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2131 FARADAY AVE; ; AS100051; Permit
10/27/21,9:01 AM AS100051 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Job Address: 2131 FARADAY AV Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2120702000 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: ASI0005I Status: ISSUED Applied 4/20/2010 Approved: 4/20/2010 Issued: 4/20/2010 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: GENOPTIX (CANOPIES) T.I. FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: INDUSTRIAL FIRE SPRINKLER CO., 3845 IMPERIAL AV. SAN DIEGO CA 619-266-6030 Owner: REYNOLDS RONALD L&JACQUELINE S TRUST 06-21-01 P0 BOX 1452 LA MESA CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 130 0 130 0 1/1 iDEt 21. 2C09 12:31PM I ND USTRIAL FIRE SPRINKLER CO. IC ?4 : : . . Flow Test Record Ir k I ;' ,.j• I ; est.Mdrant : ocaton 2L'?7 I Iy4tn ID No Size Mam_18 Lccfev-t I ., ''?2'\ •__. Static _c 9!.. : Preire Drop..- [( factor for pDll _(EDII) I 01,04 1ow.Hydrant(s' ? i , .. t.t •. • on -• location dC ydnt 2. loeatioricfl F4c ei Ply Hydrant 3 1oation_________________________________ lkl~- ''' ' }yant1 Pitot 14 PSI OPM.M0 Size of 0 '• ', Hy4f=2 Pitot_ PSI GPM.' Size of 0 Hy4aat3 Pitot _PSI Size of 0 . ,... TotaI -- Callatedtestandflowdata - 9x.P1jç.. =Q2 .7' . .. :.,., Y •. •Ij,•... '•' . . ........... IeireRosiduaL...._2D_ Pressure Drop (PD 2) K factor PD 2. 7(r\iO 3984L75' 2P.1 '. x divided by equals_ GPM at 2O pi residual é' • Cen:&\) 14fr1.I4 2') Sr I'I.I , 'p • Tcstcducted for ms a- Coductd by frd I 2.2 L'-' Time: 1 OAfV1 p? - I,, 4'-'.• - _•4c'., " ' ,-.. ,•'•-.- 21. 2QQ9i 12:31PM I ND USTRIAL FIRE SPRINKLER CO. IC - Potable Water Discharge . , Event Report '• Ql7394 L 3 "4, , , , , .• .1. 21 J_ikA1 -- ' fl Discharge Event: IS -- 1y.p of Event: ,pethigWtcrMans Estimated Discharge Flo G'M IIta iesting and nuthrg - De*toJri Re5eivorti fr\,- Mart Time IJN I 'UnscedU!Water Discharge End Time 0. 9O Pre-Dechlornation RGsdiIl rth of debris surface %:çn1iiønti andior hazardous Post-Dechlorination Residual: 0- 0 .. aaIi D not remove native (less than 0.1 mg/L.) PH within limits of 60 an 9.0 id ' ~ks, Ema'neorol i.e.. Js,sHt Fencing, hay bales, 9 'decreasing the velocity OdIsOT9O water I' 1k ' 'Il,I •,1I , ••.' 4'po 'tIon of dwatering, ensure to ";i1' hat.'thffó path Is free of all • I' rosiori prevention rnaterlaJa ., Upr crjp1ptIon of dewatering, ensure y'' i'.. • 'thatrseIment orilted areas are i44l2_e4.A_.T&.1.., Water Sampling Performed by; c5 /2'irkQ. - .5-a.-----_- S~b _- '•' • ndby Rviewd by._ (Name & Date) - (rne & ti) V • '441, I. •, ': .. 111Hydraulic Summary I Job Number: 09-655 .-....e r% I ...ke U Job Job Number 09-655 Design Engineer .5 4..r.0 Job Name. Genoptics Slate Castibcation/Llconss Comber Address I 2131 Faraday AHJ Carlsbad Fire Dept. Address 2 Carlsbad CA Job Sitolbsildirrg Canopy - Remote Area #2 Address 3 Drawing Name Canopy System I Re ote Area(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data 5.6 K-Factor 19.50 at 12.125 Ocospancy Light Hazard Jab Suffix Hose Allowance At Source 0.00 Density 0.10gpm/ft2 Area of Application 6 Sprinklers Additional Hose Supplies Node Flow(ppmt Hose At Node 2 100.00 Number Of Sprinklers Calculated 6 Coverage Per Sprinkler AutoPeak Results: Pressure For Remote Area(s) Mj500nl To Most Remote Ammo Total Hose Streams 100.00 System Flow Demand 242.37 10101 Water Required (Including Hose Allowance) 242.37 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 22.44 between nodes 50 and 51 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 1.57 between nodes 4 and 7 Volume capacity of Wet Piper 2405.61 gal Volume capacity, of Dry Pipes Supplies Node Hose Flow (gpm) Static (psi) Residual Flow (psi) (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) (gpm) Required (psi) Safety Margin (psi) 1 100.000 95.000 I 890.00 99.549 I 242.37 68.675 30.874 Contractor Contractor Number Contact Name Contact Title NameotContrartor: Phone Extension Address 1 FAX Address 2 E-mail City Slats Zip Cods Web-Sits 1,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. JAutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 04/12/2010 2:51:44PM Page 1 Summary Of Outflowtng Devices I Job Number 09655 Report Description: Light Hazard Device Actual Flow (gpm) Minimum Flow (gpm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Hose 2 100.00 100.00 0 68.633 Sprinkler 100 29.87 19.50 5.6 28.442 Sprinkler 101 27.38 19.50 5.6 23.910 Sprinkler 102 1 23.89 19.50 5.6 18.203 Sprinkler 103 21.39 19.50 5.6 14.587 _____________ Sprinkler 104 20.34 19.50 5.6 13.189 c Sprinkler 105 19.50 19.50 5.6 12.125 c Most Demanding Sprinkler Data ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. W AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 04/12/2010 2:53:04PM Page 1 NO[Hydraulic Analysis I Job Number: 09-655 Reoort Descriotion: Liaht Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary =. ..... Route l ..... DR 1.05 19.50 7.24 120 0.124177 12-1 Pf 1.788 105 55 18-11% 19-4 19.50 5.6 12.125 13.741 Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 2-0 14-1 Pe -0.172 Pv BL 1.38 39.84 8.55 120 0.122454 12'-0 Pf 1.469 55 54 19-4 19-4 20.34 13.741 15.211 Flow (q) from Route 2 12'-C Pe Pv BL 1.38 61.23 13.13 120 0.271185 14'-0 Pf 3.797 54 53 19-4 19-4 21.39 15.211 19.007 Flow (q) from Route 3 14'-0 Pe Pv BL 1.38 85.12 18.26 120 0.498864 12-0 Pf 5.986 53 52 19-4 19-4 23.89 19.007 24.994 Flow (q) from Route 4 12'-0 Pe Pv BL 1.61 112.50 17.73 120 0.394501 1201/2 Pf 4.750 52 51 19-4 19-4 27.38 24.994 29.744 Flow (q) from Route 5 120h/ Pe Pv BL 1.61 142.37 22.44 120 0.609834 83l/ Pf 9.937 51 50 19-4 19-4 3.37 29.744 39.681 Flow (q) from Route 6 P0(8-0) 8-0 163h/ Pe Pv BL 2.16 142.37 12.50 120 0.146759 15-71/2 Pf 5.361 50 27 19-4 14-11 39.681 46.961 2fE(4'-3V2), P0(12-31/2) 20-11 36-6V Pe 1.919 Pv BL 2.16 88.47 7.77 120 0.060867 29-1 Pf 2.519 27 29 14-11 14-11 46.961 49.470 P0(12-3%) 12-3Y 414h/ Pe -0.010 Pv RN 2.16 88.47 7.77 120 0.060867 0-101/2 Pf 0.802 29 28 14-11 14-0% 49.470 50.650 P0(12-3%) 12-3V 13-2 Pe 0.377 Pv CM 4.31 88.47 1.95 120 0.002091 56-3 Pf 0.176 28 20 14-0% 14-1% 50.650 50.789 P0(27-10%) 27-1Y 84'-IY Pe -0.036 Pv CM 6.36 142.37 1.44 120 0.000760 50-1 1/2 Pf 0.115 20 10 14-1% 14-0% 7.94 50.789 50.943 Flow (q) from Route 7 T(37'-8%), 2fE(12-7), C(37-8% 100'-7 151-5V Pe 0.039 Pv FR 6.36 142.37 1.44 120 0.000760 15-81/2 Pf 0.107 10 9 14-0% 0-6 50.943 56.919 4fE(12-7), 2C(37'-8%) 125-1 141-5Y Pe 5.868 Pv UG 6.40 142.37 1.42 140 0.000553 1 V-8 Pf 0.032 9 6 0-6 -3-0 56.919 58.468 3LtE(15-61/2) 46'-8 