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2605 CARLSBAD BLVD; ; AS130035; Permit
City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS130035 Job Address: 2605 CARLSBAD BL Status: APPROVED Permit Type: SPRINK Applied 3/21/2013 Parcel No: 2030410200 Approved: 3/26/2013 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 3/26/2013 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: ARMY NAVY ACADEMY - PRESS BOX NEW COMMERCIAL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Applicant: A & D FIRE SPRINKLERS 11465 WOODSIDE AV SANTEE, CA 619-448-1962 Owner: ARMY&NAVY ACADEMY CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA P0 BOX 3000 CARLSBAD CA Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 1,776 0 1,776 0 Carlsbad Municipal Water District Potable Water Discharge Event Report Date: .:4q f7/e Location: Reason for Discharge Event: -4 Type of Event. Initial Dewatering Water Mains Note: Includes flow testing and flushing Dewatering Water Mains Unscheduled -Water Discharge Clear flow path of debris, surface - - contaminants and/or hazardous materials; Do not remove native vegetation. Erosion control, i.e. - sandbags, silt fencing, hay bales, gravel bags, decreasing the velocity of discharged water Estimated Discharge Flow: _JT2. GPM Start Time . End Time - '(i4 Pre-Dechlorination Residual: Post-Dechlorination Residual: (Less than 0.1 mglL) PH within limits of 6.0 and 9.0 Upon completion of dewatering, - ensure that the flow path is free of all temporary erosion - prevention materials. _JLS. ¼ Upon completion of dewatéring, ensure that any sediments or silted areas are cleared. Water Sampling Performed by: Comments: Submitted by: Reviewed by: (Name & Date) (Name &Date) Flow Test Record Test Hydrant Location 205 Cr1sb&ôs. @L..tiJ Hydrant ID No. Size Main_____________ Static................ Residual ......... t p Pressure Drop.. c (PD! 1)..... K factor for PD! 1 ).63 Flow Hydrant(s) Hydrant I location c0 r o Cods J (1 1. Cy pCW Hydrant 2 location Hydrant 3 location Hydrant I Pitot PSI GPM: Size of Orifice ;L lb 11 Hydrant 2 Pitot = PSI GPM: Size of Orifice__________ Hydrant 3 Pitot PSI GPM: Size of Orifice__________ Total:______ (Qi) Calculated test and flow data - 0 x PD2 k Q2 PDI*k Static: .................... ... Desired Residual ....... 20 fJ Pressure Drop (PD 2)..G74j ................................. K factor PD 2:'i 1-1-71 x ' divided by2 3 _L, 6 equals GPM at 20 psi residual Qi PD2k PDIk Q2 Comments: _/79 ;pft" Test conducted for: Conducted by: A et D I'! S1c)c k3 Date: Time:__________ I FIRE SPRINKLERS INC. ARMY NAVY ACADEMY - PRESS BOX 2605 CARLSBAD BLVD f CARLSBAD, CA FIRE SPRINKLER FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVED Subject to field inspection and required tests, notations hereon, conditions in correspondence and conformance with applicable reqjilations. The stamping MANUFACTURER'S DATA S CALCULAT ** Materials of equal design, utility, and performance may be substituted for submitted materials so as to avoid delays in St the construction schedule and shall be deemed accepted by the Purchaser. A S 1.3 00 3 c - - - Fire Protection by Computer Design A&D FIRE SPRINKLERS 11465 WOODSIDE AVE STE. 200 SANTEE, CA 92071 619-448-1962 Job Name : Press box AREA 1 Drawing : FP-02 Location 2605 carlsbad blvd Remote Area : 1 Contract Data File : Press box ALL 3-6 AREA 1 .wxf Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 S Water ply Curve (C) A&D FIR PRINKLERS Page Press box AREA 1 . Date 3/21/13 City Water