Information UL The grooved fittings provide an economical and efficient method of changing direction, adding an outlet, reducing, or capping grooved piping systems. Grooved fittings are available in durable ductile iron or fabricated steel as indicated. Note: Figure 510S and 519S fittings are special short radius fittings with smaller center to end dimensions than standard grooved fittings. Depending on the size and coupling used, there maybe interferences at the bolt pads that require repositioning of the coupling orientation. The use of flange adapters is not recommended with Figures 510S and 519S fittings. Contact Tyco Fire Products for details. WARNING The Fittings described herein must be installed andmaintained in compliance withthis document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of this device. The owner is responsible for maintaining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinklermanufacturershou!dbe contacted with any questions. Technical Data Approvals: UL, FM, ULC, VdS, and LPCB; Note: See Fire Protection Submittal Sheet for exact Listing / Approval information. Material: Cast: Figures: 201,210,219,250,260,501,510, 519, 51 ODE, 501S, 5105 and 519S - Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12 Fabricated Steel: Figures 391, 392, 393, 312, 313, 321, 327, 341 and 350 - Carbon Steel, (Sizes 11/4 - 6" are Schedule 40); (Sizes 8'- 12" are Schedule 30), conforming to ASTM A-53 Grade B Protective Coatings: Non-lead orange paint Fire brigade red (optional) non-lead paint Hot dipped galvanized conforming to ASTM A-153 Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specifythe quantity, figure number, wall thickness, and size. Grinnell Grooved Piping Products, valves, accessories and other products are available throughout the U.S., Canada, and internationally, through a network of distribution centers. You may write directly or call 215-362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Care and Maintenance The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in accordance with the applicable standards of the National Are Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The installing contractor or product manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Any impairment must be immediately corrected. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by Tyco Are Products. No warranty is given for products or components manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products orfor products and components which have been subject to misuse, improperinstallation, corrosion, orwhich have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Are Protection Association (NFPA), andIorthe standards ofanyotherAuthoritiesHaving Jurisdiction. Materials found byTyco Are Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Are Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assumeforit,anyotherobligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Productsshallnotberesponsibleforsprinklersystem designerrorsorinaccurateorincompleteinformation supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHEFHER1YCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. ANY AMI ALL OW WARIL4NRES EAPPESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PAR1UtJRPfIt Page 1 of 6 MARCH 2011 TFPIBIO Figure 201 Figure 210 Figure 219 Figure 260t 45° Elbow 90° Elbow Tee EndCap Nominal C to E Appx. Wt. Appx. Wt. IT Appx. wt. Size Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. mm Kg. mm Kg. mm Kg. 1.75 Wmm 1.0 T 1.4 0.4 44.5 0.5 69.9 0.6 22.4 0.2 1'I2° ir 1.2 1.8 0.6 44.5 0.5 69.9 0.8 22.4 0.3 5 1.8 3.25 2.0 3.25 2.7 -:- 0.9 2° 50.8 0.8 82.6 0.9 82.6 1.2 22.4 0.4 2/2 2.25 2.2 -r 3.0 3.75 5.8 0.88 0.9 57.2 1.0 95.3 1.4 95.3 2.6 22.4 0.4 2.2 T7 3.0 5.8 u 1.1 76.1mm 57.2 1.0 95.3 1.4 95.3 2.6 23.9 0.5 2.50 3.5 4.5 7.0 1.1 63.5 1.6 108.0 2.0 108.0 3.2 22.4 0.5 r .s 8.5 11.5 - 108.0mm 73.0 2.5 120.7 3.9 120.7 5.2 - - ö 5.2 8.5 Tö 11.8 2.6 4" 1 76.2 2.4 127.0 3.9 1270 5.4 25.4 1.2 133.0mm 3.25 7.7 5.25 11.3 5.25 10.6 - 82.6 3.5 133.4 5.1 133.4 4.8 - - r T 11.3 5.50 15.3 139.7mm 82.6 3.5 139.7 5.1 139.7 6.9 23.4 2.1 T 8.5 13.5 5.50 17.0 5.0 82.6 3.9 139.7 6.1 139.7 7.7 25.4 2.3 159.0mm 3.50 12.0 6.50 14.6 6.00 13.9 - 88.9 5.4 152.4 6.6 152.4 6.3 - 12.0 18.5 6.50 26.0 T5 7.5 165.1mm 88.9 5.4 165.1 8.4 165.1 11.8 25.4 3.4 3.50 12.0 6.50 18.5 6.50 26.0 1.00 7.5 6° 88.9 5.4 165.1 8.4 165.1 11.8 25.4 3.4 216.3mm 4.25 23.0 YY 36.5 7.75 45.0 - 108.0 10.4 196.9 16.6 196.9 20.4 - 4 23.0 77 36.5 45.0 1.19 12.8 8° 108.0 10.4 196.9 16,6 196.9 20.4 30.2 5.8 Z 31.0 T5 60.0 T5 72.1 T 20.0 10° 120.7 14.1 228.6 27.2 228.6 32.7 31.8 9.1 5.25 40.0 15 67 .0 95 92.5 36.0 12 1334 18.1 2540 30.4 254.0 42.0 1 31.8 16.3 -Available with tapped plugs, contact Tyco Fire & Building Products. to Figure 201 I I CtoE toE- Figure 210 Friction Resisiance* (Expressed as Equivalent Straight Pipe) Elbow Tee 90° 45° Branch Run Size Feet Feet Feet Feet Inches MM Meters Meters Meters Meters 11/4 1.9 1.0 4.8 1.9 42.4 0.6 0.3 1.5 0.6 11/2 2.3 1.2 5.8 2.3 48.3 0.7 0.4 1.8 0.7 2 3.2 T - 8.0 3.2 60.3 1.0 0.5 2.5 1.0 21/2 3.9 9.8 3.9 73.0 1.2 0.6 3.0 1.2 4.1 TT 10.3 4.1 76.1mm 1.2 0.6 3.1 1.2 3 4.9 2.4 12.2 4.9 88.9 1.5 0.7 3.7 1.5 6.5 3.3 16.3 6.5 108.0mm 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 4 6.5 3.3 16.3 6.5 114.3 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 8.0 133.0mm 2.4 1.2 8.0 4.1 139.7mm 2.4 1.3 5 E08. 8.2 TT 141.3 2.5 1.3 9.5 . 159.0mm 2.9 1.4 7.2 2.9 9.5 4.8 23.8 9.5 165.1mm 2.9 1.4 7.2 2.9 6 9.9 5.0 24.8 9.9 168.3 3.0 1.5 7.6 3.0 32.8 13.1 216.3mm 4.0 2.0 10.0 4.0 8 13.1 6.6 32.8 13.1 219.1 4.0 2.0 1 10.0 4.0 10 16.5 8.3 41.3 1T 273.0 5.0 2.5 12.6 5.0 12 19.9 • 323.4 6.1 3.0 15.1 6.1 to çC1E Figure 260 Figure 219 Page 2 of 6 TFP181O Figures 201, 210,219, and 260 For reducing tees and branches, use the value that is corrosponding to the branch size. Example: for 8 x 8 x 2 tee, the branch value 2 is 8.0 feet. Friction resistance for all elbows and tees except Figures 510S and 519S. Page 3 of 6 TFP181O Figures 501,510,519 and 51 ODE Figure 501 '- ;Ct E-:~' Figure 510 to E Figure 519 Jftu, A- C to E Figure 51 ODE Figure 501 Figure 510 Figure 519 Figure 51 ODE 45° Elbow 90° Elbow Tee 90° Drain Elbow Nominal Appx. Wt. C to E Appx. Wt. Appx. Wt. C to E T B Appx. Wt. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Inches Inches Lbs. Size mm Kg. mm Kg. mm Kg. mm mm mm Kg. 1 /4 1.75 0.9 2.75 1.0 2.75 1.4 44.5 0.4 69.9 0.5 69.9 0.6 - - - - 1 /2 1.75 1.1 2.75 1.2 2.75 1.8 445 0.5 69.9 0.5 69.9 0.8 - - 2 2.00 1.8 3.25 2.0 3.25 2.7 50.8 0.8 82.6 0.9 82.6 1.2 - - - 1 21/2" 2.2 3.0 r 5.8 3.75 2.7 57.2 1.0 95.3 1.4 95.3 2.6 95.3 50.8 69.9 1.2 2.50 3.5 4.25 4.5 4.25 7.0 4.25 2.34 2.75 3.7 ' 63.5 1.6 108.0 2.0 108.0 3.2 108.0 59.4 69.9 1.7 3.00 11.8 5.00 T' 7.0 4 76.2 2.4 127.0 5.4 127.0 72.4 69.9 3.2 -r 8.5 17.0 5.50 3.38 13.0 82.6 3.9 5.2t 7.7536.5 139.7 7.7 139.7 85.9 69.9 5.9 12.0 75 26.0 6.50 3.92 2.75 13.4 6 88.9 5.4 165.1 11.8 165.1 9.9.6 69.9 6.1 8° 23.0 7.7 45.0 7.75 26.3 108.0 1 10.4 1 196.9 1 16.6 196.9 1 20.4 1 196.9 125.7 69.9 11.9 Figures 501S, 510S and 519S to E CtoE Figure 501S Figure 510S° Figure 519S* Friction Resistance 501S, 510S & 519S (Expressed as Equivalent Straight Pipe) Elbow The 90° 45° Branch Run Size Inches Feet Feet Feet Feet MM Meters Meters Meters Meters 2 3.2 1.6 8.0 3.2 60.3 1.0 0.5 2.5 1.0 21/2 3.9 2.0 9.8 3.9 73.0 1.2 0.6 3.0 1.2 761 nm 4.1 2.1 10.3 4.1 1.2 0.6 3.1 1.2 3 4.9 2.4 12.2 4.9 88.9 1.5 0.7 3.7 1.5 4 6.5 3.3 16.3 6.5 114.3 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 - 139 7mn 8.0 4.1 20.0 8.0 2.4 1.3 6.1 2.4 5 8.2 4.1 20.5 8.2 141.3 2.5 1.3 6.3 2.5 165 1 9.5 4.8 23.8 9.5 2.9 1.4 7.2 29 6 9.9 5.0 24.8 9.9 168.3 3.0 1.5 7.6 3.0 8 13.1 6.6 32.8 13.1 219.1 4.0 2.0 10.0 4.0 Figure 5015 Figure 510S Figure 519S 45° Elbow 90° Elbow Tee Appx Wt. C to E Appx. Wt. 1T Appx. Wt. Nominal N Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. size mm Kg. mm Kg. mm Kg. 2.00 1.8 2.75 1.5 2.75 2.1 50.8 0.8 1 69.9 0.7 69.9 1.0 2.25 2.2 3.00 2.2 3.00 3.0 21/2 57.2 1.0 76.2 1.0 76.2 1.4 2.25 2.2 3.00 2.3 3.00 3.1 .1rflfl 57.2 1.0 76.2 1.0 76.2 1.4 2.50 3.5 3.38 3.0 3.38 4.1 63.5 1.6 85.9 1.3 85.9 1.9 3.00 5.2 4.00 5.6 4.00 7.7 0 76.2 2.4 101.6 26 101.6 3.5 3.25 7.7 4.88 8.6 4.88 12.0 139.7m 82.6 3.5 124.0 3.9 124.0 5.4 ° -r 8.5 W 8.8 12.0 826 3.9 124.0 3.9 124.0 5.4 -:g 12.0 11.00 5.50 15.0 165.1 88.9 5.4 139.7 5.0 139.7 6.8 3.50 12.0 5.50 11.2 5.50 15.2 ' 88.9 5.4 139.7 5.1 139.7 6.9 8 °4.25 23.0 23.4 W 1 31.2 108.0 10.4 174.8 10.6 174.8 14.2 Note: Figure 510S and 519$ fittings are special short radius fittings with nmsiiercenterto end dimensions than standard grooved fittings. Depending on the size and coupling used, there may be interferences at the bolt pads which requires repositioning of the coupling orientation. The use of flange adapters is not recommended with Figures 510$ and 519S fittings. Contact tVco Fire Products for details. Figure 250 Cast to E-1 fD _ Figure 350 Fabricated Sizes 3" to 6" to F RBIB Figure 350 Fabricated Sizes 8" to 12" Page 4 of 6 TFP181O Figures 250 and 350 Figures 250 and 350 Concentric Reducer - Groove x Groove Nominal E to E Appx. Wt. Nominal E to E Appx. Wt. Nominal E to E Appx. Wt. Size Inches Lbs. Size Inches Lbs. Size Inches Lbs. Inches mm Kg. Inches mm Kg. Inches mm Kg. 2.50 1.0 3.50 4.2 4.00 5.8 *2 X 11/4 63.5 0.5 *139.7mm X 3 88.9 1.9 6 x 5 101.6 2.6 2.50 1.3 3.50 4.4 5.00 12.2 *2 X 11/3 63.5 0.6 * 139.7mmX4 88.9 2.0 8 x2 127.0 5.5 2.50 1.2 3.50 4.6 5.00 12.1 *21/2 x 2 63.5 0.5 5 X 11/2 88.9 2.1 8 x 21h 127.0 5.5 2.50 1.5 3.50 4.6 5.00 12.0 76.lmm X 1½ 63.5 0.7 5 X 2 88.9 2.1 8 x 127.0 5.5 2.50 1.6 3.50 4.5 5.00 11.9 '76.1 mm X 2 63.5 0.8 5 X 2V 88.9 2.0 8 x 127.0 5.4 2.50 1.3 3.50 4.4 5.00 11.3 3X11/4 63.5 0.6 5x3 88.9 2.0 8x5 127.0 5.1 2.50 1.3 3.50 4.5 5.00 10.8 3 x 11/2 63.5 0.6 * 5 x 88.9 2.0 8 x 6 127.0 4.9 2.50 1.3 4.00 5.5 6.00 21.9 *3 X 2 63.5 0.6 * 165.1mm X 3 101.6 2.5 lOx 4 152.4 10.0 3.00 1.5 4.00 6.0 6.00 21.6 3X21/2 76.2 0.7 * 1651x4 101.6 2.7 10x5 152.4 9.8 3.00 2.0 4.00 5.6 6.00 21.1 *3 x 76.1mm 76.2 0.9 *165.1,,m039.7nm 101.6 2.5 lOx 6 152.4 9.6 3.00 2.2 4.00 6.0 6.00 19.5 4 x 1¼ 76.2 1.0 *6 x 2 101.6 2.7 lOx 8 152.4 8.9 3.00 2.3 4.00 6.0 7.00 28.0 4X1V2 762 1.0 6X21/2 101.6 2.7 12x4 177.8 12.7 3.00 2.3 4.00 6.0 7.00 30.0 *4x2 76.2 1.0 *6X76.lmm 101.6 2.7 12x6 177.8 13.6 3.00 2.3 4.00 6.0 7.00 28.0 4x2½ 76.2 1.0 6x3 101.6 2.7 12x8 177.8 12.7 3.00 3.2 4.00 5.9 7.00 33.0 4 X 76.1mm 76.2 1.5 6 X 4 101.6 2.7 12 X 10 177.8 15.0 3.00 2.6 4.00 6.3 X 76.2 1.2 *6 X 139.7mm 101.6 2.9 Note: Sizes marked with an asterisk (*) are only available In Figure 250 Cast. Sizes without an asterisk are only available in Figure 350 Fabricated. ADA CAP® Pi e Nominal Dimensions _______ Net O.D. Takeout Cente.r to End Size Outlet Wt. A B C D Inches NPT* Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Lbs. Kg. mm mm mm mm V2 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.77 31.8 44.5 48.0 0.3 11/2 3/4 1.900 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.77 48.3 31.8 44.5 48.0 0.3 1.37 2.00 2.02 0.88 1 34.8 50.8 51.3 0.4 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.92 1/2 31.8 44.5 48.0 0.4 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.92 2.375 2 3/4 60.3 31.8 44.5 48.0 0.4 1.37 2.00 2.02 .1.06 1 34.8 50.8 51.3 0.5 1.47 1.97 1.89 1.28 1/2 37.3 50.0 48.0 0.6 3/4 1.47 1.97 1.89 1.28 21/2 2.875 73.0 37.3 50.0 48.0 0.6 1.37 2.00 2.02 1.50 1 34.8 50.8 51.3 0.7 * ISO-7 threaded outlets are available upon request. Figures 391, Figure 312 Figure 313 392 and 393 221/20 Elbow 111/40 Elbow Adapter Nipples E to E Appx. Wt. C to E Appx. Wt. C to E Appx. Wt. Nominal Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Size mm Kg. mm Kg. mm Kg. 4.00 0.8 1.75 0.4 1.38 0.4 1V4° 101.6 0.4 44.5 0.2 35.1 0.2 4.00 0.9 1.75 0.5 1.38 0.5 1V? 101.6 0.4 44.5 0.2 35.1 0.2 4.00 1.2 1.88 0.6 1.38 0.6 20 101.6 0.5 47.8 0.3 35.1 0.3 4.00 1.9 2.00 0.7 1.50 1.1 21/20 101.6 0.9 50.8 0.3 38.1 0.5 4.00 2.5 2.25 1.4 1.50 1.2 101.6 1.1 57.2 0.6 38.1 0.5 6.00 5.5 2.63 2.4 1.75 2.2 152.4 2.5 66.8 1.1 44.5 1.0 6.00 7.4 2.88 4.1 2.00 3.3 152.4 3.4 73.2 1.9 50.8 1.5 6.00 9.5 3.13 5.6 2.00 4.6 6' 152.4 4.3 79.5 2.5 50.8 2.1 6.00 14.2 3.88 11.1 2.00 8.7 8" 152.4 6.4 98.6 5.0 50.8 3.9 8.00 27.0 4.38 14.0 2.13 9.1 101.203.2 12.2 11.3 6.4 54.1 4.1 8.00 33.0 4.88 22.0 2.25 16.7 12" 203.2 15.0 124.0 1 10.0 1 57.2 1 7.6 F'- E to E_-ø.j Figure -11 391 Figure 392 E to E Figure 393 E to Ei Figure 312 Figure 313 Figure 327 Figure 341 Cross 150 lbs. Flange Adapter C to E Appx. Wt. E to E Appx. Wt. Nominal nches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Size mm kg. mm kg. 11/4 2.75 2.0 4.00 2.8 69.6 0.9 101.6 1.3 2.75 2.2 4.00 3.2 11/2"69.9 2.0 101.6 1.5 3.25 2.7 4.0 5.2 2 82.6 1 1.2 101.6 2.4 21/2 3.75 5.0 4.00 8.0 95.3 2.3 1 101.6 3.6 