58'-4 Pe 1.517 Pv UG 6.09 142.37 1.57 150 0.000620 58'-9Y Pf 0.054 6 5 -3-0 -3-0 58.468 58.522 2LtE(13-101/2) 27'-9 86-6 Pe Pv UG 6.40 142.37 1.42 140 0.000553 12-0 Pf 10.042 5 4 -3-0 -3-0 58.522 68.564 2E(24-21/2), BFP(-10.000), LtE(1 5-6%) 63-11Y 75-11Y Pe Pv UG 6.09 142.37 1.57 150 0.000620 j391/ Pf 0.037 4 3 -3-0 -3-0 68.564 68.601 T(46-21/2) 4621/ 60'-0 Pe Pv UG 7.98 142.37 0.91 150 0.000166 137'-0 Pf 0.032 3 2 -3-0 4-0 68.601 68.632 C(52-10) 52'-10 18991/ Pe Pv UG 7.98 242.37 1.55 150 0.000445 75'-( Pf 0.042 2 1 -3-0 -3-0 100.00 68.632 68.675 Supply, EE(13-7), GV(6-0%), S 1971/ 9471/ Pe Pv 0.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 242.37 op ..... Route ..... DR 1.05 20.34 7.55 120 0.134218 04h/ Pf 0.724 104 55 18-11% 19-4 20.34 5.6 13.189 13.741 Sprinkler, 1(5-0) 5'-lI Pe -0.172 5'-4/2 Pv Route 3..... DR 1.05 21.39 7.94 120 0.147334 0'-4Y Pf 0.795 103 54 18-111/2 19-4 21.39 5.6 14.587 15.211 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5-c Pe -0.172 5-4YPv =. ..... Route 4 ..... DR 1.05 23.89 8.87 120 0.180827 0-4Y Pf 0.976 102 53 18-11% 19-4 23.89 5.6 18.203 19.007 Sprinkler, T(5-0) 5'-c 541/Pv Pe -0.172 Route 5 ..... ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. Lfil AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 04/12/2010 3:00:01PM Page 1 ~jjljHydraulic Analysis I Job Number: 09-655 ReDort DescriDtion: Liahi Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Upstream Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary DR 1.05 27.38 10.17 120 0.232705 0-4Y Pf 1.256 101 52 18-111/2 19-4 27.38 5.6 23.910 24.994 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-0 5-4Y Pe -0.172 Pv Route 6 ..... DR 1.05 29.87 11.09 120 0.273231 0'414 Pf 1.474 100 51 18-11% 19-4 29.87 5.6 28.442 29.744 Sprinkler, T(5-0) 5'-Q 5414 Pe -0.172 Pv Route 7 ..... CM 4.31 7.94 0.17 120 0.000024 46h/ Pf 0.000 23 22 13-101/2 13-11 4.57 50.779 50.765 Flow (q) from Route 8 461/ Pe -0.014 Pv CM 4.31 53.90 1.19 120 0.000836 139-0 Pf 0.116 22 21 13-11 14-2 45.96 50.765 50.777 Flow (q) from Route 10 139'-0 Pe -0.104 Pv CM 6.36 53.90 0.54 120 0.000126 4-8 Pf 0.001 21 20 14-2 14-1% 50.777 50.789 4'-8 Pe 0.011 Pv - .....Route 8 ..... CM 4.31 4.57 0.10 120 0.000009 34'-6 Pf 0.001 24 23 14-0 13-10% 7.94 50.738 50.779 Flow (q) from Route 11 fE(9-5%), T(27-10%) 37'-4 71.- Pe 0.041 Pv - .....Route 9 ..... CM 4.31 3.37 0.07 120 0.000005 61- Pf 0.001 24 23 14-0 13-101/2 7.94 50.738 50.779 Flow (q) from Route 11 2T(27101/2), fE(9-51/2) 652h/ 126714 Pe 0.041 Pv Route 10 ..... BL 2.16 45.96 4.04 120 0.018120 0-11 Pf 0.240 25 26 14-10 13-101/2 50.087 50.730 P0(12-31/2) 123h/ 13'-3 Pe 0.402 Pv CM 4.31 45.96 1.01 120 0.000622 56'-3 Pf 0.052 26 22 13-101A 13-11 50.730 50.765 T(27-1 01/:!) 2710h/ 8411/ Pe -0.017 Pv =. ..... Route ll ..... BL 2.16 53.90 4.73 120 0.024332 114'-7 Pf 3.088 27 25 14-11 14-10 46.961 50.087 P0(12-31/2) 12-3Y 126-11 Pe 0.038 Pv BL 2.16 7.94 0.70 120 0.000703 931/ Pf 0.015 25 60 14-10 14-9% 50.087 50.106 P0(12-3%) 123h/ 21-71/Pv Pe 0.003 BL 1.68 7.94 1.15 120 0.002362 9971/ Pf 0.276 60 24 14-9% 14-0 50.106 50.738 3L1E(2-5%), mecT(9-11) 17- 116.111/ Pe 0.356 Pv jEquivatent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (Cr120 only) • I Actual Inside Diameter 487 Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter ) = Factor C Value Multiplier Value Of C 100 130 Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 140 150 1.33 1.51 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 04/12/2010 3:00:01PM Page 2 111 IHydrau1ic Analysis Downstream Elevation Upstream Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Pipe Type Legend Units Legend AO Arm-Over Diameter Inch BL Branch Line Elevation Foot CM Cross Main Flow gpm DN Drain Discharge gpm DR Drop Velocity fps DY Dynamic Pressure psi FM Feed Main Length Foot FR Feed Riser Friction Loss psi/Foot MS Miscellaneous HWC Hazen-Williams Constant OR Outrigger Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe RN Riser Nipple Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe SP Sprig Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points ST UG Stand Pipe Underground Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe Job Number: 09-655 Report Description: Light Hazard _______ Length SPressure Eq. Length ummary Total Length Fittings Legend ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BalV Ball Valve BFP Backfiow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DelV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90° Elbow EE 45° Elbow Eel 11W Elbow Ee2 22h/2 Elbow Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve Pry Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. j fi AutoSPRINK®VR8v8.0.36 04/12/2010 3:00:01PM Page 3 ~jjljHydraullc Graph Job Number: 09-655 Puurrnrt flusma'rirsfiAn ii I-lsa,sard Supply at Node I 150- 120- 105-- - — Static Pressure - 1 T 00.000 _90.00 IM 95.000 a- 75— 66.675 EL 60- 45——)-- S .tem demand curve 30- 15- 0 LLL 111111111 111111111 111111111 III 111111 111111111 111111111 I I I I 00 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Water flow, gpm Hydraulic Graph Supply at Node 1 Static: Pressure 100.000 Residual: Pressure 95.000 @ 890.00 Available Pressure at Time of Test 99.549 @ 242.37 System Demand 68.675 @ 242.37 System Demand Including Rosa Allowance at Source) 68.675 @ 242.37 1,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. NJ AutoSPRINK®VR8v8.0.36 04/12/2010 3:00:39PM Page 1 ~1111,Hydraufic Summary I Job Job Number 09-655 Design Engineer Job Name: Genoptics State CertificationiLlconse Number Address I 2131 Faraday AHJ Carlsbad Fire Dept. Address 2 Carlsbad CA Job Site/Building Canopy - Remote Area #1 Address Dnaoiing Name Canopy sJ_ B System Remote Are(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data 5.6 K-Factor 22.50 at 16.143 ououpanunj Light Hazard Job Suffix 4 Hose Altowanca Al Source 0.00 Density 0.10gpm/ft2 Area at Application 7 Sprinklers Additional Hone Supplies Node Flow(opm Hose At Node 2 100.00 Number 01 Sprinklers Calculated 7 Caoerage Per Sprinkler AuloPeak Results: Pressure For Remote Area(s) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Total Hone Streams 100.00 System Flow Demand 311.28 Total Water Re5cined (Including Hose Allowance) 311.28 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maoimonn Velocity Abooe Ground 21.62 between nodes 61 and 62 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 2.33 between nodes 5 and 6 Volume capacity 01 Wet Pipes 2406.38ga1 Volume capacity of Sty Pipes Supplies Node Hose Flow (gpm) Static (psi) Residual Flow (psi) (gpm) Available @ Total Demand (psi) (gpm) Required (psi) Safety Margin (psi) 1 100.000 95.000 890.00 99.284 311.28 65.755 33.529 Contractor CgntneclorWunnber Contact Name Contact hIlt Name 01 Contractor: Phone Extension Address I FAX Address 2 Email City Stale Zip Code Web-Site ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. lffl AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 04/12/2010 3:03:11PM Page 1 Job Number: 09-655 Rnrnrt fleatirrintiron I iriht HA7nrei OR Summary Of Ouffiowing Devices I Job Number: 09-655 Rnrrt flsrintin I iriht kri1 Device Actual Flow (g pm) Minimum Flow (gpm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Hose 2 100.00 100.00 0 65.688 Sprinkler 200 28.61 22.50 5.6 26.106 Sprinkler 201 26.71 22.50 5.6 22.749 Sprinkler 202 22.97 22.50 5.6 16.824 c. Sprinkler 203 22.50 22.50 5.6 16.143 Sprinkler 204 32.36 22.50 5.6 33.392 Sprinkler 205 32.38 22.50 5.6 33.433 Sprinkler 206 45.74 33.00 8.1 31.894 c Most Demanding Sprinkler Data ©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 04/12/2010 3:03:54PM Page 1 III [Hydraulic Analysis 1 Job Number: 09-655 Rnnrt flsrrintiAn I inht k7rc Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary - Routel ..... DR 1.05 22.50 8.35 120 0.161813 6'-7Y Pf 2.205- 203 64 10-5 11-6 22.50 5.6 16.143 17.886 Sprinkler, E(2'-O), T(5'-O) T-O 13'-7Y Pe -0.462 Pv BL 1.05 45.47 16.88 120 0.594644 9-8 Pt 5.749 64 63 11-6 11-6 22.97 17.886 23.635 Flow (q) from Route 2 9'-8 Pe Pv BL 1.38 72.18 15.48 120 0.367706 5-2 Pf 4.105 63 62 11-6 11-6 26.71 23.635 27.740 Flow (q) from Route 3 T(6-0) 6'-0 11-2 Pe Pv BL 1.38 100.79 21.62 120 0.681989 4,-9 Pf 9.386 62 61 11-6 13-8 28.61 27.740 36.187 Flow (q) from Route 4 E(3'-O), P0(6-0) 9'-0 13-9 Pe -0.938 Pv BL 1.68 142.04 20.51 120 0.490740 7'-1V Pf 5.916 61 60 13-8 1491,4 41.25 36.187 41.606 Flow (q) from Route 6 2L1E(2'-51/2) 4-1W 12-0V Pe -0.497 Pv BL 2.16 142.04 12.47 120 0.146142 931/ Pf 3.157 60 25 1491,4 14-10 41.606 44.761 PO(12-31/2) 123h/ 2171, Pe -0.003 Pv BL 2.16 37.92 3.33 120 0.012697 143-8 Pt 2.137 25 29 14-10 14-11 44.761 46.849 P0(12-31/2) P0(12-3%) 24'-7V 16831/ Pe -0.048 Pv RN 2.16 37.92 3.33 120 0.012697 0'-101/2 Pf 0.167 29 28 14-11 1401/2 46.849 47.394 P0(12-3%) 123h/ 13-7 Pe 0.377 Pv CM 4.31 37.92 0.83 120 0.000436 56-3 Pt 0.037 28 20 14-0% 14-1% 47.394 47.394 PO(27'-101,4) 27-bY 84-1Y Pe -0.036 Pv CM 6.36 211.28 2.14 120 0.001577 50-1 1/2 Pt 0.239 20 10 14-1% 14-0% 173.36 47.394 47.671 Flow (q) from Route T(37'-81/2), 2fE(12-7), C(37'-81/2 100'-7 151-5Y Pe 0.039 Pv FR 6.36 211.28 2.14 120 0.001577 1581/ Pf 0.223 10 9 14-0% 0-6 47.671 53.763 4fE(12'-7), 2C(37'-81/2) 126-9 141'-5/2 Pe 5.868 Pv UG 6.40 211.28 2.11 140 0.001147 11-8 Pf 0.067 9 6 0-6 -3-0 53.763 55.347 3LtE(15-61,4) 46'-8 58'-4 Pe 1.517 Pv UG 6.09 211.28 2.33 150 0.001286 5891/ Pf 0.111 6 5 -3-0 -3-0 55.347 55.458 2LtE(13'-101/2) 27'-9 86-6 Pe Pv UG 6.40 211.28 2.11 140 0.001147 12'-0 Pf 10.087 5 4 -3-0 -3-0 55.458 65.545 2E(24'-21/2), BFP(-10.000), LtE(1 5-61/2) 63111/ 75-11Y Pe Pv UG 6.09 211.28 2.33 150 0.001286 1391/ Pf 0.077 4 3 -3-0 4-0 65.545 65.623 T(46-2%) 46-2Y 60'-0 Pe Pv UG 7.98 211.28 1.36 150 0.000345 137'-0 Pf 0.065 3 2 4-0 -3-0 65.623 65.688 C(52-10) 52'-10 18991/ Pe Pv UG 7.98 311.28 2.00 150 0.000706 75- Pf 0.067 2 1 4-0 4-0 100.00 65.688 65.755 Supply, EE(13-7), GV(6'-01/2), S 1971/ 9471/ Pe Pv 0.