Supply: Demand: Cl - Static Pressure : 78.5 Dl - Elevation : 12.019 C2 - Residual Pressure: 72.9 D2 - System Flow : 225.774 C2 - Residual Flow : 1201.66 D2 - System Pressure : 48.520 Hose ( Demand) : 100 D3 - System Demand : 325.774 Safety Margin : 29.480 150 140 130 p120 R11° E100 - s90 Cl _____ _______ ________ __________ -- ____________ S 80 C2 U 70 R60 D____ E5° 40 - 30 20 10 D1 .. .. ... .. _____ 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 FLOW (N"1.85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 I-ittngs Used Summary *2 A&D FIR RINKLERS Page Press box AREA 1 Date 3/21/13 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name 14 % 1 1% 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 E NFPA 13 90 Standard Elbow 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 Fsp Flow Switch Potter VSR Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow G NFPA 13 Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 T NFPA 1390 Flow thru Tee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 Zic Wilkins 350ADA Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow Units Summary Diameter Units Inches Length Units Feet Flow Units US Gallons per Minute Pressure Units Pounds per Square Inch Note: Fitting Legend provides equivalent pipe lengths for fittings types of various diameters. Equivalent lengths shown are standard for actual diameters of Sched 40 pipe and CFactors of 120 except as noted with *• The fittings marked with a * show equivalent lengths values supplied by manufacturers based on specific pipe diameters and CFactors and they require no adjustment. All values for fittings not marked with a * will be adjusted in the calculation for CFactors of other than 120 and diameters other than Sched 40 per NFPA. Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 A&D FIRE SPRINKLERS Page 3 Press box AREA I Date 3/21/13 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Req. 24.75 5.6 7.0 na 14.82 0.1 71.5 7.0 2 24.75 5.6 7.42 na 15.26 0.1 71.5 7.0 4 24.75 5.6 8.58 na 16.41 0.1 66 7.0 3 24.75 933W na 5 22.42 11.66 na 6 22.42 12.0 na 7 22.42 12.49 na 8 22.42 12.85 na 9 21.58 16.52 na JMP1 10.67 25.26 na 10 9.88 28.42 na 11 0.0 35.3 na hA 9.88 32.93 na TOR 6.75 35.86 na BOR 1.5 41.79 na 12 1.5 42.83 na 13 -3.0 44.78 na 14 -3.0 44.86 na 15 2.0 42.76 na 16 2.0 46.23 na 17 -3.0 48.47 na SOR -3.0 48.52 na 100.0 18 22.42 5.6 8.2 na 16.04 0.1 66.73 7.0 19 22.42 8.99 na 20 22.42 11.57 na 21 22.42 5.6 8.4 na 16.23 0.1 66.73 7.0 22 22.42 9.21 na 23 22.42 5.6 8.3 na 16.14 0.1 66.73 7.0 24 22.42 5.6 8.5 na 16.33 0.1 66.73 7.0 25 . 24.75 5.6 7.23 na 15.06 0.1 71.5 7.0 24.75 5.6 7.66 na 15.5 0.1 71.5 7.0 24.75 5.6 8.86 na 16.67 0.1 66 7.0 24.75 9.63 na 29 22.42 5.6 8.87 na 16.68 0.1 66.73 7.0 30 22.42 9.72 na 31 22.42 5.6 9.09 na 16.88 0.1 66.73 7.0 32 22.42 9.95 na 33 22.42 5.6 8.98 na 16.78 0.1 66.73 7.0 34 22.42 5.6 9.2 na 16.98 0.1 66.73 7.0 The maximum velocity is 12.62 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 7 and 8 . Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 A&D FIRE SPRINKLERS Page 4 Press box AREA I Date 3/21/13 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. licit or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes oint Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 1 14.82 1.08 0.0 6.500 7.000 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 14.82 0.0648 0.0 6.500 0.421 Vel = 5.19 2 15.25 1.08 iT 5.762 2.190 7.421 K Factor= 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 3 30.07 0.2402 0.0 7.952 1.910 Vel = 10.53 0.0 30.07 9.331 K Factor = 9.84 4 16.41 1.08 IT 5.762 3.810 8.582 K Factor= 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 3 16.41 0.0782 0.0 9.572 0.749 Vet = 5.75 3 30.07 1.408 iT 6.617 2.330 9.331 to 120.0 0.0 6.617 1.009 5 46.48 0.1478 0.0 8.947 1.322 Vet = 9.58 5 64.74 2.703 0.0 10.990 11.662 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6 111.22 0.0309 0.0 10.990 0.340 Vet= 6.22 6 47.23 2.703 0.0 8.220 12.002 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 158.45 0.0596 0.0 8.220 0.490 Vet = 8.86 7 67.32 2.703 0.0 3.080 12.492 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 I 225.77 0.1146 0.0 3.080 0.353 Vet = 12.62 8 0.0 2.703 iT 18.651 0.830 12.845 to 120.0 1E 9.325 27.976 0.364 9 225.77 0.1148 0.0 28.806 3.307 Vet= 12.62 9 0.0 2.703 2E 18.651 16.330 16.516 to 120.0 0.0 18.651 4.725 JMP1 225.77 0.1148 0.0 34.981 4.015 Vet = 12.62 JMP1 0.0 2.703 2E 18.651 5.980 25.256 to 120.0 0.0 18.651 0.342 10 225.77 0.1148 0.0 24.631 2.827 Vet= 12.62 10 0.0 2.703 iT 18.651 4.010 28.425 to 120.0 0.0 18.651 4.279 ii 225.77 0.1148 0.0 22.661 2.601 Vet = 12.62 11 0.0 2.703 1E 9.325 7.300 35.305 to 120.0 0.0 9.325 -4.279 hA 225.77 0.1148 0.0 16.625 1.908 Vet= 12.62 hA 0.0 3.314 3E 30.574 6.410 32.934 to 120.0 0.0 30.574 1.356 TOR 225.77 0.0425 0.0 36.984 1.573 Vet = 8.40 TOR 0.0 3.314 iFsp 0.0 5.250 35.863 to 120.0 1 10.191 10.191 5.274 * Fixed toss = 3 BOR 225.77 0.0425 0.0 15.441 0.657 Vet = 8.40 BOR 0.0 3.26 1E 9.408 13.000 41.794 to 120.0 0.0 9.408 0.0 2 225.77 0.0461 0.0 22.408 1.033 Vet = 8.68 2 0.0 6.22 0.0 4.500 42.827 to 140.0 0.0 0.0 1.949 13 225.77 0.0013 0.0 4.500 0.006 Vet = 2.38 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 i-inai uaicuiations - I-iazen-Vvuiiams A&D FIRE SPRINKLERS Page 5 Press box AREA I Date 3/21/13 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. oint Qt "C" Pf/Ft or Eqv. Ln. Ftng's Total Pe Pv Pf Pn ******* Notes 13 0.0 5.86 1E 17.893 25.000 44.782 to 150.0 0.0 17.893 0.0 14 225.77 0.0018 0.0 42.893 0.076 Vel = 2.69 14 0.0 6.16 2E 40.168 5.000 44.858 to 140.0 0.0 40.168 -2.166 15 225.77 0.0016 0.0 45.168 0.071 Vel = 2.43 15 0.0 6.16 IZic 0.0 4.540 42.763 to 140.0 0.0 0.0 3.464 * Fixed loss = 3.464 16 225.77 0.0015 0.0 4.540 0.007 Vel = 2.43 16 0.0 6.16 2E 40.168 5.000 46.234 to 140.0 0.0 40.168 2.166 17 225.77 0.0015 . 0.0 45.168 0.070 Vel= 2.43 17 0.0 6.16 1 4.304 27.710 48.470 to 140.0 0.0 4.304 0.0 SOR 225.77 0.0016 0.0 32.014 0.050 Vel = 2.43 100.00 Qa= 100.00 325.77 48.520 KFactor= 46.77 18 16.04 1.08 iT 5.762 4.710 8.205 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 19 16.04 0.0751 0.0 10.472 0.786 Vel= 5.62 19 16.14 1.08 iT 5.762 3.710 8.991 .120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 0 32.18 0.2722 0.0 9.472 2.578 Vel = 11.27 20 32.56 2.703 .0.0 8.140 11.569 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 64.74 0.0114 0.0 8.140 0.093 Vel= 3.62 0.0 64.74 11.662 K Factor= 18.96 21 16.23 1.08 IT 5.762 4.710 8.402 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 22 16.23 0.0768 0.0 10.472 0.804 Vel = 5.68 22 16.33 1.08 iT 5.762 2.730 9.206 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 20 32.56 0.2783 0.0 8.492 2.363 Vel= 11.40 0.0 32.56 11.569 K Factor = 9.57 23 16.14 1.08 1 5.762 3.290 8.304 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 19 16.14 0.0759 0.0 9.052 0.687 Vel = 5.65 0.0 16.14 8.991 KFactor= 5.38 24 16.33 1.08 iT 5.762 3.290 8.504 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 22 16.33 