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2175 SALK AVE; ; FA120041; Permit
City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Permit No: FA120041 Job Address: 2175 SALK AV Status: APPROVED Permit Type: FALARM Applied 10/16/2012 Parcel No: 2120210800 Approved: 10/26/2012 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 10/26/2012 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: ZYNGA - FA T.I. PH II FA T.I.-SUITE 290 Applicant: Owner: JJJ ENTERPRISES VENTANA REAL L L C 533 5 VINEWOOD ST 1525 FARADAY AVE #100 ESCONDIDO CA CARLSBAD CA 760-747-3050 Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 286 0 286 0 F/P fc3\ 002/,I FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION To be completed by the system installation contractor at the time of system acceptance and approval. It shall be permitted to modify this form as needed to provide a more complete and/or clear record. Insert N/A in all unused lines. Attach additional sheets, data, or calculations as necessary to provide a complete record. PROPERTY INFORMATION Name of property: Zynga Ventana Real T.I. Address: ç2175 Salk Ave. Suite 290, Carlbd, CA 92008 Description of property: Office Occupancy type: B Name of property representative: Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Authority having jurisdiction over this property: Carlsbad Fire Department Phone: 760-602-4660 Fax: E-mail: INSTALLATION, SERVICE, AND TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Installation contractor for this equipment: JJJ ENTERPRISES - Address: 533 S. VINEWOOD, ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 License or certification number: 582169 Phone: 760-747-3050 Fax: 760-747-7561 E-mail: INFO©JJJENT.COM Service organization for this equipment: By others Address: License or certification number: Phone: Fax: E-mail: A contract for test and inspection in accordance with NFPA standards is in effect as of: Contracted testing company: By others Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Contract expires: Contract number: Frequency of routine inspections: DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OR SERVICE Z Fire alarm system (nonvoice) LI Fire alarm with in-building fire emergency voice alarm communication system (EVACS) LI Mass notification system (S) LI Combination system, with the following components: LI Fire alarm LI EVACS LI MNS LI Two-way, in-building, emergency communication system LI Other (specify): NFF'A 72, Fig. (p.1 of 12) Copyright © 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. 3. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OR SERVICE (continued) NFPA 72 edition: 2010 Additional description of system(s): 3.1 Control Unit Manufacturer: Silent Knight 3.2 Mass Notification System 3.2.1 System Type: LI In-building MNS—combination LI In-building MNS—stand-alone LI Other (specify): 3.2.2 System Features: Model number: 5808 This system does not incorporate an MNS LI Wide-area MNS LI Distributed recipient MNS D Combination fire alarm/MNS LI MNS autonomous control unit 0 Wide-area MNS to regional national alerting interface LI Local operating console (LOC) LI Direct recipient MNS (DRIvINS) 0 Wide-area MNS to DRMINS interface LI Wide-area MNS to high-power speaker array (HPSA) interface LI In-building MNS to wide-area MNS interface LI Other (specify): 3.3 System Documentation Z An owner's manual, a copy of the manufacturer's instructions, a written sequence of operation, and a copy of the numbered record drawings are stored on site. Location: Tele/FACP room 3.4 System Software Z This system does not have alterable site-specific software. Operating system (executive) software revision level: Site-specific software revision date: - - - Revision completed by: - El A copy of the site-specific software is stored on site. Location: 3.5 Off-Premises Signal Transmission LI This system does not have off-premises transmission. Name of organization receiving alarm signals with phone numbers: Alarm: Phone: Supervisory: SAME Phone: Trouble: SAME Phone: Entity to which alarms are retransmitted: . - Phone: Method of retransmission: D.A,C.T. via Telephone line If Chapter 26, specify the means of transmission from the protected premises to the supervising station: If Chapter 27, specify the type of auxiliary alarm system: LI Local energy 0 Shunt 0 Wired 0 Wireless NFPA 72, Fig. (p.2 of 12) Copyright © 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. 4. CIRCUITS AND PATHWAYS 4.1 Signaling Line Pathways 4.1.1 Pathways Class Designations and Survivability Pathways class: B Survivability level: 1 Quantity: (See NFPA 72, Sections 12.3 and 12.4) 4.1.2 Pathways Utilizing Two or More Media Quantity: Description: 4.1.3 Device Power Pathways Z No separate power pathways from the signaling line pathway LI Power pathways are separate but of the same pathway classification as the signaling line pathway LI Power pathways are separate and different classification from the signaling line pathway 4.1.4 Isolation Modules Quantity: none 4.2 Alarm Initiating Device Pathways 4.2.1 Pathways Class Designations and Survivability Pathways class: Survivability level: Quantity: 0 (See NFPA 72, Sections 12.3 and 12.4) 4.2.2 Pathways Utilizing Two or More Media Quantity: Description: 4.2.3 Device Power Pathways No separate power pathways