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 311.28 -. ..... Route 2 ..... DR 1.05 22.97 8.53 120 0.168114 2'-1 Pf 1.524 202 64 10-5 11-6 22.97 5.6 16.824 17.886 Sprinkler, E(2-0), T(5'-O 7'-0 9'-1 Pe -0.462 Pv =. ..... Route 3 ..... DR 1.05 26.71 9.92 120 0.222233 1-1 Pf 1.348 201 63 10-5 11-6 26.71 5.6 22.749 23.635 Sprinkler, T(5-0) 5- 6'-1 Pe -0.462 Pv =.Route 4 ..... DR 1.05 28.61 10.62 120 0.252414 63h, Pf 2.095 200 62 10-5 11-6 28.61 5.6 26.106 27.740 Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 2'-c 8-31/Pv Pe -0.462 = ..... Route 5 ..... BL 1.05 45.74 16.98 120 0.601313 1-4 Pf 3.825 206 67 13-8 13-8 45.74 8.1 31.894 35.720 Sprinkler, P0(5-0) 5'-c Pe 0.001 641,Pv ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 04/12/2010 3:04:51 PM Page 1 111 [Hydraulic Analysis 1 Job Number: 09-655 Reoort Descriotion: Liaht Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Upstream Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary BL 1.68 69.23 10.00 120 0.129858 71-0 Pt 10.827 67 24 13-8 14-0 35.720 46.406 LtE(2-5%), mecT(9-11) 1241/ 834h/ Pe -0.141 Pv CM 4.31 39.88 0.88 120 0.000479 34-6 Pf 0.034 24 23 14-0 13-101/2 46.406 46.481 fE(9-51/2), T(27-101%) 3T-4 71-10 Pe 0.041 Pv CM 4.31 69.23 1.52 120 0.001328 46h/ Pf 0.006 23 22 1310h/2 13-11 29.35 46.481 46.473 Flow (q) from Route 8 46h/ Pe -0.014 Pv CM 4.31 173.36 3.81 120 0.007258 139-0 Pf 1.009 22 21 13-11 14-2 104.12 46.473 47.378 Flow (q) from Route 9 139-0 Pe -0.104 Pv CM 6.36 173.36 1.75 120 0.001094 4-8 Pt 0.005 21 20 14-2 14-1% 47.378 47.394 4'-8 Pe 0.011 Pv 4io- .....Route 6 ..... BL 1.05 32.36 12.01 120 0.316949 451/ Pf 3.637 204 65 10-8 13-8 32.36 5.6 33.392 35.729 Sprinkler, E(2-0), P0(5-0) 7-0 11-5Y Pe -1.300 Pv BL 1.68 41.25 5.96 120 0.049822 92h/ Pf 0.458 65 61 13-8 13-8 29.35 35.729 36.187 Flow (q) from Route 7 9'-2/2 Pe Pv Route ..... BL 1.05 32.38 12.02 120 0.317312 5-1Y Pf 3.852 205 66 10-0 13-8 32.38 5.6 33.433 35.697 Sprinkler, E(2-0), P0(5-0) 7-C 12-11/. Pe -1.589 Pv BL 1.68 8.89 1.28 120 0.002913 11-0 Pf 0.032 66 65 13-8 13-8 35.697 35.729 1 V-0, Pe Pv - Route 8 ..... CM 4.31 29.35 0.65 120 0.000272 61'- Pf 0.034 24 23 14-0 13-101/2 46.406 46.481 2T(27-101h), fE(9-51/2) 65212 126 -7/2 Pe 0.041 Route 9 ..... BL 2.16 104.12 9.14 120 0.082274 0-11 Pf 1.089 25 26 14-10 13-101/2 44.761 46.252 PO(12-31,4) 123h/ 13'-3 Pe 0.402 Pv CM 4.31 104.12 2.29 120 0.002826 56'-3 Pt 0.238 26 22 13-101/2 13-11 46.252 46.473 T(27-101/2) 27-1Y 841h/ Pe -0.017 Pv -Route 10 ..... BL 1.68 23.49 3.39 120 0.017579 1'-4 Pf 0.023 66 67 13-8 13-8 35.697 35.720 1-4Pv IPe lEquivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) f Actual Inside Diameter \487 Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter ) = Factor C Value Multiplier Value Of C 100 130 Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 140 150 1.33 1.51 (.,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. ffi AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 04/12/2010 3:04:51PM Page 2 111 [Hydraulic Analysis 1 Job Number: 09-655 Report Description: Liqht Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length Pipe Type Legend Units Legend Fittings Legend AO Arm-Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BalV Ball