0.0776 0.0 9.052 0.702 Vel 5.72 0.0 9.206 K Factor = 5.38 .16.33 5 15.06 1.08 0.0 6.500 7.230 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26 15.06 0.0668 0.0 6.500 0.434 Vel = 5.2.7 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 t-inai uaicuiations - i-iazen-vvi, lams A&D FIRE SPRINKLERS Page 6 Press box AREA I Date 3/21/13 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 26 to 27 15.50 1.08 120.0 30.56 0.2475 IT 5.762 0.0 0.0 2.190 5.762 7.952 7.664 K Factor = 5.60 0.0 1.968 Vet = 10.70 0.0 30.56 9.632 K Factor = 9.85 28 16.67 1.08 IT 5.762 3.810 8.860 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 27 16.67 0.0807 0.0 9.572 0.772 27 30.56 1.408 IT 6.617 2.330 9.632 to 120.0 0.0 6.617 1.009 6 47.23 0.1521 0.0 8.947 1.361 0.0 47.23 12.002 29 16.68 1.08 IT 5.762 4.710 8.874 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 30 16.68 0.0808 0.0 10.472 0.846 30 16.78 1.08 IT 5.762 3.710 9.720 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 7 33.46 0.2927 0.0 9.472 2.772 0.0 33.46 12.492 1 wo 16.88 1.08 IT 5.762 4.710 9.087 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 32 16.88 0.0826 0.0 10.472 0.865 K Factor = 5.60 Vel = 5.84 Vel= 9.73 KFactor 13.6 K Factor = 5.60 Vel = 5.84 Vel= 11.72 K Factor= 9.47 K Factor = 5.60 Vel= 5.91 32 16.98 1.08 IT 5.762 2.730 9.952 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 7 33.86 0.2991 0.0 8.492 2.540 Vel = 11.86 0.0 33.86 12.492 KFactor= 9.58 33 16.78 1.08 1 5.762 3.290 8.981 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 30 16.78 0.0816 0.0 9.052 0.739 Vet = 5.88 0.0 16.78 9.720 K Factor= 5.38 34 16.98 1.08 1 5.762 3.290 9.196 K Factor= 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 32 16.98 0.0835 0.0 9.052 0.756 Vet = 5.95 0.0 16.98 9.952 KFactor = 5.38 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 - - - Fire Protection by Computer Design A&D FIRE SPRINKLERS 11465 WOODSIDE AVE STE. 200 SANTEE, CA 92071 619-448-1962 Job Name Press box AREA 2 Drawing : FP-02 Location 2605 carlsbad blvd Remote Area : 2 Contract Data File : Press box ALL 3-6 AREA 2.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 S Water Supply Curve (C) A&D FIRWRINKLERS . Page Press box AREA 2 Date 3/21/13 City Water Supply: Demand: Cl - Static Pressure : 78.5 Dl - Elevation : 6.878 C2 - Residual Pressure: 72.9 D2 - System Flow : 275.466 C2 - Residual Flow : 1201.66 D2 - System Pressure : 50.512 Hose ( Demand) : 100 D3 - System Demand : 375.466 Safety Margin : 27.337 150 140 130 120 R 110 E10° 90 Cl _____ _______ _________ __________ ____________ 580 C2 U 70 D60 )2 E50 40 30 20 Dl 10 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 FLOW (N - 1.85 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Fittings d Summary A&D FIRE RINKLERS Page 2 Press box AREA 2 Date 3/21/13 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name 1/ 3/4 1 1% 1% 2 21,6 3 31/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 E NFPA 13 90' Standard Elbow 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 Fsp Flow Switch Potter VSR Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow G NFPA 13 Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 T NFPA 139O' Flow thruTee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 Zic Wilkins 350ADA Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow Units Summary Diameter Units Inches Length Units Feet Flow Units US Gallons per Minute Pressure Units Pounds per Square Inch Note: Fitting Legend provides equivalent pipe lengths for fittings types of various diameters. Equivalent lengths shown are standard for actual diameters of Sched 40 pipe and CFactors of 120 except as noted with * The fittings marked with a * show equivalent lengths values supplied by manufacturers based on specific pipe diameters and CFactors and they require no adjustment. All values for fittings not marked with a * will be adjusted in the calculation for CFactors of other than 120 and diameters other than Sched 40 per NFPA. Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 rieuie / now ouiiiiiiaiy -0 1i.J7rw A&D FIRE SPRINKLERS Page 3 Press box AREA 2 Date 3/21/13 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Req. 0 12.88 5.6 . 7.0 na 14.82 0.1 36 7.0 2 11.88 8.05 na 3 11.88 8.05 na 4 12.38 5.6 8.18 na 16.01 0.1 54.67 7.0 5 12.38 5.6 8.57 na 16.39 0.1 54.67 7.0 6 12.38 10.35 na 10 9.88 30.81 na 11 9.88 31.07 na 7 9.88 33.83 na TOR 6.75 37.46 na BOR 1.5 43.68 na 12 1.5 45.18 na 13 -3.0 47.13 na 14 -3.0 47.24 na 15 2.0 45.18 na 16 2.0 48.17 na 17 -3.0 50.44 na SOR -3.0 50.51 na 100.0 19 12.88 5.6 7.0 na 14.82 0.1 36 7.0 20 12.38 5.6 8.08 na 15.92 0.1 54.67 7.0 21 12.38 5.6 8.41 na 16.24 0.1 54.67 7.0 22 12.38 5.6 9.16 na 16.95 0.1 80 7.0 23 12.38 5.6 11.4 na 18.91 0.1 54.67 7.0 24 12.38 5.6 13.59 na 20.64 0.1 54.67 7.0 36 9.88 27.98 na 37 9.88 27.99 na 25 9.88 28.2 na 26 9.88 28.77 na 27 12.38 5.6 9.74 na 17.47 0.1 120 7.0 28 9.88 5.6 24.23 na 27.56 0.1 120 7.0 29 9.88 26.46 na 9.88 . 9.88 5.6 20.4 na 25.29 0.1 10.835 7.0 5.6 20.83 na 25.56 0.1 35.83 7.0 41 9.88 5.6 26.59 na 28.88 0.1 120 7.0 The maximum velocity is 17.81 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 39 and 26 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 (-inal Ualculations - Hazen-Williams A&D FIRE SPRINKLERS Page 4 Press box AREA 2 Date 3/21/13 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C' or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Spoint Qt P1/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total P1 Pn 1 14.82 1.08 1E 2.305 1.500 7.000 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 IT 5.762 8.067 0.433 2 14.82 0.0648 0.0 9.567 0.620 Vet = 5.19 2 -13.48 1.536 0.0 7.870 8.053 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 1.34 0.0001 0.0 7.870 0.001 Vet = 0.23 3 14.82 1.536 3E 15.162 9.700 8.054 to 120.0 0.0 15.162 -0.217 16.16 0.0137 0.0 24.862 0.341 Vet = 2.80 4 16.02 1.536 0.0 8.000 8.178 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 32.18 0.0490 0.0 8.000 0.392 Vet = 5.57 5 16.39 1.536 iT 10.108 6.830 8.570 K Factor= 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 10.108 0.0 6 48.57 0.1049 0.0 16.938 1.777 Vet= 8.41 6 17.47 1.536 41 40.432 23.770 10.347 to 120.0 BE 40.432 80.864 1.083 10 66.04 0.1852 . 0.0 104.634 19.377 Vet = 11.43 10 0.0 2.703 11 18.651 4.010 30.807 to 120.0 0.0 18.651 0.0 11 66.04 0.0118 0.0 22.661 0.268 Vet = 3.69 11 209.43 2.703 1E 9.325 7.300 31.075 120.0 0.0 9.325 0.0 7 275.47 0.1658 0.0 16.625 2.757 Vet = 15.40 7 0.0 3.314 3E 30.574 6.410 33.832 to 120.0 0.0 30.574 1.356 TOR 275.47 0.0615 0.0 36.984 2.273 Vet = 10.25 TOR 0.0 3.314 lFsp 0.0 5.250 37.461 to 120.0 1E 10.191 10.191 5.274 * Fixed loss = 3 BOR 275.47 0.0615 0.0 15.441 0.949 Vet = 10.25 BOR 0.0 3.26 1E 9.408 13.000 43.684 to 120.0 0.0 9.408 0.0 12 275.47 0.0666 0.0 22.408 1.492 Vet = 10.59 12 0.0 6.16 0.0 4.500 45.176 to 140.0 0.0 0.0 1.949 13 275.47 0.0022 0.0 4.500 0.010 Vet = 2.97 13 0.0 5.86 1 17.893 25.000 47.135 to 150.0 0.0 17.893 0.0 14 275.47 0.0025 0.0 42.893 0.109 Vet = 3.28 