from the initiating device pathway LI Power pathways are separate but of the same pathway classification as the initiating device pathway LI Power pathways are separate and different classification from the initiating device pathway 4.3 Non-Voice Audible System Pathways 4.3.1 Pathways Class Designations and Survivability Pathways class: B Survivability level: Quantity: (See NFPA 72, Sections 12.3 and 12.4) 4.3.2 Pathways Utilizing Two or More Media Quantity: Description: 4.3.3 Appliance Power Pathways No separate power pathways from the notification appliance pathway LI Power pathways are separate but of the same pathway classification as the notification appliance pathway LI Power pathways are separate and different classification from the notification appliance pathway NFPA 72, Fig. (p.3 of 12) Copyright © 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. 5. ALARM INITIATING DEVICES 5.1 Manual Initiating Devices 5.1.1 Manual Fire Alarm Boxes Z This system does not have manual fire alarm boxes. Type and number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: Coded: Transmitter: Other (specify): 5.1.2 Other Alarm Boxes This system does not have other alarm boxes. Description: Type and number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: Coded: Transmitter: Other (specify): 5.2 Automatic Initiating Devices 5.2.1 Smoke Detectors 0 This system does not have smoke detectors. Type and number of devices: Addressable: 1 Conventional: Other (specify): Type of coverage: 0 Complete area 0 Partial area LI Nonrequired partial area Other (specify): Type of smoke detector sensing technology: LI Ionization Photoelectric 0 Multicriteria LI Aspirating 0 Beam Other (specify): 5.2.2 Duct Smoke Detectors This system does not have alarm-causing duct smoke detectors. Type and number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: Other (specify): Type of coverage: Type of smoke detector sensing technology: LI Ionization Z Photoelectric LI Aspirating 0 Beam 5.2.3 Radiant Energy (Flame) Detectors This system does not have radiant energy detectors. Type and number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: Other (specify): Type of coverage: 5.2.4 Gas Detectors Z This system does not have gas detectors. Type of detector(s): Number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: Type of coverage: 5.2.5 Heat Detectors Z This system does not have heat detectors. Type and number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: Type of coverage: Z Complete area 0 Partial area LI Nonrequired partial area LI Linear 0 Spot Type of heat detector sensing technology: Z Fixed temperature Z Rate-of-rise LI Rate compensated NFPA 72, Fig. 1018.2.1.1 (p,4 of 12) Copyright @ 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. 5. ALARM INITIATING DEVICES (continued) 5.2.6 Addressable Monitoring Modules Number of devices: 5.2.7 Waterfiow Alarm Devices Type and number of devices: Addressable: 5.2.8 Alarm Verification Number of devices subject to alarm verification: 5.2.9 Presignal Number of devices subject to presignal: Describe presignal functions: 5.2.10 Positive Alarm Sequence (PAS) Describe PAS: 5.2.11 Other Initiating Devices Describe: Z This system does not have monitoring modules. 0 This system does not have waterflow alarm devices. Conventional: Coded: Transmitter: This system does not incorporate alarm verification. Alarm verification set for seconds This system does not incorporate pre-signal. This system does not incorporate PAS. Z This system does not have other initiating devices. 6. SUPERVISORY SIGNAL-INITIATING DEVICES 6.1 Sprinkler System Supervisory Devices Z This system does not have sprinkler supervisory devices. Type and number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: - Coded: Transmitter: Other (specify): 6.2 Fire Pump Description and Supervisory Devices This system does not have a fire pump. Type fire pump: 0 Electric pump 0 Engine Type and number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: Coded: Transmitter: Other (specify): 6.2.1 Fire Pump Functions Supervised o Power 0 Running Phase reversal 0 Selector switch not in auto 0 Engine or control panel trouble 0 Low fuel Other (specify): 6.3 Duct Smoke Detectors (DSDs) 0 This system does not have DSDs causing supervisory signals. Type and number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: 3 Other (specify): Type of coverage: Heat pumps Type of smoke detector sensing technology: 0 Ionization 0 Photoelectric 0 Aspirating 0 Beam 6.4 Other Supervisory Devices This system does not have other supervisory devices. Describe: NFPA 72, Fig. (p.5 of 12) Copyright © 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. MONITORED SYSTEMS 7.1 Engine-Driven Generator 7.1.1 Generator Functions Supervised LI Engine or control panel trouble 0 Generator running 0 Other (specify): 7.2 Special Hazard Suppression Systems Description of special hazard system(s): 7.3 Other Monitoring Systems Description of special hazard system(s): ANNUNCIATORS 8.1 Location and Description of Annunciators Location 1: Main Lobby serial annunciator Location 2: Location 3: Z This system does not have a generator. LI Selector switch not in auto LI Low fuel This system does not monitor special hazard systems. This system does not monitor other systems. LI This system does not have annunciators. ALARM NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES 9.1 In-Building Fire Emergency Voice Alarm Communication System Z This system does not have an EVACS. Number of single voice alarm channels: Number of multiple voice alarm channels: Number of speakers: Number of speaker circuits: Location of amplification and sound-processing equipment: Location of paging microphone stations: Location 1: Location 2: Location 3: 9.2 Nonvoice Notification Appliances LI This system does not have nonvoice notification appliances. Horns: 2 With visible: 2 Bells: With visible: Chimes: With visible: Visible only: 6 Other (describe): 9.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels LI This system does not have power extender panels. Quantity: 1 Lpcations: 2nd floor Zynga Server room NFPA 72, Fig. (p.6 of 12) Copyright © 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. MASS NOTIFICATION CONTROLS, APPLIANCES, AND CIRCUITS This system does not have an MNS 10.1 MNS Local Operating Consoles Location 1: Location 2: Location 3: 10.2 High-Power Speaker Arrays Number of HPSA speaker initiation zones: Location 1: Location 2: Location 3: 10.3 Mass Notification Devices Combination fire alarm/M'NS visible appliances: MNS-only visible appliances: Textual signs: Other (describe): Supervision class: 10.3.1 Special Hazard Notification This system does not have special suppression predischarge notification. El MNS systems DO NOT override notification appliances required to provide special suppression predischarge notification. TWO-WAY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 11.1 Telephone System 0 This system does not have a two-way telephone system. Number of telephone jacks installed: Number of warden stations installed: Number of telephone handsets stored on site: Type of telephone system installed: 0 Electrically powered LI Sound powered 11.2 Two-Way Radio Communications Enhancement System Z This system does not have a two-way radio communications enhancement system. Percentage of area covered by two-way radio service: Critical areas: % General building areas: % Amplification component locations: Inbound signal strength: dBm Outbound signal strength: dBm Donor antenna isolation is: , - dB above the signal booster gain Radio frequencies covered: Radio system monitor panel location: NEPA 72, Fig. 10.18,2.1.1 (p. 7 of 12) Copyright © 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. TWO-WAY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (continued) 11.3 Area of Refuge (Area of Rescue Assistance) Emergency Communications Systems Z This system does not have an area of refuge (area of rescue assistance) emergency communications system. Number of stations: - Location of central control point: Days and hours when central control point is attended: Location of alternate control point: Days and hours when alternate control point is attended: 11.4 Elevator Emergency Communications Systems LI This system does not have an elevator emergency communications system. Number of elevators with stations: Location of central control point: Days and hours when central control point is attended: Location of alternate control point: Days and hours when alternate control point is attended: 11.5 Other Two-Way Communication Systems Describe: CONTROL FUNCTIONS This system activates the following control fuctions: LI Hold-open door releasing devices LI Smoke management Z HVAC shutdown LI F/S dampers LI Door unlocking LI Elevator recall LI Fuel source shutdown LI Extinguishing agent release LI Elevator shunt trip 0 Mass notification system override of fire alarm notification appliances Other (specify): 12.1 Addressable Control Modules LI This system does not have control modules. Number of devices: 3 Other (specify): SYSTEM POWER 13.1 Control Unit 13.1.1 Primary Power Input voltage of control panel: 120VAC Overcurrent protection: Type: BUILT-IN Location (of primary supply panel board): Disconnecting means location: MARKED CIRCUIT BREAKER 13.1.2 Engine-Driven Generator Location of generator: Location of fuel storage: Control panel amps: 20 Amps: Z This system does not have a generator. Type of fuel: NFPA 72, Fig. 10.18,2.1.1 (p.8 of 12) Copyright © 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. 13. SYSTEM POWER (continued) 13.1.3 Uninterruptible Power System Z This system does not have a UPS. Equipment powered by a UPS system: Location of UPS system: Calculated capacity of UPS batteries to drive the system components connected to it: In standby mode (hours): In alarm mode (minutes): 13.1.4 Batteries Location: FACP CABINET Type: GEL-CELL - Nominal voltage: 24VDC Amp/hour rating: 12 Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: In standby mode (hours): 12 In alarm mode (minutes): 5 Batteries are marked with date of manufacture E Battery calculations are attached 13.2 In-Building Fire Emergency Voice Alarm Communication System or Mass Notification System Z This system does not have an EVACS or MNS system. 13.2.1 Primary Power Input voltage of EVACS or MNS panel: EVACS or MNS panel amps: Overcurrent protection: Type: Amps: Location (of primary supply panel board): Disconnecting means location: 13.2.2 Engine-Driven Generator This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: Location of fuel storage: Type of fuel: 13.2.3 Uninterruptible Power System Z This system does not have a UPS. Equipment powered by a UPS system: Location of UPS system: Calculated capacity of UPS batteries to drive the system components connected to it: In standby mode (hours): In alarm mode (minutes): 13.2.4 Batteries Location: Type: Nominal voltage: Amp/hour rating: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: In standby mode (hours): In alarm mode (minutes): I Batteries are marked with date of manufacture E Battery calculations are attached NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 9 of 12) Copyright © 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. SYSTEM POWER (continued) 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels 13.3.1 Primary Power Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120vac Overcurrent protection: Type: Built-in Location (of primary supply panel board): - Disconnecting means location: MARKED CIRCUIT BREAKER O This system does not have power extender panels. Power extender panel amps: 6 Amps: 3 13.3.2 Engine-Driven Generator Z This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: Location of fuel storage: . Type of fuel: 13.3.3 Uninterruptible Power System Z This system does not have a UPS. Equipment powered by a UPS system: Location of UPS system: Calculated capacity of UPS batteries to drive the system components connected to it: In standby mode (hours): In alarm mode (minutes): 13.3.4 Batteries Location: Type: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: In standby mode (hours): 0 Batteries are marked with date of manufacture Nominal voltage: Amp/hour rating: In alarm mode (minutes): 0 Battery calculations are attached RECORD OF SYSTEM INSTALLATION Fill out after all installation is complete and wiring has been checked for opens, shorts, ground faults, and improper branching, but before conducting operational acceptance tests. This is a: 0 New system 0 Modification to an existing system Permit number: The system has been installed in accordance with the following requirements: (Note any or all that apply.) Z NFPA 72, Edition: 2010 NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760, Edition: 2008 Manufacturer's published instructions Other (specify): System deviations from referenced NFPA standards: NONE Signed: Printed name: Marcus Claudius Date: 11/13/2012 Organization: JJJ Enterprises Title: Engineering Manager Phone: 760-747-3050 NFPA 72, Fig. 10, (p. 10 of 12) Copyright t51 2009 National Fire Protection Association, This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or distribution. RECORD OF SYSTEM OPERATIONAL ACCEPTANCE TEST New system All opera tionalfeatures and functions of this system were tested by, or in the presence of the signer shown below, on the date shown below, and were found to be operating properly in accordance with the requirements for the following: D Modifications to an existing system All newly modified operational features and functions of the system were tested by, or in the presence of the signer shown below, on the date shown below, and were found to be operating properly in accordance with the requirements of the following: Z NFPA 72, Edition: 2010 NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760, Edition: 2008 Z Manufacturer's published instructions Other (specify): O Individual device testing documentation [Inspection and Testing Form (Figure is attached] Signed: Printed name: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: CERTIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS 16.1 System Installation Contractor: This system, as specified herein, has been installed and tested according to all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: 0bXCU1AU-yw--*bts Printed name: Marcus Claudius Date: 11/13/2012 Organization: JJJ Enterprises Title: Engineering Manager Phone: 760-747-3050 16.2 System Service Contractor: The undersigned has a service contract for this system in effect as of the date shown below. Signed: Printed name: * Date: Organization: Title: Phone: 16.3 Supervising Station: This system, as specified herein, will be monitored according to all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: - Printed name: - Date: Organization: Title: Phone: NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 11 of 12) Copyright 0 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sale or d i s t r i b u t i o n . 16. CERTIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS (continued) 16.4 Property or Owner Representative: I accept this system as having been installed and tested to its specifications and all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: Printed name: Date: Organization: Title: -. .. , Phone: 16.5 Authority Having Jurisdiction: I have witnessed a satisfactory acceptance test of this system and find it to be installed and operating properly in accordance with its approved plans and specifications, with its approved sequence of operations, and with all NFPA stan acds-ci e in. Signed Printed name (J, (J_.) -'" Date \ Organization: çJs49 Q. Title: Phone: O NFPA 72, Fig. 10.18,2.1.1 (p. 12 of 12) Copyright @ 2009 National Fire Protection Association. This form may be copied for individual use other than for resale. It may not be copied for commercial sate or distribution.