Valve DR Drop Velocity fps BFP Backfiow Preventer DY Dynamic Pressure psi BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Length Foot C Cross Flow Turn 90° FR Feed Riser Friction Loss psi/Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous HWC Hazen-Williams Constant Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe DelV Deluge Valve SP Sprig Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST UG Stand Pipe Underground Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points E 90° Elbow Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe EE 45* Elbow Ee2 221/20 Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GIoV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve Pry Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 04/1212010 3:04:51 PM Page 3 ,©M.E.P.CAD, inc. 0.1 AutoSPRINK®VR8v8.0.36 04/12/2010 3:05:29PM Page 1 Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping PROCEDURE Upon oôtripetion of work, inspection and tests shell be made b. the contractor's representative and witnessed by an o w n e r ' s representative, All detects shall be corrected and system tell in 'vice before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be titled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, o w n e r s , a n d contractor. It is understood the owners representative's signatutZ, in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. Property name 2. Date Property address c Accepted by approving authorities (names) t dfTp •vr ______ Address Pfans --.-_-.--.-...-. -..---- ......-.---------------.-----.----- InS. ifliOn cornn '1. to :.:iind -isv 1J Yes E No Ella]; inoni iserJ is pproved 1'Yes L1 No if no, explain deviations - Has person in charge of lire equipment been il:slructed as 'Ys E No to location of control valves and care and main½nanc.e of this new equipment? If no, explain Instructions Have cops of the following been left on the pr-ms s NO 1 system components instructions 1UE No LI Care and maintenance instructions L!(Yes No NFPA25 11'Yes fl No Localiwof system Supplies buildings Year of Orifice 1 Temperature Make Model I ianufacture size Quantity rating I Sprinklers .. I _1_i1_g1__ H --- 1X__ Pipe and Type at pipe Type of fittings fittings Maximum time to operate Alarm. valve or Alarm device through test connection flow Type Make Model - I . I i Minutes Seconds indicator PO Dry valve Q.O.D. Make Model Serial no. Make Model Serial no. Dry pipe operating Time to trip through test Water Air Trip point Time water reached Alarm operated test con-2 pressure pressure airpressure test outlet1'2 properly MinJfeconds it- psi psi pd' Minutes Seconds Yes No Without With If no, explain - . tMeasured from time inspector's test connection is opened 2NFPA 13 only:requires the 60-second limitation in specific sections tep ed pemfsaIan frm NFPA 13, InstallatIon of Sprinkler Systems, Copyright @2002, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA b22 6 9 . T h i s r e p r i n t e d m a t e r i a l taot-the complete and officIal postlon of the National Fire Protection Association, on the referenced subject which is represented only b y t h e s t a n d a r d i n its entirety. :merlcM Fire Spnnkler Association .th&tiJnnistreetjsuite àoo. Dallas, Texas 75243 AFSA Form #AF063 I £ Operation E Prreirnabc El