30 4.25 7.1 4.00 10.2 108.0 3.2 101.6 4.6 5.00 11.9 6.00 17.2 127.0 5.4 152.4 7.8 5.50 17.1 6.00 21.4 139.7 7.8 152.4 9.7 6.50 27.5 6.00 26.0 6" 165.1 12.5 152.4 11.8 7.75 47.0 6.00 38.4 8" 196.9 21.3 152.4 17.4 100 9.00 68.0 8.00 65.0 228.6 30.8 203.2 1 29.5 10.00 107.0 8.00 91.0 12" 254.0 48.5 203.2 1 41.3 Figure 327 E to E I' 'I Figure 341 Page 5 of 6 TFP181O Figures 391,392,393,312 and 313 Figures 327 and 341 Page 6 of 6 TFP1B1O Figure 321 Figure 321 Reducing Tee Nominal C to E Appx. Wt. Nominal C to E Appx. Wt. Size Inches Lbs. Size Inches Lbs. Inches mm Kg. Inches mm Kg. 11/2 X 11/2 X 11/4 3.25 2.0 6 x 6 x 4 6.50 26.6 82.6 0.9 165.1 12.1 2 x 2 x 1½ 3.25 2.7 6 x 6 x 5 6.50 27.0 82.6 1 1.2 165.1 12.2 21h x 21/2 X 11/4 3.75 4.2 8x8x2 7.75 36.2 95.3 1.9 196.9 16.4 21/2 x 21/2 X 11/2 3.75 4.2 8 x 8 x 3 7.75 36.5 95.3 1.9 __________ 196.9 16.6 21/2 x 21/2 x 2 3.75 4.3 8 x 8 x 4 7.75 36.6 95.3 2.0 196.9 16.6 3x3x11/2 4.25 5.3 8x8x5 7.75 36.8 108.0 1 2.4 196.9 16.7 3 x 3 x 2 4.25 5.5 8x8x6 7.75 37.0 108.0 2.5 196.9 16.8 3x3x21/2 4.25 5.8 10x10x2 9.00 57.1 108.0 2.6 228.6 25.9 4x4x11/4 5.00 9.8 10x10x3 9.00 57.4 127.0 4.4 228.6 26.0 4 x4 x 11h 5.00 9.9 lOx lOx 4 9.00 57.6 127.0 1 4.5 228.6 26.1 4x4x2 5.00 10.1 10x10x5 9.00 57.8 127.0 4.6 228.6 26.2 4 x 4 x 21h 5.00 10.3 10 lOx 6 9.00 58.0 127.0 4.7 228.6 26.3 4x4x3 5.00 10.5 10x10x8 9.00 58.4 127.0 1 4.8 228.6 26.5 5x5x2 5.50 14.5 12x12x3 10.00 80.2 139.7 6.6 1 254.0 36.4 5x5x21h 5.50 14.8 12x12x4 10.00 80.5 139.7 6.7 254.0 36.5 5x5x3 5.50 15.2 12x12x5 10.00 80.7 139.7 6.9 254.0 36.6 x 5 x 4 5.50 15.8 12 x 12 x 6 10.00 80.9 139.7 7.2 254.0 36.7 6x6x2 6.50 26.5 12x12x8 10.00 91.4 165.1 1 11.9 254.0 41.5 6x6x21/2 6.50 26.5 12x12x10 10.00 91.8 165.1 12.0 254.0 41.6 6x6x3 6.50 26.5 165.1 12.0 General Notes: It is the Designer's responsibility to select products suitable for the intended service and to ensure that pressure ratings and performance data is not exceeded. Always read and understand the installation instructions (I1-1-1000). Never remove any piping component or correct or modify any piping deficiencies without first depressurizing and draining the system. Material and gasket selection should be verified to be compatible for the specific application. TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19946 Printed U.S.A. L_- C to CLE Figure 321 SYsTEiv7 WFD Series Waterfiow Detector The System Sensor WFD series is compatible with schedule 10 through 40 steel pipe, sizes 2 "through 8 ' and can be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position. Features Two-inch mounting hole provided in new WFD30-2 models UL-listed models are NEMA 4 rated Sealed retard mechanism immune to dust and other contaminants Visual switch activation Field-replaceable retard mechanism and SPDT switches Rugged, dual SPDT switches enclosed in a durable terminal block Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire Designed for both indoor and outdoor use 100 percent synchronization activates both alarm panel and local bell Tamper-resistant cover screws Agency Listings @ @ X WA <~> LISTED approved APPROM S739 C5169 7710-1653114 167-93-E 30195 Robust Construction. The WFD series consists of a rugged, NEMA 4-rated enclosure. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, the WFD series operates across a wide temperature range, from 32°F to 120°F Reliable Performance. UL-listed models are equipped with tamper-resistant cover screws to prevent unauthorized entry. Inside, two sets of SPDT (Form C) synchronized switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block to assure reliable performance. False Alarm Immunity. The WFD series incorporates a mechanical retard feature, which minimizes the risk of false alarm due to pressure surges or air trapped in the sprinkler system. In addition, the mechanical retard's unique sealed design is immune to dust and other contaminants. Simplified Operation. The WFD series is designed to simplify installation. Two conduit openings permit easy attachment to the local alarm system. The retard mechanism and dual SPDT switches are field-replaceable. U bAil SAl Hp.. Waterfiow Detector Specifications Vane-type waterfiow detectors shall be installed on system piping as designated on the drawing and/or as specified herein. Detectors shall mount on any clear pipe span of the appropriate nominal size, either a vertical upflow or horizontal run, at least 6 from any fittings that may change water direction, flow rate, or pipe diameter or no closer than 24-from a valve or drain. Detectors shall have a sensitivity in the range of 4 to 10 gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 450 psi for 2— & pipes. The detector shall respond to waterfiow in the specified direction after a preset time delay that is field adjustable. The delay mechanism shall be a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit with visual indication of actuatlon.The actuation mechanism shall include a polyethylene vane inserted through a hole in the pipe and connected by a mechanical linkage to the delay mechanism. Outputs shall consist of dual SPDT switches (Form C contacts). Two conduit entrances for standard fittings of commonly used electrical conduit shall be provided on the detectors. A grounding provision is provided. Unless noted, enclosures shall be NEMA 4 listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. All detectors shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for indoor or outdoor use. Static Pressure Rating 450 PSI* Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Maximum Surge 18 Feet Per Second (FPS) Enclosure Rating* NEMA 4—suitable for indoor/outdoor use Triggering Threshold 4-10 GPM Cover Tamper Switch Standard with ULC models, optional for UL Bandwidth (Flow Rate) models, part no. 546-7000 Conduit Entrances Two openings for ½' conduit. Service Use Automatic Sprinkler: NFPA-1 3 One open, one knock-out type One orTwo Family Dwelling: NFPA 13D Residential Occupancies up to 4 Stories: NFPA 13R National Fire Alarm Code: NFPA-72 Contact Ratings Two sets of SPDT (Form C) U.S. Patent Numbers 5,213,205 10.0A,1/2 HP@ 125/250 VAC 2.5 A @6/12/24 VDC Compatible Pipe Steel water pipe, schedule 10 through 40 Warranty 3 Years WFD Field Wirina Diaaram ~2_4VDC TED SSMDA.X NOTE: COMMON AND BNO COTOIECI1ONS WILLCLOSE WHEN VANE IS DEFLECTED. I.E.. ATIBLE CONTROLPANELL WHEN WATER IS FLOWING. DUAL SWITCHES PERMIT POWER APFLEATICWISTOBECC$WIDIED ON A SINGLE DETECTOR. ORCC - CONTACT RATiNGS I INITIATING I125I2SA9AE 105111'S LOOP 24 sbc asn.iPs SCHEMATIC OF INDIVIDUAL SWITCH IN NOWATERROW CONDITION I hHRE~ SHOWN FOR SUPERVISION OF COBRIECTION. DO NOTALLOWSTRIPPED WIRE LEADS TO EXTEND BEYOND SWITCH HOUSING. DO NOT lOOP WIRES. Delay Adjustment Dial Overall Dimensions, Installed Sass ,IRTE.UET,AITICSAYEXCESOIASECQIIR.ASJuST SEGSITAWflHMI,COUSACVIRa-5At -ii . UL Model ULC Model Pipe Size Hole Size Shipping Weight WFD20 WFD20A 2 11/4- 42 lbs. WFD25 WFD25A 21h' 11/4' 43 lbs. WFD30-2 WFD30-2A 3 2 4.5 lbs. WFD35 WFD35A 31/2- 11/4' 4.7 lbs. WFD40 WFD40A 4 2 5.2 lbs. WFDSO WFDSOA 5 2' 63 lbs. WFD60 WFD60A 6 2 6.8 lbs. WFD80° WFD80A 8 2 7.5 lbs. Accessories A3008-00 Retard mechanism A77-01-02 Terminal block 546-7000 Tamper-proof switch kit WFDW Tamper-proof wrench for cover WFDN4 Gasket kit 5Maximum pressure rating 400 psi as approved by Factory Mutual. 1 ,S'rELlA7 Lam 3825 Ohio Avenue. St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 . Fax: 630-377-6495 02009 System Sesoo, duCrspeofiCsDGEsAAbjecIrodTaVgee.11host TS0OTT/ISt ,sssns.com for CSrrentp1dsct:TE2sSaSWOlndUóng the IaSU rve1NcmthISdAIsIIWet AU50180-013' 1/09.11922 Worldwide www.tyco-fire.com Contacts GRINNELL G-F IRE Figure 577 Grooved Rigid Coupling 1 Inch to 12 hi ch (DN25 t o DN300) General Description For use in fire protection systems, the GRINNELL G-FIRE Figure 577 Grooved Rigid Coupling provides a rigid joint by firmly gripping along the full circumfer- ence of the pipe grooves. Figure 577 Grooved Rigid Couplings are a proven dependable method of joining pipe and are an economical alternative to weld- ing, threading, or using flanges. It is ca- pable of pressures up to 350 psi (24, 1 bar) depending on pipe size and wall thickness when used in fire protection services. NOTICE Never remove any piping component nor correct or modify any piping defi- ciencies without first de-pressurizing and draining the system. Failure to do so may result in serious personal injury, property damage, and/or impaired de- vice performance. It is the designer's responsibility to se- lect products suitable for the intended service and to ensure that pressure ratings and performance data are not exceeded. Material and gasket selec- tion should be verified to be compat- ible for the specific application. Always read and understand the installation instructions. The GRINNELL G-FIRE Figure 577 Grooved Rigid Coupling described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the Approval agency, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may re- sult in serious personal injury or impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their mechanical system and devic- es in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or device manu- facturer should be contacted with any questions. Technical Data Approvals UL, FM, ULC, VdS, and LPCB Sizes 1 Inch to 12 Inch (DN25 to DN300) Housing Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12 Finish Orange non-lead paint Red non-lead paint Hot-dipped, Galvanized conforming to ASTM A 153 Bolts/Nuts ANSI: Carbon Steel oval neck track head bolts are heat-treated and conform to the physical properties of ASTM A 183 Grade 2 and SAE J429 Grade 5 with a minimum tensile strength of 110,000 psi. Carbon Steel heavy hex nuts con- form to the physical properties of ASTM A 183 Grade 2 and SAE J995 Grade 5. Bolts and nuts are zinc- electroplated conforming to ASTM B 633. Stainless Steel Bolts and Nuts are available upon request. Metric: Carbon steel oval neck track head bolts (Gold color coded) are heat- treated and conform to the physical properties of ASTM F 568 M with a minimum tensile strength of 760 MPa. Carbon Steel heavy hex nuts con- form to the physical properties of ASTM A 563 M Class 9. Bolts and nuts are zinc-electroplated conform- ing to ASTM B 633. ®_ ILK ~ gULq ~~ 11~ E1 For Fire Protection pressure rating, listing, and approval information, contact your GRINNELL Representative. Gaskets Pre-lubricated Grade "A" EPDMA, Violet color code, -30°F to 150°F (-34°C to 66°C) Not recommended for hot water systems For dry and freezer systems, lubrica- tion is required. Refer to Installation Manual IH-1000FP for details. Tr-Seal Grade "E" EPDM, Green color code, -30°F to 150°F (-34°C to 66°C) For proper gasket selection, refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP1895. Page 1 of 4 MARCH 2013 TFP1854 TFP1854 Page 2 of 4 Pipe Size Max. Max. Max. (,d) Nominal Dimensions Coupling Bolts Approx. - Nominal OD Pressures Pressures End Load End Gap A B C Size (c) Weight ANSI Inches Inches psi (bar) Lbs. (kN) Inches (mm) Inches Inches Inches Qty. Inches Lbs. (kg) DN (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 1 1.315 350 475 0.06 1.63 3.92 1.65 2 3/8x2-1/4 1.2 DN25 (33,4) (24,1) (2,11) 1 (1,5) (41) (100) (42) - M10 x 57 (0,55) 1-1/4 1.660 350 757 0.06 2.66 4.40 1.64 2 3/8x2-1/4 1.3 DN32 (42,2) (24,1) (3,37) (1,5) (68) (112) (42) - M10 x 57 (0,59) 1-1/2 1.900 350 992 0.06 2.90 4.66 1.66 2 3/8x2-1/4 1.5 DN40 (48,3) (24,1) (4,41) (1,5) (74) (118) (42) - M10 x 57 (0,68) 2 2.375 350 1,551 0.06 3.38 5.20 1.70 2 3/8 x 2-1/4 1.8 DN50 (60,3) (24,1) (6,90) (1,5) (86) (132) - M10 x 57 (0,82) 2-1/2 2.875 350 2,272 0.06 3.88 5.64 1.75 2 3/8x2-1/4 2.0 DN65 (73,0) (24,1) (10,11) (1,5) (99) (143) - M10 x 57 (0,91) - 3.000 350 2,474 0.06 4.00 5.78 1.75 2 - 2.0 DN65 (76,2) (24,1) (11,01) (1,5) (102) (147) (44) - M10x57 (0,91) 3 3.500 350 3,367 0.06 4.50 6.33 1.75 2 3/8 x 2-1/4 3.3 DNBO (88,9) (24,1) (14,98) (1,5) (114) (161) (44) - M10x57 (1,50) 4 4.500 300 4,771 0.06 5.70 7.50 1.83 2 3/8 x 2-1/4 3.3 DN100 (114,3) (20,7) (21,22) (1,5) (145) (191) (46) - M10x57 (1,50) - 5.500 300 7,127 0.125 6.80 8.75 1.91 2 -5.3 DN125 (139,7) (20,7) (31,71) (3,2) (173) (222) (49) - M12 x 76 (2,41) 5 5.563 300 7,290 0.125 6.86 8.82 1.91 2 1/2 x 3 5.3 DN125 (141,3) (20,7) (32,43) (3,2) (174) (224) (49) - M12 x 76 (2,41) - 6.500 300 9,955 0.125 7.80 9.75 1.91 2 -5.7 DN150 (165,1) (20,7) (44,28) (3,2) (198) (248) (49) - M12 x 76 (2,59) 6 6.625 300 10,341 0.125 8.47 9.88 1.91 2 1/2 x 3 5.9 DN150 (168,3) (20,7) (46.00) (3,2) (215) (251) (49) - M12 x 76 (2,68) 8 8.625 300 17,528 0.125 10.25 12.78 2.40 2 5/8x3-1/4 11.7 0N200 (219,1) (20,7) (77,97) (3,2) (260) (325) (61) M16 x 83 (5,32) 10 (l) 10.750 175 15,883 0.25 12.50 16.50 2.56 2 3/4 x 4-3/4 19.5 DN250 (273,1) (12,1) (70,7) (6,4) (318) (419) (65) - M20 x 121 (8,86) 12(e) 12.750 175 22,343 0.25 14.50 18.50 2.56 2 3/4 x 4-3/4 22.0 DN300 (323,9) (12,1) (99,4) (6,4) (368) (470) (65) M20 x 121 (10,00) Maximum available gap between pipe ends. Minimum gap = 0. Maximum Pressure and End Load are total from all loads based on standard weight steel pipe. Pressure ratings and end loads may differ for other pipe materials and/or wall thickness. Contact your GRINNELL Representative. Gold color coded metric bolt sizes for DN25 - DN300 couplings are available upon request. Max End Gap is for cut grooved standard weight pipe. For 10 inch and 12 inch sizes where VdS Approval is required, refer to Figure 772, Technical Data Sheet G140. FIGURE 1 FIGURE 577, GROOVED RIGID COUPLING, 1 INCH TO 12 INCH (DN25 TO DN300) DIMENSIONS TFP1854 Page 3 of 4 Care and Maintenance Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection sys- tem from the proper authorities and no- tify all personnel who may be affected by this decision. After placing a fire protection system in service, notify the proper authorities and advise those responsible for moni- toring proprietary and/or central station alarms. The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the stan- dards of any authority having jurisdic- tion. The installing contractor or prod- uct manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Any impair- ments must be immediately corrected. Automatic sprinkler systems are recom- mended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local re- quirements and/or national codes. Ordering Procedure GRINNELL Products are available glo- bally through a network of distribution centers. For the nearest distributor, visit www.grinnell.com. When placing an or- der, indicate the full product name. Specify G-FIRE Figure 577 Grooved Rigid Coupling, quantity, pipe size (Nominal ANSI or O.D.), finish (Orange, Red, or Galvanized), and type of gasket: Pre-lubricated Grade "A" EPDMA Tr-Seal Grade "E" EPDM TFP1854 Page 4 of 4 GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS 11400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 194461 Telephone +1-215-362-0700 Copyright 0 2013 Tyco Fire Products, LP. All rights reserved. ItYcap tqC0 /Fire & Building I Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 www.tyco-fire.com Grinnell Grooved Fire Protection Products Figure 716 Flexible Reducing Coupling General Description usting,,pprovai iniormation The Figure 716 Flexible Reducing Coupling allows a direct transition between two different pipe sizes, and replaces two couplings and a reducing fitting. It is capable of pressures up to 350 psig (2413 kPa) depending on pipe size and wall thickness when used in fire protection services. Note: Reducing Couplings are not recommended for dry pipe and freezer applications. WARNING The Figure 716 Flexible Reducing Coupling describedhereinmustbeinstalledandmaintained incompliance with this document, as wellas with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of this device. The owner is responsible for maintaining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinklermanufacturershouldbe contacted with any questions. Technical Data Figure: 716 Sizes: 2' x 11/2"- 8" x 60 Approvals: UL, FM, ULC, VdS, and LPCB; See Fire Protection Submittal Sheet for exact Listing /Approval information. Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12 Protective Coatings: Non-lead orange paint Fire brigade red (optional) non-lead paint Hot dipped galvanized conforming to ASTM A-153 Bolt/Nuts: Track Head Bolts - conforming to ASTM A-183, Zinc Plated, (Mm. Tensile = 110,000 psi/758,422 kPa) Metric - conforming to ASTM F568M Casket: (specify when ordering) Grade "E" EPDM, green color code (See Data Sheet 1FP1895 for aid in selecting proper gasket) Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, figure number, type of gasket, Grade "E" EPDM, and size. Grinnell Grooved Piping Products, valves, accessories and other products are available throughoutthe U.S., Canada, and internationally, through a network of distribution centers. You may write directly or call 215-362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Care and Maintenance The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in accordance with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The installing contractor or product manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Any impairment must be immediately corrected. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by Tyco Are Products. No warranty is given for products or components manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products orfor products and components which have been subject to misuse, improperinstallaflon,corrosion, orwhich have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), andlorthe standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Are Products' sole option. Tyco Are Products neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assumeforit any other obligation inconnectionwith the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Productsshallnotberesponsibleforsprinklersystem design errors orinaccurate orincompleteinformation supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHERTYCOFIREPRODUCTSWAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALLTYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOITsV WAR94WIY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANYAM1 ALL O71l WARR4WIlES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PAR11CI.RAR PURPOSE. Page 1 of 2 July 2004 TFPI830 Page 2of2 TFP1830 Figure 716 Grooved Coupling Pipe Max. End Gap Max.t Pressure Max.t End Load Nominal Dimensions Deflection f Bolt Size** Net Wt. 0. D. A B C "Per Inches/ Size Inches Inches psi Lbs. Inches Inches Inches Coupling Foot Dia. x Lg. Lbs. mm mm kPa N mm mm mm mm/rn Kg 2" x 11/2 2.375 x 1.900 0.13 350 992 3.50 5.06 1.88 1 0.39 /8" x 21/4" 2.0 60.3x48.8 3.3 2,413 4,412 88.9 128.5 47.8 32.5 M10x57 0.9 2.875 x 2.375 0.13 350 1,550 4.00 5.50 1.88 0.32 /8" x 21/4 2.5 21/2" x 2" 1 33 73.0x60.3 3.3 2,413 6,894 101.6 139.7 47.8 26.7 M10x57 1.1 76.1X60.3mm 3.000x2.375 0.13 350 1.550 4.19 5.88 1.88 0 1 - 34 0.32 M12x76 3.1 76.1 x 60.3 3.3 2,413 6,894 106.4 149.4 47.8 26.7 1.4 3.500 x 2.375 0.13 350 1,550 469 6.50 1.88 0.27 1/2" x 3" 4.5 3" x 2" 10 - 17' 88.9 x 60.3 3.3 2,413 6,894 119.1 165.1 47.8 22.5 M12 x 76 2.0 3.500 x 2.875 0.13 350 2,271 469 6.50 1.88 0.27 1/2" x 3" 4.6 3" x 2V " 10 - 17' 88.9x73.0 3.3 2,413 10,101 119.1 165.1 47.8 22.5 M12x76 2.1 88.9 x 76.1mm 3.500x3.000 0.13 350 2,474 4.69 4.5 88.9 6.50 1.88 1°-17' 0.27 M12x76 x 76.1 3.3 Z4 13 11,004 119.1 165.1 47.8 22.5 2.0 4.500x2.375 0.19 350 1,550 6.00 8.13 2.00 0.55 5/8"X31/4" 7.0 4'x2" 0 2 -38 114.3x60.3 4.8 2,413 6,894 152.4 206.5 50.8 45.8 M16x83 3.2 4.500x2.875 0.19 350 2,271 6.00 813 2.00 0.55 5/8"X31/4" 6.1 4" x 21/2" 2°-38' 114.3x73.0 4.8 2,413 10,101 152.4 206.5 50.8 45.8 M16x83 28 114.3 X 76.1mm 4.500 x 3.000 0.19 350 2,474 6.00 8.13 2.00 20 - 38' 0.55 M16 x 83 6.2 114.3x 76.1 4.8 2,413 11,004 152.4 206.5 50.8 45.8 2.8 4.500 x 3.500 0.19 350 3,366 6.00 8.13 200 0.55 5/8" x 31/4"6.2 4" x 3" 114.3x 88.9 4.8 2,413 14,972 152.4 206.5 508 20 - 38' 45.8 M16x83 2.8 139.7 X 114.3mm 5.500x4.500 0.25 350 5,564 7.06 9.50 2.06 0 2 -38, 0.55 M20 x 121 11.0 139.7x114.3 6.4 2,413 24,749 179.3 241.3 52.3 45.8 5.0 x 4" 5.563 x 4.500 0.25 350 5,564 7.13 9.56 2.06 20 5' 0.44 3/4" x 43/4" 10.1 141.3x 114.3 6.4 2,413 24,749 181.1 242.8 52.3 36.7 M20 121 4.6 165.1 X 114.3.,,,6.500 x 4.500 0.25 300 4,771 8.18 10.81 2.06 0.38 M20 x 121 12.5 165.1 x 114.3 6.4 2,068 21,221 207.8 274.6 52.3 31.7 5.7 x 4" 6.625 x 4.500 0.25 300 4,769 838 10.88 2.06 10 - 44 0.36 3/4" x 43/4" 12.5 168.3x 114.3 6.4 2,068 21,213 212.9 276.4 52.3 30.0 M20 121 5.7 6" x 5" 6.625 x 5.563 0.25 300 7,288 8.38 10.88 2.06 10 - 44 0.36 3/4" x 43/4" 11.7 168.3x141.3 6.4 2,068 32,417 212.9 276.4 52.3 30.0 M20x121 5.3 8" x 6" 8.625 x 6.625 0.25 1 300 10,336 10.69 13.75 2.25 10 - 15' 0.26 /8" x 61/2" 23.5 219.1x168.3 6.4 2,068 45,975 271.5 349.3 57.2 21.7 M22 165 10.7 * Maximum available gap between pipe ends. Minimum gap = 0. t Maximum pressure and end load are total from all loads based on standard weight steel pipe. Pressure ratings and end loads may differ on other pipe materials and/or wall thickness. Contact Tyco Fire Products for details. See Fire Protection Equipment Submittal Sheet for Listing and Approval pressure ratings. j Max End Gap and Deflection is for cut grooved standard weight pipe. Values for roll grooved pipe will be 1/2 that of cut grooved. ** Gold color coded metric bolt sizes are available upon request. General Notes: It is the Designer's responsibility to select products suitable for the intended service and to ensure that pressure ratings and performance data is not exceeded. Always read and understand the installation instructions (11-1-1 000). Never remove any piping component or corrector modify any piping deficiencies without first depressurizing and draining the system. Material and gasket selection should be verified to be compatible for the specific application. TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19946 Printed U.S.A. tagUJ Fire Protection Woridwid: www.tyco-fire.com Contacts Products GRINNELL G-FIRE Figure 705 Flexible Coupling General Description The GRINNELL G-FIRE Figure 705 Flexible Coupling is capable of pres- sures up to 300 psi (20,7 bar) depend- ing on pipe size and wall thickness when used in fire protection services. It provides a dependable method of joining pipe and is suitable for use in a variety of applications. Note: Rigid Couplings are recom- mended for dry pipe and freezer applications. L'L.)t(iI The Figure 705 Flexible Coupling de- scribed herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document and with the applicable standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any authorities having ju- risdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for main- taining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating con- dition. Contact the installing contrac- tor or sprinkler manufacturer with any questions. Technical Data Sizes 1 to 12 (DN25 to DN300) Maximum Pressure See Figure 1 Approvals UL, FM, ULC, VdS, LPCB (Cert. Nos. 669a and 673a) Housing Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12 Protective Coatings Non-lead orange paint RAL red (optional) non-lead paint Hot dipped galvanized conforming to ASTM A-i 53 Bolt/Nuts Track Head Bolts - conforming to ASTM A-183, Zinc Plated, (Mm. Tensile = 110,000 psi/758,422 kPa), Metric - conforming to ASTM F568M Gasket (specify when ordering) Pre-lubricated Grade "A" EPDMA violet color code ambient to 150°F (66°C) for fire protection systems. Not recommended for hot water systems. Tr-seal Grade "E" EPDM, green color code -30°F to 230°F (-34°C to 110°C) (Refer to Data Sheet TFP1895 for aid in selecting proper gasket.) Care and Maintenance The GRINNELL G-FIRE Figure 705 Flexible Coupling must be maintained in accordance with this section. [NOTICE Before closing a fire protection sys- tem main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection sys- tem from the proper authorities and no- tify all personnel who may be affected by this action. The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devic- es in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable stan- dards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authori- ties having jurisdiction. Contact the in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems should be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accor- dance with local requirements and/or national code. @ UO-L @q ~V~d S9 <S> ILPCBJ APPROVED For Fire Protection pressure rating, listing, and approval information, contact your GRINNELL Representative. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for availability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Please specify the quantity, size, (ANSI inch size or pipe O.D.), figure number, and type of gasket Grade "A" Pre-lubricated EPDMA Grade "E" EPDM Tr-Seal Page 1 of 2 OCTOBER 2013 TFPI820 TFPI82O Page 2 of 2 I. B C-.1 - Nominal Pipe Size Max.t Max.t Max.*t End Deflection t Nominal Dimensions Coupling Bolts Approx. ANSI O.D. Pressures End Load Gap Degrees Inches/ A B C Size** Weight Inches Inches psi bar Lbs. kN Inches per Foot Inches Inches Inches Qty. Inches S. DN mm mm Coupling mm/rn mm mm mm mm kg 1 1.315 300 407 0.13 5 0 3o 1.16 2.24 3.94 1.81 2 3/8 X 21/4 1.3 25 33,7 2,068 1,810 3,3 96,7 56,9 100,1 46,0 M10x57 0,6 1-1/4 1.660 300 649 0.13 4°19' 0.90 2.56 4.19 1.81 2 3/8 x 2-1/4 1.5 32 42,4 2,068 2,887 3,3 75,0 65,0 106,4 46,0 M10 57 0,7 1-1/2 1.900 300 850 0.13 3°46' 0.79 2.75 4.44 1.81 2 3/8x2-1/4 1.6 40 48,3 2,068 3,781 3,3 65,8 69,9 112,8 46,0 M10x57 0,7 2 2.375 300 1,328 0.13 3°1' 0.63 3.25 4.88 1.88 2 3/8x2-1/4 1.7 50 60,3 2,068 5,907 3,3 525 82,6 124,0 1 47,8 M10 57 0,8 2-1/2 2.875 300 1,947 0.13 2°29 0.52 3.69 5.50 1.88 2 3/8x2-1/4 2.0 65 73,0 2,068 8,660 3,3 43,3 93,7 139,7 47,8 M10x57 0,9 76,1 mm 3.000 300 2,120 0.13 2°23' 0.50 4.00 5.75 1.88 2 M12x 76 3.1 65 76,1 2,068 9,430 3,3 41,7 101,6 146,10 47,8 1,4 3 3.500 300 2,885 0.13 2°3' 0.43 4.38 6.50 1.88 2 1/2 x 3 3.1 80 88,9 2,068 12,832 3,3 35,8 111,3 165,1 47,8 M12 76 1,4 108,0mm 4.250 300 4,256 0.25 3°22' 0.70 5.50 7.50 2.06 2 M12x76 4.2 100 108,0 2,068 18,931 6,4 58,3 139,7 190,5 52,3 1,9 4 4.500 300 4,769 0.25 3°11' 0.67 5.69 7.75 2.06 2 1/2x3 4.0 100 114,3 2,068 21,213 6,4 55,8 144,5 196,9 52,3 M12 76 1,8 133,0mm 5.250 300 6,494 0.25 2°44' 0.56 6.56 9.50 2.06 2 M16x83 7.2 125 133,0 2,068 28,885 6,4 46,7 166,6 241,3 52,3 3,3 139,7mm 5.500 300 7,127 0.25 2°36' 0.55 6.81 9.75 2.06 2 M16x83 7.2 125 139,7 2,068 31,701 6,4 45,5 173,0 247,7 52,3 3,3 5 5.563 300 7,288 0.25 2°35' 0.54 6.88 9.75 2.06 2 5/8 x 3-1/4 7.1 125 141,3 2,068 32,417 6,4 45,0 174,8 247,7 52,3 M16x83 3,2 159,0mm 6.250 300 9,204 0.25 2°17' 0.48 7.56 10.31 2.06 2 M16x83 74 150 159,0 2,068 40,939 6,4 40,0 192,0 261,9 1 52,3 3,4 165,1mm 6.500 300 9,950 0.25 2°12' 0.46 7.75 10.69 2.06 2 M16 x83 7.1 150 165,1 2,068 44,258 6,4 38,3 196,9 271,5 52,3 312 6 6.625 300 10,336 0.25 2°10' 0.45 7.94 10.69 2.06 2 518x3-1/4 7.1 150 168,3 2,068 45,975 6,4 37,5 201,7 271,5 52,3 M16x83 3,2 216,3mm 8.516 300 17,024 0.25 1°40' 0.35 10.07 13.50 2.31 2 M20x121 124 200 JIS 216,3 2,068 75,723 6,4 29,2 255,8 342,9 58,7 5,6 8 8.625 300 17,519 0.25 1°40' 0.35 10.19 13.56 2.50 2 3/4x4-3/4 14.5 200 219,1 2,068 77,925 6,4 29,2 258,8 344,4 63,5 M20 121 6,6 10 10.750 250 22,679 0.25 1°20 0.28 12.69 16.38 2.63 2 1 x 6-1/2 28.0 250 273,0 1,724 100,876 6,4 23,3 322,3 416,1 66,8 M24 165 12,7 12 12.750 250 31,903 0.25 1°7' 0.23 14.94 18.88 2.63 2 1 x6-1/2 36.5 300 323,9 1,724 141,905 6,4 19,2 1 379,5 1 479,6 1 66,8 M24 x 165 16,6 * Maximum available gap between pipe ends. Minimum gap =0. 1' Maximum pressure and end load are total from all loads based on standard weight steel pipe. Pressure ratings and end loads may differ for other pipe materials and/or wall thickness. Contact TYCO Fire Protection Products for details. ** Gold color coded metric bolt sizes are available upon request. 1 Max End Gap and Deflection is for cut grooved standard weight pipe. Values for roll grooved pipe will be 1/2 that of cut grooved. FIGURE 1 FIGURE 705 FLEXIBLE COUPLING NOMINAL DIMENSIONS GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS 11400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 194461 Telephone +1-215-362-0700 Copyright © 2013 Tyco Fire Products, LP. All rights reserved. tqqq Fire Protection Products L\\/POTTER REMER CONNECTIONS (FOC) Model/Series No. O FIRE PREL EXPOSED FIRE DEPT. INLET 571 0-5734 Member of Morris Group International- t CONNECTIONS-CLAPPER TYPE SERIES SPECIFICATIONS TWO-WAY WITH SINGLE CLAPPER, 300 PSI RATED Cast brass two-way inlet body, swing clapper and pin lug swivel. Back or angle outlet as selected by model number. Lettering as selected. Size 4" x 2-1/2" x 2-1/2". TWO-WAY WITH DOUBLE CLAPPER, 175 PSI RATED Cast brass two-way inlet body, drop clappers and pin lug swivels. Size and outlet as selected by model number. Lettering as selected. MODEL SELECTION PRODUCT OPTIONS TWO-WAY WITH SINGLE CLAPPER U 5710 Back Outlet (UL Listed) AFMIO- L] 5715 Angle Outlet (UL Listed) 4FM TWO-WAY WITH DOUBLE CLAPPER U 5721 Back Outlet U 5722 Back Outlet U 5723 Back Outlet U 5724 Back Outlet U 5731 Angle Outlet U 5732 Angle Outlet U 5733 Angle Outlet U 5734 Angle Outlet FINISHES: U -B Polished Brass U -C Rough Chrome Plated Body U -D Polished Chrome Plated THREADS: UN.S.T. U Other LETTERING AVAILABLE: U AUTO. SPKR. U STANDPIPE Note: Refer to Model Dimensional Chart for UL & FM Listing Call Potter Roamer- Fan Pm for current listings and POTTER ROEMER/FIRE PRO approvals. Dimensions am subject to manuraclurer's tolerance notice. Potter Roamer- ARE EQUIPMENT - - PIVFSA Headquarters: Also in: and may change without Fire Pro assumes no responsibility for use of cold or _________ MANUFACTURERS ________ ASSOCIATiON P.O. Box 3527 New York (800) 526-4592 superneded data. 45 Copyright Potter Roamer- Fire Pro, City of Industry, c Chicago (800) 547-3473 Morris Group International'" Please visit Member of Mo pottefroemeccom for most current specifications. U - [;] cAS P E O 91744 U.S.A. Atlanta (800) 762-0542 Los Angeles Area Miami (866) 961-3473 800-366- 3473 Dallas (866) 644-3473 51105134 SERIES Date: 12/11/18 NFP 626-855-4890 www.pofterroemer.com A WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - www.P65Warnings.ca.gov 11 7-1/4 \N~IPEPpo POTTER Model/SenesNo. OEMER CONNECTIONS (FDC) EXPOSED FIRE DEPT. INLET 5710-5734 Member of Morris Group lnternational" CONNECTIONS-CLAPPER TYPE SERIES MODEL DIMENSIONS TWO-WAY WITH SINGLE CLAPPER A UL Listed File #EX4078 MODEL 5710 -5715 Model #S20IB APPROVe TWO-WAY WITH DOUBLE CLAPPER Outlet Approvals Outlet Approvals Size A #6(3314 B C D Back Model No. c®us us= #6(3314 Angle Model No. c®us USTTh 5721 Yes 5731 Yes 4x2-1/2x2-112 7-1/2 11-1/2 8-1/2 11-1/2 5722 Yes 5732 Yes 6 x 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 9-1/2 10-1/2 9 10-3/4 5723 Yes 5733 Yes 4x3x3 9-1/2 11-1/2 9-1/2 11 5724 Yes 5734 Yes 6x3x3 10 11 10-1/2 11 MODEL 5721 - 5734 UL Listed File #EX3314 Model #A105 Call Potter Roamer- Fire Pro for current listings and - POTTER ROEM ER/FIRE PRO approvals. Dimensions em subject to manufacturer's tolerance and may change without notice. Potter Roemer- - HRE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OIFSA Headquarters: Also in: Fire Pro assumes no responsibility for use of void or P.O. Box 3527 New York (800) 526-4592 superceded data. 15 Copyright Potter Roomer- Fire PIG, 1 City of Industry, CA Chicago (800) 547-3473 Member of Morris Group International " Please visit potterroerner corn for most current spethtcations. [] ''&S P E O 91744 U.S.A. Atlanta (800) 762-0542 Los Angeles Area Miami (866) 961-3473 800-366-3473 Dallas (866) 644-3473 51105134 SHOES Date: 12/11/18 ________ NFPA . 626-855-4890 www.potterroemer.com Model 1011 A TESTAND RAINO Sectional Floor Control Test and Drain Valve for Systems Requiring Pressure Relief Valve The AGF Model 101 1A TESTDRAIN® provides the test and express drain functions for wet fire sprinkler systems on multi-story installations requiring pressure relief (NFPA 13 and NFPA 13R). The Model 101 1A features a Model 7000 Pres- sure Relief Valve with drain pipe. The Model 1011A is available in a full range of sizes (3/4" to 2") with NPT connections (BSPT available). The Model 7000 Pressure Relief Valve (ULJFM) features a flushing handle and a 175 PSI factory rating (other pressure ratings available). Complies with NFPA 13 and NFPA 13R Requirements Compact, Single-Handle Ball Valve Tamper-Resistant Test Orifice and Sight Glasses 300 PSI rated. Specifiable orifice sizes: %" (2.8K), /l6" (4.2K), ½' (5.6K), 17/1' (8.0K), 5/s" (11.2K, ELO), 34" (14.0K, ESFR), and K25 Relieves Excess System Pressure caused by Surges or Temperature Changes Shipped with Relief Valve and Bypass Drain Ports Plugged to Expedite Pressure Testing Locking Kit Available Repair kits are available for all TESTMIDRAIN® valves. Kit includes: Adapter Gasket (1), Ball (1), Valve Seats (2), Stem Packing (1), and Stem Washer (1). Valve and orifice size must be specified when ordering. NOTE: It is important to note that the pressure rating of the relief valve indicates an operating range of pressure for both opening and closing of the valve. Standard relief valves are required to OPEN in a range of pressure between 90% and 105% of their rating. The valves are required to CLOSE at a pressure above 80% of that rating. The relief valve should be installed where it is easily accessible for maintenance. Care should be taken that the relief valve CANNOT be isolated from the system when the system is operational. A relief valve should NEVER have a shutoff valve or a plug downstream of its outlet. SS-M1 01IA_v001 . 06/13 TESTANDRAIP is a registered trademark of AGF Manufacturing Inc. Model 1011 A TESTAN DRAIN® Model 1011 A 300 PSI Bronze Ball Valve, Model 7000 Pressure Relief Valve Factory Rated at 175 PSI with other setting available Model 1011 - Front View SIZE A B C D E F G H 3/4" 79A6 11/2 23A6 3V8" 3Y8" 116" 49/16" 63/8" (191 mm) (37.5 mm) (57 mm) (93 mm) (86 mm) (46 mm) (117 mm) (162.5 mm) 7'" 11/a" 26" 35/8" 33/8" 116" 49/16" 60" (191 mm) 1 (37.5 mm) (57 mm) 1 (93 mm) (86 mm) (46 mm) (117 mm) (162.5 mm) 11/4..71 /16" 111/16 2A6" 41/4" 3W8" 115A6" 5/16" 71h" (201 mm) (43 mm) (65 mm) (108 mm) (91 mm) (51 mm) (141 mm) (192 mm) 11/2" 815/16" 1136" 31/4" 51A6" 3%" 25/81' 81/4" 107/8" (227 mm) (45 mm) (81.5 mm) (127 mm) (99 mm) (67 mm) (207 mm) (274 mm) 2' 815/16" 1W16" 31/4" 51A6" 3/8' (99 mm) 25i" 81/4" 10h/" (227 mm) (45 mm) (81.5 MM) (127 mm) (67 mm) (207 M) 1 (274 MM) The Model 1011 provides the following... From the 2013 Edition of NFPA 13 Chapter" Provisions shall be made to properly drain all parts of the system. Chapter Drain connections, interior sectional or floor control valve(s) - & shall be provided with a drain connection having a minimum size as shown in Table, Chapter Drains shall discharge outside or to a drain capable of handling the flow of the drain. Chapter A. (Wet Pipe System) test connection is permitted to terminate into a drain capable of accepting full flow.., using an approved sight test connection containing a smooth bore corrosion-resistant orifice giving a flow equivalent to one sprinkler... Chapter The test connection valve shall be accessible. Chapter shall be permitted to be installed in any location.., downstream of the waterflow alarm. Chapter (Dry Pipe System) a trip test connection not less than 1' in diameter, terminating in a smooth bore corrosion-resistant orifice, to provide a flow equivalent to one sprinkler... Chapter The trip test connection... with a shutoff valve and plug not less than 1", at least one of which shall be brass. Chapter 7.1.2 - a wet pipe system shall be provided with a listed relief valve set to operate at 175 PSI or 10 PSI in excess of the maximum system pressure, whichever is greater. Chapter* A listed relief valve of not less than ½" in size shall be provided on the discharge side of the pressure-reducing valve set to operate at a pressure not exceeding rated pressure of the system. Chapter A. - consideration should be given to piping the discharge from the (pressure relief) valve Model 1011 - Plan View Orifice Sizes %h 7/m", ½", 17/, %II ELO*, 3/4 " ESFR*, and K25** Materials Handle................Steel Stem...................Rod Brass Ball ...................... CR Brass Body...................Bronze Valve Seat...........Impregnated Teflon® Indicator Plate .... Steel Relief Valve.........Bronze Bypass Fittings... Brass Bypass Tubing.... Nylobraid Approvals UL and ULC Listed: (EX4019 & EX4533) FM Approved 01"M@ NYC-BSA No. 720-87-SM MADE IN U.S.A. AGF Manufacturing Inc. 100 Quaker Lane, Malvern, PA 19355 Phone: 610-240-4900 Fax: 610-240-4906 www.testandrain.com Available on 11/4 to 2 size units only 9 **Available on 1112' and 2 size units only Dimensions Job Name: Architect: Engineer: Contractor: ci -ict r? iii cwr As the leading supplier of steel sprinkler pipe, we understand that there are no second chances in fire suppression. You need products of enduring quality and exceptional strength—plus reliable service. You need Bull Moose. Bull Moose Fire Sprinkler Pipe Product 191 information C.D.(in) 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 I.D. (in) 1330 1.728 2203 2.705 3.334 4.310 — Empty Weight (lb/ft) 1222 1.844 2.330 2.809 3.361 4.968 Water Filled weight (lb/ft) 2.019 2.860 3.982 5.299 7.144 11290 LR.R, 1.98 3.44 278 1.66 1.00 1.00 — Pieces per Lift 61 1 61 37 30 19 19 — Lift Weight (Ibs) 21 lengths 1,565 2,362 1,810 1770 1,341 1 1,982 Lift Weight (Ibs) 24 'lengths 1,789 1 2,700 2,069 2022, 1,533 1 2,265 Lift Weight (lbs)25lengths 1,864 1 2,812 2,155 2,107 1,596 1 2,360 UL Listed (US & Canada) and FM approved ASTM A135 and A795 Type E, Grade A Certified Complies with NFPA-13. 13R and 14 Industry-leading hydraulic characteristics CRR of 1.0 and greater All pipe NDT weld tested e?a kofIRi1h TAT TMjfP' We have the most stocking locations in the industry, for best delivery and availability Plain end or roll groove Eddy Guard It" bacteiat-resistant internal coating Custom length options Hot dipped galvanization Reddi-Pipe® red or black pipe eliminates field painting Compatible for use in wet, dry, preaction and deluge sprinkler systems • The only maker with EPDs (to help earn LEED points). c®us LISTED <*> JAN livii- (S)NFSA APPROVED NFPX