14 0.0 6.16 2E 30.202 5.000 47.244 to 120.0 0.0 30.202 -2.166 15 275.47 0.0030 0.0 35.202 0.106 Vet = 2.97 15 0.0 6.16 IZic 0.0 4.540 45.184 to 140.0 0.0 0.0 2.978 * Fixed loss = 2.978 16 275.47 0.0022 0.0 4.540 0.010 Vet = 2.97 16 0.0 6.16 2E 40.168 5.000 48.172 0 140.0 0.0 40.168 2.166 7 275.47 0.0023 0.0 45.168 0.102 Vet = 2.97 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Hnal Calculations - Hazen-VVilliams A&D FIRE SPRINKLERS Page 5 Press box AREA 2 Date 3/21/13 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes 4voint Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 17 0.0 6.16 1 4.304 27.710 50.440 to 140.0 0.0 4.304 0.0 SOR 275.47 0.0022 0.0 32.014 0.072 Vet = 2.97 100.00 Qa= 100.00 375.47 50.512 K Factor= 52.83 19 14.82 1.08 IE 2.305 1.500 7.001 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 1 5.762 8.067 0.433 3 14.82 0.0648 0.0 9.567 0.620 Vet = 5.19 0.0 14.82 8.054 K Factor = 5.22 2 13.47 1.536 3E 15.162 9.760 8.053 to 120.0 0.0 15.162 -0.217 20 13.47 0.0098 0.0 24.922 0.244 Vet = 2.33 20 15.92 1.536 0.0 8.000 8.080 K Factor= 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21 29.39 0.0415 0.0 8.000 0.332 Vet = 5.09 21 16.24 1.536 0.0 8.000 8.412 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22 45.63 0.0934 0.0 8.000 0.747 Vet = 7.90 22 16.95 1.536 1E 5.054 8.320 9.159 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.054 0.0 *3 62.58 0.1676 00 13.374 2.242 Vet = 10.84 18.91 1.536 0.0 8.000 11.401 K Factor= 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24 81.49 0.2732 0.0 8.000 2.186 Vet= 14.11 24 20.64 1.536 4E 20.216 11.860 13.587 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 0.0 20.216 1.083 36 102.13 0.4148 0.0 32.076 13.305 Vet= 17.68 36 0.0 2.703 0.0 0.500 27.975 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37 102.13 0.0280 0.0 0.500 0.014 Vel = 5.71 37 27.57 2.703 0.0 5.150 27.989 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25 129.7 0.0410 0.0 5.150 0.211 Vet = 7.25 25 28.87 2.703 0.0 9.480 28.200 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26 158.57 0.0597 0.0 9.480 0.566 Vet = 8.87 26 50.85 2.703 0.0 23.110 28.766 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11 209.42 0.0999 0.0 23.110 2.309 Vet= 11.71 0.0 209.42 31.075 KFactor= 37.57 27 17.47 1.08 1 5.762 1.170 9.737 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 6 17.47 0.0880 0.0 6.932 0.610 Vet = 6.12 0.0 17.47 10.347 K Factor = 5.43 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 i-inai uaicuiations - hazen-Vvllilarns A&D FIRE SPRINKLERS Page 6 Press box AREA 2 Date 3/21/13 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Soint Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 28 27.56 1.08 IT 5.762 5.150 24.229 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 29 27.56 0.2044 0.0 10.912 2.230 VeI= 9.65 29 0.0 1.408 IT 6.617 7.370 26.459 to 120.0 4E 13.233 19.850 0.0 37 27.56 0.0562 0.0 27.220 1.530 Vel= 5.68 0.0 27.56 27.989 K Factor = 5.21 38 25.29 1.08 0.0 2.500 20.396 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 39 25.29 0.1744 0.0 2.500 0.436 - Vel =8.86 39 25.56 1.08 IT 5.762 6.740 20.832 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762. 0.0 26 50.85 0.6346 0.0 12.502 7.934 VeI= 17.81 0.0 50.85 28.766 K Factor= 9.48 41 28.88 1.08 IT 5.762 1.480 26.587 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 0.0 5.762 0.0 25 28.88 0.2227 0.0 7.242 1.613 Vel= 10.11 0.0 28.88 28.200 K Factor = 5.44 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 I