Electric E Hydraulics Piping supervised (TJ Yes E No I Detecting media sepewlsod Yes EJ No Does valve operate from the manual trip, ranrore, or bohr El yes CJ No control stations? preeclion Deluge and theta an accessicle facility in each circuit I It no, explain for lasting? valves - LjYes El No Does each circuit operate Does each circuit operate maximum time to Make Modal supervision toss alarm? J aetna release7 operate release Yes No Yes No Minutes Seconds Location Make and Setting Static pressure Residual pressure Flow rate Pressure I and floor model i (Foreleg) reducing valve test J4 4_t(Ps)PCutlet (Pd) Wet 9et sr( _Flow (gpns) yldtnta1Eli0 Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bar) for 2 hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in excess of ISO psi (10.2 bar) for?, hours. Differential dry.pipu valve clappers shall be left open during the test to prevent damage. All ebovagrourd piping leakage snail be stopped. Test description Establish 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed ?½ psi (Di bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop. svtticlt s h a l t not canned 11/2 psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. All piping hydrostatically tested t'.,O1)_P5 (—bar) for _trours It no, slate reason Dry piping pneumatically tested E Yes No Equipment operates properly E Yes No Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that additives sd corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals caste not used for touting systems or slopping teaks? Yea 0 No Drain Pleading of gauge located near water Residual pressure with vales intest Tests test _supply test connection: -ps(bj !n wide: _,___ pot(-__ bar) Underground maths and lead-in connoctionu to system risers I luatred before connection made to sprinkler piping Verified by copy of the Contractors Malarial and Test l Yes Li No Other Explain Certthcatc fur Underground Piping. Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping El Yea Li No it powder-driverr fasteners are used in concrete, El] Yes No II no, explain has representative sample testing been satislactvniy c.omplereil? Blank testing Number uued Locations Number removed gaskets Welding piping r" Yes tIC he It yes. Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures comply Yes [l] No wilts the requirements of at least AWS 821? Welding Do you certify that the welding was performed by welders qaalifiad in /'tts Li No compliance With the requirements Olaf least AWS 62.t? Do you certify that the welding was carried oat In compliance with a Yea Li No documented quality control procedure to ensure that all discs are retrieved, that openings in piping are smooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed, and that the internal diameters of piping are net penetrated? Cutouts Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that E'ityea NO (discs) all Cutouts (discs) are retrieved? Hydraulic Nameplate provided If no. explain data nameplate - -. Yes Li No _- Data loll in service with all control calves open Remarks - Name of sprinkler sntrac Irk1ôc Teats witnessed by Signatures For property owner (signed) Title to Fan sprInkler Contractor (signed) hue Date Additional explanations and volvo Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping